Factors Affecting The Adoption Level of C-Commerce: An Empirical Study
Factors Affecting The Adoption Level of C-Commerce: An Empirical Study
Factors Affecting The Adoption Level of C-Commerce: An Empirical Study
Received: October 15, 2008 Revised: January 7, 2009 Accepted: January 27, 2009
From the review of existing literature, external environmental H3: There is a positive and significant relationship between
constructs have been widely studied and found to be significant organization readiness and the adoption level of c-
in many IT adoption/diffusion studies [6],[18],[9],[21],[28]. In commerce.
the existing literature, the majority of the studies were conducted
using EDI technologies where the pressure to adopt the technology Information Sharing Culture
usually come from one or more dominant firm. However, in the
current business environment of the E&E industry, the competition The information sharing construct is used to assess whether
is more of an industrial group versus another industrial group the organization has the necessary information sharing attributes
[28]. As such, the perceived pressure on the company to adopt for the overall readiness towards adopting c-commerce in the
c-commerce in the supply chain would be felt from the entire supply chain. Sharing of information is important as the success
industry. Another attribute in the environmental factor used in of a firm’s SCM would depend upon the accuracy and velocity
this study is the expectations of market trends of the c-commerce of the information which every business partner provides [23]
technology [8], [28]. [52]. In [1] the authors called for a collaborative culture in order
This study focused on the E&E industry which has to ensure the successful implementation of collaborative supply
characteristics that is different from other industries. The impact chain. In this study, Information Sharing culture is created because
from the increased in processing power of semiconductors for past adoption models might not be able to fully explain all the
example, means there is an intense pressure on the organizations factors due to c-commerce’s needs for companies to change their
to reduce cost. The competitive pressure and the expectations mindsets on information sharing. As such, Information Sharing
in the market trends of c-commerce in the industry can force Culture construct is created to determine if the organization
companies into adopting c-commerce technologies in SCM to has the attributes to share information which is necessary for
gain competitive advantages over their rivals. Given the existing the successful implementation of c-commerce. The information
literature, we hypothesize that sharing culture attributes include trust, information distribution
and information interpretation.
H2: There is a positive and significant relationship Trust has been increasingly an important factor in success of
between external environment and the adoption level IT technologies such as e-commerce [38]. Trust has been studied
of c-commerce. in relation to EDI and E-Business adoption and it is an important
Table III lists the rotated factor matrix for scale 1 (Innovation). be divided into two factors if they can be supported by literature.
Based on the Table III, Items 1 to 7 forms a factor which can be The contents of items in the innovation factor were carefully
constituted as “ease of implementation”. The other items in scale examined and it was clear that the aim of using relative advantage
1 formed another factor which can be constituted as “relative information was part of the innovation’s attributes. Furthermore,
advantage”. as relative advantage has been studied under innovation factors
in most existing literature, and relative advantage is indeed an
attribute of the innovation factors, the construct of innovation was
Table III. not divided into two constructs [51].
Factor Matrix for Scale 1 (Innovation)
Component Correlation analysis: Relationships between the Variables
1 2
The correlation matrix in Table IV indicated that the adoption
Item 1 .849 .336 factors were positively and strongly correlated with c-commerce
Item 2 .846 .318 adoption level. There was a significant positive relationship
between environmental factor and c-commerce adoption level (r
Item 3 .838 .336 = 0.791, p < 0.01), organization readiness factor and c-commerce
Item 4 .759 .435 adoption level (r = 0.820, p < 0.01), information sharing culture
and c-commerce adoption level (r = 0.807, p < 0.01) and innovation
Item 5 .747 .416
factor and c-commerce adoption (r = 0.725, p < 0.01).
Item 6 .720 .276 The correlation coefficients between the independent variables
were less than 0.9, indicating that the data was not affected by
Item 7 .707 .442
a multicollinearity problem [14]. These correlations were also
Item 8 .300 .889 further evidence of validity and reliability of measurement
Item 9 .332 .869 scales used in this research. The results indicated that the most
important adoption factor affecting c-commerce adoption level
Item 10 .369 .843 was organization readiness (i.e. with the highest scores of
Item 11 .474 .756 correlation), which proved that where organization readiness
was perceived as a dominant adoption factor, improvements in
Item 12 .497 .631 c-commerce adoption level was significant.
lem in the data. Therefore, it indicated that the error term was Discussion
independent. Variance-inflation factor (VIF) and Tolerance
were applied to test for multicollinearity among the independent The results of this study revealed that information sharing
variables. The multicollinearity statistics showed that the culture is perceived as a dominant factor in the adoption of
tolerance indicator for Innovation, Environmental, Information c-commerce. Unlike existing studies on technology adoption,
Sharing Culture and Organization readiness are all greater than c-commerce which is implemented to support a collaborative
0.1, and Variation Inflation Factors (VIF) were all lesser than 10. supply chain requires the sharing of information. A major part
This result indicates no multicollinearity problem has occurred of collaborative supply chain is the openness of the supply chain
according to [29], [31]. members with regards to the sharing of information, objectives,
The F-statistics produced (F = 66.199) which was significance issues and problems [1]. The result shows that Information sharing
at 1 percent level (Sig. F < 0.01), thus confirming the fitness for culture has the most significant in the adoption of c-commerce.
the model. This indicated that there was a statistically significant As such, organizations need to adopt the culture of sharing
relationship between the adoption factors in the model and information before they can fully implement c-commerce.
c-commerce adoption level. The coefficient of determination, R2 Organization readiness is also an important determinant in
was 70.7 percent. This expressed that the adoption factors could whether organizations adopt c-commerce which is supported
significantly accounted for 70.7 percent in c-commerce adoption by existing studies [19], [28], [36], [48]. For c-commerce to
level among Malaysian E&E companies. implement a collaborative supply chain there is a need to have top
The results showed that external environment (b = 0.248, management support. When the organization has the support of
p = 0.039), information sharing culture (b = 0.354, p = 0.002) top management with both the financial and technical resources
and organization readiness (b = 0.344, p = 0.021) are positively available to the organization, the chances of adopting c-commerce
associated with the adoption of c-commerce. It can be argued will be higher. The aspect of appointing a project champion and
that these three factors were all directly involved in the adop- looking at the project’s champion experience has sometimes
tion level of c-commerce. Based on Table III, the most impor- being overlooked in adoption studies. This study also shows that
tant c-commerce adoption factors were information sharing organizations which are committed to adopting c-commerce will
culture, followed by organization readiness and external envi- have a higher adoption level if they appoint a project champion
ronment. Hence the hypotheses H2, H3 and H4 were supported. with computer background and has been involved in similar
Innovation factor however, was found not to be significantly projects before.
associated with c-commerce adoption. Therefore H1 was not In addition, external environment also has a significant and
supported. positive relationship with c-commerce adoption. Companies