Responding To The Environment (Humans)
Responding To The Environment (Humans)
Responding To The Environment (Humans)
The Nervous System:
The nervous system is the body's control and communication centre and ensures that
humans respond effectively and quickly to their environment. This ensures their
The terminology that will be used in this section includes the following:
2. Meninges: The three protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal
3. Reflex action: A quick, involuntary, automatic action that involves the spinal cord
and does NOT involve the brain.
4. Reflex arc: The pathway a reflex action follows in order to bring about a reflex
7. Receptor: an organ that detects the stimulus and converts it into an impulse
8. Effector: an organ or gland that receives the impulse from the CNS and carries
out the appropriate response.
1. The brain
The brain:
The brain is the enlarged upper part of the spinal cord, protected by a bony cranium,
cerebrospinal fluid and three membranes called meninges.
2. Corpus callosum: a white band of neurons that connect the two hemispheres of
the cerebrum.
4. Medulla oblongata (part of the brain stem): controls involuntary functions eg.
breathing, blood pressure, peristalsis.
• A central canal that runs through the centre of the spinal cord, and is filled
with cerebrospinal fluid.
• The "grey matter" forms the letter H on the inside and the "white matter " is
located on the outside of the letter H. It contains myelinated nerve fibres that
extend to and from the brain.
• A pair of spinal nerves enters and leaves the spinal cord between each
successive vertebrae.
• Each spinal nerve has a dorsal root made up of sensory neurons, that
conducts impulses from the receptors to the grey matter of the spinal cord.
• Each spinal nerve also has a ventral root made up of motor neurons, that
conducts impulses from the grey matter of the spinal cord towards the
• The cells bodies of the sensory neurons occur in the swelling of the dorsal
root. This swelling is called a ganglion.
• The spinal cord is protected by the same three meninges that protect the
• Carrying signals from the brain: The spinal cord receives signals from the brain
that control movement and autonomic functions.
• Carrying information to the brain: The spinal cord nerves also transmit
messages to the brain from the body, such as sensations of touch, pressure,
and pain.
The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS):
The PNS consists of all the nervous tissue outside of the CNS. It is made up of the
nervous tissue that links the CNS to the receptors or effectors of the body.
• Cranial nerves are connected to the brain and conduct impulses to and from
the sensory receptors and muscles in the face.
• Spinal nerves enter and leave the spinal cord between the vertebrae.
1. Sensory function: conducts impulses from the receptor cells in the sense
organs to the CNS.
2. Motor function: conducts impulses from the CNS to the effectors (muscles or
The motor division is then divided again into two different parts:
a) Somatic nervous system - motor neurons conduct impulses from the CNS to
skeletal muscles that control voluntary movements.
b) Autonomic nervous system - motor neurons conduct impulses from the CNS to
cardiac and smooth muscles and glands, that control involuntary movements.
The autonomic nervous system is then divided into two different parts:
1. Sensory/Afferent neuron
2. Motor/Efferent neuron
3. Interneuron/Connector neuron
The parts of the neurons along with the specific function that part controls, is
shown below:
The Synapse:
A synapse is the minute gap between consecutive neurons or between a neuron and an
effector. A neurotransmitter (Acetylcholine) is secreted by the synaptic knobs which
facilitates the movement of the impulse over the gap. This ensures the smooth
communication of an impulse.
1. Alzheimer's disease
2. Multiple sclerosis
Alzheimer's Disease:
An irreversible brain disease that gradually worsens, resulting in memory loss and
decreased mental functioning.
Can be caused by a number of factors:
Symptoms start with short term memory loss. As the disease worsens, the patient
suffers from severe long term memory loss (inability to recognize friends or family).
Tasks involving multiple steps become impossible (eg. getting dressed). Patient also
suffers from mood swings, aggression and irritability. Eventually the patient loses
the ability to speak.
Multiple Sclerosis
The body's own immune system attacks and destroys the myelin sheaths in the
CNS. Myelin sheaths help to accelerate the conduction of nervous impulses.
* Gradual loss of muscle control and co-ordination in most parts of the body;
These three functions are only possible because the cornea and lens are able to refract
light rays. The pathway of light rays through the eye is as follows:
This term refers to the adjustment of the curvature of the lens to cater for vision at
various distances.
Pupillary mechanism
This term refers to the change in size of the pupil under different light intensities.
This term is used to describe the process involved in forming a 3D image, which
allows the person to estimate size, distance and depth.
Visual Defects:
There are many visual defects that affect the eye. Some of these can be corrected by
wearing glasses or contact lenses. Other defects require surgery.
Short-Sightedness (Myopia)
A person is able to focus clearly on close objects, but not on distant objects.
This is due to the shape of the eyeball being too long - a concave lens is required to
correct this condition.
Long-Sightedness (Hyperopia)
A person is able to see distant objects clearly, but has difficulty focusing on near
This is because the eyeball is too short - a convex lens is required to correct this
This condition is a result of the cornea or lens having an unequal curvature, causing
only part of the image to be clearly in focus.
Astigmatism can be corrected by using a lens that closely matches the defective part
of the eye.
This condition results when the lens becomes cloudy and vision is impaired.
Cataracts usually occur in older people, as well as diabetics and those people who
suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure).
Cataracts can be corrected by surgery. A synthetic lens replaces the defective lens.
It is important to know the structures of the ear and the functions of those parts.
The pathway that sound waves follow in order to bring about hearing, is as follows:
Sound waves are trapped by the pinna and directed towards the tympanic
membrane which causes the membrane to vibrate. These vibrations are moved on
to the ossicles, which in turn sends the vibrations to the oval window. The
vibrations of the oval window set up pressure waves in the inner ear, which
stimulate hair cells in the Organ of Corti, which is found in the cochlea. The
nerve impulse is then sent down the auditory nerve to the cerebrum of the brain.
When the head moves, fluid in the inner ear, in the semi-circular canals, is
disturbed and mechano-receptors called Maculae and Cristae are stimulated,
sending a nerve impulse to the cerebellum of the brain. A response impulse is
then sent to effector muscles to restore balance and equilibrium.
Hearing defects:
There are two main types of hearing defects.
The middle ear becomes infected after a virus or bacteria enters it via the
Eustachian tube. This causes fluid to build up causing a severe ear ache.
Grommets (small tubes) are sometimes inserted if medication does not work.
Grommets are surgically placed on the ear drum. They have tiny holes which allows
moisture to drain out from the ear drum and air to enter the Eustachian tube.
Deafness and Speech disorders:
2. Damage to that part of the brain that perceives impulses from the auditory nerve.
a) Hearing aids are worn behind the ear, and make the sound waves louder.
b) Cochlea implants are done when the cochlea has been damaged. An electronic
apparatus is inserted into the bone behind the ear.
Hearing impaired people often use sign language to communicate. This involves
facial expressions, hand and body movements. People with hearing defects should
be accorded the same respect as people who are able to hear - they should not be
discriminated against.