Amateur Photographer - October 22, 2024 UK
Amateur Photographer - October 22, 2024 UK
Amateur Photographer - October 22, 2024 UK
MPP adveounttu re
if a 1960s MPP
John Gilbey finds practical today
Micro Technical is
EDITION Passionate about photography since 1884
Bumper issue
Powerful portraits dedicated to
Top portrait shooter Phil the magic
Sharp shares his philosophy of mono
Minimal landscapes
With landscapes less is
more, says Mostafa Nodeh
Better by
Documenting USA The striking fine
1980s America as seen art photography
by Michael Ormerod of Bruin Feskens
Plus B&W editing software • Readers’ best B&W photos • Fujifilm X-M5 First Look
Don’t sit on it. Sell it.
More than half of us have
camera gear we no longer use.
Sell your gear and upgrade
your visual storytelling.
Trade up for new adventures.
images. This issue we showcase a
35 Inbox variety of photographers past and
38 Accessories present, all working in different
genres, but all of whom are
41 Tech talk
42 APOY R6 results
25 masters of the art of b&w. If you
haven’t worked in mono for a
while I hope that this inspires you
48 Best of the rest to take a fresh look, whether you
50 MPP Micro shoot some new work using an
Technical Mark in-camera mono mode or go
VIII field test through your existing colour
images and convert them.
57 Black and White Nigel Atherton, Editor
Photo Awards
2024 winners
62 Altered States:
Michael Ormerod
66 Mostafa Nodeh:
minimalist b&w
72 Bruin Feskens:
fine art black &
white portraits
76 Readers’ best
87 Best Buys Our cover image is by Bruin Feskens
98 Final analysis 50 (Instagram @_mrbrownphotography). See
more of his work on page 72
Down-sized 16-55mm
f/2.8 premium zoom
Fujifilm has also
revealed an updated
version of its premium
standard zoom, the
Fujinon XF 16-55mm F2.8
R LM WR II. This new lens
is considerably smaller
than its predecessor and
37% lighter, at 410g the aperture ring can be
compared to 655g. switched to clickless
The X-M5 is Fujifilm’s Measuring 78.3mm in operation for video.
smallest and lightest
X-system camera diameter and 95mm long, As indicated by its WR
it uses 72mm filters. badge, the lens boasts
Optically the new lens weather-resistant
Fujifilm, human face/eye detection is Build and design employs 16 elements in construction. It also
also available as a separate but Despite its compact size and light 13 groups, including 4 employs a fluorine coating
mutually exclusive option. There’s no weight, the X-M5 handles quite nicely, aspherical lenses for to keep help the front
in-body stabilisation, so the camera thanks to a small finger grip on the cross-frame sharpness, element clean. Thanks to
relies on in-lens optical stabilisation for front and a thumb hook on the back. plus 3 extra-low dispersion the use of a linear motor
stills, which is complemented by I think it looks pretty stylish in its silver (ED) and 1 super ED glass for focusing, it promises
electronic stabilisation for video. incarnation, although the black version element to suppress rapid autofocus in as little
Video features are impressive for the is somewhat plain in comparison. colour fringing. The as 0.02sec. The minimum
price, with the X-M5 capable of 6.2K Fujifilm has made good use of the aperture diaphragm is focus distance is 30cm.
30p ‘open gate’ recording, which uses limited body space to offer a decent set formed of 11 curved The XF 16-55mm F2.8 R
all the sensor pixels for cropping to of controls. You get two electronic dials blades in a bid to deliver LM WR II is due to go on
different aspect ratios in post- to change exposure settings, front and attractive out-of-focus sale at the end of
production. The camera can also record rear, while a small joystick on the back areas. In a first for Fujifilm, November for £1,149.
in 4K at up to 60fps, or Full HD up to is used to move the focus area and
240fps. Uniquely, there’s also an option change onscreen settings. The front
to record Full HD vertical format video
while holding the camera horizontally.
dial can be clicked inwards, which
provides quick access to ISO setting. Long telephoto for
While many of the X-M5’s video
modes use the full sensor width,
enabling digital stabilisation imposes a
One feature that’s sure to be divisive
is the dedicated Film Simulation dial on
the top left of the body, like on the
1.32x crop. This will take the 15-45mm recent X-T50. Some photographers In a move that’ll be particularly welcome to
kit zoom from 23mm equivalent at the would prefer a dial that could be used X-system users shooting sports, wildlife and action,
wideangle end to 30mm. In terms of for other purposes, as on the X-S20; Fujifilm has also produced a new long telephoto prime.
recording times, the camera should personally, though, I really like it. After The Fujinon XF 500mm F5.6 R LM OIS WR has a lot in
keep going for up to an hour at 25°C all, one of the great attractions of common with the medium-format GF 500mm F5.6 that
and is compatible with Fujifilm’s add-on Fujifilm cameras is the wide variety of appeared earlier this year. It offers an impressive
fan unit for extended durations at film simulation modes, which allow you 750mm equivalent view, which can be extended even
higher ambient temperatures. to apply a range of attractive colour further using the XF 1.4x or 2x teleconverters.
One notable new feature is the looks, depending on the subject and Most specs are identical to its GF sibling, with built-in
addition of a third capsule to the built-in lighting. I’m all for having a prominent optical stabilisation and a minimum focus distance of
microphone. This allows the recorded external control that helps me make 2.75m. The lens is 255.5mm long and 104.5mm in
sound to be weighted in various ways: best use of them and switch quickly diameter, weighs 1,335g, and accepts 95mm screw-in
front priority, back priority, front-and- between all my favourites, including filters. It’s fully weather-sealed, too. Controls include a
back priority, and full surround. Astia and Acros for black & white. focus limiter switch and a focus control button that can
be used to recall a preset focus distance. It should be
available at the end of November for £2,899.
First impressions
I have to be honest – the X-M5 isn’t particularly a camera that I’m predisposed to
like, as I much prefer using an eye-level viewfinder. However, of all the cameras of
this type currently available, I do think it’s the most attractive. While the camera I
was using didn’t have final firmware, the sample photos I took with it looked every
bit as good as those from Fujifilm’s other 26MP models. Even so, I suspect
photographers who will mainly be shooting stills will most likely prefer the
SLR-style X-T30 II, despite its older technology. But for anyone attracted to this
kind of small viewfinderless camera, the X-M5 looks set to be a fine choice. The XF 500mm comes with an Arca-Swiss tripod foot 5
The Lumix S5D is designed
for photo and video
the S5D – it is capable of 4K 60p 4:2:0 video recording. Panasonic describes the
10-bit recording internally with an APS-C crop lens as the perfect partner for the (also
and also records 4K 30p footage internally compact) Lumix S9, noting that it is capable
with 4:2:2 10-bit colour using the full width of of 18-120mm when used with the S9’s
the sensor for up to 30 minutes.
New for the S5D is compatibility with the
Hybrid Zoom function. The Lumix S 18-40mm
F4.5-6.3 lens is available now for £519.
The Leica Hall of Fame
DJI LiDAR AF system. When paired with the
optional LiDAR rangefinder unit and DJI RS 3
Pro Gimbal, distance measurement THIS evocative image of a German
information is sent to the camera via USB. family with a thing for antlers was
As the camera drives the focus, no focus taken by Herlinde Koelbl, the latest
motor is required, enabling easier handling entrant to the Leica Hall of Fame. Born in
with a more compact size and greater 1939, Koelbl swapped the fashion
freedom of shooting, according to Panasonic. industry for photography in the mid-
Furthermore, there is no need for lens 1970s, and specialises in extensive
calibration adjustments, which saves setup long-term studies. She’s best known for
time. Thanks to the LiDAR’s high-speed ‘Traces of Power – The Transformation of
43,200 ranging points within a 14-metre People Through Governance’, where she
distance, ‘extremely fast’ AF is enabled, observed German politicians over an
which is also effective when shooting in eight-year period up to 1991. She then
low-light conditions. went on to work more closely with former
The Panasonic Lumix S5D will be available Chancellor Angela Merkel until 2021. An
from the end of October for £1,399 with the exhibition of Koelbl’s work will be on
S-series 18-40mm F4.5-6.3 lens, or £1,799 display at the Leica Gallery in Wetzlar,
with the 28-200mm F4-7.1 lens. The lens is for full-frame L-mount cameras Germany, until January 2025.
From the series ‘The
German Living Room’
Harry Gruyaert. 2022, 295 million migrant workers had moved from China’s
See store. countryside to its fast-growing cities, including the photographer
magnumphotos. himself. Youbing Zhan was also a winner in the Global SinoPhoto
com One of the photos on the theme of Eden Awards 2024 (GSPA). 7
The pink overlay
highlights people to
be removed from the
image with
Distraction Removal
Follow AP on
Don’t miss our videos for the latest
kit, tutorials, behind the scenes
ADOBE used the recent Adobe Max products to adopt the Camera
event in Miami to reveal several to Cloud Standard are the Leica SL3,
significant changes to Photoshop, Nikon Z6III, Z8, and Z9 (through the NX
Lightroom, Premiere Pro and the MobileAir app for iOS and Android) and collaboration platform. the Canon C400 and C80 cine cameras.
Photoshop’s new Distraction Removal The updates to Lightroom were more
smart technology is meant to help low-key, mainly focusing on Quick Actions
remove people, power cables, and other for the mobile and web versions (these
‘complicated’ distractions from images. are ‘early access’ features so you can
Distraction Removal sits inside the expect further development). This claims
‘Remove’ tools and should deliver more to speed up your edits by automatically
flexibility than the background-object creating masks based on the subject
removal tools offered by many phones. matter of your photo. For example, you
Meanwhile more AI photo-editing tools, can use Quick Actions to quickly edit a
powered by Firefly, Adobe’s umbrella term portrait: it will detect your subject, the
for its AI technologies, are now available background, and features to retouch like
in Photoshop. These include Generative teeth, eyes, or skin. Quick Actions
Fill, Generative Expand, Generate Similar creates masks of each selected element
and Generate Background. to either enhance with available controls
Adobe claims its latest version of or refine further in the masking panel. It
Generative Fill makes it easier to add or can also suggest the best presets to
remove content from your images using enhance your image in one tap.
simple text prompts inside Photoshop. Adobe also unveiled the beta version
‘Imagery is automatically generated with of the AI-powered Firefly Video Model,
the appropriate shadows, reflections, enabling you to generate video from
lighting, and perspective,’ said the firm. text/image prompts, extend video clips
and smooth out transitions. It is
In the integrated with Premiere Pro, Adobe’s
Adobe also used the event to raise the high-end video editing software.
profile of this collaboration platform via See YouTube/AmateurPhotographerTV
the new version 4, and the big news is it for more from Adobe Max, including an
is now fully integrated with Lightroom. in-depth look at the firm’s Content
So you can pick your favourite images Authenticity initiative, designed to make
from a recent shoot in’s it easier to spot which shots are fully or
Camera to Cloud and automatically copy partly AI generated.
them into Lightroom. Once edited, you
can upload them back into for To find our channel simply
feedback from those you’re collaborating point your smartphone
with, or for distribution to customers. No camera at this QR code or
need to download images from storage type our name into Google:
media, and the interface is
claimed to be faster and more intuitive. YouTube/AmateurPhotographerTV
Canon, Nikon and Leica are also now Lightroom’s mobile and web versions get
partnering with Adobe. Their first Quick Actions to expedite image editing
heavy lifting
Let the tech do the
Left: Desperation of a
son. (Disperazione di
un figlio.) Palermo,
(L’arresto del feroce
boss mafioso Leoluca
Palermo, 1979
Breakfast with Gerhard Richter 2000, 2004
Bottom: Feast of San
Giuliano. (Festa di
San Giuliano.) Pollina,
Anastasia Samoylova –
1986 Adaptation
£45, Thames & Hudson, hardback, 224
pages, ISBN: 9780500027189
The first career survey of photographer
Anastasia Samoylova examines how
modern practitioners may look at photo
projects in a different way. Bringing
together six bodies of work, Samoylova
uses observational and studio photography alongside
art forms such as collage and painting. Her use of
colour is masterful, while she draws her influences
from the Russian Avant Garde, Cubism and Pop Art
to blur the lines between reality and the final image.
She is Russian-born and now living in Florida, and
there’s a cheeky sense of humour throughout the
book that perhaps comes as a result of being an
outsider looking in. It also gives you pause to
contemplate what you’re looking at, as well as the
issues represented.
The book is edited by David Campany, the noted
British writer, artist and curator. He puts the work
into context, and describes her as ‘one of the most
original image makers to have emerged in recent
years’. I found this book fascinating, and would
highly recommend it if you’re looking for something a
little outside the normal.
Human Stories:
The latest edition of NOW’s ‘Human
Stories’ exhibitions takes a look at the
work of documentary photographer
Inès Elsa Dalal.
In it, we’re presented with a series of
photographic essays documenting the
protests of striking workers in the UK.
Captured during the first quarter of
2023, at a time when many in the public
sphere were striking, including
firefighters, train drivers, teachers, junior
doctors, nurses, public civil servants and
many more groups, the photogrographs
are an important record of a time when it
NOW Gallery, London, Until 17 November 2024, Free looked like we might be heading towards
a General Strike.
A timely and important look at striking workers in Having spent time among those
striking, Dalal’s work shows off the
the UK, this free exhibition takes a look at many importance of photography to capture
these moments in history – and those
disenchanted groups in society, says Amy Davies men and women depicted within are
Documentary work like this
acts as an important record
of powerful moments in social
given the space to tell their own stories learn, pause and reflect.’
and demands. Dalal started work as a documentary
Curator of the exhibition Kaia Charles photographer in 2011, after being moved
says, ‘The Unreported Uprisings to record the uprisings taking place
exhibition is a powerful missive, across England in response to the
capturing the spirit of the right to strike. shooting of Mark Duggan by the police.
Inès Elsa Dalal’s body of work at the In the years since, she has worked not
gallery reflects brave, diverse only with photography, but also with
communities galvanising in solidarity video and audio archives.
with workers’ rights. In our charged and The NOW Gallery has presented
rapidly evolving political landscape, Dalal several interesting and important
has dedicated her work to documenting exhibitions in recent years, including
movements within social justice. She shows by Thandiwe Muriu, Nadine
combines documentary and street Ijewere, Charlotte Colbert, Stephen Tayo
portraiture to photograph in a human- and more. It is fast becoming an
centred, tender way. We are pleased to excellent place to visit for the latest in
be able to bring that to life and create a contemporary photography – the fact
contemplative space for audiences to that it’s free is a bonus, of course. Cuba, 2018 © Julian Lennon 13
Our favourite photos posted by readers
on our social media channels this week
AP picture
of the week
Silver Shadow II by Fred
Pentax SFXn, SMC Pentax-DA 50mm F1.8, Kodak
Gold 200
‘I came across this striking old Rolls-Royce whilst
walking through London and had to stop to take a few
shots. There’s something beautiful about the marriage
between vintage cars and shooting on film – they bring
the best out of one another.’
Instagram: @fredshootsfilm
The AP Pic of the Week winner will
receive a beautifully framed print of
their winning image worth up to £100.
If you Love it, Frame it! is an experienced,
high-quality framing company with a
unique, easy-to-use website. Build single or multi-image frames
with a few clicks of your mouse and select from a wide range of
14 15
Barn owls
soaking up the
early morning
summer sunrise
by Craig Dibdin
Sony Alpha 7 IV, GM 200-
600mm, 900mm crop,
1/1250sec at f/18, ISO 2500
‘Early one May morning,
I arrived at 5:30am to
photograph barn owls. As the
sun rose, I spotted an adult and
a juvenile perched on a wall,
staying for about 20 minutes,
until a kestrel tried to poach a
potential catch. The peaceful
encounter made my early start
completely worthwhile.’
Instagram: @Craigydibs
Want to see your pictures here? Simply share them with our Flickr, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook communities using the hashtag #appicoftheweek.
Or you can email your best shot to us at See page 3 for how to find us.
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Phil Sharp
Phil Sharp is a London-based portrait photographer who is noted for his
expressive, atmospheric, sometimes quirky style. As well as specialising
in headshots for actors, Phil has been included in the Taylor Wessing
Portrait Prize four times and has worked with brands including Apple,
Adidas, SkyTV, Audible and the BBC. See
and follow him on
Look sharp
Phil Sharp is one of the most interesting commercial
portrait photographers working in London. He
discusses his unique approach and fresh thinking
with Geoff Harris, including how he shoots mono
ne thing that AI can’t from scratch, as you do with Right: Grace
do at the moment is portraits. As for specialising in Cooper Milton
generate the kind of portraits of actors, this came about Fujifilm GFX100S, 1/125sec at
convincing, revealing
f/1.4, ISO 100
simply because I had friends who
portraits you get when a subject were in the acting business. I realised Below: Fisayo
sits down with a skilled portrait there was space and scope for me to Akinade
photographer. Phil Sharp is one develop new approaches for Fujifilm GFX50S, 1/250sec at
of the more interesting portrait headshots of actors, and turn it into f/4, ISO 400
specialists we’ve come across something I wanted to do.’
recently, particularly as he
specialises in headshots of actors. Lighten up
Just describing Phil as a ‘headshot Phil has developed a very
photographer’ singularly fails to recognisable style over the years,
do him justice, however, as his characterised by the skilful use of
beautifully executed portraits are
about much more than slick mug
shots of thespians, churned out in
the hope of catching some casting
director’s eye.
Phil’s portraits are hugely
expressive, particularly the way he
captures his subjects’ eyes and
hands. As he also does a lot of work
in black & white, our Black & White
special issue gives the perfect
opportunity to find out more about
Phil’s striking approach.
‘I’d always been drawn to
portraiture, as it seemed quite hard
to do,’ Phil explains from his north
London studio. ‘You are dealing with
another person, and people can be
full of complications and sometimes
messy… I knew I wanted to make a
living as a photographer, and
portrait photography is something
that still allows this if you do it well.
Yes, I could have tried food, sports,
architecture, or fashion, but they
didn’t interest me as much. I really
like the idea of making a photograph
natural light and his ability to get
actors to reveal more of themselves
in the portraits, without it ever
looking posed or contrived. He cites
a wide range of influences.
‘The portraits by US photographer
Philip-Lorca diCorcia were a big
influence when I was younger. He
understands how light works, and
that was something I also needed to
do in order to get better as a
photographer. I don’t think you ever
totally master light, but I guess it is
one of my continuing motivations.
Then there was Irving Penn, Diane
Arbus and latterly, Stephan
Vanfleteren and Roger Deakins. I am
also influenced by painters like
Vermeer and Rembrandt who, again,
were attempting to understand how
light works.’
As mentioned, Phil mainly uses
natural light as a key light on his
portrait shoots, backed-up by the
judicious use of artificial illuminaton
such as LEDs. ‘I guess natural light
provides a natural variance, so it
stops me from getting bored! It also
comes with certain frustrations,
however. At this time of year, the
light in north London can be very
changeable, but developing the
processes to accommodate this has
set me apart a bit from other
photographers. I am able to
change things quickly according
to the light.’ 19
experience, you hopefully win
them over as being non-
threatening. They sense your only
aim is to get an interesting photo of
them and they help you
Imperfectly perfect
You’d assume actors would want
very flattering, squeaky-clean
headshots to (literally) show them in
their best light, but as Phil reveals,
this is not so much the case any
more. ‘Most good actors know
themselves, and that their
imperfections make them
interesting. I think actors like
working with me as they know I am
not trying to make them perfect.
‘On an editorial shoot, with hair
and make-up etc, the goal to try and
make them look perfect, and actors
understand it’s a big construct… the
actor is playing a part of a well-
known or up-and-coming actor.
What I do is different, because I’m
trying to connect with them on a
more professional level – in other
words, capturing the “craft” of
acting becomes more important
than them looking like a movie star.
It’s the same reason actors will
appear in a film crying, with snotty
noses – they are not embarrassed as
they are trying to connect with the
viewer on an emotional level. This is
more what I am after.’
As Phil observes, the times have
changed too, with the days of the
flawless Hollywood-style headshot,
all perfect hair and dazzling teeth,
long gone.
‘There used to be more pressure on
young actors to just look beautiful
and for this to be the main criteria
for a shoot. In some small way, I
have helped change things from a
headshot-photography perspective,
but there has also been a larger
cultural shift, where prettiness is less course, being interesting and Carola Colombo interesting arrangement of hands –
important than “interesting-ness”. attractive need not be mutually Fujifilm GFX100S, 1/80sec at something that can be a particular
Every year there will be one or two exclusive, but good actors want to f/1.4, ISO 320 challenge, as most portrait
incredibly beautiful people who get play interesting roles, so I like my photographers will know.
plucked from obscurity to become pictures to speak to that – rather ‘I got bored with just
stars, but I say to actors, unless you than simple sexual attractiveness.’ straightforward head and shoulder
are this one person, prettiness is only shots and see it as my job to push
one string to your bow.’ Just get over it the subject a bit. I will say, use your
Casting directors are very aware of Over the years Phil has developed a hands for this shot, it’s going to feel
this, and there are many aspects to good understanding of actors, and weird to start with, but then I will
choosing an actor for a particular has studied acting theory and start shooting, and after a while it
role. ‘Casting directors are looking at practice to help with this. So he isn’t will stop feeling weird. Careful
hundreds of photos of actors every afraid to push his subjects to be as observation is crucial too. Sometimes
day, and they are not just “wowed” expressive as possible, within the a subject will “relax” and do
by looks. I strive to make an boundaries of why he’s been booked. something when I am changing a
interesting photograph the priority, This is revealed in the memorable lens or a battery, and I will be like,
as this will get more attention. Of expressions he captures, and the “don’t move a muscle!” They will
tense-up slightly but they will know Music matters
what I mean, and replicate what Playing music during a shoot is also
they were doing with their hands, integral to Phil’s approach, and this
say. A crucial part of a portrait shoot is about much more than having
is getting your subject over this Kiss FM or BBC 6 Music on in the
“feeling weird” thing, as yes, having background. ‘Music is crucial to the
your photo taken feels weird, but way I photograph, certainly with
you’ll get over it. You need to absorb actors. When I started out, I’d
that awkwardness and encourage the acquiesce when subjects would ask
sitter to get over the hump.’ to put something else on, but now I
You’d think actors, by the nature push back. I want my sitters to have
of their calling, would be less prone a fresh reaction to the music. If it’s
to stiffness and self-consciousness in something they already know, they
front of Phil’s camera, but this is not will have a pre-prepared feeling they
always the case. ‘I have to tell actors can slip into. Music can help to
that this is about trusting your create a mood, sure, but it’s more
instincts – they can be worse than interesting when music is touching
anyone about saying, “I hate having someone emotionally and it moves
my photos taken.” As I get older, them as a human being. That is
I do sometimes get frustrated with really when I know I am taking good
somebody who is still uptight after pictures of somebody, when they are
I have been working with them for letting that happen.’
two hours. I may need to kick them Phil uses a variety of music on his
up the arse a bit – “I am doing my playlists, which he is happy to share.
job, now you need to do yours.” It’s ‘It’s no great secret. The music I use
funny though, politicians or business is eclectic, from classical to drum
people often get it straight away!’ and bass, hip hop, bands, music
from films… it intentionally jumps
Above: Lottie May
around in tone, to keep my sitters on
Fujifilm GFX100S, 1/200sec at
f/2.5, ISO 100 their toes. I have different playlists,
some are more emotionally focused,
Right: Garrick and I love shoots when I know
Hagon somebody is really “getting it”.
Fujifilm GFX50S, 1/250sec at Actors need something to play off.
f/2.8, ISO 3200 Having studied a bit about acting
and acting techniques, I have
learned to try to help them “do their
thing” – music can help me capture
an emotional response. Most actors
get what I am trying to do. When I
ask them to treat this as an acting
exercise, it’s much easier for them
than being asked to be a tree or all
the other crazy stuff they have to do
at drama school. A lot of other
photographers are not really taking
advantage of what actors can do.’ 21
digital technology is how easy which reveals exactly how that Below left: the manager of your local KFC. ‘A lot
it is to convert to black & white. picture is supposed to look. I can Michelle Gomez of younger photographers feel they
With film cameras, you had to make find this by just playing around with Fujifilm GFX100S, 1/640sec at need to really light up their subject,
a decision right from the start. I am
f/2,2, ISO 100 but this is not always the case, as I
the image in Photoshop trying
still primarily thinking about light different things, experimenting, not Below centre: show by mainly using natural light.
and shape and texture and those being too beholden to the original. Robert Rhodes Take a shoot with an estate agent, for
things, and I have become more After all, there is nothing inherently Fujifilm GFX100S, 1/400sec at example – they will often have big
sensitive to colour and how to use it, truthful in the raw file – it has been f/1.4, ISO 100 glass windows with amazing natural
but I think I am just getting better at processed already, with lots of light or big maps on the wall, and
being prepared to throw that all creative decisions made by Fujifilm. I Below right: both of these make for interesting
away. Thinking in black & white is a Poppy Lawless graphic backgrounds. Try not to
don’t change people’s body shapes,
Fujifilm GFX100S,
handy tool to get started as it makes but when it comes to light, colour, 1/500sec at f/1.4, ISO 125 second-guess that your client just
you think about light a bit more tone, texture, vibrancy, you can wants a boring headshot, and don’t
starkly, but I am not sure that it really make the photograph at the be afraid to make something
should be a rule as you progress. If editing stage.’ Phil does most of his intriguing (do both if you’ve got
you are not shooting in colour as it editing in Photoshop, having time). If you always do what you’ve
is distracting or confusing, converted the raw file from his GFX always done, really, what’s the point.
absolutely, but to claim that black & series cameras to a TIFF using Use the environment to your
white pictures are somehow more Fujifilm’s X-Raw Studio software. advantage. Then look at portraits
artistic feels a bit of a pre-William you like – how is it remotely possible
Eggleston argument.’ Work with what you have I could photograph this estate agent,
When it comes to editing, Phil is It might seem like Phil lives a rather for example, in a similar way?. What
prepared to work a lot on images he rarefied existence, shooting actors is the best possible outcome for me,
particularly likes. ‘Sometimes I feel from a studio in trendy north shooting this Trump-style guy in a
like the raw file is like a lump of clay London, but he reckons the kind of badly fitting suit? You need to have
– I know there is a good picture in values and approaches he brings to some feeling in your mind what you
there, can I bring it out. Can I really his work can benefit all portrait are trying to achieve, and a
elevate it via editing. Often I sense photographers – whether you are perception of what you are
there is a sweet spot in the raw file, shooting TV stars like Ross Kemp or trying to create.’
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The 33mm f/8 premium
lens gives plenty of detail
Kodak Gold 200
Alfie Cameras
The Alfie Cameras Tych+ is an intriguing, premium Data file
half-frame camera. Jessica Miller takes the compact Price £499
rotary-lens design for a spin… Film type
Frame size
Film speeds 12 to 6400
lfie Cameras is a main difference is in the also available, including a Lenses 33.3mm f/8 premium glass
family-run business additional premium glass shutter release cable, external 30mm f/8 single-element glass
that started creating 33.3mm f/8 lens (the Tych flash and collapsible sport finder. 25mm f/56 zone plate
compact 35mm camera has three lenses only) Being similar in price, the 25mm f/125 pinhole
half-frame cameras after a and bright glass viewfinder. Tych+ will certainly be rivalled by Shutter speed 30sec to 1/500sec
successful Kickstarter campaign The Tych+ is available for £499 the new big-brand half-frame film Focusing Fixed focus
in 2022. The lineup started with and is currently only for sale via camera on the block, the Pentax Metering Partial
the Alfie Cameras Tych model. the Alfie Cameras website at 17. But the Tych+ stands on its Exposure comp. +/- 2EV
We first saw it at The Photography The original own, not only in terms of build Power USB rechargeable
Show, and the Tych+ is its Tych retails for £299. The Tych+ and features, but also for its Battery life Approx 200 photos when switched
off between pictures
premium successor. Though comes with a lens hood, camera target audience and purpose. Dimensions 16x13x8cm
having the same compact build strap and USB-C charger cable. Read on to find out how Weight 120g
and rotary lens board design, the A range of other accessories is I got on with it. 25
notice, in my ignorance) each the viewfinder and a small LCD
auto mode and the ability to screen which allows the user to
change between f-stops. But see settings and the electronic
once found, it was simple enough shutter count. A small button
to use the pinhole and 25mm just below the screen allows
lenses as well as the standard you to change settings. The
f/8 lenses, without using the camera is charged by USB-C,
fully manual mode. a handy inclusion.
The wind-on wheel doesn’t It is very small in size,
automatically stop when you lightweight and fits in the palm
reach the next shot. The good of your hand. It weighs just 120g
thing about that is you can take and is 90x79x45mm. That’s
multiple exposures without any much smaller than other film
hacks or tricks needed; as the cameras such as the Pentax 17,
camera doesn’t require you to fitting easily into a pocket or
wind on for the next shutter. slipped into a bag. I found it easy
But this could be seen as a to hold and use in my small
blessing and a curse if you hands; others with larger hands
aren’t aware of the status of may have a fiddlier experience.
your current film position. The only issue I have had when
using the camera is the rewind
Design and handling knob; even with small fingers it
The Tych+ camera has a smart, was quite awkward to rewind
all-black, unique design. The without the viewfinder or my
camera body is made using own fingers getting in the way.
a hybrid anodised-aluminium However, the viewfinder can be
and 3D-printing approach. slid off, which makes winding
On the front, we have the lens back the film much easier.
rotary board and neat-looking There is a large wind wheel at
TYCH branding. The top contains the bottom of the camera, and
load the film, but it took some
time to figure out the different
settings and options.
From a standard 36-exposure
roll of film, I was able to get over
Verdict WHILE it
72 shots (approx 76-80 photos). looks quite
I generally shot in Auto mode, complicated
and found the best, and initially,
sharpest, results came from the Alfie
the 33mm f/8 lens. I found the Cameras
30mm meniscus lens produced Tych+ is a good challenge and
some images that were softly fun to use. It offers a lot of
blurred. Once I got the hang of room for experimentation and
finding and changing the settings brings modern design and
I gave the pinhole and 25mm electronic features to film
lenses a try. But in a lot of cases, photography. It is small, quiet
the results were indecipherable. and discreet, which is great for
I did have some luck when using travel and street photography
manual mode and the pinhole in particular.
lens, however. So, this camera It’s on a par with the
really is about trial and error, Pentax 17, in terms of price.
which might not be to everyone’s But this feels like a camera
taste. During shooting I found nerd’s investment piece.
myself making a few notes so Despite being one that you
I could try to remember which can indeed go out and point
lens matched up to the photo. and shoot with in Auto and
The LCD is a great addition, the standard 33mm lens,
and through which you can this camera needs a lot of
set your ISO, reset your shutter time dedicated to fully
count and more, including change understand and make use
A 1-second exposure settings. The Tych+ also has a of its full functionality.
with the pinhole lens useful electronic lightmeter that The Alfie Tych+ is definitely
worked well in this selects the appropriate shutter for more competent
woodland scene
speed for the chosen lens and photographers and camera
Kentmere 400
aperture settings. users. Depending on your
The camera and shutter were style, the results produced
next to it is the frame indicator. the white square was half visible very discreet and quiet, which are very interesting and more
It’s worth noting you need to having wound on. If you do go too works well for street photography. experimental and creative.
watch until you wind on to the far, you can use the rewind knob I also enjoy doing multiple Sometimes that means
next white square, as it doesn’t to return to the correct position. exposures, and being able to sacrificing sharpness and
automatically stop when you do them on this camera without clarity. It would make a great
reach the next frame like other Performance needing any hacks was a plus. gift for hardcore film
film cameras. It does also have a Overall, whilst the Tych+ has I had no issues with battery life enthusiasts. However, it’s
habit of winding too far – whether been interesting to use – for me, – during my time using the likely too expensive for a
that’s from human error or when it doesn’t feel as straightforward camera I didn’t need to recharge, point-and-shooter, or for a
in a bag. I made sure to check as other film cameras – which is it still remained on the full three beginner film photographer
each time I got the camera out of part of its niche. The camera bars after two films, and who wants something for
my bag, as more often than not was easy enough to set up and being switched on and off. more sporadic use. 27
Reader Portfolio
Spotlight on readers’ excellent images and how they captured them
Reader Portfolio winners receive a one-year subscription to a Gold Submit your images
Portfolio Series website worth £300. UK domain name included. See page 3 for details of how to submit. You
Amazing Internet designs, builds and hosts amazing websites for creative people and companies. It has specialised in creating websites for could see your photos here in a future issue!
photographers since 1999 and has services to suit all budgets. Whether you need a simple template-based site for £60 per year or a fully Please note: the prize is subject to change.
bespoke site, they’ve got you covered.
Faye Tozer
from Steps
3 This was taken at
Carfest, where I was
working behind the
scenes with Steps.
Nikon D810, Nikon
24-70mm f/2.8,
1/200sec at f/2.8,
ISO 160
Current kit
A Nikon D810 and Nikon Z7II with
various lenses.
Favourite lens
Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 G2.
4 From the JLS Tour
at Bournemouth
International Centre.
Nikon Z 7II, Nikon 24-70mm,
1/250sec at f/4, ISO 1250
Beverley Knight
5 From the Beverley Knight
‘50’ Tour in Bournemouth.
Nikon Z7 II, Nikon 24-70mm
f/4, 1/250sec at f/4,
ISO 2000
Olly Murs
6 Olly was supporting Take
That on their ‘This Life’ tour.
Nikon Z7 II, Sigma 500mm
(with adapter), 1/320sec
at f/6.3, ISO 400
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Email l The model industry is
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Group Editor Nigel Atherton would-be models should
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Features Editor Amy Davies by a photographer.
Technique Editor
Online Editor
Hollie Latham Hucker
Joshua Waller
It would be interesting
Deputy Online Editor Jessica Miller to discover if there are any
Online Writer Isabella Ruffatti other experiences from AP
Staff Writer Musa Bwanali Write to the Editor at and include your full postal address. Please don’t send letters in
Production Editor Jacqueline Porter the post as there is no one in the office to receive them. Replies are from the Editor unless otherwise stated readers about individuals
Design (Calum Booth) using modelling as a front
Photo-Science Consultant
Professor Robert Newman to scam older
Advertisement sales & production
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LETTER OF THE WEEK photographers.
Adrian M Ashurst
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Classifieds others have fallen by the
Telephone 0906 802 0279. Premium wayside. Long may it
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Ltd. Calls cost 65p per minute from a BT
A Samsung 256GB PRO Ultimate SDXC memory card. continue.
landline; other networks and mobiles may The PRO Ultimate card offers read speeds of up to Robert Long
vary. Lines open Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm 200MB/s and write speeds of up to 130MB/s. Plus 6 proof technology: Water,
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A cautionary tale be repaid by the person agreed fees and
Tel 020 7429 4000 I recently learned of a through proposed expenses.
Distribution in Northern Ireland number of senior amateur photoshoots. These l Ensure that a ‘model
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Newspread. Telephone +353 23 886 3850 photographers who have photoshoots are often release’ form is signed,
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Kelsey Media 2024 © all rights reserved. Kelsey Media financial scams. The scam photographer loses the copyright and where
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writing from the publishers. Note to contributors: articles of would-be models who will unfortunately never (Some examples can be
submitted for consideration by the editor must be the
original work of the author and not previously published. target older amateur see the money again. found online).
Where photographs are included, which are not the photographers who are Therefore, the advice l Pro photographers
property of the contributor, permission to reproduce them
must have been obtained from the owner of the copyright. members of photographic is simple. should ensure they have a Two readers write in with
The editor cannot guarantee a personal response to all societies. Once the l Never offer to lend public liability insurance praise for AP’s special
letters and emails received. The views expressed in the
magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the individuals are introduced money to a would-be policy in place. 140th Anniversary edition
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lugging it around and holding it.
Richard Sheppard
That I’d prefer the Pentax MX over the
Hazel Dunlop ME. But both were great cameras. *
At 18 years
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Alec Hunter
Photographers Visit
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Beth! @Adventure1Photo APUG24
Honestly, in the 1970s when I got my first
camera, how male-dominated the industry was and Call us on 01959 543 747
to ignore every man that told me no. (Did it and quote APUG24
eventually but should have sooner.)
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and comments Lines are open Mon-Fri 8.30am to 5.30pm. Calls are
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Tech Talk
Primar- your
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John Wade looks over a
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PRICE AT LAUNCH about £100
GUIDE PRICE NOW £160 (recent auction buy)
bayonet with a screw thread on Press down on the hood The camera reviewed sports a
the lugs. Pull back a catch on release catch, and the back falls 10.5cm f/3.5 Tessar lens. Other
the top, and a viewing hood open to reveal a removable lenses from 8-50cm were made
incorporating a magnifier springs
into place for waist-level viewing.
cartridge into which the film is
loaded. It shoots twelve 6x6cm
for the Primar-Reflex by
prestigious manufacturers that WAYS TO
Its eye-level sports finder is found
by opening a flap at the front of
images on 120 film. Frame
numbers are indicated in a tiny
included Zeiss, Meyer, Kilfitt,
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the hood and sighting through a window as the film is advanced, Berthiot, Krauss, Dallmeyer, Ross Visit
an action which also tensions the and Taylor Hobson.
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control film wind, focal plane fraction of the cost. 01959 543 747
What’s bad Very heavy, no and quote APUG24
rangefinder to aid focusing,
extra lenses are hard to find.
The eye-level sports finder flap use your data view our privacy policy here shop.kelsey. You may unsubscribe at any time. 41
of the Year
Round Six 1
Portraiture is always a challenge. It
can be easy to become overwhelmed
by our own desire for creativity, or
distracted by the technicalities of
studio flash, or confused by the matter
of controlling natural light. There’s
potential to forget there’s an individual
in front of the camera who needs
directing. A successful portrait has an
edge – a certain something that, in a
split second, reveals some small detail
or nuance about the person. It’s a
wonderfully fulfilling, creative genre,
and the top ten images in this month’s
round all succeed on a range of levels.
2 Jevgenijs Scolokovs
Latvia 90pts
Canon EOS 5D, 135mm, 1/2500sec at f/2, ISO 100
Guest judge Carolyn Mendelsohn says:
‘I couldn’t resist this wonderful photograph. It
creates a strange, slightly unsettling scene that
draws me back again and again. The story is
intriguing and the photograph conceptual and
well crafted. Who is the woman knitting on a
sofa outside? The domestic imagery captivates
me, contrasting sharply with the external harsh weather around
her. It is a portrait but at the same time much more.
‘This composition has an intentionally surreal quality, but it is
perfectly balanced. The umbrella blowing away, the older woman
knitting on a sofa – something that typically belongs indoors
– alongside a teddy bear, all evoke a sense of domesticity. Like
a still from a film, it raises questions instead of providing
answers, inviting us to delve deeper into its narrative.
‘There’s a quietness to the scene; it doesn’t shout, but rather
beckons us to explore further.
‘What do I love about it? The story, the surreal quality and
2 the striking juxtaposition of the domestic setting against the
outside world.’
3 Al Stuart UK 80pts
Nikon D5, 24-70mm at 40mm, 1/125sec at f/5, ISO 100
The judges enjoyed the strong concept
of this studio shot (which was taken in
Al’s kitchen, which shows you don’t
need to go to the effort of hiring a
studio space to make good images).
Despite how busy the background is,
our eye goes straight to the model’s
face, with her neutral expression, first.
It’s as if she’s simply glanced up from
the news story that was commanding
her attention. Her pose is relaxed,
and the three-quarter angle helps to
emphasise that. While the intention is
clearly to convey an obsession with the
news, given that most of us now
consume our headlines electronically,
there’s also a nostalgic feel to the
image that makes it stand out.
4 Peyman Naderi Iran 70pts
Sony A7R Mark III, 24-70mm at 70mm, 1/160sec at f/5.6, ISO 64
Peyman is a regular in the people and portraits category,
and this is another example of one of his mysterious and
intriguing portraits, which is immaculately produced, as
always. The woman’s hand is placed perfectly – we can
almost feel her eyes burning through it. The styling is
stunning, too, with the costume and hair contributing to
the scene as much as the model and pose. It’s like an
imagined still from a fairytale or a myth, and the audience
is invited to construct their own story.
Winning kit
from Camera
Centre UK
What gear did our top ten
7 Dominic Beaven UK 45pts photographers use?
Sony A7 Mark III, 35mm, 1/13sec at f/8, ISO 200 In third place, Al Stuart used a
The range of styles in this year’s top ten is fascinating, and here we have another example of a Nikkor 24-70mm F2.8E AF-S ED VR
stylised shot that tells a story. Dominic says it’s part of a narrative about obsession with social for his studio portrait. This fast-
media, and the slumped pose suggests something about its negative impact. The set has been aperture, flagship standard zoom
beautifully constructed, and the model well styled, too, with her green dress standing out strongly. was the first Nikkor lens to feature
an Aspherical Extra-Low Dispersion
(ASP/ED) element. It also promises
ROUND SIX WINNER, YOUNG APOY up to four stops of Vibration
Reduction and in its five-star review
Yousef Naser Egypt in AP it was said that ‘the speed of
100pts AF acquirement is truly impressive’.
Fujifilm X-T3, 18-55mm, 1/125sec at f/14, ISO 640 This excellent lens can be found at
Once again, Yousef Naser is Camera Centre UK for £1,999.
making a huge impact in Young Taking seventh place, Dominic
APOY. This may be the first Beaven’s portrait was shot using
category he’s won this year (he a Sigma 35mm F1.4 DG DN | Art.
took the overall title in both Constructed with 15 elements
2022 and 2023), but he’s arranged in 11 groups, with aspherical
been placed in the top ten elements maintaining sharpness to
in every round so far – the the edges of the frame, there’s also
most consistent results of a rounded 11-blade iris to ensure
any entrant. With this image, attractive bokeh. Taking five stars
which seven of the nine judges when reviewed in AP, it was described
placed in their top ten, the as a ‘high-quality workhorse’. This
side lighting in this image impressive lens can be found at
is sublime, picking out the Camera Centre UK for £769.
details in the fisherman’s net, Graeme Youngson’s candid shot was
as well as his hand and facial awarded eighth place and was shot
features. The catchlight in using a Fujifilm XF35mmF2 R WR. In
his eyes is perfect, and is an another five-star review, this lens has
essential element to make his nine elements in six groups, plus nine
direct stare at the lens even diaphragm blades and an aperture
stronger. The muted colours range of f/2 to f/16. It was described
complement each other as ‘an incredibly powerful lens that
beautifully and allow us to looks great, feels great and has the
concentrate on the subject’s performance to match’. Pick this lens
somewhat inscrutable up at Camera Centre UK for £359.
expression. Yousef has a great
future ahead of him, and we
can’t wait to see where he To see the full range, visit
goes next with his photography. 45
APOY 2024
8 Graeme Youngson
8 UK 40pts
Fujifilm X-Pro3, 35mm, 1/500sec at f/7.1, ISO 800
Graeme is another regular name on
the results pages of APOY, and here
we have a typically witty observation
from him. Taken during an Extinction
Rebellion protest, the juxtaposition
of the formal stances and uniforms
of the police officers against the
costumed woman is a powerful one
– the common link between them
being the wearing of the masks.
To see more images from APOY Round Six and Young APOY, visit
10 Erika Howard
UK 30pts The 2024
Fujfilm X-T2, 56mm, 1/125sec at f/1.2,
ISO 1000 leaderboards
Taken in Benin, this As we move into the second half of
portrait is memorable this year’s competition, things are
for its simplicity. tighter than ever at the top of the APOY
Shooting against a plain leaderboard, with only 60 points
background takes our separating first and joint 11th places.
attention straight to the No fewer than five entrants share sixth
python, before going to place, demonstrating just how close
the man’s somewhat everything is. In Young APOY, Yousef
benign expression. The Naser (this round’s winner) and
fact that he is looking previous winner Lucy Monckton are
out of the frame lends fighting for top spot, and with four
an element of mystery, rounds to go, anything could happen.
and the shape created As far as the camera clubs go,
by the snake makes it Plymouth is flying, at nearly 200 points
almost like a headdress ahead of its nearest rival. Can anyone
of sorts. Spend time catch them? Only time will tell!
with the image and you
then start to take in the
scars on the man’s face APOY
and the subtle detail of
his clothing. Depth of 1 Sara Jazbar 170
field is spot on, too. 2 Gary Hunter 160
3 Peyman Naderi 150
CAMERA CLUB COMPETITION 4 Jevgenijs Ščolokovs 140
5 Paul Nash 125
6= Matteo Strassera 120
6= Patrick Reilly 120
6= Paula Green 120
6= Roy Egloff 120
6= Tim Burgess 120
11= Andrew Robertson 110
11= John Mihopulos 110
11= Lynn Fraser 110
1 Yousef Naser 340
2 Lucy Monckton 290
3 Omar Mahmoud Alashmawy225
4 Matteo Botta 200
5 Antisha Thakur 190
6 Kaung Khant Thaw 180
7 Finn Hanley 165
8 Liberty McAuley 140
9 Charlie Gil 110
10 Rami Gnaegi 105
Tracey Small UK 10pts 1 Plymouth Camera Club 450
Fujifilm X-T4, 35mm, 1/250sec at f/2.8, ISO 160 2 Truro Camera Club 255
Tracey has earned ten points both for herself and for Launceston Camera Club 3= Mid-Somerset Camera Club 190
with her creative portrait that has been extremely well captured and processed.
3= Stafford Photographic Society190
The models’ expressions complement the softness of the scene, and the tones
have been very well managed. Well worthy of the shortlist. 5 Bristol Photographic Society 150 47
APOY 2024
Round Six:
The Best
of the Rest
The APOY judges choose their favourite
images that didn’t make the top ten of our
People category
Amy Davies, features editor, chooses Clink
Street by Steve Oldfield, East Sussex
Olympus E-M1 Mark II, 12-100mm at 12mm, 1/40sec at f/4, ISO 500
Amy says: ‘This was the People round, but at first glance
you’d be forgiven for thinking that this is something more
at home in the Architecture section. That’s exactly why
I have chosen it – when I’m judging, I try to look for
photographs that don’t necessarily straightforwardly tick
a box for whatever the subject round is.
‘In this case, although the image is predominantly
about the stark lines and colours of the architecture,
it would arguably actually be a fairly dull picture
without the person in the corner. They give it an excellent
sense of scale, and, we also get an idea of how
impressive it is that the photographer managed to create
such straight lines.
‘I like the little touches of the street name as well –
Clink Street, it’s got a lovely ring to it. And maybe it’s just
my pareidolia, but I’m sure I can see a face created from Ailsa McWhinnie, APOY project manager,
the features of the building too.’ chooses The American Dream by Andy
Holloway, Hertfordshire
Nikon D750, 24mm, 1/1000sec at f/8, ISO 100
Ailsa says: ‘I love everything about this: the man’s pose,
the colours, the composition, and the light that makes it
look as if it was shot in California, not the UK. The
Chevrolet suggests it was taken on the other side of the
pond, too, but in fact the owner, Bill ‘Chopper’ Carter,
brought the car into the UK from America. The reflections in
his sunglasses complete the picture. He’s about as cool as
it gets, and Andy has done a superb job of capturing him.’
Nigel Atherton, editor, chooses Pull a Face Jessica Miller, deputy online editor,
by Andrew Knight, Devon chooses Hey, You! By Glynis Harrison,
Sony A7R Mark II, 90mm Macro, 1/160sec, f/2.8 Birmingham
Nigel says: ‘This image by Andrew Knight immediately Camera details unknown
jumped out at me when I first saw it. It has a great visual Jessica says: ‘Now this is a scene I’m sure most of us
impact – a combination of Andrew’s use of a ring light to in the UK are familiar with. The moment you open your
create the punchy, shadowless lighting, and Xena’s playful, fish and chips, or any food for that matter, and being
slightly edgy pose and expression. If you’d told me that surrounded by either pigeons or seagulls (or both).
Rankin had taken this picture I wouldn’t have questioned it ‘This photo was taken on Redondo Beach Pier,
for a moment. It wouldn’t look out of place on the cover of California. I find it particularly humorous, as the
a magazine like i-D or The Face. woman, who is said to regularly feed the birds, speaks,
‘Andrew photographed Xena at a studio near his Plymouth or shouts, at the birds all lining up for a piece of her
home to try out his new 90mm portrait lens, and his lunch. From the action of the woman pointing to one
decision to shoot wide open at f/2.8 has created a nice bird in front of her, to its mate making a move near her
bokeh from the sequins behind her. Converting it to black shoulder, I think Glynis has captured this moment well
& white prevented the colours in the sequins from and for me that’s what makes it memorable.’
becoming a distraction.’ 49
Testbench IN THE FIELD
Rocking horse shot with the
MPP Micro Technical Mark VIII on
Ilford 5x4 Direct Positive Paper
in large
At one time they gave the
ultimate in picture
quality, but how
useful is a plate
camera today?
John Gilbey decided to find out
ike many photographers, Precision Products (MPP) of but mine didn’t. Then there was
I’d always liked the idea Kingston on Thames. Okay, it was the overwhelming sense of quality
of a large-format camera metal rather than mahogany, but – the finish of the components
– a thing of brass and all the other criteria matched and the way that it had clearly
bellows, oiled mahogany and nicely. It came with three been hand assembled. The heavy
some vintage glass. I figured that interchangeable lenses, a dozen alloy construction, wrapped here
I could add it as a novelty to my or so darkslides for both cut film and there in the traditional black
wedding photography offering to and glass plates, a box of filters leatherette of the period, hinted
help me stand out from the and lens hoods, cable releases, that this camera was built for
competition. Heck, I’d even don a even a manual. Everything, in hard work.
waistcoat and bow tie if that fact, to get me started in Technical cameras of this type,
helped to sell some work. large-format photography except an enhanced version of the
For a long time this remained a a tripod and a box of film. typical press camera, were a
dream, but then an opportunity How much to bid was the next mainstay of commercial
arose – the sort you just can’t question. High enough to secure photography in the post-war
pass up. A research organisation the kit, but low enough to reflect years, and remained in use with
I did some work for had gone the lack of warranty. The camera some organisations up to the
digital and was selling off its had been stored in good millennium and perhaps beyond.
analogue cameras and darkroom conditions, the shutters all fired This popularity was due to the At the front of the bracket that
equipment. They were taking and the lenses were clean and extreme flexibility they gave, holds the lens board sits a pair of
bids, so I scanned the list of stuff clear. I made my offer, adding a especially in a studio, while being thumb catches. Squeeze these
available with considerable few random pence in case the portable enough to be lugged out together and carefully draw the
interest. Besides the usual range contest was close. A week later into the field when necessary. To lens assembly forward so that it
of Bronica and Nikon kit, one line I was informed that I had the see how this all hangs together, engages with the focusing track.
stood out: it simply said ‘Plate winning bid, so I paid up and let’s take a closer look. Focusing is achieved using the
camera outfit’. My pulse carried off my prize – struggling a In its folded state, the MPP is rear-mounted ground glass
suddenly quickening, I asked to bit as I carried the heavy case around 8 inches square and 4 screen, shielded with a folding
have a look at it. and contents across the car park. inches deep, so it can be carried metal hood, and the two
A large leather trunk, close to in a reasonably compact case for focusing wheels on the front
2-feet long, was placed on the About the camera working in the field. To open it, baseboard. Be prepared for a
table for my inspection. Opening The first things I noticed about slide the catch on the top panel shock, as the image on the
it revealed a treasure: a high- the Micro Technical were those and gently pull the front cover screen will be inverted and
quality British-made camera. A features it didn’t have: no down until it clicks into place. reversed, which can take some
few moments of study revealed it batteries, no metering, no proper This then forms the baseboard getting used to. Focusing is made
to be a Micro Technical Mark VIII, viewfinder, just a clip-on wire and allows the lens and bellows easier if the aperture is wide
made in the mid 1960s by Micro frame. Some had a rangefinder, to be deployed. open, which gives more light and
a shallower depth of field. in its own right, but suffice it to – having returned any camera
My standard lens for the MPP say that the MPP allows you to movements to their default
is a 150mm, f/4.5 Schneider- raise and lower the lens, swing location. Then, place both your
Kreuznach Xenar in a Synchro- the lens to left or right and adjust thumbs on the curved alloy
Compur leaf shutter. This lens the angle of the ground glass braces and push down until the
has the advantage that it will fit screen and film holder in three braces release. Only then can
inside the body of the camera dimensions. Not a bad offering you lift the front of the case and
when it is closed. Other, larger, for a technical camera, but a click it shut. Damage will occur if
lenses need to be removed from monorail type will offer you you get this wrong!
the body before you close it. In slightly more flexibility.
company with most other Having secured your images, Learning the technique
large-format cameras, the MPP you’ll need to collapse the Even if you are familiar with film
offers a range of camera camera again – and it is vital that cameras, everything you think you
movements, which can be used you understand how to do this! know has to be relearned when
to control both perspective and Return the lens to its resting you move to large format.
the relative areas of the image place in the body by squeezing Compared to 35mm or roll film
which you want to be in focus. the thumb catches and gently photography, the pace is Front view showing the Synchro
This could easily form an article easing the assembly backward glacial – and half a dozen Compur shutter and Xenar lens 51
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Testbench IN THE FIELD
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Black and White Photo Awards have announced the winners of
their 2024 competition – we take a look at some of the finalists
ow in its third year, the Black Winner went to Haikun Liang for his went to László Tóth for the image ‘Spiral to
and White Photo Awards have striking photo, ‘Destroy Together’, which the Tower’. Other categories include
once again showcased a high captures a vibrant moment during the Architecture, Street, Portrait, Fauna and
standard of black & white Spring Festival in China (see below). Flora, and Landscape. Entries for next year’s
photography, with nearly 5,000 entries This year, there was also a Special Prize competition open on 1 January 2025. See
recieved this year. The title of Absolute for Creativity, sponsored by SanDisk, which more at
Absolute Winner In Deqing County, Zhaoqing City, China, it is said that there was
Destroy Together by Haikun Liang already a folk custom of ‘frying lions’ during the Spring Festival in the
Song Dynasty. On the 15th day of the first lunar month, everyone took
‘The Spring Festival is a major traditional festival among Chinese turns lighting firecrackers and throwing ‘lions’ until the lions were
people, among which the lion is known as a mascot for celebrating blown to pieces, symbolising the driving away of evil and praying for
good luck and driving away demons and evil spirits during the festival. peace in all seasons and a bountiful harvest.’ 57
Special Prize for
Creativity by
Spiral to the
by László Tóth
‘The flight of birds is a
characteristic movement
for them. I love depicting
these phases of
movement in one picture.’
Architecture category,
Bronze Mention
Monochrome Majesty
by Robert Fulop
‘In this striking monochrome photograph, the Marie-
Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus stands as a beacon of
modernity and architectural sophistication. Against the
backdrop of the Berlin skyline, the sleek lines and
geometric shapes of the building create a captivating
visual contrast. Bathed in the soft, diffused light of the
monochrome palette, every detail of the structure is
rendered with precision and clarity, highlighting its
contemporary design and elegant proportions. As
shadows play across its surface, the Marie-Elisabeth-
Lüders-Haus exudes an air of quiet dignity and
understated beauty, inviting viewers to contemplate the
intersection of tradition and innovation in Berlin’s urban
landscape. This evocative image captures the essence
of the Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus, where form meets
function in a harmonious blend of modernity and grace.’
Street category, Second Place Democratic People’s Republic of Korea told what to do, what to look at or not and
Kim City 07 by Alain (DPRK) remains one of the most isolated and what to photograph. Shots of people working,
secretive nations in the world. Visits to the carrying goods or not well-dressed are
Schroeder city’s national monuments are a required forbidden, pushing one to show only an
‘Pyongyang, North Korea. An old woman portion of the pre-determined, inflexible idealised vision of the city. The environment
walking next to the Mansudae Grand itinerary. Chaperoned and surveilled by two is totally controlled and there is no choice but
Monument with its 22-metre-high bronze official government guides at all times is to follow the rules.’
statues of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il. The standard practice for foreign visitors. You are
Portrait category,
Golden Mention
Hold on the Earth
by Jenq-Horng
‘Since I was a child, I have
often dreamed of being a
hero, dreaming that I am
like Superman, waving my
cloak, whistling and flying,
and flying down quickly, I
can save the world to my
heart’s content, what a
god! But when I grew up,
I found that the earth was
indeed getting worse and
worse, but I didn’t become
a superman as I wished.
I can only think of doing a
good job as a screw. I
can’t help but wonder,
what kind of posture
should this screw put on
to save the Earth?’ 59
Flora and Fauna
category, Silver
Whale Dreams
by Remuna Beca
‘A playful humpback whale
calf pauses gracefully at
the surface in the deep
blue of the South Pacific
Previously unseen photographs taken in America by
Michael Ormerod will form a much-anticipated new book.
Peter Dench talks to family and friends to find out more
Unseen negatives
After a family gathering in 2012, Ali
and her dad’s friend, Geoff Weston,
revisited her dad’s archive. They
discovered a trove of previously
unseen negatives. Recruiting Alan
Thorburn, Photography BA (Hons)
Degree lecturer at Newcastle College
(who Geoff taught in the 1990s),
over the course of a decade, they
selected a revised collection of
Michael’s work. Vanishing Point, a
pop-up exhibition curated by Crane
Kalman in association with
found my dad’s cameras Convertible car was in working order and they were Millennium Images (where Michael’s
at my mum’s house in driving on road. like wow, this will absolutely work; it work is held) opened in London this
France in a big silver box. U.S.A could probably do with a service but September. The book, American
They hadn’t been touched that would take weeks and I didn’t Photographs, including 50 previously
for 33 years so I decided to take have that much time. They said unpublished images, is printed by
one with me to America, the Leica pop a film in. I experimented with RRB Photobooks (Oct 2024).
M2. He also had a Nikon and some it while there, it was really fun. My Ali remembers, ‘Back when we
medium format cameras in this box very first roll of film. I made so many were looking through the negative
[old photographs suggest a Mamiya notes on my settings, shutter speed, sheets it was Geoff’s photographic
RB67 and Plaubel Makina], a host of trying to get the right exposure eye and his friend Alan in Newcastle
lenses and filters and all sorts of bits because there’s no light meter in that was looking for which ones
and bobs. I took it to the Leica shop it. When I took my film out of the would be worth scanning. I said
in Manchester before I left to see if it camera I ripped it, absolutely gutted!’ which ones I liked and they 63
Open spaces
As a developing photographer,
Michael struggled with the
complexities of documenting India,
having his camera stolen on a night
train the final straw. He turned his Old roller coaster in amusement
park seen from the street. U.S.A
attention to open spaces of the less-
populated America where reportedly
his dad had worked and brother had not give a second glance.
lived. At times he travelled with his Michael’s archive has few written
partner, other times alone, traversing notes; his contact sheets show he
America in a VW camper van was frugal with frames per subject
choosing less-travelled roads inspired – perhaps adopting William
and guided by William Least Eggleston’s minimal approach
Heat-Moon’s book, Blue Highways. philosophy, Cartier-Bresson’s
Michael’s sequence of photos decisive moment or simply aware
can at first appear disjointed. What when shooting the limited number
unites them is his critical awareness per roll. The title of the new book is
of the photographic history of a nod to Walker Evans, testament to
America. His unique visual tribute is Michael’s deep fascination with the
a salute to great photographs and medium and his intimate
photographers. A black man understanding. ‘These American
leaning out of the bus window with photographs have sufficient internal
faded advert of rugged white man on power to support themselves but
the side echoes ‘Trolley - New their circuitry – simultaneously
Orleans 1955’ by Robert Frank. TV hidden and there for anyone to see
sets appear like rentals from a 1960s – has a history,’ writes Geoff Dyer in
Lee Friedlander reportage. The American Photographs.
viewer revisits ringside at a Garry A child of a drab post-war Britain,
Winogrand Texas rodeo. His stark Michael was from a Lancashire
landscapes and suburban sprawls cotton textile family (his dad wrote
hail the New Topographics and the 556-page, An Industrial Odyssey).
photographers Robert Adams, Michael was privately educated at
Lewis Baltz, Stephen Shore, Henry Rossall School, Fleetwood, founded
Wessel. Michael captures a in 1844. He came to photography
zig-zag across an empty highway. after an economics degree; he
A church squats in the countryside subsequently ran a freelance photo
surrounded by parked cars. A business in Staffordshire and taught
Doorway entrance to
barren street in a small town – at Newcastle College alongside
a cafe. U.S.A
scenes many photographers might Geoff. Those that knew Michael
Iranian photographer Mostafa Nodeh’s minimal
scenes reveal an elegant beauty, writes Ben Brain
inimalist master photography is an intrinsic part of
Mostafa Nodeh is my artistic life.’ However, Nodeh’s
based in a small village background in painting still informs
in the Gilan province his photography, honing his sense of
of northwest Iran. composition and attention to detail.
‘Photography is part of my life,’ His painterly eye allows him to see
Nodeh explains. ‘It allows me to the world in terms of shapes,
immerse myself in the present and colours, and textures in a way that is
focus on capturing the beauty of unique to his artistic vision.
simple moments. It helps me relax ‘Ultimately, I switched to
and escape from the stresses of the photography because I found that it
real world.’ His minimalist, black & offered a distinctive way to capture
white compositions are beautiful and express my artistic vision. I was
and quiet meditations on space, motivated by a strong desire to
light, and form. However, for Nodeh, capture the beauty of the world
creating art in Iran comes with its around me simply and elegantly,’
big challenges. Making a living from Nodeh explains.
‘art photography’ is difficult and ‘Minimalist photography allows
offers little prestige, so he works me to focus on simplicity, clean
full-time at a factory producing lines, and negative space. I make
industrial air filters. sure my work aligns with this
‘In Iran, you have to work, just concept by carefully selecting
work, to provide food for the family. subjects and compositions that
But even in the worst and most convey a sense of calm,’ he shares.
difficult conditions of my life, I Nodeh’s minimalist approach is a
think about art and photography reflection of both his personal
because it is the art of love.’ philosophy and his aesthetic vision.
Nodeh is entirely self-taught, He aims to create images that strip
originally starting out as a painter. away distractions and focus on shape
His early paintings focused on and form. The results are
nature, capturing the spirit of trees, photographs that exude tranquillity,
the sea, the sun, and the moon. allowing both the artist and the
Eventually, though, the allure of viewer a mental escape from the
photography seduced him, and he noise of everyday life.
swapped his paintbrush for a Nodeh’s approach to photography
camera. ‘Photography is closer to the is deeply influenced by the
reality of life,’ he says. ‘And now Iranian landscape and culture.
The natural beauty of his for solitude. The image invites the
surroundings informs his viewer to pause and reflect.
minimalist style. ‘When creating Nodeh’s minimalist style extends
images, I find balancing negative to his choice of gear. He works with
space and subject matter to be the a Canon EOS 7D DSLR camera with
most challenging aspect,’ Nodeh a basic zoom lens, the Canon EF-S
explains. A significant portion of his 18-135mm. ‘I like to keep things
work is in black & white, which he simple,’ Nodeh admits. His minimal
believes is crucial to his aesthetic. approach extends to the editing
‘Working with a monochrome process, too, where he strives to
palette plays a significant role in my enhance his images without
creations because it allows me to overcomplicating them. For Nodeh,
convey mood and emotion through photography is about capturing the
the interplay of light and shadows,’ essence of a moment rather than
he reveals. For Nodeh, colour can transforming it through heavy
sometimes be a distraction, so he editing in post.
intentionally uses black & white to Like many ‘art’ photographers
focus on form and contrast. This around the world, Nodeh seeks
decision also helps keep the images recognition for his work on a global
undated or unaffected by trends. ‘I platform. His minimalist
use black & white to emphasise the photography has gained some
essential elements of my images and international attention, with his
evoke a sense of timelessness and images being featured in online
simplicity,’ Nodeh explains. publications, galleries, and photo
competitions. ‘I participated in the
Poetic UAE HIPA festival, and I was thrilled
The image of a lone tree (see page that one of my images was a finalist,’ All photos © remains dedicated to sharing his
66) against a stark desert landscape says Nodeh. ‘I hope it will be Mostafa Nodeh minimalist vision with the world.
is a good example of Nodeh’s awarded some cash so that my For photographers looking to
approach to photography, with the family and relatives can see that experiment with a minimalist
tree poetically isolated in an there are opportunities to make approach, Nodeh offers some simple
expansive landscape. ‘For me, this money through photography. It is advice: ‘Focus on simplicity and
image captures the essence of my not easy. I also print and sell my clean lines. Pay attention to negative
search for clarity and beauty in works, and while gaining some space, and approach the frame with
nature,’ Nodeh says. The tree international recognition, it’s an a sense of design.’ For Nodeh,
becomes not just an object in a ongoing challenge,’ he reflects. minimalism isn’t just about
landscape but a symbol or metaphor Despite the challenges, Nodeh finding vast, wild landscapes;
The ultimate in photography websites
Top Tips
1 Try to have
an enquiring
mind, and look
carefully with a
sense of
2 Always try
to imagine
in your mind
that it is going
to be the best
photo yet;
could it be on
the cover of a
book or
3 Shoot early
in the
morning or
shoot in the
evening on
foggy days and
with wild
4 Go alone
not with your
friend or
anyone, you
are alone, you
are calm, you
have fun with
your friend,
and it
becomes more
fun than
photography. 71
outh African-based believe in my work, why would
photographer Bruin Feskens anyone else do it? And it all kinda
was initially exposed to snowballed from there,’ he reveals.
the world of image-making This was about three years ago, and
and creativity in Amsterdam, he’s been selling fine-art prints
Netherlands, where he was born and since then.
raised. His mother was a commercial When Feskens was learning
photographer, and from an early about cinematography back in
age, Feskens was introduced to Amsterdam, he had to get to grips
the dynamic worlds of film and with colour grading. ‘This was
photography by hanging around a challenge for me,’ he explains.
film crews in studios with fancy ‘I found aspects of it incredibly Left: Unbounded. with this new look at things, I felt
lighting and creative folk. hard. I was struggling with certain Home studio flash I could accept the imperfect balance
It wasn’t long before Feskens colours; I thought nothing of it photography made of attempting this. When reading
in 2021/2022.
was cutting his own teeth working until the day I realised I am a little about wabi-sabi, I also came across
The fabric hanging
in the TVC studios, at first in the bit colour-blind. This ended up over her shoulder the term “ikigai” – a sense of
lighting department. At the time, making me feel more confident is simply a blanket purpose, a reason for living – and
he was sure that his career path with working with monochrome.’ I keep on my this also resonated deeply with me.
would lead towards his love of film He continues, ‘I also loved working couch ‘To be honest, I just tried to really
and the moving image; however, with silhouettes even when I focus on creating what I like myself.
soon after deciding to split his dabbled in colour photography. So Above: For me, I feel that a minimalist
time between Cape Town, South Everywhere and approach allows the viewer to
black & white ended up feeling like
Nowhere. Home
Africa, and Amsterdam, Feskens the only right choice for me; it was studio flash engage with the art calmly, which in
came to the realisation that a great feeling when I realised this photography made turn gives everyone the potential to
maybe his creative path was with was what I wanted to keep doing in 2023 – my experience it in their way. I rarely
still, black & white photography and keep improving at. Everything partner who plan a composition out entirely,
and not film. I created in colour before made sometimes although I try to visualise the
Before finding his minimalist me feel insecure, but I did not assists me ctually feeling/image I am going for. I try to
mojo and developing his distinct, feel that way when working in made the skirt create enough breathing room for
type garment on
minimalist style, Feskens tried other black & white; somehow, I felt the spot the subject. I don’t want my images
photographic avenues. ‘I went to a like I knew what I was doing.’ to feel entrapped. Wabi-sabi taught
model agency in Cape Town and me to appreciate the imperfect
offered to shoot model images for Japanese influence balance of life. That is what I try to
their models,’ explains Feskens, It wasn’t just a monochrome achieve with composition.’
who continues, ‘It did not go epiphany that helped shape the Previsualising upcoming projects
according to plan, and after direction of Feskens’s photography. is a vital part of Feskens’s creative
showing the head of the agency He also became fascinated by process. ‘I really enjoy giving myself
some of the photos, she told me wabi-sabi, the Japanese aesthetic that time to think about things ahead of
that anyone could have made them. embraces imperfection, transience, a shoot,’ he explains, and continues,
This was, of course, very upsetting! and simplicity. ‘This motivated me ‘I like to sketch my ideas out in very
But it ended up helping me grow.’ to go and try and be me!’ he says. rough versions with notes. Just to
Feskens decided he did not want ‘I love the aesthetic of monochrome ensure I won’t forget about certain
to shoot anything for anyone but minimalism. It felt like there was a details about my concept. This
himself. ‘I thought that if I didn’t sense of unattainable perfection. But also allows me to come back to 73
Bruin’s it later when the initial “hype”
has worn off. Sometimes, an
Top Tips idea or concept can feel like a
1 If you don’t
believe in
yourself then
“eureka” moment at the time, and
later, on reflection, sometimes it just
isn’t. My sketches and notes are
why should typically things like locations,
anybody else? weather, time of day, studio, model,
Create work props, clothing, fabrics, and so on.
you are proud So I still create and make things up
to stand on the day I am shooting. I believe
beside. this is important if you want it to
still feel alive and fluid. I try to
2 I think
about the
maintain that balance by only
planning out the things that can get
in the way of spontaneity. In my
technical own creative process, it is important
side of things that nothing is set in stone. Ideas are
can be a just that, and if you are doing it
huge help. right, it will look nothing like you
Understand planned it to look. You need to
your camera’s maintain some type of structure by
settings allowing yourself to have these ideas
properly and and techniques ready for when the
all its right moment arises. These in-the-
properties. moment decisions end up creating
3 Don’t be
afraid to
take risks and
that perfectly imperfect balance,
which is what I strive for.’
4 Be
to try new
Above: Clouded.
This was taken in
image a lot because I worked on it
for a long time or I had this idea for
Noordhoek, South ages. But that alone does not mean it
things – things Africa, in natural
works. This is when I remind myself
you may have light. The clouds
are real to “kill your darlings”, and I have to
previously let the idea go.’
judged to be Left: Drive. Same Feskens typically uses paid
uninteresting. location as above models for his shoots. However,
mono. ‘I love paying attention to I shoot with often laugh at how
the textures of things,’ says Feskens. much I adjust the light. Even for the
‘It is a pretty important part of the smallest things! Get it right with the
whole image. I don’t go through any light, and things can look out of this
step without looking at that. I always world, literally something that
have the urge to consider at least makes you think, “Is that real?”
using sand for its texture. When I’m Light can dictate how the entire
selecting clothing items or props, the image feels, so if the light feels off,
texture is the number one deciding I stop and change it right away. I
factor. I use textures to give or take prefer using a single light as it gives
presence. Be it for the whole subject me a lot of control over both light
or a part of it. Sometimes within and shadow.’
sections of the background.’ In post, Feskens converts his
images from colour to black & white,
The power of light adjusting them to create his
Naturally, light is another crucial signature silver-grey aesthetic.
ingredient to Feskens’s style and Annoying intrusions into the frame
process. ‘I often look back at things that distract from the subject will be
and feel like my use of light and toned down or simply removed. ‘If it
shadow could have been better,’ he is bothersome, no matter how small, Above: High way he can’t with colour – he does
explains. ‘I spend much of my time it will go,’ he explains. Heat. We had to have an idea and ambition to
during a shoot moving the lights, While Feskens feels creatively wait for the experiment with colour in the
tweaking this and that. I will make liberated by not having to think wind to be in our future. ‘Colour would be treated like
favour. Natural
adjustments until I am happy, and about colour – as seeing and light, on top of a a theme,’ he explains, ‘using a very
I will make adjustments right in the thinking in black & white really small wall; sky is small amount of colour within
middle of any given moment. People helps him to visualise things in a the background the black & white space.’ 75
Shot on film
We asked you to share your black &
white images shot on film. Here’s a
selection of our favourites
Miriam wearing Chris Seary,
Tatler glasses Oxfordshire
Olympus OM-2, Ilford Delta 100
This picture of my wife was
taken using an Olympus
OM-2 and a 100mm f/2.8
Zuiko lens. It was lit by
daylight coming through a
large window from behind
me. After many years of
doing digital photography, I
found an efficient workflow
for digitising film and went
back to using it. I love the
tonal range that Ilford
products provide, and I also
like to experiment with
different black & white
films, such as Lomography
Potsdam. Currently, I use
Nikon and Olympus for my
35mm photography, and a
Rolleiflex for shooting
medium format.
Being able to review
analogue cameras on my
YouTube channel is like
being a kid in a sweetshop.
It’s great to receive
comments and feedback
from photographers that are
newly discovering film.
Covent Garden
Christmas, London
Olympus OM-1n, Ilford XP2 Super 400
Sandeep Sumal,
Maidenbower, West Sussex
I started using film to learn photography, and a
manual camera meant I couldn’t just switch on
auto mode. I was immediately hooked. The main
cameras I use are the Olympus OM SLRs. Whilst I
sometimes use colour film, my favourite by far is
B&W film. I love its simplicity. Everything is all
about light, shadow and composition. The most
mundane scenes can be transformed by solely
focusing on those three elements. I generally use
Ilford films for B&W with HP5 Plus being the
main one but I also love Kodak Double X. 77
Megan McIsaac,
Detroit, Michigan, USA
I love using black & white film because it
feels timeless, like another world altogether,
like a dream... I’ve been carrying around
my Mamiya C330 since 2009, and it’s still
my most favourite camera to create with. It
feels like I can truly photograph from my
heart, instead of my head, holding my
camera close to my chest while being able
to maintain eye contact with my subject.
I don’t have a favourite film stock; I like
using whatever I can afford or whatever I
already have on hand. Kodak, Ilford, Agfa,
CineStill, Fujifilm, Polaroid, I love it all. I
wish I could have an unlimited supply of
film to choose from.
Stephen King,
Shotton, Flintshire
Instagram @oggnogg
I have been lucky enough to be able to
travel in my spare time, taking mostly
black & white pictures that, I think, add a
sense of timelessness to most scenes and in
the age of Instagram, a mono look tends to
stand out. Ilford FP4 and HP5 are my go-to
films that I develop at home. I use either a
Independence Day in Croatia, 2010
Canon A1 or a T90 with a 50mm and
Mamiya C330, Ilford Delta 400. Double exposure
28mm lens.
Taj Mahal
Canon A1 28mm lens, Ilford FP4 with Red filter
Your film and digital equipment, all types of
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hy does black & white imagery, perhaps even more so in the the depth, drama and richness of black &
photography still exist? modern digital world. white photography, what’s the best
There’s no logic to it. Black If the latest explosion of interest in software to do it with? On the next two
& white photography analogue photography shows us anything, pages we’ll look at some of the best black
conveys less information about the world however, it’s that while digital photography & white tools you can get today. But first,
than colour, and it stems from a time when has advanced further than we might ever let’s take a look at what digital photo
it was the only thing that was possible, have imagined, it’s perhaps the things it editing software can do for creative
not because it was in any way better. And has left behind that we miss the most. black & white photography, much of
yet it seems that countless photographers So, down to business. If you shoot digital which was never even possible (or
are still obsessed with monochrome images but you want to recapture some of practical) in the darkroom.
What can photo editors do to enhance your black & white images? Here are some key editing techniques that can help to recreate the
look and feel of classic monochrome imagery 81
5 great B&W editing tools These software tools are especially interesting for black & white
work, either because of the quality of the results they deliver, the
speed and effectiveness of their black & white editing tools or
These are not the only applications you can use for because they provide endless inspiration for exciting black &
black & white editing, but they do stand out white effects you might never have thought of or considered.
The other program of note in the Nik Collection for black & white fans
is Analog Efex. This was a late addition by Google during the time that
it owned the Nik Collection, but it’s definitely worth taking seriously.
Where Silver Efex is strong on traditional darkroom skills, Analog Efex
recreates the randomness, imperfections and unpredictability of old
cameras and processes, including light leaks, double exposures,
motion blur and more.
Adobe Lightroom
l £9.98/month (annual plan)
Capture One
l £299 perpetual license
l £21.58/month subscription
(billed annually)
Like Lightroom Classic, Capture One is an
all-in-one program that also happens to be
extremely good at black & white. Its
particular strengths are its raw
processing, which typically offers
somewhat crisper detail and less noise
than Lightroom, and its easy-to-use Style
Brushes are ideal for dodging and burning
and more advanced local manipulations.
Capture One uses adjustment layers and
masks for local adjustments, and almost
all its adjustment tools are available on
any layer. Like Lightroom, it has an
extremely good grain simulation tool.
CameraBag Pro
l $34
l 83
Daniel Calicchio,Portugal
Meet the
Aïe, France
For more inspiring challenges to improve your photo skills and stay motivated, see Mladen Peric, Croatia
Will, United States Olga Zeltser, United States Jamil Badalov, Azerbaijan
Csilla Schmidt, Austria Leanne Laurens, Australia Debra Coratti-Velie, United States 85
Amateur Photographer
of the Year Competition
of prizes to be won
Enter the UK’s oldest and most prestigious photo competition for
amateur photographers. There are ten rounds, so you have ten chances
to win some terrific prizes for yourself and your camera club!
IN ASSOCIATION WITH A round-up of the AP testing team’s favourite
and most highly rated kit, including both
cameras and all kinds of accessories, across
a wide range of price points
This latest model in a long line of class- l £699 l The sixth version of Fujifilm’s charismatic
leading rugged cameras is waterproof to This lovely little pocket camera provides a rangefinder-styled compact boasts a 40MP
15m, shockproof against a 2.1m drop, good range of features for both photography APS-C sensor in front of its fixed 23mm f/2
crushproof and freezeproof. The 25-100mm and video. You get a 20MP 1in sensor, lens. It also gains in-body stabilisation while
equivalent lens is paired with a 12MP 24-100mm equivalent f/1.8-2.8 zoom lens, barely increasing in size. Traditional
sensor, with in-body stabilisation to combat 4K 30p video recording, and a tilting rear analogue control dials are joined by a
shake. Viewing is via a 3in LCD. The TG-7 is screen. It’s ideal for those who’d like more unique hybrid optical / electronic viewfinder
also one of the few cameras of its type that advanced controls than on a smartphone. and a tilting touchscreen on the back.
can record raw files. ★★★★★ Reviewed 28 Sep 2019 It’s a truly fabulous camera.
★★★★★ Reviewed 2 Apr 2024 ★★★★★
9 Apr 2024
A favourite of street photographers, the Sony has somehow crammed a 24-200mm This sets a new standard for superzoom
GR III combines a 24MP APS-C sensor and equivalent zoom, pop-up electronic cameras, with a 24-600mm equivalent lens,
a sharp 28mm equivalent f/2.8 lens in a viewfinder, tilting screen, 20fps shooting 20MP 1in sensor, and 24fps continuous
slim, pocketable body. It offers sensitivities and 4K video recording into a body that you shooting. Its SLR-shaped body hosts a large
up to ISO 102,400 and 4fps shooting, while can slip into a jacket pocket. With the firm’s electronic viewfinder and a decent set of
in-body image stabilisation helps keeps latest AF technology also on board, it’s physical controls. It’s the best all-in-one
image sharp. Viewing is via a fixed 3in rear without doubt the most accomplished camera for wildlife or
LCD or an optional optical viewfinder that pocket camera on the market. travel photography
slots onto the hot shoe. ★★★★ that you can buy
★★★★★ Reviewed right now.
Reviewed 5 Oct 2019 ★★★★★
3 Aug Reviewed
2019 2 Dec 2017 87
One of the smallest DSLRs around, the EOS With the EOS R50, Canon has fitted some Fujifilm’s X-S10 brings a distinct change in
250D strikes a great balance between impressive technology into a compact and design. It looks much like a conventional
portability and usability. It’s equipped with a lightweight body. It boasts highly capable DSLR, with electronic dials for changing
novice-friendly Guided Mode, while Canon’s subject recognition autofocus coupled with exposure settings. But you still get Fujifilm’s
Dual Pixel CMOS sensor provides excellent rapid continuous shooting. Image quality is signature fine image quality, along with
autofocus in live view. Image very pleasing too, with attractive files direct in-body image stabilisation. The result is a
quality is very good, from the camera. It also works well with camera that’s perfect for
delivering vibrant EF-mount DSLR lenses. APS-C DSLR
colours and ★★★★★ users looking
plenty of fine Reviewed to upgrade to
detail. 6 Jun 2023 mirrorless.
★★★★★ ★★★★★
Reviewed Reviewed
7 Sep 2019 23 Jan 2021
With a charismatic retro design, fine l £1,299 body only l This small, fully featured and weather-
handling, highly effective in-body Fujifilm’s mid-range line takes a major step sealed mirrorless camera is both a
stabilisation and attractive JPEG output, up, with a 40MP sensor and in-body image pleasure to use, and capable of great
Olympus has made a camera that’s more stabilisation. Traditional analogue dials results. Its petite body finds space for an
pleasant to use than its entry-level control exposure settings, while the firm’s extensive complement of controls, along
competitors. Its 20MP sensor delivers good peerless Film Simulation colour modes get with class-leading 5-axis in-body image
results up to ISO 3200 at least, and its their own selection dial for the first time. stabilisation, yet weighs in at
tilting screen can be set to face forwards The compact just 414g. On-chip
beneath the camera. body is ideal phase detection
★★★★ for travel. enables fast,
Reviewed ★★★★★ decisive
26 Sep Reviewed autofocus.
2020 30 Jul 2024 ★★★★★
13 Dec 2022
This lovely-looking full-frame mirrorless Nikon has delivered a sensible update to its With its 61MP full-frame sensor, the A7R V
model combines plenty of substance with flagship high-res model, with an additional provides class-leading image quality while
its classic retro styling. It boasts tactile SD card slot and slightly faster shooting. As adding a whole array of improvements over
top-plate dials for shutter speed, ISO and before, its 45.7MP sensor gives stunning its predecessor. These include subject-
exposure compensation while delivering image quality, backed up by 5-axis in-body detection AF, a larger, more detailed
lovely image quality in both JPEG and raw. image stabilisation and fast, accurate viewfinder, and a more flexible rear LCD
There’s some cutting-edge technology on autofocus. The viewfinder is superb, and design. For those whose needs are more
board too, including F-mount SLR lenses can be about image quality than speed,
impressive used via the it’s probably the best
subject FTZ adapter. full-frame camera
detection ★★★★ you can buy.
autofocus. Reviewed ★★★★★
★★★★ 6 Feb 2021 Reviewed
Reviewed 17 Jan 2023
9 Jan 2024
Sony’s enthusiast-focused full-frame This stunning camera takes all the best bits Leica’s 60MP full-frame rangefinder is a
mirrorless model sets a new standard in its of Nikon’s flagship Z 9 and places them in a beautful anachronism – a camera type
class. Its 33MP full-frame sensor delivers smaller, less-expensive body. Combining that has been obsolete for decades, yet
excellent image quality, and it can shoot at high resolution, rapid speed, cutting-edge which still remains an object of desire for
up to 10fps. Its practically foolproof autofocus and pro-level build, it’s capable of many photographers. This elegant mix of
subject-detection AF can now recognise shooting 45.7MP raw files at 20fps. It can the old and the modern offers triple-
birds as well as humans and also record 8K video. With its resolution raw recording, including 36MP
animals. A large, superb viewfinder and 18MP options, and vastly improved
clear viewfinder and tilting rear battery life. It’s a
and fully articulated screen, it’s a really lovely
touchscreen round stunningly camera that can
off the package. capable deliver stunning
★★★★★ camera. results.
Reviewed ★★★★★ ★★★★
11 Dec 2021 Reviewed Reviewed
11 Jul 2023 8 Mar 2022
Nikon D850
l £2,699 body only l Canon EOS R6 Mark II Fujifilm GFX100S
l £2,779 body only l l £5,499 body only l
This brilliant professional all-rounder
provides a winning combination of high Based around a 24MP full-frame sensor, Fujifilm’s second-generation super-high
resolution and speed. Its 45.7MP sensor this brilliant all-rounder will do almost resolution camera places a 102MP medium-
produces fine results at high ISOs, and the anything you might ask it to. It combines format sensor in a body the size of a full-
autofocus is incredibly responsive and reliable subject-detection AF, rapid frame DSLR. On-chip phase detection
accurate. Build quality and handling should continuous shooting, and effective image provides rapid autofocus while in-body
satisfy the most demanding of stabilisation in a body that handles well and stabilisation allows the camera
users. It’s an gives great results. It also to be used handheld
absolutely works well with easily. It’s perfect if
sensational camera adapted you need to shoot
capable of tackling EF-mount in the field with
any type of DSLR lenses. compromising
subject. ★★★★★ image quality.
★★★★★ Reviewed ★★★★★
Reviewed 21 Mar 2023 Reviewed
21 Oct 2017 8 May 2021 89
Billingham Hadley Pro 2020 Essential Film Holder Kit Manfrotto 190 Go!
l £293 l l £90 l MT190GOC4
The latest model in this iconic line of Many photographers either still enjoy l £299 l
British-made satchel-style bags includes shooting film, or have old negatives and With 4-section carbon fibre legs that can
some well-considered updates, such as a slides that they’d like to digitise. Probably each be set to four angles, this
detachable shoulder strap. It’s impeccably the best way to do this is to copy them sturdy, versatile tripod achieves
constructed from premium materials to using a DSLR or mirrorless camera. This a maximum height of 147cm
keep your kit protected, including easy-to-use device holds film flat over a while folding down to 45cm,
Billingham’s signature triple-layer canvas lightbox for copying. It gives excellent and weighs 1.35kg. But
that’s impermeable to water. It’s pricey, but results and is much quicker than using a its party trick is a centre
will last for decades. scanner. ★★★★★ column that can be set
★★★★★ Reviewed 5 Oct 2019 Reviewed horizontally for
29 Aug overhead or low-level
2020 shooting.
1 Jun 2019
Adaptalux Studio Nature Formatt Hitech Onyx Epson Expression
LED Macro Combo Pack 85mm Seascape Kit Photo XP970
l £372 l l £345 l l £219 l
This clever modular LED system is perfect This 85mm filter kit is ideal for APS-C or An update to the XP960, which won our
for lighting small subjects creatively. The Micro Four Thirds users. It includes a coveted gold award, this impressive
pack includes a control pod with a built-in polariser, 6-stop neutral density, and 3-stop multifunctional unit provides A3 printing
rechargeable battery, four flexible soft-edge and hard-edge ND grads. It’ll fit ability while retaining a compact footprint.
lighting arms (two white, one filter threads up to 77mm, with step rings Along with a conventional USB connection, it
blue and one green), plus for 72mm, can print over Wi-Fi, or directly from an SD
three diffusers and two colour 67mm and card or USB stick, controlled using the
filters. Always-on LED lighting 58mm excellent colour LCD touchscreen. Other
makes it easy to visualise the supplied in useful features include an A4 scanner and
results in the box. double-sided document printing.
real time. ★★★★ ★★★★★
★★★★★ Reviewed
Reviewed 6 Feb 2021
20 Sep 2022
Not all handy accessories have to cost a These clever kits include circular polarising, Powered by a built-in rechargeable battery,
fortune. This well-designed tech organiser 3-stop and 6-stop neutral density filters that this smart little printer
pouch features a dual-compartment layout, snap magnetically onto adapters that screw connects to your smartphone
with a shallow space on one side for into your lens. This considerably speeds up via Bluetooth and is controlled
cables, and a deeper one on the other for the process of using filters and encourages using an attractively designed
such things as battery chargers or computer you to use them creatively. and intuitive app. It’s small
mice. The simple rectangular design fits Kits are available in enough to slip into a coat
easily into a bag and the tough transparent 77mm, 82mm, and pocket or bag, and
covers make it easy 95mm sizes, with delivers gorgeous little
to see what’s adapter rings from prints with fine detail and
inside. 49mm up. vivid colour.
★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★
Reviewed Reviewed Reviewed
20 Sep 2022 21 Feb 2023 30 Aug 2022 91
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Final Analysis
John Wade considers…
Aerial View of Edinburgh by Alfred Buckham, c1920
ave you noticed how so
many TV dramas and
documentaries these days
involve aerial photography?
I guess it has become more commonplace
because, where once filmmakers had to
hire expensive helicopters to get their
cameras high in the sky, now all they need
do is hire a drone camera operator. Well... I
am assured there’s more to it than that. The
person doing the assuring is my daughter,
who works for a video production
company and whose job partly involves
hiring crew for shoots.
She tells me there are different types and
grades of drone operators and she has to
match the right person to the job in hand.
There are different types of camera for
different kinds of shoot, various sizes and
types of drone, and that’s before she has to
ensure the operator has the right licence to
fly the type of drone needed in the area
required. Also, what I didn’t know is that
they come in pairs, one to fly the drone
and the other to act as a spotter. While the
operator concentrates on getting the drone
and its movements in the right place at the
right time, manoeuvring it according to the
director’s needs, the spotter watches to
make sure the drone isn’t about to hit
anything, fly at a prohibited height or
break the law. It’s all very complicated.
Even so, I’m betting it’s a lot easier than
when Alfred Buckham took to the skies
around 100 years ago.
Born in 1879, Buckham began his
photographic career in 1905 after
abandoning ambitions to be a painter.
Having won more than 30 awards for his
photography, he enlisted in the Royal
Naval Volunteer Reserve in 1917 during
World War I where he was engaged in each exposure, then standing up in an images of aeroplanes to the composition
frequent flying. He was discharged two open cockpit, buffeted by the wind and for an even more dramatic effect. In short,
years later after being involved in a serious enduring a fine spray of oil from the his pictures, which at first appeared to
crash which resulted in the loss of his aircraft’s engine. He did this with one leg show a single breathtaking moment, were
voicebox. It was one of nine crashes during tied to the seat for what might laughingly more often carefully crafted, montaged
his career that smashed him into hillsides, be called safety because wearing a seat belt works of art. It won him acclaim for a style
flung him into the North Sea and dropped made it impossible to handle his camera. of aerial photography all his own.
him from great heights into hedges. He was fascinated by clouds, which he So, not just a pioneering aerial
Buckland’s aerial photography was photographed separately, later combining photographer then, but also a man who
carried out using a plate camera that two or three negatives with aerial landscapes might be said to have pre-empted the
involved changing glass plates between or cityscapes. He was also known to add use of Photoshop.
John Wade is best known for his regular contributions to AP on classic cameras. He is the author of 25 books on social and photographic history. Find him at
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