Activity 2-Feb 25

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Melanie T.

Baloc February 25, 2022

Learning Activity 2

1. Discuss how your knowledge on the developmental theories help you to become a better
facilitator of learning. Provide clear and detailed examples to support your argument.
As discussed from Erickson’s theory, I will manifest to my future students a strong sense of
identity in which they will be comfortable with their physical selves, having a sense of
purpose and direction, and know they will be recognized by others. Forcing students to
compete with one another for grades is likely to have a negative effect as what happened
from my past under graduate school. I focussed myself in competition of grades that it came
to the point that I wasn’t able to appreciate learning and education. It became stressful to me
that I wanted to graduate very soon badly. As early as high school, I wanted to fast forward
to being graduated in college. For this reason, I wanted my future students to enjoy learning,
a lesser stress and an environment where they feel a sense of belongingness. Instead of
competition, I will encourage them to help one another. Learning makes it easier when they
share their learnings, understandings, ideas and opinions with fellow students but not
copying of answers as they are not helping the other to learn. In Jean Piaget’s theory, it
helps me understand the stages of development in order to adjust depending on their level
or capacity of learners. Their social interaction with their fellow students and peers of the
same age level is advantageous in a classroom discussion because of the same focus
group. Teacher will give concrete examples, learnings, thoughts, explanations and etc. in
level with age abilities. For Vygotsky, social interactions between children and more
intellectually advanced individuals, such as peers, older siblings, and adults, are primarily
responsible for advances in cognitive development, provided that those interactions are
based on mediation of external behaviors into internal signs. As future teacher, I will give
activities, research and assignments that will deal with social interaction between older and
advanced individuals, either personally or virtually through the use of online platform even to
other persons in other countries. These will provide them with a collaborative and better
learning experience, in engaging them to other individuals of different culture. As for
Kohlberg theory, I will also integrate his moral reasoning. Moral choices are very important in
our everyday life. Being a good example of showing good morality is the best teaching
example I can give to my future students. For example, practicing equality among my
students, being fair and considerate especially in a diverse class, giving activities practicing
morality like story writing, volunteering, social interaction in the community, and etc. As they
grow, their morals will continue to develop. There is a great impact on students’ moral
development if teachers instill or embedded good morality.

2. Search a research article in the internet about "Students' Diversity", summarize by

following the format below in a single page of an A4 bond paper using Arial #11 or 12 font
with single spacing:
a) Title, researcher/s, online source
b) Background of the study/ Introduction
C) Objectives/ problem of the Study
D) Methodology
E) Conclusions
Students Diversity and the Implementation of Adaptive Learning and Assessment A
Systematic Literature Review
By: Ramdani, Z., Amri, A., Hadiana, D., Warsihna, J., Anas, Z., & Susanti, S. (2022,
Changes that occur continuously and the development of human life that is increasingly
developing make individuals have the best scheme in adapting. Including in education, the
development of technology that is growing for teachers must be well prepared to use it as
part of their learning. Furthermore, many factors then also determine why a teacher must
have a strategy in implementing adaptive learning. Adaptive learning emerges as a strategic
step that teachers can take following existing factors. Curriculum changes every period
require teachers to adjust the curriculum. The difference in location is another challenge for
teachers to carry out learning. Besides that, some studies agree that differences in students,
teacher characteristics, school characteristics, and other differences require teachers to
implement adaptive learning and assessment. Adaptive learning and assessment is a
learning scheme that teachers can do anywhere, anytime, and in any situation. Teachers
can organize learning even in the most challenging conditions, such as amid disasters or the
limitations of physical facilities and accessibility of learning. Adaptive learning and
assessment are essential for a teacher in this digital era so that even if there is an
unexpected situation (natural disaster), learning could still go. Researchers themselves
assume that most existing concepts do not give teachers space to identify essential factors
in adaptive learning assessment. In the various existing literature, the thing that teachers
must consider when going to do adaptive learning is related to the religiousness of students.
Diversity of students is a familiar concept, so it needs to be explicitly identified into a simple
point. This study aims to unanalyzed the important elements that teachers must identify
before conducting adaptive learning and assessment.
Statement of the Problem
This study provides information while providing a strategic step for teachers in carrying out
adaptive learning and assessment. In this section, researchers will explain first the basic
concepts of adaptive learning and assessment that have been made based on the results of
discussions and interpretations of existing articles. After that, the researcher presents the
teacher's important aspects before conducting adaptive learning and assessment.
Research Design/Methodology
The study conducted by these researchers uses a qualitative approach to systematic
literature review models. Research models are conducted to provide theoretical information
about the goals specified by the researcher. Systematic literature review refers to a type of
research that collects, analyzes, and interprets theoretical information obtained from various
existing scientific sources. Researchers map the goals to be achieved to start a systematic
literature review. Objectives goals related to adaptive learning and assessment models, as
well as important aspects, were identified. The researchers determined the keywords used
and related sources from the initial procedure. The keywords used include adaptive learning
and assessment, student learning center education, and student diversity. From these
keywords, researchers look for the source of related articles by using some often-used
databases, such as Google Scholar, Chicago, Researchgate, ScienceDirect, Sage
Publications, and PubMed. From these search results, the most relevant articles will be
obtained. The characteristics of the article to be selected are: a. The article contains
predefined keywords; b. Articles sourced from accredited national journals, reputable
international journals, or other similar sources are valid.; c. The article has been published
for at least the last ten years. The selected articles will then be selected first. Then the
researcher identifies the existing abstract along with the existing content. Selected articles
are then analyzed using thematic content analysis by identifying content related to articles
that can be used as a source of information. The researcher conducts a follow-up discussion
about the selected article to add objectivity to the article. Interpretation is tailored to the goals
and needs of researchers in this study.
This study shows that the diversity of students, including cognitive and non-cognitive
aspects, readiness, interests and talents, learning styles, and their experiences, should be
the case initial and significant attention for teachers before conducting adaptive learning and
assessment. Whereas adaptive learning and assessment in this study confirm that taking
into account the diversity of these students, teachers will be able to conduct learning and
assessment. Adaptive is then adapted to context analysis, learning load analysis, academic
unit analysis, and curriculum analysis.
3. Write your learning insight about the article you summarized in no. 2.
The article discussed about identification and understanding of students’ diversity before
learning takes place. It is important to know the differences of each student in order for
teachers to adapt and implement appropriate learning and assessment. It shows in the study
that the diversity of students could be seen from the aspects of their readiness cognitively
and non-cognitively, learning styles, interests, talents, and learning experiences. These
aspects are essential for carrying out adaptive learning and assessment. Good learning is
done by seeing the situation in children, which can be combined with learning resources in
any form without exception. It is expected that, even in limited conditions, teachers can still
carry out learning because they already understand the situation of their students and can
take advantage of various things that exist in their environment as learning resources. Just
like in our situation today. Both teachers and students have to adapt and adjust from a
physical classroom to a Google classroom or online learning. It’s uneasy at first because we
are not unaccustomed to it, but as time passes by, we are getting used to it. There are tools
and strategies that teachers incorporate in order to cope up in this sudden situation and
even in the diversity of students. Students varied in terms of type and extent. Their greatest
challenge was linked to their learning environment at home, technological literacy and
competency, and etc. Due to the challenges, diversity and differences like some students
are not techy, out of coverage or poor signal in their area, some students can’t focus in an
online class and etc. They tend to drop out of school. All of these should be given attention
by the teachers and administrators to come up with a solution and strategy to address this. It
takes an optimal ability from the teacher itself, including pedagogical ability, media, and
technology mastery, to the ability of literacy used. After it is done, the teacher will quickly
identify the diversity of students. Understanding students is essential because the teacher
will begin to determine the suitable scheme and the form of learning and assessment
relevant to the student and the condition of the students. In this study, I agree that adaptive
learning and assessment is a solution to students’ diversity. Learning can only be successful
when teachers value and understands what their students are.

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