Email Sequence Template

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Welcome Email Sequence Template

Email 1: Welcome + First Steps to Success

Introduction: In this first email you will welcome the customer and show them the first steps
they need to take to experience the full value of your product. Also, you will provide them with
helpful information/links to get started. End by teasing what will come from you in the next few

Content tips:

● Welcome the new subscriber and thank them

● Set expectations (Here is what you can expect from us...)
● Mention the benefits of being on your email list
● Describe the first steps they need to take (whitelist, connect on social media, look out for
next email, etc)
● Encourage whitelisting to make sure your emails get delivered in the inbox
● Connect on social media (facebook, instagram, linkedin, where ever you want to
● Open a "loop" (a copywriting tip where you start talking about something interesting, but
finish in the next email. This increases anticipation)
● Tease what will come for you in the next days (For example: Your "Best of" content or
more free resources to help with their problems)

Sending moment: Day 1

**Subject Line:** Welcome to [Your Company Name]. Your next steps...

Hey [First Name Recipient],

My team and I would like to personally welcome you to {Company Name}!

My name is {Your First Name} and I am the {Your Title} of {Company Name}

Thank you for choosing us for your journey.

We are truly excited and grateful that you decided to join us!

Here’s what you can expect from us…

We will be helping you to {Main Goal Recipient} by teaching you how to {Product Benefit}.

This will be done by using features such as our {Main Feature} which lets you {Main Feature

But first...
**Here is what you need to do to get started...**

**Step 1:** Whitelist this email address so you don’t miss out on anything

- Mark our emails as ‘Important’ or ‘Star’ them

- Drag our emails from your ‘Inbox’ into your ‘Priority Inbox’

- Click here to whitelist our emails

**Step 2:** Join our community. Connect with us on Social Media

- Click here to follow us

Kind regards,

[Your First Name]

**P.S. The next few days are going to be so exciting…**

You will be getting our secret bonuses to [Desired Outcome] even faster. Just
for becoming our subscriber!

I'll uncover it all in my next email tomorrow, so stay tuned...

Email 2: Introduction + Free Gift

Introduction: In this second email you will introduce yourself and your company/how you got
started. Provide your first and second free gift. Give a short description on what these gifts are
about and how they are useful. You will end by teasing what will come from you in the next few

Content tips:

● Introduce yourself and your company.

● Provide first free gift.
● Describe in short what the free gift it is about.
● End by teasing what will come in the next days.

Sending moment: Day 2

**Subject Line:** Who could ever say no to some free gifts?

Hey [First Name Recipient],

Do you remember yesterday I said that you would receive a secret bonus to {Main Goal
Recipient} even faster?

Well, here it is just as promised...

… but before I do that, I wanted to introduce myself.

[Optional: Add in a screenshot/picture of yourself]

My name is {Your First Name} and I am the {Your Title} of this company. It's my goal to {Product

Back in [year] we were where you are, and also searched for the best and smartest ways to
{Main Goal Recipient} without {Main Challenge Recipient}.

This is when we thought about and started {Company Name}.

This [website] was created for and with people like you in mind.

We want to help you {Main Goal Recipient} in the best way we can.

Ok, now that we are not strangers anymore... check this out:

It’s time for your free gift!

It’s called [Title free gift #1] and it [Free gift #1 description]

You’re going to love it.

Click Here to Get Your Free Gift NOW!

Go check it out now, and it might just be more coming your way tomorrow...

Kind regards,

{Your First Name}

P.S. Ok, so I changed my mind…

Instead of tomorrow, how about today?

Here’s a second bonus gift just for you!

(See, it pays to read these messages from beginning to END.)

If you were excited about the first one you’re going to be even more excited about this one...

It’s about [Free gift #2 description] and it's called [Title Free Gift #2]

Here you go:

Click Here to Get Your Second Free Gift NOW!

And tomorrow we're going to [Tease what will be coming tomorrow], so keep an eye out.

Email 3: Free gift #3 + More Content

Introduction: In this third email you will be providing your final free gift to your subscriber. Tell
what happened in the previous email. Share information on what this new gift is about and how
it can assist them. Give information on what they can do next to see/get more of your content.

Content tips:

● Provide your final free gift / bonus / case study.

● Describe, in short, what the gift is about.
● Tease what will come next.
● Link to website.

Sending moment: Day 3

**Subject Line:** Another free bonus inside?

Hey [First Name Recipient],

Yesterday you received 2 bonus gifts from us just for being a new subscriber!

These were:

- [Free Gift 1 - Description]

- [Free Gift 2 - Description]

And if you haven’t seen that email yet, you might want to do a quick search in your inbox for this
subject line: “Who could ever say no to some free gifts…?”

You can go ahead and do it now.

I’ll wait…
Now that you are caught back up, I have another gift for you.

That’s right!

Here is your third gift for becoming a new subscriber at {Company Name}!

It’s called [Title Free Gift #3] and it [Free gift #3 description]

Click Here to Get Your Third Free Gift NOW!

This is without a doubt one of the best bonuses that I have ever released, and I hope that you
will love it too.

So what are you waiting for?

Go check it out now!

Kind regards,

{Your First Name}

P.S. Have you been liking our emails so far?

Well, then I have some good news...

You can always get more content just like this in your emails and on our website.

Get more tips on how to {Main Goal Recipient}

But first…

You need to be sure to follow the steps from our first email and make sure that you whitelist this
email address...

… and mark all my emails as “Important”, “Priority” or “Starred”.

We want you to be sure that you do not miss out on anything at all.

Join me on Facebook here:{Company Name}

Join me on Twitter here:{Company Name}

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