Crime Analyst

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Two helpful high school courses: Tasks performed on this job:

1) Computer Science:
1) Data Collection and Management

2) Data Analysis
2) Mathematics
Two activities/volunteer activities I could participate: 3) Crime Mapping
1) Join a Youth Leadership or Community
Service Program 4) Report Writing

5) Collaboration with Law Enforcement

2) Engage in School or Community Research

Occupation: 5 Most Important Knowledge

School or Program I plan to attend: Areas:
FBI Crime analyst
Computer science
Degree/Certificate I will be seeking: Reason I chose this:
Bachelor's on criminal justice 1) Criminology
I want to got to work a
Advanced degree required?: place where i know that
Master of Criminal Justice i can actually help on
solving crimes.
2)Law Enforcement

5 Most Important Abilities: 3) Statistics and

5 Most Important Skills: Data Analysis
1) Analytical Skills 1) Data Interpretation

2) Research Skills 4) Criminal Law

2) Attention to Detail

3) Problem-Solving Skills 3) Collaboration

4) Communication Skills 4) Critical Thinking

5) Adaptability 5) Geographic
5) Technical Skills Information Systems
Possible Roadblocks & Plan:
What I learned about myself/my future: 1) Dont find a collage with a good criminal analyst program.
My plan is to find a university that my have a deal with
FBI to make practices.
1) I learned that if i want to be a criminal analyst i still need
to work on some skills

2) I also learned what classes can help me become a 2) Dont get the job i want. For this my plant is to be
criminal analyst flexible and realist if i can't get the job i want but try to
find places that still make a difference in society

Annual Wages/ Salary: Occupation: Are you still interested in this occupation?
Why/why not?
State Median: FBI criminal Analyst
$65,000-90,000 Yes, i think is one of the careers
that has caught my eye for a long
US Median:

Employment Outlook: Possible Resources/Why:

State: 1) International Association of Crime Analysts. Provides resources,

training, and networking opportunities for crime analysts.
4-6 % of change:
800- # of annual openings:
US: 2) Bureau of Justice Statistics. Offers statistical
data and reports on crime trends in the U.S.
5 % of change:
5,500 # of annual openings:

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