Rules For Classification and Construction VI Additional Rules and Guidelines
Rules For Classification and Construction VI Additional Rules and Guidelines
Rules For Classification and Construction VI Additional Rules and Guidelines
11 Guidelines for the Use of Fuel Cell Systems on Board of Ships and Boats
Edition 2003
The following Guidelines come into force on March 1st, 2003
Head Office
Vorsetzen 35, 20459 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 40 36149-0
Fax: +49 40 36149-200
"General Terms and Conditions" of the respective latest edition will be applicable
(see Rules for Classification and Construction, I - Ship Technology, Part 0 - Classification and Surveys).
Table of Contents
Section 1 General
A. Scope of Application .................................................................................................................. 1- 1
B. Applicable Rules ........................................................................................................................ 1- 1
C. Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 1- 2
D. Environmental Conditions .......................................................................................................... 1- 2
E. Fuels ........................................................................................................................................... 1- 2
F. Documents to be Submitted ....................................................................................................... 1- 3
G. Testing and Trials ....................................................................................................................... 1- 3
H. Power supply of Essential Consumers ........................................................................................ 1- 4
I. Installation .................................................................................................................................. 1- 4
Section 2 Materials
A. General Requirements ................................................................................................................ 2- 1
B. Approved Materials and Material Tests ..................................................................................... 2- 1
Section 1
A. Scope of Application
Here the following apply in particular:
1. These Guidelines apply to the use of fuel-cell
systems (FC systems) permanently installed on ships Section 1 General Rules and Instructions
and boats. They describe the technical requirements
for the safe operation of FC systems. Section 8 Pressure Vessels
2. In the case of FC systems which are used as Section 9 Oil Firing Equipment
the sole means of propulsion, for the emergency elec-
trical supply or for the supply of essential consumers Section 10 Storage of Liquid Fuels, Lubricat-
in accordance with the GL Construction Rules, the ing, Hydraulic and Thermal Oils as
additional requirements will be determined within the well as Oil Residues
scope of an individual examination.
Section 11 Piping Systems, Valves and Pumps
3. Designs which deviate from these Guidelines
or from the applicable Rules may be approved if they Section 12 Fire Protection and Fire Extinguish-
are examined by GL for suitability and then approved ing Equipment
as being equivalent.
Section 15 Special Rules for Tankers
4. Deviating designs are necessary to some
extent for submersibles. These can be approved by
GL, especially with regard to the ventilation systems – Main Group I – Ship Technology
and pressure relief devices. Part 1 – Seagoing Ships
7. Protective systems
3. Fuel cell stack
A fuel cell stack (FC stack) is a unit consisting of A protective system consists of the grouping of sev-
several fuel cells that are electrically connected in eral protective devices to form a functional unit.
series, with internal interconnections for electricity
and gas/liquid. An FC stack in the terms of these
Guidelines also includes the pipe connection fittings 8. Safe areas
as well as the connections required to supply the elec-
trical energy. Safe areas are the zones outside of the hazardous areas
of a ship.
4. Fuel cell system (FC system)
An FC system in terms of these Guidelines can com-
prise the following components:
D. Environmental Conditions
– fuel cell stacks
– arrangements for the transfer and storage of fuel, In the selection, design and arrangement of all compo-
including the necessary auxiliary equipment nents of FC systems on seagoing ships, the environ-
(e.g. heating/cooling) mental conditions described in the GL Construction
Rules, Main Group I – Ship Technology, Part 1 –
– arrangements for fuel distribution
Seagoing Ships, Chapter 2 – Machinery Installations,
– arrangements for fuel conditioning, including Section 1, C. shall be applied.
any reformer systems, gas humidifiers etc.
For FC systems on inland waterway vessels and
– installation spaces, including the ventilation
pleasure craft, the environmental conditions as per
Main Group I, Part 2, Chapter 2, Section 1, C.3. and
– conditioning and storage of the oxidants (air or C.4. or Main Group I, Part 3, Chapter 3, Section 1,
oxygen) C.2. shall apply.
– electrolyte systems
– arrangements for the conditioning of residual
gas and exhaust gas
E. Fuels
– cooling systems
– interconnections between the systems 1. Fuels in terms of these Guidelines are the
– safety, regulating and monitoring equipment fuels kept in the storage tanks of the FC system as
well as the fuels available after conditioning or distri-
– electrical inverter systems bution.
– other auxiliary systems
– other energy converters integrated into the sys- 2. With the corresponding conditioning through
tem, e.g. gas turbines in systems with high- the reforming process, FC systems can be supplied
temperature fuel cells both with conventional marine fuels (flashpoint above
60 °C) and with fuels which have a flashpoint below
60 °C. The latter fuel types include, for example,
5. Hazardous areas (Ex zones)
methanol, liquefied gases such as LPG, the cryogenic
These are areas in which the accumulation of flamma- liquefied gases LNG and LH2, as well as pressurized
ble gases or vapours in a hazardous concentration or gases such as CNG, compressed hydrogen or propane.
VI - Part 3 Section 1 G General Chapter 11
GL 2003 Page 1–3
Once the documents submitted have been approved, – plans of the hazardous areas (Ex zones)
they shall be binding. Any subsequent modifications
require GL approval prior to implementation. – safety and emergency concept, including a
safety analysis according to recognized proce-
dures, e.g. fault tree analysis, see F.2. and F.3.
2. Safety concept
It shall be demonstrated that Before the trials according to Section 10:
– operation manual
– the FC systems function safely when used for
their intended purpose including the mainte- – trials programme
nance activities
– malfunctions can be prevented with the aid of
the monitoring, alarm and protective devices
G. Testing and Trials
– dangerous operational situations which accord-
ing to general experience can arise, even though 1. General
the time of occurrence cannot be predicted (e.g.
critical deviations from limit values), and/or 1.1 FC systems are subject to the construction
which occur as a result of possible negligence supervision and acceptance testing by GL. Compli-
(e.g. foreseeable misuse) are brought under con- ance with the approved documents, the workmanship,
trol the suitability of the material and the documentation
– the effects of damage are limited by appropriate of the material characteristics as well as conformance
precautionary measures with the specification are checked.
– examination of the system documentation, the 3.3 A deviating procedure is only permissible if
technical documents for the components subject this is necessary for technical reasons and if it has
to mandatory testing, and the technical docu- been examined and approved by GL.
ments of the alarm and protective systems
– manufacturing tests, pressure tests and – if ap- H. Power supply of Essential Consumers
plicable – functional tests of parts and compo-
If the FC system is used to supply essential consumers
– factory test of control, regulating and protective as per Main Group I, Part 1, Chapter 3, Section 1,
devices, and of protective systems, at the manu- B.2., B.3. and B.4., then verification of adequate reli-
facturer ability and fail-safety of the FC system shall be pro-
vided. The scope and type of the required verification
– functional test and completeness check of the is specified in each individual case by GL.
alarm and protective systems
3.1 The piping systems and components shall be 3. Spaces in which components of the FC sys-
subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test with a test tem are installed shall be equipped with a mechanical
pressure equal to 1,5 times the maximum working ventilation system or other suitable ventilation devices
pressure as well as a tightness test with a test pressure of the extraction type as per Section 5. The spaces
equal to 0,9 times the maximum allowable working shall be monitored by gas detection systems as per
overpressure. Section 8, C. Special attention shall be paid to areas
with a low rate of air circulation.
3.2 The shut-off valves must be tested addition- Alternative constructions approved by GL as being
ally for tightness with 1,1 times the maximum allow- equivalent are permissible for submersibles and pleas-
able working overpressure. ure craft.
VI - Part 3 Section 2 B Materials Chapter 11
GL 2003 Page 2–1
Section 2
The materials shall be suitable for the intended appli- Main Group I, Part 1, Chapter 2, Section 8 and
cation and shall comply with recognized standards. Section 11
Their suitability shall be proven to GL. The use of
flammable materials is not allowed outside the FC – Inland waterway vessels:
stack. The Rules for Materials issued by GL shall be
observed. The use of flammable materials inside the Main Group I, Part 2, Chapter 2, Section 7 and
FC stack requires the approval of GL. Section 4, B.1. Section 10
shall be observed.
– pleasure craft:
Section 3
Fuel Systems
6. During fuel transfer the requirements of zone 4. The ventilation and blow-off pipes of the
1 as per Section 7 shall apply for the immediate tanks shall be routed to the open air and so arranged
vicinity of the bunkering station. The immediate that the exhaust vapours and gases can be discharged
vicinity is defined as the space within a spherical without any danger. Up to a spherical radius of 3 m
radius of 3 m around the transfer connection. A around the outlet opening, there shall be no sources of
reduction of this distance is only permissible with the ignition or openings which lead to spaces containing
approval of GL. sources of ignition.
Chapter 11 Section 3 C Fuel Systems VI - Part 3
Page 3–2 GL 2003 It shall be possible to switch off the reformer adequate distance from openings to accommodation,
unit from a permanently accessible point outside the machinery and service spaces.
installation space.
2.3.6 Residual gases If high surface temperatures may occur, the
corresponding insulation or contact protection shall be The recirculation of fuel (residual gas) from the FC to
provided. the reformer is permissible. The recirculation shall be
protected by an automatic shut-off valve as per
2.3.2 Firing equipment Section 9, D. For fuels in terms of these Guidelines, the GL
Construction Rules, Main Group I, Part 1, Chapter 2,
Section 9 – Oil Firing Equipment shall be applied as
appropriate. D. Fuel Distribution
Catalytic converters in reformer units shall comply 1.4 Fuel pipes in hazardous areas can be arranged
with the GL Construction Rules in regard of the without a double pipe or outside of a ventilation duct,
environmental conditions to be considered, especially if they are located in a space/area ventilated according
the requirements related to vibration loading. For to Section 5 or in an enclosed housing which is
seagoing ships, the Rules as per Main Group I, Part 1, adequately ventilated and monitored, and if the
Chapter 1, Section 1 – General Rules and Instructions requirements for explosion protection as per Section 7
shall apply. are met.
2.3.4 Gas purification
2. Pipes for gaseous fuels
For installations as per Section 1, A.2., the gas purity
required for the operation of the fuel cell shall be
monitored by suitable methods. If the determined limit 2.1 Direct connections of pipes
values are exceeded, an alarm shall be generated or
the system shall be switched off. 2.1.1 Pipes shall be connected by butt welding with
full penetration.
If this requirement is not met for installations as per
Section 1, A.1., verification shall be provided that no 2.1.2 Screw fittings according to standards which
additional hazard can occur through inadmissible are approved by GL for this application can be used
impurities. for pipes with external diameters of 25 mm or less.
2.3.5 Exhaust gases
2.1.3 Flanged joints shall only be used at locations
The exhaust gases arising during the reforming where this is unavoidable. Only flange types approved
process shall be discharged safely to the open air at an by GL for that particular application shall be used.
Chapter 11 Section 3 D Fuel Systems VI - Part 3
Page 3–4 GL 2003
2.2 Flanged joints 2.2.3 With regard to type, make and quality
assurance, flanges shall comply with recognized
2.2.1 If flanged joints cannot be avoided in standards.
installation spaces, they are only permissible within
ventilated spaces and in areas in which ventilation of
the extraction type is provided, see Section 5.
2.3 Inerting
2.2.2 Flanged joints are permissible at the
bunkering station. It shall be possible to inert and gas-free the fuel pipes.
VI - Part 3 Section 4 C Fuel Cells and Associated Components Chapter 11
GL 2003 Page 4–1
Section 4
2. The installation spaces of fuel cells and their 1. For FC stacks which have a total electrical
directly associated components shall be separated output greater than 1 MW and which contain flamma-
from the spaces used for fuel storage. Doors between ble materials, additional fire protection measures may
the spaces used for fuel storage and the installation be required by GL.
spaces of the fuel cells are not permissible.
3. The installation spaces of FC stacks and 2. If fuel cells are used for supplying essential
directly associated components shall be arranged out- consumers, then every fuel cell stack shall be sub-
side of accommodation, service and machinery spaces jected to a performance test at the manufacturer’s
and control rooms, and shall be separated from such works. The electrical output and the thermal output of
spaces by means of a cofferdam or an A-60 bulkhead. the fuel cells shall be verified by means of a suitable
Installation in a conventional machinery space is ad- performance test.
missible, on condition that a suitable enclosure is
3. If fuel cell stacks are used for supplying es-
4. Entrances, openings and ventilation openings sential consumers, then redundancy shall be ensured.
to accommodation, service and machinery spaces and
to control rooms shall be arranged at a distance of at
least 3 m from the openings of the installation space of
the fuel cells. The openings of the installation space
shall not face the entrances, openings and ventilation C. Inverters Following Fuel Cells
openings to accommodation, service and machinery
spaces and to control rooms.
If propulsion units or other essential consumers are
If it is necessary to deviate from this provision on supplied with electricity from FC systems, then the
small craft, the approval of GL is required. inverters shall be so designed that reverse power, such
as braking power, cannot pass into the fuel cells.
5. Openings for exhaust air and residual gases
of the FC stack shall be located on the open deck with In general, the requirements set out in the GL Con-
a horizontal distance of at least 3 m to any sources of struction Rules, Main Group I, Part 1, Chapter 3 ap-
ignition and to the openings of accommodation, ser- ply.
VI - Part 3 Section 5 D Ventilation Systems Chapter 11
GL 2003 Page 5–1
Section 5
Ventilation Systems
3. Suitable design of the spaces shall ensure that 3. A suction hood or a suction trunk shall be
no gas can accumulate in recesses or pockets. provided for areas containing flanges, valves etc.
Chapter 11 Section 5 G Ventilation Systems VI - Part 3
Page 5–2 GL 2003
4. The suction hood or suction trunk shall be must be in the inner pipe. The space between the con-
arranged in such a way that the air flows around the centric pipes shall be pressurized with inert gas at a
gas-bearing components, and the air/gas mixture can pressure between the atmospheric pressure and the
be extracted at the upper part of the suction hood or fuel pressure. The outer pipe shall be designed for at
trunk. least the design pressure of the inner pipe.
Section 6
1. The area around the manifold for fuel transfer 2. The supply facilities of the fire extinguishing
and the installation spaces for systems in which fuels system shall always be arranged outside the spaces or
in terms of these Guidelines are used shall be areas which are to be protected. It must be possible to
equipped with fire extinguishing systems of a suitable set off the fire extinguishing system at a permanently
type. For all other spaces containing parts of the fuel accessible point.
VI - Part 3 Section 7 B Explosion Protection Chapter 11
GL 2003 Page 7–1
Section 7
Explosion Protection
Section 8
– conflicting operator actions shall be prevented 1.4 In addition, the GL Construction Rules, Main
by means of suitable interlocks Group I, Part 1, Chapter 3, Section 9, C. shall be ob-
– the control panel which is currently active must
be indicated appropriately 2. Gas detection system
Section 9
4. The adjustment facilities for protective de- 1.1 A process-related interlinking of protective
vices shall be designed in a way that the last setting devices by the protective system shall not result in an
can be verified. impairment of the safety objectives.
5. Protective devices, including sensors and 1.2 When a protective system demands a re-
actuators, must be independent of control, regulating quirement class of 4 or higher according to the GL
and monitoring systems. Faults in one protective de- Construction Rules, Main Group I, Part 1, Chapter 3,
vice shall not affect any other protective device. Pro- Section 10, the following criteria shall be observed:
tective devices shall be assigned to the systems which
are to be protected. – The protective system should be of a fault-
tolerant design (multi-module).
6. The monitored open-circuit principle shall be – The modules should consist of different hard-
used for protective devices. Alternatively, the closed- ware.
circuit principle shall be applied where national regu-
lations demand it. Equivalent monitoring principles – If the modules contain software, this should be
are permitted. programmed according to different design crite-
ria and by different persons (redundancy
7. Faults occurring in protective devices must through diversity).
be indicated by an alarm.
1.3 Computers in protective systems shall be
8. In case of the following events, the affected designed according to the GL Construction Rules,
FC system must be switched off with due considera- Main Group I, Part 1, Chapter 3, Section 10.
tion to safety, and then locked out:
– emergency shutdown (protective device) 1.4 Protective systems for FC systems are subject
to mandatory type testing.
– gas detection: when a concentration equal to
10 % of the lower explosion limit is reached
1.5 The control and regulating devices on the one
– fire detection in hazardous areas hand and the protective system on the other shall be
– safety switch-off of the system owing to devia- located in separate spaces, so that, in the event of fire
tions from permissible operating parameters, in- or water ingress, both systems are not adversely af-
cluding chemical reactions fected at the same time.
Chapter 11 Section 9 D Protective Devices and Protective Systems VI - Part 3
Page 9–2 GL 2003
C. Safety Shut-Off Valves in series in the gas pipe leading to the consumer. By
means of the third shut-off valve, it shall be possible
1. Safety shut-off valves to relieve the pressure in the section of gas pipe lying
between the two shut-off valves. The vent pipe shall
Safety shut-off valves shall be provided at the follow- lead to the open air. For the outlet of the vent pipe, the
ing points of the fuel system: requirements set out in Section 3, B.4. apply.
– at the outlets from the fuel storage tanks
Alternative constructions approved by GL as being
– at the outlet from the fuel conditioning unit equivalent are permissible for submersibles and pleas-
– at the inlet of fuel pipes in monitored spaces ure craft.
– Depending on the structure of the system, addi-
tional safety shut-off valves may be required.
2. The shut-off valves must be arranged in a
way that actuation or failure of the control circuit of
2. It must be possible to close the safety shut-off the shut-off valves will cause the two series-connected
valves by means of the protective devices and also shut-off valves to close automatically and the vent
from a constantly manned position. They must be so valve to open automatically. Alternatively, the func-
constructed that they can only be reset manually. tion of one of the series-connected valves and the vent
valve can be incorporated into one valve body so
3. In the event of a leak, the fuel supply shall arranged that on actuation the flow to the gas con-
only be taken into operation again when the cause of sumer will be blocked and the vent line opened. The
the leak has been detected and remedied. Instructions three shut-off valves shall be constructed in a way that
on this requirement shall be displayed in a conspicu- they can only be reset by hand.
ous position in the installation space.
4. Safety shut-off valves have to be GL type- 3. The shut-off valves must close automatically
approved. under the following operating conditions:
– emergency shutdown
D. Automatic Shut-Off Valve of Consumers
– safety shutdown of the system
1. Each gas consumer (fuel cells, burners of
reformers etc.) must be fitted with a group of valves
consisting of three automatically actuated shut-off 4. It must be possible to actuate the shut-off
valves. Two of these shut-off valves must be located valves locally and also from any control panel.
VI - Part 3 Section 10 B Trials of the System Chapter 11
GL 2003 Page 10–1
Section 10
– faults in the protective system If the FC system constitutes the main propulsion
system of the ship, it shall be verified that the ship has
It shall be verified that the requirements of the safety adequate propulsion power in all manoeuvring
analysis are met, see Section 1, F. situations