Chemistry 236 F19 Syllabus
Chemistry 236 F19 Syllabus
Chemistry 236 F19 Syllabus
TEXT: Laboratory Experiments for Organic Chemistry by WVU Faculty. Available through WVU
COREQUISITE: You must be enrolled in Chemistry 234 at the same time as Chemistry 236.
• Safety and Laboratory Rules: Before any laboratory work is permitted, you must read the WVU
"Safety and Laboratory Rules for Organic Chemistry" and then sign a statement that you will
abide by these rules.
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORIES. They can be purchased at the University
Bookstore. Proper lab attire is the equivalent of a T-Shirt, Pants that cover from the waist to
the ankles, and shoes that cover the entire foot. Tank tops, muscle shirts, spaghetti strap tops,
tube tops, backless shirts, are all on the UNACCEPTABLE list. Slip on shoes that cover the
tops of their feet but leave the heel area exposed are also UNACCEPTABLE.
• Notebook: Use a “Chemistry Spiral Bound Carbonless Copy Lab Notebook” for outlining your
experiment each week. You must record all of your pre-lab plans, experimental observations
and results, conclusions, and answers to pre-lab and post-lab questions. You may continue to
use the notebook you started in Chem 235 if you wish.
• Attendance: If you are forced to miss a laboratory period due to illness or an emergency,
contact your instructor and teaching assistant. There are no makeup labs for Chemistry 236.
• Quiz: Periodic quizzes (see lab schedule) will be given at the start of the lab period. A given
quiz will cover the experiments performed since the previous quiz as well as the experiment
that you are performing that day. There are no makeup quizzes.
• Final Exam: The laboratory final exam will cover material from the first lab to the last lab.
Study your old quizzes and the pre- and post-lab questions to help prepare for the lab final.
There is no makeup lab final exam and missing the final exam counts as a grade of zero.
• Your Teaching Assistant is in charge of your laboratory section. Follow instructions made by
your TA concerning lab safety, keeping the lab clean, procedures, handing in assignments,
etc. Do not be hesitant about asking your TA questions-- he/she is there to help you. Failure to
heed the instructions of your TA will result in a lower TA subjective grade.
Fill in your TAs contact information in case you need to get in touch with him or her.
TA: _____________________________________________
Mailbox: Clark 217
Schedule of Experiments
Fall 2019
Section 002 (Monday Section)
Grade Calculation
Notebook and Experimental Results 60%
Quizzes 15%
Lab Final Exam 20%
TA Subjective Grade (neatness, attitude, etc.) 5%
Your TA is the authority when it comes to the due dates for experimental report sheets and
experimental write-ups in your lab notebook. Lab work that is turned in late will be subject
to a 10% (1-7 days late) or 25% (more than 7 days late) penalty.
Schedule of Experiments
Fall 2019
Section 001 (Friday Section)
Grade Calculation
Notebook and Experimental Results 50%
Quizzes 20%
Lab Final Exam 20%
TA Subjective Grade (neatness, attitude, etc.) 10%
Your TA is the authority when it comes to the due dates for experimental report sheets and
experimental write-ups in your lab notebook. Lab work that is turned in late will be subject
to a 10% (1-7 days late) or 25% (more than 7 days late) penalty.