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Final MCQs On Toxo and Forensic

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Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R

Final Forensic Revision

MCQs With Answers
Important Notes
(Part IV)


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
1- Euthanasia is defined as:

a-Killing of a newly born, live born infant within 15 days after birth.

b-Killing of a handicapped child above three years of age.

c-Killing of a full term baby within 24 hours after birth.

d-Killing of a handicapped child below three years of age. (√ )

2- Shaken baby syndrome is characterized by the following except:

a- Retinal hemorrhage.

b- Subdural hemorrhage.

c- Subarachnoid hemorrhage.

d- Depressed comminuted fracture. (√ )

3- Type(s) of limb fracture in child abuse include:

a- Slipped epiphysis.

b- Spiral fracture.

c- Avulsion of metaphysis.

d- All of the above. (√ )

4- General signs highly suggestive of child abuse include the following Except:

a. Injuries appear older than alleged history.

b. Presence of a single lesion from a single cause. (√ )

c. Unusual soft tissue injuries.

d. Presence of different types of injuries.

5- Mark True (T) or False (F):


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
- Euthanasia is killing of a handicapped child above three years of age. (F)

- String beaded appearance in X-ray chest indicates rib fractures in Caffey,s

syndrome. (F)

6- all of these are ocular signs of somatic death except

a-corneal dimness.

b- trucking sign.

c-constricted pupil.

d- triangular pupil.

7- all of these are early post-mortem changes except

a- adipocere formation.

b- rigor mortis.


d- post mortem coolness.

8 - after death the body temperature falls until it reaches the atmospheric
temperature within

a-3-4 hours

b- 12-18 hours.

c- 24-48 hours.

d- one hour.

9- trucking sign is present in

a- lungs

b- liver


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
c- eyes

d- brain

10- post-mortem hypostasis is

a- early post-mortem change

b- immediate post-mortem change

c- late post-mortem change

d-physicochemical change in the muscles

11- rigor mortis is followed by

a- primary flaccidity

b- secondary flaccidity

c-cadaveric spasm

d- cold stiffness

12- cadaveric spasm is due to

a- physicochemical change

b- severe nervous tension.

c- bacterial action

d- denaturation of tissue proteins

13- putrefaction occurs rapidly in

a- old ages

b- newborn breastfed


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
c- summer

d- dry climate

14- post-mortem hypostasis is ill defined in deaths from

a- cyanide poisoning

b- asphyxia

c- metheamoglobineamia

d- heamorrahge

15- rigor mortis starts in the muscles of

a- neck

b- hands

c- foot

d- eye lids

16- cadaveric spasm is preceded by

a- rigor mortis

b - primary flaccidity

c- secondary flaccidity

d- nervous stress

17- cadaveric spasm is followed by

a- rigor mortis

b - primary flaccidity

c- secondary flaccidity


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
d- nervous stress

18- marbling phenomena is present in

a- hypostasis

b- rigor mortis

c- cadaveric spasm

d- putrefaction.

19- potassium level in vitreous humor help in

a- estimation of post-mortem interval

b- measuring post-mortem temperature

c- progress of rigor mortis

d- progress of putrefaction

20- the colour of hypostasis is brown in death from

a- cyanide poisoning

b- asphyxia

c- metheamoglobineamia

d- carbon monoxide poisoning

21-progressive hardening of all muscles of the body after death is

a- hypostasis

b- rigor mortis

c- cadaveric spasm

d- maceration


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
22- post-mortem contracture of a group of voluntary muscles is called

a- adipocere formation

b- rigor mortis

c- cadaveric spasm

d- mummification

23-the time lapse between brain stem death and cellular death is

a- lucid interval

b- post mortem interval

c- molecular life

d- molecular death

24- Brownish colour of hypostasis is seen in death due to:

a. Carbon monoxide poisoning.

b. Potassium cyanide poisoning.

c. Methaemoglobinaemia.

d. Haemorrhage.

25- Putrefaction is rapid in :

a- Congestive heart failure.

b- Non-bacterial gastroenteritis.
c- Arsenic poisoning.
d- Mercury poisoning.

26 - Cherry pink colour of hypostasis is seen in death due to:

a. Carbon monoxide poisoning.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
b. Aspyhxia.

c. Methaemoglobinaemia.
d. Haemorrhage.
27- Putrefaction is delayed in :
a- Arsenic poisoning.
b- Congestive heart failure.
c- Infectious diseases.
d- Elephantiasis.
28 - Primary flaccidity is due to :
1. Evacuation of blood by compression of the veins.
2. Loss of muscle tone of voluntary and involuntary muscles.
3. Denaturation and coagulation of tissue proteins.
4. Progressive hardening of voluntary and involuntary muscles.
29- After death the body temperature falls progressively until it
reaches atmospheric temperature within :
1. 6-8 hours.
2. 8-10 hours.
3. 10-16 hours.
4. 12-18 hours.
30- Exit wound is smaller than inlet of bullet in:
a- If distance is 2 meters.
b- If distance is 3 meters.
c- Near firing.
d- Far distance firing.
31- Wad wounds :
e- They are caused by metallic contents of shotgun cartridges.
f- They may cause fatal lacerations.
g- They never cause bruises.
h- Up to 2 meters, wads will almost always fall to the ground.

32- In a fire-arm injury, blackening of the entry wound is due to

A. Flame
B. Hot gases


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
C. Unburned powder
D. Smoke
33- In non-rifled weapons, crenated lesions are seen at a distance of :
i- 15cm - 2m.
j- 0 - 15 cm.
k- 2 - 4 m.
l- > 4 m.

34- Pond's fracture is seen most commonly in

A. Children
B. Adolescent
C. Middle aged women
D. Elderly

35- Clinical picture of fracture middle cranial fossa includes all the
following except :
a- Bleeding from the ear.

b- CSF otorrhea.

c- Ocular nerve paralysis.

d- Facial nerve paralysis.

Fracture Ant. cranial fossa Bleeding from nose / CSF Rhinorrhea

Subconjunctival Hge / Ocular paralysis ( 3th ,
4th , 6th cranial nerves)
Fracture Middle cranial fossa Bleeding from ear / CSF otorrhea
Facial nerve paralysis / 7th , 8th cranial
Fracture Post. cranial fossa Comatosed pt , Bruises behind ear , cranial
nerve 9th , 10th , 11th affected


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
36- Brain contusion is characterized by the following except:
a- Wedge shaped area of brain tissue destruction.

b- The pia mater is ruptured.

c- It can be a coup lesion.

d- It can be a contre coup lesion.

37- Brain lacerations are characterized by the following except :

a- They may occur due to firearm injuries to the head.
b- They may occur as coup lesions.

c- The pia matter is intact.

d- They are surrounded by brain contusions.

38- All of the following statements about brain concussion are correct
1. It is a degree of diffuse axonal injury.
2. It is a state of transient loss of consciousness.
3. It usually occurs following a rotational movement of the head.
4. Complete recovery is unusual.

39- Brain lacerations are characterized by the following except :

1. They may occur due to firearm injuries to the head.
2. They may occur as coup lesions.
3. The pia matter is intact.
4. They are surrounded by brain contusions.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
40- One of the possible causes of brain concussion is:
a- Depression by bone fragments.
b- Compression by hematoma.
c- Diffuse neuronal injury.
d- Brain laceration.

41- Brain contusion is characterized by the following except:

e- Wedge shaped area of brain tissue destruction.
f- The pia mater is ruptured.
g- It can be a coup lesion.
h- It can be a contre -coup lesion.

42- All of the following statements about brain concussion are correct except:
a- It is a degree of diffuse axonal injury.
b- It is a state of transient loss of consciousness.
c- It usually occurs following a rotational movement of the head.
d- Complete recovery is unusual

43- Best method for identification of a person is

A. Anthropometry
B. Hair
C. Personal traits
D. Dactylography

44- All of the following are true for a female pelvis, except
A. Greater sciatic notch is wide and shallow
B. Obturator foramen is oval
C. Subpubic angle is greater than 90 Degrees
D. Preauricular sulcus is well marked


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R

45- X-rays taken to assess age of a 21 year old man is

A. Clavicle and iliac crest
B. Hip joint
C. Upper end of femur
D. Wrist, hand and elbow

46- First permanent tooth to erupt is

A. Incisor
B. Canine
C. Premolar
D. Molar

47- Which of the following permanent teeth are of little value in

determination of age because of erratic time of eruption
A. Incisors
B. Premolars
C. Second molars
D. Third molars
48- Species identification is done by:
A. Neutron Activation Analysis (N.A.A.)
B. Precipitin test
C. Benzidine test
D. Spectroscopy

49- A 7 month fetus is characterized at birth by the following Except

a. Length 35 cm and weight 1.25 kg
b. Appearance of center of ossification of talus
c. Testes at internal inguinal ring
d. Appearance of center of ossification in lower end femur( )

50- In precipitate labour , the baby shows

a. No caput succedaneum ( )


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
b. Sever molding of skull bones
c. Cleanly cut umbilical cord
d. Depressed fracture in skull bones

51- In a case of infanticide by cut throat, the cause/s of death is / are

a. Shock
b. Hemorrhage
c. Air embolism
d. All the above( )

52- A full term infant is characterized by following Except

a. Length 50 cm and weight 3.5 kg

b. Head circumference is 32 cm
c. Closure of the posterior fontanelle only
d. Closure of the anterior fontanelle only ( )

53- In accidental strangulation by the umbilical cord there is

a. A short umbilical cord

b. Abrasions on the umbilical cord
c. Distortion of Wartonian Jelly
d. Presence of false knots( )

54- Ring of hyperemia around umbilical stump denotes that the infant
lived for

a. 24 hours only
b. 36 hours only ( )
c. 2 days only
d. 3 days only

55- Ductus arteriosus becomes completely obliterated after birth within

a. 7-10 days ( )


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
b. 10-15 days
c. 15-20 days
d. One month

56- Respired lung of newborn baby will sink in hydrostatic test if there is /

a. Congenital atelectasis( )
b. Failed respiratory resuscitation
c. Putrefactive changes
d. None of the above

57- Respired lung of newborn baby is characterized by

a. Weight 40 grams
b. Pink mottled colour( )
c. Solid in consistency
d. Columnar alveolar epithelium

58- In accidental strangulation by the umbilical cord the following are

present Except

a. A long umbilical cord

b. Non respired lung
c. No distortion of Wartonian Jelly
d. Presence of true knots( )

59- The following are indicators of live born baby Except

a. Rounded lung border

b. Well formed stool
c. Desquamation of the skin
d. Center of ossification of cuboid( )

60- In homicidal strangulation by the umbilical cord, there is


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
a. Cord longer than normal
b. Non respired lung
c. Signs of asphyxia( )
d. Presence of false knots

61- Respired lung of newborn baby is characterized by the following


a. Elastic in consistency
b. Flattened alveolar epithelium
c. Bluish red in colour ( )
d. Rounded border

62- Caput Succedaneum in a new born is

a. Collection of blood under the pericranium
b. Collection of Sero-sanguineous fluid in the scalp
c. Oedema of the scalp due to grip of the forceps
d. Varicose veins in the scalp

63- Viable baby is

a. 28 weeks' old
b. 32 weeks' old
c.36 weeks' old
d. None of above

64- Act of omission does not include

a. Lake of care
b. Lake of proper nutrition
c . Not to protect from extreme heat and cold
d. None of above

65- Hydrostatic test is not required if

a. Baby is viable
b. Umbilical cord shows vital reaction


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
c. Ossification center for lower end of femur is present
d .Child is illegitimate

66- The most diagnostic sign of respired lung is :

a- Diaphragm is at the level of the 5th rib.
b- Flattened epithelium of the alveoli.
c- The weight of the lung is 60 grams.
d- Hydrostatic test.
Signs of respiration
1- Chest ------- non respired: flattened & respired: barrel shaped
2- Diaphragm --------- non respired: at level of 3 or 4 or 5th rib & respired:
6th or 7th ribs
3- Lung weight -------- non respired: 40 gm & respired: 80 gm
4- Lung epithelium -------- non respired: Cubical & Respired: Flattened
4- Hydrostatic test ------- Only for respired lung ( based on lowered specific
gravity of respired lungs dt presence of air & floating denotes respiration)
Fallicies of this test *** Respired lung may sink dt diseased lung as
pneumonia & non respired lung may float dt putrefaction or artificial
5- Stomach bowel floating test ----------- floating of stomach indicate living for
2 hrs & floating of duodenum indicate living for 4 hrs & floating of ileum
indicate living for 8 hrs & floating od large intestine indicate living for 12 hrs

67- Ductus arteriosus becomes completely obliterated after birth within :

a- 7-10 days.
b- 10-15 days.
c- 15-20 days.
d- One month.

68- True or false

1. Presence of meconium in the rectum indicates live born (X)

2. Desquamation of the skin after birth indicates full term baby (X)


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
3. Presence of caput succedaneum after birth indicates precipitate
4. Criminal skull fracture in the newborn baby is usually fissure fracture (X)

69- Heat haematoma is located between which of the following

A. Brain and meninges
B. Dura mater and arachnoid
C. Galea aponeurotica and skull
D. Skull and dura mater

70- Pugilistic attitude is seen in death due to which of the following

A. Burn
B. Drowning
C. Hanging
D. Strangulation

71- Pugilistic attitude is due to

A. Loss of water from the muscles
B. Loss of potassium from the muscles
C. Loss of sodium from the muscles
D. Coagulation of proteins of the muscles

72- Pugilistic attitude is due to

A. Coagulation of carbohydrate of muscles
B. Lipolysis
C. Lipogenesis
D. Coagulation of proteins of the muscles

73- Pus is formed in a burn wound in

A. 1 day
B. 2-3 days
C. 4-5 days
D. > 1 week

74- A 70 year-old man was admitted to the hospital suffering from burns. The prognosis was critical due to the
following except:

a. The age of the man

b. The burn was of the third degree
c. The extent was 40% of total body surface area


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
d. The burn was in the extremities

75- All of the following are true concerning corrosive burn except:

a. Caused by concentrated acids and alkalis

b. Produces both chemical and thermal injuries
c. Degree of burn is first and second
d. Healing leads to a disfiguring scar

76- In thermal fractures; the following are true except:

a. The brain is edematous

b. The extradural hematoma is dry and friable
c. The body shows signs of burn
d. It is a fissure fracture

77- Fatal burn occurs if:

a. Burn is more than 1/3 body surface area

b. Burn affects the extremities
c. Burn is of the 2nd degree
d. None of the above
78- Artefactual changes in fire victims do not include:

a. Pugilistic attitude
b. Epidural hematoma
c. Subdural hematoma
d. Skin rupture

79- Typical artefactual skull fracture occurring in fire victims are located in:

a. The temple areas

b. Base of the skull
c. Top of head or sides of skull above temples
d. All of the above

80- Thermal artifacts do not include:

a. Pugilistic attitude
b. Heat rupture
c. Soot in bronchioles
d. Thermal fracture

81- Early causes of death in burns do not include:

a. Shock


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
b. Laryngeal edema
c. Fat embolism
d. Renal failure

82- Subcutaneous blisters are not seen in fatalities with:

a. Corrosive burns
b. 2nd degree burn
c. Scald
d. Barbiturate poisoning

83- The prognosis of burn is guarded in the following except:

a. Age
b. Extent
c. Degree
d. Sex

84- According to the "rule of nine", in burns involving the skin area:

a. Each upper extremity accounts for 9%

b. Lower extremities account for 27%
c. Back of body accounts for 9%
d. Front of body accounts for 27%

85- Delayed causes of death in burns include :

a- Shock.
b- Pulmonary edema.
c- Acute renal failure.
d- Fat embolism.

86- Postmortem burn is characterized by :

a- The vesicles are filled with fluid rich in albumin and chloride.
b- There is tissue reaction.
c- The percentage of COHb is 60%.
d- The absence of fine carbon particles in the trachea and the bronchi.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
87- Full thickness burn is characterized by the following except :

a- Destruction of dermal appendages.

b- Retained re-epithelialization potential.

c- Loss of re-epithelialization potential.

d- Being an open wound.

88- Partial thickness burn is characterized by :

a- Destruction of dermal appendages.

b- Retained regenerative capacity.

c- Loss of regenerative capacity.
d- Absence of erythema.

89- A 70 year-old man was admitted to the hospital suffering from burns. The
prognosis was critical due to the following except:

e. The age of the man

f. The burn was of the third degree
g. The extent was 40% of total body surface area
h. The burn was in the extremities

90- All of the following are true concerning corrosive burn except:

e. Caused by concentrated acids and alkalis

f. Produces both chemical and thermal injuries
g. Degree of burn is first and second
h. Healing leads to a disfiguring scar

91- In thermal fractures; the following are true except:

e. The brain is edematous

f. The extradural hematoma is dry and friable
Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
g. The body shows signs of burn
h. It is a fissure fracture

92- Fatal burn occurs if:

e. Burn is more than 1/3 body surface area

f. Burn affects the extremities
g. Burn is of the 2nd degree
h. None of the above
93- Artefactual changes in fire victims do not include:

e. Pugilistic attitude
f. Epidural hematoma
g. Subdural hematoma
h. Skin rupture

94- Typical artefactual skull fracture occurring in fire victims are located in:

e. The temple areas

f. Base of the skull
g. Top of head or sides of skull above temples
h. All of the above

95- Thermal artifacts do not include:

e. Pugilistic attitude
f. Heat rupture
g. Soot in bronchioles
h. Thermal fracture


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
96- Early causes of death in burns do not include:

e. Shock
f. Laryngeal edema
g. Fat embolism
h. Renal failure

97- Subcutaneous blisters are not seen in fatalities with:

e. Corrosive burns
f. 2nd degree burn
g. Scald
h. Barbiturate poisoning

98- The prognosis of burn is guarded in the following except:

e. Age
f. Extent
g. Degree
h. Sex
99- According to the "rule of nine", in burns involving the skin area:

e. Each upper extremity accounts for 9%

f. Lower extremities account for 27%
g. Back of body accounts for 9%
h. Front of body accounts for 27%


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
100 -The external os of a living nullipara is :
a- Transverse.
b- Rounded and small.
c- Triangular.
d- Admitting two fingers.

101- Early causes of death in criminal abortion are the following except:
a- Air embolism.
b- Neurogenic shock.
c- Septicemia.
d- Hemorrhage.

102- After delivery the uterus regains its original size :

a- 1 week after delivery.

b- 2 weeks after delivery

c- 6 weeks after delivery.

d- Immediately after delivery.

103- Traumatic rupture of the uterus in criminal abortion is in:

a- The lower segment.

b- Anteriorly in the fundus

c- Posteriorly in the fundus.

d- None of the above.

104- Pregnancy test is positive due to presence of :

a- Fetal epithelial cells in urine.
b- Latex particles.

c- Chorionic gonadotrophins in urine.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
d- Antibodies.

105- A full term fetus is characterized by the following except:

a- The posterior fontanelle is closed.
b- The placenta is 600 g.
c- The testes are at the internal inguinal ring.
d- The meconium is present in the rectum.

106- After delivery the uterus regains its original size: :

e- 1 week after delivery.
f- 2 weeks after delivery.
g- 6 weeks after delivery.
h- 8 weeks after delivery.

107-Traumatic rupture of uterus due to criminal abortion is characterized

by the following except:
a- It is longitudinal.
b- It is transverse.
c- The site of rupture is usually the fundus.
d- It usually takes the shape of the instrument.

108- The secondary injuries in the pedestrian are due to striking:

a- The wound screen

b- The ground

c- The bumper of the car.

d- The motor cycle.

109- All the following injuries may occur in the driver except:
a. head injury.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
b. Whip lash injury.
c. Steering wheel injury.
d. bumper fracture.

110- 1ry impact injuries are injuries:

a. Caused by striking the ground.
b. Caused by striking the back of the vehicle.
c. In the 1st part of the body struck by the vehicle.
d. Caused by striking the front of the vehicle.

111- If the front of the vehicle struck the pedestrian from behind, 1ry
impact injuries will be in :
a. The back of the head.
b. The face & hand.
c. Tibia & fibula.
d. Ribs & sternum.

112- In the front of the vehicle struck the pedestrian from behind, the
primary impact injuries will in:
a- The back of the head.
b- The back of the legs.
c- The face and the hands.
d- The shoulder and the buttock.

113- Crush injury occurs in:

a- The driver.
b- The front seat occupant.
c- The back seat occupant.
d- The pedestrian.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
114- If the front of the vehicle struck the pedestrian from behind, the
secondary injuries will be in the:
a- The head.

b- The face and palms.

c- The chest and abdomen.

d- The bag of the legs.

115- All the followings are common injuries in front seat occupant except:
a- Whiplash injury.

b- Fracture ribs.

c- Knees injuries.

d- Ejection injuries.

116- Whiplash injury is due to:

a-Impact with the steering wheel

b- violent extension and flexion of the head.

c- Hitting the wind screen.

d-Hitting the dash board.

117- If the front of the vehicle struck pedestrian from behind the
secondary impact injuries will be in all of the following except:
a- The shoulders.

b-The back of the legs.

c-The back of the head.

Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
d- The buttocks.

118- All of the following are common injuries in front seat occupant
except :
a- Whiplash injury.

b- Knee injury.

c- Fracture ribs.

d- Ejection injuries.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
119- The unnatural sexual offences include the following Except:
a- Sadism.
b- Incest. (√ )
d- Buccal coitus.
120- The unnatural sexual offences include the following Except:
a- Sadism.
b- Incest. (√ )

121- Anal inspection of passive partner of habitual sodomy reveals the following
a- Loss of mucosal folds.
b- Funnel-shaped anus.
c- Thickened anal mucosa.
d- Loss of anal sphincter reflex. (√ )

122- Palpation (digital examination) of passive partner of habitual sodomy reveals the
following Except:
a- Loss of elasticity and tone of anus.
b- Loss of anal sphincter reflex.
c- Funnel-shaped anus. (√ )
d- Lax and patulous anus.

123- Palpation (digital examination) of passive partner of habitual sodomy reveals:

a. Loss of anal mucosal folds.
b. Funnel-shaped anus. (√ )
c. Thickened anal mucosa.
d. Loss of anal sphincter reflex.

124- Signs of habitual (chronic) sodomy are the following Except:

a- Lax and patulus anus.
b- Presence of recent and old tears.
c- Pain on digital examination. (√ )
d- Loss of anal sphincter reflex.

125- A female can give valid consent in rape if:

a- Her age is below 18 years.
b- She is unconscious.
c- She is exposed to threat, fear, or violence.
d- She is sane. (√ )


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
126- Conditions in which a female can not give valid consent in rape are all of the
following Except:
a- If her age is above 18 years. (√ )
b- If she is unconscious.
c- If she is exposed to threat.
d- If she is insane.

127- Consent in rape is legally valid if the victim is:

a- Below 18 years.
b- Mentally retarded.
c- Above 18 years. (√ )
d- Unconscious.

128- Serrations of intact fimbriate hymen are:

a- Opaque on transillumination.
b- Usually reach vaginal wall.
c- Irregular.
d- Symmetrical. (√ )

129- Serrations of intact fimbriate hymen are characterized by the following

a- Symmetrical.
b- Opaque on transillumination. (√ )
c- Never reach vaginal wall.
d- Regular.

130- Serrations of intact dentate hymen are:

a- Symmetrical. (√ )
b- Opaque on transillumination.
c- Usually reach vaginal wall.
d- Irregular.

131- Serrations of torn hymen are characterized by the following Except:

a- Asymmetrical.
b- Opaque on transillumination.
c- Never reach vaginal wall. (√ )
d- Irregular

132- Characteristics of torn hymen are the following Except:

a-Asymmetrical irregular serrations.
b- Opaque on transillumination.
c- Never reach vaginal wall. (√ )


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
d- Admits two fingers to pass through easily.

133- The edges of recent hymenal tear are characterized by the following Except:
a- Oedematous.
b- Painless. (√ )
c- Congested.
d- Bleeding on touch.

134- Types of hymen of medicolegal importance are the following Except:

a- Dentate hymen.
b- Septate hymen. (√ )
c- Imperforate hymen.
d- Fleshy dilatable hymen.

135- Anal inspection of passive partner of habitual sodomy reveals the following

a- Loss of mucosal folds.

b- Funnel-shaped anus.

c- Thickened anal mucosa.

d- Loss of anal sphincter reflex.

136- Types of hymen of medicolegal importance are the following except :

a- Dentate hymen.
b- Septate hymen.

c- Imperforate hymen.

d- Fleshy dilatable hymen.

137- Digital examination of a passive partner of habitual sodomy reveals the following
except :
b- Loss of elasticity and tone of anus.
b- Loss of anal sphincter reflex.

c- Funnel-shaped anus.

d- Lax and patulous anus.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
138- All of these are unnatural sexual offences except :
a- Sadism.
b- Incest.

c- Necrophilia.

d- Buccal coitus.

139- Serrations of intact fimbriate hymen are characterized by the following except :
e- Symmetrical.
f-Opaque on transillumination.
g- Never reach the vaginal wall.
h- Regular.

140- All of the following are capable of causing sudden death except :

a- Cerebral embolism.
b- Ruptured brain abcess.
c- Traumatic intracranial hemorrhage.
d- Meningitis.

141- The risk of “cot death” increases in all of the following cases except :

a- History of a sibling with SIDS.

b- Infants with high Apgar score.
c- Addicting mother during pregnancy.
d- Maternal history of smoking during pregnancy


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
142- Dangers of arm-lock during arrest of the offender include the following Except:
Reflex vagal inhibition of the heart.
Asphyxia due to airway obstruction.
Venous air embolism. (√ )
Subarachnoid hemorrhage due to vertebral artery injury.

143- Causes of death in custody include the following Except:

Traumatic asphyxia.
Suspension. (√ )

144- Causes of death from beating in torture include the following Except:
Injured internal organs.
Venous air embolism. (√ )

145- Telephono in torture means:

a.Beating of soles with rods.
b.Injury to ear. (√ )
c.Electrical torture.
d.Clubbing injury.

146- Causes of death from beating in torture include the following except :
Injured internal organs.
b- Venus air embolism.

c- Sepsis.

d- Hemorrhage.

147- Causes of death in custody include all the following except :

Traumatic asphyxia.
b- Arm-lock.

c- Suspension.

d- Suicide.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
 Enumerate methods of torture.
 Mention skin lesions and causes Enumerate the different types of burn
encountered in torture
 . Mention types of death caused by beating in torture.
 and dangers of neck hold as a cause of death in custody.
 Mention causes of death in custody.
 Enumerate the different causes of death in custody.
 Enumerate the different types of burn encountered in torture.

148- Most important sign of death due to strangulation is

A. Bleeding from nose, ear and mouth
B. Ecchymosis of subcutaneous tissue
C. Fracture of larynx and trachea
D. Type of ligature mark

Ans: Type of ligature mark

149- Cutis anserina" or "Goose skin" is seen in

A. Drowning
B. Firearm injury
C. Lightening injury
D. Strangulation

Ans: Drowning

150- A fine leathery froth that comes from the nostrils on chest compression
is diagnostic of death due to
A. Strangulation
B. Hanging
C. Morphine poisoning
D. Drowning


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
Ans: Drowning

151- A patient is seen in casualty having froth from mouth and nostril which
increases on chest compression. The diagnosis is
A. Drowning
B. Hanging
C. Organophosphorous poisoning
D. Strangulation

Ans: Drowning

152- All of the following are seen in drowning except

A. Constricted pupils
B. Congested lungs
C. Diatoms in lungs
D. Ecchymosis

Ans: Constricted pupils

153- All of the following are features of death due to drowning except
A. Petechiae in lungs
B. Weeds grapsed in hands
C. Stomach filled with mud and weeds
D. Absence of diatoms

Ans: Absence of diatoms

154- At autopsy, a body is found to show copious fine leathery froth from
mouth and nostrils, and these increased on pressure over the chest. The
most likely cause of death is
A. Drowning
B. Epilepsy
C. Hanging


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
D. Opium poisoning

Ans: Drowning

155- Gettler test is for death in a case of

A. Drowning
B. Hanging
C. Strangulation
D. To differentiate ante-mortem & post-mortem burns

Ans: Drowning

156- Which of the following features is indicative of ante-mortem drowning

A. goose skin
B. Grass and weeds grasped in the hand
C. Rigor mortis
D. Washer womans feet

Ans: Grass and weeds grasped in the hand

157- The best indicator of ante-mortem drowning is

A. goose skin
B. Froth in mouth and nostrils
C. Water in nose
D. Washerwoman's feet

Ans: Froth in mouth and nostrils


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
158- In asphyxial deaths, hypostasis is

1- Well marked, deep blue and extensive.

2- Ill marked, deep blue and extensive.

3- Well marked, pale blue and extensive.

4- Ill marked pale blue and limited.

159- Cyanosis in asphyxial deaths is :

1- Not specific for all asphyxial deaths

2- Specific for all asphyxial deaths.

3- Specific for strangulation.

4- Specific for drowning.

160- Petechial hemorrhages in asphyxial deaths is due to:

1- Capillary bursting.

2- Arteriolar bursting.

3- Ruptured venules.

4- Ruptured air sacs.

161- Blood is more fluid and dark in asphyxia due to all the following

1- Decreased post mortem coagulability.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
2- Disturbance in chloride level.

3- Disturbance in plasma calcium.

4- Increased fibrinolytic activity of serum.

162- Suicidal hanging can be identified from homicidal hanging by:

1- Pattern of ligature.

2- Dribbling of saliva.

3- Method of ligature.

4- Absence of signs of resistance on the body Pattern of ligature.

163- Drowning in sea water is characterized by all the following


1- Haemoconcentration.

2- Plasma sodium levels increase.

3- Pulmonary edema.

4- Chloride level increases in right ventricle

164- Antemortem hanging can be identified from Post mortem

suspension By:

1- Hypostasis is most marked in the legs, hands and feet.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
2- The head is inclined to the side opposite to the knot.

3- The intima and media of the carotid arteries are lacerated.

4-Fractured hyoid bone.

165- Mechanism of asphyxia in hanging is due to :

1-Complete obstruction of trachea.

2- Injury to spinal column and cord.

3-Blocking the epiglottis over the laryngeal opening by tongue

4- Anemia of the brain.

166- Absent external signs of throttling in:

1- Mugging.

2- Fabricated throttling.

3- Attack by one hand.

4- Attack from behind.

167- Retropharyngeal bruises is a sign of;

1- Antemortem hanging.

2- Strangulation.

3- Antemortem drowning.

4- Smothering.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
168- Secretion of saliva is :

1- A sign of ante mortem strangulation.

2- A sign of ante mortem hanging.

3- A sign of ante mortem drowning.

4- A sign of ante mortem throttling.

169- Odorless foam from a cadaver suggests :

1- Putrefied body.

2- Drowned body.

3- Ante mortem hanging.

4- Post mortem submersion.

170- Silvery spots are due to:

e- Rupture of capillaries.
f- Rupture of air vesicles.
g- Rupture of venules.
h- Increase intracapillary pressure.

171- Death in 2ry drowning may be due to all the following except :
a- Pneumonia.
b- Pulmonary edema.
c- Asphyxia.
d- Renal failure.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
172- At autopsy, a body is found to show intimal rupture of the carotid
arteries. The most likely cause of death is:
a- Drowning.

k- Strangulation.

173- Tardieu spots are due to:

a- Decrease capillary permeability.
b- Rupture of air vesicles.
c- Increase intracapillary pressure.
d- Decrease blood coagulability.

174- The cause of death in dry drowning is :

a- Asphyxia of drowning.

b- Laryngeal spasm.

c- Pulmonary edema.

d- Hypothermia.

175- Carotid artery is usually torn in:

a- Hanging.
b- Strangulation.
c- Throtling.

d- Smothering.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
176- All are true about ante-mortem bruise except
A. Swelling is present
B. Present only on bony prominences
C. Undergoes colour changes
D. Shows cellular reactions

Ans: Present only on bony prominences

177- Factors influencing the type and extent of the wounds are all except:

1. Instrument used
2. the kinetic energy is released
3. Nature of the affected tissue
4. Age of the victims
178- Characters of contused wounds do not include ;

1. Bridging

2. Brushed, hair

3. Irregular angles

4. Free bleeding

179- Characters of stab wounds do not include ;

1. Abrasions or contusions

2 .Bridging of the tissues

3. Free bleeding


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
4. Sharp edges

180- Cerebral fat embolism occurs after fracture with

1. 2 days

2. four days

3. three days

4. all of the above

181- Pulmonary fat embolism occurs after trauma with in

1.one day

2.5 days

3. 3 days

4. none of the above

182- parasympathetic stimulation and .reflex cardiac inhibition is due to all

except :

1-Psychic shock

2-Rise of pressure in carotid sinus

3-Unexpected blow to certain areas

4-Painful stimuli


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
183- Death from sympathetic stimulation of the cardiovascular system is not
due to :

1. Painful stimuli accompanied by emotion and fear.

2. Decrease in tension of the carotid sinus

3. persons suffering from previous cardiac diseases e.g. coronary

atherosclerosis, fatty degeneration

4. Rise of pressure in carotid sinus

184- Incised wound is characterized by all of the following except:

a- Profuse bleeding

b-Bridging of tissues.

c-Less liability to sepsis.

d-The wound is more long than deep.

185- Dangers of stab wounds can be all of the following except:


b-Neurogenic shock.

c-Crush syndrome.

d. Haemorrhage.

186- The depth of a stab wound indicates :

a- The type of the knife.

b- The shape of the blade.

c- The length of the blade.


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
d- The width of the blade.

187- Mark true ( √) or false (X)

1.In Histo-chemical changes of wounds there is increase in enzyme

activity: in the zone adjacent to the wound. (f)

2.The site of a bruise does not usually indicate the site of violence (t)

3. Arterial air imbolism caused by communication between bronchus

with pulmonary vein. (t)

4. fatal blood collection in pericardium is , 200-300cc, only. ( t)

1- What is sudden death and its medicolegal importance ?

2- Give an account on sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?(definition,
risk factors and etiology).
hyoid bone fracture diagnostic in throttling **
1- Define abrasions and mention their medicolegal importance .
2- Describe the characters of suicidal cut throat
1- Outline signs of clinical death .
2- Enumerate the points that can be used for estimation of the postmortem interval .
3- Define brain death , and explain its criteria and medicolegal importance .
1- How would you diagnose the age of 18 years in a male .
* in a female
‫لو جالك السؤال فيميل خلي بالك ان‬
union of epiphyses >>> in females they fuse 2 years earlier
‫ في الميل‬02 ‫ في الفيميل = تكتب اللي بيحصل له يونيون في سن‬81 ‫يعني اللي بيحصل له يونيون في سن‬


Final MCQs & Important Notes A&R
1- List the most diagnostic points of hanging . How would you prove that it is antemortem .
2- Describe the characters of the rope mark and what are the causes of death ?
3- Tabulate the difference between hanging and strangulation .
4- Describe the postmortem picture of suicidal hanging . What are the possible causes of death in such a
case ?
5- Describe the possible findings ( external & internal ) present on examination of the neck in violent
asphyxia .
1- Describe the characters of fire arm wounds .
2- Tabulate the difference between inlet and exit in firearm wound .
1- Describe the characters of antemortem burn .
2- How would you prove that the burn is postmortem ?
3- Describe the characters of burns due to moist heat .
4- Explain the pathological and toxicological causes of death in burn .
5- Tabulate the difference between burns caused by dry heat , moist heat and corrosives .
1- Describe the characteristic head signs in a case of child abuse .
1- Define lucid interval and mention its medicolegal importance .
2- Define concussion , describe its clinical picture and outline its fate .
3- Explain Glasgow coma scale and how would you use it to assess the severity of head injuries ?
4- Enumerate complications of head injuries .
5- Define brain compression and describe its mechanism and clinical manifestations .


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