2024-11-23-Last Date Notification UG-10

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Ref. No. Exam.VII/2024/10

Dated 23rd November, 2024


Session 2024-2025.

All concerned Regular & NCWEB Students of Semester I/lllrv/VII/IX of all Under Graduate quG) Programmes
alongwith the Essential Repeaters, Improvement and Ex-students of semesters I/Ill/V/VII/IX under CBCS (LOCF) & NEP-
UGCF-2022 Scheme for the Academic Session 2024-2025 are hereby informed that the last date of submission of
Examination Forms for the Examination to be held in December/January, 2024-2025 is extended upto 30.11.2024
(Sat`irday) by 11:55 p.in.
2. Students may fill the examination form after Registration on the below mentioned link/portal using Enrolment
Number available on admission portal

Instructions for Form Submission:

• Fill inyourbasicdetails like
• selectprooranime
• Name (as onx&XII classcertificate)
• EnrolmentNumber
• Enterthecaptchacodealreadyon screen
• Clicksubmitbutton
• OneoTp issentto registeredemailid/mobile number
• Create the password on next screen and input the oTp to get registered.
• The students are required to pay the online fee on the above link provided by the Examination Branch. In case,
student had already paid fees to the Faculty/Department/College, he/she may request for refunds from
respective Faoulty/Department/College.
• After selecting courses and filling the examination form student should keep the printout of the verified
Examination form for further communication. Admit Card shall be issued after confirmation of the examination
form by their respective Faculty/Department/College.
• In case of any query/discrepancy in filling the exanination form, the student may contact their respective
Important Notes:

(I) Those candidates who are promoted to Part-2/Part-3/Part4 in their respective Courses as per
promotion rules are only eligible to fill the exam form for Semester Ill/V/VII.
(11) Tliose candidates who do not get registered and fill the semester I/I/Ill/IV/V/VI Examination Form
shall become ineligib.Ie to take all subsequq[it examinations till the foregoing requirement in
(Ill) The requisite late fees sliall be collected as per tlie university Notification No. Dean (E)/VI/2009
dated 19th September, 2009.
Special Note:
(I) In case of students of school of open Learning (SOL), separate provision shall be made by school of
Open Learning (SOL).

3. The students are advised to complete the form+submission process well before the last date (30.112024)
to avoid any last-minute technical issue on delays. Please ensure the accuracy of details entered, as discrepancies
may delay the issuance of admit cards. Furthermore, the students should regularly chec e official Portal and
contact their respective Faculty/Department/College for any update or clarification.


fen rq¥qrcltlmq, xp qftFT, fen-110007 ( uTTiT ) g!im : 27667725;27Ooiooo; aatnF : www.du.ac.in

Uni`7ersity of Dellii, Main Campus, Delhi-110007 (India) Itl. : 27667725/27001000; Website : wwwrdurac.in

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