b) Liquid Ratio = Liquid Assets (Also Known as Quick Ratio & Acid Test Ratio)
Current Liabilities
Liquid Assets = Current Assets - Inventories- Prepaid expenses
Current Assets – (Inventories + Prepaid expenses)
Current Liabilities=Short-Term Borrowings +Trade Payable + Other Current Liabilities + Short - term Provision
2. Solvency Ratios :
a) Debt Equity Ratio = Debt
Debt = Long Term Borrowings + Long Term Provisions
Equity/Shareholder’s Funds = Share Capital + Reserves and Surplus
Non-Current Assets= (Tangible Assets + Intangible Assets + Non-Current Trade Investments + Long-Term
Loans & Advances) + Working Capital – Non-Current Liabilities (Long-Term Borrowings + Long-Term
Standard of Ideal Debt Equity Ratio:- 2:1
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Non-Current Assets (Tangible Assets + Intangible Assets + Non-Current Trade Investments + Long- Term Loans &
Advances) + Working Capital–Non-Current Liabilities (Long-Term Borrowings + Long-Term 'Provisions)
Total Assets = Non-Current Assets (Tangible Assets + Intangible Assets + Non- Current Investments + Long –Term
Loans &Advances)+ Current Assets (Current Investments + Inventories including Spare Parts & Loose Tools +
Trade Receivables + Cash & Cash Equivalent + Short-Term Loans & Advances + Other Current Assets).
d) Interest Coverage Ratio = Net Profit before interest and tax / Interest on Long term debt
Shareholder’s Fund (Share Capital + Reserves & surpluses) + Non-Current liabilities (Long term-
borrowing + long term Provisions
Assets Side Approach :
Non-Current Assets (Tangible Assets + Intangible Assets + Non-Current investment + Long- term Loans &
Advances) + Working Capital
It is assumed that all Non-Current Investments are Trade Investments only. Interest on Non-Trade Investments
should be deducted from Profit before Interest, Tax and Dividend. Therefore it cannot be a part of Non-Current
d) Working Capital Turnover Ratio = Net Revenue from Operations / Working Capital
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*Working Capital =Current Assets – Current Liabilities
Current Asset = Current Investments + Inventories (Excluding Spare Parts and Loose Tools) +Trade Receivables +
Cash and Cash Equivalents + Short Term Loans and Advances + Other Current Assets
Current Liabilities = Short-Term Borrowings + Trade Payables + Other Current Liabilities+ Short-term Provisions
4. Profitability Ratios
c) Operating Ratio=
(Cost of Revenue from operation+ Operating Expenses) X100
Net Revenue from operations
Cost of Revenue from Operation = Opening Inventory (excluding Spare Parts and Loose Tools) + Net
Purchases + Direct Expenses– Closing Inventory (excluding Spare Parts and Loose Tools)
Revenue from Operation – Gross Profit
Operating Expenses = Office, Administrative, Selling and Distribution Expenses, Employees Benefit
expenses, Depreciation & Amortisation
Operating Profit = Net Profit (After Tax) + Non-Operating Expenses/Losses– Non Operating Incomes
Gross Profit + Operating Income–Operating Expenses Non-Operating Expenses = Interest on Long Term
Borrowing + Loss on sale of Fixed or Non-Current Assets
Non-Operating Income = Interest received on investments + Profit of sale on Fixed Assets or Non-Current
e) Net Profit Ratio= Net Profit x 100
Net Revenue from operations
Net Profit before Interest &Tax= Gross Profit + Other Incomes – Indirect Expenses
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