Hoobastank-The Reason

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I´m not a perfect .………………. I´ve found a ……………….. for me

There´s many things I wish I didn´t do To change who I used to be
But I continue …………………... A reason to start over ……………..
I never meant to do those things to you and the reason is You [x4]
And so I have to say …………… I go
That I just want you to ………………. I´m not a ……………… person
I never meant to do those ……………….. to
I´ve found a …………… for me you
To change who I used to be And so I have to say before I
A reason to start over …………………… ……………………
and the reason is you That I just want you to
I´m sorry that I hurt you
It´s something I must live with I´ve found a reason for …………………
…………………. To change who I used to ………………
And all the pain I put you through A reason to start over ……………..
I wish that I could take it all and the reason is you
And be the one who catches all your tears I´ve found a reason to ……………………
That’s why I need you to hear A side of me you …………………. know
A reason for all that I …………………….
And the reason is you

1-Listen to the song and fill in the blanks.

2-Look at the lyrics and find out the verb forms that must be used after CONTINUE- MEAN- HAVE TO-
MUST- WANT. Translate the phrases formed.

3-Look up the meaning of the phrase “USED TO”. Translate.

4-Find out the past simple and past participle forms of the verbs HURT AND PUT.

5-Go to the dictionary and look under the entry for PUT. Find the phrasal verb PUT THROUGH and
write down its meaning. Is it appropriate for the context of the song? Do the same with TAKE AWAY.


I) COMPLETE: GO CONTINUE PERFECT I´m always sorry that I hurt you

MANY It´s not something I must live with everyday
And all the pain that I put you through
I´m not a …………….. person I wish that I could only take it all away
There´s ………….things I wish I didn´t do And be the one person who catches all your tears
But I ……………. learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I ……………… IV)ORDER THE LINES:

………….To change who I used to be

II)MATCH: ………….That’s why I need you to hear
1-That I just want you ………….I´ve found a reason for me
2-I´ve found a reason ………….A reason to start over new
3-To change ………….and the reason is You [x4]
4-A reason
5-and the reason I) and II)

a-who I used to be V)ORDER THE WORDS:

b-to know A REASON/ FOUND / TO SHOW / I´VE
c-to start over new A SIDE / YOU / DIDN´T KNOW / OF ME
e-is you YOU / THE REASON / AND / IS

I´m always sorry that I hurt you

It´s not something I must live with everyday
And all the pain that I put you through
I wish that I could only take it all away
The Reason And be the one person who catches all your tears



I´m not a …………….. person ………….To change who I used to be

There´s ………….things I wish I didn´t do ………….That’s why I need you to hear
But I ……………. learning ………….I´ve found a reason for me
I never meant to do those things to you ………….A reason to start over new
And so I have to say before I ……………… ………….and the reason is You [x4]

I) and II)
1-That I just want you V)ORDER THE WORDS:
2-I´ve found a reason A REASON/ FOUND / TO SHOW / I´VE
3-To change A SIDE / YOU / DIDN´T KNOW / OF ME
5-and the reason YOU / THE REASON / AND / IS

a-who I used to be
b-to know
c-to start over new
d-for me
e-is you

I've found a reason for me

THE REASON (HOOBASTANK) To change who I used to be
I'm not a perfect person
A reason to start over new
There's many things I wish I didn't do
And the reason is you
But I continue learning
And the reason is you
I never meant to do those things to you
And the reason is you
And so I have to say before I go
And the reason is you
That I just want you to know
I'm not a perfect person
I've found a reason for me
I never meant to do those things to you
To change who I used to be
And so I have to say before I go
A reason to start over new
That I just want you to know
And the reason is you
I've found a reason for me
I'm sorry that I hurt you
To change who I used to be
It's something I must live with everyday
A reason to start over new
And all the pain I put you through
And the reason is you
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
I've found a reason to show
That's why I need you to hear
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

1)Are you able to explain the rules for the structures in italics?

2)Justify the use of the Present Perfect Tense in the second stanza. Can you mention other
uses for this tense? Compare it to the Simple Past Tense. Mention the adverbs that are used
with one and the other.

3)Explain the use of “used to”. Explain the differences with the Simple Past Tense. Compare
and contrast it with “would”.
4)Look up the word “pain” in the dictionary and find other nouns and verbs with related

5)Find the past tense and particle forms of “hurt”.

6)Find the two pronunciations for the word “tear”. Identify the part of speech they are. Include

7)Find different verb patterns in the lyrics. Add more verbs for each pattern.

8)Write the story behind the song

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