211 Homework7 Solutions
211 Homework7 Solutions
211 Homework7 Solutions
1. Nonsingularity
Show that the composition of two nonsingular linear transformations is also
1.1. Solution. A linear transformation is nonsingular when its nullity is zero, that
is, when its kernel is the trivial subspace {0}. (Note that this is equivalent to
injectivity!) Let T : U → V and S :→ W be the linear transformations in question.
Suppose that u ∈ U lies in the kernel of S ◦ T . We must show that u = 0. Since
u ∈ ker(S ◦ T ) we see that, as elements of W ,
0 = (S ◦ T )(u) = S(T (u)).
Thus, T (u) lies in the kernel of S. Since S is nonsingular, we deduce that T (u) =
0 ∈ V . This means that u lies in the kernel of T . Since T is nonsingular, we see
that u = 0.
Therefore, the null space of S ◦ T consists of only the vector u = 0, and hence
S ◦ T is nonsingular.
2. Rank-Nullity
Find bases of the kernel and image and verify the Rank-Nullity theorem for the
linear transformation TA : R5 → R4 associated to the matrix
2 1 1 2 −2
1 0 3 5 1
A= 6 2 1 0 −9 .
−3 3 −1 7 8
2.1. Solution. We put A into reduced row echelon form:
1 0 0 −1 −2
0 1 0 2 1
A∼ 0 0
1 2 1
0 0 0 0 0
So the kernel is
1 2
−2 −1
ker(TA ) = null(A) = span −2 , −1 ,
1 0
0 1
3. Hyperplanes
Is it possible to find a family of 4 hyperplanes in R4 so that any subset of three
hyperplanes must intersect in exactly a line, but that the common intersection of
all four hyperplanes is empty? If so, give a concrete example. If not, explain why
it is not possible in terms of some of the tools we have developed.
3.1. Solution. This is possible, but it can be tricky to see how at first. Suppose
that the hyperplanes are defined by normal vectors n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 ∈ R4 . (We’ll view
these as column vectors.) That is, the ith hyperplane is the set of solutions to an
equation hni , xi = bi .
Take for example the first three hyperplanes. Their
intersection is the
solution set to a matrix equation Ax = b where A = nt2 . To have exactly a line’s
worth of solutions, we must have nullity(A) = 1. So by the rank-nullity theorem,
rank(A) = 4 − nullity(A) = 3. Since the matrix A has three rows, we see that these
rows are linearly independent.
This is true for any choice of three hyperplanes. But to get no solution for the
intersection of four planes, we have to have
t t
n1 n1 b1
nt2 nt2 b2
nt3 < rank nt3 b3 .
nt4 nt4 b4
Now the matrix on the right has to have rank at least 3 (since it contains our
A above as a submatrix). And if it were 4, then it would be impossible to have
the inequality, since each matrix has 4 rows. So, we must arrange things so that
the four vectors are linearly dependent, but any subset of three of them is linearly
I’ll use n1 = e1 , n2 = e2 , n3 = e3 , n4 = e1 + e2 + e3 . All that is left is to choose
the bi ’s. This is not so tricky now that we understand what we’re up against. I will
H1 = {x ∈ R4 | x1 = 1}
H2 = {x ∈ R4 | x2 = 1}
H3 = {x ∈ R4 | x3 = 1}
H4 = {x ∈ R4 | x1 + x2 + x3 = 6}.
It is not difficult to verify that this set of planes has the required properties.
4.1. Solution. Let S and T be elements of hom(R3 , R4 ), and α a real number (that
is, a scalar). We define the sum S + T to be the function
where we take the sum on the right in R4 , and we define the scalar multiple αT to
be the function
(αT )(x) = αT (x),
by the 12 constants which appear in the vectors when expanded like below:
T (e1 ) = a11 e01 + a21 e20 + a31 e03 + a41 e04
(1) T (e2 ) = a12 e01 + a22 e20 + a32 e03 + a42 e04
T (e3 ) = a13 e01 + a23 e20 + a33 e03 + a43 e04 .
Thus, if we let Tij be the linear mapping which carries ej to e0i and the other ek ’s
to zero, we see that
hom(R3 , R4 ) = span{Tij | i = 1, 2, 3, j = 1, 2, 3, 4}.
Now suppose that we have a linear combination of our spanning set which represents
the zero vector Z:
(2) aij Tij = Z.
i=1,2,3,4 j=1,2,3