PS0500 MANUAL - Mod Times New Roman
PS0500 MANUAL - Mod Times New Roman
PS0500 MANUAL - Mod Times New Roman
Genset Models:
X1.3, S and B series
Schedule of Abbreviations
IC Integrated Circuit LV Low Voltage
I/O Input / Output
2. Control System…………………………………………..………. 6
3. Status Indicators…………………………………..……………… 20
4. Troubleshooting………………………………………..…………... 22
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Control unit
4.3 Troubleshooting procedure for fault codes
4.4 Fault Finding
5. InPower connectivity……………………………..………………… 26
6. Calibration Procedure…..…………………...…………………….. 27
7. Wiring Diagrams…..…………………...…………………………... 33
1. Preliminary and safety
1.1 Warning, Caution and Note styles used in this manual
The following safety styles found throughout this manual indicate potentially hazardous
conditions to the operator, service personnel or the equipment.
Caution Warns of a hazard or an unsafe practice that can result in product or property
Note: A short piece of text giving information that augments the current text.
2. Control System
2.1 Control System Description
The control system is used to start and stop the generator set, and provides full generator
set monitoring capability and protection in a stand-alone situation (non paralleling) from the
display screen. It monitors the engine for temperature, oil pressure, battery voltage, estop and
genset hours, and provides voltage and current metering. In the event of a fault the unit will
indicate the fault type and automatically shut down the generator set on critical faults.
All indicators, control buttons and the display screen are on the face of the display module
as illustrated in Figure 1.
There are two fault level signals generated by the control system as follows:
• Warning: - signals an imminent or non-critical fault for the engine. The control provides an
indication only for this condition.
• Shutdown: - signals a potentially critical fault for the engine. The control will immediately
take the engine OFF-load and automatically shut it down.
The standard control system operates on 12 VDC battery power. The auxiliary equipment
operates on LV AC power. The history data is stored in non-volatile memory and will not be
deleted due to loss of battery power.
1. Display Module
2. Emergency Stop Button
2.2 Operating Modes
The PowerStart 0500 control is operated by the Manual / Start / Stop / Auto buttons on the
display module face.
The control will not enter the Sleep mode if there are any active, unacknowledged, shutdown
faults or if the control is in the Manual Run mode.
2.3 Display Module - Front Panel
Figure 2 shows the features of the front panel. It includes four LED indicators, the graphical
display, and six buttons used to navigate through the menus and adjust parameters.
1. LED Indicator – Genset Running 7. Auto Mode Button
2. LED Indicator – Remote Start 8. Reset Button
3. LED Indicator – Shutdown 9. Stop Button
4. LED Indicator – Warning 10. OK Button
5. Manual Mode Button 11. Alpha numeric LCD Display
6. Start Button
00.0 00.0 00.0 CLNT TEMP=342F
Genset Running
This green LED is lit when the generator set is running at or near rated speed and voltage.
This red lamp is lit when the control detects a Shutdown condition. The generator set cannot be
started when this lamp is on. After the condition has been corrected, the lamp can be reset by
pressing the Stop button.
Note:When Battle Short mode has been enabled and an overridden shutdown fault
occurs, the Shutdown lamp will be lit even though the generator set will continu
to run.
This yellow lamp is lit whenever the control detects a Warning condition. This lamp is
automatically shut OFF when the Warning condition no longer exists.
Remote Start
This green lamp indicates the control is receiving a remote run signal.
Press this button to put the control in Auto mode from OFF mode. The green LED above this
button lights when the control is in Auto mode. In Auto mode, the generator set starts and runs
when a remote start signal is received. It is also used to exit from configuration mode.
Press this button to switch to the OFF mode from both Manual as well as Auto modes. The Red
LED above this button lights when the control is in OFF mode.
In Manual mode, press this button to initiate a Manual Start sequence. In Auto mode, this button
has no effect.
This button wakes the control from Power Down Sleep Mode. The control enters configuration
mode when Reset button and Stop button are pressed together. To enter in configuration mode it
is necessary that the control is in Stop mode.
This button is used to acknowledge the fault pop ups. It is also used to Pause / Resume the
scrolling of the parameter frames. It is used to select the menu items and the parameters in the
selected menu in the configuration mode. The selected parameter will be preceded by an *
asterisk and will get saved when the configuration mode will be exited using Auto button.
Note: Manual, Auto, OK and Reset buttons are used for navigation in the configuration mode.
2.3.6 Fault Acknowledgement
Shutdown Faults are reset after a shutdown fault is cleared when engine comes to a standstill and
all start commands are removed.
In Manual mode, the start command is removed when the Stop button, on the front panel, is
In Auto Mode, the start command is removed when the Remote Start signal is removed.
Faults are removed from the display when they are cleared.
Note: Faults are re-announced if they are detected again after being acknowledged.
c) Press the Manual button on the front panel while in the OFF mode. The green LED above this
button is lit when the control is in Manual mode.
To disable Manual Run mode, press the Stop button.
Note: Auto mode cannot be selected whilst in Manual Run mode. The control has to be in
OFF mode before changing the mode. Switching to OFF mode will result in the
generator set shutting down.
Entering into the
Reset Ok Config Mode…
For 5
Sec No Navigation is needed
SW PART 3267727
SW VER 1.12
As seen from the above figure, on pressing RESET and OK button on PS0500 for 5 seconds,
controller enters into configuration mode. Before displaying the menu, software part no. and version are
displayed. One needs to understand key to operate.
Keys Properties
Will go down
In Configuration mode the PowerStart 0500 control has the following menus:
• Alt Setup: Select alternator set-up parameters (Single / Three phase, 50 / 60 Hz operation,
Star / Delta, Voltage etc.)
• Units: Select SAE or Metric units of measure for Coolant Temperature and Oil Pressure
• Oil Pr Input: Select the oil pressure sensor type.
• Customer I/O: Configure the response to Customer Input and use of the Customer Output
• Flt History: Displays the last five faults.
• Load Defaults: Resets to the default values.
• Lamp/LED Test: Tests all the LED’s on the PS0500 display module.
2.5.1 Starting
Before attempting to start the generator set, the operator should read through this entire
manual, together with the Health and Safety manual and the specific engine manual provided as
part of the documentation pack supplied with the generator set. It is essential that the operator be
completely familiar with the generator set and the PowerStart 0500 control.
The following sub-sections cover the systems used to start and stop the generator set.
Before starting the generator set, make sure that exhaust and fuel fittings are tight and
properly positioned, and that proper maintenance and pre-start checks have been performed.
The generator set can be configured for a number of starting cycles (one to seven) with set
times for crank and rest periods for all starting modes (manual/remote). The default setting is for
three start cycles, composed of fifteen seconds of cranking and 5 seconds of rest.
To start the generator set in the Manual Run mode, press the Start button within 10 seconds of
pressing the Manual button. Follow the instructions in Section 4.2.9 (Selecting Manual Run
Note: Any Remote Start/Stop signal is ignored whilst in Manual Run Mode.
The PowerStart 0500 control will initiate a starter cranking signal and will perform an
automatically sequenced manual start, under a complete engine protection system combined with
full monitoring capability. This will activate the engine control system and the starting procedure.
The starter will begin cranking, and after a few seconds the engine will start and the starter will
In the Manual Run mode the control will not complete the Time Delay to Start or Time Delay to
The Remote Start red LED, and the Manual Run, green LED will be lit.
If the engine does not start, the starter will disengage after a specified period of time and the
control will indicate a Fail to Start Shutdown.
Wait a minimum of two minutes for the starter motor to cool and then repeat the starting
procedure. If the engine does not run after a second attempt, refer troubleshooting guidelines.
To start the generator set in the Auto Run mode, press the Auto button from the menu bar of the
display module front panel. Follow the instructions in Section 4.2.8 (Selecting Auto Mode).
The Auto, green LED will be lit.
Only on receipt of a remote start signal, and after a Time Delay to Start, will the PowerStart 0500
control initiate the starting sequence as above.
The Remote Start LED will be lit.
2.6 Stopping
2.6.1 Stopping at Display Panel (Manual Mode)
The module will not respond to any Remote Stop signal whilst in Manual Run Mode. When in
Manual run mode, pressing the Stop button will initiate a normal (Manual) shutdown sequence.
In the Manual Run mode the control will not complete the Time Delay to Stop.
Note: Remove load and run set for five minutes to reduce engine heat before pressing the OFF
If a Stop Button is activated the following message will be displayed;
Fault: 1434
To reset:
a) Press the OK button on the Display Module to acknowledge the fault.
b) Press the Stop button and pull, or twist and pull, the button out to reset the fault condition
c) Press the Auto or Manual Run Button, as previously determined.
J12 – CT
Arrow at Pin 1
J12 –Pin 4
J16 – Engine
connector arrow
at Pin 1
J22 – Voltage
J16 –Pin 7
Arrow at Pin 1
TB2 – Customer TB
Arrow at Pin 1
Following are the description for all the terminals on PS0500
2.7.3 CT Connector
The CT connector is a 6- pin MATE-N-LOCK connector.
Connector details are as follows –
2.7.5 Customer Connection TB - 2
The customer connection TB2 is a 6 pin terminal block. The terminal pins details are as shown below-
Returns for all the above connections are required to be connected externally.
All the inputs are active GND. Remote E-Stop switch should have two independent potential free contacts.
One NC contact for cutting out the Battery supply to the Fuel Solenoid and another NC contact to connect
controller’s E-Stop input to GND to indicate to the control when the E-Stop is pushed in active state.
Battery Positive is not provided on the Customer terminal block (TB2). External provision needs to be
made in the harness to provide the B+ signal for convenience of wiring up external relays and may be used
as relay supply (high side) for FSO, Starter, Customer Output and Glow plug Relays via a 1 Amp Fuse.
3. Status Indicators
Display Panel
Genset Running
This green LED is lit when the generator set is running at or near rated speed and voltage.
This red lamp is lit when the control detects a Shutdown condition. The generator set cannot be
started when this lamp is on. After the condition has been corrected, the lamp can be reset by
pressing the OFF button.
Note: When Battle Short mode has been enabled and an overridden shutdown fault
occurs, the Shutdown lamp will be lit even though the generator set will continue
to run.
This yellow lamp is lit whenever the control detects a Warning condition. This lamp is
automatically shut OFF when the Warning condition no longer exists.
Remote Start
This green lamp indicates the control is receiving a remote run signal.
3.1 Fault Code list
C 141 Warning Indicates the oil pressure sensor output is out of range (OOR), low.
D 1435** Warning Indicates that the engine coolant temperature is below the adjusted
setpoint. This may indicate that the coolant heater is not operating
or is not circulating coolant.
D 1442** Warning Indicates that the generator set battery voltage is below battery
thresholds during cranking.
A 1446** Shutdown Indicates that one or more measured AC output voltages have
exceeded the threshold for longer than a specified time limit. The
threshold and time limits are 130% of nominal for zero seconds or
110% of nominal for ten seconds.
A 1447** Shutdown Indicates that the measured AC output voltage is below the
threshold for longer than a specified time limit. The threshold and
time limits are 85% of nominal for ten seconds.
A 1448** Shutdown Indicates that the alternator frequency is 6 Hertz under the nominal
A 1449** Shutdown Indicates that the alternator frequency is 6 Hertz above the nominal
A 2335 Shutdown Indicates that a loss of voltage or frequency sensing from the
generator has occurred.
A 2677 Shutdown The generator set continues to run after receiving a stop command
from the controller.
4. Troubleshooting
4.1 Introduction
Fault codes information together with Warning and Shutdown information is provided in this
section to assist in locating and identifying the possible causes of faults in the generator set
system. Refer also to the Operator’s engine specific manual supplied as part of the generator set
documentation pack. This latter manual will contain further information regarding the running
and care of the generator set and also specific equipment instructions that may differ from the
standard generator set.
LAMP: Shutdown d) Check blower fan and circulation pumps on remote radiator
MESSAGE: HIGH COOLANT e) Reset control and restart after locating and correcting problem.
CODE: 359 Indicates possible fuel system or air induction problem. (Engine cranks
but fails to start). Allow engine to cool down completely before
proceeding with the following checks:
f) Check for empty fuel tank, fuel leaks, or blocked fuel lines and
correct as required
g) Check for dirty fuel filter and replace if necessary
LAMP: Shutdown h) Check for dirty or blocked air filter and replace if necessary
MESSAGE: Fail to Start i) Reset control and restart after correcting the problem.
CODE: 415 Indicates engine oil pressure has dropped below the shutdown trip point.
Allow engine to cool down completely before proceeding with the
following checks:
j) Check the oil level, lines and filters
LAMP: Shutdown k) If the oil system is OK but the oil level is low, replenish
MESSAGE: LOW OIL l) Reset control and restart after locating and correcting problem.
CODE: 441 Indicates battery voltage supply to the control is approaching a low
level at which unpredictable operation will occur. If engine can be
stopped allow engine to cool down completely before proceeding:
m) Poor battery cable connections. Clean the battery cable terminals and
tighten all connections
n) Check battery charge voltage float level if applicable (raise float
o) Discharged or defective battery
LAMP: Warning Check the battery charger fuse
MESSAGE: LOW BAT Recharge or replace the battery.
CODE: 442 Indicates battery voltage supply to the control is approaching a high
level at which damage to the control can occur. If engine can be stopped
allow engine to cool down completely before proceeding:
LAMP: Warning p) Poor battery cable connections. Clean the battery cable terminals and
tighten all connections
MESSAGE: HIGH BAT q) Check battery charge float level if applicable (lower float level).
CODE: 1131 Indicates that the control is in Battle Short mode – used to bypass
several fault shutdowns therefore allowing generator set operation
during emergencies.
LAMP: Warning
CODE: 1311, 1312, 1317, The nature of the fault is an optional customer selection. Example
1318 inputs: Low Fuel Day Tank, Water In Fuel, Ground Fault, etc.
Each of the fault functions can be programmed (using InPower service
tool or access to Setup menu), as follows:
r) Event , Warning or Shutdown level if Function Select = Fault Input
CODE: 1416 The generator set continues to run after receiving a shutdown command
from the controller. The Battle Short feature is enabled – this is used to
bypass several critical fault shutdowns therefore allowing generator set
operation during emergencies.
LAMP: Warning
CODE: 1433/1434 Indicates local or remote Emergency Stop. Emergency Stop shutdown
status can be reset only at the local control panel. After locating and
correcting problem, reset the local/remote Emergency Stop button as
t) De-activate (disable) emergency stop button
u) Press the O (OFF) button
v) Select the desired operating mode (manual or remote).
CODE: 1435 Indicates engine coolant heater is not operating or is not circulating
coolant. If engine can be stopped allow engine to cool down completely
before proceeding with the following checks:
w) The coolant heater not connected to power supply.
Check for blown fuse or disconnected heater cable and correct as
x) Look for possible coolant leaks and repair as required
Check for low coolant level and replenish if required.
LAMP: Warning Set is not operating. Warning occurs when engine coolant temperature
is 21oC (70oF) or lower.
MESSAGE: LOW COOLANT NOTE: In applications where the ambient temperature falls below
TEMP 4oC (40oF), Low Coolant Temp may be indicated even though the
coolant heaters are operating.
CODE: 1442 Indicates that during cranking, the battery voltage is at, or below, the
weak battery warning trip point for a time greater than, or equal to, the
weak battery set time.
LAMP: Warning
MESSAGE: WEAK BATTERY See code 441 for corrective action
CODE: 1448 Indicates that the generator set frequency has dropped below 90% of
nominal for approximately ten seconds. Allow engine to cool down
completely before proceeding with the following checks:
y) Check the fuel supply
z) Check the air intake supply, the load and correct any overload.
5. Inpower Connectivity
1. PS0500 can be connected with inpower using the communication cable (Part
no. 0338-4590) and RS485-232 convertor (Part no. 0324-0021).
2. Configure the site of PS0500 in Inpower before moving ahead.
3. Connect one end of the cable to TB15 connector of PS0500
4. Connect the other end of cable to RS 485-232 convertor.
5. Connect the RS232 side of the convertor towards laptop
6. Open Inpower and connect the PS0500 with the created site.
RS 485-232 P/N of
LAPTOP convertor
P/N 0324-
6. Calibration Procedure
NOTE: PS0500 is calibrated from factory. You are not advised to do the calibration for the new
part. Only the required CT ratio has to be selected as per the engine model. Please confirm with
AO/ZO before performing calibration.
2. The select calibration window will appear. Select 0326-7727 and click next.
3. History window will appear. The latest calibration should be 1.14 or above. Click NEXT
4. Save and Restore parameter window will appear. Click NEXT after this.
6. Window of Calibration will pop up. Click YES to continue calibration.
7. Window of Device Explorer will pop up and click yes for continuing the calibration.
8. Progress window will appear. Don’t click anything and allow the calibration to happen.
11. Once the calibration is completed, the window for successful calibration will pop up. Click OK to finish
the calibration.
7. Wiring Diagram