SANS - ABCs Cybersecurity Terms

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The ABCs of

Cybersecurity Terms
Whether you’re just starting a career in cybersecurity or simply trying to
protect your personal information, understanding cybersecurity terms
is essential. This glossary, compiled by SANS Senior Instructor, author
of SEC301: Introduction to Cyber Security, and cybersecurity consultant
Keith Palmgren, provides easy to understand explanations of key
concepts that will help you navigate the complex field of cybersecurity.
From Active Defense to Zero Trust, these terms form the foundation of
your knowledge and equip you to defend against cyber threats.

Active Defense Algorithm

A newer category of cyber defense adds a dose of offense. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines the term Algorithm as
Active Defense or “offensive countermeasures” typically a “procedure for solving a mathematical problem in a finite
involves sending attackers misinformation to misdirect their number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an
activities. Active Defense also often sets up tripwires to alert operation.” In modern cryptography, an Algorithm is the public-
us to attacks in real-time. The intent is to make our network knowledge set of mathematical rules that both encrypt and
a harder target and slow attackers while making us aware of decrypt information.
the attack. This provides us more time to respond and prevent See the entry Encryption.
their attacks completely.
All-In-One Security Appliance
An All-In-One Security Appliance or Unified Threat
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of an Management Device incorporates many security functions
entity—a user, an application, a system, or anything else within a single device. A perfect example of these devices is
trying to gain access. At the most fundamental level, we verify the wireless access point we buy for our homes. This device
identity before granting access to ensure that only authorized acts as a wireless access point and router. It is usually also
people and processes have access. We also must verify identity a firewall, it does Network Address Translation, and it serves
to allow us to implement authorization and accountability as our home’s Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
mechanisms. There are three Authentication “factors” we can server. That wireless access point may also perform as an
use to verify identity: intrusion detection system (IDS), gateway anti-virus, content
1. Something we know filter, and many other security mechanisms all inside one box.
2. Something we have See the entry Wireless Access Point (WAP).
3. Something we are
Application Allowlisting
See the entries Biometrics and MFA and 2FA.
With Application Allowlisting, we define a list of every
Authorization legitimate, authorized piece of software on the computer. Then
the allowlisting software only allows that authorized software
Once we verify identity via authentication, Authorization to execute. Because malware is not on the allowlist, it cannot
dictates what we allow them to do, which files will we allow run and therefore it cannot affect our computer. Some argue
them to access, which servers can they use, and what that with properly tuned allowlisting software, it is no longer
resources are available to them. Authorization is a primary necessary to run anti-malware software.
method of implementing the principle of Least Privilege:
While Application Allowlisting is potentially very effective,
“Everyone can do everything they are supposed to be able to
allowlisting implementation must be prefect. Incorrect
do, and nothing more.”
implementation can prevent systems from functioning or even
booting up, resulting in self-imposed denial of service.
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Botnets

The term Artificial Intelligence is widely misapplied. There is Botnets are a group of private computers in homes and
no true artificial intelligence today. Applications we refer to businesses around the internet infected with malware. The
as artificial intelligence are really Machine Learning systems. malware allows attackers to control the members of the
A key distinction between the two is that artificial intelligence botnet (called bots) and have them act in unison. Botnets
requires that a computer system shows true intuitive thinking today routinely have more than thirty-million computers in
(meaning it can innovate) while a machine learning system them and can be rented on the dark web for around $20 per
regurgitates preexisting information. week. Attackers commonly use them in massive Distributed
See the entries Machine Learning and ChatGPT. Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Botnets also serve as “SPAM
Blasters” (sending massive quantities of SPAM email), and
Crypto Currency Mints or Mines (creating large amounts of
crypto currency).
Backdoor is a hidden, unauthorized entry point into a
network, a computer or an application. Rootkit malware Brute Force Attack
often creates backdoors so that attackers can easily gain
access to the system. Brute Force Attacks occur when we guess every possible
combination of something until one of those combinations
works to achieve our goal. Two common variations on this
theme include:
A Backup is a copy of information stored on media such 1. P
 assword brute force attacks—We use software to guess
as a tape or hard drive that is separate from the original. every possible password—eventually one of them will
Generally speaking, the greater the physical separation work and we gain unauthorized access to an account.
between the original and the Backup, the greater the
protection the Backup provides. 2. C
 ryptographic key brute force attacks—We guess every
possible combination of a cryptographic key until one of
We do not create backups just so we can have backups. We them works to decrypt data.
create backups so we can recover data. If we don’t do test
recovery to validate a Backup, we don’t really have a Backup at See the entries Password Cracking, Password Spraying, Key,
all—we just hope we do. Keyspace, and Workfactor.

Blue Team Business Email Compromise (BEC)

Blue Team members perform defensive cybersecurity tasks. Business Email Compromise (BEC) is an attack that leverages
These include placing and configuring firewalls, implementing social engineering and phishing to impersonate co-workers
patching programs, enforcing strong authentication, ensuring or, more often, executives of a company. The goal is to cause
physical security measures are adequate and a long list of an unsuspecting employee to transfer company money
similar undertakings. or trade secrets to the attacker. This is among the fastest
growing attacks today and results in several billion U.S.
See the entry Red Team. dollars per year in losses.
See the entries Social Engineering and Phishing.
Biometric Authentication
Biometric Authentication systems use the physical
characteristics of a person to authenticate their identity.
Common examples include fingerprint readers, facial
recognition systems, and iris scanners that scan the iris of a
person’s eye. These methods use the authentication factor of
“something we are.”
See the entries Authentication and MFA and 2FA.
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

ChatGPT Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)

The company OpenAI created ChatGPT, and defines it as a The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database is
“neural network model called GPT (generative pre-trained a repository of known cybersecurity attacks. The database aids
transformer).” It allows us to post a plain-text query on a very cybersecurity practitioners in identifying and prioritizing these
wide range of topics and ChatGPT then generates a plain-text known attacks.
response. OpenAI “pre-trained” ChatGPT by having it “read”
hundreds of millions of pages of information including books, Countermeasures
articles, and websites. ChatGPT draws on this vast corpus of
text to generate its responses. Cybersecurity Countermeasures are the culmination of
defensive measures taken by the Blue Team. These include
Many refer to ChatGPT as “artificial intelligence.” We would more implementing technologies such as firewalls, anti-virus,
accurately call it a very advanced form of “machine learning.” content filtering, and so on. It also includes procedures such
See the entries Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. as hardening operating systems and applications, ensuring
employee security awareness and skills training is effective,
CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability) and creating and enforcing proper security policies. All these
actions help to reduce the risk to an organization by either
The CIA Triad is among the most often discussed topics in preventing the attack or limiting the damage when outright
cybersecurity. The three letters stand for: prevention is impossible.
• Confidentiality See the entry Blue Team.
• Integrity
• Availability Cryptography
The word Triad implies that we should implement all three of Cryptography is the art of private communication in a
these things in equal measure. unfortunately, doing so is an public environment. Any mechanism providing private
unattainable ideal. Instead, we should use this as a method of communication in a public environment falls under this
prioritization of our limited cybersecurity resources. broad definition, whether it involves encryption or not.
Steganography is a mechanism that hides the existence of the
message without necessarily encrypting it.
Cloud Computing See the entries Encryption and Steganography.

To understand Cloud Computing, we first must understand this Cyber Kill Chain®
simple concept: There is no cloud; it is just someone else’s
computer. When we use the cloud, we utilize remote servers in The Cyber Kill Chain® from Lockheed Martin is a well-known
the datacenter of a cloud provider to store our data instead of and widely referenced “attack model” to help understand the
using local computer systems storage. Less often, we use the cyber attacker’s process. There are seven steps of the Cyber Kill
cloud provider’s computers to process our data as well. Chain® beginning with initial reconnaissance and ending with
data exfiltration. The key point of the Cyber Kill Chain® is that
Command and Control (C2) it is indeed a chain—meaning if we stop the attacker at any
one of the seven steps, the attack cannot continue. If we break
Command and Control or C2 channels are increasingly the chain, we thwart the attack.
common in attacks and in attack detection. If an attacker is
going to issue commands to a remote system, they must use Data Integrity
a C2 channel to do so. This is how their instructions cross
the network to the controlled system. These communication Data Integrity, one of the primary goals of cybersecurity,
channels are strong Indicators of Compromise (IoC) used by ensures that data stays in a pristine state. Meaning the data
Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts to identify attacks. is only edited by the correct people, in the right way, and with
correct information.
See the entries Lateral Movement and Security Operations
Center (SOC).
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

Dark Web Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

The Dark Web is a hidden segment of the Internet that isn’t The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is extremely
indexed by search engines like Google or Bing. While it used common. In fact, we all use it almost daily even if we don’t
to require insider knowledge to access, nowadays information know it exists. When we turn our computer on in a coffee shop,
about how to reach Dark Web sites can be easily found hotel, airport, at home, or at work, this protocol provides the
through a simple search. On the Dark Web, users can purchase necessary network configuration to our computer so that we
a variety of illicit items, including drugs, weapons, uranium, can communicate on that network. At minimum, this includes
malware, stolen identities, and regrettably, even people. assigning an IP address to our computer and providing the
“default gateway” address and “subnet mask” our computer must
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) know. In many cases, our computer also asks the DHCP for the IP
address of a DNS server we can use to resolve internet addresses.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) systems are hardware and/or
software solutions that try to detect sensitive data leaving our Encryption
protected environment. Upon detection, the DLP system alerts us
to the exfiltration and, hopefully, prevents the data from leaving. Encryption is the act of transforming text from a human
readable form called plaintext to a non-human readable
Deep Packet Inspection form called ciphertext. People have been doing Encryption for
centuries using many ingenious methods. Today, cryptographic
Deep Packet Inspection is a mechanism used by firewalls, systems such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
gateway anti-malware, intrusion detection and prevention employ extremely complex mathematical formulas to create
systems, data loss prevention and potentially any other very random ciphertext.
detective technology. It involves delving into the data
portion of a packet to find signs of maliciousness. It is more See the entries Cryptography and Plaintext.
thorough than shallow inspection which only looks at packet
headers. In fact, it is often the only way to find malicious Endpoint Security
traffic. Unfortunately, deep inspection is also much slower Endpoint Security systems are the software we run on our
than shallow inspection. Because of the potential to slow local computers, phones, and tablets to provide security.
throughput, we should use deep inspection selectively. Common examples include anti-virus, personal firewalls, and
See the entries Firewall and “Intrusion Detection System (IDS). content filters. There are many vendors who provide software
of this nature. Increasingly, we have these capabilities built
Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial into the operating systems from Microsoft and Apple.
of Service (DDoS)
A Denial of Service (DoS) attack strives to keep a computer or
network from doing anything useful. This can come in the form In cybersecurity, enumeration means that we can remotely
of exploiting system flaws to crash computers. More commonly, determine the type of computer and software running on a
attackers send massive amounts of traffic to flood a network’s distant system. An example is a port scanner that can report the
bandwidth so legitimate traffic cannot get through. The traffic operating system version and server software version of a distant
flood attacks are often Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) web server. This type of enumeration is valuable to an attacker
attacks—meaning the flooding traffic originates from many because it allows them to launch highly targeted attacks.
distributed sources.
Ethical Hacker
Denial of Service is not always malicious in nature. “Popularity
DoS” occurs when a website becomes so popular, the web An Ethical Hacker is someone who employs many of the
server cannot handle all the traffic and crashes. Similarly, same tools and techniques of an unethical hacker to break
“Accidental DoS” happens when something accidentally causes into computer systems and networks. The difference is that
either system crashes or massive amounts of network traffic. the ethical hacker does so under contract and with written
A well-known example of Accidental DoS occurred in 2024 legal permission to perform the attack. The ethical hacker
when the CrowdStrike company issued a faulty software patch, then works with the customer organization to fix the security
crashing over 8.5 million computers worldwide. The event was problems discovered during the attack.
not malicious but was still very damaging.
See the entries Penetration Testing and Red Team.
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

Exploit Forensics
To Exploit something is to make full and complete use of it. In Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) is a
computing, this results in several applications of the word: specialized area of cybersecurity that involves investigating
• E
 xploit software compromises a computer. Another name and recovering from an incident. This can include low-
for software of this nature is “sploit.” level analysis of data on hard drives to discover and
preserve digital evidence. DFIR also deals with containing
• W
 hen we “Exploit a computer,” we compromise that computer. and eradicating cyber threats causing the incident. A
• T he method and/or flaw that allows a computer primary goal of DFIR is to return the organization to normal
compromise is an “Exploit.” operation promptly through root-cause recovery, while
maintaining the integrity of any evidence collected.
External Insider
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
External Insider is a form of an insider attack performed by
someone physically located outside a network, but has the Created in 1971, FTP is one of the very first network protocols.
access of an insider. For example, when a computer user FTP allows two computers to exchange files. Unfortunately, in
opens a malicious email attachment, that attachment may 1971 the need for security was not yet clear, so the protocol
install malware, granting the malware author remote control has no encryption capability. It is possible to configure FTP
of that user’s computer. The attacker now controls the user’s to work with or without authentication. However, usernames,
computer as though they were sitting at the keyboard, even passwords, and the files themselves all traverse the network in
though they are physically external to the organization. plaintext. Today, we have much more secure protocols for file
transfer, including FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Secured) using
Fileless Malware TLS encryption.

Historically, malware existed in files on the hard drive. See the entry Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Therefore, anti-malware scanned those files to discover the
malware. More recently, a class of malware exists only in the Gap Analysis
computer’s Random Access Memory (RAM) and does not write Gap Analysis is a term used in business, marketing,
to the hard drive at all. This makes traditional anti-malware information technology, and cybersecurity. In all these
software useless at detection. Some anti-malware software disciplines, Gap Analysis finds the gap between where we
now looks for Fileless Malware. are now and where we would like to be. In cybersecurity, this
means figuring out how high the current level of risk is and
Firewall how much we want to lower that level. Reducing the level of
A network Firewall keeps people off our network who do not risk involves choosing countermeasures to close the gap in
belong there. A personal Firewall keeps people off our computer the most effective and cost-effective ways possible.
who do not belong there. In both cases, a set of rules defines
what type of network traffic the Firewall will allow to pass GNU (GNU Not Unix)
through, and what traffic the Firewall will deny. Firewalls are one GNU is a recursive acronym and stands for “GNU Not Unix.”
of the most ubiquitous security mechanisms in the world today. The term applies to free, open-source software licensed under
See the entry Stateful Inspection. the GNU General Public License. We can copy, use, change,
and redistribute GNU software without paying a fee. The only
Firmware restriction is that we cannot remove the original author’s
names. With open-source software, we also see the terms
Firmware is software on a computer chip. In other words, Copyleft and Attribution Licensing.
instead of software being on a computer’s hard drive as we
normally think, the software exists on the device’s chips. This
is common on devices such as a wireless access point, smart
televisions, and a long list of similar devices that typically
have no hard drive. A “Firmware update” simply means we
overwrite all or part of the software on the chip with a newer
version of software.
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

Google Dorking This gives rise to a new form of Social Engineering often
called Imposter Vishing. This can take the form of a phone call
Google Dorking uses highly specific and often complex Google supposedly from our CEO directing us to transfer funds for
search strings called Google Dorks to find systems vulnerable example. They can also pretend to be loved ones who have
to various attacks, reconnaissance, data exfiltration, etc. The been detained and require urgent financial help.
Google Hacking Database is a collection of Google Dorks in
A similar form of this attack now generates realistic-looking
several categories including foothold attacks, files having “juicy
video and voice to make the attack even more believable.
info,” files holding passwords, vulnerable servers, and so on.
See entries Artificial Intelligence, Social Engineering,
and Vishing.

GUI (Graphical User Interface) Incident Response

The GUI (pronounced gooey) is the graphical interface of
An “incident” means that something occurs which results in
a computer, phone, tablet, etc. For example, when working
harm or the intent to harm. The incident can be intentional,
with a computer, we double-click on the icon for a piece of
accidental, or natural. Incident Response is the combination
software and that software begins running. The icon is part
of all possible activities taken to respond to an incident. The
of the GUI. Most of our interaction with computing devices
desired culmination of incident response is to:
today happens via a GUI. By contrast, we can interact
with a computer via a Command-Line Interface (CLI). In • Determine who did it
cybersecurity, knowledge of both the GUI and CLI methods • Determine what they did
of working with computers is necessary.
• Repair the damage

Hash (or Cryptographic Hash) • Fix the root cause to prevent recurrence
• Return to normal operation as quickly as possible
A Hash is a mathematical formula (an algorithm) run against
an input of some kind. Cryptography uses hashes to check • Learn our lessons from the incident
the integrity of data. When we “hash a file,” we run the See the entry Forensics.
hashing algorithm against a computer file and receive a
fixed-length output string called a hash. Any minor change Insider Threat
in that file changes the hash dramatically. Therefore, if two
communicating parties both generate the same hash, we know Insider Threat occurs when someone with access inside our
both parties have identical data. organization causes damage. The damage may be intentional
or accidental and may come from employees, contractors,
See the entry Algorithm.
or even those we do not know. There are three categories of
Insider Threat:
HTTPS (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol Secure)
• Disgruntled insider occurs when someone we grant access
The Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol or HTTP transfers web pages to becomes unhappy and decides to cause harm.
between our browser and a webserver. Unfortunately, HTTP
• Accidental insider occurs when someone we grant access
does not provide any security since the webpage’s content
to has no intention of causing damage but makes a
passes plaintext across the Internet. HTTPS adds encryption
mistake that leads to harm. Examples include clicking
to the process so that when we do things like eCommerce or
malicious links in emails, opening malicious attachments,
online banking, our information is not readable to attackers.
plugging in untrusted malicious thumb-drives, etc.
See the entry Transport Layer Security (TLS).
• External insider occurs when someone we have NOT
granted access gains that access. The individual or group’s
Imposter Vishing location is physically outside our network, but they have
The capability of AI-driven voice generation has grown access of someone inside our environment.
exponentially. With just a few seconds of someone’s voice Insider Threat is one of the primary cybersecurity concerns. It
recorded, we can type words and have AI generate the voice of is also one of the most challenging problems to fix.
that person saying those words.
See the entry External Insider.
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

Internet of Things (IoT) Jailbreaking

Any device connected to the internet is part of the Internet of When we Jailbreak a phone, we extract the phone’s operating
Things or IoT. On the consumer side, this includes a rapidly system, decompile it, edit the software, recompile it and put
growing number of devices in our “smart home.” We can tell it back into the phone. The phone now has capabilities the
our smart speaker, such as Amazon’s Echo, to turn on the manufacturer never intended. Whoever creates the jailbreak
lights, close the blinds, open the garage door, turn on the can put any functionality they want into the phone, including
coffee maker, start the garden sprinkler, and a host of other sending our personal sensitive data to attackers. The act
things. All of these devices are IoT. of Jailbreaking a phone is illegal in most countries. NEVER
Outside our homes, we also find IoT devices. Municipalities control jailbreak a phone.
parking meters, remotely read gas or electric meters, check traffic
patterns, etc. Companies use it to control heating, ventilation, JavaScript
and air conditioning (HVAC), lighting, and other services.
Websites use scripting languages to automate their web pages
IoT falls into two broad categories: and provide a high degree of interaction between a website
• Internet of Things (IoT) devices manipulate data only and and the end-user. The most popular web scripting language
are Information Technology devices. An example is a smart by far is JavaScript. It is very lightweight, meaning that it does
speaker playing music. not require a lot of computing power to provide a ton of
• Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices are Operation functionality. Released in 1997, it powers over 95% of websites.
Technology (OT) devices because they manipulate physical Highly interactive sites such as Gmail, YouTube, Facebook,
objects. An example is a light switch turning on or off. Amazon, and a long list of others all use JavaScript. (Note:
Since 2014, websites including those listed here are migrating
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to HTML5. JavaScript is an inherent part of HTML5, so those
sites still use JavaScript’s functionality.)
An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is an automated system
watching for signs of an attack. Some IDS systems are devices Juice Jacking
connected to the network and watch network traffic for
attacks. Other IDSs run on the host (PC) and watch for signs Juice Jacking occurs when we infect our phone or tablet by
of attack there making them a form of endpoint security. We plugging into a publicly available USB outlet to charge our
respectively refer to these as Network IDS and Host IDS. device (in an airport for example). That public USB port may
have a computer connected that holds malware. Because USB
See the entries Stateful Inspection, Deep Packet Inspection,
can pass both power and data and malware is data, the USB
and Intrusion Prevention System.
port can infect our device. Plugging our device into an actual
power outlet does not provide for data transfer.
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
An Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is an intrusion detection Kernel
system capable of stopping attacks. It is not possible for an IPS
to stop an attack unless it first detects the attack. Therefore, an All operating systems have a Kernel that acts as an interface
IPS must first be an IDS. Once IPS identifies the attack, any one between the operating system software and the computer’s
of several mechanisms can cause the attack to fail. hardware. It is the Kernel that dictates almost everything about
how a computer functions including how it stores information
See the entries Stateful Inspection, Deep Packet Inspection, on the hard drive or in Random Access Memory (RAM), how it
and Intrusion Detection System. enforces file permissions, how the computer communicates on
a network, and so on.
IP Spoofing
See the entry Operating System (OS).
IP Spoofing occurs when we send packets having an incorrect
source IP address. The recipient computer responds to that
incorrect IP address. A common reason for doing this is to
have many computers sending enormous quantities of traffic
to that incorrect IP address. That IP address becomes the
victim of a Distributed Denial of Service attack.
See the entry Denial of Services (DoS).
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

Key (or Cryptographic Key) Lateral Movement

In modern cryptography, a Key is simply a series of binary 1s Lateral Movement occurs when an attacker moves from
and 0s (called bits) that complete an encryption algorithm so one computer to another within our network. It is rare
it can work. For example, Advanced Encryption Standard uses for the first system an attacker compromises to hold the
varying key sizes, specifically 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits. data they want to exfiltrate. Therefore, they must move
laterally from one computer to another to find that data.
Key Derivation Function (KDF) They use Command and Control (C2) channels to instruct
each computer they compromise to attack the next
A Key Derivation Function (KDF) gets its name because it computer in the chain.
derives a key from a passphrase. These tend to be extremely
complex in how they function, but very easy to use. Zero See the entry Command and Control (C2).
Knowledge implementations including password managers
and cloud data storage use KDF’s extensively. Linux
When we use a KDF, we enter a strong passphrase. The KDF Linux is a free, open source, “UNIX-like” operating system
software generates a cryptographic key from that passphrase. first created in 1991. It is extremely flexible and customizable.
That key then encrypts our data. That exact passphrase will This is why many cybersecurity tools for penetration
always generate that exact key. testing and forensics run on the Linux operating system.
See the entries Zero Knowledge and Password Manager. People working in cybersecurity must have a rudimentary
knowledge of the Linux operating system. Deep Linux
knowledge is necessary for most of us.
A Keylogger is either hardware or software that captures our Living off the Land (LotL) Attacks
keystrokes and sends them to an attacker. The attacker then
uses our keystrokes—such as our username and password Living off the Land (LotL) Attacks occur when an attacker
or a credit card number—for malicious purposes. Typically, uses the same remote administration software in their attack
hardware keyloggers only capture keystrokes. Software that legitimate administrators use. A common example is
keyloggers can capture keystrokes, screen captures, camera the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) commonly used by
video, microphone audio, etc. administrators to remotely administer Windows computers.
If an attacker can obtain the administrator’s username
and password, they can use RDP software to log into that
administrator’s account . The attacker’s network traffic looks
Keyspace is the range of values that can construct a normal and is therefore difficult to detect as malicious.
cryptographic key. In other words, take a key of a specific See the entry Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
number of binary bits and figure out how many combinations
we can make with that number of bits. The answer to that Logic Bomb
exercise is the keyspace. It is important to note that the size of
the keyspace doubles every time we add a bit to the length of A Logic Bomb is a type of malware that waits for a
the key. Two common keyspace examples are: preconfigured event or date before executing (or detonating
• A
 ES 128-bit key gives a keyspace of 340,000,000,000,000,00 in this case). An example includes malware with instructions
0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 340 undecillion keys. saying; “If my name disappears from the employee database,
delete the employee database.” Another example is
• A
 ES 256-bit key provides a keyspace of 110,000,000,000, malicious software put in place by a disgruntled employee
000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, that would format all the organization’s computer’s hard
000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 110 drives at one minute after midnight on New Year’s day.
quattuorvigintillion keys.
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

Machine Learning System Need to Know

A Machine Learning System is a computer that is “trained” by As one of the simplest yet most important security principles,
“reading” large amounts of text. The result is a system that can Need to Know has close ties with the Principle of Least
respond in quasi-intelligent fashion to queries. Well-known Privilege. Where Least Privilege covers all capability, Need
examples of Machine Learning Systems are ChatGPT, Amazon’s to Know is specific to read access. If we need to be able to
Echo (Alexa), and Microsoft’s Copilot. This is a rapidly evolving read something to do our job, we should be able to read it.
area of the Information Technology (IT) landscape. Great care Permission settings must, therefore, allow for that read access.
must be taken during the training of a machine learning system.
See the entry Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP).
There is an old saying in the IT world; “Garbage in, garbage out.”
See the entries Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT. Network Address Translation (NAT)

Machine-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks Network Address Translation (NAT) maps multiple internal
IP addresses to a single external IP address. For example, in
This type of attack occurs when an attacker can position our home, we might have ten computing devices (personal
themselves so that all our network traffic passes through the computers, laptops, phones, tablets, smart televisions, smart
attacker. Their computer becomes a “Machine-in-the-Middle.” speakers, refrigerator, etc.). Each of those devices must have its
The attacker now has incredible power over our network traffic. own IP address on our home network. As those devices send
They can manipulate it in any way they choose. The limitation traffic to the internet, those internal IP addresses map (or
of a MitM attack is their imagination and their knowledge. If translate) to a single public IP address assigned to our home
they can think of something to do and know how to do it, they by the Internet Service Provider (ISP).
can do it to us. The best defense against this attack is to set up
an IPSec based VPN tunnel. Nmap
See the entries Rogue Access Point and Virtual Private
Network (VPN). Nmap is free, open-source software that can do any type
of port scan. Nmap will find active IP addresses and show
which network ports are “listening” for connections on those
addresses. It can then enumerate the operating system and
Malware is an umbrella term for any software with malicious version on that distant computer as well as the software
intent, including viruses, worms, trojan horses, and a list of running on the open ports.
other categories. The number of malwares released on the
Internet is staggering. Depending on which study we look Non-Repudiation
at, the number of new malwares is at least several hundred
thousand per day. Windows is the most targeted operating Non-repudiation means that a user or other entity cannot
system, while Android is the second most targeted, but there is deny or dispute the authenticity and integrity of a message
also malware that affects Apple’s Mac computers, browsers, etc. or transaction. To prove non-repudiation of a message for
example, we must be able to prove beyond question who
See the entries Worm and Application Allowlisting.
sent the message as well as prove that the message was not
tampered with (what we received is identical to what they sent).
MFA and 2FA
The three most common authentication factors are: Number-One Goal of Cybersecurity
• Something we know (a passphrase) While not a term to define, it is certainly a concept
• Something we have (a token held in our hand) to understand. In all cases, the number-one goal of
cybersecurity is the preservation of human life—always!
• Something we are (a biometric such as a fingerprint)
While we deal most directly with this issue when working
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) or Two-Factor Authentication with physical security and disaster response plans, we
(2FA) occurs anytime we employ two or more of these three factors. must always remember it. The protection of data and other
For example, to log into a computer, we must provide a PIN assets are always secondary concerns.
(Personal Identification Number) and provide a specific
fingerprint. Assuming proper implementation, this is far better
authentication than simple passwords, and we should use
MFA /2FA everywhere we can.
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

One-Time Password (OTP) Packet Sniffer

Just as the name implies, a One-Time-Password is Packet Sniffer is a hardware and/or software tool that
authentication information that is only good once and captures packets from a network and displays the contents.
never again. In cybersecurity, a “replay attack” occurs when The tool displays the packet headers as well as the data. This
an attacker captures our authentication information and is invaluable in figuring out what is happening on a network.
replays it to authenticate as us. A One-Time-Password Both IT staff and cybersecurity practitioners use Packet Sniffers
system defeats that attack. for trouble shooting, confirming tools such as firewalls are
working correctly, and a very long list of other tasks.
See the entries Authentication and Replay Attack.
See the entries Packet and Wireshark.
Operating System (OS)
An Operating System (OS) is the software that makes a
computer work. Common examples are Microsoft Windows, A passphrase is a longer, stronger, and easier to remember
Apple’s macOS, and Linux—but there are many others. The form of a password. Historically, we recommended that users
Operating System, in conjunction with its kernel, dictate use a “complex password” having upper case, lower case,
everything about how a computer functions. numbers, and special characters. An example is the eight
character %y6dGk^Z—which is extremely hard to remember
See the entries Kernel and OS Hardening.
and type. Further, against a brute force password attack
generating one hundred trillion guesses per second, that
OS Hardening password only provides about 1.12 minutes of protection.
Operating System (OS) Hardening—sometimes called System The passphrase ILoveRockAndRoll!81 still contains all four
Hardening—is the process of removing everything from a character sets, is easier to remember (the song came out in
computer that is unnecessary to its function. The goal is to 1981), is easier to type, and at 19 characters is far stronger.
make the computer more secure. Every service and piece The brute force attack mentioned above requires about 1.21
of software on a computer is a potential point of attack. By hundred trillion centuries to crack it.
removing all unneeded services and software, we lower the To strengthen that passphrase even further, add the spaces:
number of potential attack vectors. I Love Rock And Roll! 81 has 24 characters. The brute force
attack would require about 9.38 hundred billion trillion
Owner centuries to crack it! Microsoft Windows, Apple’s macOS, Linux,
and a growing list of websites allow spaces in passphrases.
In cybersecurity, the Data Owner is the person with the most
direct knowledge of a set of data, its value, and the protection See the entries Password Cracking and Brute Force.
it deserves. This individual makes all decisions about security Reference:
mechanisms placed around that data. Cybersecurity staff can
NOTE: the passphrase above is for illustration purposes only.
only advise the Data Owner on what those decisions should be.
Do not use that example as your passphrase.
Password Cracking
A packet is a formatting construct used to send data across a
Password (or passphrase) Cracking is the act of figuring out
network. The payload of the packet is the data, and the various
what someone’s password is. Administrators do this to audit
headers of the packet take care of various addressing needs.
passphrase security in their environment. Attackers do this to
For example, every packet has an IP header that holds the
gain unauthorized access.
source and destination IP address of the packet.
Password cracking software often uses some combination
See the entries Deep Packet Inspection, Packet Sniffer, and
of a dictionary attack and brute force. Dictionary attacks use
a text file of common words which the software “mangles”
into combinations of upper case and lower-case characters,
appending and prepending numbers and special characters,
etc. Brute force attacks simply try every possible combination
of characters.
See the entries Passphrase and Brute Force.
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

Password Spraying Penetration Testing

Password Spraying attacks are a form of brute force attack Penetration Testing is when a cybersecurity professional
against accounts. The attacker uses a software tool and a employs the same tools and techniques (except destructive
dictionary (a text file) of common passwords. The software methods) as a hacker in an attempt to gain access to a
sends attempts to log into a series of accounts using each network, building, etc. Two big differences between criminal
word in the dictionary sequentially. Any account with a very hackers and Penetration Testers are:
weak password (e.g. 123456789 or password123) will result in • C
 ontracts—Penetration testers have extensive contracts
a successful login, granting the attacker access. This attack is with their customers that give the penetration tester
remarkably successful in many situations. permission to perform the attacks, list what they can and
See the entries Password Cracking and Brute Force. cannot do, etc.
• C
 leanup—Good penetration testers always clean up
Password Manager after themselves. Some tests may leave accessible
A Password Manager is software that remembers our vulnerabilities on a network that require repair.
usernames and passphrases needed to log into our various Criminal hackers do not care about contracts, permission, or
accounts. The Password Manager uses Zero Knowledge cleaning up after themselves. The other significant difference
with a Key Derivation Function to encrypt our username/ is that a criminal hacker tends to cost an organization a great
passphrase data. deal more than penetration testers do.
A common feature of password managers is to place our Zero See the entries Ethical Hacker and Red Team.
Knowledge encrypted username and passphrase data into
their cloud. They then synchronize that data across multiple Phishing
computers, phones, and tablets running the password
manager software. A Phishing email is a form of social engineering and is now
the single most common attack method in the world. It is
There are free, open-source password managers available also the most successful, resulting in billions of dollars
that are very good (e.g. Bitwarden). There are also commercial per year in corporate and personal losses. Unfortunately,
solutions including Dashlane, OnePassword, and NordPass. the sophistication of the hacking community has grown
See the entries Zero Knowledge, Key Derivation Function (KDF), considerably in this area so recognizing a legitimate email
and Passphrase. from a phishing email is no longer a simple matter. (Note:
Spear Phishing is simply a highly targeted phishing email.)
Patch See the entries Social Engineering and Business Email
A Patch, or Software Patch, fixes flaws in the software of a Compromise (BEC).
computing device (personal computer, laptop, phone, tablet,
printer, smart television, etc.). The “flaw” in this case might be a Plaintext
problem with functionality or security. Plaintext is data in a human-readable form as opposed
To take a very simple example, there is a file on every Microsoft to ciphertext which is the same data encrypted into a
Windows computer called spoolsv.exe. This is the “print non-readable form.
spooler” of the Windows operating system and handles all See the entry Encryption.
printing for all software on the computer. If there is a flaw
of some type discovered in that file, Microsoft will create
Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP)
a new version of the spoolsv.exe file and include it in the
next update. When we “Update Windows,” that new version The Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP) states: everyone can do
downloads and overwrites the old, flawed version of the file. everything they need to do, and nothing more! It is the most
fundamental principle in cybersecurity. It is the principle we
use when we answer questions such as what firewall rules
we should have, who should get a user account, what access
should that account have, and so on.
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

Privileged Account Ransomware

A Privileged Account is an account with a higher level of A type of malware that encrypts our data files, making them
permissions and capabilities than a normal user account inaccessible to us. To obtain our data, we must pay ransom
has. Administrators use privileged accounts to configure and to the author of the malware. We pay the ransom in an
maintain computers. On Microsoft Windows, the default name untraceable digital currency such as BitCoin.
for the privileged account is Administrator. On Linux, the
default name is root. Red Team
See the entry Privilege Escalation. Red Team members perform offensive operations—better
known as penetration testing—against customer networks.
Privilege Escalation Penetration testing is a highly specialized field requiring
Privilege Escalation happens when someone changes their extensive knowledge of computer systems, exploits and exploit
level of permission from a standard, non-privileged user software, protocols, etc.
to that of a privileged account. Administrators do this on a See the entries Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing and
regular basis. They log in with their non-privileged account Blue Team.
and only escalate their permissions when necessary for
administrative duties. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
Attackers do Privilege Escalation as quickly as possible after Microsoft developed the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). As
initially exploiting a computer. It is rare for initial access to a the name implies, RDP allows us to access the desktop of a
computer to be at the privileged level, but attackers can rarely distant computer. Once we set up an RDP session, we can use
proceed with the next steps of their attacks until they obtain our mouse and keyboard as though we were sitting in front of
privileged status. that remote computer.
See the entries Privileged Accounts and Exploit. Windows administrators commonly use RDP for remote
configuration and maintenance. It is also used by attackers for
Protocol Living off the Land attacks any time the attacker can obtain the
In Information Technology (IT), a Protocol is the set of rules login credentials of an administrator.
governing communication on a network. There are thousands See the entry Living off the Land (LotL) Attacks.
of protocols in use today. Request for Comment (RFC)
documents published by the Internet Engineering Taskforce Replay Attack
(IETF) define protocols. Each of these documents explain
precisely how a particular protocol works. A replay attack occurs anytime someone captures our
authentication information and “replays it” to authenticate as
Quarantine us. To defeat this attack, we deploy one-time password systems.
See the entries One-Time Password, Passphrase, and
In cybersecurity, a Quarantine isolates a file, or files suspected Authentication.
of containing malware in a safe place. While in quarantine,
the malware is unable to execute and infect other files. This
also allows us to send the suspected malware to anti-malware
vendors for analysis and possible inclusion in future anti- The term Risk means exposure to danger. In cybersecurity, it
malware updates. means that two things are present:
• A Threat—Anything that can do anything bad to our stuff
Quick Response Code (QR code)
• A Vulnerability—Anything that allows the threat to happen
A Quick Response Code or QR code is a two-dimensional bar
Once both are present, there is a level of Risk. A Risk
code. We can use a camera, such as that found on a phone or
assessment will enable us to figure out the level of Risk. Only
tablet, to scan a QR code. Most often today, doing
the senior manager of an organization can decide if the level
so will cause our device to open a browser and
of obtained Risk is too high.
visit a specific web page. For example, this QR code
will take us to
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

Rogue Access Point Script Kiddie

The term Rogue Access Point has two common uses: The term Script Kiddie is a derogatory name for an attacker
who has little or no knowledge of how their attacks work. They
1. A
 n unauthorized wireless access point connected to our
simply download a free attack tool and run it. This has the
organization’s network.
potential to be extremely dangerous because the Script Kiddie
2. A
 “fake” wireless access point in a public area, trying to has no idea what attacks might cause harm. Of course, running
trick unsuspecting people into connecting. For example, attack tools without written authorization is often also illegal.
we might see two wireless networks, one named
“coffeeshop” and one named “coffeeshopsuperfast.” Many Security Operations Center (SOC)
people will connect to the second network, not realizing
that is a wireless access point controlled by an attacker A Security Operations Center (SOC—pronounced sock) is a
trying to establish themselves as a Machine-in-the- team of cybersecurity analysts performing continuous, 24/7
Middle. monitoring of an organization’s network traffic. The analysts
continually watch for Indicators of Compromise (IoC) such as
See the entry Machine-in-the-Middle (MitM). the traffic associated with attacker Command and Control (C2)
channels. In many organizations, the SOC may also run many
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) of the organization’s security tools, perform log analysis, and a
variety of other tasks.
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) allow administrators to
grant or deny permissions to data based on the role of the See the entries Command and Control (C2) and Threat Hunting.
employee in the organization. For example, an employee
working in Human Resources might have their user account Social Engineering
added to a user group named “HR.” The permission for anyone Social Engineering is the use of manipulation, deception, and
belonging to that group allow access to HR specific data. pretexting (AKA lying) to get an individual to divulge corporate
RBAC is extremely common in enterprise security. Properly or personal secrets. It is the most common attack category
configured, they can be very good to use. All too often, and has been around for centuries. Spear phishing is a form of
improper configuration leads to excess access and social engineering used for decades and accounts for hundreds
potential compromise. of billions of dollars per year in corporate and personal losses.
See the entries Phishing and Imposter Vishing.
Root User (root)
Stateful Inspection
On a Linux computer, the default privileged account name
is “root.” More specifically, any account with a user number Stateful Inspection is the most common firewall technology
of zero is the all-powerful privileged user. The user account used today. Enterprise firewalls, home firewalls, and even
named root has a user number of zero. personal firewalls often employ this technology.
See the entry Privileged Account. With Stateful Inspection, only the first packet of any
communication must be checked against the firewall’s rules.
Rubber Ducky Once a communication is allowed by those rules, the firewall
tracks the state of the communication and continues to allow
In cybersecurity a Rubber Ducky is a USB device used by it so long as it makes sense to do so.
attackers that looks very much like a USB thumb drive. When
plugged into a computer, it mimics a USB keyboard and begins Supply Chain Attack
“typing” a particular and configurable set of keystrokes into
the system. The computer trusts those keystrokes just as much Supply Chain Attacks occur in several forms. The most
as any keystrokes we type on a real keyboard. This opens the common involve malicious updates placed into the legitimate
door to many potential attacks so long as the attacker can software update channel. As administrators update their
physically plug the Rubber Ducky into a computer. software as they ought to do, they unknowingly install the
malicious updates and compromise their systems.
There have been several examples of this occurring in recent
years. Supply Chain Attacks tend to be highly complex and
difficult to understand. Because of this, they are generally
under-reported by the press.
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

Steganography URL (

In Greek, Steganos means “covered,” and Graphy means A URL or Uniform Resource Locator is the web address we type
“writing.” Therefore, Steganography is “covered writing.” In into a browser to access a web site. An example of a URL is
modern cybersecurity, it deals with hiding data inside of
other files such as pictures, movies, word documents, etc.
There are dozens of tools available for free download that USB Seeding
will perform steganographic techniques. Many of those
techniques are difficult or impossible to discover. Attackers USB Seeding is the practice of leaving malicious USBs around
use these tools to exfiltrate data off our networks without and waiting for someone to pick them up and try to use
discovery. Steganography also works for good. These them. These USBs have autorun scripts on them that will
methods allow steganographically hidden “by-partner automatically install malware on a system the instant we
watermarks” on files to detect unauthorized disclosure on plug them into a computer. (Note: Windows supports autorun
the part of partner organizations. scripts, though we can disable the feature. Mac does not
support autorun at all.)
Threat Hunting
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Traditional security is about keeping bad people off our
networks. Threat Hunting takes the approach that the bad The term VPN describes a network connection between two
people are already on our network, we need to find them sites (such as branch offices of a company) that have an
and remove them. The primary way this happens is via the end-to-end encrypted connection. With this in place, no data
continuous monitoring conducted by the Security Operations passing between the branch offices are visible to prying eyes.
Center (SOC). Typically, “threat feeds” try to provide the SOC The term also describes the encrypted link between a laptop
analysts with up-to-date information on current attack and the corporate network.
methods and Indicators of Compromise (IoC).
Virtualization or Virtual Machine
See the entry Security Operation Center (SOC).
The definition of the word “virtual” is “appearing to exist.”
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Therefore, a Virtual Machine is a computer that appears to
exist. We create Virtual Machines with Virtualization software.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the security protocol used In the past, this required a third-party application, but
by HTTPS and several other protocols to encrypt data. While operating systems like Microsoft Windows now natively include
HTTPS is by far the most common implementation of TLS, it the capability.
can and does encrypt many types of network traffic.
It is possible to run a Virtual Machine on a PC or Laptop.
Trojan Horse Virtualization is ubiquitous in Cloud Computing since almost
all “cloud computers” are virtual machines.
The Trojan Horse is the most common form of malware.
Trojan Horse malware is the delivery mechanism of most Virus
other malware. A Trojan Horse occurs anytime we have
something with a known, desired function as well as an A computer virus is malware that, to survive and propagate
unknown, undesired function. For example, think of a login (or spread), must insert itself into other executable code.
screen used to login to a computer. Say that in addition to For example, we have a legitimate software program on our
logging us in, it also sends our username and password to an computer. The virus inserts itself into that program. When we
attacker. The login function is the known and desired action. execute the legitimate software, we unknowingly also execute
Sending our credentials to an attacker is the unknown and the virus. This is why we often say that a virus is “parasitic.”
undesired action.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

See the entry MFA and 2FA.
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

Vishing WAF (Web Application Firewall)

Just as phishing attempts to solicit information via email, A Web Application Firewall or WAF is a highly specialized type
vishing attempts to solicit information via voice. Most of firewall placed in front of a web server. All traffic to and
commonly, this comes in the form of a phone call. For from that web server must pass through the WAF, which is
example, when we receive a call supposedly from a company very knowledgeable about attacks against web servers. The
telling us we missed a payment and owe money. They instruct WAF allows legitimate traffic to pass through to the web server
us to go purchase large quantities of gift cards and send them while blocking malicious traffic.
to a specific mailing address. This is one example of many A similar device is a Mail Application Firewall (MAF) which sits
Vishing attempts. in front of an organization’s email server.
See the entries Imposter Vishing and Social Engineering.
A free, open-source packet sniffer. Wireshark is by far the
If a “threat” is anything that can do anything bad to our most common packet sniffer in use today. Both Information
computer, then a “vulnerability” is anything that allows that Technology (IT) staff and cybersecurity practitioners need to
threat to happen. A common example might be when a piece have knowledge of this important tool.
of software “has a vulnerability”—meaning that there is a flaw See the entries Packet and Packet Sniffer.
in the software’s code that allows someone to exploit that
software and gain unauthorized access. We fix that flaw by
Wireless Access Point (WAP)
applying a patch.
See the entries Risk, Exploit, and Patch. A Wireless Access Point (WAP)—often called a Wireless
Router—is a device that sits between our wireless network and
Vulnerability Scanner our wired network. When we connect to a wireless network,
we set up wireless communication to the WAP. As we send
A Vulnerability Scanner is software that attempts to automate network traffic, the WAP passes that traffic onto the wired
the discovery of vulnerabilities in our environment. Typically, network as appropriate. We find WAP devices at home and in
this software scans for active IP addresses and open ports, the enterprise. Wi-Fi uses several specifications to facilitate
then enumerates the operating systems and software running communication. The current security specifications are WPA2
there. The software then compares this information against a and WPA3.
database of known vulnerabilities and puts its finding into a See the entries All-In-One Security Appliance, Rogue Access
report. For example, the report might say something like: This Point, and WPA2 and WPA3.
system is running the XYZ software version 1.2.3, so it may be
vulnerable to the ABC attack.
WPA2 and WPA3
Unfortunately, vulnerability scanners tend to err on the side
of caution. If there is the slightest possibility the vulnerability Wi-Fi Protected Access version 3 or WPA3 is the most recent
exists, they include it in the report. This results in a lot of “false security specification for Wi-Fi. We will continue to see WPA2
positive” findings. supported by Wireless Access Points for some time to come.
Both versions dictate how we authenticate to a wireless access
Watering Hole Attack point, how our data encrypts, and a list of other security
features. While both specifications are considered good, WPA3
Watering Hole Attacks allow attackers to target specific users is a distinct improvement over WPA2.
or organizations. A common example is when an attacker See the entry Wireless Access Point.
places malicious code on a web site that the employees of
a specific organization are likely to visit. In this way, they
increase the likelihood of installing their malware on that
organization’s systems.
The ABCs of Cybersecurity Terms (CONTINUED)

Work Factor Zero-Day Exploit

In cryptography, the term Work Factor describes the length of A Zero-Day Exploit is an attack against a computer that is
time it would take to break our cryptography implementation. only known by the person who discovered it. The person who
In other words, if we encrypt our email today and an adversary discovered the attack or exploit has not notified the vendor,
cannot decrypt and read it for 20,000 years, will we still care? so the vendor does not know to work on a solution. Since the
In that example, the work factor is twenty thousand years. public does not know about the attack, we do not know to
Please note this is not a ridiculously high work factor. Modern protect ourselves from it. Zero-day exploits have now become
cryptographic systems commonly measure work factors in the a commodity bought and sold on the dark web. Google,
billions and even trillions of centuries. Microsoft, and other companies also have “bounty programs”
that will pay for the disclosure of zero-day exploits.
Worm (or Network Worm) See the entry Exploit.
Worm is a type of malware that is self-standing and self-
executing—meaning it spreads without human intervention. Zero Knowledge
This is important because it means this type of malware An example of a Zero-Knowledge implementation is when we
can spread very quickly. For example, Wannacry was place our data on a cloud provider’s systems in such a way
the first ransomware worm and spread to hundreds of that they have “zero knowledge of our data.” The most common
thousands of computers around the world in a matter of implementation involves using a Key Derivation Function (KDF)
hours. The Notpetya malware spread as a worm and, at one with a very strong passphrase on our local computer. The KDF
company, infected over 28,000 servers on three continents generates an encryption key to encrypt our data before it uploads
in under 12 seconds. to the cloud provider’s storage system. Because the cloud
provider never knows the passphrase, they cannot regenerate
X.509 Certificate the encryption key. Without that key, they cannot access our
The standard used for the creation of digital certificates. An data. The cloud provider is simply a storage repository of our
X.509 certificate consists of two files having linked information. encrypted data, but they cannot decrypt that data. Note that not
The private file holds an individual’s private key and should all cloud storage solutions implement zero knowledge. Some
be passphrase protected. The public file holds the individual’s cloud providers encrypt our data with a key that they possess.
public key that they share with the world. These certificates are Password managers routinely use Zero Knowledge and KDF
an integral part of creating a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). technology to encrypt our data, store it in their cloud, and
allow that data to synchronize to multiple computers, phones,
XOR (or Exclusive OR) and tablets.

XOR is a logical computer function that compares two binary bits: See the entries Key Derivation Function (KDF) and
Password Manager.
• If both bits are the same (both 1s or both 0s), the output is
always 0.
Zero Trust
• If the bits are different (a 1 and a 0), the output is always 1.
In traditional network security models, we authenticate an
XOR is one of the fastest things a computer can do and is used entity once, and then that entity can access everything they
by almost all cryptographic algorithms. are supposed to have access to for a set period of time. In
other words, we deploy a “verify once, then trust” approach.
In a Zero Trust security model, we deploy a “never trust,
Zenmap is the GUI for the command line port scanner Nmap. always verify” approach. Every entity (user, software, process,
See the entries Nmap and Graphical User Interface (GUI). etc.) that wants to access something on the network must
authenticate—every time.
Zero Trust can be difficult to implement, but when combined
with continuous monitoring by a SOC it has the potential to
greatly increase the security of a network.
See the entries Authentication and Security Operations
Center (SOC).

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