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Art 12
Carotenoids are natural pigments, widely distributed in nature, synthesized by plants, algae, fungi, and phototrophic
bacteria. Carotenoids have coloring power and antioxidant properties, being used as colorants for foods, cosmetics and
feeds. Nowadays, a small part of industrial carotenoids is obtained from algae and plants, and the most part is
chemically synthesized, but with high production cost. Taking into account consumer’s demand for natural compounds,
there is an increased trend for products containing natural ingredients including those used in animal feed. Products
quality and animal health are influenced by carotenoids added in feed as important component in daily diet. This paper
reviews aspects regarding the main sources of carotenoids used as feed additives for nutritional and coloring
properties and their impact on animal and human health.
Chemical Carotenes Hydrocarbons (constituted α-carotene -color range from pale Delgado-Vargas, 2000
structure by carbon and hydrogen) β- carotene yellow, bright orange to Tinoi, 2005
that can be cyclized at one γ-carotene deep red Aizawa, 2007
or both ends of the molecule lycopene -maintains eye health Kaur and Shah, 2017
torulene -does not color the fish
Major classes Structure Examples Attribute References
Nutritionally Precursors of Have at least one ring of β- α-carotene -helps maintain eye Ambrosio et al., 2006;
vitamin A ionone not replaced and side β-carotene health, healthy mucus Premkumar, 2014
polyenic chain with at least β-cryptoxanthin membranes and immunity
11 carbons
β-carotene is used as food colorant and food ruberrimus. Its structural characteristics make
supplement having antioxidant capacity and possible antitumoral and immune enhancing
provitamin A activity, in a concentration ranges activities and could be used as food, feed and
from 2 to 50 ppm. Once converted to vitamin cosmetic additives (Zoz et al, 2015).
A, health benefits include maintenance of Lutein is a dihydroxy-carotene with an alcohol
normal eye health, epithelial function, group containing hydroaromatic α structure
embryonic development, and immune system (Kim, 2006) being in covalent interactions
function. Currently, the application of within fatty acids (Mezzomo, 2016). Lutein is
carotenoids in food formulations is limited found in leaves of green vegetables (spinach,
because of it poor water solubility, high kale, pumpkin, turnip greens) and is yellow-
melting point and chemical instability (Qian, colored. Lutein gives color to chicken fat, egg
2012a; Piorkowski, 2014), promoted by heat, yolk, and chicken feathers and also increase the
light, singlet oxygen, acid, iron and iodine, and efficacy of vaccination against infectious
free radical, because of conjugated polyene bronchitis virus in laying hens (McGraw,
chain which is characteristic of carotenoids 2003).
(Dutta, 2005; Boon, 2010). Good sources of Lutein and zeaxanthin are associated with eye
beta-carotene are cantaloupe, mangoes, papaya, health, because they are the only carotenoids
carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale and found in the retina in macula lutea, being likely
pumpkin (Premkumar, 2014). effective in age-related macular degeneration
Lycopene is an aliphatic carotenoid which (Premkumar, 2014).
dissolves in the oil, and that is why the Astaxanthin is a dark-red organic pigment
presence of oils greatly increases its absorption being the most valuable microalgal compounds.
by the digestive system (Story, 2010). Haematococcus pluvialis strain is the richest
Lycopene is abundant in tomatoes, source of astaxanthin (Mezzomo and Ferreira,
watermelons, pink grapefruit, papaya and are 2016; Zaheer, 2017). This substance gives the
the most effective singlet oxygen scavenger in pinkish-red hue to the salmonids (salmons and
vitro (Sies and Sthal, 1995). Epidemiological trout), shrimps, lobsters and crabs and has an
studies concluded that diets rich in high important role in their immune-system and
lycopene foods may reduce risk of fertility. Nutritionally, astaxanthin is the most
cardiovascular diseases and different cancer powerful antioxidant in the nature, with role to
types (Boon C., 2010). scavenge efficiently free radicals from the
Torulene has one β-ionone ring and a longer human body (Koller et al., 2014).
polyene chain than that of β-carotene; it has 13 Similarly to lutein, it was proved to have a
double bonds and red color, in contrast to other positive role in many human health problems,
carotenoids produced by the microorganisms. such as: UV-light protection, anti-inflammatory
Torulene is found in red yeasts such as properties, support for eye health (helps
Rhodotorula glutinis, Sporobolomyces diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration,
eye strain and fatigue, and seeing in fine global carotenoids market is estimated to be
detail), immune-boosting effects (improves the valued at USD 1.53 Billion by 2021 and this is
ability of protective white blood cells to mainly due to the increasing number of health-
surround and destroy infecting organisms, conscious consumers and the rising demand for
especially fungi), prevention of different types natural coloration. The quality of food is
of cancer (colon and breast cancer) (Amaya et associated with color, flavor, texture, and odor,
al., 2014). humans considering color as the most relevant
Canthaxanthin is an orange-red oxycarotenoid aspect due to its appealing nature (Amaya et
found in crustaceans, fungi and algae, al., 2014).
particularly used in color feeding. If, today, carotenoids produced commercially
Canthaxanthin has an antioxidant activity and are mostly by total synthesis to meet the
enhances junctional communication between demands, intention is to growingly substitute
cells directly or through the formation of 4- these with natural ones, if possible obtained by
oxo-retinoic acid, which is also able to as mild as possible methods and processes
stimulate the retinoic acid receptor (Amaya et (Mezzomo and Ferreira, 2016).
al., 2014). Synthetic carotenoids
For carotenoid synthesis, one need to construct
SOURCES OF CAROTENOIDS FOR the polyene chain, meaning the hydrocarbon
FEED ADDITIVES skeleton conjugated by alternating double and
single bonds. For the specific location of the
As have been pointed out above, there has been double and single bonds, different reactions
a change lately in the perspective towards the have been developed along time, the first to be
ingredients of foods, what is considered healthy obtained being the β-carotene (Amaya et al.,
for humans and for the environment and what 2014).
should constitute the food of animals and birds. Out of economic and technological reasons,
Yet, researches are still conducted to efficiently although various carotenoids have been
obtain natural carotenoids and optimal feed synthesized at laboratory level, few of them
formulas for animals/birds. (Kaur and Shah, went to commercial scale, among which are the
2017). following: astaxanthin, astaxanthin-dimethyl-
According to the new study by di-succinate, as well as β-carotene, β-apo-8’- (2016), the carotenoid carotenal, also canthaxanthin, citranaxanthin,
market is led by the feed segment. The demand and the ethyl ester of β-apo-8’-carotenoic acid.
for incorporation of carotenoids in animal feed For commercial use in animal nutrition, they
is growing due to consumers preference for are usually formulated as 10% concentrated
good quality and meat, meat products, and fish products as a powder or beadlet (Amaya et al.,
aspect. Carotenoids also increase the palata- 2014).
bility of feed, aquaculture being currently the Currently, carotenoids synthetic production is
fastest growing sector. It is known that the the most common manufacturing method. Over
farming of salmon and shrimp grew 95% of the feed market uses synthetic
exponentially in the last years and the trend is astaxanthin, mainly from major producers
ascendant, so the market of feed carotenoids, BASF (Germany) (Lucantin pink) and
especially of astaxanthin, expands rapidly Hoffman-La Roche (Switzerland) (Carrophyll
(Anonimous, 2010). pink), which contains only 25% of the biologi-
With the growth of world population and cally active stereoisomer found naturally. For
increased awareness and demand for better replacing, only in aquaculture feed additive, the
animal nutrition (in terms of quality and synthetic pigment with natural astaxanthin
quantity), carotenoid additives seem to be the produced by Haematococcus, the biomass of
solution (García-Chavarría and Lara-Flores, this microalga should be increased to 10 000
2013; Mohiseni, 2017). ton per year, the price of astaxanthin being too
According to global trends and forecasts high (Lorenz, 2000; Minyuk, 2008).
( The addition of synthetic carotenoids to the diet
Reports/carotenoid-market-158421566.html), of laying hens and broilers is a common
practice, for improving yolk color (Santos- The majority of naturally occurring carotenoids
Bocanegra, 2004). Canthaxanthin is the are found in vegetables and fruits, dark green
preferred synthetic red xanthophyll in poultry leaves of plants and seeds, flowers and roots
farming available as Carophyll® Red (DSM (Amaya et al., 2014). Carotenoids found in
Nutritional Products, Switzerland) or plants differ in concentration depending on
Lucantin® Red (BASF, Germany). The plant varieties, degree of ripeness, time of
preferred yellow xanthophyll is β-apo-8´- harvest, growing and storage conditions, etc.
carotenoic acid ethyl ester available as (Zakynthinos et al., 2016).
Carophyll® Yellow and Lucantin® Yellow Feed ingredients such as corn, maize, tomato,
(Marounek, 2015). green beans and cabbage, pumpkins, prunes or
Synthetic carotenoids are technologically red pepper all are sources of carotenoids with
feasible and cost-effective. These are benefits for animals (Amaya et al., 2014;
standardized and more stable, i.e. apo-carotene- Zakynthinos et al., 2016; Mezzomo and
ester concentration in feed samples showed Ferreira, 2016,).
very little variation from expected values, Red pepper or paprika (Capsicum annuum) is
whereas it was 30% below expectations for reported to be a rich, abundant and inexpensive
marigold extracts. source of keto-carotenoids (capsanthin). It has
It has been determined that 1 ppm of apo- been studied as a fish feed additive but with a
carotene-ester is equivalent to about 2 ppm of lower efficacy in comparison to commercially
lutein-zeaxanthin from marigold. available astaxanthin and a less desirable
Canthaxanthin is the red carotenoid which coloration in comparison to canthaxanthin in
dominates pigmentation of broilers, whereas rainbow trout (Akhtar et al., 1999). In addition
paprika xanthophylls which require two to to pigmentation, paprika increased growth rate
three times the amount compared to and improved the reproductive performance in
canthaxanthin, receives little attention. yellow tail. Good results have also been
The stability of various red carotenoids reported for laying hens’ yolk pigmentation
products in premixes was checked after three (Yanar et al., 2016).
months of storage and recovery varied Marigold flower (Tagetes erecta) is rich in
considerably: 66% to 92% for canthaxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin and it is efficient for
76% for citranaxanthin, and 39% for poultry skin and egg coloration. Lutein from
capsanthin from paprika, which shows that marigold is also used as a yellow coloration for
carotenoids are very unstable on their isomeric cultured marine fish yellow tail and red sea
forms. Another property is the transfer bream (Maoka T, 2011). As consumers
efficiency from feed to egg, which is better for associate color to nutritive value, healthiness,
the synthesized ones. Apo-carotene-ester has a freshness and taste, this may count as an
55% transfer efficiency to egg yolk, as interesting dietary alternative (García-
compared to only 17% for marigold Chavarría and Lara-Flores, 2013).
carotenoids and canthaxanthin an average Medicinal plants are known to be sources of
deposition rate of about 40% natural antioxidants used in treatments for
( human and animal diseases. Because of their
/8/The-effect-of-carotenoids-on-yolk-and-skin- fair price and strong effects, medicinal plants
pigmentation-WP010752W/). are rapidly becoming a safe alternative for
The consumer’s demand for “non-synthetic” antibiotics and chemical drugs in aquaculture.
colorants has driven the industry to identify and Furthermore, these can help increase growth as
develop natural sources of carotenoids to they maintain healthy intestinal microflora
replace chemical synthesis (Olesen, 2010). (Mohiseni, 2017).
Natural sources of carotenoids Some valuable natural supplements for
Plants pigmentation of chicken eggs, broilers and fish
are presented in the following Table 2.
Table 2. Natural animal feed supplements
Natural sources Main carotenoids Role as feed additive References
Carrots β-Carotene Increases yolk color parameters and carotenoid Isler, 1967
α-Carotene contents Hammershoj et al, 2010
Coloration of skin and flesh of food fish Weerakkody et al., 2016
Alfalfa (Medicago Lutein Pigmentation of broilers Amaya et al., 2014
sativa) Zeaxanthin Improve egg quality Varzaru et al., 2015
β-apo-8’-carotenoic acid
Marigold flower Lutein Poultry skin and egg coloration Rajput et al, 2012
(Tagetes erecta) Zeaxanthin García-Chavarría and Lara-Flores,
Yellow maize Lutein Boosts carotenoids in eggs and improve egg yolk Breithaupt, 2007
Cryptoxanthin, Zeaxanthin color
Natural sources Main carotenoids Role as feed additive References
Saffron (Crocus Crocetin Oxidative stability of shell eggs and liquid yolks Botsoglou et al, 2005
sativus) β-Carotene
Seeds of Bixa orellana Bixin and decomposition products Animal nutrition Amaya et al., 2014
Paprika (red pepper) Capsanthin Pigmentation and weight gain of rainbow trout Yanar, 2016
(Capsicum annuum) Capsorubin Pigmentation of salmonids
Pigmentation of Pacific white shrimps Talebi et al., 2013
Yolk pigmentation in laying hens Arredondo-
Weight gain in broilers Figueroa et al., 2003
Vicente et al., 2007
Galib et al., 2011
There are some problems regarding carotenoids 70% of the raw weights of the catch are
production from plant origin, due to seasonal processing discards” reducing at the same time
and geographic variability that cannot be an environmental problem (Shahidi et al.,
controlled. A better option, regarding yields 1998). Lobsters, crabs and shrimps, together
and costs, is the microbial production of with their processing waste are sources of
carotenoids on agro-industrial wastes which are astaxanthin (Mezzomo et al., 2016).
cheap substrates (Mata-Gómez, 2014). Supply of marine animal based natural
Crustacea and marine animals carotenoids are limited because of declining
Marine animals accumulate various carotenoids trend in catches of crustaceans from marine
from foods (bacteria, algae, other animals) and resources. These sources of carotenoids are
modify them through metabolic reactions very expensive and thus aquaculture feed
(oxidation, reduction, translation of double production involves high production costs
bonds, oxidative cleavage of double bonds, (García-Chavarría and Lara-Flores, 2013).
cleavage of epoxy bonds). Many of these Microbial sources of carotenoids
carotenoids are metabolites of β-carotene, Interest in microbial sources of carotenoids was
fucoxanthin, peridinin, diatoxanthin, renewed due to consumers opinions against
alloxanthin, and astaxanthin (Maoka, 2011). synthetic additives. Types of carotenogenic
Astaxanthin is distributed in both marine and microorganisms, like bacteria and fungi, can be
fresh water fish. Cyprinidae fishes synthesize stimulated to produce cost-effective
(3S,3′S)-astaxanthin from zeaxanthin by carotenoids in response to environmental stress
oxidative metabolic conversion. Perciformes (light, temperature), chemical compounds or
and Salmonidae fish cannot synthesize modification of metabolic pathway using
astaxanthin from other carotenoids (Matsuno, recombinant DNA technology (Bhosale,
2001). Astaxanthin present in these fishes 2004). Advances have been made through
originates from crustacean sources (Atlantic genetic manipulation of some non-
krill, crayfish meal, crab meal) used in carotenogenic microbes such as Escherichia
aquaculture feed formulation as additive. coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida utilis
Crustacean by-products represent an “attractive in terms of carotenoids production (Das et al.,
ingredient for industrialization, since around 2007).
Several bacteria have biotechnological Mycobacterium brevicaie, Mycobacterium
potential for the production of carotenoids. lacticola, Rhodobacter sphaeroides,
Some thermophilic halophilic bacteria such as Rhodococcus maris, Streptomyces
Halococcus morrhuae and Halobacterium chrestomyceticus (Dannert, 2000).
salinarum develop red and orange colonies, Some examples of carotenoid-producing
bacterioruberin synthetized by H. salinarum microorganisms are presented in Table 3.
being the most found carotenoid (Asker and Practical obstacles still need to be overcome for
Ohta, 1999). Haloferax alexandrines has good their commercial exploitation, though
industrial perspective for the production of developments in recent years have proven that,
canthaxanthin (Asker and Ohta, 2002) and the in both farmed fish and poultry, carotenoids
marine bacterium Flavobacterium sp. produces like astaxanthin, canthaxanthin, β-carotene,
zeaxanthin, being considered one of the best zeaxanthin and lycopene from bacterial sources
microbial sources of zeaxanthin (Masetto et al., impart color to skin, flesh and eggs (Bhosale,
2001). Other bacteria with ability to synthesize 2004).
carotenoids are Agrobacterium aurantiacum,
Muriellopsis sp. Lutein Poultry farming and/or aquaculture Blanco et al., 2006
Scenedesmus obliquus Lutein Fish feed Mezzomo and Ferreira, 2016
Tetraselmis sp Lutein Aquaculture and larval feeds Priyadarshani and Rath, 2012
Nannochloropsis oculata Astaxanthin Aquaculture & larval feeds Priyadarshani and Rath, 2012
Hen supplements - increases egg Zaheer, 2017
nutritional value Gładkowski et al, 2011
Spirulina sp β-carotene Animal feed additives Indira Priyadarshani and Biswajit Rath, 2012
The market demand for pigments natural The European legislation specifies that before
sources has promoted large-scale cultivation of their use in EU, carotenoids have to be
microalgae for biosynthesis of such compounds subjected to an authorization process.
(well-established are β-carotene and A general overview of the current legal
astaxanthin), so significant decreases in situation of the different carotenoids used as
production costs are expected in coming years. feed additives in compound feed in European
Union is shown in Table 5 (Vincent et al., (Pérez-Gálvez, 2003; Baldo, 2011; Amaya et
2017), with added data regarding what al., 2014; Rodriguez-Amaya, 2015; Mezzomo
carotenoids are totally synthesized and which and Ferreira, 2016).
are extracted or biosynthesized come from
Table 5. Carotenoids used in the feed industry as feed additives in the European Union
Carotenoids feed Target animal Total Extracted Biosynthesized EURL-FA evaluation
additive synthesized report
In the EU, carotenoids used as feed additives Union is currently limited to 80 ppm (mg/kg),
are mainly authorised under the category excepted canthaxanthin, whose limit is 8 ppm,
„sensory additives”, as colorants (Vincente et because excessive exposure in humans can lead
al., 2017). The addition of natural and synthetic to the development of precipitated crystals in
carotenoids in layer feeds in the European the retina (Baker, 2001).
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