SEO Copywriting Workbook

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Get ready to supercharge your SEO copywriting!

Welcome to this workbook, your companion to my SEO Copywriting Skillshare class. It

highlights key takeaways and exercises for real-time application. Download it or print it
to complete each section by hand.

Your class project is to write a blog post using skills from the class. Follow along in the
workbook, applying techniques to your project. Once complete, you'll have an SEO-
friendly blog post and the resources for ongoing learning.

Thank you so much for choosing to learn from me. It’s a real privilege to guide you
through this part of your professional journey.

What’s Inside:

SEO Copywriting Essentials...............................................................................3

Keyword Research and Selection.......................................................................4
Define Your Strategy..........................................................................................6
Structure Your Ideas...........................................................................................8
Write the First Draft.........................................................................................10
Add Effective Subheadings...............................................................................12
Create a Clickworthy Title................................................................................13
Craft a Persuasive Call to Action......................................................................14
Enhance Readability.........................................................................................16
Develop Your Writing Style..............................................................................17
Edit Your Work.................................................................................................18
Master Microcopy.............................................................................................19
Page Type Tactics.............................................................................................20
Maintain and Update Your Copy......................................................................21
Next Steps.........................................................................................................23
Quiz Answers....................................................................................................28
My Notes...........................................................................................................29

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
SEO Copywriting Essentials

Key takeaways

● What is SEO copywriting? It's the art of creating content that ranks well in search
results and engages readers, combining strategic elements like keywords with more
creative writing techniques.
● SEO and user experience: They work hand in hand. Modern search engines
prioritise content that's both user-friendly and of high quality.
● Avoid outdated tactics: Focus on ethical strategies that deliver value to your
audience, steering clear of tricks like keyword stuffing.
● Golden rule of SEO copywriting: Create content that your audience finds valuable
and engaging.

Exercise: Define your brand

Paste or write your brand’s Mission Statement or About page copy below for easy
reference as you progress through the class.

Recommended resource
In my 15-Minute Brand Mission Statement class, I show you how to write a strong
mission statement for your brand in just 15 minutes using a simple formula. Having a
clear mission statement can serve as a solid foundation for creating engaging and SEO-
friendly blog posts, as it helps you connect with your readers and convey your brand's
story and personality effectively.
Visit my Skillshare profile page to take the class:

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Keyword Research and Selection

Key takeaways

● Keyword basics: Keywords are words or phrases people use in search engines.
Effective SEO copywriting starts with understanding and selecting the right
● Three-stage approach: Conduct keyword research by focusing on your Brand (what
you want to rank for), Audience (what your potential buyers are searching for), and
Competition (what keyphrases you can realistically rank for).
● Tools for research: Use tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner and the Alphabet
Soup technique with Google to understand your audience's search language.
● Avoid language mismatch: Ensure your brand's language aligns with the terms your
audience uses in searches.
● Competition analysis: Analyse top-ranking pages for your potential keyphrases to
identify opportunities and areas where you can offer unique value.

Exercise: Carry out keyword research and selection

1. Brand stage keyphrases

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
2. Audience stage keyphrases

Focus Keyphrase

Recommended resource
The Google Ads Keyword Planner shows you how often people search for specific
keywords and how much competition exists for those terms. This helps you choose the
most effective keywords and keyphrases to use in your online advertising campaigns.
Use the keyword planner at:

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Define Your Strategy

Key takeaways

● Four pillars of strategy: Understand the WHO (audience), WHAT (message), WHY
(purpose), and HOW (approach) before writing.
● Audience definition: Tailor your content to resonate with a specific audience.

● Message clarity: Set a consistent theme for your post that aligns with your Focus
Keyphrase. This is the key idea you want your audience to take away.
● Purpose identification: Determine what action you want the reader to take after
reading your post, whether it's making a purchase, signing up, or a feeling.
● Unique approach: Decide on a distinct 'flavour' or style for your content. Consider
storytelling, data, debunking myths, or other tactics to make your content stand out.

Exercise: Define your strategy

Use the space below to define your audience, message, purpose and approach. On the
next page is a list of potential approaches for inspiration.





Recommended resource
Xtensio's User Persona Template ( helps you
create detailed profiles of your target audience, including their needs and behaviour.
Understanding your audience in this way makes it easier to write SEO copy that
resonates with them and ranks well in search engines.

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Blog post approaches
Think about which approach best suits your audience, message and purpose.
Consider blending multiple approaches to create a unique and compelling post.

Storytelling: Craft your blog post around a compelling, relatable story. This helps
humanise your brand and connects emotionally with your audience.

Data-Driven: Use statistics, charts, and research findings to support your message. This
lends credibility to your post and can help to convince sceptics.

Myth Debunking: Address and debunk common myths or misconceptions related to

your subject. This approach can intrigue readers and set the record straight.

How-to Tutorial: Provide a step-by-step guide or tutorial related to your focus

keyphrase. This approach is educational and helps the reader to achieve something

Case Study: Share a detailed analysis of a particular project or situation over time. This
offers readers real-world examples and insights.

Expert Interview: Feature an interview with an industry expert or celebrity. This brings
a fresh perspective to your blog and can also attract the expert's following.

Listicle: Organise your post as a list (e.g., “10 Best Eco-Friendly Cat Toys”). This format
is highly scannable and popular among readers.

Question and Answer: Format your post as a series of questions and answers. This can
help to address your readers’ specific queries clearly and directly.

Timeline: Present information in a chronological format. This can help to illustrate the
history or progression of a topic.

Comparison: Compare and contrast two or more products, services, or ideas. This helps
readers make informed decisions.

Problem-Solution: Clearly outline a problem and then provide a solution related to your
focus keyphrase. This approach is straightforward and highly actionable for readers.

Personal Experience/Reflection: Share your own experiences and reflections related to

the topic. This can make the post more relatable and authentic.

Newsjacking: Tie your blog post to a current event or trending topic. This can make
your content timely and interesting to readers seeking recent information.

Round-up: Compile insights or advice from various experts or sources into one post. This
offers readers a comprehensive view on a topic.

Entertainment/Fun: Write with the primary aim of entertaining the reader. Use
humour, quizzes, or engaging stories to keep your readers entertained while also
informing them.

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Structure Your Ideas

Key takeaways

● Importance of structure: A well-structured post improves readability, benefits

SEO, and enhances audience engagement. Readers often scan subheadings and
core sentences, so they should be engaging and informative.
● Brainstorm ideas: Start with a free-flowing brainstorm, jotting down everything
you want to cover. Use tools like mind maps or Miro to visualise connections.
Ensure your topics align with your strategy and consider recent trends or
● Organise topics and subtopics: Group related ideas to form main topics and
identify smaller points within these as subtopics. For instance, a topic might be the
benefits of eco-friendly cat toys, with subtopics detailing environmental
advantages and product range.
● Sequence your topics: Determine a logical flow for your content, considering the
reader’s journey. The order could be chronological, sequential, or problem-solution
based. Ensure smooth transitions between each topic and subtopic.

Recommended resource
Miro ( provides a digital board where you can jot down and organise your ideas
visually. This makes it easier to brainstorm topics for a blog post and see how they
connect with each other.

Alternatively, use the space below to brainstorm and organise your ideas.

Exercise: Write your blog outline

Use the Blog Outline Template on the next page. There’s plenty of room to add more lines
to the table if you need to.

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Blog Outline Template
Topic Subtopic
Topic 1

Topic 2

Topic 3

Topic 4

Topic 5


© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Write the First Draft

Key takeaways

● Starting point: A first draft is like sculpting from clay; it begins rough. Your goal is
to shape and refine it. Transfer your outline into your writing platform, like
Wordpress, and title your blog with your Focus Keyphrase.
● Core sentences: These are the first sentences under each heading, vital for
capturing attention. They should summarise the topic and subtopics and be
compelling. Techniques include using shocking statistics, humour, questions,
provocative statements, or directly addressing the reader. Incorporate your Focus
Keyphrase where possible.
● Crafting the body: Write methodically through each topic and subtopic, supporting
your message. Start paragraphs with a main idea, followed by elaboration. Ensure
paragraphs tackle one idea and contain more than one sentence. Some sections, like
tutorials, might work as lists.
● Introduction: Begin with a hook to capture attention, like a surprising fact or
question. Provide context and state your main message. Shopify, for instance, uses a
shocking story to engage readers in a post about insurance.
● Conclusion: Summarise key points, re-emphasise your message, and avoid
introducing new information. Refer to your introduction for a sense of completion.
Include your Focus Keyphrase naturally.
● Staying focused: If you struggle to concentrate, platforms like Noisli offer ambient
sounds to create a distraction-free environment.
● Next steps: Complete your first draft using this approach. Convert your outline into a
draft, focus on compelling core sentences, and ensure alignment of your introduction
and conclusion with your message. Use the Self-Review Checklist in your Workbook
for guidance.

Exercise: Review your first draft

Use the checklist on the next page to review your copy. To use the checklist, open your
blog draft and go through each item. Tick off what you've done. If something's missing,
go back and add it. Once everything's ticked, you're good to go.

The checklist helps you write better blogs quickly. It makes sure you don't miss important
bits and keeps all your posts at the same high standard. It's also a good guide if you're
new to blogging.

Recommended resource
Noisli ( lets you play background sounds like rain or coffee shop noise to
drown out distractions. This can help you focus better when you're writing the first draft
of a blog post.

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Self-Review Checklist
Initial setup
◻ Have I transferred my outline into the app or platform where I will be doing my
◻ Is the title of my blog post formulated, and does it include the focus keyphrase?

◻ Does my introduction start with a compelling hook? (e.g., surprising fact,
provocative question, powerful quote, intriguing statement)
◻ Have I provided a brief introduction to the topic and context?

◻ Have I clearly stated the purpose or thesis of the post using my main message?

◻ Is my focus keyphrase naturally incorporated into the introduction?

Body structure and content

◻ Have I turned the topics in my outline into headings in my draft?

◻ Have I turned the subtopics in my outline into body text in my draft?

◻ Does each section of my post start with a compelling core sentence?

◻ Does each paragraph tackle one main idea, and is it separated from others by
white spaces?
◻ Have I avoided placing multiple subtopics into one paragraph?

◻ Have I included evidence or information to support my message under each topic

and subtopic?
◻ Is my focus keyphrase naturally incorporated throughout the body of the post,
especially in headings and core sentences?

Visual planning
◻ Have I considered what images I want to include in my post?

◻ Have I thought about how these images will complement the text and contribute to
the post’s overall message?

◻ Does my conclusion summarise the key points made in the post?

◻ Have I restated my central message in the conclusion?

◻ Have I avoided introducing any new information in the conclusion?

◻ Is my focus keyphrase naturally incorporated into the conclusion?

Overall flow
◻ Does the post have a logical flow, moving from introduction to body to conclusion
in a coherent and organised manner?

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
◻ Have I reviewed my draft for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors?

◻ Have I formatted different sections appropriately, as per the content? (e.g., lists,
step-by-step guides)

Next steps
◻ Am I ready to move on to the next step of adding effective subheadings?

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Add Effective Subheadings

Key takeaways

● Keep it clear: Your subheadings should be both descriptive and concise. Aim for 5-10
words, ensuring they accurately reflect the content that follows.
● Engage your reader: Start subheadings with action verbs to make them more
inviting - "Discover the benefits" is more engaging than just "The benefits".
● Balance with keywords: Incorporate your Focus Keyphrase in subheadings to boost
SEO. However, do it naturally, avoiding the trap of keyword stuffing.
● Hierarchy matters: Use a clear hierarchy for your subheadings. Your main title is
H1, topic headings are H2, and if needed, use H3 for more detailed subtopics.

Exercise: Experiment with different types of subheadings

Descriptive: Clearly and concisely summarise the content that follows.
Example: The Benefits of Eco-Friendly Cat Toys

Action-oriented: Start with action verbs and create a direct relationship with the
Example: Discover the Joy of Green Catnip Toys

Intriguing: Spark curiosity and entice the reader to continue reading.

Example: The Secret Filling in Our Eco-Friendly Mouse Toy

Problem-solving: State the problem your content is solving as a statement or question.

Example: Ready to Make Your Cat Care Routine More Sustainable

Recommended resource
The SEO experts at Yoast have written a brilliant article full of practical tips on how to
use headings to guide the reader, improve SEO, and make your content more accessible.
Read it here:

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Create a Clickworthy Title

Key takeaways

● The power of titles: Your blog post's title is the first impression, crucial for
captivating readers and impressing search engines. It's best crafted after the content
is complete to ensure alignment with the post's evolved focus.
● Crafting techniques: Aim for titles between 50-60 characters. Use action verbs,
numbers, or invoke curiosity. For instance, "10 Reasons to Choose Eco-friendly Cat
Toys" or "Discover the Secret Ingredient in Our Eco-Friendly Toy". Remember,
numerals grab attention more than written numbers.
● SEO and focus keyphrase: Incorporate your Focus Keyphrase naturally into the title
for SEO benefits. It should be a seamless fit since the keyphrase represents the core
of your content.
● URL considerations: Customise your post's URL for clarity and SEO. For example,
instead of "10-eco-friendly-toys-your-cat-will-love", use "eco-friendly-cat-toys". Avoid
changing URLs post-publishing to prevent broken links.
● Next steps: Experiment with various title styles, ensuring alignment with your
content and natural incorporation of your Focus Keyphrase. Record your attempts in
your Workbook for reference.

Exercise: Write some possible titles and choose your favourite

Experiment with starting your title with an action verb, using numbers, or creating a
sense of curiosity. Ensure that your Focus Keyphrase is naturally incorporated into your
title and that your title aligns with the content of your blog post.

Recommended resources
The Headline Studio by CoSchedule ( is a tool that scores
the quality of your blog post titles and rates their potential for social shares, increased
traffic, and SEO value. It helps you write better headlines that can attract more readers
and improve your blog's search engine ranking.

In my Writing Persuasive Headlines Skillshare class, I show you how to write

headlines that are both persuasive and clickable, using professional copywriting
techniques. The skills you learn can help make your blog post titles more appealing,
increasing clicks and engagement without resorting to clickbait. Find the class on my
Skillshare profile page:

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Craft a Persuasive Call to Action

Key takeaways

● Purpose of CTAs: CTAs guide readers from passive engagement to active

participation. They're essential for SEO, reducing bounce rates, and increasing site
engagement. Your Focus Keyphrase can be naturally incorporated, but it's also a
place to get creative.
● Placement: While the end of a post is an obvious spot, consider interspersing CTAs
throughout your content. This caters to readers at different engagement levels and
addresses varied intentions. However, avoid overloading; ensure CTAs are relevant
and non-disruptive.
● Effective techniques: Start with a strong action verb for clarity, like "Discover the
eco-friendly difference!". Channel the reader's voice, e.g., "Yes, I want greener
playtime!". Highlight benefits, such as "Claim your 20% discount today!” and use
urgency triggers like "now" or "today".
● Engage with questions and reassurance: Questions, like "Looking for a sustainable
cat toy?", engage readers psychologically. Reassurance, such as "30-day money-back
guarantee", builds trust and alleviates online shopping concerns.

Exercise: Experiment to find the CTA type that fits your post
Invitation to explore
Invites curiosity and encourages readers to learn more about a topic, making them more
likely to engage.
Example: "Discover Sustainable Play"

Discount offer
Directly appeals to cost-saving interests, increasing the likelihood of first-time purchases.
Example: "Get 20% Off Your First Eco-Toy Order"

Exclusive membership
Creates a sense of community and exclusivity, enticing readers to gain access to special
Example: "Join the Green Paw Club for Exclusive Deals"

Free resource
Offers valuable information at no cost, building trust and encouraging further interaction.
Example: "Download Our Free Guide to Eco-Friendly Cat Care"

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Direct call to shop
Provides a clear action for immediate purchase, making it easier for readers to decide.
Example: "Shop Now for Toys Cats Love—and the Planet Appreciates"

Educational content
Encourages informed decision-making by offering educational content, increasing
Example: "Learn Why Sustainability Matters for Your Cat"

Gifting option
Highlights a specific use-case or occasion, making the offer more relatable and appealing.
Example: "Gift a Bundle of Joy: Eco-Friendly Toy Sets Available"

Time-sensitive deal
Creates urgency, prompting quicker decision-making and action.
Example: "Limited Time Offer: Save on Our Best-Selling Eco Toys"

Call for change

Encourages readers to make a positive impact, increasing the likelihood of taking action.
Example: "Take the Leap: Make Your Cat’s Playtime Greener Today"

Reverse psychology
Uses unexpected language to grab attention and make readers rethink their choices.
Example: "No Thanks, I Prefer Plastic Toys"

Recommended resource
HubSpot have collected various examples and tips on how to create effective CTAs that
guide visitors through the buying journey. It covers different types of CTAs and offers
advice on writing compelling text to encourage action.
Read the article here:

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Enhance Readability

Key takeaways

● Simplifying language: It’s about making complex ideas accessible.

● Transition words: These connective words, like 'and', 'but', and 'because', guide
readers through your text, making it flow better.
● Use simple language: Opt for straightforward words over complex ones.

● Shorten sentences: Aim for sentences with 20 words or fewer.

Exercise: Readability quiz

Here is a series of sentences that can be improved using one or more of the techniques
you’ve just learned. Check your improved versions against my suggestions at the back of
the book.

Our eco-friendly cat toys are crafted utilising the utmost sustainable materials.

Many customers have given positive reviews due to the undeniable satisfaction that our
toys bring, as demonstrated by the glowing feedback and repeat purchases we observe.

This month, some of our select, premium, eco-friendly cat toys are available for
acquisition at a discounted rate.

We encourage individuals who are conscious about the environment and the well-being of
their feline companions to consider our products.

This extensive guide elucidates the significance of choosing toys that are both enjoyable
for your cat and have minimal negative impact on our planet.

Recommended resource
The Hemingway App ( helps make your writing clearer by
highlighting long, complex sentences and common errors. It offers suggestions for
simpler words, identifies weak phrases, and marks sentences in passive voice.

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Develop Your Writing Style

Key takeaways

● The power of unique style: A distinctive style not only engages readers but also
boosts SEO by keeping readers on your page longer and encouraging content sharing.
● Finding your style: In your Workbook, there's a list of writing styles. Choose two or
three that resonate with you. This choice can guide your tone and approach.
● Write like you talk: Draft an email to a friend about a topic you love. This exercise
helps you capture a conversational tone, making your writing more relatable.
● Storytelling: Share personal anecdotes or experiences in your content. These stories
make your writing memorable and help build a connection with readers.
● Imitate to innovate: Start by imitating styles you admire. Over time, blend these
elements with your voice.

Exercise: Define your style

Here is a list of twenty different writing styles that you can consider when developing
your own style. Highlight or circle the ones that resonate with you and that you want to
pursue. There’s space at the bottom of the table for you to add your own ideas.

Humorous Friendly Professional Reflective

Formal Informal Conversational Provocative
Authoritative Persuasive Inspirational Sarcastic
Descriptive Analytical Explanatory Empathetic
Storytelling Casual Enthusiastic Sincere

Recommended resources
The Writer Igniter by DIY MFA ( is a prompt generator that
gives you a random character, situation, prop, and setting to write about. It helps you
practice different writing styles and scenarios, making it a useful tool for developing your
own unique writing style.

In my Tone of Voice Skillshare class, I share how to maintain a consistent brand voice
while adapting your tone for different audiences and platforms. You'll learn practical
techniques for writing with clarity and warmth, making your marketing communications
more effective and helping you develop your own writing style.
Visit my Skillshare profile page to take the class:

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Edit Your Work

Key takeaways

● Why edit? Editing ensures clarity, professionalism, and boosts SEO. Think of it as
clearing a path for a smooth reader journey.
● Distance and structure: After writing, take a break. Ensure your post has a clear
start, middle, and end. Use the active voice for directness.
● Trimming: Remove redundant words and ensure sentences are concise. Manually
check spelling, especially brand names.
● Avoid clichés and check grammar: Use tools like Cliché Finder and be mindful of
common grammar pitfalls.

Exercise: Practice using the active voice

Here are six sentences written in the passive voice. Rewrite them in the active voice. The
answers are at the back of the Workbook.

The eco-friendly toys were loved by all the cats.

Sustainable cat food is sold at the Green Cat shop.

Biodegradable litter boxes are being promoted this month.

The organic catnip was grown without the use of pesticides.

Customer inquiries are handled with utmost care by our team.

Recommended resource
The Cliché Finder tool ( scans your blog post to find and highlight
clichés—words or phrases that are overused. Removing these clichés can make your
writing more original and improve its SEO performance.

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Master Microcopy

Key Takeaways

● Meta descriptions: These brief summaries under URLs in search results entice
readers. Craft them to be succinct and intriguing, integrating keywords naturally.
● Anchor text: Instead of generic phrases like 'click here', use descriptive text like 'our
range of sustainable cat toys' to guide readers and boost SEO.
● Image captions and alt text: Captions provide context, while alt text describes the
image for accessibility and SEO. Write engaging captions and descriptive alt text.

Exercise: Microcopy quiz

Which type of microcopy is shown in each of the images below? Answers are at the back.

Recommended resource
Portent's SERP Preview Tool ( lets you see how the title
and meta description of your blog post will appear in Google search results. This helps
you tweak them to be more appealing and SEO-friendly.

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Page Type Tactics

Key takeaways

● Many of the techniques we’ve covered in this class are universal and can be applied to
any web copy. But some types of pages call for you to flex your approach or
prioritise certain techniques because each page on your website has its own unique
purpose and audience.

Exercise: Craft your page headlines

Craft compelling headlines for different types of web pages on your site. Practice
tailoring your approach to different pages while thinking about the user experience and

About page: (e.g. Meet the Team Behind Your Cat's Green Lifestyle)

Product page: (e.g. Organic Catnip: The Safe and Natural Choice for Your Feline

Landing page: (e.g. Transform Your Cat's Life with Our Eco-Friendly Essentials)

Category page: (e.g. Browse Our Range of Sustainable Cat Toys)

FAQ page: (e.g. Your Questions Answered: Making Eco-Friendly Choices for Your Cat)

Contact page: (e.g. Get in Touch: We're Here to Help You Go Green with Your Cat)

Recommended resource
Google's Markup Helper helps you add structured data to your blog post or web page.
Structured data makes it easier for search engines to understand your content,
increasing the chance of your page appearing as a rich result in Google search.
Find it here:

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Maintain and Update Your Copy

Key Takeaways

● Why update? Web copy is dynamic. With changing algorithms, trends, and business
goals, regular updates ensure relevance and SEO favourability.
● Audit timing: Conduct content audits twice a year. For fast-paced industries,
consider more frequent checks. Tools like Trello can help schedule these audits.
● Content Checks: Update facts and statistics. Ensure links work and CTAs align with
current business goals. Adjust older content to reflect your evolving tone of voice.
● SEO impact: If older content still drives traffic, it's valuable and worth updating. For
less popular posts, focus on creating fresh content.
● Transparency: When updating, add a note indicating changes and the new date. This
builds trust with readers and can boost SEO.
● Example: Healthline provides update histories at the end of their posts, reinforcing

Exercise: Schedule your web page’s audit

Create a schedule for maintaining and updating your web copy. Use the Web Page Audit
Checklist on the next page to audit each web page.

Recommended resource
You can use Trello ( to create a board specifically for your blog maintenance
and updates. Create lists for different stages like "Ideas," "In Progress," "Ready for
Update," and "Completed." Add cards for each blog post that needs updating or
maintenance and move them through the lists as you work on them. Attach deadlines,
checklists, and notes to each card to keep track of what needs to be done and when.

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Web Page Audit Checklist
Verify facts and statistics
◻ Confirm the accuracy of facts, figures, and statistics used on the page.
Review internal linking strategy
◻ Check for opportunities to add more relevant internal links.

◻ Ensure all existing internal links are working and point to the correct pages.
Fix broken links
◻ Use tools like Google's Search Console to identify and fix any broken links on the
Update CTAs (Calls to Action)
◻ Confirm that CTAs lead to the correct pages.

◻ Ensure CTAs align with current business goals and offers.

Re-evaluate and adjust tone of voice
◻ Review and adjust the language so it aligns with your evolving brand voice.
SEO considerations
◻ Look for updates from search engines and adjust your copy to reflect any changes
in SEO best practices.
◻ If substantial changes are made, add a note indicating the content has been
updated, with the new date.
Analyse page performance
◻ Review traffic data for the page. If traffic has dropped, consider a more significant
Review and update meta descriptions and titles
◻ Ensure that meta descriptions and titles are current, relevant, and effectively
optimised for target keywords.
Content relevance and freshness
◻ Ensure the content remains relevant to your audience and up-to-date, based on
current trends or industry changes.
Check for mobile responsiveness
◻ Ensure the page looks and functions well on mobile devices.
Review user comments and feedback
◻ Look at comments and feedback to see if any updates or clarifications are needed
in the content.
Update images and media
◻ Check if images, videos, or other media are still relevant and working properly.
Check social media shares and mentions
◻ Review how often the post has been shared or mentioned on social media and
consider updating shareable content.
Review legal compliance
◻ Make sure the content adheres to legal requirements, such as copyright laws.
Audit page load speed
◻ Check if the page loads quickly enough, especially with any new media added.
© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Check for outdated offers or promotions
◻ Remove or update any outdated special offers or promotions mentioned in the
Review competitor content
◻ Check what competitors are doing and see if your post still stands out.
Update author bio
◻ If there have been changes to the author's credentials or role, update the author
bio accordingly.

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Next Steps
Thank you for taking part in this class and congratulations on all your hard

Together, we've dived into the world of SEO copywriting and surfaced with a better
understanding of what makes great online content.

To view my full collection of Skillshare copywriting classes, visit my profile page

( Don't forget to hit 'Follow' to receive updates whenever I
launch a new class.

Again, thank you for joining me in this journey. It's been a pleasure to share my
knowledge with you. Enjoy the rest of your day, and here's to your success in SEO

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
SEO Copywriting Essentials
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation): The practice of optimising a website to rank
higher in search engine results.
Copywriting: The art of writing content that persuades readers to take a specific
action, such as clicking on a website or buying a product.
SEO copywriting: A specialised form of copywriting that focuses on creating content
that ranks well in search engines while also engaging and persuading readers.
User experience: The overall experience a user has while interacting with a website or
application, including how easy or pleasing it is to use.
Keyword stuffing: The outdated and frowned-upon practice of excessively using
keywords in content to manipulate rankings.
Meta data: Information about a web page that is included in the HTML but not visible
to users. Includes meta descriptions and meta tags.
Algorithm: A set of rules that search engines use to rank web pages in their results.
Mission statement: A brief description of a company's fundamental objectives and
values. Mentioned as important background information for SEO copywriting.

Keyword Research and Selection

Keyword: A word or phrase that people type into search engines to find information.
Keyword research: The process of identifying words or phrases that people use in
search engines, aiming to rank your content for these terms.
Focus keyphrase: The primary keyword or phrase you aim to rank for in a specific post
or page.
Alphabet soup: A technique using Google's search bar to find common search terms
related to your main topic, starting with each letter of the alphabet.
Unique Selling Points (USPs): Features or qualities that make your brand stand out
from the competition.
Niche: A specialised segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service.
Language mismatch: The error of not using the same language or terms that your
audience uses in searches.

Define Your Strategy

Audience: The target readers for your blog post or web page.
Message: The main idea or information you aim to convey to your audience.
Purpose: The desired outcome or action you want from readers after they've read your
Approach: The unique style or method you'll use to deliver your message.
User persona: A detailed profile of your ideal reader.
Marketing plan: A comprehensive document outlining your marketing efforts,
including objectives, strategies, and tactics.
Problem-solution approach: A method of presenting a problem and then offering a
solution, often your product or service.
Listicle: An article presented in the form of a numbered or bulleted list.
Case study: A detailed analysis of a particular subject, often used to provide evidence
or support.
Testimonial: A statement testifying to the benefits of a product or service, usually from
a satisfied customer.

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Structure Your Ideas

Structure: The arrangement of ideas and information in your post to boost readability
and SEO.
Audience engagement: The level of interest and interaction your audience has with
your content.
Scanning: The act of quickly looking over text to get a general idea of the content.
Subheadings: Smaller headings used to break up content into sections.
Core sentences: The first sentences under each subheading, often containing the main
ideas of each section.
Logical transitions: The use of words or phrases to guide the reader through the text
and link ideas together.
Reasonable surfer: A model used by search engines to predict which links on a page
are most likely to be clicked.
Semantic closeness: A measure of how closely related different parts of a text are,
used by search engines to understand content.

Write the First Draft

Introduction: The opening section of your blog post, designed to hook the reader and
provide an overview of the content.
Conclusion: The final section of your blog post, summarising the key points and re-
emphasising the central message.
Hook: A compelling sentence or question in the introduction designed to capture
Paragraph structure: The organisation of sentences within a paragraph to express and
elaborate on a single main idea.
White space: Empty areas on a page that separate paragraphs and other elements,
improving readability.
Numbered list: A list where each item is preceded by a number, often used for steps in
a tutorial or process.
Wordpress: A popular platform for creating and publishing blog posts and websites.
Focus mode: A feature in some writing apps that minimises distractions to help you
concentrate on writing.
Stylistic effect: Deliberate choices in writing style, such as sentence length or
structure, to achieve a particular impact.

Add Effective Subheadings

Subheadings: Secondary titles within your blog post that break up the content and
guide the reader through the text.
Placeholder subheadings: Temporary subheadings used during the planning stage,
which may be refined later.
Descriptive subheadings: Subheadings that accurately reflect the content that
follows, aiding in readability and SEO.
Action verbs: Words that signify an action, often used at the beginning of subheadings
to engage the reader.
Intriguing subheadings: Subheadings designed to pique the reader's curiosity and
encourage further reading.
Problem-solving subheadings: Subheadings that indicate the content will provide a
solution to a specific problem.
Hierarchy of subheadings: The organisation of subheadings in a descending order of
importance, usually marked by HTML tags like H1, H2, and H3.

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Create a Clickworthy Title
Title: The main heading of your blog post, crucial for capturing reader attention and
Character limit: The optimal length for a title, usually between 50-60 characters, to
ensure it displays fully in search engine results.
Teaser titles: Titles designed to invoke curiosity and suspense.
Testimonial titles: Titles that incorporate a personal experience or case study.
Power words: Words that evoke strong emotional responses to make titles more
URL: The web address where your blog post can be found, important for SEO.
Bounce rates: The percentage of visitors who navigate away from your site after
viewing only one page, used as an SEO metric.
Backlinks: Incoming links to your webpage from another website, important for SEO.

Craft a Persuasive Call to Action

CTA (Call to Action): A prompt within your content that encourages the reader to take
a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.
Split-testing: A method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each
other to determine which one performs better.
Hubspot: A developer and marketer of software products for inbound marketing, sales,
and customer service. Known for educational content on digital marketing.
Reassurance: Providing a sense of security and trustworthiness, often used in CTAs to
alleviate fears or concerns.
Psychological triggers: Elements like urgency or questions that engage the reader at
a psychological level, making the CTA more effective.

Enhance Readability
Readability: The ease with which a reader can understand written text. High
readability means the content is easy to read and understand.
Transition words: Words like 'and', 'but', 'so', and 'because' that help guide the reader
through the text and make it flow better.
Hemingway: An online tool that helps improve the readability of your text by
highlighting long sentences, complicated words, and passive voice.
Simple alternatives: Easier or more straightforward words that can replace more
complicated or formal words to improve readability.

Develop Your Writing Style

Conversational tone: A writing style that mimics the way people naturally speak,
making the content feel more relatable and engaging.
Free writing: A technique where you write continuously for a set period without
worrying about grammar or structure, often used to unlock creativity.
Writing prompt generator: A tool that provides a starting point to inspire creative
Personal anecdotes: Short, personal stories or experiences used to illustrate a point,
add interest, or engage the reader.
Imitate to innovate: The practice of learning from other writers by mimicking their
style before developing your own.
Trusted group: A circle of people whose opinions you value, often used for gathering
feedback on your writing.

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Edit Your Work
Editing: The process of revising and correcting a written document to improve its
clarity, coherence, and overall quality.
Active voice: A sentence structure where the subject performs the action.
Passive voice: A sentence structure where the subject receives the action.
Spellchecker: A software tool that identifies and corrects spelling errors in a text.
Fact-check: The process of verifying the accuracy of information.
Grammar and punctuation: The set of structural rules governing the composition of
sentences, phrases, and words in a language.
Feedback: Comments or suggestions about a product, service, or piece of work, aimed
at improving its quality.

Master Microcopy
Microcopy: Small bits of text on a website that guide actions and improve experience.
Meta descriptions: Short summaries that appear under the URL in search results,
providing a sneak peek into the content of a web page.
SERP (Search Engine Results Page): The page shown by a search engine in response
to a query.
Click-through rates: The ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of
total users who view the page.
Anchor text: The clickable text in a hyperlink that describes the content linked to.
Image captions: Short descriptions placed under images.
Alt text (alternative text): Text that describes the content and function of an image.
Accessibility: The design of products, devices, services, or environments to be usable
by as many people as possible, including those with disabilities.

Page Type Tactics

Social proof: Evidence, like customer testimonials or reviews, that others have had a
positive experience with a product or service.
Scannable format: A layout that allows readers to quickly identify key points, often
using headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs.
Conversion: The action you want a visitor to take on a landing page, such as making a
purchase or filling out a form.
Page authority: A metric that predicts how well a specific page will rank on search
engine result pages (SERP).
Schema markup: A code that you put on your website to help search engines provide
more informative results for users.
Local SEO: SEO strategies focused on improving visibility in local search results.

Maintain and Update Your Copy

Audit: A thorough review of your web content to ensure it's accurate, current, and
aligned with your business goals.
Trello: A task management tool that can be used to schedule content audits and
Google's Search Console: A tool provided by Google to help you monitor, maintain,
and troubleshoot your site's presence in Google Search results.
Ethical transparency: The practice of being honest about changes made to published
Evergreen content: Content that remains relevant and useful over a long period of

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
Quiz Answers

Original: Our eco-friendly cat toys are crafted utilising the utmost sustainable materials.
Improved: Our eco-friendly cat toys are made using sustainable, organic materials.

Original: Many customers have given positive reviews due to the undeniable satisfaction
that our toys bring, as demonstrated by the glowing feedback and repeat purchases we
Improved: Many customers have given positive reviews because our toys bring them joy.
In fact, we often see repeat purchases.

Original: This month, some of our select, premium, eco-friendly cat toys are available for
acquisition at a discounted rate.
Improved: This month, you can buy some of our best eco-friendly cat toys on sale.

Original: We encourage individuals who are conscious about the environment and the
well-being of their feline companions to consider our products.
Improved: If you care about the environment and your cat's health, consider our

Original: This extensive guide elucidates the significance of choosing toys that are both
enjoyable for your cat and have minimal negative impact on our planet.
Improved: This guide explains why choosing fun and eco-friendly toys for your cat is

Active voice
Passive: The eco-friendly toys were loved by all the cats.
Active: All the cats loved the eco-friendly toys.

Passive: Sustainable cat food is sold at the Green Cat shop.

Active: The Green Cat shop sells sustainable cat food.

Passive: Biodegradable litter boxes are being promoted this month.

Active: We are promoting biodegradable litter boxes this month.

Passive: The organic catnip was grown without the use of pesticides.
Active: We grew the organic catnip without using pesticides.

Passive: Customer inquiries are handled with utmost care by our team.
Active: Our team handles customer inquiries with utmost care.

1 = Anchor text
2 = Alt text
3 = Image caption
4 = Meta description

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success
My Notes

© Ruth Clowes | SEO Copywriting for Digital Marketing Success

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