4ch1 1cr Rms 20240822

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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2024

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

In Chemistry (4CH1) Paper 1CR
Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications

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Summer 2024
Question Paper Log Number P73424A
Publications Code 4CH1_1CR_2406_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2024
General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment.

Examiners must mark the first candidate in exactly the
same way as they mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates
must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do
rather than penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not
according to their perception of where the grade
boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark
scheme should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be
awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if
deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark scheme.
Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if
the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according
to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will
provide the principles by which marks will be awarded and
exemplification may be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of
the mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team
leader must be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate
has replaced it with an alternative response.
Answer Notes Marks
1 (a) (i) W 1

(ii) V 1

(iii) Z 1

(b) (i) the number of protons (in the nucleus) IGNORE reference to 1

ALLOW amount of

(ii) (the sum of) the number of protons and neutrons (in ALLOW amount of 1
the nucleus) protons and neutrons

total for question = 5

Answer Notes Marks
2 (a) oxygen ALLOW O2 1

(b) M1 carbon dioxide / CO2 answers can be in 2

either order

M2 water / H2O ACCEPT water vapour

ALLOW steam

(c) (i) there is a limited supply of air / oxygen OWTTE ALLOW not enough 1

(ii) carbon monoxide reduces the capacity of blood to ACCEPT correct 1

transport oxygen OWTTE references to

ALLOW produces

(d) substitution ALLOW redox (reaction) 1

total for question = 6

Answer Notes Marks
3 (a) (i) filtration 1

(ii) fractional distillation 1

(b) M1 (two) different atoms / elements ACCEPT atoms/elements 2

of silicon and oxygen

M2 joined / bonded together REJECT M2 intermolecular

forces / ionic bonds

(c) (i) 5 / five 1

(ii) 788 1

(d) M1 (3 ÷ 18) × 100 2

M2 16.7% ALLOW ecf from M1

e.g. (3 ÷ 15) × 100 = 20%

scores 1 mark

ALLOW 2 or more sig figs

as long as a percentage
sum and correctly

total for question = 8

Answer Notes Marks
4 (a) any two from: 2

M1 floats M1 and M2 moves on

the surface
M2 moves

M3 melts / turns into a ball /sphere

M4 gets smaller / disappears ALLOW sodium dissolves

M5 white trail
IGNORE effervescence /
bubbling / fizzing

(b) M1 do a flame test ALLOW a description of 2

the flame test

M2 yellow (flame) ALLOW orange (flame)

(c) (i) (they have the) same number of outer shell 1

electrons / one outer shell electron

(ii) as the atomic radius increases they get more 1

reactive OWTTE

total for question = 6

Answer Notes Marks
5 (a) (i) clockwise from bottom left 3

M1 solvent ALLOW water

M2 solvent front

M3 chromatography paper ALLOW paper

ALLOW chromatogram

(ii) pencil is not soluble / insoluble ACCEPT pencil will not 1


ALLOW pencil will not

run (up the

(b) (i) B (W and Y) 1

A is not the correct answer because W and X do not

have a spot at the same height
C is not the correct answer because X and Z do not
have a spot at the same height
D is not the correct answer because Y and Z do not
have a spot at the same height

(ii) M1 distance moved by the dye from 1.1 to 1.4 (cm) 2

distance moved by the solvent 6.5 (cm)

M2 distance moved by the dye ÷ distance moved by e.g. 0.17 / 0.18 / 0.2(0)
the solvent and correctly evaluated / 0.22

ALLOW any number of

sig figs as long as it is
correctly rounded.


total for question = 7

Answer Notes Marks
6 (a) M1 (a substance/a fuel that) when burned ALLOW burns / combusts 2
/catches fire
M2 releases heat (energy) / thermal energy

(b) (i) temperature at the start = 20.4 °C ALLOW ECF from 2

incorrect temperature
highest temperature reached = 77.6 °C reading

(ii) M1 150 × 4.2 × 57.2 2

M2 36 036 (J) ALLOW 36 000 if M1 is


36 036 with no working

scores 2

ALLOW ECF from M1 as

long as the 3 values are

(iii) M1 36.036 kJ ALLOW 36 kJ 4

M2 amount of ethanol = 2.3 ÷ 46 OR 0.05 (mol)

M3 36.036 ÷ 0.05 OR 720.720 (kJ) M3 subsumes M1 and M2


M3 36036 ÷ 0.05 (J) ALLOW M3 to 2 sig figs

M4 −720 (kJ/mol) ALLOW ECF M4 with 2 sig

figs and a − sign

Correct answer without

working scores 4 marks

(c) any one from 1

heat absorbed by the metal can

incomplete combustion

heat lost to the surroundings ALLOW heat loss

total for question = 11

Answer Notes Marks
7 (a) (i) measuring cylinder ALLOW burette / 1
pipette / syringe

REJECT gas syringe

(ii) (the) zinc / Zn / it is in excess 1

(iii) so as little gas as possible is lost ACCEPT to keep as 1

much gas as possible

ALLOW to avoid loss of

gas / so gas does not

(iv) any one from 1

no further effervescence / bubbles / fizzing

no more gas collects in the syringe ALLOW gas syringe does

not move

(b) (i) M1 calculation of gradient OR 50 ÷ 150 triangle needs to be 3

drawn on graph for M1

M2 0.33 ALLOW ECF from M1

M3 units cm3/s ACCEPT cm3 s−1

(ii) from 0 to 60 s 6

M1 gradient is steepest

M2 because there are most acid particles (per unit ACCEPT because
volume) / most collisions (per unit time) / most concentration is
frequent collisions greatest / highest

from 60 to 150 s

M3 the curve becomes less steep

M4 because there are fewer particles (per unit ACCEPT because

volume) / fewer collisions (per unit time) / fewer concentration is lower
frequent collisions

from 150 to 240 s

M5 the reaction has stopped / curve levels ALLOW the volume of

off/becomes flat/plateaus gas becomes constant

M6 because the (sulfuric) acid has been used up

total for question = 13

Answer Notes Marks
8 (a) a description that links any 4 of the following points 4

M1 crude oil is heated / vapourised ALLOW boiled

M2 the vapour enters the lower part / bottom of the


M3 there is a temperature gradient in the column ACCEPT cooler at the

top and hotter at the
M4 the vapours rise up the column until they

M5 at a height where the boiling point of the vapour ALLOW the fractions are
is lower than the temperature in the column separated according to
their boiling point

(b) an explanation that links any 4 of the following 4


M1 fractional distillation of crude oil produces more ALLOW is a lower

long chain hydrocarbons than can be used directly demand for long chain
hydrocarbons / a higher
demand for short chain

M2 (cracking) produces shorter (chain) alkanes ALLOW petrol / gasoline

M3 which are more flammable/ more useful as fuels M3 dep on M2

M4 (cracking) produces alkenes

M5 which are used to make polymers/plastics M5 dep on M4

(c) M1 fuels contain sulfur IGNORE C / CO / CO2 3

and any reference to
global warming etc.

REJECT nitrogen for M1

M2 which burns producing sulfur dioxide

M3 causing acid rain ALLOW effects of acid


M3 dep on M1 or M2 or
NO2 or SO3

total for question = 11

Answer Notes Marks
9 (a) (i) M1 NaCl ACCEPT Na+Cl− / ClNa 3

M2 ZnO ACCEPT Zn2+O2− / OZn

M3 (NH4)2SO4 ACCEPT (NH4+)2SO42−


REJECT any incorrect


Penalise once only for

incorrect case or
subscripts / superscripts

(ii) zinc sulfate 1

(b) (i) M1 2 bonding electrons ALLOW dots, crosses or 2

any combination

M2 rest of the molecule correct M2 dep on M1

(ii) M1 magnesium ion ALLOW dots, crosses or 3

any combination

Only 1 mark max in M1

and M2 if they only
show the outer
electrons, as the
question requires the
M2 chloride ion configurations

M3 Mg2+ and Cl−

(iii) An explanation that links any 5 of the following 5

M1 hydrogen chloride is simple molecular / simple ALLOW molecular

covalent covalent

M2 magnesium chloride is giant ionic / ionic lattice ALLOW giant structure

if ions are mentioned

M3 strong electrostatic attraction between ALLOW strong ionic

(oppositely charged) ions bonds

No M3 if any mention of
covalent bonds or
intermolecular forces in
magnesium chloride

M4 in hydrogen chloride there are weak REJECT weak forces

intermolecular forces / weak forces between between bonds

M5 (much) more energy is required to break the REJECT any reference

(ionic) bonds in MgCl2 than to overcome the to breaking covalent
(intermolecular) forces in HCl bonds in HCl or MgCl2

total for question = 14

Answer Notes Marks
10 (a) M1 a catalyst provides an alternative pathway / 2

M2 of lower activation energy

(b) (i) conical flask ALLOW flask 1

(ii) M1 filter out the manganese(IV) oxide 3

M2 allow it to dry

M3 reweigh the catalyst, the same mass should be

left / mass is still 1 g

total for question = 6

Answer Notes Marks
11 (a) has only one type of atom ACCEPT only made up 1
of carbon atoms

(b) M1 (attraction between) a shared pair of electrons 2

M2 and nuclei do not accept nucleus

nuclei must be plural

M1 a shared pair of electrons

M2 and (attraction between) nuclei do not accept nucleus

nuclei must be plural

(c) (i) M1 delocalised electrons No marks if mention of 2

ions / molecules in
M2 (electrons) can move / flow (throughout the graphite

(ii) M1 (diamond is hard because) it has a 3D ALLOW 3D/ rigid/ 4

lattice/rigid lattice /tetrahedral lattice /every tetrahedral structure
carbon is bonded to four other carbons

M2 in diamond, the bonds need a lot of energy to REJECT mention of

break intermolecular forces in
diamond for M1 and M2

M3 (graphite is soft because) it has layers ALLOW sheets

M4 which can slide over one another IGNORE intermolecular

forces in graphite

M4 dep on M3

(d) M1 calculation Mr of Cx 3

M2 Mr ÷ 12

M3 answer given as an integer


M1 1.40 × 10−21 × 6.02 × 1023 OR 842.8 ALLOW any number of

significant figures from

M2 842.8 ÷ 12 (= 70.23) ALLOW ECF if division

by atomic number 6

M3 70 Answer of 70 without
working scores 3

total for question = 12

Answer Notes Marks
12 (a) 2TaCl5(s) + 5H2(g) → 2Ta(s) + 10HCl(g) ALLOW multiples or 1

(b) (i) the last (3) masses are the same ALLOW mass does not 1
change / mass becomes

(ii) M1 mass of chlorine = 1243 (kg) 3

M2 1 267 000 ÷ 181 and 1 243 000 ÷ 35.5 ALLOW calculation done
in kilomoles
e.g. 1267 ÷ 181 and 1243
÷ 35.5

M3 7000 moles of tantalum and 35 014 moles of e.g. ratio 7 : 35 moles

chlorine (so 1:5 ratio)
M3 subsumes M1 and M2

no M2 or M3 for upside
down calculation or use
of atomic numbers

(c) (i) M1 carbon is oxidised and tantalum oxide is Penalise tantalum is 2

reduced reduced or tantalum
loses oxygen once only
M2 carbon gains oxygen and tantalum oxide loses


M1 carbon gains oxygen and is oxidised

M2 tantalum oxide loses oxygen and is reduced REJECT tantalum loses

oxygen and is reduced

ALLOW correct symbols

and formulae throughout

ACCEPT correct changes

in oxidation numbers
(ii) M1 (5 × 2000 =) 10 000 moles of carbon is needed (12 × 2000 =) 24 000 g 2

M2 (10 000 × 12 =) 120 000 g of carbon is needed (5 × 24 000 =) 120 000 g of

(which is less than 500 000 g) carbon is needed


M1 (500 000 ÷ 12) of carbon is 41 667 moles (500 000 ÷ 5) is 100 000 g

M2 which is enough to react with (41 667 ÷ 5 =) which is enough to react

8333 moles of tantalum oxide with (100 000 ÷ 12 =)
8333 moles of tantalum
OR oxide

M1 (5 × 2000 =) 10 000 moles of carbon is needed

M2 (500 000 ÷ 12) is more than 41 667 moles of


(iii) M1 (2 × 2000 =) 4000 moles of tantalum 2

M2 (4000 × 181=) 724 000 g of tantalum ALLOW ECF for incorrect

e.g. 2000 × 181 = 362 000
scores 1
1000 × 181 = 181 000
scores 1
4000 × 362 = 1 448 000
scores 1

total for question = 11

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