Coordinate in IDS
Fornaxcloud validation
Revit Architecture
Details: Georeference
Land parcel: MK24-09811X
EPSG:3414, SVY21
Eastings: 32222605.028922102 mm
Northings: 34427908.11328217 mm
Elevation: 40000.0 mm
Longitude: 103.87093278673
Latitude: 1.32657434713247
Project North
You will use FORNAXCloud to perform the coordination and validation
Create powerpoint presentation describing your work process
Submit the link to the FORNAXCloud coordinated model
o Name your project with the following format: CE5808-IFC-<Group no>
o Provide the link to your coordinated models in the powerpoint
o Submit the spreadsheet (or XML if you use IDS) of your ER
o Name your validation rule(s) inf FORNAXCloud with prefix: CE5808-IFC-<Group
o Add me as a member to your project (email:
o You must make sure that you have done all the steps described in “Details”
o Validation must give 100% compliance. If for some reasons you cannot achieve
100%, you must explain the reason
Deadline: 25 November 2023
Exchange requirements
o Architecture model (from Revit) and Structural model (from TEKLA) must align
o Both models must have the correct geo-reference as specified in the project requirements:
o Make sure ALL the building stories in both models have the same names and elevations
Exchange requirements
o Objects: IfcBeam, IfcColumn, IfcSlab, IfcWall, IfcFooting, IfcPile, IfcStair, IfcStairFlight
o Properties:
Object PropertySet Name Property Name Property Value
SGPset_ColumnDimension Breadth
IfcWall Pset_WallCommon LoadBearing TRUE
(structural SGPset_Material MaterialGrade Concrete
wall) SGPset_Wall ConstructionMethod Prefabricated, Precast, Cast in-situ, or install on-site
IfcPile SGPset_Pile ConstructionMethod JackedIn, Driven, or Bored
SGPset_SlabDimension Thickness
IfcStairFlight SGPset_StairFlight ConstructionMethod Prefabricated, Precast, Cast in-situ, or install on-site
Exchange requirements
Architecture Model object Ifc Entity PredefinedType ObjectType
o Objects: Site geometry/topography IfcGeographicElement USERDEFINED CADASTRALLOT
All toilet fittings IfcSanitaryTerminal (with the appropriate
Lift car (if available) IfcTransportElement USERDEFINED LIFT