5E Pop Culture - Fairy Tail's Dragon SLayer - The Homebrewery
5E Pop Culture - Fairy Tail's Dragon SLayer - The Homebrewery
5E Pop Culture - Fairy Tail's Dragon SLayer - The Homebrewery
Armor: None
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Shortswords, Battleaxes,
Magical Firearms
Tools: Choose one type of Artisan’s Tools
Saving Throws: Constitution and Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics,
Insight, Intimidation, and Persuasion
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
3rd 5
Slow Fall
4th 6
Beginning at 4th level, you can use your reaction when you
5th 7 fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an amount equal
to five times your Dragon Slayer level.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Dragon Force Dragon Slayer Secret Art
Once you reach 5th level, you fight with a dragon’s ferocity At 11th level, your draconic powers have grown exponentially
in battle. On your turn, you can enter Dragon Force as an and through enough meditation, practice, and trial-and-error,
bonus action for 1 vis. While in dragon force, you gain the you have unlocked the Secret Arts to dragon magic. Choose
following benefits if you aren’t wearing armor or a shield: one 6th-level spell as this Secret Art. You can cast your
Gain a bonus to AC equal to half of your Proficiency Secret Art spell once. At higher levels, you gain more Dragon
Bonus rounded down. Slayer spells of your choice that can be cast in this way: one
You have advantage on Strength checks and 7th-level spell at 13th level, one 8th-level spell at 15th level,
Strength saving throws. and one 9th-level spell at 18th level. You regain all uses of
When you make a melee attack using Strength, you your Secret Arts spells when you finish a long rest.
gain a bonus to the damage roll that increases as
you gain levels as a dragon slayer, as shown in the Dragon’s Might
Dragon Force Damage column of the Dragon Starting at 18th Level you have begun to channel the power
Slayer table. (Levels 5-9 gain +3) of the dragons throughout your whole being. You gain a +2 to
If you are able to cast spells, you can’t concentrate
your STR or DEX, CON, and CHA scores, the max of those
on them while in dragon force. scores is now also increased by 2.
Your dragon force lasts for 1 minute, and it ends
early if you are knocked unconscious. You can use
dragon force as many times equal to half your
Draconic Shift
Charisma modifier (rounded down, minimum of 1). At level 20, you have trained to the point where you may
Once your dragon force ends you must make a now assume the form of a dragon for one hour. You may
Constitution saving throw (DC 14). On a failed save do this as an action once before taking a long rest. The
you gain one level of exhaustion or don’t gain any following happens when you assume dragon form:
levels of exhaustion on a successful save. Your size is large.
At 10th level, your dragon force reaches its second stage. Your Armor Class is 22.
Your dragon force gains the following benefits: Your Physical Ability Scores are changed:
Your dragon force damage from levels 10-14 is now Strength:24(+7)
+4 Dexterity:12(+1)
When you are at or below 5 hit points, or become Constitution:24(+7)
unconscious, and not killed outright, you can make Your mental stats are unchanged.
a Constitution save, on a 20 or higher you enter a Your HP is your usual form's HP, and is restored to its
rage. You gain temporary hit points equal to half maximum upon transformation. When you revert to your
your max hit points. This lasts for a number of normal form, you are returned to the amount of HP before
rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. When this you transformed, and if you reverted as a result of falling
ends, you fall unconscious. below 0HP in dragon form, excess damage is carried over
Save DC increases by 2 (DC 16) upon reversion.
At 15th level, your dragon force has now reached its third Your base walking and swimming speeds are 40 feet. Your
stage. Whenever you enter dragon force, you gain the flying speed is 80 feet.
following benefits: You can breathe water and air.
You gain a flying speed equal to your movement For all intents and purposes, you are considered a dragon.
speed You gain the following natural weapons with which you
Your dragon force damage from levels 15 to 19 is are proficient:
now +5 A bite attack, dealing 2d8 piercing
Save DC increases by 2 (DC 18) Two claw attacks, dealing 2d6 slashing each
At 20th level, your dragon force has reached its final stage. A tail attack, dealing 2d6 bludgeoning.
Whenever you enter dragon force, you gain the following Any other trait you possess in normal form is preserved in
benefits: Dragon form, as long as it physically makes sense.
Your dragon force damage is now +6
Save DC increases by 2 (DC 20)
Motion Sickness
At lvl 7, for some reason your body is unable to handle the
motion of vehicles, while on a non-flying vehicle you have
disadvantage to all attack rolls, ability checks, and skill
checks.You automatically fail any Con save you make while on
the vehicle.
Light Dragon Slayer
Light Dragon Slayer Features
Level Spells Vis Points
2nd Guiding Bolt, Divine Favor, Heroism, Shield of Faith 2 Vis
5th Branding Smite, Moonbeam, Invisibility, Dark Vision 3 Vis
9th Blinding Smite, Crusader's Mantle, Remove Curse, Spirit Guardians 5 Vis
13th Guardian of Faith, Banishment, Aura of Life, Aura of Purity 6 Vis
17th Flame Strike, Wall of Light, Hallow, Planar Binding 7 Vis
Light Blows
Starting at 13th level, as a bonus action you can channel your
divine energy through your weapon. For the next minute,
attacks from the weapon deal additional 1d4 radiant damage.
The Light Blows damage is considered magical. The damage
die increases as you gain levels. Radiant damage starts at
1d8. At 15th level, Radiant damage becomes 1d10. At 19th
level, Radiant damage becomes 1d12. This damage is
cumulative with weapons enchantments. Should your
weapon leave your grip, the rite fades immediately. An active
light blows on a weapon thrown fades directly after the attack
is complete.
Sun Strike
At level 14, when you make a melee weapon attack you can
choose to make it a Sun Strike. If the Sun Strike hits, you
deal 4d8 radiant damage in addition to the weapon's damage.
You may only use this feature an amount of times equal to
your proficiency modifier. Activate this feature after a
successful attack roll. You regain uses after a short rest.
Solar CLeansing
At 15th level, you gain the ability to channel your light to heal
yourself and other creatures. As a bonus action, you can
touch a creature and heal it. With each touch, a creature
regains 1d6 to 5d6(your choice). You have a total pool of 15d6
you can expend. Subtract the dice you use with each touch
from the total.
You regain all expended dice from your pool when you
finish a long rest
Shadow Weapons
At first level you can create weapon constructs out of
darkness. You create a weapon that you are proficient with
out of pure darkness, it deals necrotic damage in place of its
normal damage type.
Shadow Strangle
At level 14, As a bonus action, target a creature targeted by
Shadow Paralysis. The creature must make a Constitution
saving throw, on a failed save the creature suffers a level of
exhaustion. Using this ability ends the effect of Shadow
Paralysis. While in Shadow Drive you may affect a 2nd
creature if there is an applicable target.
Lingering Shadows
At 15th level, when you use Shadow step, you can cause your
location to implode while you travel away, dealing 3d6
necrotic damage to everyone within a 5-ft. radius at the spot
you were at before traveling away.The area is clouded in
magical darkness as if someone cast the Darkness spell
there. You need a long rest before you can do this again.
At lev
Acolyte of Nature almo
At 1st level, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills attack
of your choice: Animal Handling, Nature, or Survival. if you
take 2
Elemental Magic repla
At 2nd level, your draconic magic has begun to grow. You gain
the Poison Spray cantrip, and you learn one druid cantrip of Poison Dragon’s Sharp Horn
your choice. You punch your target, then release a burst of poison at point-
blank range, which causes poison damage and burns. At lvl 7,
Channel Inner Dragon: Summon When you attack a target and the hit lands, you can instead
choose to deal 4d6 poison and 2d6 fire damage. You can do
Serpents this once per long rest.
Starting at 2nd level, you can use Channel Inner Dragon to
summon poisonous snakes that fight for you. When the Snake Familiar
dragon slayer is hit with an attack, the dragon slayer can use
their reaction to release a number of poisonous snakes equal At 9th level you gain the power to summon a powerful ally.
to their Charisma modifier (minimum of one). Roll initiative You summon a Large Flying Snake with the stats and
for the snakes, which have their own turns. It obeys any abilities of a Green Dragon Wyrmling. If it happens to be
verbal commands that are issued to it (no action required by slain, you can resummon it after a Long Rest.
the dragon slayer). If no commands are issued to the snakes,
they defends themselves from hostile creatures, but Poison Dragon’s Guard
otherwise takes no actions. The DM has the creature’s Starting at 10th level, As an action you can coat yourself in a
statistics. You can choose to also summon flying snakes at protective bubble of poison. When you are struck by a melee
8th level. attack, the poison sticks to the attacker dealing damage equal
to half your level in poison damage until the start of your next
Poison Dragon’s Withering Fang turn.
Once you reach 6th level, when you hit a creature with a
melee attack, you can choose to have the creature make a Sound Wall
Constitution saving throw vs your spell save DC. They take You manipulate the sound in your immediate vicinity into a
1d6 poison damage for 1 minute on a failed save or none on a wall of pure pressure, which simultaneously protects you and
successful save.This feature can be used a number of times destroys portions of the surrounding area. 13th level you can
equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one) before cast wall of force once per long rest.
making a long rest.
Sound Palm
Poison Dragon’s Scales
Through touch, you transmit a very powerful sound wave
You swing your arms, generating a very large number of from your palm to the target's body, sending them flying. At
scale-shaped masses of poison, which are rapidly sent flying level 13, when you land with an unarmed attack, you can
at the target in consecutive reprises. At 6th level, you spray make the target make a CON save, on a fail the target is
poisonous scales in a 15ft cone, Anything caught in the area knocked back 30ft. If the target collides with a structure of
needs to make a CON save, on a fail they take 3d6 poison another creature, they both take 3d8 force damage
damage. Half as much on success. This can be done a
number of times equal to your CHA mod.
Poison Dragon’s Corrosive Punch
Poison Dragon’s Fang Thrust
You inflict a poison with a paralyzing effect. At level 15 when
you can make a melee attack against a target, they must
make a CON save or become paralyzed, they can make a new
save at the end of each of their turns. This can only trigger
once per creature per round.
Limit Breaker
At 15th Level you have gained the strength to make your
magic go even further beyond, but only for an instant. Once
per long rest you can double the damage of your breath
weapon attack.
Wind Strikes
At 1st Level when you successfully land an unarmed attack,
on your bonus action you can make an additional 2 unarmed Disciple of Life
attacks. Attacks made this way have a range of up to 15 feet.
Starting at 6th level, your healing spells are more effective.
Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit
Elemental Magic points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points
At 2nd level, your draconic magic has begun to grow. You gain equal to 2 + the spell’s level.
the Spare the Dying cantrip if you don’t already know it.
Channel Inner Dragon: Lay on At 7th level you learn how to cure ailments with your sky
Hands dragon magic. As an action you can relieve an ailment
Starting at 2nd level, your touch can heal wounds. You have a affecting a target that you can touch for 10 hours, such as
pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a short motion sickness. The more you use this on a target the less
or long rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of effective it becomes. For each time after the first use of Troia
hit points equal to your dragon slayer level x 10. As an action, on a target, roll 1d20, on a 10 or higher the spell works as
you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to normal, on a fail the effectiveness is lowered by 1 hour. On
restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the each success the number to beat is increased by 1, every
maximum amount remaining in your pool. Alternatively, you failure to succeed resets the number to 10.
can expend 5 hit points from your pool of healing to cure the
target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You Sky Dragon’s Wing Attack
can cure multiple diseases and neutralize multiple poisons At 9th level you can punish those foolish enough to line up in
with a single use of Lay on Hands, expending hit points front of you. As an action you can make a kicking motion
separately for each one. This feature has no effect on undead towards an opponent, causing a violent gust of wind to
and constructs. charge forward. All creatures in a 30ft line, centered from you
in a direction of your choose, will need to make a DEX save.
Three of Coronas On a fail they will take 3d8 force damage and will be knocked
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to bless yourself and back 10ft, if they hit into a wall they will take an additional
your allies with draconic abilities. When using this feature as 1d8 force damage. On a successful save they will take half
an action, you may choose to provide one of the following damage and will not be knocked back. This ability increases
benefits: to 4d8 at level 13, and 5d8 at level 17.
Vernier: You infuse your allies with enhanced speed. You Sky Dragon’s Claw
and up to three other friendly creatures gain a movement
speed bonus equal to your half your movement speed. At 9th level you learn a technique to help you fend off
This effect lasts for 1 minute or until you break multiple enemies at a time. As an action you can make an
concentration. attack against all creatures in a 20ft area around you. All
Arms: You enchant your allies with increased damage. You enemies will need to make a dex save, on a fail they will take
and up to three other friendly creatures gain a +1 bonus to 2d10 force damage and half on success. This ability
all their attack and damage rolls. This effect lasts for 1 increases to 3d10 at level 13, and 4d10 at level 17.
minute or until you break concentration.
Armor: You bolsters your ally’s defenses. You and up to Air Shatter Cannon
three other friendly creatures gain a bonus to AC equal to You clap your hands together with a powerful boom, each
half your Charisma modifier (rounded down). This effect creature in a 20ft radius of you will need to make a CON
lasts for 1 minute or until concentration is broken save. On a fail they take 6d8 Thunder damage, or half on
This feature can be used as many times equal to your success. Anything within 5ft of and anything non-magical not
Charisma modifier before making a long rest. worn or made up of inorganic material have disadvantage on
this roll
At level 15 you have studied the effects of strain on the body
Sky Dragon’s Crushing Fang and have made a way to shrug them off. Oncer per short or
At 10th level the user cloaks one of their hands in a long rest you can give a creature that you can touch
whirlwind and strikes the target with their fingertips, leaving advantage on saves against Exhaustion.
behind a trail of wind. You imbue your hand with sky dragon
magic and make a melee attack against a target, on a hit the
target takes 4d8 force damage. The target then needs to
make a STR save, on a fail they are knocked back 20ft and
knocked prone. The space between the two becomes difficult
terrain until the end of your next turn. On a save the target
doesn’t get knocked back 20ft, but still takes full damage. Sky Dragon Slayer’s Secret Art:
Anything the targets hits into will also need to make a STR
save, on a fail it will take half damage and will also be
Placabilis Ira: Milky Way
knocked back 20ft, on success they manage to hold their Starting at 17th level, you have become one with the wind. As
ground. This can be used once per short rest. an action, you form a swirling vortex of magical air that
surrounds you in a 60 foot aura that lasts for 1 minute. To
Pretty Cure friendly creatures, this vortex is filled with warm, soothing air
and whenever a friendly creature enters or starts its turn in
At level 13, your Roar has taken on healing properties. Any the vortex it is healed for 2d10 + your Charisma modifier,
ally caught in your roar will now be healed for the damage cures it of any conditions or debilitations it has, and benefits
from one of the options from Three of Coronas (your choice)
without needing concentration. To hostile creatures, this
Deus Zero vortex is a violent torrent of wind and whenever a hostile
You are able to drain magical effects from a target within 10ft creature enters or starts its turn within the vortex the area is
of you, it requires 1 turn per level of the cast that caused the treated as difficult terrain for them and they must make a
magic effect. This requires 1 minute to cast and requires Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they are knocked
concentration while using, you can use this once per long rest prone and on a successful save they are not knocked prone.
You must finish a long rest before using this feature again.
Ile of Coronas
At level 14 you have made your Three of Coronas more
Shattering Light: Sky Drill
potent, but at a cost. Each effect will only last 30 seconds, but A special spell where you form a fast wind barrier with your
you can now switch which ability is active by using a bonus arms spread out, and by moving them in a counterclockwise
action. You can also choose an additional 3 targets whenever direction, causes the barrier to contract inwards towards
you activate one of the features. And you can have one effect your opponent. As an action you create a barrier around your
active without requiring concentration, if you activate a opponent, any ranged attacks automatically miss and any
second one, then that will require concentration. Having magic below 6th level fails. Barrier is 20 ft radius, anything
more than one active at a time puts immense strain on your stuck inside has speed reduced to 0 and will need to make a
body, giving you a level of exhaustion every other turn that CON save. On a fail they take 10d8 Force Damage and are
you have a Secondary Corona active. considered suffocating, half as much on success but are still
considered suffocating. This ability lasts for up to 1 minute as
When you activate Vernier all creatures affected by it are long as you can keep up concentration on it and can be used
considered under the effects of the spell haste. once per long rest.
When you activate Arms all creatures affected by it gain a
+2 to all attack rolls, as well as gaining an additional
damage dice equal to the damage dice of your Dragon
Slayer Iron Fist.
When you activate Armor all creatures affected by it gain
resistance to magical and mundane piercing, slashing, and
bludgeoning damage, as well as a bonus to AC equal to
half your Charisma modifier rounded down.
Fiery Attacks
Starting at 1st level, as an action you can imbue your melee
attacks with fiery energy, this can be applied to your unarmed Action Surge
attacks. For 1 minute, your attacks deal an additional 1d6 fire
At 10th level, on your turn, you can take one additional action
damage, emits dim light in a 20-foot radius, and is considered
on top of your regular action and a possible Bonus Action.
magical for the duration. This requires concentrationou can
end this effect on your turn as part of any other action. If you Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or Long
fall unconscious, the effect ends immediately. The extra Rest before you can use it again.
damage increases to 2d6 at 8th level and 3d6 at 16th level.
Fire Dragon’s Roasting Bath
Elemental Magic At level 10, you exude heat on par with a fire dragon from
At 2nd level, your draconic magic has begun to grow. You gain your body. Any creature within 10 feet of you while this is
active will need to make a DC5 Con save, the creature has
the Control Flames cantrip.
disadvantage on the save if it is wearing medium or heavy
armor. The save increases by 2 after each success, on a fail
Channel Inner Dragon: Fiery the creature gains one level of exhaustion. If a creature
Indignation completely exits your aura the DC lowers itself by 1 on each
At 2nd level, the fires of rage and anger burn within you when subsequent turn. This lasts for 1 minute.
you consciousness begins to fade. When you are reduced to 0
hit points, you can use your Channel Inner Dragon to ignite Fire Dragon’s Hell Hurl
your flames of anger and heal yourself. You regain a number Starting at 14th level, when you hit a creature with an attack,
of hit points equal to your level plus your con modifier as your you hit them so hard they get sent to another plane. You can
own flames begin to sustain you. Until the start of your next use this feature to instantly transport the target through the
turn the flames wreathing your body burn with such a heat lower planes. The creature disappears and hurtles through a
that your body appears to ripple from the air burning around nightmare landscape. At the end of your next turn, the target
you, your AC is increased by 2. returns to the space it previously occupied, or the nearest
unoccupied space. If the target is not a fiend, it takes 10d10
Fire Dragons Flame Elbow psychic damage as it reels from its horrific experience. Once
Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a
can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus long rest.
Fire Dragon Slayer’s Secret Art:
Fire Dragon’s Grip Strike Crimson Lotus Dragon Fist
Starting at 7th level, you grapple an opponent unleashing a At 14th level you make your attacks hit with explosive impact.
close range blast. When you attempt to grapple a target. If For one round any melee attack that lands a hit creates an
you succeed the grapple, you can make a Dragon Slayer Roar explosion that blasts out 15ft in all directions. Anything
attack against the target as part of that attack. This attack caught in this explosion(you are immune to this effect) makes
does not hit anything else but the target. The target a DEX save, on a fail takes 4d6 fire damage or half on
automatically fails the DEX saving throw for the Dragon success. You can do this ability once per long rest.
Limit Breaker
Fire Dragon’s Brilliant Flame At 15th Level you have gained the strength to make your
At 9th level you gain the Fireball spell if you don’t already magic go even further beyond, but only for an instant. Once
know it. Once per long rest you can twin-cast Fireball while per long rest you can double the damage of your breath
only consuming one spell slot. weapon attack or one spell attack.
Fire Dragon Slayer’s Secret Art:
Impetus: Exploding Flame Blade
At level 17, you swipe your arms creating a devastating
torrent of flames. As an action, you unleash pure fire at any
number of creatures you choose within 30 feet of you. Each
target must make a DEX saving throw. On a fail they take
10d12 fire damage and are pushed 20 feet away from you.
They are also left burning and take 1d6 fire damage for a
number of rounds equal to your CHA mod. On a successful
save they take half of the damage, are only pushed 10 feet,
and don’t burn. This ability can only be used once per long
Lightning Dragon Slayer
Dragon Slayer Features
Level Spells Vis Points
2nd Guiding Bolt, Thunderwave, Witch Bolt, Thunderous Smite 2 Vis
5th Blur, Mirror Image, Shatter, Hold Person 3 Vis
9th Call Lightning, Lightning Arrow, Lightning Bolt, Major Image 5 Vis
13th Elemental Bane, Storm Sphere, Freedom of Movement, Conjure Minor Elemental 6 Vis
17th Conjure Elemental, Destructive Wave, Mislead, Hold Monster 7 Vis
Lightning Body
Starting at 1st level, you transform into a wandering bolt of
electricity. As an Action, you can move freely up to 30 feet to Lightning Dragon's Crescent Axe
an unoccupied space you can see, and pass through creatures
At 7th level, you have learned to shape you lightning into a
as well. If you pass through a creature while in Lightning
Battleaxe. Once per short rest as a bonus action you create
Body, they must make a DEX save, on a fail they take 2d6
lightning damage, or half as much damage on a successful battleaxe made of lightning. This axe does 1d8(1d10
one. You can bring along objects as long as their weight versatile) lightning damage and lasts for 1 minute. You are
considered proficient with this weapon and can be used in
doesn't exceed what you can carry. You can also bring one
place of your unarmed attack when using Dragon Slayers
willing creature of your size or smaller who is carrying gear
Iron Fist to attack as a bonus action.
up to its carrying capacity. The creature must be within 5 feet
of you when you activate this and there must be an
unoccupied space within 5 feet of your destination space for Breakdown Fist
the creature to appear in, otherwise the creature is left At 9th level, you project your fist to become a giant lightning
behind. You gain an extra 1d6 damage at level 5, level 11, level fist. As a bonus action on your turn you can increase the
17. You can only use this feature as many times equal to your range of your unarmed strikes by 5 feet and they deal an
CHA modifier before making a short or long rest. additional 1d4 lightning damage until the end of the round.
You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Cha
Elemental Magic mod per short rest.
At 2nd level, your draconic magic has begun to grow. You gain
the Lightning Lure cantrip. Action Surge
At 10th level, on your turn, you can take one additional action
Channel Inner Dragon: on top of your regular action and a possible Bonus Action.
Destructive Wrath Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or Long
Rest before you can use it again.
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Inner Dragon
to wield the power of the storm with unchecked ferocity.
When you roll lightning or thunder damage, you can use your
Arcing Breath
Channel Inner Dragon to deal maximum damage, instead of At 13th level, you’ve learned to direct your breath weapon to
rolling. cause the most destructive power possible. Once per long
rest you can double the range of your breath weapon and
Static Strike cause it to change direction once anywhere in the line.
At 6th level, you gain the ability to infuse your strikes with
electricity. Once on each of your turns when you hit a
Lightning Dragon’s Jaw
creature with a melee attack, you can cause the attack to deal Starting at 13th level, your destructive force can shift the very
an extra 1d6 thunder or lightning damage (your choice) to the earth. As an action, jump 20ft into air and select a target
target. When you reach 14th level, this damage increase to within 20 ft, the target must make a dex save. On a fail they
2d6. Additionally when you attack a structure/siege weapon, take 6d6 lightning damage and half on a success. On impact
it counts as a critical. you create a large crater that becomes difficult terrain in a
20ft radius around you. You can use this once per short rest.
Lightning Release: Lucem Currui
At 6th level you harness your power for a stronger attack. As
a bonus action you can gather your lightning into your hand.
This lasts for 1 minute (requires concentration), on the first
attack you land you deal 3d6 lightning damage. On hit the
target is stunned until the end of their next turn. You can use
this once per long rest.
Lightning Dragon Slayer’s Secret
Art: Roaring Lightning
At 14th level,you use your lightning to propel you forward and
charge anyone in your path. As an action, you charge 60 feet
in a line, anything in the line must make a dex save or be
pushed with you taking 2d6 per 10ft carried. You must finish
a long rest before you can use this ability again
Limit Breaker
At 15th Level you have gained the strength to make your
magic go even further beyond, but only for an instant. Once
per long rest you can double the damage of your breath
weapon attack or one spell attack