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COM GE Healthcare

Revolu on EVO
More than just high tech.
Higher purpose.

Revolu on EVO.
Designed with purpose.
Today’s healthcare environment is about Revolu on EVO is designed with the purpose
crea ng new solu ons to pressing needs. of opera ng in the reality of now, while
It’s about understanding how one CT an cipating the challenges of tomorrow.
exam can improve pa ent outcomes while It’s designed to support the widest variety
lowering the cost of providing care. of pa ents and applica ons, from complex
Simple and fast, CT is arguably the most trauma or cardiac cases, to large pa ent
valuable diagnostic imaging tool. Yet its backlogs in busy emergency departments
capacity to improve the health of the that strain workflows and resources.
world is far from tapped. The design of Revolu on EVO is made for
Advancing the role of CT is no longer ins tu ons that are unable to sacrifice
just about technology. It’s about design. advanced capabili es such as high
Understanding your needs. And designing resolu on for daily produc vity. It is well
the best solu on to meet those needs. suited for those who need to provide the
All revolu ons start somewhere. Our lowest dose possible. And it provides
revolu on began with the Revolu on CT op ons to expand your referral physician
system—designed from the ground up for base and the services you provide to
pioneering the future of CT. your community.

Now comes Revolu on EVO. Revolu on EVO is designed for you.


“I need high resolution.” “I need to make

In your world seeing is a big part of solving. For the greatest diagnos c confidence, you
need a CT that provides even greater degrees of resolu on, clarity and defini on. low dose routine.”
Revolu on EVO is designed to provide the high-resolu on, low-dose images and answers
Diagnos c images at the right dose add up to great care. That’s why it’s essen al for you
that increase your confidence—even when performing advanced procedures. It helps you
to limit your pa ents’ radia on exposure to just what’s necessary. To do that, you need a
stay on top of today’s standard of care.
CT that makes it easier for you to lower radia on dose without making it harder to make
the right diagnosis.
Our innova ve ASiR-V itera ve reconstruction method comes standard, and is designed
to reduce noise levels, improve low-contrast detectability and reduce dose by up to 82%
in rou ne imaging for all exams and all patients. 2
Along with ASiR-V, a comprehensive collec on of Smart Dose technologies helps you
monitor, measure and manage your dose delivery.

2x increase Up to 82%
in spa al resolution reduced dose
Clarity Imaging System In routine imaging, ASiR-V has been shown
to reduce dose by up to 82% compared to
ASiR-V * advanced standard FBP reconstruc on at the same
reconstruction image quality. 2
Helping you make a confident diagnosis is
our mission, and image clarity is a big part
of that. Doubling the spa al resolu on gives
you the image clarity you need to see fine
anatomical details, providing a pathway
to a quick, confident diagnosis. Revolu on
EVO also improves your ability to visualize
with up to 135% improvement in low-
contrast detectability. 1 Delivering vastly
improved image quality across the en re
body enables you to broaden your clinical
applica ons and poten ally improve
treatment paths for diverse pa ent needs.

Ultra-low dose chest exam, 0.08 mSv, reconstructed using ASiR-V. This exam was acquired at 80 kV and 6 mAs and CTDIvol
of 0.17 mGy. Effec ve dose as es mated using an adult chest factor of 0.014 DLP.

4 Revolu on EVO 5

“I need to accomplish more “I need to help

in my day.” more patients.”
The only thing you can predict about your workday is how unpredictable it will be. Leading a radiology department isn’t easy. You want to help your pa ents, the community
Unan cipated complex exams, large numbers of emergency department exams, and your ins tu on. As new clinical and financial models evolve in healthcare, you need a
and pa ents who arrive late all put pressure on you to get more done in your day. CT that can help you a ract new referring physicians and grow the services you offer.
You need a CT that provides the best images and helps you and your staff get through Revolu on EVO is designed to help you compete in your market by helping to manage the
the chaos calmly and effi ciently. Revolu on EVO is designed to help you manage this health of your pa ent popula on today with precision, effi ciency and the right dose.
unpredictability - quickly and compassionately. ASiR-V low-dose capabili es make it ideal for pediatric scans, oncology and chronic disease
follow-up. At the same me, Revolu on EVO gives you the flexibility to expand your
Revolu on EVO Smart Flow technologies are designed to help you improve produc vity
services to the fastest growing procedures like advanced coronary CCTA and TAVI planning.
by streamlining user workflow and access to informa on, enabling you to perform more
studies in less me and manage your pa ent flow up to 40% more effi ciently. 3

Up to 40% Advanced Applica ons

powered by AW
Improved patient
Smart Cardiac technologies
Set up complex cardiac procedures

improved produc vity 3 Improve your capabili es

across care areas.
Fast scanning for
pa ents large and small.
With the increased weight limit of the
quickly, reliably, and repeatedly.
With Revolution EVO, a single acquisition
with just one injec on is all that’s needed
to obtain high-quality images of the en re
Emergency & Vascular Revolu on EVO pa ent table and the
improved low-contrast detectability and aorta and coronaries for TAVI/TAVR planning
Scan trauma pa ents quickly catching and follow-up. Freeze coronary mo on in
arterial phase enhancement easily noise performance of ASiR-V, you can image
Revolu on EVO workflow pa ents weighing up to 675 lbs. and obtain higher-heart-rate patients with an effec ve
without sacrificing image quality, with temporal resolu on of 29 msec delivered
up to 175 mm/sec acquisitions. diagnos c image quality with reduced
Tasks at the gantry Tasks at the operator console by SnapShot Freeze. Easily complete
Confirm images noise and improved contrast resolu on.
Move pa ent into posi on Walk to operator console Scan with real- me image reconstruc on Release pa ent Perform stroke scans with up to 140 mm complex cardiac exams in as few as five
Set landmark Start exam
perfusion shu le technology and assess Pediatric pa ents present a different set beats with SnapShot Assist, and reduce
Pa ent on the table

Select pa ent from worklist of challenges. For these pa ents, speed

Select protocol pa ent status quickly with Perfusion 4D. dose by up to 83% in coronary imaging
Confirm scout se ngs up to 40% faster Fast exam processing is enabled by zero-
and low dose are cri cal. Fast, up to
175 mm/sec acquisi ons enable a
with SnapShot Pulse prospec ve ga ng.
click bone segmenta on, one-click stenosis reduc on in breathing ar facts, and
measurement and semi-automated ASiR-V ultra-low-dose capabilities allow
Tradi onal workflow thrombus segmenta on. you to image these pa ents confidently.
Confirm images
Move pa ent into posi on Walk to Select pa ent from worklist Scan with standard image reconstruc on Release pa ent
Set landmark operator console Select protocol Oncology and Chronic Disease
Confirm scout se ngs
Start exam Revolution EVO with ASiR-V enables ultra-
low-dose imaging so that you can confidently
provide a high level of care to pa ents who
require frequent or follow-up scans.
Lung VCAR segmenta on and Colon VCAR
provide produc ve reading and report
workflow with automa c processing for fast
reviews and easy follow-up comparisons.

6 Revolu on EVO 7

Clarity Imaging System ASiR-V

See clearly down Routinely image with
to 0.28 millimeters. up to 82% less dose. 2
For Revolu on EVO we redesigned the Achieve twice the
en re imaging chain. It features the new spa al resolution.
Clarity detector inherited directly from the
breakthrough technology introduced on Combining the speed of ASiR with added
Revolu on CT. capabili es from Veo full model-based
itera ve reconstruc on, the novel ASiR-V Cardiac case with
The result: a CT system with the best calcifica ons and plaque
reconstruc on algorithm brings low dose ID. DLP: 31 mGy, 0.4 mSv.
spatial resolu on in its class—20% higher and improved quality to rou ne imaging. Effec ve dose as es mated
than previous GE systems—to clearly show using an adult chest factor
you details as small as just 0.28 mm. Leveraging our extensive sta s cal of 0.014 DLP.
modeling system, ASiR-V focuses primarily
on more advanced noise and object
modeling than ASiR with added physics
modeling to help reduce noise, improve
low-contrast detectability, and reduce
ar facts. By focusing on these itera ve
reconstruc on components, ASiR-V can Sinus case combining
significantly improve image quality at low dose and high spa al
reconstruc on speeds similar to filtered resolu on. DLP: 29.4 mGy,
0.06 mSv. Effec ve dose as
back projec on (FBP).
es mated using an adult
head factor of 0.0023 DLP.

Smart Dose Technologies DoseWatch * §

GE Blueprint Benchmark
Automa c exposure control and more. Dose management solu ons. Comprehensive radia on management.
Intelligent technology designed to help you Analyze, iden fy, and op mize pa ent dose. Compare your current dose management
acquire high-quality images using lower Track and monitor patients’ cumula ve performance to industry guidelines and
doses of radia on, contribu ng to more radia on dose over me and take steps to best/be er prac ces. Receive the insights,
sugges ons, and strategies you need to
Performix * 40 Plus tube HiLight Clarity detector Integrated Clarity data accurate diagnoses and lower exposures prevent excessive radia on dose.
build an effec ve dose management program
for patients. Includes dose management
The Performix 40 Plus tube delivers Inherited directly from our breakthrough acquisition system tools such as organ dose modula on, CT in your hospital or healthcare system.
excep onal performance. Its stable dual Revolu on CT system, the Clarity detector Thanks to its revolu onary, patented 4Kids dose-op mized pediatric reference Dose Check
focal spot improves precision and its is the heart of Revolu on EVO. With its design, the data acquisi on system is protocols, 3D dose modula on, Dose Pre-scanning monitoring and alerts.
0.35 second rou ne rota on speed high-resolu on imaging capabili es, you integrated directly onto the photo diode. Check, DICOM DRSR, and more—all at your
enables faster scan mes. This may allow can see details as small as 0.28 mm. The This reduces the size of the data acquisi on Receive no fica ons and alerts if your
finger ps. Revolu on EVO is compliant with
for shorter breath holds, may reduce the Clarity detector delivers improved dose system by 75%, reduces noise by 44%, predetermined dose levels will be
the NEMA XR 25, and XR 29 standards.
need for seda on and reduce pa ent effi ciency and signal-to-noise ratio as well, and lowers power consump on by 90% exceeded. You can correct and confirm
mo on ar facts. plus large coverage with z-axis uniformity. compared to previous-genera on systems. the right se ngs before scanning to avoid
unnecessary radia on dose to your pa ent.

8 Revolu on EVO 9
Make low dose routine HORIZONMEDICA.COM

with ASiR-V
Up to 100% be er spa al resolu on. Up to 91% less image noise.
ASiR-V has the capability to improve spa al resolu on compared to FBP by allowing the reconstruc on of higher-resolu on Depending upon the scan technique and reconstruc on parameters, ASiR-V can significantly reduce electronic image noise
images with no increase in image noise. 1 compared to FBP at the same dose. 1

109.7 HU 17.82 HU
Standard Standard
Devia on Devia on

FBP ASiR-V FBP ~84% noise reduc on ASiR-V

An inner ear case. The ASiR-V reconstruc on clearly demonstrates be er spa al resolu on with similar image noise. ASiR-V reduces streaks and noise in clinical images. The case shows a low-dose abdomen scan where ASiR-V significantly reduced low-signal streaks and
image noise.

Up to 135% improved low-contrast detectability.

ASiR-V improves the detectability of low-contrast objects by up to 135% when compared to corresponding FBP Less streak ar fact.
reconstruc ons at the same dose. 1 ASiR-V has the capability to reduce low-signal ar fact, such as streak ar fact, compared to FBP. 1


ASiR-V reduces noise in a neurology case and enables be er gray/white ma er differen a on.


Smart Technologies
Modern imaging intelligence.

Smart Flow Smart Cardiac

Designed to help you improve produc vity Set up and perform complex cardiac
and pa ent experience by streamlining procedures quickly, reliably, and repeatedly
your workflow and access to informa on, with Smart Cardiac tools on the Advantage
Smart Flow technologies enable fast, Worksta on.
hands-free patient posi oning, exam
prescrip on from the pa ent’s side, SnapShot Assist SnapShot Assist
integrated injec ons, real- me reconstruc on
during the scan and access to advanced Easily complete cardiac exams in as
Main screen Instruc on video
applica ons right on the console. few as five beats with SnapShot Assist,
which advises you of the best acquisi on
technique based on the pa ent’s heart
Real- me reconstruc on rate and BMI.
Reconstruc on of images in real me helps
you focus solely on the diagnosis of your SnapShot Pulse
pa ent. With Image Check, up to 55 images
are reconstructed and available per second. Prospec ve ga ng with SnapShot Pulse
For trauma pa ents, when the extent of the allows for a dose reduc on of up to 83%
injuries is unknown, you can prospec vely for coronary imaging compared to an
ECG-gated helical acquisi on mode. SnapShot Pulse
prescribe up to 10 mul phase reconstruc ons Pa ent worklist Protocol selec on
and easily priori ze which one you need first.
SnapShot Freeze
IQ enhance pitch booster Reducing mo on blurring in vessels by up to
Scan a chest in as fast as two seconds a factor of six, SnapShot Freeze facilitates
with 175 mm/sec acquisition speed to your diagnosis by freezing coronary mo on
help shorten pa ent breath-holds while even in higher heart rate coronary CT
maintaining image quality. exams. It delivers a 58 msec-equivalent
gantry speed with an effec ve temporal
resolution of 29 msec. 4
Without pitch booster. Without pitch booster. With pitch booster.
Slow pitch. Fast pitch. Fast pitch. Without With
Good exam quality. Good exam speed. Good exam quality and speed. SnapShot Freeze SnapShot Freeze

Dual-energy For simple characteriza on, two-path dual-energy acquisi ons

on Revolu on EVO improve workflow with a solu on that’s both
dose-neutral and fast.
The additionally acquired dual-energy data can
be quickly post-processed right on the console or
on the Advantage Worksta on with easy image

imaging Dual-energy imaging allows easy configura on of back-to-back

axial or helical scans of the same anatomy at two different
X-ray energies (kVs). Both scans are performed at half dose with
registra on and one-click ROI ra o for
simple analysis.

excellent image quality, thanks to ASiR-V itera ve reconstruc on.

Simpler scan solutions. The second acquisi on can be performed in the opposite direc on
in a short scan me.

12 Revolu on EVO 13

Solutions beyond Built for today’s needs.

the scanner And tomorrow’s possibili es.
Op mize your investment. Right dose by design. Flexible equipment With Revolu on EVO you can get the Revolu on EVO.
Li your organization to a new level of Improving dose management starts with financing. high resolu on you need, make low dose More than just high tech. Higher purpose.
performance with our complete por olio a strategy. GE Blueprint helps healthcare routine, accomplish more in your day and Contact your GE Healthcare Sales
GE Capital, Healthcare Financial Services help more pa ents. It enables you to serve
of consul ng and support services. organiza ons build a strategic roadmap has the financial expertise, combined Representa ve to learn more about
GE Healthcare Services will work with for a comprehensive radia on dose the widest variety of pa ents and referring Revolu on EVO.
with healthcare industry knowledge and physicians with a diversity of applica ons
you to address your healthcare system’s management program encompassing resources to provide your organiza on with
growth, quality, and opera onal excellence, leadership, prac ces and technology. We today—while posi oning your ins tu on
a complete range of equipment financing to rise to the challenges you’ll face
so you can meet your business objec ves. start with our GE Blueprint Benchmark solu ons for every stage of your growth.
Assessment to compare and assess your going forward.

Asset op miza on. current performance against industry

guidelines and best prac ces to help you
Using proprietary so ware and data balance your dose management priori es
analy cs, we can help you op mize your and develop your program across your
maintenance contracts and establish en re healthcare system. Then we partner
benchmarks for utilization of assets with you to go beyond mee ng compliance
which can help reduce costs and drive and regulatory guidelines to help you
produc vity. improve clinical and quality outcomes.

Pa ent flow op miza on.

We track pa ent flow from admission
to discharge in real me. The ability to
capture and analyze this data can help
you decrease wait me, reduce costs, and
improve the quality and safety of care.

Workforce op miza on.

We can help improve workforce u liza on
across the con nuum of care, which can
have an impact on the bo om line. All
while improving the quality of care and
staff sa sfac on.

14 Revolu on EVO 15
GE Healthcare provides transforma onal medical technologies
and services to meet the demand for increased access,
enhanced quality and more affordable healthcare around the
world. GE (NYSE: GE) works on things that ma er - great people
and technologies taking on tough challenges. From medical
imaging, so ware & IT, pa ent monitoring and diagnos cs to
drug discovery, biopharmaceu cal manufacturing technologies
and performance improvement solu ons, GE Healthcare helps
medical professionals deliver great healthcare to their pa ents.

imagina on at work

GE Healthcare
3000 N. Grandview Blvd.
Waukesha, WI 53188

Low contrast detectability (LCD), image noise, spa al resolu on and ar fact were assessed using reference factory protocols comparing
ASiR-V and FBP. The LCD measured in 0.625-mm slices and tested for both head and body modes using the MITA CT IQ Phantom (CCT183,
The Phantom Laboratory), using model observer method.
Image quality as defined by low contrast detectability. In clinical prac ce, the use of ASiR-V may reduce CT pa ent dose depending on the
clinical task, pa ent size, anatomical loca on,and clinical prac ce. A consulta on with a radiologist and a physicist should be made to
determine the appropriate dose to obtain diagnos c image quality for the par cular clinical task. Low Contrast Detectability (LCD), Image
Noise, Spa al Resolu on and Ar fact were assessed using reference factory protocols comparing ASiR-V and FBP. The LCD measured in
0.625 mm slices and tested for both head and body modes using the MITA CT IQ Phantom (CCT183, The Phantom Laboratory), using model
observer method.
Actual results may vary depending on the circumstances, including but not limited to, exam type, clinical prac ce, and image reconstruc on
technique. This informa on was based on a simula on using the GE Healthcare Op ma CT660 device and is presented for illustra ve
purposes only.
As demonstrated in cardiac phantom tes ng.
§ Op onal

©2014 General Electric Company – All rights reserved.

General Electric Company reserves the right to make changes in specifica ons and features shown herein, or discon nue the product
described at any me without no ce or obliga on.
GE and GE Monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company.
GE Healthcare, a division of General Electric Company.

Trademark of General Electric Company


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