Kfintech Report

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October 28, 2024 CS&G/STX/DQ2024/14

1) National Stock Exchange of India Limited 2) BSE Limited

Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Dalal Street,
Mumbai – 400 051 Mumbai – 400 001
Scrip Symbol: KFINTECH Scrip Code: 543720

Sub. : Investor Presentation and Factsheet

Ref. : Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“LODR Regulations”)

Dear Sir / Madam,

Further to our previous intimation bearing reference no. CS&G/STX/DQ2024/05 dated October 14,
2024, pursuant to Regulation 30 and other applicable provisions of the LODR Regulations, please
find enclosed herewith the Investor Presentation and Factsheet on performance of the Company for
the quarter and half-year ended September 30, 2024.

This is for your information and records.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For KFin Technologies Limited

Digitally signed by ALPANA
Date: 2024.10.28 18:07:53
Alpana Kundu
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
ICSI Membership No.: F10191

Encl.: a/a

CIN: L72400TG2017PLC117649
Hyderabad, October 28, 2024: KFin Technologies Limited announced its financial results for the quarter and
period ended 30th September 2024 today.
Financial Highlights – Q2FY25
− Revenue from operations stood at ₹ 2,804.7 million, up 34.2% y-o-y
− International and other investor solutions revenue up by 44.0% y-o-y; VAS revenue up by 45.8% y-o-y
− EBITDA stood at ₹ 1,265.4 million, up 35.1% y-o-y, EBITDA margin at 45.1%
− PAT at ₹ 893.2 million, up 45.5% y-o-y, PAT margin at 31.8%
− Diluted EPS stood at ₹ 5.16, up 44.3% y-o-y
Financial Highlights – H1FY25
− Revenue from operations stood at ₹ 5,180.4 million, up 32.7% y-o-y
− International and other investor solutions revenue up by 49.5% y-o-y; VAS revenue up by 49.8% y-o-y
− EBITDA stood at ₹ 2,262.0 million, up 37.8% y-o-y, EBITDA margin at 43.7%
− PAT at ₹ 1,573.9 million, up 50.3% y-o-y, PAT margin at 30.4%
− Diluted EPS stood at ₹ 9.11, up 49.2% y-o-y
− Cash and cash equivalents at ₹ 4,239.1 million as on September 30, 2024
Business Highlights
− Overall AAUM1 growth at 44.6% y-o-y vs. 41.0% for the industry, market share1 at 32.4%
− Equity AAUM1 growth at 56.2% y-o-y vs. 58.9% for the industry, market share1 at 33.4%
− Won an RTA deal2 from a new AMC: Capitalmind Financial Services; Won a deal for development of digital assets
from an AMC client
− Added 3583 new corporate clients and 11.5 million3 investor folios under issuer solutions; Market share4 in NSE500
companies at 48.2%; New RTA mandates won during the quarter include NTPC Green Energy, Hexaware
Technologies, Schloss Bangalore (Leela Hotels), Dr Agarwal Health Care and Acme Solar
− Number of international clients increased to 665; Received RBI’s in-principle approval to set up a wholly owned
subsidiary in Thailand; Won the largest fund administration platform deal from one of the largest non-bank backed
AMC and a full-service fund administration deal2 from a new AMC in Malaysia; Won an LOI2 for full-service transfer
agency deal from a large trust company in Philippines
− No of alternate funds at 5265; Market share5 at 37.5%; AAUM grew 55.1% y-o-y to ₹ 1.3 trillion5; Won 37 new AIF
funds including from Alpha Alternatives, NIIF, Kedaara Capital, UTI AMC and NEO AMC; Launched mPower Wealth,
a fully integrated multi-asset portfolio optimisation and risk management platform for global wealth managers;
Launched KFinsights, a platform for REITS
− NPS subscriber base5 grew to 1.37 million, up 31.6% y-o-y vs. 13.3% y-o-y growth for the industry; Market share5
in overall subscribers’ base at 8.9% as on September 30, 2024, up from 7.7% as on September 30, 2023
Mr. Sreekanth Nadella, Managing Director and CEO, KFin Technologies Limited said, “We are pleased to report yet
another robust quarterly performance backed by structural growth across our diversified business segments. KFintech
continues to witness strong business momentum in terms of new client wins, growth in revenue and profitability,
expansion in margins, and accumulation of free cash flows. Our organic efforts continue to make strides in our fast-
growing global fund administration, alternative, and wealth solutions businesses leading to higher growth. RBI’s in-
principle approval to set up a subsidiary in Thailand will add more strength to our international business expansion
plans. We have exciting growth times ahead of us with a strong deal pipeline and product readiness backed by
innovative technology solutions with strong domain expertise."
KEY FIGURES ₹ million
Q2 FY25 Q1 FY25 Q2 FY24 H1 FY25 H1 FY24 FY24
Revenue 2,804.7 2,375.6 2,089.7 5,180.4 3,904.8 8,375.3
EBITDA 1,265.4 996.6 936.7 2,262.0 1,640.9 3,665.9
EBITDA margin % 96.6
45.1% 42.0% 44.8% 43.7% 42.0% 43.8%
Profit After Tax (PAT) 893.2 680.7 613.8 1,573.9 1,047.5 2,460.5
PAT margin % 31.8% 28.7% 29.4% 30.4% 26.8% 29.4%
Diluted EPS (₹)* 5.16 3.94 3.58 9.11 6.11 14.34
*Not annualized
(1) Last quarter average; (2) During October’24; (3) During the quarter; (4) As on September 30, 2024, based on market capitalization; (5) As on September 30, 2024;

About KFin Technologies Limited (www.kfintech.com/; BSE: 543720; NSE: KFINTECH):
KFin Technologies Limited (“KFintech”) is a leading technology driven financial services platform providing
comprehensive services and solutions to the capital markets ecosystem including asset managers and corporate
issuers across asset classes in India and provide comprehensive investor solutions including transfer agency, fund
administration, fund accounting, data analytics, digital onboarding, transaction origination and processing for
alternate investments, mutual funds, unit trusts, insurance investments, and private retirement schemes to
global asset managers in Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand and Canada. In India, KFintech is
the largest investor solutions provider to Indian mutual funds, based on number of AMCs serviced as on
September 30, 2024, and the largest issuer solutions provider based on number of clients serviced as on
September 30, 2024. KFintech is the only investor and issuer solutions provider in India that offers services to
asset managers such as mutual funds, alternative investment funds, wealth managers and pension as well as
corporate issuers and is one of the three operating central record keeping agencies for the National Pension
System in India.

KFintech is listed on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited. General Atlantic Singapore
Fund Pte Ltd (“GASF”), a leading global private equity investor, is the promoter of the company.

For more information please contact:

Amit Murarka
Email: InvestorRelations@kfintech.com

Certain statements that may be made or discussed in this release may be forward-looking statements and/or
based on management’s current expectations and beliefs concerning future developments and their potential
effects upon KFin Technologies Limited. The forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future
performance and involve risks and uncertainties and there are important factors that could cause actual results
to differ, possibly materially, from expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements. KFin Technologies
Limited does not intend, and is under no obligation, to update any forward-looking statement made in this

KFin Technologies Limited
Investor Presentation
Q2 FY25
(for the quarter and period ended September 30, 2024)
Safe Harbour Statement

This presentation may contain certain forward-looking statements concerning the Company’s future business prospects and business profitability, which are
subject to a number of risks and uncertainties and the actual results could materially differ from those in such forward-looking statements. The risks and
uncertainties relating to these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties regarding fluctuations in earnings, our ability to manage
growth, competition, economic growth in our markets, ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, our ability to manage our operations,
government policies and actions, interest and other fiscal costs generally prevailing in the economy. The Company does not undertake to make any
announcement in case any of these forward-looking statements become materially incorrect in future or update any forward-looking statements made from
time to time by or on behalf of the Company.

2 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

Today’s Presenters

Venkata Satya Naga Sreekanth Nadella Vivek Narayan Mathur Amit Murarka
Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer Head of Global Business Finance,
Chief Executive Officer M&A, and Investor Relations

3 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

1. Company Overview
2. Key Highlights
3. Industry Highlights
4. Business Highlights
5. Financial Highlights
6. Team & Shareholding
KFintech: At a Glance

Scaled platform with integrated FA and RTA capabilities - Strong track record of growth and leadership

Investor Solutions – Domestic Mutual Funds

Largest 262 out of 482 Won 164 out of 265 339
Investor Solution provider to AMCs in India; ₹21.4 tn AAUM3 Last new AMCs launched in India
New products launched
Indian MFs1 serviced

33.4% 39.2% 155 million

Equity MF AAUM m. share, Monthly SIP inflows m. share Total investor folios
2.5 mm
up from 28.8% in FY20 Average daily transactions

Issuer Solutions
48.2% 6,677 148 million IT engineers
Market share6 Corporate clients Investor folios being
ESG Score10 – 66.6
International & Other Investor Solutions
66 1 of 3 526 AIF funds8 BitSight Security Score
Clients7 including Operational CRAs (NPS) (37.5% m. share)
7 new clients yet to go live With 1.3 mn subscribers and 2,695
corporate clients

Note: Metrics as of September 30, 2024, unless stated otherwise; mm represent million; tn represent trillion; (1) based on number of AMC serviced; (2) 2 out of 26 are yet to start operations and 5 out of 48 are yet to start operations; (3) AAUM represents last quarter
average; (4) includes 2 AMCs which are yet to start operations; (5) includes 5 AMCs which are yet to start operations; (6) based on market capitalization of NSE 500 companies; (7) 29 clients in Malaysia, 2 clients in Philippines, 1 client in Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand,
Middle East and Canada each and 23 clients in Gift city. Additionally, 2 clients in Malaysia, 2 clients in Singapore and 3 clients in Gift city yet to go live; (8) Includes stamp duty and ISIN clients; market share based on total AIFs registered with SEBI; (9) in last 5 years ended
September 30, 2024; (10) Assessed by ESG Risk Assessments and Insights for the fiscal period ended March 31, 2023

5 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

1. Company Overview
2. Key Highlights
3. Industry Highlights
4. Business Highlights
5. Financial Highlights
6. Team & Shareholding
Key Highlights
Strong quarterly performance continues, driven by growth in new client wins, revenue and profitability
Q2FY25: Revenue growth at 34% y-o-y; EBITDA growth at 35% y-o-y and margins at 45.1%; PAT growth at 46% y-o-y and margins at 31.8%
H1FY25: Revenue growth at 33% y-o-y; EBITDA growth at 38% y-o-y and margins at 43.7%; PAT growth at 50% y-o-y and margins at 30.4%
International and other investor solutions revenue grew by 44% y-o-y; Value added services (VAS) revenue grew by 46% y-o-y

Domestic Mutual Fund investor solutions Issuer solutions

▪ Overall AAUM1 continues to grow faster; KFintech’s AAUM growth at 44.6% y-o-y vs. ▪ Added 358 corporate clients during Q2FY25 taking total clients’ base to 6,677
41.0% growth for industry ▪ Market share4 in NSE 500 companies at 48.2%
▪ Overall AAUM market share at 32.4%; Equity AAUM market share at 33.4% ▪ New RTA mandates won during the quarter include NTPC Green Energy, Hexaware
▪ Won an RTA mandate2 from a new AMC: Capitalmind Financial Services Technologies, Schloss Bangalore (Leela Hotels), Dr Agarwal Health Care and Acme Solar
▪ Won a contract for development of digital assets from one of the large AMCs ▪ Transition of SBI and NHPC completed in Q2FY25
▪ 6 out of top 10 AMCs with fastest % growth in AAUM8 ▪ Main Board IPOs managed by KFintech: 34.4% market share in terms of issue size and
19.2% market share in terms of number of IPOs

International investor solutions AIF & Wealth investor solutions National Pension Scheme
▪ Number of clients5 increased to 66 ▪ No of funds6: 526, market share6 - 37.5% ▪ KFintech’s subscriber base grew by 31.6% y-o-y vs 13.3%
▪ Received RBI’s in-principle approval2 to set up a wholly ▪ AAUM7: ₹ 1.3 trillion, grew 55.1% y-o-y y-o-y growth for the industry during Q2FY25
owned subsidiary in Thailand ▪ Won 37 new AIF funds including from ASK Investment, ▪ Added 1,10,403 subscribers during Q2FY25; Overall
▪ Won the largest fund administration platform deal from Alpha Alternatives, National Investment & Infrastructure subscribers’ base: 1.4 million7
one of the largest non-bank backed AMC in Malaysia ▪ Market share in overall subscribers’ base at 8.9% during
Fund, Kedaara Capital, UTI AMC and NEO AMC
▪ Won a full-service fund administration deal2 from a new
AMC in Malaysia ▪ Launched mPowerWealth, a fully integrated multi-asset Q2FY25, vs. 7.7% during Q2FY24
▪ Won an LOI2 for full-service TA contract from a large trust portfolio optimisation and risk management platform for ▪ Added 214 corporate clients during Q2FY25; Overall
company in Philippines global wealth managers corporate clients’ base: 2,6957
▪ Won four new clients in Gift City (India) ▪ Launched KFinsights, a platform for REITS
(1) Last quarter average; (2) During Oct’24; yet to go live; (3) Ranking as per last quarterly AAUM of AMCs with at least ₹10,000cr AAUM; (4)based on market capitalization as on September 30, 2024; (5) metric as on September 30, 2024; 29 clients in Malaysia, 2 clients in
Philippines, 1 client in Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Middle East and Canada each and 23 clients in Gift city. Additionally, 2 clients in Malaysia, 2 clients in Singapore and 3 clients in Gift city yet to go live; (6) Includes stamp duty and ISIN clients; market share based on
total AIFs registered with SEBI; (7) End of period; (8) Ranking as per last quarterly AAUM of AMCs with at least ₹10,000cr AAUM
7 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25
1. Company Overview
2. Key Highlights
3. Industry Highlights
4. Business Highlights
5. Financial Highlights
6. Team & Shareholding
India Performance
Overall AAUM1 Equity AAUM 1 Monthly SIP inflows Folios Total Equity SIPs
(₹ trillion) (₹ trillion) +58.9% y-o-y (₹ billion) (in million)
+41.0% y-o-y
+12.3% q-o-q +14.8% q-o-q
245.1 211
Mutual Fund2

38.4 148
54.1 30.1 112
103.5 76
38.4 40.5
32.1 18.4 20.3 45














FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY25 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY25

No of AIFs registered No of demat accounts 3 +35.3% y-o-y No of pension subscribers4 +13.3% y-o-y
Other Asset Classes

+20.1% y-o-y
(cumulative) with SEBI3 (in million) +10.7% q-o-q (in million) +2.7% q-o-q
+3.7% q-o-q

1,402 175 15.4

1,302 14.7
151 13.1
1,100 11.6
885 114 10.1
738 90

FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY25 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY25 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY25

KFintech, with its multi-asset servicing platform, is well positioned to benefit from strong growth across large markets in India
(1) Last quarter average; (2) Source: AMFI; (3) Source: SEBI; (4) Source: NPS Trust

9 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

1. Company Overview
2. Key Highlights
3. Industry Highlights
4. Business Highlights
5. Financial Highlights
6. Team & Shareholding
Domestic Mutual Fund investor solutions: Focus on mid-size, equity-oriented AMCs,
providing significant sustainable advantage
Overall AAUM 1 & market share2 AAUM1 Growth AAUM1 Market Share2
(₹ trillion)
30% 31% 32% 32.4% KFintech Industry Q2FY24 Q1FY25 Q2FY25
25. 0

27% 35%


20. 0

15. 0

44.6% (y-o-y) 41.0% (y-o-y)
21.4 15%
31.5% 32.3% 32.4%
10. 0


9.1 12.0 12.8 10%

12.4% (q-o-q) 12.3% (q-o-q)
0.0 0%

FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY25

Equity AAUM 1 & market share2
(₹ trillion)
14. 0
33% 35% 35% 33.8% 33.4% 40% 56.2% (y-o-y) 58.9% (y-o-y)
12. 0

34.0% 33.4% 33.4%

14.8% (q-o-q) 14.8% (q-o-q)

10. 0





10.0 15%

6.4 7.0 Equity Mix in Overall AAUM1



4.5 5%

0.0 0%

FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY25 55.4% 58.6% 59.9%

SIPs Net flows Transaction Volume • 6 out of top 10 AMCs with fastest %
growth in AAUM6
Q2FY25 inflows: ₹ 278 billion Continues to be positive in Q2FY25 Q2FY25: 125.2 million
• Won an RTA mandate5 from a new AMC:
47.9% (y-o-y) / 13.7% (q-o-q) KFin garnered 32.3% of industry net flows 53.3% (y-o-y) / 14.4% (q-o-q)
Capitalmind Financial Services
39.2% market share in Sep’24
NFO Market Share MFCentral CAS4 API • Won a contract for development of digital
Live folios: 42.5 million3 15.0 million hits in Q2FY25 (27.2% q-o-q) assets from one of the largest AMCs
38.1% (y-o-y) vs. 38.5% (Industry) No of NFOs – 45.0% 167 clients onboarded as on
8.8% (q-o-q) vs. 9.9% (Industry) Fund mobilization – 32.4% September’24; 26 clients onboarded in
(1) Last quarter average; (2) For the period; (3) As on Sep 30, 2024; (4) Consolidated account statement; (5) During Oct’24; (6) Ranking as per last quarterly AAUM of AMCs with at least ₹10,000cr AAUM
11 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25
Issuer solutions - Maintaining the leadership position
No of corporate clients1 No of investor folios1 ▪ 358 clients added during Q2
+17.3% y-o-y (in million) +30.1% y-o-y
+5.7% q-o-q +8.4% q-o-q ▪ 11.5 million folios added during Q2
▪ New RTA mandates during the quarter include NTPC Green
Energy, Hexaware Technologies, Schloss Bangalore (Leela
Hotels), Dr Agarwal Health Care and Acme Solar
▪ Transition of SBI and NHPC completed in Q2FY25
6,677 103
6,071 ▪ Main Board IPOs managed by KFintech: 34.4% market share in
4,413 4,770
75 terms of issue size and 19.2% market share in terms of number
of IPOs in Q2

FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY25 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY25

KFintech’s market share in NSE 500 companies

By September 30, 2023 June 30, 2024 September 30, 2024

No of clients2 38.0% 36.5% 37.4%

No of folios2 42.4% 40.4% 43.1%

Market capitalization2 47.3% 46.4% 48.2%

(1) End of period; (2) Based on the movement of clients in the NSE500 category

12 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

International investor solutions: Expanding global footprints

Growing global footprint No of clients1 Solutions No of Contracts

RTA 51
Fund 34
Canada (1)

H1FY24 H1FY25
Middle East
(1) Gift City
(26) IndiaThailand Hong Kong
X new clients added Number of clients
• • Malaysia Philippines Overall AAUM3 Transaction volume3
during the quarter added during(31) the (2) (₹ billion) (in million)
quarter (3) +27.5% y-o-y +61.7% y-o-y
• AUM serviced during +11.0% q-o-q +22.4% q-o-q
H1FY23 stood at ₹524
• Clients by location:
Domestic – 1.22
• Clients by location: International - 1.00
Hongkong - x, 718 0.76
▪ Number of clients1 increased to 66 647
Singapore - x, 563
▪ Received RBI’s in-principle approval2 to set up a wholly owned subsidiary in Thailand
Malaysia – x,
▪ Won the largest fund administration
Philippines – x, platform deal from one of the largest non-bank
backed AMCVietnam
in Malaysia.
▪ Also won a fund administration managed services contract2 from a new AMC in Malaysia Q2FY24 Q1FY25 Q2FY25 Q2FY24 Q1FY25 Q2FY25
▪ Won an LOI2 for full-service TA contract from a large trust company in Philippines
▪ Onboarded four new clients in GIFT city (India)
(1) Metric as on September 30, 2024; 29 clients in Malaysia, 2 clients in Philippines, 1 client in Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Middle East and Canada each and 23 clients in Gift city. Additionally, 2 clients in Malaysia, 2 clients in Singapore and 3 clients in Gift
city yet to go live; (2) During Oct-24; (3) represents end of period AAUM and transactions of clients in the Southeast Asia excluding the fund administration platform sale deals

13 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

Other investor solutions: Younger & faster growing businesses
No of Funds serviced by +21.2% y-o-y AAUM1 +55.1% y-o-y
Alternates & Wealth

KFintech1 +7.6% q-o-q (₹ billion) +12.5% q-o-q ▪ Total no of funds1 at 526, market share2 at 37.5%

526 1,310 ▪ Won 37 new AIF funds including from ASK Investment, Alpha
472 Alternatives, National Investment & Infrastructure Fund, Kedaara
411 987
Capital, UTI AMC and NEO AMC
240 505
615 ▪ Launched mPowerWealth, a fully integrated multi-asset portfolio
358 optimisation and risk management platform for global wealth
FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY25 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY25

+31.6% y-o-y
No of Subscribers1 & market share4
No of Clients1 +8.7% q-o-q
India Overseas (in million)
Fund Administration Platform

1.6 0 10. 0%

National Pension Scheme

7.3% Market share
9.0 %

1.4 0

6.5% 1.37
8.0 %

on new
1.2 0

10 12 1.22
7.0 %

9 9 9 1.0 0

6.0 %

0.8 0

3.6% 0.96 5.0 %

0.6 0

4.0 %

addition in
23 24 24 Q2FY25 at
3.0 %

21 22 0.4 0

2.0 %

0.2 0

0.36 1.0 %

0.0 0 0.0 %

Q2FY24 Q3FY24 Q4FY24 Q1FY25 Q2FY25 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY25

▪ Won the largest fund administration platform deal from one of the ▪ KFintech’s subscriber base grew by 31.6% Y-o-Y vs 13.3% Y-o-Y
largest non-bank backed AMC in Malaysia growth for the industry

▪ 8 AMCs and 6 of 10 pension fund managers in India using mPower ▪ Added 1,10,403 subscribers during Q2
platform including 5 AMCs where KFin is not the RTA ▪ Added 214 corporate clients during Q2; Overall corporate clients’
base: 2,695
(1) End of period; Includes stamp duty and ISIN clients; (2) Based on total AIF registered with SEBI; (3) During July’24; (4) On overall subscribers’ base

14 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

1. Company Overview
2. Key Highlights
3. Industry Highlights
4. Business Highlights
5. Financial Highlights
6. Team & Shareholding
Financial Performance
Particulars Q2FY25 % Change H1FY25 % Change
34.2% y-o-y
Revenue from Operations 2,804.7 5,180.4 32.7% y-o-y
18.1% q-o-q
35.1% y-o-y
EBITDA 1,265.4 2,262.0 37.8% y-o-y
27.0% q-o-q
29 bps y-o-y
EBITDA Margin (%) 45.1% 43.7% 164 bps y-o-y
316 bps q-o-q
45.5% y-o-y
PAT 893.2 1,573.9 50.3% y-o-y
31.2% q-o-q
247 bps y-o-y
PAT Margin (%) 31.8% 30.4% 356 bps y-o-y
319 bps q-o-q

Cash & Cash Equivalents* 4,239.1

44.3% y-o-y
Diluted EPS** 5.16 9.11 49.2% y-o-y
31.1% q-o-q

All figures are in ₹ million

*As on end of period, **EPS for the quarter is not annualised

16 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

Quarterly Financial Trend

Revenue from Operations EBITDA & Margin PAT & Margin

34.2% Y-o-Y 35.1% Y-o-Y 45.5% Y-o-Y

44.8% 44.8% 45.8% 45.1% 32.6% 31.8%

2,805 42.0% 29.4% 30.6%
2,283 2,376 893
2,090 2,187
668 681
979 1,046 997

Q2FY24 Q3FY24 Q4FY24 Q1FY25 Q2FY25 Q2FY24 Q3FY24 Q4FY24 Q1FY25 Q2FY25 Q2FY24 Q3FY24 Q4FY24 Q1FY25 Q2FY25

All figures are in ₹ million

17 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

Yearly Financial Trend

Revenue from Operations EBITDA & Margin PAT & Margin

32.7% Y-o-Y 37.8% Y-o-Y 50.3% Y-o-Y

8,375 45.0% 43.8%

41.4% 42.0% 43.7% 29.4% 30.4%
7,200 27.2% 26.8%
3,666 2,460
2,879 2,980 1,957
2,262 1,485 1,574
1,641 1,048

FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY24 H1FY25 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY24 H1FY25 FY22 FY23 FY24 H1FY24 H1FY25

All figures are in ₹ million

18 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

Consolidated Financial Summary
Particulars Q2FY25 Q1FY25 Q-o-Q Q2FY24 Y-o-Y H1FY25 H1FY24 Y-o-Y FY24
Domestic Mutual Fund Investor Solutions 1,963.3 1,717.8 14.3% 1,408.6 39.4% 3,681.1 2,688.9 36.9% 5,769.5
Issuer Solutions 367.4 243.1 51.1% 291.2 26.2% 610.6 491.1 24.3% 1,104.9
International & Other Investor Solutions 321.5 271.9 18.3% 223.3 44.0% 593.4 396.9 49.5% 883.5
Global Business Services 79.7 92.4 -13.7% 89.2 -10.6% 172.2 185.9 -7.4% 348.3
Net Sale of Services 2,732.0 2,325.3 17.5% 2,012.2 35.8% 5,057.3 3,762.7 34.4% 8,106.2
Other Operating Revenue 72.7 50.3 44.3% 77.4 -6.1% 123.0 141.9 -13.3% 269.2
Revenue from operations* 2,804.7 2,375.6 18.1% 2,089.7 34.2% 5,180.4 3,904.8 32.7% 8,375.3
Employee benefits expense** 1,017.5 958.4 6.2% 759.8 33.9% 1,975.9 1,515.5 30.4% 1,975.9
Other expenses 521.9 420.6 24.1% 393.3 32.7% 942.5 748.3 25.9% 942.5
Operating expenses 1,539.4 1,379.0 11.6% 1,153.1 33.5% 2,918.4 2,263.8 28.9% 2,918.4

EBITDA 1,265.4 996.6 27.0% 936.7 35.1% 2,262.0 1,640.9 37.8% 2,262.0
Margin 45.1% 42.0% 44.8% 43.7% 42.0% 43.7%

Profit before tax (post share of associate) 1,194.7 918.1 30.1% 837.1 42.7% 2,112.7 1,435.7 47.2% 2,112.7
Margin 42.6% 38.6% 40.1% 40.8% 36.8% 25.2%

Tax expense 301.5 237.3 27.0% 223.3 35.0% 538.8 388.1 38.8% 538.8
Net Profit after tax 893.2 680.7 31.2% 613.8 45.5% 1,573.9 1,047.5 50.3% 1,573.9
Margin 31.8% 28.7% 29.4% 30.4% 26.8% 18.8%

Diluted Earnings Per Share (EPS in ₹) 5.16 3.94 31.1% 3.58 44.3% 9.11 6.11 49.2% 9.11
All figures in ₹ million
*Value-added-service (VAS) revenue (as % of overall revenue): Q2FY25 –7.9%; Q1FY25 – 5.8%; Q2FY24 – 7.3%; H1FY25 – 6.9%; H1FY24 – 6.1%; FY24 – 6.0%
**ESOP expenses: Q2FY25 –35.9; Q1FY25 – 31.1; Q2FY24 – 7.9; H1FY25 – 67.0; H1FY24 – 16.0; FY24 – 26.2

19 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

1. Company Overview
2. Key Highlights
3. Industry Highlights
4. Business Highlights
5. Financial Highlights
6. Team & Shareholding
Leadership Team

Venkata Satya Naga  22+ years of experience

Sreekanth Nadella Vivek Narayan  28+ years of experience
 Previously served as Managing Director at
Managing Director Mathur  Previously worked at Bharti BT Internet, American
Accenture Services and Transformation manager at
and Chief Executive IBM Global Services
Chief Financial Officer Express, Bajaj Capital, Cigna TTK Health Insurance

Praveen Shankaran
 25+ years of experience in human resources Chief Operating
Sujay Puthran  18+ years of experience
 Previously worked at Atos, Syntel Inc, Eserve International Officer – Domestic
Chief People Officer  Previously worked at IndusInd Bank and Shinhan Bank
(Citigroup), Aditya Birla TransWorks Mutual Fund

Gopala Krishnan  20+ years of experience in in leading sales, business

 27+ years of experience in financial services
Senthil Gunasekaran development, marketing, and CRM
Chief Business
Chief Business Officer  Previously worked at GIC AMC  Previously worked at HDFC AMC, Religare Invesco AMC,
Development Officer
- Issuer Solutions Sundaram BNP Paribas AMC

 10+ years of experience in system integration, sales & Venkata Giri  33+ years of experience in software development,
Quah Meng Kee business development, relationship management, implementation and railway finance and accounts
Regional Head – business operations and liaising in Malaysia Chief Technology  Previously worked at Michelin India, GE India Industrial,
Southeast Asia
 Previously worked at AIA Pension and Asset Management Officer LinkedIn Technology Information

21 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

Board of Directors
Vishwanathan Mavila Nair  Ex-CMD of Union Bank of India & Ex-Chairman IBA; Director of TransUnion CIBIL
(Chairman and Non-  Ex-non-executive chairman of SWIFT India Domestic Services
Executive Director)  48 years of experience in financial services and advising fintech start ups

 Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director with Kotak

Prashant Saran  Ex-SEBI Whole time member; Ex-chief general manager in Jaideep Hansraj
(Independent Director) charge of Reserve Bank of India (Non-Executive
Chair: SRC & RMC
2  Over 28 years of experience in retail operations in the
 34 years experience in regulatory and other functions Nominee Director)
banking and securities sectors

 39 years of experience in private banking, alternative  Over 15 years of experience in information and
Chengalath Jayaram investments, including private equity funds and real Srinivas Peddada technology
(Independent estate funds (Non-Executive  Principal at General Atlantic
Director)  Ex-joint MD at Kotak Mahindra Bank Nominee Director)  ex-Chief Technology Officer at Dun & Bradstreet and ex-
3 5
Chair: NRC  Prior to joining the Kotak Group, he was with Overseas Chair: ITSC CIO at Dun & Bradstreet South Asia Middle east Ltd., Ex-
Sanmar Financial Limited Chief information officer with Bharat Financial Inclusion

 Over 30 years of experience in India and Asia Pacific

 Ex-general manager (operation and technology group
Kaushik Mazumdar Alok Chandra Misra  Chief Operating Officer and Operating Partner at General
head) at Samba Financial Group
(Independent Director) (Non-Executive, Atlantic
 30 years of experience in banking, finance, operations
Chair: Audit Committee Nominee Director)  Ex-Group CFO at WNS Group, Ex-Group CFO at Mphasis
and technology, mergers and acquisitions, investment
BFL Group. Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered
advisory and transformation projects
Accountants of India

 30 years of experience in digital transformation and IT Shantanu Rastogi  Managing Director in General Atlantic Pvt. Ltd.
Radha Rajappa
products & services (Non-Executive  Over 17 years of experience in financial services,
(Independent Director) technology, healthcare and consumer sectors in India and
4 Nominee Director)
Chair: CSR Committee  Served in various leadership roles at Microsoft India, 6
Asia-Pacific region
Mindtree and IBM Chair: BD&SC
(1) Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee; (2) Risk Management Committee; (3) Nomination & Remuneration Committee; (4) Corporate Social Responsibility; (5) IT Strategy Committee; (6) Business Development & Strategy Committee

22 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

Shareholding Pattern: as on 30th September 2024
Stock information
BSE Ticker 543720

Others NSE Symbol KFINTECH

21.7% Face Value (₹) 10.00
No. of shares outstanding 17,14,07,198
Free Float 9,11,17,915
Depositories, Clearing Houses and Other
FPIs Intermediaries
(General Atlantic) Top Institutional Holders
33.0% Aberdeen Axis MF
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Bandhan MF
Ashoka India Baroda BNP Paribas MF
BlackRock DSP MF
Banks, Insurance Employees Provident Fund Board Malaysia HSBC MF
Cos & Other DIIs ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
MFs Florida Retirement System
8.0% Goldman Sachs IIFL AIF
Government of Singapore Investment
Kotak Mahindra Bank
Market Cap: ₹17,609 cr Corporation
(as on 30th Sep’ 2024) Pari Washington Nippon India MF
Sixteenth Street Capital Pari Washington AIF
Vanguard Union MF
William Blair UTI MF

23 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

Our Journey So Far
◼ Launch of Issuer ◼ Launch of Alternative and ◼ Launch of Pension ◼ General Atlantic ◼ New CEO appointed ◼ Acquired
Solutions Business Wealth Management Services Business buyout Hexagram (fund
◼ Acquired Sundaram BNP Paribas
Business accounting)
Fund Services RTA1 business
◼ Listed on NSE &

1995 2019 2021 2023

1985 2010 2018 2020 2022

◼ Investment in
◼ Launch of Investor solutions ◼ International investor ◼ New chairman of the ◼ Kotak Mahindra Bank OneMoney
(Domestic Mutual Fund solutions business in board appointed acquired 9.9% stake (AA)1
Solutions Business) South-East Asia ◼ Acquired

Our Investor Solutions Issuer Solutions Global Business Services

✓ Domestic Mutual Fund ✓ Alternatives and Wealth management
✓ International solutions ✓ Pension

Note: Years represent calendar year ending 31st Dec; (1) Divested entire stake of 20.95% in July’24

25 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

Our Growth Strategies

Maintain market leadership by further deepening

Attract and retain talent
relationship with existing clients

6 1

Expand client base and market share

5 2
Pursue strategic acquisitions through enhanced sales and marketing

4 3

Focused, selective international expansion Investing in technology solutions and product


26 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

Thank You!

27 KFin Technologies Limited, Investor Presentation Q2 FY25

Fact Sheet
Q2FY25 & H1FY25


₹ 2,804.7 million ₹ 5.16

₹ 1,265.4 million ₹ 893.2 million
Revenue EPS
+34.2% Y-o-Y +44.3% Y-o-Y
Margin at 45.1% Margin at 31.8%
+18.1% Q-o-Q +31.1% Q-o-Q


₹ 5,180.4 million ₹ 2,262.0 million ₹ 1,573.9 million ₹ 9.11

+32.7% Y-o-Y Margin at 43.7% Margin at 30.4% +49.2% Y-o-Y

Domestic Mutual Fund Investor Solutions

Q2FY25 Q1FY25 Q2FY24 H1FY25 H1FY24
No of Operating Clients 24.0 24.0 23.0 24.0 23.0
AAUM Serviced (₹ billion)
21,442.9 19,072.5 14,824.8 21,442.9 14,824.8
(last quarter of the period)
AAUM Market share
32.4% 32.3% 31.5% 32.4% 31.5%
(last quarter of the period)
AAUM Serviced (₹ billion)
21,442.9 19,072.5 14,824.8 20,257.7 14,159.3
(avg for the period)
AAUM Market share
32.4% 32.3% 31.5% 32.4% 31.4%
(avg for the period)
Equity AAUM Serviced (₹ billion)
12,834.3 11,175.4 8,215.5 12,834.3 8,215.5
(last quarter of the period)
Equity AAUM Market share
33.4% 33.4% 34.0% 33.4% 34.0%
(last quarter of the period)
Equity AAUM Serviced (₹ billion)
12,834.3 11,175.4 8,215.5 12,004.9 7,797.1
(avg for the period)
Equity AAUM Market share
33.4% 33.4% 34.0% 33.4% 34.2%
(avg for the period)
Equity AAUM Mix
59.9% 58.6% 55.4% 59.9% 55.4%
(last quarter of the period)
SIP inflows (billion)
278.1 244.6 188.0 522.6 362.1
(for the period)
SIP book AAUM (₹ billion)
4,299.2 3,733.2 2,676.0 4,299.2 2,676.0
(last quarter of the period)

Domestic Mutual Fund Investor Solutions
Q2FY25 Q1FY25 Q2FY24 H1FY25 H1FY24
SIP book AAUM market share
32.0% 31.8% 31.5% 32.0% 31.5%
(last quarter of the period)
SIP live folios (million)
42.5 39.1 30.8 42.5 30.8
(end of the period)
No of Transactions (million)
125.2 109.4 81.6 234.6 156.1
(for the period)
Avg live folio count (million)
92.9 84.7 71.4 92.9 71.4
(at the end of the period)

Issuer Solutions
Q2FY25 Q1FY25 Q2FY24 H1FY25 H1FY24
No of Clients 6,677.0 6,319.0 5,693.0 6,677.0 5,693.0
No of folios (million)
148.1 136.7 113.9 148.1 113.9
(end of the period)
No of Tranactions (million)
0.8 0.7 0.9 1.5 1.6
(for the period)
No of IPOs Handled (Main board)
5.0 5.0 10.0 10.0 14.0
(for the period)
Main Board IPOs – market share
19.2% 33.3% 40.0% 24.4% 43.8%
(basis no of clients)
Main Board IPOs – market share
34.4% 26.3% 45.1% 30.2% 58.1%
(basis the issue size)
NSE 500 companies – market share
48.2% 46.4% 47.3% 48.2% 47.3%
(basis the market capitalisation)

International and Other Investor Solutions: International Investor Solutions

Q2FY25 Q1FY25 Q2FY24 H1FY25 H1FY24
No of clients 66.0 60.0 50.0 66.0 50.0
AAUM Serviced (₹ billion)
717.7 646.7 562.7 717.7 562.7
(at the end of the period)
Transctions handled (million)
1.2 1.0 0.8 2.2 1.7
(for the period)

International and Other Investor Solutions: AIF and Wealth Management

Q2FY25 Q1FY25 Q2FY24 H1FY25 H1FY24
No of funds being handled
526.0 489.0 434.0 526.0 434.0
Market share – based on no of funds
37.5% 36.2% 37.2% 37.5% 37.2%
(end of period)
AAUM (₹ billion)
1,309.5 1,164.5 844.2 1,309.5 844.2
(end of period)

International and Other Investor Solutions: Pension Services
Q2FY25 Q1FY25 Q2FY24 H1FY25 H1FY24
No of Subscribers 13,74,047 12,63,644 10,43,874 13,74,047 10,43,874
Market share - on subscribers' base
8.9% 8.4% 7.7% 8.9% 7.7%
(end of period)
Number of Corporates clients
2,695.0 2,481.0 2,177.0 2,695.0 2,177.0
(end of period)
AAUM (₹ billion)
481.0 440.6 346.4 481.0 346.4
(end of period)
No of POPs associated 94.0 94.0 93.0 94.0 93.0

Consolidated Income Statement (₹ million)
Q2FY25 Q1FY25 Q2FY24 H1FY25 H1FY24
Domestic Mutual Fund Investor
1,963.3 1,717.8 1,408.6 3,681.1 2,688.9
Issuer Solutions 367.4 243.1 291.2 610.6 491.1
International & Other Investor
321.5 271.9 223.3 593.4 396.9
Global Business Services 79.7 92.4 89.2 172.2 185.9
Net Sale of Services 2,732.0 2,325.3 2,012.2 5,057.3 3,762.7
Other Operating Revenue 72.7 50.3 77.4 123.0 141.9
Revenue from operations 2,804.7 2,375.6 2,089.7 5,180.4 3,904.8

Employee benefits expense 1,017.5 958.4 759.8 1,975.9 1,515.5

Other expenses 521.9 420.6 393.3 942.5 748.3
Operating expenses 1,539.4 1,379.0 1,153.1 2,918.4 2,263.8

EBITDA 1,265.4 996.6 936.7 2,262.0 1,640.9

Margin 45.1% 42.0% 44.8% 43.7% 42.0%

Profit before tax 1,194.7 918.1 841.9 2,112.7 1,445.6

Margin 42.6% 38.6% 40.3% 40.8% 37.0%

Share of profit of associate - - -4.8 - -9.9

Tax expense 301.5 237.3 223.3 538.8 388.1
Net Profit after tax 893.2 680.7 613.8 1,573.9 1,047.5
Margin 31.8% 28.7% 29.4% 30.4% 26.8%

Diluted EPS (in INR) 5.16 3.94 3.58 9.11 6.11

7.9% 5.8% 7.3% 6.9% 6.1%
(as % of overall revenue)
ESOP Expenses 35.9 31.1 7.9 67.0 16.0
Non-domestic mutual fund revenue
30.0% 27.7% 32.6% 28.9% 31.1%
(as % of overall revenue)

For more information please contact:

Amit Murarka
Email: InvestorRelations@kfintech.com

Salarpuria Knowledge City, Orwell
B S R and Co B Wing, 6th Floor, Unit-3, Sy No. 83/1
Plot No. 02, Raidurg
Chartered Accountants Hyderabad – 500 081, India
Telephone + 91 407 182 2000
Fax + 91 407 182 2399

Limited Review Report on unaudited consolidated financial results of KFin

Technologies Limited for the quarter ended 30 September 2024 and year to date
results for the period from 01 April 2024 to 30 September 2024 pursuant to Regulation
33 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended

To the Board of Directors of KFin Technologies Limited

1. We have reviewed the accompanying Statement of unaudited consolidated financial results of KFin
Technologies Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Parent”), and its subsidiaries (the Parent and its
subsidiaries together referred to as “the Group”) and its share of the net profit after tax and total
comprehensive income of its associate for the quarter ended 30 September 2024 and year to date
results for the period from 01 April 2024 to 30 September 2024 (“the Statement”), being submitted by
the Parent pursuant to the requirements of Regulation 33 of the Securities and Exchange Board of
India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended ("Listing
2. This Statement, which is the responsibility of the Parent’s management and approved by the Parent’s
Board of Directors, has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement
principles laid down in Indian Accounting Standard 34 “Interim Financial Reporting” (“Ind AS 34”),
prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, and other accounting principles generally
accepted in India and in compliance with Regulation 33 of the Listing Regulations. Our responsibility
is to express a conclusion on the Statement based on our review.
3. We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements
(SRE) 2410 “Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the
Entity”, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. A review of interim financial
information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting
matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope
than an audit conducted in accordance with Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable
us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified
in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
We also performed procedures in accordance with the circular issued by the Securities and Exchange
Board of India under Regulation 33(8) of the Listing Regulations, to the extent applicable.
4. The Statement includes the results of the following entities:

S No Name of the component Country Relationship

1 KFin Technologies (Bahrain) W.L.L. Bahrain Subsidiary

2 KFin Technologies (Malaysia) SDN. BHD. Malaysia Subsidiary

3 KFin Services Private Limited India Subsidiary

4 Hexagram Fintech Private Limited India Subsidiary

5 Hexagram Fintech SDN. BHD. Malaysia Subsidiary

Principal Office:

14th Floor, Central B Wing and North C Wing, Nesco IT Park 4, Nesco Center,
Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400063
Page 1 of 3
B S R and Co

Limited Review Report (Continued)

KFin Technologies Limited

6 KFin Global Technologies (IFSC) Limited India Subsidiary

7 WebileApps (India) Private Limited India Subsidiary

8 WebileApps Technology Services Private Limited India Subsidiary

9 Fintech Products and Solutions (India) Private Limited India Associate

(disposed off w.e.f. 03 July 2024)

5. Based on our review conducted and procedures performed as stated in paragraph 3 above and based
on the consideration of the review reports of the other auditors referred to in paragraph 7 below,
nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying Statement,
prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in the aforesaid
Indian Accounting Standard and other accounting principles generally accepted in India, has not
disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the Listing Regulations,
including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement.
6. We draw attention to Note 3 of the statement of unaudited consolidated financial results for the quarter
and for the period from 01 April 2024 to 30 September 2024, where the pre-amalgamated Company
was the Registrar and Transfer Agent (“RTA”) of a past client (“the Client”) until 5 April 2021. The
Client had a demat account with one of the Depository Participants (“DP”) for depositing its shares in
escrow for the purposes of its initial public offering (“IPO”). The Parent Company identified that
1,294,489 shares were transferred by the DP (in 2011 and 2020) from the said escrow account of the
Client to the DP’s own demat account and to a Third Party’s demat account through an off-market
transaction without any authorisation from the Client. The Board of Directors of the Parent Company
after considering legal advice transferred 1,294,489 shares to the escrow account of the Client on a
‘good faith and no fault’ basis, after reducing the amount payable upon redemption, in future, of the
Redeemable Preference Shares issued in October 2021, by INR 300 million, pursuant to an indemnity
clause contained in the agreement for the issuance of such Redeemable Preference Shares. The
dividend received on such shares by the Parent Company in the financial year 2021-22 of INR 4.08
million was also transferred back to the Client.

The Parent Company has recognised an amount of INR 81.34 million as a provision as of 30
September 2024 in the statement of unaudited consolidated financial results related to potential
claims by the Client (including dividends on such shares for the earlier periods). Pending the final
settlement of terms to be agreed with the Client, the Parent Company has measured the said provision
at its best estimate. The Parent Company will initiate proceedings against the concerned parties,
including certain minority shareholders, for recovery of the amount paid and payable by the Parent
Company to the Client in connection with this matter upon completion of final settlement with the

Our conclusion is not modified in respect of this matter.

Page 2 of 3
B S R and Co

Limited Review Report (Continued)

KFin Technologies Limited
7. We did not review the financial information of 6 subsidiaries included in the Statement, whose financial
information reflects total assets (before consolidation adjustments) of INR 531.09 million as at 30
September 2024 and total revenues (before consolidation adjustments) of INR 185.93 million and
INR 348.77 million, total net profit after tax (before consolidation adjustments) of INR 23.23 million
and INR 29.94 million and total comprehensive income (before consolidation adjustments) of INR
27.66 million and INR 34.58 million, for the quarter ended 30 September 2024 and for the period from
01 April 2024 to 30 September 2024 respectively, and cash flows (net) (before consolidation
adjustments) of INR 11.64 million for the period from 01 April 2024 to 30 September 2024. as
considered in the Statement. This interim financial information has been reviewed by other auditors
whose reports have been furnished to us by the Parent’s management and our conclusion on the
Statement, in so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures included in respect of these
subsidiaries, is based solely on the reports of the other auditors and the procedures performed by us
as stated in paragraph 3 above.
Certain of these subsidiaries are located outside India whose interim financial information has been
prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in their respective countries
and which has been reviewed by other auditors under generally accepted auditing standards
applicable in their respective countries. The Parent’s management has converted the interim financial
information of such subsidiaries located outside India from accounting principles generally accepted
in their respective countries to accounting principles generally accepted in India. We have reviewed
these conversion adjustments made by the Parent’s management. Our conclusion in so far as it
relates to the balances and affairs of such subsidiaries located outside India is based on the reports
of other auditors and the conversion adjustments prepared by the management of the Parent and
reviewed by us.
Our conclusion is not modified in respect of this matter.

For B S R and Co
Chartered Accountants
Firm’s Registration No.:128510W
AMIT Digitally signed by
KUMAR Date: 2024.10.28
16:22:02 +05'30'
Amit Kumar Bajaj
Hyderabad Membership No.: 218685
28 October 2024 UDIN:24218685BKGPPY5472

Page 3 of 3
KFin Technologies Limited
CIN: L72400TG2017PLC117649
Registered office address: Selenium, Tower B, Plot No- 31 & 32, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally, Hyderabad, Rangareddi, Telangana - 500032
Statement of unaudited consolidated financial results for the quarter and half-year ended September 30, 2024
(~. in millions)
SI. Quarter ended Half-year ended For the year ended
No. September 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 September 30, 2023 September 30, 2024 September 30, 2023 March 31, 2024
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)

1 Revenue from operations 2,804.74 2,375.62 2,089.72 5,180.36 3,904.75 8,375.33
2 Other income 105.45 80.86 63 .00 186.31 116.16 246.51
Total income 2,910.19 2,456.48 2,152.72 5,366.67 4,020.91 8,621.84

3 Expenses
Employee benefits expense 1,017.51 958.36 759.76 1,975.87 1,515.47 3,196.64
Finance costs 10.80 11.65 32.04 22.45 61.53 84.35
Depreciation, impairment and amortisation expense 165.33 147.78 125.70 313.11 250.02 530.20
Other expenses 521.87 420.63 393.30 942.50 748.34 1,512.75
Total expenses 1,715.51 1,538.42 1,310.80 3,253.93 2,575.36 5,323.94

4 Profit before share of loss of associate and tax (1 +2-3) 1,194.68 918.06 841.92 2,112.74 1,445.55 3,297.90
5 Share of loss of associate (net of tax) - - (4.80) - (9.90) (24.08)
6 Profit before tax (4+5) 1,194.68 918.06 837.12 2,112.74 1,435.65 3,273.82
7 Tax expense 301.46 237.34 223.33 538.80 388.11 813.34
8 Profit for the period/ year (6-7) 893.22 680.72 613.79 1,573.94 1,047.54 2,460.48

9 Other comprehensive income ("OCI")

A. Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to statement ofprofit or loss
Remeasurement of defined benefit plans - - - - 21.18 (1.54)
Income tax relating to remeasurement of defined benefit plans - - - - (5.33) 0.39
B. Items that will be subsequently reclassified to statement ofprofit or loss
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 14.36 0.09 1.20 14.45 (3.04) (3.28)
IO Total comprehensive income for the period/ year (8+9) 907.58 680,81 614.99 1,588.39 1,060.35 2,456.05

11 Earnings per equity share (Face value on. 10 per share fully paid) inf.*
Basic 5.21 3.98 3.62 9.19 6.17 14.46
Diluted 5.16 3.94 3.58 9.11 6.11 14.34

12 Paid up equity share capital - Face value oH. IO per share 1,714.07 1,713.20 1,702.54 1,714.07 1,702.54 1,709.89
13 Other equity 9,700.01

(• Not annualised for the periods) for and on behalfofthe Board ofDirectors of
KFin Technologies Limited
CIN: L72400TG2017PLC117649
Digit.ally signed byVENKATA SANA
Date: 2024.10.28 16:07:55 +05'30'

Venkata Satya Naga Sreekanth Nadella

Managing Director and ChiefExecutive Officer
DIN: 08659728

Place: Hyderabad
Date: October 28, 2024
Segment information: (t. in millions)
SL Quarter ended Half-year ended For the year ended
No. September 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 September 30, 2023 September 30, 2024 September 30, 2023 March 31, 2024
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
1 Segment revenue
Domestic mutual fund investor solutions 1,983.49 1,743.30 1,430.09 3,726.79 2,735.50 5,864.97
Issuer solutions 417.92 267.15 345.75 685.07 583.90 1,274.12
International and other investor solutions 323.60 272.72 224.67 596.32 399.48 887.94
Global business services 79.73 92.45 89.21 172.18 185.87 348.30
Total revenue 2,804.74 2,375.62 2,089.72 5,180.36 3,904.75 8,375.33
2 Segment results
Domestic mutual fund investor solutions 1,198.20 1,010.98 842.74 2,209.18 1,576.97 3,370.29
Issuer solutions 219.20 102.34 159.22 321.54 246.52 608.27
International and other investor solutions 45.83 6.51 12.22 52.34 0.61 42.60
Global business services 42.70 59.43 52.95 102.13 116.68 209.96
Total 1,505.93 1,179.26 1,067.13 2,685.19 1,940.78 4,231.12
Unallocated (expenses)/ income
(a) Unallocable expenses (405.90) (330.41) (260.97) (736.31) (559.76) (1,119.46)
(b) Finance costs (10.80) (11 .65) (32.04) (22.45) (61.53) (84.35)
(c) Other income 105.45 80.86 63.00 186.31 116.16 246.51
Profit before tax 1,194.68 918.06 837.12 2,112.74 1,435.65 3,273.82
3 Tax expense 301.46 237.34 223.33 538.80 388.11 813.34
4 Profit for the period/ year 893.22 680.72 613.79 1,573.94 1,047.54 2,460.48
5 Segment assets
Domestic mutual fund investor solutions 7,339.30 7,136.56 6,754.11 7,339.30 6,754.11 6,743 .11
Issuer solutions 994.13 887.43 996.30 994.13 996.30 916.18
International and other investor solutions 1,761.06 1,580.97 1,268.21 1,761.06 1,268.21 1,607.53
Global business services 165.34 198.41 161.92 165,34 161.92 152.05
Total 10,259.83 9,803.37 9,180.54 10,259.83 9,180.54 9,418.87
Unallocated 5,043.84 5,373.62 4,988.53 5,043.84 4,988.53 4,768.05
Total 15,303.67 15,176.99 14,169.07 15,303.67 14,169.07 14,186.92
6 Segment liabilities
Domestic mutual fund investor solutions 512.13 510.03 506.14 512.13 506.14 476.95
Issuer solutions 88.48 89.40 107.30 88.48 107.30 87.40
International and other investor solutions 134.27 59.85 58.30 134.27 58.30 59.98
Global business services 23.30 24.52 28.86 23.30 28.86 22.09
Total 758.18 683.80 700.60 758.18 700.60 646.42
Unallocated 2,386.45 2,312.10 3,573.35 2,386.45 3,573.35 2,130.60
Total 3,144.63 2,995.90 4,273.95 3,144.63 4,273.95 2,777.02
(a) The Group is engaged m followmg busmess segments: Domestic mutual fund mvestor solutions, Issuer solutions, International and other mvestor solutions and Global busmess semces. Based on the "Management approach" as defined m
Ind AS 108 - 'Operating Segments', the Chief Operating Decision Maker ('CODM') evaluates the Group's performance and allocates resources based on an analysis of various performance indicators by business segments. The accounting
principles used in the preparation of the fmancial results are consistently applied to record revenue and expenditure in individual segments.
(b) Segment result represents the profit before interest and tax earned by each segment without allocation of central administrative costs and other income.
(c) As allowed under Ind AS 108- "Operating Segments", the segment information disclosed above is based on the consolidated fmancial results.
for and on behalf ofthe Board ofDirectors of
KFin Technologies Limited
CIN: L72400TG2017PLC117649
Digitally signed byVENKATASATYA
Date: 2024.10.28 16:08:34 +05'30'
Venkata Satya Naga Sreekanth Nadella
Managing Director and ChiefExecutive Officer

Place: Hyderabad
Date: October 28, 2024
KFin Technologies Limited
1. The above consolidated financial results of KFin Technologies Limited ("the Parent Company"/ "the Company"), its subsidiaries (the Company and its
subsidiaries together referred to as "the Group") and its associate have been prepared in accordance with and comply in all material aspects with the Indian
Accounting Standards (Ind AS) notified under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 ("the Act") read with relevant rules issued there under and in terms of
Regulation 33 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ('Listing Regulations'), as

2. The above consolidated fmancial results have been reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee at its meeting held on October 28, 2024. The Board of
Directors at its meeting held on October 28, 2024 have approved the above results and taken them on record. The statutory auditors have expressed an unmodified
review conclusion on these results.

3. Karvy Computershare Private Limited (KCPL), which got amalgamated into the Parent Company with effect from November 17, 2018, was the Registrar and
Transfer Agent (RTA) of a past Client ("the Client") until April 05, 2021. The Client had a demat account ("Escrow Account") with one of the Depository
Participants ("DP") for depositing its shares in escrow for the purposes of its initial public offering. The Parent Company identified in the fmancial year 2020-21
that 794,489 shares were transferred by the DP (500,000 shares in 2011 (which translated into 1,000,000 shares pursuant to a bonus issue undertaken by the Client
in 2017) and 294,489 shares in 2020) from the Escrow Account to the DP's own demat account and to a third party's demat account through an off-market
transaction without any authorisation from the Client and without knowledge of the Parent Company. The Board of Directors of the Parent Company after
considering legal advice purchased 1,294,489 shares and transferred these shares to the Escrow Account of the Client on a 'good faith and no fault' basis, after
reducing the amount payable upon redemption, in future, of the Redeemable Preference Shares issued in October 2021, by '{. 300.00 million. The dividend
received on such shares by the Parent Company in the financial year 2021-22 on'. 4.08 million was also transferred back to the Client.
Intimation letters were sent to the Client and SEBI on November 15, 2021 informing them of transfer of shares to the Client's Escrow Account and refund of
dividend to the Client. Further, the Board of Directors of the Parent Company after considering legal advice, approved payment (based on an estimation of
potential losses that may be suffered by the Client) by the Parent Company to the Client, for the purpose of settlement of any potential claims by the Client
(including dividends on such shares for earlier periods). The Parent Company will initiate proceedings against the concerned parties, including certain minority
shareholders, for recovery of the amount paid and payable by the Parent Company to the Client in connection with this matter upon completion offmal settlement
with the Client. Considering the assessment of recoverability, the Parent Company has made a provision of'{_ 81.34 million as at September 30, 2024. Pending the
final settlement of terms to be agreed with the Client, the Management has measured the provision at its best estimate.

4. During the half-year ended September 30, 2024, 418,525 number of employee stock options were exercised and allotted.
5. At the Parent Company's annual general meeting held on 28 August 2024, the Parent Company's shareholders have approved the fmal dividend of'{_ 5.75 per
share as recommended by the Board.
6. These consolidated fmancial results along with the review report of the statutory auditors of the Parent Company are being filed with the National Stock
Exchange of India Liroited (NSE) and BSE Liroited and are also available on the Company's website.

7. On July 3, 2024, the Parent Company divested its interest of20.95% in Fintech Products and Solutions (India) Private Limited for a total cash consideration of
'{_ 65.00 million.

for and on behalfofthe Board ofDirectors of

KFin Technologies Limited
CIN: L72400TG2017PLC117649

Digitally signed by VENKATA SATYA

Date: 2024.10.28 16:08:50 +05'30'

Venkata Satya Naga Sreekanth Nadella

Managing Director and ChiefExecutive Officer
DIN: 08659728
Place: Hyderabad
Date: October 28, 2024
KFin Technologies Limited
CIN: L 72400TG2017PLC117649
Registered office address: Selenium, Tower B, Plot No- 31 & 32, Financial District, Nanakramguda,
Serilingampally, Hyderabad, Rangareddi, Telangana - 500032

Statement of unaudited standalone and consolidated balance sheet

(a!'. in millions)
Standalone Consolidated
Asal Asal Asat Asat
30 September 2024 31 March 2024 30 September 2024 31 March 2024
(Unaudited) (Audited\ (Unaudited) (Audited\
(1) Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 499.01 476.63 511.09 488.61
Capital work in progress 59.51 - 59.51 -
Right-of-use assets 411.97 439.29 417.22 447.43
Goodwill 5,162.56 5,162.56 5,525.66 5,525.66
Other intangible assets 1,216.09 1,063.79 1,315.08 1,179.89
Intangible assets under development 253.60 357.45 283.07 368.83
Financial assets
(i) Investments 764.16 829.16 - -
(ii) Investments accounted for using the equity method - - - 40.92
(iii) Other financial assets 60.30 67.53 69.50 69.19
Deferred tax assets (net) - - 5.33 3.83
Non-current tax assets (net) 103.92 74.49 136.52 95.33
Other non-current assets 65.93 56.09 65.93 56.09
Total non-current assets 8,597.05 8,526.99 8,388.91 8,275.78
(2) Current assets
Financial assets
(i) Investments 1,751.90 1,418.82 1,815.66 1,457.57
(ii) Trade receivables 2,064.36 1,435.01 2,214.41 1,519.00
(iii) Cash and cash equivalents 137.74 466.35 241.55 564.01
(iv) Bank balances other than cash and cash equivalents above 2,091.67 1,912.23 2,136.29 1,953.27
(v) Other financial assets 229.87 179.17 209.59 171.44
Other current assets 287.00 235.48 297.26 245.85
Total current assets 6,562.54 5,647.06 6,914.76 5,911.14
TOTAL ASSETS IS 159,59 14174.05 15,303.67 14186,92


(1) Equity
Equity share capital 1,714.07 1,709.89 1,714.07 1,709.89
Other equity 10,393.51 9,706.63 10,444.97 9,700.01
Total equity 12,107.58 11,416.52 12,159.04 11,409.90
(2) Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities
(i) Lease liabilities 351.79 377.56 352.91 379.76
Provisions - 0.08 0.04 9.05
Deferred tax liabilities (net) 1,234.97 1,226.85 1,245.17 1,238.85
1,586.76 1,604.49 1,598.12 1,627.66
(3) Current liabilities
Financial liabilities
(i) Lease liabilities 110.54 100.70 114.83 106.85
(ii) Trade payables
- Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises 1.93 1.92 2.20 0.59

- Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises 504.40 399.69 516.97 354.00
and small enterprises
(iv) Other financial liabilities 405.87 382.41 408.40 387.35
Other current liabilities 147.70 140.19 191.45 165.34
Provisions 87.24 78.49 98.26 80.80
Current tax liabilities (net) 207.57 49.64 214.40 54.43
Total current liabilities 1,465.25 1,153.04 1,546.51 1,149.36
Total Liabilities 3,052.01 2,757.53 3,144.63 2,777.02
TOTAL EQUITY AND LlAB1LlTIES 15 159,59 14174.05 15,303.67 14186,92

for and on behalf of the Board ofDirectors of

KFin Technologies Limited
CIN: L72400TG2017PLC 117649
Digitally signed by VENKATA SATYA
Date: 2024.10.28 16:09:1 s +05'30'
Venkata Satya Naga Sreekanth Nadella
Managing Director and ChiefExecutive Officer
DIN: 08659728
Place: Hyderabad
Date: October 28, 2024
KFin Tedmologies Limited
CIN: L 72400TG2017PLC117649
Registered office addl"Hs: Selenium, Tower B, PlotNo-31 & 32, Financial District, Nanakram.guda,
Serilingampally, Hyderabad, Rangareddi, Telangana - 500032
Statement of unaudited standalone and consolidated s1atement of cash nows
({ inntillions)
Standalone Consolidated
For the half-year ended For the half-year ended For the half-year ended For the half-year ended
30 September 2024 30 September 2023 30 September 2024 30 September 2023
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

A. Cub flows from operating activities

Profit before tu. 2,059.30 1,459.66 2,112.74 1,435.65
Adjustments for:
Depreciation, impairment and amortisation expense 289.09 229.33 313.11 250.02
Loss/ (profit) on sale of property, plant and equipment, net 0.01 (0.14) 0.01 (0.14)
Interest income (82.95) (13.25) (85.47) (15.86)
Dividend income from mutual fimds (26.17) (96.21) (27.88) (96.21)
Fair value gain on :finencial assets measured at FVTPL (44.34) - (44.34) -
Interest income from unwinding of discount on deposits (1.50) (1.41) (1.50) (1.41)
Liabilities no longer required written back (0.75) (1.25) (0.75) (1.25)
Income on derecognition of right-of-use asset and lease liabilities (0.58) - (0.58) -
Foreign exchange loss/ (gain) (net) (0.18) 1.35 1.10 (0.09)
Finance costs 22.28 60.59 22.45 61.53
(Reversal)/ charge towards credit loss allowance on trade receivables and other (20.30) 18.22 (17.28) 20.22
financial assets
Credit impaired receivables written-off
Advances/ deposits written-off
35.97 -
36.05 -
Share of loss of associate, net of tax - 9.90
Gain on sale of investment in associate
Share based payment expenses 54.57
66.97 17.58
Operating profit before working capital changes 2,284.45 1,673.52 2,350.55 1,681.45

Working capital adjustments:

Increase in trade receivables (644.86) (413.35) (715.36) (423.89)
(Increase)/ decrease in other current financial assets (25.31) 19.62 (36.65) 32.61
(Increase)/ decrease in other non- current financial assets (4.23) 3.36 (4.46) 3.43
Increase in other assets (54.18) (78.97) (54.07) (70.10)
Increase in trade payables 105.47 114.62 165.33 119.14
Increase/ (decrease) in other current financial liabilities 18.29 (9.44) 14.57 (21.46)
Increase in other current liabilities 7.51 12.57 26.11 2.78
Increase in provisions 8.67 27.46 8.45 36.63
Cub generated from operations 1,695.81 1,349.39 1,754.47 1,360.59
Income taxes paid, net of refund received (392.37) (335.80) (415.20) (349.66)
Net cub generated from operating activities (A) 1.303.44 1013.59 1.339.27 1010.93

B. Cub flow from inwsting activities

Purchase of property, plant and equipment (including movement in capital work-in- (184.46) (158.58) (186.79) (159.54)
progress, capital advances and capital creditors)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 3.90 3.90
Purchase of intangible assets (including intangible assets under development) (170.41) (202.40) (188.62) (219.52)
Investment in subsidiaries (130.00) -
Disinvestment in associate 65.00 - 65.00 -
Fixed deposits placed with banks, net (109.76) (49.46) (109.08) (56.20)
Investment in mutual funds, net (288.74) (975.12) (313.75) (975.12)
Acquisition of subsidimy, net of cash - (109.52)
Interest income 11.68 6.63 14.20 9.20
Dividend income from mutual fimds 26.17 96.21 27.88 96.21
Net cash used in investing activities (B) (650.52) '1.408.82) (691.16) '1,410.59)

C. Cash floM frnm financing activitie1

Payment of dividend (985.28) - (985.28) -
Payment of principal portion on lease liabilities (47.24) (56.28) (50.57) (59.58)
Interest on lease liabilities (19.35) (19.26) (19.51) (19.40)
Repayment of borrowings - (13.55)
Proceeds from exercise of employee stock options 70.34 114.12 70.34 114.12
Net cash (used in)/ generated frnm rmancing activities (C) '981.53) 38.58 (985.02) 21.59

D. Net increue in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) (328.61) (356,65) (336.91) (378,07)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 466.35 570.00 564.01 717.83
Effects of movements in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents - 14.45 (3.04)
Cash and cub equivalents at the end of the year 137.74 213.35 241.55 336,72

E. Components of Cash and Cash equivalents

Cashon band
Balance with banks:
- 0.09 0.10

(i) in current accounts 137.74 213.35 207.90 336.62

(ii) in deposits
for and on behalfofthe Board ofDrrectors of
KFin Technologies Limited
CIN: L72400TG2017PLC117649
Digitally signed by VEN KATA SATYA
Date: 2024.10.28 16:09:34 +05'30'
Venkata Satya Naga Sreekanth Nadella
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
DIN: 08659728
Place: Hyderabad
Date: October 28, 2024
Salarpuria Knowledge City, Orwell
B S R and Co B Wing, 6th Floor, Unit-3, Sy No. 83/1
Plot No. 02, Raidurg
Chartered Accountants Hyderabad – 500 081, India
Telephone + 91 407 182 2000
Fax + 91 407 182 2399

Limited Review Report on unaudited standalone financial results of KFin

Technologies Limited for the quarter ended 30 September 2024 and year to date
results for the period from 01 April 2024 to 30 September 2024 pursuant to Regulation
33 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended

To the Board of Directors of KFin Technologies Limited

1. We have reviewed the accompanying Statement of unaudited standalone financial results of KFin
Technologies Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) for the quarter ended 30 September
2024 and year to date results for the period from 01 April 2024 to 30 September 2024 (“the
2. This Statement, which is the responsibility of the Company’s management and approved by its Board
of Directors, has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid
down in Indian Accounting Standard 34 “Interim Financial Reporting” (“Ind AS 34”), prescribed under
Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, and other accounting principles generally accepted in India
and in compliance with Regulation 33 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended (“Listing Regulations”).
Our responsibility is to issue a report on the Statement based on our review.
3. We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements
(SRE) 2410 “Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the
Entity”, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. A review of interim financial
information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting
matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope
than an audit conducted in accordance with Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable
us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified
in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
4. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe
that the accompanying Statement, prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement
principles laid down in the aforesaid Indian Accounting Standard and other accounting principles
generally accepted in India, has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of
Regulation 33 of the Listing Regulations, including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it
contains any material misstatement.
5. We draw attention to Note 3 of the statement of unaudited standalone financial results for the quarter
and for the period from 01 April 2024 to 30 September 2024, where the pre-amalgamated Company
was the Registrar and Transfer Agent (“RTA”) of a past client (“the Client”) until 5 April 2021. The
Client had a demat account with one of the Depository Participants (“DP”) for depositing its shares in
escrow for the purposes of its initialpublic offering (“IPO”). The Company identified that 1,294,489
shares were transferred by the DP (in 2011 and 2020) from the said escrow account of the Client to
the DP’s own demat account and to a Third Party’s demat account through an off-market transaction
without any authorisation from the Client. The Board of Directors of the Company after considering
legal advice transferred 1,294,489 shares to the escrow account of the Client on a ‘good faith and no
fault’ basis, after reducing the amount payable upon redemption, in future, of the Redeemable
Preference Shares issued in October 2021, by INR 300 million, pursuant to an indemnity clause
contained in the agreement for the issuance of such Redeemable Preference Shares. The dividend
received on such shares by the Company in the financial year 2021-22 of INR 4.08 million was also
transferred back to the Client.

The Company has recognised an amount of INR 81.34 million as a provision as of 30 September

Principal Office:

14th Floor, Central B Wing and North C Wing, Nesco IT Park 4, Nesco Center,
Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400063
Page 1 of 2
B S R and Co

Limited Review Report (Continued)

KFin Technologies Limited
2024 in the statement of unaudited standalone financial results related to potential claims by the Client
(including dividends on such shares for the earlier periods). Pending the final settlement of terms to
be agreed with the Client, the Company has measured the said provision at its best estimate. The
Company will initiate proceedings against the concerned parties, including certain minority
shareholders, for recovery of the amount paid and payable by the Company to the Client in connection
with this matter upon completion of final settlement with the Client.

Our conclusion is not modified in respect of this matter.

For B S R and Co
Chartered Accountants
Firm’s Registration No.:128510W
AMIT Digitally signed by
KUMAR Date: 2024.10.28
BAJAJ 16:22:44 +05'30'

Amit Kumar Bajaj

Hyderabad Membership No.: 218685
28 October 2024 UDIN:24218685BKGPPX2195

Page 2 of 2
KFin Technologies Limited
CIN: L72400TG2017PLC117649
Registered office address: Selenium, Tower B, Plot No- 31 & 32, Financial District, Naoakramguda, Serilingampally, Hyderabad, Rangareddi, Telangana - 500032
Statement of unaudited standalone financial results for the quarter and half-year ended September 30, 2024
(t in millions)
SI. Quarter ended Half-year ended For the year ended
No. September 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 September 30, 2023 September 30, 2024 September 30, 2023 March 31, 2024
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)

I. Revenue from operations 2,692.28 2,295.91 2,004.17 4,988.19 3,759.55 8,108.27
2. Other income 79.11 78.51 61.42 157.62 113.24 239.21
Total income 2,771.39 2,374.42 2,065.59 5,145.81 3,872.79 8,347.48

3. Expenses
Employee benefits expense 933.65 887.65 703.77 1,821.30 1,400.92 2,971.62
Finance costs 10.72 11.56 31.73 22.28 60.59 83.25
Depreciation, impairment and amortisation expense 153.19 135.90 115.14 289.09 229.33 486.21
Other expenses 526.26 427.58 370.27 953.84 722.29 1,554.98
Total expenses 1,623.82 1,462.69 1,220.91 3,086.51 2,413.13 5,096.06

4 Profit before tax (1+2-3) 1,147.57 911.73 844.68 2,059.30 1,459.66 3,251.42
5 Tax expense 295.80 233.19 224.44 528.99 391.00 797.18
6. Profit for the period/ year (4-5) 851.77 678.54 620.24 1,530.31 1,068.66 2,454.24

7. Other comprehensive income ("OCI")

A. Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to statement ofprofit or loss
Remeasurement of defined benefit plans - - - - 21.18 (7.98)
Income tax relating to remeasurement of defioed benefit plans - - - - (5.33) 2.01
8. Total comprehensive income for the period/ year (6+7) 851.77 678.54 620.24 1,530.31 1,084.51 2,448.27

9 Earnings per equity share (Face value on'. 10 per share fully paid) in ii'.•
Basic 4.97 3.97 3.65 8.94 6.29 14.42
Diluted 4.93 3.93 3.61 8.86 6.23 14.30

10. Paid up equity share capital - Face value ofl'.10 per share 1,714.07 1,713.20 1,702.54 1,714.07 1,702.54 1,709.89
11 Other equity 9,706.63

(• Not annualised for the penods) for and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
KFin Technologies Limited
CIN: L72400TG2017PLC117649
Digitally signed by VEN KATA SATYA
Date: 2024.10.28 16:09:49 +05'30'

Venkata Satya Naga Sreekanth Nadella

Managing Director and ChiefExecutive Officer
DIN: 08659728

Place: Hyderabad
Date: October 28, 2024
KFin Technologies Limited
1. The above standalone financial results ofKFin Technologies Limited ("the Company") have been prepared in accordance with and comply in all material aspects with
the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) notified under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 ("the Act") read with relevant rules issued there under and in terms of
Regulation 33 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ('Listing Regulations'), as amended.

2. The above standalone financial results have been reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee at its meeting held on October 28, 2024. The Board of Directors
at its meeting held on October 28, 2024 have approved the above results and taken them on record. The statutory auditors have expressed an unmodified review
conclusion on these results.

3. K.arvy Computershare Private Limited (KCPL), which got amalgamated into the Company with effect from November 17, 2018, was the Registrar and Transfer Agent
(RTA) of a past Client ("the Client") until April 5, 2021. The Client had a demat account ("Escrow Account") with one of the Depository Participants ("DP") for
depositing its shares in escrow for the purposes of its initial public offering. The Company identified in the fmancial year 2020-21 that 794,489 shares were transferred by
the DP (500,000 shares in 2011 (which translated into 1,000,000 shares pursuant to a bonus issue undertaken by the Client in 2017) and 294,489 shares in 2020) from the
Escrow Account to the DP's own demat account and to a third party's demat account through an off-market transaction without any authorisation from the Client and
without knowledge of the Company. The Board of Directors of the Company after considering legal advice purchased 1,294,489 shares and transferred these shares to the
Escrow Account of the Client on a 'good faith and no fault' basis, after reducing the amount payable upon redemption, in future, of the Redeemable Preference Shares
issued in October 2021, by,. 300.00 million. The dividend received on such shares by the Company in the fmancial year 2021-22 of ,. 4.08 million was also transferred
back to the Client.

Intimation letters were sent to the Client and SEBI on November 15, 2021 informing them of transfer of shares to the Client's Escrow Account and refund of dividend to
the Client. Further, the Board of Directors of the Company after considering legal advice, approved payment (based on an estimation of potential losses that may be
suffered by the Client) by the Company to the Client, for the purpose of settlement of any potential claims by the Client (including dividends on such shares for earlier
periods). The Company will initiate proceedings against the concerned parties, including certain minority shareholders, for recovery of the amount paid and payable by the
Company to the Client in connection with this matter upon completion of final settlement with the Client. Considering the assessment of recoverability, the Company has
made a provision of,. 81.34 million as at September 30, 2024. Pending the final settlement of terms to be agreed with the Client, the Management has measured the
provision at its best estimate.

4. During the half-year ended September 30, 2024, 418,525 number of employee stock options were exercised and allotted.

5. At the Company's annual general meeting held on 28 August 2024, the Company's shareholders have approved the final dividend on. 5.75 per share as recommended
by the Board.
6. These standalone financial results along with the review report of the statutory auditors of the Company are being filed with the National Stock Exchange of India
Limited (NSE) and BSE Limited and are also available on the Company's website.
7. On July 3, 2024, the Company divested its interest of 20.95% in Fintech Products and Solutions (India) Private Limited for a total cash consideration of,. 65.00

for and on behalf of the Board ofDirectors of

KFin Technologies Limited
CIN: L72400TG2017PLC117649
Digitally signed by VEN KATA
Date: 2024.10.28 16:10:07 +05'30'

Venkata Satya Naga Sreekanth Nadella

Managing Director and ChiefExecutive Officer
DIN: 08659728

Place: Hyderabad
Date: October 28, 2024

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