Art App
Art App
Art App
Instructions: The answer to each question should have at least a minimum of 50 words.
1.) Which among the pictures do you consider an artwork that gives greater influence to Philippine art?
Explain (Lesson 3.1)
The artwork that gives greater influence to Philippine art is the number 2, because Philippine
art is built on color, in my opinion, it is the second artwork. The artwork with the number 2
represents so many colors, it is like the artwork of the Filipinos. Filipinos use their wide
imaginations to make a artwork, even though the picture 2 is a trash its still gives greater
influence to Philippine art.
2.) What degree of aesthetic values are the paintings of? (Lesson 3.3)
a.) Sotein
Bizarre and horrible are the aesthetic values of sotein’s painting because of its texture and looks.
Mad Woman, the wide-eyed stare, drawn face, stiffly tensed shoulders and arms, and wildly
disheveled hair all give a sense of weird tension to the composition.
b.) Hirst
Perverse glooms and impresses
c.) Kalo
Scary glooms and fears
1.) In the concept of Filipino “Pagkatao” what cultural influence do you find relevant to showcase the
Philippine culture in the global community?
In the concept of Filipino “Pagkatao” what cultural influence do you find relevant to showcase
the Philippine culture in the global community? (Lesson n the concept of Filipino “Pagkatao” the
cultural influence I find relevant to showcase the Philippine culture in the global community is
the way promoting culture awareness, developing creativity, fostering sensitivity to cultural
differences, instilling principles for the common good in governance and development
initiatives. I think that in this approach, artists can connect with one another and support one
another’s growth. Loob or Kalooban in Filipino culture refers to one’s inner self or, more
specifically, to the interior facet of one’s identity. The physical, exterior aspect of Labas is its
external counterpart. A fundamental idea in Filipino psychology, “Loob/Labas” refers to both the
internal and external dimensions of a phenomenon.
1.) Did you try out different compositional arrangements before producing your final module activities?
Not yet, because I haven’t finish reading the module but I’m still continuing to review the