CAO R20 UNIT 1 2 Ref 2
CAO R20 UNIT 1 2 Ref 2
CAO R20 UNIT 1 2 Ref 2
• Functional units
• Basic operational concepts
• Bus structures
• System software
• Performance and metrics
• The history of computer development
Computer organization:
It concerned with the way the hardware components operate and the way they are
connected to form a computer system
Computer architecture:
It is concerned with the structure and behavior of computer system. It includes
information related instruction set, no of bits used for data, addressing modes.
Functional units of computer system:
A computer consists of five functionally independent main parts input unit ,memory
unit , arithmetic logic unit (ALU), output unit and control unit.
Input ALU
Finally the results are sent to the outside world through output device. All of
these actions are coordinated by the control unit.
Input unit: -
The source program/high level language program/coded information/simply data
is fed to a computer through input devices keyboard is a most common type. Whenever a
key is pressed, one corresponding word or number is translated into its equivalent binary
code over a cable & fed either to memory or processor.
Memory unit: -
Its function into store programs and data. It is basically to two types
Primary memory
Secondary memory
1. Primary memory: - Is the one exclusively associated with the processor and operates
at the electronics speeds programs must be stored in this memory while they are being
executed. The memory contains a large number of semiconductors storage cells. Each
capable of storing one bit of information. These are processed in a group of fixed site
called word.
Number of bits in each word is called word length of the computer. Programs
must reside in the memory during execution. Instructions and data can be written into the
memory or read out under the control of processor.
Memory in which any location can be reached in a short and fixed amount of
time after specifying its address is called random-access memory (RAM).
The time required to access one word in called memory access time. Memory
which is only readable by the user and contents of which can’t be altered is called read
only memory (ROM) it contains operating system.
Caches are the small fast RAM units, which are coupled with the processor and
are aften contained on the same IC chip to achieve high performance. Although primary
storage is essential it tends to be expensive.
2 Secondary memory: - Is used where large amounts of data & programs have to be
stored, particularly information that is accessed infrequently.
Examples: - Magnetic disks & tapes, optical disks (ie CD-ROM’s), floppies etc.,
The control and the ALU are may times faster than other devices connected to a
computer system. This enables a single processor to control a number of external devices
such as key boards, displays, magnetic and optical disks, sensors and other mechanical
Output unit:-
These actually are the counterparts of input unit. Its basic function is to send the
processed results to the outside world.
Control unit:-
It effectively is the nerve center that sends signals to other units and senses their
states. The actual timing signals that govern the transfer of data between input unit,
processor, memory and output unit are generated by the control unit.
1. First the instruction is fetched from the memory into the processor.
2. The operand at LOCA is fetched and added to the contents of R0
3. Finally the resulting sum is stored in the register R0
The preceding add instruction combines a memory access operation with an ALU
Operations. In some other type of computers, these two types of operations are performed by
separate instructions for performance reasons.
Load LOCA, R1
Add R1, R0
Transfers between the memory and the processor are started by sending the address of
the memory location to be accessed to the memory unit and issuing the appropriate control
signals. The data are then transferred to or from the memory.
The fig shows how memory & the processor can be connected. In addition to the
ALU & the control circuitry, the processor contains a number of registers used for several
different purposes.
The instruction register (IR):- Holds the instructions that is currently being executed. Its
output is available for the control circuits which generates the timing signals that control the
various processing elements in one execution of instruction.
Besides IR and PC, there are n-general purpose registers R0 through Rn-1.
The other two registers which facilitate communication with memory are: -
2. MAR – (Memory Address Register):- It holds the address of the location to be
3. MDR – (Memory Data Register):- It contains the data to be written into or read out
of the address location.
10. If the result of this operation is to be stored in the memory, the result is sent to MDR.
11. Address of location where the result is stored is sent to MAR & a write cycle is
12. The contents of PC are incremented so that PC points to the next instruction that is to
be executed.
An interrupt is a request signal from an I/O device for service by the processor. The
processor provides the requested service by executing an appropriate interrupt service
The Diversion may change the internal stage of the processor its state must be saved
in the memory location before interruption. When the interrupt-routine service is
Completed the state of the processor is restored so that the interrupted program may continue.
Bus Structures:
Bus :A group of lines that serves as the connection path to several devices is
called a bus. A
bus may be lines or wiresThese lines carry data or address or control signal.
The simplest and most common way of interconnecting various parts of the
computer. To achieve a reasonable speed of operation, a computer must be organized so that
all its units can handle one full word of data at a given time. A group of lines that serve as a
connecting port for several devices is called a bus.
In addition to the lines that carry the data, the bus must have lines for address and
control purpose. Simplest way to interconnect is to use the single bus as shown
System bus
Since the bus can be used for only one transfer at a time, only two units can
actively use the bus at any given time. Bus control lines are used to arbitrate multiple
requests for use of one bus.
Multiple bus structure certainly increases the performance but also increases the cost
Software: It a set of instructions or programs instructing a computer to do specific
Software types:
• System
• Application
It is written in high level programming language(C,C++,Java, FORTRAN)The
programmer using high level language need not know the details of machine program
For best performance, it is necessary to design the compiler, machine instruction set
and hardware in a co-ordinate way.
Elapsed Time The total time required to execute the program is called the elapsed
It depends on all the units in computer system.
Processor Time The period in which the processor is active is called the processor
It depends on hardware involved in the execution of the
Fig: The Processor Cache
Clock Rate, R =1 / P
T = (N*S)/R
N, S < R
Pipelining and Superscalar operation:
Pipelining: A Substantial improvement in performance can be achieved by
overlapping the execution of successive instruction using a technique
called pipelining. The process of extraction of next instruction while
current instruction is executing
Simple Instruction set
High level Machine
Language Translated into
Functions of Compiler:
Performance Measurement:
The Performance Measure is the time it takes a computer to execute a given bench mark.
A non-profit organization called SPEC (System Performance Evaluation Corporation) selects
and publishes representative application program.
n 1/n
SPEC rating= ( Π SPECi)
Where, n Number of programs in thesuite
i=1program I in thesuite.
(SPEC)irating for
If a great number of devices are connected to the bus, performance will suffer. There are two main causes:
1. In general, the more devices attached to the bus, the greater the bus length and hence the greater the
propagation delay. This delay determines the time it takes for devices to coordinate the use of the bus.
When control of the bus passes from one device to another frequently, these propagation delays can
noticeably affect performance.
2. The bus may become a bottleneck as the aggregate data transfer demand approaches the capacity of the
bus. This problem can be countered to some extent by increasing the data rate that the bus can carry and
by using wider buses (e.g., increasing the data bus from 32 to 64 bits). However, because the data rates
generated by attached devices (e.g., graphics and video controllers, network interfaces) are growing
rapidly, this is a race that a single bus is ultimately destined to lose.
Accordingly, most computer systems use multiple buses, generally laid out in a hierarchy.
A typical Traditional bus structure is shown in Figure (a). There is a local bus that connects the
processor to a cache memory and that may support one or more local devices. The cache memory
controller connects the cache not only to this local bus, but to a system bus to which are attached all of the
main memory modules. The use of a cache structure insulates the processor from a requirement to access
main memory frequently. Hence, main memory can be moved off of the local bus onto a system bus. In
this way, I/O transfers to and from the main memory across the system bus do not interfere with the
processor’s activity. It is possible to connect I/O controllers directly onto the system bus. A more efficient
solution is to make use of one or more expansion buses for this purpose .An expansion bus interface
buffers data transfers between the system bus and the I/O controllers on the expansion bus. This
arrangement allows the system to support a wide variety of I/O devices and at the same time insulate
memory-to-processor traffic from I/O traffic. Figure 3.18a shows some typical examples of I/O devices
that might be attached to the expansion bus. Network connections include local area networks (LANs)
Ethernet and connections to wide area networks (WANs),SCSI (small computer system interface) is itself
a type of bus used to support local disk drives and other peripherals. A serial port could be used to support
a printer or scanner. This traditional bus architecture is reasonably efficient but begins to break down as
higher and higher performance is seen in the I/O devices.
In response to these growing demands, a common approach taken by industry is to build a high
speed bus that is closely integrated with the rest of the system, requiring only a bridge between the
processor’s bus and the high-speed bus. This arrangement is sometimes known as a mezzanine
architecture. Figure 3.18b shows a typical realization of this approach.Again, there is a local bus that
connects the processor to a cache controller, which is in turn connected to a system bus that supports main
memory. The cache controller is integrated into a bridge, or buffering device, that connects to the high-
speed bus. This bus supports connections to high-speed LANs, such as Fast Ethernet at 100 Mbps, video
and graphics workstation controllers, as well as interface controllers to local peripheral buses, including
SCSI and FireWire. The latter is a high-speed bus arrangement specifically designed to support high-
capacity I/O devices. Lower-speed devices are still supported off an expansion bus, with an interface
buffering traffic between the expansion bus and the high-speed bus. The advantage of this arrangement is
that the high-speed bus brings high demand devices into closer integration with the processor and at the
same time is independent of processor.
History of Computer Development:
Development of technologies used to fabricate the processors, memories and I/O units of computers have
been divided into the following generations
First generation (1945-1955):
• Program and data are reside in the same memory
• ALP was made used to write programs
• Vacuum tubes were used to implement CU,ALU
• Magnetic core and Magnetic tape storage devices are used
• Using electronic Vacuum tubes,as the switching components.
Second Generation (1955-1965):
• Transistors were used to design ALU,CU
• High level language (FORTRAN) is used
• To convert HLL to MLL compiler were used
• Separate I/O Processor were developed to operate in parallel with CPU, thus improving
• Invention of transistors which was faster, smaller and required considerably less power to operate
Third Generation (1965-1975):
• Integrated circuit(IC) technology improved
• Improved IC technology helped in designing low cost, high speed processor and memory
• Multiprogramming, pipelining concept were incorporated
• DOS allowed efficient and coordinate operation of computer system with multiple users
• Cache and virtual memory concepts were developed
• More than one circuit on single silicon chip became available
Forth generation (1975-1985):
• CPU termed as microprocessor
• INTEL,MOTOROLA,TEXAS,NATIONAL semiconductors started developing microprocessor
• Work stations, microprocessor &Notebook computers were developed
• Interconnection of different computer for better communication LAN/MAN/WAN.
• Computational speed increased by 1000 times
• Specialized processors like Digital Signal processor were also developed
Fifth generation (1985-till now):
• E-Commerce, E-Banking, Home Office
• High Speed processor-GHz speed
• Because of submicron IC technology lot of added features in small size.
Machine Instruction and Programs
Instructions and instruction sequencing
Register transfer notation
Assembly language notations
Basic Instruction Types
Addressing modes
Basic input output operations
Role of Stacks and Queues in computer programming equation
Component of Instructions: Logic ,Shift& Rotate Instructions
Instruction And Instruction Sequencing
P: R2 ← R1
Where P is a control function that can be either 0 or 1.
Every statement written in register transfer notation implies the presence of the required
hardware construction
Assembly Language Notation: This is another type of notation used to represent machine instructions
Assembly Language Description
Move LOC,R1 Transfers the contents of memory location to the processor
register R1.
Add R1,R2,R3 Add the contents of register R1 & R2 and places their sum
into register R3.
Based on number of address fields used the instructions are categorized into 4 types
1) Three address instructions
2) Two address instructions
3) One address instructions
4) Zero address instructions
Evaluate the arithmetic statement X = (A + B) ∗ (C + D). Using zero, one, two, or three address instruction.
We will use the symbols ADD, SUB, MUL, and DIV for the four arithmetic operations; MOV for the
transfer-type operation; and LOAD and STORE for transfers to and from memory and AC register. We will
assume that the operands are in memory addresses A, B, C, and D, and the result must be stored in memory
at address X.
Computers with three-address instruction formats can use each address field to specify either a processor
register or a memory operand.
ADD A, B, R1 R1 ← M [A] + M [B]
ADD C, D, R2 R2 ← M [C] + M [D]
MUL R1, R2, X M [X] ← R1 ∗ R2
It is assumed that the computer has two processor registers, R1 and R2. The symbol M [A] denotes the operand at
memory address symbolized by A.
The advantage of the three-address format is that it results in short programs when evaluating arithmetic
The disadvantage is that the binary-coded instructions require too many bits to specify three addresses.
Two address instructions are the most common in commercial computers. Here again each address field can specify
either a processor register or a memory word. The program to evaluate X = (A + B) ∗ (C + D) is as follows:
MOV A, R1 R1 ← M [A]
ADD B,R1 R1 ← R1 + M [B]
MOV C,R2 R2 ← M [C]
ADD D,R2 R2 ← R2 + M [D]
MUL R2,R1 R1 ← R1∗R2
MOV R1,X M [X] ← R1
The MOV instruction moves or transfers the operands to and from memory and processor registers. The first
symbol listed in an instruction is assumed to be both a source and the destination where the result of the operation is
One-address instructions use an implied accumulator (AC) register for all data manipulation. For
multiplication and division there is a need for a second register. However, here we will neglect the second and
assume that the AC contains the result of tall operations. The program to evaluate X = (A + B) ∗ (C + D) is
All operations are done between the AC register and a memory operand. T is the address of a temporary
memory location required for storing the intermediate result.
A stack-organized computer does not use an address field for the instructions ADD and MUL. The PUSH and
POP instructions, however, need an address field to specify the operand that communicates with the stack. The
following program shows how X = (A + B) ∗ (C + D) will be written for a stack organized computer. (TOS stands
for top of stack)
ADD TOS ← (A + B)
ADD TOS ← (C + D)
MUL TOS ← (C + D) ∗ (A + B)
To evaluate arithmetic expressions in a stack computer, it is necessary to convert the expression into reverse
Polish notation. The name “zero-address” is given to this type of computer because of the absence of an address
field in the instructions
The different ways in which the location of an operand is specified in an instruction is called as Addressing
Eg:Move MOV 2802h , A // A ← [[2802]] It moves the data from memory location
specified by the location 2802 to A
Relative addressing mode:
In relative addressing mode, contents of Program Counter PC is added to address
part of instruction to obtain effective address.
• The address part of the instruction is called as offset and it can +ve or –ve.
• When the offset is added to the PC the resultant number is the memory location where the
operand will be placed.
Effective address of operand = PC + 01 + offset
Index addressing mode,: Here the contents of Index register is added to address part of
instruction to
obtain effective address.
• The address part of instruction holds the beginning/base address and is called as
• The index register hold the index value, which is +ve.
• Base remains same, the index changes.
• When the base is added to the index register the resultant number is the memory
location where the operand will be placed
Eg:ADD R1,XR[50]
Effective address=Content of index register XR+50
The following diagram shows the inter connection among processor, keyboard and monitor.
Key board
The action of striking a key does not automatically cause the corresponding character to be
displayed on the screen .Instead there is a block of instructions in the IO program which transfer a
character into the processor and another block of instruction causes the character to be displayed
on the screen.
Striking a key transfers corresponding character code into DATAIN register (buffer) of the
keyboard. The Flag register SIN is set to 1 to indicate that valid character is available in DATAIN
.When the character is transferred to processor it is reset to 0.when the next character is ready in
the DATAIN, it is again set to 1.
The same process takes place when the character are transferred from processor to monitor.
When SOUT equals to 1 the device is ready to receive a character from the processor. When SOUT
is ‘1’ the processor sends the character to monitor. After this SOUT is set to ‘0’.the SOT is set to ‘1’
,when the monitor is ready to receive the character from the processor.
All address can be used by the memory become less for memory
Separate instruction control read and write Same instructions can control both I/O and
In this I/O address are called ports. Normal memory address are for both
It is complex due to separate separate logic Simpler logic is used as I/O is also treated