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A family plans a ski vacation in Utah, and their 10-year-old bly. Thus, each of our computers uses TCP/IP software to
daughter browses the World Wide Web (WWW1 or Web1) to send and receive data packets over the Internet. These pack-
The Gopher facility, created at the University of Minnesota
E-mail, the Internet equivalent of postal mail, is the most and named after its golden gopher mascot, is one of the first
widely used facility on the Internet. E-mail messages routed "user-friendly" Internet facilities for obtaining information
across the Internet can reach an overseas destination in sec- over the network. Using Gopher, users can connect to thou-
onds. You never receive a busy signal and you never play sands of different computers, known as information servers
"telephone tag." A variety of e-mail programs offer features or "gopher holes," via a menu-driven "point and click" pro-
allowing you to print, forward, save, and/or reply to another's gram. Hierarchically organized information is stored at each
message. Some include advanced features allowing you to gopher hole. Users click on a descending list of individual
attach a word processing document, spreadsheet, software topics to retrieve information, which might include text,
program, video, or image file. sound, or images.
ILAR's Personnel Web page.
FIGURE 1 ILAR's home page.
Volume 38, Number 4
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ILAR Journal
FIGURE 3 ILAR's Publications Web page.
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FIGURE 5 Top section of ILAR's Links Web page.
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people/mkgray/net/index. html Yahoo's Guide to Internet Resources. 1997. Santa Clara CA: Yahoo!
Hughes K. 1993. Entering the World-Wide Web: A Guide to Cyberspace. Corporation. Available at
Available at Internet/Internet/Resources/