Appendix I 2samplebudgetcalculatorandganttchart
Appendix I 2samplebudgetcalculatorandganttchart
Appendix I 2samplebudgetcalculatorandganttchart
This Excel file includes a budget calculator template along with a sample budget for RDS and a sample Gantt Chart (depicting the survey timeline). This file is a reference as you
prepare a budget and project timeline for a BBS. Please note that this calculator is for preliminary budgeting purposes; the line items should be adjusted accordingly for the
specific budgetary needs of the survey and implementing institution. The categories covered are core components of a budget and are not exhaustive. For example, the budget
includes some point of care (POC) tests and some laboratory tests -- all of these will not necessarily be used in every survey. This template should guide planning for surveys that
may be completely POC. This calculator was not designed to be used as a bookkeeping tool or to track expenses; it is a tool for estimating costs in the budgeting process. Discuss
with your agency how to track the exact costs. For actual pricing, contact each manufacturer for a specific quote. It is important to review the RDS and TLS sections of the
Guidelines to determine the kind and the number of staff needed and related costs. When resources are limited or a survey is on a small scale, one person may perform multiple
Although not included in the Budget Calculator, the following two categories may need to be considered when preparing a budget:
Consultant costs This category is appropriate when hiring an individual to give advice or services (e.g. training, expert consultant, etc.) for a fee but not as an employee of the
Cost sharing A subcontract may be required if a part of the survey effort will be performed by one or more other organizations.
B5 Number needed Enter the number of staff needed.
C5 Annual salary Enter annual salary.
Enter the length of the survey in months. Different staff may work for different lengths. For example, a PI works the entire
No. of months
survey, but field staff work only while the survey is conducted in the field.
Enter percentage of time to show the effort contributed during the survey period. For example, a PI may have several
projects and other responsibilities (such as teaching as a professor) at the same time. If the PI will contribute part of
Time (%) her/his time to the current survey, say 4 hours a week (40 hours), her/his percentage of time effort is 4/40=10%.
F5 Salary total Salary = annual salary*No. of Month/12*Time (%). It will be auto-filled.
A fringe benefit rate is the cost of an employee's benefits divided by the wages paid for the hours working on the job.
Some employees may not receive such benefit from their employer.
Fringe rate Enter fringe rate for eligible staff. This can be 0 for non-eligible staff.
Total salary and fringe benefits This is the total of salary+fringe rate*salary. This will be auto-filled.
The staff listed here are some essential personnel. Staff may vary depending on the type and scale of the survey. The list
can be expanded to add a staff for one specific function, or reduced if one staff can perform multiple duties in a smaller
A8 Field staff scaled survey setting.
For RDS, there are additional needs, such as testing counselors, quantitative interviewers, qualitative interviewers,
transcribers and translators in qualitative interview. The list can be expanded based on survey need, such as the object
A16 Additional field staff for RDS distributor during size estimation, cleaner, and security staff.
List staff for data management and data analysis. Some staff, such as a GIS developer, can be added depending on survey
A17 Data management/analysis staff need. Or, in a small budgeted survey, data management and data analysis can be performed by one person.
A20 Laboratory staff For a survey that involves biomarker testing only. The list can be expanded based on survey need.
Training expenses, including the cost of the conference room, handouts, and other expenses, apply to any type of training
or meeting.
Enter number of participants for handout cost. Enter number days of training for conference room.
For simplicity, the calculator lists only one training example for fieldwork preparation/size estimation. Other
trainings/meetings that may need to be included in the calculator:
Formative assessment training
A28-C28 B. Trainings and meetings Survey implementation training
Data analysis, interpretation, and writing workshop
Community forum
Local/national dissemination meeting
A47 See above for Formative Assessment. Additional staff for distributing objects may be budgeted here also if they are not
Field work size estimation implementation included in Section A (Personnel).
Unique objects for size estimation Enter unit price for objects and number of participants.
A48 Unique event Enter number of days, and unit cost.
D. Survey implementation Items listed in section D are items regularly used for survey implementation. This list may not include everything. Keep a
D53 detailed checklist for all supplies needed. Subcategories may be added for separate costs for RDS or TLS.
Complete this section if any biomarkers are used. The estimation of laboratory expenses is very complicated. Working
A74-H74 E. Laboratory expenses with a laboratory professional to develop the budget is strongly recommended.
INPUT box The value for assumed prevalence in this block will help to generate numbers in the "OUTPUT" block (number of
specimens) to calculate cost of consumables.
A77 Number of participants Enter number of participants.
Enter assumed HIV prevalence based on survey population. This is used for budgeting HIV biomarker consumables used to
Assumed HIV prevalence
test blood samples from HIV-positive participants, such as for CD4 and VL.
A79 Assumed syphilis prevalence Enter assumed prevalence for syphilis among survey population to budget for syphilis biomarker consumables.
Assumed STI prevalence
A80 Enter assumed prevalence for other STI to be surveyed, such as HCV, to budget for other STI biomarker consumables.
A81 Number of trainees Enter number of trainees in lab training, which may determine certain equipment needed, such as a timer.
A82 Number of labs performing testing The number of labs determines the number of certain equipment needed.
D76-G76 OUTPUT (Number of specimens)
D77-F77 Expected number of HIV positive Calculated as: Assumed HIV prevalence*Number of participants
D78-F78 Expected number of syphilis positive Calculated as: Assumed syphilis prevalence*Number of participants
D79-F79 Expected number of other STI positive Calculated as: Assumed STI prevalence*Number of participants
A84 Equipment Equipment estimate assumes all required equipment needs to be purchased and therefore reflects a maximum cost. This
calculator does not take into account equipment that may already be in place in individual laboratories. The equipment
items may be expanded depending on the survey need, such as common equipment of plate washer, reagent reservoirs,
This section may be expanded according to survey needs. For example, for on-site testing and handling, mobile phones,
tables, and chairs may be included.
A93 Consumables for biomarkers testing The consumables for laboratory assays listed can be revised according to survey need, such as HIV genotyping, HIV DR,
TB, chlamydia, HSV, HBV, etc.
A103 Consumables for blood collection The list includes common items, It should be adjusted according to the survey.
A111 Consumables for other specimen collection See above.
Other items that may be considered here are: distilled or de-ionized water, Band-Aids, cotton balls, latex-free gloves, latex
gloves (powdered and powder free), paper towels and absorbent covers for lab benches, marking pens, pads for lab table,
A117 Other consumables hand soap, facemasks, zip lock bags, protective eyewear, bins and liners, paper towels, spray bottles, etc.
Enter brand/name of manufacture, catalog number, and description such as "10/pk, size large" for lab coat.
Manufacture & unit description
E84 Unit dimension Enter number of 1 unit here, such as "10" for 10-piece pack.
F84 No. of units needed
Enter the number of units needed. The number of units for biomarkers are determined by estimated positive participants
in the OUTPUT box, and Unit dimension, then multiplying by 110% for final units neede to account for 10% buffer.
A129 Mobile van and clinic rentals for HIV testing If survey type is TLS, mobile van and clinc rentals for HIV testing may be needed. Please add any additional costs, such as
gasoline and parking, if they are needed.
A137 G. Other expenses Enter other expenses in this category. Revise accordingly to include items such as software, toner, postage, delivery fees,
A161 RDS survey sites Refer to the RDS implementation chapter to add items.
A164 Including cleaning and bathroom: toilet cleaning, toilet paper, toilet brush, floor cleaner, mop, bucket, absorbent pad,
Site maintenance washing liquid, dish drainer, sponge, and hand soap.
Number of Number of
Units needed Cost per unit Total
D. Survey implementation participants days
General supplies and miscellaneous $0
Tablets $0
Fingerprint scanner $0
Software, incl. antivirus $0
Laptops $0
Scanner, printer and toner $0
Participants compensation (incentive) $0
Transport reimbursements for participants $0
Health referral brochure $0
Field team supplies (backpacks, clipboards, etc.) $0
Transportation of DBS cards to central office $0
Shipping and freight cost for lab equipment and consumables $0
Other operational expenses (e.g. utilities, equipment based on security) $0
Printing of survey coupons $0
Secondary incentive RDS $0
Clicker for enumerator $0
Subtotal: Survey implementation $0
E. Lab expenses
Number of
& unit Unit dimension Cost per unit Total
units needed
Equipment description
Incubators $0
Standard mini-centrifuge $0
Countdown timers $0
UPS Units $0
Power cord extension leads $0
Portable generator $0
Cooler boxes $0
Consumables for biomarker testing
DBS cards #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Humidity monitoring cards #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Desiccants #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Consumables for CD4 testing #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Consumables for VL testing #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Consumables for syphilis testing #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Consumable for HBsAg testing #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Consumable for MTB testing #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Other consumables for other STI testing #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Consumables for blood collection
Needles $0
Tourniquets $0
Alcohol $0
Vacutainer tubes $0
Vacutainer sleeves $0
Vacutainer holder rack $0
Centrifuge tube $0
Consumables for other specimen collection
Vaginal swabs $0
Rectal swabs $0
Oral fluid $0
Sputum cup $0
Urine collection jars $0
Other consumables
Biohazard bags $0
Biohazard bag holder $0
Disinfectant/bleach $0
Sharps containers $0
Lab coats $0
Labels (water- and freeze-proof labels) $0
Gloves $0
Cotton balls $0
Bandages or adhesive tapes $0
Other $0
For TLS Days needed Cost per unit
Mobile van rental for HIV testing #REF!
Subtotal: Lab #REF!
NOTE: Amounts are in US$ based on conservative cost estimates in a moderately expensive city. RDS at one site, sample size=400
Number of
C. Fieldwork preparation, formative assessment, and size estimation implementation Units needed Cost per unit Total
Formative assessment
Unique event 1 $2,000 $2,000
Unique objects for size estimation 500 $2 $1,000
Formative assessment supplies 1 $200 $200
Transportation for key informants and focus group participants 60 $4
Phone vouchers for formative assessment staff 18 $20 $360
Number of
Units needed Cost per unit Total
D. Survey implementation participants
General supplies and miscellaneous
Notebook 6 $500 $3,000
Laptops 1 $1,200 $1,200
Printing of survey coupons 400 1200 $2 $2,400
Printer and toner 1 $1,000 $1,000
Reproduction/copies (6 months) 6 $100 $600
Participant reimbursements 400 440 $10 $4,400
Participant secondary compensation x 3 400 1320 $4 $5,280
Transport reimbursements for participants 400 440 $4 $1,760
Health referral brochures 400 440 1 $440
Field team supplies (backpacks, clipboards, etc.) 10 40 $400
Transport of DBS cards to central office 12 50 $600
Other operational expenses (e.g. utilities, equipment based on security) 1 1000 $1,000
Subtotal: Survey implementation $22,080
E. Lab expenses
*Global Strategic Information. Toolbox for conducting integrated HIV bio-behavioral surveillance (IBBS) in key populations. University of California, San Francisco. 2014. pp. 131 –133.
Proposed Activity Month
2017 2018
Formative Protocol
Formative Protocol
Formative Training X
Formative Implementation X X
Formative Assessment
analysis X X
Pre-test tools X
Protocol Development X X X X
SOPs adapted X X X
Study Implementation
Training X
Study Implementation X X X X X
Data cleaning/lab QA/data
merging X X X X X X
Final Report X
National Dissemination
Workshop X