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Joint Option under Erstwhile Para 11 (3) & Para 11 (4) of EPS'95


The Regional Provident Fund Commissioner

Employee s Fund Provident Fund Organizati on

M~zqf-fqy}?u_ y

Sub Joint Option under Para 11(3) and Para 11 (4) of Employees Pension Schedme, 1995
based upon the Hon'ble Supreme Court's Order in SLP No. 8658-8659 year 2019 titled EPFO
Sunil Kumar Pronounced on 4th November, 2011 - Reg.

Reference is invited towards Para 43 and Para 44 (ii) & (iv) of the aforesaid order dated 4111 November
2022 of Hon'b1e Supreme Court of India, in the above cited Civil Appeal wherein the eligible employee
employees and his/her employer are required to submit a joint option under erstwhile Para 11(3) &
11(4) of
the EPS'95 within a period of four months from the date of Judgement.

Since, no fonmat for the joint option has been provided by EPFO (also not available on EPFO's website),
based on similar fonmats issued by various ROs in the year 2017 & 2018 while implementing the
R C.
Gupta Judgement; in order to comply with the above requirement, we (employee/ex-employee
employer) are, hereby submitting the joint option form as required under erstwhile Para 11(3) and
11(4) of
employees' Pension Scheme 1995 for claiming pension on actual salary instead of ceiling salary
limit of
Rs.5,000/- or Rs. 6,500/- or 15,000/-..

Particulars of Employees are as under:-

SI. No. Particulars Details

1. Name of the Employee

Ki~hoo i LQ.l Mqht ·0
2. Date of Birth
2- 7 / 0 7 / I 3 64-
3. Full EPF Account number with Date of Joining
BR/M lJZ/ 182(314
j_ c., /11/1qqc ::,
4. EPF Account Number of Previous Establishment with Date
of joining and Date of Exit
- 1'4 A -
5. EPF Account Number of Previous Organisation with Date of
Joining and Date of Exit
- NA -
6. EPS Account Number of Previous Organisation, if any
- NA -
7. Universal Account Number (UAN)
., -NI-'\ -
8. Aadhar'{llumber
911£ 7243 0070
9. Date of Leaving Service or attained the age of 58 years
which was earlier (if applicable)
2£/ 07 / 200 4-
10. PPO Number (If any) attach Copy

11 . Correspondence Address
BRM UZ0 00 2 7 380
V1\l . - k1..1shma,.-; Po-... khc n-sa n,
12. Mobile Number registered with EPFO '.])1 c;+. ~;+a1 rna.., '1,.;
s, hq'r-84-3327
13. Email ID
73 52 9S 89 1£
14. Pemr

Declaration by employee/Ex-employee

It is certified that immediately after joining "Belsund Suga

r Co Ltd" , I had been contributing towards
the Provident Fund on my actual salary/wages and an equal
amount used to be contributed in my PF by the
employer also as provided under Para 26(6) of EPF Schem
e 1952. It is to further certify that an amount
@8.33 % of the statutory ceiling amount i.e. Rs. 15,000
(earlier Rs. 5,000/- or Rs. 6,500/-) out of the
employer's contribution had been remitted every month toward
s Employees' Pension Scheme; 1995 since
16th November, 1995 or the date of Joining whichever is later
I, do hereby opt for diverting 8.33% of my actual salary
/wages out of employers contribution towards
pension fund (after adjusting the amount already diverted
in EPS'95 on ceiling wages) from the date of
joining the EPS'95 till my attaining the age of 58 years.

(Tick whichever is applicable)

Since I have already withdrawn entire Provident Fund on my

retirernenWRSlresignation, I
am ready to pay the differential amount that I had
taken/withdrawn after my

In case my Provident Fund amount (Employer portion) becom

es short on account of non-
refundable advance, I am ready to pay the differential amoun
t that I had taken/withdrawn;

thus making me eligible for drawing pension on the basis

of average of last sixty months' salary/wages as
pensionable salary/wages i.e. based on my actual salary
/wages instead of being based on the statutory

That I retired on attaining the age of 58 years for the purpo

se of EP5 1995 after 1* September 2014 on
(strike out if not applicable)

I also undertake that if any other legal formality is required

in this regard, I am ready to do accordingly.
Copy of order issued by EPFO fixing my Pension under EPS
1995 on attaining the age of 58 years is also
enclosed herewith for your reference.
S~nature : ~~

Name : Ki Sh O"b ~ M~ h-to

Date :

Address: v; I I . - ku .sh mO."f"I , Po - )<.ho. ·y-_~q"Y)

'J)1s-l - - ~;~amQokLJg~ ~~'Y"- B 4 ?i 32..

Mobile 7352.958 91b

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