Sci Ii CH 4

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1. Complete the following chart.

Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction

1. ………………………………........... ………………… 1. Reproduction that occurs with the help of somatic

cells is called as asexual reproduction.

2 ………………………………………… ……………………… 2. Male and female parent are necessary for sexual


3. This reproduction occurs with the help of 3. ……………………………………...

mitosis only.

4. ………………………………............... 4. New individual formed by this method is

genetically different from parents

5. Asexual reproduction occurs in different

individuals by various methods like binary

fission, multiple fission, budding, fragmentation,

regeneration, vegetative propagation,

spore production, etc 5. ………………………………..............

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. In humans, sperm production occurs in the organ ----------------.

b. In humans, ------ chromosome is responsible for maleness.

c. In male and female reproductive system of human, ------------- gland is same.

d. Implantation of embryo occurs in -----

e. ---------- type of reproduction occurs without fusion of gametes.

f. Body breaks up into several fragments and each fragment starts to live as a new individual. This is
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- type of reproduction.

g. Pollen grains are formed by -- ----- -- -- -- division in locules of anthers.

4. Answer the following questions in short.

a. Explain with examples types of asexal reproduction in unicellular organism.

b. Explain the concept of IVF.

c. Which precautions will you follow to maintain the reproductive health?

d. What is menstrual cycle? Describe it in brief.

6. Sketch the labeled diagrams.

a. Human male reproductive system. b. Human female reproductive system.

c. Flower with its sexual reproductive organs. d. Menstrual cycle.

7. Give the names.

a. Hormones related with male reproductive system.

b. Hormones secreted by ovary of female reproductive system.

c. Types of twins. d. Any two sexual diseases. e. Methods of family planning

10. Modern techniques like surrogate mother, sperm bank and IVF technique will help the human
beings. Justify this statement

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