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By replacing complex parallel interfaces with a
straightforward yet powerful serial structure, the I2C-bus SDA
revolutionized chip-to-chip communications.
Invented by NXP (Philips) more than 30 years ago, the
I2C-bus uses a simple two-wire format to carry data one
bit at a time. It performs inter-chip addressing, selection,
control and data transfer. Speeds are up to 400 kHz (fast
mode), 1 MHz (fast mode plus), 3.4 MHz (high-speed
mode), or 5 MHz (ultra-fast mode). New 12.5 MHz I3C
controllers with backwards compatibility to I2C are
starting to hit the market which compete with the higher
speeds of the SPI bus. Parallel Interface I2C Serial Interface

The I2C-bus shrinks the IC footprint and leads to lower

IC costs. Additionally, since far fewer copper traces
are needed, it enables a smaller PCB, reduces design
complexity and lowers system cost.



I2C-bus devices are available in a wide range of functions.
Each target device has its own I2C-bus address, selectable
using address pins set high (1) or low (0). Information is
transmitted byte by byte, and each byte is acknowledged
by the receiver. There can be multiple devices on the
same bus, and more than one IC can act as controller.
The controller role is typically played by a microcontroller.

Write data Controller Target

S Target Address W A Data A Data A P Transmitter Receiver
< n data bytes >

Read data

S Target Address R A Data A Data A P Receiver Transmitter

< n data > last data byte SCL
bytes The controller always sends the clock
S = Start condition R/W = Read/write
A = Acknowledge A = Not acknowledge P = Stop condition

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OVERVIEW OF MIPI I3C Energy Consumption
milliJoules per Megabit for I3C Data Modes (100pf)
Data Rate
Mbps for I3C Data Modes (@ 12.5 MHz)
vs. I2C (100pf, 3.54KOhm) vs. I2C (@400 KHz)
MIPI I3C (and the publicly available MIPI I3C Basic) provide 4.5 45

a scalable, medium-speed, utility and control bus for 4 40

connecting peripherals to an application processor. Its 3.5 35

3 30
design incorporates key attributes from both I2C-bus and 2.5 25

SPI interfaces to provide a unified, high-performance, 2 20

1.5 15
low-power interface solution that delivers a flexible
1 10

upgrade path for I2C-bus and SPI implementers. Originally .5 5

introduced in 2017, I3C was the culmination of a multi-year 0 0


development project based on extensive collaboration I3C I3C

with the MEMS and Sensors Industry Group and across the mJ per Megabit, VDD=3.3 V
mJ per Megabit, VDD=1.8 V
Assumptions: 1 All symbols in each mode have equal probability for use.
2 Energy consumption is the energy delivered by pull-up
devices to the bus (which includes drivers and resistors)
broader electronics ecosystem.

As shown in Figure 1, I2C-bus targets (with 50 ns filter) Figure 2 – Comparison of Energy Consumption and Data Rates:
can coexist with I3C controllers operating at 12.5 MHz, I3C vs I2C
enabling the migration of existing I2C-bus designs to the I3C
Additional technical highlights for I3C include multi-
specification. Conversely, I3C targets operating at typical
controller support, dynamic addressing, command-code
400 kHz or 1 MHz I2C-bus speeds can coexist with existing
compatibility and a uniform approach for advanced power
I2C-bus controllers.
management features, such as sleep mode. It provides
Interrupt synchronous and asynchronous timestamping to improve
the accuracy of applications that fuse signals from various
Target 1
Target 1
Target 4
peripherals. It can also batch and transmit data quickly to
minimize energy consumption of the host processor.

Target 2
Target 3
Target 2

Figure 1 – I2C and I3C targets coexisting with I3C controller

Just like I2C, I3C is implemented with standard CMOS I/O

pins using a two-wire interface, but unlike I2C it supports
in-band interrupts enabling target devices to notify
controllers of interrupts, a design feature that eliminates
the need for a separate general-purpose input/output
(GPIO) interrupt for each target, reducing system cost and
complexity. Support for dynamic address assignments help
minimize pin counts, which is key for accommodating space-
constrained form factors.

I3C supports a multi-drop bus that, at 12.5MHz, supports

standard data rate (SDR) of 10 Mbps with options for high-
data-rate (HDR) modes. The net result is that I3C offers a
leap in performance and power efficiency compared with I2C
as shown in Figure 2.

www.nxp.com 3
COMPARISON OF FEATURES While the full version of I3C is available only to MIPI Alliance
Feature I3C I3C I3C I3C Basic
members, MIPI has released a public version called I3C
v1.0 Basic v1.1 v1.1 Basic that bundles the most commonly needed I3C features
12.5 MHz SDR (Controller, for use by developers and other standards organizations.
Target and Legacy I2C Target √ √ √ √
I3C Basic is available for implementation without MIPI
membership and is intended to facilitate a royalty-free
Target can operate as I2C device
on I2C bus and on I3C bus using √ √ √ √ licensing environment for all implementers. Figure 3
HDR modes
summarizes the key features supported by I3C and
Target Reset √ √ √ √
I3C Basic.
Specified 1.2V-3.3V Operation for
√ √ √ √
50pf C load To support developers, compatibility between different
In-Band Interrupt (w/MDB) √ √ √ √ I3C implementations has been confirmed through multiple
Dynamic Address Assignment √ √ √ √ interoperability workshops, and several supporting MIPI
Error Detection and Recovery √ √ √ √ resources are available. These include:
Secondary Controller √ √ √ √
• I3C Host Controller Interface – MIPI I3C HCISM
Hot-Join Mechanism √ √ √ √
Common Command Codes
• I3C HCI Driver for Linux
√ √ √ √ √ √
• I3C Discovery and Configuration Specification –
Specified 1.0V Operation for 100pf
C load
√ √ √ √ DisCo for I3CSM
Set Static Address as Dynamic
√ √ √ √
• I3C Debug and Test Interface – MIPI Debug for I3CSM
Synchronous Timing Control √ √ √ √
I3C intellectual property (IP) is available from multiple
Asynchronous Timing Control
vendors, including a licence free version for I3C Basic. I3C
√ √ √ √
(Mode 0) conformance testing and verification IP test suites are also
Asynchronous Timing Control
√ √ √ √
available from multiple vendors.
(Mode 1-3)
HDR-DDR √ √ √ √ More information on I3C and I3C Basic is available via the
HDR-TSL/TSP √ √ √ MIPI Alliance website.
HDR-BT (Multi-Lane Bulk Transport) √ √ √ √
Grouped Addressing √ √ √ √
Device to Device(s) Tunneling √ √ √ √
Multi-Lane for Speed (Dual/Quad
√ √ √ √
for SDR and HDR-DDR)
Monitoring Device Early
√ √ √ √

Figure 3 – Comparison of I3C and I3C Basic Features

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SPI is the full duplex synchronous serial interface consisting COTI COTI SPI
of four signals: SCLK (serial clock), COTI (controller out, SPI CITO CITO Target
Controller TS TS
target in), CITO (controller in, target out) and TS (target
select). SPI bus operates with a single controller device and
one or more target devices. Data rate ranges from 5 to 20
Mbps which is much higher than the I2C-bus rate but like CITO Target
the new I3C-bus. TS


Controller Target CITO Target

Alternatively, targets could be connected in a daisy chain

Though target devices might operate in one polarity or configuration to reduce number of the target select signals.
phase only, clock polarity and phase of the SPI bus could The controller output is connected to the first target input.
be configured with respect to the data to establish the valid The first target output is connected to the second target
communication link by the controller. CPOL determines the input and so on. Then the last target output is connected
polarity of the clock. When CPOL = 0, clock is low when back to the controller input. Each target is designed to
idle. The leading edge is the rising edge and the trailing send out during the second group of the clock pulses the
edge is the falling edge. When CPOL = 1, clock is high exact copy of the data it received during the first group
when idle. The leading edge is the failing edge and the of clock pulses. The controller receives data from the last
trailing edge is the rising edge. target first then data from the first target last during the
CPHA determines the timing of the data bits relative to the same clock group. It requires two clock groups to complete
clock pulse. When CPHA = 1, the transmitting side changes each operation which would be only one clock group in the
data on the leading edge of the clock and the receiving parallel configuration
side captures data on the trailing edge of the clock. When
CPHA = 0, the transmitting side changes data on the CPOL=0
trailing edge of the clock and the receiving side captures
data on the leading edge of the clock. TS

Cycle # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SCLK SCLK CPHA=0 CITO Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Z

COTI COTI SPI COTI Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Z

Controller TS1 TS Cycle # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

TS2 CPHA=1 CITO Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Z

TS3 SCLK COTI Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Z

CITO Target

CITO Target

The controller could connect with multiple independent

targets in parallel. Each target is controlled with the
separate TS signal. When TS = 0, only the corresponding
target will response to the controller. Outputs of all others
with TS = 1 remain in high impedance.

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Temperature Sensor
General-Purpose Input-Output Digital temperature
(GPIO) expanders information
Add different types of inputs
and outputs

Black-and-white LCD Clocks / RTCs

Display Drivers Digital time,
Monochrome, character, watchdog and/or
shapes, dots calendar

Multiplexers and Switches

Add advanced I2C networking
Tiny serial ADCs/DACs to allow more devices, backup,
Analog control and audio hot-swap

I2C-controlled DIP
Bus Buffers and Voltage
EEPROMs combined with
Extenders, hubs and repeaters
general-purpose outputs
to support extra devices, longer
distances, bus-voltage translation
or hazardous conditions
Intelligent stepper
motor controllers
Load Switch
Easy and versatile
Easy-to-read power
LED Drivers control
status and feature
Complete LED
control via I2C-bus
control, including
LCD backlighting, Power Management
via I2C-bus or SPI Integrated circuits

Bridge ICsBus
High Speed Interface
Controllers add extra,
CC Logic/PD Phy, Redrivers,
fully featured I2C
DP++ level shifter and MUX
with I2C-bus control

More information: www.nxp.com/i2c.

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Converters Expander
8-bit ADC PCF8591 I2C Fm 4-channel ADC and 1-channel DAC 4-bit PCA9536 4-bit I2C Fm TP GPIO with PU
PCA9537 4-bit I2C Fm TP GPIO with INT and RST
PCA9570 4-bit 1 MHz LV TP GPO
Bridge and 8-bit PCA8574 8-bit I2C Sm QB GPIO with INT and PU
Bus Controllers
PCF8574 8-bit I2C Fm QB GPIO with INT and PU
Bridge + SC16IS740 I2C Fm/SPI-to-UART bridge with IrDA PCA8574A 8-bit I2C Fm QB GPIO with INT and PU (alternate address)
SC16lS741A I2C Fm/SPI-to-UART bridge with IrDA PCF8574A 8-bit I2C Sm QB GPIO with INT and PU (alternate address)
SC16IS750 I2C Fm/SPI-to-UART bridge with IrDA and GPIO PCA9500 8-bit I2C Fm QB GPIO with PU and 2-K EEPROM

SC16IS752 I C Fm/SPI-to-DUART bridge with IrDA and GPIO

2 PCA9501 8-bit I2C Fm QB GPIO with INT, PU and 2-K EEPROM
PCA9502 8-bit I2C Fm/SPI TP GPIO with INT and RST
SC16IS760 I C Fm/SPI-to-UART bridge with IrDA and GPIO

PCA9534 8-bit I2C Fm TP GPIO with INT

SC16IS762 I2C Fm/SPI-to-DUART bridge with IrDA and GPIO
+ PCA9538 8-bit I2C Fm TP GPIO with INT and RST
UART-to-I2C Fm controller bridge with GPIO PCA9538A 8-bit I2C Fm LV TP GPIO with INT and RST
(Replacement for SCI18IM700) PCAL9538A 8-bit I2C Fm LV TP/OD GPIO with INT, RST, latch and PU/PD
SPI-to-I2C Fm controller bridge with GPIO PCA6408A 8-bit I2C Fm LV VLT TP GPIO with INT and RST
(Replacement for SC18IS600) PCAL6408A 8-bit I2C Fm LV VLT TP/OD GPIO with INT, RST, latch and PU/ PD
I2C Fm target-to-SPI controller bridge PCA9554 8-bit I2C Fm TP GPIO with INT and PU
(Replacement for SC18IS602B) PCA9554A 8-bit I2C Fm TP GPIO with INT and PU (alternate address for PCA9554)
Controller PCF8584 I2C Sm bus controller with bus snoop PCA9554B 8-bit I2C Fm LV TP GPIO with INT and PU

PCA9564 I2C Fm bus controller PCAL9554B 8-bit I2C Fm LV TP/OD GPIO with INT, latch and PU/PD (PU default)
8-bit I2C Fm LV TP GPIO with INT and PU (alternate address for
I2C Fm+ bus controller with 68-byte buffer and PCA9554C
restart condition fix 8-bit I2C Fm LV TP/OD GPIO with INT, latch and PU/PD (PU default)
(alternate address for PCAL9554B)
PCA9557 8-bit I2C Fm TP GPIO with RST
Bus PCA9571 8-bit 1 MHz LV TP GPO
Buffers PCA9574 8-bit I2C Fm LV VLT TP/OD GPIO with INT, RST, latch and PU/PD
Incremental PCA9510A I2C Fm incremental offset hot-swap bus buffer (no RTA) PCA9670 8-bit I2C Fm+ QB GPIO with RST and PU
PCA9511A I2C Fm incremental offset hot-swap bus buffer PCA9672 8-bit I2C Fm+ QB GPIO with INT, RST and PU
PCA9512A I2C Fm incremental offset VLT hot-swap bus buffer PCA9674 8-bit I2C Fm+ QB GPIO with INT and PU
PCA9513A I2C Fm incremental offset hot-swap bus buffer (92 µA CS) PCA9674A 8-bit I2C Fm+ QB GPIO with INT and PU (alternate address)
PCA9514A I2C Fm incremental offset hot-swap bus buffer (0.8 V offset) PCA9702 8-bit SPI 18 V GPI with INT
Differential PCA9614 I2C Fm+ VLT differential (4-wire) bus buffer + PCA9704 8-bit SPI 18 V GPI with maskable INT
driver with
static offset PCA9615 I2C Fm+ VLT differential (4-wire) hot-swap bus buffer 14-bit + PCAL9714 14-bit SPI LV VLT TP/OD GPIO with INT, RST, latch and PU/PD
(1 side) I2C Fm+ 0.8 V LV VLT differential (4-wire) hot-swap bus 16-bit PCA8575 16-bit I2C Fm QB GPIO with INT and PU
buffer with INT (2-wire)
PCF8575 16-bit I2C Fm QB GPIO with INT and PU
No offset PCA9646 4-channel I2C Fm+ no offset buffer/switch with RST
PCF8575C 16-bit I2C Fm OD GPIO with INT
Static offset P82B96 I2C Fm HV bus buffer
(1 side) PCA9535 16-bit I2C Fm TP GPIO with INT
PCA9507 I2C Fm VLT DDC buffer with accelerator
PCA9535C 16-bit I2C Fm OD GPIO with INT
PCA9508 I2C Fm VLT hot-swap bus repeater
PCA9535A 16-bit I2C Fm LV TP GPIO with INT
PCA9509 I2C Fm 1.0 V VLV VLT bus buffer with current source
PCAL9535A 16-bit I2C Fm LV TP/OD GPIO with INT, latch and PU/PD
PCA9509P I2C Fm 0.8 V ULV VLT bus buffer
+ PCA9539 16-bit I2C Fm TP GPIO with INT and RST
PCA9517A I2C Fm 0.9 V ULV VLT bus repeater
+ PCA9539R 16-bit I2C Fm TP GPIO with INT and RST (state machine only)
PCA9519 4-channel version of PCA9509
PCA9539A 16-bit I2C Fm LV TP GPIO with INT and RST
PCA9527 I2C Fm DDC VLT buffer with accelerator and CEC
PCAL9539A 16-bit I2C Fm LV TP/OD GPIO with INT, RST, latch and PU/PD
PCA9600 I2C Fm+ HV bus buffer
PCA6416A 16-bit I2C Fm LV VLT TP GPIO with INT and RST
I2C Fm+ HV bus buffer with stronger 15 mA local side
PCA9601 PCAL6416A 16-bit I2C Fm LV VLT TP/OD GPIO with INT, RST, latch and PU/PD
drive to support multiple Fm+ followers
PCA9617A I C Fm+ 0.8 V ULV VLT bus repeater
2 PCA9555 16-bit I2C Fm TP GPIO with INT and PU
Static offset PCA9515A I2C Fm bus repeater PCA9555A 16-bit I2C Fm LV TP GPIO with INT and PU
(All sides) PCAL9555A 16-bit I2C Fm LV TP/OD GPIO with INT, latch and PU/PD (PU default)
PCA9516A I C Fm 5-channel hub

PCA9518A I2C Fm expandable 5-channel hub PCA9575 16-bit I2C Fm LV VLT TP/OD GPIO with INT, RST, latch and PU/PD
PCA9671 16-bit I2C Fm+ QB GPIO with RST and PU
PCA9673 16-bit I2C Fm+ QB GPIO with INT, RST and PU
DIP PCA9675 16-bit I2C Fm+ QB GPIO with INT and PU
PCA9701 16-bit SPI 18 V GPI with INT
2-kbit EE PCA9500 8-bit I2C Fm QB GPIO with PU and 2-K EEPROM
+ PCA9703 16-bit SPI 18 V GPI with maskable INT
PCA9501 8-bit I2C Fm QB GPIO with INT, PU and 2-K EEPROM 22-bit + PCAL9722 22-bit SPI LV VLT TP/OD GPIO with INT, RST, latch and PU/PD
DIP switch PCA8550 I2C Fm 4-bit 1-of-2 mux and 5-bit EEPROM 24-bit PCAL6524 24 bit I2C Fm+ ULV VLT TP/OD GPIO with INT, RST, latch and PU/PD

PCA9559 I2C Fm 5-bit mux/1-bit latch and 6-bit EEPROM 34-bit PCAL6534 34 bit I²C Fm+ ULV VLT TP/OD GPIO with INT, RST, latch and PU/PD
40-bit PCA9505 40-bit I2C Fm TP GPIO with INT, RST, OE and PU
PCA9560 I2C Fm 2 x 5-bit mux/1-bit latch and 6-bit EEPROM
PCA9506 40-bit I2C Fm TP GPIO with INT, RST and OE
PCA9561 I2C Fm 4 x 6-bit mux and 6-bit EEPROM
PCA9698 40-bit I2C Fm+ TP/OD GPIO with INT, RST, OE and PU

www.nxp.com 7
High Speed Level
Interface Transceivers
CC Logic/ USB Type-C Rev 1.1 CC-Logic, Pin to control NXP GTL to LVTTL GTL2012 2-bit LVTTL to GTL transceiver
PD Phy redriver Translators with
GTL2014 4-bit LVTTL to GTL transceiver
USB Type-C Rev 3.0 PD PHY, TCPC Rev 2.0 version 1.0. Direction Pin
PTN5110 GTL2018 8-bit LVTTL to GTL transceiver
Laptop/tablet applications
Redrivers USB and DP Combo Redriver, SuperSpeed USB 3.1 GTL2034 4-bit GTL to GTL buffer
Gen1, DP V 1.2

PTN38007 Multi-protocol USB4 20 Gbps linear redriver Level

PTN38003A Multi-protocol USB3.2 and DisplayPort linear redriver FET NVT2001 1-bit I2C Fm+ VLT 1.0 V to 5.5 V
No Direction Pin
NVT2002 2-bit I2C Fm+ VLT 1.0 V to 5.5 V
PTN3944 Multi-channel PCIe 4.0 linear equalizer PCA9306 Dual I2C/SMBus Fm+ VLT 1.0 V to 5.5 V
3-bit I2C Fm+ VLT for two power supplies in
Mux CBTL08GP053 USB Type-C High performance Crossbar Switch IC NVT2003
same bus application 1.0 V to 5.5 V
NVT2006 6-bit I2C Fm+ VLT 1.0 V to 5.5 V
DP++ Enhanced performance HDMI/DVI level shifter with
Level active DDC buffer, supporting 3 Gbi t/s operation NVT2008 8-bit I2C Fm+ VLT 1.0 V to 5.5 V
Shifter NVT2010 10-bit I2C Fm+ VLT 1.0 V to 5.5 V
HDMI/DVI level shifter with dongle detect support and
active DDC buffer FET One Shot 1-bit I²C Fm+ VLT 1.65 V to 3.6 V A side and
Enhanced performance HDMI DVI level shifter with No Direction Pin 2.3 V to 5.5 V B side
active DDC buffer, supporting 1.65 Gbit/s operation 2-bit I²C Fm+ VLT 1.65 V to 3.6 V A side and
2.3 V to 5.5V B side
Low power HDMI/DVI level shifter with active DDC
PTN3363 Dual I3C 12.5 MHz and I2C/SMBus Fm+ VLT
buffer, supporting 3.4 Gbit/s operation P3A9606
0.72 V to 1.98 V
Enhanced performance HDMI/DVI level shifter with
PTN3365 Dual bidirectional I3C 12.5 MHz 1:2 and 2:1
active DDC buffer, supporting 3 Gbit/s operation P3S0200
switch and voltage level translator 0.72 V to 3.6 V
Low power HDMI/DVI level shifter with active DDC
PTN3366 4-bit I²C Fm+ VLT 1.65 V to 3.6 V A side and 2.3 V
buffer, supporting 3 Gbit/s operation NTS0104
to 5.5 V B side
(DOD) Enhanced performance HDMI/DVI level shifter
PTN3381 with voltage regulator, dongle detect support and 2-bit improved smart one shot I2C Fm+ VLT
active DDC buffer 0.95 V to 3.6 V A side and 1.65 V to 5.5 V B side
4-bit improved smart one shot I2C Fm+ VLT 0.95
LCD NTS0304E V to 3.6 V A side and 1.65 V to 5.5 V B side with
IEC 61000-4-2 Class 4, 8 kV contact on B side
8-bit improved smart one shot I2C Fm+ VLT 0.95 V
Segment I2C Fm or SPI 72-segment low-power LCD driver in NTS0308E to 3.6 V A side and 1.65 V to 5.5V B side with IEC
+ PCA8561A/B
driver HVQFN32 package 61000-4-2 Class 4, 8 kV contact on B side
+ PCA/ 2-bit I²C Fm+ VLT 1.65 V to 5.5 V A side and
I2C Fm 128-segment LCD driver in TSSOP48 package NTSX0102
PCF85162 1.65 V to 5.5 V B side
Buffer One Shot 1-bit SPI VLT 1.2 V to 3.6 V A side and 1.65 V to
I2C Fm 128-segment LCD driver with higher frame NTB0101
+ PCA85262 No Direction Pin 5.5 V B side
frequency in TSSOP48 package
2-bit SPI VLT 1.2 V to 3.6 V A side and 1.65 V to
+ PCA/ I2C Fm or SPI 144-segment low-power LCD driver with NTB0102
5.5 V B side
PCF8551A/B programmable frame frequency in TSSOP48 package
4-bit SPI VLT 1.2 V to 3.6 V A side and 1.65 V to
+ PCA/PCE/ I2C Fm 160-segment LCD driver in TSSOP56 or TQFP64 5.5 V B side
PCF85176 package
I2C Fm 160-segment LCD driver with higher frame Level
+ PCA85276
frequency in TSSOP56 package Translator
+ PCA/ I2C Fm or SPI 160-segment low-power LCD driver with SIM Card NVT4555 SIM card VLT level translator and LDO
PCF8553A/B programmable frame frequency in TSSOP56 package Translator
NVT4557 SIM card VLT level translator for 1.8 V node
I2C Fm or SPI 176-segment LCD driver with
+ PCA8546A/B
programmable frame frequency in TSSOP56 package SIM card VLT level translator for 1.2 V and
1.8 V node
I2C Fm or SPI 176-segment LCD driver with
+ PCA8547A/B programmable frame frequency, charge pump, VLCD SD Card SD 3.0 - SDR104 auto-direction control memory
temperature compensation in TQFP64 package Translator NVT4857 card level translator and LDO — also support SIM
+ PCA/ card for combo socket
I2C Fm 240-segment LCD driver in LQFP80 package
SD 3.0 — SDR104 auto-direction control memory
I2C Fm orSPI 320-segment LCD driver with NVT4858 card level translator for both 1.2 V and 1.8 V node
programmable frame frequency in TSSOP56 package — also supports SIM card for combo socket
I2C Fm or SPI 320-segment LCD driver with eUSB2
+ PCA/
programmable frame frequency and LED backlight PWM
PCF8536A/B Repeater and PTN3222 1-port eUSB2 to USB2 redriver functionality
control in TSSOP56 package
Level Shifter
I C Fm or SPI 352-segment LCD driver with
+ PCA/
programmableframe frequency, charge pump, VLCD
temperature compensation in TQFP64 package LED
I2C Fm 480-segment LCD driver with programmable Drivers
+ PCA9620 frame frequency, charge pump, VLCD temperature
compensation in LQFP80 package Open Drain or Totem Pole Voltage Source
Dimmer PCA9530 2-channel I2C Fm OD LED dimmer with RST
+ PCA/
I2C Fm 160-segment COG LCD driver (2 PWM,
PCF8576D/E PCA9531 8-channel I2C Fm OD LED dimmer with RST
25 mA/ 5 V)
I C Fm 160-segment COG LCD driver with higher frame
2 PCA9532 16-channel I2C Fm OD LED dimmer with RST
+ PCA8576F
frequency and higher VLCD PCA9533 4-channel I2C Fm OD LED dimmer
+ PCA/PCE/ I2C Fm 320-segment COG LCD driver with selectable Blinker PCA9550 2-channel I2C Fm OD LED blinker with RST
PCF85133 frame frequency (2 PWM, PCA9551 8-channel I2C Fm OD LED blinker with RST
25 mA/5 V)
I2C Fm 320-segment COG LCD driver with higher PCA9552 16-channel I2C Fm OD LED blinker with RST
+ PCA85233
selectable frame frequency
PCA9553 4-channel I2C Fm OD LED blinker
I2C Fm 640-segment COG LCD driver with higher
+ PCA85232 Controller PCA9632 4-channel I2C Fm+ low-power TP LED controller
programmable frame frequency
(PWM/Ch, PCA9633 4-channel I2C Fm+ TP LED controller with OE
Character I C Fm or parallel bus 2 x 16 characters + 160-icon
2 25 mA/ 5 V)
drivers PCF2119 COG LCD driver with charge pump,VLCD temperature PCA9634 8-channel I2C Fm+ TP LED controller with OE
compensation + PCA9635 16-channel I2C Fm+ TP LED controller with OE
Graphic I2C Fm 34 x 128-pixel COG LCD driver with charge 16-channel I2C Fm+ TP LED controller with
PCF8531 + PCA9685
driver pump, VLCD temperature compensation 12-bit PWMs and OE

8 www.nxp.com
LED Real-time
Drivers Clocks
Open Drain Constant Current Low-power PCF2123 SPI lower power RTC with alarm, timer and interrupt
Bootable CPU I2C Fm RTC with two I2C controllers,
Driver + PCA9952 16-channel I C Fm+ HV CS LED driver with OE
2 PCF85053A
128 Byte SRAM and alarm function
57 mA/ 40 V) + PCA9955 16-channel I2C Fm+ HV CS LED driver PCF85063 I²C Fm/Tiny RTC with 30s, 60s interrupt
Driver + PCA9955B 16-channel I2C Fm+ CC LED driver I2C Fm or SPI/Tiny RTC with alarm and 30s, 60s
(PWM/Ch, interrupt
+ PCA9745B 16-channel SPI CC LED driver
57 mA/ 20 V) I2C Fm/Tiny RTC with alarms, time stamp and
PCA9956B 24-channel I2C Fm+ CC LED driver PCF85263A battery backup +1-byte RAM 0.25 mm pitch
Driver PCA9957 24-channel SPI CC LED driver — 32 mA per ch WLCSP12 for cellular modem
(PWM, 5 V) + PCA9958 24-channel SPI CC LED driver — 63 mA per ch I2C Fm/Tiny RTC with alarms, time stamp and
battery back-up switch + 64-byte RAM
24-channel SPI CC LED driver — 63 mA per ch
PCA9959 I2C Fm+ ultra-low-power RTC with loss of main
— 64 grids PCF8523
power detection and automatic battery backup
PCF8563 I2C Fm low-power clock/calendar
I2C Sm Clock and calendar with 240 x 8-bit RAM
Load Switch PCF8583
and alarm
Load NX3P2902BUK 500 mA / 3.6 V load switch PCF8593 I2C Sm Low power clock and calendar with alarm
Switch NX3P1108UK 1.5 A / 3.6 V load switch Automotive SPI lower power RTC with alarm, timer and interrupt
+ PCA21125
NX5P3363UK 3 A / 5 V source load switch high to 125 °C
NX20P5090UK 5 A / 20 V sink load switch I2C Fm/Tiny RTC with alarm and 30s, 60s interrupt
+ PCA85073A
-40 °C to 105 °C
NX30P6093UK I C-controlled OVP load switch
I2C Fm high-temperature clock/calendar -40 °C to
+ PCA8565
+125 °C
Muxes and I2C Fm or SPI high accuracy, low voltage 100 mA
Switches + PCA2131 RTC with embedded crystal, time stamp, tamper
pins -40 °C to 105 °C
2-channel + PCA9540B 2-channel I2C Fm mux
P3S0200GM 2:1 and 1:2 I3C 12.5 MHz mux with select pin
PCA9542A 2-channel I C Fm mux with INT
high accuracy I2C Fm or SPI high accuracy, low voltage 64 nA
with RTC time stamp, tamper pins -40 °C to 85 °C
PCA9543A 2-channel I2C Fm switch with INT and RST
2-to-1 2-to-1 I2C Fm demux with INT and RST crystal
demux (channel 0 default)
2-to-1 I2C Fm demux with INT and RST
(no channel default)
Stepper Motor
4-channel PCA9544A 4-channel I2C Fm mux with INT
1 motor Improved I2C Fm+ stepper motor controller with TP GPIO
PCA9545A 4-channel I2C Fm switch with INT and RST PCA9629A
controller with INT and RSTC
PCA9546A 4-channel I C Fm switch with RST

PCA9646 4-channel I2C Fm+ no offset buffer/switch with RST Temp

PCA9846 4-channel ULV VLT I2C Fm+ switch with RST Sensors
PCA9849 4-channel ULV VLT I2C Fm+ mux with RST Local I2C Fm TS local with ± 2 °C accuracy and SMBus
8-channel PCA9547 8-channel I2C Fm mux with RST (channel 0 default) timeout
PCA9847 8-channel ULV VLT I2C Fm+ mux with RST I2C Fm JEDEC DDR3 TS, no SPD, ±1 °C accuracy
and SMBus timeout
PCA9548A 8-channel I C Fm switch with RST

I2C Fm+ TS with ±1 ºC accuracy and SMBus timeout

PCA9848 8-channel ULV VLT I2C Fm+ switch with RST PCT2075
Default interrupt trip is + 85 ºC
Arbiter 2 controllers to shared target I C Fm+ arbiter with
PCA9641 PCT2075GV/ N005 Default interrupt trip -5 ºC — for freezer alarm
INT and RST (no channels selected at default)
Default interrupt trip + 110 ºC — prevent spurious
PCT2075GV/ P110
alarm in high temp environment
Power management
integrated circuits (PMIC) I3C and I2C TS with ±0.5 ºC accuracy and SMBus
PCA942X i.MX RT5/600 including battery charger
I3C and I2C TS with ±0.5 ºC accuracy and SMBus
PCA9450 i.MX 8M family with 12 power rails timeout
PCA9460 i.MX 8ULP with 13 power rails I3C and I2C interface with ±0.5C accuracy with 8
PCA9451 i.MX 93 with 12 power rails address options
I3C and I2C interface with ±2C accuracy with 8
address options
Local and I2C Fm JEDEC DDR3 TS local with ±1 °C accuracy,
EEPROM 2K SPD and SMBus timeout
Local and I2C HSmTS, 1.8 V, + 1 °C accuracy and SMBus
remote timeout

Code Description Code Description Code Description
Sm 100 kHz Standard-mode I2C-bus ADC Analog Digital Converter INT Interrupt
Fm 400 kHz Fast-mode I2C-bus LV Supply Voltage < 2.3 V RST Reset
Fm+ 1 MHz Fast-mode Plus I2C-bus VLV Supply Voltage < 1.65 V OE Output enable
HSm 3.4 MHz High-speed Mode I2C-bus ULV Supply Voltage < 1.0 V Latch Input latch
+ AEC-Q100 Compliance HV Outputs >10 V PU Pull-up resistors
GPIO General-purpose I/O Expander VLT Voltage Level Translator — 2 Supplies PU/PD Pull-up/pull-down resistors
TS Thermal Sensor TP Totem-pole (push-pull) COG Chip on glass
RTC Real-time Clock QB Quasi-bidirectional SPI Serial peripheral interface
LCD Liquid Crystal Display OD Open Drain SPMI System power management interface
DAC Digital Analog Converter CC Constant current P3A, P3T, P3S 3 indicates I3C Bus capable

www.nxp.com 9
Bridges OM6270 SC16IS750_760 SPI_I2C-UART EV LED OM13269 PCA9632 LED Eval
OM6273 SC16IS752_762 SPI_I2C-UART EV OM13321 PCA9956B LED Eval Fm_Plus

SC18IS604-EVB SPI-to-I2C Fm controller bridge Eval Board OM13327 PCA9634 LED Eval

SC18IS606-EVB I2C Fm target-to-SPI controller bridge Eval Board OM13329 PCA9952 LED Eval 2005-1

SC18IM704-EVB UART-to-I C Fm controller bridge Eval Board

2 OM13330 PCA9955 LED EVB - 2005-1
OM13332 PCA9685 demo board, 16-channel voltage source
LCD display OM13506 PCF8553 LCD Demo with 12-bit PWM demo board I2C Fm+
RTC OM11059 PCF85063B RTC Eval - SPI OM13333 PCA9635 LED Eval
OM11059A PCF85063A RTC Eval - 12C OM13483 PCA9955B LED Eval
OM13510 PCF85263 RTC Eval OM13524 PCA9745B LED SPI Eval
OM13511 PCF8523 RTC Eval OM13528 PCA9532BS LED Eval
OM13512 PCF2123 SPI-bus RTC Eval OMPCA9957- PCA9957 LED Eval Socket — MCU
OM13514 PCF85363 RTC Eval
OMPCA9959- PCA9959 LED Eval Socket — MCU
OM13515 PCF85063A RTC Eval
OM13517 PCA21125 RTC Eval 9 pin Universal OM13491 Panel A-VSSOP_XQFN_HWSON_MSOP8
OM13519 PCA8565 RTC Eval OM13492 Panel B — 6_8_10 pin pkgs
Voltage- OM13315 NVT2001GM VLT Eval OM13493 Panel C — DHVQFN 24_20_16_14
Translator OM13317 NVT2008PW VLT Eval OM13494 Panel D — HVQFN 14_16_20_24
OM13318 NVT2002DP VLT Eval OM13495 Panel E — TSSOP 14_16_20_24
OM13319 NVT2003DP VLT Eval OM13496 Panel F — Surface Mount-DIP EV
OM13323 NVT2006PW VLT Eval OM13497 Panel G — HTSSOP28_VFBGA XFBGA24

OM13324 NVT2010PW VLT Eval Temperature OM13257 Universal TS DC Fm_Plus

OM13480 NVT4555UK SIM Card Eval
Bus Buffers OM13523 PCA9616PW dI2C Buffer Eval
OM13543 NTS0304EPW VLT Test
GPIO OM13488 Universal 8-bit GPIO DC — Fm
NVT4858-4557- NVT4858 SD and NVT4557 SIM Card Eval
EVB OM13489 Universal 16-bit GPIO DC — Fm

P3A9606JK-EVB P3A9606JK VLT Eval OM13526 PCAL6524 GPIO Eval

OM13529 PCAL6524EV GPIO Eval Fm_Plus
OM13541 PCAL6534EV GPIO Eval
Arduino PCF85063AT-ARD Industry Standard RTC
PCT2075DP-ARD Temp Sensor
PCA9957HN-ARD 24-channel LED controller
PCA9959HN-ARD 24-channel LED controller with 64-grid
IMX8MMINI-IARD Interposer Board for i.MX8 EVB
NTS0304EUK-ARD 4cch Voltage Level Translator
PCAL6534EV-ARD 34-bit GPIO
PCAL6524EV-ARD 24-bit GPIO
PCF85263ATL-ARD Full Function RTC
PCA9955BTW-ARD 16 ch LED Controller
PCA8561AHN-ARD LCD Display
PCAL6408A-ARD 8-bit GPIO
PCA9617ADP-ARD I2C Bus Buffer
NVT2002DP LED Demo Board PCA9846PW-ARD I2C Low Voltage Switch
PCT2131-ARD Low Power Temperature Compensated RTC
PCF85053ATK-ARD Dual Controller RTC with RAM
P3T1085UK-ARD Temp Sensor - 6 pin 0.5 ºC accuracy
P3T1755DP-ARD Temp Sensor - 8 pin 0.5 ºC accuracy
P3T1035XUK-ARD Temp Sensor - 4 bump with 0.5C accuracy
P3T2030XUK-ARD Temp Sensor - 4 bump with 2.0C accuracy

PCA9956A 24, Non-Isolated Output
LED Driver Demo Board

10 www.nxp.com
OM13512 OM13257
PCF2123 SPI-bus RTC Demo Board Temp Sensor Daughter Card

OM13514 OM13489
PCF85363A I2C-bus RTC PCF85263/363 Universal 16-bit GPIO Daughter Card

OM13528 OM13515
PCA9532BS 16-CH LED Demo Board PCF85063A RTC Timing Demo Board


Our I2C-bus website (www.nxp.com/i2c), SPI website (www.

nxp.com/SPI) and I3C-bus website (www.nxp.com/i3c)
are a valuable resource for device information and training
programs. It gives you direct access to a comprehensive
handbook, application notes, information about evaluation
kits and training materials, links to application and design
PCF2131-ARD support and more. The development boards and daughter
card make it easy to program new peripherals and are a
quick way to learn about the I2C-bus and I3C-bus protocol.

Samples and demo boards are available on request; contact

a local NXP distributor.

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NXP, the NXP logo and the I2C-bus logo are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © 2022 NXP B.V.

Date of release: December 2023

Document Number: I2CSELECTORBROC REV 7

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