Living Now

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K4001 K4001M2A K4004 K4001 + KW01 KG01 K4003 + KG01M2 KM01X KW01A KG01M2D KM01M2F


Devices to be completed with appropriate cover as indicated below

Item Item

K4001 1P 10 AX, 250 V , 1-way switch, KW01 Lightable cover for item K4001, K4003,
screw and plates terminals, lightable KG01 K4004, K4004L, K4004LB, K4004V127L,
- 1 module KM01 K4004V127LB, K4005, K4034, K4001A,
K4003A, K4005A
K4001A 1P 10 AX, 250 V , 1-way switch,
automatic terminals, lightable
- 1 module KW01M2 Lightable cover for item K4001, K4003,
KG01M2 K4004, K4004L, K4004LB, K4004V127L,
K4001M2A 1P 10 AX, 250 V , 1-way switch, KM01M2 K4004V127LB, K4005, K4034, K4001A,
automatic terminals, lightable K4003A, K4005A, K4001M2A, K4003M2A,
- 2 modules K4005M2A

K4003 1P 10 AX, 250 V 2-way switch, screw and

plates terminals, lightable
- 1 module KW01X Lightable cover for item K4001, K4003,
K4003A KG01X K4004, K4004L, K4004LB, K4004V127L,
1P 10 AX, 250 V 2-ways switch, K4004V127LB, K4005, K4034, K4001A,
automatic terminals, lightable KM01X
- 1 module K4003A, K4005A

K4003M2A 1P 10 AX, 250 V , 2-ways switch, automatic KW01M2X Lightable cover for item K4001, K4003, K4004,
terminals, lightable KG01M2X K4004L, K4004LB, K4004V127L, K4004V127LB,
- 2 modules KM01M2X K4005, K4034, K4001A, K4003A, K4005A,
K4001M2A, K4003M2A, K4005M2A
K4004 1P 10 AX, 250 V 4-way switch, screw and
plates terminals
- 1 module KW01A Lightable cover for item K4001, K4003,
KG01A K4004, K4004L, K4004LB, K4004V127L,
K4004L 1P 10 AX, 250 V LIT 4-ways switch, screw KM01A K4004V127LB, K4005, K4034, K4001A, K4003A,
and plates terminals, with white LED for K4005A
backlighting (the LED is not interchangeable)
- 1 module
KW01M2A Lightable cover for item K4001, K4003, K4004,
K4004LB 1P 10 AX, 250 V LIT 4-ways switch, screw K4004L, K4004LB, K4004V127L, K4004V127LB,
and plates terminals, with blue LED for K4005, K4034, K4001A, K4003A, K4005A,
backlighting (the LED is not interchangeable) KM01M2A
K4001M2A, K4003M2A, K4005M2A
- 1 module
K4004V127L 1P 10 AX, 127 V LIT 4-way switch, screw
and plates terminals, with white LED for KW01D Lightable cover for item K4001, K4003, K4004,
backlighting (the LED is not interchangeable) KG01D K4004L, K4004LB, K4004V127L, K4004V127LB,
- 1 module KM01D K4005, K4034, K4001A, K4003A, K4005A
K4004V127LB 1P 10 AX, 127 V LIT 4-way switch, screw
and plates terminals, with blue LED for
backlighting (the LED is not interchangeable) KW01M2D Lightable cover for item K4001, K4003,
- 1 module KG01M2D K4004, K4004L, K4004LB, K4004V127L,
KM01M2D K4004V127LB, K4001A, K4003A, K4005A,
K4001M2A, K4003M2A, K4005M2A.

K4005 1P (NO) 10 A, 250 V pushbutton, KW01F Lightable cover for item K4001, K4003,
screw and plates terminal, lightable KG01F K4004, K4004L, K4004LB, K4004V127L,
- 1 module K4004V127LB, K4005, K4034, K4001A,
K4005A K4003A, K4005A
1P (NO) 10 A, 250 V pushbutton,
automatic terminals, lightable
- 1 module KW01M2F Lightable cover for item K4001, K4003, K4004,
KG01M2F K4004L, K4004LB, K4004V127L, K4004V127LB,
K4005M2A 1P (NO) 10 A, 250 V pushbutton, K4005, K4034, K4001A, K4003A, K4005A,
automatic terminals, lightable K4001M2A, K4003M2A, K4005M2A.
- 2 modules
- :
- for the LEDs to use see the “Backlighting LEDs” section later on in the catalogue.
- for solutions requiring 2-module covers for the main controls, it will be necessary to
install two “half-module blanking modules” (item K4949) at the sides of the control,
see examples of installation in the “Installation and cover plate range” section at
the bottom of the catalogue.
colour cover colour cover colour cover Neutral item (without cover)
Items in red colour: New products
K4001C K4003C 3584C FC80RC K4001C + KW01 KG01 KM01 K4003C + KM01M2 KG01M2

Devices to be completed with appropriate cover as indicated below

Item Item

K4001C Connected 1-way switch. It controls the lights

locally or remotely. It can be installed like a KW01 Lightable covers for items
traditional two-way switch and is compatible KG01 K4001C and K4003C
with all loads with max. power 250 W. It has a KM01
Home + Control App for the localisation and
load status functions. It can be associated KW01M2 Lightable covers for items
to one or more wireless controls. Caution:
neutral connection is necessary. Power KG01M2 K4001C and K4003C
supply 110-230 V KM01M2
- 1 module
K4003C Connected 2-ways switch. It allows to control
lights locally or remotely. The connected
2ways switch has the same installation and
usability of a traditional 2ways switch and it
is compatible with all loads with max pover Note: for the use of the connected
250 W. It is equipped with a blue LED light devices, the gateway, item ,
used always on for localization modality or or must be installed
on, when the light is on for the load status as part of the system.
modality. It can be associated with “wireless
light switches”. If the gateway is connected to the
Caution: Must be connected to the neutral. internet through the Wi-Fi network,
Power supply 110-230 V it will be possible to manage the
- 1 module system from the home using the
3584C Connected lighting micromodule. It allows to App
control lights locally or remotely.
It is compatible with all loads with max pover
300 W. It can be connected to one or more
traditional push-button or associated with
“wireless light switches”.
It is installed as a traditional rele in the box
(behind the button) or in derivation boxes.
Caution: Must be connected to the neutral. HOME + CONTROL
Power supply 110-230 V
FC80RC DIN switchboard light device for loads with
absorption In= 16 A. Equipped with a meter
measuring the current absorbed by the
load and contacts for control with up to 10
pushbuttons. 1 DIN module.
Power supply 110-230 V

Three-point lighting control with connected two-way switch, Three-point lighting control with pushbuttons and connected lighting
item K4003C, installed instead of a traditional two-way switch micromodule, item 3584C, installed instead of a traditional relay

L 1 1 1


Connected Intermediate Two-way
two-way switch switch switch Pushbutton Pushbutton Pushbutton Relay
item item item item item item item

colour cover colour cover colour cover Neutral item (without cover)
Items in red colour: New products
K4027 K4037N KW4017 KM05 KG06 KW05L KW05M2 KG06M2 KG06M2V KW06M2VMC

Devices to be completed with appropriate cover as indicated below

Item Item

K4027 1P 10 AX, 250 V changeover switch,

double-key 1-0-2, not lightable KW06 Cover for item K4027
- 1 module KG06
K4037N 10 A 250 V
double pushbutton 1 P (NO) + 1 P (NO) KW06V Cover for item K4027
interlocked for shutters, not lightable KG06V vertical installation
- 1 module KM06V

KW05L Cover for item K4036

KW4017 Fan controler 240V 100W 50Hz - The cover KM05L
KG4017 of the selected colour is supplied in the same
KM4017 box as the fan controller - for Indian std.
installations - 2 module KW05 Cover for item K4037N
KW4018 Fan controller 110-220 V 15-160 VA 50-60Hz
KG4018 - The cover of the selected colour is supplied
KM4018 in the same box as the fan controller KW05V Cover for item K4037N
- 1 module KG05V vertical installation

KW06M2 Cover for item K4027


KW05M2 Cover for item K4037N


KW06M2V Cover for item K4027

KG06M2V vertical installation

KW05M2V Cover for item K4037N

KG05M2V vertical installation

KW06M2VMC Cover for item K4027


KW05M2VMC Cover for item K4037N


colour cover colour cover colour cover Neutral item (without cover)
Items in red colour: New products
K4027C K4027CM2 4027C KW32 KG32 KM32 KW32M2 KG32M2 KM32M2

Devices to be completed with appropriate cover as indicated below

Item Item

K4027C Connected rolling shutter switch - It allows

the control of a shutter locally or remotely. KW32 Cover for item K4027C
Compatible with all standard rolling shutter KG32
motors ( with a mechanical or electromechanical
stop and max power 500 VA ) controlled by KM32
a wired shutter switch (switching of the same
motor power supply). Not compatible with
motors for radio-controlled or pulse-controlled KW32M2 Cover for items K4027C and K4027CM2
roller shutters. It can be associated with one or
more wireless commands. KG32M2
Caution: Must be connected to the neutral. KM32M2
Power supply 110-230 V
- 1 module
K4027CIL As above
- interlocked modality

K4027CM2 As K4027C
- 2 modules

4027C Connected micromodule for shutters.

Associated to one or more shutter wireless
controls, it controls a shutter locally or
remotely. Compatible with all standard
shutter motors (with mechanical or electronic
limit switch and maximum power 500 VA),
controlled by a wired shutter changeover
switch (changeover with the same power
supply as the motor).
Not compatible with radio controlled or pulse
controlled shutter motors.
It can be installed in the existing shutter box
with no need of masonry works.
Power supply 110-230 V
Note: for the use of the connected
devices, the gateway, item ,
or must be installed
as part of the system.

If the gateway is connected to the

Connected shutter control internet through the Wi-Fi network,
item it will be possible to manage the
L system from the home using the
UP App

For correct operation, connect also the neutral conductor to the connected devices. HOME + CONTROL

colour cover colour cover colour cover Neutral item (without cover)
Items in red colour: New products

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