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BS Psychology 3A
Job Interview Activity
1. Tell me about yourself
I am a constantly changing person who is grounded in her roots. As a human
being, I adapt to this changing environment in order to survive, meaning there are beliefs
that I live by before that I don’t believe in anymore; there are people I used to be closed
with that I don’t talk to anymore; and there are practices that used to be my routine that I
don’t do anymore. I change into what I need to be in a situation yet all of these changes
are rooted into who I want to be in the tomorrows to come.
2. How would a friend describe you?
Friends often describe me as jolly,sweet and reliable. I’m really close to my
friends and I’m the kind of person who is committed to her relationships and that could
be the reason why I am always full of life when I’m with my friends and I always try to
be there for them in any way I can.
3. Why do you want this job?
This job may hold a lot of responsibility but that is what makes it worth doing. I
want this job because I know that I will not only be able to help people and do something
I want, but in the process of doing so, I will also be helping myself grow and be better.
Being a psychometrician is a dream of mine as I want to promote mental health and
awareness and being in the National Center for Mental Health is a big step into acquiring
the job I want.
4. Why should we hire you?
I think that hiring people is a risk that companies are making, not knowing if the
hired person is dependable enough. And that doubt is one I wish to eradicate if you hire
me. I will work hard to be an asset in this institution and be a worker that you’re proud
of. I believe that I have the necessary skills to be a good psychometrician and I am
confident that I will be contributing to the institution to the best of my abilities.
5. What can you bring to the company?
I’m offering my knowledge that is needed in handling clients, my skills that could
be utilized and honed to perfect techniques, and my wisdom to share with my colleagues.
These are important characteristics that one should possess in order to be a good
employee and I aspire to be a good employee under your care.
6. What are your greatest strengths
My greatest strengths are flexibility and adaptability. I have been to different
places while growing up and I noticed that this caused me to be resilient and adapt to
whichever place we go- no matter if they speak a different language or they have
different traditions, I learn from them all while keeping in touch with my sense of self.
Another strength is that I am always willing to learn. I could learn in knowledgeable
teachings or under pressure- I am interested as long as I learn something useful.
7. What do you consider to be your weaknesses
My weaknesses are empathy and my tendency to be a people pleaser. I connect
well with others and often I like thinking ‘how would I be if I was in their shoes’. This
caused me to always think about others and have empathy for those around me.
Eventually, I met people who mistook this as an advantage for them to use me and thus I
developed the personality of a people pleaser. Yet, despite all these cons I still think that
these weaknesses also serve as my strength as having empathy proves that I am just
human as well and I am mindful of others. This helps me a lot in handling
people-especially in group situations.
8. What makes you unique?
I think everything that I am makes me unique. The way I think, I move, I speak, I
handle situations, or even the way I learn- no one can do these things as I do. There may
be some who are similar to me but no one truly the same because I am my own person
and that makes me Alessandra.
9. Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it.
Working as a staff in a samgyupsal place is not easy, particularly if there are a lot
of customers. In the place I worked at before, I had to man the cashier and serve food and
clean tables, and I had to do it fast and efficiently. In the first week, my employer
commented that I was a bit slow so I had to jog every morning to increase my stamina
and keep up with the pace she wanted. After another week, I was commended for doing
better and have been an example to others to work hard.
10. Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership skills.
Ever since I was in elementary school I was always taking the front lines-
majorette leader, president of the division level student council, president of different
clubs and even in the classroom. Being a leader is now coming naturally to me and I
don’t even notice it sometimes. In college, it is seldom that we assign leaders in group
works yet I always seem to be the one to take charge, initiate, plan and lead my group
members in finishing the tasks and this must be why they acknowledge me as a leader in
the end.
11. What’s a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work/ group work.
In doing tasks in organizations, you meet with people from different social circles
and personalities and you may have disagreeing opinions. I had one this year and what I
did when I heard her decision was I asked why she had settled with that and that helped
me understand her perspective.
12. Tell me about a time you failed.
Disappointment seems like a milder word to what I feel when I failed. That was
the time when I applied for a scholarship and I didn’t got in and I felt like I failed my
family and those who are expecting me to lift off some of the burden. I was sad and angry
at myself but I later on accepted what had happened can’t be changed and the only way
for me is to move forward and welcome new opportunities that I know would still come
my way.
13. What are you looking for in a new position?
I’m looking forward to a great working environment, co-workers I may enjoy
working with, an institution that offers great opportunities and salary, and experiences
that will help me grow and be better.
14. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
I channel my negative emotions into something productive like doing work or
cleaning or taking care of myself and my surroundings. There are also activities that may
help such as journaling and taking deep breaths before trying to solve the situation.
15. What do you like to do outside of work?
I like reading fiction in order to relax and be lost in another’s world. This opens
me to new ideas and gives me inspiration that the world is far too big than I will ever
16. How do you stay organized?
I make it a habit to practice organizing my things whenever I can. I like having a
routine where everything is clear.
17. How do you prioritize your work?
I have a to-do list where I prioritize important things and this is how I do
important work first and those that need longer times in working on.
18. What are you passionate about?
Doing the things I love- reading and dancing gives me inspiration and enjoyment
but helping others in my chosen profession gives me passion in working doing my best.
19. What motivates you?
My family and my desire to become something great is what motivates me. My
family reminds me of the things I aspire to be and my desire grounds me and humbles
me. These help me keep going.
20. How do you like to be managed?
I like to be managed in an amount of care that wishes for me to stay well and
healthy yet also corrects me when I’m doing things wrong. I want an honest leader that
will give me the needed amount of discipline and fun.
21. Do you consider yourself successful?
Not yet, but I consider myself a survivor and a challenger which is why I know
that I will do everything it takes to be successful.
22. Where do you see yourself in five years?
I see myself enjoying what I do and overcoming challenges that life throws at me.
I am still far from perfect but I am thriving in what I do and I’m trying to be better every
waking day.
23. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
I believe that there is a ladder for everyone in order for them to achieve their
goals. Before we all acquire what we desire, we first have to stop by every step of the
ladder and celebrate small victories- and slowly we will achieve goals and aim for higher
24. What are your career aspirations?
I aspire to be a great psychometrician and use my knowledge to pursue greater
heights in the field of psychology. It is my ultimate dream to be a psychologist and be
known in whichever field I go to.
25. What are your salary expectations?
I expect that my salary will be under the normal salary grade of a registered
psychometrician as well as the benefits that the institution offers to its employees.
26. If you were an animal, which one would you want to be?
I had always been fascinated by owls, and so I would be one if I were an animal.
It has always been the symbol of wisdom and I aspire to be wise in everything I do. I
want to see things clearly and be known for my wisdom.