Toc Assignment No-05 2024

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Theory of Computation TE(2019) Computer Engineering

MET’S Institute of Engineering, Nashik.

Subject : TOC ASSIGNMENT NO – 05 Unit : V

THEORY QUESTION (atleast Solve Any 5)

1. Explain Language acceptance by TM.

2. Explain the representation of TM.
3. Differentiate between FA and TM.
4. Define TM. And Explain recursively enumerable set.
5. Explain the power of Turing Machine over Finite Automata.
6. Write a short note on Halting Problem of Turing Machine.
7. Write short notes on 1) Non-deterministic TM
2) Composite TM
3) Halting problem of TM.
4) Limitation of TM
8. Write a short notes on 1) Universal TM 2) Multi tape Turing Machine
9. Write a short notes on 1) Unsolvable problem 2) Application Turing Machine
10. What is Turing Machine. Give the formal definition of TM. Design a TM that
replaces every occurrences of abb by baa
11. How can Turing Machine compare with computer.

TURING MACHINE PROBLEM(atleast solve any 10)

n n
12. Obtain TM to accept language L = { 0 1 | n  =1 }

13.Design TM for the language L={02n} over 0,1

14. Construct TM for – L = { All string with equal nos of a’s and b’s.}

15. Construct a TM to compute L  {an b2n | n >0} Write simulation for the string.
i) abb ii) aabbbb
n n
16. Construct a Turing Machine for the language L = {a b c | n>=l}
n n n
17. Construct a Turing Machine for the language L = {0 1 0 | n>=l}

SPPU University asked questions from 2015-2019 Prepared By : Mr. Anand Gharu
Theory of Computation TE(2019) Computer Engineering

18. Design TM to accept the set L of all strings formed with 0 & 1 and
having substring ‘000’
19. Design a Turing machine for well formed parenthesis
20.Construct a Turing Machine to accept the language
n n n
L = { a b a | n>=1 }

21.Construct a Turing Machine which accepts odd length palindrome over

the Σ={a,b}
22. Design TM to recognize an arbitrary string divisible by 4 for  = {0, 1, 2}
23. Construct a Turing Machine to accept string with equal nos of 0’s and 1’s.
24. Construct TM for 1’s complement of binary number.
25. Construct TM for 2’s complement of binary number.
26. Design a TM to accept language
L = { w / w (0 + 1)* } containing the substring 001.

27. Construct a TM to accept language of even nos of 0’s and 1’s.

28. Design TM to add unary number .

29. Design a TM that multiplies two unary numbers over  1.
Write simulation for the string 11 & 111


30.Construct a Turing Machine R = (aba*b)

31.Construct a Turing Machine R = (a + b)* bb
32.Construct a Turing Machine L = a* ba* b

****************** Best of Luck *******************

SPPU University asked questions from 2015-2019 Prepared By : Mr. Anand Gharu

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