Rubric For Reporting 1
Rubric For Reporting 1
Rubric For Reporting 1
Excellent (10 points) Good (8.5 points) Fair (7pts) Poor (5.5 points) Points
Subject Student demonstrates full Student is at ease Student is Student does not have
Knowledge knowledge (more than with expected uncomfortable with grasp of information; Total
required) by answering all answers to all information and is able student cannot answer Points=
class questions with questions, but fails to to answer only questions about subject.
explanations and elaboration. elaborate. rudimentary questions.
Organization Student presents information Student presents Audience has difficulty Audience cannot
in logical, interesting sequence information in logical following presentation understand presentation
which audience can follow. sequence which because student jumps because there is no
audience can follow. around. sequence of information.
Graphics/ Visual Student's graphics explain and Student's graphics Student occasionally Student uses superfluous
Aids reinforce screen text and relate to text and uses graphics that graphics or no graphics
presentation. presentation. rarely support text and
Mechanics & Presentation has no Presentation has no Presentation has three Student's presentation
Length misspellings or grammatical more than two misspellings and/or has four or more spelling
errors. Presentation was within misspellings and/or grammatical errors. errors and/or
specified length grammatical errors. Presentation was 3-4 grammatical errors.
Presentation was 1-2 minutes over or under Presentation was 5
minutes over or specified length. minutes over specified
under specified length.
Voice/ Student 's voice was loud and Voice is good with Voice is acceptable - Students did not speak in
Presentation clear. Information was easy to minimal gaps in flow many gaps in flow of a tone that could be
understand of information information or times heard by all students -
voice could not be too soft. Information
understood by all. too hard to understand.
Name________________________________________Course/Year__________________ Date_____________________
Comments and Suggestions: