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Is always impoant o remember your home.

No matter how far you go, no mattter whatt you have all arranged on.

Today, your home is facing critical condition with addiction prevalent and a tar
transaction occuring constantly.

Such as, smuggling has a spearhead through international networks and has infiltrated
other countries, aiport, networks and even airlines especially for illegal truck cases.

I has een speed o every corrner of the city, from the center to the remote village. And its
destroying our minds of Indonesians.

This obstacle posed the significant threat to be the future of the nation.

Haven’ you awake yet?

According to BNN statistic, the number of the drug cases is abuse in 2020 (twenty
twenty) reached 833 (eight hundred thirty three) cases and by 2021 (twenty twenty
one) the casee of abuse have increased by 0.15% (zero fifteen persen) the majority of
the drug users are teenagers.

Teachers are considerate main of the target because of drug trafficking, because of their
unstabble mental condition and the formaive ability of the influence of peers.

Come on guys, get up!

Today, I would like to do my little speech aou against illicit trade, the rule off the earth
preventingg smuggling.

In a modern era o globalization, the societal development is continuously increased to

the progress of the science and technology.

However, these developments are accompanied by anomalies, a depletion process.

While they are bringing improvvementtts to human life, they also raise a curtain
problem as a societall ill received.

One notable problems is the rising prevalence of the various forms of the crime

Including the organized crime as it operattes across borders.

Becoming a major Global concern. As a young people, we must educate our peers and
even children who may not understand, about what is the dangers of the drugs? Relayin
solely of the schools is education is not enough.

As today. Youth often record concert footage and have fully equipped rigs inlflate like a
cup o socialism just talk about what is the dangers of the drugs and put on a power point
just Show on a projector. It won’t make a teenagers and children like a fall asleep. It's
like they are healing of fairy tale.
It's a really really important to provide a feelings and a real example to help young
people to try to understand what is the dangerous of the drugs. with That through
personal stories or pass a drug abuse or other convincing evidence?

My beloved audience, my gorgeous woman, my handsome man. As an Indonesian

youth, must be highest pioneers and fight against the entry of the drug into our country.
There are many things that we can say. As a young people who love this country, we can
have a highest discussion Question of the answer with the people who have already
used the drugs, or are people who want to try them. And please ask wih us slowly.

no need to be angry because they just need to element

give them a example of the worst impact to they’ll have in the future if they use it, right.

When you're watching the drama Earth video, young people can.

Have you interaction and consequence of the picture?

This is a big battle of the actors can be elicit empathy. And awareness in.

1 way to raise a public awareness, a part of the dangers of the drugs is to create a silent
drama or a theater. We can make some theater performance that conveys that message
without using dialogue. Allowing the audience to carefully and to create and to be
implied. What is the meaning?

Do we only way to win against drugs is never start using them?

My God is sad. My Indonesian on the battle pass. Will change together every action we
take today with the to mind how our world will look like tomorrow. Thank you very
much for your attention. I close my speech.

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