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lof Par*)

I By M. N. Bondaryuk and S. M. II'yashenko

February 1960

,... 431 Pages




Ml. N. Bondaryuk and S. MA. Ii yashenko

* Pryamotoohnyye Vozdushno-Reaktivnyye Dvigateli

Oosudarstvennoyo Izdatel'stvo Oboronnoy Promyshlennosti

moucows 1958

Foreign Pages a 393

F1-TS-97 40/V
In this book the inforration on the theory, characteristics, construction,

and design of subsonic and supersonic ramjet engines is based on domestic and foreign

iraterials which have been published in the form of books and magazine ,articles. "The

theory of the basic elements of the engine -- diffusers, tom.bustion chambers, and

jet nozzles -- is considered, as well as the operation of the entire engine. kEolecu-

lar and even atomic fuels are regarded as sources of energy. This book is intended

for engineers who are specialists in aircraft engine construction, and for students

in higher educational aviation institutions who are familiar with the fundamentals

of thermodynamics and gas dynamics.

Reviewer: doctor of technical sciences, Prof. Ye. S. Shchetnikov;

Editor: engineer B. V. Yakarov;

Chief Editor: engineer A. I. Sokolov.

.... 40/VI!. == = II =i i i = II II I = I ==
Foreword ........................................... ......................... Ti

Conventional s~bl..............................viii

List of Russian subscripts and abbreviations ................................ xiii


FIELDS OF THEIR APPLICATION. ..................... .............. 1
1. The classification of jet engines.. ............................. 2
2. Param3ters of jet-propelled engines ............................. 10
3. Duration of opera tion and ra~ . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 14
4, The fields of application of various types of jet engines....... 17

Bibliograph. ............................................ ........ 24

CHAPTER II. THE FUNDA14ENTALS OF GAS DYNAMICS...... ......................... 26

1. The law of flow continuity..... ................ 26

2. The law of conservation of energy for a gas stream............ 28
3. The flow of an incompressible fluid - Bernoulli's equation ...... 30
4. The law of the conservation of impulse - Euler's equation,...... 32
5. An accelerated flow ...... ..... ....................... .. ....... . 35
6. Critical flow. Reduced velocity................. ............... 39
7. Adiabatic flow with deceleration. Mach numbers. Gat dynamic
fun c tion s ............. ....o...... ...... . . . .. . . . . 44..
8. The reaction of a flow on the side of a pipe. Jet thrust
and additional drag ............ o .......... . ** * 50
9. Compression waves.* Shock waves.... . .. .. .. .. . ... ... ... .. .0. . 56
10. A normal shock wave ........... o**C
.......... o9***
................ 58
11. Oblique shock waves ............. o ..... o. . o.* o ..... o. 61
12. Supersonic airflow over a cone ................................. 69

Bibliog.aphy ....... ....... .......................o................... 76

CHAPTER III. IDEAT. RAMJET ENGINES ................................. 78

1. Fundamental definitions and assumptions......................... 78

2. Cas dynamics of an ideal ramjet engine.. ........................ 80
3. Thrust parameters of an ideal ramjet engine .................. 86
4. Thereal efftciency of an ideal ramjet engine .................... 88
5. Thrust efficiency of an ideal ramjet engine .................... 90
6. General or total efficiency of an ideal ramjet engino ........... 91
7. Characteristics of an ideal ramjet engine ...................... 92
Bibliography7 .................. o.......... ... .............. o...... ... 98

CHAPTER IV. DIFFUSERS .................... ... ............... 99

1. Efficiency, pressure recovery, and mass flow factors ............ 99

2. Additive drag of diffusers. Local resistance factor............ 102
3. Subsonic diffusers ................................ .............. 106
4. Various forms of subsonic diffusers .................... ,......... 109

V-Ts-9740/V ii
5. zqa"a wifusers in a supersonic flow................ 113
6. Iktiple shock wave diffusers. ...... . . ... ..... .*.... . . ... .. . 115
The calculation of a multiple-shock diffuser............... 121
Tb. operation of a multi-shock wave diffuser at off-design
point conditions. Additional resistance.1................... 28
St~llogaphy .. ......... ....... .. ...... ........... ,....... .......... "133
CHAPTER Y. JET WOMZLES. o... ................................ 135

1. The equation of a flow through a nozzle ................... ..... 135

2. Subsonic and supersonic nozzlo .... *... . ......... . .............. ., 136
3. Energy dissipation and losses during discharge from a nozzle.... 139
4. The impulse of gases exhausting from a nozzle. Impulse loss
factor ................................ 142
5. Nozzle operation during off-design point conditions............. 146
6. Variable area nozzles. ............................... 149
7. Nozzle contouring and designing................................. 149
3ibliography. ........ . ............ ............................. 153
AND TUIR COMBUSTION. ....................... . .. . . ......... 154

1. The pksicochemical parameters of ramjet engine fuels.......... 154

2. The calculation of the heating value of a fuel from its
composition. .............................................. 157
3. Calculation of the amount of air theoretically required, the
coMosition and. thermodynamic parameters of the combustion
000.00 .0..0 46 .
00 ..................
** 0 *0
00 0 0*0 0. . . 162
4. The concept of chemical equilibrium. The dissociation of
coustion products.. ......... * ........ ...... ...... .. 168
5. ~T~i calculation of the composition of dissociated combu~tioa
productW....,. ... . 00,... ....... ............ .......... . 172
6. Thermal jo;ieir7 charts of combustion products...... ........ 177
7. Thecombustion of fuel - air mixtres......................... 182
8. Ignition limits of hydrocarbons. Ignition lag................. 192
9. Plam. stabilization.. ........................................... 195
10. Combustion in ceramic tubes. ..................................... 201

Bibliograp7. ...... ........

.................... . ............ ...... 202

CHAPTE VII. CARURETIONI. .......... *...o.........*... ........ ........ 204

1. Direct-spray injectors. ......................................... 205

2. Centrifugal injectors ................... ...................... 207
3. The break-down of liquid streams and drops ...................... 212
4. Injector dispersion spectra ...................... . a 0 4 . *. . .. ..
. . *. * 217
5. Zzperimental research of dispersion spectra ..................... 221
6. The influence of the physical parameters of the liquid and
the air on the dispersion and the form of the Jet ............... 224
7. Formulae for computing dispersion spectra....................... 230
8. % evaporation of an atomized fuel ............................. 234
9. The effect of the parameters of the fuel and air upon
evaporation. .... ........................ . ..... ........ ......... 244
10. The experimental determination of loctl fuel concentrations..... 246

FP-TS-92i40/V Iii
11. The calculation of local concentrations ......................... 249

Bibliography.. .................................................. 253


1. The classification of combustion chambers ....................... 257

2. Stabilizing elements of a combustion chamber.................... 259
3. A study of combustion in a cylindrical combustion chamber....... 262
4. Combustion chamber parameters .................................. 265
5. The effect of the mixture parameters on the combustion
efficiency ................................ . . ... .... 269
6. The effect of the combustion chamber arrangenent on the drag
coefficient and combustion efficiency.......................... 274
7. The combustion of liquid drops................................ .. 277
8. The gas dynamics of a combustion chamber........................ 281
9. The operating process in a stabilized combustion chamber ........ 287
10. Helicopter engine combustion chambers.......................... 294
11. Characturistics of combustionchambers.......................... 299
12. Pulsations in combustion chambers.....O............ .... 301
Bibliograph~y ...................... ............ ...................... 305

CHAPTER IX, SUBSONIC RAMJET ENGINES ......................................... 307

1. The principle diagram of a subsonic ramjet engine............... 307
2. The gas dynamics of a subsonic ramjet engine.................... 310
3. A method of successive approximations ........................... 313
4. The calculations of the thrust parameters of an actual ramjet
engine ................ . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 315
5o* The state of maximum economy.. . . ... -o- .. .. .. .. . .. . . ... oo
. . .. . 320
6. Control characteristics of subsonic ramjet engines ............. 323
7. The velocity characteristics of subsonic ramjet engines......... 326
8. Altitude characteristics of subsonic ramjet engines....... ...... 329
9. The use of subsonic ramjet engines .............................. 330
Bi h
l o..
ra .. . . .. . . . .. . ................ -........
o o ... o 333

CHIUR X. SLIP.SONIC RAMJET ENGIW S ........................ 335

1. The principle schematic scheni-tic of a supersonic ramjet engine. 335

2. The gas 4ynnmics of a supersonic ramjet engine.................. 339
3. Thrust parameters of a supersonic ramjet engine ................. 345
4. Computation of thrust parameters of a supersonic ramjet engine
as a funition of Rach numbers ................................... 354
5. An analysis of a supersonic ramjet engine ..................... 357
6. The regulating chsracteristics of a supersonic ramjet engine
with a variable-geometry nozzle....... .......................... 366
7. The regulating characteristics of a supersonic ramjet engine
with a fixed-geometry nozzle................ .......................... 370
8. The velocity characteristics of a ,iupersonic ramjet engine...... 372
9. Altitude characteristics of a supersonic ramjet enginee........ 377
10. The use of supersonic ramjet enginen ............................ 379
Bibliography ,.. . . . . ..............
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383

_mc l~nv 40
CHAPTER XI. AT14IC RM-AEET EGINES .......................................... 386

1. A summary of information about atomic reactors.................. 386

2. The neutron flux and thermal power of a reactor ............... 394&
3. Reactor radiation and shielding................................. 397
4. The assembly, starting and control of a reactor ................ 401
5. he cooling of a reactor and the preheating of the air.......... 404
6. Reactors cooled by molten metal. ................................. 407
7. Electromagnetic pumps for molten metals ......................... 411
8. The gas dynamic calculation of a nuclear supersonic ramjet
engine .......................................................... 413
9. An approximate determination of the critical dimensions of a
reactor ... .................... ......................................................... 415
10. A design example for an air-cooled reactor...................... 418

Bibliogr phy ........................................................ 419


1. Speeds and altitudes ............................. ............... 421

2. Development perspectives of diffusers ........................... 421
3. Development perspectives of ranjet engine combustion chambers... 422
4. Development perspectives of jet nozzles......................... 422
5. The utilization of the potential energy of the ionosphere....... 424
6. Ramjet engines which operate on nuclear fuel .................... 424
7. Ramjet engines which operate on radioactive isotopes ............ 425
8. Ramjet engines which operate on Beta batteries .................. 425

Bibl o raphy ........................................................ 426

F-TS-974O/V v

At the present time, in the domestic and foreign literature much material is

published concerning questions about the theory and research of the individual ele-

ments of ramjet engines, such as diffusers, combustion chambers, fuel injectors,

flame holders, and jet nozzles. However, these enumerated questions have not been

correlated in sufficient detail by ourselves or those abroad. This book proposes,

for that reason, to be the first endeavour to suw-marize this cited information,

which is indispensable for an understanding of the physical processes and for the

gas dynamic and thri ,t computations of ramjet engines.

honographs and magazine articles published by the domestic and foreign press,

as well as the personal works of the authors, have served as the basic materials for

the writing of this book.

In those cases where data about a numerical value or different parameters are

absent in the literature, e.g., the combustion efficiency in the combustion chamber

or the burner drag coefficient, the authors have confined themselves to resolving

the problem in a basic form and drawing up qualitative characteristics.

Information about atomic aircraft engines has previously appeared in the lit-

erature. The authors have included a short review chapter devoted to atomic ramjet


To facilitate comprehension, a large number of examples with detailed numeri-

cal solutions are included in the material set forth in this book.

The authors have sought to make use of the more widely used terms and designa-
tions. Unfortunately, this does not always work out, since in the various fields of

science various terms and designations are used. For example, in aerodynamics the

technical system of units is widely employed where mass is expressed as technical

units of mass (not having a conventional name) with the dimension kg sec 2 /m, and

the density of a substance P is expressed in technical units of density ui th the

dimension kg sec2/m 4 . In physics and thermodynamics the CGS system is accepted, in

which mass is expressed in grams of mass g and density p in g/cm 3 . In the tables of

F-7S-9? 40/V vi
such physical constants as density, specific heat c, heating value H, heat of reac-

tion E, heat of fusion 1, etc., grars of mass usually serve as units of mass (in this

case calories serve as units of heat), or kilograms of mass (1 kg - 1,000 g). In

this case large (kilo) calories serve as units of heat. The numerical meaning of

the measured parameter is one and the same in both cases, for example: CP - 0.24

cal/g a 0.24 keal/kg. For this reason, when values and terms expressed in technical

units of mass, and impossibly attributed to kilograms of mass, enter into the equa-

tions simultaneously, the constant of proportionality is eliminated. The authors

have decided to make use only of individual units, namely, kilograms of mass, so

that gas consumption is usually expressed in kilograms per second and not in tech-

nical units (kg sec 2/m). Therefore in all our equations of mechanics the propor-

tional constant g - 9.81 jr/sec 2 is entered. We express density in equations of

mechanics and in heat balance equations as kg/m 3 , retaining the gravitational con-

stant g in the first case. Density expressed in kg/m3 , in contrast to density

expressed as kg sec2/, we designate as ':

Density expressed in kg/rn3 is numerically equal to specific weight in kg/m 3 ,

measured at sea level and at a latitude of 150 (geographic). Thus "density-f in

kg/m3" nay also be stated as "specific weight in kg/m3."

The authors express their gratitude to Prof. Ye. S. Shchetnikov, Doctor of

Technical Sciences, and to Engineer B. V. Makarov for their valuable observations

made during the process of reviewing and editing this manuscript.

The authors requept that all remarks and coments relative to the content and

design of this book be directed to this address: l.oscow, 1-51; Petrovka 24,


?-T5-940/V VH

(In alphabetical order) Trans,' tcratio:n-i

a - critical speed in m/sec

a - molecular change coefficient

A - geometric characteristic of the nozzle

A - thermal equivalent of work

o( - shock wave angle of the surface in degrees

- excess air coefficient

0A - angle of divergencc of the diffuser (a)

O(T - heat transfer coefficient

b - width of the diffuser inlet slot in meters


B - factor in the flow formula: B "k"2

- fuel transfer coefficient in -i-

c - speed of sound in m/sec

C - concentration in kg/m3

C specific heat at constant pressure in kcal/kg deg

CY - specific heat at constant volume in kcal/kg deg

C - thrust coefficient

cx - drag coefficient

CA - Iaval nozzle impulse expansion coefficient

d - drop diameter in mm or y

d - diameter of the diffuser and chamber in meters

D - diffusion coefficient, pressure gradient in m 2 /sec

S- diffusion coefficient, concentration gradient in m/sec

8 - thickness of the associated film in microns

E - heat of formation in kcal/kg mol

nozzle exparl-ion ratio ,= $( -9"OV (


F-TS-9740/V Vill
f - friction force in kg

- diffusion flow coefficient

- velocity coefficient

(9 - injector nozzle cross section coefficient

cr - combustion efficiency Psg)

of 450
8 - gravity acceleration at sea level and at a latitude

gi - weight content

GB - mass weight flow of air in kg/sec (Gv)

G - mass weight flow of gas in kg/sec

Gr - mass weight flow of fuel in kg/sec ( G )

- density (specific gravity) in kg/m 3

h - slot height in meters

H - flight altitude in meters

Hu - fuel heating value (net heating value) in kcal/kg

i - enthalpy (heat content) in kcal/kg

I - enthalpy in kcal
J - acceleration in m/sec

k - Poisson's ratio (using "x " for the injected air and "r " for the hot gases)
ratio) g)
k - aerodynamic quality (i.e, lift-to-drag

k - proportionality constant

K - velocity (gas dynamic) coefficient of a ramjet engine, _

- absorptive shock factor

1 - length in meters

L - the quantity of air theoretically necessary for the ccmbustion of 1 kg of


- relative velocity t=- a

- heat conductivity in kcal/m/sec

m - mass in kilograms of mass

m - degree of taper (geometric parameter) of a jet engine

F-TS-970/V ix
n - degree of diffuser expansion

M - Mach number

A - molecular weight in kg

A - dynamic viscosity in kg/sec/m 2

I - efficiency

n - number of drops

N - power in hp or kcal/sec

Nu - Nusselt's number

- kinematic viscosity in m 2/sec

- specific gravity of the fuel

Co - rake angle in degrees

- angular velocity in radians/sec

p - pressure in kg/rn2

po - stagnation pressure in kg/m2

pn - vapor pressure in kg/m2 or in mm of a mercury column (Po)

P - weight in kg or t

P - reaction thrust of the exhaust gases in kg

P.r - Prandtl's number

"t - pressure ratio in the nozzle in p4

q - dynamiL. head in kg/m2

qT - heat flow in kcal/m2 /sec

w - flow of matter i.n kg/m2 /sec

Q - quantity of heat in kcal

QnOT - heat loss in kcal (Qpot)

r - drop radius in microns or meters

R - rotation radius in meters

ri - volume percentage of components

- stream thrust (reaction of a stream on the sides of a duct in kg)

3.- thrust in kg

F-TS-9740/V x
- effective thrust in kg (Reff )

1. - frontal or maximum cross sectional thrust in kg/m2

R - gas constant in kcal/kg/deg with the indices "B" for air and "r " for
combustion products (B = v) ( 9=g)

Re - Reynolds number

density in kg/sec2/dme

a - entropy in kcal/kg/deg

S -entropy in kcal/deg

S - cross section in m2

d - pressure ratio

"A - over-all diffuser pressure ratio (d d

A" - pressure ratio across the supersonic portion of the diffuser (( dd' )

A - pressure ratio across the subsonic portion of the diffuser (dd

du - pressure ratio across the flame-holder

do - pressure ratio across the combustion chamber

- over-all nozzle pressure ratio ( 6 s)

6 - pressure ratio across the supersonic portion of the nozzle (d )

e0 -," pressure ratio across the subsonic portion of the nozzle (d' )
0 - pressure ratio across the entire engine (cob)
t - time in sec

t - temperature in degrees C

T - temperature in degrees K

T0 stagnation temperature in degrees K; for cold air with the index "x"'
for the conbustion products with the index "r (x = kh) ( g )
- temperature ratio, G= , T .

U - circumferential velocity in m/sec

U - relative velocity of a drop in r/sec

un - normal flame propagation velocity, in cm/sec

u - internal energy in kcal/kg

U - internal energy in kcal

V - absolute velocity of a drop in M/sec

I specific volume in m3/kg

v :volume in M,3

V - air velocity in M/sec

W - calorific value of the fuel in kcal per kg of combustion products

x - coordinate in meters

X - drag in kg

y - coordinate in meters

z - percentage of the evaporated substance

k, kr + I !R,

=Ilk, kr+I Rr
kr kr + I Rr

/ + functions of k

/ ki Rr k ,--


Russian Transliteration Meaning

aKT akt (subscript) active

aT at (subscript) atmosphere; atmospheric

aTa ata (abbreviation) absolute atmosphere

aTM atm (subscript) atmosphere; atmospheric

60 bok (subscript) oblique

B v (subscript) air

BXX vikh (subscript) vortex

B03A vozd (subscript) air

BOX Vol (subscript) wave

BocnI vospl (subscript) ignition

BPA VRD (abbreviation) air-breathing Jet engine

Dgcn vsp (subscript) ignition

BX vkh (subscript) inlet

BUX vykd (subscript) exit

r g (subscript) gas; fuel; hot

rp gr (subscript) boundary

A d (subscript) pressure; diffuser

AaB day (subscript) pressure

Aea del (subscript) fission

ANC d s (subscript) dissipation

AOn dop (subscript) additional

IPA ZhRD (abbreviatiort) liquid-fuel rocket engine

saT zat (subscript) used (supplied, delivered)

sai zashch (subscript) protective (shield)

xr ig (subscript) spine (bullet)

xA id (subscript) ideal

F-TS-9740/V xiii
Russian Transliteration Meaning

X36 izb (subscript) excess, surplus

XCT ist (subscript) true, actual; discharge, exhaust

k (subscript) wedge

Kam kam (subscript) chamber

KXUn kip (subscript) boiling

KOAbA kol'ts (subscript) annular, ring-shaped

KOH kon (subscript) cone

ROpM korm (subscript) stern, boat-tail

Kp kr (subscript) critical

KPAA KRDD (abbreviation) winged long-range rocket

KRpT krit (subscript) critical (subscript) combustion chamber

1 (subscript) frontal

ecT mest (subscript) local

H n (subscript) initial, starting; normal

HaC nas (subscript) saturated

o6 ob (subscript) diffuser lip (shell)

o63 obshch (subscript) total

onT opt (subscript) optimum

ocb os' (subscript) axis

OT6 otb (subscript) abstracting (sampling)

0TH otn (subscript) relative

n p (subscript) vapor

I1BPA PVRD (abbreviation) ramjet engine

Na PD (abbreviation) piston engine

nA pl (subscript) plane, flat

nox pol (subscript) flight (take-off)

I nOT pot (subscript) used (consumed, released); losses

F-TS-9740/V xiT
Russian Transliteration MeaninG

np pr (subscript) maxim=, critical, terminal, limiting

npeg pred (subscript) maximum, critical, terminal, limiting

np. cr (subscript) combustion products

nyx bc pul's (subscript) pulse; pulsation

paB ray (subscript) equilibrium

pacq rasch (subscript) rated, design, point

c s (subscript) nozzle

cr sa (subscript) combustion

co6 sob (subscript) proper, eigen (natural)

cp sr (subscript) average, mean; medium; middle

cpeA sred (subscript) average, mean; medium; middle

opus sryv (subscript) blow-out

OT st (subscript) standard; flameholder; stabilization

CTP str (subscript) stream, jet

T t (subscript) fuel

Ton tep (subscript) heat; heat-carrying agent

T tr (subscript) friction

TPA TRD (abbreviation) turbojet engine

TPAf TRDF (abbreviation) turbojet engine with afterburner

Tar tyag (subscript) thrust

YA ud (subscript) shock, impact

0 f (subscript) injector

'iKOT chist (subscript) net, pure

shch (subscript) slot

SKcn eksp (subscript) experiment

84) ef (subscript) effective

J-TS-9740/V xv


Some contemporary flying machines, for exanple, the anti-aircraft guided

missile and the long-range rocket, move several times faster than the speed of

sound. With an increase in speed, aerodynamic drag quickly increases, and, there-

with, the required thrust. For example, to propel a single-seater aircraft weighing

nearly 3 t, at a speed of nearly 600 km/hr (equal to half the speed of sound), a

thrust of alnost 500 kg is necessary; to propel this same aircraft at the speed of

sound would require a thrust of uiiore than 4,000 kg. If it is accepted that at M - I,

the efficiency of the propeller is equal to 0.8, then the power of an engine develop-

ing a similar thrust will be:

>400.340 .=20000 h.p.
751 75.0,8

Such a piston engine, without propeller or fuel, would weigh nearly 10 t. In reali-

ty, the required power for an engine-driven propeller would be still larger for a

flight speed close to the speed of sound, since the efficiency of the propeller de-

creases rapidly.

Owing to the extraordinarily rapid growth of the required power and weight of

the power plant of a propeller-driven aircraft, it was impossible to fly at a speed

close to the speed of sound. The highest recorded speed of a propeller-driven air-

craft -- 756 km/hr -- wms set in 1939 by a German Yesserschmidt aircraft without a

radiator, fuel tanks, or equipment, and prepared for only this flight, which lasted

only a few minutes. The previous record, set 6 years earlier by an Italian I-acchi-

Castoldi aircraft, was bettered by 7%.

For sonic and supersonic flight speeds it is necessary to have light-weight

engines able to develop the necessary thrust at such high speeds. Only jet engines

possess these qualities.

A unit which contain, in itself a heat engine and an air-propelling device is

y-TS-9740/V 1
called a jet engine, wher Bin the thermal energy released is spent directly on in-

creasing the kinetic energy of the gas stream whose reaction creates the useful


Section 1. The Classification of Jet Engines

There are two principal types of jet engines: rocket engines and air-breath-
ing jet engines.

An that is necessary to create thrust is carried on board n -ircraft having

a rocket engine: an energy source and a working substance.. On board an aircraft

with an air-breathing jet engine we find only the energy source taking air from the

surrounding atmosphere to serve as the working substance.


Fig. 1 A solid-fuel rocket engine, a -- schematic, b -- external view.
Legend: 1) powder charge with axial ducts; 2) igniter; 3) perforated
diaphragm; 4) nozzle.

According to the physical state of the fuel, rocket engines are subdivided

into PRDs 5orokhovyye raketnyye dvigateli -- solid-fuel rocket engines7, Fig. 1,

in which powder serves as the energy source, and the gases formed during combustion

serve as the working substance; and ZhRDs Zhidkostnyye raketryye dvigateli --

liquid-fuel rocket engines7, Fig. 2, in which a liquid propellant composed of a fuel

and an oxidizer serves as the enery source, and the gaseous products of combLstion

serve as the working substance. in principle it is possible to create ARDs §toa-

nyye raketnyye dvigateli -- atomic rocket engines7 -- in which an atomic fuel serves

as the energy source, and steam from a liquid with a light molecula, weight, such as

water, serves as the working substance.

F-TS-9'140/V 2
Powder rockets were invented in China rany centuries aro.

The theory of rocket propulsion -- a mass which changes with tire -- mas form-

ulated during the years 1897-190h by the outstanding Russian scientist, Acadenician

I. V. !eshcherskiy. His labors laid the foundation of jet propulsion technology.

Rockets operating on liquid fuel were suggested by K. S. Tsiolkovskiy in 1903.

He failed to bring his invention to life under the conditicns of Tsarist Russia.

PRDs and ZhRDs consume 16 to 36 kg of fuel per hour for each kilogra of

thrust. Fuel stored in a vingless rocket does not pernrt powered flights of rorc

than 1.5-2 minutes.

Air-breathing jet engines (Fig. 3) which use air from the surrounding atmos-

phere as the working substance and as the oxidizer consume significantly less fuel

per hour for each kilogram of thrust than a PRD or ZhRD (fror. 1.0 to 6 kg/hr per

kilogram of thrust). The duration of the powerec, flight of a winged aircraft with a

VRDlmW be several hours (see Section 3 of this chapter). In contrast to rockets

hose operation does not depend on the surrounding atmosphere, air-breathing jet

engines may operate only within the limits of the earth's atmosphere.

All air-breathing jet engines have an inlet opening or a diffuser for the en-

trance of air end an exhaust or jet nozzle for the exhaust of the operating gases

whose reaction creates useful thrust. This thrust is equal to the change in nomen-

turn of the exhausted gases and the incoming air that occurs every second.

Today three forms of air-breathing jet engines are prevalent: turbojet (ab-

breviated TRD ffurboreaktivnyye7), pulse-jet (PuVRD gulsiruyushchiye7), and rar-

jet (QVRD 5ryamotochnyye7).

We shall consider the principle of operation of each of these three forrs of

air-breathing jet engines.

A turbojet engine (TRD) is composed of an inlet diffuser, a compressor, a

combustion chamber, turbines, and exhaust nozzle (Fig. 4a, in the diagram the dif-

fuser is removed).

Air, compressed by the compressor, enters either a combustion chamber where

1. air-breathin-& 'et en ine.

F-T3-9740/V 3

Fig. 2 A liquid-fuel rocket engine (ZhID). a b

-schematic, view.

Legend: 1) fuel; 2)oxidizer; 3) pumps; 4) valves; 5) injectors; 6) com-

bustion chamber; 7) ZhIR); 8) nozzle; 9) gases.

Fig. 3 VRD air-breathing jet engines on the wings of an aircraft.

fuel is Injected, or into an atcmic reactor. The enthalpy of the gas increases.

Caupressed and burnt gases bring the operating wheel of the tuirbine Into rotation

by giving up a portion of their energy, thus causing their temperature and pressure

to decrease. The gases, after operating in the turbine, flow out the exhaust nozzle

at a velocity which exceedq the velocity of the entering air stream, and act on the

engine with some reaction -force. A TM~ operates on energy liberated in a combustion

cbember or a reactor. If the heating of the gases Is discontinued, the energy re-

leased by the gases in the turbine proves to be less than that used by the air

during compression in the compressor, and the rotation of the turboconiressor

FP-'1-9740/V 4
Isotot is stopped. The thrust oI the turbojet engine is increased by increas-

|mosfie imboi- Cr oxraWibn:stnaes foi-th'e ir ia the coilre'ssor add. bi an

increase in the temperature of the gases which are exhausted fro. the combustion

chamber or reactor. Hoever, the temperature of the gases at the turbine entrance

is limited by the heat-resistant qualities of its guide vanes and operating blades.

During supersonic flight speeds, the temperature of the gases whic 'eave the conr-

pressor becomes high, and the possible heating of the gases in the combustion cham-

ber is negligible. Therefore turbojet engines are suitable only for flight speeds

which do not exceed the speed of sound more than 3 tines (see Fig. 11).

For an increase in the fields of application of turbojet engines they are

equipped with afterburners for burning fuel in the gases which have passed through

the turbine (Fig. 4b and Fig. 144, see page 258). Turbojet engines with afterburn-

ers are suitable for speeds which do not exceed the speed of sound more than 3 or 4

times .1

Turbojet engines are idely used in both subsonic and supersonic aviatic l.

Pulse-jet engines (PuVRD) consist of a short inlet diffusor, a flap valve

assembly, a combustion chamber, and a long cylindrical exhaust nozzle (Fig. 5).

Fuel is injected into the combustion chamber. An electric igniter, a "spark plug,"1

ignites the mixture which is formed. Burning occurs in a partially enclosed area,

since the coi,-n of gases in the long cylindrical nozzle, due to its inertia pre-

vents the rapid expansion of the combustion products. Therefore the pressure in the

combustion chamber rises, the inlet valves automatically close, and the gases are be-

ing expelled from the nozzle vrith increased velocity, wlhich acts upon the engine ,ith

some reaction force. Owing to the inertia of the colun of gases waich move through

the exhaust nozzle, the pressure in the combustion chamber falls below that of the

atmosphere and fresh air enters the chamber through the valves which open automatical-
ly. Then the entire cycle is repeated.

hRoy Yarquardt, "Future of Rarrjet Engines," American Aviation, 1-TI, 1954,

F-T53-97 40/V 5
Dixint the peric ihen the valves are closed, the enCine has t-reat aerodynamic

drag, especially noticeable during transsonic flights. Therefore a PViD is suitable

only for aircraft whose speed is less than that of sound.

RarqJet engines (PVRD) have an inlet diffuser, a combustion cham,,er with nozzles

for feeding fuel, an ignition device, a flame holder, and an exhaust nozzle (Fig. 6).

The compressioin of air occurs in the diffusor of the PVR) at the expense of its hinet-

ic energy. Therefore a PVO mV operate only in an air stream. The oncx.ning air en-

ters the expanding diffuser and partially loses its speed; because of this its pros-

sure, density, and temperature are raised in proportion to thc iiitia! velocity of the

air strea.. The air, compressed by the diffuser, enters the combustion chamber and

is miAxed with fuel. During the burning of the mixture that is formed, the enthalpy

of the gas increases, while the pressure decreases insignificantly. The combustion

products are forced out the exhaust nozzle w.ith a speed greater than that of the

entering air stream.

During speeds of 3 tines the speed of sound, the pressure in the combustion

chamber of a PVRD may be raised approximately 25 times. Because of this, a device

that raises the pressure, similar to a turbine or a corpressor in a turbojet engine,

be unnecessary.

At speeds which are approximately lower than half the speed of sound, the in-

crease of pressure attributable to the velocity on the free stream air, is insigni-

ficant (less than 20%). The energy liberated by the burning of the fuel is low,

and only a small portion of the enthalpy of the combustion products is transformed

into kinetic energy. Therefore a PVRD is not used at low speeds (<O.5).

The air pressure in a ramjet engine is noticeably sustained olly during heat-

ing. In the absence of heating, the air flows through the engine duct ithout

slowing and the pressure remains low. At the same time, the speed of the exhaust is

less than that of the incoring air, because of the energy loss due to friction and

shock waves, and only the force of aerodynarmic drag acts on the engine.

At flight speeds greater than 3 times the speed of sound, rat.jet engines prove

y7J.9740/V 6
rI "'

.. . ......
r~t .-- ii -i~5

- - -

3)acuex czopafu ()Pezy7v1pv'y'-A n7/7170

(L)10 Tpaonp 7wOOOJrU CP

Fig. 4 Di*L,-T,- of a -as tiuo'ne en-ie. a ro t c!

-- t. b a- ' o,,
of a tarbojatenr:
Ler end: 1) elec r'ic tartcr; 2) 13vi cGJ'rcssor; 3) 'js Or. (':
bt- . -

ber; t)totaeLix.oinie; 5) nozzle; t) ,aboliet on irte nozzlri; 7 :e

( konirnO 4v KO0W

Fig. A puls -jeL ei-ine Gc".erntic, b -- irnS~c.ld on M:iS.Sile.

1,e~end: 1) fuel; 2) in:jecLors; 3) air; 4~) flap valve asc inbly; 5)) 1,--
niter; 6) couibustion charlber; 7) exhaust nozzle.

Fi.6 A rauijet cnf-,ino (PVO) . a -- subsonic fVtD, b aird c -- up:rsnric r'V.ALs

at it <2 arc, at 'n>2.

to be n.ore econc~rca. than any other sort of pc.r plant.

T1he i(d,,a of a rar.jet er~irp: v~as a -.vanced in 1913 OY L Franch an'.-ncer 'ten

Loren, ivho described his ietc in an article inl~T~

the: .-- azi:.e Aerofilc

in 1913-. *-ie did not have a clear-c-ut idea of hi~h- specci it and t;:Crz!"ore be-

1ievwd tlhat the cn~ine efficiency a1,ays be loi..

aol Loren aprt: did n~ot

undiertake an, attem.lts to brin,, his irvention to r:-alit-.

F ,T59?4O/V U3
Cs COLL)i', LI) TO
Fit'. 7 3asic schematic of an atorin air-breathin,' en'ine. a -- en'ine vith direct
Sair heatin-; b -- en-'he '.,ith intern.ciate heat conductcr.
Legcnd!: J.) C11f1is:rr; 2' Tol. 3) T )~ ~ - d rcact.r;
)co;to.itu.r~ 7 ni e~<
lt; d) ') > I)rct1czlg
reactor; 10) pwip.

In 1926, thte ;nglisur:an 3enjaxrin Carter took out a patent on a ra:..jet engine

for artillery shells. He specified the necessary units for the fla.:eholders, and

for flight speeds in the order of ICO n/see he suggested injectin- the fuel against

the air stream to ircrease its spray and vaporization. Infor:.atzon about the tests

of his invention is not to be found.

In 1929 the Russian scientist 9. S. 3techkin published the article 'The Theory

of Air-Breathing Jet Engines," which served as the foundation for the furthering of

theoretical development.

In 1934 the French engineer 3ene Leduc took out a patent on an aircraft with a

rapjet engine. Leduc began the development of rai jet engines in 19)3, and In 1935

began static tests of a model FVRD v.hich, for that time, had the hi!h speed of

1,000 km/hr, and which proved its practicability over any other type engine. Leduc's

model of an aircraft ith a 71RD was eyhibited at the Paris air exhibition. in 1938,

and durin2 the same year the construction of an experimental aircraft was begun at
the Brega plant.

At the time of the 3erman invasion of Franre, this experimental aircraft was

not finished. The interrupted york was rcswnrcd in 1945, and at the end of that year

Ithe experimental aircraft Leduc-OlO was finished. i]owuver, intil.;the-end of 1956, -no

rteoto werfe corndueted of the modified Mxrm of this aircrsft. aet aersonic speeds.

F-1.-s- 9 ?40/V 9
In 1939 the Soviet engine2r I. A. Yerkulov built and flight-tested a subsonic

ramjet engine which was intended as an auxiliary engine for propeller-driven air-


During the Second World War, work on ramjet engines was carried out in Germany,

England, the USA, and the USR. Reference to the progress made in this -vorl"will be

found further in the text dealing with the developmn' of the individual parts of

the ramjet engines.

PVRDs, Just as TiOs, arc able to operate on both molecular fuel and atomic fuel

(Fig. 7).
Section 2. Parameters of Jet-Propelled Engines

The operation of jet-propelled engines is characterized by a number of para-

meters. By comparing the numerical significance of the various systems of jet-pro-

pelled engitie parameters with one another, their comparative advantages and disad-

vantages may be brought out.

The thrust-weight ratio of an engine is characterized by the frontal or mid-

ship thrust Rj. Frontal thrust is equal to thrust R, which is attributed to the
frontal area of the engine SM , that is, to the unit of area of its maximum cross


The frontal thrust of a rocket engine depends on the nature of the propellants,

the pressure in the combustion chamber, and on the construction of the chamber and


Knowing the nature of the fuel, the oxidizer, and the pressure in the combus-

tion chamber, it is possible to calculate the frontal thrust and the fuel comsump-

tion of a rocket engine. Similar computations indicate that solid-fuel rocket en-

gines usually possess higher frontal thrust, but always at lower eco.,orb.y than liquid-

fuel rocket engines.

The parameters of air-breathing reaction engines depend on the speed and alti-

tude of the flight, and on the temperature and pressure of the combustion p-oducts

F-TS-9740/V 10
before the exhaust. The ter.perature is determined by the nature of the fuel and the

composition of the mixture: the pressure by the speed of flight, the construction

of the diffuser, and the operation of the compressor. The paraneters of turbojet

engines depend on the gas temperature before the turbine and the heat-resistance

limits of the material from which the turbine blades are made. The use of new heat-

resistant alloys and cermets affords the possibility of raising the temperature of

the turbine blades, which will improve the parameters of the engine.

The parameters of supersonic rarjet engines, apart from the nature of the fuel

and the composition of the fuel rixture, depend mainly on the pevfection of the dif-

fuser, in which the compression of the entering air stream occurs.

In order to give an idea of the comparative advantages and di-3dvantages of

various aircraft engines, Fig. 8, 9, and 10 indicate the parameters computed with

the high heat resistance and coefficient of pressure recovery which were reached in

(These 4ftgrdms are borrowed from an article by Marquardt. 1 )

1953. With an increase

in permissible temperature and the perfection of diffusers, the parameters of jet

engines improved and the field of their application were broadened, but the compara-

tive evaluation of various types of engines was not significantly altered.

The thrust of a jet engine, stated in units of weight of the engine construc-

tion PID is called the specific weight impulse.

" (1.2)

With a hiaher specific weight impulse, the relative weight of construction is

less (Fig. 8).

The relation of frontal thrust to the dynamic head of the free air stream

q !w--- is called the thrust coefficient cR:

'A (1.3)


Roy Marquardt, "Future of Ram-jet Engines," American Aviation, I-I, 1954,


F-TS-9?40/V 1i

0 1 2 3

Fig. 8 Specific weight impulses of various engines.

1. Piston engine (PD). 2. Turbojet engine (TRD). 3. Turbojet engine with
afterburner (TRDF). 4. Ramjet engine (PVRD). 5. Liquid-fuel rocket engine
Legend: a) Specific weight impulse (kg thrust/kg weight); b) Mach.

From (1.1) and (1.3) we get

where W is the flight speed in m/sec;

is the density of the free air stream in kg/n 3 .

As seen from the formula (1.4), the thrust coefficient is deterrined by such

expressions as the drag coefficient c,:

x,= xS. - (1.5)

The thrust of the engine R during stable horizontal flight is equal to the

total aerodynamic drag of the aircraft X: R - X.

For an increase in speed or altitude R > X.

Therefore, in order for a jet engine to be suitable for use in an aircraft, the

thrust coefficient must be not less than the drag coefficient cR> cx. If the drag

coefficient of the aircraft is !:nmom, then by the magnitude of the thrust coefficient

it becoms possible to judge the suitability of a jet engine for flights at some given
speed (since cR and cx depend on the flight speed in various forms).
The operation of rocket engines does not depend on the speed of the free air-

stream; therefore, the conception of thrust coefficient does not usually apply ror
liquid-fuel rocket engines.
The economy of an engine which develcis thrust at the expense of heat liberat-

ed during propellant combustion is expressed by the specific impulse I or specific

fuel consumption Ce.

The thrust obtained ia burning 1 kg of fuel in 1 second is called the specific

impulse. If during fuel consumption 3 kg/sec the engine develops a thrust of

then the specific impulse is:


The dimension of specific impulse is

r[Ri = kg of thrust ~
[c [g of fuel/sec [s eec
The greater the specific impulse, the more economical the engine operates.

The fuel consumption per hour necessary to develop 1 kg of thrust is called

the specific fuel consumption. If an engine consuming G kg/sec of fuel develops a

thrust of R kg, the specific fuel consumption Ce will be equal to:

c 360_ 3600 (1.7)

The dimension [Ce] =kg of fuel W.

[Ce- gof thruist/hr h

The specific fuel consumption or specific impulse of a rocket engine depends

on the nature of the propellarits, the pressure in the combustion chamber, and the

construction of the engine. The specific fuel consumption or the specific impulse

of an air-breathing jet engine depends on the nature of the fuel, the construction

of the engine, and the speed and altitude of flight (Fig. 9).

From Fig. 9 we see that at M <0.7 piston engines with propellers possess the

most economical specific weight impulses. At Y,from 0.7 to 2.0 turbojet engines

have the best economy. At M=2 turbojet engines with afterburners (TRDF) have the

best economy. 1 At M>2 ramjet engines have the best economy and highest frontal

thrust. With the improvement of heat-resistant materials, the field of application

of a turbojet engine will be broadened.

1TRDF -- Turboreaktivnyy ovigatel's forsazhnoy kan-eroy -- Turbojet engine with

tfterburner. A turbojet engine which burns additional fuel after the turbine, or a
turbojet with an afterburner.

F-T-9740/v 13
For the final elucidation of the 1 ucstion of thc fields of applic ation of the

same or different types of engines, it is necessar to compute the duration and

length of flight.

1"- - .

Pa a) Specific fuel consurmption
attributed to useful
thrust, kg/kg hr.
2 2b) Mach

Fig. 9 Specific fuel consumption of various types of engines.

Designation same as in Fig. 8.

Secion 3. Duration of Operation and Range

The duration of the cruisingflight of an aircraft (the duration of flight with

an operating engine) is determined by the relative fuel capacity on board V and the

fuel consumption per second G.

The ratio of a full load of fuel Pg to the take-off weight of the device Pn

is called the relative fuel capacity (fuel to gross weight ratio).

P-- (-18)
The relative fuel capacity of a long-range rocket of the V-2 type reached

0.68. In essence, it is possible to increase somewhat this value. The relative

fuel capacity of an aircraft is usually less than that of a wingless rocket.

The thrust R required for a flight depends on the angle of the flight trajec-

tory to the horizon, on the aerodynamics of the aircraft, and on the flight speed.

The ratio of lift to drag or the ratio of weight to thrust during horizontal

flight with a constant speed is called the aerodynamdc quality of an aircraft k:

k P 19)
The fuel consumption is determined by the required thrust R and the specific

thrust I or the specific fue) cu.,sumption Ce

G=5~ kg/sc- RC, kg/hr.
I XW (1.10)1
The duration of flight during constant thrust Rf = const is equal to the ratio

of fuel load PT to the fuel consumption C:

t=-L- ! 4=Vk/. (1.1n)
0 a
By the combustion of the fuel, the gross weight of an aircraft P = PT + P is

decreased, and therewith the required thrust.

P P, +P, (1.12)
k k.

Here P is the empty vei;ht of the device. The reduction of wveight for the
time dt is equal to the weight of the burned fuel:

-dP - G dt =K dt=--- dt
I kI
dt - kI
Integrating to the limit from Pn to Ps, we find that the duration of flight at

a constant speed ( w = const), constant quality k, and varying thrust P

t- -S ki-j--kljIn Pj
Ps Ps (1.13)
P, 1--,

Comparing the expressions 1.11 and 1.13, we see that the duration of flight

during variable thrust is greater than with constant thrust by In times.

If V Q 0.70, then

S-- 2,3. t1 =1,725.

V ij 1-0.7
The range of flight depends on the duration and speed of flight

I=wt=cMt. (1.14)
Here Y.= is the Mach number (see Chapter II, Section 7); c is the speed of

sound in m/sec or km/sec.

Having used 1.13, we finally obtain

F-TS-974O/V 15
1'cMlk Ini (Ii5

expressed in the same units of length used in defining the velocity.

The last formtula is called Tsiolkovskiy's formula, or

w 1
- (1.16)
The speed A in the formula (1.16) is expressed in km/hr.

The product cMI -To =wl is called the range parameter. It is expressed in

The value of the range parameter e depends on the type of engine and the

-ht speed (Fig. 10). At subsonic flight speeds a longer flight range may be ob-
ned through the use of piston engines; at transsonic flight, by the use of turbo-

engines; at speeds of M - 1.6 to M - 2.5, by the use of turbojet engines with

erburners; and at M> 2.5 and greater, the longest powered guided flight is by

ns of ramjet engines. With increased permissible temperatures at the turbine

rance, the field of application of a turbojet engine for long flights is widened

include higher speeds. - -


0 1i


g. 10 Range factors of various engines. Designaticns same as in Fig. 8.

Legend: a) Flight range parameter in km (speed/specific fuel consumtion); b)ach.

Example 1. Let us find the duration of flight of an aircraft with a turbojet

gine when M - 1; V - 0.4; k - 8; Ce - 1.2

t In 1 8 1
Ge 1--.V 1.2 0.6 3.4 hours

-T,,-9'40/V 16
&. nle 2. Let us find the duration of vertical flight of a rocket with a

liquid-fuel rocket engine when 1) - 0.68; Ce = 16 12 if thq ratio of take-off weight

to thrust is 0.5 and thrust tends to be constant in flight:

1=P_ 0,68-0.5 =0.021 hr. =76 sec.
C#R 16
Exafule 3. Let us find the range of powered horizontal flight of a winged

stratosphere missile of the "Navaho" type (see page 21), with a ramjet engine at

speeds of M = 2.5, if the quality of the irissile k = 5 and the relative fuel weight

= 0.7.

The speed of sound in the stratosphere is c = 295 z/sec. The specific fuel

consumption of a ramjet engine at ; = 2.5 is Ce 2.6 kg/hr kg. The range is

-- 2 ' --
1----I -In ncMk 2. -. =.07
-62t0 ofl
Ce I-V 2.6 10,7 =

Section 4. The Fields of Application of Various Types of Jet Engines

The brief information about Jet engine parameters in the foregoing paragraphs

permits detiiininition of the areas of speed and altitude at.whieh ithe,.P.inines or one

_iwCadothertyvie may be mosatbffectively used (Fig. -)1.

' 2 J I
Fig. 11. Areas of operation of v-"ious types Fig. 12. The take-off of a
of Jet engines. (Designations same as missile with assist rockets.
in Fig. 8).

l"Guided Missiles" (review), Voprosy raketnoy tekhniki rQuestions of Rocket

Technics7, No 1, 1956; G.W. Gardner, "Guided Missiles," Chartered Mech. Enrners,
1955, No 1, page 2.

F-TS-9740/V • 17
Rocket engines operating on sol'j fuels (PRD) and those operating on liquid
fuels (ZhRD) may be used at any speed and at any altitude. The altitudes are limited

by the aerodynaics of the aircraft and notby the peculiarities of the rocket engine.

Rocket engines are used as take-off boosters to cut d. n runway lengths and

time dwing the take-off of aircraft with piston, turboprop, or air-breathing jet

engines; on guided missiles; on antiaircraft rockets; and on long-range rockets

(Figures 12, 13 and 14). At the end of the Second .orld War, rockets had a range of
300 km. This range was incre,-sed bY incriasing the specific tumst, the takeoff

weight, and the relative fuel supply.

The intercontinental ballistic missile has been successfully tested in the

USSR; it is able to hit any point on the earth's surface. The speed of the missile

is many times greater than that of sound at the end of the operation of the missile's

engine. The missile is propelled by inertia for the greater portion of its flight at

enormous altitudes and in very rarefied atmosphere. This portion of flight is prac-

tically unguided.

IA-4 - .- -

,-, ,. •. 4.-..,',' o. .,: < j, .s

'. *' 1

-f- A' I

Fig. 13. The 'Viking" high-altitude Fig. 14. The "Nike" antiaircraft
rocket.' guided missile.

During powered flight, the long-range missile is directed by means of internal

P-TS-97O/V 18
rudders located in the exhaust gas stream and receiving signals from the autopilot

or by radio.

High-altitude rockets with ZhRDs are also used for scientific purposes: for re-

search of the upper layers of the atmosphere, solar radiation, cosmic rays, etc.

Data about the layers of the atmosphere at altitudes of more than 40 kM (Table 1.1)

are obtained by high-altitude rockets (V-2s and "Vikings") which have instrumeat

compartments in place of uarheads in their upper portions.


A;ltitudeH Pressure P11, Density
kn. Ii T K_ mmHg . YH kgm 3

0 288.0 760 1,1

10 230,8 210 4,2.10-1
20 212,8. 42 9.3.40-2
30 231,7 9,5 1,9.10-2
40 262,5 2,4 4,2.10-8
50 270,8 7,6.10-1 1,2.10-8
60 252.8 2,2.0-1 3,5.10-
70 218,0 55.10-' 9,7. 1"O
so 20.5,0 ,1.110-' 2,.10-5
90 217,0 2,0.10- 4,1.0-4
100 240,0 6,0.10-4 8,6-10-1
110 270,0 2,0.10-4 2,0.0-1
120 330.0 6,0.0-4 5,6.10-0
130 390,0 2.0.10- 1,9.10-4
140 447,0 7,0.10-4 7,6.10-4
150 503,0 3,710-4 34.10-4
160 560,0 '2,0.10-6 1,6. 10-*
180 676,9 7,0.10- 4,8.10-N0
200 792.5 3,0.10-1 1,7-10-10
220 906,6 1,4.10- 7,0.10-"

On 4 October 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first earth satellite vehicle

by means of a rocket carrier. The satellite had a diameter of 58 cm, a ,eight of

83.6 kg, and carried instruments and transmitters. A month Rter, 3 November 1957,

the second satellite was launched, carrying more complicated equipment and weighing

6 times as much.

ZhRDs are used as the primary eagines also for j.lanes designed for the stucAj of
supersonic flights(Fig. 15).

F-'r7-9740/V 19
Turbojet engines (TRD) are used on high-speed civil and rilitary aircraft of

various types (Fig. 16). Heavy aircraft with TRDs are able to fly 8,000 km with a

)speed of more than 1,000 km/hr. Modern aircraft with TRDs develop supersonic speeds.

TRDs with afterburners and dual cycle TRDs are intended for flights at speeds

reaching 3 times that of sound (see Fig. 1-). Augmented TRDs are installed in light

as well as heavy aircraft.

The broadest application in regard to speed and altitude is that of ramjet

engines (see Fig. 1).

With an increase in flight altitude the atmospheric pressure falls (see Table

1.1) and conditions for carburetion and fuel ignition in the combustion chamber of a

VRD worsen (see Chapter VIII). On the other hand, with an increase in flight veloc-

ity, the pressure in the chamber increases in proportion to the free stream dynam1ic

Fig. 15. A supersonic aircraft with ZhRDs (&h 2.6, ceiling 20 km).

head. Therefore, th- greater the flight speed, the greater the altitude up to

which burning in the combustion chamber of a VRD will occur under satisfactol7 con-

ditions. Ramjet engines are able to develop the greatest speeds. Therefore they

can operate at greater altitudes than any other air-breathing jet engine. Super-

sonic PVRDs possess greater altitude capabilities than subsonic ones. The altitude

capability of a subsonic PVRD operating on hydrocarbon fuel is alTost 10 km.

Subsonic PVRDs are used in target drones, aircraft-type muisiles, and heli-


Target drones are used for training antiaircraft-artillery and fighter pilots,

and for testing various means of antiaircraft defense, replacing costly aircraft. The

target drone is carried to the required altitude by a control aircraft, the ramjet

F-TS-9740/V 20
engine is star*.ed, and the Lrjet is r Ieased froo the control aircraft, it flies

independently, controlled t. an n-itcpilot or b' radio cctrwand (Fig. 17).

O Subsonic ?PIRLs ins' .lled in helicoDters are located at the ends of the rotor

biades (P.. A helicopter with a PVRD is simple, reliable, cheap, and does not

need any additional means to counteract body toroue since the engines are on the

rotor itself.

Supersonic ranjet engines are used in antiaircraft missiles, on supersonic

aircraft, and in winged long-range missiles.

Antiaircraft rockets withr t engines take off with the aid of starting

rockets, gaining altitude and following thei :elected target thrc.ugh t 0o operation

of the ramjet engine (Fig. 19).

A fighter aircraft with a ramjet engine, a prototype of which is the Leduc

aircraft, starts with the aid of rockets or a turbojet engine and continues its

flight through the operation of a ramjet engine (Fig. 20).

A winged long-range missile, an example of which is the "Navaho," designed in

the USA, starts with the aid of a liquid-fuel rocket engine and then completes its

planned flight through the operation of two ramjet engines located under the fuse-

lage. The computed range of this missile, which is intended for intercontinental

flights with a hydrogen bomb at speeds 2.5 - 3.0 times greater than that of sound,

is 8,000 km at an altitude of 20 km. The most effective means of defense against

winged long-range rockets would probably be supersonic fighters with ramjet engines,

carried into the air by control aircraft, forming barraes near the defensive object

and supersonic missiles supplied with a radio control and an internal guidance system

(see Fig. 14 and 19).

In summary, we may say that the primary characteristics of ramjet engines are

their ability to operate at very high flight speeds and at greater altitudes than

turbojet engines; greater economy and lighter weight as compared with liquid-fiiel

engines; absence )f moving parts and simplicity of construction. Basically, their

shortcomings are tne absence of static thrust, their need for a positive start, and

jow economy at subsonic flight opeeds. Ramjet engines are the nost effective engines

for great superscnic speeds in aviation.

F-T S- 9? 0 V_ _ _ _
.. . .-.....

* 'N

'~~~ %6'~

Fig.16.Airraftwit tuboje enin.

a~ Pasege aicatT-04-ihe;c.ev obr

a* .F

F-TS-740/ 22)

ci) /'

• b).
Fig. 17. Application and testing of -PDs. a -- Gorgon IV target drone;
b -- American Lockheed X-7 test missile used for testing supersonic
ranjet engines.

Fig. 18. A helicopter with ramjet engines at the ends of the rotor blades.

Fig. 19. Bristol-Boeing antiaircraft rocket with two supersonic ramjet engines.


Fig. 20. Interceptor with a ramjet engine.

, q..-9? 40v 23
Fig. 21. W1inged long-ranee rocket of the "1Favehol type with supersonic ramJet


1. Sanger, E. and Bredt, 1. Dal'niy,.rdirovshchiAc s raketnvin dvipatelrn

[iong-Range Bomber with a Rocket Engine/, Voyenizdat, Mc7OU. oi194C.- -

2. Seifert, H.S., Mills, ., and Sunmerfield M., "Rocket Physics, -- seh

fiicheskikh-.naukLf~dvances in the Physical sciencejs . Vol1 XXXIV, No 4s, l91487C-S3T

3. Merkulov, I.A., Vetnkvozdusnogo flota fferald of the Air Fleet7193

7 93
No 12.

4-. Murray, R., Vvedeniye v yadernuy energetiku gntroduction to Atomic Enera7,

State Publishiing Hfouefor Foreign Literataire, 1955.
5. Meshchers4i-j, I .V*, RaoyR dinamrke tel perenennoy mnassy LT7ork on the
Dynamics of Bodies vW-'. Varialb Ieises/f, Gostekhizdat, 1950.
6. Nvdias, N., Vdn aenerAaitomic, Enera7,,State Publishing House for-
I- breign Literatuire,- c1,.
7.* Sutton, G., Raktye cigateli L~ocket Engines7, State Publishing House* fIor

8. Stechkin, E.S.s "Theory of Ramjet Engines," Tehka Vozdushnoo1Fota,

1929, No 2.

- 9._"Guided Missiles" (review), Voprosy raketnoy tekhniki Lproblems of' Rocket

10. Tsiolkovskiy.. K.E., Nauchnoye obozreniye /Scientific Review7, 1903.

11. Avery, W.H., "Twenty-Five Years of Ramjet Development," Jet Propulsion,
Vol 25, XI, 1955.

12. Kalitinsky, k..$ Society of Autmotive Engin., Transactions, 199, p. I.

13. Gardner, G.W.,, "Guided Missiles," Chartered Mech. Engineer, 1955, No 1, p.

114. Leduc, Rene, Brevet dinvention, France, No 770326, 1933; No 779655, 19314.

15. Lorinp Rene, "De la turbine a gaz au propulseur a reaction," AeE22hile,

1913, No 10. "Une experience relative au propulseur a reaction directe," AeroDhile

1913, No 22.

16. Carter, B.C., British Patent, No 293594, 1926.

17. Marquardt, R., "Future of Ramjet Engines," American Aviation, 1-I, 1954,
18. Hill, P.R., "Parameters Determining Performance of Supersonic Pilotless
Airplanes Powered by Ram-Comression Power Plants," NACA Wartime Rep. L. 755, VI,
19. Sanders, N.D., "Performance Parameters for Jet Propulsion Engines," NACA
TN, 1106, 1946.

rS-9740/V 25


The velocity of gases relative to the walls of a jet engine is so great that

in investigating the flow it is necessary to consider the compressibility of the gas.

The temperature and pressure c' a compressed gas fluctuate. The changes in the

state of a gas which exchanges energy with the surrounding medium are expressed in

terms of the laws of thermodynamics. The motion of a gas which is considered an in-

compressible fluid is des-ribed in terms of the law of aerodynanics. The laws of the

flow of a compressed gas are a combination of aerodynamic and thermodynamic laws.

The science of the motion of a compressed gas is called Las dynamics. Generally,

aerodynamics may be considered as a particular case of gas dynamics.

Valuable conclusions about the characteristics of a flow of compressed gas may

be made from the laws of the conservation of matter and energy.

Section.l. The Laa of Flow Continuity

We shall consider a gas flow which flows through the cross-section of a tube

(Fig. 22). In the section S1 the gas has a speed of wl, a density of T'1 , a tempera-

ture of T1 , and a pressure of pl. The gas parameters in section S2 are marked with

the index 420.

Thd volume wdch floi through this tube section every second is called the

volumetric discharge Q:

Q = (2.1)

Fig. 22 For th6 solution of the basic flow equation.

7y-T397 40/V 26
The volumetric discharge equal to the time deriviti'.e of the incoming volur.e

is measured by the product of the speed of the flow w and the flow section S. In

the computation of the volumetric discharge, the same units of length are used in

the expression of speed and cross section:- if, for example, speed is expressed in

m/1'-c and the cross section in m2 , then the volumetric discharge is obtained in

3 3 /sec.

The quantity of kilograms of gas which flow through the section under consider-

ation, per unit of time, is called the mass flow rate G:

= -= (2.2)

The mass flow rate equal to the time derivative of the mass of the flowing

substance is measured by the product of the flow section S, speed w, and density

If, along the length of the tube, mass exchange with the surrounding medium

is absent, then, according to the law of the conservation of matter, the amounts of

substance which flow every second through any section of a pipe are equal to one

Sections 1 and 2 may be described by (2.3)
G = G"-!

, wts'l
G = W,7& .(2.4)
In the absence of sources and sinks, the product of the pipe's cross-section,

the flow speed, and the densi ty is of constant value. The law expressed by equation
(2.4) is called the law of the continuity of flow.
The law of the continuity of flow is a result of the law of the conservation
of matter.

Density is written in the same units of volume as is volumetric discharge.

If, for example, speed is expressed in i/sec, cross-section in m 2 , then density will

be expressed as kg/m 3 or t/m 3 . The discharge by weight will then be expressed in

kg/sec. oz t/sec.

The la of fl= continuity is widely used in the gas dnad-cs of reaction


F-TS-9740/V 27
Section 2. The Law of Conservation of Energy for a Gas Stream

The law of the conservation of energy is also widely used in gas dynamics. Let
us assume a gas is allowed to flow along the cross-section of a tube (see Fig. 22).
Ditring time dt, dmI kg of gas will enter the tube. The speed of the movement of the

gas is equal to w1 . The kinetic energy of the gas entering the tube in time dt is

equal to w dn
2g (2.5)

The sum of the kinetic and potential energies of the atoms, molecules, and

other particles is called the internal ener y of the body. The internal energy of

an ideal gas is proportionate to its temperature.

If the temperature of a gas is T1 , then the internal energy of the gas, which

enters the tube in time dt, is equal to

dE =c.r,d, (2.6)

The gas pressure is equal to p1 . The section S1 may be considered as a rigid

piston. The work which this hypothetical piston accomplishes on the gas in the tube

is equal to
-dU, - pS,dx =p, d V,.

The energy brought in by the gas in the tube through section SI, is equal to

the sum A dK, + A4 dU, + d, =,,,

- ,., d,+ p d
" ;Ada"-'"--2-dd-- + cIT, din
1 + Ap, dV,. (2.8)
A is the thermal equivalent of work.

The energy carried away by the quantity of gas dm2 flowing out through section

S2 in time dt is equal to
A dKs+AdU+ d+ c-,dm, + Ap, dV,.
The energy released in the tube is designated by dH. The heat which goes

through the walls of the tube and is dissipated into the surrounding atmosphere is

designated by& q.

According to the law of the conservation of energy

A dKi + dE, + A dU + a A dKdE, dU, . ( 2.9 )

F-TS-9740/V 28
If liberation of energy does not occur in the flow, then

dH -O

If the flow is adihbatic, i.e. -if it occurs Yrithout exchange of energy with the

Ambient atmsphere, then_

In this case
Au dm1, Aw m2
2gdm +
+1T 1 dm+ApdV= 2j -cvT,dm+Ap d V2.'. (2.10)

According to the law of the conservation of matter

dmI = dm2

Dividing both sides of the last equation by dm and noting that ' is equal to

the specific volume of the gas v, we obtain

A .+cj +Ap:,=-A 2 +cj+Ap,v

2. (2.11)
2g 2g

The sum of the internal energy of 1 kg of gas cvT and the work of gas dis-

placement under the action of internal pressure p is called enthalpy, or heat con-

tent i:
.. i=c,T+Apv. (2.12)
According to the equation, the composition of an ideal gas is

:Pa= Rr, (2.13)


'= (c,+AR) T=c,, (2.14)

since, according to Mayer's equation,
c=c.+AR. (2.15)

Substituting (2.15) in (2.11) we obtain the basic equation of adiabatic flow:

+ , 2 (2.16)
2g A 2g A

A w2,+ c,7, - + C . (2.17)

During adiabatic flow the sum of the kinetic energy and the enthalpy of the gas

is a constant value.

y..-9740/V 29
Section 3. The Flow of an Incom pressible Fluid. Bernoull.'s Eauation

The variation in density of liquids during changes of flow speeds is practical-

ly immeasurable. If changes in gas speeds are small in comparison with the speed of

sound ( <0.5), then the gas density remains practically constant:

Y vconst. If

the gas density is a mcnstant, if friction losses are negligibly small, and if ene 'gy

exchange with the surrounding medium is absent, then the internal energy and tempera-

ture of the flow will remain constant:

r, == T,-=const and c,Tc.T= const. (2.18)

In this case the terms cvTl and cvT2 in the equation (2.11), expressing the

law of conservation of energy for the gas, cancel each other out.

Als (2.19)
2g ig

After multiplying both p rts of the equation (2.19) by the density of the

flow Y . then noting that (#v - 1, we obtain the so-called Bernoulli equation,

which relates the speed and pressure of an incompressible fluid with each other:

2g- (2.20)

The equation 2g has the dimension of pressure

(rw2I kg m2 sec 2 [4
SLIm3 sec2 m j M
which is called the impact pressure; p is called the static pressure.

The sum of the static pressure p and the impact pressure 1 'is called the
total pressure. If the flow is totally decelerated (when w2 0) the static pressure

becomes e. aal to total pressure: P2=P+ "

Pressure is expressed in kg/M2 , speed in m/sec, density in kg/m 3 , and g Jn

Static pressure is measured by means of a manometer stationary in relation to the

flow or by meais of a manometer whose intake opening is parallel to the current (Fig.

'3a). The total pressure of a flow is measured by a tube fixed to the side of the

iuct, with an opening directed against the stream so that its face is perpendicular

-T*S-3140/V 30

Fig. 23. Measuring the pressure of a Fig. 24. A Venturi tube.
a -- static tube; b -- Pitot tube.
to the direction of the current (Fig. 23b). The impact pressure and the speed of the

fluid's current w may be calculated from the manometer measurements of static and total


A manometer tube .serving to measure total pressure is called a Pito tube (Fig.


The equation of continuity (2,4) for an incoipressible fluid is:

*S (2.21)

"L S,

The stream speed of an incompressible fluid is inversely proportional to the

cross-section of the tube: the smaller the tube's cross-section, the greater the

stream speed of the incompressible fluid. Thus, according to Bernoulli's equation,

the less the static pressure:

P2- 1U ---%g 1-- /.. (2.22)
Measuring the static pressure p1 and P2 and knowing the ratio of the cross
sections S2 Iit is possible to determine by means of formula (2.22) the flow velocity

wI and the fluid mass flow G=W 1S.

A variable section tube which serves for the computation of the local value of

velocity or fluid flow is called a Venturi tube (Fig. 24).

Bernoulli's equation is used, for example, in the design of fuel injectors,

for the computation of fluid flow, and in the design of fuel supply lines.

A flow of real liquids and gases is accompanied by various losses; therefore,

:,ring velocity or flow calculations involving either Pitot or Venturi tubes, the

F-TS-9'40/V 31
orrection coefficient CF, determined by test, enters Bernoulli's equation:

-~ (2.23)

Density is expressed in kg/m 3 and pressure in kg/m2 . The value of (P , which

•akes into account the flow and shock losses, is called the tube coefficient.

Exgle. Let us determine the discharge of a stream of gasoline from an ideal

njector, If the excess pressure in the fuel supply line is 25 kg/cm 2 and the density

)f the gasoline is - 0.74 kg/1 - 740 kg/m3 . Its velocity before discharge is

onsidered as zero: w2 a 0

Then, using the equation (2.20), we may note:

y(2 _1 /1i 2.98.2-511, /~iisee.
ection 4. The Law of the Conservation of Impulse. Euler' s Equation

The product of a mass of gas m and its velocity w, equal to mw, is called


If there are no forces acting upon a stream of gas, then according to the

tird law of mechanics, the momentum of the gas will remain constant.

During flow through a tube having a variable cross-section, or during air flow

,ound various bodies, the velocity and pressure of a gas stream *s.

According to a well-known theorem of mechanics, the fluctuation of momentum,

,mw), is equal to the impulse of the effective force.

d(mw)=1 dt, (2.24)

iere f is the effective force,

dt is the elementary small time interval of the effective force.

We shall divide the gas stream into a segment having the width dx (Fig. 25).

ie gas pressure on one side of the isolated layer is designated by p, and on the

.her side by p': p=p+dp;

The mass of the isolated segment is

di=--- Sdx=pSd.', (2.26)


-TS-]97 /v 32
where is the gas density in technical units of mass.

The force f. which acts on the segment whose mass is din, is created by an in-

crease of pressure dp:

f=Sdp. (2.27)

For the time dt, the speed of the &4s mass ct6n~wiU change

The fluctuation of momentum is equal to the impulse of the force:

QS dx dw=-S dp dt. (2.28)

•ile differentials dw and dp have different signs, since an increase of velo-

city normal to the sides of the segment decreases the pressure. Consequently,

.dt. .. dp (2.29)
P-t- dX

so o I
t. ., d:j

Fig. 25. Developing the equation of the conservation of impulse.

The product of density and the acceleration of a gas dw

dt is equal to the nega-
tive pressure gradiert alp.
The equation (2.29) expressed as a law of the conservation of momentum for the

stream of a gas is called Euler' s equation for a one-dimensional flow.

Dnring the acceleration of a flow of gas along a cylindrical pipe having the

cross-section S, the law of the conservation of impulse ay be written as

w, dm-wgdm=S (pt-p,)dt, (2.30)

where w1 and Pl are the velocity and pressure of the flow at the beginning of the

pipe; w2 and P2 are the velocity and pressure at the end of the pipe; dm is the

mass of the gas which flows through a cross-section of the pipe for time dt.

Noting that m G kg/sec, we obtain


F-TS-9740/V 33
We substitute (2.4) in (2.3)a d reduce it by S:

--- =p
1A3 _ (2.32)
The ratio (2.32) occurs, for example, durfng the flow of heated gases in a

cylindrical combustion chamber of a jet engine or during a sudden variation of

pressure in a normal shock wave.

The laws of flow continuity (2.4), conservation of energy (2.16), and conserva-

tion of impulse (2.29 or 2.32) are used to resolve problems which crop up in jet-

engine research.

We notice that, according to Bernoulli's equation, the variation of pressure

is2 proportional to 2 s and, according to the impulse equation, proportional to

g . This apparent disparity may be clarified: the impulse equation in the form

of (2.32) is only suitable for a cylindrical tube, when according to Bernoulli's

equation for an incompressible fluid, the flow velocity is constant and the pres-

sure variation A p - 0. To omit consideration of S during a flow through a tube

having a variable cross-section is not permitted, and the impulse equation in the

form (2.32) is not correct. In the case of an incompressible liquid (( - const)

flowing along a pipe which has a variable cross-section between S, and S2,

Bernoulli's equation will be obtained during the integration of the impulse equation

in the form (2.29).

Rlam3e: The speed of a gas heated in a cylindrical combustion chamber in-

creases from 80 to 320 m/sec. Find the urop in pressure if the starting density of

the gas 2 kg/a3.

To find the variation of the gas density according to the law of continuity

WS, w
According to the law of the conservation of impulse

A S& Z2g 7 1,'?V 71W!'

lawIS ) 2.-W,

Y-V..940/V 3
Section 5. An Accelerated Flow

An accelerated flow occurs during the motion of a gas from an area of higher

pressure to an area of lower pressure, for example, during discharge from containers,

boilers, combustion chambers, etc. (Fig. 26).

The flow parameters in section S1 are marked by w1 , Pi, TI, and 'fl. The gas

parameters in section S2 are marked by w2 , P2, T2, and Y2. Pressure is Pl> P2"

We find the increase of the kinetic energy of a gas by the law of conservation

of energy for a gas stream:

c ,s.
The decrease in the enthalpy of a flowing gas is called the heat drop h.

If the heat capacity of a gas is constant through the entire possible range of

temperature variation: cp W const, then

•r2= (2.33)
iz g
If the flow is T ." 1eS..&, not-c ,by th,-t..
mpeimtP. ic zo .enrgY
in the presence of friction or shock, then the lowering of the temperature May
be expressed by the lowering of the temperature, taking advantage of Poisson's

ratio for the reversible adiabatic expansion of gases:

pt \ r)/ 1 (234)

where v is the specific volume of the gas: ,v

k is Poisson's index, equal to the ratio of specific heat during constant

pressure cp to the specific heat during constant volume cv:

According to the equation of a gaseous state:
-Pit", T2 (2.36)
Raising (2.34) to the degree of k- and multiplying by (2.36), we obtain


This last ratio is correct only for the reversible change of a gas. Substi-

tuting (2.37) in (2.33), we obtain

Y-so?40/V 35

,9 i ( P2


Fig. 26 An accelerated flow.

Heat content change, i.e., the enthalpy variation of 1 kg of gas, depends on

the temperature T1 and on the relative variation of pressure p2 not on the abso-

lute value of the pressure.

We find the speed of the gas in the 3 2 section from the law of the conserva-

tion of energy for a gaseous flow (2.33):

-g +, (2.39)

The decrease in the enthalpy of the gas, the initial rate of which is equal to

sero (wi - 0), is designated by h o . The temperature and pressure of a retarded flow

of gos (the speed of which is equal to zero) are called the stagnation temperature

and pressure TO, and pO1

o- " (2.140)

The velocity of th e gas in section S2 may be expressed by the original param-

eter of the gas by substituting (2.38) in (2.39)

The terminal velocity of the gas may be expressed by the stagnation parameters:

Using equations (2.15) and (2.35), we express specific heat by the gas constant

and Poisson's index k:

A-k" (2.1-43)

Substituting (2.43) in (2.42), we obtain

F.TS-9740/7 36
Iva 1/ 2k

The last formula is often used in computations of the discharge speeds of

gases from jet engines.
With an infinitely large initial pressure (p-+4 ), or with an infinitely
small terminal pressure (p2 -* 0), the speed of the discharge reaches the maximum
possible value W X:

inxTsw, A (245!)
Moreover, the temperature and enthalpy of the gases falls to zero:

The energy of the chaotic movement of the molecules changes entirely to the

energy of the organized motion of a gas flow. A uiaximwn discharge speed is unat-

tainable in practice, because the pressure and temperature of the gases are

The relationship of the increase in kinetic energy br gas ino: t1e enh jl~y. :

of deceleration is called the efficiency of the discharge process

r- k -= 2r
-a--- ==- T2.2.4
2gio, = 101il 12(2 Tot -46)
During a reversible discharge

.1=1 t,, (2.47)

With an increase in the relative pressure drop during discharge, "-Po the
thermal efficiency of the discharge process increases (Fig. 27). With an increase in
the relative drop P.Olof one or more units, the thermal efficiency rapidly increases,
but after exceeding P0Oby several tens of units, the rate of growth lt is retarded,
because .W asymptotically approaches one. Therefore, 1t.iia'imrabtic~ble -tW' ± P

crease the relative pressure drop in order to achieve greater dig6harge - .'eed; u10

a*o 10 rr .mqre.,
With the increase in the relative pressure drop the density of the dis-

charging gases 2 decreases:


The gas discharge through section S2 is determined by the continuity equation

(2.4) vith consideration of (2.44) and (2.48).

.= A-So' 2 {X T'.(2.49)

I I -)

0 - in kg/ r.,


and S2 in . Discharge is measured in kg/sec.

the pressure before the discharge p0 1 increases, the gas density

mts' :the discharge G gr s. With an increase in temperature TOI, the

density ( 2 decreases and the velocity w2 increases proportionally to N .

Therefore the discharge varies ot. 11

Example. The pressure and temperature of the air before the discharge:

pOl a 16 kg/cm 2 ; To, - 6000 K; wI - 0; g - 9.8 m/sec 2 ; k - 1.4; R - 29.3 kg mng deg.

Find the velocity, density, temperature, ar d discharge of the gas for two cases:

when the pressure at the outlet P2 - 10 kg/cm 2 and when P2 - 2 kg/cm 2 .

a) The relative drop P0 1- 1.6

P2 10
The discharge velocity is in accordance with (2.144)
[ ",4r'l7

1 I 1

4- - i.6) 1,488
The discharge through a unit of a section
T~wT2= 6O 4 -6.1 Iz37OO ikg/s.c-m .

b) If the presu 'c ware to be reduccd to p2 - 2, then the dischargc velocity

would increase

mr. 44,7 60. [1 (T2 44.7 !t'600-0,449=733 M/sec.

.Jie-bsty of the 'e~hauSfld- aifr WOUld 'theh decroese:


Ue disharge per exhaust crss-sebtiof ii'wc*16gfibt -

ase 0k/ecr~

'-- 733-2,6 -1510 kglsec,

It is clear that with a decrease in back pressure, the discharge of gas cannot,

in fact, decrease. The solution of this contradiction is set forth in paragraph "e."

Section 6. Critical Flow. Reduced Velocity

Let us consider a flow of gas from a reservoir, where-when w, - 0-the stagna-

tion pressure is equal to Plit ia container where the static pres -is bqu to P2

(Fig. 28). Let us assume the parameters of the gas before the discharge pOI' To,,

and YO1 remain constant and the back pressure P2 decreases. (This may take place

If P2 - P01, the discharge of the gas G - 0.

With a decrease in pressure p2, t;,e discharge first increases in accordance with

equation (2.49). This discharge increase during large pressure drops depends on the

. . ., n",, 14Q.A/V . . . . . . . .
increase of the discharge velocity w2 (2.h). The change in density of the gases

during minor pressure drops is insignificant.

If the pressure of a discharging flow were to decrease lower than a certain

limit, the decrease in the density would seem to be greater than the increase in

velocity and the discharge of the gases G = w2 2 S2 would begin to decrease. In

fact, with a decrease in back pressure, the discharge of the gases cannot diminish;

a certain runynur. pressure is established in a discharging flow.

, _P " P,

Fig. 28. Solving the formula of a critical discharge.

Legend- a) to the Poot

The pressure in a flow in which the discharge of the gases turns out to be the

greatest is called the critical pressure Per"

We identify the relative pressure of the discharging gases by x:

We find the relative pressure drop x-r , at which the discharge of the gases will

be maximum, by equating to zero the first derivative from the radicand of the expres-
sion in the discharge formula by x.

dx LkI)RUT X "1=.

Differentiating, we obtain Po +
Di-ferntiatngiweobtai k-I)R 4

From this

~~(2.50) I

x,-- ,_ ,+,/
The prebure of the gass in tho discharging flow carnnot bc 10WcYcd r.01' t.

2 ! times.

The lower the Poisson's index k, the lower the critical pressure drop (see

Table 2.1). Thus, when k -1.41 1.4

Po, 1,4 "==1,89;
PkP 2
when k = 1.2

Critic ] ,l . , i d-cp:

T p PKp 2

Critical density drop: 1 1

I.;L( P kJ. (2.52)

If the back pressure is less than the critical pressure: p2 <Pcr' then the

pressure in the flow will be eoual to the critical value of pcr'

The discharge of the gases will have a maximum value. Substituting (2.50)

in (2.49) we obtain
0= (,S-II?2T
_(T2_ 0 _ 2 +

J'Ola V=os
1/' k-f-RT, I+ f (+ I,

2 k+1 2 h 1
1 (2 ri= 2 ( 2 [i 2 -(2


.. i
R~ i 1 / ~ ( ( ~¢--,
2_ +
oseP =BPosK )/XT
= -r;, (2.53)

The coefficient B depends on the index k (see Table 2.1 in which it is calcu-

lated for R - 29.5 'cg P,/kg deg C).

The velocity in the critical section Scr is in accordance with (2.4h) and

, 2gkW,

" V 7- 1 k+ 1'

?-TS-9740/V 14l
-/ -----o
E'f? 'V.7,,.--
V k+l - ""1 a
since 2
Tat- =To,

The equation VgkIKjp-- represents the speed of sound at tepperature Tor.

The critical velocity*of th- di.schr

.qu eis l to the so-cd of the local snprd

During the decrc-so of back pressure P2 the velocity of the discharge increases

until it is not coc- . to tVe loc- rnp-cd of ro'o,1o

The changes of pressure uidcn in a gas at the speed of sound. If the velocit

ef the discharge reaches a sonic value, then the subscquent variations of back pres-

sure, whose impulses travel upstream against the flow with the speed of sound. do

not reach the internal area of the reservoir, and the discharge of the gas ceases to

depend on the subsequent pressure drops. If the pressure before the discharge is

larger than critical: , then the pressure in the flow Pcr proves to
P2 2!

be greater than the back pressure P2; Prr>P2. At the nozzle outlet the stream of

gases suddenly expands. The expansion of the flow during a supercritical discharge

is clearly seen, for example, as in the form of a smoke cloud formed during firing


These supercritical phcnomend are observed during the discharge of exhaust gases

from the cylinders of a piston engine, during firing guns, during the discharge of

gases from containers, and during the operation of jet engines, if the pressure ex-

ceeds that of the atmosphere more than 1.89 times.

If after the criticil section S r the pipe widens, then the gas pressure will

continue to fall, the density will decrease, and the velocity will increase and be-

come greater than the local speed of sound (see Chapter V). The acceleration of a
subsonic flow occurs in tapering pipes; tha. of a supersonic flo-a in idening pipes.

The greater the ratio of the section under zonsideration to the

one that is critical,

F-T -9740/V 42
the greater the dccrease in pressure F Mad the greater the relativu ijcrcasc in the
* velocity of the £lo10:.

The ratio of the flo: velocity Vt to the critical velocity a is called the rela-

tive velocity X: - __. ..

a 2gk (2.55)

Utilizing (2.11h) anl (0.55) vie can cxpress the relative velocity by the ratio

of static pressure p to the stagnation pressure p.:

,=I- ----g-(2.56

( k (--

vk-1-" (2.57)

The maximum possible value of the relative velocity depends only on PCisson's

index (k). When k - l.L, m & 2.45. With a decrease in k, the maximum relative

velocity increases. Listed in Table 2.1 are the functions of Poisson's index (k)

'which are encountered during gas dynamic computations.



k 1,40 1,35 1,30 1.25 1,20 1,1 1,:-

1.200 1,175 1,150 '.125 1,100 1,075 1..10
1 89 1 863 1 83 1 80 1,77 1725 ,70


k 3,50 3,86 4.33 5.00 6,00 7,67 11,0

6,00 6,72 7,67 9.00 11.00 14,35 21,0

k - 2,4t 2,59 2,767 3,00

k-1 3,31 3,79 4.58

V/ gk(-2) 2,14 2,11 2.08 2,06 2,03 ,00 1,.98

B (R -2.) 0,394 0,389 0,383 0,379 0,374 0,368 0,364
'.- 0,623 0,617 0,613 0,o0o 0,603 0,598 o,9
R k-1
y-TS-940/V 4
Exaj.DIe: The pressure in a jet-cnzine coz1nbustior, charhrLer is po = absolute

atmospheres (ata), the temperature T0 is 2,2000 K. Find the citical pressure,

te.mperature, velocity, and discharge through a unit of a section, if k 1.25 and

the gas constant is

R=-3kgm/kg dog.
The critical pressure

pap"(~j PO= - =2.*78 ata.

The critical temperature
r,-k "'rI o2200
1, 125 -!9 °

The critic:.l vcl-c-1iy

The critical density


7K -2 ' VTo_-
/2 k-IPO -=-3u5.104 =0.473 kg',n3.
V 1) RTO 1.6.3u -2W0

The discharge per unit of a critical section

G 0.376.5. 104
-:- B -o- z400ks/sec~m.

The discharge may also be determined by the continuity equation

, -- ap --846-0,473= 400 kga/sec.

Section 7. Adiabatic Flow With Deceleration. Mach Numbers. Gas D ianic Functions

The velocitt of the air entering the diffuser of an air-breathing reaction en-

gine is diminished. We shall investigate how to compute the change in the parameters

of an air flow during a decelerated adiabatic flow (Fig. 29).

The parameters of the flow in section S1 are identified by PI TI, '(l, and wl;

the parameters in section S 2 are identified by P21 T2 , Y2, and w2 .

Decrease of velocity occurs under the action of a force opposing the motion.

Therefore the gas will move slowly only in the event that the pressure in the stream

increases: P2> p "

According to the law of the conservation of energy, the decrease in velocity

is accompanied by an increase in enthalpy and in the taxmperature of the gas:

I I-

'SI P 2


Fig. 29. A flou vith dcccleration.

i 2-jAU Au'

2g 2g (2.58)

Assuming that the specific heat of the gas cp is constant in the entire range

of temperature _ A(u,2_ U,)

2g pT,' k- (2.59 )
2g kT,

When the gas is cumpletely decelerated; w 2 0 its temperature increases to

the stagnation temperature:

r7-- k-I 2l
T, 2 gkRT-1 (2.60)

When k = 1.4 and R 2903 kg m/kg deg

s ' AT=Tt--T' 22 gkr 20o (2.61)

Equations (2.59-2.61) correctly express the increase in flow temperature only

in the event that its initial velocity is not too high. When vl> 1,5000 m/scc,

the stagnation tenperaturc becomes so great that to disregard the variations of

specific heat appears to be impossible, and the equations obtained with the assump-

tion that cpl a Cp2 become "ncorrect (Lee Chapter VI, Section 6).

The product gkRT1 , which enters formula (2.59), represents the square of the

speed of sound at temperature T1

ic = ygkkT,. (2.62)

The ratio of the velocity of the stream w to the local speed of solind c, is

F-TO-9740/V 45
called the Fach number and is dr-,otrd by the -,>*..bol ,1:
= ,,._W (2.63)
e 9gkT
The increase in tempcraturc during deceleration, as indicated in the equation
(2.60), is prnportional to thc square of the M.ach number:

TO___ k-iM (2.6)4)

T 2
If there is an adiabatic reversibie flow process, e.g., is not accompanied by

a dcssipati- of energy, the increase in pressure during deceleration may be found

accordin2 tc. the irncrcc.e in tenperature, using Poisson's equation (2.37):

PO(- L-I . -3 (2.65)


The last equation expresses the increase in pressure during the reversible

process of a compressible fluid. Expanding the equation (2.65) in series and limit-

ing the first two terms of the expansion, it is possible to bring it to Bernoulli's

equation (2.20), which is corfect for the deceleration of an incompressible fluid:

'- +k•
f P I=,+- 2 W
+2 2gRT 2gp
f. Then the initial flow velocity is given, the increase in pre-2 "i ' .

during deceleration of a compressible fluid has a greater value than that of an in-

compressible fluid (Table 2.2).



M 0.5 1.0 2.0 3,0 4.0 5.0

.05 1.2 1.8 2.8 4.2 6,0
1.19 1,89 7,8 37 150 528
-A-) 1.175 1.70 3,8 7.3 12.2 18.5

__0 1.13 1.575 4,31 13,2 36 88


During M.>1 deceleration of the flow occurs in a tapering pipe, because the

relative density increase 2 is more significant than the relative decrease in

velocity ,

F-TS-9740/V 46
w! 7, < (2.66)
S, W'2 72

In the narrowest section, the volocity of the flow is equal to the critical

value, e.g., the local speed of sound (Fig. 30).

Ilk+ I' = 2gid
~ Vi,k+1 -2 (2.67)

The critical velocity resulting from the last equation grows ,ith an increase

in the initial 1'Vch number.

If the prc.curc at a criticn] . (the-o cont r-..'- to incrc:c: p 2 >p

the'n the flo w will b o .' by a "i ' ic-" " i C

pressure. If the pressure P2 is less than that in the critical section: P2<Pr

then the flow will be accompanied by an increase in velocity and the temperature and

static pressure will fall.

,Sp ,.

Fig. 30. : i.conc-pt of roversibility ot*'fl oji.

During adiabatic flow the stagnation temperature along the entire pipe is

Au,2 Aul
CJPT2g j, 1+ onst
k- I2 k-
TO =Th+jM2 )=T, (I + 2-M2).

During a reversible flow process, the stagnation pressure along the entire

pipe is also constant:

If the static pressures in the sections S1 and S2 are equal: p1 - P2 1 then

during a reversible flow process, the velocities in the sections S1 and S2 are equal:

Via-w2 .
In the presence of friction and shocks, the velocity after the e ffusion of the

flow up to the initial static pressure P2 = Pl will be less than ti , initial velocity:

T-TS-9740/V 47
w2 <vl; the kinetic energy f the gas will dissipate. The ratiu of the decrease of

the kinetic energy to its original value serves as a measure of the irreversibi!ity of

process. During irreversible floir the entropy of the gas increases.

The gr..A: th. sCatic temperature in a given section of pipe Ti and the local

speed of sou:. i,
C jn, the less the local value of the velocity w:, if the ini-

tial velocity is constant: wI = const. Therefore, in order to find the local value

of the Mach nir-bcr, Ili one must first find the local temperature T i . The stagnation

te-'.p.rature is con-tvnt for the entire flow: T. = const; conseoqently the critic-!
velocity is ZJso corsLii fol all scctioL, lh-rocfoe', in so. 2 cccz it is i or cC,] -

venient to use the relative velocity \ than the Mach number M.

The relative velocity and the Mach number are xi zly-, lvAdtc:tach other.

Utilizing (2.62 and 2.67) we obtain

w Me M Ig/k-R-
a a /2 -Ak-RT(I + k- IM2)

From this

li A!+1~ (2.68)

M--k /2
V k+I(--I$ (2.69)

When M * , \ . WheniM _, I-l kua


The dependence of the relative velocity on the Mach number for various - at
values of Poisson index k is shown in Fig. 31. va

The velocity head q may be expressed by the Mach number or by the relative

velocity and atmospheric pressure Pn •

Using (2.63) or (2.55) we obtain:

k kA (2.70) i
q=-- p.M.- -- "
2 k+T-I k-i
k 4- 1 2

y'.TS-9740/V 4
,i - ,- - . _

S i 4-1I111
,, 3o ;"FTI_-', -_I

! - -

I/I II1J,77
__ F '' '__ - -- I--'--
0-"!' 1 'l i_-[-I"~
..1 ; j 11,.,JI.I I I ii- __

t il9 -i t

i '4 f2. ,

Fig. 31. The Dependence of ? on M1for various K.

.. s-f the basic f£o-, 'qwt, n ' , . -o " .. ,

."~n Param3tcrs in tcr-s of rc3, live vclocity.

c'TO _ c'PT - Aw_
From t his .
T A w2 k-1
TO 2gcpTo 2gkR k+ 1
- To
The relative variations of temperaturc, pressure, and density during a deceler-

ating reversible flow process are dependent only on the relative velocity of the ad-

vancing flow and thc k j:.idex, and are called gas 4ynairdc functions.

= I--- , (2.71)
TO k I
k k
' ()') p )k-Ifo)J~

_ I

5(1.)- , -- [ (2.73)
TO Po)
The discharge of gases through section S. in which the relative velociv is

equal to \ , may also be expressed by gas dyniard functions:

G= -Sw_= -P_ Sa. 2gk Sp0). (,)=
RT V/ (k + ) RTo

1 -9(k+)RTo pqo). (2.74)

q 2k ,(2.75)

When X>2.3, nd To 2,500K a significant dissociation of the gases occurs;

the k index may not be considered as constant, and the formulas of gas dynaranc func-

tions ccere to be ,ccurpte.

Graphs; of C"s dyiv fii un o:s at .j values of k are included at the cnd

of the book (Fig. 204-208).

Section 8. The Reaction of a Flow on the Side of a Pipe. Jet Thrust and Additional


The air-gas flow in any ramjet engine flows through a tube of variable cross-

section area (Fig. 32). The .mc-ant of flow of a gas per second through the section S

is equal to 2
._w = Sw

.9 g

This amount of movement, or impulse per second (impulse for short), is equal to

the force with which the gas will act on the tube from deceleration to a complete


If the flow's static pressure in section S is equal to p, then the pressure

force which acts parallel to the flow upon the section in question is equal to pS.

The total impulse of the gas flowing through section S Is equal to the sum of
F-----L+pS. . (2.76)
: g
If the flow did not exist, then the force of the atmospheric pressure pnS would

act on the section in question.

The difference between the deceleration force of the flow F and the force of

the atmospheric pressure pn"S is called the excess impulse F izb :

F-TS-9740/V 50
g--- (p-p.). (2.77)

"Sit Is4 (

A, I "

a) ---

Tot =- =r

J1 I t 4

i C. I - I

p I.

Fig. 32. Graphs for flow reaction calculation.

in a pipe of variable cross-sec-

to The gas impulse varies if the flow takes place
tion, and also in the event of increase of dissipation of energy. The variation of the

the gas. Ac-

impulse is equal to the force with vnich the sides of the pipe act on
a force equal
cording to Newton's third law, a flow acts on the sides of a pipe with
in value,but opposite in direction,to the force of the reaction
S and S4 is
The reaction of the flow on the sides of a tube between sections 1

equal to the differences of the impulses:

.d N = , -Pl +PS) + S),(2.78)
The reaction of the flow, as B.M. Kiselev first indicated, may be expressed

the relative velocities X :i and X 4.

The total impulse of a flow in any section of a tube is equal to

T-TS-9740/V 51
F.7- (2.79)

Utilizing the ccqations of corposition and ratio (2.71) and (2.54), we obtain

.k+1 (~2LZ).2
-~-=?T=R 0=V~2(1~2-~S).(2.80)
2gk k +1


2k w k+ l

ihence, using (2.55), we obtain

Th- rezctioni of lkt flo.: i

-F,-F. ,(2.82)

Using the ratio (2.81) we express the reaction of the flow on the sides of the

tube by X:
2grk+ (X21\ kl (2~

The last equation was developed by B.. Kiselev.

The temperatures of the flow and the masses of the gas in sections 1 and 4,

7enerally speaking, are different. Therefore, the stream parameters, a, 14, G, and

K in the various sections are not the same. The indexes "1" and "4" refer

to- . all the parameters of the gas which depend on the temperature.

Relative velocities at the inlet of the duct and at the exhaust depend on the

geometry of the duct.

In some cases the parameters at the inlet to the duct are equal to the param-

eters of an undisturbed flow. Then the index "i" in the second term of Kiselev's
"ormula is replaced by "H."

The critical velocity, a, depends on the stagnation temperature.

Substituting a for its valie, we obtain

V 2gk
X --
2 ,Ro.++)J

Let us compare the differences of the right and left portions.

sec 9gdog m

The calculation of any jet engine is reduced to the calculation of the dis-

charges, velocities, pressure, and stagnation tc.,perature at the inlct and cb.alt


The impulse of gas, at the speed of sound, i.e., during X 1, is

called the critical impulse Fcr* On the basis of (2.51) it may be describcd as
p k+ Ga (2.85)
• k- g
The ratio of tiie irmpulse during a floi.. of supersonic velocity A > 1 to the
" C, . i U : !c c 'c~F of j, ulrr :" ... c2,. Frc.-. ( , )

Lnd (2.65) 1; finid

*c -=.+)=) - ----

The coefficient of impulse increase reaches its maximum pcssible value vhen

Knowing the impulse of the flow, one may find the thrust of an air-breathing

jet engine which operates on an internal stream of air (see Fig. 32,b).

Let us assume that the bounding surfaces pass in front of the engine at a dis-

tance at which its disturbing action is insignificant (surface H -H), and in the

plane of the exhaust nozzle (surfacv 4 - 4). The section of the tube through °rhich

the air-flow penetrates into the engine we shall denote by Sne

The impulse of the flow-ing air acting in the section Sn in conformance vith

(2.76) is equal to
F- (2.87)

This impulse is parallel to and in the direction of the moving air.

The impulse of the exhausting gases in section S4 is equal to

._4W4 + pS,; (2.88)

This impulse is also directed in the direction of the moving air.

The force of atmospheric pressure acts on the contour H--4-1.

The integral of the atrospheric pressure forces on a clcsed surface is equal

to zero:

F-T3-9740/V 53
P S= O.

The contour und_2r our consiO ration has gaps in the inlet and exhaust areas of
the tubes of flow, tVP-scctions of which are equal t3 Sn and S The integral of the

force of atmospheric pressure on the external surface uf the contour in question is

equal to fpdS--p.(S ).

The force of t-.l ;', T'"'ric preuro -ct.s in a direction from that side of

tha contour i.Icni L_,:tVi, "t S

... U t f-
ing S4 . This force is directed from S. to S4 , that is, with the air movement.

The growth of the total impulse of the flow together with allowance for

the pressure forces is equal to the force of the reaction or the jet thrust. :
R=F4 -F.-- 1pdS. (2.90)
Using (2.87), (2.88), and (2.89) we obtain
*G w- +ps,,s)
S g g
After opening the parentheses and reducing the similar terms, the last formula

becomes simplified:

ION _ GNW,+ S,(p) (2.91)

g g
In the particular case, when the exhausting'gases accelerate until the back

pressure p4 = pn, the jet thraist is equal to:

R--.q& _ O .
9 9(2.92)
During the novement of air through a diffusing stream tube, its momentum be-
tween the sections Sn and S 1 diminishes. The loss of air impulse produces a rise

in drag force Xdop. The force of additive drag which appears during decelaration of
the air ahead of the inlet in an air-breathing jet engine, is equal to the difference

between the surplus impulses at the inlet section (F1)izb and in the undisturbed

stream (Fn)izb
Xa -(F,).- (F.).36 "V,
f- + S, (P,--)--') g - (2.93)
Utilizing the equations (2.76) and (2.77), one may change the surplus impulses

F-TS-9740/v 54
to total impulses:
)X.a=-r-x-p,,(s,-s.). (2.9h)

Additive drag is surcd exp:rir,ntal-ly (r-c Chaptr IV, Scction 2).


The diffcrence bctv'c.n jet thrurt and additive drag is callcd the effective

thrust ofz:

, - - - -XA ° -- (2.95)
-S,)= P0 -
=F,-F-,--p,,(S, 1 (S4- S).
The force of aero-:yi-' .c thrust X acts on tbo .!:in of an trqcoT:Icd ongiri.

The ci.i. , I " c '' . -' " ' , "

drag on the skin iz call i , n,' t 'c-

'R41ICT Xo- x. (2.96)

Aerodynamic skin drag is determined by experi-:.ntal ind-tunncl tests.

xme: Let us find the reaction on the i.alls of an engine duct .hen the

speed 7n - 3,600 km/hr, if the cross section of the enclosed stream S1 - I m2 , the

flight altitude H = 20 kIn, the stagnation temperature before the discharge T0 3

2,A00 0 K; during this temperature k = 1.25, the relative velocity at the exhaust is

equal to 96% of the relative velocity at the inlet.

At the given altitude the temperature is equal to T n - 216.50 K, the density

n 0.038 kg/r 3 , the pressure pn - 41 mm merc.col. - 41 31.6 55h kg/n 2 . The

velocity w n - 3,600 km/r = 1,000 m/sec.

The stagnation~temperature of the advancing flow

7'N-r, + U" ==216.5 4-10002
--=716,50 K.

The critical velocity

V 2gkRT°", f/ 196. 1,4.29,3 76Sl, f7=40rC.
*= -=
•,+ ---].- --- 7,6.5=18.3f716,5=-( ./scc.e
k+ I VD
-The P e:t-ti.e\ tocity at the in.lot"
I w, 1000
,= 9-0 =2.0.
a p 490
The discharge of eases (disregarding additiohal "'el)
,o kg/& c

The relative velocity at the exhaust

A4 = 0,96 ,-- = 1,9.

r-T3-9 740 55
The reaction -on, the sides of the id uct tie' determin 6b h
ngie oml ?8

A~ 47r

In practico, the .-ddceler ation-:of a -s-pesoicfo 4sot, reverie. I f the:

o heonoiz
ve~ct as flwn rudsm raohrbbc _is.greatdrthm h
spacd"-r ~.>C >I) hn uii h neaction of the. floiiwith-sra-

odr, ~o nt hqmn, grdit ]~ vrith a tp-Fg.3 ) hr

This budden change o6f. the ,parametr oasuersondic ~flow is caled, a compres-
sion wae*Tesz fte th
sockAayer in-thich the- changte W-6 aspraeers

occur~s is not lre;, itihas t16erth: of- a mlecular, free path.

The omprsse
rea~f ai folowig bhd the, jump is- 6alld a, shockwa.

*fen at' tanssoniic spe ofa flowi, the -density*difference., ofashc0ave in an, un-

disturb'ed, stream is large enoughj s;othat t4e isur ae -of the Wave, -ca eb-ZrZ~

-'Nhereason, for-the :origin o wae'olw ~The, comarative veloityo

a flwo a n fti o h nosebofabod isal;tepssrof "the flowi-fi
creaea.Thegasappoacingthenos- o th boy mvessloly.An impulse, tra-
mnitted- b§Y the body to the aanig gasqradiates. Alongthe, topof the stream- at the

of ound.-
speed ftevlcity oth oorisubncthe-m sses of the on-i

#oidggas have tiet banthe *news" beforehand about the approaching body ~i

the form of a-pressure impulse, and the velocity of the gas begins to change in
value and in direction. The stream lines of the flow warp, and the gas flows

smoothly around the frcoital surface of the body (Fig. 33a)- If the approach velocity

is greater than the speed of sound (M>-l),. the pressure impulse, mioving at the speed
of sounds does not have time to reach the oncoming gas -met-Th~~
ing the frontal surface of the body$ the gas decelerates suddenly, withtin the span

y. s.9740?V 56

,Fig33 ~- T--s~i- P ib) -r ae

f0( a -,.e -

tome Ih-ediy thL f as -Od 6iic

Ih,-6pedfth Ik-g te I:m eht -. f

th flwi1is of td.

Fi 3.hrue variationthg. gas.

rn dpnsuonteMc
shocc wave

(Fose a ofa~b'd.a normal
eas shock,
wav aigteapoc=oasrae
ahock, to at aniq~
blqesokwae per Fg4) 3.0lw

ofThe arger tole ch fre opthf the ac ie,flw thuraer coatui


vareiadingo psg thmroutes aedo heshock wavte inreanensvoigso theup

The deeriation of gaspaaps

agithe ayth waedpnsuo
inomane shock the Mahncn

o fowad po hefom fth sramind oy se ig537
asnthe. ilready decdlera'tsd gas and&the :dissipato of enry;i r ersible.
Tlwrfre, d'uring the copultatio of pressure- vaito najmPisf' qua-

t4n hihb ight- is only va-lid- for a rrible process, cannot be Used. the,
tio par mete s o a as n aJump- is; calculated bythe qu t o of the
of the
continuit f lopan by e lw ftecnevto of ipls and-ebyny

The oesm relationship: -have application in describing normal hcklavS

The ,parnametors of theo iin frontC of nra.shock ve jre,(Cr

- idex 'I.I;~ the,,Pati aaeters-do,. ie ar b-hind the shocI,_-ave areA4L.

The impulses of- -the flow, in front ,of. the, shock avie ,and behind- it are-equal to
eacoterbecautsed the ,,reaction df' a flowu on -the cylindrical wall ofatu 0offo

Uilizing Ktiselev' forml (2.81 ,eind thep ratio betweenm -the relative
velocit in, ront.,of the shock-wav an-eidit oigthat the :6agrwatiop ,ten..

eratrsad osqety h critical velocities. in,,the shookticve do nAot vary

*; a~- and the ,discharge of the air iscofttart. - isG


I. (2.90)
.1(4)411-1)=0. (2.*99)
The last quadratic equation has two roots: 7&.ur\
w the flow occurs with a
constant velocity, the shock wave is absent, and
* I a..(2.100)
The greater the relative velocity of the advancing flow .) j, the less the

relative velocity behind the shock waveX le The shock wave appears only during a
supersonic flow: N,'> 1L. Consequently, the flow behind a normal shock wave is

Ip..1.97?40/V 5
alas subsbnic: 1
The absot f,1610 spbed -behind a normnal shock-trAve
im aiii A, 2gkR __(611

Xith- an ilncrese- in ielocittesanto temperatre To grofs. The te-

perature behid, a shc iaeT

61rra s
"fi 1)i--hoc


i;.~I r 0 ,3)


H>4 L99

Fi.3 **Iaga f A nhorm4l shock ,vavbi

Legend': a)shock wvave

We indthestanaton prsse beid a nornmal shock wave bythe, discharge

forkmul a (.
+ )g T, gk.O



The last fonnula is called Raleigh's formula.

The ratio of the stagnation pressure behind a normal shock wave to the stagna-

tion pressure of the- advancing flow po. is- celled the recovery of pressre in a

norlas shock vmve 4_

P - o,Q ____"____(2+,S

-/ Pc qQ
11) [,ki -

Static pressure behin-Ia nornal shock wave is

;. Puz ': (i) _--_ -+ (2oo6)

Subttit"-I' ir-n i p.lac- of . a.c,-c ding to foii2a (2-70), wc- obtain,

aftQer, :some odificdtions

ik+" I k+",
A (2.107)

We findthe relative density increase in a normal chock wave froi

equation ..
• +r +>,+ .1' Sw _;.aA1 A+ .
1hon the nin_ um possible value of the relative velocity of an advancing flow-


-+'i k-I (2.109)

- The density in a normal shock uave may be increased not more than k_: tim+.
When k a 1.4, the rarzzmum possible density increase is equal to six.

The velocity in a normal shock vave may vary not more than k - 1 times.
k +1
The parameters of the air behind a normal shock wave plotted as function of

Mach number are shoim in the graph of Fig* 36.

If the Pitot tube be placed in a supersonic flw(, then a normal shock wave will

appad in front of its inlet opening. The relative perssure increase in the tube will

be expressed by Rayleigh's formula (2l14). The Mach number of the flow mWr be calcu-

lated from the pressure increase. A Pitot tube with a metallic manomter whose scale

is graduated in Mach numbers is called a machmeter. Machmeters are installed in wind

F-TS-9740/V " 60
54, Ai

* . .
1:-Lr;IJmo"I• .


- - I I_

r _j

*, /: V' , + ,Fjj+l~t

Fig. 36. The variation of air paran-aters in a nomal. rhock tavc.

tunnels and in aircraft.

The dissipation of energy has the greatest value in a normal shock wave.

Thorefore the deceleration of the air through a normal shock vave is the least ad-

vantageous. Energy losses are significantly less in oblicqu3 shock raves.

Section 11. Obliqu.e ShockcV ,ave

Oblique shock waves appear during the approach of a supersonic flow to wedges,

cones, and other bodies that have a surface located at an angle to the direction of

the velocity (see Fig. 34). A schematic of an oblique shock wave is represcnted in

Fig. 37•
During the approach of a supersonic flow to an inclined plate or a wedge, a

two dimensional oblique 'shock wave appears. During the air flow around the cone,

the front of a shock wave has a cone-shaped surface.

We shall first consider two dimensional shock waves. We identify the angle

between the surface of a wedge and the direction of an undisturbed flow -- the ra_e

F-B-9740/V 61
j47 - I6
~i '

S37 ;SrOxIt 6f' P' tc'Wn- j0 Ozo

2tia1 IC!ii V'h

ao (Fi. 7) The ~angle betw* n-,h

5by& fron. ofthi -zhock,VaVe- andth

direction-ok, an iibdisturbed ,flow~ teIncideicsanml&,of

U61 thp Aho4k uave is- de"
sinted y .Ti angl~e is1 unkown it .~lb

The, velocity- of an -undi.Stured. flowi ivaybeivddittoco ont

rind th 'first of hich,1is pzirAnl -to,, an4 th second' predicua
i o,

the srfc of t: shock--ua6vc-*

The- normal com.ponent of- Velocity experiences- a -norial shock wave, for wihich
all the-reliatiIonships obtained in the fore'going paragraph-are valid.
The stagna~tion t~mi erature ratio of the normal %corqonentwn1

2 T2g It-Tu

Tosnta +
IT.2 (2.112)
The critical velocity for the normal component is identical in front of and
behind the shock ivzive:

F-13-97)40/v 62

the~i~ -t Aat7

The0 s - k~
-innormala -obliqu phck-.tbes

sh dk a-" 1'*I C;

p7- -- r i

,Rim:4 +1.Mcn.+~~j

The norma vdlocityb,,hinfd',tbd 'shock vat, acodinig to' the. contin uity qa


The total. velocity behind a shock wave from a triangle of -velocitie5 (Fig.

Iltilizing,(2.111) and (2.120), we obtain

k kI M2,SIn~e 1 (2.121)
On the basis of (2.118) and (2.19), the static temperature behind an oblique

Sshock wave is

F-B -9Th 0/V 63

Yeobtai he -4a~,n~e
dbhid -~~~
n blqu shock wave byihe eqvtion M--.5--

- LI
~t~-~ , 1 ,~l. 2

Notingi -o.2f'~n


we obtaain 1 a
VT 2
2' 24.

,,n- Vdd
-ndbdr I -** 2-J3)

bfor6 *Sthe
soluion 'o thihe Abov equ-o gvnv Aceation
sae~ , forls Mac
E, iidtheinc_1ece
numer ofinthbhc
aep:la6 a h e andi
ginn of' ahl
th rk o

of thgrcde~aky~6
6,-neT6valuerj aglof c' onformtfs to.deceletAio of-lessthnf

supberonic sped. TYhis# usually ta"iln dxn hoblique

bgnigo.fie shockv*6

Te~oter te retefvlu o o(, c nfom t deceleration of lessh nro

Thedepndnceofa shock waive'-s angle ofinidne o~pon heic ubro

andvacig flXowat various riake -anglep 'is shown in 7ig. 3 Onlysc C vles

are plotted ,helre whichi correspond to- the supersonic velocity behind a shock Wave$

since this -is precisely what iiappens when an aircraft is in flight.

A certain critical value of the rake angle %$redcorresponds to each Mach number

at which the roots of the equation become Imaginary. If the rake angle is larger than

the ritcalngl ~pred' then the oblique shock wave changes Into normal.
The dependence of the critical rake angle on the Mach number is shown In Fig.

F-TS-9746/V 6
isd-i enk hugl, 6



ITt -7 7!7-

aiO -,A-

?ig38 ~Gitical r_4 6,angl btfntino

tho", 'UZOIInutbtra.e

Fromthequa-dratic- cquiation (213)' it is apietta tagvnIi w

value-~~~ oft'icdnc nl fthe chock ii-ave-.. Fig.- 39 pho!s -the rltion of"
the. velo-city behind, an- oblicpe shock 47:Vo. to: the velocity of an 'advancihg xflw
Here only HZ4 Pl is presented, the condition usually observed, during free flow.
The lesser the rake, angle (.),the lesser the incidence angle a, of the shock
* wave, the weaker the shock wave, and the more similar M., to 1J&When Os

M =Mn.

The relation of the relative variations in pressure, density, and temperature

* to 1fn is shotm in Fig. 40, 41, and 42. The incidence angles of shock waves are
shown in Fig- 43.
Oblique shock waves at equal Mach numbers of the flov are less intensive
than nornal shock waves. Irreversible losses of enerey in oblique shockc waves are

-1e313, u-e. 41~ tino Doi~ Vhc t floii deceleration

1 /A,

Fi. 39. IThe rel-At i on of the velocity --bedhin dan obiuJhc ave -to'the velocity

othe advancin flow.

-B-974/v 66

P. i *elition- -of-thie7d-ensfThRi I. an obie shock. wave -to the. velocity

- tavey~~ ae. ang le, &)-4O t he increase of pre6ssurep temperature, and,

idensity in ,an oblique,,shock wave6 rem~ains- infinitely small. When] w=O M *M'n>

A1 4--I M3,=M.-

The incidence angle of an infinitely weak shock wave, e.g., at which A I

as seen from equation (2.119)# is equal to*

An infinitely weak shock vavee*Gtuo a sound wave

For the time interval tj a body traverses the path grht, and the sound wave

spreads out over a distance ct.

F-13-9714otJ 67
V '4

A4 -


Reltionof he empeatue bhin

Fig.h2. an bliue hock wae t-t7

f te
velociy avac~h flw.

by eq
42ned ati n wavel2

Thsthanlatteaeofandwve - is equ to-hsnodnc ndo

e gl
ndnc o thehoc wae nres s-nti it

-iTallyreahesage thertiap , e f (4)-ati eal ta theviciene of thef

rake angle (Aprd (see Fig. 38). During subsequent increase of C&) the oblique shock
wave suddenly becomes a normal one.
j: Find the parameters of the air behind a plane oblique shock wave when
the incidence angle '0eazgle of xedg~7 r- 12-5 0 and M 3,,
The incidence angle of the shock vwre (see Fig. 4s3) O~*270. The velocity be-
bind the shock wave (according to Fig. 39) Ml
1 2.76. We find the increase in pres-
sure, temperature, and density in the shock wave according to Fig. 40O, 41, and 4~2.

F-TS-97140/v 68
- p -i4 -


'1,6.6io';o \teidiec dij f.ihe,-hc- ae o 6;f ,nme

'Fig 4F
PqLq 9fz'* aIaeo ekdsubns

the unitubdslwxs

Tig. di.reation of theflw idago the shock wave eapoxthely

t numea
inth cseof ahadanc ie slockwv.Tetrw.l o h lwbhnh

F-1974/ 69
shock esthani the hlaneatte
s6 aeofhecne (seeF. 6.As

angle oconca .shock wae paa

-7,the, eersof the afr~behnd the-.*hock- vave may

befondbythe forml*4 n6rahpfo paeobiu shock ae

A-'cne pro4gces ,significantly les isturbande inA sproic seamta

wedge Te ere, i-.order -to Obtain' a, shock waveoftesasienty.tteapxo

apxthi-ha ftheIw'edge., The relation of the -angles at the apex of, 'Aconie to the
aaning .flow .isshotm
agles-at. the apex, of, a wedge at varioius, K numbers of, Ad'

inFi. 46 If the Angle at the ,apex of 'the cone is replaced by the ,angle at

the apex of-the wedge.'a)h,-theitensity-of a shock wave at a given M~will not vary.
-As -one- goes from Uthesrface of'th6 shock wave -to the cone surface, the velocity 141
decreases, and ,the pressure, denisitys and tem~perature- are increased, reaching maxi-

mum 'value a&t the surface of the cone.* The relation of the Mach number iimmediately
behind the shock wave and on the surface of the cone to the half-angle of its apex

for various flow velocities is shown in Fig. 47. The figures in the graph are aver-

age values, since the velocity distribution behind a cone-shaped- shock wave is not
uniform.- The pressure of the flow at various portions of the cone's surface has dif-
ferent values, The average pressure on the cone's surface following a shock wave
of a certain intensity has a larger value than that on the surface of a wedge. Vb'en
Uihe apex angl3s of a wedge and cone are equal: W k1 ' () kosthe wedge produces a

more disturbed flow than aces a cone. The shock wav proves to be more intensive,
F..B-9714o/v 70
anfd: the pressur' vhthe
on surface 'of 'the iedge, is -greater than -on the -surf~ace of the

At the, p6 itqhrd: the- sukfaco of a stt'ejAifed 1body, changes. fron a, conical to

Icyl inidricail forri a A-reak ditturbance appears. trihi ;z-

With -supersonic 11o.1 -Around*U26 obts m ge ABtegssrads out and in-

-creades: in Velocity.- The, ttrean lines iarp and' baco'. Parallel to. the -cylinder
~ 1 Th v loc ty of he l ne r he surf ce o the cylinder increases

7f; -

*LW~~~ ; K1E~~.
f ~

Fi. ncdeceagls f hok aesofeqalitesiie, orarfousVron

a~ ~ weg
oe - Un
Ifthe the
low whch appraches te coneIsesta teciia
the shc w7v brak A, cotcFrmispita teae ftecn n
chngstoa oma hok ae.Th aleofth naimzi eoctyo te rtia
~ efudi i.38
7_ ysbtttn h on-hndageio

I iTL"..JF
.4Jrt + . .. UL

--J ,

. .... .- - 4-

p~be a '7Yj $rflj-

Thei iu th
be r -bein shock~v ncea ed
(dott lsince)aedo
theg. sur eroudigatir

drag, rich is
pressureactingonthefrontal surface ofthe body creates additional
into the
wave ra. The energy spent on overcoming ave drag is transformed

energy of shock waves. With damping waves this energy is dissipated.

by the following conventional formula:

The drag of a body may be expressed

2S• (2.126)
a unit of its cross-section SM .
Usuala the drag of a body is referenced to

The velocity head: Tu

2g 2= + I (A)
-- kM .,(2.127)
eaninsed ince
t st upersoi t
c speeds he velocity head q has only the conventional
actual ingronstn pressure d cring deceleration of the compressed
w notio nl fo r m a : .
flow depends o f ahe ma of deceleration, by thsol

The -eloci.y e:

F-Ts-9Th/l/v 72
The factor c. is called the drag coefficient. This c. depends on the shape

of the body and on the Mach and Reynolds numbers of the advancing flow.

Usually c. is determined by experiment, by placing a model in a wind tunnel

and measuring the forces acting on it. In soene cases the aerodynamic drag may be


At supersonic specd aerodynamic drag is made up of three forms of resistance,

caused by physical processes: friction, vortex formations, and shock waves.

Friction drag depends on the size of the lateral face of the body Sbok and on

the Reynolds nuiber Re of the adv~oing ilor'.

-the force of friction.:.

Xo •.,=
- . (2.128)
With turbulence the friction coefficient c.,may be expressed by these empiri-

cal formulas:
Cf€1- (2.129a)

When Rie> 106 t.

-- 0,242
-- IRe (2.129b)

The coefficient of friction resistance is:

XP-- -e - (2.130)

The force of wave drag may be expressed by the pres'sure appearing in the lead-

ing wave:
.AM--ApdS $ino--SAPm.,, .
. . (2.131)

where Se -- is the frontal surface (for shapes which do not have a duct for the

passage of air, Sg is represented by the ai a of tfaimnum cross-section. s,

a p is the surplus pressure in the leading wave, A p - Pn;

p is the pressure along the surface of the body;

"pn is the pressure of an undisturbed flow.

In the case of airflow around axially symmetric bodies, the surplus pressure at.

various points of the surface has an unequal value. Thereforethe theoretical compu-

F-TS-974O/V 73
tation of t.e pressure presents great difficulties. The waveo-drag coefficients of

'bodies are -ualy determined -eriq etay.

In the case of airflow arbund-, a, -wedge, the pressure on the surface, equal to
the PresSureibehind jump P is& equal at, al points-on the surface; therefore the

¢omputation of the drag- coefficient-does not preseht any dfficulty:'

Li x.-=p~s.( 1)
X,, 2

The pressure ratio 'P1 is determined by • -formUla (2.119).

The: coefficint _of wvave drag of' a wedge is-

With -an'-increase of the ntber_M3, or a decrease in the rake C?, -angle

the ax.;-

gularity of jump CC diminishes and.. -x

decreases ;.h 3r

If the angle at. the apex of a cone is such that the, jump .has thle- same inten-

sity as during the airflow over a wedge, the Wave drags of the wedge and cone are

similar. At supersonic velocities of a flow, pointed bodies create weaker jumps;

therefore they nave less wave drag than blunt ones. A normal shock wave appears

before the nose of a body which has the most wave drag (Fig. 49). During the tran-

sition of the rake angle to a critical value, an oblique shock wave changes into a nor-

mal one and the wave drag increases abruptly.

During supersonic airflow at an obtuse angle to an axial supersonic flow or

during supersonic flow past the transition from the conical to the cylindrical por-

tions of a body, the pressure falls and the flow turns. The pressure on the cylin-

drical portion of the surface of a cylindrical-conical body is similar to the pres-

sure of undisturbed flow pn; The pressure behind the stern (boat tail) portion of a

body is lower than that of the atmsphere. This area behind the stern portion of a

body represents a turbulent zone full of vortexes which increase following a moving

body. The greater the Mach number of the advancing flow, the lover the relative pres-

F-TS-.9740/v' 74
~~~~1G.X ~~~Tb3 I'dured pr~pssui"e -behidth.senporn ras
boat, tail drag: x-r~i 211

The -boat -tail drag- coefficient is

is 2 -An1.35)
-The lowered- pressur6, -behind the stern- At supersonic V6locities of 'a- flow- is
'Usually le6,s than, the increasi&pressure -bef6re the frontal-surface Jof the body.k
Therefore-the. wave -drago the. -stern. is: less th an the wave resistance of the, nose,

'I - I"-



Fig. 4~8. Wave-Drag coefficients of wedges. Fig. 4.9. Waves appearing during super-
sonic airflow.
a rounded body;

b -- blunt body;
c -- pointed body.

E~le When 14- 3., if the angle at the apex of a cone("on a 300~, then the
corresponding angle of a wedge Wkj- 220 (see Fig. 16). Rake angle 6) is equal to half
of the angle at the apex of the wedge, U.0 - 110; then the relative increase in pressure in
front of the nose P12.2 (see Fig. 1*3). The relative lowered pressure behind the

Boat tail drag Xkom ' pnSn (i-o.45). The boat tail drag coefficient is

F-TS-9740/V 75


Fig. "50 Boat tail drag 'coeficient iihen 1.

The wave drag of the cone is )

The wave-drag coefficient of the cone is
2.. (p, _1) 2(2,2-1) =07
~ MI\P / 14.32 '.15

4it the -friction coefficient,, thtt verwi11*df'hg CJ6Tfj.i-
cient of a cylindrical-conical body at M - 3 is
eC-exvp + cx . + x p -,3

(compare with Fig. 184~).

1. Abramtovich, G.N., Prikladnaya gazovaya dinaika fpplied Gas JDynariqs Gostekhiz-
dat, Moscow-Lenigad, 1951.
2. Arzhanikov, N.S.- and liall'Vsev, V.N., Aerodinamikajiferodynaznics7s Oborongiz, 1956.
3. Vulis,, L.A., Teriodinainika gazovykh potokov L~hermodynaznics of Gas Flow#s7,
Energoi zdatMoScow-Leningrad, 1950. -

4. Karinan, T.9 Svrhvkva aeroditnamdka fLupersonic Aerodynaics7p Foreign-Litera-

ture Press196

6.1 14el,
A,- Kochin- N.Ye.9 Roze, N.j. Teoretidheskaya gidroniekhanika gheoreti-
CAI Fluid Mechanics7, 1Moscow-Leningrad, l94t

6. Kiseleir, BX4, *Cozputihg Uniform Gasq Flovi," Prikladnaya, rnatematika i mekhanika

fpp~ied K'athernatics and -Mechanics7, 1947s V 11, Ho 1
7Landau, L.D. and Livshits, Y.., Mehaika tloshhkh sred ffechanics of ton-
linaj,i GITTL, MosCovr.;eningrac_;J
8.Prandtli, Li. Gidromnekhanika. ffd Mechanics7 Foreign-.Literature -Prebs, 1951i.
9.Sedov, L..,, lbsdye adhiido arniki i aerodinairikiff5wo Dimensional Prob-
lems of Fluid Dynamics and -Aerodyndwd~cs/j GITTL3 IMoscow-Lengrad, 1950'.

10. Sovremiennoye 'sostoyanive F.3eroditnamiki bol'shikh skoirostdy /Contemporary State of

4ieh-Spced Fo i
-eoyai(,. Otcezr edied by L. Khouart,
11. Khristianovich, S.Ak.3 Gal' perin, V.G.,p Iillionshchikov- FI.. Siinonov, L.A,,
Prikladnaya gazovaya dinamrika, 1948-.


We aill ideal those imaginary ramjet engines in which the dissipatiori of kine-

tic enery does not occur and heat losses are absent. Such idealization presents the

possibility of obtaining very sirpe formiulas for the computation of gas dynamic and

t ust parameters of a ramiJet engine. Those values, found by the formlas of an ideal

ramjet engine, are the upper limits which the parameters of -actual engines strive for

in the presence of miechanical and thermal losses.

Section 1. Fundamental Definitions, and Assumptions

A schematic of -an ideal ramjet engine is presented- ,in Fig. -51. The engine con-
:sistsof a diffuser, a, combustion chamber -(or -heat exchanger), and an exhaust nozzle.

The engine operates on a stream of air which is considered to be lan ideal gas. We
designate by, the index (,H") the parameters of the air in front -of the engine, i.e

the parameters of an undisturbed flo.. A reversible deceleration of the flow occurs

in the diffuser of an ideal ramjet engine regardless of whether the flo.w enters the

engine at subsonic or supersonic velocity. The static pressure increases thereby

from p. to p2" The stagnation pressure remains constant: P0 2 Port. The p-v dia-
gram of an ideal ramjet engine is presented in Fig. 52. The compressed air increases

in temperature from TO2 to T03 The stagnation pressure remains onstant: P0 3 = P0 2.

The compressed heated gas discharges through the exhaust nozzle. The static pressure
diminishes until back pressure p4 = pn. The stagnation pressure remains constant

during the flow: P04 f P03 The flow occurs without any thermal losses; hence stag-

nation temperature does not vary: TO4 = T0 3 .

The stagnation pressure of the gases exhausted from an ideal ranijet ongine is
equal to the stagnation pressure of the incoming flow: Po = P03
P02PO 4

The velocity and, consequently, the momentum of the discharging gases are
greater than those of the incoming flow: w4> wn.

Due to the increase in momentum, jet thrust R appears:

F-Ts-97ho/V 78
The ;iermodynadc, cycle described by the operating substance flowing through a

rajet engine (Fig. 52) is called the Brayton cycle. Adiabatic curve H-2 shows the
1f -I.: 13 ,4

Is I

2 3
Fig., 51. Schematic of an ideal ramjet engine.

revpersible compression of the inflowing air in an ideal diffuser. Constant-pressure

line 2-3 represents the heating of the compressed air, from terperature T to T at
02 03
constant pressure. Adiabatic curve 3-4 shows the reversible expansion of the hot gas,

during which its enthalpy is partially transformed into kinetic energy. Constant-
pressure line 4-H shows the cooling of the discharge gases to the temperature of the

surrounding medium. This process obviously occurs outs'ide the d&t..

Fig. 52. P-v diagram of the operating process of an ideal ramjet engine.
The area of the p-v diagram H23hj, in a certain convc:tional scales expresses
the axwUnt of enthalpy- transformed into kinetic discharge eneray.

In analyzing the processes i~ch occur in ai ideal ranijet enCine,, the follo-vziz-,
assum~tions shoud be mado:
I* The disoipatio , of kinetic cncr~y and thcrmaJ. los~cn are ,.bsen-t.
F-TS-9711o V
2. The pretsures in the inlet and in the exhaust sections are equal to the back

reeme: pi" pn and p se Ph.

3. The stagnation pressure does not vary during heating: p6 3 "p02"

4. The working substance is an ideal gas the specific heat of which is constant:

cp " cost; k -const.

At s., -int of the engine the gas parameters are constant throughout the

ntire cross-section (radial gradients are absent):

Or d.r

ection 2. Gaoq-, Drhamcs of an Ideal Ranijet Engine

The velocity of a flow through the diffuser of a ramjet engine decreases; the

emperaturej pressure, and density increase '(see Chapter II, Section 7).

Let us designate by Wn. Tn, pn, andf'n the parameters of an undisturbed flow

0 an engine.

The parameters of a flow which is partially decelerated in a diffuser may be

xpressed either as a function of a Mach number or of relative velocity .

The Mach number of free stream flow (2.63) is

~ ___ -(3.1)

The relative velocity of a free stream flow (2.55) in

k--+1R (3.2)

The stagnation ratios of a free stream flow; as-mentiond earlier- (Chapt&r -_I;

oc.ron- 4,' are equal to

+ ._- (3.3)

+ LI (3-4)

TO SPJ(3-5)

By definition, the pressure at the inlet section of an ideal ramjet engine is

,ual to the pressure of a free stream flow: P1 Pn" Consequently, according to

TS-97O/v 80
Bernoulli' s equation

Air flow through the inlet section S1 is

i1 O,=,.T1. S.=V .,. (3.6)
The flow may be expressed by the relative velocity n (see Chapter II, Section

.2=Y g-k , p.~.(e.). (3.7)

Stagnation temperature remains constant along the entire engine as long as a

heat supply is not added.

ToJi= TC1 = T0 = TO,. (3.8)

The compression of a flow in an ideal engine occurs without losses; therefore

the stagnation pressure at the- outlet of the diffuser is equal to the stagnation pres-
sure of the incoming flow:
PoPoP. (A (3.9)

The velocity of the flow in section S2 decreases to value w2 . The Mach number
and the relative velocity M 2 and X2 remain equal.

Air flow through section S2 is

i 2gk
(k + 1 R 0p) ,) N). (3.10)

Since the air does not escape and then appear again in the diffuser, the right-

hand portions of equations (3.7) and (3.10) may be equated. Conkdertre. VTat-

Tb-2 o Ton and p6- wpo for _=* IdeCL riamjtf eingne,-re 'shall'tind the kat.< i'b s

.'r'as-beciP.,ii+ and relatiV' vU16citfes:

!~r k-I, -
S3 A-e( (3.11)

Expressing > by M, after simple reorganizations we obtain

eM I+ 2 (k1)

- -L 1+ (3.12)

-TS- 974oA 81
The relation- between Mach numrbers and the cross-sections is shown in Fig. 53.

If XM- < Or) n<ls then-the derie1erbdnhrtij .flvr. ocj'na ien dif-
fuser; the increase of S corresponds to the decrease of M. (If, for example, M1I
0.5, and M2 = 0.2, then by~plei"ng ,the lach mrber.iS ds Qt..thegrph

in Fig. 53, on the basis of curve II we find: 4 -, _ S2,14

q t4 ; 1.4
When MneO.5, density variations are insignificant and flow velocities are
- to.jmatoly inversely proport onal to .the cross-section-.
If MV> or k then the stagnation of the flow v.ill occur in a tapering tube
until the velocity of the flowbYe2 ' to the local speed of ::son'...

The section in which M 1 and =iI is called the critical section Scr (Fig.
53). Subsequent retardation occurs in a widening tube.

Fig. 53. The relation of the local values of the Mach number during a flow along a
tube of variable cross-section to the ratio of the cross sections Si
We find the ratio between an arbitrary section of the tube and the critical
section Scr from equation (3.11 or 12), substituting M2 - 1 or X2 - I therein:

SD_ '_..._
__ .. "

&-1 - (3.13)

The velocity in the exhaust section of diffuser S2 is equal to

F-TS-II74I/V . 82
",,,=,-1 +1 (3.14)

The static temperature, pressure, and density in section "2"

L2 L _10 2) + -- M (3.15)
T4 T0 - k) M2

,,, - 1 . (3.16)

_... '8 2)
,0 a.(in) "(3.17)

The air, compressed in the diffuser, enters either a chamber ;here a molecular

fuel is burned, or the heat exchanger of a reactor in w:hich atorric energy is released

The stagnation temperature in a heat exchanger increases; the stagnation pres- X

sure, by definition, remains constant P03 aP0 2.

The ratio of the stagnation temperature of the heated gases T0 3 -to the stagna-

tion temperature of the incoming flow Ton is called temperature ratio 0':
L4 = T63(3.18)

According to the equation of continuity (3.7) for sections S2 and S3:

LS pc,,SOqN 3 VT02 (3.19)

02 P02S 2q 1)V W
A - (3.20)

where ,04
0 =0" (3.21)

The relation of the calculated sections to velocity and temperature ratio is

presented in Fig. 5h.

The hot gases discharge through the exhaust nozzle. Their velocity increases

to value w j, and the pressure falls to that of the back pressure:


The drop in pressure during the discharge from an ideal ramjet engine is equal

to the increase in pressure during the retardation of the incoming flow

p4 p.

F-TS-O? •1.... -

5, I?.;2$?S T - 7?St*

e4K soap --, S--3ID

Me?$ so svejS~
31 $ S' *173 S S173S,

Fig. 514. Variation off the computed form off an ideal ramjet engine during the
variation of flight speed whien i%(= 1.
a) Mn-l; b) Mn-2; c)% -4;d"i 6
Not~e: According to schematic a), the heating process begins at the inlet
section of the diffuser and proceeds simultaneously with the comrpression


__I + i k-
4 - 2 +' M__4)

F.-TS-97 ho/
M,=M,; ,= , (3.23)

The Mach numbers 6r the rel t i.veh .toen i"dea.ranI t engine

and at its exhaust are equal to each other.

The sections of the exhaust nozzle are also ra:ted' t 4eeal-vele-ities- by equa-

tions (3.11), (3.12), and (3.13), in which the indices "n" and "2" are corresponding-

ly replaced by "4" and "3."

We find the relationship of the terminal sections from the flow equation, not-

ing that A ' 4; °h and T4



Temperature ratio : depends on the increase in temperature in heat exchanger

i T, on the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere Tn, and on the flight velocity

Mn: *r4T c N = Oi + r

- "(3.25)

With an increase in flight speed, the stagnation teri.perature of the incoming

flow Tox increases and the temperature ratio 0 decreases.

The increase in the temperature of a heated gas A T during the compression of a

molecular fuel is determined by the lower heating value and the excess air coeffi-

cient 0X: '"

, (I +e) '(3.26)

where cp is the specific heat of the combustion products;

L is the quantity of air theoretically required for the combustion of 1 kg of


For hydrocarbon fuels Hu 1 10,000 kcal/kg a d L 15. The specific heat of

the combustion products increases with the increase in teperature; however, for the

analysis of the ideal rarmjet engine, we agreed to consider specific heat as con-

stant: cp . 0.24 kcal/kg deg. The relation of the temperature rise to 0( during

operation with a hydrocarbon fuel is shown in Table 3.).

F-TS-974o/v 85

1! 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0

ATWK 2800 1770 1350 910 685

If the temperature of the atmospheric air Tn 216.50 K, the stagnation tern-

perature ratio ,n is equaltol. 2 , and 0(= 1, then the maximum possible temperature

ratJ J is equal to 12.2 when operating with a hydrccarbon fuel. With an increase

in flight speed, temperature ratio decreases (see Table 3.2).




M 0.5 1,0 2 4 6 8 10
10,5 9,3 6,55 3.38 2,23 1,72 1,48

With a sufficient increase in flight speed, the "thermal death" of an air-

breathing jet engine sets in, sin-ce combustion temperature ratio approaches to unity.

The increase in temperature during operation on atomic fuel ia deforniiod by

bhermal power of the reactor N Q, which is expressed in kilocalories per second, and

in air consumption G:
CPo (3.27) t

The maximum increase in air temperature in a reactor is limited only by the

heat-resijtance capability of the materials used.

Section 3. Thrust Parameters of an Ideal Ramjet Engine

The Mach numbers or the relative velociti;es at the inlet to an ideal engine and at
its outlet, as shown in the previous paragraph, are equal: M4 - Mn; k 4 = Xn" The

stagnation teperature of the exhausting gases is higher than the stagnation tempera-
ture of the incoming flow:

.Tz To OT
- T .,
o, (3.28)

F-TS-97h0/ 86 • F-
The critical velocity in the flow of exhausting gases is greater than the

critical velocity .of'the incoming flow:

, . .29)
+- . "+,
. u ;/ T3
The velocity of the discharge is greater than the velocity of the influx:
T,, .(3.30)

Owing to an increase in the momentum of the gases, jet thrust f appears when

P, pn and P4 - pn; according to (2.92) it is equal to

R_04 W4 G-4W.
- g (3.30a)

Noting (3.21) and (3.30), we obtain

( IV*- -- - (3.31)
The fraction _7 s- is equal t& twice the velocity head, q, of the free streamr,

flow (2.70):

2Z 2'
Noting (3.24), we obtain
J= 2qSJ( VTO -1)=kP M21St (1 (3.32)

The frontal or maximum cross sectional thrust of an ideal ramtjet engine is

-- L4( I L) (3.33)
,t.vTottio -of-th6- exhaust cross-sectional- ere&-to the ,amxm= erow-sec!-

tional area is called the relative exit ratio S4 . For subsonic ramjet engines

s 4 a O.5-1. For supersonic ramjet engines s4 usually equals 1.

The thrust coefficient of an ideal ramjet engine is

'a 1 , (3.34)
It is seen from the last equation that when s4 - 1, the thrust coefficient with

an increase in heating, approaches the maximum value cR. = 2.

With an increase in velocity the thrust coefficient decreases, owing to the de-

crease in combustion temperature ratio 03 .

The specific thrust of an ideal ranjet engine operatirg on a molecular fuel is

F-TS-9740/v 87
1 == -LR
'=aL C- ,
o Go 2gs, ' (3.35)
since the fuel consumption 0g =

9 Lt
Utilizing (3.31), we obtain
9cM (3.36)

With an increase in flight speed wn or M'n, the specific thrust increases at

first rapidly, passes the maximum, which lies near - 3, and then begins to de-

crease, owing to the decrease in combustion temperature ratio .

Specific fuel consumption has the minimum value at the velocity Wn, at which

the specific thrust reaches the maximum.

With an increase in excess air coefficient 0( the specific thrust increases,

asymptotically approaching a certain limit.

_ I+H . ;]
Utilizing the equation (3.26), it is possible to write:

- (LV 2 + CP+) ,
I 0+'-aL
+ m

This conception of specific thrust is not applicable in the case of an engine

operating on nuclear energy, since the consumption of atomic fuel is insignificantly


The economy of an engine both during operation on a molecular and during opera-

tion on a nuclear fuel may be characterized by its efficiency.

Section 4. Thermal Efficieno of an Ideal Ramjet Engine

The gases which flow through an ideal ran-jet engine describe an operating cycle

which is depicted in Fig. 52. The increase ii he kinetic energy of the gases des-

cribing this cycle may be expressed by the equation

A - ON.2. = 04c,-T-4 - QocT,2 -

04,, c, T4 + GcpT.. (3.38)
The thermal power input NQzat = G CpTO4-Gn pT0 2 .

The thermal power lost to the surrounding space is

Nj= 4C,T- O.CpTV.

F-TS-97h0/V 88
The ratio of the heat converted to kinetic energy, to the heat supplied is

called the therral efficiency; of the 't cycle

'k 0 4CPT0 4 - GO-ePToI - G4CP7 4 + GOcNT (3.39)
04CPTo, - G.C PTo,
If the consumption of the working substance does not decrease during heating:

G4 -Gn, we obtain
T4- T,

For an ideal ramjet engine p 0 4 P0 2 and p4 Pn; consequently,

, r. =t
-, - Tn =(
k -I
-- - 3.4
t2 r042 \ p

Substituting (3.k4) in (3.40), w:e obtain

, =-- , - 1


) . (3.43)
The thermal efficiency of an ideal ramjet engine depends only on the ratio of

the stagnation pressure of the incoming flow pOn to the static pressure Pn" This
ratio depends on the relative flight speed or 1.1ach ni:ber. Utilizing (3.:3) and

(3.), we obtain Ik -1 k- .
I+---' M(3.h)
The thermal efficiency of an ideal ramjet engine is directly proportional to

the square of the relative flight speed. When Nn - O, 'It - o; -ien

The rapid growth in thermal efficiency with increasing velocit, is one of the

important features of a ramjet engine (Table 3.3).

ABLE 3.3



M. 2! 4 6 lo
r 16,7 44,4 64,2 76,2 88 99

The temperature increase of the working substance in an engine operating on

F-TS-940/0 89
a moiecuiar fuel occurs due to the heat released in the combustion chamber:
r, T)) = 0& L.
#T2- (3.45)
w Consequently, - "
2gO,,4 (r.4- He 2g
-) (3.46)

The thermal efficiency characterizes the completeness of the transformation of

the supplied heat to the kinetic energy of the gas stream.

Section 5. Thrust Efficiency of an Ideal Ramjet Engine

The useful or thrust power of an engine 1l*tyag is equal. to the product of the

force of thrust R and the flight speed wn:

Substituting (3.30a) in (3.47), we obtain
O f I). (348
The ratio of the thrust power Ntyag to the increase in the kinetic energy of

gases, whose discharge creates jet thrust R , is called the thrust efficiency of

the engine Phtyag:

1W,. .=.... W V

0 2g (3. 49)

The conception of thrust efficiency was introduced to science by N. Ye.

Zhukovskiy for the case of ship's movement. This conception of thrust efficiency

was first used by B.S. Stechkin in relation to ramjet engines.

The formula for thrust efficiency may appear very simple, if the heating occurs

without an increase of the mass of the working substance ( 1.

_ 2w.
.mm 2
- 2 (3.50)

If the device flies at velocity wn and the gases discharge from the nozzle at

speed wj,then the speed of the gases relative to the surrounding air is equal to

the difference of wj4 -wn . The kinetic energy of the exhausting gases in relation to

the surrounding air is equal to 0 '


Thrust efficiency is equal to the ratio of useful thrust power to the sum of

F-TS-974o/0 90
useful power ana the F .ses' kinetic eners. ;v due to their motion
Rog, RWg
- - 2
(W 4 U-g) " (3.51)
For an increase in thrust efficiency, the difference between the discharge

velocity and the free stream velocity, i.e., combustion temperature ratio V.

must be decreased.

It is seen from equation (3.50) that thrust efficiency depends only on the

combustion temperature ratio ( . A given thrust may be obtained either by increasing

the discharge velocity or by increasing the air input 0. The second 'Way is advan-

tageous, since it gives the greater thrust efficiency (Table 3.4).


V7tSUS THE iM-,CH 4UMB2R -.:D T C S .10



1 2 3 6 10

1.0 43 50 57 64 74 85
3,0 62 69 75 81 88 93
5.0 71 7 83 87 92 96
Section 6. General or Total Efficiency of ;n Ideal Ramjet Engc,$ne

The general or total efficiency of an ideal ramjet engine is equal to the ratio

of the useful thrust power-to the thermal power input

NO #!,G(404 -TO (3.52)

Total efficiency may be conceived as the product of multiplication of the ther-

mal efficiency, characterizing the rajet engine as a heat engine, by the thrust offi-

ciency, characterizing an air-breathing jet engine as ropellinZ a:ent. In the case

of a power plant with a propeller, boti of these coefficients arc clearly lii.tcd: the

engine is characterized b" thernal eff'icicnc:- and the propeller b-! thrust efficiCc-:T.

In the case of a jet engine both of these coeffic.*cnts are characterized by the ac tion

of a single unit and are organically related to each other.

The expression (3.52) may be transfor:ncd in the manner:

F-TS-97WO/V 91
The first factor according to (3.46) represents therral efficiency) , the

second factor according to (3.49) represents thrust efficiency '?tyag" Conse-

VWIqIC . =N, ,,.(3.53)

Utilizing (3.4) and (3.50), we obtain

-L"l" (3.54)
Total efficiency is directly proportional to the square of the relative flight
speed n. With an increase in temperature ratio 1 = L- , total efficiency de-

creases. If heating of the gases is absent: e = 1, then w4 = and y

But the flmy momentum does not increase thereby, and the thrust is equal to zero.

With an increase in temperature ratio 6, the kinetic energy of the exhausting gases
2 2 ) increases and the thrust and total efficiency diminish. With moderate

heating I - 3-4 and supersonic flight velocities, the total efficiency of ideal ram-

jet engines is very high (Table 3.5). Thus, when Xn = 3 and 3A - 49%, i.e.,

,reater than )tt-f any ot!er thermnl power plant.




1 L 2 3' 4 6 "10 1

1,0 7,3 22 37 49 1 65 84
2.0 10,4 30,5 49 62 77 92
3.0 11,9 34 54 66 W1 95'
With decreasinZ heating -r'rs, but t':c th2'uas t cocficicI. becomeS snaller

,han the drag coefficient of tho -.ircrft and the cnginc beco: es u nelos:; for fliht.

ection 7. Characteristics of an Ideal ar.jet Engine

The thrust parameters of an idieal ranjet engine depend on the velocity, tempera-

-TS-974o/V 92
ture, and pressure of the air, on the temperature ratio of the gasas, and on a nur.-

ber of other parameters.

The dependence of the thrust coefficient c. the specific thrust I, frontal

S4 Shcr
thrust Rh, the calculated cross sections -TIteand l- and other parameters on the

speed and altitude of flight, as well as on the heating of the gasec in the combus-

tion chamber are called the engine characteristics. 'pecd, altitude, and control
characteristics have the greatest values.

The speed characteristics of an ideal ramjet engine (Fig. 55 a, b, r d) repre-

sent the relation of the engine param.eters vs. the relative fli ht velocit.N Nn 0!,

the Mach number In at a given flight altitude H and com.bustion temperature ratio

or excess air coefficient 0<.

The stagnation teriperature increases ith an increase in flight speed (3.3).

The combustion temperature ratio at a constant excess air coefficient <( = const

decreases with an increase in speed: __( + INg (4)

TOM e2CpT(I + aL)

The relative discharge velocity wnand the ratio of the terminal and throat
s Sncr
sections S4 and - decrease with an increase in speed, owing to the decrease in

combustion terperature ratio:

S4 S4 k W


i.e., the engine becomes cylindrical.

The thrust coefficienL decreases with an increase of N, ov!:ng to the decrease

in the relative exhaust velocity n V.

When jO-.i, according to (3.3h) CR--*O.

The specific thrust, according to (3.36), first grows vitn an increase in flight

speed, owing to the increased pressure in the char.ber and the increase of therral

efficiency; then passes over maximui., which lies near N 3; and begins to dimrinish,
owing to the decrease in the relative exit velocity L- V (see Fig. 55, c).

F-TS-9740/V 93

4 75 91 0 3J 4 5 '7 8 9 10



-li - - - --- O ' _

,W 40

Fi.5 Velocity characteristics of an ideal raiijet engine.

The relative frontal thrust Pn at M< l, when ovaisinsignificantly, is

directly proportional to Mn2. With the subsequent increase in N, tefotltrs

goes past the miaxizmu., which lies near very high Mach nunbers (see Fig. 55, d).

W~ith an increase in N, the density and pressure of the flow in the throat sec-
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i
mm•mmm mmmm eerm 1)

;ion increases and the calculated ratio of the throat section diminishes (see 3.12

,nd Fi. 51).

mmimmeli mmmm me

For this reason, an ideal ramjet engine, which itd~mentaily'is a zingle-speeI n-

ine, suitable for one flight speed }lln= L! c and for a single value of combustion tem-

perature ratio 8) e Wm~"lith a deviation from the rated operating conditions, com-

ression and discharge cease to be reversible, and the paramreters of the ramjet engine -

ease to comply with Poisson's equation. Hobwever, achieving the reversible cor.pres-

-,s -9Tho/1 91,

sion of a supersonic flow in a tapering diffuser is difficult even af rate. operatig

conditions (see Chapter IV, Section 6).

An ideal rar.jet engine, suitable for flight at various Each numbers, would

have to possess controllable cross sections and a variable area diffuser an(' nozzle.

The altitude characteristics of an ideal ramjet engine are shov:n in Fit. 56.

With a variation in flight altitude, the pressure and temperature of the suwrounding

air change and, together with them, the parameters which depend on T. andi p.

Combustion ter.perature ratio & increases with an increase in altitude,

to the decrease in air temperature Tn: -()

RK I*4 c -I
is CI --- - C*

to .

0 !

Fig. 56 Altitude dharacteristics of an ideal ranijet engine.

After crossing the limits of the troposphere (H >ll kin), the air tei:perature

remains constant, and the com:bustion temperature ratio ceases to vary. Be~ond the

limits of the stratosphere, the tem.perature ceases to be constant (see Table 1.1).

Togetherwam~with the change

mum WO nuum
43 in com~bustion
-n=mm mm nm mnm ter.perature
ulm mmmn~
ratio e the relative exit

velocity and ratio of the exit nozzle sections chang'e:

kith an increase in altitude from 0 to the beginnin~g of the stratosphere,

F4-TS -97 4 0 95
*increases alonr w.ith an increasinrg thrust coefficient cR (see FIE. c)

The specific thrust I grows insigni'icantly with an increase in altitude, cwing

to the increase of temperature ratio across the combustion chaimber:

Vaximum cross sectional thrust diminishes with an increase in altitude, due to

the decrease in air pressure Pn:

In the troposphere, the loss of maximum cross sectional thrust is soimel.hat re-

duced by the increase in temperature ratio .

The decrease in thrust does not prevent a rar.jet engine from being used at

various altitudes, since the aerodynam.ic drag of the aircraft X also varies propor-

tionally to the pressure of the surrounding mediui:

XCS~2g 2 ShM.
The control (throttle) characteristics of a rarrjet engine represent

the dependence of the engine parameters on the excess air coefficient c- or on the
fuel supply factor o at a given Lach number for the free strean. flow Mn = const and

a given flight altitude H = const (Fig. 57).

The discharge of air through an ideal ramijet engine does not depend on the fuel

supply o=,.ySV
=Vgk-, pM" S -,/ M
Therefore the fuel supply factor - is directly proportional to the fuel weight flow G :
I __LGr

* G

V.hen the fuel supply is cut off, Gg g O, I = 0, 0(-0, ten.perature ratio

1, and relative exit velocity - =.-= 1. At the san.e tirric,
)-(' s.-s..C =, ' mx
F-TS- 971-.)/v. 96 an increase in fuel flow; Gg, ter perature ratio e increases, ana, tc-

gether with it, the relative exit velocity -n' the ratio of S-, the thrust coeffi-

cient cR = 2 (1 -- )and the frontal thrust R; = CRC increase.too.

Impulse, I, decreases froa. the maxirur value I,,x to Iri n when 0( = 1. An

engine intended for maximur. thrust must operate when O = 1.

6i .~ 0
2 42 3

I 4a

2600 -[ 2 jj-
2400-- ' b)



1 2 C)3

Fig. 57. Control characteristics of an ideal rajet engine.

a) -q,, f ( 0(; b) ca =f((;c) J f(C()
Gg: The dependence of the calculated cross sections of an ideal ranjet eng-r.e upcn

the irdxture ratio is shown in Fig. 58.

An engine intended for long range must operate at the ]east possibic fu-el flc,,
since with a decrease in, the ra-ge factor I (1.15) increases.

The decrease in fuel flow is 1indted only by the drag coefficient cx of ar air-

craft, since d',rin.'- horizontal fli;ht cR; cx , (:)oth coefficients are us,.,, l. ,,..

upon the nrdship or maxir.un cros. section of an enrc:,,)

-t -m-i,.N 4. m •= ,m
3 5~aim. 4 1 f'

Fig. 50 The computed values of the throug-h sections of an idea'L raxrjet engire.


1Zhukovskiy, 3. Ye., Srniye sochineniy /~ollected 1korks7, Vol. H, Gostekhizdat,


2. Stechkirn, B. S., Teoriya vozdushnoszo reaktivnoto dvigatelya ffheory of Air-Ereath-

ThgJe Egins! Tff, 1929, No 2.

3. Stechkin, B. S.,, Teoriya Vozdushno-iReaktivnikh Dvigateley /T-heory of' Ar-?,reathing

jet Engines7, A synopsis of Lectures, VIA ineni Zhukovskiy, 1945.
1S,.nger, F. and Bredt, I., Pryaxnotochnyye V.RD dlya istrebiteley ZaPljet Zngines for
Pursuit Aircraft7. NACCA Techn. seirro 11 ,, Oct. 1947.
5.Ackeret, J., "Probleme des Flug-zeugantriebes in riegenwart und Zukunft , .1
No 976, I~ay, 19141.

6. Leduc, R. et Vile.,, U. I., "Sur les tuyeres thermropropulsive," C. it.Acad. Sc.,

Paris, vol. 202, 1936.

7. Leduc, Rt. et "'Tley, U. I.., "Le rendeinent des tuyeres propulsives," C. R. Aca-d. Sc.,
Paris, vol. 202, 1936'.

8. Becker, 1. V. and D, D. Baals, "Analysis of Heat and Comp~ressibility Effc:,s in

internal Flow Systems and High-Speed Tests of a Ranjet Syste:!," NACA Rep.
No 773, l?42.

C.HA_ TE:-, 1%


Diffusers transforrm the velocity head of an incoming flow to static pressure.

The diffusers of ranojet engines have the sar.e function as compressors of gas turbine

enb i. The greater the pressure increases in a diffuser P0 , the less the entropy

of the compressed gas s, the greater its potential energy and the greater the thermal

efficiency f't of the engine.

Pressure recovery in a diffuser has a dec_'Isive significance for the operation

of the engine as a whole.

The geometrical form of the diffuser at which the relativ pressure increase

will be the greatest is determdned by the Mach nur.ber of the free strea flow 1.n

The structure of subsonic diffusers (Nn<l)1 transsonic diffusers (n 1-2), and

supersonic dlffusers (Mn>2) differs essentially fror. one another.

The action of diffusers may be characterized by the following coefficients:

efficiency 110 pressure recovery Od, additive drag Cxd, local losses , and air

flow ratio (.

Section 1. Efficienc, Pressure Recovery, and Mass Flow Factors

The operation of actual diffusers is accompanied b, energD losses from friction

and shocks, due to which a portion of the kinetic energy of the flow is dissipated

and the free energy of the gas decreases. The utilization of a flow's kinetic ener-

gy in a diffuser is characterized by the efficiency 1d'

The ratio of the increase in'&of the corpressed air Aito the
kinetic energy of the flow is r-led diffuser efficicrcy:

2g (.1
V.ith a reversible discharge fro. the nozzic whLich is joined to the exhaust sec-

tion of the diffuser (Fig. 59), the free vnergy of tfe compressed air is turned

into the kinetic energy of the stream:

F-TS-97O/ 99
Au=.2 - (b.2)

Consolidating (h.1) and (4.2), we fino that the efficiency of the diffuser is

asured by the ratio of the kinetic eneraj of gas after a reversible discharge 2g

the kinetic energy of the iTco;ring floj,: ng


r, _0UT-4
A, K

5.. Diagran. of ~iffuser tests. Legend: 1) spi]:e; 2) clscha.,'ge

a -- subsonic; b-- supersonic.

If heat exchange with the surrounding air is absent, then the stagnation ter,-

atl-re TOn does not change during a flow through the diffuser:

W- W.2 r ( .h)
Too=To + K ,R
2C JR 2g,----
The greater the dissipation of energy, i.e., the lesser tha efficienc3 of the

fuser'Y d, the hi.gher the static prcssure of gases after a reversible discharge


From (h.b) we find

To +k-
+-2 1 1-,) (4.S
We find the increase in flow,entropy when p = const by using (h.5)
Au,._ cp(TC,- "T.)
- lk-
To T- 2 C M ( (4.6)
The stagnation pressure of the dis:!hargirig air is ecual to the stagnation pres-

e of an actual diffuser, since the exhaust actually occurs under the action of

s pressure: k

k-0 1 T" \- (4.7)

After substituting here Tist frorm (h.6), we obtain an equation which expresses

7-9" 100
stagnet'on .ressure in-ter6of thevelocity of - ,e i. :; flu; zz, .ofthe "

efficiency of the diffuser

+ - +=

+ (2.8)

When 7 d 1 the equation (4.b) turns into a well-knovn ecuation for reversible

sta,'naticn pressure; ' " ld = C) 71 -

Euuation (hb), which exlresss the stag: at _"on pressurc in an ar'tual diff'u cr

diffuser in terms of efficiency Id, is involved and unsuitable for practical car-

putations; diffuser efficienc Vd is difficult to reasure in practice. Therefore,

although the value (d has a clear-cut physical nreanin., it is selden. used.

The quality of an actual diffuser is usually evaluated b: pressure re.over'.

factor 6 d ,

The raio of the stagnation pressure of the flow which passes through a diffu-

ser, to the reversible stagnation pressure of the incoring flow is cal!cd the Dres-

sure recovery factor

_-__= ,2 = P"
PON~~~ I k-1M2P ~ 9

The greater the Xinetic -nergy lossen, occasioned by frieti-r- and shocks

*a V im -iters"shediffuser,i.e., the greater the dissipation of energy, the

lesser the pressure recover% factor yd . For total dissiatior. of kinetic enery, the

pressure does not increase during the flow deceleration: O2 po. In this case

the diffuser pressure recovery factor has t'.,e r ,, ,po: tl c value 6ri


ith an increase in velocity of the fNow. or the rr.-i-ujr. por-

sible value of the pressure reccior% "actor CTnn decrca:as (see Fjif. 70). The pres-

sure recovers factr of an actual diffuser O lies between v±t," and o

F-T, -97 ,IV 101

:Q.<o,< I.

The pressure recovery factor is easily measured in practice: diffuser stagna-

tion preszure is measured ty eans of a Pitot tube; the :ach number of the

flow is measured, fo- example, by ,,.eans of a machr.eter or by the Jncidence anile of

an obliclue shock vave which appears in the presence of the airflow around a wedge or

a cone (these shock waves are distinctly visible in a Tepler instrument or ir shacow


The dependerce of the pressure recovery factor upon the Lac-, ru,ber of the free

stream flow is called the ciriifser characteristic (see Fig. 72;.

Air input through the diffuser depends upon the cross--sectionai area of the

tube's exhaust openin, which is joined to the diffuser (see .ig. 59), aid upon stag-

nation parameters P02 and T0 2 .

The ratio of the diffuser's inlet section S1 to the area of its exhaust opren-

ing section S2 is called the diffuser area ratio f:

S1 (4.10)
The ratio of the weight flow rate of air G1 through a diffuser to that weight

flow rate at which the velocity at the inlet is equal to the velocity of the undis-

turbed flow, is called the w flow ratio Y:

(? G ,. .
, ,= $,,. (L..11)

For subsonic diff users, the weight flow ratio may be either lesser or greater

than one: 1I. For supersonic diff users (see Section 5 andthose followin7) < .1.

Section 2. Additive Drav, of Diffusers. Local Resistance Factor

.et us exandne the flow that enters a diffuiser (Fig. 60). its velocity at the

inlet section of diffuser w, is not ecual to the velocity of the free strearn flow wn .

This surplus air ir;l) which nasses throiirh thc diffuser is expressed by equa.

tion (2.77)

u --- ".

F-TS-97 'O/i 102

Acco.-.rsr- to the *. evjrc-i of tL.-:surplusac-,-)
surod' is, i - nle

se3ction S1, is equal1 to

The difference et:..the deceleratinZ force of the flov: actr in sec*tio S,

and the momentun c"l the enriosed is called "he additive adiffuser drrX

XA== VIL - (.-P. ,M3 Gnu £11',6 M~Sh.Uh4u

The air iich moves from seCtion Sr to sect-l-on 5,var! es in its velocity frop.
Vale 1 .At the sar..e tlej the prers-iro varies frop n, to pn.

Addi tLve ir' is repres nn'ed ~ya f orce ,-hi ca wu-l a --t on th. c~ :72

of a solid flow t;Iube 11-1 (see Fig. 60). The force which acts iupo-n tLe curi'fac-, of the
flow entering, the diffuser, i.e., the enclosed air, varies its ! Accordc-ing

to the lawi of the e.iuality of -otion and countcrmotL.ion)-, thflie;. :c--.~ dii>-
fuser with a ootnter-,cting- force ci-'al in. magnitude but onrsosito i ercioni 0

Additive drag may be calculated theoretically by determiining the v&..ocity w

and the pressure p~-,, or mray be measuired experiir'entally.

S, -pc SK I
H St__"


Fig. 60 Strear. lin~es at the inlet to a S ~~~diffuser.

a) <1;b ) Y 1; 0c) >

Du.-ing the onrati1,.- .) th'-e d!"usr '%n-er dosz ;)oi, or!.ti):, w, w ,,

.dcitive dlffuser cra.- reaches ;Ls h:i;-hest ra2.'. wcn the exhaust o e-;g i s

corpletely closed, -. e., when V= 0.

The ratio of auditive drag to the dynarr head at ridshin cross section S.. of an

engine is called the additive dra coefficient Cd:


Additive drag coefficients of "orsonic dffusers are shc:, in Fig. 73.

The flow around the external sur-face of a dJ ffuser acts upon it with a certain

force. Th: naCellet aerodJkic ! Coeffic tent Upon th' ach rwimhc'r of

Lhe oncoiming flow, ucn tt inlet are ra.I" 2

ratio q, and noon Reynolds nurber Re.

During a flow through the internal duct of the engine, friction and shoc!-s oc-

cur, and as a resul, the pressure decrease3.

Pressure losses from shocks during a sudden exransion of the flow are express-

ed by the Borda-Carnot formula

ApY 2 2gI(W -w W 2
2g (S2
\S1 I ZYA -shock]7 (4-16)
where Y" is the air density, which is considered to be a constant;

w1 and w2 are the velocities of the flow before and after the shock.

The pressure losses in the diffuser are less than those during a sudden expan-

sion. The ratio of pressure losses in the diffuser A Pd to the pressure losses dur-

ing a sudden expansion A Pud is called the absorptive siock coeffi cient .L:

tAp ( .17)

During a subsonic flow through the expanding oortion of the diffuser the ab-

sorptive shock coefficient T depends only on the angle of the diffuser opening O<,

(Fig. 61, b).

Pressure losses in the diffuser dictt ira be expressed by the so-called loss fac-

tor or drag factor L, which is mcasured by the ratio of the prer-sure losses to the

local value of the dynnmic head q 2 (Fig. 61, b)

F-.TS-97,I 14Oh F
q2 4 ,f

The loss of tctal pressure d~xi.-E a flow throueh thec dffuser du.ct" is ecua;2 to

ap =pol- p9 = q2 = 7!22. ?

10 . -4 -..

GA 42
41 ALn____
0 41 41 QJ 44 0. L16QV 0.509 IONZI
0. 42 60 N V r /,gIXO/IX/Cre

"A F6A

Oqq 0691000704g0, .

4525 L-
- _ - - H

4.7OQ4 0,6 4g510 0 0,2 0,4 q6 0,8 1.0

one MtZ
Fig. A c ei st c f a sboi
The ch r ifsr
a reatin
- f asortiv sockcoeficen t4 tothea~g~eo0,he if

Ga :f r--2

Fit.liiTh caterste f ua susoi diffadusenrtht. 2

o asrpie hokcoficet
a - eato oth n,:J f02 df
obtain fuse -deedneof rF fco -pnti
d _

R;c - eatonofpesur ecvey6d t te ac np11era
ofvrosoeicace a- (.o

FT heprssr rcoe,.fatr r"i 1h c t fasbs cdffsri

At a lowv vel "cci,.o the depcroer.cce of" ," t .upc - CC . .
VE --b

garded. Then, fro. equation (4.19), notir.g that (2 yO1, ve find

Pot Po, 2 po i -

The last equation is used for the-deter-inati-on cf pressure recovery in the

duct of a diffhNser vhen N2<0.3.

Assuming that pressure losses in a diffuser are detervined by the absorptive

shock, we express the drag factor as a function of absorptive shock factor 4':

,S2 (4.22)

Section 3. Subsonic Diff'sers

A subsonic diffuser is represented by an expanding tube ivhose forward cd.e has

itooth outlines. To prevent disruption of the strea, a special aerodynaric f6rn. has

been n: arted to the diffuse' li. (ig. 62). The relative inLet ,u-ca ra-'io of sub-

sonic diffusers is al,ays less 'thon one:-!F- f < 1.

Air flow through the operating system of an engine, to wnich the diffuser is

connected, depends upon the total hydraulic resistance of the duct and also upon the

stagnation temperature and pressure of the exhaust gases. The hydraulic resistance

of the air duct is basically deterrined by the cross-sectioal area o - the o:haust

nozzle (see Fig. 59).

Velocity w1 in the inlet section of subsonic diffuser S1 is oeqal to the

velocity of the free stream flavr: 1r wn .

In the presence of great hydraulic resistance or a large teIPerature ratio

5tie mass flow factor Y is small and the velocity at inlet section S is less than

that of the free strear flow: w1 <Wn . The deceleraticn of the air begins in front

of inlet section S1 ; the static pressure of the flow, in accordance with 3errou!!i's

equation, increa-es and becomes greater tan the atrosrheric pressure: P1 > Pn Thf

ieceleration of the flow in front of the diffuser is not accompanied by any loscs.

Pherefore, during operation with external corrression the pressure recover3 factor Cd

Fr-IS-974oiv 106
nrcaze.. :o we ve r t, e difiA J-ustr' c 1t,
1 dra--- ccef4ic_"*e.t cc: a-!so ir.creasc-s vJth

an in~crease of extern~al cornpression.

Fig. 62 The acrodynav.ic forces v:hieh act on a diffuse.- lip,

'.hen the duct's drag decreases, the mrass flow through the diffuser grow:s. and

the velocity of the gases w1 in inlet section S, increases and may become greater

than the velocity of the free strea.- flow u,,,, but may not becon~e greptcr tha, the

speed of sovrnd: wl<cl. With an increase in velocity w1 , the static pressure at

inlet p1 decreacc-s and may become less that) the atpmoslpheric pressure pr, but by not

more than 1.89 tiviev:

5 'k + 1r 1189'

Stream lines at the inlet to a subsonic diffuser at various velocities at th,

inlet are shown in Fig. 60. During operation vh4en the air streamf that enters the

diffuser is rarefied at the inlet, the air trocves in a' direction touaid the diffuser

axis at an angle comparable to the degree of rarefaction at the inlet, i.e., the

greater the rarefaction, the greater the anglIe (Fi-. Cc,) At the sapme time, the

flow detaches fror. the in~tern~al wells of the diffuser, an4 %ortex forn.ation acc:cp.-

panied by at- increased dissipation of the air's kinetic Energ occur: pressure re-

covery in the diffuser dininishes. Rarefaction. at the TIet tC t',e diffuser is un-

desirable. The relative crcss sections of the diffuser are so selccted tK,4.atizas

flow factor (T Uromaas- to reach trnit- anl r aL the-Icastu of the o~qnc'VC~ci h,,rdCh-ac:i

resistances or at the nri,-u corihustion termperature ratio

Subsc,.c d- sers usualh ooerabe f:t- extcr.a c -1.: ,, ( . (A), a/
The air velocit, w2 -n the diffuser's exhaust (vide) secticn $ just as vedc-

city wI in the inlet section, depends upon the area of sections S 1 and S 2 , upon

Tn, Pn, and upon the air flow Gv . n the basis of equation (2.') it. ray be described

as (O,),,S _ = !.(O p)m . a.

Is, 72 (4.23)

The critical flow velocity a and the stagnation terperature Tox are constant

along the entire duct of the diffuser:

r. a= / _ 2g R7 ,.
j 7_ -I( 1 .2 h)
k+I n

The relative velocity may be found by the ratio of the total pressure to the

static pressure:

With an increase of the mass flow ratio (P the relative velocities

\i and N2 increase, the dissipation of kinetic energy increases, and pressure re-

covery factor 6d decreases (sea 4.20 and 4.21). The dependence of the pressure re-

cover. factor upon mass flow ratio is called the off-design point characteristic of

the diffuser c'd = f (f).

In the selection of a diffuser for an air-breathing jet engine, the maximujr

possible air mass flow Gma x sMvdd-1e-rot.-and, the cro-setion-s aftl! yht S,

4d9ruined in. the -ssumption that T'= lwfor the maOamum possible mass flow. IIrom

equation (L.1l) vie find

Section S2 is found from mass flow (2.74), in setting a given value for the

relative velocity \2* (The relative velocity at the diffuser exhaust *2 is a function

of the operating process of the engine.)

S 2= R' , ,)" OMSK 2) ( 4.27)

Exa-le: Let us find diffuser cross sections S1 and S 2 if the maximum air flow

F-TS-9740A 108
thi. n the diffuser a 100 kg/sec, the relativs fi=ht ve-lcit. --O.9 , the

re- velocity at the diffuser exhaust at maxinau; flow is

A" 2 = 0.2, Tn = 26.50K and D- = 2310 kg/rr 2

The stagnation temperature of the free stream flow is

- 216.5 216.5
0 R0865-
The flow velocity is
S1 =Aa=A o.=I
l/2tk~TO#,=0j9.I8,3 V20=260 MICi'A.

The diffuser inlet cross-section is

Ai- Gma
260.2310 1,06 .-

The stagnation pressure of the free strear: flow POn is

pd 2310
PoN , 0.865,.5 =3850 '.*".

The diffuser exhaust cross-section is

~1 k+1 RTM OMSK

=S1 -_.
Sl' O)1 06.92=.:

Section h. Various Forms of Subsonic Diffusers

The inlet section of a subsonic diffuser, as already stated in the foregoing

paragraph, is so chosen that through the entire operating range cf the engine, the

d \user operates with the flow being con.prcs ,ed e:.ternally.

In those cases where the deceleration of the flow begins in front of the dif-

fuser inlet (tf l), streams of the enclosed air approach the edge at large angles.

Because of this, disruption may occur (see Fig. 60). To decrease vortex formations,

the walls of the diffuser have a sm;oothly formed profile of the lon-itudinal section

on (see -'ig. 62). The velocit. of the nir wvhich flo.:s zxound the di-fluser lip cn, the

pressure on the outside ch'.. If the lip hae ic cctr r_-

cation -uil occur on it ( ig. 62) as a result o^ ;;hich thrtust 7-' arise -- ts initi.:ll-
sho*n b, Ye. S. _hcherb,2!:ov -- even whe. the inlet is tot,.' open, i. e,

F-TS-97'O/V 109
whenri l
S2 i
The thrutt of 4 jet engine acts on the internal and external surfaces of the


The internal duct of a diffuser ray have any of various outlines. The most

prevalent of these are conical and iiogradient diffusers.

The- codical diffuser. The geomietry of a conical diffuser is deterh.i; d by two

paraueters: the expansion angle ,d and the inlet cross section ratio fl S

(Fia. 63, a). The length of the diffuser, as seen in Fig. 63, a, is expressed as a
fwnctio.n of the ratio 2; the greater it is, the smaller the expa:.sicin ang]e 0( and

p'._____1--L 0P

Fig. 63 Various forms of subsonic diffusers.

i -- conical diffuser-; b -- isogradient diffuser.

the- inlet -area -ratio f 1 :

I d d I--VI,
2 2.(4.28)

With a decrease in the expansion angle- Cd, the length of the diffuser increases

and, therewith, its internal siurface and friction losses. The pressure recovery fac-
tor ,(ddecreases; in addition, the construction weight of the diffuser increases,

"Mi writh *small expansion angIes, the flow does not separate from the side, *
Writh an increase in the diffuser expansion angle NOd friction losses decrease

and the diffuser's construction weight dirmiishes; whereas -Ath a sufficiently large

expansion anglet separation of the flow occurs and the pressure recover quickly falls.

The most advantageous expansion angle is on the order of 10-150.

The selection of the inlet area ratio f is accomplished on the basis of an

analysis of the engine's operation as a whole. The velocity of the flow moving

F-TS-97hO/ 31
through an ex.panding diffuser d n.dShe
" s ".'he s -Z " pro rtion to

the le-senirng of the velocity. If the air density is taken -s a constant, and lesseS

are disregarded in the first approxixaticn, it is not dif ficult to find th- depen-

dence between the ".ncrtase in static pressure and the length of the diffuser by

mIeans of Bernoulli's equation:

p,_.p,=(,-4'-pM,I 2g9 1"

d, 2/

The "ill indices belong to the local values of velocity, pressure, and ciameter.

As is seen froir equation ()4.29), the pressure recovery occurs basical]y in the for-

ward portions of the diffuser.

Isogradient diffusers. The deceleration of the flow in an isogradient diffuser

occurs in such a manner that the rise in pressure is unifor. along the entire length

(Fig. 63; b):

L-- gradp=const.

The relation between the acceleration of the flow j and the pressure Ladient
do is expressed by Euler's equation (2.29) -d = -- j. The r.inus sign Inaleaiesd

"!dt'V the diredtion of the acceleration is towards decreasing pressure. af•

an isogradient diffuser the product of the acceleration and density is constant

along the length of the diffuser

--. =const.

Assuming that the density of the flow is constant, we find the relation be-

tween the length of the di2' *user and its diameter, at. i-ich the deceleration of the

flow is constant: j = const.

The distance traveled during uniform deceleration, as is knowv freri kinem.atics,

may be expressed by initial and terrinal velocities wI and wi

IAccording to the continuity equati.,n
S, 4

F-TS-97b 0/ 11]
-From here ,,e obtain the vuatm of Ithe UP- o' an isogradient diffuser

wftiioutJ considering th.~ Compressibility -of th a ,ir

For the iftjlt section di = d] and .9i 0:. The !engthi which corresponds to the

tctia deceleration. of the flow (di 4 )


'At-h velouie6 of free stream flow 0.5<2., one must consider the
con:pressibility of the aiz" "or the design o' the oiutlines of an -;.ientLadiffi:ser.

As the diffuser cross section increases, the velocity decreases and tz:e pres-

3ure and density of the flow increase. Thanks to the density increase, the velocity

decreases several -ti-es r.ore than the- cross section increases.

In -a conical .ffitier, utere the velocity quickly decreases as the distance

Prom 1,he inlet increases, pres& .* recovery occurs basically in the forward portions

-1f the diffuser (see Fiz. 63, a), and the pressure gradient is great. A large pres-

sure gradient contributes -to the separation of the- flow from the walls and increases

%he losses from vortex formations. To decrease the pressure gradient, the length of

onical diffusers is increased and the expansion angle 0 is decreased. At greater

listances fron the inlet section, the pressure gradient in a conical diffuser is de-

Creased. Thus a conical diffuser ray be likened to an axial compressor, the subse-

quent stages of hich increase the pressure less than does the first.

Pressure in an isogradient diffuser rises unifor'nly along i.,s entire length.

The probability of the boundcry layer separation is ec.ialy lor in all sections of

the diffuser. An isomradient diffusar may be likened to an axial conpQres:;or the sub-

seouent stages of which produce an e.-val increase in pressure.

For the same initial md terminal dimaeters mnd the sme presstrue rocove:r fz.c-

tors, isogradient diffusers are shorter thn are the conical diffusers. For the sxle
length, the pressure recov r, factor of an isogradient liffut er L higher than that

of a conical one.

I-TS-9710/V 112
ection 5- * x)n-,I ~fVS&Ir In a 2u C:i c
At low superso'ic velocitip- . of a flow (2.<Jc2) exca:.e. dif:users are used

S(Fig. 6h) To decrea, e drag, the forw' edge of a diffuser is made sharp and iks

external surface is conical with a sn-all incidence a.le.

The air flo;: through the diffuser is detervined by the exhaust section of

the tube -which is connected vith the diffuser (see Fig. 59). If the thr.ttle valve

is compbletely clcsed, the nass flow thr.uzh the diffuser is ecual to zero; G = 0;

0. Wher: this happers, a normtal shock wvave (Fig. 61s, a) appears in front of the

diffuser inlet. 1 e flo: behiind th-- s:hock: wave reiairns subsonc (F.<I) ,-n tb air
flows around the side of the diffuser. Th additive "wave" drag Xd is at maxi.uir.

The pressure in the tube' equal to the stagnation pressure behind the n; rn.a*. shock

wave, is deterrined by Rayleig.'s formula (2.!04).

As the tube's inlet section is gradually increased, the air flow G. through the

diffuser will increase, the normal shock wave rill approach section S and will

finally "sit" at the inlet rake (see Fig. 6h, b). At this time, the air flow throu ,g

thediffuser will bepome the greatest:

.mW7S,=WtS,- (h32
The cross section of the stream tube will be eoual to the inlet cross section:

Sn,= SI. The mass flow ratio will be equal to one: 1.

1) Normal shoc!: iavcs
2) Ir'xfication waves
Fig. 61. An ex-:!,nded diffuser
C) -- -- $a?> SPSq in a supersonic flor.
a) sp < Spac.:. t) Sp - Spacu; ,) Su > Spit..

The aeximum possible flow through the diffuser during' a supersonic flow is

eqial to the product of the velocity of the undisturbed flow, its density', and the

area of the inlet opening cross section: Ga== y.Si.

F-TS-9710/V 113
For increases in the exhaust cros -sectin, ;hc o; r a'e ,,;- .,:n cc.; st,

since pressure disturbances during a supersonic conditi : c:_nlo .- spread upstrevJf in

the flb and the signal reflecting the variation of back pressure .- ill not be :egis-

tered bedond the inlet section. The naszflo; ratio duri7.1 a supers:anic flow carnoe U

be more that one: ir 1, then(f 4 1.

If one continues to increase the exhaust opening of the tube even -Ster a nor-

mal shock wave- approaches the diffuser inlet open5ag, then thcre 'rill occur an expan-

the flCO
6ion of the supersonic flow- similar to that as manifested during,round an

obtuse angle. A suPersonic flow; through tho ex-andin,- duct of the diffuer ends _U

a po-wrful normal shock wave (see Fig. 6 c), the losses increase, and the pressure
irz the tube P02 acquires a value sufficient enough to force out G :'<nS1 .: f

air through the exhaust section -of tube S ¢c, every second. The pressure before the

exhaust P0 2 nar be found from critical flowr for.iule (2.53)

The function B, which is dependent gnhk and Rg, is shown in Table 2.1,

The pressure recovery factor of a simple expanding diffuser ad in a supersonic

flow is eoual to the product of the pressure recovery factor in a normal shock wave

CFpr and the pressure recovery factor of an expanded diffuser ( (when MH = I,):
(i 10 A*.o: (4.34)

The pressure recovery factorin a normal shock wave 7 is expressed by

Rayleigh's formula (2.105). The pressure recovery factor o' the expanded portion,

if the normal shock wave is located at or in front of the inlet section, .. daeermined

as indicated previously in Sections 3 and h,

If supersonic flow continues into the expanded portion of a diffuser, losses in

the terminal shock wave increase, and the diffuser pressure recovery factor becones
less than the maximu, possible.

With an increase in flight speed, losses in the nornal shock wave increase.

Therefore, when Mn>2, simple expanded diffusers are not utilized.

F-TS-97hOAI 1
At high uo..rsonic f-ight veocities (?m n>2) energy: losces in a diff-str . h

normal s . wave
w at the inlet become large, and the pressure recovery factor be-

comes sall: when = 2.5 6 rO.5. To decrease the losses ;zu.:- , the decelera-
tiot'. flow, it is advisable toreplace' the powerful.
tt wave
at the diffuser inlet by a system of weaker oblique shock waves, concluding with a

weak normal shock wave, since energy losses in a syster. of s,:ccessive weak

shock .iaves, which lead to subsonic velocity, are less than in a sin-2.e ncriral
shock wave.
To form oblicue shock waves, the diffuser is supplied .-.
;tn a soike which oro-

jects from the-inlet opening (Fig. 65)'. If several oblique shock waves are required,

-the spike or "bullet" has multiple steps (Fig. 65, a). Sometimes the subsequent

oblique shock waves are created by the supersonic flow intersecting the shell (Fig.

65., b). Usually the deflection spike is cone-shaped. During the approach of a

supersonic flow to the point of the cone, a shock wave appears, angle 1 with

the direction of the u:-.disturbed flow . The velocit:y irofiles d:-ing :he flf.7 around

Lc the cone are not uniform., therefore the problem of xi cx:-ct gas-,na-dc co putation of
the flay around a cone b- z supcrsonic flow entails co.nsidcrable &.f'icultio.. These

may be significantly facilitated, if om solves the e:sionr1 problem -. d finds

the para-maters cf the fla-' behind the tvo-dinensional shoch waves viw'ich arc formeodzL

during the flow around a wed;e whose incidence angles are so soloct-d as to assare

that the arising shock waves should be the same as those re--istered dcrin the lai
ed . around a coie. A wedge .produces grcatcr edsturbancc of !a flo.:" thr-- dxrcs a cone; t1jcm-

fore, in order to give risc to identical sho: aaves, th( angle of Lhe weige nust be

less than the angle of the cone. lf the znglc o' t-1 cone kon is given, the re uirc
angle ofC the wedIge &i re be found bj" nans o-' the graph plotted in .i,.r . The
transition from a multinle shock-wave cone to ao ede is cho:r in ". (u,

The inlet slot, measured 'by the normal to the flow, h.s %ri g-shaed cross sc-

tion along the conic 1 spi':e, with area

F-T-9Th0/ V115
" d . U4 Slot
St *(d,-a7,,.,)Cos, 6u.,_o if --spi
4o6 (h~( .35)
where d1 and di., -are the diar.eters of the inlet and spike in the plane of the

inlet cross section;

obh ch Isthe total rake angle of the flow.

" ,(IM, (sl#),.

I 4)



I~~ I. I-_. ?1--

Pig. 65. Schematic of shock waves at the inlet to a multi-shock-twave supersonic

a diffuser wi-th a. ulti-step bullet;

b diffuser wi1th reflected shock ,.aves.


,egend: A) oblique shock waves; B) norml shoc!- wave.

The inlet slot corresponding to a wedge-shaped spike has the form~ of two

rectangles (?ee Fig. 66);

iere a5h is half of the "height" of the inlet slot (see Fic.

akt is half of the "height" of the wedge;

b is the idth of the slot.,

If the shock waves on a wedge and a cone have a similar intensity, then the

b..2e Asth dt t
cross sections of the ring-shaped a-d rcct,:.u!nr slots ;;il be Ceuall-
Ji 'e.

, 'fl
3S) aWYM*
a s )u Legend:

3) r2t0-sh5u1r lot
, :z e -lo
6) 6 wedge
7) Sslot

10) Sring

Fig. 66 The transformation of a computed two-dimensional (wedcge-shapcd) diffuser to

a conical one,

Let us examine, first, a two dimensional multiple shock-tave diffuser.

Let us designate by £j, )2, %',etc., the rake angles of the flow; on the

first, second, third, and other staves, which are equal to the wedge angles, (see

Fig. 65). Let us designate by O(1, CK2, 3, etc., the incidence angles of the

shock wave with the flow direction behind the previous step. The distance r;'om the

apex of the angle of the first, second, and other stages to the plane of the inlet

slot we designate by Ll, t2, L3 , etc.

The angles of the w:edge £dl, '02, ()3 are so selected that during a given flow

velocity Mn one may obtain the highest pressure recovery corresponding to the least

wave drag. The most advantageous flow rake angles are those b; which the total growth

of air entropy in a series of oblique shock waves seems to be the least. The calcu-

lations are confirmed in supersonic wind tunnels. This probler was solved by G. I.

Petrov and Ye. D. Ukhov in the USSR and by Osatich in Gernian3.

The incidence angles of the shock waves O(i depend upon the flow velocity before

the shock wave and upon the flow rake angle . Thus, for exan.pie--, the incidence

angle of the second shock wave 0(2 depends -pon the flow rake angle C02 and upon the

flow velocity M1 ahead of the second shock wave.

The distances tI, t2 t3 ... are such that as the flow proceeds along the ex-

ternal diffuser, the surfaces of all the shock waves intersect the edges of the inlet

slot (see -ig. 5, a).

F-TS -9Th// 117

iv is seen from~ the for;,ila Lha-t

The distancesi 2, 43 c, 1.ay bc found either by trigononetric computations

or by construction.

After passing through the first shock vwave, which a-Pears when the flow passes

the apex of the edge, the supersonic flow behind the shock wave deviates from its
original direction and begins to move parallel to the surface of the first steo of

the wedge (the- directions of the fMi. are indicated in Fig. 65 by arrows). The den-

sity and pressure increase; the flow velocity rerl- suerscn_,L: !V> i. AlVer pas:-

ing through the second shock wave, vfnich appears at the junction line of the first

step with the 'second, the flow again turns and moves paralle! to the second step;

the velocity remains supersonic: M2> I, and the densi.Y and pressure icrease. Be!

hind the third shock wave, the flow moves parallel to the surface of the third step,

.the velocity -continues to be greater than the speed of sound: '-3>l, and the density

increases still more. For this reason, a strongly compressed flow appears in the en-

gine inlet slot wihich has an area 5 shch* The original cross-section of this flov7 is
equal to the total inlet cross-section Sn - S 1 . A no ll shoe: ".:ave ap-cars in the

inlet slot or' behind it- and the l o;; valocity 'becones subsonis: 1. l.

A multi-shock-wave diffuser operates similarly to the tapering duct of an ideal

ramijet engine (see Fig. 58).

The air flow through the diffuser i.s determined by the continuity equation.

For design point condition, when the shock waves are focused on the inlet edge,
- 1: UN(1 4.j8

The flow parameters at the plane of this slot are marked by the index "shch".

In this case the cross sectioi of a free stream flow entering the diffuser is equal

to the total area of the inlet, including the cross section of the inlet spike:

S1, d , where dI is the inlet diameter.

For the given engine internal hydraulic resistance, the terninal normal shock

FaTS-97h0 ! 118
wave is localed in the inlIeL section: I(sae Fiz. t-,. The foi.. -elo-ity behfn he

Trial shc ave subs-onic. During subsequent flow through the tapering duct

'of the diffuser, the ye] ocIty may at first grow and reach the speed of sound i n the

critical section of the throat: ir=1 'lr~

he deceleration of the f*low

2 occurs in the expanding subsonic portion of the diffuser during oper-ation

at the design point.

So that the flow-velbcity through the-engine duct and the local pressure los-ses

do not becom~e excessivelY larve, the inlet diameter di -must be less than the maximtun

cross seCtional diameter: dl~d.

An oblique- shoc~k wave appears as the supersonic flow intersects the conical
diffuser shell (Fig. 67). The stream lines are distorted, and the static Pressure of

the air increases. The ratioo- h nres nsai pressure to the dyna;mic head

of the free stream flow is caliled the Pressure increase coefficient

~, p -k MI (h.39)

As the distance from~ the inlet edge is increased, this pressure coefficient

gradually decreases to zero (Fig. 67).

The increased pressure acts upon the shell's surface, creating external wave

drag of the diffuser.

W pugsd

Fig. 67. The oblique shock. waves wnich appear at the intersection of a supersonic
flow vwith the shell of a diffuser.
The pressure increase is shown by a dotted line.

The external drag of the diffuser is equal to the product of the averaee pres-

sure increase A~s

p Pcldq and the frontal area of that portion of' the shell defined

as Sob = SN-S 1 Plus the friction forces Xt. bk

F-TS -97li0/V 119

rIe cx is -the- frict'on factor -which is. dependent 6- the Ae holds, number -('see Fg

The ratio of 'the external drag Xb to the product of the dynamiic -head -and 'the
nd ve.seetina-rea -of thdr -engine :is- called_, the. .diffusei -itteh -

Ifticient cxobo

-~ ~~ +~~ (f).(lh)

W.ith -a.decreas' bf, the AhfletreaX'atio f da rw

th -a, decrease of the incidence-angle of the shell's internal surface $ -at constant

-ilet area rat-io f - const, the shell's external surface S~m- increases, dule

tho imcrase in its length 1 u-, I The force of friction Xr. also increases
,erewith: whereas 'the- oblique shock iave, iwhich appears 'by the inlet edge) becomcs

ss powerful and the- increase in static pressure diminishes. Calculations corro-

'rated'by test indicate that the most suitable lip incidence angle, the one at

ich additive external drag seems to be low-est (when I~z3.3), is equal to 40.

A Schlieren photograph of oblique shock waves which appeared at a diffuser in-

!tat the design point condition, is sho,.n in Fig. 69.

a. 68. The dependence of friction coefficient Fig. 69. A photograph of shock

c upon Reynolds number R. waves at a diffuser in-
let at the design point

With an increase in flight velocity M,, or An, the compression of the flow in

Lique shock waves grows, and the computed cross section of the inlet slot Sa;hclh

rS -9lho/v 120
and the diffuser 40 C- es
hecess -tilt luser cross sections are -deterined by Jmeans o a gas-dynaric


Section t7. The-Calculation -of a :FultD.-61e-Shocdk-'.ave Diffuser

The calculation of a mi.lti-shock-wave diffuser includes the following stages:

1. CalCulation :of preSsu e recovery.

2. Construction of the diffuser-geometry.

3. +
Determinatioh: of the critical c-6ss secUioh -of the d 1.

'. DeterInat-on of t he satagnation impulse.

The calculation ofWpressure recover2. We shall assuk e -the calcuhated, f1ight

speed ' the number of steps, and the flow rake angles (4), (Oa, (' , etc.

We shall find the first step's incidence angle (, by 'foraula

!i(2.124)or by the graph in -Fig. 43.
The velocit , 1 , the pressure ratio -h the den-
T1 n
-isty ratio y'nand the temperature ratio- behind the first shock wave after l1.
and h2 on the -basis of Velocity and the flaw; rake ar. le Jj zro found br fo-Ml 'as

S(2 .118), (2.11-, (2.12?) -Lnd (2.121) or b: the graphs in ?i-, 31, (, !A, Cid 142,
Subsequently, by formula (2-124) -or -by the -graph -in Fig. h3 we find the inci-

dence angle of the second shock wave V2 on the barfs of velocity M. behthd tbe
first shock wave, and the flow rake angle at the second step A) 2 : 2 f(X, W 2 )"

P2 r2
The velocity Y2 ' the pressure ratio the density ratio ' and the temperature

ratio - behind the second shock wave are found by the forr.ulas or graphs indicated

We determine the third steo's incidence angle N of e 2
3 2)nh~ai.v~c~
the flow: behind the second step and the flow rake angle on the third step (03
; and

then, on the basis of the same quantities, we find the relative air parameters behind

the third shock wave

P3, Y3,
P2 *2
23'2 and 3

F-TS-974o/ 121
The pressure, density, and temperatwe behind the last shock wave, c:TrCSscd

as ratios to theparazeters bf an undisturbed flow, are equal to

A PAa P2
b....It. T2 13;
--u Ti T3 T
T TU T12

Flow parameters behind the tertrinal normal shock wave, expressed as a ratio to
P 4
the parameters. of the flow behind the preceding shock wave - -'
, ' are found' by

th'6 graph in.Fig, 36 or by formulas (2.102), (2.103), (2,.106), and (2.108).

The stagnation paraffeters behind the normal shiock wave as -a ratio to the para-

meters of an.undisturbed flow:

in li
" T4 4' 7T3
We carry out the verification:
+ ~!1M2.
1"= YO 0
T 2' 1.7 T
The pressure recovery factor of a nulti-shock-wave diffuser is

The calculations of various diffuser systems, which are corroborated by experi-

ments, show that the pressure recovery in multi-shock-wave diffusers i. great,. i the

flow rakedales are correctly chosen.

Thns, with three oblique and one normal shock wave, if F 3, then ad>0.6.

The pressure recovery factor diminishes with an increase in the Mach number. The

velocity characteristic of the diffuser, which is found by an experimental method,

is depicted in Fig. 70.

The conetruction of a diffuser geometry. After the incidence angles of the

shock waves on the individual steps of the spike are found, it is not difficult to

construct the geometry of a diffuser. For this, it is necessary that the surfaces

of all the shock waves intersect the diffuser inlet edge at the design point velocity

of the free stream flow Mn a Mrasch .

Let us 10ake the surface of the first shock wave AO (sec Fig. 65) at angle o~l

F-TS-97h0/V 122
fro:. point A to tie a-is of the engine #I0. The point of in""rsect in of line A.0
with the axis forms the apex of spike 0. Let us take the *urtace of the first step

Of wedge OB at angle 6) from point 0 to the axis of the engine. I.e take the sur-

face of the second shock raive AB at an angle of C2 from point A to the surface of

the first step OB. Point B forms the apex of the second step. Le take the surface
of the second step BC at angle W*) to the surface of the first step 0B. We take the
0 surface of tle third shock wave AC at angle t from point A to the second step BC.

Point C forms the apex of the third step. We take the surface of the third step CD

at angle 3 to step BC. in this way one ray construct the,- sten, if their
number is greater than three. I.e find the direction of the terrinal normal shodc:
wave by dropping a perpendicular AD from point A to the direction of the last step

CD. The flow behind the normal shock wave becomes subsonic: %h<l; the diffuser

duct in the subsonic area must be expanded. The expansion of the duct is accoriplished

at the expense of the expansion of the outer shell and the narrowing of the por-

tion of the deflecting spike. The form of the expanded portion of a supersonic
multi-shock-wave diftuser is selected in the same way as for a subsonic diffuser.

After the geor:etry of a two-dimensional diffuser is constricted, one -must pro-

ceed to the axially symetrical diffuser with a wedge-shaped /_ic7spike. The direc-

tions of the oblique shock waves O(I, 0(2, C(3, etc., remain as before. The rake
angle of wedge C' we change to the greater rake angle of a cone A)o (see Fig. 66)
by making use of the graph in Fig. h6: te >LnJ ' The point of intersections B'
kon> k
of the cone's surface OB' with the surface of the second shock wave forms the apex

of the cone's second step. The angle of the cone's second step we leave unvariable,

since the curvature of the surface is small and the second terminal step produces

almost the same flow disturbance as does a two-dimensional: L " ()"

kon kt
We take the surface of the cone's second step at angle 162 to the sirface of
the cone's first step 03' (see Fig. 66). The point of intersection of the surface
of the second step with the surface of the third shock wave C' forms the apex of the
third step. We take the surface of the third step at angle t to thes
73 esurface of the

F-TS-97hO/V 123
-secon step. Thus the transition from a wedge-shaped spike to a corJcal one protuces

Fig. 70 The Dependence of the Pressure Recovery; Factor in a Diffuser "D upon the
Nach Number For Various Staghation Methods and For Various Systems of
Shock Waves
a substitution of only the first anle for the angle of a cone o nd the

rake angles, of the second,, third, and other cone steps remain equal to the. angles of

the wedge. This is natural,, since the lesser -the curvature of the step, the further

it lies froirl. the apex of the cone (see Fig. 65).

The cross sections of the spike steps are, correspondirngly,

DeterrUination of the Critical Cross Section of a Diffuser. The cross section

of the slot S shch may be found from the continuity equation, when one kiows the velo-
city and density behind the normal shock wave (O) and or behid the previous

oblique shock wave 403 and Y3

The absolute velocitj behind the last oblique shock wave is

The slot's cross section, which is measured along a normal to the flC01 behind the

last oblique shock wave (see Fig. 65), is found k, the continuity equation

SOX Was M3 13 V 73
The equality of the values of Sshch, found from the above equation and by reans

of a geometric construction, is excellent proof of the exactness of the computations.

The normal'shock wave will be located at the diffuser inlet only in case the

.ube's exhaust Eection S is equal to the corputed value (4.3). The followIng

P-TS-9740/V 121,
pa'agraph discusses the operation of a n.ilti-shock-ave diffuser at off design point


The calculations performed above are some:hat idealized. In actuality, the

velocity profilesbehind the shock raves are not uniforr. Due to friction on the sur-

face of the spike, a boundary layer develops, and the velocity of the flow falls; in

order to admit all of the oncoiirg flovw, the inlet slot is rade larger than the cal-

culated design value. A computed slot is indicated in Fig. 65 b a dotted line, and

an actual one by a solid line.

The air velocity behind ti inletL slot of the diffuser increases and becoemes

ecual to the critical velocity

1 /2g=kR

The density approaches the critical density


8 is the stagnation pressure in the case of a given system of shock waves.

where p!Q

The critical section of the diffuser throat is found frog, the ratio

AS 1 S. k 1-
WKT.p 10 a (A.) A

Determination of the stagnation impulse. During operation at design conditions,

the surfaces of the oblique shock waves intersect the diffuser inlet edge (see Fig.

65). The cross section of the strear. tube S. is equal to the cross section of the

inlet SI (not to be'confused with the cross section of the inlet slot Sshch). The

Pass flow ratio = 1 and additive drag is absent: Xd - 0. This means that the

surplus stagnation impulse of the free stream (Fl)iz0 , acting in section SI, is equal
to the momentum of the strearr tube (F H)izb
Gwo 7.4SIVAU

On the other hand, the stagnation impulse of the flow in section SI is equal

to the pressure integral acting upon the spike, plus the momentum and the unbalanced

pressuie forces at the inlet slot. Projecting the acting forces onto the diffuser

F-TS-970/V 125
axis, we obtain
(FjW-=APIS+AP2S3+SJ (iG+ SAPa cos W"1
.ieze Si, S2 9 S 3 are the maximuxm cross-sen.tions of the spikte behind the first, second,

third, and other steps;

AP,' AP 2 , AP 3 are the average surplus pressures which act on the individual steps.

In the case of a two dimensional bullet these pressures are constant;

(ob is the total! or general deviation angle of the flow:

lob:'l 2 + - -+ .0.;

shch "s thn slot's cross section, measured by a no.n.aJ to the strean.


APi is the surplus pressure in the inlet slot, equal to the pressure be-

hind the last oblique shock wave;

i:i is the velocity in the. inlet slot, equal to the velocity behind the

last oblique shock wave.

The equality of the momentu, of the free stream, flow -- and the stagnation

orces acting in the inlet section is excellent proof of the exactness.of the compu-


e Calculate the pressure recovery factor of a four-shock-wave diffuser

aying a conical spike, if the angles of the conical steps are:

( = 240' W2 a 1OO,9
' W 50 P

he terrinal shock wave is normal and the velocity of the free stream flow Mn = 3.5.
The calculation will be carried out wIth the aid of the graphs.

We find the two dimensional angle, which produces the disturbance of the flow

)rresponding to the given cone angle ) 240. Accordinc- to the graph in Fig. 46,
k 150. The incidence angle of the first shock wave and the parareters of the

,r behind the first shock wave when : - 3.5 and Ci 150 are f-jund by the graphs

Fig. 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43: 9l - 290; 1 2.61; .2h; 2.21;

- 1.W67. The angle of the secord shock wave relative to the direction of the flow

-TS-9740/V 126
behirnd the.first shock wave, and the para-eters of the air behin- the second shoc,:

wave are found by the sa.e graphs for 1 = 2.61 and (0 2 = C0 : 02 = 29.70;
P2 =2 P2 . 1.57 and T = 1.212. One must observe the eo,:a!it 5 in

both cases
7, It. P2 Y2 T
1. T,
In Al 11 T1

The angle of the third shock wave relative to the direction of the flow behind

the second shock wave q and the paramreters of the air behind the third shock wave

are found by the sam'

1e graphs for M2 2.28 anc £03 = 50

3=31.20; A13=2,00; 1,34;

Is t-23; 1,087; (i "_i3T.
- (P2•22Y
The stagnation parayieters behind the terninal normal shock wave when Y"= 2 are found

in accordance with the graph in Fig. 36:

ft-=5.62; i- =3.12; T°4-1 8.

A3 13

The parameters behind the third shock wave, expressed as a ratio to the para-

neters of an undisturbed flow, are _ .24.90..34=826,


S 1 12 13=221.1,57.1,23=4,27;
74 T4 1, "2
F" 71 T2 T.1= 1 .467 " 0 87 = 1 .93
T- T T- 212.
T. T T2

The cross section ratic of the inlet slot is

so = Me y
Sax V
2.4,27 V/ 1 024
=09 4*
The stagnation parameters behind the nor:al shock wave are
- ) e1 =5,62.8,26=46,3;
-0 t 3,12.4;27=13.3;
I. 73 In
704 TO,
-- I3 =,47
or) otherviseT
T4.1 +2k- M2 =I+. 2.3.52=3. 4 5 ;

'r"- lqo !'o.

__ = 13.3,3*47 =46,3.
., - o7 To

F-TS-97hO/V 127
"j .-\'J -'34S = 7

The" pre sure recovery factor i's

o! 77

If the flight occurs at an altitude of H - 25 k,, where the pressure is equal

to 253 kg/cn 2, then the diffuser considered by us gives a pressure of p = h6 .3 Pn

11,700 kg/n 2 = 1.17 atm, totally sufficient to sustain combustion.

Section 8. The Operation of a Lulti-Shock Wave-Diffuser at Off Design Point Condi-

tions. Additional Resista ce-.

The operation process of a multi-shock-wave diffuser is dependent upon two

factors: the Mach number of the, free strea,. flow and the tihe's exhaust opening

cross section. Let us exairine the influence of these factors upon the operation of

a multi-shock-wave diffuser.
The- ooeration of a multi-shock-wave diffuser at an off design Doint velocity

is: NnPvrasch. If' the velocity of the free stream flow is greater than that of the
design value: Mn>+rascfi, then the incidence angles of the shock waves decrease

(see Fig. 43) and the surfaces of the shock waves fall not upon the forward edge,

but inside the throat (Fig. 71, a). During the approach of the free streanm flow to

the exposed diffuser edge, a rarefaction wave appears, as during the supersonic flow

arou,'!w an- obtuse angle. The flow compressed in several oblique Shock -vraves, and the

flZ; fhich has passed through the rarefication waves, .ill both ponetrate into tho
throat. The "rofilcs o' velocities and pressures at the inlet to the throat abruptly

becomes dissirilar. In the subsonic portion of the diffuser there ;ill occur a gradua
straiZhtenin- of the profiles, but the average staghation ,ressure ill prove to be less

than the possible rnaximun at a given volocity 21. The resoure rccove.:7 factor Ud .
be Ioercd. The dcpndeico of d on 1!n is ctepicted in Fic 72. 'ihe diffuser mass L-Lo;.
ratio at flight velocities hi,-her thnn the design point re:ains equal to one, and
wae drag equal to zero.

F-TS-071,0/V 128
if 1lefliht vciociy is lese es.-, ... nnch
the<Y Va e.. in-

cidence angles of the shock -..aves increase (see- ig. )3). The shoc: ;:ay:es cease to

touch the inlet edge (Fig. 71,b) ad increased prosoe begins to act on the surface

of the conical shell of the diffuser. The boundaries of the flo-'; passin- through the

engine, ahich run narallel t' the s2ike generatzixr .....

th e fo:*i , ", ar er-c

sented in Yig. 71,b, -by a The smal!e- the £lo; velocit:- .. , ,.e re-er
the ia cide'-.ce angles of the .oc: "aes, the lesser Lhe crozi-sacti~n o: .he stre :-
tube Sn , and thb lesser the • £l:.S1rao
.- raass y --

P, subun-nic C il !et
5~ ,Ao:
. 0o - zuperzonic ilo.., at the ir:let
a) maewg;

Fig. 71. Schematics of shock ;7.ayes ahich Fig. 72. The veloci y ci'cteristic

appear at the inlet to adiffuser at off of a dif.'user W= 22; d_ -

design point velocities. - 34
; . . .. . . L di

With a decrease of the mass flow ratio T the additive wave drag Xd of the dif-
fuser increases. After finding, as was shown above, the pressure ratios behind
P1 P2 P3
first, second, third, and other shock waves are nPn Pn .. , one may find the

on the
additive wave drag of the diffuser by assuming that the pressures which act

surface of each step of the bullet are uniform.

The forces which act on the surface of each step* are respectively equal to
X, 4 , S,. ((PI

The additive drag of the diffuser (see Chapter ii, Section 8) is

Xa--X+Xs+. +[(P,-P.)S. + 2cos .- . (1 1 3)

Additive diffuser drag in the case of conical spikes is n.ore reliably determined

experimentally by testing model diffusers in a supersonic vind tunnel (see Fig. 59, b).
1f, Xd = 0. .Ith
Additive drag is determined by the mass flow ratio: when

F-TS-97 I29
.a decrease of the Mass flow ratio Y the additive drag increases (Fig. 73).

The additive -kave drag coefficient referred to- the maximu, cross section, is

Pc:qual to
A- = (4 -44)

The mass flow ratio is equal to the ratio of the actual flow rate through the

engine to the maximiurm possible flow rate

0ns / TU
03 1G
MWI1 ~iM (h 4 5)
The Cross section area ratio of the inlet slot for a given diffuser is knowM:
-f " -" ke find the mass flow ratio T after deteritning,
as was shown above,

3 Y 3 ' and T3 .

At sufficiently low Kn, the velocity of the flow before one of the steps be-

comes so small that the flow rake angle proves to be greater than critical: (A > LA cr

(see Fig. 38). The oblique shock wave before this step is transformed into a normal

one (see Fig. 71). The pressurc behind the normal shock wave begins to act not only

on the inlet section, but also on the steps of the spike which lie behind the normal

shock wave, and the additive wave drag abruptly increases. With a subsequent de-

crease of M n the normal shock wave is displaced to the point of the spike.

For example, in the case of the diffuser considered on page 126:

£0i = 150; LA2 = 10; (4)3 50
, a normal shock wave appears in front of the third

step, as seen in Fig. 38, when M 2 = 1.24, i.e., when M'nz 2 (see Fig. 39). A normal

shock wave appears in front of the second step when M1 - 1.2 or Vnen M n r 1.94. A

normal shock wave appears in front of the first step at 1.62. If the diffuser

is intended for operation through a wide range of velocities, beginning at ' Iasch,

then to decrease the inlet wave drag, diffusers are used with small inlet section
area ratios SM and large mass floa ratios 9, i.e., large slot area ratios f

Example. Find the mass flow ratio of a 150, 100, 50 diffuser if Un = 2.5 and
f Sshch . 0.294.

We find the parameters of the air behind the first shock wave on the basis

of velocity Mn = 2.5 by the graphs in Fig. 39, 40, W", and 42.

F-TS-9740/V 130
M1 =!,67; =2,47; 767187;


42 o4 4S 4 Io Y

-. --' 70


/V 1,5
raJ/. -" -t- --- 50

7.\ 40

42 0,6 as 40
Fig. 73. Additive diffuser drag.
a -- the dependence of additive drag Xd upon the mass flow ratio 0; b -- the
dependence -of Cd upon the mass flow raio,. e -- angle determining the posi-
tion of the spike in relation to the inlet edge. (see Fig. 65, b)

On the basis of velocity IT = 1.67, we find the parameters of the air behind the sec-
on hokP2T
1.33s 1.65; 2 1.4;2 - 1.150. On the basis of velocity 1L,
end = 1.33,.Pl1.i
shock 6 3.

= 1.33, we find the parameters of the air behind the third shock Tiave
!3 Y'3 T3
3 1.13; 32 1.21; 1.08. 1-.e determdne the parameters which have

to do with the condition of the free stream flow:

F-TS-97 4 O/V 131

-n =2,;

-= 1.871,4?.21=3.21;

the m~ass; flow ratio -is

M3 13 T3 1,13
~i~ jf~j-3M1 Yr~f._4O.29?4=.5O.
Theaertio ofa mTulti-shock wave -diffuser, wiVi an- -Of tube
exhaust section -area. The location of, the. termifia-j not'm~ll shoekvwende14;V

pends on the arcea of the exhzist section of' the tube, which is connected to the dif-

.diIfused (see. Fjg. 59). Ata- certain Odesign point" cross section area of the ex-

hautpein Scr , a normal --hock wave is looated at -the i nlet slot (see Fig. 65).
if the exhaust section -of the tube 51~cr is greater than the design- point one:54c

~rasch (Fig. 74Y. a normal shock wave does not formi in the -throat and- the flow re-
mains supersonic. As a supersonic flow reaches the inlet edge, a rarefaction, wave is

forried. The flow, in the divergent portion of the diffuser ,.dll be accelerated and

will end with a powerful normal shock wave, accon'panied by great losses. The air

flow will remain constant and equal to the YaxiMIum possible value:
G0=*,jS,,P..wutSi-const; p= 1.

point hydraulic resistance.

a T - 1, b -. )1. A) normial shock wave.
The air pressure in front of the exit from the tube will be such as required in

order to discharge G0 wn YnSl kg of gas from the exhaust section every second (see

With an increase of the area of the exhaust section 3 r' the pressure ahead of

the exit falls and the recovery factor decreases.

If the exhaust section becomes less than the design point value, then the stag-

F-TS-9740A 132
nation pressure -ahead of the exit udll be almost const ant-: Scr<Srasch POor _ const.

The air flow through the diffuser, and, consequently, the rasv flow ratio will be de-

)creasing directly proportional to the exhaust cross setIvon area. The incidence angles

of the oblique shock waves on the individual diffuser steps .ill remain as before.

A normal shock wave will move forrard from the throat and be located at some dis-

tane in from of the inlet, -decreasing the Surface of the oblique shock waves.

(Fig. 76, b). A portion of the -oompressed subso.ic flo= from the space behind the
normal shock ich, .-en S rasch was directed into- the diffuser throat, will

nowio, past the throat around the diffuser along its sides. The mass flow ratio

decreases; the surface exposed to the action or the pressure which has groVm behind a

normal shock wave, increases. The wave drag of the diffuser augments (Fig. 75).

The location of the terminal shock wave becomes unstable and diffuser "buzzing" begins.

Fig. 75. A Photograph of the shock waves which appear at a diffuser inlet when
-potgrp ofthsoc
The off design point characteristics of diffusers are usually tested experi-
mentally, by flowing air at small diffuser models in wind tunnels. The directions

of the oblique shock waves depend only upon the Mach nwnber or upon the flow rake

angle and not upon the absolute dimensions of the models; therefore the results of

the tests performe on small-scale models may be carried over to full-scale diffu-

sers with only a small correction for the relative value of the throat, since the

relative thickness of the boundary layer on various scale models is not simdlar.


1. Abramovich, G.N1., "Drag of Diffusers," Prikladnaya gazovaya dina.ika Zpplied

Gas Dynamics7, GITTL, Y-oscow-Leningrad, 1953, 290-303.

F-TS-974O/V * 133
2. Limonad, Yu. G.. Prof ilirovaniye, Vkhodnikh a~chastkbv_ tonne"e, A ka~otov [Profiling
-the Inlet TPortions fTunnels and HousingE/,,.,VVF,, 19,i-,No 2
3. Sibulkin, M . 'Teoretical and ExperimeOntal Research onAdditiVe Drag, "N&ARp
19542* No 1187.'
Ferri.-A. and-Nuci and Experimental Research-on Circular Set-
Ar Scopi with Low Drag at IFach. Numbers. ot '3,.3, 2.5, ad25"N
-19,N 118.
5. 08**t13ch, , 'Der Druckruck ewinn bei OGeschossenri it Ruckst Ossantrieb bei hohen
Ubirschal1geschwindigkieitenp 1944,- see tMCA'.TVI.,'110 )
6. Hugonijo, 'iSi I& propagation des. mouvements. dans les corps, fluides et -speciale-
mient dans les gas, pF;4- ait," Journ. -Ec. Phs. '~
8, 1889.

F-TS-9740/v 134


The compressed gases, which are heated in a combustion chamber or in a heat ex-

changer, are exhausted through an exhaust nozzle. In the exhaust nozzle the gases'

pressure falls .and their VelOcityncreases. The gases, which are exhausted from the
nozzle, act,on tha.engine with the force of their reaction; therefore, exhaust

nozzles are often called nozzles. In a jet nozzle the enthalpy of the gases is

changed to the kinetic energy of the flow.

If the relative pressure drop across thenozlO is less thai c.Aticdl, the

velocity of the flow' f ron the nozzle rrill be less than the local speed of

If the relative pressure drop across the nozzle is greater than critical, the

velocity of the gases which are exhausted from the nozzle may become greater than the

local speed of sound.

Imnconformity with. theO..sjg..rje.'. .es are divided into sub-

sonic and supersonic types. The contours of subsonic and supersonic nozzles are dif-


In order to pass various inputs of gas at a given temperature and pressure or

in order to pass a given gas input at a given pressure and various temperatures,

the cross section of the nozzle must have a variable value. These nozzles, whose

cross section may be changed, are called variable-area nozzles. Some makes of sub-

sonic variable-area nozzles exist. A series of supersonic variable-area jet nozzles,

suitable for exploitation, have been proposed.


Adiagram of a nozzle is depicted on Fig. 76. If we disregard the comparatively

weak heat exchange with the surrounding medium, then the stagnation temperature, and

consequently, the critical velocity will remain constant: Toi T0 3 = const;

V/a lr = onst. (5.1)

F-TS-974o/V 135
The absolute and relative velucity of the gas, which moves through the nozzle,

incr eases.

The flow velocity in the narrowest "critical"- section of the nozzle S4cr, as
sho7i in Chapter II, section 7, may not become higher than the local speed of sound.
bAhen WiwscW-W
i the gas flow through the nozzle reaches madi~um value.

,: p

Jr. _ _ _ _ _T
II f w

Fig. 76. Jet nozzles, a - supersonic, b - subsonic, c - a photograph of a

supersonic stream, exhausting from a nozzle.

The relative velocity of the flow in aTW nozzle

lpi section is determined by the

local ratio of total pressire to static pressure ' -(see 2.72).

• ',,&T (5.2)
The absolute veloci _. in a ve ection . according to (2.67) and (5.2):
2-k T,, 1- " (5.3)

The gas flow through a given section in confo newtbt*. :.44i :

• 1 f E A q O,
8). (54)
After writing down the flow equations for any two sections Si and Sj, we find
a connection between the velocities and the sections:
S1 •
Poi qQq)(S) m 5)
During a discharge without losses, the flow's total pressure does not vary:
Pe ,=p-Polo,= const.
The section, in which the velocity reaches a sonic value: 1I,i is called

the "critical" /throat7 section S4cr.


If the pressure drop across the nozzle is greater than critical:

F-TS-9740/V 136

2 (5.6)
then the velocity in the narrowest section of the nozzle reaches sonic value: >cr

During this, the gas dynamic function is


NO" (2.75)
We find the flow through the throat section by using (5.4)

! \ +T7ji+ R (5.7)
The stagnation pressure in the throat section decreases, but remains higher than

that of the atmosphere:

ppo\ (5.8)

The surplus pressure may be used for accelerating the gas to supersonic velo-

city in the expanded portion of the nozzle (Fig. 76, a), called the supersonic por-

tion. Supersonic nozzles were suggested at the end of the last century by the

Swedish engineer Laval and carry his name.

The ratio of any section of a Laval nozzle to the critical section Scr may be

found from (5.5), noting that when Sj = S4cr, XjV'


SI I a-
[410 (5.9)

Substituting in place of ki its value from (5.2), we find the connection be-

tween the ratio of nozzle section j. and the relative pressure ratio

7- (5.10)

The exhaust area ratio of a Laval nozzle, necessary for of

'the otrall pressure drop, is determined from the last equation by. replacing the ratio
* Pii by the ratio P03
P-P0 P0P33

With an increase of the overall pressure ratio 7- the relative nozzle expansion,

F-TS-9740/V 137
necessary for the total effect of th. pressure ratio, increases (Fig. 77). The

zI F .-

-7 Its-


o-"7 o A14~

Fig. 77. The dependence of the relative velocityk4 and the relative pressure ratio
S(X) A , on the degree of expansion of an ideal nozzle e S4.

necessary degree of nozzle expansion 8 depends also on the parameter k CD

-C;. Thus,

when k a 1.4 and whenP03 a 20: S4 = 3; 'A = 1.87; and with the same pressure
Pn 74-4
ratio, but k being equal to 1.2: & a 3.6 and N = 2.07. Viben the area ratio is
computed to be S4 - .04cr,the pressure at the nozzle exhaust is equal to that of the

atmosphere: P4 - Pn"
If the overall pressure ratio is less than critical:

then the velocity in the narrowest nozzle section does not attain a sonic value
k4 <1. If one supplies a nozzle with an expanded portion, 'then not an increase but

a decrease of the velocity will occur in it, and the reaction of the exhausting gases

will diminish. Subsonic nozzles do not require an expanding portion (see Fig. 76, b).

During a sub-critical discharge, the pressure at the nozzle exhaust is equal to the

F-TS-97h0A • 138
pressure of the surrounding medium: P4 = Pn"
A flow of gas through an actual nozzle is accompanied by losses from

ard shocks. Because of these, the energy is dissipated. The stagnation pressure
during an irreversible discharge is decreased, and the discharge velocity will

less than during a flow without losses.


The flow of heated gases through an actual nozzle is accompanied by the partial

dissipation of kinetic energy and heat losses through the walls. The dissipation of

energy is accompanied by a decrease of the flow's stagnation pressure and an increase

of the gas entropy.

We denote the overall relative stagnation pressure ratio accompanying the dis-
charge from the nozzle by 4

The discharge velocity from an ideal nozzle w41 is expressed by the eouation

0 2gkRT6 3 - (5.12)
kV-1 kP031
The discharge velocity from a real nozzle, owing to the dissipation of energy

and thermal losses, will have a lesser value w4:

,,,2 WR
1 0-
T61 (5.13)

where p0 4 is the stagnation pressure at the nozzle exhaust:

P0,:= 0043, (5.i4)

S6 is the nozzle pressure coefficient;

s is the enthalpy conservation factor during a flow through a nozzle.

If the thermal losses through the walls are absent, s . 1.

The dissipated kinetic energy during the absence of losses through the waLls is
equal to the difference of
s AEAC =W 4 x- W4 (5.15)

The increase in entropy is equal to the dissipated energy divided by the tem-


F-TS-97hO/V 139
As--A AEAM -
T4 (5.16)
Substituting (5.12) and (5.13) in (5.16), we obtain

• "," ""(5.17)

With a decrease of the nozzle pressure coefficient £s' the increase of entropy

of the exhausting gases becomes greater.

The process of the dissipation of energy occurs in the subsonic and supersonic

portions of the nozzle. To compute the gas flow G, the nozzle pressure coefficient

must be properly divided into a pressure coefficient for the subsonic portion S' and

that for the supersonic portion Cy":

;,a =° ^4


The pressure coefficient of a well designed subsonic portion of a nozzle is

usually high: 071 - 0.97 to 0.99. The pressure coefficient of the supersonic por-
tion decreases with an increase in the relative discharge velocity because of the

growth of the losses in the formation of shock waves and vortexes, and because of

friction of the supersonic flow along the walls. The pressure coefficients of super-

sonic nozzles are determined by means of tests.

The losses in nozzles may also be expressed with the aid of the velocity co-

efficient -

, (Ih (5.19)

The dependence between the velocity coefficient and the pressure coefficient
fs af( 0s) in the absence of thermal losses 0 - 1), is depicted in Fig. 78. For
P0 3
large overall pressure ratios .- , i.e., for large relative discharge velocities:

4>1.5, the I -ge change-; in f are accompanied by small changes in $s"

The-flow through the nozzle /fnconformance with (2.7h)7, depends on the pressure

F-TS-97hO/V O

42- /


P2 04344 Q5 Q6 47 4549 40(

Fig. 78. The dependence of the velocity coefficient . =I AIDon the nozzle pres-
sure coefficient 6.

coefficient of the subsonic .portion a-':

2gk POKcP S4*c

2 h+s1
k+1 R IrT3s

The calculated degree of nozzle expansion C4 =- in conformance with (5.7),

4 cr
depends on the total pressure coefficient V.
1 I

*s Z=
64= s_ E\3 -iN
- ft
)- "(5
The discharge velocity for a given pressure ratio also depends on 6 :
), 1 ,+l P4"--
, ,= _ 1 I--

Substituting (5.21) in (5.20), we find the connection of the degree of expan-

F-TS-97h0/V 1l
sion vith the overall pressure ratio and coefficient 6 of an actual supersonic

nozzle I

" 43_ - _(5.22) a decrease in the pressure recovery coefficient Gs' the calculated value

of the exhaust cross section area ratio increases, since the discharge velocity di-

minishes. The pressure remains equal to the atmcsphere, the static temperature in-

creases insignificantly because of the decrease of velocity, and the static density

decreases because.of the increase of temperature.

The thrust of the exhausting gases varies with the degree of nozzle expansion

and With the pressure coefficient.


The impulse of the gases, which are exhausted from a nozzle, in conformance

with (2.76) is equal to

p, = 04 W4 +p 4S4 .
After making Kiselev's transformation, we express the impulse of the gases by

the relative discharge velocity [ee (2,,81)7:

F, - !±+ 'aG 4 X4(5.24)

Here and later the index "g" stands for the value belonging to the "hot" end of

the engine.

The critical velocity of the discharge gases a is equal to

a-- 2,+kr~r T... (5.25)

kr+ I
The gas flow through the nozzle's critical section S4cr in accordance with

(2.74) will be r +1

0,= " (5.26)

The critical discharge velocity is directly proportional to the square root of

:,the atigqAtion temperature of gases and their flow is inversely proportional to this

F-TS-97h0/V 142
quantity Therefore, the gas iipulse does not depend on these temperatures:

)==(i, + (5.27)

The impulse of the'discharge gases is proportional to the product of the stag-

nation pressure in the critical section Po4cr' the area of the critical section S4cr,

and the gas dynaidc function

With an increase in pressure ratio across the nozzle Pthe coputed degree

of nozzle expansion - f(-3) increases in accordance with equation

(5.22); and the relative discharge velocity \4 together w.ith the gas dynamic func-

tion z(k ) and impulse of the gases, increases.

We find the critical impulse Fcr by substituting\ 4 = 1 in (5.27):

'vr2 (2) r~ (5.28)

The impulse coefficient cX for the expanding section of a Laval nozzle is

equal to (see 2.86) -

Vh 2 -i(5.29)
F.~ 2

The actual magnitude of the impulse during the use of an expanded nozzle Is less

than the calculated value. The ijmulse losses are attributed to the fact that the

streams of gas uhich discharge from a conical nozzle are not parallel to one anothc

The gas streams '.hich are adjacent to the axis are parallel to the axis; those strcam

which are close to the walls are parallel to the walls (Fig. 79). The reaction force

is only caused by the normal irmulse components. wiGicos ai, since the tangential con-

ponents wiGisin a i counterbalance one mnother (see Fig. 79). The average value of the

momentum of the discharge gases (G4U4)sr is proportional to the avorage value of cos a.

for the entire nozzle exhaust section. In the first approximation one may accept


The impulse fusses during the discharge from a nozzle are usually determined by

means of experiments, by directly measuring the reaction force of the gases discharg-

ing from the nozzle.

F-TS-97hO)A 143
Ur,, 3 kn 2L WO

W' TIt

i )4 s, up



Fig. 79. The discharge from a nozzle.

a -- the stream, lines at the exhaust of a conical Laval nozzle are not
parallel to one another, b -- the stream lines at the exhaust of a Frankl
nozzle are parallel to one another.

The reaction force of the gases acting on the nozzle during discharge into the

atmosphere, is equal to the impulse per second of the effluxing gases minus the force

of the atmospheric pressure on the shell £S PndS = PnS4 , i.e., equal to the net im-
pulse Fizb: 044+S

The calculated value of the et impulse during the total expansion of the gases
to the back pressure P4 - Pn depends on the overall pressure drop n

(F) . (5.31)

In practice, the measured reaction force of the gases is less than the calcu-

lated net impulse: F4izb < (F4izb)rasc h .

The difference between the calculated net impulse (F izg)rasc h and the measured

reaction force is called the impulse loss AF:

a-F (Fm),----F 4X.- (5.32)

The ratio of the impulse loss AF to the calculated net impulse (Fizb)rasch is
called the impulse loss factor .5:
(P(FAg m1)p.VI (5.33'
The impulse loss factor is determined by the nozzle configuration, degree of

expansion 6, quality of the machining of the internal surface, nozzle expansion angle

F-TS-97hO/V 144
c(s and thermal losses through the walls.

We will introduce the concept of the effective pressure coefficient LT for

which the net impulse of the nozzle, operating with corplete expansion P4 = Pn is
equal to the measured impulse, Fizb.
The effective pressure coefficient is uniquely connected to the inpulse loss
8,-1 P403 --- G4-4 = 1 4

F-- -1 - -1 A


The relationship between the effective pressure factor of the nozzle and the

impulse loss factor is depicted on Figure 80. From this graph we see that, for ex-
ample, when pn0 3 40 an impulse loss of 1% corresponds approximately to a pressure

loss, of 12%.
The internal nozzle outlines should have such a contour that the impulse loss

factor has the least value. The impulse loss factor of finely manufactured and con-

toured supersonic nozzles usually does not exceed 2%.



Fig. 60. The dependence of the impulse loss factor on the nozzle pressure co-
efficient Os"

F-TS-974OA' 145
J' The relative pressure ratio of the gases in an expanding nozzle -tP03 and the
relative discharge velocity N 4depend on the degree of nozzle expansion ' .._..

a on Poisson's index k (see 5.10). The relative velocity depends on the tempera-
tu-- )f the gases T4 only as much as the temperature depends on the value of kg (see

Figure 86, b).

The pressure ratio across a nozzle having a constant degree of expansion

!4-= const when k - const is constant: 7 = ----
Poh const and the relative dis-
S4'. P4
charge velocity is also constant:?,'4r-COnst.

The degree of expansion of an actual supersonic jet nozzle having fixed cross scc-
tions is set and cannot change during variations of flight conditions or of combustion

chamber operating conditions. Therefore, the relative pressure ratio across a fixed

geometry supersonic nozzleT and the relative velocity X 4 are constant (if k a const).
P0 3
The pressure ratio to free stream P- maVy not be equal to the pressure ratio
-to the exitr .-
P03, since uSUaiy P4 Pn"
If the pressure ratio to free stream P03is greater than the pressure ratio to
the exit

% P4
then the nozzle operates with underexpansion (Figure 81a). In this case the pressure
at the nozzle exit P4 is greater than the back pressure: P4> Pn' and the stream

lines at the nozzle outlet suddenly widen.

If the pressure ratio to free stream is equal to the pressure ratio to the

then the nozzle operates at the design condition, the pressure at the exit is equal

to the back pressure: P4 - Pn' and the relative discharge velocity remains constant

4 " " const.

If the peessure ratio to free stream is less than the pressure ratio to the


r_1r_o'71.'AA IM

then the nozzle operates with overexpansion and the pressure at the exit will be less

than the back pressure: p <pn.

j,L.' )-.

1 I

C t. -I Legend:
Sg ~ S~y cvama
; I)
i: B) point of stream
I , -- disruption

Fig. 81. Noczzle operation at off-design point pressure ratio.

a- f($4£ ) b -POp cf (S4);
c diagram

Separation of the supersonic flow from the nozzle walls may occur during large

overexpansion (see Figure 81b and c). The supersonic flow, separating from t:e walls

and interacting with the surrounding gases, suddenly loses velocity. A system~of
oblique shock waves appears in the nozzle, as a result of which the pressure grows

and the velocity falls. The thrust of the gases during operation with overexpansion

diminishes (Figure 82). Therefore, when designing supersonic nozzles a degree of ex-

pansion is chosen so that through the entire range of engine operation the nozzle
works either at rated conditions or with underexpansion. If the pressure at the

nozzle exit is greater than the pressure of the surrounding medium: p>Pn, then the

discharge velocity will be less th the maximum possible

of value:
which The

thrust of the discharge gases F 4 will be less than calculated: F4 <Fhrasch.

F-TS-9740V 147
•. _ _ _.,, ,..._".S_ _ v
2 U f

Fig. 82. The depiendence of the relative variation of the gases' jet force upon the
relative variation of the pressure ratio.

The relative decrease of the Jet forces of the discharge gases owing to underexpan-
(' -a
sion is

• I, 5 +i-i

With an increase in the nozzle exhaust cross section S4 the drag due to atmos-

pheric pressure acting on the engine shell Pn S4 nf), increases because of the increase
of the difference of the cross sections S -Bn" Therefore, the jet thrust of the

engine diminishes with an increase in overexpansion (see 2.76); (2.77) and (2.78).

R" FrF,--,($rS.).(5.36)
At lean fuel/air ratios, the stagnation pressure ahead of a supersonic ramjet

nozzle decreases (see Chapter IX). In the design of nozzles, the degree of expan-

sion is chosen in conformance with the lowest operating pressure in the combustion

chamber.* Variable area nozzles may allow a substantial improvement of the para-

meters of a wide operating range supersonic ramjet engine intended for flight with
variable velocities and, consequently, with variable pressures 0

F-TS-9740/V 14

The most simple means of regulating the cross section of convergent nozzles

consists of using a movable cone or "bullet". (Variable area nozzles with movable

bullets are used in turbo-jet engines. Figure 8 3a). When the bullet shifts in the

direction-of the diffuser, the nozzle cross section increases. ,tni me~n Ifl"Piiclole.

, profile
: the outside walls of a nozzle and the outlines of the bullet as to form

an expanding duct between the walls and the tapering bullet. However, endeavors to

construct supersonic nozzles with variable area bullets, which would operate without

stream. disruption or shock wave formation and would give the calculated thrusts have

not been successful.

To simplify.the control problems, sometimes axisymmetrical nozzles are aban-

doned, and two-dimensional nozzles are used (Figure 83, b and c).

A nozzle with movable sides (Figure 83b) consists of two flat sides, hinged to
which are movable rigid contoured sides. As the contoured sides vary position, it is

impossible to maintain parallel stream lines at the nozzle exit through the entire

variable range. Due to this the thrust proves to be less than calculated.

Nozzles with flexible sides (Figure 83c) consist of two flat rigid sides and

Ise two flexible sides made from resilient steel sheets. Under the pressure of shaped
cams, the flexible walls bend and change the area of the critical section, and conse-

quently, the degree of nozzle expansion.

Nozzles with flexible sides are used in variable area supersonic wind tunnels.

The difficulties in selecting materials, which are able to maintain their resilient

qualities at the operating temperatures of ramjet engines, limit the usage of

nozzles with flexible sides.


The internal contours of the nozzles are designed, in conformance with theore-

, tical principles supported by nurerous experiments, so a3 to make uniform the velocity

profile at the nozzle exit, to form the flow stream lines into parallel paths: and to

F-TS-97h0/v 1h9

SSsop Legend:

C) movable
IF Ot D) sides
Q~rj~.Xraocmpa~fe A E) -bullet
F ewaong arrow A
0) flexible


Fig. 83. Plans of 4ariable area nozzles*

a wiith variable area bullet; b
-- nozzle with movable sides;
c nozzle with flexible sides.

prevent the flow from separating from the walls.

The subsonic portion of a nozzle is constructed according to Vitoshinskiy'
formula- .
ds 2 2

-~ * "(537)

whtere d. is the initial cross section;

dis the diameter at x distance from the initial cross section;

dcr is the diameter of the critical rection;

Zis the nozzle length.
The profiling of a nozzle according to Vitoshinskiy' s formula ensures the
mum possible uniformity of the velocity profile at the exit of a convergent subsoni
nozzle and the maximum possible parallelism of the streamlines.
The supersonic portion of a nozzle is constructed according to a graphic-anal
ic method, worked out by the Soviet scientist F. I.itz'ankel. Fraak~l's a upers8D

F-T-90/ 150
nozzles possess fire velocity profiles at the sxit and have parallel supersonic flow.

However, these nozzles are long and therefore primarily used in wind tunnels. Nozzles
for Jet engines are made much shorter and use flat surface elements to form the in-

ternal contour.

otion6f-.v rfqizsld
~~ ~~~i~i -pesi el6~A
ity profile at the outlet appears to be uniform with stream lines parallel to the

axis (see Fig. 79, b). In this case c% i1.

To design a nozzle it is necessary to know the ambient pressure pn,the stagna-

tion pressure ahead of the nozzle P 3 the stagnation temperature T0 3, and the gas

weight flow rate through the nozzle G.

The throat section of the nozzle S4cr is determined from the formula (5.26)

R k+ I 0
, (5.38)
gk, 2C-
where 4 is the pressure coefficient of the subsonic portion of the nozzle. In

actual nozzles, when the internal walls are finely machined, the losses in the sub-

sonic portion are small: 0.98< S' < 0.99.

The temperature of the dis darge h-I-!..

gases T4 is

The relative velocity at the nozzle outlet A, in accordance with the formula
(5.21) is equal to

,4 P+4 A,
k-Ir (5-40

We express the degree of nozzle expansion t in terms of the calculated pressure

ratio It across the nozzle = f(W ) according to formula (5.22) Cr by the graph

depicted in Figure 77.

After defininc the diameters of the t'roat and exit cross sections s4cr and SO

we design the contour of tue supersonic portion.

The inlet diameter of the subsonic portion of the nozzle d3 is equal to the dia.

meter of the combustion chamber: d3 ad . -.

We design the contour of the subsonic portion according to Vitoshinskiy's

F-TS-9740 151
formula (5.37).
Example of the Calculation. Design a nozzle with the following data:
. 0,T
3 - 21000 K; G4 - 100 kg/eec; P0 3 a 3 kg/cm

ip - 60 m of mercury col-., 0.96; c. - 0.99
,I-0.95; - '0 " " 0.91
Poisson's index and the gas constant: k - 1.25; Rg - 30 kg m/kg deg.

The factor of B in the flow formula (2.53), according to table 2.1 is: B

0.38. From this is derived the nozzle throat section:

0 4 If Y001/2109
S4P- 4CF03 0,38.0,9.3-10Od,

The diameter of the throat section d4cr - 738 Rm.

The pressure ratio across the nozzle is


The temperature ratio to the exit is

. - .. .

h-I *~.0.416.
4.O,) ". - I

,. The temperature of the discharge gases T4 " 872 'k.

The relative velocity at the exit, in accordance with (5.40) (see also Fig. 77,

J +.4161 -4(6 2,27.


The gas d.namic function (see also Fig. 207) is:

* -.. " P-1 -2 =202 1------ -
-'-1 - -. -
-T'e- .-- - .. l~ 4 . 1.!!). o6 .
The degree of nozzle expansion, in accordance with (5.20) is
-I- _ -__.o.

LM- (~ - -10,Z.
" ,091- '°.

The diameter of the exit cross section is

do g v-" 73 VY'i a2360,=.*

The critical velocity, in accordance with (2.54) is

2,R |f19.6.1,25-.30.2100-o8o'm/sec.

The thrust of the exhaust gases (see 5.24) is

-L - Il 04.,(1 +4 .98 (2.27+ - 7%%12 0 g

F-TS- 7140/V 152


1. Astrov, V.j Levin, E.; Pavloi, L.; Khristianovich, S., "0 raschyete sopel Lavalya,"
j he calculation of a Laval Nozzle7, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika Lp-
plied Mathemtics-and Mechanics7,-913, Vol II, lst Ed.

2. Bolgarskiy, A. V. and Shchukin, V. K., Rabochiye protsessi zhidkostno-reaktivnikh

dvigatelyak, / orking Processes in Liquid-Fuel Jet Engines/ Oborongiz, 1953.

3. Vulis, L. A., Termodiaika

Energoizdat, 150 gazovikh potokov Lfhe Thermodynamics of Gas Flows7

4. Zauer, R., Vvedeniye v gazovuyu dinamiku un introduction to Gas Dynamlcs7, Y.-L.,

5. Ilyukhin, N. V., "Issledovaniye teploperedachi i poter' na treniye dlya ustano-
vivshegosya techeniya pri ochen' boltshikh skorostyakh," fn Investigation of
Heat Transfer and Losses due to Friction for a Constant Floi. during Very High
Velocities7. Izvestia of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, 5, 1946, 703-718.

6. Kochin, H. Ye.; Kibel', I. A.; and Roze, N. B., "Teoretidieskaya gidroirekhanika,"

ffheoretical Fluid Mechanics7, GITTL, M.-L., 1948, parts I, II.

7. Kisenko, M.S., "Sravnitel'niye ispitaniya neskol'kikh variantov sopel," fompara-

tive Studies of Several Nozzle Variants7, Works of TSAGI, Edition 478, 1940.

8. Frankel, F. I.; Khristianovich, S.A. and Alekseyeva, R. N., "Osnovy gazovoy

dinamika," [Principles of Gas Dynarics7, Works of TSAGI, No. 364, 1938.
77) 9. Shapiro, Howthorne, "The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Steady One-Dimensional
Gas Flow," J. App. Mech, 14, 1947.

10. Stodola, A., Steam and Gas Turbines, New York and London, 1927.

11. Diehl, W.S., NACA TR, 2).8, 1940.

12. Warfield, C. N., NAC TN, 1200, 1947.

13. Sammerfield, H.; Foster C. R., and Swan, W.C., Flow Separation in Overexpacted
Supersonic Exhaust Nozzles, Los Angeles, XI, 1946.

14. Beckwith, I. E., and Moore, I. A., "An Accurate and Rapid Method for the Design
of Supersonic Nozzles," NACA TN, No 3322, Feb. 1955.

F-TS-974O/v 153

Ramjet engines may utilize the energy of atomic fuels or the energy of molecu-

lar (chemical) fuels which is released during combustion with air. Only several

forms of fuel, which possess definite combinations of physical-chemical properties,

are used in ramjet engines.

This chapter will show what qualities these fuels must have to be suitable for

ramjet engines, and will cite basic data on the combustion of fuel-air mixtures.


Ramjet engines create the thrust that is necessary to propel aircraft. Solid

fuel and liquid fuel rockets with the same mid-section area and with the same weight

are capable of developing greater thrust. In the ratio of frontal and weight thrust

. Rp -
and ramjet engines are inferior to rocket engines. The advantage of
a ramjet engine in comparison to a rocket is in the considerably less specific con-

sumption of fuel, or, alternately, the significantly greater specific thrust sic7

The specific thrust and the thrust coefficient of a ramjet engine vary with

change in the composition of the fuel mixture.

The maximum value of the thrust coefficient cR or the specific thrust I depends '

on tho nature of the fuel used.

In Chapter III the equation of the specific thrust of an ideal ramjet engine

was found:

O r) (6.1)
The general efficiency coefficient is

.' (6.2)

*Translator's Note: Should be *specific impulse".

F-TS-97 o/ 154

I !.3. (6.3)
The temperature ratio during operation with a molecular fuel is
e. Lr= I + He - (6-4)

At a given velocity and flight altitude the temperature ratio 0 is determined

by the excess air coefficient 0(. The correct mixture ratio for any fuel would pro-

duce a given temperature ratio so that the overall efficiency ? would be a maximum

(of course, if the required temperature ratio is not too great: 0 < 6 max, (>l).

For a given temperature ratio 0 , the overall efficiency of a ramjet engine

does not depend on the nature of the fuel.

The specific thrust at constant efficiency is directly proportional to the

lower heating value of the fuel. The greatest value of overall efficiency, as we

will see further on (Chapter XI), depends only upon the losses in the engine and

for practica- purposes does not depend on the nature of the fuel. Therefore ramjet

engines are capable of producing the highest -specificthrust when operating on a fuell

The thrust coefficient of an ideal ramjet engine is


A ramjet engine, operating on a fuel capable of insuring the greatest tempera-

ture ratio of the gases 6, will posses maximum thrust coefficient.

At a given velocity wn and flight altitude H, the temperature ratio reaches a

maximum, if the excess air coefficient is equal to one: o - 1.

.+. uCT.( + (6.6)

The amount of heat, which accompanies 1 kg of combustion products formed by a

stoichiometric composition of the mixture, is called the calorific value of the fuel

I+L (6.7)

A ramjet engine, which uses the greatest heat-producing mixture, is capable of

producing the highest thrust coefficient.

F-TS-974O/v 155
In those cases where the highef't thrust coefficient cR is required, a fuel with

) the highest calorific value W is used. Uhen the greatest economy is desired, i.e.,

the highest specific thrust, a fuel having a high heating value Hu is used.

Along with the heating value and calorific value the suitability of a fuel is

determined by its density and boiling point.

We will consider the influence of the fuel's density. We will assume that the

weight of a winged missle, which uses various fuels, remains constant: Ppol , const.

In this case the wing area and the ving' s aerodynamic drag will be constants: Scr

const x. --Cons.6
where kcr is the aerodynamic quality of the wing.

Fig. 814. Plans of winged missiles. With an increase of the density of the fuel
rrwhich is pbured into the tanks, the calculated dimensions of winged
long-range missiles decrease.
(P ', const). Legend:
- O0.87 T/ 3 ; A) liquid
b-. 04 /mydrogen h
g B) kerosene
The weight of the fuel comprises a considerable portion of the tL&ke-off weight:

9 '9 pi
g With an increase of the fuel's density fg, the volume of the fuel
tanks (which usually occupies the greater portion of the fuselage) and the necessary
area of the fuselage nid-section S will be decreased.
w Together with this decrease,

the weight of the tanks will be less (Figure 84).

The frontal drag and the required thrust R decrease

- (6.9)

where Xcr and Xf are the aerodynamic drags of the wing and fuselage.

The aerodynamic quality of all aircraft, with an increase of fuel density, will

grow until the fuel tanks become so small that they may be inserted into the thick-

ness of the ing, then the aerodynaic quality of the entire aircraft approaches the

maxirum possible. Also the uoight of the tanks' casing becomes smaller, but the

relative amount of fuel stored will be greatest. Any further increase of fuel den-

sity (1> 2) practically does not exert an influence on the possible flight range,

since Smf is minimum, Ppol - const and kt'kcr.

In Figure 84 schematics are shown of aircraft of equal weight, one uses kero-

sene as a fuel, the other --. liquid hydrogen. Owing to the low density of the hy-

drogen, the volume and frontal drag of the fuselage and the weight of the fuel

tanks' casings prove to be so great, that the advantage presented by the high calori-

fic value of the hydrogen is lost. Therefore, liquid hydrogen is not used as a

fuel for missiles.

During a long flight at supersonic speed, an aircraft heats up to a tempera-

ture that is close to the stagnation temperature of the air, and the fuel in the

tanks may boil. Therefore, for supersonic aircraft, intended for long flights, a

fuel with a high boiling point is prefeired.


The heating value, calorific value, density, boiling and melting points of

various cheraical elements and compounds are indicated in table 6.1.


The fractional weights of the individual elements from which the fuel is conr-

posed, is called the fuel's "elementary composition". The elementary composition

is determined by a cheical analysis.

-- - -go
_- A.-4.
Table 6.1
. .- t-mer- -- eatirin Calorific
- SflSi D L V uI Val.ue
-bol-,Mce ..
__ __-1 F 1t• I Il ii ____,i

AOd1iiA I 1 HI 70 -268 -470 3.4,5 285 0

534 1336 180 4.97 710D 1290

ILih-um 3 U.
~BerYllium 4 Be 1840 1280 7.6 14 COD 170D
Boron 5 B 1700 25M.o 20O0 9.6 14000 1460
/ Ckbon.2 6 C 1C0 4000 3500 11.5 7850 628

-- Coknournds
CHL 415. -161,5 - 17,25 12000 $
Liquid methane
Heptane CIH16 634 93,4 -51.6 15,2 11200 671
Benzol CH 6 &0 83,.1-5.5 13.3 9500 668
Gasoline - 750 80 -70 14,9 10500 663
ikeose , -- 610 140 -50 14,8 1020 663
,ifesel fuel - 850 162 -40 148 10200 663
790 78,0r114 9,0 6400 642
,emtabaron 0 60 6.9 .i13.0 16200 1160

The energy, which is released during the formation of the fuel from the elements,

is called heat of formation El _ The heat of formation is determined by the data ob-

tained from calorimetric experimehts. For example, the heat of formation of one

<ilograin-molecule (kg tool) of methane CH4 due to reaction of 4 kg of hydrogen and 12

Kg of carbon is equal to 16,000 kcal:

C + 2H2 -+ C14 + 16,000 kcal.

In order to break down a given combination into elements, it is necessary to

subtract the energy which is equal to the heat of formation.according to the law of

conservation. For example, in order to decompose I kgmol of methane, it is necessary

to subtract 16,000 kcal.

The energy, released by the combination cf I kg mol of a combustion substance

Ith the corresponding amount of oxygen is called the heat of reaction E (Table 6.2).

ID. Kay and T. Libby, "Spravochnik Fizika-Eksperimentator," LIandbook of a

Physics Experimenter), Publishing House for Foreign Lit, 1950.
NACA Report, No 1037, 1953.
2All the remaining chemical elements possess less heating value than carbon.

-'-TS-9740/V 158
The heats of reactions of combustion elements are determined by means of calorinetric

tests. For example, the heat of formation of water vapor from I kg mol of hydrogen

xd 0.5 kg mol of oxygen is equal to 57,100 kcal/g mol

H2 + 1 2 H 2 0 + 57,100 kcal
It follows from the law of the conservation of energy that the amount of heat,

liberated during any chemical reaction, depends only upon the composition of the ag-

gregate of the reaction products and upon the original substances and does not depend

on the means of the reaction (G. I. Hess' law).

The reaction products of combustion are in the form of a gas at the moment of

their generation. If the terminal temperature of the products is not great, then

the oxides formed may change into a liquid, and then to a solid state, releasing

heat because of condensation and hardening. Therefore, one distinguishes between the

heats of reaction in a gaseous state (the original and final products are gaseous);

heats of rdaction in a liquid state (the original and final substances are liquids)

and heats of reaction in a solid state (the original and final products are solid

The heats of reaction in a solid state have the greatest value, and in a

gaseous state -- the least.

The heat of condensation of 1 kg mol of water vapor is equal to 9700 kcal.

Therefore, the heat of the combustion of hydrogen in a liquid state (if the water

vapor condenses) is equal to 57,100 + 9700 - 66,800 kcal.

Dividing the heat of reaction E, expressed in kcal/kg mol, by the mass of fuel,

entering the reaction, )Pg in-ki, we find the amount of heat liberated during the

combustion of 1 kg of a given substance, i.e., its heating value H:

H- . (6.10)
The heating value of a multi-component fuel, composed of several chemical ele-

ments, may be computed, if the elementary comqosition, the heat reaction of the com-

ponents, and the heat of formation of a fuel from these components are knom.

The heating value of a fuel is equal to the sum of the products of the heating

F-TS-97l/V 159
Table 6.2

Reaction I
Chemical Fornil~a
Fornil Heat of

- formation of carbon
f noxide C+ 1o-co 2740

Th cmbusion of carbon mo~noxide co++O.COi 66700

The formation of methane C+2HI-CH4 16000
The combustion of hydrogen .h+5OHIO $7100
The combination of hydrogen -j-H 2 +OH-H 20 63000
with hydroVl.2
Th& cb-busJi of hydrogen 22600
with chlorin. .0 "
,The decomposition of ozone- Oa-'.1O2 30152
The oxidation of lithium 2Li+ 2---Li2 107000

aluminu 2A1+1.502 -. AIAa 327000

*2P+2,503..Ppti 5
phosphorus 21B. O-BA 302000
U n " boron 1
" magnesium Mg+-Or-LgO 144000
\ =- beryflium +1 BeO 133000

Note: Metallic oxides, at the temperatures in the combustion chambers of ram-

Jet engines (near 20000C), are transformed into a liquid or solid state, releasing
-heat of vaporization. Lithiun oxide, is an exception, boiling at 12300C. Therefore,
the heat of -reaction of metals, with'the exception of Li;'includes the heat of vapor-

values of its components multiplied by their fractional Gights, less the heat of fuel'

formation from these components:

' EL ,- , (6.11)

where gi is the fractional weight of a given element in the fuel;

Ej is the heat T i i~ye ine

.fi is the mass of a given element in 1 kg mol of the combustion products;

EsV and V g are the heat of formation and the molecular weight of the fuel.

The &lementary composition of an individual fuel may be found by its

formula. Let the composition of a fuel be expressed by the formula C,1 nk. The molec-

ular weights of the components are designated respectively by 0 The


*A Chemistts Handbook, vol I, Khimnzdat, M.-L., 1952.

B. Lewis and G. von Elbe, Goreniye, Elamya i vzryvy v gazakh Combustion, Flame,
and Explosions in Gasesi, Puo. House lor Foreign ME.., i 4 8.

F-TS-97h0/V , o
molecular weight of the fuel is equal to the sum
... 1"-c+e*+ ° (6.12)
The fractional weights of the components are
A 3c=gc=!c =1 a_
iH=g= ,
Pr Pr

Ar~=1 "(6.13)
7 ,

The heating value of the fuel is

PC +(6.14)

The more atoms a hydrocarbon molecule is composed of, usually the less will be

its density and the less will be the heat of formation. Methane possesses the high-

est heat of formation among the hydrocarbons of the paraffin series. The heat of

formation of unsaturated hydrocarbons is usually less than that of saturated hydro-

carbons. The heat of formation of acetylene C2H 2 is negative.

The heat of formation of multi-component fuels is usually not known, and since

ib fiex' large noleculegit is often disregarded. The computed heating

values are confirmed more exactly by calorimetric experiments.

A stinctidn is made between the gross and ne, heating values of a fuel. DrTring

'the determination of the gross heating value H, the temperature is lowered so much as

to cause the' combustion products (usually only steam) to condense. The determination

of the net heating value fu is carried out at such temperature that all the combus-

tion products remain gaseous. For example, for hydrogen n n - 2 kg.

7,looa28~ ca/g
Hu = 2
2 28,550 kcal/g; H a 66 - 33,t 00 kcal/kg.

The combustion products of the majority of fuels used in ramjet engines remain

gaseous. Therefore, usually the net heating value Hu has the greatest significance

for operation in a ramjet engine.

E _1. Find he heating value of methane CH4.

The molecular weight of methane is
S Pc+ 4 12 +4a= 16.
The elementary composition of methane is
9C ±- =12 m °'7j'iH"

') The heat of formation of methane is

Z a 16,000 kcalticg mol

The heating value of methane is determined by the formula

2So0. + 570.0, 16000

-a. 1-120 kcal/kg.

From the elementary composition, it is possible to find the amount of air

theoretically necessary for the combustion of one kilogram of fuel and the composi-

tion and thermodynamic parameters of the combustion products.

According to the equilibrium equation, the amount of oxygen, necessary for the

combustion of 1 kg of fuel is equal to

• : ,'
_ ,o ~l
_._ ' [ I~=j.[Cl +81-l_[OJ._"
Air is composed of 23.2% of oxygen by weight. The amount of air, necessary

for the combustion of 1 kg of fuel is

" 0,2L-----,5 [C +34,6 [-I-,31 [OJ. (6.16)

The amount of air, theoretically required for the combustion of Gg kg of fuel

is equal to L~g. The ratio of the amount of air, which enters the combustion cham-

ber.G, to the amount of air, which is required for the combustion of the fuel is

called the excess air coefficient c(:

lot (6.17)
If the elementary composition of the fuel is known, it is possible to determine
the composition of the combustion products for any excess air coefficient. The hot

combustion products include C02, H2 0, N2, 02,. and even products of incomplete oxida-

tion: CO, NO, CH4H2 , the products of dissociation: OH, 0, H, N and others.

The total mass of the combustion products of 1 kg of fuel in the air is

m -I +aL.

F-TS-974o/v 162
We will determine the composition of the combustion products when < > !.

The mass of carbon dioxide gas in 1 kg of fuel is

The mass of the water vapor, formed during the combustion of I kg of fuel is

The mass of the unreacted oxygen in the combustion products is

0,=,23 2.- g9- g.

The mass bf nitrogen, including argon and other noble gases, in the combustion

products is
rnJZN =0,768aL.

The fraction of the individual components by weight in the undissociated com-

bustion products gi is found by dividing the mass of each component r* by the total

mass of the products 1 +AoL (Table 6.3);

+ •(6.18)

The determination of the composition of dissociated combustion products is dis-

cussed in Section 5 of this chapter.

Table 6.3

S1.6 1,25 1.5 2.0

Sc02 0,1965 0,1592 0,1338 0.1014 0,0000
0 0,0838 0.0679 0,0571 0,0433 0,0D0
uo, 0,0000 0,0440 0,0740 0.1122 0,232D
xC>N, 0,7197 0,7289 0,7351 0,7431 0,7680

'm 1.OCO 1.0000 1,0000 1,0000
Co, 0,1280 0.1040 0,0874 0.0663 0,0000
: 0,1340 0.1084 0.0911 0.01 0.0000
I o, 0,0000 0.0395 0,6555 0,1009 0,2090
, 4,. 0,7330 0,7481 0.7550 0.7636 0.7910

!.0000 1.0000 1,0000 1.0co

It kgik-g.tgr 29m3 29.51 29,49 29.48 29,27

pq 18.72 28,75 28,77 28.78 29.93
*Inert gases are included with the nitrogen.

F-TS-97O/V 163
Knowing the fraction of all the components by weight gi, it is possible to find

the enthalpy, internal energy, entropy, gas constant, and the specific heat of the
combustion products in accordance with the laws of the conservation of energy and


The internal energy is

uig, KKaA/K,.
The gas constant is
--Z Rgj-- g, IC11/,:e. zPad.
t.-j (6.20)

The enthalpy is
, , (6.2)

The entropy is
S = Isg, ,,KaA/z.paa. (6.22)

The average molecular weight of the combustion products is

itI-. (6.23)
The internal energy, enthalpy and entropy of each component depends on the

temperature. The internal energy is determined by experimental means. The results

of several determinations are indicated in Table 6.4.

Table 6.4


J 32 3 3511 8128
6 10852 13667 16570 19544
H, 2 2936 4978 7151 9478 11954 1435 17231
N 28 3006 5216 7646 10207 12857 15500 18287
NO 3) 3196 5534 8074 10724 13439 16197 18985
CO 21 3017 5247 ?441 10334 13011 15725 18476
OH 17 3048 5118 7340 97.10 12255 14890 17607
1 368 6577 9923a 13655 17790 21945 26330
* Cos 44 4135 8247 12844 17698 22703 27819 33012

B. Lewis and G. von Elbe, Goreniye, plamya i vzrvy v gazakh /combustion, -

Flamz, and Explosions in Gases7, Pub. House for For-eign Lit., 1948.

The enthalpy and entropy are found by calculation. The results of several

calculations are shown in Tables 6.5 and 6.6.

Table 6.5


600 1 io00j 1400~ 1800 220012601 >3W0

0 133,8 234,2 340,8 450,8 5635 679,2 797,0

H, 30620 32040 33520 35080 36720 33410 40150
1 150,0 257,2 372,4 492,2 615,2 740,0 866,0
NO 860 264 1075 1190 1307 145 1545
CO 2535 26 3 27C0 2930 3005 3130 3257

OH 2275 244 2621 2C33 20 3- 323 3-Z12

H20 271 476 703 957 1220 1503 1794
CO 121.1 232,6 355,.1 483,5 615,3 750.0 886
.... 0 3854 3978 4102 4226 4350 4474 4598
H 82790 84760 86750 88730 90720 92700 94690
N 6256 6398 6540 6682 6824 6966 7108
Table 6.6
GAS ENTOPIES IN WHEN p 1 kg/cm 2 .


H2" 7.74 9,55 10,79 11,78 12.58 13,30 13,92

N2 0,174. 0,311 0,407 0,483 0,544 0,596 0.642
NO 0,264 0,397 0,491 0,563 0.622 0,672 0,714
CO 0,917 1.056 1.154 1,230 1,291 1,345 -1,39
OH 0,8M 1,038 1,188 1,306 1,404 1,488 1,562
H1O 0,317 0,577 0,771 0,928 1,064 1,18 1,283
C02 0, 160 0.301 0,403 0,484 0,549 0,606 0,655
0 1.085 1,246 1,351 '1,432 1,495 1,547 1,593
H 20.56 23,11 24.78 26,03 27,02 27,85 28,57
N 1,238 1,405 1,516 1,606 1.672 1,736 1,786:
The fraction by volume of each component ri may be found by the well-known ratio

r,=-A P.• f (6.24)

After calculating the composition of the combustion products, the internal

energy and enthalpy at given temperatures are calculated and plotted on a graph

(Figure 85).

After dividing the increase in internal energy or enthalpy by the corresponding

temperature interval, we find the average specific heat for a given temperature

*Ya. B. Zel'dovich and A. I. Polyarnyy, Raschyoty teplovykh protsessov pri

yyskikh tp'-eraturakh / alculations ol Thermal Processes at High TemperaLures/,
BNT Printing House, 19h7.

F-TS-97h/O 165
u. t H mana/

- -


'ig. 85. The temperature dependence of the internal energy and enthalpy of the com-
bustion products of kerosene (neglecting dissociation).
a) u, t kcal/kg; b) air,

u .a '(6.25)

and the average value of Poisson's index

k='-. (6.27)
AsaT tends to zero, cv, cp and R approach their.tfuo.13iuas.

The average specific heats of hydrocarbon combustion products, such as those

from kerosene, are depicted in the graphs in Figures 86, a and b, and are calculated

by neglecting dissociation, i.e., when p - oo.

Example: Find the composition of the combustion products of octane C8H18

vhen the excess air coefficient oK= 2.

The molecular weight of C8 i18 is: ) = 8 • 12 + 18 = 114.

The fractions .y weight are

,O43; = 0,157.

The amount of air that is theoretically required is

L - 1,5.0,-643+34.50,157 - 15,1.
'9--431 -

00, 'o! _L

_) J- ) 2

Fig. 86. Temperature dependency of the average specific heat and Poisson Index
neglecting dissociation.
a) cv - f(T); b) cp 3 f(T) and k = f(T).

The quantity of air when o( = 2 is

-L = 302.
The weight of the carbon dioxide gas in the cor.bustion products of 1 kg of

octane is I
PCO 44

The fraction of C02 by weight is

3.09 3,09

The weight of the water vapor in the combustion products of 1 kg of octane is

[HJ 0,157 = 1.41.
The fraction of the H 2 0 by weight is
HS, +* T-o.o"
=,I1,41 1.41

The weight of the nitrogen in the air is

30,2.0,768 - 23.
The fraction of nitrogen by weight is
,., ,23
-= 0.,7435.

The fraction of the oxygen in the ,ir by weight is

30.2.0,232 --7,00.

Half of this oxygen is spent in the formation of CO, and H1O.

The fraction of the free oxygen by weight is
7,00 =0.112.
We will verify this:
tco+ gHo + ,.+ o,O.O 9 453
+ 0.0 5 + .112=
+ o.743 .o
The gas constant R and the average molecular weight r of the combustion pro-

ducts are
4 1Igcg,
Rt o=
-+ ly - + C,, + to,
0992 00gF,0453 7 0,112\
m48e + 9 + - ++28 32e
+ ' ) 29.5 kg n/kg deg;

848 848
R 2ip5 A

After multiplying the fractional values of the combustion products by the in-

ternal energies, the enthalpies, and the entropies of th3 components and after adding

the products so obtained, we find the u, i and s of the combustion products at a given

temperature. After this, the specific heats cp and cv and Poisson's index k may be




The substances forming the composition of a fuel mixture are capable of forming

a chemical compond with one another: under certain conditions, the oxygen of the

air unites with the hydrogen, carbon, and other fuel components.

Under normal conditions the oxidation of hydrocarbons does not occur.

In order for the reaction to begin, the fuel mixture must be heated to a certain

temperature, called the ignition temperature Tvs p . If the heat of a reaction which

1s developed in an enclosed volume is greater than the heat lost by means of heat con-

ductivity and radiation, then the mixture heats up. The speed of the reaction in-

creases because of the increased velocity of the molecules and increased number of

molecular collisions. The quiet reaction may be transformed into an explosive one.

The cooled combustion products consist of carbon dioxide C02 , water vapor H20,

carbon monoxide CO, and nitrogen N2 . Besides this, the nitrogen of the air, which
for all practical purposes, does not take part in the reaction, reirains in the cori-

bustion products. Also remaining are those substances, which at the start of the

* reaction, were excess -- oxygen or unburned fuel components.

Spectrographic tests sho: that the hot combustion products contain, besides the

enumerated final products, the original substances and a series of intermediate pro-

ducts of the reaction. Thus for examrple, the hot combustion products of hydrogen

and oxygen contain not only the final product -- water vapor, but also the original

substances 02 and H2 , and even intermediate compounds and free atoms OH, H, and 0.

ith an increase of the mixture's initial temperature Tox, the tep.peraturc of the

combustion products increases and the percentage of the final products decreases.

We will consider the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen:

l2+O, HO. (6.28)

The arrows, pointing in both directions, show that under the proper conditions

the reaction may go either in one or the other direction. The hot products of the

combustion of hydrogen in oxygen contain

H2 , 02, H20, OH, H, and 0

We indicate the partial pressures of the components, determined by the number

of molecules of a given component in a unit of volume and te.-perature of a mixture,

by PH29 P02' PH2 0' POi' PH and Po

On the basis of the law of mass action, the principle of which is presented

in courses in thermodynamics, one may describe the equation of chemical equilibrium:


PHo (6.29)

The constant kH20 is called the constant of chemical ecuilibrium for the reac-

tion of the formation of water from hydrogen ana oxgen. The degree to which each

partial pressure enters the equation of chemical equilibrium, is ecual to the number

of molecules entering the reaction equation (6.28).

The equilibrium constants which are deterkned by experimental methods, are

functions only of ter.perature and depend neither upon the pressure to "ahich the re-
~niure~ osed'noiv n th "preseiice .or: diff6 .biipurities (Table 6.7).
Table 6.7

(pressure is expressed in kg/cm 2 )*

'ReationT=48O K T=2200W K T=2600 K ,T=300(* K

€-CO+-2 k 2,04-10-4 6,41.10-3 0.0622 0.3

fl 2 O:-IH 2 + -L-02 k2 5.37-10-5 1.23.10-3 0.010 0,049
flaO20HO I H k3 2,512-10-5 8.32.10-4 9.55.10-3 0.0566

.HiH+-H k4 1.574.10-7 3,767.10-5 1,702.10-3 0,0283

I N3-N+N A5 1,00.10-4 5,01.10-, 2,5.10-6 2,24.10-6
1 1
, .A k6 0,011 0.0332 0.0708 0,124
+O k.0, 1,69.10-4
A 8,11.10-6 5,92.10-4 0,01388

To determine the composition of the dissociateO combustion products it is neces-

sary to solve simultaneously the equations of material balance of the (6.28) type, and

of chemical equilibrium of the (6.29) type for all substances that may be formed dur-

ing combustion (see Section 5 of this chapter).

The greater the temperature of the gas, the greater the portion of molecules

whose kinetic energy is sufficient for ionization by impact. With an increase of the

combustion products' temperature, the fraction of the molecules, which are split up

into elements, increases.

The kinetic energy of the molecules colliding together is transformed into the

potential energy of the dissociated products. Therefore, at a given enthalpy the

kinetic energy of the particles of a dissociated gas is less, and the potential

energy greater than that of a non-dissociated gas, The temperature of the gas is

proportional to the average kinetic energy of the particles, consequently, at a given

enthalpy the temperature of a dissociated gas is less than that of a non-dissociated

gas. At a temperature which is less than 17000C, the amount of dissociated combustion
aB. Lewis and G. von Elbe, Goreniye, plarma i vzryvyvgazakh 5 ombustion, Flame,

and Explosions in Gases7, Pub. House for Foreign Lit., 1946.

F-TS-9740/V 170
products, H2 0, C02 and others, is small to the point of vnishihg. At temperatures

higher than 1000o the combustion products are practically totally dissociated. If a

fuel is introduced into air, the temperature of wich is greater than 4000 C, combus-

tion does not occur. On the other hand, the molecules of the fuel substance as toll

as the molecules of the air are broken doTm into atoms. Separation does not occur

but energy is absorbed.

If the relative velocity is not too great during the collision of the dissoci-

ated products with one another, "mleculization" maz, occur: the particles reunite
into whole molecules. The number of recombined molecules is increased by more fre-

quent collisions which result in "moleculization", The number of the recombined

molecules is the greater, the more molecules there are on the surface of the volume

under consideration, and the more molecules there are or the periphery of the ambient

medium. Thus, the degree of dissociation (i.e., the ratio of the number of disinte-

grated molecules to the number of those not disintegrated) at a given temperature is

approximately inversely proportional to the square of the gas' density. During an

increase of pressure the degree of dissociation decreases. As the pressure increases

to infinity, the degree of dissociation approaches zero.

In calculations respecting the operation process in the combustion chambers

of ramjets, it is necessary to consider dissociation if the temperature of the prod-

ucts exceeds 2000 0 K. Dissociation involves a decrease in temperature. The higher

the pressure in the chamber, the lesser the degree of the productst dissociation.

With an increase of flight altitude, the .pressure in the chamber falls, the degree

of dissociation increases and the decrease in temperature becomes more significant.

The determination of the composition of dissociated combustion products is

produced by means of a combined solution of the ecuations of equilibrium and matcrial

balance aid is accompanied by painstaking coputatio,is. These computations determine

the volume and weight fraction, of the components C02 CO, CHii, 110, OH, 112, , !:0, N2 ,

C--) CII.P1 )of)11.,H,-O 12

02, O, and N. In the air there are traces of inert gases and possible traces of other

elements .hich are not usually considered in relation to a fuel.


During dissociation the number of particles and the volume of the combustion

products increases, and their apparent molecular weight I4., decreases.

The ratio of the molecular weight of a non-dissociated gas )peto the molecular

weight of a dissociated one / is called the molecular change coefficient a:

a= e_ R-
1. (6-*30)
Carbon dioxide dissociates into carbon monoxide and oxygen

CO, co+ 0 2.
The partial pressures of the original and produced products pi are related to

each other by the equation of chemical equilibrium

"'. kt~Ff co 8

The partial pressure of a given component pi is equal to the product of the

total pressure p and the volume fraction ri

1 (6.31)
ptpr .
p Prco, - rc, Vro, (6.32)

,where k, is the equilibr3ium constant for the dissociation of carbon dioxide and is

dependent only on the temperature of the gases.

During dissociation the mass of the substance must remain constant, but the

volume of the mixture increases.

If one attributes the volumetric portions of the substances formed to a new

volume of the mixture, then the equation of material balance of carbon presents this

form : +
7, rc°+rc°" (6.33)
Water vapor dissociates into hydroxyl, molecular hydrogen and atord. hydrogen.

Therefore, for water just as for carbon dioxide, the following equations may be

_rN. .o , (6.34)

HO±OH + H,

ro r ., (6.35)
H, W-H + H,
k4P . (6.36)

The material balance equation of hydrogen for all of these reactions is

.o----r..o + rH, + -L Co. + 7L rH. (6.37)

Nitrogen dissociates into atoynic components and oxidizes, forming nitrous oxide
N, ;±N +N,

+Ns+ I OaNO.
The equations of equilibrium and material balance have this form for all these

reactions (6-3-)
,,. (6.38)

kg=- (6.39)

a +,- L'+lI+rO)" (6.40)

Molecular oxygen dissociates into its atomic components:

k,= . (6.41)
The equaticn of material balance of oxygen is

a(ro~~, O '2 o +ro

2-(rc° r°niron+'ri'°+r)" (6.42)

The molecular change coefficient 'a' must have such a value which satisfies the

In this wiay, in order to deteri.;c t"c rolw~atric cct Dsitia_ of to*i asscl. atcd

mixture of i co:-onents and the molecular change coefficient a, a total of i + 1

euations was pro&ced. In principle, these e-uations pernit t~ieIoAL rmiili e I the

Comonent fractions of the mixture -nd the coefficient a. However, the sir Lltxneous

solution of this system of equations results in an equation higher than the third

power, the solution of which is found by graphic mans. .The folloviring method brings

us qicker to our goal.

Let us consider a given excess of air, (X, and a given elerientair conrosition of a
find, as was shjm in Section 3, the volunetric- congo-
fuel mixture of C and Ih; W .'i l~'

- 0 o
sition of a non-dissociated mixture ro, rHO, rN and r 2. We will set up. the
C2 rf2 2 02
temperature T- the pressure p, and the molecular change coefficient a (in the first

approximation we will take care of the last value by guess work.). We will set up a

series of values of a volumetric concentration of oxygen ro2 * We vill find the para-

meter x:' = pro, (6.1-4)

The volume fractions of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, which correspond

to the tabulated fractions of oxygen, are found from the equations (6.32) and (6.33):

r=! rco,. (6.46)

We will copute the auxiliary parameters


4 V=- - (6.48)

4 (6.49)
The volume fractions of water, hydroxyl, molecular and atomic hydrogen, which

correspond to the tabulated fractions of oxygen, are found from the equations (6.34);

(6.35); (6.36); (6.37); (6.147); (6.48) and (6.49)

r Fljj# *(I+b) I+#' . (6,50)

..,rr (6.51)
F-TS-9740/V " 174
ro,, 0.52 io, 6.2

krkr (6.53)
For any oxygen fraction r02, the values determined for rC02 and rco, and also

the corresponding material balance equations

rH20, rH2, rOH and rH must comply with
(6.33) and (6.37).

The volume fractions of molecular nitrogen, atomic nitrogen and nitrous oxide
are found from the euations (6.38); (6.39) and (6.h0)
4, k611/ 2_
- +1-V +
4 ro,-- /-

-, + .(6.51)

Vf E.N (6.55)
r~o=k,Vro rNx. (6.56)

The volume fractions of atomic oxygen are" found from the equation (6.4l):
r.?1f±roO (6.57)
After this, we select those values of the volumetric concentrations of

r i which comply with the material balay.1ce equation of oxygen (6.42). This is done by

a graphic method. We put the assumed values of the volume concentration of oxygen

o02 along the abscissa axis (Figure 87) and along the ordinate axis we plot

the calculated volumetric fractions of the component s and the sunmary amount of oxy-

gen tO, which was determined from the material balance equation for oxygen:

. rco. + ro. + I (r,.o+tro, o +rNo+ rc). (6.58)

Valid are those volumetric concentrations at which the material balance equation

of oxygen is coiplied with, i.e. when

"f~o +="o-
+ -L "*. (6.)
Dropping a perpendicular from the intersection point of the curve w = f(r02)

with a horizontal line (ro + r0 + I r 0 ) l- - ,10,we find the volumetric frac-

C02 02 2 1120 a w
tions of the components of a dissociated mixture ri.

F-TS-9740/A 175
40 'r, - - ".

1 31

406 -rel --

40-4 03 40-
401 ...- -

Fig. 87. Diagram of calculation of the degree of dissociation.

If the molecular change coefficient a at the beginning of the calculation was

assimed corretly, the sum of the volumetric fractions of al the components would be

equal to one: when a aj , ri - 1. Otherwise,

Thena: (6.60)
Then .
aK.,-aa'. (6.61),

If a'>l,03, one must repeat the calculation, using the torreated-vAdaeof te

.e-ai e 66etficient a, as the initi.lVlue. An error in the value of a, which
does not exceed 3%, does not have a noticeable influence on the composition and thermo-

dynamic parameters of the conbustion products.

The true values of the volumetric concentrations of the components are less

than those found on the graph in Figure 87 by a' times



F-TS-97hO/V 176
cot 0:
Mi4C .NO .4#.£5


OH 0 2 0 002 0"-30
bustion products o erse.

Fig. 68. Temperature dependence- of the composition, of the dissociated, Comr-

bustion products of kierosene.

The apparent molecular weight of the dissociated ixture p- is

where Ii is the molecular weight of a g iven component.

The gravimetric fractions of the components are found by the equation

iith an increase of temperature, the volumetric and gravimetric fractign of the

dissociation products grow, while the volumetric and gravimetric fractions of the ori-

ginal products decrease (Figure 88).

With an .ncrease of pressure, the volumetric and gravimetric fractions of the

dissociation products diminish (Figure 89).

The knowledge of the weight composition of a dissociated mixture is used to

calculate the internal energy, enthalpy, gas constant, and entropy of combustion

products at various temperatures and pressures and is also used to construct therral

Zgollier7 charts.


It is possible to compute the internal energy u, the enthalpy i, and the en-

tropy of 1 kg of combustion products u, i. R and s by teP gravimetric composition of

a dissociated mixture (see equations 6.19 - 6.22).

F-TS-974O/V 177
-X 07

1 No,-TXX~g~


hedeenene n resue
Fig 8. f hecomostio f hedisoiaedccC0st1o

coefficen~t VO, "'a on the prssr p. In thswaspca

'Fige.89ill corr'epndc tonec Can pressure

oec - p:th f t
o uornsi Fi uraed 90, abus

iTndsTdrs.The i themal iohlpy 1- cartct nthe
enrpoSiofr tgienho-net

carbnonlmuon productserwre comuedab dr6 b

6.65and .6. Tlyaheno Yeren.aeo

comptatepond on the stagnationteprtuefn
Tiven of.,o com-s

cofhcen coputon o theae Tnation thepreue ver thi

veoctis ipeciase

pon~th -fT)chart, wh1c see 92)

is plotted),o uiiae ai Figure . stagna-

Tiohe 1"stogr
enthdagpams, iseqa 3 s .d r osrutdfo h nw

careo cobsinpout eecmue nddaIb .M lysesY.M

Gerreir. .11.Sokolooy
and accrding t hrochnc.dtao 97
FThecmuato fth tgaio epraue ndtetmertrsoftecm
S Tentativey, we will, 'iiid the stagnation pressure o2 , knowing the velocity of

6he str-e flow and the anation,pocess._ 'We lo, ,ate the-d$erined [
*" u .Ai°tioiL thaph. in on, the vertical axis and draw a,perpendi cu aI o,the point
Where it intersects -with the curve i = f(T), which corresponds to the stagnatioh pres-

sure p02 ipreviously found, Dropping a perpendicular to the hbrizontal axis, .e find

the stagniton ter.perature accouinting for the dissociation of the air.

The lo1e'ing of the stagnation temperature, iaused by the change in specific

heat and by the dissociation -of the air, becomes perceptible -only when M > 5.

The computation of the combustion products' tezperatureS is derived from the

i-T :chart, which torresponds to a given excess air coefficient a (Fiaure-a b c,

We find the stagnation enthalpy of the combustion products ic by:

where (s5 is the total combustion efficiency.

We locate the enthalpy that was found on the vertical axis of the i-I!

diagram, draw a horizontal 1line to the point where it intersects with the curve i =

f(T), corresponding to the pressure in the cbmbusti-on chamber p 02 . Then, by droppfng

a perpendicular to the horizontal axis, we will find the temperature of the co.bus-

tion products accounting for dissociation.

The-.closer the composition of the mixture is to stoichometry (a(- 1) and the

lower is the absolute pressure in the chamber, the more significant will be the low-

ering ofthe temperature, caused by the dissociation.

This, for example, when ('= 1, Mo = h, Tn = 216.5'K, Hu 10,500 kcal/kg, the

pressure in the chamber p 1I kg/cm 2 ; in U 52kcal/kg; On= 218 kcal/kg, and fsg 1
- the temperature of the combustion products accoumting for the dissociation is equal

-to 25600 K, but .ithout accounting for dissociation (p - O)it is equal to 28100K. Under

I these conditions, dissociation lowers the temperature by 3100".

F-TS-fl140A '179
u~~~~~ Li'W UilLr




V A I T 11 - 1 1-
I- A -1 -1 V0 *

11 IALegend:

I - A -

Fig. 90. Thel u-T diagramis of the combustion products of kerosine accounting for
a a( -1.0; b o-- 4; ,,a(=20

The deterzination of the adiabatic heat connt dro h,'i - 2 At a given

pressurcs drop Ap -p-p 2 is derived from the-i a diagraL, (s;ee Figure 93 4rthilfive

inserts at the end of the book). Vie locate the enthalpy of the gases on the

'verticalaxis andrdraw a horizontal line to the point where it intersects the curve
i* f(s), corresponding to the initial pressure p. The decrease of gas enthalpy

during an expansion without losses (s - const)- from the pressure p, to the pressure,

P2 is measured by the length of the vertical line AD, below the curve i f(s) corre-

sponin'to 'the presatire p2(FigureL 94);

F-,TS-9li4o/V 180
A2) R 1Cm. .

-- 1--

2o .. Z

- M)
A ,f
r. -

io Legend:

Q1A~fikg n/kg deg

-Vu B) p)k/cm2

a,-. - 2 .0; b *-- =15 - =20 - £

An adiabatic drop during expansion with losses h' will be less by the value of
BC - ip t h(l-t ), where h is the efficiency of the expansicn process. The gas

entropy during an expansion with losses increases (see page 139). An expansion with

losses is shown on the diagram by the inclined straight line AD. The greater the

losses, the more the straight line AD cdeviates froir the 'vrtical. In the extreme

*case, during a flow with a constant velocity through porous bodies, the loss in

the heat capacity is equal to zero, h 0; the straight line AD becomes horizontal.

F-TS-97140/V 181
.0, peelcwl~ C( U25 b?/W

43 04


t~~B -0NO p)kg/cm2

'A H 1, tiH)

0 k50 kj


Fig. 92. The i -T diagrams of the combustion products of kerosene, accounting for
a -. e a 1.0; b -. c( 1,2e; c -- aca2.0; d -- a

At high temperatures, when it is necessary to consider that the combustion

products are dissociated, the thermal droop during discharge from a nozzle is deter-
inred by the i - a diagram.


The phenomena, wihich occur during the combustion of a fuel-air mixture, may be
divided into physical and chemical effects. The diffusion of the active nuclei from

Fig. 94. The determination of the heat content drop by the i - s diagram during an
expansion with losses.

the combustion zone to the unburned gas; the thermal drop from the combustion area to

the colder gas; the turbulent mixing of the burning gases with a fresh mixture; the

radiant energy of the; and others belong to the physical phenomena. The disint: -

pg t'the
frl-cmlei mlecules to-mor simple ones, occurriirg under the'Action of
collisions ith the fast moving molecules of the burning gases; the formation of inter-

mediate products during the union of the dissociated fuel molecules with oxygen; the

formation of the final combustion products; and others belong to the chemical pheno-


During various combustion conditions with various fuel substances and with

various fuel mixtures, the processes may be characterized by various physical and

chemical phenomena. Therefore, attempts to cover all the problens of combustion by

a single theory have not worked out well up to the present time.

Without going into a minute account of the theory of combustion, ve will brief-

ly describe those basic facts which will be encountered during a study of combustion


The combustion reaction of a fuel mixture with air occurs in a gaseous phase,

since the ignition temperature of liquid fuels is far higher than the boiling tempera-

ture. Therefore, evaporation and mixing with the air precedes the ignition of a

liquid fuel.

The ignition of a fuel-air rixture is accomplished by means of one or another

ignition sources. The most prevalent are the following: an electric spark; a wire,

heated to incandescence by a current; a pilot light; an incandescent body; adiabatic

compression; all of whJich increase the tezrperatuire to a point sufficieznt for ignition.


A-) Combustion products,

B) Flame front
-4 C) Fresh mixture
I -D) Tv°spl ' Tignition
F) "F) F) Reaction area
Heating area

Fig. 95. A schematic of flame front formation during normal combustion.

The various possible forms of combustion: laminar, turbuient, and detonation,

are dependent on the temperature, degree ot turbulent mixing, and means of ignition.

These forms of flames correspond to their forms of combustion: laminar, -ur

lent, and detonation flames.

The surface, which separates the cobustion area from the unburned gases is

called the flame front (Figure 95).

The lamrnar diffusion of a flame is represented by the propagation of a flame

front into the unburned gas, and is brought about by zeans of the molecular migration

of heat and matter vhich is the determining factor in the matter of fl.ame propaga-

tion: the migration of heat or diffusion, up tilt% et e imeas:not be :ei

'definitely established. The velocity of the propagation of a laminar flame front in-

to an unburned gas, measured along the normal to the flam front, is called the nor-
ea] velocity of flame pronaation or the fundamental velocity of flam sread up,.

Buri'ing gases become heated and expand. Therefore, the propagation of the flame

front relative to a fresh gas is superiPosed upon the moverent of the gas as a whole,

which (the movement) is brought about by thermal expansion, convection, and other fac-

tors. The velocity of the mvement of the combustion zone is relative to the walls o

the combustion chamber v. The velocity vector is normal to the "flame front, and is

equal to the geometric sum of the normal flame velocity un and the velocity of the

,F-TS-970/V 184
On. gas as a -.hole w:

The velocity of the gas motion w is detervined by the 4.nditions of test.

The normal velocity of the flame u depends upon the nature of the gas mixture,

upon the temperature, and upon the pressure. With an increase of the temperature of

the gases T, the velocity of the molecular movement increases, th chemical reaction

i develops faster, the -heat conductivity and diffusion increase, and the normal velocity

of the flame propagation .egee . During a decrease of pressure p <l abs, g6&the

velocity of the flame spread increases somehhat. The influence of a pressure increase

on the propagation velocity has been ins-fficiently investigated.

The normal flame velocity of stoichiometric hydrocarbon-air mixtures vill be on

the older of 04 m/sec at normal temperatures. During the leaning out or enrichment

of a mixture, the normal flame velocity falls. The normal velocities of unsaturated

hydrocarbon - air mixtures is usually somewhat higher than for saturated mixtures

(Table 6.8).
Table 6.8


on .Ratio
of the
Hydrocarbon._____ ________cConcentration- 1Yj
-t h

Ethane 40,1 6,28

Ln- Propane 39.0 0,0724
Batane 37,9 0,0732
Pentane 38.5 0,0748
'Ifexane 8. . 2.51
Heptane 38,6 0,0798
Ethyne 6.4 0,0773
Lame Propyne 43,8 0.0770
Butyne 1 43,2 0,0780
lPentyne 1 42,6 0,0766
Cac- Hexyne 1 42,1 2,67. o,0796
We will consider the formation of a lar.inar flame front (see Figure 95) which
S of
spreads in a fresh gas. We will designate the temperature of the unburned gas before

the flame front by Tx, the temperature behind the frort by Tg. This temperature is

*lose to the possible maximum for a given composition of the mixture. At a normal

F-TS-97hO/V 185
1 wil
pressure, the thickness of the flar.e front, aS sho.n by Schlieri:. phItgraphy,

ue on. the order of ., er.. Dur.ihg a decrease in the pressure, this thickness in-

Creases to several -rllimeters., The temperature of a fresh gas, which enters a flame

fronv incteases, thanks t, the heat supply from the reaction area, and finally,
rea 'es ignition ter.peratre Ts p (see Figure 95), after which the chemical reaction

of.oxidation develops in the gas and is accompanied by the release Of heat. The

fla@e front may be divided into the heating zone and the reacticn zone. The heat,

ohich is released in the reaction zone, goes partially to heat the burning mixture partially passed on to the fresh gas before the flame front..

During the heating of a fresh mixture, the fuel molecules form radicals, sever-

1 of which possess great chemical activity. The reaction of the fuel particles in

rombining with the oxygen of the .air occurs with the assistance of the so-called a-
.ive nuclei ,- the radicals of Ha OH, and 0, which are formed in the reaction zone.

'he diffusion of the active kernels into a fresh mixture is one of the causes of
*lame propagation.

A flame front which is propagated into a gas, Iwich is: &tionr i 1rti6 to
he ignition represented by a spherical surface (Figure 96a). The flame

ront which is propagated into a gas, &dich Movesvin relation to the iiion

;ource at a velocity of wis represented by a conical surface whose apex angle, as

'irst shown by V. A. Fichelson,2 is such, that the normal component of the flow

elocity wn=w sine(proves to be equal to the normal velocity of flame propagation Un:

u an w-sin a. (6.67)

The velocity of the air flow w and the included angle of the combustion cone

C( are not difficult to measure by test. The normal velocity of flame propagation

s romputed according to Michelson's formula (6.67).

iCombustion Process, New York, 1956.

2 V.
A. Michelson, Norntal'naya skorost' vosplameneniya v gremuchikh smevakh
3ormal Ignition Velocity in Detonating iNlixtures 7,l90. .

-TS-97 1POA186
_ TT

c) pO~~
1 A)iFuel rizture
FmieHQ6 WVL osB)segnition source
, :" • )OpOlm- O m
a-n fn sFlae -front
D~v~nDL.a D)Matrix

~)a rpoia E) Tube


Fig. 96. Various cases of normal flame propagation.

in flow when wwun;
fl-poaato in c
a --
stationary from:a flow
gas in
propagation whensource;
a point w = un ~. -propagation

During a decrease of flow velocity w, the included angle of the combustion cone
increases to 1800. During a subsequent decrease w-un, the front shifts to the flow.
of a
Laminar combustion occurs, for example, in a Bunsen burner or in the flame

candle. Turbulent combustion takes place in the combustion chamriberz of jet engines.

Turbulent combustion is represented by the transfer of the combustion nuclei to

the unburned gas by the turbulent masses or by the "kernels" of the gas (Figure

Turbulent kernels are those separate masses of gas, which preserve their individuality

for so ti;ie aid uhich =y be detected byr the ene (as during the novonent of srmkc) or

"m~v be observed in instantaneous photographs (see -Fig. 101). The separate kernels of

a gas in a turbulent flow create irregular vortex movements, reminiscent of the the-mal

movement of gas molecules. The value, which characterizes the size of the kernels, is

1 V. A. ichelson, Norml'naya skorost' voslameneniya v reuchikh smrsyakh

formal Ignition Velocity; in Detonatine ed{xtures7, lb90.

F-TS-97hO/V 187
y iI.

-0 O

ig. 97.- Photography of a 'turbulent combustion flam~e during an' of two

a -- single-phase mixture; b -- tO~-phase mixt,=e.

alled the- scale of- turbulence * The root mean square velocity of the kernels in r~e-

ation to the gas is called the pulsation vel.ocity~i. This velocity always varies and

s vectorally added to the velocity of the- flow.. Therefore,, the trt~ velocity of a

urbulent flow in relation-to the walls of a combustion chamber always vaLries (Figure

).The variable velocity of a turbulent flow and, consequently, the vcilue of the
,ulsation velocity, may be measured with the aid of a hot wire anemometer, the sensi-
ive portion of which is a resistancd thermometer, composed of a very thin wire heated

y an electric current. th 4=.*La jdA tone

)ridge (Fig. 99). The hot w-ire is inserted in the flow to be studied. The greater

,he instantaneous velocity of the flow in relation to the heated wire, the greater
s the velocity of the heat%- conductivity, the more the temperature of the wire will

trop, and the less will be its resistance. The resistance measurement of the wire,
nserted in a turbulent flow, is recorded 'by a low-reluctance oscillogzraph (see
igure 99). The root mean square component of the pulsation velocity, determined by4
inoscillogram, is directed along the axis of the flow wSC

'-TS-97hO/V 188

(see Figure 8). 9

Fig. 98. The puisation velocity of a turbulent flow, measured by a hot -. ire anemometer.


_iIll- Legend:
ed), aA) To the amplifier
.S.... . B) Filament.
- Om . ... C) 'Tue
D) Pl.ow
) 'Hot Y-re anemometer
G) Oscillograph

Fig. 99. The measurement of pulsation velocity by a hot wire anemometer.

a -- general schematic of a hot wire anemometer.
b -- instrumentation schematic.

Th ratio of the root mean square pulsation velocity to the average velocity of

the flow is called the turbulence intensity t:

,= C ,=. (6.68

Grilles made up of rods, plates or ires, and also poorly streamlined bodies,

increase the degree of turbulence. The scale of the turbulence, i.e., the size of

the turbulent kernels, is of the order of the size of the grille mesh. The intensity

of the turbulence depends on the configuration of the rods, and on the relative block-

age of the cross section.

* Flame propagation in a turbulent flow is substantially different from that

which is observed in a stationary medium or in a laminar flow.

The widely disseminated conception of turbulent combustion in use today was

F-TS-97hOA 189
aOnCea K . 2.,ic in.., a cor. -as-:o..g uc IC
o!'er ea e. y 0 ciencc, ,

19i3. According to Shchelkin's theory, the turbulent pulsations of velocity distort

a laminar flame front. The surface, -d.chseparates the-burring and fresh gas in a
a- - - - - .
- -A . -,-

-*j)CmcaLau3ajmopfA UcmoYHUX
jaw 4eahuxa
Fig., 100. Schematic of turbulent flame front formaition a(accordin to Shche2
Legend: A), rinlcled front; B) Stabilizer and: ignition source.

turbulent flow, proves to be wrinkled (Figures 97 and lOa). During the time in which

th area of'normal combustion spreads with a velocity of un and is displaced, at a-

distance of k a un'1, the apex of the turbulent"wrinkle" is displaced a greater

distance xT - u,t and transmits the combustion to the fresh mixture (Figure lOOb).

The velocity o, 'the turbulent flame propagation ur is as many times greater than the

normal velocity of flame -,ropagation as the surface of the wrinkled front is greater

than the smooth surface of a laminar front

k- , (6.69)
3k - So + Us
*here 'B it a certain coefficient, 'hardly distinguishable from 1 (one) and determined

by an experimental method. Otherwise:

NJr la6w X
MI +VB (6.70)
As long as the normal velocity of flame propagation un is measured in tens *f

centimeters per second (see Table 6.8), then during large pulsation velocities w.u

SUn. '= U Abc- a . (6.71)

The velocity of turbulent combustion u., ceases to depend upon the nature of the fuel,

and is determined by the pulsation velocity or the turbulence intensity that corres-

ponds to it.

The incidence angle of the turbulent combustion zone to the direction of the

F-TS.- 0/V o190

undisturbed flowj in accordar, with ?Michelson' s forimula (6.67), is then deter-dned
only-by the intensity of the turbulence
sins= V-- =. (6.72)

Shchelkin's formulas are justified by experience only to the first approximation.

During the, past years Ye. S. Shchetrikov and abroad, .. Siur-.erfield, developed,

independently from one another, the theories of volumetric turbulent cobustion, in

accordance with which combustion occurs not in a distorted flame front, but in the

entire volume of the flame jet, whose tempera.ture gradually increases as it recedes

.fromi the ignition source.

Schlieren photographs of the individual turbulent kernels of a burning gas are

depicted in Figure 101.

The theoretical and experimental investigation of turbulent combustion is still

far from being finished. The experimental data obtained at the present time seem to

-#iie'lmz~hej row0i;of coakustion velocity.

Under certain conditions a quiet turbulent combustion may change into

a pulsating or detonating combustion.

A detonating combustion is represented by the propagation of the- reaction zone

with an extremely high velocity: from 1000 to 3000 m/sec. A reaction zone, which is

propagated with a high velocity, is called a detonation wave. The works of Ya. B.

Zel'dovich brought an important contribution to the theory of detonation.


F, .

Fig. 101. Photographs of burning turbulent kernels.

F-TS-97hO91 191
Dethatlion waves possess certain importan. characteristi cs. The velocity of a

detonation Wave does not depend upon the dimensions of the Cor.bustion chamber if its
meter is greater than a certain limirtng Value. The propagation velocity of a de-
S dia

tonation wave is little dependent upon the initial temperature and pressure. Thus,

for exam'ple, the propagation velocity of a detonntion in a stoichiometric mixture of

hydrogen and oxygen during a pressure change from 200 to 150Mm of mercury, i.e., 7

times more, changes from 2630 to 2870 m/sec, and during a temperature change from 10

to- 1000 C, -- from 2820 to 2790 mn/sec.

The Velocity of detonation waves depends, in a large degree, upon the nature

of the fuel and oxidant and upon the composition of the mixture: during a leaning out,
of the mixture, the detonation velocity diminishes. With sufficient leaning out, det-

onating combustion changes to the usual slow flame spread. Detonation effects are

cohnected with shock waves.

A combustion detonation appears when an increase of temperature in a shock wave

is sufficient for the ignition of the mixture. The velocity of a detonation is equa 1

to the propagation velocity of a shock vave in the combustion products at the tempera-

ture that is established at the end of combustion.

In piston engines a combustion detonation ("knock"), which leads to the chip.-

* hof~ieiso~ ~d~oin~~f- i ai; "TO.'~ r~b~b The POE5-

*-bitrtofusing: A bhAting-combuition in Jbt engines has-,not yet bee" sufficiently


The flame from an ignition source may be propagated along the entire volume of

the mixture only during certain conditions. If the heat liberated by an ignition

source (sparks, for example) is insufficient, the mixture will not ignite. By chang-

t-17vig i~fiff 66h6sition cetan l.

mA9 its may be reached beyond wvhich no local

ignition source can promote combustion.

The highest fuel-to-oxidant ratio in a rixture at which the ignition of the

F-TS-9740/V 192
ts The lowest fuel-to-oxidant ratio in a Mixture at which the ignition -of the mix-

de- .ture is- still possible, is called the lower i ntion limit (Table 6.9).
-Table 6.,9


7.PYCNrAGES :HE!,.p 1Ekg/cm2 AND t= 15°C

Mthane CH4 16S 5,0 15.00

thane :C Hi 29 3,22 12.45
%iptand 7 1 ;00 1.00 6,00
Obt Cge'His -114 -0,95

det- Ignition, limits depend upon the initial temperature and- pressure of the mixture,
e upon the means of ignition, and upon- the gas constant. With an, increase of the tem-

perature of the -ifxture, and. -with an increase in the, energyof the ignition. source,

ive the ignition limits are txpanded (Figure 102b). The ignition limits for a gas flow
Ial are USually different than those for a stationary gas.
!ra- A pressure variation also influences the ignition limits: if the pressure drops
below-that of the atmosphere, the ignition limits shrink and finally coincide: igni-
tion becomes impossible. If the pressure becomes higher than that of the atmosphere,

the ignition limits are altered insigpificantly.. Fcr some. mixtures an increase of
pressure causes an -expansion, for others -- a constriction of the ignition limits.

The ignition limits are connected with the flame propagation velocity u: if
U - 0, the flame in the mixture is not propagated, combustion is impossible, and the

upper and lowor ignition limits coincide with one another. .ith an increase of pro-
pagation velocity, occurring for example during a temperature increase of the mixture,

the ignition limits are expanded.

The fraction of fuel in a mixture at the upper and lower ignition limits is
usually expressed in volumetric percentages r, from which it is not difficult to
I derive the gravimetric fraction or the excess air coefficient €, if the molecular
4Vg and of the air iAare knom.
.eighits of the fuel ,D

F-Ts-97140t 193
~~~~)~~ 41*N'#4NN Legend:

"Ji/.zmb i- -a) Ignition pressure

- l - - - II-I-l lin abs. atm.

t - b) ignition area
i.d) -- 3lo-w reaction area
- II - - e) deaction velocity
remnepomyla I "¢ o - zZ0C f) Ter-pe'ature in °C

Fig. 102. Ignition limits.

A -- Dependence of the ignition pressure upon the temrperatze; B -- Depend-
ence of the reaction velocity upon the temperat.ure during various pres-
sures (in mn of mercury); C -- Dependence of the composition of a mixture
upon the temperature.

The partial pressure of the fuel and the air in a fuel mixLure is

pr=rp; p.O (1-r)p. (6.73)

The gas constant of the fuel is

The gravimetric fractions of the fuel and the air in 1 v 3 of a mixture is

p- - 'p * 0 (1 --
)P (.
The excess air coefficient is

SrL P-r (6.75)

The combustion of a mixture, which lies within the ignition limits for ignition by

a spark, does not occur instantly, but after the passage of a measurable period of time.

The time which elapses from the moment the fuel mixture is ignited to the moment the

flame front appears, and may be registered is called the ignition lat. An ignition

lag is usually observed during the ignition of a fuel mixture in a gas cylinderi The

pressure increase in the cylinder is recorded by an oscillograph. During the igni-

tion lag, the pressure does not increase greatly (Figure 103). At the expiration of

the ignition lag, a pressure increase occurs at a great speed and ends when the entire

mixture is burnt. An ignition lag is observed during the ignition of' rixtures of

hydrocarbons and air. The transformation from the ignition lag to the reaction,

F-TS-9 O/V 194

which nroceeds with a noticeable velocity, occurs gradually.

An Nrroei Lef-end:
A) Te:-..linal pressure
3) Initia!. ressure
&R-MPOO b__ C) Time

Fig. 103. Variation with time of the reaction rate of the oxidation of hydrocarbons.
t -- ignition lag. The curves a and b refer to mixtures of hydro-
carbons with oxygen, the curve c refers to the same mixture after a-
-addition of aldehyde.

The e .stence of the ignition 2a- is explained by the fact that. the hjd.roc.rb o -,

molecules do not unite ir .,ediatey with the oxygen, and the reactio, has a chain

mechanisn. In the course of the ignition lag, a sufficient quantity of active particles

in the rixture accumulate, the presence of which is necessary for the development of

chain reactions which result in the oxidation of the hydrocarbons. A small addition

of aldehydes shortens the ignition lag (Figure 103, curve c).

P Find the greatest and least excess air, during which the combustion

of heptane is possible when rn = 1%; rv =6%.

The carbon content in heptane is 0.84, hydrogen -- 0.16, L - 0.8* .0.16

3.5 15.17.
Using formula (6.73), we determinei: the greatest cxcess air (lower !irdt)
least excess air (upper lidt)
6.100.15,17 =030

If a flow of a fuel mixture, whose composition is within the ignition limits,

passes an ignition source (an electric spark, for example), whose power is insufficiently

great, at a high velocity (about 100 r./sec), then the heat balance proves to be un-

favorable, the mixture temperature does not reach Tvsp, and the mixture does not ig-

nite. To insure the uninterrupted ignition of the quickly% moving flow of a fuel

spark, for exar:ple) is located bohird a

Exture, the igntion source (an electric
poorly streamlined body, for example, a cone, which faces to;ards the flo:, or a

F-TS-97hO/V 195
plate behind viiCh a vortex zonke is fori~ed ;.here thre gas flow recircu-1ates (Fgures

104 and 105).

flniOC94itl CIMJR34QmOp

A) Plane fla.m holder
B) rea of reversed

Fig. l0h. Recirculation -zone behind a poorly streamlined body.

The area of-counter flow, in which the ig-nited masses of gas are recirculated,

serves as an ignition source '.&'or a fresh mixtures

A-poorly streamlined body, 'which holds back the flame in the recirculation zoni

4 s called a, baffle flame holder.

Flatp conical, corrugated, cylindrical, and other form~s of flame holders are

used (see Figure l04). Flame stabilization is 'oossible also in the boundary layer

and in 'Counterflow.

Fig. 105. Photographs of the con'bust2.on zone behind the flame holders.
a -- multiple flarme holder (time exposure), b -- the samep flame holder
(instantaneous ScOilieren-photoaraph'), c simple flwre holder (time

exposure), d -- the same flame holder (instantaneous Schlicren-photograph),

At a certain flow velocity, vsr, the flame of a homogeneous mixture, the cox-

position of which is within ignition limits, blows away fron the flam~e holder and

combustion ceases.

According to the therral theory, the action of a flame holder is as follows.

Continuous com'bustion occurs in the vortex area behind tVhe flame holder (see Figure

l04). The cold, turbulent flow of gas,'which flows around the flame holder, comes

F-TS-97hOA 196
into contact " th the cin,.btsticr, area, ana b ne_.s cf a tur.uzxt hLt exchanL'e,
obtains the heat necessar-, for its ignition. If the velocity of its ..ovement w is

.great or if the teiperature of the Cases in the ccr.bustion zone behind the flame

holder is low, the quantity of heaL that the fresh mixture receives will be insuffi-

cient for heatingr it to the ignition te:perature Tvsp, and the rixture will not ig-

nite: the flame will blow away from the flame holder.

During tests, a flame holder with a known relative cross section S = t is

installed in a combustion chamber and the velcclt, at the charrber inlet w2 incrt avEd

(Icy increasing, for exarTpJle, the exhaust noz!le cross section' unt24 c1 str
takes place. All the remaining parameters: the coircoziticr. of the rxixtur. c, th,=

temperature T2 and the air pressure p0 2 the nature cf the fudl, ana the L:rLr.ce
intensity of the flow Z -- must be constant if possible. f
fl. e holuer uhicn,

at a given relative cross section Sst, has the highest blov cff velceity wsr = w2,

is the best. Sonetimes, in place of the relative cross secticn Sst, the drag cceffi-

cient of the flame holder is given, and the velocity of the blcw cut deternined at

a given drag. However, to calculate the drac coefficient of c- cor.plicated flpm.-

holder beforehand is usually impossible. Tests show that the blov out velceity at a
given relative flame holder cross section Sstdepends upon the eometry of the
flame holder and upon the parameters of the fuel mixture.

The geometry of a flame holder exerts complex influence.. upon the blow out

velocity. Certain tests, the authentici'ty of which is in need of confi:mation, show

that the blow out velocity increases with an increase of the flare's perimeter

so long as the transverse dimensions of its elements do not becone less than a certa r

given value. Therefore complicated flame holders, constructed fro, radi-l or concen-

tric gutters or of rods, retain the flame better than a conical holcer if the loads

applied to the cross-sectioq Sst are emial. The blo-; out velocit- inuzeases aiti: ant
increase of the rods' cross-section (Figwar 1a6).
The comnosition of a mixture exerts a substantial influence upon the action of

a flame holder. Usually the blow out velocity for a given flame holker has its

F-TS-97bO/V 197
greatest value- near the stcichicnmetric composition (Figure 1C7).

W-,ith a leaning out or an enrichm.ent of the Mixture, the blw out velocity de-

@creases. It Vhb: co.acsioon oS.the ijxkuxe ehan uficieges ,. pulsa~thg combus-

i0fMbbetS..iand ends with the breaking.-aay- of the £1ame,.

The temperature of the rixture. With an increase of the mixture temperature,

the velocity of a turbulent combustion increases owing to the growth of the normal.

Velccity of the flame propagation. The blow out limits, for a given velocity and

composition of the mixture, expand. Therefore, in those supersonic combustion char.-

bers, here the stagnation temperature is great, higher flow velccitics aru -err._Is=bo~e,

and the limits of stable conbustion at a given composition of the nixture, prcOvu to be

irlder than in subsonic comibustien chambers.

The phase composition of the mixture exerts an influence upon the operation of

the flame holder. A large portion of the drops, moving with the air, do not flow

aroind the,flame holder while moving along the air stream lines, but strike against

its surface. Fuel vapors and the n.inutest drops penetrate into the spLce behind the holder. If the surface is not too hot, a liouid film forms on it and runs off

the rear edges of the flane holder. Under the influence of heat tr~.nsfer froa the

combustion zone through the material of the fla.e holder, and in co sequence of the

diffusion of vapors into the oncoming air, the film evaporates intcnsively. The

forming varors are carried over to the turbulent rea of the flame holder, enrichig

the mixture near its rear edges. The average excess air in the combustion chamber

is seldom less than C(sr O.C. Since the droj's on flane holder ewvporate, the mix-

ture in the combustion zone is enriched writhout exceedi : the c-:mbustion limits.
If the average excess air in the charter 0( > 1.6, cmbustion of The two-phase

mixture is not curtailed, since the fuel evaporation of the flame holder enriches

the mixture at its rear edges and the leam blowv out occurs .-hen Csr > 1.6. Con-

sequently, in a two-phase mixture the ol," out of the flames from the flame holde r

occurs at low:er fuel-so-air ratios thai durin; operation ;.Aith a single-phcase :ix-

ture. .iith an itcrease of the flo; velocit:', the portion of the drops which stri:c

P-TS-9710/V 198
the flj c holder increases; therefore in a two-phz.e rl.Ixturi pccr LUc', out limits

occur at large average a* excesses Q(r' for high flow velocities. Two-phase zrrixtures

Sare r.ore suitable for combustion in a coinbusticn chamber equipped, with a flame holder

than-are tinrle-phase mixtures.

I-gni.ion source. An_ igntion :source, such as ar electric Spark or a flame,

-T F -


A) ,.low velocity at
% the chamber inlet
in r/scc
B) 5toichimetr
C) Air/fuel ratio

1 2 39g 59Wl2S*$

Fig. 106. The influence of the thickness of the flame-holding rods on the derangement

velocity, with an increase of the thickness.

must be introduced into the space behind the flapmc holder for the initial ignition

of the mixture. After ignition, the ignition source may remain connected aid car-

ryO*%t the fueatidn of a "pilot light". With an increase of the heat energy of the
ignition source, the blow out limits at a given velocity and given composition of the

mixture are expanded. With an increase of the degree of turbulence, the blow out

veiocity changes. Turbulence-forming screens and grilles, used to make the flow tur-
blent, are installed at the chamber inlet. The installation of turbulence- foring

screens during operation on rich mixtures decreases the blcw out velocity. During

operation on lean mixtures, the influence of the degree of turbulence is more cor'vlex.

The heating of the flae holder expands the stabilization likits at a given

kvelocity and given- composition of a mixture. Cooling of the flwa.e holder s~ainks the

F-TS-97ho/V 199
les stabilization limits.
BObaCm u3A'epeNmui
ro I v 12 00- 70%/1cell 0)
0. 4 DOrn 0,2 00 lOKe/cAe 1 0~
Dom .6do2,54m ~
Oi -Ib
0.30 Legend:
A) Rat'ioL

e B) Transition area

A 404 1- C) Stabilization tDaray-ter

1 2 4 68$-Vo 20 40 6080; 004.72. D) r. from 12 to 170 m/sec
0d) napaemp cmauiujamuz r B) p from 0.2 to 1.0 1g/cm-
, -p ) D from u.6 to 2.5 cm
Fig. 107. Dependence o4i the stabilization parameter on the corposit1;on of thu vixtur:

Calculation Formulae. 1,etaIled research on flamc stabi.zation- wa:, carriedc

by a series of scientists. Figure 107 depicts the experimentalI data of De Zubay .ho

sdied -the-oilizat"of- ef- flames- of- previously. prepared prppane-air kixtures..

by bodies of va: icus sizes and shapes and over a wide range of mixture compositions,

pressures and flow velocities (from 0.2 to 1 atm and fro, 12 to 170 m/sec)*.

De Zubay found that -L ,r the blow out lindt, is a function of the stabi li-

sation parameter W oy. I f[ 52o '.s1

T- :' P' °' 5 T(T (6.76)
where To is the temperature at which all experiments were carried out; To 3900 K;
T is the temperature of the flow in OK;
p is the pressure of the flow in kg/cm ;

w is the velocity of the flow in m/sec;

f is the function, approximated by the curve in Figure 107;

D is the hydraulic diar.eter of the flame holder in cm:

S is the area of the flAme holder in cm 2 ;

P is the wetted perireter in cm.

L = 15; whv o( 1,
Examnle: For a stoichiorretric mixture of pentane with air:
the fuel-air ratio 0.0167. The stabilization pa:'re.tcr according to the graph

-he of Figure 107 is:

De Zubay, Character of Disk Controlled Flames, Aero Direst, 61, 1950.

F-TS-9710/V 200
* - . (6.78)

From this -it is possible to find the velocit., pressure, and te.operature of the

flow-or the hydraulic diameter -of the flame holder, for the blow out conditicn, if

the remaining paraeters -are known.

T 2
If the velocity of a: flow V = 100 m/sec; T ; p 1 kg/cm 2 , then the least

hydraulic diameter of a flame holder capable of maintaining a flame is equal to

Din0,94,-,a 9.4 mm,*



Flame holders are necessar for the combustion of hjdroai'rbn fuels in co:rbus-

tion chambers having metal walls, since the temperature of the metal walls usually

remains lower than the ignition temperature of the fuel and metallic walls are not

able to -serve as igniters.

Fig. 108. Photo-raphs of combustion in stabilized and in ceramic combustion chambers.

a t- a stabilized combustion chamber, b -- flame at the outlet of a
stabilized combustion chamber, c -- co.!busticn in a ceramic combusti on
chamber, d -- flame at tl'e outlet of a ceramic combustion chamber.

To decrease the drag'ofl the combustion chamber 9,experiments were carried out

upon the ignition of a fuel midxt~ure in an un-stabilized corr.bustic. chamber, whose

sides =Vy heat up to a tenriperattre which was close to the flaire temperature. In
~order tha' the w,- Us should maintain a tem~perature which wvas much hit-her thar the ig-

nition temperature) cerav&ic tubes (Figure 108) were used as the cormb'- stion charrbt:r.

1'-TS-97W0Al 201
The corL s, _cn ef ficecy of the hy-:;jrocar',Wns in a crc-x.c tube i s c7lo - to

1O,,and the drag C is less than that of a stabi lized comustinca~e.dwvv

the n.echanical strenigth of ceramac, cham~bers is sig-nificar.tly: loi:er than that of

zpetoalic, and the surface -unit ve:-t is rx' '~re.Therefore.,

up to the present

tire, ceramiac com~bustion chaitiers have not founJ a use in jet techrnology. 'he heat-

r'esistant and non-conductive converings of the internal surfaces of thc n~1ates of

which combuim~c chanber-s are m,-de are able to intensify the ccrbusticr process,

* decrease the lenzt+h of the corbustion zone, decrease hent lozc s throuCh th; w1 .z

~r~resethe cc.i!Aun1. on c-C'iciec-cy rvr, de-crease the b,-,rner craj,

BI I G.;i

1. Vol, X., "Skorost, rasprostanerkiya ot"Kryt kh turbu1!.:%tn-':h -Jlaier," fpr caU

Velocity of Open Turbulenb Flamuos7, 1111RT11 1956, No. h., U-53.

2. Vop ogreniya, / orbustion Prcblems7, Collections 1 and 2, Publishinej 2:ouz~r fcr

Foreign Literatulr-!, 195h.

3.Zel'dovich, Ia. Re and Pol~arr ,;, A. I., Raschety teiovykh protsessov pri vysokikh
te~mmeraturakh FCalcuJlations of the Therv'al Processes dFL~;!igh TemperatLure-/1
Printing, House 115.T",19

ljZel'dovich Ya. 2. "1K teorii rasoprosLrancniya p1.-.m.zni.,1 ffhe Theory of Flame ?ro-
pagatio 4 , "Z? "19h6, col. 22.

5.Ilyashenko, S. I%.., GerTmyer *Ye. I.., and Sokolova, 7, .. , Tep.lovyye drim

a roduktov sgoraniya kerosin? vocJh /herwJ.
r (!oli'e-r) Thcrts for the
Combustion ±roducts of Keeosrv.- in - 9ir
6. Cross., It. A., "Stibilizats-iy,- plarnen2. v po:rannichnor vioe, L12aJe StaU.1iz.,i'ion
in the Boundary Layer7, Jet Propulsion, vol.. 25, 19155,) No. 6.

7. Kay, D. and Libby, T., Spravochnik fi zika-eksperirrentvaxra iandbook cf a Physr.

Experimenter7, ?ublishdng Hiouse for Fovigw i~rt~ 90
8. Lewis, B. and Elbe, ^3., Goreniya, plama i V-,rvy vgaah Zotsc, lr.a;c
Explo.sion a in -Jases7, Pulblishi-c !louse for t oreign Literature, 19Lt.

9. M'ack, Clure and Berl, "13oreniye,"1 /Comb .sfion7/ ind. ivi F.xnerijCherirstr:',
vol. '45, 1953, Yo. 7.

10. I ichalso:, A., Nornal' !:ya skorost. vo~pl- ;.--ena vr'ck reyk
/F~ormal Ignition Vd_,_ocit, in deC;li.

11. Prandtl) *L.,3'rrkaik ~io~cmc Publiv'&M rA 2ouse for Fcreign tr-

ture, 195)]..

)?. Roberts, J., T2~~ t+ermod. ,- irc*ka ,4ent aro Tihcrrol~napdcs7, Publish-rij oiiwio

F -TS-97L0A 202
tor oreign lI-teratUrei l95'I~i
M111 ra-:z~ /Then~T*h,.eo.-: of U.T Hecto
Obstecizd~t ~ 'recnicalPrin-ting House7 9z.-

14. Spaohi ~iri Chemistts 14lbdoa.vol. 1, hiza%,edcaI Pritn

do~e/,'F.-. .,1952.

15.1hritrin', Le. N,. Frizika coreniya i vrya 4he on

7hsc stion- and Ex)o-
sibn7,. IYosaoil Unvriy r , 197
16. Shqehelkiui, K.* I., "Turbuienthpye goreniye,-" ffirbulent Ccitusticn7, ZhTF i Journal
-of Technical PhYsic6j 197 3 13 tol0o9.0

17.- ?NA.CA Report, 1953, No. 1037.

2. .LTmc-riekc, V..* atn ot1-hers, "The ?irnys- al Structurcs of "riar.2z,' jet,

Proulsonvol. 214, "Iv L), 19549,
9.'Bolz, *1. E., and iBurlage, H., "1The Tnfluence of Turluience on Flan~e Propagat' on
Rates," Jet ?, vol. 25 9, .6.

20. Elbe, H11., Fourth Simpos., on Combustion, 1953.

21. Combustion Processes, New York, l956.

2. Dugger, G. and Sirion D., "Prediction of Flamze Vreloci ties o!' :1 IOcarber, Flames,"l
'NACRep:~ '19514, INo. 1158.

3. Karman, Th.) "Combustion, in Turbulenrt F'larmes,"1 Foith1~~a 1 on Com~bustion,

,4-. De Zubay, "Character of Disk Controlled Flames,"l Aero Difgest, ttl, 1950.

-'5. Schaffer, A. and Cair.bel, A. B.., "The Effect of an 0-pposinr Jet en Flane Stability,"
Jet Propiilsion, vol. 25, 1955, No. 6.
')6. Howland,. A. H.., and Simrnonds, W. A., "Combusti-on inside Refractory; T-ubes,"l Foirth
Symposium -on Combustion, 1953.

'7. Evans, F. F., "Current Status of Problems of Corr.-_usti,-r Heat Trans. and Fl. 1r.ech.
Inst., 1954g.
18. Dugger, G. L., "E~ffect of Initial -ixtiire Texrperat'lze on ?-lar.e Speads and Polow.-off
Limits of ?ropane -- Air Flamres,"l MAA 217,0, Aug. 1950.

19. Petrein, R. J., Longwvell, J. &P., and !-.eissi M. A., "Flame Spreadi'no froi;. Baff'les,"
Jet Propulsion, v. 26, 195b) No. 2.

30. Le'vis, B., APease, R. .'.) and Taylor, *i. S.,t91r~ih Sueed Aerodynar.I cs a nd Pr o-
pulsion' vol. Mi Coinbusti0-on Processes, Princeton JIni,.. Press, 19"6.

'43S-97401 203

BY: M. N. Bondaryulc and S. M, fllyashenko

February 1960, 431 Paiges

(Part 2of 2Parts)

'The fuel used in ra:.jet engines W--h operate on a "
"ar e-er so ,rce isi.n

a licuid State. The Velocty

onitial of an air flow at the nlIet 4-1 a doibustion

chamber ahounts to tens of ./sec, and in sorre combustion chai.bers even exceeds 100

m/sec; the stay time of the fuel in a combustion chamber docs not exz"-ed several il-
!iseconds. Iin order that the liqtid fuel be able to burn cornpletely in such a short

interval of time, th ignition ust Le preceded I~. a careol .re :... f" I, f.]

air ~mixture..

Th preparation of the nixture by vapor ara sr.all drops of fuel t-"h
the air is called c-rburetion.

Carburetioh ccnsists of the folloeing processes: the fuel njecton; the

brea*ing-iown of the fuel s.reax, into drops; the evaporation of the drops, and the

mixing of the fuel vapor that i formed, with the a-ir.

The speed and coiroleteness oA the combustion depends on the quality of the mdx-
ture preparation. Carburetion is one of the most important stages in the operation

of the combustion chamber of a Jet engine.

The fuel feed is accomplished by the aid of containers filled wth a co r.,ressed

gas or by the aid of a punp which is placed into operation by a special motor -- usual-

ly an air turbine.

The dispersion of the fuel is acconplished by the aid of fuel inject'ors: the
fuel stream, iich discharges fror an injector, is broken dour1 into separate ninute

drops, the diameters of which are usually measured in a tenth of a ficron. The evap-

oration of the drops which are moving in the air, occurs because of the heat taken

from. the surrounding gases as well as frotm their owm heat. The finer the drops, i.e.

the greater their overall surface, and the greater the material and 1'eat transfer co-

efficient, the quicker the transrission of heat and the evaporation of the drops will

be. The injectors must be situated so that the local concentration of the fuel-air

mixture that is formed in the cortustion zone is within ignition limits. The evapora-

F-TS-?7hO V 204
tion of the drops is usually accon.plished in the same cobus tion zone.

The intersnersion of the fuel vapor va-th the air occurs due to the turbulence

of the flow.and molecilar diffusion. Vith an increase of turb lence i,n.,,ty, the

interspersion process is accelerated; the distance, at which the distribution acro3s

the entire cross section of the combustion chabet is r.anie Iniforr, is shortened.

We will begin the study of carburetion ,.ith an account of the theory of fuel


SECTI.'! 1. DI.93T-SP-AT

A direct-spray injector is represented by a small nozzle with a narrc;: orn :.,

the diameter of which is usually in the regioxi of a tenth of a millimzter (Figure


The discharge velocity of the fuel wg rrz. be found from Sernoulli's equo....
We will designate the excess pressure ahead of the injector ile by 46p an the

density of the fuel by . Then:

" -1 2g.APM (7.1)

- , oconflo. Legend:
* A ~/ A) Fuel
B) p iozle

&Pic ioam
e- de 4 .WN* C) P z10atm
Fig. 109. A schematic of a direct-spray injector.

The pressure losses Po

'p are usually proportional to the square of the d's-

charge velocity:


Here 9 is the loss factor or the drag coefficient, which is deterrined by -in

experimental method. Substituting the equation (1.2) in ('7.1), w:e obtain

I 2gap 11 2gfAp
+IC yrYr(73
The expression fw is called the velocity coefficient.

The velocity coefficient is related to the dra' coefficient

12 (7)

The velocity coefficient usually lies between the limits of 0.92 to 0.9 . For

F-TS-97h/' 205
One may find the discharge of a liquid 1 from the veloity and size of the in-

jector outlet section 3:

0-YwgS7' = 2grp. (7.5)

The factor , vhich is equal to the ratio of the crcss section area of a spray

to the injector nozzle area, is called the contraction coeffidient. '-en the ds-

charge in direct-spray injectors is from an ooening with sharp edqes

The product of the velocity coefficient w and the contraction coefficicnt

is called the discharge coefficient

T. (7-6)

In practice, it is more convenient to measure the disch.arge coefficient lbr:

- p* "(7.7)

The excess pressure of the fuel supply is measured by a manoireter, the density

of the licuid -- 'y a hydrometer; the flow per second is deterrined either b a direct

weighing of the liquid, which flows out of an injector in t time, or w-Ith the aid of

special fuel flow meters: calibrated orifices, flow meters, turbine meters and


For changes in the nature of the liquid (for example, when benzine is sub-:ti-

tuted for kerosene), for variations of the liquid's teierature or of the surplus

pressure, the discharge coefficient of a direct-spra injector is insignificantly


The stream of fuel, which discharges fro. an injector, Lreaks up into separ:te

drops during interaction with the sarrcundi:,g .edium.

Examole. Find the dfscha:ge velocity and the flow rate cf benzIne if the diam-

eter of the injector noz~le dc - 1 m, the discharge coefficient t = O.l,, and the

velocity coefficient LA = C.95 if the density of the benzine 0 .75 k,,/m.3 and

the fuel-feed pressure &p 110 kg/c-. 2

F-TS -97hOA 206

The di-cha.:7- ~,. is~.~e:c-,a..-

Wr=?V 2g -r
Ye ex*-ress all values in the technical sy rter. of umits: ~p 10 M~T10*l1~
kg/rr.2 ; { 0-7-; k7/Z ?5 ,,,r

w2095 1/ 196--=5048#5 nm/sec.

The exhaust ooen-irz is
s=d 2 =078.10-6 W2 0,78 111111.

The ,.nrzine f:rndle (76) Is

0 = 0, 1f 19.6-750. T.104 .= 0,0179 iczjl = 17,9 gn/sec

Direct-spra- inj:ectors a'13-.. Eooji dispersion for rlUcveloelti*- of IGfX

in/sec and higher. To obt~in goodi--ispersion at sm-aller relativ e velocities, centrK -

f ujal_ injectors used.

A vortEex is created in a centri fugal injector, which directs the strear. of

liquid into a rapidly circ ulating mct-ion, thanks to which the 2iq':zid,, durin, discharge

froat the injector, moveF not only alonz the3 nozzle axis buit also in a tanzential

direction FIPgure 110). The theor of 1'iiea1." cez-Atrifupal iLnjo-ctor-s, ncgle:t-Ingth

force of friction, was worked out by the Soviet scientist , Doctor of TeChrnical
'Sciences, roesr. .A aoih. L.A lyachko and other renearch-rs refined

this theory nrore precisely for t'Vhe- case of the flow oil a viscouis liollid.

M~any forms of centri Neal Injectors exist. The m~ost widel3 used injectors are

those with a tangential fuel supply- (Fi,7ure 111'. An injecto;r with a tangential fuel

feed consists of a vortex chairter and an ex:hp-ust openIng -- w,,Ith a noz:'le- and feed-

ers wnich are l.ocated at a targent tl-. the vo)rtox ch~rrber. The fuel ent---r the vortex,,

chairber at a tar.?ertial direction, r~cvin- in a spx*ral It co--s ; an irit;Avc;

rotary m~ovemient and dischari-es thro%--h the exhst nozzle. Thc a,->'ilar ltycof

a liculd duriai- its rMVere.nt fror a vortex chnrle.- to t?-e cxhnrztc4J:r.- of tine

nozzle incr-eases in accordance ith the la*w ofl the c, :.rcrv.-ti.n of rno~entup . The

Particles of the liq~i,4n whi&,1 -ire exhaus,-ted from~ the nozzle) ar1 are r~~~'ir an

F-T.1 -974h01A' 207

axial as v,
:ei' a s a t-an ge:. t Id ailaaadecti,
• ",,-_4-C exa n
expanz n o a
into 1 siroud "e.ich,
" ever

during discharge into a vacul,- reaches rzximmu. fineness at a certain distance fror

the injctor', loses its stability and breaks down into minute drps (Fiuire 112).

Fig. 110. ?articles of a liouid, discharging from a centrifugal injector, move in

axial and in radial directions. A) injector.

j -Legend:
A~roaiovee SJfodomaiaum A) Fu
i"POW B) Supply tube
C) Vortex chamber
a D) i!ozzle

Fig. Ill. A scheratic of a centrifugal injector.

The velocity of the discharge frow a centrifugal injector is determined by

Bernou.lli's equation:

where Ap is the surplus pressure, which represents the difference betw¢een the pres-

sure at the injector inlet and the pressure of the surrounding r.edium;

is the density of tine liquid;

is the speed ratio.

For an ideal injector w = 1.

The velocity vector of the discharge is composed of the tangential wt and axial

Wn components:
WWCS2, (7.9)
W..=WCos -- (7.10)

where a( is the included spray angle of the dispersion jet.

The weight flow rate of the liquid is

F-TS-970/4 203
G'- S V gIlIp, (7.12)

where S is the area of the nozzle exha-ust ooenin r

tL is the discharze coefficient.

The theory of ideal centrifugal injectors iS used to duterrine the discharge

coefficient of an injector A-, the dispersion included sPraN angle 0(. the contraction

coefficient , and the thickness of the spra cone. The deoth of the spra, cone de-

terr.ines the fineness of the dispersion of a liquid by centrifugal injectors.

/ .'


% + .
.:. +' : .
., ''

Fig. 112. Photograph of the breakdown of a liquid spra cone discharging fror a
centrifugal injector.

For non-viscous liquids, benzine or water for exa.ple, the theory of an ideal

injector offers a sufficiently close agreement with practice; for nore vi;, ;s lic dir
-- for example, kerosene or di:.sel fuel -- it is necessary to introduce correction.s

for the force of friction.

The momentum F of a liquid, which enters a centrifugal injector, is equal to

the product of the velocity at the inlet tube wl and the radius of the t,,.st r 3 , which

is equal to the distance fron. the axis of the in.ector t the axis of the inlet tube

(see Figure 111):

During the flow of a non-viscous liquid the ,rr.enttr. of any liquid particle

under consideration reu.ains constant:

WSW vsr,
where wt is the tange al co:ponent velocity at the rozzle outlet;

F-TS-97O/V 209
:cvarge .nozzle
During he aroach to the exhaust oping the-radius o- llrculation
d r e-
- reaseA -an-d the, -tangntial-
.aeIKc~t. w grows.

"ending to o-nve recti.inearly because of inertia, the articles. of the tisted

stream depart fro the -circulation axis an d form a cylincrical spray cone -wth a
depth- of X (see 1i gue -11)"inside, the :nozzle. At the nozzle Outlet the sra cone

expands into a cohical :surface., The grgatr e tan.enta. ,ec.:to the stree.,,
he~~ ~ ~ ~ A n mle
'•ao" ofthe .t a.o.

the gsaier-the rela .-ve depth, of the spra, cone and the cc.e
-- "0:.
. coefficient of the noze.
The ratio of the. ring-bhaced s ction of -the discharging strea. Sst to the

nozzle. exhat. t section is- called the contraction co ... ,

(7 Jj3)

there6-c..._,,, is the dianle*ter 6f the air Vortex;

& is,: the nozzle diaeter.

The thicknesr of the spra cone in the- exhaust nozzle is:


Thediameter of the 'air vortex i.n the exhaust nozzle is:

,consequently, the relative thickncss of the spray cone is:

Y (7 -)
In the theory of an ideal injector, which we ill not set forth, it is indicated
-that the contraction coefficient f, the d'scharge coefficient p,, and the included

angle.a are determined by the so-called geonetriiL characteristic cf the injector A:

A = iotc(7-1))
vhere d is the diameter of the twist, which is equal to tice the distance from the
injector axis to the axis of the inlet tube (tangential opening);

dv is the dinreter of the inlet opening;

F-TS-97fiO/V 210
is-~ iatincefc~ Coe ru~'h xonqain

t e ishe
"T -.ebr 6b15-do
'ff31-6 urn

Thqrero ,. Oven; fo nn. iquid thek -a onc :~xI2a ly -reet. h

gf 6Atei the ISCosity .of' the licuid, the'- )2ei t~s 9 ite~ 6E eat; i tL.e t,:hick-
er th c:in 'pa the ex-h.,aust,(
nz Al6, - thegetrtecnrcincefcev

ard hegraerth dshagecoT Icin Th s,paxradbcxca 1 conclusioniis cob-

firired "by p;ractice,. The nozzle sr~ sngle durinvg, -bi intcrt-ase of the,'vlsosity of
the ii deases becautie f the ,decr-ase. oi tn ntial corpcnent, velocity Th

-_1z - I

0 4

Fig. 113.- The deperndence of the con tracticn coefficient f f, the dscharge coef~'cient
)&f, and the included s;pray angl~e Of upco the geor.ctri,: characteristie. or
the injector A.
dependence of f, k a.-m 0( upon the geometric craracteristf-c of an ideal injector,
calculated according, to the foriuiae (7.16), 72) n %.1 i a.:icc r.Fg


The discharge cbefficients of a centrifu,-al injectcr du=rI ng, cpe.-ation on kero-

I-S-9740/V 211
seine..andi xore- v'iscous liqusi the p~er~caa ris ~C, A> ?.!,-,seemstob
adjthre -tie retor than t)e theo of aniea-inctortebaccol-
5i~oi h were, sttdaoe r u.a~ ny r -oproJ.~epeiiaycl
clatio ns 1he6 -ac'tul discharge codfTkcients -and-z'prcly di,:persiop -ahgles 6of cphtr..

fugaltf~c of -njector earittuid ofin destt

Examle. teetenr~ie
geietrc caraceritic f a ideal cenrifig2.iijc
to oefc~ns~
, h Athe pa an1e ,C 'bn' terlative thickhops '01
thsry oiq
666 f.~,d,ien.. di,
IV -?', .1madtenmo f
nid tcta3
th &b 6

Th cefiiet 5 ad and thanle,AX_ ar bun& by the -graph in Figure '113:


cetr 'ialinjtor depend66 up ,teshcp ssorhelaiysrycoea heijc

tor,:nozzle outlet.


Liquid streams and drops, 64ich are moving in v gasecus medium, break doun.
A liquid, which discharges from. the openin~g of a tube or from the noZ71e of an
injector into still air, comes under the acticn oil surface tension and aerodynamric
forces. Turbulent pulsations of velocit) usually occur in a dischargin~g strear: the

stream, as a whole moves in relation tc the tube i~t.a certain speed W=.,/2g'.

Inside the strear. the individual turbulent moles of the liAoui d move in a disorderly
fashion, which is similar to the therral rovelment of molecules. The character of the
flow depends upon the discharge velocity, the density, viscosity, and surface tensirl
of the liquid, and even, upon the layout of the exhaust nozzle or injector.

F-T5-9/70~A 212
14g, r sst.1 s- blur. pressur-e, the dichae velccity- it lcwi; -undrh

-ac0tion of the6 force 'of' 'atity and, the torcd of .-utf tce, tension iniid .drope,. the

diamtesof 4ch 'usua:lly Uie beVeeh 5m(Figuqre 1140-~ wilbrekoffo

th ez-edges of the exhaust, opening.

Vith an itceasd of th e, surplus pre ssure, the. discharge: clkcit., ncreases and

-the'11'ui&discharges, f r. the openir- n -the ftor of a, larin-5i stream (Fzure llhb).

Vith a fTurther increase of 'the -surplus pressureL6,. the dischtiqtgc -ve61oc tyicoe,

hind thttembcorc-s t urbuleht. Oing -to -the i da1 ulsations -of' -the' e~iy
th u.,a of the ttrea, is hot rirr.(i-reIh.TeaopyrcTres

, ii h a &t on -the stream, tend' to increase :all- the, iregularities on, LtS- sunfaice

wvhile tes ac eso forces tend to level .them. The- strean; l-,;n- e a turbu.;-
3: let trem avig annuniform surface i- shown in F - ure 13.,T r n o tei

-rglrtteair veloci-ty- decireases An~d.the pr'essur e, i ncr ea zs,;,. at the, peak of -the

irrgulrit. 7 the, velocity of' the flow increases an th ressuare, diiinishes., The-

areas of increased pressure are indicated in Figure 115 by " signs; Uhe rarefied

areas by "-" -signs.

It is obvious that under the action of' aerodynamic forces, the disturbance on

the surface of the stream will increase.* For a sufficiently large relative velocity

the individual disturbances will break airay fror the stream an~d forrm rinute drops,

the diameters of which are less than the diameter of the stream. At a great dista.-cc

from the opening the entire stream will break douT, into drops whose diameters are

comiriensurate with the initial diameter of the stream~.

e At very high stream, velocities relative to the air (higher tharn 100 n./sec for
kerosine), the break-down of the strear. into drops begins right at the outlet open-

ing (see Figure 114d).

The liquid dro-,s bec).ac sub.Ject, to t'-c rci.of surface to, sinn. and acro. ...ic
forces as they move ir the air.

Surf'ace tco~izio forces tor~d t - i~-rt ir n .c

C ia1 c
S: 10.-Oroay r'. ,zariic

forcets Void to lattcn ouit it drop (Y~i -are 116,. At a Su .Cf.cie I1L vIac o- the .. a

F- 1-S-9ThO/V 213
head f .ita 'cienit amp~i~
-h agiv e, ai~_d sintec-
'~~~ o'~~t hw f~re
7rtfnz drop-..

hi tJ di
6 1<1 * ~..


r~,l1~The_ breakdo6wh pf a strea -which -dischze roIt ar ein:7 -at -varioaus.

o milirete,-~zed drp~i shwnin Figur k.hen a velecit
pprxii~atly23 -ecis
reached,, -adrop 81hoPse initial 4diarm.ter- is 25 ,a
fistbeoms-ftat, ten forms' a- r with a-im the, center., Gradually this, -filni

blw u noabubbe whchfially

17 'bursts, brecain upIe,-I
int a sejries. of ams
ib~ercetiblte drops . The p6hoto6grap hs in, Figure 111 show the 'succes'ive moments of
deftortation and".breakdownr of aspheia do. nfrefive we, see thait the bubble

br~eaks nhear the apex*. The broken edges of the filIm pull together towards the ring

( 6, 7. and 8) under- the action of surface tension and collide with the ring,
drivilng small droplets a.:ay from~ it (Frame 9). Finally.. the same ring breaks into a
series of minute drops and one or two large drops (Frame 10).

Fig. 115. The air flov arotnd a turbulent strear..

The dynarIc head, which appears during the rmovezr-ent of the drops relative to
the air, is sufficient to cause the breakdo-wn cf the drop and mra , be found by substi-O"
tuting it for the .ntena2 pressure which appears in a drop because of surface ten-

if-TS-97hov 1i
sion. Athough
~ wsl s e ue .-~ cnsiqere4J, a i fziht
_o cd;es =4~ have

ecyaseial -shapoj, for the tath Atcal ax l si-sl of the. problem it wil1 be

Fig. Airf1w
16. arund dr

_ tension 'of t h ; -lo- Q!:1 -9
a's to &, then~ then fort;e f,i vih whi ch

neh~1 -",the, drop atratsth ther,. b11

e equal to (?gre 5,-

is fo6rc c r'eates a -pressure wVhih acts 6r 'th. eriire uraeof the drop-.

Teoicf squlto the sumo the prouts, of elenents of the area dS, timres the
p - d:,to, th nomlto: th&element i auesti6n,:.
presue~pojcte p~coy- 5 ~csy~~4'p (7.20)

04 2

Fig. 117. .photograph of the breakdown of a millimeter-sizea drc:, in an~ air flow.

By equating (7.19) and (7.20),j we obtain the internal pressure which is created

by the forces-of surface tension:

de (7.21)

If the dynanic head has the smne order of magnitude as the internal Dros-

owue caused by surface tension 7,the drop be,-ins to disintegrate:i


The, o- .Vln-im~ hprmrt

ith arl cut r1Aitive ve',;cit'--s of" a
drpo6, iq#i ha. n vaiu fc e~inso e h , value of the biridwn

ctetkon ;b feral
,al the, liqid nv s1,b
tiated to be ccritan t he1w D >, 10.7 2pl

beihs an-~nD>l ~b kdow -of the "droob occt'r s:

FiD.lie. Uee
h~rig thei -internal pressr o6P -a liq", in a drop.

'The liting velct sal pmv nthe

-air w,,ithout dis-

int~'ain, i aco'"'Onc& ith, (72) is equ

Here, 'd is -expres.-'ed in, lr/seC in kg/n

- 4 in -kg/r.3 ,d in ni, and g=9.81

If fuel discharges frou: a direct-spray injector into still air, then the break-
down of the stream begins when the pressure of' the fuel feed is approximnately 100
Iczi/c determining the discharge velocity front the equation (7.8), one mpy de-
termine the value of the diameter of the larger drops which may be formred during the
disintegration of the strear., f'rom~ the equaticn (7.214):
& h"M
! Dy (7.25)
Besides the larger drops, a multitude of' much sma~ller drops will be created _Ir
the dispersion Jet (see Section 14 or, this chapter).
Centrifugal injectors disperse a fuel bezter at significantly lower fuel feed

pressures than do direct-spray injectors.

Streams of a liquid, moviA*ng- simultaneously in axial and tangential directions,

F-TS-9740AV 216
ever thj4 Ier, and finally, afte'r l6siig its stablity, breaks down into individual
drops (see Figure 11?-). At lov s trer -velocities relati-ve to ar (u<->,-)5
--* C

the 'oreakdowm begins at a certa--* distarce frcr the inje-ctor (a! 4:.-.22 A

higrh relative velocities, the breakaxewn sets in: riz-ht at the c, .thlt ed,:e- of Lhe -

jector nozzle. Ir photo-rarpns of snro';ds., lqiIbras s, ~.n ~ ~~the r-

co're~ alvni its cireur~feraY.ce, :;re seen. The d-Isirte,-ratirng sprsy ccn-e b:rc%.- dxv

Thc of ~ -cr fr.c'3

'c,-: -,rr . 7~ ~t

strear., shroud or otner drcns,, mra, not bc Cr&E7! threnpr'

the £orirula (7.25).

The drons that. are formed D~acunder the action of' the foce~C oI* fc t'.

sion, taking- a Iror-,, noK of an elongated, then of a flattl*ened ell~i:.soid. Only in the

first approximation may a Irop be considered as spherical.

Exaxmnle 1. Find the mraxirnur 2iiax.eter of a ,3rc- o-'coret:t ~fr.~2r

ing discharge into still air ' the 41,;2 feed press-ure pg = Y 'iKr21 2,

and =815 kg/11,.

The limi-ting- diapmeter in cor~rormarice vith 7 ?i is:

dnea-D:7, 14 -0.002 -815 93106 .
2,-- .: OOQ0-1.229.3

Example 2. Find the liratirg velocit,- in relaticr to the a--',. &zin- w:hfi a

100-mricron 4-o,) of :cr(,se-.e d rtif the r,- a ~5Canl t:--

c.2s -:r
pressure is 1 abs. atm.

According to Figure 126 the sL~rfac tenrion of the' 1 'eosr at 150 C iz

o26 dyne/cm -00026 hj ri Rim 29.3288l~*:

The ljmritin.- velocitU, is four,! Pcc.rdln. to the fcrK

9.8.00026 -14_
MIPCA .~1 1,22.100. 106 =5


The di~tributicn of a ~ :cA:to the J'hedrz

of~ 'c *V

F~ -T S A Q/V 217
6'r-s rio
Lncther o., %.r - C h dos a ey.di
-%rso~ ie r c-

tinaflit dvied
soa~ e roi~s cor~.~ o izsU,~~ 7'.!,: -for exari
rc0to 20Xridrons, ftomr 2C to hCrir: ,frr~1 oO r&on tc 'to 'tc

mairu~ iaeerdr;the overai veigh ofr drop n the absolute and

AM1~iei'Wueto1 ac iedossfoi:
-A ZISik
G~~+G~4.+O4~. Z,.2L

:Oits of' _hih

is 'plotted. the ,size-ot'the diops oth :tclais 3,~ ipl3otted

ir~ic is along the a± (anidt-on"igur
11?),orthea rave gto

The cited
~~ inn
~ Tthe.,idc~t~ta
~ ~ ~ P h rps h AM~brs
wl~ch~ i wiPthi th p t -i~off
6 to 80 wiros, 1 rm o O~o

t#68grn of d2 ry Is-"e;ond.
ci; eTabl 7.1Tbl
nutr00-1-teta Ie% ops, a
Igrse T. t+h~c
s32 itrso
'Which-'li0.8 liisof46 12~hm 354 -e 12-0
4'8 1 p. of53

24.2 or, 62-5 18r 23e 06ecnd

4,6~n 12 G 32,0 1286


0, 18. 40o 0 _ 300 0.185

IQogr12 109 12,8 626$ 1O5,2

The knowledge of disperslom spectra is nec (_ssr, !cr the stud-, ot*the cvanora-

tion and c(,F.usticn of the drops.

If the weight of the drcps, the diamecters off which ]Ae ;:ith!n definite

F-T!'-97140/V 218
2.k~si~kno~r o~~e ffhci
'de tti e nuzmbbr 64" =ca a nd hir
urae.Lf h Wedirt off the group Wod-ro6 _s is, eq-.l t ,an th~e. .wre
_jzTete ':e~jial to6ir thenz the- W,_ ht :ne
_b droqiz equail to':,

Th, surface: -foe6ri


tetotal[ 6 u- -ae-Of ;

ho~ ~~I , fOr -eXamnpl_,d- ul- 'microns O! -t.OC 8 j0,

~ sc~ 1(.
£ thof nuz~b~
ro~sis ..... -239 illions;

andl their- total surface- is,

-- 75i'.



aJ Bk
Fig. 119 .Dp ersion, from centrifugal, inhj 6 tor s,
a dsesion
, -- spectra at vaious v.r,-s ire .4-coxmpAr sor of zeasjred
drop, ers ith, calculatea' one.,;*

-Median diLaMeter, 5 -miAn- diax.Cter -cIc .Kihkin frua)6-

odlirrAmitng -diamotier,. 7- med-iar -diwmeter Lfforrmu!a(.-

' hovwingc the6 spectriiz of disper~sion, it. is not. difficult1 to, estimate the
aphars zttra of z, cros, -- he general ia s s of which is s1,7 .1p
go'is o lrge
D:9e nmeoustha drps bih ess significantly Cgreater weght.

oreape, -hs th-ro f drobs which are less than 20C r!Jro ;-rs, i.nthe e x V.!. e

i.n question~, conprses 1I900,000,000, i Se. -7C of toa nunbe

the o n s,,,s,pi-id

t.the saxt timne thiv. lgtt s ec"zalto, 2% of the -total veleght-, 'and t.e4r surfhc6

isl. 11i t 'the total s wrffa Ce.

Ofrten the fir enei! -~a disoersion 19 chars cteri zed : a ce"t-ain d i i.en or.n
au1r sL C't differe".t IV eh. -Are~s :.
r ter ~ ~ L

'1~o.5Ar, whh
".I oth.overa.Z nass o-- th* irss c o ;ri.i s ' .

mefa dlam Ari in FAigur e 119 the median -hex p 18 1 r - ,

TIn ILoreign 11 lat ar: the so-called Si~tver or aea E;e d-13me-er* (a1.bre

iaeSD)is accepated. to, chara-cterize the 11n.e nes s of a dizve r si on

Sutter' s avrerag~e diareter is, equial to- that-%. diatreter Onhic h droos of an i dentical

size ivould ha vt if thei-r ttal sur face and total weignht. :O.l b h

samb as those, in -a strear- composed'of djrop, of' various, sizes Consequentl-v, 5 D is

7~(7. 31)

Thei- nona niforqity of a-diszpersion. -k i's cPharacterizeod by the ratio of 'the true

;numnber of, drops n to, that number ns y~hich. woul Leotie fal h atce a

the- same; diameter , pqtial toU the SDSz-


In the arl l anialyz ed- -before (se -able 71

W, 44.040

-~ W 4-,486-1'=_486n~

1GrifIin, it,"Atoelisit.sion of F.ue-l p yVIL92

.' nTheah, vol. 174,

1ongwell, J., '"S zhilanie zh idkh toliv"l /Cbm~bustion. of Fuel7. 'rz
'the, bqok Cobs1n rcseNw 2r, 956. - -

Thie dispersion spectra of centrifugal And. s )ray injectors mab~e itwevgt

bv zweans -off experiments,. The most 'v~iel:. used, are the f 0l1 o~4
i*i tho:1S solidif!-

cation 4vthod. absolute ______d, irn~rastion -mthd cdlorixetria metiod,, and- an opt-7

cal Dmetbod.

~acifis based up t he fat that the lensity,, v-'s=os ty,., an-~ surface t-Ier-i, .

song substance in a nolten state ma4y be the 'san.e, at. an increase'd tei.'orat-ure,.* 4S that

of the test. fuel during normral teirperature.. For example, the physical parameters '/bf
melted paraffin are close- to th.a-ararreters. or kerosene at roon teirpei'ature. Such a

L molteni substance, dischargi'ng from an injector, WIll be dispersed the same as tie

test fuel., F01ling. into the air, 'the drops of the melted paraf fin are cooled, and

solidify, preserving An approximrately spherical, shape. The zolidilfied drons -collect

FPig.- 120,. A series of-screens for sorting soidified drops.

A)Strainers; B) 100" -ifd- M~,'

and, are sorted thiiough a serie's of 'screens, having variouls sized 1ie shes. *The sorted'
gbuear eged. Through the Tinw-st screen, having' a si1ze of 20y, for 'example,

come all, the solidified drops- with diatete-is of '0 to 20OK; throughi the, next screen

come all -the Particles Vith: diaiete -s of, for -exam.ple, 20 to -L.rjA-&etc. To acceler~ate
* the process, all, the screens, are placed' one atop -the other (Figure 120). The videst-_

r1~nieshed screen is- placed' on top., 'The -determination of the dispersion spact-rm is. ac-

aom~plished by eiiTgthe s;ifted- partidles remain-Ing onr eaoch screen and those passing

F-TS-9Th0/V -221
ihroiuh to6 I.,he -atn..
The zra-b4k of ohsoldictn -;ethod -is _that&E it is, diffiult1 to select

* a ubstance, the phys-,il paraete s -of i~ch inh a- molten-,state wol ufcetl
vlose to. ihe fuel in, question at, the reo"red-conditibns-., he teimerature, of the- fuel
a ateriiiI influence uipon 'the character-o*_- the dispersios -and. upvqon subsequent

'evporaion ftemperaIture-tupo
-oivsiaeteif~~ dispersion, it is .neces-

sayto, choos_ 'such, suibstances, h i -Wh in :a, molten .stge, Ioud have the same-phypical

-,as wouldi the, ful -in: 4e sti OT)or a j6Venh successioh of t 0-1-,el- atui e;-

Th-s- h3 usually onl-y s tccessftil vthi h a nrrow tenmperzavwr £n~rva 1. hrort

expand the azreads of' research, -alon~g -wit the solidificati on xehdoer:s s te

MVethods toU in~zestigat~e the-dispersion.

The abolute met6thdcons.ists of entrapping the, drops in a laye-r of' a,viscons Ulb-

.. Aih which they do not mix ane which fails to disolve tham,--glycerine, for 0,xlpie .
"The, drops, stuck in- the glycrxine,,Preserve their sbheria £1L,1forrm. Their- dimensions
are measured'unddr amictoscope,, The dra,&.%acks %of-this, absolute method are, first,
its difficulty, sM secoid' -, t6e speciren's Obtained do ~not l'ast a lon,, 1%0e.
A) Injector
C). A*ture

inaue method sionrer
.. * ?lte magne,_uTum

Fig. ,121. The investigation of',a dispersion ,spetrum,by the impresso- method'.
The __________chod ______ds the- capture 6f'the liquid drops In,.a substance-

in-'whichi noticeable traces remain., To obtain -the imrpressions, the drops are captured,

on ,.plate which is cowered with a lay'er of'magnesiium or carbon 'black. -Falling on,
thiese coverings, th drp ipint 'their traces whilch may be excamined. And compiuted
.under4La'vicro6scope. Thd dimensions- of the-.!,mbres~ionst are not' equa" tb the 'dime''in-
sl'ons of the drops. The relati1onship-;between.1 t-.he di'ar6ter --t the impression a~nd
tedaeer ofthe-,rorp 1s-dete-rmi~d- by ~eans -of a ,special experimenit by i:hich.

en the'--'4

Tn -or--7-

slo~or14 cik 'he :m~t- cl

The i rI-hd nc~ c~rs h au~rert,-o ainz calc,.Ilation. of a

Eu C)Fiter
DI) injector


Fig. 1.22.- The iniestigation of -a dfspersion teclrmtrcnehd LAIrx.b

The- c-61-rirmtric m.ethod is -based on the, -s= of the *a-tat;

irrit'i a constant-

pressure Ted and, a very narrov, Eispersionr

'fe1 ;l e the ropcrs
d.:A frc.-4 a hori-

zontally-mounted in~ec tor fly frurther than" do, the sz-,Il Qrei ~arel). -~

j-ector is. loca ted horizontall.y aoeatray wrhich 'is dl-Iridcd into zroovep th., ar-e
rJoriented at ariclht apzwle to 'the ;axis of the snnra- A Di-odeterzmrne-d ajw~un o' the

-fuel in quiestion is pouredJit a goolre.- A is ;added t3 the fuel. to be atom~-

ized. Thegrar the weight of the d.-ops thtit fall in one or anot'br .:grocve,, the
i nte n s1ve the liqm Ld wl 12.r~
'i e 1ntensity of -the color -Is de -

terined by a colxrienet"ic miethold. T!he dlilnrdte'rs of, the d&ops oJf ruel hv fall in

one or dnother of the z.rooves is 1~r:ndL..

ccverin tile tccv~q wi an t-
,anw xdd and measwurIn-: thin, c:scrao t*.he Imr sirs., S2,xrlar

ex'rirets have shown that in, -eacli grooeve fal. or'y thosiz dr.. etPar~ nod t-y, the

dimenslop or tIhe -'groiipi

No6t -one of the. above'-desc.ribed i ethodn i3- tlsed for '-he s tudit of the dispersion,

F -TS-9710O/ 223
ture * aAns!~ be a:) caseoz,
~aptre~,. asigiiant .pqrt,-n. of* the- il-~ b to Pe%"-rA te, nmthis ieo2y

~nonialmethodj, 6is'

'The, -ontleal method us- d . exai-le tc" OTr iihin s-&:-

of-hooxphn heT:inVrpswt the aid-of a -cazrnera- aii a- olpiectlve le 5

..ivil find, de!)th .dIinition,. The nhot'og-,h f drcos- tha .,are obt,-ineed, -a-e pp-

mmlrntd, and-,xeasured Am axde." a T"I ope. The distorti~ o' the sze s &ft:~~osa

vail-4 ri d-1, tnc e3z 'rom -the -.erns I -

iexzr~1 ~. ~

~rt: 6. F
DISFTi5SIOMi AUD VE :-0'C!_-'OF 'Tii,-JtTi

For, -a ai-ven, ipjptor, a given Tuel feed 'pressure, .and c cn s tra &nity,. es-

sure-.,andi teipelrature of t h ir , the fineness. or a: dispe -sio-L d~pends upon -the, :i8-

costy densIty,_ an~d suirface'tension of -the liquid.,

Experiments have show.p, that 'durl ng, an- increase, of' tne disper_-

_sion spectrum~ increases on, 'the s-iLde 'of the larger d ons (Fiur, 23, No ol does

.the-average diameter of the drops incrdase durig tis,, but the lari-s- di anet r

*lncr~sessba1~l, ad .hereliLve 'content-'of .the, larger 'drops, beconme more 's~gntf!,


Evaporation-and, corbustion of' the larger drops occurs so slowly that these nroc-

068GBs mray not 'successfully be completed, in the corabustLion chamber of a raarjet eniv1ne.

The presence o!'the larger drops iray be ,one, of' the reasons, for the izicoirplpeness of

'the c omrbustiwK' and edcdefficiency nf lfamjet engines. Therefrore., a

-iquid havingr a -high viscosity As not recotriended-.

The influence ofIL ,,e vis~c osity- iipon the. atoi.,zation of a fuel31 'by centrifugal
injectors, appare ntly, is dependent -on 'its, influence upcn the thickne ss of the liquid

paycone, that is £ornzed in the injoctcr nozile (se6 Figuri, 111) *_th an increase

iBlokhn, .. G. aind 'Kichl~, ie. S., "rodn y diaxmeter k,'p6dI pri raspyllvanil
topltva tpsontqbczhr £orsujn!k:.a, t' L eAveira;-e "Diam~eter of ~a Drop d-ming ktoriza-
"tidn-;of -a Fuel 'by= njector s7 'tebloderetika, l9'5., .1161 :9.
of armi 1
0sosty to 'the incredse of ito-. th ~ f t'th el Lcoc,-r,

he anen~:a. eIi~w decreases.. -and, the ;th-* k;*ess _o the,,sry o, n-
sis 0! the 'drop 4-hataefred increase.i

To ndretse the. a 3;ol matio0of>6'&s- ch Viscoisv 1-q, .s 'as- diel esoaoi

pLetrleur7 nabtha.-or fuel oil, these arirehatd -sheam. increase o! e.ea

j decr ;eases the vscdosity.

The 'ifluence of, i -io

at -roorm te, .berat4,re -~ 206 'C.)-upor, gtcmi!ti&n IS

seen Srom the tbripirisop of Figures 123 and: 12J4,, in Whlch, the d-"soersim~. sectra ar"
plotted- of'.a sale di;ezel fu 2 a. of a i ht luba.1 ~* hs i~ ~ h ' l

most- identvicai -surface tensiors (3and 32 A!yn/cr) an t-.Aer-4ally dillffere~nt kiinetjic

visc-osities,(. n 32 centlstokes),. 1xperience shows the. an increase of&visCositly

alters -the form of the disper'sion spectrum, increases 'the SDS., increases t*h.e s;.ze or

thlarger drops-,. and- increa~ses their 'content. Therefeore the trane-tionrl to a mor e

vicos fule" for the-.sazxe- -other parameters will 'be iccom~panied' by~a- deteriobration -oil

-the dispers-1.n and-the evaporatioi of-4

the. drops, vhich :aesa decrease in the com-

pleteness of the combustion. To increase: conibuticn-durir, operatioh, or, hivh--iis-,

Co34ty fuels, it is. necessary- to increase the- tomperatu eL of' the fuel Or to decrease


III A) Volumetzic cdxaent per

II/I.1' Ill3ueroniAn 1
) Velocity 2hj&-4 vVrec
p 0) Veloity 15.?_ rW/Se
* J) Diameter of the -dr'op

Frig. l23j. Atorizationi spectra of -diesc' fuel.

the 4*pqchar,,o oneuinit of Vic injector, simult-hcounI- r1, in the fuel, fced rsu,
orVlejhe &tecombqst1Jon,
moe or to augim.t th., di sJio rpae.
With--an increase of -surface, tens ion,- a-s seen front forrula (71.2"), the qfuali ty
of the dispersion deteriorates. The effect-of surfaetnonndseroni-sn

F-TS9Th0 22dserin5tseteso
0) "Voluniri6contt
per, -iro

b) xterofthe.dr6V3

frow~~~~~~~~~~~~~ diesel fuel and wkater (F' re
123 and 125), wichae suiir lio sties, (1.8an, 1.0i cetsoesn!atral

ditretsufc te-'ns 73odecx1.Vha

-,?3Aate fdeiq-0sr et
An ,inc-ease, of the _rp cus~t nices fsu~~ eso h11~ree

.acc6r I
witht the forrada ,(7.123). Iti -00ance to itention'that the -suriace
tensonsof 1y'cro ful-aesimilar Values (Table, 7.2),. 'Therelfore, the-,change

dsp~ersion spec'trwni' during the. .transi-t4.on6 frok one, fuel to a,ncther is usuaillyl
"of tb
accrpne b6 hneo isoiyadntb a,c hge of surface tension.

6) wntent -per
micron, ina 5
3)-Velocity 2 ,' ,P/sec
C) Velocity I5. rn/S.C
Diaxne~r ofie
D)L) drops

12.Dispersioni spectral Of water.

1-ho co&,ensation -for Vhe, niegtive, of tect o;n- d~f-wersio- ox- theq svzofac e, tension,
4,W Ueffected in the 'ame vkr as for -t;-it of inacreasod iriscoiy i.e. by hipati-,*1
the f-uel -(Figro 16:

Thie -densty of & fuel yio, as. onemay surdisej mut lohaean effect. on the
finenessof a'dis'persion. For other conditi ns being,6eqa, f h dnst o te,

fuel increa ses,' the inertness of t-he drops increa ses and, the dispersior nus e~ir

4n ntidte.6rlitvd Veq~ 4
he elaivevelcit
With~n ncrascin Ot, other conditions being eul

the aerodynamnic f orces which act upon the:.streasx increase, and the fineness of the

Y48TS0140/4V 226
1iserio ro,,.s *Hbw -the -finenass of" t dis persion incir ses d~ring an increase of'

jable 7.2-

it Q?!PerPrEnIVTAY

15t 0.6A 225-

z ~~is 0A,6 .62
Jateir 1,oO l 71
Sat6e:diesel fue
d71.0 0 2
4igt lubricatin Oil.2i08 32'3
1feptaue 20 o640,092 20 9

~tWy 'alcoW -1O7914


seens in, Fi
the,-relative- velocity fruri 15.2 to, 24-4, rtc 'is- Ies13_, 121i and 12'

It ii seen that the, lower the- relative, velocity,, 'the erore noticeab le will be the ef-
fect.,of tIhe vi sco*sity and. surface tension, upon dispersioii.

i~~~d II;

A I.,


126..' The, dependenice. of the paraireters of .kerosene a4 benzirwe upon t'~~eaue

a -- liquid "phase, b vaor
a. phase,.

The-aifr'pressure also, has an, effect unon the finieness, of adispersin-. With
lowering of the, pressure, -the air dens ity decreates,. and the aerodynaid forces,
.diminish,, other conditions 'being equal. A.ccoriing to certain data, di~spersion do-

F-TS-9h0/V 27
'teioa'es with, A decbreasb- o. bresq~gre, arnd th eragq drop ~tr-rw h
eff.t pr sue uon iseih ssonin*iue2.

-- *~ A -if, frn of- mercury

-- ~)Sutterl-v averagp cdameter

-\ ~) qmyes/Cm

u' krosene-

The atz~oeric :pressue po dsprso byj aimuatic Injector..

ls -he a e~tav
f upon, the fineness o61 a di~pers-ion

(FgrV2). ith a- tetperAtur~e increase, the density of-the, air decrerases and the,
odyaidc. forces, diidnish-, w*ing- to- which the. dispertion :rnust deteriorat,. VWe do

nfot-know of any- actual. -exeiieats that ionthe effect of air tem-,perature on,


Fig. 128.0- The epndence obf aareso 4ry air up-on the- ,temperature.
eoynaIic forgei influence ,not onlV the- fin-eness of a disp-rsion,btas
affect the ,conf'gutaticon of the shape of the jet-, i .e.., the forir. of0 the, dropps tra-
.Jectoryin relation-to, the, ttationar.'1 walls of the-t6mbustion chailber (Kgure 129).,
The greAte, -the dendity of the, liqui4d, +he dianmeter of the hro s, and -t-e-ir initial ye-

I~aI,~tb~.trthr te rop6,-will deviate fromk -the axivat oeg06n iq* ctr spray Oon.
kan' . .ad-Henney, V'., Z., "Behavior, of 56raes Highi Altitude con-
M-sF i H ' *6

'Fel NoI - .'-I5j

lzge,,and th wdr, the dispte:so je-4l2 .Tegrae h estyadvscst
of tearteate ied, i 1e their velbcit and th-arwrthe dis-

e sin jet wik2

11;e hea treat r th :elocit:- rof the arteftc the dropn, .,ill
e- brough toetr in ~lw a~ the, har roe w be the diprsion, jet..,

1A division- -ofdrobs a cc ordi: to size occurs durins the ooer-Ation ofOa cenmtr-

fugal 'injcto6r in ain iir stre-Aii. The Iargert dops, which, have a certain t6nZentia
veoctatteb-adw of th houd. w% r w,-sin --- deviate, further ftott the ihi4c-

tor axis, than do 'the,%sirller d rorpi6s vhich hale, the6 same tangentia 1veloc ity (,see Pi gnirA
'12%) Prbos~,. 4~i ia~e fwihi estanl~r cse 'the-r in4tia" velo- ty a'

ait eof no futhrthan sever-al 'millimeters from 'the injector,. an.d continue t

66v r wvi th the ai, takin;i't in the #1' ublntmvmn.

For 'an increas, of fl1igrht alti tude., i4f the !ijach number is: cons'ant., the presnujre

andensity of the air, in a coimbustion- charmbe&'di'minish, the --dispoersion deteri-ratVes,j

an te-dispersiOn -Jet broadens, owing "both to the increase of the drop di1ax 64eters 'and

to- decrease in' air IensitY.

- The- number of' kilogra -:s of air, Vhich past 't!rough A.c&busto cabr vr

secod, imiishes'iprtoal'o the decrease of -air density ~dur ng n.increase-

of light altitude,, if the Madh- rnmber i's constant. Tv. order that the- composition
of the mlxtlire, in, the comibustioni chamber rem~ains constant, the, fuel feed C ~must

diminish in direct'proportion, to the decrease in the, d _ntY of the surrounding Air

If the fuel-!feed-co6ntrol, vikriation wi"h alttd iscridotol0ycagn

the prie ssure Pg , then ,.Ith, an ihcrease of Tli-ht alti~tude, the discharge, velocity of

f l il decrease, And the, sir.nia press-ure deces i tecbutiorn charter

vill be accoirmanied by a deter~oration'-of the dispersion., an increase of'the content.

of, th& large Orqps, 'and a de-r'eas& in.the, completeness of the coribustion, It the a.
etitue o is ccoplished 'ychanging the numrber of ihjectorsor the' crbss-se-

"#in,-of,'th6 Injector,, for 'a dohstant £u61 feeO pressure, theni for an increase of" fliE,:t
altiudeanda decrease of pesure in, the. combustion chakber, h iprinwl e

F.TS..?7LIO/v 229
terorate !,ecause of the' ch1ant.e i. the ir d ert;S ! U" t~e dlsepi:i jotll

!wIdez aconista;t
4t ch6r, ha the largczn
so teot w~wll be ,bI tofI
)tothewall ofthe chaiber.
c qs, in the fir.eneisp 4f di rionzd the Jt,4 c:rigurationi, retultii C
frm thie altoritmi flight Altiite riwst "bebak inito- accowin- _thedepigs o.fhih



J________ 6fte rp ,oeri);

h. fo;caddSD--rjaton~gis hlw
and injetion
b l DY-


Fig. 129k-iesin jb& (VtmeVzr$of

th th drs mv.e
ligfot heoe';lvd

stndng 'c-ecd- d -in ,obtlair. ng calculated formulae which, geed with, the: data of an.
iexcper,4ment. The numerous -emperical foriulae proposed at the present time are, usual

itablO onfly within' nharrow4 confinesand, coincide poorly with 'the e
sulte thit wevre6 obtained ,by other -authors.,

d blokh- ahd Ye:. S.i Kichkiba, havIng investigated the dispersion spectra
of cntrfugl inectrs y optical method.-'sugge-st the folwn

,to compute, the -rOICtionsIhi-- betkeen the metdian diamieter of the dropsb and i~nozzle

40Azter olf te Centrif ugal injector:-

r~tsmhotv 2306
- 4 MU~Re~'(7,433
jc e~tI h~c~itc ftei~-tcwihis, - deteriraned by the

PArmete I Oensiy, rs the SuIt of the fel:

't -on L -. d

isthe swfenst ml
the i kg-n ih

'The Reynold s, nuhber is deterined f dr the donditions "whIct correspond to th 0

di-scharge ,ffom the injector nozzle:i

The huwiber of &o's, -,,,hose diaimeter- isgeae than d is deterined by the


The-parameter n =2.0G t02.45 i's dependent on, the Con struction obf the- inj'ector..

J,. Longwe11 suggested 'the follouing. fpr.ila -to compupte the -median diamete.-of

the- drops- that arc formed. duirin& operation-of cenptrifugal injectors:

is -(7.36)
'The relAtive-conteht of' the drops. ihose -diameteir 'is- greater than, d is :equial to

In 'these -fcrmuiae:,
is,.i the kInhemtc iscosit- f h fuel1-(fro-m-0.08 to 0.8 ce/sc)

oK is, the dispersion, ,angle'pf the injedtor;

,p su rplus pressure of the fuel reed',(from 3 tob 22 kg/cm j ;

is Uhe eOrica factor of irregularity, Vwhich is dependent on the -median diameter'

F-tS-9Th0/V 231
'i.hen d, = ci21 d. 0.5. * an. inr-rease of k:) the dispersioni bccor:es

m~ore evern.

Longvell's forrsula doer-no consijer the surface ten _IC: of a liquia and the

parznreters of the surrouinding air. The geoetri1c characterist.-_c of the injector is

taken in~to consideration only b intrcducine sin 5

e.) Cropvumej

0W 20 W 00O0
.)Caedm.urt duajiema aaneP,y~
Fig. 130. The de'ncnde~'ce of the Fig. 131. 2c6±oratic if P::oum'tic jct.
uniformity fact~or uro-i the A) ?uel r. ure; B) hir; C) -uel;
diam- ter d. 0 .0 Uniforrit.- f actor; J) Mixer.
B3) WerKme dror in diarmter intG.
Apart front direct- s-ra,'r wid ccrntrifuga- injectors, xs Uh~lopei~i

inetovi' ;ic he:ela.0!o~ occurs dlciz t"e aitraction ofP u' c fuel and

air stremsn. Air and fuel blend in~ thec rinnz cha. Iber an'd cischar .,o t.irou; the rx.-e
nozzle the velocityr of the mixture inicreases to more thi lOC n/soc. (_,iruro 131).

Pneuratic dispersion was investigated by "ukiyxn~a arnd Tanasavwawhsgette

folloing forr ulac- for the ca2.cu2ation of Sutter' s diamie'er ds and the dispersion

spectrum: d,= !
7 (\O
, 'r- 4 (____) -5

286 dc(7.38)

d.0 and do are the nzedian diameter and average Sutter diam~e cr in Yricrons;

'v is the fuel velocity at the injector outlet in re2.aticn to the air in'n1./Sec;

or is the surface tension in dyne/cm (fro:'. 19 to 73);

Sis the viscosity of the fuel (frcm 0.C03 to 0.,5 pcise);

Pis the density of the fuel (from' 0.7 to 1.2 gr./cr:1);

Tanasawa, Y. On the Combustion Rate of a Group of Fuel Particles Injected

through a Swirled Nozzle, T. PR. Tohk, Univ., v. 18, 1954.

F-TS -9740/V 232

V v.and Vg arc the v "xretric flo,. rates: of air ard fuel.icl :;Iss
:,-SO tthc i jecto-.

According to the forr, ula (7.39) one ray deterrine the relative distrilvutict. of

the drops in a given measured group provided that it is narrow. For exnarnle, the

relative distribution of drops with a size from. dl to d2 is equal to

d5 - (dcP )5.7
Gd,d 286 dP\ dc d-d
0 dc
where dsr is the average diameter fcr a given group:

dc - d, +d 2
71- 5 thev.the second tcrrt. in the fcrr.u]a (7 .3) beccres -',-illly


A detailed experimental investigation of atcr..zatiun ty the solidiiication ncthol.

was introduced by "V.N. Strulevich. The processing we did of his results shcwd that

the formulae of a primary dispersion, suggested by Blokh a.d Kichkina, L,ngcll, ana

other authors, expressed the reslts of the exaeriments Trith an exactness iadecuate

Lor.practical computations.

The experiments on aton.ization of Strulevich, Giffen and Murashev, Garner and

Henney, and others my be beat. empe 4 by the empirical formulae sho-m beloN.

The ratio of the average drop diamieter to the injector nozzle diazeter is

directly proportional to the product of the sun. of certain functions cf the surface

tension and of the viscosity of the fuel and the flow rate of the injectcr, an" are

indirectly proportional to a certain function of the dynmrr.ic head durir.; the irotion

of the drops in the air:

-ic- 3
7 (7-hO)
AMUR ' _

where o - 24 dyne/cn and Yo = 2.0 centistckes is the surface tension and kiner.atic

viscosity of kerosene at 200 C;

a and . are the surface tension and viscosity of an itord zed fuel;

M is the Mach number of the movement of the drops in relation to the air;

PV is the air pressure in mn of mercury;

n, m, and A arethe dimensionless values hich are determined experimentally.

F-TS-97 0/V 233

%jote aao ttueih,-arnd Gif en c n e r y fr4nd:-

Th -brof
drops, th e, di- ee *hcles -than dis ex pressp az~proxi-,

by the di:iuiin
sel oru
a re o,4pr I
he~1claic* re omatd- 4t hek experital data -of'
Strulevih Figure. 119, a and -b. The' rer-Uts ofr the ccuaion r c~a with
the dataa
ir Tabeed3
ofs arefe

'Tab"I' '7.


AND. '0 22*
Kerosto aing.I

rcetistokes 1A31'

V/wSemo W52 '24., 131 24A4 1,2 2,

(Qmrasch. PicrOns' 123 6-5 296 1 191" .126'
* ,(du-rushMirn 121- 90, 3012 493 126

The di6charge 'coefficient 'of 'the injector-, -used in -Giffen1s -exoerimen4tsis

not know. e.aaim that fkor -a uualcentifutgal'irnjectorP .2


-'o-~ps, of a.femvn in- the air, evapoirate. 'the r, ti gation ofth prob-,
1cm of the evaoorAtjoh fof rioving4 drps rcpresents a 'highly complicated-tavk, since
4 wiC -,hi-s'odes
t i0a

during~ PT
thspoestedaee f the-dropM, their temerature, relative- velccity
of :Motion, the, saturated vapqr tension (rsreheat transfer bdoefficient,, ard
even, the. temprature differeoce. betwe the -surfzb. of the drops an~d .the surroundingc
ai# hpnge -pimltaneously. Atterpt to xres the drop.- evaprto tea a£ cio

ot, i ;s 'initial teiratre of Tts: discharge velo-city', and o! the pq:areters-:of'the

surrounding. floV in the form. ofga closed, sys ter',of equatn hIv not b!pn surcessful
u4p to the, prsent tire., Thi, solving, o this- task i" -usual acco ihebyaeto
4eto copie b
The evaucraticn sp~eed-of a-.drop_,i- d&e'er~dnedl by spf of the Uf! sic Of
the. vapors that- forrm 'oh itOulc n9th urud ir, and by,. *hO -speed 6f the

heat. transfedr fro: It;he, surroinding, ir- -to 'thero t mgura 12)-

o a -difuseid substaneecnidrn
The flo ,z-6f the convecti'on -tr'rse~ . x

tpre by ik'seut~n

Here q~is the flwratO. of a subs tance, di!f fus ed tbrough -a unit of -,surfa"Pce Olr-r a lunit

of tixto in .klt/sec. r ;

the diffusion -coefficient relat-..- to the -pressure gradient in. n;/Sec;

D 'is,
wthj vloctyof th~ vaoswih ae -the, suarface of the drcp, In ri/sec;.
isth pressure, -f6 the saturated _atjor at the sur-face tempera ,ureo h

-dr- in. (Fgure 133)

'Tis--the -temb~erature of the-vapor on the- dropl-s. surface.;
grbap is -the, pressure~ gradient in. the boundary laye ofth ro ik/r 3.

be dazyug A)ofLmi
the-tpea j
B)k1'onebratin limit o

ofth eapraio ad coli f dop

The "minus": sign shows that the. flow-diirection of a -substance:i. Inthe direc-

tion of dec-r ea -e d pr essr.q

During. the evaporation of a dropj, the transport of the vapors that, are fbrned'
ii' accqiOjished by two6 diftereht processe6: -by tIhei'r ovm diffusioieblh

moveteent of the molecule s 'of 'the evaporating subst~nce 'betw.&een, the, moecules or thea
Puzrround4-g by the convection ,transport-of the vapors whi
-i;and ich depbart f ror the-
I ro ith a of i4

-TSOl-9l0/ 235
For a- low convecton vIeloc'ity - 0

Tfie diffpsion :coefficients.may be-calculated o6r the basi*,s of iitolectilar ki:neti

conideats o ma b~deermnedbyan experiienta1 methbd.,
The diffusion- coeficien a g 1susac hT n. the -:ar, depends upon. thIe
;OPeatr nndopoah givomtsisare:

bePie Dpo -,2A2*o 9 m/sec fq6eroeeDi3ll, is

aincreaseeof-pcessure the diffusion
With; erary
dimihd andwit a

0- - *Ae

evaoeiniacmaid yaha
of te suroundin air. thedf on
exhng:the temAherate .ps,,eaprtnAo
the ch ngesThe spied ond whhan

orltheal f g
exchnge, of radkatko
howsnffthe aben-etle detzr~re ty Fouri erm

equaktion :i

'bere~k i-s, the, heat, conductivity of thVe gases that surround -the. drop, in Iccal/m- sec

T s thetempeature
~adieit graden In the boijdar layer of the, drop indeee/n

is the specific heat of -the Vabbor -at *6onstant poressure in kcalIcit degrees;,
ATis thi tetpcratute- increase of the vapor in- the- boundary 1Lyer of the drop.
The 4nusigninicte ta the-heat flowi's in the -direct.Ion of the

et. is- carried out 'by men faius processes: -by means of~a
h4eat transfer-due to, f-lowof asbtce anbyeasof heat transmission oiding to
V,-'- --- I -


-B~ie B)

C, C)K-ero sene
4~~, 4USO 20!t 1

'Fig., 133 . The saturated ,vapor pressure of bernzi he and kerosene at various temperatures,.

I ifolecular collis4 cns4

Ifthe -heat -conduct vity1b 26lw ? -,,then the-hqat, transnmis-son- w-11 -be-
carried-out only by. _convection:

Ifthe-teiriperaturea increase of-the, vapor i~s insignih'icant T, -+0, -then

The temperature, gradients and concentrations At vyarious boihts~ of- -the boundary
layer of A drop are not alike. The detern.ihation -of the truie value, oL' the -gradOients
I and p.9 at various distances from the, surface of a- drop wn&ch is tevaporating in -An
air s treaO, represents a very difficult task vhich hab not bden successfully solved'
in a basic form up-to the- present, time.

-To obtain the iie ricaI results the true -value of the Concenitrati on anl_ tmnpera-
tUre gradients~ are changed to average valups:,

VtAdp, &~ grad T= r - Ti14~


$ * S 217
Hr p Is the-pesr oZ 'he -v por o he drj', S:url aceeul o atrto

prsue~. tesrqr qfr of rk f,

the &-=p

s ofthe layer in _ih a otcable change of the
parti retsure1 -of tqe varjor occurits;
'isth ter, raur6 cir 'the .r-6' s sjrface;

thethap abdurs U*e ter twr

,T-s the ,et layer,, nrhich etpr
he ~r hneO~LS

'Acrodira to- a proposal of D) A. ra-aretsithe &rea of gas- a-roud a

drop, ih w~hidcjh a change in- the concentr;tions -of the vaporsl -nd tq:peir-,are- q -urzt,
is, cLl-led. ,tbCe assbciated, filp,.
The thickness, of- thea4sociated- fibr. is deternIned experimnta"ly- frcm the, value
of the heat ort imats transfer.
In the 'theory of he-at transfer az;d diffluslin the transfer of heat and substance
i, characterized-by the generalized. coeffici ents, called' Nusselt 1 s, nimbers and' indi-
cated ,by thes:ynbojs .U vind- Nu.

An-attem-pt to tlhd, Vusselt's nui&ber theoreticaly for an evaporating #r6p,

~ iayas f hepocesses, that occur in ,the boundary, layer- of a drOp, was ivade

in19147 bythe A-adeiridan. L, S.. Leybenzon-.

The, dependeance of' number, upon, the physica2 :parameters, and- relativc-
velocity 'of the: flow is, -Usually deterznined by mnir of a generali Zed larNe quantity

of XPerimental da-za.i rFor thi's !-usselt'm nuzr ber is expressed by, :Reyr.61ld's number.,

J.Lngel,~~aie h dih.-Topli LiudFes ffrom the

bo49k, "Coibusiion -PrcesseS,' New York, 19.-77
N. ? Tverskaya, I'soAreniye 'Dad' ushche iapli /i~he Evapora tion of' a Falling-
Dro/, Tjra-acLions-of -11U Leningrkd. 5tate Universi.Y, physics seris, '19h?
V. A. Fedoseyev and' D., 1.,Pdli~hchuk, ippareniye (aocl' Vody /?h6 Evaporation
.6ff V1ater broops7 Z107. Ljournal-of'Technical' PhFsis - eriQdca/ Vol Yx,,
Zj 104

-The tht:.a
- cieir of0 7;
es Z"S Lbo ~ .VV ~C)

Y(1hen 'Re 20the eiiteri o I's ex sedb oko' s:iy --

s -for.xlza:

Vbvi -He -v2002 tve crtri'dTdeezri by Vyrubiov' £ and-S~~'s~'

Renl'sn er fort, at ,iwich i s .ovinrg in, the ~Ai" at a re1at1-1ve

lR~e (7 4'47)
vherel iss thet -visccSiAtyv OL the , i nLkg cc

If' fhe thermal criterion, l, is known, it -is 'possible- to -dtrmn he heat

transfer _c06fficie..t
vi (T 18
where d.i the nrodiaxret er

Xis the ave~aze hezAt tonduictivit -factor of a- midxture -of the 'iapors of"'fuel
wi,!-th, air.,
The- flow, of Iet ieeaunheatet wihstanfer-ed in a unit of
-timej the aiunit he-jofvh~ Juifacera-:s

Froir -,this

In this way , the thicdkness of the associa ted: filmi is' less, the greater the-

crtrin NTie.f the, cyicker the triansfer takets place..

The" last equat11ion- ray bi- considered for the determin.tion of the thi ck.rios of

the associated, fil~i.

buyring eAp o rato insilai 0; qbe 0; according to, Sokol' skiy s f orr~-

la 2 and,,,-
:UT the -thickness o.f the associtated film 'is.equal to,'tlh;c

radius of' the drop. 'At' limiting velocIty (before*- the breakup of the dcrop Ile

iiac cordance, :kith (.2

F-TS-r.)146PI 239'
R,.,e = -. ,,prdT
1 .1 . (7.51)

,usselt's number Nu and the transfer factor for drops flying in the air also

nay not exceed the li.itinv valucz:

*Nt.,=.54uOMVj::0,54 "g 10

.NEL a. f

.:ith an increase of drop dianneter, the relative thickness of the associ,ted

fir., decreases. '.hen T= 2o. 0 . and d = 200 f, - = 0.1. In thiS V.9y, tne re:-1tive

thickness of the associated filr. for various sized drops which are r.;rn;, %- var-ious

velocities, lies within the lirts: 0.1 L < 0.5.

If the effect of the convection of the flow is not taken into acccunt during

diffusion and heat transfer, then the processes of D.ass and heat trnsfer ill be

sizrlar to one another. During an increase of the relative velocity, w, eynold's

number -- Re and Nusselt's nnr-bers for heat transfer and diffusion, ,uT ana )UD, 11


If NuD is knoxn, it is possible to find the flow rate of the substance by:

.=P @.-p.-). (7.52)

The coefficient of mass traisfer is:
dg (7.53)
D is the diffusion coeficiert, which is relative to the pressure gradient;

dk is the drop diameter.

The drop obtains a portion of the heat that is required for evaporation from

the surrounding gases and a portion from the substance frov. rhich it is conmposed.

The thermal balance of the drop is coz:posed of the following quantities.

The heat, ir.ich is required for the evaporation of a mass dr. = qmsdt, during a

small increase of temperature between the surrounding air and the drops TV -- Tk is:
. O.=Id,==qdt.

Here t is the heat of evaporation during a temperature of Tk in kcal/kg;

a is the surface of the drop in m2 : s - dk

F-TS-97OtV 24ho
I is the diraeter of the rop"

dt is the time interaI in sec.

The heat, which is released by the rass of the drop, is k -c d.k

is the mass of the drop in kg;

Here ir.
c is the specific heat of the fael in a liuid phase in kcal/k deg
dTk is the temperature change per dt tize in degrees.
The ar~otwnt of heat, that is obtained by the drop fron. the surrouandIng gases in

the absence o-f radiation, is AQ,'-%S(r,-T,)dt=qSdt.

.ccrding to tie la off t:-.e conservation ol' c-ergy

- .=AQ ,-AQ, 7'

The 3pee of the ijerature change of a drop is


If the temperature of the gases is hi- or t.un= the to:.%crature o, tic dro
Tv > Tk and q. > Igip the drop will be heated.

Ahing evaporation the dib.nter of a drop decreases; skna-ltaneousl: the rel.a-

tive velocity and the ter.ierature of the drop, the vapor pressure at its surf ace,

the He ramber, the NuT and NuD numbers, aid the mass transf or coefficient P change.
A combined analytical solution of' the equations for the diffusion, heat tr..nsfer

and movament of the drops, moving in relation to the air is difficult to effect. The

problem of the movemet, evaporation, and coolin- of the drops which are formed dlu'ing

the atomization of a stream of fuel is usually solved by means of numerical integration.

Similar calculations show that-the higher the initial temperature of the drops

Tk and the corresponding vapor pressure pp, -and -Iso the greater the initial veocity

of the fuel and the lesser the drop diameter i- the elaick:er evaporation occurs aid

the quicker the temperature of the drops changes (Figure 13h).

The greater the flowi velocity, the faster is the drop transported b. the a:1l-

ent air, and the faster it traverses a given distance. Consequently, i.ith changing

flow velocity, the quantity of vapor, forming at a given distance from the injector,

chanses but insIgIficantly for drops of a *iven size.

F-TSs.9740/ 21
Within a ccrtoain time intervai a - o tir,;e drop acquires a texperature
the sarlac

z. at- VUich the amoi.-.t of' heats obtained by the dro;! from the z;:rrounding gases,
.comes equal to the am'c-t. of heal, that is necessary for evaporationk The drop
emperature ceases to change:

-The eqd~libriw. terperature at which the quantity of heat which is required foe
*iaooration is equal to the aziont of heat that is obtained from the sinirounding gas,
s called the equilibritwm isothernal evaoration- tez~erature.

7 -7

- 'S

~g. 134. 77
Th.dependnce the
ateeso a vp~aig rpuo ie
Th. lesser the ~~~~iiildaee fado n tegetrtestrtdfe

3porpresurethe thequicer vapoatio 'eqiliriumse7sin,

Th epeaue qiiria f rpTryw~ eemne yYAcsi

om '.66
thiswe i ndtial diferenfes-ofAnT-thegetrh,'aurtdfe

Ther tnthe
pequbrium qierr is aoays less than th-et
ain.prtr. h ~!o-

:c fT~ -Trar isqiclybrprmoporial oTythe p rd o the heats inea to

Me eqdilusin fator ande saturatess tao presaurempnderuely prepffr-

onal to the heat conductivity of'the miture oif fuel Vapors wi th the air \

-TS..97l.Ot 2i42
For the developrient oI' the for.ula for the tem.perature of 6quiibriur evapora-
tions the effect of the convective fow. upon the transfer c." m.ass and hm~t was not
taen into consideration. PA high air tefmerat ures, a conivection flow noticeably
increases the transfer of mrass and decreases the flo*.: of heat. Therefore, the'true
tesmper-ature of equilibrium evaporation (F'igure 135) appears tc be substantially less
than that iftich the approximration equation (?.57) gives. To deterrine the term~era-
tore of equilibrium evaporation of kerosene when T<30_00 Cx it is possible to use
the equation (7-57) imith a sufficient degree Of accuracy.
Duriria evaporation in the corbustion zone (TV 6 10000' C) the temipl-ature of
eqi.libriuwr evaporation of the drops approaches the boiling poi-*nt of the liquid with-
out ever reaching it: Tray" lp


Fig. 135.- The computed -equilibrimu. evaporation ter.W rature of a drop of kerosene
for various air ter.peratures and pressures.

Calculations show that the evaporation process of the drops occurs at high
relative velocities on the curvilinear portions of the drops' trajectory (see Figure
129) md ends in the combustion zone. The evaporation of the drops at low relative
velocities, on those portions of the trajectory xhich are close to rectilinear, pro-
ceeds less intensively.
Rmle Find the air teriparature at which an evaporating drop ofL benzine will

F-TS-97h0tI 2143
uininthe teitpteratuta 'which te -fuel had in the tanks: Ttrr 150 C1 ft 3

7m Of !micury -10,000 kgjm A 0.02 kcal/hr zr. degreq 5.tb1CY kcal/sec midegrees
?,-4i~06- ,./sec; 3. * 80 kcal/kcg; ---- 1.
Accor-ding to the fornalia (7. 7):


Ani entire series of physical paramreters -InfluenCes the evaporation of atomIr. z4-d
N6el.- Ve vill consider the effect of each of them~ separately, conside-ina the re-

Teeorr of ,the,Injector. Centrifug;A; inject ors disperse fuel better than

drcspra injectors.I' By. adecreasie -of the-outlet injector nouzle dizvrieter and
byaninreseo te witth pray, co*e thiknes diirinishes. the fineness of the

diaesion i icreasedLand, 'together iiit ths ators, the evaporation of the

imrvd~ ~ is~J
~ iprinjtdcotrat
~ t h a-dcrease of th drops', maxi-

ftY911ed Pretsure. By an increase of the fuel feed pressure, the relative

he dschrgig srear inreaesthei-fineness of -the -dispersion increases

iproved. The jet broadens at first and then narro-s, rinme the
and evaporation -is,
inc'rease4 of the speed of the drops is d&crease. of* the ckdAutwro
the, laget drops.
-Viscosity and Sufc Teso of the Fuel. An increase of the fuel's viscosity
ipairs the tvist of the spray, and increases the spray cone thickness. The force
*whicoh is required for the disintegration of a dr.-p irncreasco. This, alonjL, 17-ith the
inrse of surface torsion datrim tal~ affects disprsion.o Tho tiaoter of t15he
&rWes increases# 'the Jet -widens, wan the evaporeation rate decreazoo because of the
* inese'of the averaco drop dimmetor. T"horeforo, the -atorniation and evatrorcabilit-r
of keroseni are inferio4 ' to those a' bonszine.
Fiji1 Vap tre~* Ath ani increase ol' the voiata.ity o'f tho fuel, i~oe.,

with an ine~reasa vf the ';a!.or pressure; t-.- renss ;re firaoltt in the 1.our*miary a:

of the dro3 increasas.; t1he zrass transfer in~creases and evaporabillty; is I.-proved.

00UCze bePjUWSe~VVOW1r.tes quicer than kerosene due to its greater va')i presmire.
& . of Evaporatio of the Fuel. LS-th an increase of heat of evamporationp
evaporalbility decreases.

The Temperature of '1he Fuel has a decided effect upon atom'ization and evapor-
~ability. WUth an increase ~fits own temperatire, the fuel's viscosity and surface
tension dipdinish; therefore tile fineness of the dispersion is increased,, the diarieter
of the larger drops decreases, and '%h-:, d .s:--ersiora jet riarrovs * Th. vapor pressure
and Vie t.ntbal of the fuel b-ronv, iftie e-vL.porailiV.- au~mentsc o.i:=i both- to
i~ramrd dispersion -and to increasing; mass flow caused b-, t4he gro~th of pressure

During the heating of the fuel under pressure in a fval syster. to a tempera-
ture whi1ch e.xceeds the boiling. point in the comrbustion chamier, the drops, during
flight from-the injector, boil and 6vAorate because of their internal energy;

evaporability zises sharply. V'hen T-Tui?',the drops evaporate comipletdly.

The Specific Heat of the Fuel. If the fuel tet:perature is higher than the
equilibrium evaporation temperature, then by an increase of the specific heat$ evapor-
ability is impr'oved because of the increase of the enthalpy, of the drops. The grovth
of the drops? specific heat lowers the evaporability.
hk eloc and Pressure of the Air. W,.ith an increase of air velocity, the

relative velocity of the drops increases,9 dispersion is inmprovedp and the dispersion
jet contracts. The drift of the drops wiith the oncomring flow increases. The evapor-
ability of the fu~el at a given distance* froir the injector increases.
The Temperature o.'&the Air. With an inacrease of air teirperatures its viscosity,
heat conductivity and density are changed. The speed of the h;:atfraii to tb1 .

drop grows because of the growth of the teirperature gradient and the evaporability
I increases. An increase of air. tem~perature exerts a substantially lesser Influence
on evaporability than does t.he sam~e increase of the fuel temperature.0

F-TS-9740AV 245
aln9teaxso h jet I&At. or4N in~zn6

ig13The variathchin fo drnthe

orc cetratin oftheexces inrmcefiien th

the urrounding air. Therefore, with anl incirease of the axial ciis-Lance frori the edge
~sn10 insector,-the local concentration of the-fuel vapor at first L~ros be-

cause-of bgrowt of thie evaporability of the droos, ani later begins to dirinish
because0 Of' the tujrbUlen interaixing of- t'he fuel with the air.'
lb ee -showst that the, total vpobr- concehtration and, the drop-liquid fuel
~mcenratin diinis~es i invrse prOoportion:to the- distanice frox h njco

(Fiur lj.) ad that'6a

oos i!~nty. the excess air coefficient grows in direct pro-
porionto he istncefrom the injector.
Thit~ ~ -ofteae
Voto hre the concentration of vapor has a value that is
most favrable-for coombustion, is -the 14ost suitable for the location of ignition units
andstbiier ombdOO3llr lnji
* 06-
cocnraAn beoesXia lng;kaf . .ago'
atasufficient distance from the injector due to turbulent intermixing.- The concen-
tration profiles'*a be calculated theoretically and investigated by an experimental


A' omoasure the total concentration. of the liquid and vapor phases of a fuels a
saMle is taken by means of a tube, the plane of the inlet opening of which is situated
perpendicular.'~o the stream. lines (Figure 13?). The speed of saupling must be

F.2'3.97 4 0/V 2ha6

equal te tne velocity o.' an imdisturbca flo: cr else the ratic between the

, . aty. 0a the air &=a-in rn.d the.general ma-w of. the lops .entrained iU
. 4 . If the velocity of the sa..ple ra,-Toff is less than the velocity of the

flow, the air stream. lines at the inlet of the intake tube u-ill diverge. A portion

of the air ,dll flow into the tube along the walls, but the dross of the fuel, which

are drivw alyrost rectilinearily by their inertia, 'ill fall into the tube. In this

j way, if the;"-'e &O' -a4 is less than the velocity of the flow,

almost all the drons from the stream tube ! enter

-. the sampling orcbe, (the cross-

section of the forier being ecue1 to the intake tube in.let) aid on:-" a fraction of

the air .- il penetrate from the stream tube. The fuel-air ratio in the dr-,r

sample idill be greater than in an undisturbed mzture.


Fig. 131. The selection of a sam:ple of the liquid and vapor phases of a fuel-air
a) v" b) wvkh < v;c) wVkh W
F-.TS-9---- 24

If the m" kS b~ o o sgreater than the veloci*ty of an un-

'disturbed flow, the relative at~ount of liquid fuel in the selected sap-ple wil be le- s

than in an undisturbed flow since' a portion of the drops which are contained I n th e

abstracted portion of air flow around the sample p.;obe (Figure 137c).

; . ".fte.'qualfty of. the.velocities of sampling and of, an undistu •

',-flow"is obtained by throttling the inlet opoening of the rtmallg tube in such a wJay

that the static pressure at the inlet to the sampling tube pots Is equal to the static
pressure of at, undisturbed flow.

To sample a "i;xture of fuel vapor with air utich does not contain drops of

liquid, the plane of the inlet opening of the samplirg tube tust be situated parallel
to the stream lines (Figure 138, tube b), to protect it fron penetration of both

LAP- all
'drdps carried along by the flow and the liquid fil which forms on

the surface of 'the tube. itself.

A) ftel
B) Injector

Fig, 138. Sampling of the fuel-air .ixur.. 6

To entrap only the liquid (free from vapors) the s=pling tube is placed vrith
its. inlet opening perpendicular tothe, flow. The drops, because of their inertia,

will penetrate the tube and settle on its wails (Figure 138, tube a). The finest
(micron-sized) drops will pass around the tube, moving approximately along the air

stream lines. However, the portion of the substance carried along by; these drops

is not large (see Table 7.1).

It is necessary to take special precautions in order that the liquid settled

on the walls of the Ai j tube does not spill outside. The volue of liquid

which has penetrated the Fim iTng tube is casured by a burette.

The contents of the vapor, and liquid phases of the fuel in the &e ed pj'

tions of the mixture after complete evaporation are deterrined by a method of gas

analysis (by means of an absorption or electric gas analyzer) after having been di-

luted with a known quartity of air and burned in a catalytic furnace.

Without the investigation of these concentration fields it would be impossible

,to study the processes which take place in the combustion char~bers of jet engines.

F-TS-97O/V 248
SS .: _U. TCHE, u' CCA, C .:ZT:Yi&'

On the basis of the foremoi.n deliberatic-s about the cc¢rfigur4tion of a J.t

and about the evaporation of the drops, moving alorg their tal's'ic tra"ec"res

one ma. first of all consider the local cm.centr,ion. r.f fuel rixtures idi!

take place in the separate zones of cop.bustion chaxrbers. Calculations, corroboratc !

by test, show that the concentration zones of fuel in the areas of the stabilizers

are not sim.lar. This circunstance presents the possil.ility of a corbustion char.ter

operatir: in those cases v-hen the average corccs'ticn of the mixture 2;es far Celow

the lim.its of lean bloi: out, sir.ce the miyture cnrth. sidc ef the fi'.c-h .ucr i:

re-enriched by the fuel.

To determire the local concentraticns, one is required to carry out the diffi-

cult computations of the trajectories of the evaporating drops an' their evaporabili-

ty, and to take into account the mixing of the vapor formed w-ith the surrounding air,

and elso the r.utual overlapping of'OV4-1acpfl"Jets from neighbering i:je -to'c.

As the first approximation for the solution of the jrIm eotg the dis-

persion of a fuel which is sprayed into an air flow by a single injector, Longwell

and eiss I consider the injector as a point source of matter that is diffused into
turbulent flow.

The diffusion equation may be described in the form of

f f qm DC OR(7.58)
vhere 1 is the local concentration, or fuel-air ratio, i.e., the ratio of the weight

of the fuel to the weight of the air: 1

SeL 3
fp is the density of the fuel vapor in 3
kg/m ;
:2 ;
qh is the flow rate of the diffused matter in kg/sec

De is the turbulent diffusion factor, relative to the concentration gradient in


J. Longwell and Y. A. Veiss, Ind. Env. Cher., vol. V5, 1953, 667-676.

F-TS-97hO/v 249
The work of Lonowell and '-.eiss presents a solution to the differential equa-

"-:toa, abev, for a point, sburce of fuel At, 3ero.relative volo cit. '.4

a. ,. .,CX (7.59)
x is the distance from the edge of the injector to the secticn of the cortbustion

chamber in question (Figure 139);

R is the distance from the injector axis to the point A in question in meters;

17vand va!e the velocity and do +-.tyof the air- in /.ec and k,:/r/

G is the fuel consumpticn in kg/sec.

( --- r... . Legend:

2 -Z Pu--"A
- - .. .. B) actual concentration
C) concentration according
to Longwell's calcu-
~-----@ mueM MoMefmD~U9 "D) without consideration of
eO) _.
') ---- -tcvem
---- i*Nf
. - mpa~Utu
.- nofloav
--e3 yvema ee, mxng

Fig. 139. The effect of turbulent cixing on local concentrations.

The equaWi,: (7.59) shous that the axial concentration of the fuel ir-.ediately

doVMstrean of the injector changes in inverse proportion to the distance from its

edge. This conclusion is supported by experiment.

The decrease of the concentration in a radial direction is

.;*Nws r,' fbmnthe-Juel-air-. ratio .to .tbe -eicess "air-ofi t, r


If the distance from the injector nozzle x is greater than the maximur. vidth of

the Jet, and is calculated uLthcut considering turbulent mdxing Rjax (see Figurc 138),

F-TS-71j0/V 250
and the fuel is dispersed and evaporates well, then the formula (7.60) offers re-

PSults which are close to the true concentrations. For small distances or during poor

dispersion, Longwell's formula offers :o _d ea1- entrations.

0 -- . X

A) Inclination
.. .... 3) axis

Fig. 140. The calculation of local concentrations.

The.dependence of a calculated concentration upon the radie distance R is de-

icted in -Figure 140. The concentrations computed from Longwell' s formula are com-

pared in Figure 139 with the experimental values. The "bumps" on the experimental•

concentration curves (Figure 139) stipulate that the drops of fuel depart from the

axis of a centrifugal injector and enrich the peripherial areas of the jet. Only the

micron-sized drops and vapors that are formed are pulled into the axial area.

During operation with a pre-heated fuel that is dispersed into hot air, evapora-

tion is completed close to the edge of the injector nozzle. In this case, the con-

centration profile of the fuel at a distance from the injector approaches that which

Longwell's formula gives.

The drawback of Longwell's theory is the circumstance that the value of the

turbulent diffusion factor, which depends on the degree of turbulence, the nature of

the fuel, and the temperature of the flow (and is usually not kniown beforehand,) is
used as the basis of the calculations.

The concentr&tion zones ef a single injector ray also be found by using the

theory of a turbulent spray, which was developed by a series of authors and was

F-TS-974o/v 251
Th of tb n c o vapo 1:6

tot' , n e rned the
mifc 2aoxc ~i

ditXc th'_P xihe
Trzr ien ote ter b ~ heI sdrcl r o.
iohnea dto st ~ ~ o x ro m h e i j ecto r n ov
z zle edg endM .t he i t ~ ~ - f t e t r

cocnrti9 ln teai f h ev the
hc sresrd f uel-wair
atoi.changes im inve
nyrse, proportio to. the .ditance x

eres C c nst nt d te mi ed ro e r~ riz~,lowd ta _00j


ofthecncntration as au ion- Of the -distance, h-6m the axis, of
~eJit. mAak be expresed b the "three'haifa" law.

* *(7 *45j

After'determining the axial concentration (Lat A certain distance x1 tror

6dge'of the injecto., nbzzle, it is possible to Comrpute
the con~centration at any
int of'the Jet*A byr

'S-9740/v 252
~ ~ ~ - thoyoWubln
pasofest osblt o xrs the -local
concentr t n or ai x e se s a f k bi n of' the dista-nces& x and R, th4d-ee o

£,ad ~ny bri bonstant.C, iVhiCh 1 5dAteriiiA-6d-.e M3 r

~ The fuer6onsn~t t-ouha- Centr~ua inetrIt=1 msc

Fin th ,costnt
i drin a kwvelcit o 100 in/sec And a n ai dni

of~S g/?,th eces

-1.2 ir coefficient06 Inpe disac of -100
mii~~~_jc inasotexess gir coeffi cient At
fothinetrnzl. & distance o
1I2~ thas abt 0Li#tanceJr. 2W0 =-7 foM the

-5.of ,hg W rXI aAir -B

-f air cofiietfomtefozia (6

Frte Stez ofliquds: and -GAsf -Energo

" z?4t.;; -L 1940,*

*13. Blbkh, A.G. and Kichki., Y. Stefi-Q~r~at!pr 'Anj:t

tetobezhnymi-forsunkaVrni,- rThIgei ter --of Drops, Duiring:-the: Atoriza-
Ful b a entrifugl Injector, "Teploenergetika",1i,-o.9

i.Volynskiy, M. S., 0 droblenii kagel! v potoke- vozdukha, ffhe Dispersion of Drops

n Ar trerW, DA!I Reports -of the Acadepy 'of Scien ces7 of the USSR, 19048,
*Vol Li, nJo. 3. Izucheniye drobleni a ka el' v gazovom notoke, ffhe Study of
the Dispersion of Dops in a Gas o lw. USSR, 199, No. 2*, vol XLVIII.

5. Kigi, V. R. and Ellis, H. He, Prirereniye shliren-m~etoda dlya kolichestwrennogo

13ssldovaniya snmesheniya gazov v striv'e LThe Use of the Schlich-c ;-et&hod for
tWe Qualitive Investigation of twx7T ng of Gases In a Strear7, Vopriosy
goredia ffiovbustion Problen s collection 2, printed iFreignLtrue
e nFrTnLtrtr
Meub House, 1953.
16. Clafr II. and Radcliff e, A., Pnevniaticheskaya forsunka dlya raspylivaniya yaAikh.
tooliv ji Pneumatic Injector for -the Dispersionfc Viscous Fuels,"R" 9L

7. Leybenzon, L. S.0 Ob ispareni. kapel' v azOvor potoke LThe Evaporation of Drops

F..TS-9fl40/V 253
77r., e7 ?uAsin Sir
g~d~ 4 iAc . S~ eiso x
toeo 1 ae~0

'blisi hi-6,ino pl crpotgaJi 1eer~


JO. ~isye,
., brabtka eermental' jseox
Ao~ Li
r:s. a&,truv;. izidkcsti t,
~~r~e4gi. sin pt i~'a a- the
.9vgato ofSr-'- f.i sw thbhe*Aid- -of P~r-i~esoa

1Srezneyskiy _%o

II.c aua'ncotn~aA.'
sk ion. 1,

. k-
'S 84 t.e
~ ~~c~sr 119 sse 7-

of ~2 ~,ZhFvl
~ xl
~ ,su
~a ~ h Dr aater

16 4Frak-Kirnet lfDy * ., Teplotyroodort'-!- S diffuZiya, v khiricheskoy _kinetike-

Codutiit anAeaif on' in h"c2 Kntc/ rintylr, gilose oif 'the
-cade~ o Se~s R-94.---- ~ -

17. Nob. -0- 0,skri- 'ispariniy'kipelc v,ati-.0sere-aah Evaporption:

Veoities"' a Maseout-Atms'sp ere/", 0hTIF"'I of, Exfnerizmenttil
an0d ThortclP sc7,vl1,isu 7n9314 ,J 71759'
18diffefis 1,"Atovdzation of Fuel ,Sprays," Eng.*,, 14 -- VII, Yol. 1714, 1952, Ro. 1500
19.1 SteiAns Ylieni ei 1873, 68, 365, 1861, 83, 013.
20. LOngwells J9 and 'eiss, !'. A., Ind. Eng.* Zhan., 1053s vol. L5 - 467-676.
21 *LongellJ.,Sahiani :hdkikh tooliv o;.busti.or. of Liq7uid Fuels rz r h
'book "Cormbuslon Pocesses," .ew ±o,'rk, 1956.
22. Tanasava, Y.# On the Coumbustion Rate ofr a Group Of'Fi~el Particles, Injected
through a Swirled flozzle TR. Toihk. t~Vv. 18, 19514i
23. Garner, F. H. and Hlenney, V. E., "Behavior of Sprays under High Alt-Itude'Condi-
tions," Fuels~ vol. 32, 1953.
264 Penner, S. ., "On Maxim--,r Evaporation 3tates for Liquid Droplets in: a Rocket
Ylotors" J. Am. Rocket Soc., vol. 23, Ill-lU, 1953.

F-TS-97 40/ 2514

F-TS-97W; 255
-'a -sbo-at
-J, 'Iaia4u-tu

bou fulsabut
da~a he ro~sse ofcariartlo, n,de-bOut
wabustion~~~~~~~~~~~~ inahg-peCl6pesno n~ h osbiiyt nesad u

e) A)Hiri~ed susr so dvc
obsio rcut
____C) y~azi*tP,

KMsr w sWpi

10-4" J0' _jdwt

ajt~giein et
P stan9 rli~
the V.mbrs h bsso-,aiarreiedadcnsrcdo
thort icale

h th opratOf the combui on cbaxfiber, reaches, hundred of thousans of

6a aw,) MAectriC Motor

I)Combustion oroducts

1) CoRnwesgd air tarics

A 1 Al"0 j) CorpressorW
K) Mir preheater
ngs 43* U
c~he tes etde U %&AAs pipe

Asnrd clsiic4o of- combustion. chambers. doest idst.

- ~-,the w*ekt',tht th 4ftihah,**h dombus-

C j cmution :chabr.F thes standpoint of -gas 4naMucsl
suprsiccomusionchabes dforfo uboi ones -in that, the air flow rate
tbrough~~~~~ fasproi 6t, egne is lIte by, the codi

" 1~ihAwti wde rang -of fuel -ixtudres remainsl constant A
* ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0
~ arconswimption
ina ,A
sueLo cobsto kcaber: 'The, ai lwraei ubso cmution. chain
herdeens n hetVpeau. 'The stga t tmeture of, -the,flow at the-iinlet
ta sWesoi raitegn obsincabe is higerth hatof a sbonic
obaier.Thi cicumsanc maes icssay -special insitallations fojr pr -heating,
fuuel.; c J'b-diie
The ombutionchibersof sbsonc ad suersoickame engines, MAYb iie
inosi~-egmiic aeiteddfor operatio within. a arotaneo fuel
mixtre, veociies
ai prssuesandfuel flow, ats; -and- int multiple-regine,
"Which-are intended-for operation -over a wide- rang of velocities and flight altitudes,
and consequently, over, a-wide range of velocitiesg and flow pre ssures in the combus-
tiov chambers fuel. Mixtures. and fuel flow rates.
Combustion chambers may be divided into hingle-staee (Figure 144.) and two-

dW-(~~Figur* Wt) according to the Organization of 'their comrbustion processes. The

fuel in singl-stage combustion chambers is fed into the entire air flow. These
* combustion chambers are more suitable for operation on rich mixtures: o( .1.In

* two-stage combustion Chambers, the air is divided into .im iaMsqddr f~s
as In the combustion chambers of gas turbine engines. Fuel is introduced into the
b Primary flow, coMbution occurs at the most suitable composition of the mixtures close
to stoichiometric. Later the combustion products are mixed with fresh air, with the
Idea of lowering their temperature to the required value. Two-stage combustion

F4$.-9l./v 257


} -~

J 7;IM,

G)C aainon

iP) 90ply

74c~lh.~ 5±flle-tgSACObU~tOS chmber

a -scmatc, b erspetv cutawa view

a sabiisig,
. Vrte cobusionchambers a be used only in those cases *er

dia e
At0r is not too great (not mre than 300-4.00 mm). The utilisation, as flame -
badeaof impinging- Jets$ ceramic wedges, and radioactive combustion activators is
also possible.

- 1 ?rmax'st ace
_ _ _B
C1 eoondcrystg
caeemusa D) Combiustionl ard
zdxing zone
WM 3)Injectors
Val IPFlame-iiolders
ftg, 116. A diagram of & supersonic two-stage combustion chamber*

F-Ts-9fl0/'V 258
Spark ignition, iAgnition by-ap incandescent wire, and 0yrotechnic ignition are
possibl MIs of igniting th. fuel ixkture., At Very high supersonic velocities,
di" testagnation temperature of the flow is greater than the ignition temperature:
Tp, Ignition is pos4sible byr compression (Figure 1W.)

I Legend:
-A) A) lilliseconds

pig. i146* The combus ion of a mixture- prepared beforehand in a shock wave.
Spr,wn, ndpneumatic injectors are sed to feed the fuel into the cosibus-
tion chamber. Evaporative, fuel feed*, in -Which the fuel before beinrg introduced into
the, cobution chmeseaoated in a special vaporizer and the forming
vporsaemxdwt h ii another possibii.
Comuston hamersaredesgnaed ithr a goabutio hmbers t gradual
ats. combtio chmbr wt instanteu -Aiidnit in accordance with the
p rticular method-of mixing the fuel and, the combustion, products with the air.
Thoortical calculations show that in +heo0044 f .netantneous-sixing when oamiiton
taiuates 'at ,a distance which is equal to the thickness of the turbulent flame
front# a considerable decrease in engine'weight may be obtained. 2


A stabilized combustion chamber (see Figures 1441 and 14.5) includes the follow-
Ing elements: 1) an installation for the introduction and atomization of the fuel;
2) ignition units; 3) turbulence rings (turbulizers); 4.) flame..holders; 5) mixers.

b3eferd, U. F.2 You lamenenie e a: kh smesey ivroul' saui davleniya The Ig-
nition of Gas Mixtures by Pessure Imuses/ Colection Voprosy ore !a LCombustion
ProblumT7, Part 2, printed in F,)reign ite~rature rub* House, 1953
2Avery, W. H. and Hard, R. W., *Combustor Performance
with Instantaneous Mixing,"
Ind. anid Eng. Chemi.$ vol. 4.5, VIII, 1955a 1634-.1637.

The ~ or -eiW$fte
nividual elements -depends upon the purpo3e and upon the
obsto habr ofte
The*"'~'~ for~'-~-- -t'-'a - of th fj 1consists of centri-

fui i~tsryin"Je1-cto Siltiaee com11bution chez*bers are supplied ith

m~inecor lrg cmbstonchabr - ayinetrs Injectors are selected so

tht vrth nieoertn ag of-the. combustion chamber, the local concentra-

tio0-of the mixture remainsi withn the limit, of combustion-in the areas or the flame-
hodes.The loclonc66tration of the Yixture i. usually -greater than the average

ITh* injetors, miust be so situated in relation to the air flow as to insure the
diprin evapoaton, wadmicing" of the fuel with the air *In order to in-
crease thestay time ofthe6 drop in the sp0c in-front of the flame-holder, it is
edvntgmustoinstl them facing ,thez stream. At- very-high flow velocities, the
dfferpene in atomization as produced by centrifugal and direct-spray injectors will
o b * o icresethe *aporization, and mixing of the fuel with the

*~ ~A) Pocombustdon
B) Flame-holder

rig. 12.7. An external view of a pre-ciowbustion amber wih a ring-shaped flame-

The space between the injictors and the combustion zone behind the flaire-holders
is called the cabrt2 1MO
Vaporisation and xing in the carburation zone usually do not end; therefore, a
Mixture, non-hooneow. In compostion and contining a significant percentage of ftaex
In drop-liquid fors,, penetrates Into the coiibustion zone behind the flame-holders. A

heterogeneous combustion of a two-phase mixture, i.e., the combustion of a mixture

idich contains both the. vapors . d. opa of- a.ftlji %amke place 4n Va conbustion
k, hft axjet e-ines.
r -_of.
The ignition units of a combustion chamber are usually electric spark plug ig-

niters. To facilitate the ignition system, *nd to increase the reliability of start-

ing the combustion chambers of ramjet engines, the chambers may be supplied with a

pyrotechnic cartridge with an electric squib, similar to those in the combustion

chambers of liquid fuel rocket engines of the V-2 type.

To facilitate the starting and stabilization of the combustion process, the

combustion chambers are usually equipped with a pilot light or preliminary combustion

-chambers -- precombustion chambers and flame-holders (Figure 147).

The preliminary combustion chamber maintains a powerful, constantly operative

jet of flames which ignites the basic mixture. The precombustion chamber is located

at the beginning of the main combustion chamber (see Figure l4b). The inlet cross

section of the precombustion chamber has a small relative value so that the velocity

of the flow through the precombustion chamber is sufficiently low so that the igni-

tion and combustion of tne mixture is reliable. One centrifugal injector, which
gives fine atomization during low relative flow velocities, is usually located in the

pre!linary combustion chamber. The ignition spark plug is located in the same area

of the precombustion chamber, where there is a sufficient concentration of fuel vapor.

The tongue of flame, which extends from the precombustion chamber, must reach

the tUrbulent zone that is formed behind the flame-holders.

The fa1m-holders are usually manufactured from steel channels and are placed

in the form of rays, concentric rings, or transverse grates (see Figure l4b and 147).

The use of,ceramic, quartz, and catalytic flame-holders is possible.

The outside walls and the nozzles of supersonic combustion chambers are usually

cooled by air.

During the manufacture of the elements of combustion chambers care should be

"in to assure that the chamber cross-section should not be overloaded, i.e. -that

?-TS-9740/V 261
the drag 6oeff icient t shovud not-to eX-le 3siv1yr high. Ami inicrease, in increse
the oubutiobi eficiency i-of the exhaust noazle-
Tg,,but lowers the- pressuroead
and decreases the ijulse of the exhaust gss


The basic problem -of combustion, and -flame lholding'- ay be investigated'-ith, the
aid of an experimental device, depicted in Figure 1148.
Air from the compressors enters a plenjm-or reservoir, the diaMeter of which is.
several times greater than the diameter of the combustion chamber. The static pres-
sure p in the plenum is-close to the stagnation Pressure p0 . To reproduce the stag-
nation temperatures which take place in flight during.-high Mach numbers, the reservoir

.wmuwwit iot tube BD) -Spa: igniter;b


flme-hoder iih pilot. litht

V' G). Air prehet: Texoimeter;

Fig. -148* A diagram of an experimental constant cross-section,,combustion -chamber.

is suppld with a preheater, which is usually represented -by a small coumbustion

chambers operating, for example, on acetylene and oygen, on benzine and air, or on
hydrogen and oxygen. The preheater contaminates the air with combustion products.
One must tolerate this occurence., To preheat 1 kg/sec of air at 1000 requires a
thermal power of N. a cp OAT x!0.214-100 a 214 kcal/sec: 100 ilowatts. (The corres-
ponding benzine consupption G is equal to !9 . .24 ... 2.3 pm/sec.) The cor.-
9 0109 0 u 10,500
pressed and preheated air enters the combustion chamber through a throttling orifice
or nozzle (which, at the same time, serves to measure the air output). The coinbus-
tion. chamber, represented by a cylindrical tube, is equipped with an injector, a
mixer, a flame-holder with an ignition unit, and an exhaust nozzle. It is possible
to reproduce exactly those conditions which take place in a combustion chamber at
various altitudes by varying the temperature and pressure in the chamber To and po
and by matching the diameter of the exhaust nozzle.

F-TS-97140/V 262
It is necessary to know the following values to judge the combustion process

(see Figure 150).

&P Legend:
- ) a-,tame to
A).t the boo-te
B) Vaned turbine

Fig. 149. Schematics of fuel flow meters.

a -- venturi meter, b -- vaned flow meter.

The air output is *

v. The air output is measured according to the pressure

Pi in a measured nozzle (or an output disk), the through section of which S1

drop P01

is known. From (2.o49) and (2.74)

- , -

-10 -PIsj "M q

- V -F-,
[I.J, : (8..)

where p.1 and To1 are the stagnation pressure and temperature before the delivery


p1 is the static pressure behind the delivery nozzle;

a' is the pressure factor, measured by experimental method.

Good nozzles have 0.99 < a' < 1.00. The rules for measuring consumptions are
given in special wor':s.

Th( fuel consumption is Gg * The fuel consumption is measured with the aid of

a flow meter (Figure l349a) or by a vaned flow meter (Figure 149b). If the absolute

pressure drop in the flow meter is equal to Ap mm of mercury or 13ot hp ,,,of water

and the tross section of the flow meter is equal to

or= jiVg gyr,3 6p, (8.2)
where t is the flow coefficient of the flow meter, determined by means of experiments;

Yg is the fuel dersity in kg/sn3 .

1Makarov, A. N. and Sherman, N. Ya., Raschet drossel'nkh ustroystv The Coputa-

tion of Orifice Plates7 Netallurgzdt etallurgical Printing Ho usei i93.

F-TS-9740/V 263
Consumption is determined by the rotation speed of the vanes -when an electric

flow meter is used.

The static and total pressure in the beginning of the combustion chamber are

P2 and pO2; in front of the discharge -- P3 and PO3; at the exhaust nozzle edge --
p4 and pO4. The pressure is measured by means of static and dynamic tubes.

The stagnation temperatures at the combustion chamber inlet TOl - Tx (i .e.,

temperature before combustion); after combustion they are T0 3 a Tog (i.e., before

discharge), are equal to the stagnation temperature of the effluxing gases T0 4. How-
ever, to carry out an exact measurerent of the combustion products temperatures when
the compositions of the mixtures are close to stoichiometric is (C(w 1) difficult,

since the measured temperatures, which exceed 2,0OO0 C, lie beycnd the heat resistance

limits of existing thermocouples. The measurement of very high temperatures is car-

ried out spectrographically, by a method of rotating the D lines of sodium. This

labor-consuming method requires intricate equipment and qualified personnel. The,. ,-

fore, only those temperatures before combustion To. are usually measured. The stag-
nation temperature after combustion is calculated by the flow equation (2.49), after
measuring the pressure p0 3 and P 3 in the exhaust section of the combustion chamber

S3 , the area of which is known:

T.(~~;~L' (ib~.(.L)h (8.3)

The smaller the flow of gases through a unit of the nozzle through section
L (i.e., mass flow is 4 w kg/sec m2 ) at a given stagnation
pressure in the outlet

pO4, the greater is the temperature of the effluxing flow.

kawple. We will find the temperature of the exhaust gases, if the stagic pres-

sure at the outlet edge of the combustion chamber P4 s 1.02 kg/cm2 ; the total pressure
PO4 a 1.06 kg/cm2 ; the combustion chamber exhaust section Sh - lOO cm2 , and the out-

put of the gases G4 - 1.29 kg/sec; the gas constant R - 29.5 kg m/g degree.

We Wif1 assume that for the heated gases kg - 1.3.

We find the stagnation temperature by the formula (8.3), by substituting the

F-Ts-9740/i 264
values with the index *3" for the values with the index "4*.

r ..- 1( 04 / L J~ ) "--EWIl
Tog .est.
2t 1.310)

k-0...3 (tA.WO tc._ 'e '~I'2177 E

Combustion chambers serve for the combustion of a fuel, i.e., for the conver-

sion of its chemical energy into the enthalpy of the combustion products. The more
complex the units for carburation, ignition, and flame stabilization, the more com-

plete the combustion, but the greater the energy losses in overcoming local resis-

tances, the pressure ahead of the exhaust is smaller, and the exit velocity and jet

thrust of the askaust gases are smaller.

In this way, the quality of the combustion chamber is characterized by two

parameters: by the drag coefficient C and by the combustion efficiency sg"

The Determination of the Drag Coefficient of a Combustion Chamber

In order to determine the drag coefficient of a combustion chamber , one

measures the stagnation pressure pO2 and the static pressure P2 at the combustion

chamber irlet, and also the stagnation pressure p.2 directly behind the flare-holder.

In order to exclude pressure losses which are produced by the initial heating, a more

reliable measurement is carried out in the absence of combustion, but at the same

? af.Was in an operating combustion chamber. Dring cold flow tebts the air oat-

put is regulated by means of a bullet or valve, which is installed in the exhaust

nozzle (Figure 150). Legwnd:

rAxeel A)

B) Caibueration zone
c C) Co,- ustin zone
- ")) Injectors
- Z) Cibuctjoe
pit G) BUllet

Fig. 150. A diagram of the measurements in a combustion chamber.

F-TS-97hO/V 265

The local drag coefficient of the combustion camber is found from the equa-

ie (49)with the"(,)

yhAp - *+rI *-I) M _

mlore: -'P-', () I
Only those pressures which may be £easured directly are included in the formula

The Determination of the Combustion Efficiency

The ratio of the enthalpy increase of the combustion products G4i to the

chemical enerpyt tG4~tou~ n9 h~o

to" .4 Y ee
f, ON =e62, Ad ( 8 . 5)

where C is the average heat capacity of the combustion products in a temperature

range from 0 to Tr,.

pis the average heat capacity of the air in a temperature range from 0 to

The excess air coefficient (4 is determined by the fuel flow rate into the con-

bustion chamber and is set experimentally.

To calculate the combustion efficiency, it is necessary to know the air flow

which is determined by a measuring orifice at the combustion chamber inlet, the

fuel conslwption 0 g, the cross section of the combustion chamber S 3 or the cross

section of the exhaust nozzle 34; and the static and total pressure in one of these

sections p4 and pO4 . or p 3 and P030

We find the combustion efficiency fsg from the equation (8.5), alter substitut-

ing the stagnation temperature of the combustion products (Toh a T0 3 ) from the equa-
tion (8.3) in it: .

U. A.,+o )r8. (8.6)

o . ,F
F-TS-974~0A 266F
The drag coefficienta and the consbustion efficiency sg characterize the

suitability of a combustion chamber to operate on a given fuel at a given air sur-

plus, but not the quality of the fuel, since under corresponding combustion:.onditions

any fuel may burn out almost completely. If the co.mbustion chaxaber is inadequately

constructed, even a fuel like benzine burns poorly. There are cases known, when

combustion chambers, which were intended for the combustion of kerosene, operated

poorly on benzine. This 1s explained by the fact that during operating on the more

volatile benzine mixture, the mixture ahead of the f lame-holders sreared to be over-
enriched (0( <i), but downstream of the fiance-holder the mixture ratio:, fJAled -o

decrease enough for combustion with the a-mount of unused air.

The best combustion chamber would be one for which 0 and f 1. Such

combustion chambers do not exist. To increase the combustion efficiency, the com-

bustion chambers are equipped with mixers, flame-holders and other units. These de-

vices, which serve to increase the combustion efficiency 9 Sg' usually increase the

drag coefficient of the combustion chamber . In designing combustion chambers

one should compromise by striving for a ration between (P and , at which the
specific air impulse of the gases, which exit from the conbusticn chamber at a given

mixture composition, appear to be the greatest.

One cannot find analytically the optimum ratio between Cfg and because of

the imossibility of establishing a single-valued analytical connection between these

values. Therefore, the problem of the optimum arrangement of a combustion chamber

must be solved by an experimental method.

The Determination of the Air Specific Tmnulse

The ratio of the thrust of a flow, which acts in the exhaust section S4 to the

air output is called the air snecific imnulse:


A force, which acts in any section of tho flow, as is known, is expressed by

the formula (2.76). For the section S4

F-TS-97 O/V 26?


N3 I the critical specific air impIse I& r wifl be equal to

+,)--p | Tr +,k).

Considering that T. 22. . we obtain

The ratio of the true specific impulse I a to the possible maximum with a given
fuel I., (When C - 0 and qq 1), is called the iplse efficiency 'lIi:

i=" - (8.10)
The impulse efficiency, Ithich is dependent on losses from incowlete combus-

ti n and frm local drags, characterizes the perfection of a combustion chamber.

and fog must be such Po that ak will be maximum.

Reale 1. Find the drag coefficient of a combustion chamber C if the pres-

sure at the inlet p0 2 " 1.80 kg/Cm2 , and P2 - 1.72 k9/ C02 , but the pressure drop

A p a 0.29 kg/cm2 . According to the formula (8.4),

Il 1..9e.04
A 164:
, '-,i-- -
Remple 2. Find the combustion efficiency sf, if Gv - 2.34 kg/sec, S4 = 130
cm2; p4 a 1.006 kg/cm2 , Po4 a 1.67 kg/cm 2, Gg w 71 g/sec, To. - 4.35 K, Hu , 10,300

kcalg, and L a 14.9.

We ill asue, -that for the heated gases kg = 1.3. The enthalpy of the air at
the combustion chamber inlet ioz is found by the i-T diagram (see Figure 93); iox•

118 kcalA .
According to formula (8.6) the completeness of combustion is

?-TS-9740,J 268
k 2

2.34+O .61.3-is1 IA7*I3OI~ IA*

~-- _


The combustion efficiency depends on the parameters of the mixture which ap-

proar'wes the flame-holders. In order to eliminate the effect of carburation, we will

investigate the variation of the combustion efficiency with the surplus air factor CC,

the initial tererature, the degree of turbulence, and the nature of the premixed

fuel mixture, i.e., the fuel was vaporized and mixed with the air so that the compo-

sition of the flow would be the same across its entire cross-section.

effect gf the ozposition of the mixture. Experience shows that the com-

bustion chambers may operate on sivilar premixed mixtures only within narrow limits

of the excess air coefficient. Thus, in Mullen's tests, a combustion chmnber operated

on a homogeneous mixture prepared beforehaii.only over the. range-of, 047 < Oc 1.6


fit *.J Lgend: effiien

48- C) ,jr specific im1puse

Fig- 151. Wiet -of Q4~ "&4o A of at predlzid Id idUO .On%3 'a' and 7i

The combustion efficiency has a maximum value which lies approximately at 1.0<
<'(to 1.2 (Figure ll). Within the range of the composition of a mixture from <- 1
I to 0 a 1.2, the combustion efficiency varies insignificantly, but with a further lean-

ing out of the mixture, it falls rapidly. When C 1.6, combustion ceases. In

F-TS-970O/V 269
mitbus eerieed to c. 4., sg gradually decreases, since there is not suffi-
cient ewWgen for total combustion. Mhen *ui0O.7 the combustion of a homogeneous pro-

xl-d xixt ceases.

The temeature T2 effects the combustion efficiency of a homogeneous premixed

miXture. With an increase of air temperature, the combustion efficiency increases

and the operating limits are broadened (Figure 152). The initial temperature also
affects the ignition limits and the combustion of a stationary gas in an enclosed

area. The combustion chambers of supersonic ramjet engines, into which the

air comes preheated to several hundreds of degrees due to the stagnation of the

oncoming flw, operate under more favorable conditions than the combustion chambers

of subsonic ramjet engines.

The effect of the initial temperature of the combustion efficiency of a homogene-

a.r .tt tble to the.fa t that with t-

taera ative tWA"rml
velocity of flame propagation increases. The turbulent moles of a gas burn out
quicker and at a given degree of turbulence, combustion is completed at a lesser dis-

tr"*-s04 thei .Cm

stion.oftioiency for &7giv,-length of the conbust~ zfo
'. cn .In-

The natur 2f fthfuel used in the turbulent combustion of homogeneous pre-

rixed mixtures affects the reaction velocity and the normal flame propagation velocity.

rhe normal combustion velocities of hydrocarbons as heptane, octane, benzine, kerosene,

liesel fuel, etc., have abeu.ti sam values if their iitial tserawturev are.eqial.
The norml flame propagation velocities of such fuel substances as hydrogen,

acetylene, or ether, are greater than those of the hydrocarbons; therefore, other

zonditions being equal, the 1 ustime efficiency of -he mdxtures of.these sub-

3tances with air will be greater.

Flow Velocity o the Mixture. With an increase of the mixture's flow velocity

1;,the velocity of the turbulent pulsations grows w: w and the turbulent

lame propagation velocity u, increases. The increase of the flame propagation

velocity usually lags behind the increase of the flow velocity wn . Therefore, the

-TS-974o/v 270
cone angle of the Jet (jS, is determined from the equation

0 W
ands, with an increase of flow velociti, it decreases.

7- + 7 7H A) C ,bustion eoficienc.,f
B - 3)Ioseeficienct

C) Air specific i2j1se

A. as 4 9, 42 .,.,
Fig. 152.. Effect of the titial temperature upon the combustion efficiencj Ts,
air :ppecife impulse Ia and impulse efficiency 71I

The length of the Jet increases with an increase of flow velocity, but the

look for a given combustion chamber length decreases (Figure 153).

At a sufficiently large flow velocity w, the flame breaks away from the flame-

holder and combustion ceases. The value of the velocity, at which this break-away

occurs, depends on the design and dimensions of the flame-holder, on the strength of

the pilot light, and upon the parameters of the fuel mixture (see Section 9, Chapter

Because of the break-away of the flame it is not possible to investigate te

effect of the flow velocity on the combustion efficiency through the entire range of

compositions of a mixture.

The humidity of the air has a certain effect on the combustion efficiency

(Figure 154). With an increase of humidity the combustion efficiency decreases in-

O ignificantly. Thus, during an increase of water vapor content from 1.14 to 2.7 per

cent by weight, the combustion efficiency decreases by 5-10%. The decrease in com-

F-TS-9740/v 271
bustion efficiency is more noticeable as the composition of the mixture departs from

a stoichiometric ratio, and as the lepgth of the combustion chamber becomes smaller

(FIgure 154)o The effect of humidity is connected, it seems, with the fact that the

hemal flame velocity for humid mixtures is less than for dry mixtureso ith _
61- 01
o-6 *Ldv 4,6-S

xe - 1JA

1'0' '" *
Z. lllit
II1 1 IlWi

-- -V - T -I
' ; 5~~~~)
solI1;1i "

4)L I I" I l1i _


Fig* 153. The effect of the flow velocity Fig. 1.54. The effect of the humidity of
the air on (l g,Ia and
Legend: A) Combusion efeciency; B) Imulse e :ficiency; G)
)Af specific ]VIxiUhse.
increase of humidity, the combustion becomes smoother. We will mention that the ad-
dition of water into the cylinders of piston engines eliminates detonating combus-
tion., i., also decreases the flame propagation velocity. The effect of the humidity

of the air must be consideredfi Is':a oRIe.

The degree of the fw tbulenco has a substantial effect on the operation of

a combustion chamber. Large-scale turbulence, in which the dimensions of the turbu-

lent oles compare with the diameter of the combustion chamber and exceed the dimen-

sions of the flame-holders, makes the operation of the combustion chamber difficult

and lovers the value of the flow velocity at which blow out occurs. A small-scale

turbulence, for which the dimensions of the turbulent moles are less than the

dimeter of the flae-holder, increases the velocity of turbulent flame propagation uT

and, other conditions being equal, increases the combustion efficiency.
-'Mullen, J., Fenn, J. B., and Ga.-mon, R. C., Burners for Supersonic Ra.jets,
F-TS-9740/'V 272
• P)-- - £4 -s


SA) Combustion ff
)) Iulse acto,.

C) Air imoulso factor

,) "uel "
a Pen-Lane
I I_
i A, !F) o Heptanc
N G) A Diesel fuel
. H) x Diesel fuel

Fig. 155. The effect of the contents of a non-vaporized fuel on Ia'.sg'and hi.

The effect of the phase composition of a mixture. During operation on fuel sub-

stances with low vapor pressure, for example, kerosene or diesel fuel, the larger drops

of the atomized liquid do not successfully vaporize completely. Therefore, a mixture,

ihich approaches the flame-holders, contains, in addition to the vapor phase of the

fuel, a drop-liquid phase also. The presence of the liquid phase has an effect

j) ie eharactd ,4 - - 155)0:c Only ha

portion of the fuel which was vaporized enters the combustion reaction in the area

behind the flame-holder. The fuel, which enters the combustion zone in a liquid

state, must be vaporized before it enters into the reaction. The vaporization of the

fuel drops occurs at the flame ignition source, the precombustion chamber for example

(Figure M44). With a sufficiently powerful source, a two-phase mixture of hydrocar-

bons and air wil ignite and burn with a greater velocity for finer degrees of atoniza-

tion. During a great leaning out (. .5), two-phase mixtures burn better than do

single-phase. The more non-vaporized fuel the mixture, that approaches the flame-

holder,contains (and the larger the drops), the more powerful must be the ignition

* source (see Section 7).

The parameters of the mixture have a noticeable effect only on the operation of

Indust. and Eng. Chemistry, vol. 43, I, 1951, 195-211.

F-TS-9740/V 273
a short combustion chamber, in which combustion does not suc.-ed to totally cease.

During a correct organization of the process, if the length of the combustion charo-

her is sufficiently great and the sides of the chambe.- are isolated from thermal

losses, any mixture, the composition of which lies within the ignition limits and

(> l will be practically totally burned.

If the parameters of the mixture are given, then the drag coefficient and the
combustion efficieney..wll depend on the construction and -ow he: dimensions -6t t

the flame-holders and igniters, on the power of the pilot light, on the fuel feed

system, and on the length of the combustion chamber.

The most important parameters of a combustion chamber which effect the combus-

tion efficiency and local drags are the apparatus for fuel atomization and carbura-

tion, the geometry of the flame-holder, the length of the combustion chamber, and the

diameter of the exhaust nozzle. The inlet cross section and exhaust nozzle have an

effect on the flow velocity in the combustion chamber. To eliminate the effect of

velocity, we will consider that the combustion chamber is, each time, equipped with

such a nozzle at which the flow velocity has a given value.

We will consider the effect of each of the parameters of a combustion chamber

on the combustion efficiency sg and on the drag factor t.

The Geometry of the Flame-older. The form of the flame-holder effects the
operation of the combustion chamber (see Chapter VI, Section 9).

During the flow around the sharp edges of the flame-holder, a break-away of the

stream occurs, which is accompanied by an intensive vortex formation.

= S -
With an increase of the relative cross section of the flame-holder $.

the relative velocity of the flow, which flows around the flame-holder " -,increases

until the velocity of the flow between the edges of the flame-holder and the walls

of the combustion chamber bc.-- -p'legal- Ved of' o~d." Besidest' ; "

flame-holders with such large relative cross-sections are not used.

F.TS-9Th0/V 274
The average velocity' of the turbulent pulsa.tions 17uis the greater, the

greater the velocity of the streams which break mra from the edges of the flame-hold-

er. A grovrth of the intensity of the turbulence increases the velocity of turbulent

flame propagation uT, and the expansion angle of the co:bustion zone behind the flare-

holder af widens. Therefore, ,iith an increase of St, other conditions beoin e.u'w,

the length of the combustion zone decreases and the combustion efficiency at a given

distance fron the flame-holder increases (see Chapter VI, Section 9). iowevcr, vc:r

large flow velocities along the edges of the flame-holder may cause the flame to

break away. It is possible to show that the optimum relative section of a conical
, i3 and that of a ring-shaped one st -
flame-holder S st s 2
The arrangement of radial grooves (gutters) (Figure 156) aids the transfer of

the hot gases from the ignition source to the fresh mixture and, other conditions

being equal, shortens the length of the combustion area and increases the com-

bstie-efeicy. Ring-shaped grooves (gutters), located concentrically around

the ignition source, may serve as flame-holders in very wide combustion chambers

(see Figure l]b).

From the sides which are turned towards the diffuser, a flame holder is washed

by air, the temperature of which is close to the stagnation temperature of the oncom-

ing low, and from the side of the exhaust nozzle, the flame-holder is washed by the

products of incomplete combustion, since combustion near the flame-holder is not

totally ended. Photographs of the combustion zone after a flame-holder show that the

maximum lI a tqhsi1y# of the gases is reached at a distance of several cen-

timeters from the flame-holder (see Figure 105). In this way, a flame-holder has the

forward side cooled by air, the temperature of which is close to the stagnation tem-

perature of the oncoming flow, whie itsj& aside is heated by gases, the temperature

of which is on the order of 1,0000 C. Considering that the heat emission coefficient

from the rear side of the flame-nold," is less than from the forward side, a flame-

holder, which is constructed of heat-resistant steel, v. not 6verh4 4s a resujt of

the combustion which takes place in its aerodynamic trail. A flame-holder does not

F-TS-974O/V 275
t a) . j ) e

ig. 156. Forms of flame-holders.

a .- disk; b -- conical; c -- ring-shaped; d -- V-shaped.

urn from its own flame.

The combustion efficier.cies, obtained by a simple conical flame-holder (Figure

56b) or by a complex flame-holder, composed of a cone with grooves (Figure 156d), are

ompared in Figure 157. The combustion efficiency with a complex flame-holder is

rearer than with a simple conical one. The drag factor of the combustion chamber

ncreases with an increase of the relative section of the flame-holder.

The length of the combustion chamber has a substantial effect on the combustion

tficiency, since the stay time of the gases in thb combustion zone depends on it.

ith an increase of the length of the combustion chamber the combustion efficiency in-

,'eases and at a certain length 1O, approaches 100%. Increasing the length of a com-

ustion chamber above this value does not make sense, since with an increase of length

he contact surface of the hot gases with the walls of the combustion chamber and the

eat losses through the walls grow. In addition to this, the friction losses of the

ot gases on the sides of the combustion chamber and the drag factor C of the com-

ustion chamber increases. The most suitable is that length at which the specific

-TS-9 0/V 276

impulse of the gases is maximumr. The effect of the length of the combustion chamber
siule flao-holdor

Legend: --
.. . . Same
rw as for
I'iurc 155. 11 1 1

(4 ,qt I6 .6 /.8 tO Z (I4, %g

0..6 I 0.0;
VA 1A 2 A' 6
F"g. 157. The effect of the form of the Fig. 158. The effect of the length of the
flame-holder on (qsg combustion chamber on Isg'
Ia Imax

on the combustion efficiency is depicted in Figure 158. The combustion efficiency is

low at a length of 150 mm of the area behind the flame-holder and when c o 1. .ith

an increase of length the combustion efficiency of a homogeneous mixture increases

and when t - 450 sm, it reaches 100. Increasing the length of the combustion zone

higher than 450 mm may only lower the impulse of the effluxing gases, since the effi-

ciency cannot increase further, the heat-and-friction losses in the area behind the

flame-holder will grow with an increase of length. %

The relative cross-section of t exhaust D S4 - S has a substantial ef-

fect on the operation of a combustion chamber, since it determines the character of

the flow of the gases. Depending upon the conditions which exist in the inlet sec-

tion of a combustion chamber S1 , the change of the exhaust section may be accompanied
by either a variation of the gas discharge, or by a variation in pressure (see Chap-

ter X, Section 2).


Streams of a liquid, which are thrown out by direct-spray or centrifugal injec-

F-TS-97hO/V 277
torso disintegrate into separate drops. Moving in the air, the drops gradually

Vaporize. The higher the vapor pressure of the saturated fuel vapors, the quicker

evaporation occurs. But even during operation on such volatile liquids such as ben-

sine, the drops do not successfully completely vaporize Into .the pre-

ombustion chambers and the combustion zone behind the flame-holder, o that the

mixture s approaching the flame-holder, contains a significant percent of fuel in a

drop and liquid state. Therefore, not only vapors, but also individual drops, burn

in a combustion chamber.

We wil consider certain combustion problems about liquid drops.

To stimulate the combustion reaction, it is necessary to elevate the tempera-

ture of the reacting substances to the ignition temperature Tvsp .

The ignition temperature is always higher than the boiling point of liquid

fuels Tvap> T kip . Therefore, the liquid surface of the fuel fndamental y caimot

burn. Vaporization always precedes conbustion. The vapor pressure of such ..S.

.Ui~fiJUic-_a b~nzine is suff~cittly groat so that at t"eeatutev..

below minus 500 C there are enough vapors over the surface of the liquid for igni-

tion. The fractional pressure of the fuel vapors phas with the molecular weight

,Ug. that is required for the formation of the mixture with the surplus air 0(, is
equal to P a

1hen - ---

1-1;p.--*, p--10 l4e--1,; Pm--O,OI23/&

If pats " 760 m of mercury, then p., a 8.5 mi. The vapors of benzine have such a

pressure at a temperature of -53o C, of kerosene at +l3 C, and of diesel fuel

at +500 C. Combustible substances, the poese a T~sure, ".,4f.'which
which at normal temperature is insufficient to form a mixture capable of ignition,

are called j .
tfe vapors, which form on the surface of a drop, diffuse into the surround-

64g- f OW,~ bafti the 'itae

&MA fro1 t &P the' lea ber- di the' bbntnta of
dro :'-

F-TS-7o/O 278
vapaip in- the,*rt, .,At- a -certain. d4st anqe from thO . pOPP thak "ue uPture
reaches a stoichiometric ratio. If one ignites a large separate drop, a "covering"

flame will appear around it (Figures 159 and 160).

In order to ignite a drop of fuel with a low vapor pressure, for example like a

drop of kerosene, it must first be heated to a point so that the vapor pressure

in~--xAlue that,.is sufficient: for the formation of'a fuel n'dit '."

This preheating may be accomplished either in the tanks before the efflux from the

injectors, or by atoization into hot air, as in the combustion chambers of super-

sonic ramjet engines, where the stagnation temperature is very greet.

In the presence of a sufficiently powerful ignition unit the preheating of the

drops occurs in the ignition flame. Falling in the area of the heated gases, the

drops are heated; the content of the vapors reaches the required value and the mix-

ture burns.

S A) Conbustion zone
B) Ccygen
6) C) Vapors
) Coz-wistion zone limit

A) Irv-aw- aO
Fig. 159. Diagram of the vaporization and combustion of a drop.

It is not difficult to show that during a fine atomization the average distances

between the individual drops A are less than the thickness of the combustion zone of

the drops (Figure 161).

The number of drops, which are contained in a cube with a side a:* u=

The mass of these drops is O,= d 31

a - 'r, . The mass of the air in a selected

volume is GY a Yva3 (disregarding the volume of the drops). The composition of the

mixture is:

F-TS-974o/V 279
From this a

d 1 (8.n)
Men 1"800kdj 3I ; 1.225 kg/ 3 ; L -S; a(- 1 5 the average di-
tance between the drops will be xud.

The theoretical investigation of the vaporization and combustion of drops, which

are stationary in relation to the surrounding air, was carried out in 1945 by G. A.

Varshavskiy. He considered that the vapors that were formed on the surface of a drop

were diffused into the surrounding air, meeting diffused oxygen (see Figure 159). At

a certain distance from the drop a spherical flame front appear., where the chemical

reaction of fuel oxidation takes placc and the heat of combustion is released. Par-

tially it spreads in the direction of the diffusing fuel vqors and is used in the

process of vaporization$ and partially it diffuses kito the ambient gases. Zie ci-lcu-

lated radius of the combustion zone is several.t:nes grenter than the radius of the

.drop. The combustion products are dispersed into the surrou, di al" a'cr c-O5.V,1s.7usil

with the oxygen enco-utorod. Ln this -T, a "covorint" flaw a. car- a-o'wa-1 a heated

.' ia aoeordance with Varshavskiy'a ideas isolated aropsare capable of bun-

ing in an atmosphere of pure oxygen, since an area which is sufficiently enriched

with oxygen and luel exists at a certain distance from the surface of each drop.

Fig. 160.A p t ph of the cobustion Fig. 161. Towards the determination of

ga.IA"A a drol. the average distance between
a -- st air; b %- w<lO m/sec; drops in the jet ol an injector.

An experimental investigation of the combustion of single drops, falling

F-TS-971O/V " 280

In the atmosphere of a hot gas or =pewAd-1. m n - U1 -.4v;0e, Xra* ctcied .u .
by mny researchers.I These investigations showed that covering flames (Figure 16 0a)

actually appear around the drops at low relative velocities. During an increase of

the relative velocity, the combustion zone is displaced towards the rear of the

drop, and after this, combustion occurs only within its trail (Figure 160b). Investi-

gations at relative velocities measured in tens of meters per second were not carried

out. The speed of vaporization and combustion of the drops quickly grows with an in-

crease of their relative velocity. The vaporization speed of drops inmbile in rela-

tion to the air is not great.

• The assumption that the drops are still in relation to the surrounding air, is

only the first approximation to that which occurs in a ramjet engine. First of all,
the drops are blown out by the turbulent movement of the air, secondly, arteht'emper-

ature of a burning gas increases, its specific volume grows, the flow velocity grows,

the pryassure decreases: P03 < p02, and the velocity of the drops in relation to the

gas varies. The velocity of the drops at the moment of penetration into the combus-

tion zone is approximately equal to the velocity of the flow: w2 w wk. The burning

gases begin to move faster than the drops of fuel. The gases flow around the drops
-- - ;erclS
- -of:--YS'j an aeroctmemic 1'Qxte -9 arises-thereby:
, .'- Yostg ( 8.12')

where C1 is the aerodynamic drag coefficient of the drop

Sk Is the cross section area of the drop.

During a sufficient relative velocity Upr* the aerodynamic force becomes so

great that it imparts a boost to the drops, which then approach the velocity of the

flow j3 the vaporization speed grows.


The temperature of the burning gas mixture flowing through a combustion chamber

lBurgoyne, J.'and Richardson, J.p Fuel, vol. 28, 19149, 2.

Spalding, D. B., Eksperimenty po goreniyu i gasheniyu zhidkogo topliva na
sharovYkh poverkhnostyakT eriments on the Combustion and Quenching of a Liquid
Fuel on Spherical SurfaceVs, Fuel, voi. 32, 1953, No. 2, 169.

F-TS-9740/ 281
increases. During this its velocity increases, but the pressure falls. The gas

dynamics of a combustion chamber establish a connection between the temperatures of

the gases in the various sections of the combustion chamber on the one side, MAz with 4
the velocities, pressuresjand densities of the gases on.the other vide.

During the research of the gas dynamics of a com bustion chamber an asswp-

tiOns Mads that the temperatures, velocities, and pressures in the investigated

ections are the same. These allowances are sufficiently correct for the inlet sec-

tion of a combustion chamber L and only approximately correct for the exhaust section

S3. The sones of temperature and velocity in the in-between sections of the combus-

tion chamber, where combustion occurs, may not be considered as uniform even in the

first approximation.

We will designate the teirperature and other thermodynamic parameters of the

air at the inlet to the combustion chamber by T2 , (2P P28 and w2. The stagnation

parameters at the inlet to the combustion charber we will designate by T0 2 , P02, and

The critical velocity of the incoming flow is

as= O WN "(8.13)

The relative velocity at the combustion chamber inlet is

ft I/i wr. *(8.14i

The ratio between the stagnation parameters and the static parameters at the

combustion chamber inlet may be found by using the gas dynamic function:

The stagnation temperature at the inlet to the combustion chamber T0 2 may be

measured by screened resistance thermometers or by thermocouples. The stagnation

pressures are measured by Pitot tubes, the static pressures -- by tubes, the openings

of ulhic are parallel to the stream lines (see Figure 150). Relative to the pres-

sue ratio P it is possible to find the relative velocity at the inlet to the com-

bustion chamber A2 (see 2.68):

[ !-+I1.(8.16)

F-TS-974O/V 282
The density of the incoming air is determined by the eation .of. state:
. . R, Rm (8.17)

The air flow through the combustion chamber may be calculated by knowing the

inlet section S2 and the parameters P2, P02, and T0 2 (see 2.74):
0 =s AT /'i -)f' qQ" )" (8.18)

A portion of the total pressure situated at the inlet to the combustion chamber

P02 is dissipated in friction and shocks during the flow around the turbulence rings

(turbulizers), fuel collectors, flame-holders, and other units which are located at

the combustion chamber inlet.

The pressure preservation factor during the flow around the local resistances,

as was shown in Chapter IV, Section 2, is equal to

PePe 2- (8.19)

At low velocities (1j<0,2-+0.3)

,= - - .(8.20)
To determine the local drag coefficient factor t in addition to the pressures

P2 and p02, one measures the pressure drop bp, hich takes place during the flow a-

round the obstacles: Ap a p0 2 - Ps"

From (8,19) we obtain

h+I ap k+ Ap
h? P".f k4 P" (8.21)

The local drag coefficient may first be calculated if t he-3r t aefthe..bl6ck-

U6. aria. I~ to that of cruasetion S 2 in Iao=wu;

,( S) - If; a=0.63+0.37( S S (8.22)

We determine the relative velocity behind the flame-holder from the

( flow

equation q( X2 ) = O=q(\' 2 ), )1
2 < 1, after solving it graphically.

The enthalpy of the flow at the combustion chamber inlet i02 , disregarding the

enthalpy of the fuel, is found by the i-T diagram (see Figure 92), or by calculation,

if the heat capacity c.2 is known:

F-TS-97h0f ?3
e,=c,,r ,- . (8.23)

During the combustion of the fuel the enthalpy of the gases grows:
#",=(I.+ (824

where 1 te, is the heat utilization coefficient, which accounts for the losses due to

incomplete combustion and heat conduction through the walls.

The stagnation temperature of the combustion products of rich mixtures CC < 1.5,

considering dissociation, is more reliably determined by the i-T diagram (see Figure

92). During the cobustion of lean mixtures one may use the data for the average

heat capacities, without considering dissociation, gse.i, in Figure 85.- Then,

r,,=--. (8.25)
Along with the burning out of the mixture, which occurs along the entire

length of the combustion chamber, the temperature of the products increases, their

velocity increases and the pressure falls. According to the continuity equation
malt - = ''${ ( 8.26 )

The velocity w3 may not be determined from this, since the pressures P0 3 S P32

and consequently, the density of the combustion products Y3 are not known.

The relationship between the stagnation pressures up to and after combustion

pi and p0 3 in the section S2 directly behind the front sections and in the section

S3 in front of the noszle may be found from the flow equation (2.74)

- 7 s, ,S4,)
Q201 S~j. (1,)
V (.+,)R, , = (ka +1)R . ,rT • (8.27)

umse, the pressure recovery during combustion 0., is equal to

=- r 1q ±-()S) s (8.28)

-1 i.(8.29)
The relationship between the relative velocities up to and after combustion A2

and A 3 ma be found from Kilselev's eqnation for the thrust of a flow (see 2.84):

F-TS-970/V 284
TOO$ + /(8.30)
In the case of a cylindrical combustion chamber S3 a S2 ; = 0 and the equa-

tion (8.30) is simplified:

'N) (8.31)

After solving the last quadratic equation in relation to A 2 , we obtain

I ; -- -1. (8.32)

Here ,a. " (8.33)

The pressure recovery during combustion in a cylindrical combustion chamber is

from (8.28) and (8.31)

The overall pressure eW "-th
actior. combustion .to the:

product of
F' 'e *' (8.35)

k+1, q(13)

__ (8.37)
The flow of the gases through the combustion chamber ie deterrmned by the

throat section of the diffuser Sle r or the critical section of the exhaust nozzle

Shear. In not one of these sections is the flow velocity able to become greater than
the local speed of sound. The problem of flow through subsonic and supersonic engines

is discussed in Chapters IX and X.

The stagnation temperature of the combustion products of lean mixtures 0(> 1.5,
may be measured with the aid of a shielded thermocouple; the stagnation temperature
of the combustion products of rich mixtures (< 1.5 may be found b, calculating

I the flo7 of gases G3 and the static and total pressures ahead of the nozzle P3 and


F-TS-97IO/V 285
, -R.
P+= 03 (8.38)

The heat release coefficient is determined from the equation (8.24).

If there is no convergent nozzle at the combustion chamber outlet, then the

velocity after combustion in a cylindrical tube may reach a sonic value. If S3

kcr, then )3 - 1. This is the most possible value of the relative velocity of a

flow in a constant cross-section combustion chamber. The velocity at the inlet to a

combustion chamber without constriction at the outlet, i.e., when - 1, my not

be greater than the limiting value, which corresponds to 3 1:

- , - V- )VP'IO . (8039)
In the absence of heating 9- 1; 1; 2max - 1. Vith an increase of

relative heating 0 a ! 2 decreases.

Whe 1.. and # - 4; 2.3; kAaxa 2.3 V2.9 - 1 0.23.

Substituting the value N2max in the formula (8.34) we find the loss of total

pressure during combustion.

The loss of pressure in a constant cross-section combustion chamber is the

highest then, when the velocity at the end of combustion reaches a sonic value.

This may take place only in those combustion chambers that do not have a convergent

exhaust nozzle (S 4 - s3; k3 a Y4 U 1) "

Substituting ) - 1 and N2 - 12... in the formula (8.34) we find the maximum

possible decrease of total pressure in the combustion chamber, i.e., the least pres-

aure &r- ig,3*uin' -- rd

The dependence of the relative variation of the total pressure in a constant

vross-section combustion chamber without constriction at the outlet L . 1, 43 1,

on the relative increase of the temperature, is depicted in the following table:

F-TS-97hO/ 286
- - I .,5 2 4 6 S

- 1 0.89 0.86 0.82 0.81 0.80 0.79

am e. Find the pressure ratio for a combustion chamber Vk, if the velocity

of the gases before the discharge X3rO.5, the temperature ratio during combustion

3 , the local drag factor -1.2, k3 - 1.3, - 1.02, and 1.05.

We will determine the functions of and N :

k2~~ ~ 342
k3+I 3
3 k2+1 R2 - -1.32.4
2 13 2
The relative ielocity after the flame-holder is

- eded ) v. uol=.ust be checked by substitutpn, in the 1t1 ,

'i nW

The pressure recovery for combustion is

I02 2.6
q 4.70,223 6)
S2.)5 0.5( 0.52 3*309.

The relative velocity at the combustion chamber inlet is found by solving the

discharge equation graphically:

2) q Q-0.22

From this.
)-0.216; ,,..o,965.

/ te.i~ll, .ii"Bure, ratio -Aross ticbto chamber is:

-=* 0*5.0.9= ao..


The processes of atomization, vaporization, and combustion of a fuel, idich end

by the turbulent interixing of the combustion products with '.sh air, occur in a

stabilized combustion chamber (Figure 162).

The fuel consumption 0g in kg/sec is determined by the number of injectors n,

the cross section of the injector nozzle Sf in m2 , the fuel feed pressure Ap in

kg/m2 and the density of the fuel Y, in kg/m 3 :

F-TS-974OA' 287
3#O~S*V j (8 .Jjl)
The flow coefficient of an injector )A. 1 depends on its geometric characteristic
ad on the viscosity of the fuel With an increase of viscosity the twist of
he fuel in a centrifugal injector deteriorates, the thickness of the shroud increases,

ind the flow coefficient "f grows, remaining less than one. The flow coefficient of
Ifrect-spray injectors diminishes with an increase of viscosity due to increased

"riction losses. Other conditions being equal, the flow coefficient of a centrifugal

njector is less than that of a direct-spray injector.

The temperature of the fuel influences the viscosity and density; with an in-

rease of the fuel temperature when &p - cont the flow coefficient w diminishes

ntil the viscosity of the licuid becomes negligibly small; then the injector ap-

,roaches ideal.

The atomization of the fuel is determined by the relative velocitr,, the density,

md the viscosity. of the air, kr the density, surface tension, and viscosity of the

'uel. Wth an increase of fuel teqeraturc, the atomization is improved. The air
,emperature has a small effect on the atomization.
The form of the dispersion jet depends on the flow velocity, the fineness of
he dispersion, the density and viscosity of the air, and also on the location of the

njector in relation to the oncoming flow. Nith an increase of flow velocity,

ith an increase of the dimensions of the drops. and also with a decrease of air

ensity, the dispersion jet widens. When the injector is located with the flow the

et is soae at wider than when the injector is located against the flow, although

he widening of the jet occurs at a <onsiderable distance from it. During the widen-
ng of the jet the local fuel concentration in the trail of the injector diminishes,

ther conditions being equal.

With increase of flight altitude the absolute pressure and density of the flow

n the combustion chamber fall and the jet widens so that the drops are able to fall

a the sides of the chamber. The variation of the form of the jet must be considered
luring the calculation of a combustion chamber which Must operate at various altitudes.

'-TS-97h0/V 288
I- I ,-I

Fig. 162. A diagram of the operating process in a stabilized combustion chamber.

The evaporability of the fuel depends on its volatility and temperature, on the

fineness of the dispersion, on the relative velocity of the drops, and on the tempera-

ture of the air. The evaporability increases with an improvement of the dispersion,

with an icrease of the volatility of the fuel, with an increase of the relative

velocity of the drops, the temperature of the air, . tgpewatare of

the fuel. The vapors that are formed during the motion of the drops are carried atwy

along the stream lines of the air. Therefore, with an increase of fuel evaporability

the vapor concentration in the injector trail increases. The basic evaporation of the

fuel occurs during high relative flow velocities, i.e., during the movement of the

drops along curvilinear portions of the trajectory directly after leaving the injec-

tor and while flowing around the flame-holders. Therefore, the content of the fuel

vapomnoticeably increases only at a small distance from the injector. W(ith a sub-

sequent increase of distance, the evaporability increases slower than the turbulent

interspersion of the air occurs, which is accompanied by a widening of the jet and

the concentration of fuel vapors in the injector trail begins to diminish.

'The relative position of the flame-holders and the injectors has an effect on

F-TS-9fl4O/V 289
the operation of a cobustion cha.-iber onl11:." when the distance betueen them is not

greater that that at which the local concentration of fuel ceases to var, i.e., until

the concentration zones become even. ,hen the flame-holders and the injectors are
located too close together, a narro7 jet, wdich contains less drops and more liquid

fuel, will fall on the flame-holders; conditions .ill be unsuitable for ignition and

combustion. ien the flame-holder is located further from the injectors the width of

the je itill grow, the evaporability of' the fuel and the concentration of the vapor

phase will increase, but the concentration of the licuid phase will decrease; condi-

tions for combustion will improve, -nd will finally become perfect. During a further

increase of the distance betWeen the flame-holder and the injectors, Lhe .ridth of the

jet will slowly increase due to turbulent intermixing; the evaporability of the fuel

will grow until it finally reaches 100%. The conterts of the liuid phase of the

fuel will decrease, and the concentration of vapors will slowly diminish, until the

concentration zones become even.

At a given relative position of the injectors and flame-holdor of definite de-

sign aid dimensions, the composition of a mixture in the area of the flam.-holder

edges will be determined b.y the fuel feed pressure, the temperature and nature of

the fuel, and the velocity, pressure, and tepperature of the Pir. .ith an increase

of the fuel feed pressure, the fuel consumption increases, dispersion is improved,

the local concentration at first begins to grow as a result of rising proportions of

small drops, and the improve nt of vaporization. With an increase of fuel tempera-

ture, comsumption decreases insisnificavitly owing to ditd.shing fuel density- and re-

duction in the thickness of the film. Dispersion improves because of'diminishing

surface tension and the local concentrations grow because of the irrrovemcnt of vapor-

isation, the increase of proportion of small drops, and the nrrwaing of the jet. It

is for the same reasons that a growth of a ial contcentration is registered as a result

of kerosene replacement k- benzine.

With rising temnerature of the air, but constant fuel temperature T u const.,

dispersion deteriorates insignificantly due to a reduction in air density, ad the

F-TS-971WV 290
evaporability of the fuel increases because a greter qua tity of heat is irartd to
the drops. The fuel concentration in the injector trail grows due to the grovith of

the content of the vapor phase; the conditions for combustion £Lprove.

With ani increase of the flie velocit- the dispersion improves, the jet con-

stricts, the evaporability of the drops increases and the fuel content in the trail

of the injector increases.

Depending on which has the predominant value - the growth of the air flow or
the grorith of the fuel flow - the mixture concentration either dininishes or in-

creases. A stabilized corbustion chamber is able to opera:c witlin a widc rangc of

velocities of the oncoming flow.

uv0 --- 0 o0 Legend:

el 009C1 0 A) Undisturbed fla-r

PO 0 B) Turbulent trace
% MA-W -o o C) Counter cux'rent zone
0 5 D) air stream lines
, - 0
.cedo .0
0 B) drop trajectories

rig. 163. 'j ij r.jef a flame-holder facing aiuro-phase flow.

With an increase of air pressure the dispersion is improved, the jet quickly
constricts, evaporization increases because of the improvement of the dispersion,
and the flow of the fuel in the injector trace increases. The flow of air grows
slower than the flow of fuel and the fuel concentration along the injector axis

grows during an increase of air pressure.

During an increase of any parameter which leads towards enriching the mixture
in the trace of the injectors, i.e., during an increase of the fuel feed pressure,

the temperature or volatility of the fuel, and a decrease of the flight altitude, it

is possible to raise the concentration of the mixture to the upper ignition limit;

a rich blow-out occurs, which may be preceded by concentration pulsations (see Chap-

ter VIII, Section 12).

During a decrease in the fuel feed pressure, the temperature and volatility of

F-TS-9740/V 291
the fmel, and also during an increase in flight altitude, it is possible to raise the

comentration of the mixture up to a lean blow-out, which sometimes mxa: be preceded

by lean concentration pulsations.

Carburation has a substantial effect on the operation of a combustion chamber.

During the flow around the flame holders, the strem lines of the air warp.

The drops, which have a much higher density than the air, continue to move almost

rectilinearily (Figure 163). The greater the diameter of the drops, the smaller is

the curvature of their trajectories in comparison with the curvature of the air stream

lines. Therefore, only the finest - the micron-sized drops - flow around the

flae-holder which is located in the trace of the injector, but the larger drops

strike against it, forning a liquid film on the flame-holder surface. A flame-holder

enriches a two-phase mixture.

Owing to the irregularity of the concentrations in the disperrion jet to the

transport of vpors and the evaporization of the liquid film formed on the flame-

helder, the mixture on the edges of the flame-holder contains a significantly higher

percent of fuel than does the flow vhich moves past the flare-holders:

If an electric sparkplug, located behind the flame-holder so that no drops of

the liquid fall'on it, serves as an ignition source, then a quantity of vapor suffi-

cient for burning mut arise in the carburation zone, since only vapors and micron..

sized drops actually penetrate into the space behind the flame-holder. If a precom-

bmstion chamber or pilot light serve as the ignition source, then the evaporation of

the drops maq reach the required value in the ignition jet, wherefrom the evaporation

and combustion gralually diffuse to the entir- flow. Sometimes the growth process of

the oombustion area takes several seconds.

Evaporation Ln the combustion zone is determined by the speed of the heat
nission# the evaporation heat of the fuel, and the fineness of the dispersion. Evap-
oration in the combustion zone practically does not depend on the fuel vapors


F-TS..971,O/V 292
the fuel, and also during an increase in flight altitude, it is possible to raise tae

concentration of the mixture up to a lean blow-out, which sonetimes ma'- be preceded

kylean concentration pulsations,

Carburation has a substantial effect on the ope ration of a combustion cha-mber.

During the flow around the flame holders, the stream lines of the air warp.

The drops, which have a much higher density than the air, continue to move almost

Irectilinearily (Figure 163). The greater the diameter of the drops, the smaller is

the curvature of their trajectories in comparison with the curvature of the air stream

lines. Therefore, only the finest - the micron-sized drops -- flow around the

flame-holder which is located in the trace of the injector, but the larger drops

strike against it, forming a liquid film on the flame-holder surface. A flame-holder

enriches a two-phase mixture.

Owing to the irregularity of the concentrations in the disperrion jet to the

transport of vapors and the evaporization of the liquid film formed on the flame-

holder, the mnIxture on the edges of the flame-holder contains a significantly higher
percent of fuel than does the flow ihich moves past the flario-holders:

If an electric sparkplug, located behind the flame-holder so that no drops of

the liquid fall on it, serves as an ignition source, then a quantity of vapor suffi-

cient for burning must arise in the carburation zone, since only vapors and micron.

sized drops actually penetrate into the space behind the flame-holder. If a precom-
bustion chamber or pilot light serve as the ignition source, then the evaporation of

the drops mar reach the required value in the ignition jet, wherefrom the evaporation

and combustion gralually diffuse to the entire flow. Sometimes the growth process of

the oombustion area takes several seconds.

Evaporation in the combustion zone is determined by the speed of the heat trans-

mission, the evaporation heat of the fuel, and the fineness of the dispersion. Evap-
oration in the combustion zone practically does not depend on the fuel vapors


7-TS-9710/V 292
In the beginning of the combustion area the zones of velocities, concentrations,

md tem ratures are sharply irregular. The equalization of the zones takes place

rely at a sufficiently great distance from the flame-holders (see Figure 162): the

geater the degree of turbulence, the quicker the zones equalize. The ter-reratures,

oressures, and velocities which enter into the gas dynamic equations, derived in

Section 8 of this chapter, represent but cross-section averages. Thus, one may speak

about average velocities, average pressures, and average accelerations of the flw in
a combustion chamber.

The disintegration, evaporation and combustion of the drops, ending by the mix-

Lug of the combustion products with the air and the equaliza~ion of the temperature

and velocity profiles, must proceed in but a few mi]liseconds. In oo.bustion chambers

if insufficient length these nrocesses are not successful completed. The incom-

pleteness of combustion and the irregularity of the zones before the nozzle inlet

z'due the thrust characteristics of a combstion chamber. If w2 = 100 Wsec and

the degree of turbulence of the flow in the combustion chamber is 6 =0.1, then

$to Ew 2 *#Ol.OO0 10 mlsec, ie., the pulsation velocity, ahich determines

the velocity of the turbulent flame propagation, will be ten times greater than

the normal velocity, which computed for ) drocarbons is near 0.4 msec. In this way,

the combustion of a fuel-air mixture and the uniformity of the concentration, tem-

perature, and velocity zones, are determined by the intensity of the flow turbulence

in the combustion chanber, the fineness of the dispersion, and the relative position-

ing of the injectors and flame-holders. By increasing the degree of turbulence, it

is possible to substantially shorten the combustion area.

Pressure drops along the combustion chamber as the mixture burns out and the

average flow velocity increases. According to the pressure dron along the combus-

tion chamber, it is possible to approximately judge the combustion of the mixture.

Combustion terminates at that point where the pressure practically ceases to de-

crease (see ige 152).

Fm-TS-97140/V 293

Subsonic ramjet engines are sometimes used to rotate helicopter rotors. The

*helicopter ramjet engines are located at the ends of the rotor blades, the circum-

ferential velocity of which lies within the limits from 200 to 300 r/sec (Figure 164).

An engine, which is located at the end of a rotating blade, undergoes a very

large centripetal acceleration:


Here u is the circumferential velocity;

R is the radius of rotation, i.e., the distance from the axis of the rotor to

the axis of the engine.

Fig* 164. The combustion chamber of a helicopter engine.

a -- front view, b -- back view.

When R a 5 a and u - 250 m/sec, J 2502 - 12,500 m/sec2 = 1,250 pr.

Tremendous centripetal accelerations, more than a thousand times greater than

the accelerating forces of gravity, have a substantial effect on the operation of a

combustion chamber of a helicopter ramjet engine.

It is convenient to consider the combustion chambers of a helicopter ramjet

engine in a system of coordinates, which are connected with the revolving rotor

(Figure 165).
From the viewpoint of an observer wbo noves together with enginesa centrifu-

gal force df acts on each elenent of mass din:

df = J-=--=1 dV. (8.,43)

Here Y is the density in kg/ 3;
dV is the element of volume.

F-TS-97140/V 294k
The centrifugal forces act on the structural elements of the engine, creating

elastic stresses in the., on the gases which flow through the engine, and on the

drops that are carried along by the flow. The centrifugal forces, tending to

tear the engine away from the rotor, act on each gram of structural mass, exceed one
kg of force. The engine support, which weighs 5 kg, must endure a force of nearly

6 .
The centrifugal forces tend to draw the flow away from the axis of the engine:

gradients of pressures and densities appear in the flow (Figure 166):

.dp dl __ d _ 1U2__ I ,
jg sox dV gR g
When J - 1,250 gm; grad p 0.125"1,250 - 150 kg/m2 .m - 0.015 atm/m.

The pressure gradient may be considered as constant along the entire section of

the combustion chamber, since the radius of rotation R is large in comparison with

the diameter of the combustion chamber.

!] dc

Fig. 165. The arstem of coordinates Fig. 166. The calculation of the pres-
for coutation of rotating sure gradient in centrifugal
helicopter engines, force fields.
A) Flos; B) Dropp.
The difference of the gas pressures on the outside and inside 3f the engine is

radp U Rd (8.45)
where dkam is the diameter of the combustion chamber.

d,,=O,2nandgradp,=0,015 atl/'m
&p-d..gradp=0.2..0!5=0.O3atM=3 kg/in.
In this way it is possible to disregard the pressure difference at the walls of

the helicopter engine and the corresponding difference of densities.

From the *epn of an observer, t.1o -wovas with the en .ine,ce:trifu-1

forces, while acting on the drops uhich move ;ithin the chz-Mber, i!Mart a centrifual

acceleration to theme Under the acticn of the centrifugal forces, the drops denart

from the axis of rota tion (see Figure 166).

For dt time the drops break wVa¢ from the rotation x i at a distance of dx:
, =±J~lY,. , (8.46)
The radial velocity of the drops for this time grows with an increase of dwR:
dwq==idt (8.47)

With the increase of the radial velocity wR the aerodynamic drag of the drops

grows and their acceleration decreases.

If the time of the drops' movement from the injectors to the flame-holder is

equal to three microseconds and the acceleration j - 12,500 m/sec2 , then the dis-

placement of the drops from the axis of rotation would reach 56 mm . Besides, during

such great time in&ervals, the radial velocity may grow by A w Jj h&t

12#500 • 0.003 - 37.5 m/sec, and the acceleration of the drops may not be considered

as constant; the true displacement of the drops is less than 56 ,nm.

The differential equations of the drops' movement in a field of centrifugal

forces may be successfully integrated only in the event if one assumes that the

aerodynamic forces are proportional to the first degree of velocity. This is correct

uwhen Re <l, i.e., for micron-sized drops. Their contribution of fuel''t th'e"dis-

pWeslon spectrum is very amall.

Within a certain time, the radial velocity of the drops reaches such a value,

at which the aerodynamic force fa becomes equal to the centrifugal force f:

V (8.48)
From this
4 2g -- -6g R

---. R .(8.49)
If "k " 800 kg/3; "v " 1.225 kg/m 3 ; Cx - 1.2, then

4fOYA 26 9 /.
a V 3.1.21 .2 R '9 R

F-TS-9740/V 296
When dk - lO0 / 1-0-4, R. 5 a and u a 250 esec
EM 269..=30 ,m/sec.•
The maxdmm possible displacement is equal to the product of the relative velo-

city 1 otn and the .xe interval At:

ax..----3e •X4
' &, i.
1. R
1~t-, , (8.50)
The time of the drops' movement through the combustion chamber has the follow-

ing magnitude:
A.. I .t

Here I is the length of the combustion chamber;

n is the relative emansion of the engine

= _S2 -(8.52)
In this way As W* _
3e 7@I. (8.53)
The maximum possible relative displacement of the drops, if T and n are
given, depends only on their diameters and on the radius of rotation.

The last formula is for a tentative calculation of the centrifual displacement

of the drops in the combustion chambers of helicopter engines.

The centrifugal forces which act upon the cold air and upon the combustion prod-
Ucts are not similar, since their densities are different. According to the general
Is. of relativity, the movement of hot and cold gases in the field of centrifugal
forces, may be likened to motion in the field of gravity. The hot gases "float up"

iz%the direction opposite to that of the actuating forces, while the suspended drops
and the cold gaskis "sink", i.e, rove wrar from the center of rotation (see Figure 166).
The denser air masses and the suspended drops move way from the axis of rotation,

while the combustion products with a lesser density approach this axis.
The force *hich compels one volume element of hot gas dV -- which has a density
g Ad is strrounded by cold air with density Y - to move tviards the ads of rota- *
Uon, juat like the lifting force of gas (in the field of gravity), is ccual to:

aj= 1Z• - R dV. (8.51)
Acceleration j, with -hich the exined gas mass dm a )(azdV Wil approach the

axis of rotation, is equ.l to I(8.5)

- X

If the initial velocity of the gases in a combustion chamber w2 ' _ nd the

T n
temperature ratio 0 g then the velocity towards the combustion end ;ill be equal

to WC=W-f
The average velocity of the movement of gases through the combustion chamber is
, =__+,,y =-- I+ •I
The stAy of gases in the combustion zone At is approximately equal to
.,C. 1n
21a. T1 TZ.
r+ S N (8.56)
where 19 is the length of the combustion zone.

The densir variation,__

of the
, ic,hotT,
gases is
Ira. Tz has.,/'

On the basis of (8.55) and (8.56) the displacement of the hot gases tcwards the

axis of rotation during combustion is approximately equal to

• AX= J(At)' ,Tr, 4,a+T
2 2R T U( r)

The relative displacement of the gases is

'x 2A Tx' rD-r _,; rr (8.57)
Here D is the rotor diameter

The last formula is suitable for the approximate calculation of the displace-

merit of the hot Jet in the combustion chamber of a helicopter engine.

To decrease the relative displacement of the burning stream one must equalize

the temperature gradient so the t pperature difference AT between the combustion

products and the gas surrounding them would be the least. k1hen AT = O, &y - 0.

After equating Ax to the radius of the combustion chamber rkam, it is

possible to find the length lpred at which the combustion products would be displaced

Ifom the center of 4he combustion chamber to the side. If Ax - rkam, then from

(8.57) we obtain
F-TS-97O/V 298
rum X r (8.58)

It is necessary to consider the displacement of the hot combustion products

during the design of helicopter engine combustion chambers.

Example. Find the relative length of the combustion zone which is sufficient

for the hot streams to be displaced from the center out to the side of a helicopter

combustion chamber, if rkam a 100 mrm, D - 10 m 5; Tx - 3000 K, and T- 2,3000 K

T,.+ T',
6T-Tr-Tx- 3 -O-- O 2 . Tp 2 =1300 K;

a. TAT
D__ .13001
V 10
,0.1 . 0O


The characteristics which describe the dependence of the heat release coeffi-

cient or combustion efficiency fsg and the drag coefficient of the combustion chamber

upon the air surplus o( for a given stagnation pressure of the freed stream flow

and for a given nozzle area ratio, have the highest importance.

Such a combustion chamber, in which through the entire operating range of mix-

ture compositions the combustion efficiency f sg is close to one, f ljand

1 drag

coefficdent is close to zero 0, is ideal.


!- ctice an"Idei 0ombustion chamber could not be built.'

With an increase of the fuel feed to C(< 1 the combustion efficiency decreases

due to insufficient oxygen. The pressure factor of the combustion chamber Ok' which

is dependent on the velocity of the flow, increases with a decrease of the surplus

air Of because of velocity losses in the beginning of the combustion chamber w2 and

the decrease of the relative velocity X2"

84cr wihdtrOnstegsfo
An increase of the inlet area ratio Shcr - s which determines the gas flow

through the chamber, is accompanied by an increase of velocity in the beginning of

the chamber w2 and am increase of the relative velocity -2* The local pressure

losses increase thereby and the combustion efficiency 7sg diminishes.

F-.TS-9740O/7 299
'With an increase in flight altitude I the -ressure in a combusuion chao:icr de-

creases and maZy become lo(icr than 760 M of nercury. Darin an excessive pressure

1drop the conditions for carburation and combustion deterioratc and the conbustion ef-

ficiency decreases. Especially noticeable is the drop of (sg with altitude in sub-

sonic combustion chambers in Wiich the stagnation pressure may exceed the atmospheric
pressure by no more than 1.8 tLmes. Supersonic combustion chvbers, in which the

stagnation pressure is tens of times greater than that of the atmosphere, maintain
good combustion efficiency to significantly greater altitudes than do subsonic

charapi _
* With increasing fl:ght velocity the stagnation i-ressure and te:.LCrature of the
free stream flow are increased. Vith an increase of flight velocity 1, the velocity
in the beginning of the combustion chamber w2 increases until the relative critical
section of the exhaust nozzle remains constant. N >3 the compressibility
When M
of air becomes so significant. that the necessity to decrease the critical section
of the engine appears, as was shown in Chapter III for ideal ramjet engines (see
Figure 54). After passing Mn n3 the through sections of the engine must be reduced,
the velocity in the beginning of the combustion chamber diminishes, but the stagna-
tion pressure and temperature continue to grow. The greater the velocity of the on-
coming flow Mn, the better the combustion conditions in supersonic engines; the
greater the altitude, the more complete the combustion, and the lesser the drag of
the chamber. It is more simple to organize combustion in supersonic combustion cham-
bers than in subsonic ones.
The temperature of the boundary layer of a body, which is swept over by a super-

sonic flow, is 10-15% less than the stagnation temperature. At supersonic velocities
the temperature of the outside als of the compre.,sion and carburatiod sections of an
engine is hundreds of degrees above zero, while during a flight in the stratosphere
at subsonic velocities, it falls to several tens of degrees below zero.

The walls of the combustion chamber iin the combustion zone are swept over from the

outside by the air flow, the tem-erature of which is close to the stagnation tempera-

ture TCn, and from the inside, by the hot gases, whose temperature is close to TOg.

The cooling of the combustion chamber by the surrounding air is possible, if

On< 7000 K, i.e., when Mn< 3.5. During higher flow velocities it is impossible

to permit direct contact between the combustion products and the walls of the combus-

;ion chamber: it is necessary to arrange this by 'blowhin a A0oV9 Q

twi& 0ls

:he inside.

If the unburned gases contact the walls of the chamber the temperature of the

,ases falls below the ignition temperature Tvoso and combustion ceases -- the pre-

ence of the cold ialls lowers the combustion efficiency. Therefore, for a high-effi-

combustion chamber the intensive cooling of the walls is undesirable. The

ost advantageous temperature for the inner walls is Tv 0 8p > 8000 K.


The column of air, which is .onlo-a- in a combustion chamber at each moment,

ay oscillate with ifts natural frequency. The portions ttf the oseMlW )ai, '

olumn move parallel to the axis of the combustion chamber (Figure 16 7a). The move-

ent of the individual masses of the oscillating gas column is similar to the move-

ient of conneited pendulums, the k msi6iine of which moves along the axih & the

hamber with a velocity of w, equal to the average flow velocity (Figure 167b).

The velocity at which the pressure impulses paas fpii z ina.f f ir¥;

,o another is equal to the local speed of sound c a1jicii. During the combustion of

.he flow, the temperature of the gases Tand together with it, the average velocity of

-he impulse propagation varies. The average speed of sound in the combustion pro-

lucts is always higher than the average speed of the gases' movement through the

•ombustion chamber; therefore the masses of gas, which flow through the combustion

•hamber, moving from the inlet section to the outlet, successfully accomplish several

-omplete oscillations. If the frequency of the impulses which cause the oscillations

-oincides with the natural oscillation frequency of a gas column in a combustozA

-"-TS-974O/V 301
!cbef,ita t'.z umde lrf- the oscllations'jrn become very l da
The gases, which flow through the chamber, perfom a complex movement: they

move along the combustion chamber at variable velocity and oscillate. The oscilla-

tion propagation velocity in the chamber is not constant; therefore, the oscillatory
phenomena which accompany comustion are very complex. It is possible to draw the

following simple picture in the first approximation.

44 4 d

ig. 167. The oscillation of the'ali column in a combustion chamber.

a - a diagram of the chambers b -- a mechanical analogy, c pressure
and velocity waves.
Standing waves appear in the flow which pasea through a combustion chamber.
The average velocity of the flow and the average pressure of the gases in a standing
wave vary. The greatest variations of the average velocity -. 1oot'-' "_

____. q
W&i-Z take place at the chamber inlet and at the outlet after it. The variation


Fig. 168. An oscillogrm of the pressures in a combustion chamber.

a -- quiet combustion, b -- rough combustion, c -- pulsating combustion.
of the flow velocity in the center of the chamber is insignificant: a velocit7

nde is formed in the center of the combustion chamber (Figure 167c). The pressure

variations at the combustion chamber inlet and outlet are insignificant: premsure
nodes appear on the edges of the chamber. The greatest average pressure vxiations --

the pressure antinodes - take place in the center of the chamber.

One half of a standin. ;a ve fits the air column, the lenCth of which is equal

F-TS-971O/V 302
It Is possible to find the natural acoustical frequency of the oscillations of

am air column fob from the known ratio

vhare Cw is the average velocity of sound for the entire chamber.

When k a 1.4 and R = 29.3kt N/Ag degree:

If =2-!'x and T.=4O' K. /- ! =100 lsec

1th an increase of the average te wature of the gases Tar, their atui.aa'rS,

j~iw~t,jt qithk awiiireaw.-. ch"W~eatltngtk-it. -decreases.

The oscillations of the air in a combustion chamber at a frequency of fsob may

be measured vith the aid of an oscillograph (Figure 168). In the absence of combus-

tion the amplitudes of the velocities and pressures A v and Ap are insignificant in

.comparison with the average velocity war and the average pressure in the chamber Per

(Figure 106a).
The combustion process usually increases the amplitude of 4 at1.onsof, - •

goes in a combustion chamber. If the amplitudes of pressure during combustion and

during the absence of combustion are approximately the same, the combustion is called

g~b(Figure 168a). If the amplitudes of the oscillations increase several times

during combustion, but remain substantially less than the average pressure in the

chamber, the combustion is called mroVu (Figure 168b). Rough combustion is accom-

panied by a loud noise. If the ampltudes of the pressure become -auurifththe

ijiVWps siuure in-the ombustion chamber, the combustioni is; call1e-d-Pulal

(Figure 168o). The pulsations of the pressure cause a heavy jolting and may lead to

engine break-up* Rough and pulsating combustions are inadmissable in ranjet engines.

In order to predict in each concrete instance# what - b' ,T ."

will be caused by the velocity variations of the flow, it is necessary to have I

an exhaustive understanding about ',he processes in the combustion sone.

F..Ts-9740/V 303
Contemporary information about turbulent combustion is insufficient for this.

The formation of turbulent combustion is usually sudden in each definite case. The

' pulsations are stopped by shortening the length of the combustion chamber, by chang-

ing the composition and temperature of the mixture, and by changing the shape of the

flme-holders and the relative location of the flame-holders and the injectors.

One of the basic reasons for the formation of rough and pulsating combustion is

carburation during the combustion of a two-phase homogeneous mixture. Actually,

during operation on very rich mixtures, the mixture in the flame-holder area may go

out of the ignition limits during a chance increase of the fuel concentrations (for

example, during a pressure increase of the fuel feed or during a decrease in the air

output). Combustion deteriorates or ceases. The combustion efficiency decreases,

the flow velocity grows, the dispersion and evaporability of the 3uel improves, and

the dispersion jet constricts.

If the increase of the fuel flow seems greater than the increase of the air

flow s the mixture is enriched still further and a rich blow-out occurs: combustion

ceases. If the effect of the increase of the air consumption will be stronger than

the effect of the increase of the fuel concentrations, the mixture becomes lean,

enters the ignition limits, and combustion is restored. The thermal resistance in-

creases, the air flow decreases, and the mixture again leaves the ignition limits;

combustion deteriorates etc. Rough combustion appears, which, if it envelopes the

entire flame-holder, is transformed into pulsating combustion.

If during operation on very lean mixtures, a deterioration of the combustion

or a lean blow-out occurs, then the flow velocity increases, the dispersion (which

was poor on lean mixtures) is improved, the evaporability increases, and the Jet

constricts. If the effect of the increase of the fuel concentrations will be strong-

or than the effect of the increase of the air flow, the mixture enters the ignition

limits and combustion is renewed. The velocity decreases, the dispersion deteriorates,

the fuel content is lowered, and combustion again ceases, etc. Rough combustion be-

gins, which may be transformed into pulsating combustion.

F-TS-974oA 304
Le Ye.Qg raketMo tbwdid OUmhm; of Itckt TechnolOq7 1956, No-. h, 173.

2Bwkley, J.9 Metedika raebeta kamer agoranlya, PMR i forgo. ~kh kme no, osnove
khraktristik xsociot
oreniya i raspredeleniya toffla LA Method for
Ilatng the Combustion Chambers or Ramjet Engines and Precamustion Chambers
an UMe -Bais of the Characteristics of the Stability of the Combustion and the
Atoiz~ation of the F"199 NVR?', 1956, No. 2.
~Inosesatsev- N. To# Aviatul2 gzotgErm e dvi ateli ~ircraft Gas Turbine

'Idel'chiks I. Tees, S aochnik voadravlicheskomu s totivieniy fas~nh

pryaMkh- chasteX tru provodov /A Hanamon te Resistance of Shaped
and Straight Sections of Piping TSG ~nr1Ar-ldoyaii nnt tute7,
1950. /TAIfinrlAeoHdoyad

* akarov, A. X9 and SeroMn No Taos Rasehet drossel' nkh ustroystv §he Calcula-
tion of Throttle units7, )Ietallurgisdat, Ly4etallurgicia Printing House7193
*Spalding, D. B., aslnt goreg i eshenin zhidkogoa to lve na sharovikh
on ShercalSurace"7, Fuels Vol. 32, 1953, No. 2, 169.
Kbudakov, .. , 0oreni ilssidkoit o lival nah ahcheay vplete
LA" th obsinoteDos oa Lquduel wchareinFght/
AcaduuW of Sciences, USSR, OTffl tmnt of Technical Sciences7# 19 Q§s 4.
*Sheferda U., To lamenenie as k smese lul'sami davieni a fhe Ignition
or aMixtues'y Prss imulses! c on V osg/omuto
Po1.7s Part 2, printed in foreign literature,..~. Cmuto
Burgoyne, J. and Richardson, J,, Fuels Y. 28, 19149, 2.
'Longwell# JoslCombustion Problems in Ramjet Dosing .8 u'.o the Aer. Sciens.
T. 16# Dil 191.9.
Godsaves G. Fourth Symposium on Combustion, 1953, 818.
Mullen, Jos Pens Jo B. and GermAn, Re. Cos'Burners for Supersonic RanJets,'
Indall t. and. Eng. Chemistry vo 4.3, 1# 1951, 195-211.
*,McClure, F* To and BOls We 0o . CM1bustion,wId and Enne Chend!is v. 45s
1953# No* 7.
" Covard, B. F.,, Hartwells F. J1., and Georgoon, E. Me., Journ. Chem. Soc., 1937, 11.82.
"Rex, Jo F., Tbs A. 3. and Penner B. S., "Interference Effects ADuring Burning in
Air for Stationary "oHptanes Ethyl Alcohol and Methyl Alcohol Droplets,*
Jet To 26, 1956, No. 3.
41Goldsmith, No's a~elm
on the Burning of Single Drops of Fuels" Jet Propul-
26P 1956, Vo. 3.
*DeZubay, A., *Comparative Investigation of a Homogenous Combustion Chamber with a
Two-Stoge Combustion Chambers* Jet Propulsion, v. 26, 19569 No. 2.
19. Avery, W. H., and Hard, R. W.,"Con zstor Perfornace ith Instantancous ".i.": ,"
Ind. and Eng. Chem., v. 45, VIII, 1955, 1634-1637.
20. Issledovaniye fizicheskikh osnov rabochego protsessa topok I jechey /in Investi-
gation of the Physical Foundations of the Operating Process of Furnaces and
Ovens7 Edited by Vulis, L. A., Printing House of the Academy of Scic.ces of the
KasaTch SSR, Alra Ata, 1957.

F-TS-9740/V 306


Subnc ramjet engines are intended for flights with velocities that are less
-4n =do sound: Wn <c; Mn e- ; An <l,'

The stagraion pressure of the oncoming flow exceeds the pressure of the atmos-

here not more than 1.89 times during subsonic flight velocities:
k & 4

Therefore, the thermal efficiency of a subsonic engine is not great:

(E) * k- < k-I
ft I= r -i- =0,167.

The total efficiency of a subsonic ramjet engine A does not exceed 7%.

The specific thrust of a subsonic ramjet engine is low even during the most

jitable operating conditions:

1"< H,R,,
/ M.
10300.0.07.427 < 100D.
With a decrease of flight velocity the efficiency and specific thrust of a

ibsonic ramjet engine quickly diminish. Therefore, it those velocities, which

-e less than half the speed of sound, ramjet engines are not used.

The jet thrust of a subsonic ramjet engine changes approximately in proportion

the square of the flight speed; when wn - 0, the static thrust equals zero: a

uajet engine is incapable of self-starting. Rocket and turbo-jet boosters are used

r starting aircraft equipped with ramjet engines.


A subsonic ramjet engine consists of a divergent subsonic diffuser, a combus-

Lon chamber, and a convergent exhaust nozzle (Figure 169). The stagnation pressure

r the oncoming flow is less than critical. A portion of the disposable velocity goes

o ovrceme local resistances and to boost the preheated gases. Therefore, the stag-

ation Wessure ahead of the exit from a subsonic ramjet engine P03, is less than the

t a gnation pressure of the oncoming flow port' and always substantially less than

-Ts-9o/V . 307
critical; the velocity of the exhaust gases is less than the speed of sound:

M4uK Mn <.L

A--------------- - - -

I )


uw mu A

Fig. 169. An actual subsoni~c ramjet engine.

a a diagram of the velocities, temperatures, arnd pressure along the
engine duct,
b -- diagram of the pressures on the walls, c -- direction of the actuat-
ing forces, d -- p-v and i-s diagrams of the operating cycle~ of an engine.
Legend: A) cycle of an ideal engine; B) cycle of an engine with losses calculated.
The velocity at the inlet section is not equal to the flight velocity:
vl wn . With a sml relative exhaust sectionl or for a large relative pre-
heating of the gases 0 TO the air flow G through the engine is low and the

velocity at the inlet w1 is less than the velocity of the oncoming flow: Vj< wn;

the diffuser operates with external ramming. With an increase of the exhaust section
of the engine S14 or with a decrease of the relative preheating 8, the air flow 0

i.. through the engine increases, the velocity at the diffuser inlet increaes and may

become greater than the velocity of the oncoming flow wn, but may not exceed the

F-?S-97hO0/V 0
speed of sound M1 5 ?"
U 1.

The i"low through the diffuser is accompanied by losses which have their great-

et value t greater the velocity is at the inlet to the engine w1 . The stagnation

pressure of the oncoming flow at the diffuser exhaust is less than the stagnation

pressure of the oncoming flow:

Turbulence rings, fuel injectors, ignition tmits, and flame-holders are install.-

ed at the inlet to the combustion chamber. The static air pr~asur6 grows during the
flow through the diffuser: P2 Pn, but during the flow around the local burnor re-

sistances somewhat decreases. During preheating in the combustion chamber, the flow

velocityr offh the gases increases and the stagnation pressure and static pressure de-
easi ae.s. Tncrase and th stagnairesue n saicpesue

The of the gases in the exhaust nozzle lovers to approximately that

of the back pressure: Phe pn' the flow velocity increases, remaining less than the

local speed of sound:

Vith a sufficiently large preheating 0, the flow velocity v 4 becomes greater

than the velocity of the oncoming flow:

Because of the increased amount of the air's movement, jet thrust R appears;

The flow rate of the gases through a subsonic ramjet engine is determined by

the relative stagnation pressure after xh'wst P, the temperature of the gases

T~h#amid the oross-section of tihe exhaust nozzle Sj:

/ O, -- --~U.P

The velocity of the flow, which flows around the forward edge of the diffuser

shell increases and its pressure decreases (see Figure 169b). A vacuum may appear

an the profiled outline of the shell close to the inlet opening. The pressure inside

the diffuser increases and becomes greater than that of thc atmosphere. Tho force of
the excess pressure, which acts on the inner surface of the diffuser, is oriented in

the direction of motion. The surplus pressure forces, which act on the side walls

from within, mutually equalize themselves. The surplus pressure forces, which act on
the inner walls of the nozzle, Are oriented in the direction opposite to that of the

flight (Figure 16 9c).

The jet thrust of a rwiet engine, which is equal to the difference between the
forces of the surplus pressure, applied to the inner walls of the diffuser and noszle

and the additive drag of the diffuser Xdop, is applied to the diffuser. This cir-
cumstance should be studied in designing.


It is necessary to have the following data for the gas dynamic calculation of a

subsonic ramjet engine: inlet, midship, and exhaust cross sections of the engine

81 5 , and S4; the parameters of the oncoming flow Mn (or (n), pni and Tn; the drag
coefficient of the cowbustJ on chamber C, the pressure recovery'in the diffuser

od, and the pressure ratio of the nozzle O's .

, In the gas dynamic calculations a seriee cf the possible valuen of the temper-

aer ratio 0 are set up:

r= ; (9..1)

The stagnation enthalpy of the engine is constant on all portions up to the

beat supply:
The 0.weifi¢ heat of the air is practically constant, consequently, the stagna-

.on temperature before combustion is constant:

•z (9.3)
Hat loses through the engine walls are usually comparatively lowj

therefore, it is possible to assume that the enthalpy of the combustion products also

roains constants


F-TS-9l4o/7 310

If the change of heat capacity is disregarded during the efl.hen

The stagnation temperature fter ce, bustion may be considered as constan, only

insofar as exhaust gases W be disregard4. In reality, the thermdynamic tenqera-

ture, and consequently, the heat capacity, decrease.
The stagnation parameters of the onemoing flow TOn, P OO and rOn are determined
from graphs of the gas dynamic functions or by the known formulae:
Too -,(9.5)

... -.-- (x =l(,8: - .....L ' (9.8)

The stagnation pre isire at the diffuser outlet is

-- -- 'Z-,I- 1,1 i 'i
-- I
(9 ,t)
The stagnation pressure before combustion ~b~.

& onthe lO-cal' d&g faJrctori (...-.?.l7).

The l ring of the stagnation pressure during combustion is determined by the

)(A+0) •(
equation (8.144) ____

- '.,O, (9.10)

0 00 _0(3

:"' -- ,o,)+o,) ;(9.12)

The relative veocity after combustion X, is also as yet b hknown.
The relative stagnation pressure after exit is

'AaMe (" (?.13)

The relative velocity at the nozzle*-,

-'i- is:


-3 kr-- 91P4)j

The gas dynamic coefficient of a ramjet-engine-is'

K1 i; )r- (9-15)
K± rk ) )7I
flow r'ate of the gases through the exhaust nozzle (see 2.49 and 2.74) is
( I)Rrfr

We find the re.ative velocity ahepi-oa°the exit by the continuity equation:

;•r PWs0!,,(4 ==,/ Wec, A61,2 (

Y, -(ht+,)Rr •
From this
o +' 1*+)
J Vr - I(

S4?gt +(.I
6~ (9.1?)
If the engine is totally open: S4 SY then A3 k1"
A The greater the de-
grce of constriction of the engine m = 3, the lesser the ratio (Figure 170).

If ;k - I, the equation (9.17) gives (2.53).

We fii the relative velocity before combustion by the equation (8.50):


1Wben X 2 << and 31 :*A W

O*'j iyk--t *Aix 'equations

'*Osteinbf (9.9); (9.10); (9.12); (9.14);
) (9.17)-; and (9.18) it is possible to find all the parameters of a subsonic ramjet

engine AV, X33 t

F..TS-9740/v 312
lI i l i t
_ " - L zzj? L__

!U~L1 (2 43 (4 5 1.6 1.7 0A (9 z;2. 3s 2

Fig. 170. The dependence of the relative velocity ahead of the nozzle upon the rela.
tive velocity at the end of the nozzle.

However, this system boils down to an equation with ftiis.ii l %poriens1 'tht i

braic solution of which is not possible. Therefore, a gas dynamic computation of a

subsonic ramjet etgine is usually carried out b method of successive approximatioa


The parameters of the free stream flow
An, pn, and Tn, the factors (oT

and as, and the engine cross sections Sl1, Sk, and S4 must be known. We will set up

the temperature ratio of the gases in the chauber:

Lt n - 0,9, Pn - 140 m of mercury, andTn - 216,50 K, 0d - 0.95; -3,

o .97S; S - 0.3 m2 S -2 2 JS4 - 0.7 R.; e 7.

We vin calculate thestagnation parameters of the free stream flow

! .&, I. I I . ;--;,,

Pe SO). L4- 1,665,

Thr stagnation enthalpy of the oncoming flow is

. 43-9e,9. 313
F-Th9ThOm 31
The stagnation temperature after combustion is
Tez ITo.-7, 216.5- 1,159= 1760 K.

W M(-C.this
_ temperature according to Figure 86b, k -1.32; Rg 5
295 1.0b
, 'R, i -.4 232 295 1. 7
|_ k,+1 - ° 17
1.3 2¥[

Noting that the relative velocity at the exhaust differs slightly from the re-

lative velocity of the oncoming flow: X4 - K An -O.9Am and after using the graph,

which is depicted on Figure 170, or the equation (9.17), we find the first approxi-

mation of the redued velocity ahead of the exit A 3 :

.l , X,--f (-S,, 0.8

The gas dynamic function is

is a lgE(48)09 +
2 2

The relative velocity before combustion, in accordance with (9.18), is
A=a-YJ- 1=3,455-Y.455'--1=0,48.
The pressure coefficient during the flow around the internal units of the corn-

bustion chamber and the relative velocity before the flame-holder are found by solution
P ft the graphic equation
;_@=q 0;)
From this
3,=0,145; G, =0,962.

The pressure preservation factor during combustion (see 8.44) is

in 02 1.017.04"7. 14.09
ek100 (8.) O. .O, .002
The total pressure recovery factor in the engine is

@"-me@alaiooe 0.95-0,962.95.0,97 = 0,84.

The relative stagnation pressure- Aead Of the nozale ie;""

P --, - =z0,84.1 5= 1,405.

Pressure I
p.,=p. , 140.1,405.13,6=2670 ,4e/t.

F-TS-9T70A 31h
V1L W4it: C.xiluM5L ga.Be5 ksue ZO I

A, I
2.35j fI.
[L --, =O078.
The gas dynamic function is

(1 O.17) 0,o750.-

After determining the relative velocity of .the gases 4 in the

first 2pproximation, we will find a more exact value of tha relative velocity

ahead of the nozzle %y the equation (9.17) or by the graph in Figure 170: 3 0.46.

We will repeat the calculations, using the value of ) 3 that is found.

By a certain practice in the selection of the initial values of the relative

velocity abead of the nozzleX 3, one succeeds in obtaining a satisfactory coincidence

already in the second approximation.

The gas dynamic factor of a ramjet engine is


The flow rate through the engine i determined by the formula (9.16)

,/. 31.320.7.O 07.O.7.O67-16,6 kg/sec.

2. . . 00 .-

Knowing the relative velocity at the exit A4 and the flow rate of the gases

igs it is possible to find the fuel flow and thrust parameters of the engine.


After the relative velocity at the exit k1 and the flow rate of the gases

;ga.have been determined, it is possible to find the fuel flow g that ir necessary

tVo obtain a given tenpokaturw MAtio e, the composition of the mixture, and the thrust

.)araeters of the engine A , cR, I, and i.

The hdatlzg value of the fuel that is used in the engine is denoted by Hu.

F.T84T7hO/v 33.5
ainoun. oi air r.oneoreuica±Jiy requireat ior copILbiAJII ib ,At

According to the law of the conservation of energy

i+ Lr (919;

where T g is the combustion efficiency determined by the combustion chamber arra,


The enthalpy of the combustion products when To. . 0 TOkh ' 17600 K is found by

tl&ii.-T diagram without allowance for. dissociation (see Figure 85) while Setting up

the possible value of the surplus air c 1 2,

(9 .?)
Jog=490 kcal/kg

From (9.19) we find

=- H~ (.21)
(ir-lox)L L (9.21)

kben (Ig - 0.95, Hu=10,300 kcal/kg; L r l4.9 and iOkh 552; c = 1.78.

The coefficient is
P-1 1--1.037.
The fuel flow is
I+CIL "(9.22)
The air flow v =is UrU~l( )__ -=
0 ra.


The velocity of the a#ee .flow is
": ~-* 2RTot 2gART. =18,3k T.

When ).=09
' and T,=216,.i°K; r.=,( J0,865
'2,__251o K,

a-- 83219n's
IW =mC/" Wv
3=Xa=,9.29O=261 r/sec.

The relative velocity increase during discharge is

kr k+1 W, :.r =K
2 In k +1I-=KxTo. (9.24)

y1.4 2.35 29,z

Jet thrust R is determined by the equation (2.91)

F-TS-974O/V 316
m-°'W s,(p,-p.).
The static pressure at the exhaust edge of a subsonic engine may only be found

xperimentally. It usually exceeds the pressure of the surrounding medium insignifi-

cantly. 'lYtcd hI-

assmode that
p - pz

* 2 =~~upW4 )... PxViI (9.25)
For o'r exampic
1,6.261 (1,037.2,29-1 )600 kg.
• ,037.9.8,
or else , 0

We will use the formula (9.16) for the flow rate of the gases, an ex-

press the velocity wn by the relative and critical relocities:

2gbP 4


After simple conversions, we obtain a formula in which jet thrust is ex-

pressed only by the initial values


2kr PO _-

e fr ontl . 4+1 KKI 1 (9.27)

The frontal, or axivm, thrust RX is:

- 2#r A%__ . (9.28)


When the difference decreases 1 - 1 the thrust diminishes. The relD

tive temperature ratio, at which thrust reverts to zero, is

F-TS- O4o/v 317

a.I= O--x" " (9.29)
d Oov
.0 -
Lfj- At low temperature ratios x -01,. - 1, and K - 0.8. In this case R

After expressing the dynamic head as a function of relative velocity An zand

the atmospheric pressure Pn, we will find the thrust coefficient of a subsonic ram-

Jet engine CR by (see 2.70):

q=- 7! = ,: A(9.30)

'CR-~j 2k +IK
k- k+1 106'c~) PK 001;
2r+ ht C m (K I 1 . ,
R v(1xQ I % " (9.31)
Here R and R6 are the gas constants of the fresh air and the combustion pro-

For an ideal ramjet engine x 1; K - 1; 4 n-; and R - Rgs consequently,

We obtained this last formula in Chapter Il by another method.

During an unlimited temperature ratio$ - 00 , the thrust coefficient asympto-

tically approaches the limiting value

Z-AP Q,)
€,R.. (0J (9.32)

When m a i, K - 0.9, Rg - R, and x - 0.9 -- Clpred <1.3.

The economy of the engine is characterized by the specific thrust I:

l~ ka-s--
&L 20of"
+ ,L) (9.33)
After utilizing the thrust formula (9.25), we obtain

: PK I+ ,,34),r (9
During a leaning out of the mixture, i.e., during an increase of the excess

air (X,the first factor in the specific thrust equation grows, and the second factor

F-TS-970/A 318

dbdaishes, The surpl of air, at ich the specific thrust reaches its maximum
value, is called the state of maximu ecn2 (see Section 5).

The specific thrust of the fuel Co, i.e., the fuel consumption per hour per

kIdogram of thrust, is:

C* (9 *35)
The specific fuel consuption becomes least during a condition of maximum eco-

With diminishing temperature ratio, i.e., by increasing , the gas dynnmic

factor of a ramjet engine decreases due to the increased losses in the diffuser and

in the flow around local resistances (flame-holder). It is not advisable, therefore,

.to lean out the mixture to Ok :> 4.

The total efficiency of an actual ramjet engine is measured by the ratio of

the thrust power, ilich is developed by the engine, to the energy, introduced into

the engine per second together with the fuel:

N,..Atvye AIJ
~ ~ tr(9.36)
-- 0fr ( 2A I
Atrnoting that -ra



weobtain OPU
-% ""


+2Z 4 = 2 ~j,
" +1 (9.37)

Consequently, I

The first fraction represents the thermal efficiency of an ideal ramjet engine

the mcond fraction my be called the #Ctive twust efficienc

P..TS-940/VO 319
Icr.(9 *39)
For an ideal ramjet engine: (f a , x- 1, and K - 1. When -l,
1 we obtain
. L+ t(9.40)
The thrust efficiency of an actual ramjet engine goes to zero wihen p K 4s 1,

i.e., when


For an ideal ramjet engine 1pred -.

The specific thrust of a ramjet engine is connected with the overall efficiency:

He~n (942)
Aw. Aak.
- - t (9.43)
k+1 A ai
The specific thrust is directly proportional to the heating ,alue of the

fuel Hu and depends on the relative flight velocity n' the gas dynamic factor K,

and on the temperature ratio 0. At a certain optimum temperature ratio opt the

specific thrust and the thrust efficiency reach maximum (see Section 5). The thermal

efficiency \d of an ideal ramjet engine does not depend on the temperature ratio.

Bample. Find the efficiency of a subsonic ramjet engine if 1n " 0.9; 0 7;

x o.97; K - 0.87; -1.037;and c g".

The ideal thermal efficiency is
The active thrust efficiency is

9 r.hK '/0-! 2 7.0 ,97"0 .87 /I - 1-0,437.
- 0
S-1 7-1
The total efficiency is
V .A - 0.1 3 50.437 - 0.059.


To compute the surplus air factor at which the specific thrust of an engine

I reaches its maximum value, we will express the specific thrust by the surplus air

factor cCfjee (9.34F.

F..b-974 /V 320
.r I +.+L
a K 1+ (9.44)

J M (I--aLIxKpir t+ -l (9.45)
' ¥ + SO)C.rft
(tV .
We wdl
Mintroduce the designation
Ia a H*%r -t. (9.46)


To determine the state of maximum economy we will find the derivative from I
*-3.. t6 a and equate .tto zero:
dt w . (2&+ - =O.
t]) (9.48)
From this
,a + %-K=a-+at
or else
at + at.
s =--

After solving this quadratic equation, we find

Surplusof airwhich corresponds to the state of maximum economy, is

The optimm temperature ratio is i

low-0 + %WL)C, Tog 1

I (9.51)
WhenXK-1 9 at 1; and4. t O; vhenK -O; Qopt-- o.

we wil note here that the temperature ratio depends only on the gas dynamic
factor of a ramjet engine and depends neither on the parameters of the fuel nor on
~1 i.lo
_ ~ iy the rr .twl .of the siurrounding atmophre

In a state of maximum economy it may be accepted that

Popt "1.
The specific thrust in a state of maxim= economy is determined from the equa-

tions (9.44 and 9*.49):

-T-974,0/ 321.
,9 rA JL+ -- (9.52)
_ __ I1-- _ _ _ _ _ _

The thrust efficiency in a state of maximum econoy is found by substituting

(9.51) in (9.39) and after making simple conversions:

... Kv. .(- 11 -,.
-01r _NT1 (9.5,)
When - 1 and cfg 1, (t tyag) " 1- V .

Thrust efl'iciency as a function of the gas dynamic factor of a ramjet engine K

is depicted in Table 9.1.

Table 9.1
K-n hen x - I - 0.9; Tn - 216.50 K; # 1; t:id "0.135.

K 0.96 0,90 0,5 0.80 0.75

-R 0,317 0,434 0,524 0,60 0,63
.68 0,
.566 0,476 0.400 0.337
% 1.94 2.53 3,2 '.0 41.f
)--% -
" 1,32 1.43 1,52 1.60 1.0
1-%W£ 178 107 75 55 41.5
12 7.15 4,96 3,62 3.3
/on 1530 1230 1040 875 730
Ce kgkg hr 2,35 2.93 3,06 4.11 4.3

It any give,. flight velocity )n or V'n after determining the gas dynamic factor
K,*it is possible to choose a temperature ratio so that the specific thrust and the

thrust and totxl efficiencies would be the greatest.

With an increase of flight velocity the thermal and overall efficiencies in-

crease in direct proportion to the square of the relative flight velocity kn. When

With a decrease of K the specific thrust of an engine quickly diminishes. Dur-

ing a decrease of K from 0.9 to O,8 the specific thrust dimini shes by 40%.

F- r7lative&iBcha e Velcity in a state of maxzaj32 "' - Is:


F.-TS..9740/V 322
K v1-w
w (9-5~4)
The relative growth of velocity in a state of izvdmum economy depends only on

the ar dynamic factor K. If %K-Ie-E) 1

It is seen from Table 9.1 that to increase the econory of the engine at high

gs dnaxc factors, it is advisable to strongly lean uut the uture It is necessary

to consider that'r~ ivhi &~ M-g.t7aw

ffiinb ~ :.if
5Wnt to drop. If the thrust factor CR becomes less than the exeernal resistance

factor of the engine shell cx : CR<Cx, then the ramjet engine will not only be un-

suitable to serve as an aircraft engine, but may even not be able to move itself.

Therefore it is practically impossible to operate during large O, s,

The greater the degree of constriction in the engine m - SM.

-- 4
the lesser the

relative velocities k2 and )3, the lesser the losses in the engine, the greater the

total pressure recovery 47ob and the gas dynamic factor K, but the lesser the engine

thrust factor CR and the tranAvc.rse thrust RM.

In this way, the geometric parameter of an engine m - S, shows a substantial

effect on the thrust parameters and optimum air surplus.

Foreign &ubsonic ramjet engines, for example, the American Etlllr helicopter

engine or Marpnardt' s %7nine, which are installed in target drones of the Gorgon IV

type (ee Figure la), have a low degree of cons:riction: a asI.A


The control of vubsonic ramjet engines may be accomplished by ,'arying the fuel

supply. During the enrichment of the mixture to at- 1, the temperature of the combus-

tion products and the temperature ratio The mass flow rate of the gases

chames in accordance with (9.16) approximately in inverse proportion to T.

"V okr+1) Re Yf
The relative velocity of the exhaust gases Ok.l varies insignificantly, since

the losses in heat dispersion increase and the losses in the diffuser and local

losses decrease; the overall pressure recovery reains alzost constant

F-0$.9740/V 323
ITob " (rd am Osg O's P* const

The discharge velocity w4 grows appror,,Ately in direct proportion to To,:

_. .'r (9.56)
The stagnation impulse of the free stream flow decreases because of the de-

crease of the air flow rate. Additional drag of the diffuser grows.

The impulse of the exhaust gases, as it follows from (9.55) aid (9.56) does not

depend on the temperature of the gases (or on fuel feed), since an increase of the

exit velocity is compensated bf an emeully large air fl= ra-te:

(C,,).,,=,,4,_ 2 gkr P., 9S(4)=ksp,4. (9.57)

Jet ibrust slowly increases with the growth of heating because of the decrease

of the braking Impulse of the oncoming flow (9.27).

In certain cases thrust may be conveniently expressed by the Mach number:

Paw ,Pn -k pM. (9.58)

The cross section of the stream tube flow is expressed by the flow ..
it fa6 .-

tor Cf:

Sn - <tSl
Accordingto Kiselev' s formula
/ I =S4 !P.. (- i),(i)-P.I -SIp,. (1- i) g(k,)-pl.(
Here pn.isthe static pressure of the undisturbed flow, which acts upon the shell;

Pon isthe stagnation pressure of the oncoming flow;

Al is the relative velocity at the engine inlet;

$1 and 34 -re the engine terminal sections;

6 U 0 sg 0*, is the total pressure recovery of a ramjet engine.

O ob a Cd
Duvring an incre9se of the fvel feea, the thrust force grows because of the de-

crease of air consuiption, i.e., because of the decrease of rilivtftece ity at

the inlet Al and becaure of the increase of stagnation pressure after the exit

p04; an increase of pO4 is accompanied by a decrease of ;k4

The thrust factor of a ramjet engine CR varies during a change in the fuel flow

rate Juvt as the thrust R.9 because we consider the flight velocit5 and altitude

F-TS-9740A1V 324k
The curves that depict the dependence of the thrust parameters of a rarijet en-

gine upon the fuel flow rate Gg(or on the surplus air factor Co are called the control

chacerstics (Figure 171). Owing to the fact that the supply of a liquid fuel is

usually regulated by means of throttling the fuel line, the control characteristics

of a ramjet engine are called the throttle characteristics.

The form of the control characteristics depends upon the flight altitude and

velocity knand H, upon the fuel parameters, and upon the factors crd, , (p5 , and
M Sk.k


Fig. 171. The control characteristics of a subsonic ramjet engine.

During a leaning out of the mixture the thrust force R and the thrust factor

CR slowly diminish at first. When CC are large the velocities and 2, and the

losses along the engine duct quickly grow, the ones

and the thrust parameters iz h qdl "

The specific thrust of a ramjet engine I is equal to

- (1+ a
(t+ee . (9.60)

During an increase of the surplus air O(the first of the factors grows, but the

second -- 5 4. 1 -- decreases because of the decrease of the relative growth of the

W4 n
velocity Wn(see Section 5). During a leaning,out of the mixture the thrust forces3

diminish slowly at first; therefore the specific thrust increases, passes the ma im

and tbK4. as the thrust begins to diminish rapidly m(ter thun"Vat fuel. ftla ate),

?-TS-974O/v 2
also begins to decrease. The total pressure recovery rob, during a strong leaning

out of the mixture, decreases because of the increase of N2 and the increase of the

losses in the diffuser and on the local burner resistances. The corbustion efficiency

is maximum when the surplus air is somewhat greater than one.

It is immaterial for the aircraft designer at what cost were any of the param-

etars achieved - important for him are only the thrust coefficient CR and the spe-

cific thrust I. Therefore, the control characteristic is often represented in the

form of curve CR = f(l) (Figure 172).

The calculat. n of the control characteristics is accomplished by method of

successive aproximations, stated in Section 3, according to the flow parameters wn'

Ph, and Tn, coefficients Od' ' , and fsg, the fuel parameters Hu and L., and
the degree of engine constriction m -k.

s 10

1 4?2 *4,,
Fig. 172. The depenoence of the specific thrust upon the thrust coefficient.


During a variation of the flight velocity the stagnation temperature and pres-

sure of the flow, which enters the diffuser, change and together with them, all the

thrust parameters of the engine change. The dependence of the parameters of a raw-

Jet engine on the flight velocity, on the Mach number of the flight or on the rela-

tive velocity k. are called the velocity characteristics of a ramjet engine (Figure

With anincrease of the flight velocity
wn the relative velocity An increases

and the flow rate of the gases increases. After using (9.6 and 9.16), we obtain

F-TS-974O/V 326
gh ,,.-i(,A-V , VT 4 (9.61)

In order that the composition of the mixture remains constant during a varia-

tion in flight velocity, the must be equipped with a regulator which varies

the fuel supply in proportion to the air imput, i.e., approximately in proportion to

The relative velocities along the duct of the engine X1 and 4 increase with an
increase of k. The pressure factors decrease (9.9) during the flow around local

resistances 1"M and the diffuser Cd. The stagnation temperature and pressure TCn

and Pon grow and the tomperature ratip decreases:

I. l,, .+ T +.L. (9.62)

The pressure recovery during combustion Crsg (IX, 2, 10) increases because of

the decrease of the temperature ratio and the decrease of the velocity of the combus-

tion products. The total pressure recovery Uob and the 6-s dynamic factor K of a

subsonic ramjet engine changes insignificantly with an increase of velocity. The

ratios M4Rand .2n remain constant in the first approximation.

R _L_ #

I -A

-- -

Fig. 173. The velocity characteristics of a subsonic raw.jet engine.

At first, while the temperature ratio remains practically constant, the thrust

of a subsonic ramjet engine changes proportionall y toM

1, _T- (9.63)
During a further increase of velocity, or..=2E'decreases, the relative section

of the stream tube flow - increases and the thrust increase slows down.
The thrust coefficient slowly decreases with an increase of velneity because of

F..Ts-9740/ 327
the decrease of K and the temperature ratio 6 (see Figure 173):

The specific thrust of a subsonic ramjet engine increases with an increase of

velocity due to the increase of the stagnation pressure after the exit P04 and the

increase of the thermal efficiency 'T, although 0 ecreases insignificantly:

\-v-, (9.65)

The optimum heating eop- increases during an increase of flight velocity Mn

due to the decrease of K (see 9.51).


MR= o MI

Fig. 17h. A flight occurring with such a velocity that the thrust coefficient and the
drag coefficient are equal to one another. A) 1 flight"

The optimum srplus air factor opt decreases with an increase of velocity

(see 9.50).
Owing to the fact that the thrust coefficient of a ramjet engine diminishes

with an increase of Mn when o(- const, the flight of an aircraft with a subsonic ram-

jet engine is stable for a chance variatio "of velocity. Actually, the thrust co-

efficient of an engine CR diminishes insignificantly with an increase of velocity,

and the drag coefficient C. increases (Figure 174). A flight may occur with such a

velocity wn at which CR - Cx . If, because of some reason, the flight velocity de-

creases, the thrust proves to be greater than the drag force and t..e velocity again

returns to its former value. During a chance increase of velocity, the thrust proves

to be less than the drag and the flight slows down.

If during the flight, the fuel supply is constant Gg - const, then the mix-

F-TS-9740/V 328
ar will loan out with an increase of velocity and the change of the thrust co-

i iint l. be.
wMo sharper than when a( - const. The flight vill be still more


During a change of flight altitude H, if the flight velocity and fuel supply

-e constant: Mn - const and 0(- const, the parameters of a ramjet engine change be-

iuse of the change of the pressure Pn and temperature Tn of the surrounding air.

The curves, which depict the dependence of the parameters of a ramjet engine

the flight velocity H are called the altitude characteristics of a ramjet engine

175). I Iigure
I M.

N Legend:
A) Troposphere
I' IB) Stratosphere

ig. 175. The altitude characteristics of subsonic ramjet engine.

The pressure p. diminishes.with increasing flight altitude: (de TableTla).:

hen this happens, the flow rate of the gases and the thrust force decrease approxi-

ately in direct proportion to Pn (9.61 and 9.63).

In order that the mixture composition does not change during an increase of

ititude, the fuel supply should be decreased. The air tenperature diminishes with

2.titude until the boundary of the troposphere is reached (according to the inter-

,ational standard, the atmosphere Hst , Ii km),

With *'di in temperature Tn the enthalpy of the air iOx decreases, but

he temperature ratio increases up to H - 11 km.

The thrust coefficient CR and the specific thrust I, in accordance with (9.31)

nd (9.34) increase (see Figure 175) for an increase of the temperature ratio 1.

-TS-97T0/V 329
The optima temperature ratio, at which the specific thrust reaches the maximum

value, does not depend on the flight altitude (see 9.51). The optimum surplus air

Awt increases with an increase of altitude H because of the decrease of TA (see

9.50), right up to an altitude of 1 km.

After the passage Into the stratosphere, where Tn :const, all the parameters

of a ramjet engine, with the 8xception of thrust, would remain constant if the combustion

efficiency qsg would be constant. In actuality, the density of the gases in the com-

bustion chamber diminishes with an increase of altitude. If the altitude control of

the fuel composition is accomplished by a change of the fuel feed pressure, then the

coarseness of the fuel dispersion will increase with an increase of altitude. Because

of the decrease of density, the speed of the heat transmission from the surrounding

flow to the drops will diminish and evaporation of the fuel in the carburation zone

and In the combustion zone will deteriorate. The dispersion jet will be broadened

and, other conditions being equal, the mixture in the area of the flame-holders may

be leaned out. The combustion efficiency decreases with an increase of altitude be-

cause of the deterioration of carburation. The decrease of the combustion efficiency,

which is topped off by the total cessation of combustion, establishes the altitude

livIt for subsonic ramjet engines.


The first tests of the practical use of subsonic ramjet engines took place in

the USR in 1932-1935 under the leadership of Professor Yu. A. Pobedonostsev. In

1939 the Soviet designer I. A. Merkulov installed two ramjet engines of his own de-

sign %figure 176) under the wings of the 1-15 fighter, designed by N. N. Polikarpov.

These ramjet engines were to serve as boosters, i.e., to impart a further increase of

velocity to the aircraft, after the basic pwer plaht would have reached its .peaki

Merkulov' s ramjet engine had a diameter of 400 mm, a length of 1,500 mm, and a

weight of 12 kg. The engine used the same brand of fIx6llas rower

F-TS-9, 4O/V 330

AV- L vw &-t consistSa or neariy 5 kg/hr per ilogram of

thrust or at a velocity of 600 km/hr -. nearly 2 kg/hr per one horse powers ioe., it
as eight times greater than' that f iemi%
a jre .7+

Fig. 176. I. A. Merkuloy's ramjet engine, which was installed on the Polikarpov 1-15
By including a ramjet engine, the speed of an aircraft was increased by 40-50
km/hr. However, with the inoperative boosters, which had great aerodynamic drag,
the speed of the aircraft proved to be substantially less than without boosters.

An attempt to use a ramjet engine as a booster for a propeller-driven aircraft

was also made by the German designer Senger in 19430.
3ven during the Second World Wars projects of fighter aircraft with ramjet
engines as the main power plants were carried out in Germany. One hch'p-Ojec
belonged to Senger (Figure 177). The aircraft was carried aloft by a mother-aircraft,
ws released and proceeded to independent flight. The Mach number of the flight was
to be equal to 0.7, and the flight range was to be 800 km. Benzine was to serve as
th6 fuel for the ramjet engine.

Another similar project was developed in 194 by Lippisch and Pabst at the
Fokke-Walf plant in Vienna. The aircraft was also to be carried aloft by a mother-

aircraft. After the ramjet engine started, the aircraft gained the design velocity
by diving. Carbon, which filled the combustion chamber, was to serve as the fuel
for Lippiech's aircraft. The low heating:.value of carbon (7850 kcal/kg) is compen-
sated by its Ydgh density (higher than 1500 kg/R 3 ), owing to which, the volume and
frontal drag of the combustion chamber prove to be less than a tank with benzine

would have. The calculated flight duration with a velocity of more than 1,000 kIo/hr
was to be 30 minutes.

The projects were not completed beca,se of Germany's defeat in the war and the
cessation of all projects on the design cf military aircraft.

Fig. 177. Senger's project of a fighter with a ramjet engine, 1944.
1 -- diffuser, 2 -- combustion chamber, 3 -- nozzle, 4 -- pilot's cabin,
5 - fuel tank.
Bck in 1938 the French designer R. Leduc began to work on the project of a

fighter aircraft with a ramjet engine. At the present time Leduc's aircraft is

undergoing flight testing. Although this aircraft has not yet developed supersonic

speeds, it is intended for a flight at M *0 3. Therefore, it. wil i~c g '

Qfl the f6131witjehb a,

The American designer R. Marquardt developed (1947) a subsonic ramjet engine

system, tested it in flight in the aircraft "Shooting Star" (see Figure 3), and form-
ed a firm to produce ramjet engines.
At the present time~subsonicra=JeOt~engines are used n

.m!es 7,Wnd on helicopters.

The American firm Martin developed a target drone -- the Gorgon IV -- equipped

with a Marquardt ramjet engine and guided by radio (see Figure 17a). A target drone,

the speed of which is close to that of jet bombers, is used for training personnel
and for testing various means of antiaircraft defense.

Guided missiles, which are directed by radio and supplied with self-guidance

instruments, are used to defeat enemy ships at distances where artillery is impracti-

cable. Ramjet engines, which consume several times less fuel than a liquid-fuel

1R. Marquardt, American Aviation, vol. 17, No. 18, I-I, 1954, 24-28.

F-TS-97hO/V 332
suitable for launching pi-lotless&inz fihtg34dsiA.~
Subsonec ramjet engines, which are installed at the ends of rotor blades, are

used a. primary helieopter engines.1 As an exwple we will cite -he American heli-

copter, the R-32.,f .NZ94' (see Figure 18), which has ramjet qe, ges in-
stalled, at the ends of the seven-meter-long two-bladed rotor. At the design rotor

speed, the engines develop a power of sore than 40 hp each. The diameter of the

engine is 200 a , the length i 6W mn; the weight is 2.5 kg; the thrust -- nearly

14 kg- and the fuel -- kerosene. The total weight of the helicopter is 250 kg; the

useful load is nearly 140 kg; the cruising speed is 100 km/hr; the flight range is

50 kn; the flight duration is 30 minutes; and the rate of climb is 0.3 kin/mi. The

starting of the engine is accomplished with the aid of a hand-operated Lnertia start-

er. Due to their e.-ltrem simplicity, helicopters with ramjet engines may find wide

usage as a means of transportation, in agricultural aviation, and even in wr during

landing operations and ferrying.

Subsonic ramjet engines are not widely used. Supersonic ramjet engines possess

greater possibilities.


1. Varshavekiy, G.A., and Makarov, B.V., Tekhnika vozdushnogo flota tir Fleet En-
neri47, 1940, No. 6.
2. InosetsevA N. V., Aviatsionne gazoturbi yye dvigateli 3ircraft Gas Turbine
ingine/ r; , L., 15. ..
3. Meriulow, I. A., Reaktivn~a viatsi~a et Aviati~nT, Printing House Znaniye
ffnowed 00, 1 M ~ !~saLe Aitc7 ___

h. Stechkin, B. S., Teoriya vozdyshnogo reaktivnogo dvigatelya ffhe Theory of a Ram-

Jet bm _ine7, T, 1929, No. 2.
5. Avery, W. H., Dvadtsat' pyat' let razvitiya prramotochnykh dvigatelyey Twenty-
Five Years of Rajet Engine Developmenti, Jet Propulsion. X, 1955 1-6.

"P.R. Payne,'4ubsonic Ramjet of Helicopter," Fg, vol. 66, No., 1954.

R. T. De Vault, *Augmenting Helicopters Take-offPower by Ramjet," Aircraft
P ., v. 27, No. 312, Feb. 1955.

F--TS-9740/V 333
6. Shapiro, A. H., The Dynarics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow. New
York, 1953.

7. Bailey9 N. P., =The Thermodynamics of Air at High Velocities," Journ. of Aeron.

Sciences, v. 11, July, 1944, 227-238.
8. Chambre, P. and Lin, C., *On the Steady Flow of a Gas through a Tube with Heat
Exchange or Chemical Reaction," J. of Aer. Scienc., v. 13, Oct. 1946, 537-542.

9. Hicks, B. L. and Montgomery, D. I., "The One -- Dimensional Theory of Steady Com-
pressible Flow in Ducts with Friction and Heat Addition," NACA TN., 1336, 1946.

10. Rudnic, P., "Moment- Relations in Propulsive Ducts," J. of Aer. Scienc., v. 14,
Sept., 1947.

11. Sanders, N. D., "Performance Parameters of Jet Propulsion Engines," NACA TN. 1106

12. Marquardt, R., American Aviation, v. 17, No. 18, I-!I, 1954, 24-28.

13. Payne, P. R., "Subsonic Raitjet of Helicopters," Flight, v. 66, Nov. 1954.
14. De Vault, R. T., "Augmenting Helicopters Take-off Power by Ramjet Aircraft,"
R.&, v. 27, No. 312, Feb. 1955.

F-TS-9740/V 334


Supersonic ramjet engines (SPVRD) are intended for flights at speeds that are

higher than the speed of sound, i.e., at N > 1. The upper limit of the velocity to

*iLeh ramjet engines may be used, is determined by the temperature of the gases be-

fore exit T03. The greater the difference T0 3 -To 2 , the greater the terminal flight

velocity. During operation on high-calorific fuels or on atomic energy, the velocity

of a prolonged flight is limited by the heat resistance quality of the materials,

since the stagnation temperature at M> 6 becomes Vreater than the melting point of


The geometry of a supersonic ramjet engine is determined by the design flight

velocity and the purpose of the engine.

The specific fuel consumption of a supersonic ramjet engine at Mw 4 is less

than and the total efficiency is greater than that for any other type of engine

(tobh> 4).
Supersonic ramjet engines, like subsonic ramjet engines, are incapable of self-

starting. Supersonic ramjet engines must be accelerated to their initial velocity with

the aid of a special booster. A rocket booster is the most effective means of acce-

lerating a supersonic ramjet engine. The air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles 'hat

are launched by high-speed aircraft do not need boosters.

The theory of supersonic ramjet engines was formulated by Stechkin, Zuyev,

Abramovich, Crocco, Senger, Willey, Trcamsdorf, and many other Soviet and foreign

authors. The present status of supersonic ramjet engine theory is stated below.


Supersonic ramjet engines (Figure 178) have the same basic parts as subsonic

ramjet engines: a diffuser, a combustion chamber, and an exhaust nozzle.

Th shape of a supersonic diffuser is determined by the design flight velocity

and the purpose of the engine. At design velocities of H. - 1 to Mn - 2 the engine

F-TS-9740OA 335
is supplied with a diffuser having a normal shock wave at its inlet (Figure 178a).

The pressure recovery factor after a normal shock wave diminishes from (pr 0 .0

to 0 pr - 0.70 for a velocity increase of Mn - 1 to Un - 2. An assembly of oblique

shock waves at the inlet when M< 2 may increase the presaue b) not more than 10-20%.

If the pressure in the combustion chamber P03 is higher than critical, a supersonic

The nozzle divergence 4 must be

E - S4cr
nozzle may be installed at the engine outlet. -

,**..Ovecterthe larger tj7pressure ratio in the combustion chamber ahead of the

exit (see Figure 77).

3) I)


S2 Sj. 34Cp
:5, $..
--. 3@ pa,-...w 4)

5, 3, S, s,.3 s. Legend:

1) Normal shock wave

M' -{ _,_______,___ 2) Oblique shock waves

-__Si ..
1 3) Acceleration diffuser
-. I

Fig. 178. Schematics of supersonic ramjet engines.

a -- a supersonic ramjet engine with a normal shock wave at the inlet,
b -- a ramjet engine w~th a multi-shock wave diffuser and a fixed-geometry
c - a supersonic ramjet engine with a multi-shock wave diffuser and a
variable-geometry nozzle,
d -- a supersonic ramjet engine with no exit nozzle.

At high design flight velocities (4 >2) a multi-shock wave diffuser (for which
the pressure increase is significantly more effective tnan during a single normal

F-TS-9740/V 336
shock wave) is installed at the inlet to the engine. Thus, when Hn - 3;. 37.
The pressure increases approximately 12 times in a diffuser with a normal shock wave,

so that 0.3.
'sd In a multi-shock wave diffuser the pressure increases more than

20 times, so that (d a00.65. Thus, an arrangement of obliqud shock waves at the in-

let when Ml> 3 increases the stagnation pressure at the diffuser outlet more than 2

times. With a further increase of the design flight velocity, multi-shock wave dif-

fusers, in comparison with normal shock wave diffusers, give still greater benefits.

The most suitable configuration of a deflecting spike and the value of the dif-

user throat cross section S depend upon the design velocity. As Mn increases the

most suitable number of shock waves increases, the optimum turning angles of the flow

J1 , 62, and a3 decrease, the compression of the air increases, and the critical sec-

tion of the throat Slcr diminishes. The design critical cross section of the exhaust

ios le 3- also decreases with an increase of Un. An engine with a fixed-geometry

nay operate under the design conditions only at one flight speed. A single regime

3ngine with a fixed-geometry, which is designed for flight at a predetermined velocity,

is shown in Figure 178b, A rulti-regime engine, which is intended for flight at

various velocities for various temperature ratios, must be equipped with a variable-

,eometry diffuser and nozzle (see Figure 178c). A maximum thrust engine, which is de-

3igned for high combustion temperatures, is sometimes constructed without a constric-

tion at the outlet: S3 " S-cr a S4 (see Figure 178d).

The diffuser portion of a supersonic ramjet engine may be divided into super-

sonic and subsonic portions (Figure 179b). The flow in front of the oblique diffw3er

shock wave is supersonic. The flow through the divergent portion of the diffuser,

through the combustion chamber, and through the nozzle up to its critical section is

subsonic; the flow from the nozzle throat section to the exhaust plane and after it is


The greater the design free stream flow velocity M. for a given inlet area ratio
Slcr the larger the widening of the
Si the smaller the critical inlet section ratio '2- ,
subsonic portion of the diffuser, and the smaller the relative velocity at the canbus-

-_S-.97_.,O._ _ __"_.........
tioa chamber inlet k2. The absolute value of the velocity in the exhaust section

S2 of a diffuser of a supersonic ramjet engine, i.e., at the combustion chamber in-

let, iu nearly 100 m/sec. The velocity at a combustion chamber outlet which has no

exit nozzle constriction (S3 * Scr - S) may reach the local speed of sound (see

Figure 178d).

The flow through the subsonic portion of a diffuser depends, to a significant

degree, upon the divergent angle of a right circular cone 0(. If this angle 0(d ex-

ceeds 100, the pressure recovery in the subsonic portion Td" diminishes (see Figure

61c). This is caused by a separation from the walls and the appearance of turbulence

in the flow, and is accompanied by a dissipation of energy. At angles which are less

than 50, pressure recovery decreases, due to surface friction losses which increase

with an increase in the diffuser length t - y i- d . The optimum divergence angle

of a right circular cone lies within the area of 50 <O0(d< 100

- I) Av iop a) McLegend:

1) Diffuser
2) Combustion chamber
3) Fuel pui
3o t-mfI MOK1VP-Mj6 " 4) Injectors
" - 5) Flame-holder
al 6) Nozzle
.-'e RNa• f)~ 4... ." weeml ") u 7) Supersonic flow
"'" ~ ~~ ~oo ~
we~ ~ ~ f .m.
a #e " 8) Subsonic flow

h mue
wa . u\ dws .#Oaws,"ue ISPaVCWUpdN
uu , IM
I ) Fu!lfnjetion
Flame stabilization
Ile 10)Incoming air

t1 Hot Gases

.$) ,MAm 16) 1nlet diffuser

L , avp I?)
17)vui~aust nozzle

Fig. 179. The internal arrangement of a supersonic ramjet engine.

a -- perspective cross section, b -- diagram

In principle, the combustion cha.,ber of a supersonic ramjet engine (F"gure 179)

is constructed like the combustion chamber of a subsonic ramjet engine. We note that

with an increase of flight velocity M11, the stagnation temperature and pressure in the

F-TS-97 0/V . . . .
33 8 ... .... . . .
combustion chamber inlet increase, the relative velocity diminishes, and the opera-

tion of the combustion chamber is improved.


A diagram of the gas flow through a supersonic raijet engine having a multi-

shock wave diffuser is depicted in Figure 180. Oblique shock waves appear on the

multi-step spike of a diff oer as the supersordc flow approaches (see Chapter II,

Section 11). The air temperature, pressure, and density variations in the oblique

shock waves, which are expressed by (2.118, 2.119, 2.122, and 2.123), are depicted

in Figures 39, 40, 41, and 42.

The velocity of the flow during its passage through the oblique shock waves

diminishes, while the pressure and density increase. The direction of the flow

through the oblique shock waves changes. The air stream lines along the surface of

the spike are parallel to its surface. /

* J MU

$,4 j IJ%)" Legend:
S ggo(S, m~i). ,, 1) Last oblicrae shock wave
"Pao's2) Raref'action wave
3) Termi~nal shock wave
~i1 14) Normal shock wave

Fig. 180. A schematic of the shock waves in a diffuser inlet.

& -- desirn case; b -- Yn < h; c -- M
-- Mrasch; d -- Mn Mrasch,
The final shock wave is usually formed inside the diffuser duct.

F-TS-9714o/v 339
The air flow through a supersonic engine Gv is determined by the cross section

of the diffuser inlet slot Sshch, which is measured normal to the stream lines in the

diffuser inlet; and by the velocity and the density of the flow after the last oblique

'shock wave wi-I and "i-i (i is the number of shock waves in the diifuser'"

0 ==kS=w-,yl-,. (10.1)
where k is the factor that is determined by the depth of the boundary layer at the

diffuser inlet. The greater the depth of the boundary layer Zrtian to~th@,
o :the inlet slot, the less begones K.
,Cigt V' ' *"

The air flow may be expressed by the parameters of the free stream flow and the

inlet cross section S1 (see Figure 180):

• ' -'(10.2)
09G= 0,SRo.,
where q is the mass flow ratio of the diffuser.

If the shock waves are focused on the inlet edge of the diffuser (Figure - 80a),

then - 1; additive drag is absent:

1 Xd - 0. In order to bring the diffuser mass

flow ratio f up to one when the inlet throat is "choked" by a boundary layer, the

cross section of the inlet slot Sshch is made greater than design:

* =.
Sx k
If the flight velocity Mn is less than design point, then the shock wave inci-

dence angles 0(1, v(, (3' and others, will be greater than design point values and the

air flow through the diffuser will become less than the maximum possible value

SlWn 'n, since a portion of the flow is directed around the diffuser inlet slot (Figure

180b). The mass flow ratio T decreases and additive wave drag Xd appears.

If the flight velocity is Mn greater than the design value, the shock wave in-

cidence angles become less than design values and the oblique shock waves will enter

the diffuser (Figure 180b). The pressure recovery O'd will t- less than designi for a

given velocity. The air flow will remain the maximum possible: q 1, and additive

drag will be absent: Xd - 0.

The flow of the gases through any sectior of the engine Si, is determined by

the relative flow velocity Ai, and the stagnation temperature and pressure in this

F-TS-970/v 340
section poi and Toi (see 2.74):

Ig oj ( +1) qQ lj (10.14)
This index belongs to all the variations that enter into the flow equation.

The flow equation is used to find the relationship between the cross sections

of the engine on one hand and the flows stagnation pressures and temperatures of thl

gases on the other.

Any two sections Si and Sn may be described as:

0, _/k k, +I I, Sa Pon q (Q()

For any "cold" section, for example, for the free stream flow section Sn and for

the diffuser exhaust section S2

k k2 k; Ton T0 2 - Tox; Gn - G2 and 02 d

Consequently, .

S (A)
qA O (A2) #A (10.6,
For low and the compressibility of the air is insignificant:

is is=

and the relative velocities are inversely proportional to the sections:

,For the critical and exhaust section of the diffuser S1c r and 1 2 considering|

, I l a

from (10.6) we obtain

so V"2 S. q (1). (10.7)


is the pressure recovery of the subsonic portion of the diffuser

*. _; /
Cd' is the pressure recovery of the supersonic portion of the diffuser

F-TS-97hO/V 341
With an increase of the relative velocity n' the gas dynamic function q(An)

decreases, the density of the air in the critical section of the diffuser grows and
the calculated cross section of the throat ST decreases. With a decrease of pres-
sure recovery in the supersonic portion of the diffuser 0". the density of the air in

the throat Yicr decreases and the critical section Slcr increases.

F-R61lations*iBps amlogous to (10.6) and (10.7) may be described also for the

"hot" sections S3, S4cr, and S4, by considering that k3 a k4 kg; T0 3 T O4 = Tog;

and G3 - G4 as:


To' is the pressure recovery of the subsonic portion of the nozzle

o = =0,97, .

C8 " is the pressure recovery of the supersonic portion of the nozzle:
~ Ad S
PO"\ so*)"

The relative velocity of the exhaust gases ),4 depends on the ratio of the stag-

nation pressure to the static pressure Pt a given section: PO4

-I -4 (10.9)

Consequently, E( ) r and the design degree of divergence of the nozzle is

* a L +1) 2(kr

.1 k, + I _hr
" kv- l-\ /IP4
- (lO-,4lO)
The stagnation pressure ratio of the exhaust gases P-4 is smaller than the stag-
flow -- T
of the free strean
nation pressure

^4 O4 pY
P. 1~M Low & _L4 := W
Basically, the design ratio of the hot and cold throat sections is determined
by the temperature ratio 0 -Z.
F-TS-974O!v 342
_____-_ (10.12)


. - (10.13)

The design ratio of the engine terminal cross sections is

S= ,(.) *Vi ,4) PS (lO.01)

,k kI Rr ( 1. 5)

If the. composition of the mixture is given, then wltb an increase of flight

Locity vhe temperature ratio 0 diminishes:

!P (1O.16)

The nozzle exhaust section may not be greater than the midships section of the

S and the ratio of the

,line: S4 S. The design cross section of the inlet

-oat sections of the diffuser and nozzle 9 increase with growing velocity due

the decrease of the temperature ratio.

The relative velocity ahead of the exit ,3, in accordance with (10.8), is de-

-mined by the ratio of the sections : 3

s4cr. The relative velocity before combustion
is determined by Kiselev's ratio (8.32). The pressure recovery for combustion is

,ermined by the ratio of (8.34). The pressure recovery for the flow around local

ner resistances is determined by the ratio of (8.19).

The pressure recoveries of the diffuser C1d and the nozzle a. are determined

flow tests.

We will assume that the geometry of an engine is given. To operate within the

;ign conditions, the engine will be at only one temperature ratio brasch and at

design flight velocity (Xn)rasch* For an increase of the ratio 6 > e rasch,

. velocity ahead of the exit X3 does not vary, but the mass flow rate of the gases

-ie& because of the increase of temperature and the decrease of the density of the

. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . ... ... . ..

exhaust gases (see 10.4). The flow velocity in the cold sections SI, Slcr, and S2

decreases while the pressure recovery C1M grows during the flow around the local

burner resistances. The pressure recovery during preheating 0 .g decreases because

of the increase of the temperature ratio. The pressure recovery of the combustion

chamber k' -M 6 sg remains practically constant. The final shock wave is ex-

pelled from the diffuser inlet slot with an increase of the temperature ratio above

the calculated value and the mass flow factor ( diminishes and a *buzz" condition

begins. The pressure recovery Tj remains practically constant (see Figure 180d).

With a decrease of the temperature ratio to a value that is less than the do-

signthe air flow rate is limited by a choke point in the diffuser throat and remains

constant 1. The relative velocites k2, ;, and A4' are determined only by

the geometry of the engine and do not change. The stagnation pressure ahead of the

exit P0 3 and the static pressure at the nozzle exhaust edge p4 decrease; and the over-

all pressure recovery Tob decreases:


kr+ rOV(117

g P_=' (10.18)

With a decrease of flight relative velocity n' the stagnation temperature of

the free stream flow Ton - - T)-decreases. If the stagnation temperature of the

exhaust gases T0 4 or the mixture ratio, 0(,, are oonstants, then the temperature ratio

P will increase and the calculated cross section of the inlet Slcr and S1 will de-
crease. But when Slcr is constant, one must increase the throat section of the nozzle

Shcr. The pressure recovery of the supersonic portion of the diffuser increases with

a decrease in flight velocity.

If the engine must operate in design conditions at any flkght speed S4 - SM,

p4- pn, then with a reduction of flight speed, the dejree of dive-gence of the ex-

haust nozzle 8 - !_ decrLases and together with it, the relative velocity and the
8 1or Pn
stagnaion pressure of the exhaust 'es
ri ' and PTO

In order for the same ramjet engine to operate at any speed and at viy temperatu
-atio at the design condition, i.e., at the greatest possible pressure before the
iossle and with the least additive diffuser drag Xd its terminal and throat sections
ust be controllable.


To determine the thrust parameters of a supersonic ramjet engine, it is neces-

3ary, at first, to fiud its jet thrust k (see 2.90):

3--F-F.-p(S--S,). (10.19)
The impulse of the exhaust gases F4 is determined by the equation (2.86):
,=04041 p,
C (loh2o)
After utilizig (5.27); weII

I =-, 2 (10.21)

The maximum relative 'discharge velocity (A4)mx is determined by the intended

resure ratio PO).

kv _ \ / ,• (10.22)
The design degree of nozzle divergence Erasch is expressed by the equation
10.10) - s -
-- - ° (10.23)

With a decrease of the nozzle pressure coefficient, a., the relative velocity

f the exhaust gases X diminishes, the static temperature of the gases T4 increases,

he density of the gases *Y4decreases, and the calculated degree of nozzle diver-

ence &rasch increases.

With an increase of the degree of divergence t the nozzle pressure coefficient

788 decreases, the dissipation of energy in the nozzle grows and the pressure losses

ncrease. ,le,, = , ,

ThA pressure coefficient or impulse loss in nozzles of various configurations

nd with various degrees of divergence are determined by experimental tests.

-Ts-97To/V 345
With an increase of the design flight velocity xn' the losses in the diffuser

4 decreases.
and nozzle increase and the gas dynamic coefficient of the engine K 0 X

The stagnation impulse of the oncoming flow, which acts on the inlet section

of the engine S3, is equal to the sum of the momentum and the unbalanced pressure

forces which act on the inlet slot and the deflecting spike. Considering the forces

which act on both sides of the control surface, formed by the surface of the spike and

the section of the inlet slut Sshch (Figure 183), we obtain

F1=FI+ pis',ICosWj+SlpdS=F,+XOU=

=+-x o (1O.25)
where %ob is the summary rake angle of the flow: (ob "91 + 4 + ()+."'

The integral S pdS represents the geometric sum of the pressure forces on the

surface of the spike which protrudes from the diffuser (see Figure 179).

If the oblique shock waves are focused on the forward edge of the diffuser,

additive drag resistance is absent: Xd - O. In all cases, when the shock waves

move away from the forward edge of the diffuser, additive drag, which is determined

experimentally, appears.

The effective thrust R ef is

- (p4-p) S 4- X " (10.26)

The stagnation impulse of the stream tube flow Fn depends on the relative

flight velocity kn, on the atmospheric pressure Pn' and on the cross section of the

stream rube at infinity Sn.

After utilizing (2.71); (2.74); and (2.81), we obtain

pF . A
+pS. + azOz Qj).

- Sq
=Paslo ) Z N. (10.27)

where a. is the critical velocity before heating.

The cross section of the stream tube flow Sn is determined from the continuity

uftton 0.

F-TS-9T7o/V 346
The mass flow ratio I during beatings, which are less than calculated 0< 6rasch'

is determined by the flight velocity Xn, the configuration, and the location of the

-enter body diffuser. At temperature ratios which are more than calculated e > arasch ,

the mass flow ratio (I is determined by the cross section of the exhaust nozzle Shcr

and the parameters of the gases ahead of the exit p0 3 and T0 3, and also by the pres-

ets coefficient of the subsonic portion of the nozzle 65'"

At design point conditions, when the shock waves are focussed on the inlet edge,

PPhamdX ,3L00 ThenS -S i .

After substituting (10.20) and 10.27) in (10.19), we obtain
Al.=p.Sq(Q,) z(.)-p .~q (k,) z ().,)-p, (S,--S); . (10.29)
(.) () S s .. ..

Jet thrust R in determined by the relative flight velocities and the exhaust

Xn and X4, by the atmospheric pressure pn, by the mass flow ratio I, and by the

inlet and exit sections of the engine, S1 and S4 . The temperature of the gases does

not enter into the final thrust formula in an obvious form.

Heating of the gases is the only means of maintaining the high stagnation pres-

sure of the exhaut gases, i.e. a high 'X4 when Shc r > Slcr . A thrust effect'

such as is obtained by heating, may be obtained by introducing an imaginery gas into

the combustion chamber of the engine, so that the specific volume increases the re-

quired nuber of times.

The thrust coefficient CR is

*m-- - (10.30)

The effective thrust coefficient is

~~ (10-*31)
where Cxdop is the additive wave drag coefficient, which is relative to the midships

section and is determined experimentally. r

The net thrust coefficient C chist is

/ -. " t . -, ex (10.32)

where cxob is the drag coefficient of the engine envelope (friction drag).
The net thrust of a supersonic ramjet engine Rchst must be greater than the
F-TS-974/o3v F.
aerodynamic drag of the wings, fuselage, tail assembly, and the other portions of the

aircraft. Figure 181 shows the drag of a V-2 rocket at supersonic flight speeds. The

W ag of the envelope of an air-breathing jet engine is caused primarily by

I 1 11 iLegend:

4- A) Angle of attack

Fig. 181. The variation of the drag coefficient of a V-2 rocket with Mach number and

angle of attack.

surface friction and by the pressure on the diffuser shell, since the drag of the

center body diffuser is considered during the determination of the thrust and boat

tail drag is absent when S4 - S,4

. Therefore, the drag of the shell comprises 50-70%

of the drag of the ogive body that is depicted in Figure 181.

At high supersoniL flight velocities the degree of nozzle divergence C must be

great. Therefore the area of the exhaust and midships sections are comparable:

s- S. (see Figure 183).

If the shock wavet, focus on the forward edge, then Sn S, and the additive

drag Xdop 0. If, during this, the exhaust section has the value vomputed from

equation (10.14), then tLe pressure at the ehaust edge is equal to the back pressure

P4- p, and the jet thrust formula may be simplified; using (2.55) and (2.7h), we

obtain 0V
9 U ,:s(,) -¥+1sQ,). (10.33)
Substituting the computed ratic of the inlet and exit sections S- in (10.I1), we
obtain a forwala which is similar to the one which was introduced before for subsonic

ramjet engines (see 9.27):

The thrust factor CR - R,

After using (2.70) and (10.34), we obtain

F-TS-97hO/V 348
, .. For a given temperature ratio 8 a const, the thrust coefficient varies insig-

nificantly with an increase of flight speed A n. At a given maximim temperature

T Og a const or for a given mixture composition oC- const, the thrust coefficient
diminithes with an increase of velocity.

Generally the specific thrust is equal to

--L IA " (10.36)

The magnitude of the thrust is determined by the equation (10.26) or (10.29).

When P4 p. and Sn a S1 , the specific thrust of a supersonic ramjet engine is

expressed by the formula (9.34) or (9.43)

" \ - . +m1H8 k - " (10.37)

The overall efficiency is

_______ ta1 ~ (~J,~(10.38)

9 P~erot (0- 1) POver,(I - 1)
When S. - 1 and P4 Pn
- 0 ,,,Ii-
S+ 1,- Mri ;P( -,) " (10.39)

The thermal power that is required by the engine Nq, is

. Nq-€,,or,, -- l-l*O,
No-,0. TH0kcal/-ec,

/ N m, + T kg /sec. (1o.o)
For a given temperature ratio, 0) the required thermal poter Nq increases quickly

with an increase of A% owing to the increase of the air flow G0 and the final tempera-
ture of the gase Tog a a T .

At a given temperature Tog - const, the thermal power at first increases with
an increase of velocity, reaches a maximum, and falls to zero when Tog )(,)

The flight range of a winged flying vehicle with an air-breathing jet engine

is expressed by a formula of Tiolkovskiy's (1.15):

,Ik (10a4)

F'.4S-97L40/v 34~9 ___

From (10.36), it follows that the range factor D - wnI is equal to the product
of the heating value of the fuel Hu (in mechanical units) and the overall efficiency

of the air-breathing engine:

Dinmg.J- l M (104.2)
The overall efficiency of an air-breathing jet engine together with the aero-

dynamic quality ka and the relative fuel weight ratio V - 1 -Ir determine the flight

range. Here lI is the relative structural weight, which is equal to the ratio of the

terminal flight weight to the initial weight.


The ideal thermal efficiency 't increases with an increase of flight speed,

approaching one:

The effective thrust efficiency (%tyag)ef is determined by the temperature

ratio 0 and the gas dynamic factor of the engine K (ratio of specific heats). The

variations of thrust efficiency with velocity are stated in Section 5 of this chapter.

Here is an example of designing a supersonic ramjet engine: We will assume that

the flight speed is equal to the design point value: Mn - Mrasch r 4, (f-1 1;
An - 2.14. We will assume that at this velocity, the pressure recovery of the dif-

fuser (vhich must be determined by an experimental method) C d - 0.3. The flight

Y altitude H - 25 kim. According to the ICAD standard atmosphere:

pa- 18.6 mm of mercury - 253 kg/m 2 ; Tn - 216.50 K, Yn - 0.04 kg/m 3 ; c - 295 m/sec.

We will find the thrust parameters of an engine which operates on kerosene, if

fu 2.0; Hu - 10,200 kcal/kg; L - 14.8 isa . 1. The midships cross sectior SM - 1 m2 ;

the inlet cross section S1 - 0.9 M2, the mass flow ratio factor ? - 1, the exit cross

section of the nozzle is equal to the midships S4 - SM. The nozzle pressure coeffi-

cient 01
s - 0.9. The drag coefficient of the combustion chamber - 3.

The stagnation parameters of the free 3tream flow (Figures 204 and 205) are
k-! 2 2.143
In = I -. 0.238;

- 1,1 M a.a
0.230 0.238

Q4~ - I~ 0j) B280 -

0. NP7

* ~am*O 3c&/kdzn 3.8abs.atm.
The maximum possible pressure at the combustion chamber inlet is

P02 - 'dPon - 0.3.38,000 - -1,40o kg/m 2 - .14 abs. atm.

The stagnation enthalpy of the free stream flow is

i_ .if'jT. 0.24.216 .218 kcal/ge
I (A- 0.230
The stagnation enthalpy of the combustion products is
Had. 1 10200 m218+333=5S1 kcal/k.
1+&+ 1+2.14.8
After noting that the pressure ahead of the exit P0 3 , 1 kg/cm 2 we will find

the stagnation temperature after combustion according to the i - T diagram (see

Figure 88):
T0 1,920 0 K

The temperature ratio is

i!._.r . L0

The adiabatic indicator (ratio of specific heats) when C(- 2 and the temperature is

1,9200 K is: k - 1.312. The velocity of the free stream air is

floQRCMe--2W.4- 1180 Wseo.

The air flow through the engine is

0V (fwn3'nSl - 1,18090.040.0.9 - 42.5 kg/sec

The fuel flow is

Og a w 42.5 - 1.435 kg/sec

The flow of the gases through the exhaust nozzle is

GK - O * 42.5 + 1.435 - 4 kg/sec

The critical velocity of the oncoming air is

4I' 07f
t /" W 83M s c
k+1 "909 2f1.4 - ,.3 V - o m/sec.
The critical temperature is

Tcrx ,2 ,- 756 0 K
The critical pressure is

F-TS-974o/V 351
It- t m11400
.89.8 -6030 K4M=.603 abs. ati,
The critical density is
- - =272
.0 .kg/n3.
R,. "29.3.756
The cross section of the diffuser throat is

M .
$, iimp
lopwiv O2.S .0,284

We will find the calculated throat cross section of the exhaust nozzle after

substituting 1? 0

s,8= .P0, 4
, 0 3T 0,284=0.476 M?2
0'0 0,9

In order to rule out the possibility of expelling the final (normal) shock

wave from the diffuser throat in the event of a change decrease of flight velocity

or an increase of temperature ratio 0, we will make the critical exhaust cross sec-

tion somewhat greater than calculated:

S4cr - 0.500 m

The degree of nozzle divergence is

*~S 4 _
S4.# 0,5
We will find the relative velocity in the exhaust, and the pressure ratio across the

nozzle by the graph which is depicted in Figure 77: 4 an1,75; u---10.3;


Jet thrust (see 2.90) is: R- F 4 -F-P,-p,(S 4 -s$,

The rea.tion force of the exit gases is

4- - V, 2/kf+, Rr-Tork 4 +

=1.3 VN I .4 23 m k
"V 19,6.1.312 4 2.V

The stagnation impulse of the stream tube flow, when pan . C--M St is

r4 , +- 99 4252.141-+ -.
k~ ~ ~ 9 ,~i 909-141)
an WO kg.
Jet thrust is

Pd--- ($ $S-- 7300 -&M- 253(1 -0.9) =, 19a kg.

F-Ts-974o/V 352
The specific thrust is

R 1915 =1

The specific fuel flow is

Ca. -.-- 27 1Ilhr.
I 1 2.N 1

The dynamic head is

#M - X 07. 3.42. 2W )/ 2.

The thrust coefficient is

R 1915,
Sq 2830 =067
We will carry out a gas dynamic computation of the combustion chamber.

The stagnation pressure ahead of the exit nozzle is

N ir kr+S

i2 0-31 29 -5144ir'I92, =100 kg/n 2 e
21 9.8.312 0.5

The velocity ahead of the exit nozzle W3. according to Figure 170, is

The relative velocity before combustion is

From this

The pressure coefficient for combustion is

-, Q #j 65.37 0.,196 o. -o4 .
-(A) q(A) - 3,54 0.31 0.96
The pressure recovery for the flow around local resistances (flame-holders) is
A+ 1 .on
k+1 2,4

The stagnation pressure at the diffuser outlet is

10000 .4

*3*ct 0,93-0,985
The pressure recovery in the diffuser is
-0 -0,287
p~38 000I
eoiewhat less than the maximum possible value. In this way a chosen nozzle matches up

F-TS-97o/v 353
with a given diffuser.

The over-all pressure recovery in the engine is

*. CI,. 2 0. 93 .0,985-. 9 an0, 2 3 .,

The overall efficiency of the engine is

A'w AIeM 1330.295.4
ilnOr -Ws- 427-10200

The flight range with a relative fuel weight ratio Y 0.68 and an aerodynamic

quality (lift/drag ratio) k - 4 is:

1 I
I= crflk Inik -0.6a 0.32=
I -= 295.4-1330.41o --- 71w k-,

Not a single other typL of engine, only a supersonic ramjet engine, may achieve

a similar range of guided active flight at Mn a 4.



The thrust parameters of a supersonic ramjet engine may be computed not by using

the relative velocities, as we did in the foregoing paragraph, but by the Mach numbers.
This last method of computation persists in American literature.

The jet thrust of an engine, as is known, is determined from the difference

between the alancedpressur forces and the mmentum at the" exit of the engine in

- .ndi~tirbed flow:

I. 0 4W4-iPASS4 se -0 ~ C,-as PS
9 9. (lo.43)
The flow impulse (mass flow parameter) in any section is

F= -,+pS=pS (1 + WM(14)
, ~ow_ _ kii-k'
, r,,Ss Ap g#Rr(Oh)
From (lO.15), we obtain

.. arsh, B. W. and Sears, G. A., Introduction to the Analysis of Supersonic Ranjet

Poverplants. Jet Propulsion, vol. 2h, 1954, No. 3.
Avery, W. H., Twenty-five Yea.s of Rarjet De%-lopment. Jet Propulsion, vol.
25, Nov. 1955, No. 11.
F-TS -9740/ 354
Substituting for static temperature, the stagnation temperature, we obtain

The" flow impulse (mass flow parameter) depends on the gas dynamic function of

the Mach number

f(Mlm2I+k- (0-7
The critical impulse of the gases, which discharge at sonic velocity from a
zonvergent nozzle, is found after substituting M 1 in (O.I 6 ). During this

(M) W1.
'p.o V 2L+- qT,.o.2
V gk (10.t48)
After using (10.47) and (i0.48), we obtain
F~m:FpJ(M).(10 *419)

After comparing (10.49) and (10.21), we find:

/(M) - z). (10.50)

The function f(M) represents the relative increase of the impulse of the exhaust

;ases during the use of a divergent nozzle, in which the flow velocity grows from

S- 1 to H4 .
The critical impulse, which is related to the air flow is called the air ape

cific impulse Ia (see Chapter VIII, Section 4):

a. . 2 T .. (10 51)
The critical impulse, xhich is related to the fuel consumption, is calld the

fuel snf imulse .. 1 1 4 1/ 2 k-, &T " (10.,2)

4 .. 0-O4-Fw (10.53)
The impulse of the eoh-.t gases is

P..P.S(I+kAM In f(M). (1054)

The impulse of the free stream flow is
( •+k 0." 2 (1o.55)
The ratio of the exhaust cross section S4 to the cross-section of the enclosed

flow Sn. is found from the continuity equation

F-TS47ho/V 355
4 - s,-,.S (10-56)

RT4 .
The calculated ratio of the inlet and exit sections when Pl " Pn and Sn 0 S1 is:

~±I~iifhr M p.

Converting from the static temperatures to the stagnation temperatures, we

(~ P . kRrT. _____

- I (10.58)

For conplete expansion of the exhaust gases P4 - Pn, jet thrust is expressed by

a simplified formula
I___w4 O~w,%
g g

After substituting w - Mg , 0 -,yS and (a- , we obtain

U= ,S,-,- kpS.M. (10.59)

The thrust per unit area from (10,59) and (10.58) is

I I q~Sc

L- ,P,* (% A.S,4

R +: 1
We find the thrust coefficient CR from (10.59) and (10.58)._

I- k( 4 sm
k -P.M!Su M S4 )

2 (10.61)

The Mach number of the discharge gases is less than that of the free stream:

F-TS-9740/V 356
& 2c- -
S2J (10.62)


The thrust parameters of a supersonic ramjet engine P, CR, I, and the overall

efficiency are determined by the relative flight velocity Xn, the flight altitude H,
to exit sections of the engine S4
the teupeature ratio 8 , the ratio of the inlet

and the pressure losses through the engine duct. We will analyze the effect of each

of these parameters.

Flight Sped. First we will consider the effect of the flight speed at constant

temperature ratio 0 =-const and *hen H - const.


"i I i I I I" .I I IV I I ! B)olqeshcTae

* .* .J.. i ' ' t :IA )nomlshc

! II I I !normal A) shock wave

44-- B) oblique shock wave +
C) two oblique shock waves
! I !'. and a normal shock wave
Fig. 182. The calculated variation of pressure recovery in a diffuser with Mach number.

The stagnation temperature of the heated gases increases with an increase of

flight speed: -. (
T., Q.
', To, (10.63)

Palason's index kg decreases due to the increase of Tog, and the function x

diminishes while the function A grows.

The overall pressure recovery drob decreases with an increase of velocity be-

cause of the pressure losses in the diffuser (Figure 182) and in the nozzle.

The gas dynanic coefficient K - Xnn slowly diminishes with an increase of velo-

city due to the decrease of Cob"

The thrust coefficient C , at constant temperature ratio 0, increases with an

increase of velocity, asymptotically approaching the limiting value.

Jet thrust, at constant temperature ratio, increases approximately in direct

F.4s-471O 357
proportion to the square of the Mach number for an increase of velocity.

The ideal thermal efficiency approaches wdt focan unlimited increase of veloc-
ity. then K2 ,k + 1
n k- 1
U k-i(lo.64)

The effective thrust efficiency at first diminishes with a decrease of K at

constant temperature ratio & ; (see Table 10.2).

The specific thrust of a supersonic ramjet engine as follows from (9.43) is

directly proportional to the ratio An/ax for constant temperature ratio 0 and con-

stant h - Axj, value of the fuel Hu, F ---.1 when -- const, 'Ityaa const.
Hxll k-I HIInr h-I2
k+1 A os Vr2hk+ 1 Ac y k+1~' (10.65)
since -0

ik-1) (1 3

-k+ +R+h+ +

After equating the first derivative of the gas dynamic function 2 -1 N4

with respect to XW to zero, w'e find the opti-mam relative flight velocity at wihich

the specific
Th -/tn M3..\V
thrust become
will Mch
flgh the isi
nme -+),tempera.ture ratio 09:
greatest for constant

d f 2 k1 4 A+

Fro tis,when k 1. I

A~ __/I& -Y
13a Ti (10.66)

-t20& T
+ IQ.. (10.67)
Te optimum flight speed is greater than the speed of sound: n opt; 1. In

the subsonic area the specific thrust of a ramjelt engine increases with an increase

of flight speed.

The maximum value of the specific thrust from (10.65) and (10.66) at constant

temperature ratio is:

F-Ts-9 eop/v 358

triift8 ) "i. I A(V (10.68) 4
Wien X. a X- opt " 1.73; Hu 10,200 kcal/g and c. 295 a/see: Ima-
3,30 .d.. When xK - 0.92, 0 1, sg - l, and 0 3.
2 YP '2
#X'i w,0,6; I, -34.0A200O seed
The heat resistant quality of the material limits the maximum possible heating
temperature Tog.
We will consider the effect of the flight speed upon the parameters of a super-
sonic ramjet engine at a constant temperature Tog - const.

The temperature ratio 0 , when Tg - const, diminishes with an increase of velo-

city Xn because of the increased stagnation temperature of the free stream flow:
The thrust coefficient CR decreases to zero for an increase of A. due to the
decreased temperature ratio. Ihen xP3KV9- - 1, C" - 0. Hence, the limiting flight
Velocity )pr is:
P (OAD--
r, 1(10.69)


hl~iT ~(10.70)

Idth an increase of the permissable temperature Tog, the limiting velocity

prows. Men pl:dK "1 and T 5 hn p'El and Hl : 10. Such, apparently,
is the liamting velocity of a supersonic ramjet engine.
The specific thrust Pt constant temperature, Tog c onst, is found from (10.37)

- --
"OraW"O-4#4sTratiofK. (

h+A/ +g1,tR,T

After substituting hIr__ll_(kJ)Jia €_ y g Ter and after a conver-


sion we obtain

F-Ts-94oiv 359
At Tr (10.71)
it a certain value of the gas dynamic function t(Xn), i.e., at a certain

flight speed 2(,, the specific thrust of a supersonic ramjet engine for a temperature

Tog - const reaches a maximum (Table 10.1). 'hen !Tn - 8, xK - 0.92 and Lopt 9 1.9.

Jet thrust, when Tog - const, passes the maximum and falls to zero with an in-

crease of velocity in accordance with the condition expressed by the equation (10.70).

The higher the velocity values, the greater is the temperature TOg.

The thrust efficiency, when Tog - const, passes a aximum and falls to zero

together, with the thrust force, with a variation in velocity.

Table 10.1


EDMINE UPON THE VELOCITY Xn WHEN Hu - 10,500 kcal/kg, xK
0.92 - const and 1;I se - 1 and H> 11 km.
1I I
- 51,4 1.6 1 1.8 2.0 2. 1 2.2


1470 1
I 0,557

ram=O. 50

10 1470

1 1235
170-. wS,-2.28 v,.A-(h).w0,61
170 1 1860 I 1900 I 1800 1 1680 1 1510
1 1740 I 1810 I 1850 I 1750 1 1640 1 1470
#m4 r.A- 0 . 56
! I 1650 I 1710 ! 1750 I 1650 1550 1 1380

* 5,38 4.45 3.68 2,66 2.12 1.553
AMA 0.518 0.546 0.570 0,606 0.60G 0.535
W5 1670 1780 1790 1670 1330

Te!perature Ratio. The effect of the temperature ratio at constant

flight velocity was investigated before in Chapter IX. The conclusions that are made

remain correct even when n > I.

The thrust and thrust coefficient grow with an increase of temperature ratio

and the calculated inlet section ratio . f decreases. The specific thrust I and
the thrust efficiency reach their maximum value at the optimum temperature ratio a opt

'-TS-974o/v 360
(see Table 10.2).

i+VT---iF (10.72)

Wben4 / €
If the relative velocity has an optimum value, which is expressed by the equa-

tion (10.66), and the temperature ratio also has an optimum value, which is e.pressed

by the equation (10.72), then the specific thrust I reaches the highest possible

value of all Imax max:

. !f.,( I"- POK 2 ) (10.73)

When PI1

For an ideal ramjet engine K - 1 and Isfg 1. Consequently,

_8 _Ae(10.714)
This is the limit, to which the specific thrust of a ramjet engine approaches

when the losses tend toward zero and the temperature ratio e approaches one.

Wen k - 1.4; k - 1/427; c - 295 m/sec, and Hu - 10.500 Kcal/g

(u- 10 5 .7 3 400asec.

The Location of the Center Body Diffuser and the Inlet area Ratio f The

inlet area ratio and the location of the center body diffuser influence the air flow

and in this way determine the thrust parameters of a ramjet engine.

The highest value of the inlet ratio (SI) - 1. The lowest value may be zero
(Sl) = 0. In this case the flow is equal to zero: Gv - 0 and thrust is absent-
R - 0 (Figure 183).

The maxinm possible air flow Gv max is equal to

Go Mon--- *. (10.75)

The calculated cross sections of the inlet slot Sshch and the diffuser throat

F-Ts-97 4o/v36
Slcr are determined from the equation of continuity for the maximum possible flow

coefficient q - I:
wnnSl ' Wshchyshch(Sshch)rasch - Wlcr)'lcr(Slcr)rasch

The actual cross sections of Sshch and Slcr must be always greater than calcu-

lated in order to compensate for the partial closing of the slot by the boundary layer.

An increase of the throat section of the diffuser, when the location of the center

body diffuser is fixed and at a given velocity ?t(n a const and given inlet cross sec-

tion, does not influence the value of the maximum possible flow through the engine.

The cross section of the stream tube of flow and the configuration of the shock waves

does not change during this increase.

For a decrease of flight velocity or a forward movement of the center body dif-

fuser, the leading shock wave breaks away from the forward edge of the diffuser (see

Figure 184b) and the cross section of the stream tube of flow and the flow coefficient

diminish. If the flight speed is given: \n = const, then the flow coefficient,

and together with it, the pressure recovery depends upon the location of the center

body diffuser. The location is determined by the angle e1 between the lines which

connect the apex of the spike with the diffuser lip and with the longitudinal axis of

the engine (see Figures 65b and 184). The stream lines behind the leading shock wave

are approximately parallel with the spike generatrix. -i With aforrard, ovemnt, .. '"

the center body diffuser, this angle e1 decreases and, as seen from Figure 184, the

stream tube constricts and ( diminishes. The system of shock waves which appear at

Fig. 183. The dependence of the air flow through a supersonic ramjet engine upon the

inlet area ratio.

F-TS-9740/V 362
the inlet slot varies, and the pressure recovery becomes less than the raximum possible

value (Figure 185). For a backward movement of the center body diffuser) in-
creases, a supersonic flow enters the throat, and Cd decreases (Figure 185). The
flow coefficient remains constant: If-1.
The location of the center body diffuser at which the pressure recovery factor be-

6'&vAtUs det'ined experizentauly. It usually occurs when the leading
shock wave falls on the diffuser lip (see Figures 18 4~a and 185b),
For a calculated location of the center body diffuser, the air flow through a
supersonic r jet engine is deteroidned by the inlet area ratio SL W~ith an increase
of the inlet area ratio, the calculated throat cross section of the nozzle r n
creases. From the flow equation (2.74) and with corisidt 4Qoi.f 1.2.53)e"obt-ainf

"~ A~'.~u3.)2 k+I r k (10.76)

SU It rR

Fig. 184. The dependence of the flow factor upon the location of the center body

When km 1.4; kg 1.3; and -1.01

+ 2+

F4-S-9740/V 363
value (Figure 185). For a backward movement of the center body diue, 0' in-p
creases,. a supersonic flow enters the throat, and dd decreases (Figure 185). The
flow coefficient remains constant: If)- 1.
The location of the center body diffuser at which the pressure recovery factor be-
VM&*t~s detewmined wrperlm~watally- It usually occurs when the leading
shock wave falls on the diffuser lip (see Figures 184~a and 185b).
For a calculated location of the center body diffuser, the air flow through a Fi
supersonic r jet engine is determined by the inlet area rat'io SL With an increase
of the inlet area ratio, the calculated throat cross section of the nozzle in-
creases. From the flow equation (2.74) and with cixis .e4 9no :C k53) w* obtai.n

S S - - 100(I
2 (k +1-:! k . (10.76) Ta




2 k R k I~kjflqr
Fig.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18.Tedpneneo.h6lw.atruo helcto fth etrbd

F-TS-9740/V 363 F1


4) 37 V3 9 40 41 42 4I

Fig. 185. The characteristics of a supersonic diffuser.

a -- the dependence of the preszue recovery upon the relative dianeter
of the center body diffuser.
b -- the dependence of the pressure recovery of the diffuser upon the
A) of ofcenter
the center body~ diffuser.
bodyv diffuser.

If the velocity n and the temperature ratio 8 are given, then at a certain

te inet -S the calculated throat cross section of the nozzle be-

comes equal to the midships cross section: -hc - 1. A further increase of the in-
let area ratio may be accompanied by forcing out the normal shock wave from the throat

and a transition into a 'buzzing" condition. The limiting value of the inlet area ratio
flMax for a given Xn and B is determined by the equation (lG.76), if Shcr a 1.

The degree of expansion of the exhJaust nozzle 6 may not become greater than the

ratio of the middle of an uncowled engine to the throat cross section of the nozzle:

With an increase of the inlet area ratio fl the degree of nozzle expansion decreases
and together with it, the relative elocity of the exhaust
er gases. and the pressure
ratio in the nozzle P3
of The static pressure at the nozzle inlet edge Pr

increases §ee Graph 77 and formula (10.10)7.

The Jet thrust at first increases with an increase of the inlet area ratio due
too the increased air flow G reaches a maximum value and begins to diminish because
of the decrease of the gas dynamic functione
p s r r The net thrust reaches a max-

i ,~at a s a arger etraintio, Nh! of

since with an increase the external

drag of the diffuser envelope Xob decreases The value of the inlet area ratio, at

A 3
the temprature ratio 0 , and upon the losses in the engine.

The specific thrust of the engine at a consttnt composition of the mixture o(-

const, (as follows from (9.34), depends on the relative velocity of the exhaust gases

I . The velocity increames with an increase of the degree of expansion of the exhaust

nozzle, and reaches a maximum at

The ratio of the inlet to exit sections also has a calculated value which is ex-

pressed by the equation (10.14). Consequently, the specific thrust is maximum for

the design point ratio of the inlet to exit sections.

The mirdnum cross section of the inlet is determined by equation (10.14). At

this value the specifi -hrust is maximum. The maximum permissible inlet cross sec-

tion, at which a "buzzing" condition may occur, is determined by the equation (10.76)

under the condition that the throat cross section of the nozzle merges with the mid-

Ships section: !S - 1. If the heating is not too intensive, the "buzz" mzr occur

at -- 1. The relative inlet cross-section, at which the net thrust reaches maximum,
S1 ( 1 ) S
lies between r c h and
- a TS74rasc
SM ( s
- 1.
With an increase of n when 0 I const, ( s) decreases. With an increase

ns (4 rrasch
ene .
of flight speed when v const, X rasch decreases insignificantly due to the de-

crease of the gas dynamic factor K - X.4. When Tog const (or when o( - const) with
of \nP
an increase

* Tor

diminishes md the inlet area ratio grows, gradually approaching one.

Te discussions covered in this paragraph refer to a series of engines rhose

crose-sections and inlet and exit sections have design point values for ny flight con-

ditions and at any temperature ratio, while the pressure recover'- is at the mazim.

An enine, the cross-sections of which may be controlled., is called a vgril U

pwtzy 2n& A variable geometryr engine differs from a optirm engine, since
maximum, depends upon the flight speed. It i

~ rcot~~n~4). ~g~ b? t cem of'J4ght speed*

Usually the position of the spike(or core)and the throat section of the nozzle

is controlled.

The regulating, velocity, and altitude characteristics of a supersonic ramjet

engine differ.

The characteristics may be plotted for a variable position of the bullet and

adjustable throat section of thc nozzlc; for a constant position of th( bullet and

adjustable throat section; and, finally, for a fixed geometry of the engine. In this

way, the characteristics of a variable-geometry engine, the characteristics of a

partially variable-geometry engine, and the characteristics of a fixed-geometry

supersonic ramjet engine differ.



The regulating characteristics describe the dependence of the parameters of a

supersonic ramjet engine upon the temperature of the gases, which is determined by

the heat liberation in the combustion chamber (Figure 186). If the engine operates

on a molecular fuel, then the heat liberation is determined by the composition of the

fuel-air mixture and the combustion efficiency Isg"

H) It

F~T5-fl4OV 36

Fig. 186. The resudating characteristic of a supersonic ramjet engine with a

va-iable-geometry nozzle.
I During operation on a molecular fuel, the control of heat liberation is accom-

-shed by varying the fuel feed GT , changing the fuel feed pressure, or by changing

umber of operating injectors.

The throat oection of the nozzle is contrulled so that the air flow remains

istant and oqwa1 to the maximum possible, value

wo-,.rs- V/R .p,,M.,

d the flow coefficient-would be equal to one) (f- 1.

If the cross section of the nozzle has a calculated value, which is determined

the equation (10.76), then the pressure recover) will have the maximum possible

'ue for a given diffuser at a given velocity (see Figure 182).

With an increase of the temperature ratio e and with a decrease of the pres-

re coefficients ud, '3M' Ysg, and at, the calculated throat cross section of

e nozzle S4cr increases. If Mn - 3-4 then during a variation of the temperature

tio from the optimum value 1opt 2.3 to the maximum possible on a hydrocarbon

el whae &= 1 and e a 4, the calculated throat cross section of the nozzle

creases approximately o/ 1,3 times.

The control of a supersonic ramjet engine within a wide rangp of temperatures

quires a variation of the nozzle's throat cross section by less than one third.

The computation of the regulating characteristics of a supersonic ramjet engine

th a variable-geometry nozzle is carried out in the following order: the velocity,

ight. altitude, and nature of the fuel are given. A diffuser, iihich will insure the

ghest pressure recovery Td at a given flight speed, is chosen. The enthalpy of

to stagnation flow io a is computed and the stagnation temperature Ton is

,und according to the i-T diagram.

A series of air excess ratios 0( is given and the enthalpy of the combustion

oducts is determined.

Ths so .+He O

The stagnation temperature of the combustion prodvtcts is found by the i-T

-TS-940A 67
diagram for the corresponding composition of the mixture and the pressure P03. The

combustion efficiency is obtained by the experimental characteristics of the combus-

tion chamber.

Poisson's index kg, found with the aid of the u-T and i-T diagrams, (see Figures

90 and 92) is: I hr ;

Without considering disassociation, kg may be found by graph 86. After deter-

mirIng kg, the functions x. X, and are calculated.

The relative velocity at the chamber inlet A.2 is determined by the degree of
'f£fuser expansion Slcr (Figure 187).

The velocity at the inlet to the combustion chamber w - axA2. The Reynolds
is: Re = w2d2
number of the flow, in the forward portion of the engine

The coefficient of local resistance , is determinee by the Re-number and the

chamber design.

The air flow through an engine with a variable geometry nozzle is constant and

does not depend on the fuel feed: G - const and w2 - const. The local pressure

losses, which are expressed by the formula (8.19), also remain constant (S" - const.



45 0 I O u2
inlet area ratio f l0

The temperature ratio increases with the enrichment or the miLxture: G) -

/vW etarearati fl
The relative velocity batore exhaust ) 3 k in accordance w (8.31),
tth increases
W11h an increase of heating. The pressure coefficient decreases during combustion

The stagnation pressure ahead of the discharge from tae nozzle, uiminishes with

an increase of heating:

The throat cross section of the nozzle S4cr increases in conformance with (10.76)

during an increase of heating 0. If the exhaust cross section of the nozzle S4 is

constant, then the degree of nozzle expansion ' =

S4cr and the relative velocity of
the discharge gases Aj4 decrease with an increase of heating while the pressure at

the exhaust section P4 - V - T increases.

The velocity of the exhaust gases w4 increases with an increase of heating e

owing to the increased temperature TO 9 T:

I TA (10.77)
Jet thruat R and the thrust coefficient CR grow with an increase of heating;
- ---- ( -- - . (10.78)

The stagnation impulse of the free stream flw does not depend upon the temper-

ature ratio when using a variable-geometry nozzle.

The impulse of the exhaust gases, at low temperature ratio, beco!ves equal to

the stagnetion impulse of the free stream flow while the thrust force falls to zero,
2x2K 2
The specific thrust of a supersonic ramjet engine at first increases during a

decrease of the fuel flow and then reaches maximum at optimum heating
+ 1(--


During a subsequent decrease of heating from 0 - n the specific thrust falls to


If the flight speed is less than calculated, additive wave drag Xdop appears.

The effective thrust Ref is equal to

The effective thrust, relative to a unit of fuel consumption, is called

F-TS-9740/V 369
the effective specific thrust (specific impulse) Iof:

The effective specific thrust (specific impulse) reaches maximum at a somewhat

greater temperature ratio, i.e., at lower air excesses, than does the specific thrust

I, since the difference of F4 - Fn - Pn(S4 - S n ) - Xdop diminishes quicker with a de-

crease of 0 than does the difference of F4 - Fn - Pn(Sh - Sn).



If the engine is equipped 1iith a fixed-geometry nuzzle Sbc. - const anU S4L

const, then when T 0 4 < TOx erasch the pressure ahead of the exit nozzle PO3 will be

determined by the stagnation temperature of the combustion products Tog (see 10.17).

The nozzle throat cross section Suc r must be chosen so that during the highest

temperature for which the combustion chamber is calculated Tog max, the pressure

PO3 remains less than the maximum possible value:

AS, <, ___

The relative velocity of the gases, which discharge from the fixed-geometry

nozzle, X14 is constant: X4 W f ( S 4

(s cr)
) - const; z( X.4)
VT - const. The discharge

velocity W increases in proportion, to fTO


k I

The pressure at the nozzle exhaust edge p4 increases with the growth of TOg

due to the decrease of pressure pO3 :--

i U

since the normal shock wave moves from the diffuser exhaust section S1 Zic S27 to

its throat Slcr with an increase of the temperature Tog and (d increases because of

the decreased losses from the normal shock wave.

For a temperature ratio at which the pressure p0 3 has a maximum possible value

i.e., 0 - erasch' the parameters of engines with variable and fixed-geometry nozzles
match. At the other temperature ratios the parameters of a fixed-geometry engine are

F-TS-9 7O/i 370

lower than those of a variable geometry engine. For a temperature ratio that is

higher than calculated, the pressure ahead of the nozzle reaches its maximum possible

value P03 -" d T14 07gg Pon and the discharge of the gases decreases in inverse propor-

tion to f until the *buzzing" actually appears. G. is constant in a controllable

engine. When 0> Orasch the thrust of a fixed-geometry engine is less than that
of a variable-geometry one, due to the decreased air flow rate.

If 0 < Orasch, then the pressure in a fixed-geometry engine decreases and

the degree of nozzle expansion S - !L and the relative exhaust velocity Xi4 remain

constant. At the same time, as the pressure before the exhaust in a variable-geometry

engine remains constant, the nozzle throat section decreases, the degree of expansion

8 W.JL increases and together with it, the relative velocity of the exhaust gases

4 grows. Therefore, the thrust of a variable-geometry engine is greater than of a

fixed-geometry one when the heatings are less than calculated 0 < Orasch because

the velocity of the exhaust gases is greater in the former than in the latter. The

thrust of an engine with a constant-area nozzle falls to zero when the heating I
decreases, and during larger heatings (during lesser Co() than those of an engine with

a variable-geometry nozzle.

The specific thrust of an engine with a fixed-geometry nozzle is equal to that

of an engine with a variable-geometry nozzle when 8 - Orasch" During all the re-

stining heatings, the specific thrust of an engine with a fixed-geometry nozzle is

less than that of an engine with a variable-geometry nozzle. The specific thrust

of an engine with a fixed-geometry nozzle goes past tho maximum value and falls to

zero at much richer mixtures (at lesserO( ) than does an engine with a variable-
geometry nozzls.
CR, btu
The increase of the specific thrust I and the thrust coefficient

depend on the ratio of the actual heating to the design ch

ty tle xsole'gometry,
heating O and on the flight speed.


F-Ts-974o/v 371 -

During a variation of flight speed Mn the relative pressures, temperatures,

and densities in the shock waves (see Figure 39, 40, 41, and 42) change as do the

incidence angleso< of the shock waves (see Figure 43). The critical velocity in the

diffuser throat and the stagnation parameters in the combustion chamber of a super-

sonic ramjet engine change, and together with them, the thrust parameters of the engine.

It is possible to select for each flight speed a diffuser which offers the high-
est pressure recovery 6d; the optimum heating Oopt, at which the specific thrust of

the supersonic ramjet engine reaches its highest value, and finally, the location of

the center body diffuser and the throat section of the exhaust nozzle at which the

shock waves focus on the inlet edge, T,hi e the pressure in the combustioN vhadbe,,

~ub6*dLtheex1Kp-jattains the MaiTLIuUJpl

Te. *S 2O*K-- , I

I I- p__ ""

00,'c- a-completely variable
b-variable-geometry nozzle
c-fixed-geometry ramjet

Fig. 188- The velocity characteristics of a supersonic ramjet engine.

The dependence on the flight speed of the parameters of a series of optimum

engines,for which the pressure recovery 'd: the cross sections SI and Shcr, tempera-

ture ratio 0, and the other parameters have an optimum value, are called the velocity

charactel'istics of optimum engines. If it were possible to manufacture an engine with

a variable-geometry diffuser and nozzle, then its velocity characteristics at the

same temperature ratio, would be comparable with the characteristics of a series of

optimum engies.

F-TS-97O/V 372
.1I The velocity characteristics of a supersonic raJet engine with a fixed

goomtr for a certain calculated flight speed have a common point, while at all

other speeds they lie below it. Therefore, tIv velocity characteristics of a vari-

ablegeometry engine present an interest as those representing the upper limit for

fixd-geonetry or partially variable geometry engines.

The Velocity Characteristics of Optimum Engines (Figure 1 8 8 a). For the calcu-

lation of the velocity characteristics of a series of optimum engines, a series of

flight speeds, for example, Mach numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5 are selected, and for each

Mach number the most suitable diffuser which offers the maximum pressure recovery

dd is selected. When M41.5 a diffuser with a normal shock wave at the inlet is
usually chosen. When MN2 a diffuser with a system of oblique shock waves is select-

ed. The selection of a diffuser represents the most painstaking portion of the cal-

culation, since it is necessary to test a series of diffusers which have various

numbers of shock waves and various flow rake angles for each of the velocities given.

The design of a multi-shock-wave diffuser may be accomplished as was stated in Chapter

IV. Experimental data about diffusers are stated, for example, in the work of Ferri

and The design velocity characteristic of diffusers, which offer the maximum

possible pressure renovery at any speed, is depicted in the graph in Figure 182. The

Slur for any velocity are determined by a similar experimental graph.

ad and Sl For a

fligat with a design point velocity for a given diffuser, the shock waves are focused

on its forward edge. Then the cross section of the stream tube flow is equal to the

cross section of the inlet: Sn = S I . With an increase of velocity the air flow in-

creases in direct proportion to Mn .

With an increase of An the gas dynamic function qO() quickly diminishes and
the calculated throat section decreases in accordance with (10.7) and the inlet

area ratio increases (10.14) when ( - const or Tog * const.

Ferrn and Nucci, NACA R'p., No. 1189, 1954t.
During a decrease of the pressure recovery in the diffuser 6-d the air in the

throat seems to be less compressed and the calculated section Slcr increases.

The relative velocity in the outlet section of the diffuser 7L2 may be found

by Figure 187 (10.6). With an increase of flight velocity ?2 didinishes due to the

increase of the ratio _2

The pressure coefficient increases during the flow around the local resistances

(flame holders) CM, with an increased initial velocity k, because of the decrease

of X2"

The temperature of the combustion products Tog , is determined from the i-T dia-

gram and is dependent upon the stagnation erthalpy iog. Tog increases with an in-

crease of velocity due to the increased stagnation enthalpy of the free stream flow
in .

The temperature ratio for a constant composition of the mixture o( - const

or fora constant temperature of the combustion products Tog - const, decrease.

with an increase of flight spepd: =8-(An).


The relative velocity after combustion k 3 , which is expressed by the equation

(8.42), decreases with an increase of flight speed /n due to diminishing tenperature

ratio and the relative velocity . The pressure recoverf46 6ombtibn. 'V

The total pressure recovery of the engine O diminishes with an increase of

speed due to the rapid increase of losses in the diffuser and nozzle, although the

lonal losses and losses during combustion decrease.

The design throat section of the nozzle S4cr diminishes with an increase of An

(10.76), The degree of nozzle expansion C - S and the relative velocity of the
4cr X,4de ntdpn
exhaust gases ) increase with the growth of \n" The ratio does not depend
on the velocity in an ideal ramjet engine: 4- 1. In an actual supersonic rarjet

engine the rat o at first diminishes with an increase of velocity due to the rapid

decrease of Td and CJs, then passes Ahami ninum and Increases insi ifj iAnb1y ci to

F- S-974O/ 374
the decrease of Poisson's inde.- 'g of the combustion products (Tablc 10.2).

Table 10.2



k - 1.4, 6ul

1.5 2,0, 2.1 2.2 2.3

Ma 1.72 3.16 3.72 4.56 6.2
5,2 46,8 105 316 1950
kr 1.38 1,35 1.33 1.32 1,31
To'*K 600 1.0 1W^0 2Z00 33?3
A.87 0,41 0.24 0,13 0,03
K 0.97 0,935 0.93 0.94 0,97
sn, 1.7 2,2 2,3 2.2 1.84
0,375 0,667 0.735 0.807 0.871
0,% o.63 0.615 0.63 0.71
o0,2 0,42 0.45 0,51 0,62

The thrust quickly increases with an increase of the flight speed, pass-

es the maximum and then falls to zero when An - kn pred due to the losses of tem-

perature ratio and the pressure recovery decrease in the diffuser and nozzle 0rd and


The xpecific thrust I grows with an inc-rease of velocity ;n' passes the maximum

when Xn ;kn opt and falls to zero together with the thrust.

The overall efficiency of a supersonic ramjet engine increases at first with

the increase of the velocity, then passes a maximum and begins to diminish.

The Velocity Characteristics of an Engine with a Given Diffuser and a Variable-

Geometry Nozzle. The diffusers of engines are usually fixed geometry ones. The in-

let section of a fixed-geometry diffuser is constant: S1 - const. Pressure recovery

depends on the flight speed. It is possible to select a diffuser which will produce

the highest pressure recovery when the design flight speed Mn - Mrasch . At all speeds

that are lower than calculated (M <M rasch) the diffuser will produce a lesser pres-
5 rasch-
sure recovery than a diffuser which is designed for a given velocity: C d -<

At off-design velocities the flow factor decreases: T< 1 and additive wave re-

sistance 'do p appPars. Therefore, at velocities, which are less than calculated

F'-TS-971O/V 375
(Mn < Erasch), a supersonic rair.jet erngine with a fixed-L ortr ciffuser will havc a

lower thrust coefficient, specific thrust, and total efficiency than those engines

which have diffusers designed for a given velocity (compare curves 'a' and 'b' in

Figure 188).

We will examine in greater detail how a supersonic ramjet engine with a given

diffusei operates in off-design velocities. If the velocity is less than design:

Mn <Mrasch, then the incidence angle of the shock waves increases (see Figure 180)

and a portion of the air, which was compressed in the last oblique shock wave, is

directed past the inlet slot of the diffuscr: the fVo; coefficient q dij;Unishcs.

The flow rake angle CO proves to be less than required to obtdin the niaximn

pressure increase during stagnation. The coefficient 6-1d will b, less than for an

optimum selection of flow rake angles, and the pressure in the combustion chamber

turns out to be less than the possible maximum. In order to eject all the gas in

the combustion chamber which can pass through the diffuser throat for a given pres-

sure drop, it is necessary to either decrease the temperature of the combustion pro-

ducts or to increase the nozzle's throat section Shcr .

During acceleration an engine usually operates at a state of maximum thrust at

a possibly large temperature Tog - max, i.e., when O( = 1. In order to avoid "buzz-

ing" at a given diffuser inlet area ratio f, an engine may be started at such a

Mach number MIni n at which s4cr has a maximum possible value (for example S4cr - S3

SM) at 0 max (o( - 1). During further acceleration, the throat 3ection of the rozzle

must be decreased, but remain greater than the minimum value (s3crn at which the
normal shock wave still remains in the diffuser. The pressure ahead of 1he nozzle

has a maximum possible value with a given diffuser and a given Mn . If during accelera.

tion r will be insufficient for the passage of the hot gas, then the terminnl noi,-
mal shock wave is expelled from the diffuser duct and will be located in front of the

inlet slot, "buzzing" occurs, and the operation of the combustion chamber may fluc-


The Velocity Characteristics of a Fixed-Geometry Engine. At off-design conditio

F-TS-97hO/V 376
engines with fixed-geometry nozzles hhve poore±' parameters th n do engines whose

-roat sections may be varied (see Figure 1811c). In order to decrease the velocity at

which the operation of the engine becomes unstable, the exit throat area ratio of the
Shcr Sl
engine g,-- is made larger (up to one) and the irilet area ratio -is made less than

one. Then at the beginning of independent operation when o< = 1, the pressure ahead

of the exit P0 3 is close to the maximum possible value: P03 Cod s On"

With an increase of flight speed, the pressure recovery of the diffuser (C will
be decreased and become loaer than in an engine which is designed for maximum pressure

recovery. Hokuver, the engine tllu-st will be sufficient to overco,-.e the frontal drag

of the device, and the specific thrust will prove to be several times greater than

that of a ZhRD ffiquid-fuel rocket enging For this reason the use of v;-xiable-geom-

etry supersonic ramjets, in certain cases, is more advisable than that of liquid-fuel

rocket engines. The use of a variable-geometry nozzle may increase the thrust and

economy of an engine by more than 25%. However, for various types of flight vehicles

with shcr flight ranges, such an increase of econonV does not justify the construc-

tion complications and weight increase that are inevitable with the additicn of a vari-

able-geometry nozzle. Therefore, in self-accelerating missiles, which are intended for

short and medium flights, the use of fixed-geometry supersonic ramjet engines with cmn-

vergent diffusers and fixed-geometry nozzles having large openings may prove to be more

advisable (see Figure 178d).

Single-regime engines, which are intended for flight at a constant velocity at

a single altitude, should be equipped with an opti-um diffuser and a fixed-geometry

nozzle, which are designed for a cruising flight speed. At this speed their param-

eters are comparable to the parameters of a totally variable geometry eng;ine.


The altitude characteristics are defined as the dependence of the parameters

of a supersonic ramjet engine during constant speed (Mn - const) and a -onstant mix-

ture composition (0( - const) upon flight altitudes (Figure 189).

With an increase of flight altitude, the air flow arough the engine varies in
direct proportion to the atmospheric pressure p, at a given altitude H, and in inverse

propoi-tion to the square root of the ambient temperature Tn:


For a flight in the stratosphere Tn i const, and the flow depends only on Pn.

The fuel flow rate Gg = when Mn w const and O = const is directly propor-
tional to the atmospheric pressure Pn

The fuel f. rati diminishes with an increase of flight altitude H.

The thrust coefficient CR and the specific thrust of the engine I increase in-

significantly during an increase of the flight altitude up to the stratosphere due to

the increased temperature ratio since 0 diminishes.

TOR (I+aL) epT :

During a flight in the stratosphere CR and I remain constant. The frontal

thrust of the engine varies in direct proportion to Pn:

The pressure in the combustion chamber di.mirishes in direct proportion to Pn:

PO =P02 f = P. a N)

The pressure recovery factor in the diffuser (Yd does not depend on the flight

altitude H.
k Cr.r

A) diminishes
~ R B) Troposphere
f~ H C) Stratosphrt.

~ig. 18I9. The altitude characteristics of a supersoniC ramjet engine w.hen Mn const
and CO- const.
During a pressure drop in the combustion chamber the dispersion of the fuel

deteriorates, the drops become larger, and the jet vdens The heat exchange between

the drops and the air deteriorates because of the decrease in density. Therefore;

the evaporation and combustion: of -he drops In the combustion chamber is slowed during

an increase of flight altitude and the combustlon efficiency 1sg drops. The combus-

tion chambers of engines that are intended for high-altitude operation mist be equipped

with special devices that improve carburation and intensify combustion.

At very high altitudes the pressure in the combustion chamber falls so low that

the evaporation and combustion of a comr.on hydrocarbon fuel becomes impos: ible.

The greater thc flight speed Mn, the greater the pra~suro-%ratieoinevegsa; in

the combustion chamber P03, and the greater the altitude to which the absolute pres-
sure in the combustion chamber retains a value that is sufficient for rapid and com-

plete combustion (Figure 190). At a flight speed Mn - 6 and 6-d - 0.25 the pres-

sure in the ombustion chamber does not fall below 0.5 kg/cm 2 even at an altitude

that exceeds 40 km.


At high supersonic flight speeds (Mn> 3.0), ramjet engines develop a highei

specific thrust than do all other types of engines. Their frontal thrust is suffi-

ciently great to overcome the aerodynamic drag of the flying vehicle. Information

about several important flying vehicles with supersonic ramjet engines, as printed

in the foreign press, is stated below.

W L~a-Range Missiles The American firm -- North American -- developed

a project of an intercontinental supersonic winged missile, the "Navaho", which is

propelled by supersnic rzmjet engines (see Figure 21). The flight speed Mn *

2.5-3.0 at an altitude of more than 15,000 m. The design flight range is 8,000 km.

The guidance of the missile is accomplished by _ rOni tio [ tbo4. he' 87.::

load is sufficient vo carry' heavy atomic and hydrogen bombs from one cuntinent to
another I .
Vo r r0. W. H. Guided Misiles, Engineering, Nov.. 26, 195,4.
Vpprosy raketnoy tekhzniki flroblems of Rocket Techriologi7, 1956, No. 1.
S p0.

AV5 I --

Fig. 190. The dcpe-ndence of the limiting flight altitude of an actual supersonic
ramjet engine upon the I'ach nuL.'cr 1' :hci, the given pressure in the
combustion chamber P02 = const.

Supersonic Fighters The French designer Rene engaged:.forj6everal

.'-.;:cping-.a svpersonic igh~icepto." The take-off wight of

the aircraft is almost six tons; the diameter of the engine is 2.28 m. The aircraft

starts with the help of small turbo-jet engines installed on the wing tips or is

carried to a high altitude by a mother-aircraft. The supersonic interceptor, which

is intended f., flights at varying altitudes and at varying speeds should be equipped

with a multiple regime engine having an accelerating diffuser, a two-stage combus-

tion chamber (pilot aid main burners), and a variable-geometry nozzle. The diffi-

cLlties which appeared during the creation of such an engine were so great that the

development of Leducts aircraft, the flight tests of which began in 1952, is still

not finished. The experimental models still fly with subsonic speeds, although the

shape of the center body diffuser in the diffuser inlet shows that the design velo-

city lies between M. - 2.5 and Mn - 3.

Fighter a. craft vith supersonic ramjet engines, carried on mother-aircraft anii

launched into the air at the far approaches to defended targets, may serve to inter-

cept supersonic piloted and pilotless bombers and missiles of the "Navaho" type. 1

According the data of te Amerlcan press published in the year 1957, the
work on the "Navaho" project was interrupted in order to increase the design speed.

ISutton, G. P., History, Problems, and Status of Guided Missiles, Jet Propul-
oion, vol. 25, 1955, No. ii.

Projects of piloted interceptor aircrafL, propelled L. ramjet engines with

ivergent supersonic diffusers, were developed in 193-1944 by Senger (see Figure

177) and Lippisch in Germany. Their projects, aoi was mentioned in Chapter IX, were

not translated into reality.

1 4

Fig. 191. An exporix3ntal aircraft -- the Leduc 010 with a multiple regime supersonic
ramjet engine.

Antiaircraft Missiles Supersonic ramjet engines may also be used to propel

the second atage of guided and unguided antiaircraft missiles (Figure 192).

Th. missile starts under the action of a PRD L olid Fuel Rocket or a ZhRD,

which is installed in the first stage. At the moment when the fuel contained in the

first stage burns out the missile has successfully gained the altitude and develops

the speed that is necessary for the operation of the supersonic ramjet engine.

Figure 192a shows a photograph of the English antiaircraft missile "Thor", taken at

the moment the booster rockets are released. The second stage continues to gain al-

titude and speed under the action of the supersonic ramjet engine.

Owing to the fact that supersonic ramjet engines have a significantly higher

specific thrust than do rocket engines, the duration of the powered flight of the

second stage, propelled by a supersonic rairjet engine, is several times greater than

for a missile of the same weight propelled by a liquid fuel rocket engine.

Several English firms manufacture antiaircraft missiles, the second stages of

which arepropelled by oupersonic ramjet engines.

In England, apart from the Thor" missile mentioned, the Napier firm, in order

to study free supersonic flight, built the NR-Jl rocket [sic, missile 7 with a super-

sonic ramjet engine. This vehicle was equipped with a simple divergent diffuser, and

started with the aid of four pairs of solid-fuel rockets wtich surrounded the engine

body (Figure 192b). The length of the rocket is 6.1 m ard its diameter is 0.45 m.

F-TS-97/v 3$-
V ,°



Fig. 192. Guided missiles with supersonic ramjet engines.

a -- the English guided missile "Thor" with a supersonic ramjet engine
at the moment the starting rockets release, b -- an English guided
missile of the Napier firm, c -- the American winged antiaircraft
missile, the "Bonarc".

Another English rocket with two supersonic ramjet engines from the Bristol firir was

first demonstrated at the Farnborough Air Show in 1954. The design velocity of the

rocket f5ic -- missile7 was equal to twice the speed of sound.

Rockets /ic7 of a similar type are also developed in the USA, for example thne

XSAM N-6 "Talos", "Cobra" (M - 2), and others.

A second stage equipped with wings is able to fly a greater distance than a wing-
.i ,,,rq oh Al
ss rocket of the saice weight. The American guided antiaircraft missile manufactured

the Boeing and Marquardt firms, the IM-99 "Bomarc" (Figure !92c), belongs to the

oily of two-stage winged rockets [sic7. The length of the missile is 20 M, the

igspan 11 m, the weight 3,860 kg, the speed P - 2.5, the ceiling is 18,300 m, and

o range is 80 km. The "Bomarc" missile, which is intended for the interception of

!my aircraft, is guided by radio command. Its armament consists of the GAR-98 air-

-air missiles. The missile takes off under the action of an Aerojet liquid-fuel

ket engine. Two Marquardt supersonic ramjet engines located under the fuselage,

installed in the second stage.

Winged antiaircraft rockets of the "Bomarc" type, located on a launch pad in

vicinity of the defenued target, are capable of overtaking enemy aircraft from

taever side they approach the target. Wingless antiaircraft rockets with liquid-

rockets of the "Niko" type, the range of wthich is almost 20 ki, mast be arranged

i ring around the defended target, since their range is too short to intercept

*e aircraft which approach the target from th opposite side (see Figare 14).

Air-to-Air Type Missiles. Supersonic ramjet engines have been successfully used

he primary engines in air-to-air type missiles. The "Orion" missile of the Martin

is an example. The take-off weight of the missile is 680 kg, the flight speed

n 3* and the range is 32 km. The missile, which is launched from an aircraft,

quipped with radio guidance and a homing system control. It is intended to des-

enemy bombers.


)prosy raketnoy tekhnikli ffroblems of Rocket Technolog7, 1956, No. 1.

echkin, B. S., Teoriya vozdushnogo reaktivnogo dvigatelya zThe Theory of an Air-

Breathing Jet Enginej TVF, 1929, No. 2.

•occo, 0. A., Sui corpi aerodinamici a resistienza negativa. Atti della Reale
Accademia dei Lincei. Classe di scienci fisiche, matematiche et naturali,
Roma, Rendiconti, Ser. 6, v. 13, 1931.

-hubauer, 0. B., "Jet Propulsion with Special Reference to Thrust Augmenters,"

NACA TN, No. 422, 1933.

9740/V 383
5V . 1.,L'aviatior, a de tres grandes vitesse par les tu .:' ,

ba Science Aerienne, IX 1936.

. Sanger, E., ,irkungsgrade und Gossenverhaltnisse von Lorintriebiwcrkcn
Luftfahrtforschung, FB, 996, Berlin, 1938.

7. Keenan, I. H., Kaye I., Rieke C. A. and Morrisson, R., The Calculated Perfo-rn". .

of Certain Jet Propulsion Devices. NACA ACT, 3029, April, 1943.

8. Lippisch A., Die flugmechanischen Beziehungen des Flugzeuges mit Strahlantrieb.

Deutsche Luftfahrforschung, ZV'B Berichte, No. 7, FB 1791, 1943.

9. Hill, P. R., Parameters Deterrining Performance of Supersonic Pilotle-s Airplanes

Powered by Raijet Compression Po:er Plants. IACA ACT, L. 6, a17, V.A. No. L-755,
Jue, 19116.

10. Krebs, R. -.
nd Pa.asics, I., AnaliticAl Co'r,<r:,,c :
of 2 ;rd Turb",Jct:2w12,r t.,
a Tail-Pipe Burner and a Rarrjet Engine. NACA JHesearch, Memo. No E6Lii, Fer.

1i. Hill, P. R. and Gairrzal, A. A., An Analysis of Ducted -- Airfoil Ramijets for Super-
sonic Aircraft, NACA RM L. 7124, July 1948.
12. N. N., Supersonic Ramjet Performance Calculations. Marquardt Aircraft Co., Rep.
A-23, Van-Nuys, Calif., 1948.
13. Harned, M. S., A Fundamental Consideration of the Supersonic Ramjet Aero Dig.,
v. 58, N. h, April 1949.

14. Connors, J. F., Effect of Rar.jet Pressure Pulsations on Supersonic Diffuser Per-
formance, NACA RY, NE-50, H-22, Nov., 1950.

15. Roid, J., The Gas Dynamic Theory of the Ramjet. British Aerop. Res. Counc. R.
and Y., 2370, 1950.
16. Henry, J. B. and Bennet, J. B., Method for Calculation of Ramjet Performance,
'JiCA TN N 2357, June, 1952.

17. Oswatisch, R., Gasdynamik. Verlag Springer, kkien, 1952.

18. Harned, Y., Ramjet Application to Aircraft Propulsion, Aviat. Age, vol. 2, Nov.
19. Kilrain, W. A., Mach 2-4: Ramjet Stamping Ground. Am. Aviat., vol. 16, Feb. 2,
20. Lukaschewicz, I., Supersonic Ramjet Performance. Aircr. Fng., vol. 25, Oct., 1953.

21. Marquardt, R. E., Tomorrow's Aircraft Today. Av. Age, vol. 20, July, 1953.

22. Marsh, B. W., and Sears, G. A., Introduction to the Analysis of Supersonic Ramjet
Powerplants. Jet Propulsion, vol. 24, N 3, 1954.

23. Reiniger, S. H., Ramjet or Rocket for Missiles? Av. IN ek., vol. 58, Jan. 1?, 1953.

24. Gardner, G. W. H., Guided Missiles. Engineering, Nov. 26, Y5h4.

F-TS-9"/4o/V 384
25. Tromsdorf, W., Staustrahltriebwerke bei hohen Mach--Zahlen. Z. Flugiissenschaften,
vol. 2, N 9, Sept. 1954.

26. Avery, W. H., Twenty-five Years of Ramijet Development. Jet Propulsion, vol. 25,
N ii, Nov. 1955.

27. Anderson, D. A., Leduc-021 Puts Ranijet Spotlight. Av. Week, vol. 63, July 11,
28. Maire V. A. and others, Definition of the Thrust of a Jet Engine and of the In-
ternal Drag of a Ducted Body. Brit. A.B.C. CP, 190, 1955.

29. S~nger, E., Die Wege des Strahlflugs. Mitteilung, N 3, 1955.

30. Sutton, G. P., History, Problems and Status of Guidcd Missiles. Jet Propulsion,
v. 25, 1955, N ii.

F-TS-97hO/V 385


Those ramjet engines, in which the heating of the air is accomplished by a con-

trolled fission reaction of atomic nuclei in an atordc reactor, are called atomic ram-

jpt engines. An atomic reactor is substituted for the combustion chamber of an or-

dinary ramjet engine, which operates on a molecular fuel (Figure 193).

As was mentioned in Chapter I, bto methods of heat exchange betwieen the atom,-

ic reactor and the air are fundamentally possible: direct heating, in which the

air flows through the reactor (see Figure 7a), and heating with the aid of an inter-

mediate heat-transfer agent (see Figure 7b). In the latter case, a liquid heat-trans-

fer a flows through the 'reactor and in a special heat exchanger transfers the heat

obtained to the air. Helium under very high pressure or molten metals: sodium,

potassium, and others, may serve as the heat-transfer agent for jet engines.

The exact computation and design of reactors represents a special section of

atomic power engineering which requires special training. From the viewpoint of an

aircraft engineer, an atomic reactor is a heat liberating azid heat exchanging unit,

which, fn order to be suitable as an energy source for aircraft, must have a weight

and dimensions which do not exceed certain permissible limits. From this viewpoint

we will consider the present problem, limited by the scanty information about these



A fission reaction of the atoms of U2 33 , U2 35 , or Pu239 , which takes place

under the action of neutrons, is used to obtain atomic energy.

During fission the nucleus of a radioactive substance, after having captured a

neutron, splits into two smaller nuclei of approximately equal mass and into a nunber

of neutrons; for example,

UM+n-*A1+A2+ vn. (1.1)

Here the symbols Al and A2 indicate the atomic weights of the fission products,

F-TS-97h0/V 386



A) Reactor
AMUKa B) Pilot's cabin

Fig. 193. A schematic of an atoric aircraft.

which vary within the limits of 72 to 162. The symbol V indicates the average nu.-

ber of neutrons formed during fission. For urarnum-235: ) 2.5.

The total mass of the fission products is less than the mass of the fissioned

atom with a captured neutron:

AI+A' n<Um+n. (11.2)

The loss or "defect" of the mass is apparently equal to


Experience shows that'for the fission of U2 35 , the average mass defect is

Im Pa O.21 aim. One aim is an atomic mabsunlt.

The mass "loss" is transformed into energy which is released during fission.

The fission energy is found from the mass defect by using Einstein's equation,
nsiderifigthat an atomic. 66 24 g - 1.66 * o 2 4 =

3.13 . 10-3 ergs.

; , E-=CAm= (3. lOU)'.O20! •1,66. IO-'=3i3. lO'JergS.

In atomic r wer engineering, the energy of the particles is usually expressed

in electron volts and mega-..,ectron-volts (ev and mev). The charge of an electron is
ial to 1.6 - 10- 19 coulombs.
iq Consequently,

I ev - 1.6 • 10 "1 9 coulombs. I v - 1.6 • 10- 1 9 Joules - 1.6 1O 4 ergs.

-'-TS-9740/V 367
I mev ev 1.6 • i0 -& eas i. - 33 joJcs = 1.6 - !0-1 - kiloatt
1 (•
1 Cc:

024" 1.6 • 10-16 0.384 . 1l 16 Kcal.

1 amu i.h9 10- 3 ergs - 931 mev.

The fission energy is

E - 0.21 ama - 0.3 • 10-3 ergs - 200 mev - _3"i0o3

1 kilowatt seconds

I kilowatt - I io 1 6 mev -. 625 . 16O6 z 3 .1 o13 fissions per second.

e7-c 200
The fission energy is distributed between the fission products approximately

as follows: energy of the fission fr. .. . . . . . . . . nearly 166 m.

The energy of the fission neutrons .......... 5 "

The energ& of Yradiation .9.. * . .. .. . . . . 10 "

The energy of the electrons and their accompanying a

neutrinos * 18

The number of atoms which are contained in one kg of uranium-235 is equal to

N .1000 2.56.1024 atoms. Consequently, the energy of 1 kg of uranium-

235.1.66 .io-24
235 that is released during complete fission is: HU235 - 2.56 • 1024 • 200 mev

512 o
*024 • 0.384 o 10 1 6 1.96 • 1010 Kcal, i.e., 19.6 0 0l187 106 times
greater than the combustion of benzine. In other words, the complete fission of 1

g of uranium 235 releases almost as much energy as does the combustion of 2 tons of

petroleum products.

The neutrons which are released during fission promote the fission of new atoms

of the active substance and support a continuous or even a growing atomic chain re-


The fission neutrons move with very high velocities. By assuming that the

average energy of each fission neutron is equal to E = 2 roy = 2 1.6 10-6 ergs,

and that the mass of the neut'on mn = 1.66 • 1O -24 g, we find

I V E, / 2 2.16.10- 2. IO'cm/sec
Ma V 1.66.10-24
=0000 km/sec -
The probability of capturing these fast neutrons by the atoms of uranium-235

F-TS-974o/v 388
is small. Therefore, a larger portion of the fission neutrons penetrate the small bar

Of uranium-235 and fly out, without prohucing new fission. In order to be sure that

the neutrons are absorbed by the fissionable substance, its mass must not be less than

the, so-called, "critical" value: on the order of 1 kg. In a quantity that is less

than critical, uranium-235 is safe. Following the rapid approach of two bars of ura-

Dium-235, the mass of each of which is somewhat greater than half of critical, an atom-

ic explosion occurs. The uncontrolled explosive fission reaction i used in the atom-

ic bomb.

An atomic reactor is a system in which a controlled atomic reaction by moderated

neutrons takes place. The deceleration of the neutrons is accomplished for the follow-

ing reasons: the probability of catching a slow neutron by the active substance is

greater than for the fast ones; the reaction of slow neutrons does not develop as un-
controllably as for fas- neutrons and the reactor is easier to control, i.e., a reactor

operating with slow neutrons is easier to control and is not so explosively dangerous.

The neutrons released in fission, or in other nuclear reactions, move and col-

lide with the atomic nuclei.

Three forms of nuclear interaction with neutrons are known: scattering, cap-

ture, and capture leading to fission.

During the collisions which lead to scattering, the magnitude and directions of

the velocities of the neutron and nucleus change, in accordance with the lws of col-

lision of elastic balls. Thus, during a direct collision of a neutron with the nucle-

us of a hydrogen atom (a proton HIf), the mass of which is approximately equal to the

mass of the neutron, the neutron completely loses its velocity. The proton that was
stationary before, nr begins to move with a velocity that is equal to the initial

velocity of the neutron. Therefore the momentum remains constant. During a collision

with a nucleus, the mass of which is many times greater than the mass of the neutron,

the velocity of the neutron changes cnl r in direction amd the magnitude of the veloc-

ity remains practically constant. 1 daerAtion

dAp' eurp 4ft@jC-&
On the basis of the laIm of the coniservation of energy and of^ mo-mentumn, it is

F-TS-964o/v 389
possible to prove that the relative energy loss of the neutron during a collision

r ~ with a nucleus with a mass M is equal to

S4M = (1.5)

where m is the mass of the neutron, equal to .one atomi6 nass unitt

The lower the atomic weight of a substance A - M, the better it will slow down


During the collisions which lead to capture, the neutron penetrates the

nucleus, forming a new isotope of the given element which is usually unstable -

radioactive. For exa.ple, during the exposure of hydrogen Hi to neutrons, deuteriwni

HI is produced:
,t+n-. 1il+n=H21.

.VV'k-,41Iision re~ulting in fissid'n, the. micieua ~thich .capture?, _ '

,i' alviron splits into two fragments with the release of two or three new neutrons.

The interaction of the neutrons with the nuclei is quantitatively characterized

by the so-called gross section 2 f the nucleus.

The cross sections, which characterize the probability of a neutron collision

with an atomic nucleus, are not equal to the geometric cross section of the nucleus.

trn serves-as a mt of measurement for th6 cross sections of atomic.-ncJwei:'

1 barn I0-24 cm2

(We will recall that the diameter of an atomic nucleus is on the order of 10


The cross sections of scattering o, capture a, and fission 6f are not

equal to one another. All these values are determined experimentally (Table 11.1).

The cross sections are complex velocity functions of the neutron ,euIhcities or

FZ(1ir kinetic energies, which are usuallO- exprossed in election volts,

Elements used as neutron moderators in atomic reactors have low capture cross

sections Oa,(since they absorb less neutrons); and low atomic weight A, since for each

collision nf a neutron with a nucleus, the more significant are its energy losses,

the less the mass of the target-nucleus differs from the mass of the neutron (see

F-TS-97h0/v 390
equation 11.5). After a series of collisions with the nuclei of the moderator, the ve-

.c f4
;X h iG-0oa3Wh ma4aw
average kinetic energy of the thermal movement of the surrounding molecules. From

the viewpoint of the amount of the energy losses, hydrogen is an ideal moderator.

Tab1e 11.1


"- .... . Cross section
Element , Z in barns

Hydrogen H 1 1 38 0.33 0
Deuteri um D 2 I - 0.0046 0
Beryllium Be 9,0 1 4' 7 0.00 0
Boron 0 10.8 5 4 750 0
Carbon C 12 6 4.8 0.0045 0
Oxygen 0 16 8 4,2 0,0002 0
Iron re 5585 26 11 2,43 0
Cad um Cd '12.4 48 7 2400 0
Uranium 235 U 92 8.2 650 549
Uranium 238 u 238 92 8,2 2.8
Plutonium PX 239 94 .1025 664

*For fast neutrons rf > O, since uranium-238 fissions under the aci.ion of fast neutrons.

However, it absorbs neutrons with the formation of heavy hydrogen -- deuterium D. The

c&pture cross section of hydrogen is not large. Therefore, hydrogen, in conjunction

with oxygen, is used as a moderator in nuclear reactors. Heavy water D70, beryllium

Be, ana carbon C in the form of graphite are also used as moderators. Cjxygenj owing
to its comparatively heavy atotic weight, slows neutrons poorly. However 'the absorb-

tion of neutrons by oxygen is insignificant. Therefore the presence of oxygen in

connection ith such moderators as hydrogen, deuterium, or beryllium does nut disrpt

the operation of a reactor. Stationary reactors, the weight and dimensions of which

are not im.ortant, usually have graphite as a moderator.

An atomic reactor is represented by an assembly of fAis6bioe9..sbance q'a.i "..

moderator, surrounded by a neutron reflector and a shielding layer, and which is

equipped with control' rods and ducts for the coolant %Ficure191).

F-TS-97bO/V 391
There are heterogenous and homogeneous rea:-tors. In heterogeneous reactors the
issionable substance is prepared in the form of individual blccks - the heat liber -

1ating (fuel) elements (Figure 195) are located inside the moderator blocks (graphite,

5e:llium) or submerged in ordinary or heavy water (Figure 196). Tubes, through which

tht, air, water, or liquid metal coolant flows, are laid out through the boiler. Reac-

tors, the active rods of which are submerged in wr-er, are called "submerged" or
"svmirrming Dool" reactors. Cooling is accomplished by the circulation of the water.

In this way, the w'ater serves simultaneously as a moderator and zs a coola it.

In homogeneous reactors, the atoms of the active substance are uniforrmly distrib-

uted between the atoms of the moderator, (graphite for exFale) (Figure 19h). One

homogeneous reactor is the, so-called, boiling reactor or boiler (Figure 1','7) in which

a uranium sAt (uranyl nitrate, for examle) serves as the active substance. The salt

is dissolved in water and serves as the moderator.

cKet Ur )
c)) A) U2 38 shell
Soe arumou damzmuR B) A mixture of j238
with graphite
C) Helium ducts
O /D) From the pump
/) To the heat exchanger
/ F)on~yctrm~p F) Coolant collector

Fig- 194. A schematic of a homogeneous reactor.

So that a continuous atomic reaction may be developed in the reactor, the

average number of neutrons which'ply 3 -hei kactor, must remain- onsamt.•

Each fission releases V neutrons. A certain portion of them is absorbed by

the uranium-235 without provoking fission :'VT;" so-e1ed,.radfiatYe Oeibtu!e oursac-

companied only by r-radiation. The average number of neutrons which are released

after the capture of a single neutron is equal to

, (11.6)
where o( is the ratio of the radiative capture and fission cross sections. For

uranium-235: c- 0.19; 2.1.

There are heterogenous and homogeneous reactors. In heterogeneous reactors thcI
fissionable substance is prepared in the form of individual blocks - the heat liber -

ating (fuel) elements (Figure 195) are located inside the moderator blocks (graphite,

beryllium) or submerged in ordinary or heavy water (Figure 196). Tubes, through whicl
the air, water, or liquid metal coolant flows, are laid out through the boiler. Reac-
tors, the active rods of which are submerged in water, are called "submerged" or

"swimminp pol" reactors. Cooling is accomplished by the circulation of the water.

In this way, the water serves sirraltazieous3y as a moder- ',or and as a coolant.

In homogeneous reactors, the atoms of the active substance are uniformly distrit

uted between the atoms of the moderator, (graphite for exarple) (Figure 19h). One
homogeneous reactor is the, so-called, boiling reactor or boiler (Figure 197) in whicl

a uranium salt (uranyl nitrate, for example) serves as the active subst&nce. The salt

is dissolved in water and serves as the moderator,

4, -" ,qf U. Legend:
)) CMM U ) Kt'iansI A) U2 3 8 shell
& ZM2R B) A mixture of u238
with graphite
C) Helium ducts
/ -D) Prom the pump
/B E) To the heat exchanger
F.// F) Coolant collector

Fig. 194. A schematic of a homogeneous reactor.

So that a continuous atomic reaction may be developed in the reactor, the

average number of neutrons whichoy in thei keactor, must remain- constant.

Each fission releases V neutrons. A certain portion of them is absorbed by

the uranium-235 without provoking fission. fto so-;oed,.radiatiV6 lae'itin'eobours -ac-

companied only by (-radiation. The average number of neutrons which are released

after the capture of a single neutron is equal to

where o( is the ratio of the radiative capture and fission cross sections. For
urarium-235: c< - 0.19; " - 2.1.

F-TS-97h0/V 392
Fig. 195. A uranium block, the heat liberating (fuel) element.

* A portion of the fast fission neutrons are captured by the nuclei of uranium-

238, which is alway contained in a mixture of uranium isotopes and causes their

fission. The relative increase of the number of neutrons resulting from the fission

of the uraniun-23u nuclei is called the fast fission (r 'itiit ic-tion) nt.nt o
For natural uranium, this value somewhat exceeds one.

A proportion of fission neutrons is being capturd bv the uranium-238 nuclei

without causing fission. The probability of avoiding resonant capture is designated

by p. For natural uranium p - 0.9.

A portion of the fission neutrons is absorbed by the nucle of the moderator in

the slowing down process. The probability of avoiding absorbtion in the process of

slowing down to "thermal" velocity is called the thermal utilization factor f.

The probability L of avoiding leaks through the surface of the reactor in-
creases with an increase of the volume per unit of surface, i.e., with an increase of

the linear dimensions of the reactor. A"


Fig. 196. A schematic of a heterogeneous Fig. 197. A schematic of a boiling water
Osubmerged" or "swimming pool" reactor -- a "boiler".
reactor. Legend: A) ,Tater output
Legend: A) Active zone. B) Water inplt
F-TS-97h0A' 393
The ratio of neutrons which remain in a reactor after leakage and other losses

to each original fast neutron is called the effective multiplication factor kef,
In order that the reactor develops a continuous fission reaction, the effective

multiplication factor rust be equal tojor greater thanpone:

The difference kef - 1 is called the reactivity of the reactor. A reactor whose

reactivity is somewhat greater than zero, is called critical. If one gradually accu-

mulates blocks of nuclear fuei and moderators in a pile, then the dimensions of this

pile will, become critical. This name pile -- "kucha" (incorrectly translated by the

word "kotel"*)is used in reactor terminology in American literature. The achievement

of criticality is made known by the sharp increase of reactor radiation.


The quantity of heat which is released in a reactor every second is called the

thermal power. The thermal power of a reactor NQ is usually expressed in kilowatts:

1 kw - 0.24 Kcal/sec - 0.625 . 1016 mev/sec.

The theraal power per unit of the reactor's weight is called the specific

ower :1.8)

where P is the mass of the reactor, equal to the sum of the mass .%,

fcore7 Pakt, the J+i-L sheA1...... Pow

* r

The number of fissions which occur in a unit of mass of the active zone per

second is called the activity, A fissions/see .

The thermal power is proportional to bhe product of the activity A, the mass of

the active zone Pak, and the fission energy E: --

0.625.lot s .0,625.10 Vpv n-_AYYL
3.10" kwr, (11.9)
where V is the volume of the active zone in cm3 ;

is the average density of the active substance, i.e., of the mixture of nuclear
--- *boiler
F-TS- 97hCO/V 3914
fuel with the moderator in g /cm3;

V is the relative density, which is measured by the ratio of the voliTie of the

active substance to the volume of the active zone;

Pakt is the mass of the active zone in grams:

f V. (11.10)
The activity of the reactor A is determined by the number of atoms of fission-

ing substance in each unit of mass of the active zone, by the fission cross section,

and by the so-cglled neutron flux .

The nurber of neutrons tvhich p th-ough a unit a'ca (I cm2 ) per second is

called the neutron flux. The thermal neutrons in a reactor move randomly. Thereforc

the neutron flux does nc' depend on the orientation of the area.

In various portions of the active zone the neutron flux is dissimilar, In the

center of the active zone it is greater tham at the periphery.

We will consider a unit volume of the active zone (Figure 198). The number

of atoms of the fissioning substance with atomic weight Adel per unit volume, i.*,

the atomic concentration, is denoted by N. The mass ofi ".3_% " -

the density of the active substance e g /cm 3 . The numbe, of atoms in a gram-atom --

Avogadro's number -- is denoted by NA, and is equal to 6 . 1023-t_ .V

ratio of the mass of the fissioning substance to the mass of the active zone is de-

noted by Pdel.
Pakt" The atomic concentration, apparently, is equal to

NAP Pa..a (11.11)

Am, Pan
The probability of a collision, resulting from fission, of one neutron with

any of N atoms of the fissioning substance per unit i' '& j

cross section, is equal to

\ =No, = ± p "" . (11.12)
'" "" NAC
A,e. PSX
P. r

Consequently, the activity A is equal to

• ", T AAea
Ae POKT fissions/sec gram, (11.13)
After substituting the value of the activity that is found (11.13) into the

therma )ower equation (11.9), and using (11.10), we obtain

F-TS-9740/V 395
4NOM O,2a14Am.,
ENA'I? _~ Palm VPV-
3IO"1Ae T~j kr. 1.4
The fission cross section of an atom of uranium-235 O-f 549 1 0 -24 cm2 ; Ael

r I-V

5"'. I I Il

- . - *3-
,4k-- -' --

Fig. 198. #_W toj~ _h

A schematic of the active zone of a heterogeneous reactor. fa ea

product of the neutron flux and the mass of the fissioning substance
6.1023.549.10-" o (11.15)
NQ ~3-1013-235 e
Subeequently we will see, that the neutron flux, and consequently, the thermalpa

U -bf-tii.
_ y be th14 a' from zero to maximum by varying the location of the

control rods.

The heat which i's released In a reactor must be taken out by a coolant. The

higher the thermal power, the greater the heat hia.t4.k

_- *-,

ture of the active zone, and the higher the required coolant flov. The limiting tem-

peratuire which a rerctor is capable of maintaining is determined by the thermal

properties of tne rissionablesubstance, the moderator, the coolant, and the materials

F-TS-97LOA 396
from which it is constructed.

In heterogeneous reectors, the heat is released only in blocks of nuclear fuel.

el 9 homogeneous reactors the liberation of the heat occurs in the entire mass of the

active zone ffore7.

The neutron flux in existing power reactors, as described in cpen literature,

does not exceed 10". neutrons per second per cm2 .

EaMple 1. Find the power that is released in 1 kg of pure uranium-235, if the

neutron flux is 'f = 1 0 1h neutrons per second per cm2 .

After substituting P&1 = 1,000 graf.z. in the forj,:ula (11.15), iio obtain
A12 -4,6 10 -1"PxeA
= 4,6.10--101. 1000 = 40 ka/kg.
In order to remove such a high specific power, the active block must be cooled

with an intensive flow of coolant.

_Eaimle 2. Find the average neutron flux at which the specific power,

._ th 'p per
-er unit of mass a homogeneous reactor,- reaches 10 0kr0Ykg :-'
if the weight content of the nuclear fuel is Pdel O.01.

From (11.i1) we obtain /

t- O, 62 510'AAeNYA Pa _ 0,625-.1016.235.100.O
6ANAV Pal 549.10-24.200.6.I0.0,01
2,24.101C neutrons/see.cm2 ,
-- --

The neutron flux that was calculated does not exceed the limits already attain-

the ed in existing power installations.


'he operation of a reactor is accompanied by powerful radiation. During the
1pow disintegration of a fissionable substance, fission fragments, neutrons, electrons, and

gamma-quanta are formed. The larger part of the fission fragments is represented b-

radioactive isotopes, which continue to decay spontaneously, releasin' all forms of

radioactive radiation: alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma quanta. The leak-

age neutrons which hava abandoned the reactor are captured by the nuclei of atoms of

the surrounding substances forming new radioactive isotopes. Garia ra-,s and neutrons
are destructive to a human organism, since under their action the molecules of alburin


F-TS-97t40/V 397
and living biological cells decompose.

The roentgen is the unit of gamma-exposure. One roentgen is the quantity oZ

radiant energy such that it forms in one cubic centimeter of air so many ions of the

same sign that their total charge constitutes one electrostatic unit of a quantity of

Gamma-exposure has a cumulative effect. The damages which accompany the ex-

posure are accumulated. Experience shows that any irradiation dose is harmful. The

amount of radiation which a porson ray roccive in his life-timc, without ondanCri-ng

ais health and the health of his descendants, may not exceed 35 roentgens. A dose

of 450 roentgens is usually fatal.

Shielding from Gamma Radiation. Gamma-rays are absorbed by the medium.

:herefore, with an increase in the path length of the gamma-quanta, the inten-

ity of the radiation decreases. The number of particles passing through a un.t

iurface per second (the surface located normally to the direction of the ray) is called

.he tI We will denote the lux at the entrance- to 'Ain;

flanaqUna- ,

aedium by 10; the flux after passing a distance x we will denote by Ix. It is possible

o show, that for a parallel flux --

S, =4Be-v_, (11.16)

where x iu the distance in cm;

B is the accumulation factor, measured experimentally; B I;

Pis the attenuation factor (Table 11.2).

Table 11.2

"material P,cm-, Pg,/ taierlal Fcm-' j cm

Air 0.065.10- 0.00122 Iron 0.35 7.8

Water 0,047 1.00 Lead 0.53 11.3
Concrete 0.09 ---2 Uran.,m 0,95 19
Aluminum 0,12 2.7

The flow at x distance from a point source which radiates N quanta per second

n all directions is, apparently equal to

-T S-9714 0/V 398


Considering absorptj on in the atmos, here, we obtain

A e-r (U.18)
The local radiation intensity can be measured by means of an ionization chai.-

bero The chamber contains two plates to ,'"ich a potential difference is applied,

insufficient to cause a discharge. Under the effect of gaima-radiation, the gas

betwccn the plates is ionized and ionization curreit arises in the circuit. The
currcnt strcngh will be greater the larger the flowi of ionizing particles. Tie
irradiation dose is proportional to the quantity of electricity flowing in the cir-

cuit. The current is measured by means of a meter included in the circuit. A serial
.dosimeter, which is manufactured by our industry, is shown in Figure 199. The scale
of the meter is often calibrated in roentgens.

We will calculate how great will be the radiation of a reactor whose thermal

power is equal to the power of a modern jet bomber.


Fig. 199. A general view of a dosimeter.

Each nuclear fission is accompanied by radiation of nearly 5 gamma-quanta with

energies on the average of 2 mev. The permissable radiation intensity in radiometric

laboratories consists of 800 gamma-quanta per cm2 per second. We will recall that
the power in one kilowatt is equivalent to 3 - i0 3 fissions per second. The thermal
power of an eight engine heavy jet bomber with a total thrust of R 36,000 kg and a
specific fuel consumption Ce a 0.9 kg per hour per kg is equal to

NQt-S9 / H ICI 1000399.0.9


u= 94 500 kca3,/sec ,400000 krt*

F-TS-97h0/V 399
In a reactor with a similar thermal power 3 • 1013 " 0.4 106 1.2 • 1019

• 1019 = 6 • 1019 gama-quanta

fissions per iecond will occur, during which N - 5 • i

will be generated. Noting that the reactor is represented by a sphere with a radius

of 50 cm, we find that the flow of gamma-quanta at the edge of the react.or is

T=X = -3,-W =r2-10"9 gamuA-quanta/sec cm2 .

After substituting the attenuation factor from Table 11.2 in the equation

(11.18) and noting that B - I, it is possible to find the distance at which the flow

of garxa radiation will be reduced to a permissible value IX = 800 ganma-quaxita per

second per cm2 . For air - 0.065 . 103; x - 1.6 km.

- For lead , =0.53 and x

54 cm.
The foregoing calculation show- how great the radiation of a reactor is, and

how great the weight and the thickness of the shielding layer must be.

It is seen from equation (11.16) that if the attenuation ratio of the flow
y- is known, then the product of .x also must be known:


It follows that the thickness of the face of the shielding layer is inversely

proportional to the total attenuation factor:

X= - 10 . (1.19)

The weight of the shielding layer is

P.-oSxP= -LSIn A (1.20)
where S is the surf'ace of the face of the shielding layer.

The ratio of the density to the attenuation factor is approximately one and the

same for the majority of substances:

I .4

Therefore, the faces of the shielding screens, which are made from various

materials, weigh approximately the same but have different thicknesses.

If the reactor is air-cooled, then the cooling air which is irradiated by

neutrons, becomes radioactive because of the transformation of the nitrogen N714 into

F-TS-9740/V 400
a radioactive isotope of carbon C with a half-life period of 5,700 years, The con-
tamination of the atmosphere by radioactive carbon makes the use of air-cooled reac-

tors Yrith an open air-cooling cycle objectionable.

To insure the safety of the service personnel, operating reactors are equipped

with monitoring instrumnt& The reactors are always operated automatically by re-

mote-control instruments. During the assembly of a reactor, manipulators and other

remote-control mechanisms are used. Supervision during assembly is conducted with

the aid of periscopic instrw..3nts or television uits.


The assembly of heterogeneous reactors mayr be accomplished by the following

method: the unit is assembled with the use of corresponding construction materials,

cooling systems, moderators, and protective shields in the absence of a fissionable

material for which special ducts are left. Later, in the finished reactor, a certain

amount of active rods is inserted so that the mass of the fissionable sabstance be-

comes critical and a continuous fission chain reaction develops in the reactor. The

approach to criticality is made known by rapidly increasing radiation. Observations

of the radiation are carried out vrith the aid of instruments which are built into thc

reactor core. This is how the assembly of the Soviet first atomic power station in
the world was accomplished.

The assembly of a heterogeneous reactor may also be carried out in the presenc,

of the active substance consisting, for example, of blocks of uranium and moderators

This is how the first Chicago reactor was constructed.

To prevent an explosion which may occur during a chance increase of the critic,

dimensions, safety rods, which are constructed of materials which absorb neutrons,

are used. These rods are automatically inserted into the active zone /Core7 when th

neutron flux passes the permissible limit. Safety and control rods are constructed

1 ReactorConstruction and Reactor Theory. Reports of the Soviet Delegation at

the Conference for the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 195, Printing House o
the Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1955.

F-TS-971,OA 01
of materials with large capture cross sections: from cadium, boron, or from their

compounds (see Table 11.1).

The value of the neutron flux, and consequently, even the power of the reactor

depend on the immersion depth of the rods. With an increase of immersion, the ab-

sorption of the neutrons increases, the reactivity decreases and together with it,

the neutron flux diminishes. At a sufficient immersion, the multiplication factor

becomes less thaii one and the reaction dies out.

A foreign neutron source, for example, an ampule which contains a mixture of

metallic beryllium, with some sort of natural radioactive alpha emitter -- radium or

polonium -- is sometimes inserted to set a reactor into operation. The collisions of

by neutron radia- I
the alpha particles with the nuclei of beryllium is accompanied


The neutrons from the beryllium-polonium source or stray neutrons bring about

the fission of the nuclei of uranium-235. So that the reaction might increase,

the safety rods are pulled out and the control rods inserted, and the multiplication

factor does not become greater than one. The neutron flux in the reactor increases,

the liberation of heat increases, and the temperature of the active zone grows. The

length of the diffusion of the neutrons and the distance in which the fast neutrons

are slowed down to a "thermal" velocity Ancreases, the density of the active sub-

stance diminishes, the leakage of the neutrons grows, and the reactivity decreases.

Xn this ay, the process of the increasing power is, to a certain degree, self-regu-

lating. The control rods move in more for greater neutron flux and consequently,

greater thermal power. The reactivity of the reactor falls to zero.

The thermal power of a reactor is determined by the location of the control rods.

The level to which it ir possible to raise the thermal power is determined by

the cooling system and the heat-resistant quality of the reactor.

The movements of the control and safety rods is accomplished by motors,

ar-e' connected with probes that are sensitive to the neutron flux in the reactor.

F-TS-97hO/ 1402
The dependence of the neutron flux and the thermal power upon the immersion

depth of the control rods is shown in Figure 200. The S-shaped form of the curve

S@ shows that the neutron flux at the reactor's periphery is low, so that the insertion

of the rods only decreases insignificantly the overall number of neutrons in the re-

actor. The insertion of the rods into the central area of the active zone, where the

neutron flux is great, has a much greater effect on the overall neutron balance and

produces a greater change of the thermal power.

The operation of a reactor is completely controllable.

As the fissionable substc.ncc "burns out" and the fissio, frag..c:.ts acc.'ulnto

the reactivity of the reactor diminishes and the control rods nast be pulled out.

The consumption of the nuclear fuel is -ot difficult to calculate in relation to

the thermal power of the reactor NQ kw:

0 - 0.24 N- kg per sec - 864 N kg per hour,

where H is the amount of energy that is liberated during the fission of 1 kg of

uranium-235, in kcal/kg: H 1.9 1010 kcal/kg.

;DEClb Legendi:
so A) Power
B) Power in kw
C) Temperature
D) Temperature of the
Solution in 0C
D) E) Extracted
F) Inserter
) 20 D) G) Location of a control rod
A 9!M tnqROIZ cmepxsfi

Fig. 200. The dependence of the neutron flux in a reactor and the thermal power
of a reactor on the immersion depth of the control rods.

The consurption of the nuclear fuel in a heavy atomic aircraft with eight turbo-

Jet engines with thermal power of NQ a h0,O00 kw.

- 864 400,000 - 0.018 kg per hour - 18 g per hr - 5 mg per sec.

1.9 O
For a 40-hour around-the-world flight with a speed of I,000 km/hr altogether 721

grams of a nuclear fuel will be required.

F-TS-9740/V 403

The air which flows through a heat exchanger of a reactor for a rayrjet engine

must be preheated to an optimum temperature T 03 . After determining this temperature

and giving the required thrust, we will find the air flow Gv through the heat exchanger

of a reactor.

After setting the permissible value of the relative velocity of the heated air

at the heat exchanger outlet X 3 , we will determine the required cross section of the

heat exchanger from (2.74): /

S3 /r + )
S2gkr (To. 0A (1.1
3 )(11.21)

The cross section that is found comprises a certain portion of the middle

section of the engine SM:

-s3-" "(11.22)

The geometry of the heat exchanger must be calculated so that the air flowing

through it will be heated to the required temperature T0 3 .

The calculation of the heat exchanger for the heating of the air is carried out

by a coau n method.

The air temperatures at the heat exchanger inlet and at its outlet are denoted

by T0 2 and T0 3 . The temperature of the heat-transfer agent at the heat exchanger

inlet and at its outlet we denote by T2 ' and T3 ' (Figure 201).


A) Outlet
ss" -s, B) inlet
C) Heat-transfer agent
_ ...
_.... _.... D ) Air

Fig. 201. A aiagram of a heat exchanger.

The quantity of heat, which is received by the air in the heat exchanger, is

equal to the thermal power NQ: (

\ r.(3-123)
where C(vis the heat transfer coefficiert;

Stepl is the transfer surface between the air and the heat exchanger;

F-TS-9740o 404
A T is the average temperature difference.

It is knoun from the theory of heat exchanger installations that the average

*temperature difference, in the case of a constant heat transfer coefficient through

the heat exchanger o( - const, is equal to.

* Arm V-2
2- TO

The temperature of a reactor with direct air heating will be calculated in the

first approximation by assuming the entire active zone at constant temperatures

T 2 = T 3 = Tp. In this case

/ -
In 7P -- T02
,- 3 (11.25)

The heat transfer coefficient atepl is dependent upon Nusselt's number which

is determined by the Reynolds' and Prandtl's numbers, and also by the heat conducti-

vity X
NUX (11.26)
Nu-f(Re. Pr), (11.27)
Re= Wd WdT Pr--e.


For gases Pr - 0.72.

d is the size of the heat exchanger that was determined;

and \are the specific heat and the heat conductivity of the air, V is its
kinematic viscosity;

is the dynamic viscosity;

w is the velocity of the gas flow.

The temperature of the air which flows through a heat exchanger increases, the

velocity of the flow increases and together with them the parameters of the air k,
, y, and also the Re and Nu numbers and the heat transfer coefficient vary. We

express the heat transfer coefficient as a function of the temperature in a clear form.

When S 2 - 3

F-TS-97o/V 4o5
TaWa=- 7sWs.
The product of *w is a constant value for a tube having a constant cross sec-

tion. Consequently, the Reynolds' number during the flow through the heat exchanger

varies in inverse proportion to the dynamic viscostty 1 :

Re: .(11.29)
-- m -

The Nu number is determined by the Re and Pr numbers, and also by the shape of

the heat exchanger. For cylindrical tubes

Nu=0,023 Re' Pr,. (11.30)

The heat transfer coefficient from the alls to the air C(v is

0,023 OOAT o ".8f.8

o.0,o.4 023 (gI)o.81o.6CO.4

The viscosity I, the heat capacity c, and the heat conductivity X increase

with an increase of temperature. The expression c X6 slowly increases with the

increase of temperature. In the first approximation, the heat transfer coefficient

may be considered as constant throughout the entire heat exchanger. The heat trans-

fer coefficient decreases insignificantly with an increase of the diameter of the tubes

The thermal power, which is taken from the heat exchanger for a constant heat

transfer coefficient o<, - const, is directly proportional to its surface. If the

thermal power is given, then depending upon the diameter of the tubes, it is possible

to find the surface of the heat exchanger Step,.

The overall cross section of a tube of a heat exchanger S2 is determined by the

air flow required Gv and the permissible flow velocity in the tubes w2 . The pressure

of the heated air P02 is det3rmined by the velocity and flight altitude, and by the

pressure recovery of the diffuser 6 d" The number of tubes n is inversely propor-

tional to the square of their diameter d:


After 'the thermal power which is taken up by the air that is heated

in a heat exchanger
Nc,,STS (7'03- T'), (11. 32)

F-TS-9740/V 406
to the thermal power which is traotsm.itted through the walls of the heat exchanger
and considering that
S,- . 4zdtn .41tt
S2 ,n d'

we obtain •T-
d €4 AT "11.34)

After using (11.28, 11.29, and 11.26) and after simple conversions, we obtain

an equation which connects the relative length of the heat exchanger ducts with the

temperature difference T0 3--T0 2 and the temperature drop & T by the Re, Pr, and Nu

I Re Pr T3 -T 0 2
d 4Nu AT d A(11.35)


To decrease the dimensions of a reactor and to avoid the contarination of t e

air coolant by radioactive isotopes, reactors are constructed with liquid coolants.

The heat liberated in the reactor is absorbed by the liquid heat-transfer agent, and

carried to a heat exchanger where it is transferred to the heated air. It is clear

that the temperature of the heat-transfer agent at the reactor outlet must be greater

than the air temperature ahead of the nozzle exit. Therefore, water, the critical

temperature of which is 6500 K, is not suitable as a heat-transfer agent. More suit-

able heat-transfer agents for atomic ramjet engines are molten metals, the melting

points of which are less than the temperature at the heat exchanger outlet T3'. The

vapor pressure at the temperature of T2 ', which the heat-transfer agent has at the

reactor outlet, cannot be too great, i.e., cannot exceed the stagnation pressure in

the combustion chamber P02 by far.

As possible heat-transfer agents for reactors, the Institutes of the Academy

of Sciences of the USSR investigated molten tin, lead, bismuth, sodium, and also

alloys: rodium and potassium, lead and bisnuth.

By the works of the academician M. A. Mikheyev with his associates, and also by

F-TS-9740/V 407
series of foreign scientists, it was proven that the heat transfer coefficient for

metal which flowed along a cylindrical tube, is determined by Nusselt's (Nu) and

clet's (Pe) numbers:

Pe = Re Pr= N. (136)

To determine the Nu number, Lyon, Dwyer and others suggested the following

Nu=3,2+0,021 Pe. (1-37)

In the' . cd heat exchnger- Pe - 100--10,000, Nu - 10--30;

= 0.0l--.0.l0kcal pcr meter per second per degree. Because of the high heat con-

ctivity of metal, the heat transfer coeffiAent was munch higher than that for gas

oling: aM - Nu - 1--300 kcal per square meter per second per degree, hundreds of

mes greater than for heat transference to the air.

For the computation of a heat exchanger between the active zone Zore7 of a re-

tor and the heat-transfer agent, one considers the heat conductivity of the material

om which the heat transfer agent tubes are prepared and the heat conductivity of the

tive material.

We will introduce the,.o 6t -6f *heral reisaee +.afer_:d_____v

_ c.

g it from the following equation:

T -- SAT, (11.38)

')re qt is the heat flow;

A T is the average temperature drop.

)m here "

.re dtep, is the heat transfer coefficient,

Stepl is the heat exchanger surface.

The heat transfer from the active zone fore7 of the reactor to the molten metal

be written as (Figure 202):

+ +
S+ +o) Rio(

s-97h O 408
where 8 Is the thickness of the tube wall;

S X w is its heat conductivity;

ai and N are the heat transfer coefficients from the active zone Eore7 to the tube

wall and from the tube wall to the molten metal.

For air cooling, the temperature resistance is many times greater during heat

transfer from the tube wall to the air than during heat transfer from the active

material to the tube wall, or during heat transfer through the substance of the tube

or of the active zone [ore7. Therefore it is porsible to disregard thcse last re-

sistances, after considering only the first.

: During the elimination of the heat from a reactor with a
heavy active zone, the

primary heat resistance is concentrated on the mutual surface with the tube inside

the active zone. The heat resistance for the transfer from the tube walls to the

molten metal is insignificant. The overall heat resistance during cooling by a molten

metal, and the surface of the heat exchanger is - Is of times i4rtfnr fbr at ]-

A heat exchanger for heating the flowing air is computed as stated in the fore-

going paragraph.
#Y)Kun~u Boda


A) Boiling water
B) Liquid sodium
) ~C) Metal

Fig. 202. The calculation of the heat transfer through the wall of a heat-exchanger.

Example. A reactor with a thermal power of NQ hOO,000 kw is cooled by special

alloy. The temperature of the active zone is Tp 2,0000 K. The temperature of the

heat-transfer agent rt the reactor Inlet is T2 - 0000, at its outlet T'3 1,8000K.

The parameters of the alloy are Y - 700 kg/m 3 , k - O.OC( kcal/. sec degree, c =

0.25 kcal/kg degree. The coolant speed is w - 10 m/sec. The diameter of the tubes

F-TS-90/VOA 409
is d 25 mm.

The heat-transfer agent consumption is

- o24.40 000
or e.51~o80
(7T-T kg/se)C.

The cross .ection of the heat-transfer agent tubes is

(L 394
wT 0 a 55x2
-i0 .70O0 06 2*
The number of tubes is

n= 4s
3-1H.2,52 1!12.
Peclet's number is
f-- , 9,8.0,006
Nusselt's number is t
-m3,2 + 0.02Pet - 3.2 + 0,021.74- ° 7,3.

The heat transfer coefficient from the wall to the liquid metal is
an S Nal
d "
0.008 1,75 kcal/sec m2 degree.

The mean logarithmic temperature drop is

T, - f00u0-- 800
In 2000-800
• rT,-T "2o-Io

We will assume that the tubes are made of heat-resistant steel for which

T 0.01 kcal/m sec degree, the thickness of the walls is = 2.5 n. We may dis-

regard the heat resistance of the active zone.

We find the surface of the heat exchanger from the equation

! AT I 4ST + QS,,
emCS,..O NQ .S. SM+ X.S, TSTSM
NQ I + V= 96 0001
_I+0,0025 1
AT ,,., 640 .75 00
S. t ST -- SfeA

The overall perimeter of the tubes is

'.," ,. P =ndn = 3.14.0,025.112 = 8,8 m,

the total length of the tubes is

/s$ 123=14M
I .. ° P 8,8

F-TS-97ho/y 4o
The volume of the heaL-transfer agent in the reactor i

V -s - 14 0.055 = 0.77m' .
its weight is PM V 7 ,77 0D-Wkg.

To transfer the heat to the air requires a special heat exchanger, which is

computed as was stated above in Section 5. If the reactor is equipped with a shield,

then a system with an intervening heat-transfer agent permits a considerable decrease

of the reactor's dimensions and a lower weight of the shielding.

Shielded reactors may be installed only in very heavy aircraft.


Electromagnetic Faraday pumps, which are based on the power interaction of an

electric current with a magnetic field, are often used to transfer molten metals. A

diagram of an electromagnetic pump is shown in Figure 203. A portion of the tube,

through which the molten metal flows, is flattened and placed between the fields of

a strong electromagnet. A strong electric current from a step-down transformer is

carried to the molten metal with the aid of two thick copper bars. From the side

of the magnetic field to the bars with the current a force acts, which is directed
5 vihoalert' " .- ay-. he ht" i-xoints when the '--,th6 lo thhd
1 s

turned to meet the magnetic lines of force and the four extended fingers show the
direction of the current in the* coniadt-r. ] .. gre 206 th s forceis dfrect. _

torards us.

The magnitude of the force F in dynes is equal to one tenth of the product of

the force of the current I in amperes and the induction B of the magnetic field in

gausses and the lenjth 2 of the bar between the poles of the :agnet in centimeters:

F =0,1 iBI dyies. (nl.hl)

After dividing this force by the cross section S of the tube, we find the pres-

sure that is created by the pump:

P.S- esc
1 dynes/ - b b kg/cm2 .
"= i.--v
9.100 (1.42)

Here the quotient b * S represents the inter-polar interval. After expressing


the current in kiloamperes and the induction in kilogauss, we obtain

1B 1B
(AA) atm.(1-1-3)
The magnetic induction B during the use of good magnetic alloys may reach 10 kilo-

gauss and higher. Let the inter-polar interval b 1im. Then in order to create

a pressure on the order of 10 atm, it is necessary to have a current with a force

of - 1*10
_9.8bO 1 kiloampere Z 1,000 smps.
B 10 SP)W W


a) Magnet yoke
b) Magnet coil
4) Wc) Conductor
d) Tube for mlten metal

Fig. 203. The diagram of an electromagnetic pump to transfer liquid metals.

During the movement of the molten metal between the magnet poles, an electro-

motive force with the induction E appears in it as it does in any conductor:

'E= IOBi=/volt (11.44)

where w is the speed of the metal in cm/sec;

B is the induction of the magnetic poles in gauss;

1 is the length in cm.

If B - 10 kilogauss; - 10 cm; w - 10 m/sec, then E - 10-8 e 10 4 x O . 10 3

1 volt.

The voltage on the busbars must be greater than the electromotive force of

induction, which appears in the moving wire:

U-E+IR. (1.&4)
R is the ohmic resistance of the molten metal between the bars:
, ,R=p-.

is the specific resistance in ohms/centimeters;

a is the cross section in the direction of the normal to the electric current. If

F-TS-97hO/V 412
the width of the interpolar interval is equal to a, then

e - ba

The power, which is spent on transferring the metal and in overcoming its ohmic

resistance, will be equal to

/€=U (.46)

=Exape. The specific resistance of a heat-transfer agent is p * 13 - lO-6

ohms (molten sodium); a = 10 cm; b - 0.1 cm; and 1 - 10 cm.

R =. 10-4 T -1.3
1,340-' ohmr

U=E+R=1+100.1,3.10--4=1,13 v;
N= UI= 1,13.1000= 1130 lattz = 1,13 kt.


The gas dynamic calculation of a nuclear supersonic ramjet engine is identical

with the calculation of an engine that operates on a molecular fuel. In the first

case, the cross section of a heat exchanger is not equal to the mid-cross-section

of the engine, and the mass of the exhaust gases is equal to the mass air flow:

S<S;p=+ 1

The required heating of the air in a heat exchanger e T0 3 is determined

either by the given thrust coefficient, or by the conditions of maximum economy:

e - eopt (see Chapter X, Section 5).

The minimum allowable thrust coefficient is determined by the aerodynamic com-

putation for the entire aircraft as a whole.

For an established horizontal flight, the thrust coefficient is equal to the

drag coefficient, which is computed relative to the area of the engine's mid-section

CR ca.(.7)
By knowing the required thrust coefficient, and after setting up the probable

value of the gas dynamic coefficient of the engine K,from the formula of the thrust

coefficient for a flight at the design condition, the required temperature ratio of

the air in a heat exchanger 0 is found (see formula 1O.35)

F-TS-9740 /V h13
%K- (1.148)

U In the last formula it is assumed that Rr R.

The optimunm temperature ratio, at which the total efficiency of an engine reaches

its highest value, i ~~~(e it~ X et~~:)" ~

f (11.49)
The required thrust R is determined by the flight weight and the aerodynamic

quality (lift-drag ratio) of the aircraft ka

R X= PFA (11.50)
The total efficiency of a ramjet engine ' is:
k -I ,
=~ ~ -% Y -_K__i'__
k+1 V$- (11.51)
The required thermal power NQ is:
NQ= A "-"keal/sec. (3-152)

The air flow Gv, that is required for the transfer of the required thermal

power NQ is, ,
=.-2 -NQ_ kg/sec.
C,(C h))
-Tr, o(o- (11.53)

We will set up an acceptable value for the relative velocity at the heat ex-

changer outlet, noting that it may not exceed one: < 1.3 We will find the cross

section of the heat exchanger S3.

We will determine the required cross-section area ratio of the exhaust nozzle

from (5.20):

(See graph in Figure 170).

The velocity at the heat exchanger inlet is determined from the flow equation:

q0 = )t T sq(11.55)
The stagnation pressure of the free stream air pOn _ _ The stagnation
( >IXn)
pressure ahead of the heat exchanger inlet P02 depends upon the pressure coefficient

of the diffuser Od:

F-Ts-97h0/V 0_4
" AP - (11.56)

The required cross section for the passage of the air through the heat exchanger

t$es S 2 , is found from (2.7h)

= 0 -0 k+,I 0. (11.57)
W27 2Zk ftqN *A)


A reactor with cross sections and a thermal power of the required value must

have a positive reactivity; its dimensions must be greater than critical. Below is

found a sixrplified calculation of a reactor which operat& on therial neuLrons with-

out a reflector.

The critical dimensions of the reactor depend on the nature of the nuclear fuel

and on the moderator, on the concentration of uranium-238, on the ratio of the masses

of the fissionable substance and the moderator, on the volume (void) fraction of the

active zone, on the nature of the beat-transfer agent, and on the construction of the


An approximate calculation for a homogeneous reactor which operates on thermal

neutrons7 is to be found below.

The ratio of the volume of the fissioning material and the mcerator to the

total volume of the active zone or the volur'e (void) fraction V is equal to
V'a (1-.58)
where Vakt is the volume of the active material;

Vokhl is the volume of the cooling ducts Pne the construction materials.

The greater the volume that is occupied by the cooling ducts, the lesser the

volume (void) fraction.

The shape of the reactor is determined by its usage. Cylindrical or spherical

reactors are more suitable to be installed on aircraft. In order that the reactor

nay develop a continuous nuclear reaction, the effecLive multiplication factor of the

'-eactor, which was discussed in Section 1 of this chapter, must be not less than one:

k4 - ,p,-9L
>T . (11.59)

I -TS-974O/lvl
The multiplication factor for fast neutrons t and the probability of avoiding

absorption into uranium-238 p depends on the presence of uranium-23 8 . For natural

uranium C 1.03; p - 0.9; for a pure fission substance & - I and p 1.

The thermal use factor f is equal to the ratio of the number of neutrons which

are absorbed in the fissioning substance to the overall number of the neutrons which

are absorbed by the fissioning substance and also by the moderator.

The atomic concentration of the fissioing substance," th& nur54rrof TA. :t

* at~ms. in' Q •~'. Td-.btcd by 1dl:

N. = -L NAAP A" (11.60)

and the atomic concentration of the moderator is designated by N3:

N,-L Af, P (11.61)
"' A3 Pr
where P is the density of the active substance, which is composed of a mixture of

a moderator and the nuclear fuel.

The overall weight of the active zone Zore7 of the reactor is

paw=Pau + Ps.

where Pdel and P3 are the weights of the uranium and the moderator.

The macroscopic capture cross sections of the neutrons in the fissioning sub-

staiice and in the moderator will be equal to

lw = Nxam; L=N 36. :' (11.62)

The coefficient of thermal use is, consequently, equal to

, +-O + (11.63)

The number of fission neutrons per one captured neutron for uranium-235 1 = 2.1.

In reactor theory it is proven that the probability of avoiding leakage for fast

neutrons in the slowing down process Lf is equal to

The probability for avoiding leakage for slow neutrons, before they will be

absorbed by the fissioning substance Lt is equal to

F-TS-974o/V 416

Here L is the diffusion length, which depends on the nature of the moderatorp on thc

coefficient of thermal use f, and on the volume (void) fraction V 2 (see Table 11.3)


It is the square of the moderator length, which is dependent on the nature of the

moderator and on the relative density e Otn:


where 'to is the square of the slowing-down length when V - 1 (Table 11.3)

K is the geometric parameter of the shape factor, which is dependent on the

shape of the reactor.

For a sphere with a radius of R cm

For a cylinder with a radius of R and a length of H

10~±)' (.405r (11.68)

The probability of avoiding leakage in the slowing down process and in diffu-

sion is
L=L= (I + QL2)"eK" (11.69)

The parameters Lo and to are determined experimentally (Table 11.3).

Table 11.3


Substanoe 1yorMwla A L cm ro cL0

Ordinary water H20 18 2,88 33

Heavy water D20 20 171 120
Graphite C 12 50 300
Bery j um Be 9,013 24 98

The weight of the reactor's active zone [core7 is a function of its volume,

density, and volume (void) fraction:

P VPV.,,-
w (11.70)

We will determine the critical dimensions of a reactor which operates on pure

uranium-235, with metallic beryllium as a moderator, and with air cooling.

We ill assume the relative quantity of fissicning substance: - 0.01;

the volume (void) fraction 1y - 0.5 (a half of the volume of the active zone is oc-

cupied by air ducts), and we will assume that the reactor has the shape of a cylinder,

the height of which is equal to the diameter: H = 2R - D.

Ve will determine at vhat diameter the reactor becomes critical, and we will

find its weight and what thermal power it is possible to take from it.

The ratio of the number of the atoms of the moderator to the number of atoms

of the active substance is, from (11.60) and (11.61):

Nee Pk AU . 235 = 2610.
NU PU ABe 0,01.9,013
,7h -coefficient of "th..e'-thermal use'of the neutrons Lsee Tabl&1

e 10. 96.
j- -,s I + 26100

The diffusion length and the square of the slowing-down length in beryllium

when the volume fraction is iq 0.5 from (11.66) and (11.67)

VL: 0."- -=W2
_fi - 242 1-0.96 92 O2

, -- = e 392 cm%
T- 0 .52
The"effective multiplication factor kef is determined from the equations (11.59)

and (11.69) when - 1

I and p - 1
ka a V "
(I+ KL2) eK

By considering that the number of neutrons which are liberated during the cap-

ture of a single neutron by uranium-235, k - 2.1 and that for a critical reactor

ke f - l, we obtain an equation from which it is possible to find the reactor shape

factor Ks
(I + 2 R t2.10.9&

After solving it by means of matching of, by a graphic method, we find

K2 - 0.0015

F-Ts-974o/v 418
The radius of the cylinder is found from the equation
X2 ( 2 405 2s :2 8,25

M1 ,i /'- -82.
=74 ex =O,74 m,

In order to obtain the positive reactivity, we express

D-H - 2R= 10ex > 274 cm.
The total cross section of the active zone Sakt
= 2 -R2 m2

The flow cross section is S 2 - (1 "v ) Sakt 1 m2

The weight of the active zone of th3 reactor is P&,a-S8.,Hp=,6.1.82-2,91 r.

The amount of fir-ioning substance s Pdel 0.01Pakt = 29.1 kg = 29,100 grr:c.

The thermal power of the reactor NQ is determined by the average neutron flux

tn the active zone [ore (f, determined by the position of the control rods.

The average neutron flux hich is necessary to obtain the thermal power NQ =

4OO,0OO kw, is found from (11.15)

, =- IOI4NQ -101.,iO 0 3 neutrons/secI cmO
Y 4,6.6,- 4,6.291 00

An aircraft reactor, which is described by Hawthorne, possess very similar para-



1. Glasstone, E. and Edlund, Teoriya i raschet yadernykh reaktorov flhe Theory and
Design of Nuclear Reactors/, Printed in Foreign Literature, 1955.

2. Murray, R., Vvedeniye v yadernuyu energetiku L/An Introduction to Nuclear Power

Engineerin&/, Printed in Foreign Literature, 1955.

3. Namias, M., Yadernaya energiya nuclear Energy7, Printed in Foreign Literature,


4. Reaktorostroeniye i teoriya reaktorov jfeactor Construction and Reactor Theor17.

Reports of the Soviet Delegation at the Conference for the Peaceful Use of
Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1955, Printing House of the Acadery of Sciences, USR,
5. Fizicheskiye issledovaniya /T' vsics Investigations7, Reports of the Soviet Dele-
gation at the Conference for the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1955,
Printing jiouse of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1955.

6. Avion Atomique. Atomes, No. 115, X, 1955.

7. Eksperimen! I'haya yadernaya fizika [Experimental Nuclear Phyr'ics7 edited by E.

Sere, vols. I and II, Printed in Foreign Literature, 1955 an 1956.

8. Lyon, R. N., .otals Handbook, 2 ed., Washington, 1952.

9. Kaeppeler, H. I., "Aspects of Nuclear Power Application for Jet Propulsion,"
Astronautics, vol. 2, No. 2 and 3, 1955.
) 10. Hawthorne, The Aeroplane, Nov. 9, 1956.

) T.7I ! 2



The subsequent development of ramjet engines will, apparently, proceed along

the lines of perfecting the individual elements of the engines, i.e., diffusers, com-

bustion chambers, and nozzles, just as along the lines of mastering higher flight

speeds, greater altitudes, and ne. forms of energy.

At flight speeds from Mn = 0.8 to nn = 2.5 rajrjet engines are suitable only for

one-time flying vehicles, i.e., on target drones and winged ,itssiles, and also on sc,_c

types of helicopters Lince within this velocity raoge ramjet engines yield to turbo-

jet engines both in thrust and iii economy.

In the interval from M - 2.5 to M = 3.0 the competition between turbo-compres-

sor and ramjet engines occurs with varying success. Up to the present time there is no

data in open literature about three-ach turbo-jet engines. In order for turbo-jet cn-

gines to compete with ramjet engine at li - 3 it is first necessary to solve the prob-

lem of lubricating the turbo-jet engine at such high stagnation temperatures. Calcula

tions show that when M n leh4.0 the optimum degree of compression in a turbo-jet com-

pressor approaches one. This means, that with a sufficient increase of flight spe'd,

a turbo-jet engine is transformed into a ramjet. The region of speeds like M > 3 and

altitudes of more than 25 km belong to ramjet engines and rockets.


The pressure recovery co3fficients of fixed-geometry multi-shock wave diffusers c

Swir? i increase of the design flight velocity: if when )3n= 2.75 dd, 97, then
when Mn - 3.3 ad - 0.55 (see Figure 70). Calculations, which wLre confirmed by ex-

periments, show that variable-geometry diffusers or diff ers which are manufactured

in the shape of an inverted Laval nozzle, may possess significantly greater pressure
recovery coefficients.

'ime, 30/1, 1956, 37-40.

Aviation Age, Vol. 23, No. 6, 1955, 68-73, Vol4 25, Il, 1956, No. 2, 29-31.

F-TS-97O/V 421
Other conditions being equal, the thrust of a ramjet engine grows and the

economy and altitude increase with an increase of the pressure recovery coefficient.


Ramjet combustion chambers of the stabilizer type, in which the turbulent com-

bustion of a two-phase mixture occurs, have been described in open literature.

The subsequent development of combustion chambers could consists of the follow-

ing for example:

1. Perfection of the methods of preparing the fuel mixture.

2. The decrease of the hydraulic resistance of the combustion chamber with a

simultaneous increase in combustion efficiency by means of the transition from the

stabilization of poorly streamlined bodies to other types of stabilization.

3. The utilization of hypergolic fuels.

4. The development of combustion chamber operation at low internal air pressures.

5. A simplification of combustion chamber transition from spark

ignition to compression ignition.

The final aim of all these improvements is the reduction of the weight and the

length of the combustion chamber, a lowering of the hydraulic losses, and an increase

of the combustion efficiency, and, as a result, to increase the imulseoe

exhaust section of the chamber. The decrease of the weight of the combustion chamber

permits the fuel supply to be increased so that a certain increase of the duration

and range of the flight will occur.

A substantial decrease of the specific fuel consumption and a corresponding in-

crease of the flight range may be obtained by switching to a fuel with a higher calor-

ific value than a hydrocarbon.

It is known from thermochemistry that only three elements: hydrogen, beryllium,

and boron possess a higher calorific value than carbon. Hydrogen is unsuitable as a

fuel for aircraft, since even in a liquid state it has a vcry low specific weight:

nearly 0.07 kg/m 3 . Flight range can be increased by switching from hydrocarbon fuels

F-TS-974O/V 422
to borohydrides. According to the latest information, long-range bombers using boro-

hydride fuels have been developed in the USA. 1

Borohydrides of the diborane and pentaborane types are hypergolic in air. The

combustion chambers for these fuels do not require an ignition system.

Other condi' ions being equal, the increase in flight range when changing from

hydrocarbons to boiohydrides is proportional to the increase of the calorific value:

AL1 ,fa 16000-1050 -52%.

I He 10500

The pressure coefficient of the subsonic portion of a jet nozzle usually has a

large value: s -W 0.98--0.99. The pressure coefficient of the supersonic porticn

of a well-profiled nozzle when M a 3 is on the order of 0.9. It is impossible to in-

crease the pressure coefficient of the nozzle substantially aftp" it approaches one

since it is impossible to completely exclude the losses on friction and shocks.

There'ore, there is no basis to expect that the thrust characteristics of an engine

with a fixed-geometry may be noticeably improved because of the increase of the total

pressure coefficient of the nozzle.

Usually in designing an engine with a fixed geometry the throat section of the

nozzle is chosen with a higher value than is necessary for operation in the design

conditions to prevent a "buzzing" condition during an increase of the temperature

ratio. An over-sized nozzle lowers the pressure in front of the exhaust, and conse-

quently, lowers the thrust and economy of the engine. This "shortage" of thrust may

be avoided by employing supersonic nozzles with variable throat sections.

Multi-purpose engines, which must have a high degree of efficiency during various

flight speeds and at various mixture compositions, must have variable-geometry nozzles.

Such nozzles offer the possibility of operating with an optinurr degree of expansion of

the exhaust gases during varying flight speeds and during varying temperatures in the

combustion chamber.

IAnderton, D. A., Aviation Week, vol. 65, 12/Xi, 1956, No. 20, 51-57.
Flight, 1957, No. 253], p. 13h.

F-TS-974O/V 423
The development of supersonic jet nozzles must proceed along the way of per-

Ifecting variable-geometry systems.


In addition to the energy of a molecular fuel, it is possible to use the poten-

tial energy of the ionosphere for supersonic ramjet engines.

Under the action of sol~r and cosmic radiation oxygen and other gases in the

upper layers of the earth's atmosphere dissociate into ions. According to the opin-

ion of Ya. B. Zel'dovich and certain other scientists, the ion concentration in the

ionosphere must have a large value. These ideas have still not received experimental


An ionized gas possesses a high reserve of potential energy which is accumulated

by absorbing the energy of the ionized particles and quanta. Thus, for example, 1

mole of oxygen, which is totally dissociated into atoms, contains 117 kcal of energy

or 3,650 kcal per kg, i.e., almost six times more than 1 kg of a fuel mixture of

benzine vapors with air of a stoichiometric composition contains.

If a catalyst or another factor would be found which is capable of producing

an association of the dissociated gas in the combustion chamber of a ramjet engine

flying in the ionosphere, then the flight may take place at the expense of the ion-

ised gases which enter the diffuser. Such an "ion" engine will not need h special

heat-transfer agent.

However, the density of the gases in the atmosphere is so small 2 'hat the thrust


The next task of ramjet technology is the creation of a supersonic ramjet en-

gine which operates on nuclear fuel. Chapter XI is devoted to this question. The

basic problem requiring a solution, is the development of a reactor, capable of main-

. Ya. B. Zel'dovich, UFN PFrtgress of Physical Sciences (a periodical)7 vol. LX,

1 September 1956,
2 kitra, S. K., Verk nh a atmosfera fthe Upper Atmosphere7, GTTI, 1955.

F-TS-97LO/V 142
taining a temperature necessary to obtain the thrust .euuired for flight.


In addition to the atomic reactors radioactive isotopes, which have a short

half life and are obtained in atomic reactors,2 may be used as an energy source for

atomic ramjet engines.

Elementary calculations show that in a nuclear reactor having a thermal power

in tens of millions of kilowatts, it is possible to obtain such a ouantity of a radio

active isotopes, which, vhen disintegrating will relcase a po;.er on the order of

100,000 kw. This is sufficient for an intercontinental xissi ie to fly at a supersonic


It is impossible to control the heat emission of a radioactive isotope. When

the flow of the incoming air is stopped a high energy radioactive isotope will quickly

aielt 1 due to the energy it releases. The thrust control of a ramjet engine which

operates on radioactive isotopes may be accomplished, for example, by the variation

of the throat section of the exhaust nozzle.

,I~wing high-activity isotopes is an extree difficult matter.


Artificial radioactive isotopes may be used to create the so-called beta-batteries

which develop electrical energy directly because of the energy of the radioactive dis-

integration. The electric current from a beta-battery may be used to produce a pow-

erftl electrical arc or a spa-k discharge, which will heat the air that enters from

the diffuser into a discharge chamber to any given temperature. The side of the cham-

ber may be air cooled, as the combustion chamber of engdi.s using-a bolecaar.

fuel .3

- Atomnaya energiya /Ktomic Energ7, 1956, No. 5, 1957.

2 Namias,
M., Yadernaya energiya ,&uclear E..erq7, Foreign Literature Printing
House, 1955, 202-206..

3Aeronautics, vol. 35, 1956, No. 1, ±56, No. 2, 51.

F-TS-97OA V 425
The liberation of energy iz. a beta-battery is, apparently, uncontrollable.

On the hardstand, the excess power may be bled off into the public power net. The

thrust of an engine may be controlled in flight by varying the thrust section of the


A ramjet engine which operates on beta-batteries is suitable for flight with

very high velocities, since the air temperature in the discharge chamber may be raiscd

to very high values.

Ramjet engines may operate on molecular as well as on atomic energy. Ranjet

engines are unrivaled for powered and controlled flights at velocities from Mn

3.5 to 4.0 and higher.


1. Zel'dovich, Ya. B., UFN A"-ogress of Physical Sciences7, vol. LX, I September 1956
issue, 161-162.

2. Namias, M., Yadernaya energia /uclear Energy7, Foreign Literature Printing

House, 1955, 202-206.

3. Time, 30/1, 1956, 37-40.

4. Aviation Age, Vol. 25, II, 1956, No. 2, 29-31.

5. Aviation Age, Vol. 23, No. 6, 1955, 68-73.

6. Anderton, D. A., Aviation Week, v. 65, 12/XII, 1956, No. 20, 51-57.

7. Aeroplane, XI, No. 2359, 1956, 710.

8. Aeronautics, Vol. 35, 1956, No. 1, 156.

9. Aeronautics, Vol. 35, 1956, No. 2, 51.

10. Porter, W. H. L., Nuclear Power for Aircraft. Atomics and Nuclear Energy, v.
8, 1957, No. 1, Jan., 7-14.

11. Anderton, D. A., Aviation Week, v. 614, 1956, No. 23, 50-55.

12. Air Pictorial, 1956, No. 3, 85-86, 5 fig.

13. Flight, 1956, No. 4-464, a45.

14. J. Creckneli, High-Energel Fuels, Flight, No. 2512, 1957, 332-334.

15. Mitra, S. K., Verkhnvaa atmosfera /The Upper Atmosphere7, GTTI, 1955.

F-TS-97hO/V 426

48-~ NgI -

A4~ *


F4S~.7IjO/ I~2


- 71 - --

0,3 -

0 z'.'2 V 14 i95 4~6 1,7 F.A '090

IV 2W1 ZZ 2.3 2GA44951JI A

IFtffi. W5~. A graph of the gas dynamic function Ir (A

F -M,-ThOV 1428
,A) ~A


I~7 L1



12 4~3 144 1.5 1,6 17 15 1.9 PVO 2,j 2.2 2.3 2.4 = .26 A
0 V 0.2 0,3 0.4 0,5 0,6 0,7 08 op? f,0 a

Fi. j206. P grapIb Df the gas dynaic function z(X) ( ai k - 1-

7-MF-940/V 29


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At~ 11E,.


F-TS-97140/V UhO
F -T,"


s I, - V CSa 07g 94

UP t I
WIr-Af74 0 . jVW90X I-C4i
Fig. 20.Ipah:
h as yai ucinz


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