Bockris 1970 Vol 1
Bockris 1970 Vol 1
Bockris 1970 Vol 1
An Introduction to an Interdisciplinary Area
Amulya K. N. Reddy
Professor of Electrochemistry
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
A Plenum/Rosetta Edition
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
A Plenum/Rosetta Edition
Published by Plenum Publishing Corporation
227 West 17th Street, New York, N.Y. 10011
This book had its nucleus in some lectures given by one of us (J.O'M.B.)
in a course on electrochemistry to students of energy conversion at the
University of Pennsylvania. It was there that he met a number of people
trained in chemistry, physics, biology, metallurgy, and materials science,
all of whom wanted to know something about electrochemistry. The concept
of writing a book about electrochemistry which could be understood by
people with very varied backgrounds was thereby engendered. The lectures
were recorded and written up by Dr. Klaus Muller as a 293-page manuscript.
At a later stage, A.K.N.R. joined the effort; it was decided to make a
fresh start and to write a much more comprehensive text.
Of methods for direct energy conversion, the electrochemical one is
the most advanced and seems the most likely to become of considerable
practical importance. Thus, conversion to electrochemically powered trans-
portation systems appears to be an important step by means of which
the difficulties of air pollution and the effects of an increasing concentration
in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide may be met. Corrosion is recognized
as having an electrochemical basis. The synthesis of nylon now contains
an important electrochemical stage. Some central biological mechanisms
have been shown to take place by means of electrochemical reactions. A
number of American organizations have recently recommended greatly
increased activity in training and research in electrochemistry at universities
in the United States. Three new international journals of fundamental
electrochemical research were established between 1955 and 1965.
In contrast to this, physical chemists in U.S. universities seem-perhaps
partly because of the absence of a modern textbook in English-out of touch
with the revolution in fundamental interfacial electrochemistry which has
Aviv); Chapters VIII and IX, Prof. A. Despic (Belgrade), Dr. H. Wroblowa,
and Mr. J. Diggle (Pennsylvania); Chapter X, Mr. J. Diggle; Chapter XI,
Dr. D. Cipris (Pennsylvania). Dr. H. Wroblowa has to be particularly
thanked for essential contributions to the composition of the Appendix on
the measurement of Volta potential differences.
Constructive reactions to the text were given by Messers. G. Razumney,
B. Rubin, and G. Stoner of the Electrochemistry Laboratory. Advice was
often sought and accepted from Dr. B. Chandrasekaran (Pennsylvania),
Dr. S. Srinivasan (New York), and Mr. R. Rangarajan (Bangalore).
Comments on late drafts of chapters were made by a number of the
authors' colleagues, particularly Dr. W. McCoy (Office of Saline Water),
Chapter II; Prof. R. M. Fuoss (Yale), Chapter III; Prof. R. Stokes (Armi-
dale), Chapter IV; Dr. R. Parsons (Bristol), Chapter VII; Prof. A. N.
Frumkin (Moscow), Chapter VIII; Dr. H. Wroblowa, Chapter X; Prof.
R. Staehle (Ohio State), Chapter XI. One of the authors (A.K.N.R.) wishes
to acknowledge his gratitude to the authorities of the Council of Scientific
and Industrial Research, India, and the Indian Institute of Science, Ban-
galore, India, for various facilities, not the least of which were extended
leaves of absence. He wishes also to thank his wife and children for sacrificing
many precious hours which rightfully belonged to them.
1.1 Introduction ............................................. . 1
1.2 Electrons at and across Interfaces ....................... . 3
1.2.1 Many Properties of Materials Depend upon Events Occurring at Their
Surfaces ..................................................... . 3
1.2.2 Almost All Interfaces Are Electrified ............................ . 3
1.2.3 The Continuous Flow of Electrons across an Interface: Electrochemical
Reactions .................................................... . 7
1.2.4 Electrochemical and Chemical Reactions ........................ . 8
1.3 Basic Electrochemistry ................................... . 12
1.3.1 Electrochemistry before 1950 ................................... . 12
1.3.2 The Treatment of Interfacial Electron Transfer as a Rate Process:
The 1950's ................................................... . 17
1.3.3 Quantum Electrochemistry: The 1960's .......................... . 19
1.3.4 Ions in Solution, as well as Electron Transfer across Interfaces ..... . 22
1.4 The Relation of Electrochemistry to Other Sciences ..... . 26
1.4.1 Some Diagrammatic Presentations .............................. . 26
1.4.2 Some Examples of the Involvement of Electrochemistry in Other Sciences 28
1.4.3 Electrochemistry as an Interdisciplinary Field, Apart from Chemistry? 29
1.5 Electrodics and Electronics .............................. . 31
1.6 Transients 32
lon-Solvent Interactions
2.1 Introduction ............................................. . 45
2.2 The Nonstructural Treatment of Ion-Solvent Interactions .. 48
2.2. t A Quantitative Measure of Ion-Solvent Interactions ............... 48
2.2.2 The Born Model: A Charged Sphere in a Continuum. ..... ...... .. 49
2.2.3 The Electrostatic Potential at the Surface of a Charged Sphere ...... 52
2.2.4 On the Electrostatics of Charging (or Discharging) Spheres. . . .. . . . . 54
2.2.5 The Born Expression for the Free Energy of Ion-Solvent Interactions 56
2.2.6 The Enthalpy and Entropy of Ion-Solvent Interactions ............ 59
2.2.7 Can One Experimentally Study the Interactions of a Single Ionic Species
with the Solvent? .............................................. 61
2.2.8 The Experimental Evaluation of the Heat of Interaction of a Salt and
Solvent....................................................... 64
2.2.9 How Good Is the Born Theory? ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.3 Structural Treatment of the Ion-Solvent Interactions ..... . 72
2.3.1 The Structure of the Most Common Solvent, Water....... ......... 72
2.3.2 The Structure of Water near an Ion .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
2.3.3 The Ion-Dipole Model of Ion-Solvent Interactions ................ 80
2.3.4 Evaluation of the Terms in the lon-Dipole Approach to the Heat of
Solvation ..................................................... 88
2.3.5 How Good Is the Ion-Dipole Theory of Solvation? ................ 93
2.3.6 The Relative Heats of Solvation of Ions on the Hydrogen Scale ..... 95
2.3.7 Do Oppositely Charged Ions of Equal Radii Have Equal Heats of
Solvation? .................................................... 96
2.3.8 The Water Molecule Can Be Viewed as an Electrical Quadrupole ... 98
2.3.9 The Ion-Quadrupole Model of Ion-Solvent Interactions ............ 99
2.3.10 Ion-Induced-Dipole Interactions in the Primary Solvation Sheath.. 102
2.3.11 How Good Is the Ion-Quadrupole Theory of Solvation? ........... 103
2.3.12 The Special Case of Interactions of the Transition-Metal Ions with Water 108
2.3.13 Some Summarizing Remarks on the Energetics of Ion-Solvent Inter-
actions ....................................................... 113
Further Reading........................ ....... ........................ 116
2.4 The Solvation Number ................................... 117
2.4.1 How Many Water Molecules Are Involved in the Solvation of an Ion? 117
2.4.2 Static and Dynamic Pictures of the Ion-Solvent Molecule Interaction 120
2.4.3 The Meaning of Hydration Numbers ............................ . 123
2.4.4 Why Is the Concept of Solvation Numbers Useful? ............... . 124
2.4.5 On the Determination of Solvation Numbers .................... . 125
Further Reading ...................................................... . 132
2.5 The Dielectric Constant of Water and Ionic Solutions ..... . 132
2.5.1 An Externally Applied Electric Field Is Opposed by Counterfields
Developed within the Medium ................................. . 132
2.5.2 The Relation between the Dielectric Constant and Internal Counterfields 136
2.5.3 The Average Dipole Moment of a Gas-Phase Dipole Subject to Electrical
and Thermal Forces .......................................... . 139
2.5.4 The Debye Equation for the Dielectric Constant of a Gas of Dipoles 142
2.5.5 How the Short-Range Interactions between Dipoles Affect the Average
Effective Moment of the Polar Entity Which Responds to an External
Field ........................................................ . 145
2.5.6 The Local Electric Field in a Condensed Polar Dielectric .......... . 147
2.5.7 The Dielectric Constant of Liquids Containing Associated Dipoles .. . 152
2.5.8 The Influence of Ionic Solvation on the Dielectric Constant of Solutions 155
Further Reading ...................................................... . 158
2.6 Ion-Solvent-Nonelectrolyte Interactions ................. . 158
2.6.1 The Problem .................................................. 158
2.6.2 The Change in Solubility of a Nonelectrolyte Due to Primary Solvation 159
2.6.3 The Change in Solubility Due to Secondary Solvation............ 160
2.6.4 The Net Effect on Solubility of Influences from Primary and Secondary
Solvation ..................................................... 163
2.6.5 The Case of Anomalous Salting in .............................. 164
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Appendix 2.1 Free Energy Change and Work ............... . 168
Appendix 2.2 The Interaction between an Ion and a Dipole .. . 169
Appendix 2.3 The Interaction between an Ion and a Water Quad-
rupole ...................................... . 171
lon-Ion Interactions
3.1 Introduction ............................................. . 175
3.2 True and Potential Electrolytes .......................... . 176
3.2.1 Ionic Crystals Are True Electrolytes ............................. 176
3.2.2 Potential Electrolytes: Nonionic Substances Which React with the
Solvent to Yield Ions .......................................... 176
3.2.3 An Obsolete Classification: Strong and Weak Electrolytes .......... 177
3.2.4 The Nature of the Electrolyte and the Relevance of Ion-Ion Interactions 180
Further Reading .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
3.3 The Debye-Hiickel (or Ion-Cloud) Theory oflon-Ion Inter-
actions ................................................... 180
3.3.1 A Strategy for a Quantitative Understanding of Ion-Ion Interactions 180
3.8.1 Positive and Negative Ions Can Stick Together: Ion-Pair Formation 251
3.8.2 The Probability of Finding Oppositely Charged Ions near Each Other 251
3.8.3 The Fraction of Ion Pairs, According to Bjerrum .................. 253
3.8.4 The Ion-Association Constant KA of Bjerrum ..................... 257
3.8.5 Activity Coefficients, Bjerrum's Ion Pairs, and Debye's Free Ions ... 260
3.8.6 The Fuoss Approach to Ion-Pair Formation ...................... 261
3.8.7 From Ion Pairs to Triple Ions to Clusters of Ions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Further Reading ................................. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
3.9 The Quasi-Lattice Approach to Concentrated Electrolytic So-
lutions .................................................... 267
3.9.1 At What Concentration Does the Ionic-Cloud Model Break Down? 267
3.9.2 The Case for a Cube-Root Law for the Dependence of the Activity
Coefficient on Electrolyte Concentration ......................... . 269
3.9.3 The Beginnings of a Quasi-Lattice Theory for Concentrated Electrolytic
Solutions .................................................... . 271
Further Reading ...................................................... . 272
3.10 The Study of the Constitution of Electrolytic Solutions. . . . 273
3.10.1 The Temporary and Permanent Association of Ions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
3.10.2 Electromagnetic Radiation, a Tool for the Study of Electrolytic Solutions 274
3.10.3 Visible and Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy .................. 275
3.10.4 Raman Spectroscopy........................................... 276
3.10.5 Infrared Spectroscopy .......................................... 278
3.10.6 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ....................... 278
Further Reading .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
3.11 A Perspective View on the Theory of Ion-Ion Interactions. 279
Appendix 3.1 Poisson's Equation for Spherically Symmetrical
Charge Distribution .............................. 282
Appendix 3.2 Evaluation of the Integral f;:ct r(xr)(I<r) d(I<r) .... 283
Appendix 3.3 Derivation of the Result 1+ = {fVt + 1':.._)I/v 284
Appendix 3.4 To Show That the Minimum in the Pr versus r Curve
Occurs at r = Al2 ................................ 284
Appendix 3.5 Transformation from the Variable r to the Variable
Y = Air........................................... 285
Appendix 3.6 Relation Between Calculated and Observed Activity
Coefficients ....................................... 285
Ion Transport in Solutions
4.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
4.2 Ionic Drift under a Chemical-Potential Gradient: Diffusion 289
4.2.1 The Driving Force for Diffusion ............................... . 291
4.2.2 The "Deduction" of an Empirical Law: Fick's First Law of Steady-
State Diffusion ............................................... . 293
4.4.7 What Is the Drag (or Viscous) Force Acting on an Ion in Solution? .. 377
4.4.8 The Stokes-Einstein Relation .................................. . 379
4.4.9 The Nernst-Einstein Equation .................................. . 381
4.4.10 Some Limitations of the Nernst-Einstein Relation ................ . 382
4.4.11 A Very Approximate Relation between Equivalent Conductivity and
Viscosity: Walden's Rule .................................... , .. 385
4.4.12 The Rate-Process Approach to Ionic Migration .................. . 387
4.4.13 The Rate-Process Expression for Equivalent Conductivity ......... . 391
4.4.14 The Total Driving Force for Ionic Transport: The Gradient of the
Electrochemical Potential ...................................... . 394
Further Reading ...................................................... . 399
4.5 The Interdependence of Ionic Drifts ...................... . 399
4.5.1 The Drift of One Ionic Species May Influence the Drift of Another . 399
4.5.2 A Consequence of the Unequal Mobilities of Cations and Anions, the
Transport Numbers ........................................... . 400
4.5.3 The Significance of a Transport Number of Zero ................. . 402
4.5.4 The Diffusion Potential, Another Consequence of the Unequal Mobil-
ities of Ions .................................................. . 406
4.5.5 Electroneutrality Coupling between the Drifts of Different Ionic Species 410
4.5.6 How Does One Represent the Interaction between Ionic Fluxes? The
Onsager Phenomenological Equations .......................... . 411
4.5.7 An Expression for the Diffusion Potential ....................... . 413
4.5.8 The Integration of the Differential Equation for Diffusion Potentials:
The Planck-Henderson Equation' ............................... . 417
Further Reading ...................................................... . 420
Protons in Solution
5.1 The Case of the Nonconforming Ion: The Proton ......... . 461
5.2 Proton Solvation ......................................... . 462
5.2.1 What Is the Condition of the Proton in Solution? ................. 462
5.2.2 Proton Affinity ................................................ 466
5.2.3 The OveraIl Heat of Hydration of a Proton ...................... 467
5.2.4 The Coordination Number of a Proton. . . . .. .. .. . . . ... ... . ..... . 468
Further Reading. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. . .. ..... . .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .... ... ... .. 470
5.3 Proton Transport ........................................ . 470
5.3.1 The Abnormal Mobility of a Proton. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . ... .. ... . 470
5.3.2 Protons Conduct by a Chain Mechanism ........................ 474
5.3.3 Classical Proton Jumps and Proton Mobility ..................... 476
5.3.4 Do Proton Jumps Obey Classical Laws? ......................... 478
5.3.5 Quantum-Mechanical Proton Jumps and Proton Mobility ......... 480
5.3.6 Water Reorientation, a Prerequisite for Proton Jumps ............. 481
5.3.7 The Rate of Water Reorientation and Proton Mobility. . .. . .. .. ... 482
5.3.8 A Picture of Proton Mobility in Aqueous Solutions ............... 484
5.3.9 The Rate-Determining Water-Rotation Model of Proton Mobility and
the Other Anomalous Facts .................................... 485
5.3.10 Proton Mobility in Ice ......................................... 486
5.3.11 The Existence of the Hydronium Ion from the Point of View of Proton
Mobility ...................................................... 487
5.3.12 Why Is the Mechanism of Proton Mobility So Important? ......... 487
Further Reading ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
Ionic liquids
6.1 Introduction 513
6.1.1 The Limiting Case of Zero Solvent: Pure Liquid Electrolytes ..... 513
6.1.2 The Thermal Dismantling of an Ionic Lattice. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. 514
6.1.3 Some Features of Ionic Liquids (Pure Liquid Electrolytes) ......... 515
6.1.4 Liquid Electrolytes Are Ionic Liquids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . 517
6.1.5 The Fundamental Problems in Pure Liquid Electrolytes. . .. .. . . . . . . .. 518
Further Reading .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
6.2 Models of Simple Ionic Liquids ......................... . 522
6.2.1 The Origin of Liquid Electrolyte Models. . . . . . .. .. . . . ... .. .. . .. . . 522
6.2.2 Lattice-Oriented Models ........................................ 523
6.2.2a The Experimental Basis for Model Building ............... 523
6.2.2b The Need to Pour Empty Space into a Fused Salt ......... 523
6.2.2c The Vacancy Model: A Fused Salt Is an Ionic Lattice with
Numerous Vacancies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
6.2.2d The Hole Model: A Fused Salt Is Full of Holes like Swiss Cheese 527
6.2.3 Gas-Oriented Models for Liquid 'Electrolytes ..................... 529
6.2.3a The Cell-Theory Approach .............................. 529
6.2.3b The Free Volume Belongs to the Liquid and Not to the Particles:
The Liquid Free-Volume Model ......................... 530
6.2.4 A Summary of the Models for Liquid Electrolytes ................ 532
Further Reading .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
6.3 Quantification of the Hole Model for Liquid Electrolytes. . 533
6.3.1 An Expression for the Probability That a Hole Has a Radius between r
and r + dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
6.3.2 The Furth Approach to the Work of Hole Formation ............. 536
6.3.3 The Distribution Function for the Size of the Holes in a Liquid Elec-
trolyte ........................................................ 537
6.3.4 What Is the Average Size of a Hole? . ... .. .. ... . .. . .. . ... .... ... .. 539
Further Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
6.4 Transport Phenomena in Liquid Electrolytes ............. . 541
6.4.1 Some Simplifying Features of Transport in Fused Salts ............. 541
6.4.2 Diffusion in Fused Salts ....................................... 542
6.4.2a Self-Diffusion in Pure Liquid Electrolytes: It May Be Revealed
by Introducing Isotopes ................................. 542
6.4.2b Results of Self-Diffusion Experiments .................... 544
6.4.3 The Viscosity of Molten Salts .................................. 547
6.4.4 What Is the Validity of the Stokes-Einstein Relation in Ionic Liquids? 550
6.4.5 The Conductivity of Pure Liquid Electrolytes ..................... 553
6.4.6 The Nernst-Einstein Relation in Ionic Liquids .................... 555
6.4.6a The Nernst-Einstein Relation: Its Degree of Applicability ... 555
6.4.6b The Gross View of Deviations from the Nernst-Einstein Equa-
tion ................................................... 557
6.4.6c Possible Molecular Mechanisms for Nernst-Einstein Deviations 560
6.4.7 Transport Numbers in Pure Liquid Electrolytes. .. . .. . ... .. . .. .. . . 564
6.4.7a Some Ideas about Transport Numbers in Fused Salts ....... 564
6.4.7b The Measurement of Transport Numbers in Liquid Electrolytes 566
6.4.7c A Radiotracer Method of Calculating Transport Numbers in
Molten Salts ........................................... 571
6.4.7d A Stokes' Law Approach to a Rough Estimate of Transport
Numbers .............................................. 572
Further Reading .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
6.5 The Atomistic View of Transport Processes in Simple Ionic
Liquids .................................................. . 574
6.5.1 Holes and Transport Processes ................................. 574
6.5.2 What Is the Mean Lifetime of Holes in Fused Salts? ............... 576
6.5.3 Expression for Viscosity in Terms of Holes ....................... 577
6.5.4 The Diffusion Coefficient from the Hole Model ................... 577
6.5.5 A Critical Test of a Model for Ionic Liquids Is a Rationalization of the
Heat of Activation of 3.7 RTm for Transport Processes ............. 580
6.5.6 An Attempt to Rationalize En = E~ = 3.7RTm ................... 581
6.5.7 The Hole Model, the Most Consistent Present Model for Liquid Elec-
trolytes ....................................................... 584
Further Reading.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
6.6 Mixture of Simple Ionic Liquids-Complex Formation ... 587
6.6.1 Mixtures of Simple Ionic Liquids May Not Behave IdeaIly ......... 587
6.6.2 Interactions Lead to Nonideal Behavior ......................... 588
6.6.3 Can One MeaningfuIly Refer to Complex Ions in Fused Salts? ..... 589
6.6.4 Raman Spectra, and Other Means of Detecting Complex Ions. . . . . 590
Further Reading ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
6.7 Mixtures of Liquid Oxide Electrolytes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
6.7.1 The Liquid Oxides. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . ... ... .. ... ... .. 594
6.7.2 Pure Fused Nonmetallic Oxides Form Network Structures Like Liquid
Water ........................................................ 594
6.7.3 Why Does Fused Silica Have a Much Higher Viscosity Than Do Liquid
Water and the Fused Salts? ............................... ,..... 597
6.7.4 The Solvent Properties of Fused Nonmetallic Oxides .............. 601
6.7.5 Ionic Additions to the Liquid-Silica Network: Glasses.. ... .... ... . 603
6.7.6 The Extent of Structure Breaking of Three-Dimensional Network Lat-
tices and Its Dependence on the Concentration of Metal Ions ....... 604
6.7.7 The Molecular and Network Models of Liquid Silicate Structure. .. . 606
6.7.8 Liquid Silicates Contain Large Discrete Polyanions ............... 610
6.7.9 The "Iceberg" Model .......................................... 615
6.7.10 Fused-Oxide Systems in Metallurgy: Slags ....................... 616
Further Reading ...................................................... 618
Appendix 6.1 The Effective Mass of a Hole..................... 619
Appendix 6.2 Some Properties of the Gamma Function ......... 620
Appendix 6.3 The Kinetic Theory Expression for the Viscosity of
a Fluid........................................... 621
Index ..................................................... , xxxiii
8.1 Introduction 845
8.1.1 The Situation Thus Far ........................................ 845
8.1.2 Charge Transfer: Its Chemical and Electrical Implications ......... 846
8.1.3 Can an Isolated Electrode-Solution Interface Be Used as a Device? 849
8.1.4 Electrochemical Systems Can Be Used as Devices ................ 851
8.1.5 An Electrochemical Device: The Substance Producer............. 851
8.1.6 Another Electrochemical Device: The Energy Producer. . . . . . . . . . . . 855
8.1.7 The Electrochemical Undevice: The Substance Destroyer and Energy
Waster ....................................................... 859
8.1.8 Some Basic Questions ......................................... 861
8.2 The Basic Electrodic Equation: The Butler-Volmer Equation 862
8.2.1 The Instant of Immersion of a Metal in an Electrolytic Solution ..... 862
8.2.2 The Rate of Charge-Transfer Reactions under Zero Field: The Chemical
Rate Constant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865
8.2.3 Some Consequences of Electron Transfer at an Interface ........... 868
8.2.4 What Is the Rate of an Electron-Transfer Reaction under the Influence
of an Electric Field? .......................................... 869
8.2.5 The Two-Way Electron Traffic across the Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873
8.2.6 The Interface at Equilibrium: The Equilibrium Exchange-Current
Density io .................................................... 876
8.2.7 The Interface Departs from Equilibrium: The Nonequilibrium Drift-
Current Density i ............................................. 879
8.2.8 The Current-Producing (or Current-Produced) Potential Difference:
The Overpotential 1] . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 880
8.2.9 The Basic Electrodic (Butler-Volmer) Equation: Some General and
Special Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883
8.2.10 The High-Field Approximation: The Exponential i versus 1] Law ... 888
8.2.11 The Low-Field Approximation: The Linear i versus 1] Law........ 892
8.2.12 Nonpolarizable and Polarizable Interfaces ....................... 894
8.2.13 Zero Net Current and the Classical Law of Nernst ................ 897
8.2.14 The Nernst Equation .......................................... 901
8.2. I 5 The Nernst Equation: Its Sphere of Relevance .................... 906
8.2.16 Looking Back................................................. 908
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909
Electrodics: More Fundamentals
9.1 Multistep Reactions ...................................... . 991
9.1.1 The Question of Multistep Reactions ........................... . 991
9.1.2 Some Ideas on Queues, or Waiting Lines ........................ . 992
9.1.3 The Overpotential 'Y) Is Related to the Electron Queue at an Interface 993
9.1.4 A Near-Equilibrium Relation between the Current Density and Over-
potential for a Multistep Reaction ............................. . 994
9.1.5 The Concept of a Rate-Determining Step ....................... . 997
9.1.6 Rate-Determining Steps and Energy Barriers for Multisfep Reactions . 1002
9.1.7 How Many Times Must the Rate-Determining Step Take Place for the
Overall Reaction to Occur Once? The Stoichiometric Number v .... . 1004
9.1.8 The Order of an Electrodic Reaction ........................... . 1008
9.1.9 Blockage of the Electrode Surface during Charge Transfer: The Sur-
face-Coverage Factor .......................................... 1014
Further Reading....................................................... 1017
9.2 The Transient Behavior of Interfaces ..................... 1017
9.2.1 The Interface under Equilibrium, Transient, and Steady-State Conditions 1017
9.2.2 How an Interface Is Stimulated to Show Time Variations ......... . 1019
9.2.3 Some Ideas on the Understanding of Transients ................. . 1020
9.2.4 Intermediates in Electrodic Reactions and Their Effects on Potential-
Time Transients .............................................. . 1026
9.2.5 Experimental Methods for the Determination of Partial Coverage, with
Adsorbed Entities, of the Surface of Electrocatalysts ............. . 1029
9.2.5a Radiotracer Method ................................... . 1030
9.2.5b Galvanostatic Transient Method ........................ . 1030
9.2.5c Potentiostatic Transients ................................ . 1032
9.2.5d The Potential-Sweep, or Potentiodynamic, Method ....... . 1033
Further Reading ...................................................... . 1035
9.3 Transport in the Electrolyte Effects Charge Transfer at the
Interface ................................................. . 1036
9.3.1 Ionics Looks after the Material Needs of the Interface ............ . 1036
9.3.2 How the Transport Flux Is Linked to the Charge-Transfer Flux: The
Flux-Equality Condition ....................................... . 1038
9.3.3 Appropriations from the Theory of Heat Transfer ................ . 1040
9.3.4 A Qualitative Study of How Diffusion Affects the Response of an
Interface to a Constant Current ................................ . 1041
9.3.5 A Quantitative Treatment of How Diffusion to an Electrode Affects the
Response with Time of an Interface to a Constant Current ........ . 1044
9.3.6 The Concept of Transition Time ............................... . 1047
9.3.7 Convection Can Maintain Steady Interfacial Concentrations ...... . 1050
9.3.8 The Origin of Concentration Overpotential ..................... . 1052
9.3.9 The Diffusion Layer .......................................... . 1055
9.3.10 The Limiting Current Density and Its Practical Importance ....... . 1059
9.3.lOa Polarography: The Dropping-Mercury Electrode ......... . 1060
9.3.lOb The Rotating-Disc Electrode .......................... . 1070
9.3.11 The Steady-State Current-Potential Relation under Conditions of Trans-
port Control ................................................ . 1072
9.3.12 Transport-Controlled De-electronation Reactions ................ . 1074
9.3.13 What Is the Effect of Electrical Migration on the Limiting Diffusion-
Current Density? 1075
9.3.14 Some Summarizing Remarks on the Transport Aspects of Electrodics 1076
Further Reading ...................................................... . 1079
9.4 Determining the Stepwise Mechanism of an Electrodic Re-
action ................................................... . 1080
9.4.1 How One Tries to Determine the Reaction Mechanism ........... . 1080
9.4.2 Which Is the Rate-Determining Step in the Iron Deposition and Dis-
solution Reaction? ........................................... . 1083
9.4.3 The Transfer Coefficient a and Reaction Mechanisms ............ . 1089
9.4.4 Summarizing Remarks Concerning Mechanistic Studies ........... . 1090
Further Reading ..................................................... . 1093
9.5 More on Mechanism Determination ..................... . 1093
9.5.1 Why Review Mechanism Determination? ........................ 1093
Electrodic Reactions of Special Interest
10.1 Electrocatalysis .......................................... . 1141
10.1.1 A Chemical Catalyst and an Electrocatalyst ..................... . 1141
10.1.2 At What Potential Should Electrocatalysts Be Compared? ........ . 1143
10.1.3 Electrocatalysis in Simple Redox Reactions ..................... . 1146
1O.1.3a How Does the Electrocatalytic Rate Depend upon the Substrate
Work Function at the Reversible Potential? .............. . 1146
1O.l.3b Can the Exchange-Current Density Depend upon the Work
Function? ............................................. . 1149
10.1.4 Electrocatalysis in Reactions Involving Adsorbed Species ......... . 1153
1O.1.4a Electrocatalysis in the Hydrogen-Evolution and - Dissolution
Reaction .............................................. . 1153
1O.1.4b The Electrocatalytic De-electronation of Hydrocarbons .... . 1156
1O.1.4c The Dependence of the Rate upon Substrate for the Oxidation
of Ethylene ........................................... . 1161
1O.1.4d The Special Position of Platinum as an Electrocatalyst ..... . 1166
10.1.5 Special Features of Electrocatalysis ............................ . 1168
1O.1.5a The Effect of the Electric Field ........................ .. 1168
1O.1.5b Reactivity at Low Temperatures ......................... 1169
10.I.5c The Activation of an Electrocatalyst ..................... 1170
1O.1.5d Increasing the Power Output by Changing the Reaction Path 1171
10.1.5e The Use of Porous Electrodes.......................... 1171
Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1172
Some Electrochemical Systems of Technological Interest
11.1 Technological Aspects of Electrochemistry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1265
11.2 Corrosion and the Stability of Metals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1267
11.2.1 Civilization and Surfaces ...................................... . 1267
11.2.2 Charge-Transfer Reactions Are the Origin of the Instability of a Surface 1268
11.2.3 A Corroding Metal is Analogous to a Short-Circuited Energy-Producing
Cell ......................................................... . 1269
11.2.4 The Mechanism of the Corrosion of Ultrapure Metals ............ . 1273
11.2.5 What Is the Electronation Reaction in Corrosion? ............... . 1275
11.2.6 Thermodynamics and the Stability of Metals .................... . 1277
11.2.7 Potential-pH (or Pourbaix) Diagrams: Uses and Abuses ......... . 1281
11.2.8 The Corrosion Current and the Corrosion Potential .............. . 1285
11.2.9 The Basic Electrodics of Corrosion in the Absence of Oxide Films .. . 1287
11.2.10 An Understanding of Corrosion in Terms of Evans Diagrams ..... . 1291
11.2.11 Which Step in the Corrosion Process Controls the Corrosion Current? 1296
11.2.12 Metals, pH, and Air ......................................... . 1297
11.2.13 Some Common Examples of Corrosion ......................... . 1301
11.2.14 Electrodic Approaches to Increasing the Stability of Metals ....... . 1306
11.2.14a Corrosion Inhibition by the Addition of Substances to the
Electrolytic Environment of a Corroding Metal ......... . 1306
11.2.14b Corrosion Prevention by Charging the Corroding Metal with
Electrons from an External Source ..................... . 1309
11.2.15 Passivation: The Transformation from a Corroding and Unstable Sur-
face to a Passive and Stable Surface ............................ . 1315
11.2.16 The Mechanism of Passivation ................................ . 1318
11.2.17 The Dissolution-Precipitation Model for Film Formation ......... . 1321
11.2.18 Spontaneous Passivation: Nature's Method of Stabilizing Surfaces .. . 1323
11.2.19 A Competition in Models for Passivation? ...................... . 1324
11.2.20 The Thermodynamics of Passivation ............................ . 1326
11.2.21 Hydrogen Diffusion into a Metal .............................. . 1328
11.2.22 The Preferential Diffusion of Absorbed Hydrogen to Regions of Stress
in a Metal .................................................. . 1330
11.2.23 Interstitial Hydrogen Can Crack Open a Metal Surface ............ . 1333
11.2.24 Surface Instability and the Internal Decay of Metals: Stress-Corrosion
Cracking ..................................................... . 1335
11.2.25 Surface Instahility and Internal Decay of Metals: Hydrogen Embrittle-
ment ......................................................... 1338
11.2.26 Charge Transfer and the Stability of Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1345
11.2.27 The Cost of Corrosion ........................................ 1346
11.2.28 A Bird's-Eye View of Corrosion ................................ 1347
Further Reading ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349
11.3 Electrochemical Energy Conversion....................... 1350
11.3.1 The Present Situation in Energy Consumption ................... . 1350
11.3.2 How Are the Hydrocarbon Fuels Used at Present? ............... . 1352
11.3.3 The Pollution of the Atmosphere with Products from Internal-Combus-
tion Reactions and Its Possible Effect on World Temperature and Sea
Levels ....................................................... . 1353
11.3.3a Products of Combustion Other than Carbon Dioxide ..... . 1353
11.3.3b Carbon Dioxide ...................................... . 1355
I 1.4.4 The Large Gap between the Maximum Feasible and the Present Actual
Energy Densities of Electricity Storers ........................... 1418
11.4.5 Outlines of Some Possible Future Electricity Storers ............... 1420
11.4.5a Electricity Storage in Hydrogen ......................... 1420
ll.4.5h Storage by Using Alkali Metals.. .. . .. . .. . .. . ... ... . ... . 1422
11.4.5c Storers Involving Nonaqueous Solutions ................. 1424
11.4.5d Storers with Zinc in Combination with an Air Electrode. . . 1427
11.4.6 The Respective Realms of Applicability of Electrochemical Energy
Converters and Electricity Storers ............................... 1428
11.4.7 Electrochemical Electricity Storage in a Nutshell.................. 1430
Further Reading .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1432
Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxix
It is hoped by the writers of this book that many of its readers will
become electrochemists, i.e., full-time researchers in the field which deals
with chemical transformations produced by electric currents and with the
production of such currents from the transformation of chemical substances.
If that hope is to be realized, then the reader has much to learn for electro-
chemistry is a field which is interdisciplinary. Electrochemistry may be con-
sidered to be born out of Chemistry by Electricity, but it involves far more
than a knowledge of the chemistry of substances and the physics of electric
The reader and future electrochemist must also realize that, even if
he digests all that is in this book, he will still be walking on a set of shifting
logs, for modern electrochemistry is a rapidly developing branch of know-
ledge, mostly awakened to life in the 1950's and only beginning to call out
lustily in the 1960's.
This book attempts to present a perspective view of the contemporary
scene in the field. Much of the theoretical material presented here is bound
to be improved, and some revised, during the next few decades. This is
especially true because the book intentionally contains a dearth of solidly
sure, but un stimulating, thermodynamic treatments and an excess of con-
ceptual, model-oriented approaches which, though associated with a tem-
porary and uncertain character, undoubtedly stimulate criticisms and new
@a phase
Fig. 1.1. The fundamental act in electro-
chemistry. (Often, the electron-containing
phase is a metal; and the ion-containing
phase, an aqueous solution. But germanium
in contact with a molten salt would also in-
volve electron- and ion- containing systems.)
Fig. 1.2. A way to divide the two quite different aspects of the field of electrochem-
istry. In this book, the point of view is presented that the electrodic area should be
the realm associated with electrochemistry. lonics is a necessary adjunct field (just
as is the theory of electrons in metals and semiconductors, which is adequately dealt
with in books on the solid state).
Fig. 1.3. Many properties of materials depend primarily upon events occurring on
their surfaces.
metal and a moisture film; and, on the moisture side of this interface, there
are water molecules, dissolved oxygen molecules, and perhaps hydrogen
ions (H+). Hence, the interface under consideration may be that between an
electronic conductor and an ionic conductor. The water molecules, which
are electrical dipoles (cf Section 2.3.1), may form an oriented layer on
the metal surface. Such an oriented dipole layer is equivalent to two sheets
of charge (Fig. 1.4). Another possibility is the exchange of electrons between
the metal and particles in the moisture film. For example, the electron
transfer may proceed thus,
/~~++ _ Ionic
Due to electron
Two sheets of charge
m\(Due to net electron flow
in electrochemical reactions
due to oriented dipoles
phase. The charging proceeds until the charges on the two phases are equal
in magnitude but opposite in sign.
The argument about a net charge of one sign arising on each surface
(of the two phases meeting at an interface) has been couched in terms
of a metal and moist air. But the argument can be generalized. Almost all
interfaces, therefore, are electrified, and the surfaces of material carry
excess charges. It is these excess charges which affect the surface properties
of materials and often make them deviate from those of the bulk.
There are widespread consequences of the fact that the surfaces of
nearly all phases carry a net electric charge and form one side of an electric
double layer. t Among them is the fact that the electrical aspect of the sur-
face forces is an important factor in the determination of properties of the
interphase. Correspondingly, of course, those properties of solids which de-
pend on happenings at the surface depend on the electric charge separation
and electric field strength across the interphase. Very many aspects of the
behavior of surfaces, in practice, involve electrochemical considerations.
It has been argued in the above section that almost all surfaces carry
an excess electric charge and that interfaces are electrified. However, the
argument was made by considering an isolated piece of material uncon-
nected to a source or sink of electrons.
Suppose now that the metal, an electronic conductor, is connected
to a power supply, t i.e., to a source of electrons so large in capacity that
the 1019 to 1020 electrons* drawn from the source leave it unaffected in any
significant way. To make the discussion specific, consider that the elec-
tronic conductor is a platinum plate and the ionically conducting phase is
an aqueous solution of HI.
Then, by connecting the power source to the metal plate, it becomes
possible for electrons to flow from the source to the surface of the platinum
plate. Before this was done, the electrified platinum-solution interface was
t Some of these consequences concern semiconductor devices, now the central aspect
of solid-state electronics.
t Actually, a power supply has two terminals, and one must also consider how the metal-
electrolyte interface is connected to the other terminal, but this consideration is post-
poned to the next section.
* An Avogadro number (~ 1023 ) of electrons produce 1 gram equivalent of substance
in an electrochemical reaction; hence 1019 to 1020 electrons produce 10- 4 to 10- 3 g-eq.
The hydrogen ions are discharged on the electrode and there is an evolution
of hydrogen gas.
The simplicity of such a formulation should not obscure the fact that
what has been described is a remarkable and distinctive part of chemistry.
An electric current, a controllable electron stream, has been made in a
controlled way to react with a chemical substance and produce another
new chemical substance. t That is what a good deal of electrochemistry is
about-it is about the electrical path for producing chemical transformations.
Much of electrochemistry is also connected with the other side of this
penny, namely, the production of electric currents and therefore electric
power directly from changes in chemical substances, which is one of the
newer methods of producing electrical energy (fuel cells, Section 11.2).
t There is not much limitation on what kind of chemical substance; e.g., it does not
have to be an ion. C.H4 + 4H.O -+ 2CO. + 12H+ + 12e is as much an electrochemical
reaction as is 2H + + 2e -+ H •.
drogen iodide, which must also have been present in the solution of HI
in water. Where do they go while the hydrogen ions are being turned into
hydrogen molecules?
The 1- ions have not yet appeared in the picture because only half
of the picture has been shown. Electrical sources have two terminals. The
consideration of a power source pumping electrons into a platinum plate
in contact with an ionic solution is essentially a thought experiment. In the
real situation, one immerses another electronic conductor in the same
solution and connects this second electronic conductor to the other terminal
of the power source (Fig. 1.5). Then, whereas electrons from the power
source pour into the platinum plate, they would flow away from the second
electronic conductor (made, e.g., of rhodium) and back to the power
source. It is clear that, if we want a system which can carryon for some
time with hydrogen ions receiving electrons from the platinum plate, then
iodide ions have got to give up electrons to the rhodium plate at the same
rate as electrons are given up from the platinum. Thus, the whole system
can function smoothly without the loss of electroneutrality which would
arise were the hydrogen ions to receive electrons from the platinum without
a balancing event to occur at the other plate. Such a process would be
required to remove the negatively charged ions which would become excess
ones directly the positively charged hydrogen ions had been removed from
the solution.
The assembly, or system, consisting of one electronic conductor which
acts as an electron source for particles in the ionic conductor and another
electronic conductor acting as an electron sink receiving electrons from
the ionic conductor is known as an electrochemical cell, or electrochemical
2e 2e
- 2e
Pt Rh
2HI in
, 2H+ + 21-
2H+ + 2e at Pt
, H2 t
at Rh
, 12 + 2e
2HI ' H2 + 12
Thus, from an overall point of view, this net cell reaction is identical
to that which would occur if one heated hydrogen iodide and produced
hydrogen and iodine by a purely chemical, or thermal, reaction.
There is another way in which the electrical method of carrying out
chemical reactions is distinct from the other methods for achieving chemical
changes (Fig. 1.6). "Ordinary" chemical reactions, like the homogeneous
combination of H2 and 12 or the heterogeneous combinations of H2 and
O 2 , occur because thermally energized molecules occasionally collide and,
during the small time they stay together, change around some bonds to
f:i. ·1
I + I
Bond •
• H··r breaking
4e 4e
process, too, there is a unique aspect when one compares it with the produc-
tion of available energy from thermally induced chemical reactions. It can
be shown (cf Section I 1.3) that the fraction of the total energy of the chem-
ical reaction which can be converted to mechanical energy turns out to be
intrinsically much greater in the electrical than in the chemical way of
producing electricity.
sisting me touched lightly and by chance the point of his scalpel to the
internal crural nerves of the frog, suddenly all the muscles of its limbs
were seen to be so contracted that they seemed to have fallen into tonic
convulsions. Another of my assistants, who was making ready to take up
certain experiments in electricity with me, seemed to notice that this hap-
pened only at the moment when a spark came from the conductor of the
machine. He was struck with the novelty of the phenomenon, and imme-
diately spoke to me about it, for I was at the moment occupied with other
things and mentally preoccupied. I was at once tempted to repeat the
experiment so as to make clear whatever might be obscure in it. For this
purpose I took up the scalpel and moved its point close to one or the
other of the crural nerves of the frog while at the same time one of my
assistants elicited sparks from the electric machine. The phenomenon
happened exactly as before. Strong contractions took place in every muscle
of the limb, and at the very moment when the sparks appeared the animal
was seized as it were with tetanus.
This observation of Galvani's was closely followed by an observation
by Volta, who wrote thus in 1800:
I have the pleasure of communicating to you, and through you to the
Royal Society, some striking results I have obtained in pursuing my ex-
periments on electricity excited by the mere mutual contact of different
kinds of metal, and even by that of other conductors, also different from
each other, either liquid or containing some liquid, to which they are
properly indebted for their conducting power. The principle of these results
is the construction of an apparatus having a resemblance in its effects to
the Leyden flask. The apparatus to which I allude, and which will, no
doubt, astonish you, is only the assemblage of a number of good con-
ductors of different kinds arranged in a certain manner. Thirty or more
pieces of copper, or, better, silver, applied each to a piece of tin or zinc,
which is much better, and as many strata of salt water or any other conduct-
ing liquid, or pasteboard, skin, etc., well soaked in these liquids; such
strata interposed between every pair of two different metals and always in
the same order are all that is necessary for constructing my new instrument.
To this apparatus, much more similar to the natural electric organ of
the torpedo or the electric eel, etc., than to the Leyden flask, I would
wish to give the name of the "Artificial Electric Organ." ...
All the facts which I have related in this long paper in regard to the
action which the electric fluid excited and, when moved by my apparatus,
exercises on the different parts of our body which the current attacks and
passes through; an action which is not instantaneous, but which lasts, and is
maintained during the whole time that this current can follow the chain
not interrupted in its communications; in a word, an action the effects of
which vary according to the different degrees of excitability in the parts,
as has been seen; all these facts, sufficiently numerous, and others which
may still be discovered by multiplying and varying the experiments of
this kind, will open a very wide field for reflection, and of views, not only
curious, but particularly interesting to Medicine. There will be a great deal
to occupy the anatomist, the physiologist, and the practitioner.
These discoveries by Galvani and Volta near the beginning of the
nineteenth century not only emphasized the role of electrochemistry in the
production of electricity but also demonstrated the importance of electro-
chemical phenomena in biology.
This brilliant and very early start to electrochemistry was carried on
by the discovery by Faraday in 1834 of the laws which govern the quantity
of a chemical substance formed by the passage of a certain amount of
electricity across an interface such as that at the platinum-hydrogen ion-
containing solution of Fig. 1.6. The laws of Faraday are among the most
exactly verified laws of science and led to the realization by Stoney (1891)
that electricity, like matter, is atomic in nature. Stoney proposed the name
electron for the "atom," or unit, of electric charge.
A fourth major advance in electrochemistry at this very early time
consisted of the first attainment by Grove of electrochemical energy
conversion. In 1834, Grove produced electrical energy from the union of
hydrogen and oxygen in an electrochemical cell (Fig. 1.7). The far-reaching
significance of the achievement of Grove's was realized by Ostwald as
early as 1894. At the Bunsen Gesellschaft meeting of that year, Ostwald
pointed out that the direct conversion of chemical energy to electrical
power could be achieved electrochemically with a possible conversion ef-
ficiency of nearly 90%. In contrast, the (indirect) thermal method (a chem-
ical reaction produces heat which expands a gas which pushes a cylinder
which drives a wheel which turns a generator), however, was subject to the
Carnot restriction on the maximum possible efficiency with which the heat
energy liberated in a chemical reaction can be converted into mechanical
work. The restriction rests on intrinsic thermodynamic reasoning and argues
for a practical upper limit of about 40% for the efficiency of conversion of
chemical energy into electricity by heat (Fig. 1.8).
Fig. 1.8. Ostwald pointed out that electrically achieved chemical reactions could
convert a higher fraction of the energy difference between their initial and final states to
electricity than could thermally achieved reactions.
and solving the problem of distinguishing between the change in the heat
content of reactants and products and the change in the free energy be-
tween them. Great as these advances were in the history of chemistry, they
had also weighty, if indirect, negative consequences upon the development
of electrochemistry. Two of these were:
I. They made the viewpoint in the treatment of electrochemical reac-
tions across interfaces "potential-centric" and not "current (or rate t)_
centric." Thus, when the current was changed, it was thought that the
corresponding (unrationalized) changes in electrode potential were due to
some illicit t malfunction somewhere in the cell. The change was sometimes,
particularly by the polarographers, ascribed to a delay in transporting
reactants through the ionically conducting solution up to the interfaces,
so that the electrode surface sees a different concentration of ions from
that which it would have seen at zero current. The thought that there was
a net flow of electrons across the interfaces only because the potential
difference across them had been made to differ from the equilibrium one
of Ncrnst was suppressed in the zeal of the potential-centric and rate-
indifferent thermodynamic approach.
2. Apart from making them regard the potential as the variable de-
pendent on the current, the overwhelming success of the thermodynamic
treatment-and its emphasis in all textbooks of physical chemistry for the
next 50 years- seems to have awed electrochemists from about 1910
onward. They did not, with a very few exceptions, try to develop a rational
kinetic treatment of the interfacial charge transfer. As late as 1947, most of
them were still trying to do the impossible, i.e., to treat the highly (thermo-
dynamically) irreversible electrode reactions by a series of misconceptions
and approximations on the basis of reversible thermodynamics. This
fundamental error and lack of conceptualization held a dead hand on the
electric mode of achieving chemical reactions and on the direct conversion of
chemical to electrical energy, for some 40 to 50 years. This period in elec-
trochemistry could well be called "The Great Nernstian Hiatus" (Fig. 1.9).
t The current density across an interface is the rate of electron passage across it per
unit area. Thus, it is usually written as amp cm- 2 •
t The attitude of post-Nernstian electrochemists toward changes in potential away from
that described by Nernst's equations seems sometimes to have been tinged with a
derogatory moral fervor. The word polarized, used to denote in a vague way the non-
equilibrium condition of electrodes, had a downing and critical kind of flavor even
in the late 1940's. It will be seen later, however, that polarization is an essential factor
associated with electrochemical reactions out of equilibrium and, without polarization,
the reactions cannot occur at a net rate.
Nernsfs law:
Fig. 1.9. The great Nernstian hiatus. Here t:,.¢ is the potential across the interface;
8i is the activity of a species in the solution; and i is the current density (t:,.¢o, P, Q,
A. and B are constants). Affected by the successful thermodynamic thinking of
Nernsfs theory of galvanic cells at equilibrium, electrochemists regarded the current
passing in cells out of equilibrium as affecting the potential differences at the inter-
faces; they did not for a long time understand that the current flowed across them
only because the potential changed away from that of equilibrium, and possessed
an overpotential, 1/.
current flowing across the interface in an electrochemical cell was the fact
that the outside power source caused the electric potential difference across
the electric double layer at the interfaces to change from the values that would
correspond, for given electrochemical reactions, to the zero-current situation
of equilibrium, i.e., to assume values such that there was an overpotential.
Such a view had been implied in a rudimentary way earlier by Butler
(1924) and stated explicitly by Volmer and Erdey-Gruz in 1930. Only in
Russia, t under the leadership of Frumkin, had the new attitude been consist-
ently adopted during the 1930's and 1940's. Most other electrochemists
during the 1930's and 1940's thought of the potential at the interface as a
quantity given by thermodynamics only. It took until the 1950's to get
electrochemists generally moving along in the direction of relating current
densities to deviations of the electrode potentials from the value which
they possessed when the interface was at equilibrium, i.e.,
i = Ae B "
where the overpotential (the departure of the potential from that charac-
teristic of equilibrium) 1] was the current-provoking quantity, and not as
Lfrp = a - b In i
where the attitude was that the potential was basically that given by equilib-
rium thermodynamics but disturbed by the passage of electrons across the
The change of attitude among electrochemists in the 1950's was more
than a formal one because it compelled them to think about the inter-
phasic region in a more realistic way. Electrochemistry, after a delay of
35 to 40 years, became molecular kinetic and structural in attitude. Its
researchers began to talk in terms of the molecular structure at the interface
and the effect of the interfacial field on the transfer of electrons between
the electrode and the particles in the adjacent layer of solution. The under-
standing of the kinetic interpretation of equilibrium became widespread,
i.e., equilibrium corresponds to electrons crossing the interface at the same
rates in both directions; the methods were developed by which the various
steps in electrochemical reactions could be elucidated. Electronics became
an indispensable tool to the study and control of electrochemical reactions.
There was sufficient work at the end of the decade for the first t general
t Isolated examples of this attitude elsewhere certainly existed, e.g., in the work of
Audubert in France and of Bowden in England.
t A brief text in Russian, due to Frumkin's school, dates from 1952, but is almost
unknown in the West.
Electronic I Interphase Ionic
conductor : region conductor
8 88
G G e G
//~= e0
0 0 e
/conducting /
00 0
0 8
e 0
0 Ionically
e 0 phose
o e e0
e o 00
o 0 e
o e 0
Fig. 1.11. Electrochemistry.
P P22
+ VI = --
+ V.
where PI and P2 are the momenta of the electrons inside the metal and the
atom which receives the electron, respectively; U1 is the potential energy
of the electron inside the metal and U2 that of the electron in an atom in
the solution. The proper calculation of U1 and U2 is an exercise in the
theory of electron transfer at interfaces (see Chapter VIII). Suppose U2 = 0
and U1 = C/>, the thermionic work function. Then, with the de Broglie
A J'-. 10- 3 cm
Muscles Overthermodynamical Study of ions in so- The kinetics of electrical re- Electrochemistry plays a role in
move when approach prevents de- lutions, adjunct to actions at interfaces is for- space power, stability of mate-
currents velopment of charge electrochemical studies, mulated, and some basic pro- rials, functioning of biological
pass transfer kinetics at in- becomes identified with gress in investigating its mech- cells, nylon synthesis, vehicular
terfaces electrochemistry itself an isms is made transportation
in England and America
Fig. 1.12. Electrochemistry, a perspective from afar. e-
1920-1940 The (substitutional) rise The theory of Oebye and Huckel is the
(and fall) of ionics do- first statistical-mechanical theory of
minates electrochemistry solutions to give quantitative success.
But it is shown to be intrinsically limit
ed to dilute solutions. No one breaks
through this barrier.
faces and the interdisciplinary character of the fields involved in studying it.
Such a view is implied in Figure 1.15, where space limits mention of the
number of disciplines which are associated with the study of electrified
Apart from the large number of areas of knowledge which are needed
to advance modern electrochemistry, there are many areas to which it
contributes or even plays the essential role. Because much surface chemistry
under real conditions concerns electrified interfaces and double layers, the
systems to which electrochemical concepts are relevant are nearly as wide
as surface chemistry itself. This, together with the fact that the subject
embraces interactions between electric currents and materials-i.e., between
two large areas of physics and chemistry -, signifies the widespread charac-
ter of the fields of knowledge which electrochemical considerations underly
(Fig. 1.15).
power for the first space vehicles, and there are general prospects of evolution
away from the thermal to the electrochemical method of realizing the energy
of chemical reactions. One of the more certain aspects of the future is the
cheapening of electric power, with a sharp fall in the cost when controlled
hydrogen fusion becomes practical. Such changes would clearly favor
economically the increasing adoption of electrochemical processes. Elec-
trochemical engineering systems include those of a large proportion of the
nonferrous metals industries, in particular, the production of aluminum by
deposition from a molten salt containing the oxide.
All fields in chemistry, e.g., that of the liquid state or of reaction kinetics,
have connections to other parts of the general subject; and, indeed, all
subjects treated under chemistry tend to be subject, as time goes on, to
treatments at the more advanced degree of sophistication attained under
the aspect of the science we call physics. Chemists dare to make approximate
treatments of relatively complicated subjects not yet simple enough for
physicists to tackle in a more exact way. But the involvement, e.g., of the
study of liquids and gaseous reaction kinetics is largely with the parent
Concerns interfacial n-tYP~m 0 ;;;ype
charge transfer between G"~"i'~mOOi,m
two electronic conductors.
Concerns interfacial /Pla/t~inum/
charge transfer between eHYdrOChlOric
acid solution
an electronic and an ionic
Fig. 1.16. Electronics and electrodics.
t As apart from areas of basic science, e.g., quantum mechanics, which primarily originate
in physics and underlie all chemistry, including, of course, electrochemistry.
where i is the rate of passage of electrons across the interface, A and fJ are
constants for the system, Cion is the concentration of ions in contact with
the surface of the electronic conductor, and 'YJ is the disturbance of the
potential difference across the interface from that corresponding to electron-
transfer equilibrium. In electronics, the initial equations is that for ther-
mionics, i.e.,
i = A'e- MJ / RT
where the terms have analogous meanings, ,d(]) being the difference in
energy of the electron inside and outside the electronic conductor from
which it is ejected.
A similar analogy exists between the behavior of electrons and holes
in semiconductors and the behavior of H+ and OH- ions in electrolytes.
Insights of this type are important to make and should be sought because
it is clear that "all Science is one," and, in a remote sense, all phenomena
take place in consistency with the same general laws of physics. It is helpful,
then, to try to break down the barriers between fields distinguished largely
by having different names and, unfortunately, different terminologies.
Often, one finds parts of one's problem have been solved in another field
or the other field has a problem to which one's own field has a solution,
or nearly so. Hence, electronics should be regarded as a neighboring subject
to electrodics not only because electronic circuitry external to the electrodic
system is essential in helping electrodics but because there is a fundamental
closeness in electrodic, and some ionic, systems to those studied under the
terms electronics and thermionics.
the interfacial potential difference across the double layer must be constant.
1---'""\ Cell
Fig. 1.17. An electronic circuit which produces transient
behavior in an electrodic circuit.
It follows therefore that, if, between the power source and the cell in the
circuit in Figure 1.17, we add a device which enables us to vary the 'I] (the
variable part of the potential difference across the interface) with time,
the rate of charge transfer will vary. Further, the delay time between a
change of potential and the resulting current is (1) small and (2) charac-
teristic of the details of the type of process occurring across the interface.
(For example, does the rate at which the electrons are being transferred
control itself in a relatively simple way, e.g., just vary at the behest of the
potential as the above equation indicates, or is the charge-transfer reaction
rate indirectly controlled by something else, such as the adsorption of some
entity from solution which might conceivably partly block the transfer site,
with the degree of blockage also a function of potential but a different
function from that of charge transfer?)
In the last section, an analogy was made between the fundamental
processes involved in charge transfer at an electronic-conductor-ionic-
conductor interface and those at an electronic-conductor-electronic-con-
ductor interface. It has not yet been shown, however, that electronics is
connected with electrochemistry in another way, i.e., as a tool, the value
of which can hardly be overestimated. Thus, consider the matter of trans-
ients. By electronic circuits of appropriate design, one may impose upon
the metal electrode electric-energy pulses of virtually any shape or size
and with widely varying time durations. One can make the interfacial current
dance to the tune being played by the electronic circuit. The time ranges in
which one can operate are as low as tens of nanoseconds.
Such ability to program circuitry to make metal-solution interfaces
do things at command and very quickly has great significance for research
work on the electrode-solution interface. It allows us to change the electrical
interfacial conditions from a given condition so quickly that, before the
particles on the surface (intermediate radicals in some reaction, say) have
had time to adjust to the new order, they have been hit by a change of
potential which promotes a reaction which, e.g., electrically burns them
up and wipes them off the surface. Then, by finding out the current passing
during this process and integrating it with time, one has a measurement
of the total amount of electricity equivalent to the radicals on the surface
and hence a measure of the degree of coverage of the surface with radicals.
Such a quantity is often a vital piece of knowledge in research on reaction
mechanisms and eventually, e.g., on energy converters.
Such a use of transient techniques makes a good example of why the
mechanism of electrical interfacial reactions has better prospects of being
understood than have classical heterogeneous "chemical" reactions. Elec-
trochemists have known of transient techniques to obtain the concentration
of radicals on noble metal surfaces for about thirty years, but the correspond-
ing technique of the heat pulse in thermal kinetics has had a much shorter
history. Flash photolysis, a transient technique in gas kinetics, was intro-
duced twenty years after the effective and more powerful transient technique
available for radical investigation and control in electrochemical processes.
The advantage of the electrochemical measurements is that one has really
just to count electrons, and, for that, there are available a large number
of rather sophisticated techniques.
The Rate of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on a Series of Metals at
the Equilibrium Potential
Thus, for this reaction, there is a very great dependence of the reaction
rate upon the surface chosen. t Electrodes, then, are catalysts; but the science
of electrocatalysis is in its infant stages because, like so much else in elec-
trochemistry, the concept of electrodes as catalysts is only just becoming
a concept-it was first written of in 1963 by Grubb. The rate at which
a reaction occurs for a given departure from equilibrium in the electric
potential applied across the interface depends on the constant A of the
equation i = Ae Bn , and A must therefore be a kind of chemical rate constant,
within the electrochemical reaction, upon which is superimposed the in-
fluence of the interfacial electric field.
t In fact, the variation of some 1010 times is far greater than the range of variation of
rates observed for a given reaction on various catalysts in thermal catalytic reactions.
light source
Mirror quartz
electrode cell
Fig. 1.19. Schematic of polarized-light microscopy on a
surface in solution; A, light source; B, polarizer; C, semi-
silvered mirror; D, Wolloston prism; E, microscope ens;
F, object; G, analyzer.
Examples of the Alternative Thermal and Electrochemical Paths
in ChemiGal Happenings
Storage of electrical energy Electricity pumps water up Allow to cause some elec-
to height and allows it to trochemical change, e.g.,
fall on demand to drive Cd++ + 2e --)0 Cd, Ni++
generator --)0 NiH + 2e, which will
be reversed on demand
contributions stand out in the matter of their impact on science and tech-
nology. They are:
1. The electromagnetic theory of light due to Maxwell (nineteenth
2. The theory of relativistic mechanics due to Einstein (nineteenth
to twentieth centuries) t
3. The theory of quantum mechanics originating with the work of
Planck, Einstein, and Bohr and developed by SchrOdinger, Heisen-
berg, Born, and Dirac (twentieth century)
It is important to recall why these contributions to physics and chem-
istry are regarded as so outstandingly important. Maxwell's nineteenth
century theory is the basis for a large fraction of twentieth century tech-
nology. It provides the basis for the transfer of energy and communication
across distances, and the delivery of mechanical power at command as a
consequence of the controlled application of electric currents. The signifi-
cance of relativistic mechanics is that its theory of mass-energy equivalence
constitutes the basis of the generation of nuclear power which, in association
with electrical and electronic devices, makes it possible in decades rather
than centuries to end man's necessity of having to work to be able to live.
The quantum theory is the basis of the solid-state device and transistor
technology and has given us such a great revolution in thinking, e.g., the
t Einstein's first paper was of 1905, but the thought mode and many consequences were
based on thoughts typical of the nineteenth century, in particular, the time necessary
for the propagation of radiation.
for their realization upon the fundamental work by which the relevant basic
mechanisms become understood.
To realize this vista, contributions from scientists of varied fields of
original training will be necessary. They have to learn about the field of
electrochemistry. It will be necessary to train electrochemists and electro-
chemical engineers in far greater numbers than is now done. The stimulus
for the writing of this book is the need to provide these workers with
material which assumes a background knowledge only of freshman physics
and chemistry and yet takes the student in most of the areas considered
to a position in which he can comprehend the specialist monograph in
t The term electrolyte is used in electrochemistry to refer not only to the idnically con-
ducting medium through which electricity is passed but also to the substances which,
when dissolved (or melted), give rise to a conducting medium.
Source or
Ionic concentration
g-ions liter-1 at 25 DC
enticed the ions out of the solid so that they can wander off into the solvent
(Fig. 2.3). (The Greek word for wanderer is ion.) One has witnessed the
process of dissolution of an ionic crystal.
What are the influences which the solvent brings to bear upon the
ions of the crystal? What are the ion-solvent forces which overcome the
ion-ion forces holding together the crystal?
It is obvious that questions such as these are of central significance to
the understanding of ionic solutions and, hence, the electrochemical proc-
esses which occur in them. For the questions imply that ions in solution
are constantly affected by ion-solvent forces, and that, to understand the
behavior of ions inside an electrolytic solution, one has to reckon with
the forces arising from the presence of the solvent. One must understand
ion-solvent interactions.
GI -
/ _ ..
= /
N+ -@.
/ =
.I""" , -
Na+ ~
r-- " -
~~ ~
of NoG I Water molecule
Hence, the basic problem of deriving an expression for the free energy
of ion-solvent interaction can be defined as follows. What is the work done
when one transfers an ion from vacuum into a position deep inside the
solvent? This work will include the energy of all the interactions between
the ion and the surrounding solvent, for example, water.
A moment's thought will reveal that, to work out exactly all the ion-
solvent interactions, one must know the structure of the solvent, i.e., the
dispositions of all the particles constituting the solvent and the forces
between the ion and these particles. But the solvent, e.g., water, may have
a fairly complex structure. To understand this structure, one must be able
to answer a vast number of questions. For example, are there discrete
solvent molecules, or are they associated to such an extent that one should
not speak of separate molecules? What do the ions do to the solvent struc-
ture? Do they disrupt it, or are there spaces inside the structure so that
ions can be smuggled in but cause little damage to it?
The problem seems insuperable, but one can resort to modelistic think-
ing. Models are simplified representations of the real microstructure of
nature, often as mental pictures derived from the macroscopic world. They
are intended to reproduce approximately the essential features of the real
situation. The better they are able to predict experimental quantities, the
better do they serve as aids to thinking about how nature really works.
An example of a very crude and approximate model for ion-solvent
interactions is that suggested by Born in 1920. In the Born model, an ion
eo ) .,
is equivalent to
~c h,,,.'" 'ph,,,
~. Ion
(a )
is equivalent to continuum
(with dielectric
constant.O!" s )
(h )
Fig. 2.6. The Born model for ion-solvent interactions considers (a) an ion
equivalent to a charged sphere and (b) the structured solvent equivalent to a
structureless continuum.
is viewed as a rigid sphere (of radius ri) bearing a charge ZieO (eo is the
electronic charge), and the solvent is taken to be a structureless continuum
(Fig. 2.6). Thus, the problem of ion-solvent interaction assumes the follow-
ing form: What is the work done in transferring a charged sphere from
vacuum into a continuum (Fig. 2.7)?
By considering a charged sphere equivalent to an ion, the Born model
is assuming that it is only the charge on the ion (or charged sphere) that is
responsible for ion-solvent interactions. The interactions between the solvent
and the ion are considered to be solely electrostatic in origin.
The Born model suggests a simple thought process for calculating the
free energy LlG1 - S of ion-solvent interactions, i.e., the work of transferring
an ion from vacuum into the solvent (Fig. 2.8). One uses a thermodynamic
cycle. The basic idea behind a thermodynamic cycle is the law of the con-
servation of energy. If one starts with a certain system (say, an ion in
vacuum) and then goes through a hypothetical cycle of changes, ending up
with the starting condition (i.e., the ion in vacuum), then the algebraic
sum of all the energies involved in the various steps must be zero. The
particular cycle that will be used is the following: (1) The ion (or charged
sphere) is first considered in a vacuum, and the work WI of stripping it
of its charge Zieo is computed. (2) This uncharged sphere is slipped into the
solvent; this process will involve no work, i.e., W 2 = 0 because the only
Charged sphere
is equivolent to
Fig. 2.7. The Born model views the free energy of ion-solvent interactions as
equal to the work of transferring a charged sphere (of radius 'i and charge ZieO) from
vacuum into a continuum (of dielectric constant liS)'
)+---Charged sphere
rk of di schorg ing
)+---Uncharged sphere
No electrostatic
Work of chorging
interactional work is assumed to arise from the charge on the ion. t (3) Then,
the charge on the sphere inside the solvent is restored to the full value
zieO-one says, the sphere is charged up to the value ZieO-, and the charg-
ing work W3 is computed. (4) Finally, the ion is transferred from the
solvent to vacuum. Since this transfer process is opposite to that involved
in the definition of the free energy LlG1 _ S of ion-solvent interactions, the
work W4 associated with this last step of the cycle, i.e., the transfer of an
ion from the solvent to vacuum, yields -LlG1 - S '
Now, if the algebraic sum of the work terms associated with the steps
of the cycle is set equal to zero, one gets
Work of discharging Work of charging
. .
IOn III vacuum
+0+ ion in solvent
- Ll GI -s = 0
Work of discharging Work of charging
LlG1 - S = .
III vacuum
+ ion in solvent
Fig. 2.9. The relative directions of the field due to a charged sphere, of the
movement of the test charge, and of increasing electrostatic potential.
The sign of the potential 1jJr is thought out as follows. Suppose the
sphere is charged positively. Then it exerts a repulsive force on the unit
positive charge, and the potential 1jJr' the work which has to be done by
an external agency in transporting the unit positive charge, i.e., overcoming
the repulsive interaction, will be taken to be positive. But the electric force
of the charged sphere on the unit positive charge, i.e., the field, acts in a
direction opposite to that in which the charge is being moved (Fig. 2.9).
Since both the field and the direction of transport are vectors (quantities
with direction and magnitude) and since the vectors point in opposite
ways, their product is negative. t Hence, to relate the positive potential 1jJr
to the product of the field and distance, it is necessary to state that
Equation (2.2) for the electrostatic potential is valid only if the field
Xr acting on the unit positive charge remains the same, independent of the
distance of the unit charge from the source of the field. Suppose, however,
as will be seen to be the case with the field due to a charged sphere, the
field varies with distance from the source of the field. Then one must allow
for the inconstancy of the field in the definition of the potential at a point.
What one does is to take the field Xr as a constant over an infinitesimally
short distance dr. In this case, the electrostatic potential 1jJr at a point r is
obtained by summing up all the little bits of work, Xr dr, as the unit charge
is carried from infinity up to the point r in steps of length dr, i.e.,
1jJr = - J~ Xr dr (2.4)
t The product of two vectors A and B is AB cos (), where () is the angle between the
two vectors. If the vectors are in opposite directions, () = 7l and cos () = -1 and the
product is - AB.
"P ' j = - I ri
Substituting for X, in equation (2.5), one gets for the potential at the
surface of the sphere
"Prj = - Ioorq dr
dw = "Prj dq (2.9)
= f -dq
[ - q2 ]z;eo
2ri 0
(2.11 )
The answer is no, because this formula was obtained from the expression
for the electric force between two charges in a vacuum and it is known that
the electric force between two charges depends on the medium between
them. The electric force in the presence of a material medium is less than
that which operates when only a vacuum is present. A simple explanation
of this phenomenon is given later on (cf Section 2.5). The ratio of the force
in vacuum to the force in the medium is a characteristic of the medium
and is known as its dielectric constant f (Fig. 2.10)
Medium Vacuum
0-----0 0-------8
Fig. 2.10. The electric force between two charges q + and q _ in vacuum and in
a medium.
the solvent of dielectric constant Bs' Since, according to the Born model,
a sphere (of radius ri and charge ZieO) is considered to be equivalent to an
ion of radius ri and charge Zieo, it follows that the work of discharging an
ion in vacuum is equal to the work of discharging the equivalent sphere
in vacuum and the work of charging an ion in the solvent is equal to the
work of charging the equivalent sphere in the solvent. Hence [ef Eq. (2.1 )],
Ion Charged
Free energy of
ion - salven'
is equivalent to
Fig. 2.11. The free-energy change resulting from the transfer of an ion from
a vacuum into the solvent.
~o 80
sphere into a medium with the same dielectric constant as the solvent,
and of then charging the sphere till it has the same charge as the ion, the
Born model has yielded the free-energy change resulting from the transfer
of ions from a vacuum to solvent.
What is the importance of this free-energy change? The importance
derives from the fact that systems in nature try to attain a state of minimum
free energy. Thus, if the L'1G1 - S is negative, then ions exist more stably
in the solvent than in vacuum. Since the dielectric constant of any medium
is greater than unity, I > 1/10., and, therefore, L'1G1 - S is always negative;
hence, the Born equation (2.17) shows that all ions would rather be involved
in ion-solvent interactions than be left in vacuum. The Born equation
predicts that the smaller the ion (smaller rJ and the larger the dielectric
constant lOs, the greater will be the magnitude of the free-energy change
in the negative direction (Fig. 2.12).
If one stands back and looks at the situation with regard to ions and
their existence in solvents before and after the theory of Born (1920),
several points emerge. One set out to discover the interactions of ions with
a solvent, and one ended up doing a problem in electrostatics. This illustrates
a feature of electrochemistry-it often involves the application of electro-
statics to chemistry. The basis of this link is of course that electrochemistry
is involved with ions and charged interfaces, and these can be most simply
represented in models by charged spheres and charged plates, the stuff
with which electrostatics deals.
One has also seen in the Born theory of ion-solvent interactions an
example of very simple thinking based on models. A complicated situation
has been reduced to a simple one by the choice of a simple model. In the
Before finding out about the experimental testing of the Born theory,
it is preferable to recover from the theoretical expression for the free energy
LlG1 - S , the enthalpy (heat) and entropy changes associated with ion-
solvent interactions. This is because it is the heat of ion-solvent interac-
tions, rather than the free energy, which is obtained directly from the ex-
perimentally measured heat changes observed to occur when solids con-
taining ions are dissolved in a solvent, i.e., when ion-solvent interactions
are provoked.
By making use of the combined first and second laws (dE = T dS
- p dV) in G = H - TS = E + PV - TS, one gets
aT p
=-S (2.19)
aLlG = _ LIS (2.19b)
Hence, all one has to do to get the entropy changes associated with
ion-solvent interactions is to differentiate L1G1 - S [given by Eq. (2.17)]
with respect to temperature. During this differentiation, the question arises
whether the dielectric constant should be treated as a constant or as a
variable with temperature. At this stage of the presentation, one does not
have a feel for dielectric constants to be able to answer the question (see,
however, Section 2.5); so one has to appeal to experiment. It turns out
that the dielectric constant does vary with temperature (Table 2.2) and
must therefore be treated as a variable in differentiating Eq. (2.17) with
respect to temperature.
Thus, the entropy change due to ion-solvent interactions is
and from
Now that one has a theoretical expression for a heat change, it is time
to think of comparing the predictions of the Born theory with experiment.
There are, however, a few conceptual questions first to be considered.
Variation of Dielectric Constant of Water with Temperature
Temperature, Temperature,
DC Dielectric constant fW
DC Dielectric constant fW
0 87.74 50 69.91
10 83.83 60 66.81
20 80.10 70 63.85
25 78.30 80 61.02
30 76.54 90 58.31
40 73.15 100 55.72
<t> <t> ® +
(t) <t> <t> ® <±>
Neutral solvent
charged K+ ion, the solution never gets charged; it maintains its electro-
At the same time, however, one has generated another problem. Two
ionic species have been introduced into the solvent, and each one is going
to have its own work of interactions so what is experimentally measured is
actually the sum of the contributions of the two ionic species to ion-solvent
interactions. How, then, can the sum of the heats of ion-solvent interactions
of the positive and negative ions, i.e., the heat of salt-solvent interactions,
be separated into the individual contributions of each ionic species?
This matter of attempting to extract from an experimental measure-
ment on a salt (which consists of both positive and negative ions) the value
of the property concerned for one of the ions constituting the salt is a
frequent one in electrochemistry. Thus, for the kind of reason shown up
by the thought experiment described above and pictured in Fig. 2.13, only
the combined effects of the contributions of positive and negative ions can be
experimentally measured, the separation of the effects into the contributions
of the individual ionic species being an experimentally insoluble problem
(c/, for example, the question of individual ionic activity coefficients, Sec-
tion 3.4).
A safe but rather timid way out of the situation is to remain content
with determining only the effects of electrolytes (salts). One could even
seek to justify this attitude by saying that one should only think about
things which can be measured without ambiguity. A corollary of this
viewpoint is that experimental heats of ion-solvent interactions of individual
ionic species are neither meaningful nor significant.
There is, however, entirely objective evidence, free from any taint of
the inaccuracies of a given model, for individual heats of ion-solvent
interactions. One can tabulate heats of salt-solvent interactions (their ex-
perimental determination is described in Section 2.2.8) for pairs of salts
with a common ion, e.g., KCI and NaCl, KBr and NaBr, and KI and Nal.
It is seen (Table 2.3) that there are almost constant differences in the heats
of interactions of these different salts with water. This is just what one
would expect if each of the ionic species was making a characteristic con-
tribution to the heats of interaction of the salt with the solvent. Then,
because, in each pair of salts in Table 2.3, the differing ions are lithium
and sodium or sodium and potassium, respectively, the constant difference
would be the difference of the heats of interaction of these individual ionic
species with the solvent. Thus, it is meaningful to try to obtain experimental
values of the heats of solvation of the individual ionic species.
There are several approaches which could be made to the problem
Constant Differences in the Heats of Solvation of Pairs of Salts with a
Common Ion
LlHs -H 2 O,
Salt Difference
kcal moie-1
LiF -245.2
NaF -217.8
LiCI -211.2
NaCl -183.8
LiBr -204.7
NaBr -177.3
LiI -194.9
NaI -167.5
NaCl -183.8
KCI -163.8
NaBr -177.3
KBr -157.3
NaI -167.5
KI -147.5
Some Ionic Radii
The approach just described for the separation of the heat of salt-
solvent interactions into its component heats of ion-solvent interactions
is a very simple one. More complicated methods have been suggested.
But almost all of them have one important defect in common: they start
with ideas based on a specific model (e.g., the idea following from Born's
simple view that ions of the same radius will have the same heat of inter-
action with the solvent) and then split the experimental heat of salt-solvent
interactions into heats of interaction of individual ions with the solvent.
Hence, one generally has only so-called "experimental" values of the heat
of ion-solvent interactions. The heats of interaction with the solvent for
single ionic species can never be as "clean" and unambiguous as those for
electrolytes (salts); the latter are given by pure experiment, untainted by
any (always approximate) model-oriented speculations.
He~1; of Solution I1Hso ln • the Heat Absorbed During Dissolution of Some
Ionic Crystals at 25 0 C
kcal mole- 1
F- Cl-
Li+ +1.1
Na+ +0.1 +0.9 -0.2
K+ -4.2 +4.1 +4.8 +4.9
Rb+ -6.3 +5.2 +6.2
Cs+ -9.0 +7.9
These heat changes are very small compared with the heat of ion-
solvent interactions (of an order of magnitude of 100 kcal mole- 1 for singly-
charged ions) calculated by the Born model. What is the reason for the
big difference? The answer is not difficult to see. The Born model calculates
the heat change when isolated ions are transferred from vacuum into the
solvent, in contrast to the heat of solution which is the measure of the
heat change when ions from an ionic crystal are transferred into the solvent.
But, in the crystal lattice, the ions are engaged in interactions with each
other. This means that two processes are occurring simultaneously when a
crystal is dissolved. Firstly, the lattice is being dismantled and the ions
separated from each other, and, secondly, the ions are entering into inter-
actions with the solvent. It is only this second part of the dissolution process
in which ion-solvent interactions playa part.
To get at this ion-solvent part of the process, one must know the
ion-ion interactions in the crystal lattice. In other words, one must know
how much energy is required to dismantle the lattice and take the ions so
far from each other that they do not interact any more. Then, the difference
between the heat change associated with breaking up the lattice and produc-
ing a gas of ions extremely far from each other and that associated with the
dissolution process is equal to the heat of interaction of the salt with the
To be specific, consider a potassium fluoride crystal. First, this ionic
lattice must be conceptually disassembled and a very dilute (to cut down
ion-ion interaction) gas of K + and F- ions produced. The heat-content
change associated with this process is called the lattice energy L1 Hlattice .
Then, the ions, which are infinitely far apart, are introduced into the solvent,
in which process the heat-content change is the heat of salt-solvent inter-
actions, L1Hs - s . Finally, the ions in the solvent are assembled back into
the crystal; this is the opposite of the process of dissolution and is therefore
associated with minus the heat of solution, - L1Hsoln ' The crystal is back
where it started (Fig. 2.14), a thermodynamic cycle has been completed,
and the various heat changes must all algebraically add up to zero, i.e.,
t So-called because their evaluation has involved the postulate that ions which have
equal crystallographic radii also have equal interaction with the solvent.
Lattice Energy I1Hlattice of Ionic Crystals and Heat of Solution. t I1H so l n
kcal mole- 1 at 25°C
t These are the measured molar heats of solution extrapolated to infinite dilution to avoid
ion-ion interactions (c{. Chapter 3).
Experimental Values of the Heats of Interaction between a Salt and Water
I1H8 _ 8
kcal mole- 1 at 25°C
F- Cl- Br- 1-
The Experimental Heats 6.H1- HzO of Interaction between Individual Ions
and Water. Assuming 6.HK+-HzO = 6.HF --HzO = !6.HKF-HzO
Li+ -146.3
Na+ -118.9
K+ - 98.9
Rb+ - 93.8
Cs+ - 88.0
F- - 98.9
C!- - 64.9
Br- - 58.4
1- - 48.6
Ionic Radii and the Born Free Energy LlG f - H20 and Enthalpy LlHf - H20 of
lon-Water Interactions at 25 0 C
LlGf - H2 0,
A kcal mole- 1
Calc. from Eq. (2.22) Exp. from Table 2.8
Born equation (2.22) (Fig. 2.15). Of course, one can arbitrarily adjust the
values of the radii to differ from the crystallographic radii and then obtain
better fit between theory and experiment. Indeed, it was found some years
ago by Latimer, Pitzer, and Slansky that, by adding 0.85 A to the radii of
the positive ions and 0.1 A to those of the negative ions, one can "remove"
the discrepancy between the calculated and observed values (Fig. 2.16 and
'Q'0I 210
~ 150
~ 30
~ ...~40
0.6 0.8
Reciprocal of ''corrected'' ionic radius
Fig. 2.16. By adding 0.85 and 0.10 A
to the crystallographic radii of positive and
negative ions, respectively, the calculated
Born free energies of ion-water interactions
vary inversely with the corrected tonic radii.
Table 2.10). But then one has to give a theory of where the magic numbers
0.85 A and 0.1 A come from. Pending the proposal of some such theory,
one is back at the starting point, i.e., the Born theory suggests that ion-
solvent interactions are much stronger than experiment shows them to be
(Table 2.9).
TABLE 2.10
Calculated Born Values of llHI-H.O after Adding 0.85 to the Radii of the A
Positive Ions and 0.10 A
to Those of Negative Ions
Hh",. H
Vacuum Solvent
Charge ,+ q r. em
If one knew the arrangement of the particles in the solvent and the
forces operating between them and the ion, then one could make at least
approximate calculations of the ion-solvent interaction on a particulate
basis rather than on the continuum basis used by Born. Thus, a new strategy
for understanding ion-solvent interactions must be mapped. At first, one
must understand the structure of the solvent in the bulk far away from the
ion; then, one must understand the structure near the ion. It is a mix of
the ion-solvent forces from both regions which determines the energy of
the ion-solvent interactions.
Further Reading
In the first instance, one can examine the structure of water in its gaseous
form. Water vapor consists of separate water molecules. Each of these is a
bent molecule, the H-O-H angle being about 105° (Fig. 2.18). In the
gaseous oxygen atom, there are six electrons in the second shell (two 2s
electrons and four 2p electrons). When the oxygen atoms enter into bond
: ~ : : : hexagonal
~~ , ring
II I :
Fig. 2.21. The oxygen atoms in ice, which
are located at the intersections of the lines
in the diagram, lie in a network of open,
puckered hexagonal rings.
1 jCOOrdinoting
Centrol oxygen
Fig. 2.22. Each oxygen atom in ice is tet-
rahedrally coordinated by four other oxygen
atoms. The hydrogen atoms are not shown
in the diagram.
Fig. 2.23. The hydrogen bond between
two oxygen atoms (the oxygen and hy-
drogen atoms are indicated by 0 and .,
respectively) .
2.24). Hence, a free nonassociated water molecule can enter the interstitial
regions with little disruption of the network structure.
Structural research, originating from a classic paper by Bernal and
Fowler, has shown that liquid water, under most conditions, is best described
as a somewhat broken-down, slightly expanded (Table 2.11) form of the ice
lattice, but this statement must not be taken to mean that there is no asso-
ciation of water molecules in water. X-ray and other techniques indicate
that, in water, there is a considerable degree of short-range order charac-
teristic of the tetrahedral bonding in ice. Thus, liquid water partly retains
TABLE 2.11
The Structure of Ice and Liquid Water
The aim here is to take a structural microscopic view of the ion inside
the solvent. The central consideration is that ions orient dipoles. The spher-
ically symmetrical electric field of the ion may tear water dipoles out of
the water lattice and make them point (like compass needles toward a
magnetic pole) with the appropriate charged end toward the central ion.
Hence, viewing the ion as a point charge and the solvent molecules as
t Knowledge of the structure of water is likely to increase greatly in the near future.
There is need to regard the present view-as usual-as part of an evolving picture, one
which will become more complete with an increase of research. For example, there is
evidence which suggests that normal water, described here, contains a small quantity
of a second form of water, which has a much higher boiling point and lower freezing
point than normal water. The new form of water may be separated from normal
water by passage through some types of capillary tubes.
water molecules
electric dipoles, one comes out with a picture of ion-dipole forces as the
principal basis of ion-solvent interactions.
Due to the operation of these ion-dipole forces, a certain number of
water molecules in the immediate vicinity of the ion (more about just how
many, later) may be trapped and oriented in the ionic field. Such water
molecules cease to associate with other water molecules to form the net-
works characteristic of water (cf Section 2.3.1). They are immobilized
except in so far as the ion moves, in which case the sheath of immobilized
water molecules moves with the ion. In other words, the ion and its water
sheath are a single kinetic entity. (More discussion of this is in Section 2.4.3).
Thus, the picture (Fig. 2.26) is of ions enveloped by a solvent sheath of
oriented, immobilized water molecules.
What about the situation far away from the ion? At a sufficient dis-
tance away from the ion, its influence is negligible because the ionic fields
In - between region
Possible orientation
to suit bulk water
water molecule
Iy around it, and neither are they sufficiently far away from the ion to be
part of the structure of bulk water; hence, depending on their distance
from the ion, they orient out of the water network to varying degrees.
In this intermediate region, the water structure is said to be partly broken
One can summarize this description of the structure of water near an
ion by referring to three regions (Fig. 2.28). In the primary, or structure-
enhanced, region next to the ion, the water molecules are immobilized and
oriented by the ionic field; they move as and where the ion moves. Then,
there is a secondary, or structure-broken, region, in which the normal bulk
structure of water is broken down to varying degrees. The in-between water
molecules, however, do not partake of the translational motion of the ion.
Finally, at sufficient distance from the ion, the water structure is unaffected
by the ion and displays the tetrahedrally bonded networks characteristic
of bulk water.
The three regions just described differ in their degree of sharpness.
The primary region-to be discussed in greater detail below-in which
there are (at least for some ions) water molecules which share the transla-
tional motion of the ion, is a fairly sharply defined region. In contrast, the
secondary region, stretching from the termination of the primary region to
Remove (n + I )solvent
F"m ~,::,":'~O
solvent sheath
~ Condensation
-Solvent- - -- +
(a) (h)
Fig. 2.29. A thought experiment to separate out various aspects of ion-solvent
Cluster of (n+1)
solvent molecules
t Note that, as a first approximation, it is assumed that the volume of a water molecule
is the same as that of a bare ion. For some ions, this is a reasonable approximation.
Thus, the radius of a water molecule is 1.38 A and that of K+ is 1.33 A.
Vacuum ~
~ ~~,~~ :?. ~~
Fig. 2.31. Dissociation of a cluster of n + 1
molecules by breaking the bonds holding them
and radius rs) for the configuration shown in Fig. 2.32 is approximately
Negative ion
Ion-e Vacuum
Free solvent
f-:\Work ot
Interaction =
~ ~-D Primary
Q solvated
4. Now, the ion together with its primary solvent sheath is transferred
from vacuum into the cavity in the solvent (Fig. 2.34). What work is in-
volved in this transfer? A simple way to look at it is to imagine that the
solvated ion in the gas phase is discharged and then, still preserving its
solvent sheath, is sneaked into the cavity formed in step 1 of the thought
experiment (cf Fig. 2.30), whereafter the discharged but still solvated ion
is charged up to its normal value Zjeo . What has been described is simply
a Born charging process (cf Section 2.2.5). There is, however, an important
difference between the Born charging done here and that previously describ-
ed (Fig. 2.35). It is not a bare ion but a primary solvated ion which under-
goes the charging process. Hence, the radius to be used in the Born ex-
pression (2.22) is no longer the crystallographic radius rj but the radius
of a solvated ion, i.e., ri + 2r•.
Since it has been decided to deal only with enthalpies (or heat-content
t Note that the dielectric constant does not appear in this expression because there is
only vacuum between the dipole (i.e., the water molecule) and the (adjacent) ion.
t Note that the ion-dipole work always contributes a negative quantity to the heat of
solvation, independently of the sign of Zi, because the dipole always orients so that
that pole is in contact with the ion which makes the interaction attractive.
Work of transferring
primary solvated ion
in solvent =K6~
Pr imary
ion Vacuum Vacuum
(a) (b)
Fig. 2.35. The difference between the Born charging process in (a)
the ion-dipole model of solvation in which a primary solvated ion of ra-
dius 'j + 2rs is transferred into the solvent (Section 2.3.3) and in (b)
the nonstructural model of Born (ct. Section 2.2.5) in which a bare ion
of radius rj is involved.
changes), one can set the work of transferring a solvated ion from vacuum
into a cavity in the solvent equal to the Born heat of solvation. This con-
tribution to the total heat of ion-solvent interactions shall be called the
Born charging contribution, W Be . Thus, per mole of ions,
J..TSI-_ _ Primary
Region of
Work of condensation = UG
t Note that, as already stated, there is an approximation being made here: It is the
free-energy change which is exactly equal to the work done (Appendix 2.1). One has
given by (Fig. 2.38) the sum of all the pieces of work performed in each
step, i.e.,
iJH1 - s = WCF+ W D + W1 - D + WBC + WSB + We (2.27)
= W + W1 - D + W BC (2.28)
W = WCF + W D + WSB + We (2.29)
neglected T LIS, where LIS is the change of entropy during the solvation process. Struc·
tural theories of the entropy of hydration are known but will not be discussed here.
The error introduced by the approximation is about 10%.
where the Avogadro number has been introduced to get the heat of solva-
tion per mole of ions.
The Born term, i.e., the last term in Eq. (2.30), can be easily calculated.
One uses the crystallographic radius ri of the ion, the radius r s of the solvent
molecules, and the bulk dielectric constant Es of the solvent. The ion-
dipole term, i.e., the second term in the expression (2.30) for the heat of
solvation, can also be calculated without difficulty provided one knows-or
estimates-the number n of solvent molecules which coordinate (or are
nearest neighbors to) the ion.
The first term in Eq. (2.30), however, is more awkward. It will be
recalled [Eq. (2.29)] that it consists of WCF , the work of forming a cavity
in the solvent by the removal into the gas phase of a cluster of n + I solvent
molecules; W D, the work of splitting up the cluster and separating to in-
finity the n + I solvent molecules; W::;u, the work of altering the orientation
of the solvent molecules in the solvent around the primary solvated ions;
and We, the work of condensing the one solvent molecule (from the cluster)
which is not used in the solvation of the ion.
The work W D of breaking the cluster and separating the n + 1 solvent
molecules can be considered either as the work of separating dipoles, i.e.,
the work arising from dipole-dipole forces or, in the case of hydrogen-
bonded liquids such as water, the work of breaking hydrogen bonds (Fig.
2.39). Since about 5 kcal mole-1 is required to break hydrogen bonds, the
value of W D depends on the value of n in the cluster of n + I solvent mole-
cules which are removed from the solvent to make room for an ion and its
n nearest neighbors. If, for example, an ion surrounds itself with four water
molecules in a tetrahedral configuration, then the cluster consists of
4 + I = 5 water molecules, and four hydrogen bonds must be broken per
cluster to separate the water molecules. Since I mole of cluster must be
removed from the solvent for the solvation of I mole of ions, it is necessary
to break 4 moles of hydrogen bonds per mole of ions. This requires
4 x 5 = 20 kcal mole-1.
The work We of condensing one solvent molecule per ion, or I mole
of solvent molecules per mole of ions, can be taken from the experimental
latent heat of condensation (Fig. 2.40); it is about -10 kcal mole-1•
The cavity formation work WCF and the structure-breaking work W SB
can be only roughly calculated. When the n + I water molecules are remov-
ed to form the cavity, a certain number of hydrogen bonds linking these
molecules to those outside the cavity are broken (Fig. 2.41). When the
primary solvated ion is introduced into the cavity, some of the solvent
molecules surrounding the solvated ion have to reorient. This reorientation
leads to the breakage of some hydrogen bonds and the formation of others.
Thus, if one considers the combined steps of cavity formation and structure
breaking, a certain net number of hydrogen bonds will be broken. Once
this number is known, one can easily get WCF + W SB by multiplying the
net number of hydrogen bonds broken by 5 kcal mole-1 .
A simple way of getting this number is to look at the water structure
before and after the solvated ion is introduced into the cavity. A careful
study of Fig. 2.42 shows that, whereas 12 hydrogen bonds are broken in
the cavity formation step involving the removal of 4 + I = 5 water mole-
Work of returnirYJ a
solvent molecule = Latent heat of condensation
per molecule
Fig. 2.41. A total of 12 hydrogen bonds are broken when a tetrahedral clus-
ter of water molecules is removed from the solvent to form the cavity (num-
bers represent broken hydrogen bonds).
II- -n.....
Solvated ion
Cluster with its broken hydrogen bonds
Fig. 2.42. Schematic diagram to show that, out of four coordinating water mol-
ecules [I, II, III, and IV in (a)] in a tetrahedral cluster removed from the cavity, two
water molecules [I and II in (b)] reorient in the formation of a primary solvated positive
ion, and, therefore, only 10 H bonds [see (a)] are remade when the solvated positive
ion is introduced into the cavity.
cules, only 10 hydrogen bonds are remade when the primary solvated
positive ion is introduced into the cavity. That is, a net number of 2 hy-
drogen bonds are broken per ion in the combined process of cavity formation
and structure breaking. The corresponding heat change W CF + W SB is
2 X 5 = 10 kcal mole- I of ions.
It is now possible to write down for a tetrahedrally coordinated positive
ion an approximate value for the work term [cf Eq. (2.29)] W = W D
+ We + WCF + W SB ' Using the arguments just presented, i.e., W D = 20
kcal mole-I, We = -10 kcal mole-I, and WCF + W SB = 10 kcal mole-I,
one has for four-coordinated positive ions
W = W D + We + W CF + W SB
= 20 - 10 + 10
= 20 kcal mole- I (2.31 )
W = W D + We + W CF + W SB
= 30 kcal mole-I (2.32)
Now that the work W has been evaluated, it can be introduced into
Eq. (2.30) for the heat of hydration. Thus, for four coordination, one has
_,,+--_ m II:
(e) "'-
Solvated negative ion
Fig. 2.43. Schematic diagram similar to Fig. 2.42 except that a negative ion is
being considered here. Thus, two water molecules [III and IV in Fig. 2.42 (b)] re-
orient in the formation of a primary solvated negative ion; and, therefore, only 8 H
bonds [1 to 7 and 10 in Fig. 2.42 (c)] out of 12 H bonds [see Fig. 2.42 (a)] are remade
when the solvated ion is introduced into the cavity.
t The connection between the orientation of water dipoles around ions and the dielectric
constant of the medium will be looked into much further in Section 2.5.
TABLE 2.12
Comparison between the Experimental Heats of lon-Solvent Interactions
and Those Calculated on the Basis of the lon-Dipole Approach
TABLE 2.13
Various Contributions to the lon-Solvent Interactions
The heat of solvation of X- ions relative to that of H+ ions, i.e., LlHx- (reI)
can be defined by considering LlHH+ an arbitrary zero in Eq. (2.36)
where the notation (reI) and (abs) has been inserted to distinguish be-
tween the relative LlHx- value of X- ions on a arbitrary scale of LlHH+
(abs) = 0 and the absolute or true LlHx- values. From equation (2.37),
and substitutes for LlHx- (abs) from Eq. (2.37). Thus, one has
but the -H 20 will be dropped out in the subsequent text to make the notation less
TABLE 2.14
Relative Heats of Hydration of Individual Ions. llHH+ (abs) = 0
Li+ +136.34
Na+ +163.68
K+ + 183.74
Rb+ +188.80
Cs+ +194.60
F- -381.50
CI- -347.50
Br- -341.00
1- -331.20
Taking !JHH+ (abs) as an arbitrary zero in this equation permits the defin-
ition of the relative heat !JHM+ (reI) of solvation of positive ions
!JHM+ (reI) = !JHM+ (abs) - !JHH+ (abs) (2.44)
= !JHMX - !JHHX (2.45)
But, from the definition of the relative heats of solvation of positive ions
[Eq. (2.45)] and of negative ions [Eq. (2.40)], one has by subtraction
LJHMi+ (abs) - LJHXi - (abs) = [LJHMi+ (reI) - LJHxc (reI)] + 2LJHH + (abs)
If, therefore, the left-hand side is zero, then one should find, since
LJHH + (abs) is a constant, that
This prediction can easily be checked. One makes a plot of the experi-
mentally known relative heats of solvation of positive and negative ions as
a function of ionic radius. By erecting a perpendicular at a radius ri, one
can get the difference [LJHMi+(rel) - LlHxc(rel)] between the relative heats
of solvation of positive and negative ions of radius ri' By repeating this
procedure at various radii, one can make a plot of the differences [LJHM+ (reI)
- LJHx- (reI)] as a function of radius. If oppositely charged ions of the
same radius have the same absolute heats of hydration, then, [LJHM+ (rel)
- LJHx- (reI)] should have a constant value independent of radius. It does
not (Fig. 2.44).
When, however, one examines the terms in Eqs. (2.33) and (2.34)
for the heat of ion-solvent interaction, it is clear that neither the Born
charging term nor the ion-dipole term depends on the sign of the charge
on the ion. The only term which does depend on the sign of the ionic charge
is the first term W, which is 20 kcal mole-1 for positive ions and 30 kcal
~ I
:t;~ ~ 280
I 8
.>' 270
:t;:t 250 0
r in A
Fig. 2.44. Plot of the difference between the relative heats of
hydration of oppositely charged, equiradii ions versus ionic radius.
is equivalent to
Hydrogen +q +q
Fig. 2.45. The electrical equivalence between a water molecule and a quadrupole.
mole- 1 for negative ions having n = 4. Since this argues for a constant
difference between the heats of solvation of positive ions and negative ions,
W cannot explain why [LtHM+ (reI) - LtHx- (rel)] is not a constant but
varies with radius. t One has to seek an alternative explanation.
t The assumption has been made that W depends only on the sign of the charge on
the ion and not on the radius of the ion. While this assumption is reasonable in an
approximate evaluation of W, a closer examination of the expression for W, i.e.,
W = Wp + We + (WCF + Ws B ), reveals that the volume of the cavity that has to
be formed and the extent of structure breaking do depend on ionic radius. However,
the work of cavity formation has a sign opposite to that of structure breaking, and,
therefore, there should be some cancellation of these radius-dependent effects. Further,
if W+ for positive ions has a radius dependence, so has W_ for negative ions, and it
is likely that, in taking the difference W+ - W_ for two ions of opposite charge but
equal radius, there is no significant radius dependence of W+ - W_. This, however,
is an assumption which has to be substantiated by exact analysis. A similar statement
applies to the assumption that n is independent of radius, and this must clearly break
down for sufficiently large ions.
equal magnitude q-a charge of +q near each hydrogen atom, and two
charges each of value -q near the oxygen atom. Thus, rather than consider
that the water molecule can be represented by a dipole (an assembly of
two charges), a better approximation, suggested by Buckingham (1957),
is to view it as a quadrupole, i.e., an assembly of four charges. What may
this increase in realism of model do to the remaining discrepancies in the
theory of ion-solvent interactions?
If one scrutinizes the various steps of the cycle, it will be realized that
only for one step, namely, step 3, does the heat content change [Eq. (2.25)]
depend upon whether one views the water molecule as an electrical dipole
or quadrupole. Hence, the expressions for the heat changes for all steps
except step 3 can be carried over as such into the theoretical heat of ion-
E =_ Zj 90 #w + Zj 90Pw
1-0 r2 2r3
Ion Quadrupole
where the + in the ± is for positive ions, and the - is for negative ions,
and the Pw is the quadrupole moment (3.9 X 10-26 esu) of the water mole-
cule. It is at once clear that a difference will arise for the energy of interac-
tion of positive and negative ions with a water molecule, a result hardly
forseeable from the rudimentary Born viewpoint and hence probably ac-
countable for the result of Fig. 2.44.
The first term in this expression [Eq. (2.49)] is the dipole term, and
the second term is the quadrupole term. It is obvious that, with increasing
distance r between ion and water molecule, the quadrupole term becomes
less significant. Or, in other words, the greater the value of r, the more
reasonable it is to represent the water molecule as a dipole. But, as the
ion comes closer to the water molecule, the quadrupole term becomes
significant, i.e., the error involved in retaining the approximate dipole
model becomes more significant.
When the ion is in contact with the water molecule, as is the case in
the primary solvation sheath, the expression (2.49) for the ion-quadrupole
interaction energy becomes
where, as before, the + in the ± refers to positive ions and the - to neg-
ative ions.
Substituting this expression for W1- Q in place of W1- D in expression
(2.28) for the heat of ion-water interactions, one has
NA.(Zi eO)2
2(ri + 2rw)
If one compares Eqs. (2.52) and (2.53) with Eqs. (2.33) and (2.34),
it is clear that the ion-quadrupole calculation of L1Hr - H2o differs from the
ion-dipole calculation of the same quantity in only one respect: In repre-
senting the water molecule by a quadrupole, one is making a more refined
assessment of the interactions between the ion and the water molecules
of the primary solvation sheath. At this level of sophistication, one
wonders whether there are other subtle interactions which one ought to
For instance, when the water molecule is in contact with the ion, the
field of the latter tends to distort the charge distribution in the water mole-
cule. Thus, if the ion is positive, the negative charge in the water molecule
tends to come closer to the ion and the positive charge to move away. This
implies that the ion tends to induce an extra dipole moment in the water
molecule over and above its permanent dipole moment. For small fields,
one can assume that the induced dipole moment /-lind is proportional to
the inducing field X
/-lind = aX (2.54)
Introducing this induced dipole effect into the expression for the heat
of ion-solvent interactions [Eqs. (2.52) and (2.53)], one has
NA(z;e o)2
- 2(ri + 2rw)
(lIT 8cw)
cw 2 aT -
4N Aa(z;eo)2
- lOW - 2(ri + rw)4
A simple test for the validity of these theoretical expressions (2.57) and
(2.58) can be constructed. Consider two ions M/ and X i- of equal radius
but opposite charge. The difference JHMi+ (abs) - JHxc (abs) in their
absolute heats of hydration is obtained by subtracting Eq. (2.58) from
Eq. (2.57). Since the signs of the dipole term, namely,
4NA z i eoflw
(ri + rw)2
are invariant with the sign of the charge of the ion, they cancel out in the sub-
traction (so long as the orientation of a dipole near a cation is simply the
mirror image of that near an anion). The quadrupole term, however, does
not cancel out because it is positive for positive ions, and negative for
negative ions. Hence, one obtains t
It is seen from this equation that the quadrupolar character of the water
molecule would make oppositely charged ions of equal radii have radius-
dependent differences in their heats of hydration (cf Fig. 2.44). Further,
Eq. (2.47) has given
iJHMi+ (abs) - iJHxc (abs) = iJHMi+ (rel) - iJHxj - (rel) + 2iJHH + (abs)
By combining Eqs. (2.47) and (2.59), the result is
and, following Halliwell and Nyburg (1963), extrapolate the L1HM+ , (rel)
- L1HXi- (reI) versus (ri + rw)-3 plot to infinite radius, i.e., to (ri + rw )-3 ---+ 0
The intercept which is 522 kcal mole-1 is then equal to -2LlHH + (abs) - 10,
L1HH+ (abs) = 266 kcal mole-1
Once one has obtained thus the experimental absolute heat of hydration
of the proton, one has the heat of hydration of one individual species but
on a much better basis than that gained by splitting the heats of hydration
of KF in half. This semiabsolute value can now be introduced into the
heats of hydration of HX compounds to yield individual heats of hydration
of X-, which can then be used with the experimental heats of hydration
of MX to give the individual heats of hydration of other ions (Table 2.15).
When these experimental values are used to check the values of the
absolute heat of hydration calculated by theory, i.e., by Eqs. (2.57) and
(2.58), it is seen (Table 2.16) that there is agreement between theory and
experiment, with an average disagreement of about 5%.
0.02 004 0.06
(Ij+ 1.3sf3 inA- 3
TABLE 2.15
Quasi-Experimental Absolute Heats of Hydration of Various Individual Ions
Li+ -129.7
Na+ -102.3
K+ - 82.3
Rb+ - 77.2
Cs+ - 71.4
F- -115.5
C1- -81.5
Br- 75.0
1- - 65.2
TABLE 2.16
Comparison of !J.H1_H,O Calculated from Equations (2.57) and (2.58) with Experimental Values t
Ion Born term Ion-dipole term Ion-quadrupole term Ion-induced-dipole term Totalt Experimental Deviation, %
~ - 550 r----------------------,
"3 -500 p',c:r~ oQ..,-(
l( d"
'!. ,p"---o.''O'/
+f-450~ /
+ "
tl:'::I( -400t- d'
"I i I I I
Co Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe eo Ni Cu Zn
(a I
c 1200
l( J;r---------O
~ -1100 ,I:r ""'O-'r:t"
:I: s::/
:1 ,0"
+... -1000 /
tl:"" ,
"I d
- 900 Sc!:--:T;"'i-:v';-;C~r-:M!-:-n--=Fe--=eo-:l-N::-i..L...L.~G-o-l
t The theory is almost, but not quite, as good for doubly charged alkaline-earth ions.
t The radius of an ion is determined mainly by the principal quantum number and the
effective nuclear charge. As the atomic number increases in the transition-metal series,
the principal quantum number remains the same, but the effective charge seen by the
valence electrons increases; hence, the ionic radius should decrease with atomic number.
t The figure of six, rather than four, is used because of the experimental evidence that
transition-metal ions undergo six coordination.
x Negative end of
water molecule
Fig. 2.51. Schematic diagram to show that
the valence electrons of the positive ion are
subject to the repulsion of the negative ends
(e) of the octahedrally coordinating water
molecules. The negative charge arises from
the presence of lone electron pairs on the
oxygen atoms of the water molecules.
influence of the water molecules of the primary solvation sheath, all the 3d
orbitals do not correspond to the same energy. They are differentiated into
two groups: The d, orbitals correspond to a higher energy and the dy or-
bitals to a lower energy. It will now be shown that this splitting of the 3d
orbitals into two groups (with differing energy levels) affects the heat of
hydration and hence makes it deviate from the values expected on the basis
of theory developed earlier in this chapter, which neglected interactions
of the water molecules with the electron orbitals in the ion.
Consider a free vanadium ion Y++ and a hydrated vanadium ion.
z z
Fig. 2.52. Schematic diagram that shows that the three p or-
bitals (directed along the axes) are equally affected by the re-
pulsive field of octahedrally coordinating water molecules.
z z
y y
dE Orbitals
z z
(b) dy Orbitals
Fig. 2.53. Because the de orbitals [see (a)] are directed along the axes and toward
the negative ends of the water molecules, they correspond to a higher energy than
the d y orbitals [see (b)] which are directed between the axes.
In the case of the free ion, all the five 3d orbitals (the two de and the three
dy orbitals) are equally likely to be occupied by the three 3d electrons of
vanadium; the reason is that, in the free ion, all the five 3d orbitals corre-
spond to the same energy. In the hydrated Y++ ion, however, the dy orbitals,
corresponding to a lower energy, are more likely to be occupied than the
de orbitals. This implies that the mean energy of the ion is less when the
ion is subject to the electrical field of the solvent sheath than when it is free.
Thus, the change in the mean occupancy of the various 3d orbitals, arising
from the electrical field of the water molecules coordinating the ion, has
conferred an extra stabilization (lowering of energy) on the ion-water
system, and, to that extent, the heat of hydration is made more negative.
In the case of the hydrated divalent manganese ion, however, its five
'8 525
'0 475
t~ 425
~ 375~~~=-~~~~~~~~~
3d electrons are distributed t among the five 3d orbitals, and the decrease
in energy of three electrons in the dy orbitals is exactly compensated for
by the increase in energy of the two electrons in the de orbitals. Thus, the
mean energy of the ion in the hydrated state is the same as that in the free
state, and there is no extra stabilization produced by the solvent sheath.
Similarly, for Ca++ with no 3d electrons and Zn++ with a completely filled
3d shell, the heat of hydration does not become more negative than would
be expected from the electrostatic theory of ion-solvent interactions develop-
ed in Section 2.3.10 and earlier. It can be concluded, therefore, that the
experimental heats of hydration of these three ions should vary in a mono-
tonic manner with atomic number, as, indeed, they do (Fig. 2.54).
All the other transition-metal ions, however, should have contribu-
tions to their heats of hydration from the energy stabilization produced
by the field of the water molecules. It is these contributions which pro-
duce the double-humped curve of Fig. 2.55. If, however, for each ion,
the energyt corresponding to the water-field stabilization is subtracted
from the experimental heat of hydration, then the resulting values should
lie on the same smooth curve yielded by plotting the heats of hydration
of Ca++, Mn++, and Zn++ versus atomic number. This reasoning is found
to be true (cf Fig. 2.55).
The argument has been presented here for divalent ions, but it is
equally valid (Fig. 2.56) for trivalent ions. Here, it is Sc+++, Fe+++, and
Ga+++ which are similar to manganese in that they do not acquire any
t The five electrons tend to occupy five different orbitals for the following reason: In
the absence of the energy required for electrons with opposite spins to pair up, elec-
trons with parallel spins tend to occupy different orbitals because, according to the
Pauli principle, two electrons with parallel spins cannot occupy the same orbital.
t This energy can be obtained spectroscopically.
..~, 525
~ 475
~ 375
stabilization energy from the field of the water molecules, i.e., water-field
stabilization energy.
In conclusion, therefore, it is the contribution of the water-field stabil-
ization energy to the heat of hydration which is the special feature distin-
guishing transition-metal ions from the alkali-metal, alkaline-earth-metal,
and halide ions in their interactions with the solvent.
.. -1200~-----------'
~ -1100
.'E .0---0., /~~
o " ~~
x-IOOO /Cf.Y
:.: .l.
:t: -900!,:, I I I I I I I I
<:.:I Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Go
Further Reading
9. L. Pauling, The Nature of the Chemical Bond, 3rd ed., Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 1960.
10. H. S. Frank and A. S. Quist, J. Chem. Phys., 34: 604 (1961).
11. G. Nemethy and H. A. Scheraga, J. Chem. Phys., 36: 3882 and 3401 (1962).
12. G. R. Choppin and K. Buijs, J. Chem. Phys., 39: 2035 and 2042 (1963).
13. D. J. G. Ives, Some Reflections on Water, J. W. Ruddock, London, 1963.
14. H. F. Halliwell and S. C. Nyburg, Trans. Faraday Soc., 58: 1126 (1963).
15. J. P. Hunt, Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution, W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New
York, 1963.
16. J. Lee Kavanau, Water and Solute-Water Interactions, Holden-Day Inc.,
San Francisco, 1964.
17. R. P. Marchi and H. Eyring, J. Phys. Chem., 68: 221 (1964).
18. R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, and M. Sands, The Feynman Lectures on
Physics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, Mass., 1964.
19. B. E. Conway, "Proton Solvation and Proton Transfer Processes in Solu-
tion," in: J. O'M. Bockris, ed., Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No.3,
Butterworth's Publications, Inc. London, 1964.
20. O. Ya. Samoilov, Structure of Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions and the Hydra-
tion of Ions, Consultants Bureau, New York, 1965.
21. S. Golden and C. Guttmann, J. Chem. Phys., 43: 1894 (1965).
22. D. R. Rosensteig, Chem. Rev., 65: 467 (1965).
23. B. E. Conway and M. Salomon, in: B. E. Conway and R. G. Barradas, eds.,
Chemical Physics of Ionic Solutions, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1966.
24. V. I. Klassin and Yu. Zinovev, Kolloid. Zh. (English translation), 29 (5): 561
25. B. V. Deryagin, Z. M. Zorin, and N. V., Churaev, Kolloid. Zh. (English
translation), 30 (2): 232 (1968).
26. A. K. Covington and P. Jones, Hydrogen-Bonded Solvent Systems, Taylor
and Francis Ltd., London, 1968.
TABLE 2.17
Hydration Number Ascribed to the Sodium Ion in According to Different
Experimental Methods
pants in the solvation of the ion? This number may be termed the solvation
numbert (or hydration number when water is the solvent).
The question of the value of the solvation number is an interesting
one. It is no surprise, therefore, that a large number of different methods
have in the past been used to determine the solvation number (more about
these methods later). But, the alarming thing is that exceedingly discrepant
results are obtained by the various methods. For instance, widely varying
hydration numbers ranging from I to 71 (Table 2.17) have been ascribed
to the sodium ion. Are some of the methods wholly incorrect, or is there a
confusion as to what constitutes a hydration number?
The answer can be approached, if not attained precisely, by the
following considerations. What value of hydration number a particular
method gives depends on what types of ion-solvent interactions the method
senses. If it can pick up the interactions of an ion with water molecules
several molecular diameters away in the secondary region, it will report
that a large number of water molecules are involved in solvation, i.e., a
high hydration number. If, however, the method only detects how many
water molecules an ion takes along in the course of its thermal motions
through the solution (i.e., those tightly bound to it), then it will report a
small hydration number.
To avoid ambiguity, it is best to define a primary solvation number as
the number of solvent molecules which surrender their own translational
freedom and remain with the ion when it moves relative to the surrounding
solvent. Of course, a solvent molecule loses its independent translational
motions only when it is overwhelmed by the ionic force field into adopting
t This total effective number of solvent molecules involved in interactions should not
be confused with the number n used in the structural treatment of the energetics of
solvation. The latter number was meant to represent the number of solvent molecules
in contact with the ion and assumed to be aligned in its field.
TABLE 2.18
Hydration Numbers
Li+ 5± 1 5
Na+ 5± 1 5
K+ 4±2 4
Rb+ 3± 1 4
F- 4±1 3
Cl- 1± 1 3
1 ±1 3
1± 1 2
t In the structural treatment of the heats of solvation, it was tacitly assumed that the
number n of primary solvent molecules aligned in the ionic field is equal to the coor-
dination number. In other words, the structural treatment slurs over the distinction
between the number that are oriented in the ionic field (i.e., move with the ion) and
the number in contact with the ion.
----~ ----~
~~~.::-:-:.;;;-:-:-:;:-~-~:"'-:::-::::-':"7 Coordination
: ~ water
molecule in the water network and an ion nearby) and in the final state
(water bound to the ion by ion-dipole forces).
But ions can be kept stationary only in thought experiments. In reality,
they exist in a state of ceaseless motion (see Chapter 4). So time and move-
ment must come into the picture of ions interacting with water molecules.
One must abandon a static view for a dynamic view.
One can develop a dynamic view along the following lines (Samoilov).
Consider a water molecule bound by hydrogen bonds to the water network.
Suppose that, at a time taken as zero (t = 0), an ion suddenly appears next
to the water molecule. If the net force on the water molecule is in favor of
its association with the ion rather than with the water network, it will try
to get into an equilibrium position around the ion, i.e., the water molecule
will try to align into a minimum-energy orientation. This usually means
that the water molecule has to reorient (or jump through a small distance
or both) from the position it had in the water structure to the new positipn
of alignment in the ionic field (Fig. 2.58).
But these reorienting or jumping movements to be made by the water
molecule will require afinite time, the value of which depends on the critical
activation energy required for the reorientation or jumping process. Let
this time required for the orientation of a water molecule into the coordin-
ation sheath around an ion be <water orient (Fig. 2.59). This orientation time
will not have a unique value because it will depend on how far the ion is
situated from and on how the ion is located with respect to the water
~ Final position
\~ Initial position
Fig. 2.59. The time required for a water
molecule in contact with an ion to reorient
from an initial to a final position (shown in
figure) is Torient.
a seat in the primary hydration sheath. The hopping ion spends a certain
time in "contact" with the particular water molecule under discussion.
Call this contact time Tion wait (Fig. 2.60).
around, the ion has hopped away? Then, the probability of a water mole-
cule's being captured by the ion is zero, and, on a time average, the ion
will not have any aligned water molecules in contact with it, i.e., its primary
hydration sheath is empty. This does not mean that such ions are not
surrounded by interacting solvent molecules or that they would have no
coordination water. It only means that, because Tion wait/Twater orient ~ I,
the ion does not wait long enough at any particular site for the contiguous
water molecules to swing out of the water network into minimum-energy
orientation with the ion. Even if the ion does capture a water molecule,
it is bound to lose it soon. It also means that the moving ion exchanges
water molecules so easily with the surrounding solvent that, in effect,
the moving ion does not carry its sheath along with it. Its solvation number
is zero, though its coordination number is that dictated by geometry.
The picture of solvation numbers presented here is a dynamic one.
The solvation number refers to the number of water molecules which remain
aligned with the ion during its jumps through the medium. But it is not
necessary that the same individual water molecules serve in the solvation
sheath for an indefinitely long time. A given water molecule may serve the
ion for some time, but it is not imprisoned for life in its hydration shell.
A chance collision, and the particular water molecule may link up again
with the water network, get left behind by the hopping ion, and watch
another water molecule yield to the attraction of the ionic field and be
incorporated in the primary solvation sheath.
may well be almost zero in the case of large ions, e.g., iodide, cesium, and
tetraalkylammonium. The solvation number clearly diminishes with increase
of ionic radius because, with increasing ionic radius, the distance to the
coordinating water molecules increases and, thus, the ionic force field which
aligns the ion diminishes so that the water molecules have less inclination
to reorient away from their solvent-structure positions.
Of course, there may be situations where, quite independent of the
ratio Tion wait /Twater orient, there are thermodynamic restrictions against the
association of solvent molecules with the ion, e.g., the ion-solvent molecule
interaction energy may be less in magnitude than the solvent molecule-
solvent molecule energy. In such cases, the solvation number will be zero
on static considerations alone.
Li+ 5-6 6 5 6
Na+ 6-7 2-4 4 5
Mg+ 16 14 13
Ca++ 7.5-10.5 10
Zn++ 10 -12.5 12
Cd++ 10 -12.5 11
Fe++ 10 -12.5 12
Cu++ 10.5-12.5 12
Pb++ 4 - 7.5 8
K+ 6-7 3 3
F- 2 5 5
Cl- 0.1 0.9 3 3
Br- 0 0.6 2 2
1- 0 0.2 o
{J = 1
__ (~) (2.62)
V 8p T
solvated ion
ion were not there (Fig. 2.62). The water has become compressed by the
introduction of the ion. But what is the origin of the influence of the ion?
The origin is the electric field of the ion. Thus, electric fields cause com-
pression of the material medium upon which they exert their influence;
this phenomenon is known as electrostriction.
Since the introduction of ions into a solvent causes the solvent molecules
in the primary solvent shell to be highly compressed, these water molecules
may be supposed not to respond to any further pressure which may be
applied. Thus, the compressibility of an ionic solution is less than that of
the pure solvent because of the incompressibility of the primary solvation
sheath. t
It is easy to calculate the ratio of the compressibility of a solvent {Jsolv
to that of the solution {Jsoln' Suppose the primary hydration number is
nh' Then, ni moles of ions are solvated with njnh moles of incompressible
water. Now, if nw moles of water correspond to a total volume V of solution,
ninh moles of incompressible water would correspond to a volume VnhnJnw
of incompressible solution. Defining the symbol y thus
t Outside the primary solvent sheath, the water molecules are not oriented to the same
degree as those inside the primary solvation sheath because the orienting ionic field
is less. This means that the non primary water molecules are less electrostricted and
free to respond to pressure. One can, to good approximation, say that the water out-
side the primary solvation shell has the same compressibility as the pure solvent.
the volume of the incompressible part of the solution is yV. This volume
must be excluded from the expression for the compressibility of the ionic
solution. Thus,
{lsoln = I _ Y (2.66)
Hence, from (2.64),
_ -nw-
nh (1 _-{lsoln)
- (2.68)
ni {lsolv
Ultrosonic source
drift by the application of an external electric field. The motion of the ion
is opposed by the viscous resistance of the solution. When a steady-state
velocity is reached, the electric force is equal to the hydrodynamic viscous
force (Fig. 2.64). The former is simply ZieOX, where X is the electric field
(or potential gradient) in the solution applied by two electrodes placed in
solution (X is often measured in volts per centimeter). The latter is ex-
pressed by a famous classical formula of hydrodynamics called Stokes'
law. This law, which describes the force experienced by a sphere moving
in a viscous medium, states that
where r is the radius of the moving ion and 'Y) is the viscosity of the medium.
ZieO X
(2.71 )
where u( = vjX), i.e., the velocity under unit electric field, is a measurable
quantity and is often called the electrical mobility of the ion (cf Section
Once the radius r of the solvated ion is obtained from Eq. (2.71),
Electric field X
Velocity : v
1-----1 force :$i~
where rcryst is the crystallographic radius of the ion and rH 20 is the radius
of the water molecule, both of which are known from independent data.
Both the compressibility and the mobility methods of determining
primary hydration numbers are based on quite loose approximations. The
compressibility method assumes that the solvent inside the primary solvation
sheath is completely incompressible and the water outside has the same
compressibility as the pure solvent.
It will be recalled, however, that, in the secondary region (see Fig.
2.28 and Section 2.3.2) between the primary solvation sheath and the bulk
water, there is structure breaking and partial alignment of the water mole-
cules. Hence, instead of a sharp change of compressibilities at the boundary
of the primary solvation shell, it is likely that there will be a smooth variation
in compressibility from the ion out into the bulk solvent.
The mobility method, on the other hand, ignores the fact that, because
the secondary region does not have the structure of the bulk solvent, the
viscosity of the medium constituting the immediate neighborhood of the
moving primary solvated ion is not the viscosity of the bulk solvent. It
should be the local viscosity of the region surrounding the primary solvated
ion. Such local viscosities are uncertain in value. Another approximation
in the mobility method is that it neglects electrostrictional compression in
computing the volume occupied by the water molecules in the primary
hydration sheath (and, in the rudimentary version of the theory given
here, also free space between water molecules).
Primary solvation
TABLE 2.20
Primary Hydration Numbers
Further Reading
1. H. Ulich, Z. Elektrochem., 36: 497 (1930).
2. H. Ulich, Z. Physik. Chem. (Leipzig), 168: 141 (1934).
3. A. Passynsky, Acta Physicochim. URSS, 8: 385 (1938).
4. J. O'M. Bockris, Quart. Rev. (London), 3: 173 (1949).
5. B. E. Conway and J. O'M. Bockris. "Ionic Solvation," in: J. O'M. Bockris,
ed., Modern Aspects 0/ Electrochemistry, Vol. I, Butterworth's Publications,
Inc., London. 1954.
6. J. Padova, J. Chem. Phys., 40: 391 (1964).
7. R. Zana and E. Yeager, J. Phys. Chem., 71: 521 (1967); 71: 4241 (1967).
8. J. F. Hinton and E. S. Amis, Chem. Rev., 67: 367 (1967).
Now suppose that one placed between the plates some material which
does not conduct electronically, i.e., a dielectric material such as paraffin.
(If the material is an electronic conductor, it will allow a current to flow
between the plates. This current would hamper the storage of charge and,
hence, would frustrate simple reasoning.) In the presence of a dielectric
material between the plates, how much charge must be supplied to the
plates to set up the same potential difference V across the capacitor? It is
found experimentally that a greater amount of charge is required in the
presence of the dielectric than without it. Let this charge be quic) (Fig.
2.67). Then,
C. ~ qdie! (2.74)
die! ~ V
Charge on plates =qvac Potential difference
/across plates
Area A cm 2
/ Potential difference
/ between plates
Area A cm 2
The ratio of the capacity Cdie1 in the presence of the dielectric to the
vacuum value Cvac defines the dielectric constant e
But why does the presence of the dielectric material affect the charge
necessary to sustain a potential difference V between the capacitor plates?
It is here that dipoles enter the picture. The point is that the electric field
(due to the charge at the plates) orients the dipoles in the material (Fig.
2.68). Even if there are no permanent dipoles in the material (e.g., in paraffin)
the electric field has the ability to displace the centers of negative charge
(the electron clouds) from the centers of positive charge (the atomic nuclei)
in the molecules of the material (Fig. 2.69). This deformation of the atoms
and molecules then makes them behave as dipoles as long as the field is on.
These induced dipoles do not have to be oriented; they are born aligned
parallel to the field.
Capacitor plates
8 --
<S)8 ~ +
Capacitor plates Permanent dipoles Dipoles
not charged randomly oriented oriented
Fig. 2.68. The charge on the capacitor plates orients the permanent
dipoles of a dielectric which consists of polar molecules.
+ -
+88 -
: 88=
+88 -
+ \ -
Capacitor plates Induced dipoles
not charged are oriented
The effect of the externally applied field on the dielectric material can
now be qualitatively understood. In the absence of the field, the permanent
dipoles are all arranged higgledy-piggledy; the switching-on of the field
produces a net orientation of permanent dipoles and induces temporary
dipoles. These oriented dipoles (and the induced dipoles) generate an in-
ternal field which is directed counter to the external field, i.e., to the field
which is applied from an external source via the capacitor plates. Hence,
the net field between the capacitor plates is less than the external field to
the extent that an internal opposing field is produced in the dielectric
material (Fig. 2.70). It follows that a given charge on the plates produces
a smaller potential difference (field times distance between plates) compared
with the value in the absence of the dielectric, or, conversely, a larger charge
is required to produce unit potential difference. From Eq. (2.74), it is
clear that the capacity of the condenser has been increased by interposing
a dielectric material between the plates.
'-+ External
• r-
1- ==
• field
Charge /:~
density,q Oriented
dipole layer
+ Dipole la yer is
C-+') electrically
+ equivalent to
+- two sheets of
+_+ charge
q -1
The question is: What is q"ipole? In other words, how does the extent
to which dipoles are oriented and induced in the dielectric depend on the
magnitude of the applied electric field? In general, qdipolc can be expressed
by a power series
where AI, A 2 , • .• are constants independent of Xcxt, but, for small fields,
only the first term may be taken as significant. Thus,
The constant Al must depend on the number n of dipoles per cubic centi-
meter and a constant which expresses how susceptible the material is to
Brick - shaped
Fig. 2.73. The brick-shaped Gaussian surface used to compute the field
that is directed from the capacitor plates into the dielectric.
having its molecules deformed into dipoles and its polar molecules oriented
by the electric field. This electric susceptibility of the material is known as
the polarizability of a molecule and designated by the symbol a. Thus,
I + nna
Xext = 4
But the electric field between the plates is the gradient of the potential,
so, since the potential varies linearly between the plates of a parallel plate
(2.81 )
Aq (I + 4nna )A (2.83)
V 4nd
But Aq (area of the plates times charge density on the plates) is the total
charge on the plates. Hence Aq/ V is the capacity C of the parallel-plate
condenser, which is shown in elementary books on physics to be equal to
EA/4nd. Hence, from Eq. (2.83), one has
Aq = C = ~ = (I + 4nna)A
V 4:rrd 4nd
E- I = 4nna (2.84)
Thus, one has obtained the fundamental relation between the dielectric
constant and the polarizability of the stuff between the capacitor plates.
\ Charge an capacitor plates
tends to or ient dipole and
thermal collisions tend to
disorient dipole
The picture so far has been macroscopic to the extent that the atomistic
basis of the dielectric constant is concealed in the polarizability a. But how
is a related to atomistic quantities?
As a prelude to tackling a condensed medium such as water, a simpler
system will first be analyzed. Consider polar molecules (permanent dipoles)
which are so far from each other that their mutual interactions can be con-
sidered negligible. For example, consider a dilute gas of dipoles. Now, the
electric field arising from the charge on the plates tends to line up the
dipoles with their positive heads oriented toward the negative plate of the
condenser, but, at the same time, thermal collisions between the dipoles
are trying to knock them out of alignment (Fig. 2.74). Hence, the
dipoles strike a compromise between the electrical orienting force and
the thermal disorienting force. The compromise is described, following
Debye, in the Boltzmann distribution law
where ne is the number of dipoles per unit solid angle at an angle e to the
applied field (Fig. 2.75), R is a proportionality constant, and W is the work
+ field,X ext
average quantity)
fl cos () ReP cos 0 dQ
(fl) = -------
J: ReP cos 0 dQ
Now, It can be seen from Fig. 2.78 that dQ = 2n sin e de = -2n d(cos e).
I:,u cos e eilcosO d(cos e)
<,u) = - - - - - - -
e!1cosO d(cos e)
For small fields, (lx = ,uXextx/kT ~ 1. Hence, one can expand efJ x by
a Taylor's series
«(lx )2
e{Jx = I + (lx + - - + ... (2.92)
and omit terms higher than the second
fl xdx + fl(lx dx 2
fl dx + fl (lx dx
[x2!2]~1 + [PX:J/3]~l
[X]~l + [px2!2]~1
(2.94 )
Chorge-e - + -d-
e :<)U>
Fig. 2.79. The average moment <f1> of a
gas dipole.
This is the average or effective moment which a gas dipole exhibits in the
direction of the weak t external field when it is subject to electrical orienting
and thermal randomizing forces.
The average moment (11) of a gas dipole in the direction of the field
may be considered to arise from charges +e and -e separated by a distance
£I (Fig. 2.79)
(11) = ed (2.96)
t The qualifying word weak is introduced here in the light of the approximation contained
in Eq. (2.93).
Choroe on each end
of dipole =(6 )
Brick:shalled .volume
This plane ooes contams lid dipoles
through the I lema
char!MSan one -
end of dipoles
Charge density on this plane-
numl)er of dipole) z charge
per dipole=~=.lJdi
or, from Eq. (2.79),
a=~+~ (2.101)
nXext 3kT
can write
a = adeform + aorient (2.102)
= adeform + 3kT (2.103)
0.004'- !
0003- I
~ -I
0.002- /
0.001f- /
lIT ('K' -I)
f - I """ 4nnadeform (2.106)
Things have become too hot for the dipoles to have any net orientation
at all; they become randomly oriented. But there still remains deformation
polarization due to induced dipoles, and this is what then decides the
dielectric constant.
t For the consideration of the dielectric constant of water, it is not necessary to take
into account the quadrupole character of a water molecule; it is quite adequate to
consider a water molecule as it were an electrical dipole.
t In ice, the number of coordinating water molecules is exactly four; in water, it is 4.4
to 4.6 (cf Table 2.11). For simplicity, this distinction will not be stressed.
t It has been suggested that the icebergs present in water contain (at 20°C) about 50
to 60 water molecules with hydrogen bonding effective throughout the group. Never-
theless, the subgroup of four neighboring water molecules plus a central water molecule
is considered in this discussion the orienting entity because the central molecule is
regarded as exerting short-range forces, apart from hydrogen bonding, only on its
nearest neighbors, i.e., on four water molecules.
between the dipole moment of the central water molecule and those of its
bonded neighbors.
For example, if the cluster consists of the tetrahedral group, then,
g = 4 and cos y = 1/3, in which case I + g cos y = 7/3. That is, owing
to the interlinking of the water dipoles, the effective dipole moment of the
aligning group is 7/3 times the dipole moment of a free water molecule.
Once the effective moment of a subgroup is computed, one can go
through the Oebye argument saying that thermal motions oppose the align-
ment of subgroups. After writing fJ = flgroIlPX/(kT), the average moment
of a dipole cluster is given by [cf. Eq. (2.95)]
t The quantity cos ( is averaged over those neighboring molecules which hold an orien-
tation relationship with the central molecule. When thermal forces destroy the orien-
tation relationship, the average of cos ( is zero, i.e., the neighboring water molecules
are orienting independent of the central molecule.
~Reference Reference
V dipole ddiPole
is equivalent to is equivolenllo
dipole Cavity Covity
Fig. 2.84. The approximately spherical cavity into which a reference dipole or group
of dipoles is caged.
where Xext is the externally applied field. But what is X, the electric field
operating on the central molecule and the group? Is it simply equal to the
external field Xext ?
These questions bring up the second main difference between a gas
of free, noninteracting dipoles and a liquid with dipoles associated into
subgroups which are part of networks. In the gas phase, all that a water
molecule feels is the external field emanating from the capacitor plates-the
other water molecules are too far away to exercise any influence. In the
liquid phase, however, any water molecule of group of molecules is in
"contact" with other water molecules. So, what matters to a given water
molecule (or group of water molecules) is the true local field X1oc , which
is the sum of the external field and the field of the surrounding particles on
the given molecule (or group). Thus, the electric field X in the expression
for the orientation polarizability is the local field and not the external field
and should therefore be replaced by X1oc '
Onsager showed an interesting way of calculating the local field X1oc '
The thinking proceeds thus: To a close approximation, a reference dipole
or a group of interlinked dipoles is caged by the surrounding particles in
a spherical hole (Fig. 2.84). So the local field operating on the reference
dipole (or group) is the field in the empty spherical cavity owing to the
externally applied field and the surrounding molecules which are partly
oriented by the field.
Now, to compute the field in the cavity, consider two regions (Fig.
2.85): one outside the cavity (region I) and one inside it (region II). Let
the center of the cavity be arbitrarily taken as the origin of a polar coor-
dinate system and as the point to which all potentials are referred, i.e.,
as the zero of potentials.
t The minus sign comes in because the potential decreases in the direction of an electric
field, i.e., "down" the field. Thus, any point has a potential which is negative relative
to that at a point farther "up" the field.
External electr ic f e
i ld
is equivalent is equivalent
to to
Chorges Dielectric
on cavity Resultant
surface dipole
Fig. 2.86. The electrical effect of a cavity is equivalent to the effect of a single dipole.
looks like a series of dipoles all pointing in the direction of the field (Fig.
2.86). In fact, one can conceptually replace all these dipoles by one single
dipole of moment m located at the center of the cavity. In conclusion,
therefore, the electrical effect of an empty spherical cavity (in a dielectric
which is placed in an externally applied field) is equivalent to the effect of
a hypothetical dipole of moment m located at the center of the cavity.
Thus, the spherical cavity sets up a potential m(cos ()/rl (the usual ex-
pression for the dipole potential) at the point Y(rI' () in region I.
The total potential CPI at Y (in Fig. 2.85) is given by the sum of the
potential due to the external field, which is - XextrI cos (), plus that due to
the cavity, which at Y is m(cos ()/rI2 ,
m cos ()
CPI = - XextrI cos () + rI 2 (2.111 )
Now that expressions for CPr and CPu have been obtained, the situation
at the surface of the cavity can be considered. Here, rr = rII = a, the radius
of the sphere, and, thus, CPr = CPIh i.e.,
X\OC = X ext - -3 (2.112)
Field towards
cavity center= - r - _......
(toward and away from the cavity center) must be equal. To get at these
fields, one invents an imaginary Gaussian surface shaped like a pillbox
and containing some charge q (Fig. 2.87). The field away from the cavity
is -dq;ddr, and, from Gauss's law, one has
-dq;r 4nq
~ e
(e being unity because, inside the cavity, there is vacuum). Hence, at the
surface of the cavity,
X10c = 2c + 1 Xext (2.117)
Hence, the local field in the cavity, which operates on the dipole cluster,
has been evaluated. Since c > 1 (i.e., 2c + 1 < 2c + c or 2c + 1 < 3c),
it is obvious that the local field in condensed media is always greater than
the externally applied field. This means, then, that a given dipole is subject
to a stronger electrical orienting force when it is inside a liquid than when
it is in a dilute gas.
c - 1 = 4nna (2.84)
(2.121 )
ql /12(1 + gCOSy)2 3E
nXext = 3kT 2E +I
The second term in Eq. (2.118) is connected with the deformation
polarization. Following the procedure of Section 2.5.4, one argues that q2
is proportional to the number n per unit volume of deformable molecules
and to the electric field operating on them (the proportionality constant
being adeform). In the gas phase, the field operating on the deformable
molecules is the external field Xext ; in condensed media, it will be the local
field X1oc . Thus,
Once again, the expression (2.117) for X10c can be introduced to give
or, by rearrangement,
q2 3E
= adeform 28 +1 (2.125)
Now, the expressions for ql/nXext and Q2/nXext can be inserted into
Eq. (2.118) to give
3E [ /12 (l + g cos y)2 ]
E - 1 = 4nn 2E +1 adeform + 3kT (2.126)
Table 2.21
Dielectric Constant of Liquid Water at Various Temperatures
o 84.2 88.0
25 78.2 78.5
62 72.5 66.1
83 67.5 59.9
TABLE 2.22
The Dipole Moments and Dielectric Constants of Liquid Water and Sulfur
e Hz02
80 eHp
~0 60
Some indication has now been given of how the association of dipoles
and the local field can increase the dielectric constant into the range of
several tens compared with values of 5 to 10 for unassociated liquids. An
elementary, quantitative picture of the dielectric constant of pure water
has also been presented. The next question is: What happens to the dielec-
tric constant when ions enter an associated liquid such as water? In other
words, how does the dielectric constant of an ionic solution differ from that
of pure water?
Recall the picture of the structure of water in the presence of ions
(Section 2.3.2). Far from an ion, the water structure is normal and the
usual bulk dielectric constant would obtain. In the secondary region, the
existence of structure breaking implies that there is a decrease of the para-
meter g of the Kirkwood equation (2.127), i.e., there is a decrease in the
number of water molecules linked to any particular water molecule. But,
as g decreases, the dielectric constant also decreases. This implies that the
dielectric constant in the secondary region falls below the bulk value. It
will be, depending on the distance from the ion, somewhere between the
bulk value ('"'-'80) and the value in the solvation sheath, which turns out
(see below) to be about 6.
The situation in the primary solvation sheath is interesting. The solvent
dipoles here are oriented to the ion and are so firmly fixed in this orientation
that they are almost insensitive to the external field and to the field of the
surrounding water molecules. As far as the external and local fields are
concerned, they are so bound to the ions as to be unorientable. Thus, the
water molecules in the primary solvation sheath hardly contribute to the
orientation polarizability of the solution. Their main contribution is to the
deformation polarizability, and, hence, the dielectric constant of this
primary solvent water is very much lower than the bulk value. Measure-
ments of the dielectric constant of water at alternating field frequencies so
high that the dipoles are too sluggish to align with the alternating field
suggest that completely bound water has a dielectric constant of about 6.
So one has a picture of the dielectric constant of water being very
low ('"'-'6) in the primary solvation sheath around an ion and then rapidly
increasing till the bulk value ('"'-'80) is attained outside the structure-break-
ing region (Fig. 2.89). It will be seen later (Section 7.4.24b) that one should
reckon with a similar variation of dielectric constant near a charged elec-
trode adjacent to which there is a layer of oriented water.
r in 1.
Fig. 2.89. The variation of the dielectric constant around
an ion.
TABLE 2.23
Dielectric Constants of Aqueous Solutions of Electrolytes t
LiCl 66 ±2
NaCl 69 ±2
KCl 70 ±2
RbCl 70 ±2
NaF 68 ±2
KF 67 ±2
NaI 65 ±2
KI 64 ±2
MgCl 2 50 ±2
BaCl 2 52 ±2
LaCl a 36 ±2
Na 2 SO. 58 ±2
o 40=-----~------~----~
o 6
Concentration (mole litre-')of NaCl
Further Reading
1. L. Onsager, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 58: 1486 (1936).
2. J. G. Kirkwood, J. Chem. Phys., 7: 911 (1939).
3. G. Oster, and J. G. Kirkwood, J. Chem. Phys., 11: 175 (1954).
4. L. Pauling, The Nature of the Chemical Bond, 3rd ed., Chap. 12, Cornell
University Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 1960.
5. A. Prock and G. McConkey, Topics in Chemical Physics, Chap. 1, Elsevier
Publishing Co., New York, 1962.
6. R. H. Cole, J. Chem. Phys., 39: 2602 (1963).
7. N. E. Hill, Trans. Faraday Soc., 69: 344 (1963).
8. R. P. Feynmann, R. B. Leighton, and M. Sands, The Feynmann Lectures on
Physics, Vol. II, Chap. 10, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., Reading,
Mass., 1964.
9. W. Dannhauser, and L. W. Bahe, J. Chem. Phys., 41: 2666 (1964).
10. B. E. Conway, and R. G. Barradas, Chemical Physics of Ionic Solutions,
John Wiley & Sons. Inc., New York, 1966.
11. C. P. Smyth, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., 17: 433 (1966).
preferably with the nonelectrolyte solute, shunning the water. In the rarer
instances where these deviants appear, there is a rapid departure of the
nonelectrolyte from the parent lattice, and thus the solubility of the former
is enhanced. One speaks of salting in.
Two aspects of the theory of salting out-the normal case-are con-
sidered below. Firstly, the effects of the primary solvation sheath have to
be taken into account-how the requisition of water by the ions causes
the nonelectrolyte's solubility to decrease. Secondly, the effects of secondary
solvation (interactions outside the solvation sheath) are calculated.
where Ci is the number of gram moles of the electrolyte [-I, and ns is the
solvation number of the electrolyte concerned.
Assuming at present that the solubility of the nonelectrolyte is simply
proportional to the number of water molecules outside the hydration sheath,
55.55 - Cins
s = S _ SOCins (2.130)
o 55.55
(2.131 )
It has been stressed in Section 2.4 that solvation is a far reaching phe-
nomenon, although only the primary solvation number can be determined
significantly (if by no means accurately, cf Table 2.19). Correspondingly,
there certainly are effects of ions on the properties of their solvent which
lie outside the radius of the primary hydration sheath. These effects must
now be accounted for, in so far as they relate to solubility of a nonelectro-
lyte. Let the problem be tackled as though no primary solvation had with-
drawn water from the solution. One can write
If, now, a dipole (aligned parallel to the ionic field) is moved from infinity
where the field Xr = 0 through a distance dr to a point where the corre-
sponding field is dX, the elementary work done is - f1 dX.
Thus, the work to bring a mole of nonelectrolyte molecules from infinity
to a distance r is - N,4 f;r f1NE dX, and the work done to remove a water
molecule to infinity is N,4 f;r f1w dX. The net work of replacing a water
molecule by a nonelectrolyte molecule would therefore be given by
Wr =
N,4 (J ° f1w dX - ° f1 NE dX )
JXr (2.134)
Now, the reader will probably be able to see there is a flaw here.
Where? The error is easily recognized if one recalls the Debye argument
for the average moment of a gas dipole. For what is the guarantee that a
t Notwithstanding the considerations of Section 2.5.B, the use of the bulk dielectric
constant of water for dilute solutions of nonelectrolyte is not very inaccurate in the
region outside the primary solvation sheath. The point is that, in this region (i.e., at
distances > 5 to to A from the ion's center), there is negligible structure breaking
and, therefore, negligible decrease of dielectric constant from the bulk value.
water dipole far from the ion is aligned parallel to the ionic field? What
about the thermal motions which tend to knock dipoles out of alignment?
So what matters is the average dipole moment of the molecules in the direc-
tion of the ionic field. Thus, one has to follow the same line of reasoning
as in the treatment of the dielectric constant of a polar liquid and think
in terms of the average moment <ft>
of the individual molecules, which
will depend in Debye treatment on the interplay of electrical and thermal
forces and in Kirkwood treatment also on possible short-range interactions
and association of dipoles. One has therefore
<ft> = aX (2.136)
one has
W1' = NA(J:'~r awX dX - f;r aNEX dX)
N,4 (aw - aNE)X/
Thus, the excess number (not moles) per unit volume of nonelectrolyte
molecules at a distance r from the ion is (again, in number of molecules
t The polarizability a used here refers to the orientation polarizability (see Section 2.5.4).
Far away from the ion, the factor of deformation polarizability can be ignored.
and, therefore, the total excess number of nonelectrolyte molecule per ion
in region 2 is (with rh equal to the radius of the primary hydration sheath)
(2.141 )
t A factor of 2 has been removed from the denominator of this equation, compared with
Eq. (2.142), because there are two ions in the binary electrolyte, each of which is assumed
to give the same effect on the solubility.
nNE - nNE,b = NAc; [4n(Zi eo)2(aNE - aw ) ]
(2.144 )
nNE,b 1000 e2kTrh
This equation shows up well the sign of the effect of the secondary
solvation. From (Section 2.5.4), and Eqs. (2.79) and (2.103) it is seen that
the orientation polarizabilities, aNE and aw, are largely dependent on the
square of the permanent dipole moments of the molecules. Water has, in
comparison with many nonelectrolytes, the highest dipole moment. When,
thus, aw > aNE, S is less than So and there is salting out. HCN is an ex-
ample of a substance the dipole moment of which is greater than that of
water. (It masquerades as a nonelectrolyte because it is little dissociated
in aqueous solution.) Appropriately, HCN is often salted in.
S as written in (2.148) has taken into account the primary and second-
ary solvation and can be identified with the solubility of the nonelectrolyte
after addition of ions to the solution. Hence,
(2.151 )
If one writes
Equations for the dispersive force interactions have been worked out
for interactions in the gas phase. A simple equation would be
u= hvad-ionad-mOl
where the v is the frequency of vibration of the electron in its lowest energy
state, the a's are the distortion polarizabilities of the entities indicated, and
R is their distance apart. It must be noted at once that the polarizability
indicated here, the distortion polarizability, differs from that which enters
into the equations for the dipole effects, which has simply been termed a.
This latter a, which influences the theory of the effects of the secondary
solvation upon salting out and salting in (Sections 2.6.3 and 2.6.4), is that
due to the orientation of dipoles against the applied field; distortion polar-
izability, ad, is that due to the stretching of the molecule under the influence
of a field. The former polarizability, a, is simply connected to the dipole
moment of the molecule according to a formula such as Eq.(2.103). But
the latter, ad, is more complexly connected to the size of the molecule.
There is a parallelism with the radius, and in spherical symmetry cases it
is found that ad approximately follows r 3, where r is the radius of the mole-
Now, if the size of the nonelectrolyte is greater than that of the water
molecule (and for organic nonelectrolytes this is often so), it is clear from
the above equation that the dispersive interaction of a given ion is going
to be greater with the nonelectrolyte than with the water. This is a reversal
of the behavior regarded as usual when only the permanent dipoles of the
water and the nonelectrolyte are taken into account (for the dipole moment
of water is higher than that of most nonelectrolytes). But it may be asked,
in view of the above situation, why is not salting in (that which happens
when the nonelectrolyte out-competes the water molecule in its attraction
to the ion) the normal case? In this section, it is the dispersive interactions
which have been the center of attention: one has suddenly, isolatedly con-
sidered them. But, one has to ask whether the dispersive ion-water (and
dispersive ion-nonelectrolyte) interactions will dominate over the ion-
dipole interactions which have been at the center of the stage in Sections
2.6.2-2.6.4. If the ion-dipole interactions dominate the ion-dispersive inter-
actions, the considerations of those earlier sections are applicable, and
salting out is the norm, with salting in a rare exception. When the dispersive
interactions predominate, it is the other way around-salting in becomes
the norm.
Further Reading
1. P. Debye and J. McAulay, Z. Physik, 26: 22 (1927).
2. J. a'M. Bockris, J. Bowler-Reed, and J. A. Kitchener, Trans. Faraday Soc.,
47: 184 (1951).
3. R. McDevit and F. Long, Chem. Rev., 51: 119 (1952).
4. B. E. Conway and J. a'M. Bockris, "Solvation," in: J. a'M. Bockris, ed.,
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No.1, Butterworth's Publications, Inc.,
London, 1954.
5. E. L. McBain and E. C. Hutchison, Solubilization and Related Phenomena,
Academic Press, New York, 1955.
6. R. M. Diamond, J. Phys. Chem., 67: 2513 (1963).
7. B. E. Conway, J. E. Desnoyers, and A. C. Smith, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London,
A256: 389 (1964).
8. J. E. Desnoyers, C. Jolicoeur, and G. E. Pelletier, Can. J. Chem., 42: 3232 (1965).
9. W. W. Drost Hansen, Advanced Chem., Ser. No. 67, 70-120 (1967).
10. W. Drost-Hansen, Chem. Phys. Letters, 2 (8): 647 (1968).
If, further, the process is reversible, the heat Q put into the system is related to
the entropy change through
Q = T LIS (A2.1.4)
Since W is the total work (including mechanical work) and p LI V is the mechanical
work of volume expansion,
LlG = -(work other than mechanical work done by the system) (A2.l 7)
LI G = work other than mechanical work done on the system (A2.l.8)
Thus, the problem reduces to the calculation of the potential 1J!r due to the
dipole. According to the law of superposition of potentials, the potential due to
an assembly of charges is the sum of the potentials due to each charge. Thus,
the potential due to a dipole is the sum of the potentials +q/r, and -q/r2 due
to the charges +q and -q which constitute the dipole and are located at distances
r, and '2 from the point P. Thus,
q q
1J!r = -,--
r, r2
and, therefore,
= [( y2 + Z2) + d 2 + 2zd]-J
= (r2 + d + 2zd)-J
_ 1 [ (d)2 2dZ]-~
, r ,2 (A2.2.4)
Fig. A2.2.1.
d Fig. A2.2.2.
d)2 2dz
1 + (- + -
r r2
'" 1 + -2dz
r 2
It is clear that the validity of the approximation decreases the closer the ion
comes toward the dipole, i.e., as r decreases.
Making the above approximation, one has [see Eq. (A.2.2A)]
By similar reasoning,
= ~
(1 + dZ)
r 2
2dq Z
'Pr = - ----;'2 ---,: (A2.1.9)
It cos 0
'Pr = - --r-2 - (A2.2.10)
-ZieO/t cos 0
U1 _ D = -----,--- (A2.2.ll)
But the potential 'Pr is the sum of the potentials due to the four charges
ql' q2) q3) and q. in the quadrupole (I and 2 are the positive charges at the
hydrogen, and 3 and 4 are the negative charges at the oxygen). That is,
Each one of these potentials is given by the usual coulombic expression for the
where the minus sign appears before the third and fourth terms because q3 and q.
Fig. A2.3.1.
are negative charges. Further, the magnitudes of all the charges are equal
and (A2.3.5)
1+ a +
1 1 ( 2 X2 2a )-~
r, r r2
_1r3 = ~
and drop off all terms higher than the third. t Thus,
'" ~ (1 +i, ,+~)
1 fl fi2
, ,2 ,3 (A2.3.16)
1fT = -
2q(a + fl) + --
[2(2qa 2 - 2qfl2) - 2qx2] (A2.3.t8)
,2 2r 3
The right-hand side of this expression is the general expression for the dipole
moment It, as is seen by considering the situation when a = fl, i.e., ~ (2q)d
= (2q)2d, where 2d is the distance between the charges of the dipole, in which
case one obtains the familiar expression for the dipole moment It,
It = 2q2d (A2.3.21)
One can combine 2p •• - p"" into a single symbol and talk of the quadrupole
moment Pw of the water molecule in the particular orientation of Fig. A2.3. t.
2(2qa 2 - 2qf32) - 2qx2 = pw (A2.3.25)
Il Pw
'Pr =- -2 + - 23 (A2.3.26)
r r
When a negative ion is considered, the water molecule turns around through
n, and one obtains by an argument similar to that for positive ions
A model has been given for the breaking-up of an ionic crystal into
free ions which stabilize themselves in solution with solvent sheaths. One
central theme guided the account, the interaction of an ion with its neigh-
boring water molecule.
But ion-solvent interactions are only part of the story relating an ion
to its environment. When an ion looks out upon its surroundings, it sees
not only solvent dipoles but also other ions. The mutual interaction between
these ions constitutes an essential part of the picture of an electrolytic
Why are ion-ion interactions of importance? Because, as will be shown,
they affect the equilibrium properties of ionic solutions, and also because
they interfere with the drift of ions, for instance, under an externally applied
electric field (Chapter 4).
Now, the degree to which these interactions affect the properties of
solutions will depend on the mean distance apart of the ions, i.e., on how
densely the solution is populated with ions, because the interionic fields are
distance dependent. This ionic population density will in turn depend on
the nature of the electrolyte, i.e., on the extent to which the electrolyte
gives rise to ions in solution.
H1 , /0 / H [ H1 , /0J- [ / HJ+
H-C-C + 0 ~ H-C-C + H-O
chloride in water, i.e., the solutions are highly conducting (Table 3.1).
This is an embarrassing situation. Can one say: Acetic acid is weak in
water and strong in liquid ammonia? What is wanted is a classification
Conductance Behavior of Substances in Different Media
Equivalent conductance
Further Reading
1. G. Kortum and J. O'M. Bockris, Textbook of Electrochemistry, Vol. I, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 1951.
2. R. M. Fuoss and F. Accascina, Electrolytic Conductance, Interscience Pub-
lishers, Inc., New York, 1959.
"switched off") and a final state in which the interactions are in play (are
"switched on"). Then, the free-energy change in going from the initial
state to the final state can be considered the free energy LJ GI -I' of ion-ion
interactions (Fig. 3.3).
The final state is obvious; it is ions in solution. The initial state is
not so straightforward; one cannot take ions in vacuum, because then there
will be ion-solvent interactions when these ions enter the solvent. The
following approach is therefore adopted. One conceives of a hypothetical
situation in which the ions are there in solution but are nevertheless not
interacting. Now, if ion-ion interactions are assumed to be electrostatic
in origin (a similar assumption was made with regard to ion-solvent inter-
actions, cf Section 2.2.2), then the imaginary initial state of noninteracting
ions implies an assembly of discharged ions.
Thus, the process of going from an initial state of noninteracting ions
to a final state of ion- ion interactions is equivalent to taking an assembly
of discharged ions, charging them up, and setting the electrostatic charging
work equal to the free energy LlG1 _ 1 of ion-ion interactions (Fig. 3.4).
One point about the above procedure should be borne in mind. Since,
0 00 0
~ llG 1- 1
in the charging process, both the ppsitively charged and negatively charged
ionic species are charged up, one obtains a free-energy change which involves
all the ionic species constituting the electrolyte. Generally, however, the
desire is to isolate the contribution to the free energy of ion-ion inter-
actions arising from one ionic species i only. This partial free-energy change
is, by definition, the chemical-potential change iJfti-I arising from the inter-
actions of one ionic species with the ionic assembly.
To compute this chemical-potential change iJfti-I' rather than the free-
energy change iJ G1 - 1 , one must adopt an approach similar to that used
in the Born theory of solvation. One thinks of an ion of species i and imagines
that this reference ion alone of all the ions in solution is in a state of zero
charge (Fig. 3.5). If one computes the work of charging up the reference
ion (of radius ri) from a state of zero charge to its final charge of ZieO,
then the charging work W times the Avogadro number NA is equal to the
partial molar free energy of ion-ion interactions, i.e., to the chemical poten-
tial of ion-ion interactions
Further, one can consider a charged sphere (of radius ri and charge ZieO)
as a model for an ion (cf Section 2.2.2) and use the expression for the work
of charging the sphere from a state of zero charge to a charge of ZieO to
represent the work W of charging an ion, i.e.,
But ZieO/ui is the electrostatic potential "p at the surface of the ion, and,
ION. t. ILl-l
Fig. 3.5. The chemical potential !::,.fli-I arising from the inter-
actions of an ionic species i with the electrolytic solution is
equal to the Avogadro number times the electrostatic work of
taking an imaginary solution in which one reference ion alone is
discharged and charging this reference ion up to its normal charge.
t Using an imaginary camera (with exposure time of '" 10-12 sec), suppose that it were
possible to take snapshots of the ions in an electrolytic solution. Different snapshots
would show the ions distributed differently in the space containing the solution; but
the scrutiny of a large enough number of snapshots (say, '" 10'2 ) would permit one
to recognize a certain average distribution characterized by average positions of the
ions; this is the time-average spatial distribution of the ions.
will first be given. If the central ion is, for example, positive, it will exert an
attraction for negative ions; hence, there should be a greater aggregation
of negative ions than of positive ions in the neighborhood of the central
positive ion, i.e., (! =1= O. An analogous situation, but with a change in sign,
obtains near a central negative ion. At the same time, the thermal forces
are knocking the ions about in all directions and trying to establish elec-
troneutrality, i.e., the thermal motions try to smooth everything to (! = O.
Thus, the time average of the electrostatic forces of ordering and the thermal
forces of disordering is a local excess of negative charge near a positive ion
and an excess of positive charge near a negative ion. Of course, the excess
positive charge near a negative ion compensates the excess negative charge
near a positive ion, and the overall effect is electro neutrality, i.e., a (! of
zero for the whole solution.
3.3.3. How the Charge Density near the Central Ion Is Deter-
mined by Electrostatics: Poisson's Equation
inside the volume element be (lr' Further, let the average t electrostatic
potential in the volume element be 1jJr' The question is: What is the relation
between the excess density (lr in the volume element and the time-average
electrostatic potential 1jJr?
One relation between (lr and 1jJr is given by Poisson's equation (Ap-
pendix 3.1). There is no reason to doubt that there is spherically sym-
metrical distribution of positive and negative charge and, therefore, excess
charge density around a given central ion. Hence, Poisson's equation can
be written as
3.3.4. How the Excess Charge Density near the Central Ion Is
Given by a Classical Law for the Distribution of Point
Charges in a Coulombic Field
t Actually, there are discrete charges in the neighborhood of the central ion and, therefore,
discontinuous variations in the potential. But, because in the Debye-Hiickel model
the charges are smoothed out, the potential is averaged out.
where Zi is the valency of the ion and eo is the electronic charge. Then,
the excess charge density (]r in the volume element dv is given by
t In this book, the term coulombic is restricted to forces (with r-' dependence on distance)
which are based directly on Coulomb's law. More complex forces, e.g., those which
vary as r- 4 or r7, may result as a net force from the resultant of several different
coulombic interactions. Nevertheless, such more complex results of the interplay of
several coulombic forces will be called noncoulombic.
the charge Zieo on the ion times the electrostatic potential1J!r in the volume
element dv. That is,
Now that ni' the concentration of the ionic species i in the volume
element dv, has been related to its bulk concentration nio, the expression
(3.6) for the excess charge density in the volume element dv becomes
At this point of the theory, Debye and HUckel made a move which
was not only mathematically expedient but also turned out to be wise.
They decided to carry out the analysis only for systems in which the average
electrostatic potential 1J!r would be small so that
or Zi eo1J!, ~ 1 (3.11 )
kT -<;:;
Based on this assumption, one can expand the exponential of Eq. (3.10)
+( r...
in a Taylor series, i.e.,
and neglect all except the first two terms. Thus, in (3.10),
(3.13 )
(3.14 )
The first term ~ npzieO gives the charge on the electrolytic solution
as a whole. But this is zero because the solution as a whole must be elec-
trically neutral. The local excess charge densities near ions cancel out
because the excess positive charge density near a negative ion is compen-
sated for by an excess negative charge density near a positive ion. Hence,
The stage is now set for the calculation of the potential "Pr and the
charge density (!, in terms of known parameters of the solution.
Notice that one has obtained two expressions for the charge density
(!r in the volume element dv at a distance r from the central ion. One has
the Poisson equation [cf Eq. (3.4)]
= - 4n 7 [1 d
dr (2r dr
d"Pr)] (3.17)
d (2 d"Pr ) _ ( 4n '" 0 2 2)
71 dr r dr - ekT ~ ni Zi eo "Pr (3.19)
At this point, the symbol " has come in only to reduce the tedium
of writing. It turns out later, however, that" is not only a shorthand symbol;
it contains information concerning several fundamental aspects of the
distribution of ions around an ion in solution. In Chapter 7, it will be shown
that it also contains information concerning the distribution of charges near
a metal surface in contact with an ionic solution. In terms of ", the linear-
1 d (2 d'f/Jr)
---,:2 dr r fir =X'f/Jr
2 (3.21 )
'f/J, =, (3.22)
one has
= -drd -p,r= - -r2p, +r1-dp,
- -
and, therefore,
1 d 2p, 2 P,
, dr2 =X , (3.24)
- e±xr = ±xe±x,
and (3.26)
e- xr e+ xr
1jJr = A -- , + B -,- (3.28)
At the same time, for this hypothetical solution in which the concen-
tration tends to zero, i.e., n iO ---+ 0, it is seen from Eq. (3.20) that 'X ---+ o.
Thus, in Eq. (3.29), e-><r ---+ 1, and one has
1jJr = -,- (3.31)
I 2 3
A = ZieO
Here, then, is the appropriate solution of the linearized P-B equation (3.21).
It shows how the electrostatic potential varies with distance r from an
arbitrarily chosen reference ion (Fig. 3.9).
d (2 d1jJr) 2
T21 dr r ---;r,:- = x 1jJ r (3.21)
From these two Eqs. (3.4) and (3.21), one has the linear relation between
excess charge density and potential, i.e.,
and by inserting the solution (3.33) for the linearized P-B equation, the
result is
Here then is the desired expression for the spatial distribution of the
charge density with distance r from the central ion (Fig. 3.10). Since the
excess charge density results from an unequal distribution of positive and
negative ions, Eq. (3.35) also describes the distribution of ions around a
reference or sample ion.
To understand this distribution of ions, however, one must be suf-
ficiently attuned to mathematical language to read the physical significance
of Eq. (3.35). The physical ideas implicit in the distribution will therefore
be stated in pictorial terms. One can say that the central reference ion is
surrounded by a "cloud," or "atmosphere," of excess charge (Fig. 3.11).
This ionic cloud extends into the solution (i.e., r increases), and the excess
charge density (2 decays with distance r in an exponential way. The
excess charge residing on the ion cloud is opposite in sign to that of the
central ion. Thus, a positively charged reference ion has a negatively charged
ion atmosphere, and vice versa (Fig. 3.12).
Up to now, the charge density at a given distance has been discussed.
The total excess charge contained in the ionic atmosphere which surrounds
the central ion can, however, easily be computed. Consider a spherical shell
of thickness dr at a distance r from the origin, i.e., from the center of the
reference ion (Fig. 3.13). The charge dq in this thin shell is equal to the
charge density er times the volume 4nr2 dr of the shell, i.e.,
• P, 4n~r
cause the charge of the ionic cloud decays exponentially into the solution
and becomes zero only in the limit r -+ 00.
f r~O fr-+oo
qcloud = dq = r~O eAnr 2 dr (3.37)
= - Z ieO fr oo
r~O e- "r ("r) d("r) (3.38)
The integration can be done by parts (Appendix 3.2), leading to the result
Thus, the excess charge on a spherical shell varies with r and has a maximum
0= dq
= dr [-zie ox2(e-><rr)]
= -z·e X2_ (e-><rr)
! 0 dr
o= e-><r - rxe-><r
/ d q IS MAXIMUM AT r.~-I
As the concentration tends toward zero, the cloud tends to spread out
increasingly (Fig. 3.16). Values of the thickness of the ion atmosphere
for various concentrations of the electrolyte are presented in Table 3.2.
(inA) 120 f-
80 r-
40 r-
0,04 0'12 0,20 0,28
Fig. 3.16. The variation in the thickness ,,-1 of the ionic
cloud as a function of electrolyte concentration.
Thickness of Ionic Atmosphere (in Angstroms) at Various Concentrations
and for Various Types of Salts
Type of salt
moles Iiter- 1
1,1 1,2 2,2 1.3
3.3.9. How Much Does the Ionic Cloud Contribute to the Elec-
trostatic Potential 'Pr at a Distance r from the Central Ion ?
An improved feel for the effects of ionic clouds emerges from con-
sidering the following interesting problem.
Imagine, in a thought experiment, that the charge on the ionic cloud
does not exist. There is only one charge now, that on the central ion. What
is the potential at distance r from the central ion? It is simply given by
the familiar formula for the potential at a distance r from a single charge,
Then, let the charge on the cloud be switched on. The potential VJr
at the distance r from the central ion is no longer given by the central ion
only. It is given by the law of superposition of potentials (Fig. 3.17), i.e.,
1/<"",- I
(a) (c)
Fig. 3.17. The superposition of the potential 'Pion due to the ion
and that 'Pcloud due to the cloud yields the total potential at a dis-
tance , from the central ion.
is the sum of the potential due to the central ion and that due to the ionic
"Pr = 'f/Jion + 'f/Jcloud (3.45)
The contribution 'f/Jcloud can thus be easily found. One rearranges Eq.
(3.45) to read
'f/Jcloud = 'f/Jr - 'f/Jion (3.46)
and substitutes for 'f/Jion with Eq. (3.44) and for 'f/Jr with the Debye-Hilckel
expression [Eq. (3.33)]. Then,
= ~ (e- xr - I) (3.47)
By introducing the expressions (3.44) and (3.49) into the expression (3.45)
for the total potential 'f/Jr at a distance r from the central ion, it follows that
The second term, which arises from the cloud, reduces the value of the
potential to a value less than that if there were no cloud. This is consistent
with the model; the cloud has a charge opposite to that on the central ion
and must, therefore, alter the potential in a sense opposite to that due to
the central ion.
The expression
'f/Jcloud = - 8X-1 (3.49)
cloud to the potential at the site of the point-charge central ion can be
considered given by Eq. (3.49) above. But, if the entire charge of the ionic
atmosphere [which is - Zieo as required by electroneutrality-cf Eq. (3.39)]
were placed at a distance X-I from the central ion, then the potential prod-
uced at the reference ion would be -ZieO/(SX-I). It is seen therefore from
Eq. (3.49) that the effect of the ion cloud, namely, "Pclaud, is equivalent to
that of a single charge, equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to that of
the central ion, placed at a distance X-I from the reference ion (Fig. 3.18).
This is an added-and more important-reason that the quantity X-I is
termed the effective thickness or radius of the ion atmosphere surrounding
a central ion (cf Section 3.3.8).
It will be recalled (see Section 3.3.1) that it was the potential at the
surface of the reference ion which needed to be known in order to calculate
the chemical-potential change L'l,ui-l arising from the interactions between
a particular ionic species i and the rest of the ions of the solution, i.e., one
needed to know "P in Eq. (3.3),
It was to obtain this potential "P that Debye and Hiickel conceived
their model of an ionic solution. The analysis threw up the picture of an
ion being enveloped in an ionic cloud. But what is the origin of the ionic
cloud? It is born of the interactions between the central ion and the ions
of the environment. If there were no interactions (e.g., coulombic forces
between ions), thermal forces would prevail, distribute the ions randomly
(e = 0), and wash out the ionic atmosphere. It appears therefore that the
simple ionic cloud picture has not only led to success in describing the
distribution of ions but also given the electrostatic potential "Pcloud at the
surface of a reference ion due to the interactions between this reference ion
and the rest of the ions in the solution (the quantity required for reasons
declared in Section 3.3.1).
Thus, the expression (3.49) for "Pcloud can be substituted for "P in Eq.
(3.3) with the result that
LI - - NA (Zi eO)2 (3.51)
t-ti-I - -2- 8,,-1
Further Reading
1. P. Debye and E. Hiickel, Z. Physik, 24, 185 (1923).
2. H. S. Harned and B. B. Owen, The Physical Chemistry of Electrolytic Solutions,
3rd ed., Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1958.
3. R. A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes, Electrolyte Solutions, 2nd ed., Butter-
worth's Publications: Ltd., London, 1959.
when (3.53)
t The value of x;" in the case of an electrolyte derives from the number of moles of ions
in species i actually present in solution. This number need not be equal to the number
of moles of i expected of dissolved electrolyte; if, for instance, the electrolyte is a
potential one, then only a fraction of the electrolyte may react with the solvent to form
ions, i.e., the electrolyte may be incompletely dissociated.
t The standard chemical potential It;" has the same significance here as in Eq. (3.52)
for ideal solutions. Thus, I' ,0 can be defined either as the chemical potential of an ideal
It was argued that, in nonideal solutions, it was not just the analytical
concentration Xi of species i, but its effective concentration xiii which
determined the chemical-potential change fii - fit. This effective concen-
tration xdi was also known as the activity ai of the species i, i.e.,
and the correction factor fi, as the activity coefficient. For ideal solutions,
the activity coefficient is unity, and the activity ai becomes identical to the
concentration Xi, i.e.,
when fi = I (3.56)
For a real system of interacting particles, the chemical potential has been
expressed in the form
fii (real) = fiio + RTln Xi + RTlnfi (3.57)
where ei and mi are the molarity and molality of the species i, respectively;
and pp(e) and pt(m), the corresponding standard chemical potentials.
When the concentration of the ionic species in a real solution is ex-
pressed as a molarity Ci or a molality mi, there are corresponding activity
t The solution may not be initially charged but will become so once an ionic species is
added to it.
The use of the symbol y for the activity coefficients when the concentration is expressed
in molarities and molalities should be noted. When the concentration is expressed as a
mole fraction, Ii has here been used. For dilute solutions, the numerical values of
activity coefficients for these different systems of units are almost the same.
What has been obtained here is the change in the free energy of the system
due to the addition of 2 moles of ions-l mole of M + ions and 1 mole of
A - ions-which are contained in I mole of electro neutral salt MA.
Now, suppose that one is only interested in the average contribution
to the free energy of the system from I mole of both M + and A-ions.
One has to divide Eq. (3.67) by 2
What is the significance of these quantities fl±' fl±o, x±, and f±? It is
obvious they are all average quantities-the mean chemical potential P,±'
the mean standard chemical potential fl ±o, the mean ionic mole fraction x ±,
and the mean ionic-activity coefficient f ±. In the case of fl ± and fl ±o, the
arithmetic mean (half the sum) is taken because free energies are additive;
but, in the case of x ± and f ±, the geometric mean (the square root of the
product) is taken because the effects of mole fraction and activity coefficient
on free energy are multiplicative.
In this notation, Eq. (3.68) for the average contribution of a mole of
ions to the free energy of the system becomes
t The symbol flMA should not be taken to mean that molecules of MA exist in the solu-
tion; flMA is the observed free-energy change of the system resulting from the disso-
lution of a mole of electrolyte.
of which the general form for an electrolyte which dissolves to give v+ z+-
valent positive ions and v_ L-valent negative ions can be shown to be (cf
Appendix 3.3)
where f+ and f- are the activity coefficients of the positive and negative
ions, and
f ± -- _ NA (z+L)eo2
2eRT" (3.80)
,,= ( ekT
4n '"
0 2eo2)'
ni Zi (3.43)
but, before this substitution is made, " can be expressed in a different form.
(3.81 )
In terms of the ionic strength I, " can be written as [cf Eqs. (3.43), (3.82),
and (3.83)]
= ( 8nNA eo2 (3.84)
" 1000ekT
or as
" = Bli (3.85)
B = ( 8nNA eo2
r (3.86)
Value of the Parameter 8 for Water at Various Temperatures
Temperature, °C 10- 8 8
0 0.3248
10 0.3264
20 0.3282
25 0.3291
30 0.3301
35 0.3312
40 0.3323
50 0.3346
60 0.3371
80 0.3426
100 0.3488
Values of Constant A for Water at Various Temperatures
0 0.4918
10 0.4989
20 0.5070
25 0.5115
30 0.5161
40 0.5262
50 0.5373
60 0.5494
80 0.5767
100 0.6086
Further Reading
1. H. S. Harned and B. B. Owen, The Physical Chemistry of Electrolytic Solution,
3rd ed., Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1958.
2. R. A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes, Electrolytic Solutions, Butterworth's
Publications, Ltd., London, 1959.
3. G. Kortlim, Treatise on Electrochemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1965.
indicates that the logarithm of the activity coefficient must decrease linearly
with the square root of the ionic strength or, in the case of I: I-valent
electrolytes, t with d. Further, the slope of the log!± versus l~ straight line
can be unambiguously evaluated from fundamental physical constants and
Experimental Values of Activity Coefficients of Various Electrolytes at
Different Concentrations at 25 0 C
2: 1 electrolyte, CaCI.
Concentration, (moles per liter) 0.0018 0.0061 0.0095
Mean activity coefficient 0.8588 0.7745 0.7361
from (z L). Finally, the slope does not depend on the particular electrolyte
(i.e., whether it is NaCl or KBr, etc.) but only on its valence type, i.e., on
the charges borne by the ions of the electrolyte, whether it is a 1 : I-valent
or 2 :2-valent electrolyte, etc. These are clear-cut predictions.
Even before any detailed comparison with experiment, one can use
an elementary spot check: At infinite dilution, where the interionic forces
are negligible, does the theory yield the activity coefficient which one
would expect from experiment, i.e., unity? At infinite dilution, e or
I ~ 0, which means that logf± ~ 0 or f ± ~ 1. The properties of an ex-
tremely dilute solution of ions should be the same as those of a solution
containing nonelectrolyte particles. Thus, the Debye-Hiickel theory comes
out successfully from the infinite dilution test.
Further, if one takes the experimental values of the activity coefficient
(Table 3.5) at extremely low electrolyte concentration and plots logf ±
versus n curves, it is seen that: (1) They are linear (el Fig. 3.19), and (2)
they are grouped according to the valence type of the electrolyte (Fig. 3.20).
Finally, when one compares the calculated and observed slopes, it becomes
clear that there is excellent agreement to an error of ±0.5% (Table 3.6 and
Fig. 3.21) between the results of experiment and the conclusions emerging
from an analysis of the ionic-cloud model of the distribution of ions in an
electrolyte. Since Eq. (3.90) has been found to be valid at limiting low
electrolyte concentrations, it is generally referred to as the Debye-Hiiekel
limiting law.
log l'
Experimental and Calculated Values of the Slope of log f± - VT for Alcohol
VVater ~ixtures at 25 0 C
Solvent mole fraction water Dielectric constant
Observed Calculated
1,1 Electrolyle(HCil
-0 10
-0 ·18
2,2 Eleclrolyle(ZnS<l.J
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14
Fig. 3.20. The experimental log f ± versus I! straight-
line plots for different electrolytes can be grouped ac-
cording to valence type.
constant, of the simplicity of the coulomb force law used, and, finally, of
the fact that the ions are not point charges, to realize (ef Table 3.6) that
the simple ion-cloud model has been brilliantly successful-almost unex-
pectedly so. It has grasped the essential truth about electrolytic solutions,
albeit about solutions of extreme dilution. The success of the model is so
remarkable and the implications so wide (see Section 3.5.6), that the Oebye-
Huckel approach is to be regarded as one of the most significant pieces of
theory in the ionics part of electrochemistry.
It is a theme of this book that model-oriented electrochemistry is to a
(0) (b)
(a) (b)
between a charged electrode and the ions in a solution (see Section 7.4).
Other examples are the distribution (Fig. 3.23) of electrons or holes inside
a semiconductor and in the vicinity of the semiqmductor electrolyte inter-
face (see Section 7.7), and the distribution (Fig. 3.24) of charges near a
polyelectrolyte molecule or a colloidal particle (see Section 7.8).
However, one must not overstress the triumphs of the Debye-Htickel
limiting law [Eq. (3.90)]. Models are always simplifications of reality.
They never treat all its complexities, and, thus, there can .never be a perfect
fit between experiment and the predictions based on a model.
What, then, are the inadequacies of the Debye-Hiickel limiting law?
One does not have to look far. If one examines the experimental logf ±
versus n curve, not just in the extreme dilution regions, but at higher
concentrations, it turns out that the simple Debye-Htickel limiting law
falters. The plot of logf± versus [il is a curve (Fig. 3.25 and Table 3.7)
(a) (b)
- 0 .8 '------L_-'-_....L_L---'~......J.._ _'
0·2 0-4 0-6 0-8 1·0 1·2 1·4
and not a straight line as promised by Eq. (3.90). Further, the curves depend
not only on valence type (e.g., 1:1 or 2:2) but also (Fig. 3.26) on the part-
icular electrolyte (e.g., NaCl or KCI).
It appears that the Debye-Hlickel law is the law for the tangent to
the logf± versus /! curve at very low concentrations, say, up to O.OIN for
1:1 electrolytes in aqueous solutions. At higher concentrations, the model
must be improved. What refinements can be made?
0·9 \
l 0'8
Jm -
Fig. 3.26. Even though NaCI and KCI are
1 : 1 electrolytes, their activity coefficients
vary in different ways with concentration
directly one examines to higher concentra-
Comparison of Calculated [Eq. (3.90)] and Experimental Values of log f±
for NaCI at 25°C
One of the general procedures for refining a model which has been
successful in an extreme situation is to liberate the theory from its approx-
imations. So one has to recall what approximations have been used to
derive the Debye-Hilckel limiting law. The first one that comes to mind
is the point-charge approximation. t One now asks: Is it reasonable to
consider ions as point charges?
It has been shown (cf Section 3.3.8) that the mean thickness X-I of
the ionic cloud depends on the concentration. As the concentration of a
1:1 electrolyte increases from O.OOIN to O.OIN to O.IN, X-I decreases from
about 100 to 30 to about 10 A. This means that the relative dimensions of
the ion cloud and of the ion change with concentration. Whereas the radius
of the cloud is 100 times the radius of the ion at O.OOIN, it is only about 10
times the dimensions of an ion at O.lN. Obviously, under these latter cir-
cumstances, an ion cannot be considered a geometrical point charge in
comparison with a dimension only 10 times its size (Fig. 3.27). The more
concentrated the solution, i.e., the smaller the size X-I of the ion cloud
(Section 3.3.8), the less valid is the point-charge approximation.
If, therefore, one wants the theory to be applicable to 0.1 N solutions
or to solutions of even higher concentration, the finite size of the ions must
be introduced into the mathematical formulation.
To remove the assumption that ions can be treated as point charges,
can be taken as the basis for the generalization of the theory for finite-sized
As before (cf Section 3.3.7), the integration constant B must be zero
because, otherwise, one cannot satisfy the requirement of physical sense
that, as r --+ 00, 'If --+ O. Hence, Eq. (3.28) reduces to
e- XT
= Ar - (3.29)
dq = eAnr 2 dr (3.36)
eT -_ - 4n
B [18Tr (28'1f)]
~ r Tr -
__ B
'X 'lfl' (3.34)
and, inserting the expression for '1fT from Eq. (3.29), one obtains
The total charge in the ion cloud qcloud is, on the one hand, equal to - Zieo
[cf Eq. (3.41)] as required by the e1ectroneutrality condition and, on the
other hand, the result of integrating dq. Thus,
qcloud = -z·e
, 0 =
. I= dq dr = -AX I= e-XTr dr
? (3.94)
What lower limit should be used for the integration? In the point-
charge model, one used a lower limit of zero, meaning that the ion cloud
commences from zero (i.e., from the surface of a zero-radius ion) and
extends to infinity. But now the ions are taken to be of finite size, and a
lower limit of zero is obviously wrong. The lower limit should be a distance
corresponding to the distance from the ion center at which the ionic atmos-
phere starts (Fig. 3.28).
As a first step, one can use for the lower limit of the integration a
distance parameter which is greater than zero. Then, one can go through
the mathematics and later worry about the physical implications of the
ion-size parameter. Let this procedure be adopted and symbol a be used
for the ion-size parameter.
from which
A=zieo~ (3.98)
e 1 ",a +
Using this value of A in Eq. (3.30), one obtains a new and less approx-
imate expression for the potential "Pr at a distance r from a finite-size central
_ZieO ~ e- xr
"Pr - e 1 + ",a r
Once again (ef Section 3.3.9), one can use the law of superposition
of potentials to obtain the ionic-atmosphere contribution "Pclollu to the
potential "Pr at a distance r from the central ion. From Eq. (3.46), i.e.,
it follows by substitution of the expression (3.99) for "Pr and Eq. (3.44)
for "Pion that
ZieO ex(a-r) ZieO
"Pciolld = er I + ",a - er
z.e [eX(a-r) ]
=~ ----1 (3.100)
er 1 + ",a
i.e., from
it is necessary to know 1p, which is the potential at the surface of the ion
due to the surrounding ions, i.e., due to the cloud. Since, in the finite-
ion-size model, the ion is taken to have a size a, it means that 1p is the value
of 1pcloud at r = a,
1p = 1pc1oud r=a (3.102)
It will be recalled, however, that the thickness x- 1 of the ionic cloud can
be written as [Eq. (3.85)]
x = BIt (3.85)
1 f __ A(Z+L)Ji
og ± - 1 + Bali (3.106)
If one compares Eq. (3.105) of the finite-ion-size model with Eq. (3.90)
of the point-charge approximation, it is clear that the only difference be-
tween the two expressions is that the former contains a term l/(l + %a)
in the denominator. Now, one of the tests of a more general version of a
theory is the correspondence principle, i.e., the general version of a theory
must reduce to the approximate version under the conditions of applicability
of the latter. Does the Eq. (3.105) from the finite-ion-size model reduce to
Eq. (3.90) from the point-charge model?
Rewrite Eq. (3.105) in the form
and consider the term a/%-I. As the solution becomes increasingly dilute,
the radius %-1 of the ionic cloud becomes increasingly large compared with
the ion size, and, simultaneously, a/[1 becomes increasingly small comp-
ared with unity, or
(3.109 )
posItive and negative ions present in solution; ions cannot come closer
than this distance [Fig. 3.29(a)]. But, in a solution, the ions are generally
solvated (ef Chapter 2). So perhaps the sum of the solvated radii should
be used [Fig. 3.29(b)]. However, when two solvated ions collide, is it not
likely [Fig. 3.29(c)] that their hydration shells are crushed to some extent?
This means that the ion-size parameter a should be greater than the sum
of the crystallographic radii and perhaps less than the sum of the solvated
radii. It should best be called the mean distance of closest approach, but,
beneath the apparent wisdom of this term, there lies a measure of ignorance.
For example, an attempted calculation of just how crushed together two
solvated ions are would involve many difficulties.
o -0.04
.J )(
...... -0.03
.J -0.04
o 2 16
After taking into account the fact that ions have finite dimensions
and cannot therefore be treated as point charges, the following expression
has been derived for the logarithm of the activity coefficient:
I j' __ A(Z+L)n
og ± - 1 + Ban (3.106)
How does the general form of this expression compare with the Debye-
Huckel limiting law as far as agreement with experiment is concerned? To
see what the extra term (1 +
Ban )-1 does to the shape of the logf± versus
Ii curve, one can expand it in the form of a binomial series
+ X)-l + -x2! -
(1 1- x (3.110)
-- =
1 +x =
1 + Ban = 1 - Ban (3.111)
and, therefore,
logf±,....., -A(Z+L)n(1 - Bali) (3.112)
log I:!;
Fig. 3.31. Comparison of the experimental mean activity
coefficients with theory for Eq. (3.112).
Values of lon-Size Parameter for a Few Electrolytes
Salt a, A
HCl 4.5
HBr 5.2
LiCI 4.3
NaCl 4.0
KCl 3.6
10gIO l'
+ -(}o3
Jlx 10 2
Experimental Mean Activity Coefficients and Those Calculated from Eq.
(3.112) with a = 4.0 A at 25 0 C at Various Concentrations of NaCI
0. in AO 10
may vary with concentration. If this were so, the ion-size parameter a,
calculated back from experiment, would indeed have to vary with con-
centration. The problem, therefore, is: What factors, forces, and interactions
were neglected in the Debye-Hiickel theory of ionic clouds?
TABLE 3.10
Values of Parameter a at Higher Concentrations
Concentration, Concentration,
Value of a for HCl, A Value of a for LiCl, A
molality molality
13.8 2 41.3
1.4 24.5
1.8 85.0 2.5 -141.9
2 -411.2
2.5 27.9 3 -26.4
3 - 14.8
where "P is the electrostatic potential at the surface of the reference ion,
contributed by the other ions in the ionic solution. The problem, therefore,
was to obtain a theoretical expression for the potential "P. This involved
an understanding of the distribution of ions around a given reference ion.
It was in tackling this apparently complicated task that appeal was
made to the Debye-Hilckel simplifying model for the distribution of ions
in an ionic solution. This model treats only one ion-the central ion-
as a discrete charge, the charge of the other ions being smoothed out to
give a continuous charge density. Because of the tendency of negative
charge to accumulate near a positive ion, and vice versa, the smoothed-out
positive and negative charge densities do not cancel out; rather, their
imbalance gives rise to an excess local charge density Or' which of course
dies away toward zero as the distance from the central ion is increased. Thus,
the calculation of the distribution of ions in an electrolytic solution reduces
to the calculation of the variation of excess charge density r!r with distance
r from the central ion.
The excess charge density r!r was taken to be given, on the one hand,
by Poisson's equation of electrostatics
= - 4n f2 dr r
(2 (d"Pr)
jf (3.17)
The result of equating these two expressions for the excess charge density
is the fundamental partial differential equation of the Debye-Hilckel model,
the linearized P-B equation (cf Fig. 3.34)
f21 dr
d (2r (d"Pr
= ~
2"Pr (3.21 )
o., = __
f [_I ~ ~I,±-j] c', = ~ n,o:,cu e"r~ -
4:r I' £II .II'
~),. =
Linearized Poisson-Boltzmann Equation
_1 ~ Ir'~l [
4:r v
u_ , , ,] .
4n '"
= __ n ,OZ ,2e
;,,2 2 (3.20)
ekT"-' • • 0
This variation of the excess charge density with distance around the
central or typical ion yielded a simple physical picture. A reference positive
ion can be thought of as being surrounded by a cloud of negative charge
of radius ;,,-1. The charge density in this ionic atmosphere, or ionic cloud,
decays in the manner indicated by Eq. (3.35). Thus, the interactions be-
tween a reference ion and the surrounding ions of the solution is equivalent
to the interactions between the reference ion and the ionic cloud which, in
the point-charge model, sets up at the central ion a potential 'f{'cloud given by
Linearized Poisson-
Boltzmann Equations
r" dr
[r2 dr. ]
= x4.'.
Ar" Be"r
..... = - - - - - Boundary Condition
r r
•. -o·
Boundary Condition "
...· r = - -
.\5 n,o ...... O. i.e.. x ...... 0
(1) ..... = -
=~e1) e-~'"
'r'r = - -
E r
Fig. 3.35. Steps in the solution of the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation for
point-charge ions.
and say that solutions behave ideally if the so-called activity coefficient Ii
is unity, i.e., RTlnii = 0, and, in real solutions'!i *
1. It is clear that Ii
corresponds to a coefficient to account for the behavior of ionic solutions,
which differs from those in which there are no charges. Thus, fi accounts
for the interactions of the charges, so that
N A(zi eo)2
RT In .fi = L1fli-I = - 2 EX- 1 (3.60)
which would indicate that the logarithm of the mean activity coefficient
falls linearly with the square root of the ionic strength /( = t ~ Cizl),
which is a measure of the total number of electric charges in the solution.
The agreement of the Debye-Hiickel limiting law with experiment
improved with decreasing electrolyte concentration and became excellent
for the limiting tangent to the logl± versus /! curve. With increasing con-
centration, however, experiment deviated more and more from theory, and,
at concentrations above I N, even showed an increase in I ± with increase
of concentration, whereas theory indicated a continued decrease.
An obvious improvement of the theory consisted in removing the
assumption of point-charge ions and taking into account their finite size.
With the use of an ion-size parameter a, the expression for the mean ionic-
activity coefficient became
10 f = _ A(z+=-)/i
g. ± I+ 'Xa
However, the value of the ion-size parameter a could not be the or-
ions but represents the impact of, for instance, ionic solvation upon activity
This question of the influence of ion-solvent interactions (Chapter 2)
upon the ion-ion interactions will be considered in Section 3.6.
Stress has been laid on the contribution of Oebye and HUckel (1923)
to the development of the theory of ion-ion interactions. It was Oebye
and H Uckel who ushered in the electrostatic theory of ionic solutions and
worked out its excellent predictions.
It is not often realized, however, that the credit due to Oebye and
HUckel as the parents of the theory of ionic solutions is the credit that is
quite justifiably accorded to foster parents. The true parents were Milner
and Gouy. These authors made important contributions very early in the
growth of the theory of ion-ion interactions.
Milner's contribution (1912) was direct. He attempted to find out the
virial t equation for a mixture of ions. However, Milner's statistical me-
chanical approach lacked the mathematical simplicity of the ionic-cloud
model of Oebye and HUckel and proved too unwieldy to yield a general
solution testable by experiment. Nevertheless, the contribution of Milner
was a seminal one in that, for the first time, the behavior of an ionic solution
had been linked mathematically to the interionic forces.
The contribution of Gouy (1910) was indirect. i Milner's treatment
was not sufficiently fruitful because he did not formulate a mathematically
treatable model. Gouy developed such a model in his treatment of the
distribution of the excess charge density in the solution near an electrode.
Whereas Milner sought to describe the interactions between series of discrete
ions, it was Gouy who suggested the smoothing-out of the ionic charges
into a continuous distribution of charge and took the vital step of using
Poisson's equation to relate the electrostatic potential and the charge density
t Virial is derived from the Latin word for force, and the vi rial equation of state is a
relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature of the form
PV K. Ka
in the continuum. Thus, Gouy was the first to evolve the ionic-atmosphere
It was with an awareness of the work of Milner and Gouy that Debye
and Hlickel attacked the problem. Their contributions, however, were vital
ones. By choosing one ion out of the ionic solution and making an analogy
between this charged reference ion and the charged electrode of Gouy, by
using the Gouy type of approach to obtain the variation of charge density
and potential with distance from the central ion and thus to get the contribu-
tionto the potential arising from interionic forces, and, finally, by evolv-
ing a charging process to get the chemical-potential change due to ion-ion
interactions, they were able to link the chemical-potential change caused
by interionic forces to the experimentally measurable activity coefficient.
Without these essential contributions of Debye and Hlickel, a viable theory
of ionic solutions would not have emerged.
Further Reading
1. G. Gouy, J. Phys. 9, 457 (1910).
2. S. R. Milner, Phil. Mag. 6 (23): 551 (1912).
3. P. Debye and E. HUckel, Z. Physik, 24, 305 (1923).
4. R. A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes, Electrolytic Solutions, Butterworth's Pub-
lications, Ltd., London, 1959.
5. H. S. Harned and B. B. Owen, The Physical Chemistry of Electrolytic Solutions,
3rd ed., Reinhold Publishing, Corps., New York, 1958.
6. H. L. Friedman, Ionic Solution Theory, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New
York, 1962.
7. M. H. Lietzke, R. W. Stroughton, and R. M. Fuoss, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.,
U. S., 59: 39 (1968).
I· I r---------...,
o· Sl..---::-'=-_---'-_ _.L-_...J
O'S 1·0 1·5 2·0
Fig. 3.36. The observed y± versus m V
curve for lithium chloride showing a minimum.
ficient begins to increase back toward the values it had in limitingly di-
lute solutions. In fact, at sufficiently high concentrations (one might have
argued, when the ionic interactions are greatest), the activity coefficient,
instead of continuing to decrease, begins to exceed the value of unity char-
acteristic of the reference state of noninteraction, i.e., of infinite dilution
(Fig. 3.36).
A qualitative picture can at once be given for these apparently anomal-
ous happenings. In Chapter 2, it has been argued that ions exist in solution
in various states of interaction with solvent particles. There is a consequence
which must therefore follow for the effectiveness of some of these water
molecules in counting as part of the solvent. Those which are tightly bound
to certain ions cannot be effective in dissolving further ions added (Fig.
3.37). As the concentration of electrolyte increases, therefore, the amount
of effective solvent decreases. In this way, the apparently anomalous increase
in the activity coefficient occurs. For the activity coefficient is in effect that
factor which multiplies the simple, apparent ionic concentration and makes
it the effective concentration, i.e., the activity. If the hydration of the ions
reduces the amount of free solvent from that present for a given stoichio-
metric concentration, then the effective concentration increases and the
activity coefficient must increase so that its multiplying effect on the simple
stoichiometric concentration is such as to increase it to take into account
the reduction of the effective solvent. Experiment shows that sometimes
these increases more than compensate for the decrease due to interionic
forces, and it is thus not unreasonable that the activity coefficient should
rise above unity.
Some glimmering of the quantitative side of this can be seen by taking
the number of waters in the primary hydration sheath of the ions as those
which are "no longer effective solvent particles." For NaCi, for example,
Table 2.20 indicates that this number is about 7. If the salt concentration
is, e.g., 1O-2N, the number of moles of water per liter withdrawn from
effect as free solvent would be 0.07. As the number of moles of water per
liter is 1000/18 = 55.5, the number of moles of free water is 55.43 and the
effects arising from such a small change are not observable. But now consider
a IN solution of NaCI. The water withdrawn is 7 moles liter-I, and the
change in the number of moles of free water is from 55.5 in the infinitely
dilute situation to 48.5, a significant change. At 5N NaCl, more than half
of the water in the solution is associated with the ions, and a sharp increase
of activity coefficient-somewhat of a doubling, in fact-would be expected
to express the increase in effective concentration of the ions.
To what extent can this rough sketch be turned to a quantitative model?
The basic thought here has to be similar to that which lay beneath
the theory of electrostatic interactions: to calculate the work done in going
from a state in which the ions are too far apart to feel any interionic attrac-
tion, to the state at a finite concentration c at which part of the ions be-
havior is due to this. This work was then [Eq. (3.59)] placed equal to RTlnJ,
where J is the activity coefficient. which was thereby calculated.
When one realizes that one has to explain a reversal of the direction
in which the activity coefficient varies with concentration by taking into
account the removal of some of the solvent from effective partaking in
the ionic solution's activity, the philosophy of the calculation of what
effect this has on the activity coefficient becomes clear. One must calculate
the work done in the changes caused by solvent removal and add this to
the work done in building up the ionic atmosphere. What, then, is the
contribution due to these water-removing processes? [Note that ions are
hydrated at all times in which they are in the solution. One is not going to
calculate the heat of hydration; that was done in Chapter 2. Here, the task
is to calculate the work done as a consequence of the fact that, when water
molecules enter the solvation sheath, they are, so to write, hors de combat
as far as the solvent is concerned. It is to be an RT In(c r/c 2) type of cal-
culation. ]
Let it be assumed, as a device for the calculation, that the interionic
attraction is switched off. (Reasons for employing this artifice will duly be
given.) Thus, there are two kinds of work which must be taken into account.
1. The RTln(c1/c 2 ) kind of work done when the change of concentra-
tion of the free solvent water, caused by the introduction into the
solution of ions of a certain concentration, takes place.
2. The RTln(c1/c 2) kind of work done when the corresponding change
of concentration of the ions, due to the removal of the water to
their sheaths, occurs.
The work done for process 1 is easy to calculate. Before the ions have
been added, the concentration of the water is unaffected by anything; it is
the concentration of pure water, and its activity, the activity of a pure sub-
stance, can be regarded as unity. After the ions are there, the activity of
the water is, say, a w . Then, the work when the activity of the water goes
from 1 to a w is RT In(aw/l).
However, one wishes to know the change of activity caused to the
electrolyte by this change of activity of the water. Further, the calculation
must be reduced to that for I mole of electrolyte. Let the sum of the moles
of water in the primary sheath per liter of solution for both ions of the
imagined 1: 1 electrolyte be nh (for 1 molar solutions, this is the hydration
number). Then, if there are n moles of electrolyte in the water, the change
in free energy due to the removal of the water to the ions' sheaths is
- (n"fn )RT In a w per mole of electrolyte.
One now comes to the work 2, see above, and realizes why the calcul-
ation is best made as a thought process in which the interionic attraction
is shut off while this calculation of work is done. For one wants to be able
to use the ideal-solution (no interaction) equation for the work done,
RTln(cdc 2 ), and not RTln(ada 2 ). Thus, to have to use the latter expression
would be awkward; it needs a knowledge of the activities themselves, and,
that, one is trying to calculate.
Now, the free-energy change due to the change of concentration of
the ions-consequent upon the removal of the effective solvent molecule-is
x ------
nw - nh + n
after -
- ~ RT In aw + RT In nw+n
n nw + n - nh
Now, one has to switch back on the coulombic interactions. If the
expression for the work done in building up an ionic atmosphere [e.g.,
Eq. (3.106)] were still valid in the region of relatively high concentrations
in which the effect of change of concentration is occurring, then, t
Ave nh n +n
RT logj±(exp)=---'----- 2.303RT -log a w + 2.303RT log---'W'---_
n nw+n-nh
tHere yc has been written instead of the l~ of Eq. (3.106). For 1:1 electrolytes, c and
I are identical.
If one examines the ion-solvent terms in Eq. (3.116), one sees that,
since all' < 1 and in general nh > n (more than one hydration water per
ion), both the terms are positive. Hence, one can conclude that the Debye-
Hiickel treatment, which ignores the withdrawal .of solvent from solution,
gives values of activity coefficients which are smaller than those which take
into account these effects. Further, the difference arises from the ion-
solvent terms, i.e.,
nll' + n
- 2.303RT-log all'
+ 2 303RT log nll'
+ n - nh
As the electrolyte concentration increases, all' decreases and nh increases;
hence both ion-solvent terms increase the value of logf Further, the
numerical evaluation shows that the above ion-solvent term can equal and
become larger than the Debye-Hiickel (ye) coulombic term. This means
that the log!± versus Jl curve can pass through a minimum and then start
rising, which is precisely what is observed (ef Fig. 3.36, where an activity
coefficient is plotted against the corresponding molality).
On the other hand, with increasing dilution, nll' + n ~ nh or
nll' + n - nh""'" nw + nand aw -+ 1, and, hence, the terms vanish, which
indicates that ion-solvent interactions (which are of short range) are
significant for the theory of activity coefficients only in concentrated so-
TABLE 3.11
Water Activities in Sodium Chloride Solutions
M aw M aw
TABLE 3.12
Values of nh of a One Molar Solution and a
Salt n" a, A
t 0'81-
1+ ~ /
0·7r- .~NaCI
O' 5,---:-,1:----:,-::-1-:""::-1-::,-:-1----,
0·5 1·0 1·5 2'()
Fig. 3.38. Comparison of the activity co-
efficients of NaCI calculated from Eq. (3.116)
with a = 3.97 and nh = 3.5, with the exper-
imentally observed activity coefficients for
NaCI (the full line, theoretical curve; open
circles, experimental points).
TABLE 3.13
Nearest Integer Hydration Number of Electrolytes from Eq. (3.139) and the
Most Probable Value from Independent Experiments (cf. Table 2.20)
LiCI 7 7±1
LiBr 8 7± 1
NaCl 4 6±2
KCl 2 5±2
KI 3 4±2
periment, Eq. (3.116) unites two basic aspects of the situation inside an
electrolytic solution, namely ion-solvent interactions and ion-ion inter-
Further Reading
1. N. Bjerrum, Z. Anorg. AI/gem. Chern., 109: 175 (1920).
2. R. H. Stokes and R. A. Robinson, J. Amer. Chern. Soc., 70: 1870 (1948).
3. E. Glueckauf, Trans. Faraday Soc., 51: 1235 (1955).
4. R. H. Stokes and R. A. Robinson, Trans. Faraday Soc., 53: 301 (1957).
5. R. A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes, Electrolyte Solutions, 2nd ed., Butter-
worth's Publications, Ltd., London, 1959.
6. H. S. Frank, "Solvent Models and the Interpretation of Ionization and Solva-
tion Phenomena," in: B. E. Conway and R. G. Barradas, eds., John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., New York, 1966.
~ ~ (r2 d lP r )
r2 dr dr
e+ X - e-X = 2 sinh x
and, therefore,
. zeolPr
= - 2n ll ze 0 smh--
kT (3.119)
Since, during the charging, only ions of the ith type are considered, the
Guntelberg charging process gives that part of the chemical potential due
to electrostatic interactions.
Now, the Guntelberg charging process was suggested several years
after Debye and HUckel made their theoretical calculation of the activity
coefficient. These authors carried out another charging process, the Debye
charging process. All the ions are assumed to be in their equilibrium, 01
ZERO TO +Zi eo
time-average, positions in the ionic atmosphere (Fig. 3.40), but the central
ion and the cloud ions are all considered in a hypothetical condition of
zero charge. All the ions of the assembly are then simultaneously brought
to their final values of charge by an imaginary charging process in which
there are small additions of charges to each. Since ions of all types (not
only of the ith type) are considered, the work done in this charging process
yields the free-energy change arising from the electrostatic interactions in
solution. Differentiation of the free energy with respect to the number of
moles of the ith species gives the chemical potential
aJG1 _ 1 _ J
an., - fli-l (3.121 )
Further Reading
1. P. Debye and E. Hiickel, Z. Physik, 24: 305 (1923).
2. H. Milller, Z. Physik, 28: 324 (1927).
3. T. H. Gronwall, V. K. La Mer, and K. Sandved, Z. Physik, 29: 358 (1929).
4. R. H. Fowler, Statistical Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, New York
5. L. Onsager, Chern. Rev., 13: 73 (1933).
6. J. G. Kirkwood, J. Chern. Phys., 2: 351 (1934).
7. J. G. Kirkwood, J. Chern. Phys., 2: 767 (1934).
8. J. G. Kirkwood, Chern. Rev., 19: 275 (1936).
9. W. G. McMillan, Jr., and J. E. Mayer, J. Chern. Phys., 13: 276 (1945).
10. J. E. Mayer, J. Chern. Phys., 18: 1426 (1950).
11. H. Falkenhagen and G. Kelbg, Ann. Physik VI, 11: 60 (1952).
12. H. Falkenhagen and G. Kelbg, Z. Elektrochem., 56: 834 (1952).
13. H. Falkenhagen, M. Leist, and H. Kelbg, Ann. Physik VI, 11: 51 (1952).
14. J. C. Poirier, J. Chern. Phys., 21: 965 and 972 (1953).
15. J. G. Kirkwood and J. C. Poirier, J. Phys. Chern., 58: 591 (1954).
16. H. S. Frank, Discussions Faraday Soc., 24: 66 (1957).
17. E. A. Guggenheim, Trans. Faraday Soc., 55: 1714 (1959).
18. E. A. Guggenheim, Trans. Faraday Soc., 56: 1152 (1960).
19. F. H. Stillinger, Jr., J. G. Kirkwood, and P. J. Wojtowicz, J. Chern. Phys.,
32: 1837 (1960).
20. F. H. Stillinger, Jr., and J. G. Kirkwood, J. Chern. Phys., 33: 1282 (1960).
21. F. H. Stillinger, Jr., J. Chern. Phys., 35: 1581 (1961).
22. E. A. Guggenheim, Trans. Faraday Soc., 58: 86 (1962).
23. H. L. Friedman, Ionic Solution Theory, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New
York, 1962.
24. J. C. Poirier, "Current Status of the Statistical Mechanical Theory of Ionic
Solutions," in: B. E. Conway and R. G. Barradas, eds., Chernical Physics of
Ionic Solutions, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1966.
U= (3.123)
it is clear that
or, writing
A= (3.125)
one has
o r-
Fig. 3.42. The probability P, of finding an
ion of one type of charge as a function of
If one integrates P, between a lower and an upper limit, one gets the
probability P, of finding a negative ion within a distance from the reference
positive ion, defined by the limits. Now, for two oppositely charged ions
to stick together to form an ion pair, it is necessary that they should be
close enough for the coulombic attractive energy to overcome the thermal
energy which scatters them apart. Let this "close-enough" distance be q.
Then, one can say that an ion pair will form when the distance r between a
TABLE 3.14
Number of Ions in Spherical Shells at Various Distances
2 1.7711; 0.00111;
2.5 1.3711; 0.00511;
3 1.2211; 0.0111;
3.57 1.1811; 0.0211;
4 1.2011; 0.0311;
5 1.3111; 0.0811 ;
positive and negative ion becomes less than q. Thus, the probability of ion-
pair formation is given by the integral of Pr between a lower limit of a,
the closest distance of approach of ions, and an upper limit of q.
Now, the probability of any particular event is the number of times
that the particular event is expected to be observed divided by the total
number of observations. Hence, the probability of ion-pair formation is
the number of ions of species i which are associated into ion pairs divided
by the total number of i ions, i.e., the probability of ion-pair formation is
the fraction () of ions which are associated into ion pairs. Thus,
It is seen from Figure 3.43 that the integral in Eq. (3.129) is the area
under the curve between the limits r = a and r = q. But it is obvious that,
as r increases past the minimum, the integral becomes greater than unity.
Since, however, () is a fraction, this means that the integral diverges.
In this context, Bjerrum took the arbitrary step of cutting off the
integral at the value of r = q corresponding to the minimum of the P r
versus r curve. This minimum can easily be shown (Appendix 3.4) to
occur at
r=o r=q
A 2q
y=-=- (3.132)
r r
/ tJ>q
--- -
/ tJ< q
I Ian-pair
I formation
\( /
\ "-
TABLE 3.15
Value of the Integral HeY y-4 dy
b He y-4 dy
Y b f~ eVy-4 dy b Jg eVy-4 dy
Hence, in terms of the new variable y, Eq. (3.131) becomes (c/. Appen-
dix 3.5)
() = 4nnt (
Z Z e fb2 eYy-4 dy +ck/2)3 (3.133)
Bjerrum has tabulated the integral eYy-4 dy for various values of b (Table
3.15). This means that, by reading off the value of the corresponding
TABLE 3.16
Fraction of Association. (). of Univalent Ions in Water at 180 C
integral and substituting for the various other terms in (3.133), the degree
of association of an electrolyte may be computed if the ion sizes, the dielec-
tric constant, and the concentrations are known (Table 3.16).
Applying the law of mass action to this equilibrium, one can define a
dissociation constant
K= (3.136)
t The analogy must not be carried too far because it is only a formal analogy. Arrhenius's
hypothesis can now be seen to be valid for ionogens (i.e., potential electrolytes), in
which case the neutral ionogenic molecules (e.g., acetic acid) consist of aggregates
of atoms held together by covalent bonds. What is under discussion here is ion as-
sociation, or ion-pair formation, of ionophores (i.e., true electrolytes). In these ion
pairs, the positive and negative ions retain their identity as ions and are held together
by electrostatic attraction.
where the a's are the activities of the relevant species. From (3.138), it is
seen that KA is the reciprocal of the ion pair's dissociation constant.
Since () is the fraction of ions in the form of ion pairs, ()c is the con-
centration of ion pairs, and (I - ())c is the concentration of free ions. If
the activity coefficients of the positive and negative free ions are f+ and f- ,
respectively, and that of the ion pairs is fIP, one can write
KA = (l - ())cf+(1 - ())cf-
() I frp
(I - ())2 C f+f-
or, using the definition of the mean ionic-activity coefficient [cf Eq. (3.72)],
KA (I _ ())2 (3.140)
C f ±2
Some simplifications can now be introduced. The ion-pair activity
coefficient frp is assumed to be unity because deviations of activity coef-
ficients from unity are ascribed in the Debye-H tickel theory to electrostatic
interactions. But ion pairs are not involved in such interactions owing to
their zero charge, and, hence, they behave ideally like uncharged particles,
i.e., fip 1.=
Further, in very dilute solutions: (l) The ions rarely come close enough
together (i.e., to within a distance q) to form ion pairs, and one can consider
() ~ 1 or 1 - () "-' 1 ; (2) activity coefficients tend to unity, i.e., fi or f ± ---+ 1.
Hence, under these conditions of very dilute solutions, Eq. (3.140)
0_ cNA (3.143 )
ni - 1000
and, therefore,
( z +z - e02)3 fb e?ly-4 dy (3.144)
EkT 2
TABLE 3.17
Ion Association Constant KA : Extent to Which lon-Pair Formation Occurs
Salt Solvent K
3o 0 -006
: 0-004
j: 0-002
What direct role do the ion pairs have in the Debye-Hiickel electro-
static theory of activity coefficients? The answer simply is: None. Since
ion pairs carry no net charge,t they are ineligible for membership in the
t But the critical dielectric constant above which there is no more ion-pair formation
(as indicated by Fig_ 3.45) is really a result of the arbitrary cutting off of ion-pair
formation at the distance q [see (3.8.6) J-
Remember that the equations for the Bjerrum theory, as presented here, are correct
only for electrolytes yielding ions of the same valency z, i.e., only for symmetrical
1 : 1- or 2 :2-valent electrolytes.
ion cloud where the essential qualification is charge. Hence, ion pairs are
dismissed from a direct consideration in the Debye-Htickel theory.
This does not mean that the Debye-Htickel theory gives the right
answer when there is ion-pair formation. The extent of ion-pair formation
decides the value of the concentration to be used in the ionic-cloud model.
By removing a fraction 0 of the total number of ions, only a fraction I - 0
of the ions remain for the Debye-Htickel treatment which interests itself
only in the free charges. Thus, the Debye-Htickel expression for the activity
coefficient [Eq. (3.106)] is valid for the free ions with two important modi-
fications: (1) Instead of there being a concentration c of ions, there is only
(1 - O)c; the remainder Oc is not reckoned with owing to association.
(2) The closest distance of approach of free ions is q and not a. These
modifications yield
logf± = _ A(Z+L) V (I - O)c (3.145)
log (f±)obS = logf± + log (1 - 0)
A(Z+L) V (I - fJ)c
= - + I og (1 - 0) (3.147)
I + Bq V (1 - O)c
The number OZFI of added negative ions that remain free is propor-
tional, firstly, to the number oZ of negative ions added to the solution and,
secondly, to the free volume V - v+Z not occupied by positive ions of
volume v+
The number OZIl' of negative ions that form pairs with positive ions is
proportional, firstly, to the number OZ of negative ions added; secondly,
to the volume V~ZFl occupied by free positive ions; and, finally, to the
Boltzmann factor e-U,kT, where U is the potential energy of a negative
OZIF~__ 2 ZFle-UlkT oZ
OZFI - v+ (V - v+Z) oZ
If dilute solutions are considered, one can neglect the total volume v+Z
occupied by positive ions in comparison with the volume V of the solution,
and, therefore,
N IF -- _F_I V e-UlkT
V + (3.154)
t The factor of 2 comes in because, when one adds 15Z negative ions, one must also add
15Z positive ions, which also form ion pairs.
1 + xa 1 + xa
By substituting for UjkT and v+ from (3.l60) and (3.l56) in (3.155), the
result is
NIP = ( NFl )2 ~ na 3 eb/ (1+ x a) (3.161)
V V 3
where CIP and C are the concentration of ion pairs and electrolyte, respec-
tively, and
NFl (l - e)cNA
V- = nF1 = 1000 (3.163)
where CFI is the concentration of free ions. Hence, from (3.161), (3.l62),
and (3.163).
e_ 4nNA 3 b
C- 3000 a e
Now, the Bjerrum theory was tested in solutions with dielectric constants
such that b = zfz_e o2/wkT = 2q/a was significantly larger than 2. Under
these conditions, the following approximation to the integral in Bjerrum's
equation can be made
( z+z_eo2 3 eb
)3 Jb eYy -4 dy",-,a- (3.168)
EkT 2 b
The coulombic attractive forces given by z+Le o2/cr 2 are large when
the dielectric constant is small. When nonaqueous solvents of low dielectric
constant are used, the values of dielectric constant are small. In such
solutions of electrolytes, therefore, it has already been stated that ion-pair
formation is favored.
Suppose that the electrostatic forces are sufficiently strong; then, it
may well happen that the ion-pair "dipoles" may attract ions and triple ions
From uncharged ion pairs, charged triple ions have been formed. These
charged triple ions playa role in determining activity coefficients. Triple-
ion formation has been suggested in solvents for which E < 15. The question
of triple-ion formation can be treated on the same lines as has been done
for ion-pair formation.
Further decrease of dielectric constant below a value of about 10 may
make possible the formation of still larger clusters of four, five, or more
ions. In fact, there is some evidence for the clustering of ions into grcups
containing four ions in solvents of low dielectric constant.
Further Reading
1. S. Arrhenius, Z. Phys. Chem., 1, 631 (1887).
2. N. Bjerrum, Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab., 4: 26 (1906).
3. N. Bjerrum, Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab., 7: 9 (1926).
4. R. M. Fuoss and C. A. Kraus, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 55: 476 (1933).
5. R. M. Fuoss and C. A. Kraus, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 55, 1019 (1933).
6. R. M. Fuoss, Z. Physik, 35: 59 (1934).
7. R. M. Fuoss, Trans. Faraday Soc., 30: 967 (1934).
8. R. M. Fuoss, Chem. Rev., 17: 27 (1935).
9. J. G. Kirkwood, J. Chem. Phys., 18: 380 (1950).
10. R. M. Fuoss and L. Onsager, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S., 41: 274, 1010 (1955).
11. J. T. Denison and J. B. Ramsey, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77: 2615 (1955).
12. W. R. Gilkerson, J. Chem. Phys., 25: 1199 (1956).
13. R. M. Fuoss and L. Onsager, J. Phys. Chem., 61: 668 (1957).
14. H. S. Harned and B. B. Owen, The Physical Chemistry of Electrolytic Solution,
3rd ed., Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1957.
15. R. M. Fuoss, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 80: 5059 (1958).
16. R. A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes, Electrolyte Solutions, 2nd ed., Butter-
worth's Publications, Ltd., London, 1959.
17. R. M. Fuoss and F. Accascina, Electrolytic Conductance, Interscience Pub-
lishers, Inc., New York, 1959.
18. C. B. Monk, Electrolytic Dissociation, Academic Press, London, 1961.
19. C. W. Davies, Ion Association, Butterworth's Publications, Ltd., London, 1962.
20. S. Levine and D. K. Rozenthal, "The Interaction Energy of an Ion Pair in
an Aqueous Medium," in: B. E. Conway and R. G. Barradas, eds., Chem-
ical Physics of Ionic Solutions, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1966.
cloud-must break down at some concentration less than 10-2 mole liter-I.
But at what concentration?
The question at issue is how coarse grained the cloud is. The measure
of coarse grained ness shall be taken to be the dimension of the ion cloud
compared to the mean distance between ions. This decision has the follow-
ing rationale: The Deybe-Hiickel ionic-cloud model implies that neighbor-
ing ions in dilute solutions are so far apart that the short-range noncou-
lombic interaction of a neighboring ion on the central ion is less important
than the long-range coulombic interactions which set up the ionic cloud.
Now, the long-range interaction between an ion and the ionic cloud can
be taken as equivalent to the interaction between the central ion and the
electrical image (i.e., an ion of opposite charge) situated at a distance apart
of X-I. Thus, the relative values of X-I and I, the mean distance between
ions, provides an indication of the relative importance of long-range and
short-range nearest-neighbor interactions.
The mean distance 1 between ions is obtained thus: If c is the concen-
tration of the electrolyte in moles per liter, then 2cNA ions t are contained
in 1000 cm3 • The volume occupied by one ion is 1000/2NA c, and, therefore,
the average distance 1 apart of any two ions is
or (3.173)
Figure 3.47 has a plot of X-I and 1 versus ct. The two curves intersect at
c = CHm = 0.001 mole liter-I. At concentrations C < CHm, X-I> I, i.e., there
is fine grainedness of the ion cloud and the Debye-Hiickel approach is
t The factor 2 occurs because both positive and negative ions are counted.
==0> 120
0 0.16 Q24 0.32
Fig. 3.47. The mean distance, 1 between ions and the
thickness of the ionic cloud, ,,-1, as a function of d.
fundamentally valid; at concentrations C > CHm, ,,-1 < I and the ion cloud
is too coarse grained to permit the type of smoothing of charge, etc., to
allow the application of the ionic-cloud model.
The concentration of 0.001 mole liter-1 can therefore be taken as a
limit for the validity of the simple ionic-cloud pictore. t
3.9.2. The Case for a Cube-Root Law for the Dependence of the
Activity Coefficient on Electrolyte Concentration
For concentrations above CHm, the mean distance apart of ions, i.e.,
I, would appear to be a fundamental quantity in a revised theory. But I is
obtained by taking the 2NA c ions and imagining them to be arranged in a
periodic manner to give a volume of 1000 cm3 . In such a regular arrange-
ment, or "lattice," the "lattice constant" is the mean distance apart of
the ions. Thus, I is a "lattice parameter," and the theoretical approach
to solutions more concentrated than CHm should be based on a "lattice
000 ,
000 010 0.20 Y 0.30 0.40
c 3
Further Reading
t The word light is used here to represent not only the visible range of the electro-
magnetic spectrum but all the other ranges for which analytical methods have been
Atoms, neutral molecules, and ions (simple and associated) can exist
in several possible electronic states; this is the basis of visible and UV
absorption spectroscopy. Transitions between these energy states occur by
the absorption of discrete energy quanta AE which are related to the fre-
quency v of the light absorbed by the well-known relation
AE = hv
concluded that the only species present in dilute copper sulphate solutions
are free, unassociated copper and sulphate ions and not, as was thought
at the time, undissociated copper sulphate molecules which dissociate into
ions to an extent which depends on the concentration. For, if any undis-
sociated molecules were present, then the molar absorptivity of the copper
sulphate solution would have been dependent on the concentration.
In recent years, it has been found that the molar absorptivity of con-
centrated copper sulphate solutions does show a slight concentration de-
pendence. This concentration dependence has been attributed to ion-pair
formation occurring through the operation of coulombic forces between
the copper and sulphate ions. This is perhaps ironic because Bjerrum's
concept of ion pairs is being used to contradict Bjerrum's conclusion that
there are only free ions in copper sulphate solutions. Nevertheless, there is
a fundamental difference between the erroneous idea that a copper sulphate
crystal dissolves to give copper sulphate molecules, which then dissociate
into free ions, and the modern point of view that the ions of an ionic crystal
pass into solution as free solvated ions which, under certain conditions,
associate into ion pairs.
The method of visible and UV absorption spectroscopy is at its best
when the absorption spectra of the free ions and the associated ions are
quite different and known. When the associated ions cannot be chemically
isolated and their spectra studied, the type of absorption by the associated
ions has to be attributed to electronic transitions known from other well-
studied systems. For example, there can be an electron transfer to the ion
from its immediate environment (charge-transfer spectra), i.e., from the
entities which are associated with the ion, or transitions between new elec-
tronic levels produced in the ion under the influence of the electrostatic
field of the species associated with the ion (crystal-field splitting). Thus,
there is an influence of the environment on the absorption characteristics
of a species, and this influence reduces the unambiguity with which spectra
are characteristic of species rather than of their environment. Herein lies
what may be considered a disadvantage of the technique of visible and UV
absorption spectroscopy.
The scattered light in any direction consists mainly of light of the same
frequency as the incident radiation (in which case the phenomenon is
known as Rayleigh scattering) and gives no information concerning the
intramolecular structure of the molecules responsible for the scattering.
In addition, however, it is observed that the scattered beam includes light,
the frequency of which is shifted from the incident frequency by an amount
Llv either added or subtracted from the incident frequency; this phenomenon
is known as the Raman effect and the type of scattering, as Raman scattering.
The Raman shift ± Llv is due to energy exchanged ± LIE between the
incident radiation and the scattering species
LIE = h Llv
A simple view of the origin of the Raman effect is as follows: Rayleigh
scattering is produced because the electric field of the incident light induces
a dipole moment in the scattering species, and, since the incident field is
oscillating, the induced dipole moment also varies periodically. Such an
oscillating dipole acts as an antenna and radiates light of the same fre-
quency as the incident light.
It has already been stated (cf 2.5.4) that it is the deformation polar-
izability Udefurlll which determines the magnitude of dipole moment induced
by a particular field. If this polarizability changes from its time-average
value, then the induced-dipole antenna will be radiating at a new frequency
that is different from the incident frequency; in other words, there is a
Raman shift. Now the changes in polarizability of the scattering species
can be correlated with their rotations and vibrations and also their symmetry
characteristics. Hence, the Raman shifts are characteristic of the rotational
and vibrational energy levels of the scattering species and provide direct
information about these levels. Though the presence of electrostatic bond-
ing produces second-order perturbations in the Raman lines, it is the
species with covalent bonds to which Raman spectroscopy is sensitive
and not ion pairs.
Another feature which makes Raman spectra useful is the fact that
the integrated intensity of the Raman line is in general proportional to
the concentration of the scattering species.
The problem with Raman spectroscopy is the low intensity of the
Raman lines, which permits an easy detection of species only in concen-
trations of at least 10%. Thus, at low concentrations of the scattering species,
the method presents great difficulties in separating out the signal from
the noise, i.e., identifying the Raman lines from the ever-present general
background intensity. Fortunately, the availability of lasers, which are
Further Reading
I. J. E. Hinton and E. S. Amis, Chem. Rei!., 67: 367 (1967).
2. T. T. Wall and D. F. Hornig, J. Chon. Phys., 47: 784 (1967).
3. N. A. Matwiyoff, P. E. Darby, and W. G. Movius, II/org. Chem., 7: 2173
4. E. R. Malinowski and P. S. Knapp, J. Chem. Phys., 48: 4989 (1968).
RTlnf± which had been introduced to account for the fact that ionic
solutions do not behave like so-called ideal solutions of noninteracting
solute particles. In this manner, the Debye-Hiickel ionic-cloud model could
be made to yield the limiting law-an expression for the concentration
variation of the logarithm of the activity coefficient f ±. The experimental
logf± versus n curves corresponded more and more closely to the limiting
law as the solutions were made more and more dilute. But the limiting
law argued for a constant slope at all concentrations, whereas the experi-
mental curves showed a slope which decreased with concentration. In fact,
the curves passed through a minimum and even acquired a positive slope.
The theory had to be improved.
The first step in the development of the theory for concentrated so-
lutions was to give the ions a finite size rather than to consider them point
An ion-size parameter a was defined, and the beginning of the decrease
of slope of the theoretical logf± versus I~ curve could be explained. It is
important to realize that the introduction of an ion-size parameter was
equivalent to an incorporation into the model of a short-range repulsive
force which would forbid the ions to approach closer than a particular
distance a. The parameter a, being different for different electrolytes of the
same valence type, introduced specific differences between these electrolytes
and gave to each of them a different logf± versus /! curve, as is experiment-
ally observed. These specific differences between two electrolytes of the
same valence type were unforeseen by the point-charge version of the theory,
which argued that all electrolytes of the same valence type would have the
same logf± versus n curve.
The actual values of the ion-size parameter, which had to be used to
make theory fit experiment, were larger than the sum of the crystallographic
radii of naked ions. Hence, the value of the ion-size parameter obviously
reflected the attachment of a sheath of water molecules to an ion, i.e.,
the primary hydration sheath. To the extent, therefore, that the simple
version of the Debye-Hiickel theory relegated the solvent to the role of a
ubiquitous dielectric and gave it a nonessential role, one had to introduce
the influence of solvation upon ion-ion interactions through the sizes of
The effect of the sizes of ions was only a subsidiary influence of the
phenomenon of solvation. Its main effect arose in a different way. As a
solution became more and more concentrated, a greater and greater frac-
tion of the solvent became trapped in the solvent sheaths of ions, became
hors de combat, which resulted in an increase of the effective concentration.
into the solvent sheaths around ions, was difficult to calculate. There were
difficulties in counting the number of water molecules "removed" from
the bulk water. The primary water molecules must, of course, be counted,
but how much of the secondary solvation sheath? It turned out that, by
using the primary hydration numbers alone, quite good consistency with
experiment is observed. But these hydration numbers too are usually ob-
tained by calibration from experiment (cf Section 2.4). Finally, in the
Stokes-Robinson treatment, it is assumed that the Debye-HUckel activity
coefficient must be modified by a solvation correction, i.e., it is assumed
that the basis of the Debye-HUckel model is valid in concentrated so-
When, however, one makes a fundamental analysis of the Debye-
HUckel model, it becomes clear that, even at concentrations as low as
about 10- 3 mole liter-I, the thickness X-I of the ionic atmosphere is less than
the mean distance I between ions. In other words, the image charge repre-
senting the ionic cloud is closer to the central ion than is the average nearest-
neighbor ion. This is ridiculous, for the ionic cloud consists of ions. Thus,
there is a fundamental invalidity of the Debye-HUckel model above any
but the lowest practical concentrations.
A clue to an alternative approach for higher concentrations lies in
observed experimental results that indicate a linear relationship between
log f ± and d. This points to the necessity of developing a quasi-lattice
model for concentrated solutions-a feat which has not yet been achieved.
XAnr2 =
IT 4nr2eT dr
I> 0
r'X, = -4:<
J' r'f) dr
.r (A3.1.1 )
'I', = - J~ X, dr (2.4 )
X,= (A3.1.2)
dV'r = -
J' 0
r'f) dr
_ 4:< r'f)
(A3.1.4 )
f V du = uv - f /I dv
= +1 (A3.2.1)
Upon. adding the two expressions (A3.3.l) and (A3.3.2) and dividing by
v = v+ + v_ to get the average contribution to the free-energy change of the
system per mole of both positive and negative ions, the result is
J.I± =
v_J.l_o + (A3.3.5)
(A3.4.l )
one finds the minImum in the Pr versus , curve by differentiating the expres-
sion for Pr with respect to , and setting the result equal to zero. That is,
dPr A
- - = 4nn ·e , r 2r - 4nn .or 2e-./
r- =0 (A3.4.2)
dr • • 2 r
2'min - A = 0
rmin = q = 2 (A3.4.3)
dr = - -dy (A3.S.2)
y=2 (A3.SA)
where AfH20 is the molecular weight of the water and fiH20' IL, and /1- are the
chemical potentials of water, positive ions, and negative ions, respectively.
Now, if a fraction 0 of the positive and negative ions form ion pairs des-
ignated (+ -), then the free energy of the solution assuming ion-pair forma-
tion is
po,. + RTln y+m + 11"- + RTln y_m = ,If + RTln y~(l - O)m + p.'!.'
+ RTln In r'-(l - O)m (A3.6.6)
It is clear, however, that 1'". = 11f and 1'"- = I''!.' since, whether ion associa-
tion is considered or not, the standard chemical potentials of the positive and
negative ions are the chemical potentials corresponding to ideal solutions of unit
molality of these ions. Hence
y± = (1 - O)y±' (A3.6.8)
t The word flux occurs very frequently in the treatment of transport phenomena. The
flux of any species i is the number of moles of that species crossing a unit area of a
reference plane in 1 sec; hence, flux is the rate of transport.
It has been remarked in the previous section that diffusion occurs when
a concentration gradient exists. The theoretical basis of this observation
will now be examined.
Consider that, in an electrolytic solution, the concentration of an ionic
Fig. 4.3. A schematic representation of a slab of
electrolytic solution in which the concentration of a
species i is constant on the shaded equiconcen-
tration surfaces parallel to the yz-plane.
But the change in free energy is equal to the net work done on the system
in an isothermal, constant-pressure reversible process (cf Appendix 2.1).
'* .
CHANGE' /olF-/J-I-
W = Ll.u (4.2)
W=LlU (4.3)
One goes further and says that this work has to be done because a gravita-
tional force FG acts on the body and that t
FG = --- (4.5)
t The minus sign arises from the following argument: The displacement XI - XF of the
mass is upward and the force Fa acts downward; hence, the product of the displacement
and force vectors is negative. If a minus sign is not introduced, the work done W will
turn out to be negative. But it is desirable to have W as a positive quantity because
of the convention that work done on a system is taken to be positive, hence, a minus
sign must be inserted (see also Section 2.2.3).
The potential energy, however, may not vary linearly with distance, and,
thus, the ratio LI UjLlx may not be a constant. So it is better to consider
infinitesimal changes in energy and distance and write
F __ dU
G - dx (4.6)
W=d1p (4.7)
Electric field. X
/ y
~Iacement • dx 'i'/
unit charge
Further, the electrostatic work is the product of the electric field, or force
per unit charge X and the distance dx t
The electric force per unit charge is therefore given by the negative of the
gradient of the electrostatic potentials, and the region of space in which
the force operates is known as the electric field.
Since the negative of the gradient of gravitational potential energy
defines the gravitational force and the negative of the gradient of electro-
static potential defines the electric force, one would expect that the negative
of the gradient of the chemical potential would act formally like a force.
Further, just as the gravitational force results in the motion of a mass and
the electric force, in the motion of a charge, the chemical-potential gradient
results in the net motion, or transfer, of the species i from a region of high
chemical potential to a region of low chemical potential. This net flow of
the species i down the chemical-potential gradient is diffusion, and, there-
fore, the gradient of chemical potential may be looked upon+ as the dif-
fusional force FD' Thus, one can write
FIJ = --- (4.10)
by analogy with the gravitational and electric forces [Eqs. (4.6) and (4.9)]
and consider that the diffusional force produces a diffusional flux J, the
number of moles of species i crossing per second per unit area of a plane
normal to the flow direction (Table 4.1).
t The origin of the minus sign has been explained in Section 2.2.3.
+ It will be shown later on (cf Section 4.2.6) that, for the phenomenon of diffusion to
occur, all that is necessary is an inequality of the number of diffusing particles in dif-
ferent regions; there is, in fact, no directed force on the individual particles. Thus,
-d/l/dx is only a pseudo force like the centrifugal force; it is formally equivalent to a
Certain Forces in the Phenomenological Treatment of Transport
Mass Movement of mass
Charge Movement of charge (current)
Species i Movement of species I, I.e.,
dx diffusional flux of species i
L---------------__ x
-1 ,~ ~
Po,ltive ehemicol potential 9radilllt
-i Negative gradient.-!&,
L - -_ _
(4.11 )
where A, B, C, etc., are constants. If, however, FD is less than unity and
sufficiently small, t the terms containing the powers (of FD) greater than
unity can be neglected.
Thus, one is left with
But the constant A must be equal to zero; otherwise, it will mean that
one would have the impossible situation of having diffusion even though
there is no driving force for diffusion.
Hence, the assumption of a sufficiently small driving force leads to the
J=BFD (4.13 )
i.e., the flux is linearly related to the driving force. Now, the value of FD = 0
(zero driving force) corresponds to an equilibrium situation; therefore, the
assumption of a small value of FD required to ensure the linear relation
t Caution should be exercised in applying the criterion. The value of FD which will give
rise to unity will depend on the units chosen to express FD. Thus, the extent to which
F D is less than unity will depend on the units, but one can always restrict F D to an
appropriately small value.
Diffusion Coefficient D of Ions in Aqueous Solutions
Diffusion coefficient,
cm 2 sec- 1
(4.13) between flux and force is tantamount to saying that the system is
near equilibrium, but not at equilibrium.
The driving force on 1 mole of ions has been stated to be -df-lJdx
[Eq. (4.10)]. If, therefore, the concentration of the diffusing species adjacent
to the transit plane (Fig. 4.8), across which the flux is reckoned, is Ci moles
per unit volume, the driving force Fn at this plane is -c.j(df-lddx). Thus,
from relation (4.13), one obtains
Jj = - BCi ti (4.14)
J. =- D dCi (4.16)
, dx
unit area of a transit plane per unit of time. i.e., in moles per square cen-
timeter per second, and, therefore, the diffusion coefficient D has the
dimensions of centimeters squared per second. The negative sign is usually
inserted in the right-hand side of the empirical Fick's law for the following
reason: The flux J; and the concentration gradient dc;(dx are vectors, or
quantities which have both magnitude and direction. But the vector J
is in an opposite sense to the vector representing a positive gradient de Jdx.
Matter flows downhill (Fig. 4.9). Hence, if J i is taken as positive, dcJdx
must be negative, and, if there is no negative sign in Fick's first law, the
diffusion coefficient will appear as a negative quantity-perhaps an un-
desirable state of affairs. Hence, to make D come out a positive quantity,
a negative sign is added to the right-hand side of the equation which states
the empirical law of Fick.
Equating the coefficients of deJdx in the phenomenological equation
(4.15) with that in Fick's law [Eq. (4.16)], it is seen that
BRT=D (4.17)
that D also is a constant. But the expression (4.17) was obtained only
because an ideal solution was considered, and activity coefficients Ii were
ignored in Eq. (3.61). Activity coefficients, however, are concentration
dependent. So, if the solution does not behave ideally, one has, starting
from Eq. (4.14), and using (3.63),
J.1 = - Bc·--
I dx
= - BCi dx ("iO + RT Infici)
RT d
= - BCj r.c. dx liCj
= _ BRT dCi
(1 + 2.. dfi )
Ii dCi
= _ BRT dCi
(1 + dIn
and, therefore,
D = BRT(l + dlnfi) (4.19)
din Ci
Variation of the Diffusion Coefficient D with Concentration
t For example, in diffusion between solutions which have a large concentration difference
such as 0.1 to 0.01 mole liter-I, a rough calculation suggests that the activity-coefficient
correction is of the order of a few per cent.
Fig. 4.11. The time variation of the reading on
the scale of a mirror galvanometer.
noise. (It is as if each collision produced a sound, in which case, the irregular
bombardment of the mirror assembly would result in a nonstop noise.)
Signals (coil deflections) which are of this same order of magnitude ob-
viously cannot be separated from the noise.
Instead of mirrors, one could equally consider pistons of a microscopic
size, large enough to be seen with the aid of a microscope but small enough
to display motions due to collisions with molecules. Such small "pistons"
are present in nature. A colloidal particle in a liquid medium behaves as
such a piston if it is observed in a microscope. It shows a haphazard, zig-
zag motion as shown in Fig. 4.12. The irregular path of the particle must
be a slow-motion version of the random-walk motion of the molecules in
the liquid.
One has therefore a picture of the solvated ions (in an electrolytic
solution) in ceaseless motion, perpetually colliding, changing direction,
hopping hither and thither from site to site. This is the qualitative picture
of ionic movements.
.. +5
..~ O~~~~~--~~~-r
Number of ,tepI . N
around. So one must really call the movements a "random flight" because
one flies in three dimensions and walks in two dimensions. This fine differ-
ence, however, will be ignored and the term random walk will be retained.
The aim now is to seek a quantitative description of ionic random-
walk movements. There are many exotic ways of stating the random-walk
problem. It is said, for example, that a drunken sailor emerges from a bar.
He intends to get back to his ship, but he is in no state to control the direc-
tion in which he takes a step. In other words, the direction of each step is
completely random, all directions being equally likely.
The question is: On the average, how far does the drunken sailor
progress in a time t?
For the sake of simplicity, the special case of one-dimensional random
walk will be considered. The sailor starts off from x = 0 on the x axis.
He tosses a coin: Heads!-he moves forward in the positive x direction.
Tails!-he moves backward. Since, for an "honest" coin, heads are as
likely as tails, the sailor is equally as likely to take a forward step as a
backward step. Of course, each step is decided on a fresh toss and is un-
influenced by the results of the previous tosses. After allowing him N steps,
the distance x from the origin is noted t (Fig. 4.13). Then, the sailor is
brought back to the bar (x = 0) and started off on another try of N steps.
The process of starting the sailor off from x = 0, allowing him N
t It will be zero only if an equal number NI2 of heads and tails turns up. This will not
happen every time. So, after each small number of tosses, the sailor is not certain to
be back where he started (i.e., in the bar).
(x) =0 (4.21)
~ x(i)2 .
<x2 ) = _i _ _ = Sum of dIstances x squared
~ i Number of tries
One- Dimensional Random Walk of the Sailort
11 19 - 8 64
2 16 14 + 2 4
3 17 13 + 4 16
4 15 15 0 0
5 17 13 + 4 16
6 16 14 + 2 4
7 19 11 + 8 64
8 18 12 + 6 36
9 15 15 0 0
10 13 17 - 4 14
11 11 19 - 8 64
12 17 13 +4 16
13 17 13 + 4 16
14 12 18 - 6 36
15 20 10 +10 100
16 23 7 +16 256
17 11 19 - 8 64
18 16 14 + 2 4
19 17 13 + 4 16
20 14 16 - 2 4
21 16 14 + 2 4
22 12 18 - 6 36
23 15 15 0 0
24 10 20 -10 100
25 7 23 -16 256
26 15 15 0 0
<x) = 0 <x2) = 47.67
unit area
transit plane T (Fig. 4.14). There is a random walk of ions across this plane
both from left to right and from right to left. On either side of the transit
plane, one can imagine two planes Land R which are parallel to the transit
plane and situated at a distance v' <x
2 ) from it. In other words, the region
under consideration has been divided into left and right compartments in
which the concentrations of ions are different and designated by CL and CR,
In a time of t sec, a random-walking ion covers a mean square distance
of (x 2 ), or a mean distance of~. Thus, by choosing the plane L to
be at a distance ~ from the transit plane, one has ensured that all
the ions in the left compartment will cross the transit plane in a time t
provided they are moving in the left-+right direction.
Now, the number of moles of ions in the left compartment is equal
to the volume V <x
2) of this compartment times the concentration CL of
ions. It follows that the number of moles of ions which make the L -+ T
crossing in t sec is ~CL times the fraction of ions making left to right
movements. Since the ions are random walking, right to left movements
are as likely as left to right movements, i.e., only half the ions in the left
compartment are moving away toward the right compartment. Thus, in t
the number of moles of ions making the L -+ T crossing is <X2)CL ,tV
and, therefore, the number of moles of ions making the L -+ T crossing in
I sec is Hv' <x2 )/t)CL' Similarly, the number of moles of ions making the
R -+ T crossing in I sec is iCV (x 2 )/t)CR .
Hence, the diffusion flux of ions across the transit plane, i.e., the net
number of moles of ions crossing unit area of the transit plane per second
from left to right is given by
V(X2) dc
cL - cR = - <x2 ) -
J= _ ~ <x2 ) ~ (4.26)
2 t dx
and, by equating the coefficients of this equation with that of Fick's first
law [Eq. (4.16)], one has
But how many ions travel a distance Xl; how many, X 2 ; etc.? In other
words, how are the ions spatially distributed after a time t, and how does
the spatial distribution vary with time? This spatial distribution of ions
shall be analyzed, but only after presenting a phenomenological treatment
of non-steady-state diffusion.
IONS. J.L =-D( de ) I
dK I
Fig. 4.15. The parallelepiped of electrolyte used in the derivation of Fick's
second law.
Fick's law [Eq. (4.16)] is used to express the flux into and out of the
parallelepiped. Thus the flux into the left face, JL , is
Hence, the net outflow of ions per unit volume per unit time is D (d 2e/dx 2 )
But this net outflow of ions per unit volume per unit time from the paral-
lepiped is in fact the sought-for variation of concentration with time, i.e.,
de/dt. One obtains partial differentials because the concentration depends
both on time and distance, but the subscripts x and t are generally omitted
because it is, for example, obvious that the time variation is in a fixed
region of space, i.e., constant x. Hence,
c = I(x, t)
for a particular situation.
The process of calculating the functional relationship consists in solving
the partial differential equation, which is Fick's second law, i.e., Eq. (4.32).
It has been shown (Section 3.3.7) that the solution of this equation (with "p
dependent on r only) was easily accomplished.
One may conclude, therefore, that the solution of Fick's second law
(a partial differential equation) would proceed smoothly if some mathem-
atical device could be utilized to convert it into the form of a total differential
equation. The Laplace transformation method is often used as such a device.
Since the method is based on the operation§ of Laplace transformation,
a brief digression' on the nature of this operation is given before using it
to solve the partial differential equation involved in non-steady-state elec-
trochemical diffusion problems, namely, Fick's second law.
or f~ e-PZj(z) dz
y =Sin Z
HADED AREA. le-PZ Sin z dz
Laplace Transforms
Function Transform
}, (a constant)
- sin wt
w p2 + w2
v;t exp
-41 )
t From Fig. 4.16, it can also be seen that, apart from having to make the integral converge,
the exact value of p is not of significance for, in any case, p disappears after the operation
of inverse transformation (el Section 4.2.11).
- fOO e - p t - ae dt (4.36)
at 0 at
The integral can be evaluated by the rule for integration by parts as follows
fOO e- pt -ae dt
0 at
= - c[t = 0] + pc (4.38)
Next, one must evaluate the integral on the right-hand side of Eq.
(4.34), i.e.,
f) 2c
D f)x 2 =
foo e-ptD
f) 2c
f)x 2 dt (4.39)
Since the integration is with respect to the variable t and the differentiation
is with respect to x, their order can be interchanged. Further, one can move
the constant D outside the integral sign. Hence, one can write
Once again, it is clear from Eq. (4.33) that f: e-ptc dt is the Laplace trans-
form of c, i.e., c and, therefore,
(4.41 )
From Eqs. (4.32), (4.38), and (4.41), it follows that, after Laplace
transformation, Fick's second law takes the form
d 2c
pc - c[t = 0] = D dx 2 (4.42)
time) are necessary to arrive at Fick's second law, three constants have been
eliminated in the process of going from the precise concentration dependence
which characterizes a particular problem to the general relation between
the time-and space-derivatives of concentration which describes any
nonstationary diffusion situation.
The three characteristics, or conditions, as they are called, of a particular
diffusion process cannot be rediscovered by mathematical argument applied
to the differential equation. To get at the three conditions, one has to resort
to a physical understanding of the diffusion process. Only then can one
proceed with the solution of the (now) total differential equation (4.42)
and get the precise functional relationship between concentration, distance,
and time.
Instead of attempting a general discussion of the three conditions
characterizing a particular diffusion problem, it is best to treat a typical
electrochemical diffusion problem.
Consider that, in an electrochemical system, a constant current is
switched on at a time which is arbitrarily designated t = 0 (Fig. 4.17).
The current is due to charge-transfer reactions at the electrode-solution
interfaces, and these reactions consume a species. Since the concentration
of this species at the interface falls below the bulk concentration, a con-
centration gradient for the species is set up and it diffuses toward the
interface. Thus, the externally controlled current sets up t within the solution
a diffusion flux.
The diffusion is described by Fick's second law
The other two conditions pertain to the situation after the diffusion
begins, e.g., after the diffusion-causing current is switched on. Since these
two conditions often pertain to what is happening to the boundaries of the
system (in which diffusion is occurring), they are usually known as boundary
t When the externally imposed current sets up charge-transfer reactions which provoke
the diffusion of ions, there is a very simple relation between the current density and
the diffusion flux. The diffusion flux is a mole flux (number of moles crossing I cm 2
in I sec), and the current density is a charge flux (cf Table 4.1.) Hence, the current
density i, or charge flux, is equal to the charge zF per mole of ions (z is the valence
of the diffusing ion; and F, the Faraday) times the diffusion flux J, i.e., j = zFJ.
c [x ~ 00] = C [t = 0] = CO (4.44)
Thus, the concentration of the diffusing species has the same value cO
at any x at t = 0 or for any t > 0 at x ~ 00. This is true for almost all
electrochemical diffusion problems in which one switches on (at t = 0)
the appropriate current or potential difference across the interface and
thus sets up interfacial charge-transfer reactions which, by consuming or
producing a species, provoke a diffusion flux of that species.
What, however, is characteristic of one particular electrochemical dif-
fusion process and distinguishes it from all others is the nature of the
diffusion flux which is started off at t = O. Thus, the essential characteristic
of the diffusion problem under discussion is the switching-on of the constant
current, which means that the diffusing species is consumed at a constant
rate at the interface and the species diffuses across the interface at a constant
rate. In other words, the flux of the diffusing species at the x = 0 boundary
of the solution is a constant.
It is convenient from many points of view to assume that the constant
value of the flux is unity, i.e., 1 mole of the diffusing species crossing 1 cm2
of the electrode-solution interface per second. This unit flux corresponds
to a constant current density of 1 amp cm-2 • This normalization of the flux
scarcely affects the generality of the treatment because it will later be seen
t .. o TIME
If one looks at the time variation of current or the flux across the
solution boundary, it is seen that, for t < 0, J = and, for t > 0, there
is a constant flux J = 1 (Fig. 4.18) corresponding to the constant current
switched on at t = 0. In other words, the time variation of the flux is like
a step; that is why the flux produced in this setup is often known as a
step function (of time).
At any instant of time, the constant flux across the boundary is related
to the concentration gradient there through Fick's first law, i.e.,
Jx=O = 1= - D( ~c )
uX x~O
crt = 0] = CO (4.43)
The three conditions just listed describe the special features of the constant
(unit) flux diffusion problem. They will now be used to solve Fick's second
CI • c"-C(XI
( b)
ary conditions have now to be restated in terms of the new variable Cl'
This is easily done by using Eq. (4.46) in Eqs. (4.32), (4.43), (4.44), and
(4.45). One obtains
This equation is identical in form to the linearized P-B equation [cf Eq.
(3.21)] and, therefore, must have the same general solution, i.e.,
Hence, as x ---+ 00, ci ---+ 0, but this will be true only if B = 0 as, otherwise,
ciin Eq. (4.53) will go to infinity instead of zero.
One is therefore left with
which, at x = 0, leads to
( dCl lIP A
VD (4.57)
) __
dx x~o-
( dCI ) 1 (4.58 )
dx x~o =- Dp
A = p!m (4.59)
direct oddition of
multiplication logarithm
taking antilogarithms
(0 )
Laplace transformation
classical algebraic
solution initial and manipulation
Iexpression for ell Inverse transformation solution of total
equation to get Co
( b)
Upon inserting this expression for A into Eq. (4.55), it follows that
_ I 1
C = -- e-(p!D)'lX (4.60)
1 D!p!
The ultimate aim, however, is not to get an expression for the c1 , the
Laplace transform of c1 , but to get an expression for C1 (or c) as a function
of distance x and time t. The expression c1 has been obtained by a Laplace
transformation of c1 , hence, to go from c1 to c1 , one must do an inverse
transformation. The situation is analogous to using logarithms to facilitate
the working-out of a problem (Fig. 4.20). In order to get C 1 from c1 , one
asks the question: What function C1 would, under Laplace transformation,
give the Laplace transform c1 of Eq. (4.60)? In other words, one has to
find C1 in the equation
(4.61 )
is the function
2n-lt! exp ( - -X2)
- - xD-! erfc (-x-
where erfc is the error function complement defined thus
erf (y) being the error function given by (cf Fig. 4.21)
2 IY c
vn du (4.63)
= U2
C1 =
1 [2tl
Dl ---;r exp ( - 4Dt x2
X2) - xD-! erfc ( 4Dt )!] (4.64)
AT t=O
(initial condition)
(0) C·
AT t = tl
z c·
I- AT t= te
(c) Z C·
in the concentration from the initial value co, one must use the defining
equation for C1
The result is
[ -;J ( X2) X ( x2
exp - 4Dt - Di erfe 4Dt
)!] (4.65)
unit flux was switched on. In other words, Eq. (4.65) describes the diffusional
response of an electrolytic solution to the stimulus of a flux which is in the
form of a step function of time. The nature of the response is best appreciated
by seeing how the concentration profile of the species diffusing varies as a
function of time [Fig. 4.22(a), (b), and (c)]. Equation (4.65) is also of
fundamental importance in describing the response of an electrochemical
system to a current density which varies as a step function, i.e., to a constant
current density switched on at t = O. It will be seen later (Chapter 8) that
this characteristic concentration response is the basis of an important
electro analytical technique.
J = get) (4.66)
t If one feels that current is a more familiar word than flux, one can substitute the word
current because these diffusion fluxes are often, but not always, provoked by control-
ling the current across an electrode-solution interface.
stimulus, and the mathematical relationship between the cause J(t) and the
effect C1 can be represented (Fig. 4.24) quite generally thus t
t It will be seen further on that one uses a relationship between the Laplace transforms
of the concentration perturbation and the flux rather than the quantities c, and ],
themselves, because the treatment in Laplace transforms is not only elegant but fruitful.
·1 C.
one has
(4.71 )
C1 = D!
A [2t!
--;;r exp ( - 4Dt x2
X erfc ( 4Dt
X2) - I5f )!] (4.72)
- A.
J= - A. or J=-- (4.73)
and, thus,
c= CO
A. [2t~ exp (
+ Df nr - 4Dt X2) -
Df ( x 2 )1]
erfc 4Dt (4.75)
: ~l.
Concentrotion falls below
initial value c'
(sink) .3 ~
Distance l
distance x
- -
Distance l
Notice the plus sign; it indicates that the concentration c rises above the
initial value eO (Fig. 4.25).
Consider now a more interesting type of stimulus involving a period-
ically varying flux (Fig. 4.26). After representing the imposed flux by a
cosine function
J = Jmaxcos wt (4.76)
- p
J=J max 2+ 2 (4.77)
P w
-; _
(1 -
p2 + w2
[IDip! e_(x!Di)p~] J Illax (4.78)
e1 [x = 0] = J max (
(Dw)! cos wI -
4"" (4.80)
it is known as a plane source; and, since the diffusing ions an~ produced in
an instantaneous pulse, a fuller description of the source is contained in the
term instantaneous plane source.
Now, as the ions from the instantaneous plane source diffuse into the
solution, their concentration at various distances will change with time. The
problem is to calculate the distance and time variation of this concentration.
The starting point for this calculation is the general relation between
the Laplace transforms of the concentration perturbation C1 and the time-
varying flux J(t)
If, now, one takes Laplace transforms of both sides and uses Eq. (4.38)
to evaluate the right-hand side, one has
L---..L--~"'---__ TIME
L-_ _..J::::...-_ _ _ _.... TIME
t=O ------
Fig. 4.30. The time derivative of a flux,
which is a step function of time, is an in-
stantaneous pulse of flux.
J step = - A (4.84)
J step = - pA (4.85)
Jpulse = - A (4.86)
e = CO + A(nDt)-~ exp( - ~)
e [t = 0] = CO = ° (4.90)
then Eq. (4.89) reduces to
e = __ A_ e-X'/4Dt (4.91)
It can be seen from Eq. (4.86) that A is the Laplace transform of the pulse
of flux. But a Laplace transform is an integral with respect to time. Hence,
A, which is a flux (of moles per square centimeter per second) in the constant-
flux problem (ef Section 4.2.12), is in fact the total concentration (moles
33:< CHAPTER 4
the electrode. At t = 0, all the ions are on
the x = plane, and, at t > 0, they are
distributed in the solution as a result of
dissolution and diffusion. In the diagram,
t3 > t2 > tl > 0, and the distribution curve
becomes flatter and flatter.
per square centimeter) of the diffusing ions produced on the x = 0 plane
in the burst of metal dissolution. If, instead of dealing with concentrations,
one deals with numbers of ions, the result is
ntotal e-x'/4Dt
n= (4.92)
where n is the number of ions at a distance x and a time t, and ntotal is the
number of ions set up on the x = 0 plane at t = 0, i.e., ntotal is the total
number of diffusing ions.
This is the solution to the instantaneous-plane source problem. When
n/ntotal is plotted against x for various times, one obtains curves (Fig. 4.31)
which show how the ions injected into the x = 0 plane at t = 0 (e.g., ions
produced at the elet::trode in an impulse of metal dissolution) are distributed
in space at various times. At any particular time t, a semi-bell-shaped
distribution curve is obtained which shows that the ions are mainly clustered
near the x = 0 plane, but there is a "spread." With increasing time, the
spread of ions increases. This is the result of diffusion, and, after an infinitely
long time, there are equal numbers of ions at any distance.
which then start diffusing into the solution. Now suppose that the electrode
material is made radioactive so that the ions produced by dissolution are
detectable by a counter (Fig. 4.32). The counter head is then placed near
a window in the cell at a distance of 1 cm from the dissolving electrode,
so that, as soon as the tagged ions pass the window, they are registered by
the counter. How long after the current pulse at t = 0 does the counter
note the arrival of the ions?
It is experimentally observed that the counter begins to register within
a few seconds of the termination of the instantaneous current pulse. Suppose,
however, that one attempted a theoretical calculation based on the Einstein-
Smoluchowski equation (4.27), i.e.,
using, for the diffusion coefficient of ions, the experimental value of 10-5
cm2 sec-I. Then, the estimate for the radioactive ions to reach the counter
t = mm
2 X 10-5 X 60
t,....., 103 min
Z _X2
_1- e 401
c( 2 (lfDI)i12
X-X rms- ~
Fig. 4.33. The Einstein-Smoluchowski equation,
<x 2 ) = 20t, pertains to the fraction (n/ntotal)ES,
of ions between x = 0 and x = x rms = <X2). This
fraction is found by integrating the distribution
curve between x = 0 and x = x rms '
the case-detect a very small number of particles, then one can qualitatively
see that there is no contradiction between the observed time and that
estimated from Eq. (4.27). The time of 103 min estimated by the Einstein-
Smoluchowski equation is far too large because it pertains to a number
of radioactive ions far greater than the number needed to register in the
counting apparatus. The way in which the diffusing particles spread out
with time, i.e., the distribution curve for the diffusing species (Fig. 4.31)
shows that, even after very short times, some particles have diffused to very
large distances, and these are the particles registered by the counter in a
time far less than that predicted by the Einstein-Smoluchowski equation.
The qualitative argument just presented can now be quantified. The
central question is: To what fraction n/ntotal of the ions (released at the
instantaneous-plane source) does <X2>
= 2Dt apply?t This question can
be answered easily by integrating the n versus x distribution curve (Fig.
4.33) between the lower limit x = 0 (the location of the plane source)
and the value of corresponding to the square root of This upper <X2>.
limit of V <x2>-the root-mean-square distance-is, for conciseness, re-
presented by the symbol X rms , i.e.,
(_'_1 _)
ntotal E5
= fIrms __1_ e-X'J4Dt
0 (nDt)~
(2Dt)k = V (X2) = X rms (4.95)
( -11-) -_ -V2
-- frrms e_l(xJx cms
)2 dX (4.96)
ntot~l ES nkXrms 0
x • /-
--=V 2u (4.97)
X rms
( ~)2
X rms
= 2u 2 (4.98)
dx = V2 X rms du (4.99)
u=-- when x = X rms (4.100)
u=O when X=o (4.101)
(-n) 2 1/ v:!
n~ f
- =- e- U du (4.102)
Iltotal 1'5 0
The integral on the right-hand side is the error function of 1/V2 [ef
Eg. (4.63)].
y 0
0.00 0.00000
0,01 0.01128
0.02 0.02256
0.10 0.11246
0.20 0.22270
0.30 0.32863
0.40 0.42839
0.50 0.52050
0.60 0.60386
0.70 0.67780
0.80 0.74210
0.90 0.79691
1.00 0.84270
2.00 1.00000
Now, values of the error function have been tabulated in detail (Table
4.6). The value of the error function of ltv 2, i.e.,
-2 fllV2 e- u 2 du
nt 0
is 0.68. Hence,
and, therefore, about two-thirds (68%) of the diffusing species are within
the region from x = 0 to x = X rms = v'
2Dt. This means however that
the remaining fraction, namely, one-third, have crossed beyond this dis-
tance. Of course, the radioactive ions which are sensed by the counter almost
immediately after the pulse of metal dissolution belong to the one-third
group (Fig. 4.34).
In the above experiment, diffusion toward the x -+ - 0 0 direction is
prevented by the presence of a physical boundary (i.e., the electrode).
If no such boundary exists and diffusion in both the +x and - x directions
is possible, then the 68% of the particles will distribute themselves in the
region from x = -Xrms = -v' 2Dt to x = +x rms = +V2Dt. From
......."+-.....;::-------<- X
Fig. 4.34. When diffusion occurs from an
instantaneous plane source (set up, e.g., by
a pulse of electrode dissolution), then 68% of
the ions produced in the pulse lie between
x = 0 and x = xrms ' after the time t.
-x +x
It has further been shown (Section 4.2.6) that, in the case of a one-dimen-
Hence, by combining Eqs. (4.104) and (4.27), one has the equation
which relates the number of jumps and the time. If, now, only one jump
of the ion is considered, i.e., N = 1, Eq. (4.105) reduces to
1 12
D=-- (4.106)
2 T
where T is the mean jump time to cover the mean jump distance I. This
mean jump time is the number of seconds per jump, t and, therefore, 1fT is
the jump frequency, i.e., the number of jumps per second. Putting
k=~ (4.107)
D = t 12k (4.108)
Equation (4.108) shows that the diffusion depends on how far, on the
average, an ion jumps and how frequently these jumps occur.
To go further than Eq. (4.108), one has to examine the factors which
govern the mean jump distance 1 and the jump frequency k. For this, the
picture of the liquid (in which diffusion is occurring) as a structureless
continuum is inadequate. In reality, the liquid has a structure-ions and
molecules in definite arrangements at anyone instant of time. This arrange-
ment in a liquid (unlike that in a solid) is local in extent, transitory in time,
and mobile in space. The details of the structure are not necessary to con-
tinue the present discussion. What counts is that ions zig-zag in a random
walk and, for any particular jump, the ion has to jump out of one site in
t This mean jump time will include any waiting time between two successive jumps.
'~~ . ~
the liquid structure into another site (Fig. 4.37). This jumping process
can be symbolically represented thus
AB +C -4- A + BC (4.110)
LJump diSlane.-----l
,ite It,
I L..
JumplnO ion
/1< . .
(a) I ,
, / , j
,-' 'I-'
This slandard} Co _..-< I
fres eneroy rre..... ~. 0
1Thi, posilion a/
jumpino ion
(b) !
rate process occurs, i.e., the jump frequency in the case of diffusion, can be
shown to be given byt (cf Appendix 4.3)
The numerical coefficient t has entered here only because the Einstein-
Smoluchowski equation 2 ) = 2Dt for one-dimensional random walk was
considered. In general, it is related to the probability of the ion's jumping
in various directions, not just forward and backward. For convenience,
therefore, the coefficient will be taken to be unity, in which case
t The k on the left-hand side is the jump frequency; the k in the term kT/h is the Boltz-
mann constant.
It also turns out that the random walk of individual ions is able to
give rise to a flux, or flow, on the level of the group. Diffusion is simply
the result of there being more random-walking particles in one region than
in another (el Section 4.2.6). The gradient of chemical potential is therefore
only a pseudo force which can be regarded as operating on a society of
ions but not on individual ions.
The first law of Fick tells one how the concentration gradient is
related to the flux under steady-state conditions; it says nothing about
how the system goes from nonequilibrium to steady state when a diffusion
source or sink is set up inside or at the boundary of the system. Thus, it says
nothing about how the concentration changes with time at different dis-
tances from the source or sink. In other words, Fick's first law is inapplicable
to non-steady-state diffusion. For this, one has to go to Fick's second law
~ = D (Pe (4.32)
at ax 2
which relates the time and space variations of the concentration during
Fick's second law is a partial differential equation. Thus, it describes
the general characteristics of all diffusion problems but not the details of
anyone particular diffusion process. Hence, the second law must be solved
with the aid of the initial and boundary conditions which characterize the
particular problem.
The solution of Fick's second law is facilitated by the use of Laplace
transforms which convert the partial differential equation into an easily
integrable total differential equation. By utilizing Laplace transforms, the
concentration of diffusing species as a function of time and of distance
from the diffusion sink when a constant normalized current, or flux, is
switched on at t = 0 was shown to be
c = CO -
D! nr exp ( -
X2) -
X (X2
Df erfc 4Dt
)!] (4.65)
With the solution of this problem (in which the flux varies as a unit-step
function with time), one can easily generate the solution of other problems
in which the current, or flux, varies with time in other ways, e.g., as a
periodic function or as a single pulse.
When the current, or flux, is a single impulse, an instantaneous-plane
source for diffusion is set up and the concentration variation is given by
c(x t) A
= --- e- x 2 /4 Dt (4.91)
, (nDt)!
Further Reading
Electrode I - electrolyte
:2 ¥X ~--------,
I infinity
course of this journey of the test charge from infinity to the particular
point, it may have to cross phase boundaries, for example, the electrolyte-air
boundary, and thereby do extra work (see Chapter 7). Such surface work
terms cancel out however in discussions of the potential differences between
two points in the same medium.) If another point X 2 is chosen on the normal
from x to the electrodes, then the potential at X 2 is different from that at XI
because of the variation of the potential along the distance coordinate
between the electrodes. Let the potential at X 2 be '!p2' Then, '!pI - '!p2, the
potential difference between the two points, is the work done to take a unit
of charge from Xl to X 2 .
When this work '!pI - '!p2 is divided by the distance over which the test
charge is transferred, i.e., Xl - X 2 , one obtains the force per unit charge,
or the electric field X:
X = _ '!pI - '!p2
XI - X2
where the minus sign indicates that the force acts on a positive charge in a
direction opposite to the direction of the positive gradient of potential.
In the particular case under discussion, i.e., parallel electrodes covering the
end walls of a rectangular container, the potential drop in the electrolyte is
linear (as in the case of a parallel-plate condenser), and one can write
(0 )
Direction of
Increasing potential •
Direction of electric field
Direction of motion of
positive charge
X= _ d1p (4.117)
I~I- x:+p +
For small fields, the terms higher than BX will tend to zero. Further, the
constant A must be zero because the flux of ions must vanish when the
field is zero. Hence, for small fields, the flux of ions is proportional to the
field (cf Section 4.2.2)
J=BX (4.119)
solution is zero because the total charge due to the positive ions is equal
to the total charge due to the negative ions. Owing to the electric field,
however, ionic drift tends to produce a spatial separation of charge. Positive
ions will try to segregate near the negatively charged electrode; and negative
ions, near the positively charged electrode.
This tendency for gross charge separation has an important implication;
electroneutrality tends to be upset. Further, the separated charge causing
the lack of electroneutrality tends to set up its own field, which would run
counter to the externally applied field. If the two fields were to become equal
in magnitude, the net field in the solution would become zero. (Thus, the
driving force on an ion would vanish and ion migration stop.)
It appears from this argument that an electrolytic solution would sustain
only a transient migration of ions, and, then, the tendency to conform to the
principle of electroneutrality would result in a halt in the drift of ions after
a short time. A persistent flow of charge, an electric current, appears to
be impossible. In practice, however, an electrolytic solution can act as a
conductor of electricity and is able to pass a current, i.e., maintain a flow
of ions. Is there a paradox here?
Meta lIie
transport charge
in metol
ions transport charge in electrolyte
(This is in fact an example of Kirchhoff's law, which says that the algebraic
sum of the currents at any junction must be zero.) Further, if one multiplies
both sides of Eq. (4.120) by the time t, one obtains
(4.121 )
Let the quantity of electricity due to electron flow be the charge borne
by an Avogadro number of electrons, i.e., Qe = NAe O = F. If the charge
on each ion participating in the e1ectrodic reaction is ZieO, it is easily seen
that the number of ions required to preserve equality of currents [Eq.
(4.120)] and equality of charge transported across the interface in time t
[Eq. (4.122)] is
= I g-eq
In the case of small fields, the steady-state flux of ions can be con-
sidered proportional to the driving force of an electric field (cf Section
4.3.2), i.e.,
J=BX (4.119)
The quantity J is the number of moles of ions crossing a unit area per second.
When J is multiplied by the charge borne by 1 mole of ions, zF, one obtains
the current density i, or charge flux, i.e., the quantity of charge crossing unit
area per second. Hence,
i = JzF= zFBX (4.124)
t Alternatively, Faraday's law states that, if a current of I amp passes for a time t sec,
then It/zF moles of reactants in the electrodic reaction are produced or consumed.
Representative Values of Specific Conductivity
Specific conductivity,
Substance Type of conductor tOC
ohm- 1 cm- 1
The constant zFB can be set equal to a new constant G, which is known
as the specific conductivity (Table 4.7). The relation between the current
density i and the electric field X is therefore
1 .
X=-l (4.125)
The electric field is very simply related (Fig. 4.49) to the potential difference
across the electrolyte, (1p/ - 1pn') [see Eq. (4.116)],
X = Ll1p (4.126)
where I is the distance across the electrolyte. Further, the total current I
is equal to the area A of the electrodes times the current density i
/ = iA (4.127)
R =_1_ (4.129)
- c
c- 1----
~g L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L-_~
Distance from electrode I
Ll1p = RI (4.130)
----I cm----
Fig. 4.50. Diagram to illustrate the meaning
of the specific conductivity of an electrolyte.
1 I
(J =-- (4.131)
(J = fCc) (4.132)
Specific Conductivity of KCI Solutions
Specific conductivities
KCI, g kg- l of solution
18°C 25 DC
A m =~=(JV
c (4.133)
t As in the case of diffusion fluxes, the concentrations used in the definition of conduc-
tion currents (or fluxes) and conductances are not in the usual moles per liter but in
moles per cubic centimeter.
Molar Conductivities of Electrolytes
Molar conductivity,
at 0.01 mole liter- 1
KCl 141.3
NaCi 118.5
MgCi. 229.2
Na.SO, 224.8
A=~ (4.134)
v cm'AREA
III mole of /
electrolyte "
Fig. 4.52. Diagram to illustrate the meaning of the
molar conductivity of an electrolyte.
TABLE 4.10
Equivalent Conductivities of True Electrolytes in Dilute Aqueous Solutions
at 25 0 C
Equivalent conductivity,
ohm- 1 cm 2 eq-l at 0.005 g-eq Iiter- l
KCl 143.55
NaOH 240.00
AgNO a 127.20
! BaCI. 128.02
! NiSO. 93.20
TABLE 4.11
Equivalent Conductance Varies with Concentration
Concentration, eq Iiter- 1
(KCI solutions)
0.001 146.9
0.005 143.5
om 141.2
0.02 138.2
0.05 133.3
0.10 128.9
A 80
o L-_4:-'--_2~'--0~
log C
Fig. 4.54. The observed variation of the
equivalent conductivity of CaCI. with con-
TABLE 4.12
Equivalent Conductivities at Infinite Dilution, AO, of Electrolytes in Aqueous
Solution at 25 0 C
HCI 426.0
NaOH 247.9
NaCI 126.4
KCI 149.8
K 4 Fe(CN)6 183.9
CaCI. 135.7
Equivalent conductivities
at infinite di lution
.J\. 120
109 C
Fig. 4.56. The experimental basis for
Kohlrausch's law. A versus cf plots. con-
sist of straight lines.
Fig. 4.57. The experimental A versus c!
plots depend largely on the type of electro-
The driving force for ionic drift, i.e., the electric field X, not only has
a particular magnitude, it also acts in a particular direction. It is a vector.
Since the ionic current density i, i.e., the flow of electric charge, is propor-
tional to the electric field operating in the solution [see Eq. (4.125)],
i = aX (4.125)
the ionic current density must also be a vector. Vectorial quantities are often
designated by arrows placed over the quantities (unless their directed
TABLE 4.13
Equivalent Conductances of Individual Ions at Infinite Dilution
ohm _1 em' at 25 0 C
below the infinite dilution value, and vice versa. To make quantitative
estimates of these effects, however, one must make calculations of the
influence of ionic-cloud effects on the phenomenon of conduction, a task
which will be taken up further on.
Further Reading
1. S. Glasstone, An Introduction to Electrochemistry, D. van Nostrand Co., Inc.,
Princeton, N.J., 1949.
2. R. M. Fuoss and F. Accasina, Electrolytic Conductance, Interscience Publishers,
Inc., New York, 1959.
to the motion of the ion. Thus, the ion stops and starts and zig-zags. But
the applied electric field imparts to the ion a direction (that of the oppositely
charged electrode), and the ion works its way, though erratically, in the
direction of this electrode. The ion drifts in a preferred direction.
F (4.144)
t The argument is developed in general for any force, not necessarily an electric force.
In fact, the derivation of the basic relation (4.144) reveals the conditions
under which the proportionality between drift velocity (or flux) and electric
field breaks down. Thus, it was essential to the derivation that, in a collision,
an ion does not preserve any part of its extra velocity component arising
from the force field. If it did, then the actual drift velocity would be greater
than that calculated by Eq. (4.144) because there would be a cumulative
carry-over of the extra velocity from collision to collision. In other words,
every collision must wipe out all traces of the force-derived extra velocity,
and the ion must start afresh to acquire the additional velocity. This con-
dition can be satisfied only if the drift velocity and, therefore, the field are
T -+
Vd =-F (4.144)
t The dimensions of flux are in moles per square centimeter per second, and they are
equal to the product of the dimensions of concentration expressed in moles per cubic
centimeter and velocity expressed in centimeters per second.
which means that the absolute mobility is the drift velocity developed under
unit applied force (F = I dyne) and has its dimensions in centimeters per
second per dyne.
For example, one might have an electric field X of 0.05 V cm-I in the
electrolyte solution and observe a drift velocity of 2 x 10-5 cm sec-I. The
electric force F operating on the ion is equal to the electric force per unit
charge, i.e., the electric field X, times the charge Z.ieO on each ion
-+ I
F = ZieO X 300
for univalent ions. (The factor 1/300 comes in because the electronic charge
is in electrostatic units (esu) and the potential involved in the field is not
in electrostatic units of potential, but in volts. Hence, the potential also
must be expressed in electrostatic units, the conversion factor being 1/300,
i.e., 300 volts are equivalent to 1 esu of potential.) Hence, the absolute
mobility is
2 X 10-5 X 300
fiabs = 4.8 X 10-10 X 0.05
Vd [em sec-1 ]
Uconv = X Vern-I
2 X 10- 5
10-,1 cm sec- 1
I V cm- 1
Though the two types of mobilities are closely related, it must be stressed
that the concept of absolute mobility is more general because it can be used
for any force which determines the drift velocity of ions and not only the
electric force used in the definition of conventional mobilities.
It is the aim now to show how the concept of drift velocity can be used
to obtain an expression for the ionic current density flowing through an
electrolyte in response to an externally applied electric field.
Consider a transit plane of unit area normal to the direction of drift
(Fig. 4.59). Both the positive and the negative ions will drift across this
plane. Consider the positive ions first, and let their drift velocity be (v d)""- ,
or simply v -c' Then, in I sec, all positive ions within a distance v _ cm of
the transit plane will cross it. The flux 1_ of positive ions, i.e., the number
of moles of these ions arriving in I sec at unit area of the plane is equal
to the number of moles of positive ions in a volume I cm2 in area and v ~ cm
The flow of charge across the plane due to this flux of positive ions, i.e.,
the current density i+ is obtained by mUltiplying the flux J+ by the charge
z-tE borne by I mole of ions
The total current density due to the contribution of all the ionic species
will therefore be
i= ~ ij (4.153)
t Since one is concerned with the number of moles in a volume of v cm3 , one must not
express the concentration in moles per liter but in moles per cubic centimeter. The two
concentrations, however, are simply related as
c [moles cm-3] = - - [moles Iiter-1 ]
By recalling that the ionic drift velocities are related, through the force
operating on the ions, to the ionic mobilities [Eq. (4.148)], it will be realized
that Eq. (4.154) is the basic expression from which may be derived the
expressions for conductance, equivalent conductivity, specific conductivity,
Let the fundamental expression [£q. (4.148)] for the drift velocity of
ions be substituted in Eq. (4.154) for current density. One obtains
or, from (4.125),
What does Eq. (4.160) reveal? It shows that the equivalent conductivity
will be a constant independent of concentration only if the electrical mobility
does not vary with concentration. It will be seen however that ion-ion
interactions (which have been shown in Section 3.3.8 to depend on con-
centration) prevent the electrical mobility from being a constant. Hence,
the equivalent conductivity must be a function of concentration.
1cond"C ua~
of radioactive M+ ions are added in the form of the salt MX. Further,
suppose that the tracer ions are not dispersed uniformly throughout the
solution; instead, let there be a concentration gradient of the tagged species
such that its diffusion flux J D is given by Fick's first law t
In = - D-r- (4.16)
Now let an electric field be applied. Each tagged ion feels the field, and the
drift velocity is [cf Eq. (4.146)]
I'd = i"iabs F (4.146)
This drift velocity produces a current density given byt [cf Eq. (4.151)]
i = ::FCt'd (4.161 )
(.t 162)
By introducing the expression (4.146) for the drift velocity into (4.162),
the conduction flux becomes
Je = ciiahsF
JJ) + Jc = 0 (4.163)
dc .....
- D -,-
+ CllabsF = 0
t All the c's in this derivation are in moles per cubic centimeter.
t In Eq. (4.151), one will find I' _: the reason is that. in Section 4.4.4. the drift \-elocit)'
of a positive ion, (I'd) .• had been concisely written as I' _.
where U is the potential energy of an ion in the applied field and CO is the
concentration in a region where the potential energy is zero. Differentiating
this expression, one obtains
de _ _ 0 -U/kT I dU
dx - ee kT dx
e dU
kT dx
But, by the definition of force,
-+ dU
F=-- (4.167)
de e-+
-=-F (4.168)
dx kT
If, now, Eqs. (4.164) and (4.168) are compared, it is obvious that
D =BRT (4.17)
BRT = fiabskT
8 /
When the hydrodynamic conditions are such that this Reynolds number
is much smaller than unity, Stokes showed that the drag force F opposing
the sphere is given by the following relation
F = 6nrr;v (4.172)
t Stokes' law is often used in electrochemical problems, but its approximate nature is
not always brought out. Apart from the validity of extrapolating from the macroscopic-
sphere-<:ontinuum-fluid model of Stokes' to atomic near-spheres in a molecular liquid,
another reason for the limited validity of Stokes' law arises from questions concerning
the radii which should be substituted in any application of the law. These should not
be the crystallographic radii, and an appraisal of the correct value implies a rather
detailed knowledge of the structure of the solvation sheath (ef Section 2.4). Further,
the viscosity used in Stokes' law is the bulk average viscosity of the whole solution,
whereas it is the local viscosity in the neighborhood of the ion which should be taken.
The two may not be the same, because the ion's field may affect the solvent structure
and hence its viscosity.
In recent years, attention has been drawn by Fuoss, Boyd, and Zwanzig to the fact
that, while Stokes' law deals with uncharged spheres, the real situation involves charged
ions. The existence of a charge on the moving body has the following effect on a polar
solvent: The charge tends to produce an orientation of solvent dipoles in the vicinity
of the ion. Since, however, the charge is moving, the dipoles, once oriented, take some
finite relaxation time T to disorient. During this relaxation time, a relaxation force
operates on the ion; this relaxation force is equivalent to an additional frictional force
on the ion and results in an expression for the drag force of the form
F = 6:rliVr -'- 6:rliV-
can imagine a drift velocity Vd for the diffusing particles. t Since this velocity
Vd is a steady-state velocity, the diffusional driving force -dfl,Jdx must be
One can therefore define the absolute mobility Uabs for the diffusing
particles by dividing the drift velocity by either the diffusional driving force
or the equal and opposite Stokes viscous force
_ Vd Vd I
Uabs = _ dfl/dx = 6nr1Jvd = 6nr1J
D=~ (4.176)
The weight of the colloidal particles and their density being known, their
radius r was then obtained. Then, the viscosity 1J of the medium can be
used to obtain the Boltzmann constant
k = 6nr1JD (4.177)
t The hypothetical nature of the argument lies in the fact that, in diffusion, there is no
actual force exerted on the particles. Consequently, there is not the actual force-derived
component of the velocity; i.e., there is no actual drift velocity (see Section 4.2.1).
Thus, the drift velocity enters the argument only as a device.
k=- (4.178)
N., . =k- (4.179)
ii,bs = -6--
one substitutes for the absolute mobility the expression from (4.149)
This relation shows that, owing to the Stokes viscous force, the conven-
tional mobility of an ion depends on the charge and radius t of the solvated
ion and the viscosity of a medium. The mobility given by Eq. (4.180) is
often called the Stokes mobility. It will be seen later that the Stokes mobility
is a highly simplified expression for the mobility and ion-ion interaction
effects introduce a concentration dependence \vhich is not seen in Eq. (4.180).
Now the Einstein relation (4.169) will be used to connect the transport
processes of diffusion and conduction.
The starting point is the basic equation relating the equivalent conduc-
tivity of a z :z-valent electrolyte to the conventional mobilities of the ions,
i.e., to the drift velocities under a potential gradient of 1 V cm-I,
t Earlier, the radius dependence of the conventional mobility was used to obtain infor-
mation of the solvation number (el Section 2.4.5).
and (4.182)
A = zeoF
(D D)
+ + -
t For simplicity, the conversion factor (1/300) of Eq. (4.149) has been omitted here.
It must be introduced, however, when one makes numerical calculations.
Further discussion of this topic is contained in Section 6.4.6.
-----v -;jlf/ ---I-- DOES NOT RESPOND
The diffusive transport of M proceeds both through ions and ion pairs.
In the conduction process, however, the situation is different (Fig. 4.62).
The applied electric field only exerts a driving force on the charged particles.
But an ion pair as a whole is electrically neutral; it does not feel the electric
field. Thus, ion pairs are not participants in the conduction process. This
point is of considerable importance in conduction in nonaqueous media
(see Section 4.7.9).
In systems where ion-pair formation is possible, the mobility calculated
from the diffusion coefficient, lIabs = D/kT, is not equal to the mobility
calculated from the equivalent conductivity, lIabs = uconv/z;eo = (A/z;eo)F,
and, therefore, the Nernst-Einstein equation, which is based on equating
these two mobilities, may not be completely valid. In practice, one finds
a degree of nonapplicability of up to about 20%.
Another important limitation on the Nernst-Einstein equation in
electrolytic solutions may be approached through the following consider-
ations. The diffusion coefficient is in general not a constant. This has been
pointed out in Section 4.2.3, where the following expression was derived,
D = BRT(I + dIn!)
dIn c
It is clear that BRT is the value of the diffusion coefficient when the solution
behaves ideally, i.e.,! = 1; this ideal value of the diffusion coefficient shall
an expression which shows how the diffusion coefficient varies with con-
centration. In addition, there is Kohlrausch's law
A =Ao - Ac! (4.136)
A = zeoF _1_
6n r1)
A1) = - - - (4.188)
TABLE 4.14
Tests of Walden's rule. The product A" for Potassium Iodide in Various
Solvents at 25 0 C
Solvent A TJ A"
t o °c.
t 200C.
TABLE 4.15
The Product A" for Sodium Chloride in Various Solvents at 25 0 C
Solvent A
i = ZFCVd (4.161)
Hitherto, the drift velocity has been related to macroscopic forces (e.g.,
-+ -+
the Stokes viscous force F = 6nr1} or the electric force F = zeoX) through
the relation
Vd=-T (4.144)
Any velocity is given by the distance traveled divided by the time taken
- -"
to travel that distance. In the present case, the distance is the jump distance I,
i.e., the mean distance that an ion jumps in hopping from site to site in the
course of its directed random walk, and the time is the mean time T between
successive jumps. This mean time includes the time the ion may wait in a
"cell" of surrounding particles as well as the actual time involved in jump-
ing. Thus,
-+ Mean jump distance I
v = Mean time between jumps T
The reciprocal of the mean time between jumps is the net jump frequency k,
which is the number of jumps per unit of time. Hence,
-+ -+
v = [·k (4.192)
+- +-
v = [·k (4.193)
To emphasize that this is the jump frequency for a pure diffusion process,
in which case the ions are not subjected to an externally applied field, a
subscript D will be appended to the net jump frequency and to the standard
free energy of activation, i.e.,
-+kn- -kT
- e-,1G oD*/RT (4.194)
Now, suppose an electric field is applied such that it hinders the move-
ment of a positive ion from right to left. Then, the work that is done on
the ion in moving it from the equilibrium position to the top of the barrier
(Fig. 4.65) is the product of the charge on the ion, z+eo , and the potential
difference between the equilibrium position and the activated state, i.e.,
the position at the top of the barrier. Let this potential difference be a
Electric field.X
~ .......",
..<> : : ~-1'{'''''·''·" .,__
r- ~L::..J Activotion distance
(0 )
I' L~
~ I 1
Diffusion barrier
(C) ~
fraction fJ of the total potential difference (i.e., the applied electric field X
times the distance I) between two equilibrium sites. Then, the electrical
work done on one positive ion in making it climb to the top of the barrier,
i.e., in activating it, is equal to the charge on the ion, z+e o, times the potential
difference {3XI through which it is transported. Thus, the electrical work is
z+eofJXI per ion, or z+F{3XI per mole of ions.
The electrical work of activation corresponds to a free-energy change.
It appears therefore that there is a contribution to the total free energy of
activation due to the electrical work done on the ion in making it climb
the barrier. This electrical contribution to the free energy of activation is
Hence, the total free energy of activation (for positive ions moving
from right to left) is
Thus, in the presence of the field, the frequency of right -+ left jump is
By a similar argument, the left -+ right jump frequency k, or the number
of jumps per second from left to right, may be obtained. There are, how-
ever, two differences: When positive ions move from left to right, (1) they
are moving with the field and therefore are helped, not hindered, by the
field, and (2) they have to climb only through a fraction 1 - {3 of the
barrier. Hence, the electrical work of activation is - [z+F(1 - (3)XI], the
minus sign indicating that the field assists the ion. Thus,
t This implies (el Fig. 4.65) that the energy barrier is symmetrical.
The net charge transported per second across unit area, i.e., the current
density i is given by Eq. (4.161), i.e.,
Upon inserting the expression (4.205) for the drift velocity into Eq. (4.161),
it is clear that
i = z+Fc(2Ik D sinh pX) (4.206)
A picture of the hyperbolic sine relation between the ionic current density
and the electric field that would result from Eq. (4.206) is shown in Fig. 4.66.
The fundamental thinking used in the derivation of Eq. (4.206) has
wide applicability. Take the case of an oxide film which grows on an elec-
----"7'i~---- FIELD
Fig. 4.67. The similarity between the ionic current flowing (a)
through an oxide between an electrode and an electrolyte and
(b) through an electrolyte between two electrodes.
unity. Under this condition of pX)> I, one obtains sinh pX ""' eP'\"j2 because
one can neglect e- pT in comparison with ePT . Thus (Fig. 4.68),
i.e., the current density bears an exponential relation to the field. Such an
exponential dependence of current on field is commonly observed in oxide
growth, at electrode-electrolyte interfaces, but not in electrolyte solutions.
In electrolytic solutions, however, the conditions for the high-field
approximation are not often observed. The applied field X is generally
relatively small, III which case pX <{ I and the following approximation
can be used
and the current density in Eq. (4.206) is approximately given (Fig. 4.69) by
All the quantities within the parentheses are constants in a particular elec-
trolyte, and, therefore,
i+ = constant X (4.210)
i.e., the ionic current density is proportional to the field. This is the low-
field approximation. It is, in fact, the rate-process version of Ohm's law.
An important point, however, has emerged; Ohm's law is valid only for small
4.4.14. The Total Driving Force for Ionic Transport: The Gradient
of the Electrochemical Potential
In this case, there will be diffusion of the tracer ions, and, therefore,
the current density i+ is not simply given by a conduction law, i.e., by
(0 )
( b)
- Fl2k (I - X) dc+
z+ D P dx
= 2z+Fc+1k DPX - Z+Fl2k n(l - pX) dx (4.215)
and, finally, by replacing f2kD with D+ [cf. Eq. (4.113)], the result is
since, according to the definition of the chemical potential for ideal solutions
[cf Eq. (3.54)],
In addition, from Eq. (4.9), the electric field X is equal to minus the
gradient of electrostatic potential, i.e.,
X= _ d1jJ (4.9)
zF1jJ + p+
Electrostatic Chemical
potential potential
and the total driving force for the drift of ions is the gradient of the elec-
trochemical potential. Thus, one can write the flux 1+ of Eq. (4.221) in
the form
(uabs)+kT df-l+
RT c+ dx
(uconv )+ kT df-l+
z+eo RT c+ dx
(uconv )+ df-l +
----:::__ C -- (4.224)
z+F + dx
t In Eqs. (4.149) through (4.224), the 1/300 factor has been omitted. In making nu-
merical calculations, however, it must be taken into account. Thus, (4.224) is
the second term is larger than the first, then the flux of the [Ag(CN)2]-
ions is opposite to the direction of the electric field, i.e., toward the nega-
tively charged electrode.
Further Reading
l. A. Einstein, Investigations on the Theory of the Brownian Movement, Methuen,
London, 1926.
2. S. Glasstone, K. J. Laidler, and H. Eyring, Theory of the Rate Processes,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1941.
3. R. W. Gurney, Ionic Processes in Solution, Dover Publications, New York,
4. R. A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes, Electrolyte Solutions, Butterworth's Pub-
lications, Ltd., London, 1955.
5. R. H. Boyd, "Extension of Stokes Law for Ionic Motion to Include the Effect
of Dielectric Relaxation," J. Chem. Phys., 35: 19, 281 (1961).
6. R. W. Laity, J. Chem. Educ., 39: 56 (1962).
7. R. Zwanzig, '~Dielectric Friction on a Moving Ion," J. Chem. Phys., 38: 1603
8. R. P. Feynman, Lectures on Physics, Vol. 1, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.,
Inc., Reading, Mass, 1964.
4.5.1. The Drift of One Ionic Species May Influence the Drift
of Another
The processes of diffusion and conduction have been treated so far
with the simple assumption that each ionic species drifts independently of
every other one. In general, however, the assumption is not realistic for
electrolytic solutions because it presupposes the absence of ionic atmos-
pheres resulting from ion-ion interactions. One has been talking therefore
of ideal laws of ionic transport and expressed them in the Nernst-Planck
equation for the independent flux of a species i.
The time has come to free the treatment of ionic transport from the
assumption of the independence of the various ionic fluxes and to consider
some phenomena which depend on the fact that the drift of a species i is
affected by the flows of other species present in the solution. For it is the
whole society of ions that displays a transport process, and each individual
ionic species takes into account what all the other species are doing. Ions
interact with each other through their coulombic fields, and, thus, it will
be seen that the law of electroneutrality which seeks zero excess charge in
any macroscopic volume element plays a fundamental role in phenomena
where ionic flows influence each other.
A stimulating approach to the problem of the interdependence of ionic
drifts can be developed as follows. Since different ions have different radii,
their Stokes mobilities, given by
must be different. What are the consequences that result from the fact that
different ionic species have unequal mobilities?
containing a z:z-valent electrolyte (i.e., z+ = L = z and c+, = c' = c),
then, since (uconv )+ (uconv )-, it follows that
TABLE 4.16
Transport Number of Cations in Aqueous Solutions at 25 0 C
in 0.1 N solutions
Transport number
of cation, t+ 0.83 0.32 0.39 0.49 0.5\ 0.47 0.43
This definition requires that the sum of the transport numbers of all the
ionic species be unity for
Thus, the conduction current carried by the species i (e.g., Na+ ions in a
solution containing NaCI and KCI) depends upon the current transported
by all the other species. Here, then, is a clear and simple indication that
the drift of the ith species depends on the drift of the other species.
For example, consider a I : I-valent electrolyte, e.g., HCI, dissolved in
water. The transport numbers will be given byt
The mobilities of the H+ and Cl- ions in O.lN HCI at 25°C are
t To avoid cumbersome notation, the symbol Uconv for the conventional mobilities has
been contracted to u. The absence of a bar above the U stresses that it is not the absolute
mobility nabs.
33.71 X 10-4 and 6.84 X 10-4 cm sec-IjV em-I, respectively, from which it
turns out the transport numbers of the H+ and Cl- ions are 0.83 and 0.17,
respectively. Thus, the positive ions carry a major fraction ("-' 83%) of the
Now suppose that, to the HCl solution, an excess of KCl is added
so that the concentration of H+ is about 1O-3M in comparison with a K+
concentration of 1M. The transport numbers in the mixture of electrolytes
will be
CK+UK+/'L, C,U,
CWUH+/'L, C,Uj
UK + 6 X 10-4
UH+ 30 X 10-4 5
which means that, although the H+ is about 5 times more mobile than the
K + ion, it carries 200 times less current. Thus, the addition of the excess
of KCL has reduced to a negligible value the fraction of the current carried
by the H + ions.
In fact, the transport number of the H+ ions under such circumstances
is virtually zero, as shown from the following approximate calculation.
(Note that the concentrations must be expressed in moles per cubic centi-
meter, not in moles per liter.)
- +
Migration of
K+and cnons
Electronation of De - electronation of
H+ Ions CI- Ions
carried by the H+ ions tend to zero. What happens if this mixture of HCl
and KCI is placed between two electrodes and a potential difference applied
across the cell (Fig. 4.71)?
In response to the electric field developed in the electrolyte, a migration
of ions occurs and there is a conduction current in the solution. Since this
conduction current is almost completely borne by K + and Cl- ions (tII+ ~ 0),
there is a tendency for Cl- ions to accumulate near the positive electrode,
and the K + ions, near the negative electrode. If the excess negative charge
near the positive electrode and viee versa were to build up, then the resulting
field due to lack of electroneutrality (ef Section 4.3.3) would tend to bring
the conduction current to a halt. It has been argued (ef Section 4.3.4)
however that conduction (i.e., migration) currents are sustained in an elec-
trolyte because of charge-transfer reactions (at the electrode-electrolyte
interfaces), which remove the excess charge that tends to build up near the
In the case of the HCl + KCI electrolyte, the reaction at the positive
The conduction flux is equal to l/ziF times the conduction current i, borne
by the particular species
and the conduction current carried by the species i is related to the total
conduction current iT = ~ ii through the transport number of the species i
[ef Eq. (4.227)]
(I n )·I = - Bc·-
, dx (4.14)
or, approximately,
can tend to zero, t i -+ 0, and, at the same time, its diffusion flux can be
This is an important point in electroanalytical chemistry where the
general procedure is to arrange for the ions which are being analyzed to
move to the electrode-electrolyte interface by diffusion only. Then, if the
experimental conditions correspond to clearly defined boundary conditions
(e.g., constant flux), the partial differential equation (Fick's second law)
can be solved exactly to give a theoretical expression for the bulk concen-
tration of the substance to be analyzed. In other words, the transport
number of the substance being analyzed must be made to tend to zero
if the solution of Fick's second law is to be applicable. This is ensured by
adding some other electrolyte in such great excess that it takes on virtually
the entire burden of the conduction current. The added electrolyte is known
as the indifferent electrolyte. It is indifferent only to the electrodic reaction
at the interface; it is far from indifferent to the conduction current.
or that
This means that the positive ions try to lead the negative ions in the
diffusion into the water. But, when an ionic species of one charge moves
faster than a species of the opposite charge, any unit volume in the water
phase will receive more ions of the faster-moving variety.
Now, compare two unit volumes (Fig. 4.73), one situated at X 2 and
the other at Xl' where X 2 > Xl' i.e., X 2 is farther than the plane of contact
t Though the subscnpt "abs" has been dropped, it is clear from the presence of a bar
over the u's that one is referring to absolute mobilities.
(x = 0) of the two solutions. The positive ions are random walking faster
than the negative ions, and, therefore, the greater the value of x, the greater
is the ratio c + xl c 1"
All this is another way of saying that the center of the positive charge
tends to separate from the center of the negative charge (Fig. 4.73). Hence,
there is a tendency for the segregation of charge and the breakdown of the
law of electroneutrality.
But, when charges of opposite sign are spatially separated, a potential
difference develops. This potential difference between two unit volumes at
X 2 and Xl opposes the attempt at charge segregation. The faster-moving
positive ions face strong opposition from the electroneutrality field, and
they are slowed down. In contrast, the slower-moving negative ions are
assisted by the potential difference (arising from the incipient charge separa-
tion), and they are speeded up. When a steady state is reached, the accelera-
tion of the slow negative ions and the deceleration of the initially fast,
positive ions, resulting from the electroneutrality field that develops, exactly
compensate the inherent differences in mobilities. The electroneutrality
Fig. 4.73. (a) At a time t > 0 after the electrolyte and water
are brought into contact, pure water and the electrolyte are sep-
arated by a region of mixing. In this mixing region, the c+/c_
ratio increases from right to left because of the higher mobility
of the positive ions. (b) and (c). The distance variations of the
concentrations of positive and negative ions.
field is the leveler of ionic mobilities, helping and retarding ions according
to their need so as to keep the situation as electro neutral as possible.
The conclusion that may be drawn from this analysis has quite profound
ramifications. The basic phenomenon is that, whenever solutions of differing
concentration are allowed to come into contact, diffusion occurs, there is a
tendency for charge separation due to differences between ionic mobilities,
Liquid Junction
across membrone
0' hiQh
Solution membrone
low concentration
solutions are uniform up to the porous material, then one has a liquid-
junction potential t (Fig. 4.75). A membrane potential is a more complicated
affair for two main reasons: (I) There may be pressure difference across the
membrane producing hydrodynamic flow of the solution; (2) the membrane
itself may consist of charged groups, some fixed and others exchangeable
with the electrolytic solution, a situation equivalent to having sources of
ions within the membrane.
When, however, the flux of the species i is affected by the flux of the
t Now that the origin of a liquid-junction potential is understood, the method of mini-
mizing it becomes clear. One simply chooses positive and negative ions with a negligible
difference in mobilities; K + and CI- ions are the usual pair. This is the basis of the so-
called" KCI salt bridge."
J. = - ~ c dfi; (4.224)
, ZiF' dx
TABLE 4.17
Some Linear Flux- Force Laws
(i.e., F1 ), but it is contributed to by the driving forces on all the other
particles. In symbols,
J1 = LnF1 + Coupling correction
= LnF1 + Flux of 1 due + Flux of 1 due + etc.
to driving force to driving force (4.243)
on species 2 on species 3
4. Similar expressions are used for the fluxes of all the species in the
system. If the system consists of an electrolyte dissolved in water, one has
three species: positive ions, negative ions, and water. Hence, by using the
symbol + for the positive ions, - for the negative ions, and 0 for the water,
the fluxes are
when the system is near equilibrium. t It is clear that all the "straight"
coefficients Lij' where the indices are equal, i = j, pertain to the inde-
pendent, uncoupled, fluxes. Thus LHX+ and L __ X_ are the fluxes of the
positive and negative ions, respectively, when there are no interactions.
All other cross terms represent interactions between fluxes, e.g., L+_X_
represents the contribution to the flux of positive ions from the driving
force on the negative ions.
5. What are the various coefficients Lij? Onsager put forward the
helpful reciprocity relation. According to this, all symmetrical coefficients
are equal, i.e.,
The straight coefficients L++ and L__ represent the independent flows;
and the cross coefficients L+_ and L_+, the coupling between the flows.
t If the system is not near equilibrium, the flows are no longer proportional to the driving
forces [ef Eq. (4.243)].
t Coordinate systems are chosen for convenience.
j /
ri G£
: +;0..,
I ____ _
IN" Z_'3J_
d1p p+ dfl+ + p_ dfl-
dx p+q+ + p_q_ dx p+q+ + p_q_ dx
where t+ and L .are the transport numbers of the positive and negative ions.
By making use of these relations, Eq. (4.256) becomes
z+F dx
-+ L
LF dx
= ~~ dfli (4.259)
ZiF dx
The negative sign before the electric field shows that it is opposite in direc-
tion to the chemical potential gradients of all the diffusing ions.
If one considers (Fig. 4.77) an infinitesimal length dx parallel to the
direction of the electric- and chemical-potential fields, one can obtain the
electric-potential difference d1p and the chemical-potential difference dfl
RT t·
=--~-' dIna· (4.262)
F Zi t
This is the basic equation for the diffusion potential. It has been derived
here on the basis of a realistic point of view, namely, that the diffusion
potential arises from the nonequilibrium process of diffusion.
There is however another method t of deriving the diffusion potential.
One takes note of the fact that, when a steady-state electro neutrality field
has developed, the system relevant to a study of the diffusion potential
hangs together in a fine and delicate balance. The diffusion flux is exactly
balanced by the electric flux; the concentrations and the electrostatic
potential throughout the interphase region do not vary with time. (Re-
member the derivation of the Einstein relation, cf Section 4.4.) In fact,
one may turn a blind eye to the drift and pretend that the whole system is
in equilibrium.
On this basis, one can simply equate to zero the sum of the electrical
and diffusional work of transporting ions across a lamina dx of the inter-
phase region (Fig. 4.78). If one equivalent of charge (both positive and
negative ions) is taken across this lamina, the electrical work is F dtp. But
this one equivalent of charge consists of t+lz+ moles of positive ions and
elL moles of negative ions. Hence, the diffusional work is dp+ per mole,
or (t+/L) dp+ per t+lz+ moles of positive ions and (elL) dp_ per elL
moles of negative ions. Thus,
1 t·
- dtp =- ~ - ' dPi (4.261)
F Zi
RT t·
= -- ~ -' dIn a· (4.262)
F Zi t
An equation has been derived for the diffusion potential [cf Eq.
(4.261)], but it is a differential equation relating the infinitesimal potential
difference dtp developed across an infinitesimally thick lamina dx in the
interphase region. What one experimentally measures, however, is the total
potential difference L1tp = tp0 - tpl across a transition region extending from
x = 0 to x = I (Fig. 4.79). Hence, to theorize about the measured potential
differences, one has to integrate the differential equation (4.261); i.e.,
= RT ~ I-I ~ dlnai dx
F i x-o Zi dx
RT IX- 1 Ii
1 d(fiCi) (4.264)
F i x-o Zi J.ici dx
Here lies the problem. To carry out the integration, one must know:
1. How the concentrations of all the species vary in the transition
Ci (L)
The general case is too difficult to solve analytically, but several special
cases can be solved. For example (Fig. 4.80), the activity coefficients can
be taken as unity, fi = I-ideal conditions; the transport numbers Ii can
be assumed constant; and a linear variation of concentrations with distance
can be assumed. The last assumption implies that the concentration Ci(X)
of the ith species at x is related to its concentration Ci(O) at x = 0 in the
following way
dc· c·(l) - c·(O)
t = Constant = k. = t , (4.266)
dx ' I
With the aid of these assumptions, the integration becomes simple. Thus,
with Ii -::FI(x), Ii = I, and Eqs. (4.265) and (4.266), one has in (4.264)
RT c(l)
-,11p = F (t+ - L) In c(O) (4.268)
and, since t+ +L = I,
RT c(l)
-,11p = (2/+ - I) F In c(O) (4.269)
Further Reading
1. M. Planck, Ann. Physik, 40: 561 (1890).
2. P. Henderson, Z. Physik. Chem. (Leipzig), 59: 118 (1907); and 63: 325 (1908).
3. L. Onsager, Phys. Rev., 37: 405 (1931); and 38: 2265 (1931).
4. J. Meixner, Ann. Physik, 39: 333 (1941).
5. K. G. Denbigh, Thermodynamics of the Steady State, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New York, 1951.
6. R. A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes, Electrolyte Solutions, Butterworths' Pub-
lications, Ltd., London, 1955.
7. B. Baranowski, Bull. A cad. Polon. Sci., Ser. Sci. Chim., 8: 609 (1960).
8. A. Katchalsky and P. F. Curran, Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Bio-
physics, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1965.
9. N. Lakshminarayanaiah, Chem. Rev., 65: 491 (1965).
t To avoid cumbersome notation, the conventional mobilities are written in this section
without the subscript "conv," i.e., one writes U+ instead of (uconv)+"
where the uO's are the conventional mobilities (i.e., drift velocities under a
field of I V cm-I ) at infinite dilution. Thus, Eq. (4.l60) can be written as
tween the ion and its cloud. The development of an electric force between
a moving ion and its lagging atmosphere means that the ion is then subject
to an electric field. Since this field arises from the continual relaxation (or
decay) of the cloud behind the ion and its buildup in front of the ion, it
is known as a relaxation field. Notice, however, that the centers of charge
of the ion and of the cloud lie on the path traced out by the moving ion
(Fig. 4.82); and, consequently, the relaxation field generated by this charge
separation acts in a direction precisely opposite to the direction of the
driving force on the ion (e.g., the externally applied field). Hence, a moving
ion, by having an egg-shaped ionic cloud, carries along its own "portable"
field of force, the relaxation field, which acts to retard the central ion and
decrease its mobility compared with that which it would have were it only
pulled on by the externally applied field and retarded by the Stokes force
[the zeroth-order theory of conductance, see Eq. (4.180)].
distribution functions and then work out the implications of such functions
for the electric fields developed among moving ions.
A simpler approach will be followed here. This is the relaxation ap-
proach. The essence of a relaxation analysis is to consider a system in one
state, then perturb it slightly with a stimulus, and analyze the time depend-
ence of the response of the system to the stimulus. (It will be seen later
that relaxation techniques are much used in modern studies of the mech-
anism of electrode reactions.)
Consider therefore the spherically symmetrical ionic cloud around a
stationary central ion. Now, let the stimulus of a driving force displace the
reference ion in the x direction. The erstwhile spherical symmetry of the
ion atmosphere can be restored only if its contents (the ions and the solvent
molecules) immediately readjust to the new position of the central ion.
This is possible only if the movements involved in restoring spherical
symmetry are instantaneous, i.e., if no frictional resistances are experienced
in the course of these movements. But the readjustment of the ionic cloud
involves ionic movements which are rate processes. Hence, a finite time is
required to reestablish spherical symmetry.
Even if this time were available, spherical symmetry would obtain only
if the central ion did not move away still farther while the ionic cloud was
trying to readjust. But, under the influence of the externally applied field,
the central ion just keeps moving on, and its ionic atmosphere never quite
catches up. It is as though the part of the cloud behind the central ion is
"left standing." This is because its reason for existence (the field of the
central ion) has deserted it and thermal motions try to disperse this part
of the ionic cloud. In front of the central ion, the cloud is being continually
built up. When ions move, therefore, one has a picture of the ions' losing
the part of the cloud behind them and bulding up the cloud in front of them.
The constant lead which the central ion has on its atmosphere means
that the center of charge of the central ion is displaced from the center of
charge of its cloud. The first implication of this argument is that the ionic
cloud is no longer spherically symmetrical around the moving central ion.
It is egg-shaped (see Fig. 4.81).
A more serious implication is that, since the center of charge on a
drifting central ion does not coincide with the center of charge of its op-
positely charged (egg-shaped) ionic cloud, an electrical force develops be-
4.6.5. The Net Drift Velocity of an Ion Interacting with Its At-
In the elementary treatment of the migration of ions, it was assumed
that the drift velocity of an ion was determined solely by the electric force
F arising from the externally applied field.
When, however, the mutual interactions between an ion and its cloud
were considered, it turned out (Sections 4.6.3 and 4.6.4) that there were
two other forces operating on an ion. These extra forces consisted of: (1) the
relaxation force FR resulting from the distortion of the cloud around a
moving ion, and (2) the electrophoretic force FE arising from the fact that
the ion shares in the electrophoretic motion of its ionic cloud. Thus, in a
rigorous treatment of the migrational drift velocity of ions, one must
consider a total force Ftotal, which is the resultant of that due to the applied
electric field together with the relaxation and electrophoretic forces (Fig.
Relaxation retarding
retarding force
The minus sign is used because both the electrophoretic and relaxation
forces act in a direction opposite to that of the externally applied field.
Since an ion is subject to a resultant, or net, force, its drift velocity,
too, must be a net drift velocity resolvable into components. Further, since
each component force should produce a component of the overall drift
velocity, there must be three components of the net drift velocity. The first
component, which shall be designated vO, is the direct result of the externally
applied field only and excludes the influence of interactions between the
ion and the ionic cloud; the second is the electrophoretic component VE
and arises from the participation of the ion in the electrophoretic motion
of its cloud; and, finally, the third component is the reaxation field com-
ponent VR originating from the relaxation force which retards the drift of
the ion. Since the electrophoretic and relaxation forces act in an opposite
sense to the externally applied electric field, it follows that the electrophor-
etic and relaxation components must diminish the overall drift velocity
(Fig. 4.85), i.e.,
VR _
Fig. 4.85. The components of the overall
drift velocity.
The general formula for Stokes' viscous force is 6nrrjV, where r and v
are the radius and velocity of the moving sphere. In computing the viscous
force on the cloud, one can substitute ,,-1
for r and VB for V in Stokes'
formula. Thus,
t The factor 1/300 is introduced to permit the field X to be expressed in volts per cen-
timeter rather than in electrostatic units of potential per centimeter.
Since the latter arises from the distortion of the ionic cloud, one must
derive a relation between the relaxation force and a quantity characterizing
the distortion. It will be seen that the straightforward measure of the
asymmetry of the cloud is the distance d through which the center of charge
of the ion and the center of charge of the cloud are displaced.
But the distortion d of the cloud itself depends on a relaxation process
in which the part of the cloud in front of the moving ion is being bult up
and the part at the back is decaying. Hence, the distortion d and, therefore,
the relaxation force F R must depend on the time taken by a cloud to relax,
or decay.
Thus, it is necessary firstly to calculate how long an atmosphere would
take to decay, then to compute the distortion parameter d, and finally to
obtain an expression for the relaxation force FR' Once this force is evaluated,
it can be introduced into Eq. (4.279) for the relaxation component VEt of
the drift velocity.
But what distance x is to be used? In other words, when can the ionic
cloud be declared to have dispersed or relaxed? These questions may be
answered by recalling the description of the ionic atmosphere where it was
stated that the charge density in a dr-thick spherical shell in the cloud
declines rapidly at distances greater than the Debye-Hiickel length ,,-1.
Hence, if the ions diffuse to a distance ,,-1, the central ion can be stated
to have lost its cloud, and the time taken for this diffusion provides an
(0 )
( b)
estimate of the relaxation time OR' One has, by substituting X-I III the
Einstein-Smoluchowski relation [Eq. (4.27)]
(x- 1)2
tR =---us- (4.280)
which, with the aid of the Einstein relation D = iiabskT [Eq. (4.169)], can
be transformed into the expression
multiplying the relaxation time T R by the velocity pO which the central ion
acquires from the externally applied electric force, i.e.,
By substituting the expression (4.281) for the relaxation time T R, Eq. (4.282)
The center of charge of the relaxing ionic cloud coincides with the
original location of the central ion; in the meantime, however, the central
ion and its center of charge moves through a distance d. Hence, the centers
of charge of the central ion and its ionic cloud are displaced through the
distance d, which therefore is a quantitative measure of the egg-shapedness
of the ion atmosphere around a moving ion.
t This total force is obtained by considering the ionic cloud equivalent to an equal and
opposite charge placed at a distance X-I from the central ion. Then, Coulomb's law
for the force between these two charges gives the result z2eu'/[E(x- I )2].
Z2eo2y" tfl
2c:kT a~bs
Since, however, the velocity tfl arises solely from the externally applied
field and excludes the influence of ion-ion interactions, the ratio tfl/agbs
is equal to the applied electric force
In the above treatment of the relaxation field, it has been assumed that
the only motion of the central ion destroying the spherical symmetry of
the ionic cloud is motion in the direction of the applied external field.
This latter directed motion is in fact a drift superimposed on a random
walk. But the random walk is, itself, a series of motions, and these motions
are random in direction. Thus, the central ion exercises an erratic, rather
than a consistent, leadership on its atmosphere.
Onsager considered the effect that this erratic character of the leader-
ship would have on the time-average shape of the ionic cloud and therefore
on the relaxation field. His final result differs from Eq. (4.287) in two
respects: (I) Instead of the numerical factor t. there is a factor t; and (2) a
correction factor w/2z 2 has to be introduced, the quantity w being given by
in which
TABLE 4.18
Value of w for Different Types of Electrolytes
Type of electrolyte w
1 :1 0.5859
2:2 2.3436
zeo3xw X
----- (4.291)
6EkT 300
0_ 0 _;;() zeo
U - Uconv - Uabs 300
(4.275) to give
TABLE 4.19
Transport Numbers of Cations in Aqueous Solutions at 25 0 C
considered given by the expression for the Stokes mobility (Section 4.4.8),
tfl =_1_ ~ (4.180)
300 6nT'TJ
A = AO _ (ZeoE'X + eo w'X AO)
900n1] 6ekT
one has
A =
ze F (8 ~Z2e 2N
AO - [ 9000~'}') '" () A
)J + e02(,) (8~Z2e 2N)~
'" 0 A AO ] I (4.299)
"'{ IOOOl'kT- 61'kT IOOOl'kT C2
= AO - constant d (4.300)
Thus, the theory of ionic clouds has been able to give rise to an equation
which has the same form as the empirical law of Kohlrausch (Section 4.3.9).
TABLE 4.20
Values of the Onsager Constants for Uni-Univalent Electrolytes at 25 0
Solvent A B
146 Q)
AgN03 r::
Q) 131 o
u u
U 129
8 127
C "'Q.o SOd:
.!! 125 ~ III",
g "'h....o -." CIt/o,..
.~ .>J~~
t1r 123
TABLE 4.21
Observed and Calculated On sager Slopes in Aqueous Solutions at 25 0 C
E 421
100 ../Concentrotion
both effects arise from the response of the same ionic cloud, populated by
the same ions and solvent molecules, to the changing field of a moving
central ion (relaxation effect) and to the external field (electrophoretic
effect). Since the same assembly of ions is responsible for the two effects,
they cannot be independent. For instance, the electrophoretic movement
of the ionic cloud must affect the relaxation field.
Fuoss and On sager, in a series of papers from 1955 onwards, have
considered the effects of finite-ion-size, ion-pairing, and electrophoretic
terms in the relaxation field on the conductance of electrolytes.
They have also allowed for two other factors. Firstly, since the ionic
cloud is egg shaped around a moving central ion, there will be more ions
of opposite sign behind the central ion than in front of it (i.e., in the direc-
tion in which it is drifting). These oppositely charged ions are attracted to
the central ion, which therefore gets more kicks from behind than from
the front. The central ions thus acquire a small velocity component in the
direction opposite to that of travel demanded by the external field. In other
words, there is in effect a small force in the same direction as the external
field. Secondly, due to the presence of an excess of oppositely charged ions
around the central ion, there is a small change in the local viscosity. This
change alters the mobility of the central ion, as can be seen from Stokes'
The Fuoss-Onsager extended theory appears to be as far as one can
go in the conductance problem while still retaining the basic concepts of
the ionic cloud. It may be recalled, however, that in concentrated solutions
when the mean ion-ion distance becomes of the order of ionic dimensions,
the ionic-atmosphere concept becomes rather untenable (see Section 3.9).
One must think of ion clusters and quasi-lattices. The problems of conduct-
ance in concentrated solutions and in the most concentrated solutions of
all-pure electrolytes devoid of water-demand an altogether different ap-
proach, to which some attention will be given in Chapter 6.
Further Reading
1. P. Debye and E. Hiickel, Z. Physik, 24: 185 (1923).
2. L. Onsager, Z. Physik, 28: 277 (1927).
3. H. Falkenhagen, Z. Physik, 32: 365 and 745 (1931).
4. R. M. Fuoss and F. Accasina, Electrolytic Conductance, Interscience Publish-
ers, Inc., New York, 1959.
5. H. L. Friedman, Ionic Solution Theory, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New
York, 1962.
6. R. M. Fuoss and L. Onsager, J. Phys. Chem., 66: 1722 (1962); 67: 621 (1963);
and 68: 1 (1964).
Not only is water the most plentiful solvent, it is also a most successful
and useful solvent, and there are several good reasons which support this
description. Firstly, the dissolution of true electrolytes occurs by solvation
(Chapter 2) and, therefore, depends on the free energy of solvation. A
sizable fraction of this free energy depends on the Born contribution
(NAz i2eo2/2r)(1 - (1/ s». It follows that, the greater the dielectric constant
of the solvent is, the greater is its ability to dissolve true electrolytes. Since
water has a particularly high dielectric constant (Table 4.22), it is a success-
ful solvent for true electrolytes.
A second advantage of water is that, in addition to being able to dissolve
electrolytes by the physical forces involved in solvation, it is also able to
undergo chemical proton-transfer reactions with potential electrolytes and
thus produce ionic solutions (Chapter 5). Now, water is able both to donate
TABLE 4.22
Dielectric Constants of Some Solvents
(Temperature 25 0 C unless Otherwise Noted)
Water 78.30
Acetone 20.70
Acetonitrile 36.70
Ammonia (- 34°C) 22.00
Benzene 2.27
Dimethly acetamide 37.78
Dimethyl sulfoxide 46.70
Dioxan 2.21
Ethanol 24.30
Ethylene diamine 12.90
Hydrogen cyanide (16 0c) 118.30
Pyridine 12.00
Sulfuric acid 101.00
TABLE 4.23
Boiling Points of Some Solvents
Water 100.00
Acetone 56.20
Benzene 80.10
1 :1 Dichloroethane 57.00
Methanol 64.96
120 f-~b-+--+---+----1
110 I----i-"'-'Un\:. lo--="h-rr-+---I
100 I--~{-=---+-=-....:::>o.,""'-+---I
90 '--~":-:-_-'--_-'--_-L-_-'
.j Concentration
+ Abundant work exists on such electrolytes, rather than on, say, NaCI, because elec-
trolytes with ions larger than CI- ions are more soluble in organic solvents than are
the chlorides.
o _ zeo
uconv - 6nr", 300
Hence, considering the same ionic species in several solvents, one has
Since the radius of the solvated ions should also increase in the same order,
it follows from Eq. (4.303) that the mobility or equivalent conductivity at
infinite dilution should increase from ethanol to methanol to water. This
is indeed what is observed (cf Table 4.15).
One should be careful in using a simple Walden's rule .111] = constant,
which assumes that the radii of the moving ions are indepehdent of the
tActually, Eq. (4.304) containing the mobility is a form of Walden's rule [ef Eq. (4.189)]
which contains the equivalent conductivity. Since AO = F[(uconv)+o + (uconv)_O]-ef
Eq. (4.270)-, it is easy to transform (4.304) into the usual form of Walden's rule.
t Of course, the validity of the calculation depends upon whether the theoretical ex-
pression for the equivalent conductivity (e.g., the Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation)
is valid in the given concentration range.
versus c! curve. This will be possible if one knows the values of the constants
A and D in the Debye-Hiickel-Onsager equation
TABLE 4.24
Specific Conductivity of Electrolytes in Aqueous and Nonaqueous Solvents
at the Same Concentration
2· 0 t::="::=I.=W=,atF·r===9=W"tI1=i~
E -78'6
0'0 J----"I~-__j--_'f4
() fip (3.172)
Since Cfree ions/ca is the fraction of ions which are not associated (i.e., are
free), it is equal to unity minus the fraction of ions which are associated.
Cfree ions = I _ () (4.309)
1-()=~ (4.313)
11 0=0
Introducing expression (4.318) for 11 0=0 into Eq. (4.315), one has
1 1 KAf±2
A = I10Z + (I10)2Z2 ACa
O' 0 131-----j--7I'''9----+-------i
O· 012 i""""---=--t--~_::c.-._t_---I
<: I
! i
, c
~ a 2'56
~ ~
-4,5 -H -2,5
log C
Fig. 4.92. Minimum in the curve for equiv-
alent conductivity versus concentration in
the case of tetraisoamylammonium nitrate in
a water-dioxane mixture of dielectric con-
stant of c = 2.56.
M+ + A- ~ M+·· ·A- ~
A-· ·M+· ·A-
Thus, the greater the stoichiometric concentration, the greater is the ion-
pair formation and triple-ion formation.
With increasing concentration, therefore, ion-pair formation dominates
the equivalent conductivity, which decreases with increasing concentration
faster than had there been no formation. Then, at still higher concentrations,
when triple-ion formation starts becoming significant, the equivalent con-
ductivity starts increasing after passing through a minimum. This behavior
has been experimentally demonstrated (Fig. 4.92).
Further Reading
1. N. Bjerrum, Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab Mat-Fys. Medd., 7 (9) (1933).
2. R. M. Fuoss and C. A. Kraus, J. Am. Chern. Soc., 55: 476 (1933).
3. R. A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes, Electrolyte Solutions, Butterworths' Pub-
lications, Ltd., London, 1955.
4. H. S. Harned and B. B. Owen, The Physical Chemistry of Electrolytic Solutions,
Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1957.
XN = XN-I +I (A4.1.1 )
XN = XN-I - I (A4.1.2)
This is the result for xn z when the distance traveled after N - I steps is exactly
XN -1' In general, however, one can only expect, for the value of the square of
the distance at the (N - 1)th step, an averaged value <XN'-,), in which case one
must write
Now, at the start of the random walk, i.e., after zero steps, the progress is
given by
<X02) = 0 (A4.1.7)
After one step, it is
<XIZ) = liz = IZ (A4.1.8)
This equation has been derived for one-dimensional random walk, but it
can be shown to be valid for three-dimensional random flights, too.
The mean square distance (X2) which a particle travels depends upon the
time of travel in the following manner. The number of steps, N, obviously in-
creases with time and is proportional to it, i.e.,
N=kt (A4. 1.1 3)
_ [ e- PZ ]00
a=a - -
-p 0
= 0- ( ~p)
Hence, the Laplace transform of a constant is equal to that same constant divided
by p.
where the subscripts 1 and 2 serve to differentiate the sites, and the final state is
2. When the initial or final states are considered, the position of the ion is
described in "either-or" language: The ion is in either site 1 or site 2. During
the jump, however, the ion is in intermediate positions, and the jumping process
can be described by giving the two distances, d,- I and dI -2' which separate the
ion I from the two sites.
3. As the ion jumps from site 1 to site 2, the distance d,- I increases from
zero in the initial state to the mean jump distance I in the final state. While d,- I
is fairly small, one can reasonably [see Fig. A4.3.1 (a) and (b)] say that the system
is in the initial state (the jump has not yet occurred). But there is a limit to this
view. The quantitative change of the distances d,- I and d I - 2 leads to a qualitative
change in the configuration of the system from a configuration characterizing
the initial state to one characterizing the final state. There is a critical configur-
ation beyond which the configuration of the ion and the sites [Fig. A4.3.l(c)]
more closely resembles the system in its final state (after the jump), i.e., dI - 2
small, than in its initial state (before the jump), i.e., d,- I small. This critical
configuration is known as the activated complex (for reasons which will be explain-
ed). When the initial and final states are mirror images, then the activated complex,
d l- I
Fig. A4.l.2.
or critical configuration, must correspond to the halfway point; when these states
are not mirror symmetrical, one has to get the configuration of the activated
complex by considering the dependence of the energy of the system upon the
distances between the reacting entities.
4. Each configuration (during the process of jumping) corresponds to a
particular energy for the system. Thus, for every value of d1 - I and d I -2' there is
a particular value of the energy of the system. If these energies are plotted as a
function of the distance variables, then one obtains a three-dimensional potential-
energy surface (Fig. A4.3.2). Across this surface, there are an infinite number of
paths representing the passage of the system from the initial state or the final
state. The easiest of these paths is termed the reaction coordinate. If the surface
is cut along the reaction coordinate, then a potential-energy versus distance
diagram (Fig. A4.3.3) is obtained. It is necessary to be clear that any point on
this diagram represents the potential energy that the system has for the corres-
ponding configuration of the entities involved. Thus, in the case of an ionic jump
from one site to another, the jump can be described by a continuous change of
the coordinates of the ion in relation to the two sites. Hence, this jump is represent-
ed by the motion of a point along the potential-energy curve from the minimum
on the left-hand side to the minimum on the right-hand side.
5. It can be seen from the potential-energy diagram that, as the ion starts
moving away from one site (toward the other), the potential energy of the system
starts increasing and the point representing the energy of the system (on the
Fig. A4.l.l.
where h is the Planck constant. But a vibration in the activated complex is a relative
displacement of the entities constituting the system. The displacement can also be
viewed as a translation of one of the entities in relation to the rest of the system
(displacement of the ion I in relation to site O. The translation has associated
with it a translational energy which, according to the kinetic theory, t is !kT per
entity or kT for a pair of entities (cl the calculation of the translational energy
in Bjerrum's ion-pair theory). Hence, when the vibration of the I-I bond is viewed
as a translation, the associated energy is E given by
E=kT (A4.3.2)
Since Eqs. (A4.3.1) and (A4.3.2) arise from two ways of looking at the
same process, the two expressions for the energy must be equal, i.e.,
hv = kT (A4.3.3)
8. At this stage, a central feature of the rate-process theory enters the picture.
The activated complexes are considered in equilibrium with the reactants
Reactants ~ Activated complexes
Hence, the law of mass action can be used to give
where CAe and CR are the concentration of activated complexes and reactants,
K is the equilibrium constant, and L1Go* is the standard free energy of activation.
Considering unit concentration of reactants, C R = 1, one has
9. The number of times per second, k, that the rate process occurs is equal
to the concentration of activated complexes, CAe, times their vibration frequency v.
and, inserting the expressions for CAe and v from Eqs. (A4.3.6) and (A4.3.4),
one finds that
This is the expression for the rate constant of a rate process, e.g., of ionic jumping.
-+ -+
Hence, substituting for F+ and F_ in (A4.4.4) and setting dll/dx = 0, one has
( q+J + )
q+ q+J+ + q_J_ dllldx~o
But, by notation,
and (A4.4.IO)
(A4.4.11 )
and (A4.4.12)
- -p+ 1
----- ( - i+
- -) (A4.4.13)
p+q+ + p_q_ z+F i+ +L dl'ldx~O
in the form
and, substituting for A o_o in the right-hand side from Eq. (A4.5.2), the result is
One has again been left with (1 - O)k on the right-hand side, and, thus, one again
substitutes from Eq. (A4.S.2). This process of substitution can be repeated ad
infinitum to give the result
= AOZ (A4.S.7)
Ionization Energies of the First-Group Elements
Ionization energy,
Atomic number Element
kcai moie- 1
H 313
3 Li 124
11 Na 118
19 K 100
37 Rb 96
55 Cs 90
a b
Fig. 5.1. The isomorphous nature of (a) perchloric acid monohydrate and
(b) ammonium perchlorate.
All this suggests that it is highly unlikely that free protons are stable
in solution. Then, in what form do they exist?
Suppose one considers substances like nitric acid or perchloric acid.
Normally, these are liquids, but it is possible to prepare solid forms of these
substances-the so-called "acid hydrates." The solids can then be subjected
to X-ray examination designed to reveal their crystalline structure.
It turns out that perchloric acid monohydrate HCl0 4 • H 2 0 has the
same structure as ammonium perchlorate NH 4Cl0 4 , i.e., the two substances
are isomorphous (Fig. 5.1). It is known, however, that ammonium per-
chlorate is an ionic crystal consisting of an assembly of NH4+ and ClO,-
ions. Hence, the implication of the fact that HCl0 4· H 2 0 is isomorphous
with NH 4 CI0 4 is that CI0 4 - ions must exist in the acid monohydrate and
the remaining proton and water molecules are associated in the way that
a proton is linked with an ammonia molecule to give NH4+' It is difficult,
therefore, to avoid the conclusion that the isomorphous character of the
HCl0 4 • H 20 and NH 4Cl0 4 is based on there being H30+ ions in the mono-
hydrate of perchloric acid corresponding to NH,+ ions in its perchlorate.
Further, since an NH4 + ion is known as an ammonium ion, it is appropriate
to call the H30+ ion a hydronium ion.
What does this X-ray evidence add up to? That protons are associated
with water molecules (or water molecules are protonated) to form H30+
ions. But the X-ray studies were performed on solids, and there is no gua-
rantee that H30+ ions exist in a solution of perchloric acid. This is true;
yet the solution froze into the solid, and it seems likely that the ions existing
in the liquid phase survived the phase transition without structural changes.
So, by an inferential argument, one is led to believe that H30+ ions exist
in solution.
Water vapor
vapor inlet
.. ...
,o.. m:,n
Filament .'.......~
emits electron. :~:••.•'
Neutral water
molecul .. .. .~ :;m:
::::: , .1lectron beam
--, r- Jon lenl
_ ........:.~~!:e...
Positive ions
lMixed Ion beam
Maonetic field
into paper
Centrifuoa I force
·. .. '.V
Electromaonetic Collectar
force '. '. slil
Main colleclor-plole
. Analyzed • / •
Ion beams
There are other indirect indications that the H 30+ ion is the mode of
existence of protons in solution. For example, consider the studies in the
gas phase. Water vapor is taken in an evacuated tube and a glow discharge
struck between two electrodes in the tube (Fig. 5.2). The electrons from
the negative electrode strike the water molecules and ionize them, and
these ions interact. To know what are the products of all these events, the
vapor can be routed for analysis to a mass spectrometer. The report on the
analysis shows clearly that the most abundant ionic species is HaO+. Of
course, there are other species, such as H50Z+' H70a+, H90~+' etc. (i.e.,
o '--~r:------;2:---'3~~4
HaO+ associated with 1,2, 3, etc., water molecules), but to smaller extents.
But, all this evidence for HaO+ ions in the solid and gas phases does not
prove that they exist in solution. Why not, therefore, use direct analytical
methods? The obvious tool to use is infrared spectroscopy, and the use of
this technique does permit the identification of HaO+ species in solution
(Falk and Giguere). A further clear piece of evidence comes from some
investigations of molar refraction. The refractive index of a solution is a
property which indicates the size and shape of the ions present. It is found
that, if a series of molar refractions are measured for an isoelectronic series
of ions and molecules (i.e., ions and molecules with the same number of
electrons), then the "proton in solution" only fits into the theory in the
right position if it is counted, not as a proton, but as an entity with three
hydrogen atoms, i.e., as an HaO+ ion (fig. 5.3).
To summarize: In solution, protons are unstable as isolatt:d entities
because their field is too powerful and their affinity for an electron pair
too strong. The result is that protons interact with water. Protons most
probably exist in solution as HP+ ions, but the evidence is not all that
certain. The fuller meaning of the statement, "exist as HaO+ ions," will
become clear when one considers the mechanism of proton drift in solution.
The shape and size of the HaO+ ion is fairly well established from NMR
data on solid acid hydrates. The HaO+ ion is a rather flat trigonal pyramidal
structure with the hydrogens at the corners of the pyramid and the oxygen
in the middle (Fig. 5.4). The O-H bond is found to be about 1.02 A in
length, the proton-proton distance is about 1.72 A, and the H-O-H
angle is 115°. The whole structure is similar to that of the ammonia molecule.
_--- I - ___ _
, \ 1'2-
H;::::-- .
-IH-E x
in the cycle, except the proton affinity, can be obtained directly from exp-
eriment or indirectly from other cycles, the one unknown, i.e., the proton
affinity of water, can easily be determined; it turns out to be about 170 kcal
It is this large energy which makes the existence of free protons in
solution unlikely. Their hypothetical concentration in aqueous solutions
at room temperature turns out to be about lO- t50 g of ions per liter, about
as zero as one can get.
where L1HMi+[rel] and L1Hxi -[rel] are the experimentally known relative
heats of hydration of a pair of oppositely charged ions Mi+ and X i - which
have the same radius ri; and L1HH+[abs] is the absolute heat of hydration
of the proton (i.e., the heat of interaction of the H + not only with one mole-
cule but with all of the surrounding water). Thus, by following Halliwell and
Nyburg and plotting the experimental values of HL1HM ,+[rel] - L1Hx-[rel))
versus (ri + 1.38)-3 and then extrapolating the resulting straight line to
infinite radius (cf Fig. 5.6), the intercept is equal to - L1HH+[abs] - 5.
By following this procedure, it was shown t that the absolute heat of hy-
dration of the proton ion, L1HH+[abs], is -266 kcal mole-t.
t It will be recaIled (el Section 2.3.11) that the value of - 266 kcal mole-I for the absolute
heat of hydration for the proton depends upon the approximation that the cavity-
formation and structure-breaking contributions to the absolute heat of hydration of
ions are independent of the radii of the ions.
<I / Edrapalation
~ 260 --T-
\::a:: Intercept •
The fact that the overall hydration energy of a proton (266 kcal mole- t )
is larger than its energy of interaction with one water molecule (170 kcal
mole-t) indicates that the proton is engaged in interactions with more
than one water molecule, or, in other words, that an H30+ ion, itself, is
hydrated. But how many water molecules are engaged in this interaction
with an H30+ ion?
The number n of water molecules which interact with an H30+ ion can
be obtained by the following considerations. The H30+ ions have two main
effects on the water structure. Firstly, they cause some structure breaking,
0 n=o
E -3 experimental
'"0E -4 00
- -s
Temperature. 'C
t When the methods of determining primary hydration numbers (Section 2.4.1) are used
in solutions containing hydrogen ions, one obtains correspondingly a value of about
H 1
~ E.'ro
H2 0 mol.cul.
Further Reading
1. J. Sherman, Chem. Rev., 11: 98 (1932).
2. V. N. Kondratyev and N. D. Sokolov, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 29: 1265 (1955).
3. M. Falk and P. A. Giguere, Can. J. Chem., 35: 1195 (1957).
4. R. P. Bell, The Proton in Chemistry, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y.,
5. H. F. Halliwell and S. C. Nyburg, Trans. Faraday Soc., 56: 1126 (1963).
6. B. E. Conway, "Proton Solvation and Proton Transfer Processes in Solution,"
in: J. O'M. Bockris and B. E. Conway, eds., Vol. 3, Chap. 2, Modern Aspects
of Electrochemistry, Butterworth's Publications, Ltd., London, 1964.
7. L. L. Schaleger, P. Salomaa, and F. A. Long, in: Chemical Physics of Ionic
Solutions, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1966.
8. P. Kebarle, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 89: 6393 (1967).
Mobilities of Charge Carriers in Liquids and Solids
em 2 see- I V-I
transport, what is the entity which actually does the moving? Is it the proton
p, the hydrogen (or hydronium) ion H 3 0+, or the H 90 4 + cluster?
One way of resolving this question of the kinetic entity in proton drift
is to proceed by assuming that, whichever of the above species is the kinetic
entity, it drifts in the same way as other ions (e.g., K+) do (Chapter 4).
The resulting predictions can then be compared with the facts. The starting
point therefore is the picture of ions moving through the solvent at a velocity
which assumes a steady-state value when the electric driving force (zeoX)
is exactly balanced by the Stokes viscous force (6nr1]v). Thus, the ionic
mobility at concentrations so small that interionic forces are negligible is
given by the familiar expression based on Stokes' law
Uo = -:-::--:-::--- (4.180)
But, what radius should one use? Free protons do not exist to any
significant extent in water and aqueous solutions, so it is logical to ignore
them in the first instance. Perhaps it is best to see what happens if the radius
Transport Numbers of Cations in O.01N Chloride Solutions at 25 0 C
Equivalent Conductivity at Infinite Dilution of HCI and LiCI at 20 0 C
of the hydronium ion H30+ is used in the above expression for the limiting
mobility. Now, hydronium ions have roughly the same radii as potassium
ions, so one would expect that their mobilities would be approximately
the same, i.e., about 7.6 x 10-4 cm~ sec- l V-I.
The facts of proton transport, however, constitute a curious and inter-
esting story. Most important of all (see Table 5.2), the mobility of protons is
abnormally high. For most other ions in solution, the mobility is of the order
of 5 x 10-4 cm2 sec- l V-I; protons migrate with a limiting mobility of about
36 x 10-4 cm2 sec- l V-I. This abnormal mobility is reflected in the transport
number, too. Other positive ions in a I : I-valent electrolyte carry about 50%
of the total current; hydrogen ions, however, transport as much as 80%
of the total current (Table 5.3).
A number of other facts concerning proton mobility are as surprising.
Firstly, the abnormally high mobility is diminished to normal values if
water is replaced as solvent by some other substance. For example, in n-
propanol the conductance is quite normal (Table 5.4); and, in methanol-
water or ethanol-water mixtures, the abnormality in the conductance de-
creases with increasing alcohol content until, at about 80% alcohol, the
abnormal mobility is reduced almost to zero (Fig. 5.9). Secondly, the ratio
of the excess (or abnormal) mobilities between the hydrogen and deuterium
ions in water is 1.4 at 25°C (Table 5.5)-much more than might be expected
The Mobilities at Infinite Dilution of Hydrogen and Deuterium Ions
• 200 A O-OOI
<: -Au-Ol
Variation of Heat of Activation for Proton Transport in Aqueous Solution
on a Stokes' law basis since the two ions are virtually the same size. Thirdly,
the proton mobility shows a temperature coefficient which indicates that
the heat of activation decreases with temperature (Table 5.6); in the case
of most other ions, a single activation energy is good enough over an ap-
preciable range of temperature.
(0) (b)
~~ ~
PAIl! -.~,~
H ,-- r@'1d
Fig. 5.10. Two schematic views (a) and (b) of a water molecule
adjacent to an HaO+ ion. The free electron pair (orbital) of the 0 of
the water molecule is oriented along the 0 (of HaO+)-H+-O (of H 2 0)
line. The jump of the proton H+ from the HaO+ ion to the water mole-
cule converts the water molecule into an HaO+ ion and the HaO+ ion
into a water molecule.
H+ transfer
1 I. I I
--H -O-H--o-H--O- H--O-H--O-H--O-H---
I I (O)
1 II 12 13 14 I
I I , I I I
~ H H H H H'1
~ 1
1 I. " I 1 1
H--O-H--O- H--Q-H--O-H--O-H-- (b)
I I' 12 13 14 I
1 1 1 I." 1
--H- O-H--<?-H--O-H--O-H--O-H---o-H--
1 (C)
! " 13 12 :4 :
t It is interesting to note that Grotthus suggested, in 1806, the idea of the transfer of
charge down a chain of particles as a general mechanism of conduction in ionic solutions.
His view was later surpassed, but it becomes cogent again just for this special case of
proton migration.
{HzOl1 H
-210 I
H2O -H+
(Kcal mole-') -240
a knowledge of bond lengths, etc., such as those shown in Fig. 5.13. When
the two minima are thus fixed, it is seen that the two Morse curves intersect
(Fig. 5.14) and a potential-energy barrier has been synthesized. t
This then is the energy barrier for the jump of a proton from one water
molecule to another over a potential-energy barrier. From the barrier, one
can calculate the energy of activation and thus the rate of proton transfers.
It turns out that the mobility calculated according to this model has the
right order of magnitude in comparison with experiment.
a. -230
I!' -250
:2 -260
C sta 1
&. 0·8 10 1·2 Iii
distance from 0 alom of
(H20), in 1
over the barrier for, in the usual treatment of rate processes, the only way
the moving particles can cross the energy barrier is by having the necessary
energy to surmount it.
Classical mechanics is an approximation valid for objects which are
large compared with their de Broglie wavelengths. Particles which are suf-
ficiently small and light do not behave according to classical laws. Their
motions are best described by the laws of quantum mechanics. One of
these laws is that the position of a particle cannot be defined with cer-
tainty; t one can only ascribe a certain probability to the particle's being in
a certain region of space. This means that, even if a particle has less than
the critical energy to surmount the barrier, there is a finite probability that
it crosses the barrier. It is customary to refer to this phenomenon as quan-
tum-mechanical tunneling; one says that the particle has leaked through the
barrier rather than climbed over it.
It can be shown that the velocity with which tunneling occurs increases
exponentially as the mass of the particle decreases. This means that tunnel-
ing is particularly important for light particles, in particular, therefore, for
electrons. (It will be seen in Chapter 8 that tunneling of electrons from an
electrode to particles in solutions constitutes the basis of charge transfer at
electrified interfaces.) Can tunneling be significant also for the proton
jumps which are suggested to be the basis of proton conduction in solutions?
t The criterion of when to use quantum mechanics has been given in Chapter 1.
, ,....
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.17. In (a), the proton from the HaO+ ion cannot
jump to the water molecule because the latter is in an
unfavorable orientation. When the water molecule reorients
and is in a configuration corresponding to (b), the proton
jump can occur.
of protons will give too high a mobility only if the water molecules are
always oriented correctly. If, however, the orientation is "incorrect," then
the protons will have to wait till the water molecule turns around and, only
after this orientation process is complete, can the jump occur (Fig. 5.17).
So there are two processes which must cooperate to give the successful
proton transfers which are the basis of proton mobility. First, there is
water reorientation, and, then, the proton tunneling. Hence, the rate of
proton transfers will be limited by whichever of the two processes is slower.
One must therefore investigate whether water reorientation is the rate-
determining step in the process of proton transfer (for the tunneling through
the barrier has already been shown to be too fast to be consistent with the
observed mobility).
get into the right position every time a proton arrived on the scene (i.e.,
turn around to present a free orbital to the next oncoming proton), then
the predicted mobility came out low compared with experiment. The analogy
has been made to a swing bridge which has to be in a position to receive
the proton tunneling through the barrier. There are two ways in which the
bridge could swing into position. It could do so spontaneously by random
motions; this would correspond to the acceptor water molecule's reorient-
ing by the thermal motions of the molecular world. It was this thermal
I IT m
¢, C;~[i'~~ ¢
~or ~~I
(H20)6 hos
(H20F musl l'8-OI'ient re-orienled
to receive proton b
reorientation mechanism that Conway et al. found too slow to account for
the mobility. Alternatively, it could be automated to turn at the approach
of a vehicle: the approach of the proton can trigger a mechanism which
turns the water molecule around and makes it ready to meet the tunneling
proton. It is precisely this field-induced reorientation of the water molecules
that is necessary to explain the proton mobility. What happens is that,
as the proton approaches the dipole, its coulombic field attracts the water
dipole and drags it around into position (Fig. 5.18). Though the rate of
this field-induced water reorientation is faster than the rate of the spontane-
ous thermal rotation, it turns out to be much slower than the proton tunnel-
ing rate. Thus, it is the field-induced rotation of water that determines the
overall rate of proton transfer and the rate of proton migration through
aqueous solutions. The estimated value of the proton mobility obtained
according to the theory presented is 28 X 10-4 and that observed exper-
imentally as an abnormal contribution to the conductance is 36 X 10-4 cm2
sec-l V-l. It can be shown (see Section 5.3.9) that this model allows a
consistent series of interpretations for most of the facts of proton mobility.
Comparison of Different Models of Proton Mobility
It is the matter of the proton mobility in ice which has been argued
by Conway et af. as providing the most striking evidence in favor of the
water-rotation, proton-tunneling model. The fact is: Ice exhibits a higher
proton mobility than water does. Does this mean that water molecules
turn faster in ice than in water? This appears most unlikely. Is the model
wrong, then? The following fact is the bridge to enlightenment on the matter.
The number of protons per cubic centimeter in ice is much less than that in
the usual systems in which measurements are made, namely, water or
aqueous solutions. This means that, when one measures the proton mobility
in ice, the flux of protons across a given piece of the system is less than that
in water or in aqueous solutions. Now, recall what was said about swing
bridges which swing spontaneously but gradually back into place and the
modern ones which are automated to be ready, after a pause, when a vehicle
approaches them.
Suppose the number of vehicles approaching the bridge grew very
much smaller than had been the case when it was arranged for the bridge
to be back in place when a vehicle arrived. Then it would have time to
swing back by itself without help from some extra mechanism. There
would be no pause for the swingback accelerated by an approaching vehicle.
Thus, for protons in ice, there are so few protons that the thermal rotation
rate of the water molecules in ice is sufficient to bring the molecules back
into the position to receive the tunneling protons. They are always ready
in time in ice. If one may mix metaphors a little, for protons which so
infrequently come through the tunnels in the ice, the lights are always
green; the protons do not have to wait for the orbitals to turn around
and be ready to receive them, i.e., their mobility is no longer determined
by the rate of water rotation. Hence, the tunneling itself becomes the rate-
determining step; but this tunneling is a much faster process than that of
water rotation, so that it leads to higher mobilities of protons in ice than
in the water or aqueous solutions in which the water rotation is rate deter-
The rapid proton transfers from H30+ ions to water molecules clearly
imply that H30+ ions cannot be permanent entities in aqueous solution.
The moment an H30+ ion loses its proton to a neighboring water molecule,
it is transformed into a water molecule. However, the time taken in the
transfer process is about 10-14 sec, while the time an H30+ ion waits for
its adjacent water molecule to reorient is about 2.4 X 10-13 sec. Since, there-
fore, the proton spends some 96% of its time linked to a definite molecule
in an H30+ species rather than as a tunneling proton, it can be concluded
that H+ ions in aqueous solution have an effective existence 3S H30+.
from the central question: How are electric charges transported in solid
biological systems? A great many biological systems require concepts
connected with electrochemical charge transfer for an explanation of their
behavior. A difficulty is in explaining how electric current gets carried
within the macromolecules. Now, in the systems concerned, there is much
H bonding; recall the protein helix held together by hydrogen bonds. It is
a speculation, but perhaps one of interest, that the charge transport in
such systems is by protons, perhaps tunneling protons, not electrons. Hence,
any mechanism by which protons get carried along particularly quickly,
especially an H-bonded solid (e.g., ice), has important implications for a
large area of molecular biology.
Further Reading
I. J. D. Bernal and R. H. Fowler, J. Chern. Phys., 1: 515 (1933).
2. B. E. Conway, J. O'M. Bockris, and H. Linton, J. Chern. Phys., 24: 834 (1956).
3. M. Eigen and L. de Maeyer, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A247: 505 (1958).
4. B. E. Conway and J. O'M. Bockris, J. Chern. Phys., 31: 1133 (1959).
5. B. E. Conway, "Proton Solvation and Proton Transfer Processes in Solution,"
in: J. O'M. Bockris and B. E. Conway, eds., Modern Aspects of Electro-
chemistry, Vol. 3, Butterworth's Publications, Ltd., London, 1964.
6. B. E. Conway and M. Salomon, in: B. E. Conway and R. G. Barradas, eds.,
Chemical Physics of Ionic Solutions, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York,
7. R. G. Wawro and T. J. Swift, J. Am. Chern. Soc., 90: 2792 (1968).
8. T. A. Stephenson, T. J. Swift, and J. B. Spencer, J. Am. Chern. Soc., 90:
4291 (1968).
5.4.2. Acids Are Proton Donors, and Bases Are Proton Accep-
tors: The Bronsted View
proton donor:
~'--~ n ,
, ....:t;
proton acceptor
acetate ion
t Substances which can function either as proton donors (Le., acids) or as proton ac-
ceptors (Le., bases) are termed amphoteric (or amphiprotic). One of the reasons why
water is such a widely used solvent is that it is amphoteric and therefore enters into
proton-transfer reactions with either proton donors or proton acceptors.
'" t,j-<J
H:sC-C, / H -
/ 0
[ /k]
acetic acid
I ..
ammonium Ion
Thus, the destruction of the electrical field of the NH4+ ion is compensated
for by the generation of the electrical field of the HaO+ ion. This is in con-
Some Types of Proton-Transfer Reactions
Reactants Products
What is the result of the proton-transfer reaction? The acetic acid molecule
(Le., the proton donor, or acid) has been deprotonated, and the water
molecule (i.e., the proton acceptor, or base) has been protonated. In fact,
one can conceptually break up the overall proton-transfer reaction into one
deprotonation reaction
where p stands for proton. It is clear that, according to these partial reac-
tions, the acetic acid has behaved as an acid (it is a proton donor) and the
water molecule, as a base (it is a proton acceptor).
If, however, a reaction can take place in one direction, it can also run
the opposite way (cf the principle of microscopic reversibility). Thus, when
the partial reactions proceed in the reverse direction, one has
(5.11 )
The species Al and Bl are the protonated and deprotonated forms of the
same substance and are called a conjugate acid-base pair. It is seen that,
in a proton-transfer reaction, two acid-base pairs are involved, i.e., Al and
Bl and A2 and B2.
The homogeneous proton-transfer (or acid-base) reactions described
above are similar to homogeneous electron-transfer reactions in that the
overall electron-transfer reaction, e.g.,
which shows that the product K".A, Ka,ll. = Kr is, in fact, the equilibrium
constant for the reaction Al + B2 :;:=: BI + A2·
Thus, if one could determine the absolute acid strength Ka,A 1 of Al and
the absolute base strength K",ll2 of B2 , one could calculate Kr and thus decide
how far the equilibrium Al + B2 :;:=: BI + A2 is pushed to the right. It is
clear, for instance, that the stronger the acid Al (i.e., the larger the value
of Ka,A) and the stronger the base B2 (i.e., the larger the value of Ka,ll.),
the more will the position of the equilibrium be shifted to the right.
The attempt to determine Ka,A, and Ka,ll. would succeed if the partial
equilibriums (5.21) and (5.22) involving protons as reactants or products
are realizable in practice. It has already been stated, however, that the con-
centration of free protons in solution is far too small to permit them to be
recognized as reaction products or reactants. Hence, the partial equilibriums
(5.21) and (5.22) for conjugate acid-base pairs are experimentally unrealiz-
able as separate entities and are, therefore, purely hypothetical.
One must perforce conclude that the absolute strengths of acids and
bases cannot be measured and a scale of absolute acid or base strengths
has no operational significance.
The x's of different acids are the powers of KC• A and are, therefore, fairly
logically referred to as pKA values, i.e.,
Since hydrogen ion concentrations, too, vary over several powers of 10,
one can refer to the powers of hydrogen-ion concentration by the symbol
pH defined thus t (Table 5.10)
t Strictly speaking, one must define pH in terms of the activity of H30+ ions.
Dissociation Constants of Some Acids
C6 H 5 0H C 6H 50 - 1.20 X 10-10
HBrO BrO- 2 x 10-9
H 2PO. HPO.- 6.22 X 10-"
TABLE 5.10
Hydrogen Ion Concentrations and pH
TABLE 5.11
The pK Values of Some Acids
Acid pK
HC0 3- 10.33
CaHsOH 9.92
HBrO 9.92
H 2 PO.- 8.7
HCIO 6.02
H 2 C03 6.35
C(CH a)3' COOH 5.03
CHa·COOH 4.8
C6 H sCOOH 4.2
HCOOH 3.75
CH 2 CI·COOH 2.87
H 2SO. -3
HSO.- 2.0
HCI -3
HCIO a -3
HCIO. -8
Since low pKA values indicate large values of the acid dissociation
constant Kc,A = CnCH3o+/CA, Eq. (5.33) shows that the lower the value of
pKA' the more is the conversion of the acid A to its base form B with
the concomitant production of H30+ ions. Strong acids therefore have small
pKA values (i.e., large KA values, Table 5.11).
The consideration of the strength of bases proceeds on lines similar
to that for acids. That is, the relative base strength is defined by taking
the solvent as the standard proton donor. In aqueous solution, this means
that the water molecule is the proton donor and the proton-transfer reac-
tion is
(5.34 )
TABLE 5.12
Autodissociation Constants of Some Solvents
Reaction Temperature K
pKB = pKw - pKA (5.39)
TABLE 5.13
pKB Values of Some Bases and pKA Values of the Conjugate Acids
pKw = - loglo Kw (5.41 )
Equation (5.39) shows that there is a simple relation between the pKn
value of the base B (Table 5.13) and the pKA value of the acid A in the
proton-transfer reaction
where NH3 and NH4+ are the conjugate base-acid pair. For this equilibrium
Eq. (5.39) becomes
which indicates that one can determine the pK of the acid NH4 + if one
knows the pK of NH 3 , or vice versa.
Fig. 5.22. Schematic potential-energy bar-
riers for proton transfers from an HaO+ ion
to a water molecule and from an acid A to
a water molecule.
differing energies of the reactants and products. This aspect will now be
Consider the transfer of a proton from an H30+ ion to a water molecule.
This transfer process can be described by a potential-energy barrier syn-
thesized from two Morse curves (Fig. 5.14). One curve represents the energy
change as the proton leaves the proton donor H30+; and the other, the
energy change as the proton approaches the proton acceptor H 20.
Such curves can be drawn for the transfer of a proton from any proton
donor to a water molecule. t Suppose one compares the potential barrier
for two proton-transfer reactions, e.g., that from an H30+ ion to a water
molecule and that from some acid A to a water molecule (Fig. 5.22)
A proton, H 20
The Morse curve for the energy changes as a proton approaches the water
molecule (the proton acceptor) will be the same in both proton-transfer
reactions. But the curve for the removal of the proton from the H30+ ion
will not be the same as that for its removal from the acid A because it is
t Since one is considering the overall energy change between the initial and final states,
the type of mechanics to be used in considering the transfer-classical or quantal-
does not affect the issue. It is when proton-transfer rates are considered that the
mechanism of transfer becomes important.
represents the net work done to pull out a proton from the proton donor,
transfer it to a water molecule, and then separate the resulting species. One
could use the terminology suggested by Gurney and call the L1GO's "proton
free-energy levels" in the proton donors HaO+, AI' A2 , etc., defined in
relation to the water molecule as the standard proton acceptor. These
proton free-energy levels can also be represented on a diagram which
would reveal, on examination, whether the jump of a proton to a water
molecule would lead to a decrease of free energy and would thus tend to
occur spontaneously (Fig. 5.23).
At present, the statistical mechanical calculation of the L1Go's for proton-
transfer reactions involves so many approximations that it is preferable to
obtain them in the following way.
The standard free-energy change for the transfer of a proton from an
acid to a water molecule is simply related to the equilibrium constant for
the reaction
0.6 -F'O.-
.!! '"
c HPO.-- .!!
0 0.5
l5. .l:
il NH.
0 .4
'0. 80, -
l:l" NH 2CH2COO - .g
0 CO.--
0 .3
0 .1
LlGO = - RT In K C• A
= (- loglO K c••''') 2.303RT (5.48)
TABLE 5.14
Proton Free-Energy Levels of Some Acids
Trimethylacetic 6.856
Acetic 6.486
Propionic 6.646
Hexoic 6.626
Isobutyric 6.606
Isohexoic 6.606
Valerie 6.606
Butyric 6.566
Isoullesic 6.516
Diethylacetic 6.456
Succinic 5.866
Lactic 5.256
Glycollic 5.216
Formic 5.106
Iodoacetic 4.326
Bromoacetic 3.956
Chloroacetic 3.906
Fluoroacetic 3.526
Cyanoacetic 3.366
i.e., the standard free energy for the transfer of a proton from the acid to
a water molecule is proportional to the pK of the acid.
Thus, the concept of proton free-energy levels, expressed in terms of
LlGo (Table 5.14), is simply related to the pK value and, therefore, to the
strength of an acid relative to a particular solvent functioning as a proton
the greater is the relative strength of the acid. This conclusion can also be
reached from Eq. (5.27), which can be written as
for the reaction
A + S~B + SH+ (5.51)
[t is clear that, the greater the absolute base strength Ka,s of the solvent
(i.e., the greater its proton-accepting tendency), the greater is the relative
acid strength Kr,A of the acid A. Hence, a particular acid may appear strong
in one solvent and weak in another.
For example, Hel is a strong acid in aqueous solutions because the
proton-transfer reaction
occurs only to a small extent. The reason, then, is that water is a stronger
base than acetic acid.
Suppose now one considers several acids AI' A2 , A3 , .•. , and suppose
the minima of their proton-donating curves lie far above that of the proton-
accepting curve of the solvent (Fig. 5.24). Then these various acids will
react almost completely with the solvent, i.e., the position of the equilibrium
will occur so much to the right that, effectively, all the acid will be in its
base form B;. Under these circumstances, all the acids AI, A2 , ••• will
appear equally strong (Fig. 5.25). This is what happens with aqueous
solutions of the strong acids HCl0 4 , HBr, H 2S04 , HCl, and NH0 3. The
reactions such as
Normality of acid
Fig. 5.26. A weakly basic (i.e., strongly
acidic) solvent brings out the differences
in the relative strengths of strong acids. In
the diagram, the relative strengths of the
various acids are indicated by their equiva-
lent conductivities in glacial acetic acid.
the aqueous solvent has a low absolute acid strength (a strong base strength),
it has leveled out-the so-called leveling effect-the differences in the relative
strengths of the various acids.
To bring out these differences, it is necessary to use a solvent which
has a greater absolute acid strength (or a lesser base strength). This is
equivalent to choosing a solvent which has a protonation curve, the mini-
mum of which lies close enough to the minima of the deprotonation curves
to make the difference in their minima significant. Thus, HCI0 4 , HBr,
H 2 S04 , HCI, and HN0 3 display quite different relative strengths (i.e., ionic
concentrations, as indicated by the equivalent conductivities) when dissolved
in glacial acetic acid (Fig. 5.26), a more acid, less basic solvent than water.
Kr.A, _ Ka.A,Ka,s
K r,A2 - Ka,A2 Ka,s
Thus, if the absolute base strength Ka,s of a solvent is the only characteristic
of the solvent which affects the relative strengths of acids, then the ratio of
the relative strengths of a pair of acids should be independent of the solvent.
If, on the other hand, it is found that the ratio Kr,AJKr,A. varies with the
solvent, then the variation must be ascribed to the influence of the dielectric
constant of the medium.
It is easy to derive a relationship between the relative acid-strength
ratio Kr,}.)Kr,A. and the dielectric constant of the medium. The relative
acid-strength ratio can be elaborated upon thus
from which it is clear that Kr,AJ Kr,Aa is the equilibrium constant for the
in order that the electrostatic effects may be seen more easily. The equi-
librium constant ratio KT,AJ KT,A. is given by
where ,dGo is the standard free energy change for reaction (S.60). This ,dGo
includes the electrostatic contribution ,dGgh arising from the disappearance
and appearance of charges in the reaction, as well as a nonelectrostatic, or
chemical, contribution ,dGgh , arising from the relative levels of the minima
in the proton-transfer barrier (cf Section S.4.7). Hence,
- RT In K
Kr,Al = ,dGoch + ,dGoel (S.62)
charged A 1- ion minus the Born discharging work for the singly charged
A2 - ion, i.e.,
= NAeo2
r A 1- r A 2-
where rA 1 - and rA 2 - are the radii of the A1- and A2 - ions and the other
terms have their usual connotation (ef Section 2.2.5).
Introducing this expression into Eq. (5.62), one has
Thus, the plot of the logarithm of the ratio of the relative strengths of
two acids versus the reciprocal of the dielectric constant should be a straight
line of slope
the sign of the slope being positive when r A2 - < rA 1- and negative when
r A 1- < rA 2 - ' Further, by extrapolating the In (Kr,A/ Kr,A.) versus 1/ e straight
line to infinite dielectric constant [i.e., (I/e) ~ 0], one should obtain the
TABLE 5.15
Ratios of the Relative Strengths of Substituted Benzoic Acids to the Relative
Strengths of Benzoic Acid in Various Solvents at 25 0 C
. acid
. benzoIc
x !j _oinl\rO
0 2 1,"3,
'" u
0 acetic acid
H2 O CH30H
These predictions are borne out in practice, as may be seen from Fig.
5.27 and Table 5.15. It is seen, therefore, that, while the base strength of a
solvent is the primary factor in determining the relative strengths of a given
acid in various solvents, the solvents' dielectric constants do have a signifi-
cant secondary effect due to the changing solvation energies of the ions
in the various solvents.
Further Reading
Solvated ions
I '-
+ '"
Ionic liquid
Ionic solution
So the question arises: Why have a solvent at all? This limiting case
of an aqueous or a nonaqueous ionic solution from which all the solvent
is removed is a pure liquid electrolyte. Conceptually, this definition is
accurate. Operationally, however, if one removes solvent molecules from
a solution, for example, by evaporation, one is left with ionic crystals, pure
solid electrolyte. A further step in conversion from the solid to the pure
liquid form is necessary.
t In the case of aqueous solutions, the forces are essentially ion-dipole and ion-quad-
rupole in character.
Specific Conductivities of Solid and Molten NaCI
Specific conductivity,
ohm- 1 cm- 1
t The terms pure liquid electrolyte, ionic liquid, fused salt, and molten salt are used syn-
Comparison of Some Properties of Water and Molten NaCI
Melting Points of Some Inorganic Salts
Melting Points of Some Tetraalkylammonium Salts
Conductivities of Molten Salts and Water
H 20 18 4 x 10-8
LiCI melt 710 6.221
NaCI melt 908 3.903
KCI melt 872 2.407
The crucial difference between the molten salts and molten ice lies in
the values of the specific conductivity (Table 6.5). Fused salts have about
108 times better specific conductivity than water.
The temptation to ascribe the high conductance of fused salts to
conduction by electrons must be rejected. Thus the conductivity of a
molten salt is high compared to that of water; but it is some ten thousand
times lower than that of a liquid metal, such as mercury (Table 6.6).
Fused salts conduct by the drift of ions. They are, in fact, ionic liquids.
Pure liquid electrolytes therefore are liquids containing only ions, the ions
being free or associated (see Section 6.5).
Another class of ionic liquids is the molten oxides. These are highly
conducting liquids formed by the addition of a metal oxide (e.g., Li 20)
to the oxide of a nonmetal (e.g., Si0 2 ). Some properties of the molten oxides
are shown in Table 6.7.
To develop a perspective on the properties of liquid electrolytes, a
tabulation has been made of some properties of water, liquid sodium,
Conductivities of Molten NaCI and of Mercury
Hg 20 1.1 X 104
NaCl melt 908 3.903
Some Properties of Molten Oxides near the Melting Point
108 cm' atm- 1 46.3055 Isoth. 18.88 Isoth. 40.08 !sotho 29.08 Isoth. 59.579 adiabatic, 1200°C
Diffusion coefficient, 3.0 x 10-5 2.344 X 10-1 DNa+ = 1.25 X 10-5 DNa+ = 1.53 x 10-'
cm'sec- 1 1.584 x 10-1 DCI- = 1.77 X 10-5 DCI = 0.83 X 10-'
Surface tension dyne cm-1 71.97 192.2 74.3 113.3 294, 1200 °C
Viscosity, centipoise
0.895 0.690 1.0582 1.67 980, 1100 °C
Specific electric conduc- is
tance, mho cm- J 4.0 x 10-8 1.04 x lOS 0.8576 mole cm-3 3.58 4.8, 1750°C c
Refractive index 1.333 0.04 1.3426 10408, 850°C 1.52, solid, room temp.
manner of the poorly conducting ionic lattices (of the solid state)? The
situation appears puzzling.
In fact, what is the essential difference between the solid form and
the liquid form of an ensemble of particles? This is a question which is
relevant to all processes of fusion, e.g., the process of solid argon's t melting
to form a liquid. In the case of ionic liquids, the problem is more acute.
One must explain the great fluidity and corresponding high conductivity
in a liquid containing charged particles in contact.
The second problem concerns an understanding of the sharing of
transport duties (e.g., the carrying of current) in pure liquid electrolytes.
In aqueous solutions (cf Section 4.5.2), it was possible to comprehend the
relative movements of ions in the sense that one ionic species could move
with greater agility and therefore transport more electricity than another
species until a concentration gradient is set up and the resulting diffusion
evens out the movements. In fused salts, this comprehension is less easy
to acquire. At first, it is even difficult to see how one can retain the concept
of transport numbers when there is no reference medium (such as the water
in aqueous solutions) in which ions can drift. The point is: Any movement
of one ion relative to the other affects the situation of the whole liquid.
Thus, a theory of transport numbers in liquid electrolytes must differ from
that for aqueous and nonaqueous solutions.
Thirdly, there exists the problem of complex ions. In aqueous and
nonaqueous solutions, it is possible to regard the entity: ion-ion atmosphere
as a type of incipient complex in which the mean distance between oppositely
t This is a relatively simple solid from the point of view of the forces between the un-
charged particles.
Reference ion
Further Reading
1. H. Bloom, in: J. O'M. Bockris, ed., Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry,
Chap. 3, Vol. 2, Butterworths' Scientific Publications, Ltd., London, 1959.
2. Iu. K. Delimarskii and B. F. Markoy, Electrochemistry of Fused Salts, The
Sigma Press, Publishers, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1961.
3. H. Bloom, Pure Appl. Chem., 7: 389 (1963).
4. B. R. Sundheim, ed. Fused Salts, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York,
5. M. Blander, ed. Molten Salt Chemistry, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New
York, 1964.
6. E. A. Ukshe, Russ. Chem. Rev., 34: 141 (1965).
7. H. Bloom, The Chemistry of Molten Salts, W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York,
gas lattice
Internuclear Distances in an Ionic Crystal and the Corresponding Fused Salt
a 20 30
Distance from reference positive Ion
TABLE 6.10
Volume Change on Fusion
NaCl 25
NaF 24
NaI 19
KCl 17
KBr 17
KI 16
RbCl 14
CdCl 2 20
CdBr2 28
NaN0 3 11
apparent contradiction. From the increase in volume, one would think that
the mean distance apart of the ions in a liquid electrolyte should be greater
than in its parent crystal. On the other hand, from the fact that the ions in
a fused salt are slightly closer together than in the solid lattice, one would
think that there should be a small volume decrease upon fusion.
The clue to the resolution of this apparent contradiction lies in the
mobility of ions in simple molten salts, which is several orders of magnitude
('" 1()3 times) greater than that in the crystalline state (Table 6.1). It has
been seen (see Section 4.2.16) that ionic movements can be thought of as
occurring in elementary steps, each of which requires the jump of an ion
into an ionless region or site. Hence, the high mobility of ions in liquid
electrolytes implies that the number of ionless regions (or vacant sites) is
far greater in an ionic liquid than in an ionic crystal.
It can be concluded, therefore, that a liquid electrolyte can occupy
more volume than the corresponding ionic crystal and, at the same time,
preserve approximately the same short-range order, but only if empty
space is introduced into it. t
t In the case of some salts, the volume changes on fusion are much smaller than are
indicated in Table 6.10. Thus, calcium, strontium, and barium halides have volume
changes which are about a fifth of the volume changes for the corresponding alkali
halides. This is because such salts crystallize in a form which already contains plenty
of open space in the solid lattice. When these open-lattice salts are fused, or melted,
there is need for a smaller volume increase than is the case for the space-filled lattices
of the alkali halides.
New surface
Old surface
t It will be seen later that the ion does not, in fact, jump from within the liquid to the
surface in order to make room for the hole. The actual process involves a train of ions
each of which moves outward by only a small amount.
Ie 0
0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
~ 0 0 0
change in degree of order; the disturbance of the lattice is so great that long-
range order disappears. In this model, a sufficient number of Schottky
vacancies is introduced to account for the volume increase on fusion.
The location and size of the vacancies in a fused salt follow as a natural
consequence from the assumption that the empty space consists of Schottky
defects. The vacancies are about the same size as the positive and negative
ions of the ionic lattice. Further, the vacancies occur at lattice sites. This is
the characteristic feature of the quasi-lattice model (Fig. 6.9).
6.2.2d. The Hole Model: A Fused Salt Is Full of Holes like Swiss
Cheese. In the Schottky-vacancy model, the parent ionic lattice exerted a
dominating influence on the sizes and positions of the vacancies in the liquid
electrolyte. The hole model proposed by FUrth represents an emancipation
from that influence. The description of the empty space is not in lattice
language, i.e., in the language of a three-dimensional array of points.
In the hole model, it is considered that the sizes and spatial location
of the empty regions in the fused salt are random. These randomly located
and variable-sized vacancies are called holes (Fig. 6.10). Thus, the liberation
from lattice concepts leads to a fundamentally different model.
What is the process by which holes are produced? It is by a process
somewhat analogous to the formation of a vacancy in a crystal. The dis-
placement of an ion from a lattice site produces a vacancy at its former
$ WH~
Fig. 6.11. The formation of a hole in a
liquid by the relative displacement of ions
in contact.
site. In the case of the vacancy, however, the ion is removed so far from
the original site that the displaced ion can be forgotten altogether. Suppose
instead that, in the course of thermal motion, some of the ions constituting
a cluster are displaced relative to each other but only by small amounts.
Then, a hole is produced between them (see Fig. 6.11). Its size depends on
the extent of displacement, which must be random because thermal motions
are random. The hole size must therefore be a random quantity. Further,
since thermal motions occur everywhere in the liquid electrolyte, holes can
appear and disappear anywhere in this liquid.
An equivalent description (Fig. 6.12) is that holes occur by fluctuations
in local density, i.e., in njV, the number of ions per unit volume in a given
locality of the liquid. The volume V is constant; hence, the density can
change only through a change in n, i.e., by the ions' moving farther apart
(the hole size increases) or closer together (the hole size decreases).
The holes in a liquid electrolyte resemble the holes in Swiss cheese.
This is why, in the matter of their randomness of size and location, the hole
theory has been referred to in homely terms as the "Swiss cheese model."
What the cheese represents, however, is the time-average picture of the holes.
In the model, holes are continuously forming and disappearing, moving,
coalescing to form larger holes, and diminishing into smaller ones.
(0) Before hole is formed (b) After hole is formed
Fig. 6.12. The formation of a hole can also be looked
at in terms of the number of ions occupying a volume V.
In (a) seven particles occupy the volume V before the
hole is formed, and, in (b), six particles occupy the same
volume after hole formation.
Fig. 6.13. The free volume VI available for
the motion of an ion is equal to the average
volume If per ion minus the hard-sphere
volume vo• of the ion.
The cell theory accomplishes the task of picturing how the freedom
of a particle in the gas phase diminishes upon its confinement in the liquid
state. The decrease of freedom occurs through a restriction of the free
volume accessible for its motion. However, the cell model runs into three
basic difficulties.
Firstly, the cell model restricts the motion of a particle to the confines
of its cell. How then can the model explain transport properties? Transport
requires that particles be able to migrate from cell to cell. Secondly, by
insisting that a particular particle be sentenced to confinement in a particular
cell, the disorder (randomness) accompanying the exchange of particles
between cells is ruled out. The result is that the calculated entropy of
fusion-which is a measure of the increase in randomness predicted by the
model as its version of what really happens on melting-becomes in fact
much smaller than that observed.
More decisive in counting against the model than either of these dif-
ficulties, however, is the third one, which arises from the apparent con-
tradiction of volume expansion on melting, along with a small decrease in
mean internuclear distance (cf Section 6.2.2b). On the basis of a cell model
for a liquid, the only explanation for the positive volume increase on fusion
is to have all the ions move away from each other, i.e., an increase in average
cell volume. But this, of course, would mean an increase in the average
internuclear distance on fusion (as long as multiple occupancy of cells is
prohibited )-an increase which contradicts experiment (cf Section 6.2.2a).
6.2.3b. The Free Volume Belongs to the Liquid and Not to the Par-
ticles: The Liquid Free- Volume Model. In the cell model, the liquid was
divided into identical cells, each cell marking the boundaries of the mo-
tion of a particle and thus possessing a cell free volume. The difficulties
inherent in this model (see Section 6.2.3a) have been overcome in the
liquid free-volume model developed by Cohen and Turnbull.
This progress is achieved as follows. The liquid first appropriates the
available free volume; hence the term liquid free volume. The liquid then
distributes its free volume among the N particles. The distribution, however,
is not done equally to each molecule. There is a statistical distribution of free
volumes. In other words, Nl particles are assigned a free volume VI; N2 par-
ticles, a free volume V 2 ; etc. In general, Ni particles possess a free volume Vi-
In this model, the free volume of a particle is not its inalienable property.
Thermal forces are responsible for the statistical distribution of free volumes.
Hence, these same forces cause the free volume of a particle to fluctuate in
Cell A Cell B
( b)
Cell A Cell B
Fig. 6.14. In the liquid free-volume mod-
el. the motion of an ion toward another is
accompanied by an expansion of the cell of
the former and a contraction of the cell of
the latter. (a) The positions of a positive and
a negative ion and the sizes of their cells
before motion of the positive toward the
negative ion; (b) the situation after motion.
A simple ionic liquid can be considered to arise either from the fusion
of an ionic lattice or from the condensation of a vapor of ions. Thus,
there are lattice-based and gas-based models for a fused salt. The central
fact which a model must attempt to explain is the volume increase upon
fusion, which is usually observed along with a retention or even diminution
of the mean interionic distances. This volume increase without a correspond-
ing increase of mean interionic distance suggests that, in the process of
fusion, empty space is introduced into the ionic liquid. The mode of des-
cription of this empty space is what differentiates one model from another.
The vacancy model treats a fused salt as an ionic crystal with Schottky
defects which arise when ions from lattice positions move to the crystal
surface. The movement to the surface accounts for the volume expansion,
and the creation of vacancies inside the system accounts for the empty
space. The vacancy model thus requires vacancies to be of the same size
as ions and to occur at lattice sites.
In the hole model, empty space is considered to arise from thermally
generated fluctuations in local density. The holes which constitute the empty
space are random in size and location. At anyone instant of time, the holes
would make a section through the liquid electrolyte appear like one through
Swiss cheese. It is important to realize that holes are constantly under-
going changes in size with new ones' being formed and old ones' destroyed.
Further, the holes can also move by the mechanism of having an ion jump
into one hole and thus create a new hole in the place it has just vacated.
The cell theory approach is based on considering the territory available
for the motion of a particle. The transition from the gaseous state to the
liquid state is accompanied by a drastic reduction in this territory. In the
gas phase, the entire volume of the container is accessible to a particle;
in the liquid state, the particle is confined to a cell. Within the cell, however,
the particle has a free volume available for its motion. The cell theory
prohibits multiple occupancy of cells and, therefore, cannot explain the
volume increase upon fusion.
The liquid free-volume theory argues against identical cells and equal
free volumes for the particles. It is the liquid as a whole which has a certain
free volume, and there is a statistical distribution of the free volumes in
the cells. Thus, the cells expand and contract, and the mean distance be-
tween particles need not increase to provide for the increase in the liquid
free volume which accounts for the volume increase upon fusion.
Now that the basic models for a simple ionic liquid have been quali-
tatively described, the next task is to consider which model makes the
most successful predictions of experimental results. At first, however, one
should describe the more experiment-consistent models in quantitative
terms. Since, as will be seen later, the hole model appears to yield more
qualitative and quantitative agreement with experiment than do the other
models, the treatment from here on will be characterized by emphasis on
the hole model.
Further Reading
1. H. Eyring, J. Chem. Phys., 4: 283 (1936); 5: 896 (1937); J. Phys. Chem., 41,
249 (1937); J. Chem. Phys., 9: 393 (1941); Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S., 44:
683 (1958); 46: 333 (1960).
2. W. Altar, J. Chem. Phys., 5: 577 (1937).
3. R. Fiirth, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 252, 276, 281 (1941).
4. M. Born and H. S. Green, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A188: 10 (1946).
5. J. Frenkel, Kinetic Theory of Liquids, Oxford University Press, New York,
6. M. H. Cohen and D. Turnbull, J. Phys. Chem., 29: 1049 (1958); 31: 1164
(1959); 34: 120 (1961).
7. H. Reiss, H. L. Frisch, E. Helfand, and J. L. Lebowitz, J. Chem. Phys., 32:
119 (1960).
8. F. H. Stillinger, Chapter 1 in: M. Blander, ed., Molten Salt Chemistry, Inter-
science Publishers, Inc., New York, 1964.
9. H. Bloom, Chapter 1 in: B. R. Sundheim, ed., Fused Salts, McGraw-Hili
Book Company, New York, 1964.
10. K. D. Luks and H. T. Davis, Eng. Chem. Ind. Fundamentals, 6: 194 (1967).
Fig. 6.15. The breathing motion of a hole
involves its radial expansion.
is, however, an extra feature of the motion of a hole, which is not possessed
by material particles. This feature concerns what is called the breathing
motion of a hole (Fig. 6.15), i.e., the contraction and expansion of the hole.
To characterize this breathing motion, it is sufficient to specify the hole
radius r and the radial momentum Pr corresponding to the breathing
motion. Hence, to characterize a hole completely, it is necessary to specify
eight quantities: x, )" Z, PI! PII ' Pz, r, and p" whereas the first six only
are adequate to describe the state of motion of a particle.
According to the usual equations of classical statistical mechanics
which are used to express velocities and momenta distributed in three
dimensions, the probability P that the location of a hole is between x and
x + dx, y and y + dy, z and z + dz, that its translational momenta lie
between Px and Px + dpx, Py and Py + dp y, pz and pz + dpz, that its breathing
momentum is between Pr and Pr -:- dPr, and, finally, that its radius is be-
tween rand r + dr, is proportional to the Boltzmann probability factor, i.e.,
P dx dy dz dpx dp~ dpz dr dPr ex e- ElkT • dx dy dz dpx dp~ dpz dr dPr (6.3)
But the total energy of the hole does not depend upon its position, i.e.,
E is independent of x, y, and z. Hence,
fff dx dy dz = V (6.6)
the volume of the liquid. Thus, by incorporating this V into the propor-
tionality constant implicitly associated with Eq. (6.5), one has
Now the total energy E consists of the potential energy W of the hole
(i.e., the work required to form the hole) plus its kinetic energy. This
kinetic energy is given by
where In[ is the apparent mass t of the hole in its translational motions,
and nJ 2 is the apparent mass t in its breathing motion. Hence,
Inserting this value of E into the expression (6.7) for the probability
of the hole's having a radius between rand r + dr, one has
J oo
= V+na
-- (6.11 )
it is clear that
t Any entity that moves displays the property of inertia, i.e., resistance to a change of
its state of rest or uniform motion. That is, the entity has a mass. If the entity is not
material (a hole is a region where, in fact, there is no material), one refers to an apparent
mass. Holes in semiconductors have apparent masses like holes in liquids. The inertia
of the hole arises as a result of the displacement of the liquid around the hole as it
moves, which gives rise to a dissipation of energy (Appendix 6.1.)
(6.15 )
Hence, after taking all quantities which are radius independent into the
proportionality constant A, one has, by combining Eqs. (6.14), (6.15),
and (6.16),
P dr = I = fX> Artie-lV,leT dr
• 0
(6.18 )
(a) (b)
a liquid
Fig. 6.16. The basis of the hole model of Furth is the analogy
between (a) a hole in a liquid and (b) a bubble in a liquid. An
inward pressure PI and an outward pressure Po act on the
bubble surface.
Simple numerical calculations show that the first term, i.e., the volume term,
is negligible compared to the second, or surface, term for bubbles of less
than about 10-5 cm in diameter. Hence, on neglecting the volume expansion
work, the work of bubble formation (i.e., the work of increasing its radius
from 0 to r) reduces to
This expression can also be obtained from the general equation (6.19) by
setting PI = Po. This equality between PI and Po represents the condition
that the liquid is boiling. The analogy between a hole and a bubble consists,
therefore, in assuming that the work of hole formation is given by the
expression for the work of bubble formation in a liquid.
roo P dr = I (6.21 )
• 0
a =--
I X)
x 3 x 5·· ·(211 - I)
21+la" a
_ A 15;rk I
- 16 a72
and the expression (6.17) for the probability of the existence of a hole of a
radius between rand r + dr becomes
Hole radius
This is the basic distribution function (Fig. 6.17) from which the average
hole volume and radius can be obtained.
<r) = J~ r P dr
The integral in Eq. (6.25) can be evaluated by using the substitution t = ar2
t~ar2.dt/2a~r dr 1 Joc 3 -t
t31 a 3_
_r 6 • -2
a4 0 t e dt
which leads to
<r>-_ 8 1
15ni (if'
foc0 t 3 -t
t (6.27)
The integral f:t 3e- t dt is the gamma function r(3 + 1) (Appendix 6.2)
and is equal to 3! from
<r) = 15nt
8 (kT)!
y 1
(4n )! x 3 x 2 x 1
= ~
Since the average surface area of a hole calculated by this procedure gives
4:7 ~r2) = 3.5 - (6.30)
4:7: r 2 ) 3.5kT/y
[0.51(kTjy)1F = 13.5 (6.31 )
If all the holes were of the same size, this ratio would be 4:-z::-:: 12.6. The
value given by Eq. (6.31) differs from 4:7 by about 8%, which shows that
one obtains a fairly good approximation by taking the holes to be of the
same size.
What value of surface tension is to be used? The hole theory boldly
uses the macroscopic value with suitable correction for the curvature of
holes of atomic dimensions. Careful theoretical analysis appears to support
the use of the macroscopic value of surface tension in a molecular model.
What typical values of mean hole radius does Eq. (6.29) yield (Table
6.11)? By using the macroscopic surface-tension value, it is found from
Eq. (6.29) that the average radius of a hole in molten KCl at 900 :C is
2.1 A. The mean ionic radius, however, is 1.6 A.
A t)picai hole therefore is roughly the same size as an iOI2 and can
accommodate an ion. This result is all the more remarkable because of
the process by which it has been attained. One began by considering that
TABLE 6.11
Mean Hole Radius for Various Molten Salts at 900 0 C
Further Reading
t The addition of tracer ions is not considered here because one can look upon a liquid
electrolyte containing tracer ions as a mixture of pure electrolytes-one pure electrolyte,
e.g., NaCl, without tracer ions, and the other, e.g., Na*CI, with tracer ions. In mixtures
of pure electrolytes there can be a concentration variable, e.g., of the tracer ions.
ions (Fig. 6.18). But the labeled Na*+ ions and the nonradioactive Na+
are completely different entities from the point of view of a counter; only
the former produce the scintillations.
Herein lies a method of manifesting the diffusion of ions in pure ionic
liquids. One takes a pure liquid electrolyte, say, NaCl, and brings it into
contact with a melt containing the same salt but with a certain proportion
of radioactive ions, say, NaCl with radioactive Na* + ions. There is a neglig-
ible concentration gradient for Na+ ions, but a concentration gradient for
the tracer Na*+ ions has been created. Diffusion of the tracer commences
(Fig. 6.19).
positive ions
Concentration gradient
01 tracer
Diffusion of trocer
~~~~~~~~~_ _ Oiffusion of
Capillary tracer ions
initially _+~~~~ inta copi llary
Melt containin9
tracer ions
TABLE 6.12
Tracer-Diffusion Coefficients
TABLE 6.13
Self-Diffusion Coefficients of Various Types of Substance
TABLE 6.14
Tracer Diffusion Coefficients of Crystalline Substances near the Melting
Na Na 22 1.7 X 10- 7 97
Ag AgllO 2.8 X 10- 8 900
NaCl Na 22 4.0 x 10-8 727
PbS ThB 1.4 x 10-9 1043
Pb ThB 5.5 X 10-10 324
PbI. ThB 7.7 X 10-11 315
TABLE 6.15
Energies of Activation and Preexponential Factors for Self-Diffusion in
Molten Group I and II Chlorides
En = 3.7RTm (6.33 )
Only in recent years has attention been paid to the flow of pure liquid
electrolytes (Table 6.16). The still-incomplete examination shows that vis-
cosity varies with temperature in a way strictly analogous to that of self-
Molecular liquids 0
Molten soll.J·Cotions 4~y-----3·74 9 ....
9 /0
8 ieAnions • // 0
9 .,/
Liquid metals c /'~
ED Liquid inert gases A • 8...'7 9
9 9 9/.... •
.~t--' • "
~/ e
o /'"
~ [] []
2 O,P
/4' [] []
o 400 800 1200 1600
TABLE 6.16
Viscosities of Fused Salts
0.4 -
~ 0.11-
g. Ol-/X:
80 9.0 10.0
.L. xlO 4
TABLE 6.17
Temperature Dependence of Viscosity for Simple Molten Electrolytes
E~, E~,
Molten salt Molten salt
kcal mole- 1 kcal mole- 1
This implies that the basic factors determining viscous flow and self-
diffusion are the same.
Simple ionic liquids have viscosities in the range of I to 5 centipoises.
When, however, there is association of ions into aggregates, as, for example,
in ZnCl 2 near the melting point, the viscous force resisting flow of the melt
increases. Such complex ionic liquids are discussed later (Section 6.6).
E 6
w 4
o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Fig. 6.25. The dependence of the experimental energy of activation for viscous
flow on the melting point.
D=~ (6.36)
TABLE 6.18
The DT]/T of Some Molten Salts for Testing the Stokes-Einstein Relation
Molten Temperature, Di x 105 , -'- x 100
Tracer OK
T '
salt em 2 see- 1
dyne deg- 1
~ 1.0-
'0 oNa+in NaI
oX OK + in KCI
o cat+in CaClz
~ o Srz+in SrClt
c5 6 Bat+i n Ba Clz
<> Cdt+in CdCl z
0.5 t-- Q PI" in Pb CI.
1.0 2.0
Itr X 10-A cm-'
Fig. 6.26. When DIT is plotted against 1 If, a straight line
of slope kl6n should be obtained if the Stokes-Einstein rela-
tion is applicable to molten salts. The experimental points are
indicated in the figure to show the degree of applicability of
the Stokes-Einstein relation to molten salts.
TABLE 6.19
Equivalent Conductivities of Molten Chlorides
~ 10- 6
ThCl. VCl.
16 x= 0.34
in Table 6.19, where the substances have been arranged according to the
periodic table. The heavy line zigzagging across the table separates the ionic
from the covalent chlorides. This structural difference is shown up sharply
in the orders of magnitude of the equivalent conductivities.
Two further correlations emerge from Table 6.19. Firstly, the equivalent
conductivity decreases with increasing size of the cation (Table 6.20);
TABLE 6.20
Dependence of Equivalent Conductivity upon Cationic Radius
TABLE 6.21
Dependence of Equivalent Conductivity upon Valency of Cation
NaCl 150
MgCl. 2 35
AICl, 3 15.1
SiCl, 4 <0.1
For some substances, the plots are slightly curved. In these cases, structural
changes (e.g., the breaking-up of polymer networks) occur with change of
When the activation energies for conduction are computed from the
log A versus liT plots, it is seen (Table 6.22) that they are lower than the
activation energies for viscous flow and self-diffusion, i.e.,
Fig. 6.27. The straight-line plot of log A versus 1 IT.
A =-LZ·D· (6.40)
RT i ' ,
for asymmetrical electrolytes.
TABLE 6.22
Experimental Energies of Activation for Various Transport Processes
Molten salt EA
kcal mole- 1
TABLE 6.23
Test of the Nernst-Einstein Relation for Equivalent Conductivity of Molten
Equivalent conductivity
-+ -+
where F+ and F_ are the driving forces on the positive and negative ions,
respectively; L++ and L __ are the straight coefficients governing the inde-
pendent flows of these ions; and L+_ and L_+ are the cross coefficients
< 150
governing the influence of the driving force F _ on the flow J + of the positive
ions and vice versa.
What is the consequence of setting the cross coefficients equal to zero,
With the use of condition (6.43) in Eqs. (6.41) and (6.42), the result is
When L+_ = L_+ = 0, the positive and negative ions drift independently
of each other, i.e., the driving force F_, acting on the negative ions, does
/lot affect the flux J t of positive ions, and vice versa. But it has been shown
that the total driving force on an ionic species is the gradient of electro-
or, since [cf Section 4.4.3 and Eqs. (4.149) and (4.169)]
D+ = ( ) kT = (ucom·)+kT (6.49)
U"bs +
z+c o
hence, from (6.49) and (6.48),
By equating the coefficients of dc+/dx and X from Eqs. (6.47) and (6.50)
the net result is
(6.51 )
(6.53 )
(u conv )+ + (uconv )- = F (6.54 )
= RT ~ ZiDi (6.56)
--- -0- -
-0-0- -0-0-
0o~ 0-0 0-0-0 0-0 0
-0/ -
0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
_ No+
Fig. 6.30. Schematic diagrams to indicate how diffusive displacement can oc-
cur through a coordinated movement of a pair of ions into a paired vacancy.
where J Na+ is the experimentally observed flux of Na+ (primes refer here
to experimental quantities), JNa+,ind is the diffusion of Na+ by independent
jumps, and J NaCI is the flux due to coordinated jumps of Na+ and Cl- ions
t The subscript NaCI must not be taken to mean that there are entities in the melt which
might be considered "molecules" of sodium chloride. The NaCl does not refer to
Na+ and CI- ions which are bound together like an ion pair in aqueous solution;
rather, it refers to a pair of Na+ and Cl- ions which undergo a coordinated jump into
a paired vacancy during the short time for which they momentarily exist in contact.
They do not contribute to the conductance because their jumps are directed in not by
the externally applied field but by the distribution of the paired vacancies which
exist before the ions jump as a pair.
dc Nrt +
J Na+,ind = DNa+ ,ind -d--x (6.59)
D Na+ = DNa+,ind + D NaCI (6.63)
Db- = DCI-,ind + D NaCi (6.64)
The Na+ and Cl- ions which make coordinated jumps into paired
vacancies, i.e., the NaCl species, contribute to diffusion but not to conduc-
tion since such a coordinated pair is effectively neutral. Hence, the Nernst-
Einstein equation is only applicable to the ions which jump independently,
DNa+,ind + DCl-,ind = ZF2 (6.66)
ZF2 = (DNa+
' + D 'Cl-) - 2DN",CI (6.67)
The first term on the right-hand side corresponds to the value of the
one has
(6.71 )
or, for a pure liquid electrolyte consisting of one cationic and one anionic
and (6.73)
It was seen (Section 4.5.7) that, in aqueous solutions, the solvent could
not be relegated to the status of an unobtrusive background. The solvent
molecules, by entering into the solvation sheaths of ions, participated in
t The coordinate system with which these mobilities are measured is considered later on.
M colhode
I equiy. of M + ions
dissolyed in 10 electrolyte
et positive charlie
lends 10 be produced
their drift. Thus, in addition to the flows of the positive and negative ions,
there was a flux of the solvent.
This complication of solvent flux is absent in pure ionic liquids. There
is, however, a very interesting effect when a current is passed through a
fused salt.
Consider that a fused salt MX is taken as the ionic conductor in a
U-tube and two M electrodes are introduced into the system as shown in
Fig. 6.31. Let the consequences of the passage of one faraday of electricity
be analyzed. Near the cathode, one equivalent of M+ ions will be removed
from the system by deposition on the cathode; and, near the anode, one
equivalent of M+ ions will be "pumped" into the system. Since one equiv-
alent of M + has been added and another equivalent has been removed, the
total quantity of M + ions in the system is unchanged.
Is the system perturbed by the passage of a faraday of charge? Yes,
because, near the cathode, one equivalent of M + ions has been removed,
which has created a local excess of negative charge. This local unbalanee
of electroneutrality creates a local electric field. t A similar argument can
be used for the anode region.
t This unbalance of electroneutrality and creation of field should not be confused with
that arising from the presence of the electrode, which causes an anisotropy in the forces
on the particles in the electrode-electrolyte interphase region. That anisotropy also
produces an unbalance of electroneutrality and an electric double layer (Chapter 7)
with a field across the interface.
"' 2:"",,/'"
TABLE 6.24
Changes in MX at Electrodes in Transport Experiment
M anode
Gravi lollonol
bock flow
Membrane to stop
gravi ty flow
Capi llary
apparatus of Duke and Laity, Bloom, and other pioneers in this field.
The migration of the electrolyte from the anode to the cathode com-
partments can also be followed by using radioactive tracers and tracking
their drift. Since isotopic analysis methods are sensitive to trace concen-
trations, there is no need to wait for the electrolyte migration to be large
enough for visual detection.
TABLE 6.25
Some Transport Number Results for Fused Salts
LiNO a 0.84
NaNO a 0.71
AgNO a 0.72
NaCI 0.87
KCl 0.77
AgCl 0.54
From this expression, it is clear that one can determine D NaCI ' Knowing
D NaC1 , one can obtain the diffusion coefficients DNa+,ind and DCl-,ind, of
the independently jumping Na+ and Cl- ions from the relations (6.63)
and (6.64), i.e.,
DNa+,ind = DNa+ - DNaCI (6.74)
DC1-,ind = DC1- - DNaCI (6.75)
Further, by using the Einstein relation [Eq. (4.169)] and the relation between
absolute and conventional mobilities, one has
( ) ( ) Na+ DNa+.ind
Uconv Na+ = ZNa+eO iiabs = zNa+eO kT
= RT DNa+,ind (6.76)
TABLE 6.26
Comparison of the Transport Number of Na+ in Molten NaCI Calculated
from Equation (6.78) with Measured Values
and similarly,
With these values of mobilities, the transport numbers can easily be calcu-
lated from the standard formulas
and (6.73)
Uconv = 1800n'YJr;
k = eo (6.80)
Upon introducing Stokes' mobilities into the expression (6.73) for transport
TABLE 6.27
Testing of Stokes' Law on Transport Numbers
For the radii of the ions, the crystallographic values can be used and,
thus, the transport numbers calculated approximately. Table 6.27 shows
the comparison between observed and estimated values. The reasonable
agreement indicates that this approach is useful to provide a first rough
approximation of the transport numbers (for it has been seen in Section 6.4
that Stokes' law has only partial applicability to molten electrolytes).
Further Reading
1. W. Klemm and W. Biltz, z. Anorg. AI/gem. Chem., 152: 255 and 267 (1926).
2. F. R. Duke and R. Laity, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76: 4046 (1954); J. Phys. Chem.,
59: 549 (1955).
3. H. Bloom and N. J. Doull, J. Phys. Chem., 60: 620 (1956).
4. B. R. Sundheim, J. Phys. Chem., 60: 1381 (1956); 61: 485 (1957).
5. A. Z. Borucka and J. A. Kitchener, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A241: 554
6. G. J. Janz, C. Solomons, and H. J. Gardner, Chem. Rev., 58, 461 (1958).
7. R. W. Laity, Ann. N.Y. A cad. Sci., 79: 997 (1960).
8. T. B. Reddy, Electrochem. Technol., 1: 325 (1963).
9. A. Klemm, in M. Blander, ed., Molten Salt Chemistry, lnterscience Publishers,
Inc., New York, 1964.
10. B. R. Sundheim, Chapter 3 in: B. R. Sundheim, ed., Fused Salts, McGraw-
Hill Book Company, New York, 1964.
11. W. K. Behl and J. J. Egan, J. Phys. Chem., 71: 1764 (1967).
Some facts about transport processes in molten salts have been mention-
ed (Section 6.4). The degree to which the hole model (Section 6.2) serves to
give an approximate rational basis for these must now be examined. How-
ever, at first, it is necessary to cast the hole model into a form suitable for
the prediction of transport properties.
The starting point for the derivation of expressions for transport prop-
erties on the basis of the hole model is the molecular-kinetic expression
(Appendix 6.3) for the viscosity 'Y) of a fluid, i.e.,
where nand m are the number per unit volume and the mass of the particles
of the fluid, <w) is the mean velocity of the particles, and A is their mean
free path.
The quantity). is linked to the picture of the phenomenon of viscosity
in the kinetic theory of gases. According to this picture (Fig. 6.38), a fluid
in motion is considered to consist of layers (of fluid) lying parallel to the
direction of flow. (The slipping and sliding of these layers against each
other provides the macroscopic explanation of viscosity). When particles
jump between neighboring layers, there is momentum transfer between
these layers, the cause of viscous drag (Fig. 6.39). In this picture, <w) is
the component of the average velocity of the particles in a direction normal
to the layers.
Irrespective of whether the gas as a whole is in motion or not, the
particles constituting the gas are executing random motion. The particles
of a flowing gas have a drift superimposed upon this random walk. It is
by the random walk of the particles from one layer to another that the
momentum transfer between layers is carried on. This momentum transfer
manifests itself as the viscosity of the fluid. Fluid
motion = _ - - - - - - } Moving layers
of fluid
~particle$ jumping
between layers
Holes also move. As argued earlier (cf. Section 6.3.1), anything which
moves at finite velocities must have an inertial resistance to motion, i.e.,
a mass (see Appendix 6.1). Holes, therefore, have masses and momenta.
According to the hole theory, holes play the role in pure ionic liquids
which.molecules play in gases. Thus, it is considered that the random walk
of holes between adjacent layers results in momentum transfer and, there-
fore, viscous drag in a moving fused salt (Fig. 6.40). The expression for the
viscosity of an ionic liquid, on the basis of this model, is
where nh and mh are the number per unit volume and the apparent mass
for translational motion of the holes.
Now, the velocity component <wh) is given by the ratio of Ah, the
mean distance between collisions (i.e., the mean free path), to r, the mean
time between collisions,
<Wh) = - or (6.85)
'- L ,.
C Hales jumping
between fluid
a = c (~)!e-A/RT (6.89)
Obviously, this is also the time for hole formation, and the lifetime is
This is the mean lifetime of a hole. It is seen, therefore, that the hole
theory represents a Swiss-cheese sort of model of a liquid, with flick-
ering holes.
But now, before one leaves expression (6.91), it is well to note the
simplicity with which A has been treated. It is the heat term associated
with getting a hole "unmade," with collapsing the hole, the negative of
this work of forming the hole. But it has not yet been said how this will
be calculated, and what terms go into this. Such a calculation will be one
test which will be made of the hole theory here.
By inserting the expression [Eq. (6.91)] for the mean lifetime of a hole
into Eq. (6.88), one obtains the hole-theory expression for viscosity. Thus,
There are two quantities on the right-hand side of Eq. (6.92) which
need discussion. They are nh, the number of holes per unit volume of the
liquid, and A, which occurs in the Boltzmann factor exp( - AIRT), for the
probability of a successful filling of a hole.
~ar'ic/e jump
\ Hale formed
D= kT (6.93)
I L (2nmkT)-1! 2e-AIRT
4n(0.51)2 nh
The number of holes per unit volume can be expressed in terms of the
known volume expansion of the liquid at a temperature T over that of the
solid at the same T, L1 VT , divided by the mean hole volume, i.e. L1 VT/<Vh),
and reduced to the number per cubic centimeter, by dividing L1 VT/Vh by the
molar volume of the liquid at T, VT . Hence,
TABLE 6.28
Energies of Activation of Cation and Anion for Self-Diffusion in Simple
Molten Electrolytes
Utilizing the value of the hole volume derived by substituting for <rh)
from Eq. (6.29) in Vh = in<rh)3:
The identity of the rate of hole diffusion and ionic diffusion is recalled.
Thus, the final expression for the diffusion coefficient of ions in a fused
salt is the same as that for holes, i.e., Eq. (6.96).
The first point to note about this expression, apart from the fact that
it is of the form of the experimentally observed variation of D with temper-
ature, i.e., D = Doe-EDIRT, is that the energy of activation for self-diffusion
of cations and anions should be the same [cf. Eq. (6.33)]. This is essentially
what is observed (Table 6.28).
Before going on to discuss the term A in terms of the structure of the
salt, one must note what is meant by the term "Arrhenius activation energy."
This term arose from the work of the early gas kineticists, who wrote
equations of the type
Rate = Ze- EiRT
and often it is simply this coefficient which is identified with the "energy
a In D
-R a(1fT)
a In D _ _ 2( I 1 dy _ I
R a(1fT) - A+RT RT iJVT -n
diJ V
+ 2Y dT VT
In the following sections, a value of A will be calculated. Utilized in the
right-hand side of (6.98), it gives there the theoretical prediction of the ex-
perimental energy of activation, i.e. the left-hand side of Eq. (6.98) (cf 6.97).
It has been pointed out (Sections 6.4.2b and 6.4.3) that the heats of
activation for viscous flow, and for self-diffusion, are given by the empirical
generalization E" = ED = 3.7 RTm , where T m is the melting point in degrees
Kelvin. Some of the data which support this statement are plotted in Figs.
6.23 and 6.25. The empirical law seems to be applicable for all nonassociated
liquids, i.e., not only ionic liquids. An empirical generalization which en-
compasses the rare gases, organic liquids, the molten salts, and the molten
metals is a challenge for theories of the liquid state, and hence for funda-
mental electrochemists interested in pure liquid electrolytes.
Several approaches to the theory of liquids can be distinguished (cf
Section 6.2.4). One may begin by expressing the properties of the liquid
in terms of a distribution function (an expression which indicates the
probability of finding particles at a distance r from a central reference ion).
Ideally, one should be able to calculate the distribution function itself
from a knowledge of the intermolecular forces between the particles.
However, this is in fact usually too difficult a task, and one falls back upon
an experimental determination of this function (X rays), or, to making
educated guesses about the scenarios inside the liquid, i.e., one agrees
to assume temporarily some model of the structure, and then goes to
develop the mathematical consequences of the assumption. The results
of predictions from such developments for alternative models (cf Sections
6.2.2 and 6.2.3) are compared with experimental data and then one may
decide upon the most consistent model and use it as a working hypothesis
which gives a rough idea of the structure of the liquid until absolute calcula-
tions of this are possible (cf Section 6.2.4).
Tests of models have been referred to in the above-named sections.
In general, the present comparative status of the various viewpoints is that
some of them do give rise to reasonably close calculations of equilibrium
properties, e.g., compressibility and surface tension. What it has not been
possible to do up to recent times, however, is validly to rationalize
the data of irreversible phenomena, e.g., conductance, viscous flow, and
self-diffusion. For this reason, the discovery in 1963-1965 of the 3.7RTm
laws (Nanis, Richards) is of particular significance: it puts a simple, clear,
and very challenging target for testing models of liquids.
where AT is the term A for the temperature T. Hence, with the assumption
made (nm,p. = 1),
Ion per hole at T Ll Vm.p. (Vh.T)
Ions per hole at m.p. Ll VT (Vh.m.p)
One assumes that the number of ions which will be needed to fill the
hole would be proportional to the number of ions per hole. Thus,
nT _ Ll Vm.p,vh.T (6.104)
n m .p. - Ll VTVh.m.p.
with nm .p . = 1.
Thus [and with (6.29)]
One can obtain numerical values for the term on the right. It has
been calculated from experimental data for some fourteen simple molten
salts, and, if one restricts the range of experimental data used to about
From (6.29)
A m .p . = 4n(0.51)2kTm .p .
= 3.3kTm .p . per ion (6.111)
TABLE 6.29
Comparison of Abilities of Three Models of Ionic Liquids to Predict Data
, 1.5
0 120
1014 uh (ml. hole-')
Fig. 6.42. Plot of the free volume per ion against the average hole volume; (.) LiCI,
(.6.) NaCI, (e) KCI, (.) CsCI, (+) NaBr, (V") KBr, «()} CsBr, (D) Nal, (O) KI.
TABLE 6.30
Comparison of Calculated Isothermal Compressibilities and Expansivities
with the Experimental Values
with the values which the hole theory yields. An interesting aspect of the
evidence for this model is the relation of the free volume (ef Fig. 6.13)
to the volume of the expansion of melting. The free volume, in the sense
referred to here, is the space which is free to each atom on the average.
This relation is shown in Fig. 6.42. The continuous increase of the free
volume with the hole volume would be consistent with a model in which,
for approximately every fifth atom, there is a hole, so that, when a vibrat-
ing atom comes into contact with this space, its free volume is increased.
The free volume is thus related to the hole volume.
One must not give the reader the impression that all is calm in the
field of molten electrolytes. Firstly, the model which gives the greatest
degree of agreement with experiment is a very crude one indeed, and suffers
a fairly large objection because it is, in a sense, not a proper model and
attempts to deal in a curious-if perhaps ingenious-way by analogy with
the bubble in a near-boiling liquid. One might at first not take it seriously,
but one's opinion may change when one sees the ability of the model to
predict experimental data, without the calibration of any constants, and
in such superiority (with respect to transport phenomena) to other present
models, which do not yet yield an attempted theoretical value of the heat
of activation for transport, or of the volume change on melting.
Further consideration shows that there is a reasonable likelihood that
a liquid molten salt is really somewhat as the hole theory indicates. The
ions tend to cling together in clusters, and between these are many gaps
and cavities of varying sizes, in rapid change. It is difficult to avoid such
a model if one is to attain consistency with the considerable increase of
volume on melting and the fact that the internuclear distance decreases or
stays the same. No type of model is consistent with these facts except a
hole model, and, after that, it is largely a matter of how to describe it in
terms of physical chemistry. Of course, a much better mathematical treat-
ment than that above must· be given, but there are difficulties. In some
respects, the model bears resemblance to that containing molecular clusters
in gases.
In this chapter, an attempt has been made to give some account of the
structure of liquid electrolytes. One does not imply, necessarily, that the
hole theory may be invoked as a helpful description of all nonassociated
liquids. In ionic liquids, the lattice cement is stickier and hence there is
more tendency to cluster than, say, in liquid argon where the free space
demanded by expansion may be made up by increasing the gap between
the atoms.
Further Reading
(0) (b)
TABLE 6.31
Lifetime of Complex Ion in Molten Salts
spectroscopy for the detection of complex ions was stressed. The unique
advantage of this spectroscopic method is that analysis of its data may give
the formula of the complex entity present, together with detailed information
on its structure, for example, the angles between the constituent bonds in a
complex ion.
A simple comparative procedure in utilizing the Raman method is to
compare the spectra obtained in fused salts with those obtained from the
salts in other states of existence (aqueous solutions, solid state, or gas phase),
in which the spectra have been shown by independent methods to be due to
certain identified species.
An example of identification by this comparative method is given by
the study of liquid mercuric halides HgCl 2 and HgBr2 performed by Janz.
Pure liquid mercuric halides yield Raman spectra which show Raman fre-
quencies identical to those from the solid. In the crystalline state, however,
it is known that the chloride and the bromide have distinctly molecular
lattices with linear X-Hg-X (X = Cl or Br) triatomic molecules. It can
therefore be concluded that the essential elements of the solid structure
are retained in the liquid state, i.e., the mercuric halides from "molecular"
melts, not ionic liquids.
Upon the addition of KCI to a melt of HgCI 2, the frequencies corre-
sponding to the linear triatomic molecule persist but with diminishing
intensity. On the other hand, new frequencies appear that indicate the
formation of new species, i.e., complex ions (cf Section 3.8). These new
frequencies can be attributed to tetraatomic and pentatomic complex ions,
HgCl a- (planar) and HgCl!- (tetrahedral), respectively (Fig. 6.45).
The case of the CdCl 2-KCl system can be quoted as an example of
the absolute method of using Raman spectroscopy for the identification
of complex ions in fused salt mixtures (cf Chapter 3). The Raman spectra
of the CdCl 2-KCl system in the liquid state give four Raman peaks for
the 50% KCl system in the liquid state (Fig. 6.46). It was concluded from
these frequencies that a pyramidal CdCl 3 - is the predominant complex ion
Planar Tetrahedral
0 5·0
~ 3·0
.~ 2·0
u CdBr+
o 5 10 15 20 25 30
Ligand concentration x 10~ mole 1,000 g-I
in molten CdCI 2-KCl over the composition range examined, i.e., 33.3 to
Other methods of investigation (e.g., studies of the self-diffusion coef-
ficient of Cd in the mixtures) had suggested that the behavior of the CdCI;-
KCI system could be interpreted in terms of the formation of complex ions.
However, such methods only give a qualitative indication of the presence
of a complex ion and indicate its variation with composition. Raman
spectroscopy, on the other hand, has two distinct advantages. Firstly, the
spectra reveal in an unambiguous way the presence of complex ions in
molten salts; new frequencies (indicated by peaks in the intensity versus
wavelength curves) arising from the addition of the ligand must be attribut-
ed to the formation of new species. Secondly, the number, height, and
frequencies of the peaks can be compared with the corresponding quantities
which are indicated by the theory of Raman spectra for various assumed
ions. In this way, one can get comparatively detailed knowledge regarding
the nature of the complex ions present. For example, in CdC1 2-KCI mixtures,
it is possible to distinguish between the presence of tetrahedral and planar
forms of assumed complexes with the same molecular formula.
A misapprehension sometimes exists that a molten mixture of two salts
can give rise only to a single species of complex ion. This is not usually
the case, as may be seen by the results of an examination of the complex ions
formed by adding halide ligands to liquid cadmium nitrate dissolved in an
LiN0 3-NaN03 solution. Which of several possible ions is formed depends
largely on the amount of halide ions present per cadmium atom (Fig. 6.47).
Further Reading
( b)
• 51 atom
00 atom
• H atom
Fig. 6.48. The similarity between the basic
building blocks of the ice and crystalline
silica structures.
(c I Sheet of tetrahedra
fused silica, based on keeping the extension of the network but losing the
translational symmetry of crystalline silica, implies a low conceritration of
charge carriers in pure liquid silica and, therefore, the low conductivity
in comparison with a molten salt (cf Table 6.32).
<Vh) ( kT)i
= 0.55 -y-
from which it turns out (Table 6.11) that, in fused salts, the size of the holes
is roughly equal to the size of the ions. Hence, holes can receive the jumping
ions of the fused salt. Further, in simple ionic liquids, the free energy of
activation for the jumping of ions into the holes is about an order of magni-
TABLE 6.33
Viscosities of Fused Silica. Water. and Fused NaCI
Substance Temp., DC
TABLE 6.34
Surface Tension of Molten SiO. and NaCI near the Melting Point
tude smaller than the free energy for forming the holes. Once the hole is
formed in a fused salt, the jump is easy.
The surface tension of fused silica is only about three times that of fused
sodium chloride (Table 6.34). Hence [see Eq. (6.31)], in fused silica too,
the range of sizes of holes present would be of atomic dimensions ("" I to
10 A), as for fused ionic liquids.
In simple ionic liquids (e.g., NaCl), the holes are atomic sized; so are
the jumping ions. That is why jumping is no problem. But what particles
can jump into the atomic-sized holes of fused silica? Obviously, whole
macro networks cannot jump into atomic-sized holes. How then can
jump-dependent transport processes occur? There is a way. Small segments
(one to a few atoms in size) can break off from the network, and these
pieces (segments) can do the jumping (Fig. 6.50).
The comparison between transport processes in simple fused salts and
in fused Si02 is interesting. In molten salts, the jump was relatively easy,
but holes had to form. The rate of the whole process was controlled pre-
dominantly by this rate of formation. But now, with molten silica, the
Empty hole
~ ,
(a) \
TABLE 6.35
Comparison between Transport Processes in Simple Fused Salts and in
Liquid Silica
t It will be recalled that it was decided that the quantity obtained from the slope of the
log'f/ versus liT curve would be termed an energy of activation irrespective of whether
it pertains to constant pressure or constant volume conditions, though, under the former,
it is an enthalpy and, under the latter, it is an energy.
TABLE 6.36
Heat of Dissociation of Si-O and O-H Bonds
Heat of dissociation,
kcal mole- 1
Si-O-Si 104
O-H-O, hydrogen bond 5
of a wait; an ease of flow, high fluidity or low viscosity, results. This is not
the case with fused silica because of the much higher bond-breaking energy,
and a high viscosity results.
Some support for the idea that the viscous-flow properties of associated
liquids such as liquid silica and water are determined by the step of bond
breaking rather than that of hole formation comes from the experimental
plots of log 1] versus liT. These plots suggest a slight trend away from
linearity (Fig. 6.51), which is not the case for fused salts (Fig. 6.21). For
Log 'I
water, too, the plot is curved slightly with the experimental energy of activa-
tion for viscous flow, E,/,p, decreasing with increasing temperature, The
explanation for this phenomenon is as follows, Because the energy of
activation for viscous flow depends upon the breaking of bonds and because,
according to the Boltzmann distribution, the fraction of broken bonds
increases with temperature, the fraction required to be broken by the
shearing force in viscous flow decreases with an increase in temperature
and, hence, there is a decreasing energy of activation with increasing tem-
To summarize: Unlike fused salts, mixture of fused oxides are associated
liquids, In fused oxides, hole formation is necessary but not the vital step
which determines the rate of transport processes. It is the rate of prod uction
of individual small jumping units which controls them. This conclusion
makes it essential to know what (possibly different) entities are present in
fused oxides and what are the kinetic entities. In fused salts, the jumping
particles are already present; the principal problem is the structure of the
empty space or free volume or holes and the properties of these holes. In
molten oxides, the main problem is to understand the structure of the
macrolattices or particle assemblies,
Si-~ ~
Co _ Cat+
Fig. 6.52. The interaction between a metal oxide
and a silicon atom of the silica network.
t The nature of these big anionic entities which exist in glass-forming silicates is discussed
in Section 6.7.8.
temperature drops still further, they are still less likely to be able to get
back into line. Thus, the loss of thermal energy freezes in the structure of
the liquid silicate-a glass is formed. It is a "frozen liquid," i.e., a liquid
which has been supercooled to such a high viscosity that it seems to have
the essential requirement of a solid, absence of flow. A beam of X rays,
however, would reveal an essential characteristic of the liquid state, namely,
the absence of long-range periodicity.
If, however, sufficient time is allowed (e.g., a few hundred years), a
sufficient number of the units of the broken-down network will get back
into line. Long-range order will be partly reestablished; the glass de vitrifies
or "deglassifies."
How is the liquid-silicate network affected by the addition of various
types of ions in the production of the peculiar and complicated kind of
pure electrolyte, the glass? It is the answer to this structural question which
provides the basis for the understanding of the glassy state.
o 40
NozO-Si0 2
Molar % No 2 0
t Correspondingly, for M.O > 66 molar %, there are oxygen atoms in excess of the ability of
the Si's present to coordinate them (OjSi ratio> 4). Hence, liquids with such compositions
probably contain SiO:- and 0- - entities in addition to the cations M+ present.
TABLE 6.37
Electric Conductance in the Liquid Silicates
"1750 oC, LJH* ,
Cation XM",O-YSi0 2 , A 1750 ,c
ohm-1 cm-1 kcal g-l ion- 1
to site in the random walk which is the basis of diffusion (Section 6.5.4).
The model must of course contain the explanation of the generation of
more free ions to account for an increase of conductivity with an increasing
amount of MO. The anions postulated as predominant for a given OIR
ratio must meet some exacting requirements. Thus, (1) they must have
formulas consistent with the overall OIR ratio; (2) they must have a total
charge which compensates the total charge of the cations and thereby
ensures overall electro neutrality ; (3) they must be shaped in a way consistent
with the bond angles, particularly the R-O-R angle, shown from X-ray
data in the corresponding solids.
The broad approach by Zachariasen on the network model of liquid
silicates is to break down the network present in the pure fused nonmetallic
oxide thus
More M 20 Still
I One-dimensional chains Simple SiOf- monomers
TABLE 6.38
The Network Theory of Liquid Silicate Structure
Range of composition,
Silicate entities present
mole % M.O
X 40
..... 30
~Q. 6
--. 20
0 II,
0 40 50 60
mole percent MfJ
radically in size over this composition range, and this diminution in size
of the flowing unit would be expected to make the heat of activation for
viscous flow strongly dependent on composition in this composition range
(33 to 66% M 20).
In reality, however, the E,} changes by only 25% over the composition
range of 10 to 50% MxOy (Fig. 6.54), whereas, from 0 to 10%, the change
in energy of activation is about 200% (Fig. 6.54).
Another defect of the network model concerns the implications which
it has for phenomena in the composition region around 10% MxO y. This
is an important composition region. Experimentally, whether one measures
the composition dependence of the heat of activation for viscous flow, of
expansivity, of compressibility, or of other properties, in all cases, there is
always a sharp and significant change (Fig. 6.55) around the 10% MxOy
composition, which indicates a radical structural change at this point. But
this composition has no special significance at all, according to the net-
work model. Thus, one must-although the network model served well in
Consider the situation as one decreases the 0/R ratio, i.e., decreases
the mole per cent of the metallic oxide MxOy. Between 100 and 66%,
there is little need for special modelistic thinking because the quadrivalency
of silicon and the requirements of stoichiometry demand that the ionic
species present are monomers of SiOi- tetrahedrons.
It is in the composition range of 66 to 10% MxO/, that the network
model stumbles (cf Section 6.7.7) in the face of facts.
What are the requirements of a satisfactory structural model for ionic
liquids in this composition range? First, since transport number determ-
inations show that the conduction is essentially cationic, the anions must
be large in size compared with the cations (see Sections 4.4.8 and 4.5).
Secondly, the marked change in properties (e.g., expansivity) occurring at
10% MxOy indicates radical structural changes in the liquid in the region
of this composition. From the sharp rise of the heat of activation for the
flow process to such high values (toward 100 kcal mole- 1 at compositions
below 10 mole % MxOy) with decreasing mole per cent of MxOy in this
composition region, one suspects that the structural change which is the
origin of all the sudden changes near 10 mole % M 2 0 must involve sudden
aggregation of the Si-containing structural units into networks. The difficulty
of bond breaking to get a flowing entity out of the network and into another
site gives a rationalization to the very sluggish character of the liquid at 10 or
less mole % of MxOy. Finally, from 66 to 10% there must be no major
changes in the type of structure, except some increase in the size of the
entities, because there is only a small increase in the heat of activation for
viscous flow over this composition region. This relative constancy of the
heat of activation for flow over this composition region means that the
Fig. 6.56. The dimer ion Si20~-.
various structural units present can become the kinetic entities of flow
over this region without great change of the energy involved, i.e., the
anions present must have similar structures.
The construction of a model can therefore start from the SiOf- ions
present at the orthosilicate composition (66% MxOJl)' With a decrease in
the molar fraction of MxO~, the size of the anions must increase to maintain
the stoichiometry. One can consider that there is a joining-up, or polymer-
ization, of the tetrahedral SiOl- monomers. For example, the dimer Si20~
(Fig. 6.56) could be obtained thus
3-03Si-0-SiO~- + SiOl- ---+ 3-03Si-0-Si-0-SiO~-
Following the trimer, a polymeric anion with four units may be in-
voked to satisfy the requirements of electroneutrality and stoichiometry,
etc., the general formula being SinO&~~+i2)-. On this basis, however, when a
composition of 50% MxOy is reached, i.e., when the mole fraction of MxOy
is equal to that of Si0 2, the SijO ratio is 1 :3. However, from the general
formula for the chain anion, i.e., Si n O&;,"ti2)-, it is clear that OjSi = 3 when
(3n + 1)/n = 3, i.e., when n -+ 00. Hence, near to 50% MzO y, an attempt
to satisfy the electro neutrality and stoichiometry by assuming that linear
chain anions, extensions of the dimers and trimers above discussed, would
imply a large increase in the energy of activation for viscous flow in the
composition range (say 55 to 50 molar % of MzOy) because the linear
polymer would here rapidly approach a great length. But no such sharp
increase in the heat of activation for viscous flow is observed experimentally
in the range of 55 to 50 molar % of MzO y • Hence, the composition range
in the liquid oxides in which linear anions can be made consistent with the
flow data is relatively small, between 66 and somewhat greater than 50
molar % of MzO y . The linear anion must be given up as a predominant
anionic constituent before the metal oxide composition has dropped to
50 molar %.
An alternative anionic structure near the 50% composition which
satisfies stoichiometric and electroneutrality considerations is provided by
ring formation. If, in the composition range of 55 to 50% MzO y, the linear
anionic chains (assumed to exist at compositions between some 50 and 60
mole per cent MxOy) link up their ends to form rings such as Si30~- or
Si 40r2" (Fig. 6.57), then such ring anions satisfy the criteria of the O/Si
ratio, electro neutrality, and also the Si-O-Si valence angle which X-ray
data make expectable. Thus, the Si a03- anion corresponds to an O/Si ratio
of 3, and, if one is considering a 50% CaO system, the charge per ring
anion is 6-, and the charge on the three calcium ions required to give
3CaO/3Si0 2 is 6+. Further, the Si30~- anion is not very much larger than
the Si20~- dimer, and, hence, there would not be any large increase in the
heat of activation for viscous flow. With regard to the Si-O-Si bond angle,
in the Si30~- and Si 4 0r2" ions, it is near that observed for the corresponding
(0) (b)
TABLE 6.39
The Discrete Polyanion Model of Liquid Silicates
Range of composition,
Type of silicate entities present
mole % M.O
0-10 Essentially SiO. network with number of broken bonds
approximately equal to number of added atoms from
M.O, having fraction of SiO. molecules and radicals con-
taining M+
10-33 Discrete silicate polyanions based upon a six-membered ring
33-55 Mixture of discrete polyanions based on Si30~- and SisOYi'"
or Si40~. and SisOI.
~55-66 Chains of general form SinO~~n:121- , e.g., Si.O;-
66-100 SiO:- + 0'- ions
..e-ure SiO z"",,",,,
fm Innnm
E I.. 22
'0 '0
> E
.. If)
., E
'0 u
E .5 18
10 30 50 70 90
Mole percent
Air blast
"W..JI{1.~-Sla 9 ho Ie
Top hole-.......''''--':-~H
TABLE 6.40
Analysis of a Typical Slag
in fact are the factors which control the equilibrium of various components
(e.g., S--) between slag and metal and, hence, the properties of the metal,
which depend so much on its trace impurities. For example,
Further Reading
1. W. Zachariasen, Z. Krist., 74: 139 (1930); J. Am. Chern. Soc., 54: 3841 (1932).
2. K. Endell and J. Hellbriigge, Naturwiss., 30: 421 (1942).
3. A. E. Davies, J. Chern. Phys., 19, 225 (1951).
4. J. O'M. Bockris and D. C. Lowe, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A226: 423 (1954).
5. J. D. Mackenzie, Trans. Faraday Soc., 51: 1734 (1955).
6. J. D. Mackenzie and J. A. Kitchener, Chern. Rev., 56: 455 (1956).
7. J. W. Tomlinson and J. L. White, Trans. Faraday Soc., 52, 299 (1956).
8. J. W. Tomlinson and M. S. R. Heynes, Trans. Faraday Soc., 54, 1822 (1958).
9. H. Bloom, Chapter 3 in: J. O'M. Bockris, ed., Modern Aspects of Electro-
chemistry, Vol. 2, Butterworths' Publications, Ltd., London, 1959.
10. E. Kojonen, J. Am. Chern. Soc., 82: 4493 (1960).
11. J. D. Mackenzie, Chapter 8 in: J. D. Mackenzie, ed., Modern Aspects of the
Vitreous State, Vol. 1, Butterworths' Publications, Ltd., Washington, D.C.,
12. H. Bloom, Chapter 1 in: B. R. Sundheim, ed., Fused Salts, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, New York, 1964.
13. J. L. Barton, Compt. Rend., 264: 1139 (1967).
14. L. I. Sperry and J. D. Mackenzie, Phys. Chern. Glasses, 9: 91 (1968).
Similar equations exist for the pressure gradients along the other two mutually
perpendicular axes y and z. In these equations, p is pressure; I] is density of fluid,
and 11 is its viscosity; u, v, and ware the instantaneous fluid velocities at the points
x, y, and z in the directions of the three coordinate axes; and X is the component
of the accelerating force in the x direction.
Stokes has shown that, in cases where the motion is small, the fluid is in-
compressible and homogeneous, etc., these equations can be simplified to a set
of three equations of the form
for the force of the fluid acting on the surface (r = a) of a hollow sphere oscillat-
ing in it with a velocity V given by ce iwt , where P r and To are the instantaneous
normal and tagential pressures at the points rand 0, c is the velocity at time
t = 0, and w is the frequency of oscillation. The term in To can be ignored for
present purposes since it corresponds to a viscous force acting on the sphere
owing to its motion through the liquid.
Inserting the appropriate expressions for P r' ignoring the terms arising from
the viscosity of the liquid since there can be no viscous slip between a liquid and
a hole, and proceeding through a number of algebraic stages yields
Force = -(ina 3 e)cwie iwt (A6.1.5)
and on remembering that, by Newton's law of motion, action and reaction are
equal and opposite, it follows that
This force thus corresponds to the force (m'/2)x which would be produced by a
solid body of mass m'/2 operating under conditions where the fluid is absent;
it is thus produced by a hole of effective mass m'/2 or ina 3 /2liq.
r(n) = f~ e-tt n - 1 dt
2. When n = !,
Using Eq. (6.11), i.e.,
e-ax2 dx = -1
one has
ru) = yn
Integrating by parts,
= nr(n)
r(n + 1) = nr(n)
xxxiv INDEX