2024-2025 Elders' Meeting With Pioneers and Field Missionaries

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2024-2025 Elders’ Meeting With Pioneers and Field Missionaries

PLEASE NOTE: This meeting is to be conducted in December 2024 or January 2025 by two elders
selected by the body of elders. Other elders may attend. This outline includes two videos. A
media playlist will be made available to elders and ministerial servants in the “Event Media”
section of the “Documents” tab on JW Hub. The meeting should be positive and practical and
should be applied locally. The local needs portion should be approved by the body of elders

Theme: “May Jehovah Be Praised, Who Daily Carries Our Load” (Ps 68:19)

[Commend all for their hard work in the ministry and in the congregation]
You care for various responsibilities and may even be coping with unique challenges
Be assured that Jehovah wants to help you [Read Psalm 68:19]
Consider three reasons why:
Jehovah delights in seeing your love and obedience to him from a complete heart (1Ch 28:9)
He appreciates your activity in preaching the good news (Ro 10:15)
He treasures your endurance as you cope with trials (Ps 56:8)
Because you are very precious to Jehovah, he has provided wise counsel that can help you carry
your load (Ga 6:5; 1Pe 5:6, 7)


Basic Bible principles can help you care for your health (Eph 5:29)
Get enough rest (g 6/15 7; g 3/11 5 ¶1-3)
Questions: Why is it important to have a consistent schedule for sleep? [Read Ecclesiastes
4:6] What are some practical ways you can do so? What can rob us of our sleep?
Eat healthy food: Concentrate on eating whole, fresh foods rather than processed foods (g 6/15
5; g 3/11 4)
Question: What simple steps can you take to ensure that you eat well?
Stay physically active: Regular exercise promotes better health (1Ti 4:8; g 6/15 6; g 3/11 6)
Question: What reasonable goals can you set to stay physically active?
Seek medical attention when needed (Mt 9:12; g 3/11 5 ¶5-6)
Question: If you are ill, why would it be good to seek medical attention?
Take practical steps to deal with stress (Pr 12:25; g20.1 5-13)
Questions: Why is it important to identify the cause of your stress? How can the principle
found at Matthew 6:34 help you to deal with stress effectively? [Read]
To deal with stress effectively, you also need to balance your various responsibilities


The following Bible principles may help you balance your responsibilities
Be reasonable
[Play the video We Can Do More With Reasonable Expectations (approx. 5 min. 30 sec.)]
Questions: How can reasonableness and modesty help you maintain your balance? (Mic
6:8) How does the principle found at Galatians 6:4 help you set reasonable expectations
for yourself? [Read] How can the same principle help you if your circumstances change?
Set priorities, and be organized (1Co 14:33, 40; Php 1:10)
2024-2025 Elders’ Meeting With Pioneers and Field Missionaries Page 2
Questions: How can setting priorities and having a realistic schedule benefit you? (g 2/14 6-
9) If you have children or are caring for other family members, what helps you give priority
to their physical and spiritual welfare? To reduce stress, why is it important to avoid
Communicate and collaborate (Pr 15:22)
Question: How can maintaining good communication and accepting help from others
alleviate stress? (Ec 4:9, 10)

LOCAL NEEDS (10 min.)


[Play the video Takako and Hisako: Pioneering Together for 60 Years—Only With Jehovah’s Help
(approx. 5 min. 30 sec.)]
Questions: How did Jehovah support Takako and Hisako? What lessons can we learn from their
Jehovah, the Governing Body, and we as elders love and deeply care about you
We appreciate your fine example in the congregation
We want to support you as you care for your responsibilities (Isa 32:1, 2)
Please do not hesitate to approach us whenever needed
Be assured that Jehovah will always give you the power you need (Isa 40:29)

© 2024 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
S-211-25-E 10/24

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