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Practical Workplace Logbook

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Learner Number

Identity Number




Supervisor Name

Supervisor Contact Address


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Telephone (W)

Introduction to the Practical Workplace Logbook
Congratulations completing the program. As part of your training you are required to
keep a logbook of all practical on the job training and exposure you receive during the
learning process.
You will now be assigned to a mentor who will oversee your off-site training, usually
referred to as on-the-job training.
The mentor will assist and advise you on the practical aspects of the job, how to fit into
the company, what is expected of you as an employee and as a future supervisor.
This Practical Workplace Logbook must be used as a guide to enable learners to achieve
the specific outcomes, including the critical cross-field outcomes of the unit standard for
this Learning Programme.
The purpose of the Logbook is to indicate to learners and their workplace coaches /
mentors / assessors the practical skills to be developed and to be demonstrated by them
in the workplace in order for them to meet the requirements of the specific outcomes
and critical cross-field outcomes listed in the unit standard.
Learners must be able to prove their competence at the prescribed skills by being given
the opportunity to participate in and perform the tasks / responsibilities that will expose
them to the specific outcomes and critical cross-field outcomes and associated skills.
Workplace coaches / mentors / assessors must assess competence in the workplace by
looking for evidence in a learner to perform the different tasks in a manner that meets
the requirements of the unit standard.
Workplace coaches / mentors / assessor must also ensure that the workplace:
 Is conducive to fair and objective assessments
 Enables the learner to apply and demonstrate skill and knowledge
 Allows the learners to feel comfortable to learn and to be assessed
 Is supportive of the learning interventions
Organisation Name

Programme Coordinator

Coordinator Contact Details

Training Provider

Provider Role:
 Manage delivery
 Manage assessment
 Manage full provision
Programme Nature and Name
 Qualification
 Learnership
 Learning Programme
 Skills Programme
Programme Duration (Notional
Workplace Component
(Notional Hours)

Criteria Met Not Yet


The learner is familiar with all required workplace exposure

for this learning programme, and has access to the logbook

The employer / organisation is familiar with all required

workplace exposure for this learning programme and has
access to the logbook requirements

All required assessment instruments and resources are

available in advance to the employer to carry out workplace
Responsibilities of the learner
 One hundred percent commitment to the learning process. Learners are
encouraged to study any additional source of information relevant to this learning
 Doing all assignments contained in this logbook as well any tasks and assignments
received from your mentor or supervisor to whom you have been assigned.
 Although the mentor is responsible to sign off all sections completed, it is the
learner’s responsibility to ensure that all paperwork is completed and handed in for
filing on his/her record of learning. It should be clearly stated to learners that a
100% complete record of learning, as prescribed by this logbook, is their sole
responsibility. Any document missing from the record may result in your not being
declared competent.
 Discuss any problems that you may have with your mentor.

Congratulations on your appointment as a mentor to the learner. This is a very
responsible assignment because you have been tasked with the responsibility of
rounding off the learner’s practical exposure.
You must ensure that you are familiar with all aspects of the work covered in this logbook
because you must keep a daily account of the learner’s performance.
You are also required to report to the skills development facilitator, or as agreed between
yourself, the coordinator and the learner regarding the learner’s progress. Your
responsibilities as mentor are as follows:
 Attend the mentoring course
 Study the logbook and acquaint yourself with its content and format
 Remember this logbook is the learner’s full record of learning and workplace
exposure. All activities which the learner participates in must be recorded, and all
documents produced in relation to this learnership must form part of the record of
 Get all the learners together and explain its purpose to them and also what is
required of them
 Remember the mentor is the creator of learning and exposure opportunities. You
should therefore not confine the learner’s exposure to this logbook alone
 Continuously guide them in doing the assignments and arranging the planned
exposure with the relevant departments
 File all duplicate records of learning on a file for each learner
 Send all original records to the training provider at the end of end of each month. The
Seta also requires that copies be held at the companies
 This logbook need not be followed chronologically, but please note that the learner is
required to work through the entire logbook by the end of the learning period
Responsibilities of the Employer
 Creating an atmosphere conducive to learning
 Giving learners ample access to the working environment. Remember that learners
should be productive employees to get practical exposure to all aspects of the
transport operation as required by the learnership
 Ensure that learners, mentors and assessors attend all training required and arrange
and pay travelling and accommodation costs
 Ensure availability of sufficient mentors and workplace assessors

Training Provider Responsibility

 Provide all practical learning material in electronic and/or hard copy, depending on
the circumstances
 Provide training for mentors and workplace assessors if required and provide the
learning material
 Visit employers to monitor progress and provide guidance and feedback.
 Provide an online and telephonic support system to all mentors and learners
Workplace Research Assessment
Workplace Research Assessment
You have to develop a budget for your section or department.
1. Develop a budget template to use
2. Find out what expenses your section/department has
3. Do research about the monthly amounts of these expense items
4. Based on your research, do a zero-based budget for the expenses of your department
for the next 6 months
5. Use the figures from the zero-based budget and develop a budget for the following 6
months. Increase the amounts of the expenses between 2% and 8%, but electricity
should increase by 25%
6. What resources will your department need in order to achieve your objectives for the
next 12 months?
7. Find out what the costs of these resources will be and add them to the budgets as
described below
8. Monitor the actual expenses for your department against your budget for at least
three months
9. Identify variances and suggest corrective measures that correspond to the SOP of
your organisation
10. Show your work to your supervisor and request him/her to allow you to develop the
actual budget for your department for the next budget period
11. What internal and external constraints exist on the budget of your department?
12. Explain how variances are identified and reported in your organisation
13. Attach copies of all the above documentation to your assessment
Reflection questions
14. Reflect on the Standard Operating Procedures of your organisation as they refer to
budgeting. What improvements could you suggest? Think of report layouts, timing of
reports, contents of reports, etc.
15. Reflect on what you now know about budgets. How will this knowledge help you in
your job and your personal life? Think about balancing your own budget, cutting
costs at work, and so on.
Date Assignment No Start Finish Total Hours

e.g. 1 10:00 14:00 4


Date Learner signature Date Mentor/supervisor signature

242810 Practical Workplace Logbook

Attach the completed workplace logbook and workbook behind this page
Acknowledgment of Receipt

I ____________________________ (Learner) acknowledge receipt of my Workplace

assignment workbook on this the __________ day of ____________ 200 ___

The process of on-the-job training has been explained to me.

Signature of Learner

Name of Facilitator/Mentor/Supervisor: ___________________

Signature of Facilitator/Mentor/Supervisor
Indirect Evidence
Indirect Evidence is evidence produced about the learner from another source. This is
usually in the form of reports of third party sources, i.e. sources other than the assessor.
Indirect evidence can be used to verify the authenticity of other forms of evidence. In
addition, it may be necessary to corroborate these forms of evidence. Please note that
this evidence may not be older than 3 years.
Sources of indirect evidence include:
 Team outputs
 Work completed at an earlier stage
 Performance appraisals
 Training records
 Testimonials
 Reviews and commendations
 Certificates and qualifications
 Medals, prizes and trophies
 Customer / client ratings
Please attach any indirect evidence you may have on the required outcomes within the
PoE behind this page.
Declaration Of Authenticity Of Evidence
I (Initials and Surname)

ID No:

declare/certify that the learning activities completed in the Learner Activity Workbook
in its entirety is my own original and authentic work (interpreter declaration to be
completed where necessary) I acknowledge that should it come to the
attention/reported to the Training Provider/ SETA or relevant authorities, and there is
sufficient evidence to prove that there is an irregularity regarding the authenticity of
this submission the necessary steps will be taken against me which can result in one or
more of the following decisions being taken:

 A criminal case being opened,

 Learner achievement certificate cancelled, withdrawn
 Non processing of Learner Achievement submissions to the SETA pending the
outcome of an investigation
 De-registration as an Assessor/Moderator (where unauthorised assistance is
provided by the Assessor/Facilitator)
 Investigation into the accreditation status of the Training Provider if there is an
irregularity on the part of the Training Provider

I know and understand the contents of this declaration: I have no objection to signing
the prescribed declaration. The declaration was also explained to me by the Training

Signature of Learner: Date

Signature of Facilitator/Assessor: Date

Evidence Locator and sign off

Evidence required Sources of Assessor’s comments in support

(Evidence required to evidence of judgement
support the practical (where/how (where required)
components of the specific the assessor
ü X
outcomes & assessment can find the
criteria, expressed in the evidence)
context of the
assessment)U/S 242810
SO1, AC1 Questionnaire
The concept of a budget is 1-10
explained with reference to Workplace
expenditure in an area of assignment 1,
responsibility 14-15
SO1, AC2
The budgeting technique assignment 2-
employed is explained by 5, 14-15
means of worked examples.
SO2, AC1
The elements of the budget 11
are identified for the
resources required to meet
assignment 6-7
the objectives.
SO2, AC2
Internal and external 12-13
constraints on a budget are
identified in terms of an own
assignment 11
organisational context
SO3, AC1 Questionnaire
Actual expenses are 14-16
monitored according to Workplace
Standard Operating assignment 8-
Procedures. 11
SO3, AC2
Variances are identified and Workplace
corrective measures are assignment 9-
proposed and/or taken 11
according to Standard
Operating Procedures.

Learners are able to make Questionnaire
decisions in determining the 11
elements of a budget and in Workplace
monitoring and controlling assignment 6-7
Evidence required Sources of Assessor’s comments in support
(Evidence required to evidence of judgement
support the practical (where/how (where required)
components of the specific the assessor
ü X
outcomes & assessment can find the
Learners are able to identify Workplace
variances between actual assignment 9-
expenditure and the budget 11
Learners are able to Questionnaire
communicate effectively in 12-13
identifying substantiating
the internal and external Workplace
contents of a budget assignment 11

Learners are able to

demonstrate an Questionnaire
understanding of the world 14-16
as a set of related systems Workplace
when monitoring and assignment 8-
controlling the actual 11
expenses of a budget
Record Of Learning
Candidate's Name:

Assessor's Name:
Ass. Reg. No

Moderator's Name:
Mod. Reg. No

242810 4 6


UNIT STANDARD 242810 Manage Expenditure against a budget

Review Dimension ASSESSOR ACTION

The principles/criteria for good Agree Agree

assessment were achieved. Disagree Disagree

The assessment related to the Agree Agree

registered unit standard. Disagree Disagree

Agree Agree
The assessment was practical.
Disagree Disagree
It was time efficient and cost-
effective and did not interfere Agree Agree
with my normal Disagree Disagree
The assessment instruments
Agree Agree
were fair, clear and
Disagree Disagree
The assessment judgements
Agree Agree
were made against set
Disagree Disagree

The venue and equipment was Agree Agree

functional. Disagree Disagree

Special needs were identified

Agree Agree
and the assessment plan was
Disagree Disagree

Feedback was constructive Agree Agree

against the evidence required. Disagree Disagree

An opportunity to appeal was Agree Agree

given. Disagree Disagree

Agree Agree
The evidence was recorded.
Disagree Disagree


I am aware of the moderation process and understand that the moderator could declare the assessment decision

Learner Date Assessor Date Moderator Date

Assessor Review
Assessors must review the assessment process by completing this document. Please
attach any additional information if required.
Evaluation Criteria YES NO
Was the assessment preparation adequate?
Was the learner informed of the assessment and policies?
Design/prepare the assessment tools & - documentation according to ETQA and
company QMS correct?
Integration into work or learning: Was the assessment as unobtrusive as

Was maximum use made of naturally occurring events & readily available

Systematic Process: Was the assessment process properly planned &

Involvement of the learner: Was the learner involved throughout the assessment

Did the learners contribute to the planning of assessment & the collection of

Open: Did the learners understand the assessment process and the criteria,
which apply?
Environment: A supportive, non-threatening environment is created for
Was the assessment Valid?
Was the assessment Reliable?
Was the assessment Consistent?
Was the assessment Authentic?
Was the assessment Sufficient?
Was the assessment Current?
Was the feedback given?
Completed the result of the assessment according to the requirements of the
organization and/or employer, as well as the relevant ETQA.
Records & assessment instruments have to be kept for quality assurance
purposes, as well as possible appeals.
What did you as assessor do well?

What did you as assessor not do well?

Did you identify any weaknesses in the design of the assessment? If so, suggest improvements

Quality of the unit standard: is it fit for the purpose it was designed for? If not, please make
suggestions for improvements

Additional comments

Assessor signature Date

Candidate Feedback Report
Candidate's Name ID No.
Assessor's Name
Unit Standard 242810 Manage Expenditure against a budget


Source of Evidence C NYC Comments



Indirect Evidence

Overall Assessment

Additional Notes


Signature of Assessor Signature of Candidate

Candidate Appeal Form
Candidate's Name: ID No.

Assessor's Name: Reg. No.

Unit Standard: 242810 Manage Expenditure against a budget



Candidate's reason for

disagreeing with the
assessment decision.

Assessor's rationale for the

assessment decision.

Candidate's signature.

Assessor's signature.


Internal Moderator’s
reconsidered decision and

Internal Moderator's

Advising Assessor’s

Decision and rationale of

the investigatory panel

The above decisions have been explained to me and I accept the

Learner Declaration
assessment decision

Learner’s Signature
Assessor's Report
Candidate's Name ID No.

Assessor's Name

Unit Standard Title 242810 Manage Expenditure against a budget area


Specific Outcome C NYC Comments

Explain the concept of budgeting pertinent

to an area of responsibility

Determine the elements of a budget in an

area of responsibility

Monitor and control actual expenses against


Overall Assessment Decision.



Signature of Assessor Signature of Candidate

Moderator's Report
Moderator's Name

Assessor's Name

Candidate's Name ID No.

Unit Standard Title 242810 Manage Expenditure against a budget


Specific Outcome C NYC Comments

Explain the concept of budgeting

pertinent to an area of

Determine the elements of a

budget in an area of

Monitor and control actual

expenses against bu

Overall Moderation Decision

Feedback to Assessor

Action Required

Date of Moderation

Signature of Moderator

Signature of Assessor

Signature of Candidate

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