MBCT: A Monero-Based Covert Transmission Approach With On-Chain Dynamic Session Key Negotiation
MBCT: A Monero-Based Covert Transmission Approach With On-Chain Dynamic Session Key Negotiation
MBCT: A Monero-Based Covert Transmission Approach With On-Chain Dynamic Session Key Negotiation
Abstract—Traditional covert transmission (CT) approaches To solve the above issues, blockchain offers excellent
have been hindering CT application while blockchain channel support for CT thanks to its decentralization, flood
technology offers new avenue. Current blockchain-based CT broadcasting and identity anonymity features [5]. In particular,
approaches require off-chain negotiation of critical information the distributed architecture ensures that each full node retains
and often overlook the dynamic session keys updating, which a full copy of whole data, which prevents the blockchain from
increases the risk of message and key leakage. Additionally, in performance degradation due to single node failures. The
some approaches the covert transactions exhibit obvious flood broadcast improves the concealment of CT. The
characteristics that can be easily detected by third-parties. anonymous user identity in the blockchain avoids leakage of
Moreover, most approaches do not address the issue of
real network addresses. Moreover, the large number of
decreased reliability of message transmission in blockchain
attack scenarios. Bitcoin- and Ethereum-based approaches also
transactions circulating in the blockchain network provides an
have the issue of transaction linkability, which can be tackled by excellent information carrier for CT. A blockchain-based CT
Monero-based approaches because of the privacy protection has the following six major steps, shown in Fig. 1. ① The
mechanisms in Monero. However, Monero-based CT has the sender encodes covert messages. ② The sender embeds
problem of sender repudiation. encoded messages into a transaction TXc. ③ The sender
connects to blockchain network and broadcasts TXc to the
In this paper, we propose a novel Monero-Based CT approach blockchain network until TXc is shown on chain. The covert
(MBCT), which enables on-chain session key dynamically transactions and normal transactions should be
updating without off-chain negotiation. MBCT can assure non-
indistinguishable to third parties. ④ The receiver filters
repudiation of transmission participants, confidentiality of keys,
reliability of message transmission and less observable covert transaction TXc by traversing recent blocks. ⑤ The
characteristics. There are achieved by the three components in receiver extracts embedded covert message. ⑥ The receiver
MBCT, namely, a sender authentication method, a dynamically decodes covert messages.
on-chain session key updating method and a state feedback
method. We implement MBCT in Monero- and the TX Normal Transaction Encoded Message
experiment results demonstrate its high embedding capacity of TXc Covert Transaction
MBCT. block Block Message
Index Terms—Covert transmission, blockchain, Monero, Blockchain
dynamic session key block block block
Broadcast Traverse
I. INTRODUCTION Transaction Blocks
block header
utilizes cryptographic hash function to generate masked Stage TransTxn (mn , (r , s )) TransTxn (mn , (r , s ))
amount as shown in (6). In addition, our protocol incorporates
digital signatures as hash function factors, rendering third
FbTx(mms, (rB , sB )) FbTx(mms, (rB , sB ))
parties unable to compute the actual message sequence. Then Feedback
for each segmentation, Alice computes one-time session key Stage
derived from a combination of stealth address and Bob’s
public keys through cryptographic hash function, which
produces outputs that are evenly distributed across the entire Fig. 2. Overview of Three Stages
range of possible values. Specifically, the private transaction
key r guarantees the randomness of session key.
Subsequently, Alice uses one-time session key to encrypt
decimal amount random sequence
message segments and perform XOR operation between (piconero) decimal number number
ciphertexts and original stealth addresses, constructing new All zero
stealth addresses as outputs of TransTx with the generated
transaction amount attached. We denote the new stealth 0 0
addresses and masked amounts as a special field of TransTx. Most Significant Least Significant
The generation process of the special field for TransTx is 0 End Flag
Digit Digit
described in Algorithm 1. 1 Non-end Flag
3) State Feedback Method
In order to mitigate the impact of decreased reliability of Fig. 3. Amount Encoding Method
message transmission due to lost transactions, we design a
state feedback method that allows receivers to inform senders
about the receipt of message segments. If a blockchain attack Algorithm 1 Generation Special Field of AuthTx
prevents the sender’s transaction, which contains the message, INPUT: Random factor k r , Private view key of Alice k Av , Public view
from reaching the receiver, the receiver will feedback on the
key of Bob K Bv , Public spend key of Bob K Bs
missing message sequence. If all messages are received, the
receiver will return feedback indicating a normal state to the OUTPUT: Special field of AuthTx sfa
sender. If the sender does not receive feedback after an 1. Compute K r = k r G
extended period, he will detect the anomaly and implement 2. Compute (r , s ) = Sign( ( K r ), k Av )
remedial measures. In addition, the feedback provider 3. Initalize special field of AuthTx sfa = {}
embeds their digital signature in the transaction to ensure the 4. for 0 i 1 do:
traceability of the feedback. 5. Compute Kiori = (k r K Bv , i )G + K Bs
This method is designed to enable receiver to provide 6. if i == 0 then
feedback on the communication status. After Bob receives a 7. Compute K inew = r K iori
TransTx with the transaction amount end flag indicating 0, he 8. endif
will assemble all extracted message segments and send 9. else
feedback to Alice through a Monero transaction on whether 10. Compute K inew = s K iori
any messages are missing. Bob embeds his digital signature 11. endelse
into stealth address of Monero transactions. Additionally, as 12. sfa.append( K inew )
showing in Fig. 3, Bob inserts the missing message sequence 13. endfor
number in the FbTx amount field. After receiving FbTx, Alice 14. Output sfa
determines whether to resend the message based on the
amount field of the FbTx. We denote the new stealth
To ensure the confidentiality of session key, our proposed
Algorithm 2 Generation Special fields of TransTx approach includes the following two considerations, which
INPUT: Message m , Public view key of Bob K Bv , Public spend key of will be discussed separately.
Bob K Bs , Digital signature of Alice (r, s) Firstly, our approach does not require off-chain pre-
OUTPUT: Special fields of TransTx sft
negotiation of critical parameters of message transmission,
1. Divide message m into 32 bytes chuncks m = {m1 , m2 ,..., mn }
such as master keys, encryption keys, etc. This allows the
communicating parties to use publicly available wallet
2. Initalize special field of AuthTx sft = {}
addresses for direct communication, reducing the impact of
3. for mi in m do: off-chain network attacks on covert transmissions.
4. Get amount ai based on amount encoding method Secondly, our approach can dynamically update session
ai = GenAmount (i) keys on-chain to encrypt messages, avoiding the risk of
5. Choose a random factor kir compromising associated sessions due to the leakage of long-
6. Compute public transaction key K ir = kir G
term session keys. We demonstrate the confidentiality of the
session keys and message through an assumption and specific
7. Initialize output index t as 0 or 1 as non-change out index
8. Compute masked amount with digital signature of Alice scenarios.
hi = ai 8 (" amount ", (kir K Bv , t ), (r , s )) Assumption: We assume there exists an attacker who
knows all the public keys denoted in Table I and can associate
9. Compute original stealth address K iori = (kir K Bv , t )G + K Bs
a covert transaction containing messages with the public keys
10. Compute one-time session key ki = ( K iori || K Bv || K Bs ) of both parties.
11. Compute ci = Enc(mi , ki ) There are two scenarios in which the attacker can compute
12. Compute Kinew = Kiori ci the dynamic key k , ultimately gaining access to the plaintext
13. Get transaction special field sfti = {hi , K inew } information.
14. endfor Scenario 1. In this scenario, in order to get K ori by KBv , K r
15. Combine sft = {sft1 , sft2 ,..., sftn } and KBs , based on the one-way and anti-collision property of
16. Output sft hash functions, the attacker need to compute the shared secret
Algorithm 3 Generation Special fileds of FbTx S shown in (5). Due to the difficulty of ECDLP, given G and
INPUT: Random factor k r , Private view key of Alice k Bv , Public view public keys, it is infeasible to compute S without knowing
key of Bob K Av , Public spend key of Bob K As , Missing message
the private keys, since the attacker would have to solve the
ECDLP to find private keys.
sequence mms
OUTPUT: Special field of FbTx sff Scenario 2. In this scenario, the attacker tries to extract
1. Compute K = k G
r r original stealth address K ori and ciphertext C from new
2. Compute (r , s) = Sign( ( K R ), k Bv ) stealth address K new . Let AdvAxor (s) denote the advantage of
3. Initialize special field of FbTx sff = {} attacker A in separating 256-bit K ori and ciphertext C
4. for 0 i 1 do: from 256-bit K new , where the security parameter s = 256 .
5. Compute K iori = (rK Bv , i )G + K As This advantage can be defined as the difference between the
6. if i == 0 then probability of the attacker successfully separating two strings
7. Compute K inew = r K iori and the probability of a random guess, shown in Eq. (8):
8. endif 1
9. else AdvAxor (s) = Pr[ A( K new ) − ( K ori , C )] −
, (8)
10. Compute K inew = s K iori
11. endelse
where K new = K ori C . Ideally, the attacker has no better
12. sff.append( K inew ) chance than random guessing, i.e., Pr[ A( K new ) = ( K ori , C)] is
13. endfor 1
14. if mms 0 then close to , making AdvAxor (s) close to zero, indicating
15. Get amount a based on amount encoding method
that the advantage is negligible.
a = GenAmount(mms)
Based on the discussion above, our approach can avoid off-
16. Initialize output index t as 0 or 1 as non-change out index
17. Compute hiding amount with digital signature of Bob
chain negotiations and ensures the confidentiality of
h0 = a 8 (" amount ", (k0r K Bv , t ), ( r , s)) dynamically updated session keys. Therefore, our approach
satisfies SR1.
18. sff.append( h0 )
2) SR2: Non-repudiation of transmission parties
19. endif
Our approach ensures that while Monero transactions
20. Get transaction sepecial field sff = {K 0new , K1new , h0 }
remain anonymous to third parties, the non-repudiation
21. Output sff between the transmission parties still exists.
Firstly, during the authentication stage, the sender needs to
A. Security Analysis
embed their digital signature into the Monero transaction for
We now conduct a security analysis of the approach we the receiver, allowing the receiver to verify the validity of the
proposed based on the SRs outlined in Section II.B. signature. Secondly, during the transmission stage, the sender
1) SR1: Confidentiality of on-chain session key uses their signature in the process of generating masked
amounts, ensuring that only the parties in possession of this
signature can correctly extract the message sequence. Finally, 1
our approach enables the receiver to embed their digital 0.9
signature into the FbTx during the feedback stage, preventing
the receiver from denying the communication behavior.
Therefore, the communication parties’ actions are 0.7
accountable throughout the entire CT process, making it 0.6
impossible to deny transmission behaviors. Thus, our A1 A2 T
approach meets SR2. 1 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 1001
3) SR3: Reliability of message transmission under Experiment Number
blockchain attack (a) Stealth Address
The distributed nature of blockchain enhances the
reliability of message transmission for blockchain-based CT. 1
However, when the blockchain is under attack, such as 0.9
eclipse attack, the transactions may be lost and not properly
received by the intended receiver. Our approach offers
mitigation measures for this scenario, addressing both the
sender’s and receiver’s perspectives. 0.4
Firstly, the sender embeds message sequence and end flag 1 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901
in the masked amount when sending messages. This allows Experiment Number
the receiver to assemble the complete message based the (b) Masked Amount
message sequence and end flag, thereby determining if the Fig. 6. KS Test for Special Fields
message is complete.
0.00004 N1 vs N2 N1 vs A1 N1 vs A2 N1 vs T T A N
Time Cost (ms)
0.00003 800
0.00002 600
0.00001 400
0 200
Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 0
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52
(a) Stealth Address
Transaction Number
0.0001 20 T A
Time Cost (ms)
0.00005 15
0 10
Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 5
(b) Masked amount 0
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49
Fig. 4. KLD Experiments for Special Fields Transaction Number
(b) Extraction Time Cost
0.8 A1 A2 T N1
0.6 Fig. 7. Time Cost for Embedding and Extraction
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
Hexadecimal characters A T N
assesses its completeness. after the assessment, the receiver
sends a FbTx to the sender to inform the current
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f communication status. Upon receiving FbTx, the sender
Hexdecimal characters decides whether to resend any message fragments. If the
(b) Masked Amount
sender receives no FbTx after several new blocks, he will
check their node’s status and take remedial measures.
Fig. 5. CDF Experiments for Special Fields
Our approach considers the reliability of message
transmission from both the sender’s and receiver’s
perspectives when under blockchain attacks, satisfying SR3.
P( x) 2) Embedding Rate
DKL ( P || Q) = x P( x) log (9) The embedding rate refers to the amount of information that
Q( x ) can be carried in one covert transaction. Each 256-bit message
We first use KLD to evaluate the normal fields and special is encrypted with a dynamic session key to generate a 256-bit
fields embedded with message and signature. We conduct ciphertext, which is then embedded into a 256-bit stealth
KLD experiments between normal and special fields of address. Therefore, each TransTx is capable of transmitting a
AuthTx, TransTx and normal transactions, including stealth 256-bit message.
addresses and masked amounts. Due to the similarities in the
processing procedures of FbTx and AuthTx, the specific 3) Efficiency
experiments for FbTx are omitted. In detail, we generated To evaluate the efficiency of our approach, we constructed
50,000 AuthTx, TransTx, and normal transactions initially, and broadcast covert transactions, and extracted digital
each divided into five groups. For AuthTx, we recorded the signatures and messages through querying transaction hashes.
stealth addresses of two non-change outputs, named A1 and After sending an embedding request, the Monero client
A2. For TransTx and normal transactions, we saved the stealth constructs and broadcasts transactions with embedded digital
addresses and masked amounts of one non-change output, signature or messages, and returns a response upon successful
named T and N1. To be clearer, we additionally generated broadcast. After sending an extraction request, the Monero
10,000 standard stealth addresses and masked amounts named client queries the transaction details using the transaction hash,
N2. This helps identify any anomalies in statistical analysis extracts the digital signature of messages, and returns a
and verify the significance of the results. Then, we calculate response upon successful extraction. We define the time
the frequency distribution of hexadecimal characters for A1, consumption as the difference between the response
A2 and N1, and compare it with the character frequency timestamp and request timestamp.
distribution of N2 to compute the KLD. Firstly, we created 50 instances each of normal transactions,
Fig. 4 shows the result of KLD of stealth addresses and AuthTx, and TransTx, recording the corresponding times Tcost
masked amounts, which reveals that the KLD is uniformly at as N, A, and T respectively, as shown in Fig. 7. (a). Secondly,
the order 5e-10 and 4e-10 separately, and there is essentially we extracted digital signature and message from the 50
no difference in KLD between the five groups. Small and AuthTx and TransTx instances, respectively. The time
similar KLD across groups indicate that the data distributions consumed for these processes is also denoted as A and T, as
are nearly identical. Therefore, the stealth addresses between illustrated in Fig. 7. (b). We list some of these broadcasted
AuthTx, TransTx, and normal transactions and the masked transaction hashes and corresponding blocks in TABLE IV,
amounts between TransTx and normal transactions are
which can be found in Monero stagenet explorer online. The
average time cost is presented in TABLE V. Combining Fig.
Subsequently, we conduct CDF experiment to compare 7 and TABLE V, it is evident that AuthTx require the most
character frequency between standard and special fields. CDF time due to the need for two non-change outputs, while
represents the probability that a random variable takes on a TransTx and normal transactions involve one non-change
value less than or equal to a specific number. As what we have output each. Furthermore, the construction and broadcast
done in KLD, we collect character frequency in stealth time for TransTx is about 12.82ms longer compared to a
addresses and masked amounts of AuthTx, TransTx and normal transaction, which is within an acceptable range. For
normal transactions. For stealth addresses, we calculate CDFs the extraction process, the time required to extract signatures
of A1, A2, T and N1. For masked amounts, we calculate CDFs and information is very short, demonstrating high extraction
of T and N1. The result is showed in Fig. 5, in which the CDFs
for all groups appear to increase linearly, suggesting that the
4) Comparison
frequency distribution of hexadecimal characters is uniform
across the normal and special fields for each group. The CDF Our approach aims to provide a high embedding rate CT
of each group is nearly identical at the same character position, channel with no observable characteristics, which could
demonstrating the consistency of character distribution. dynamically update session key without any off-chain
KS Test is designed to compare two samples to determine if
they are drawn from the same distribution. We perform a KS TABLE VI shows a comparison of various CT methods.
Test on four sets of data previously depicted, including those BLOCCE embeds covert information into the last digit of
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indistinguishability. For each set, we conduct 1000 samples, practical value is limited due to a low embedding rate. MRCC
with each sample consisting of 500 instances. We calculated can embed 11 bits per input in a Monero transaction, and this
p-values for the character frequency comparison between capacity increases with the number of inputs. But in the
normal and special fields, and the result are displayed in Fig. Monero network, transactions with a large number of inputs
6. It shows that almost all p-values appear to fall between 0.6 are uncommon. Additionally, there exists a risk of sender
and 0.8, which is higher than the significance level of 0.05, denial of communication behavior in this method. Both
suggesting that for most of the samples, there is no statistical DLchain, RDSAC, as well as our method, have an embedding
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