Assignment No 5 - Function of Complex Variable - CSE

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N. K.


Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Assignment No. 04
Class: S.Y.(A) Branch: CSE
Semester: III CO Addressed: CO2 and CO5
Sub: Engineering Mathematics III Sub Code: BTBS301
Topic: Function of Complex Variable Sub. In charge: Prof. S. K. Joshi
No Questions CO BL
Find the analytic function f (z) whose imaginary part is cosxcoshy;
1 Also find its complex conjugate. CO5 L3

2 Using Cauchy’s integral theorem evaluate CO5 L3

{∮ } where c is the circle |z| =

3 Evaluate using residue theorem CO5 L3

{∮ } where c is the circle |z| =1

Express the function f(x) = as a Fourier sine integral

4 CO2 L3
and hence evaluate that∫ ( ) .

Using Parseval’s Identity for cosine transform,

5 CO2 L3
evaluate∫ .

Find Fourier sine transform of f(x) = x ,

6 CO2 L3
= 2 – x, 1
=0 ,x>2
O-Course Outcome BL- Blooms Level
(L1-Remember, L2-Understand, L3-Apply, L4- Analyze, L5-Evaluate, L6-Create)

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