Guide To Driving Test

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Transport for NSW

A Guide to the
Driving Test

Learner drivers must successfully complete a computer based Hazard
Perception Test before attempting the Driving Test.
The Driving Test is an important step in gaining your driver licence. When you
pass you will be issued with your provisional P1 licence and will no longer
need to keep a log book or have a supervising driver in the car with you. You
will be free to continue learning and gaining valuable experience through
driving on your own.

This booklet is a general guide to the Driving Test. For more detailed
information you can read the Driving Test (Class C) Testing Officers
Manual. The Road User Handbook is also a useful publication that
covers the main road rules you need to know to drive legally and
safely on NSW roads. You can access both publications at
If you need the current and complete set of Road Rules, visit

A Guide to the Driving Test 1

Introduction 1

The Driving Test 3

The way the test works 3

Before you start 5

Booking the Driving Test 5
Taking the test 6

Low risk driving 8

Observation 8
Speed management 11
Road positioning 14
Decision making 23
Responding to hazards 25

Vehicle control 29
Operating the controls 29

Test results 31
Why you might fail 31
What happens after the test? 38

Tips for new provisional drivers 41

Provisional licence driver restrictions 41

2 A Guide to the Driving Test

The Driving Test
This guide explains what you need to do before taking a test, what you will
be tested on, and what happens afterwards.

The way the test works

The Driving Test is a set course over 25 zones. A testing officer will be in the
car with you to direct the drive and record your performance on a test score
sheet. Your test is scored on your ability to show low risk driving behaviour in
a range of situations. The test has five key performance indicators:
• speed management (S)
• road positioning (P)
• decision making (D)
• responding to hazards (H)
• vehicle control (C).

No hazards present
in the zone
1 Observation error

A tick, requirement
2 demonstrated

3 Signal error

A circle,
Hazard present requirement not
in the zone demonstrated

A Guide to the Driving Test 3

The Driving Test

Breaking road rules or following other vehicles too closely is ‘high risk’ driving
behaviour. If you drive this way, you will not pass the test, regardless of your
overall score.
The back of the Driving Test score sheet explains the test scoring codes.
Go to the ‘Test results’ section of this guide for a list of fail items. To pass the
Driving Test you must score at least 90 per cent or more with no fail items.

In all the diagrams in this guide you are always

the blue car, marked A.

4 A Guide to the Driving Test

Before you start
Learner drivers must successfully complete a computer based Hazard
Perception Test (HPT) before attempting the Driving Test. The HPT is only
valid for 15 months. If it has been more than 15 months since you passed the
HPT you will need to do the test again before you can do the Driving Test.

Booking the Driving Test

When you are ready for the Driving Test book and pay:
• online at
• by calling 13 22 13
• at a service centre.
To change or cancel your booking, you must do this at least 24 hours before
the test date or your fee may not be transferred or refunded.

A completed log book

Before you can take a Driving Test you must have:
• the required amount of driving experience recorded in either your
Learner Driver Log Book or digital learner driver log book app
• ‘The Declaration of Completion’ signed by your supervising driver in your
Learner Driver Log Book or submitted electronically from your digital
learner driver log book app.

Bribing people is against the law

It is illegal to offer, request or accept gifts, rewards, money or other favours
in order to get a licence without passing the required tests. Penalties are
severe and include fines and imprisonment. All cases of corruption will be
investigated and strong action will be taken against all those involved.

A Guide to the Driving Test 5

Before you start

The only licence fees and charges you have to pay are set by Transport for
NSW. Do not pay any more or offer to pay more to get your licence.
If you know or believe that someone has got or is about to get a NSW
licence by offering or responding to a request for a bribe –or if you suspect
or know of any other corruption involving a NSW Government employee
– call Transport for NSW on 1800 043 642 (free call) or the Independent
Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) on (02) 8281 5999.

Taking the test

When you go to a testing centre for the Driving Test, you must have a
person with you who has a full driver licence. If you fail the test you cannot
drive away on your own and will need a licensed driver to be with you.
Plan to arrive at a testing centre in good time for your appointment. If you
have a Learner Driver Log Book and booking confirmation slip give it to
the person at the counter. If you used a digital learner driver log book app,
it must submitted at least 24 hours before your test, so you only need to
give the booking confirmation slip to the person at the counter. You will be
referred to a testing officer.
The testing officer will ask you to sign the score sheet. Remember to ask any
questions before you start. The testing officer cannot tell you how to drive
or coach you during the test as it is an assessment of your ability to drive on
your own.

A monitoring officer may sit in on your test. The monitoring officer’s job
is to watch the testing officer and make sure that the test is conducted
properly. Nobody other than the testing officer and monitoring officer
is allowed to be in the vehicle with you during the test.

6 A Guide to the Driving Test

Before you start

Try to relax. You will not be expected to drive as skilfully as an experienced

driver. Remember, you can try again if you fail. However, you must wait a
minimum of seven days before you may reattempt the Driving Test.
After the test, the testing officer will review your performance if you wish.
Testing officers will provide general comments rather than discuss specific
situations or events. If you fail you will receive a Driving Test record that
shows where you need to improve.

Your car must be roadworthy and ready to drive

Before the test starts, the testing officer will check the vehicle is suitable and
safe for use. Go to the Test results/Test termination section of this guide for
the testing vehicle checklist. The test can be terminated if any item on the list
cannot be fixed in time for the test drive.

Why a test can be cancelled

If there is any suspicion you have consumed alcohol or drugs, the test will be
cancelled. The test booking fee will not be refunded. If you offer a bribe or try
to influence the testing officer, the test will be stopped. The police may be
called or you could be taken to the police station and charged with offering
a bribe.

To avoid misunderstanding make sure all money and valuables in

your vehicle are locked away or out of sight.

A Guide to the Driving Test 7

Low risk driving
Driving is never risk free, but you should aim to drive ‘low risk’. You will
be assessed on your low risk driving skills in speed management, road
positioning and decision making. The test also assesses your ability to
perceive and respond to hazards.

Observation is an essential skill for a low risk driver. The testing officer will
be assessing your observation techniques throughout the test. You will fail if
your observation is poor.

Scanning is keeping your eyes moving, checking in one area for no more than
a couple of seconds and then moving your eyes to another area.
Low risk drivers constantly scan traffic conditions.
When driving around corners turn your head and look through the corner
scanning the road ahead of your vehicle.
Slow down if vision of the road ahead is limited.
You will be expected to make regular checks in your rear vision mirror so you
know what is happening behind you. You must check your rear vision mirror
before you slow down or change direction.

When scanning look:

• in the distance
• at the road surface
• to the left and right
• in your mirrors
• at the instruments and gauges.

8 A Guide to the Driving Test

Low risk driving

Before proceeding through traffic lights, you must turn your head and
check to ensure there are no vehicles that may be ‘running’ the red light,
or pedestrians crossing against the ‘don’t walk’ sign. You must also turn
your head and check to ensure it is safe before proceeding across a railway
level crossing.

Checking blind spots

A car, motorcycle or bicycle in an adjacent lane can easily be positioned
beyond the area visible in the mirrors. Checking your blind spots is an
essential observation skill as many crashes occur because drivers do not
turn their head and look over their shoulder before steering. Frequently not
performing observation checks will result in a fail.

spot area

Check blind spots before changing your road position.

Blind spot


Blind spot area

Do not drive in the blind spot of other vehicles.

A Guide to the Driving Test 9

Low risk driving

Blind spot area

All vehicles have a large blind spot behind them. Because of this blind spot, extra care must
be taken when reversing as small children can be out of view.

You must turn your head and check your blind spots before:
• changing lanes
• leaving or returning to the kerb
• merging or diverging
• reversing
• turning left – looking for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists who
could be beside you in your blind spot
• turning right – looking for vehicles that may be overtaking you
• joining the traffic stream
• leaving the inside lane of a multi lane roundabout.

When reversing you must turn your head and look over your shoulder to
check through the rear window for vehicles and pedestrians that may not be
visible in your mirror. All vehicles have blind spots behind.

Before turning left you must check for bicycles and other vehicles that could be in your
blind spot.

10 A Guide to the Driving Test

Low risk driving

Before turning into a street or driveway you must have a head check for vehicles that may be
overtaking you.

Observation errors are recorded on the Driving Test score sheet as

a circle around ‘D’ (decision) and an ‘H’ in the notes column.

Speed management
You must drive at a safe and legal speed, managing your speed to suit traffic,
weather and road conditions.

Maintain space to the front

You must adjust your speed to maintain crash avoidance space to the
front of your vehicle.
The minimum safe distance needed in front is three seconds. This must be
increased in poor conditions, or when you are being followed too closely by
another vehicle.
When you change lanes or if another vehicle moves into your 3-second gap,
you will be expected to create a new gap by gradually dropping back.
To calculate a 3-second crash avoidance space when following another
vehicle use this basic technique: as the rear of the vehicle in front of you
passes a stationary object at the side of the road such as a power pole, tree
or sign, start a 3-second count ‘one thousand and one, one thousand and two,
one thousand and three’.

A Guide to the Driving Test 11

Low risk driving

3 seconds

You must stay at least 3 seconds behind the vehicle ahead.

More than 3 seconds

You must increase this distance in poor conditions (rain etc).

If your car passes the object you picked before you finish the 3-second count,
you are following too closely. Your crash avoidance space is not large enough.
Slow down, and repeat the count again until the 3-second crash avoidance
space is achieved.
You should increase your crash avoidance space to 4 or more seconds when
driving in poor conditions, such as on unsealed (dirt or gravel), icy or wet
roads, or at night.
You can help other vehicles, such as trucks and buses, to keep their crash
avoidance space by not cutting in front of them.

Maintain space when stopped

When you are stopped in traffic you must keep one to two car lengths from
the vehicle in front to reduce the risk of colliding with it if you are hit from
behind. You may move forward to within 1m once other vehicles are stopped
behind you and the risk of being hit from behind is reduced.

12 A Guide to the Driving Test

Low risk driving

One to two car lengths

Leave one to two car lengths in front when stopped.

Reduce speed
You must slow down if you do not have a clear view of the road ahead.
Situations where your vision may be reduced include: blind corners; blocked
intersections; crests and poor weather conditions.
Slow down if you cannot see five seconds ahead.
To calculate 5-second vision in a curve, pick a fixed point in the oncoming
lane that has just come into view and start a count ‘one thousand and one,
one thousand and two... one thousand and five’. If you reach the point before
five seconds you are driving too fast for the available vision.

5 secon
A d vision

Slow down if you cannot see 5 seconds ahead.

You must also slow down in situations where space to the side of
your vehicle is limited.

For traffic calming devices, such as speed humps or chicanes, slow down
enough to ensure there is no undue jolt or sideways roll of your vehicle.

A Guide to the Driving Test 13

Low risk driving

Road positioning
During the test you will be expected to maintain a safe, legal position on
the road. This includes positioning at stop signs and lines and also during
manoeuvres such as a 3-point turn and reverse parking.

When you approach a ‘Stop’ sign and ‘Stop’ line (single unbroken line),
you must come to a complete stop. You must stop before the line, and
as close as possible to the line. If you initially stopped more than 1m
from the line you must move up and stop within 1m of the stop line,
with no part of the vehicle over the line.
You must remain at a complete stop, until it is safe for you to go.

Buffering is keeping as much space to the sides of your vehicle as practical
in any situation. You should have at least 1m from other vehicles
and hazards.
Where you are not able to keep a safe space from other vehicles and hazards
you must slow down.
You are also expected to change your position on the road to create
space from hazards. On crests and curves, slow down and move away
from oncoming traffic. When possible, you should be at least 1m from the
centreline on blind crests and curves.
In multi-laned traffic, avoid driving in the blind spot of other drivers and in the
high risk area beside other vehicles.
If you unnecessarily drive on the wrong side of the road, or unnecessarily
cross any edge lines or lane markings, you will fail.

14 A Guide to the Driving Test

Low risk driving


You must allow space for parked vehicles to open doors.


You must allow clearance from oncoming traffic.

High risk area


Avoid driving in the high risk area beside other vehicles.

To reduce the risk of head-on crashes on multi-lane roads, only

drive in the right lane when overtaking or planning to turn right.

Turns at intersections
Your position in making turns is important to ensure a smooth and safe flow
of traffic.
When turning left on unmarked roads you must approach as far left as
practical. When turning left on laned roads, you must approach in the left
lane, or any marked left turn lane.

A Guide to the Driving Test 15

Low risk driving

Approach left turns as far left as you can.

As you finish a left turn, exit into the lane or part of the road that is best for
the traffic conditions. Your choice will depend on where you are going next,
whether vehicles are parked in the left lane, or whether outside lanes must be
left clear for overtaking.
However, when there are multiple turning lanes, you must finish in a
permissible lane.
You will fail if you exit in an incorrect lane.

When there are multiple turning lanes, you must finish in a permissible lane.

16 A Guide to the Driving Test

Low risk driving

You can turn into either lane, depending on traffic.

You must keep your steering straight while waiting to turn right,
to protect you from being pushed into the oncoming traffic if hit
from behind.

When turning right on unmarked roads you must keep to the left of, but as
close as practical to the centre of the road. When turning right on laned roads
you must approach in the right lane or any marked right turn lanes.

In marked lanes stay in the same lane.

In marked lanes you must stay in the same lane as you go from one road
to another.

A Guide to the Driving Test 17

Low risk driving

When turning right, steer to the right of an imaginary centre of the

intersection. This allows vehicles opposite you to also turn right. As you exit,
you must keep to the left of the centre of the road.

Turning vehicles pass in front of each other.

When turning right into a one-way street, approach and exit as close as
possible to the right side of the road.

Keep to the right when turning right from a one-way street.

18 A Guide to the Driving Test

Low risk driving

Indicate left when leaving the roundabout.

On multi-laned roundabouts position your vehicle in accordance with the

road markings for the direction you intend to travel. You must exit in a
permissible lane.
Approaching a roundabout: Vehicles entering a roundabout must give way
to any vehicle already in the roundabout.
Exiting a roundabout: If practical, you must always signal left when exiting
a roundabout.

You must check your blind spot before crossing lanes within a
roundabout when exiting.

A Guide to the Driving Test 19

Low risk driving

On the Driving Test you will be asked to do a number of manoeuvres that will
be selected from the following:
• a kerb side stop
• a hill start
• a 3-point turn
• parking, reverse parallel, 90 degree or 45 degree, front or rear to kerb
(type depending on local availability).
During the manoeuvres you will be assessed on your ability to position your
vehicle legally, safely and accurately.
You must:
• Park close and as near as practical to the kerb
(The test requires you to be less than 500mm from the kerb).

less than 500mm


The vehicle should be parallel and closer than 500mm to the kerb.
The wheels must not touch the kerb.

• Stay at least 1m away from other vehicles (The test requires you to be no
more than 2m from other vehicles when you park).


You must make sure the vehicle is at least 1m from other vehicles.

20 A Guide to the Driving Test

Low risk driving

• Reverse only as far as you need (if you reverse more than 7m back from
the rear of the vehicle you are parking behind, you will fail).
• Where possible, finish as close as practical to the angle required for that
parking area and within any marked lines.

2m o

Park at required angle and within any marked lines.

• Use effective steering (The test allows a maximum of four direction

changes for all parking manoeuvres).

3 4
1 2

Park using a maximum of 4 direction changes.

• During the 3-point turn you must check left and right for traffic before
each movement.


3 1
Turn around using a maximum of 5 direction changes. If it is possible to complete the
manoeuvre in three changes of direction you will be expected to achieve this.

A Guide to the Driving Test 21

Low risk driving

Mounting the kerb at anytime during the test will result in a fail.

Observation checks during manoeuvres

During manoeuvres you must check for other vehicles, pedestrians and
possible hazards.
You must turn your head and check your blind spot before you:
• move to the kerb to commence the manoeuvre
• leave the kerb to rejoin the traffic
• steer, if during reversing the front of your vehicle will swing into the lane.

You must check your blind spot before the front of your vehicle swings into the lane
beside you.

While reversing you must check in the direction of travel. This includes
checking the mirrors and through the rear and side windows.

You may use reversing cameras and sensors to aid reversing.

However, you must also check your mirrors and the area around
your vehicle.

If your vehicle has a park assist device, this must be switched off
for the reversing manoeuvres.

22 A Guide to the Driving Test

Low risk driving

Decision making
A critical decision must be made whenever you enter traffic, change lanes,
cross or turn at an intersection.

Affecting the crash avoidance space of others

The testing officer will be checking that you go only when there is a safe
gap in the traffic and that you are not affecting the crash avoidance space of
other drivers.

Choose a safe gap so other vehicles are not forced to change speed.

A safe gap ensures that other vehicles do not need to change their speed or
position. When turning across traffic make sure your vehicle is clear of the
intersection by at least three seconds before the approaching vehicles arrive.
When joining a traffic stream select a gap that allows you to reach the traffic
speed before the approaching vehicles are within three seconds of your car.
During the test you will be expected to demonstrate smooth, flowing decision
making. If you reject safe gaps or unduly stop at intersections when it is
clearly safe to proceed, you may fail.

A Guide to the Driving Test 23

Low risk driving

3 seconds

Be clear of the intersection for 3 seconds before other vehicles arrive.

When approaching traffic lights that are green, check your mirrors and be
prepared to stop.

You must stop at a yellow light, unless sudden braking might cause
a crash.

Situations with limited vision

At some intersections your vision may be affected by other vehicles, trees
or buildings. In these situations you must demonstrate caution when
proceeding. If you proceed into an intersection without due care, you may fail.
After stopping correctly at a ‘stop line’ you may move forward into an
intersection to improve your vision, provided you do so safely and do not
affect other vehicles or pedestrians.

24 A Guide to the Driving Test

Low risk driving

Responding to hazards
Your hazard perception skills are essential to low risk driving. During the
test you will be assessed on your ability to recognise hazards and make an
appropriate response.

Hazard and response

During your test you must respond appropriately to hazards.
As you scan the traffic environment you should be asking yourself whether
the things you see could possibly enter your crash avoidance space.
If the answer is yes and something could block your path, your response
should be to protect your crash avoidance space by:
• ‘setting up’ or covering the brakes
• easing off the accelerator
• reducing speed
• creating a ‘buffer’ from the hazard by changing your position on the road
or changing lanes.
Your ability to respond means that you are better able to deal with any
dangerous situation that might occur.

Respond when something can enter your crash avoidance space.

A Guide to the Driving Test 25

Low risk driving

3 seconds

Respond before reaching the hazard.

A vehicle waiting to turn in front of your path.

26 A Guide to the Driving Test

Low risk driving

A vehicle waiting to pull out from the left side.

A vehicle waiting to pull out from the right side.

A Guide to the Driving Test 27

Low risk driving

Stopped traffic obscuring vision at an intersection.

28 A Guide to the Driving Test

Vehicle control
The ability to use the vehicle’s controls in a range of driving situations.

Operating the controls

The testing officer will observe and record some of these driving tasks:
• Seat posture and steering set-up, allow good control of the vehicle.
• Operate accelerator smoothly, when accelerating and decelerating.
• Operate brakes smoothly and effectively.
• Coordinate clutch and gear lever to make smooth gear changes.
• Select appropriate gears for driving, coming to a stop and parking.
• Avoid over-revving on take-off and gear changes.
• Seat belt correctly fastened, fitted and adjusted (low, flat and firm).
• Apply a brake when starting the vehicle.
• Prevent rolling back when starting on hills.
• Correct park brake use securing the vehicle and full release to drive.
• Steer with both hands on the outside of the steering wheel (except to use
other controls), with either ‘hand-over-hand’ or the ‘pull-push’ method.
• Use other controls such as indicators, windscreen wipers and demisters.
You must be confident using and operating the controls without being distracted.
This includes maintaining a steady speed and avoiding over-revving when
taking off. If driving a manual car, change gears at a lower engine speed (revs).

You must signal for at least five seconds before leaving the kerb or
a parked position.

A Guide to the Driving Test 29

Vehicle control

Apply ecodriving techniques from the Road User Handbook to avoid

vehicle control errors.

Driving posture
Adjust your seat so you have
a clear view of the road and
can easily reach the controls.

The steering wheel should

be adjusted low, facing your
chest rather than the face.

Adjust the head restraint

for your height. See owner’s

Adjust the mirrors so you

have a good view of the rear
and sides of the vehicle.

Have the seat upright to

support your back and

Keep your arms bent; thumbs

should be on the rim of the
steering wheel.

Wear your seatbelt ‘low, flat

and firm’ on your hips and
with no twists.

Keep your knees slightly


Sit back in your seat.

Brace your body using your

left foot.

30 A Guide to the Driving Test

Test results

Why you might fail

This guide shows examples of what you must do to drive safely and pass the
test. However, some actions and behaviours are classed as fail items. If you
do something that gets a fail, your test will continue so that you can be given
a full assessment of your driving ability but you will not pass the test.
Here is a list of all the fail items along with some examples of how they may
happen on a Driving Test.
Remember that this is only a guide and if you have any more questions you
should refer to the Road User Handbook.

1. Disobeying traffic signs, signals or road markings

Be sure you have a thorough understanding of the meaning of regulatory
signs, traffic signals and road markings. They tell you what road rules apply
in any specific situation. Examples of a fail item include:
• Not stopping at a red traffic light. This means that all of your vehicle must
be behind the stop line.
• Not stopping at a yellow traffic light when it is safe to do so. You must stop
at a yellow light unless sudden braking might cause a crash.
• Not stopping correctly at a stop line. Your final stopped position must be
within 1m of the stop line and with no part of your vehicle over the line.
• Crossing a continuous centre line, lane line or edge line unnecessarily.
• Disobeying lane markings (transit lane, turn arrows etc).
• Not obeying regulatory signs such as One Way, No Entry, No U-Turn, Keep
Clear and Keep Left.

A Guide to the Driving Test 31

Test results

2. Failing to give way when necessary

Examples of this fail item include:
• Not giving way to any vehicle that has priority over you at an intersection.
• Not giving way to pedestrians at marked crossings and intersections.
• Not giving way if required when entering a traffic stream, merging or lane

3. Colliding with a vehicle, pedestrian or object

This includes mounting or straddling (one wheel either side of) a traffic dome
and mounting the kerb or roundabout.
You will not fail if you touch the kerb face with your wheels.

4. Performing an illegal act or manoeuvre

An illegal act or manoeuvre is anything contrary to the Road Rules where a
regulatory traffic sign, signal or road marking is not present. Examples of this
fail item include:
• Unnecessarily driving on the wrong side of the road on unmarked roads.
• Turning from the incorrect position. For example, starting a left turn from
the right lane.
• When turning left or right in an arrowed lane, you do not exit to a
permissible lane.
• Stopping on a pedestrian crossing or stop line when giving way
to pedestrians.
• Not driving in the left lane when required to do so.
• Making an unlawful U-Turn.
• Not using the correct lane to turn at a roundabout.
• Overtaking or passing a stationary vehicle at a pedestrian crossing.
• Entering a level crossing when unsafe to do so.
• Not wearing a seatbelt.
• Answering or using a mobile phone.

32 A Guide to the Driving Test

Test results

5. Exceeding the speed limit

The speed limit is the maximum allowable speed for that section of road
under normal conditions. Exceeding the speed limit is dangerous and illegal.
You will fail if you exceed the speed limit at any time including:
• The 40km/h limit at school zones during the hours of operation.
• The 40km/h limit when passing a bus with flashing lights the 40km/h
limit when passing a stopped emergency vehicle with flashing blue or
red lights, when the speed limit is 80km/h or less.
• The learner driver speed limit.
• Speed limits at road works.

6. Action requiring testing officer intervention

At this stage of your driving experience you should be able to drive without
any help. If the testing officer has to give you verbal or physical assistance,
including using the dual controls in an instructor’s vehicle, you will fail.

7. Causing a dangerous situation

This fail item covers any unsafe act or behaviour that puts you or others at
risk, such as overtaking in an unsafe manner, or giving way unnecessarily.

8. Failing to maintain proper control of the vehicle

This fail item applies to anything that could, or does, result in you losing
control of the vehicle such as:
• Allowing the vehicle to roll back more than 500mm when moving off.
• Skidding or spinning the drive wheels.
• Clutch coasting (allowing the vehicle to roll along with your foot on the
clutch) or coasting in neutral.
• Not maintaining effective control of the steering wheel.

9. Failing to exercise due care to avoid an accident

You must be ready at all times to respond to hazards. If a situation occurs
requiring your response and you are not prepared, you will fail.

A Guide to the Driving Test 33

Test results

10. Failing to give way to an emergency vehicle

You will fail if you do not move out of the way of an emergency vehicle.

11. Disobeying directions from a person controlling traffic

This item includes failing to obey police, emergency services or armed
forces personnel, traffic controllers (eg flag persons at road works) and pilot
vehicles etc.

12. Frequently not signalling intention

You will fail if you repeatedly do not signal when legally required to do so.
You must signal:
• to give sufficient warning to other road users of your intentions when
turning left or right
• for at least five seconds before leaving the kerb
• for at least five seconds before leaving a parking space
• when changing lanes, diverging or pulling over to the kerb
• when exiting a roundabout.

13. Refusing to attempt any part of the test

You are required to complete the whole test to get a pass. You can be failed
for refusing to do any part of the test.

14. Repeated or deliberate failure to follow directions

You must follow all reasonable directions given to you by the testing officer
during the test.

15. Unreasonably obstructing other vehicles or pedestrians

You will fail if you unreasonably obstruct other vehicles or pedestrians during
the test. This includes if you:
• enter an intersection without enough space on the other side due to traffic,
blocking the intersection as a result
• drive significantly below the speed limit when prevailing conditions do not
require it.

34 A Guide to the Driving Test

Test results

16. Receiving external advice or instruction during the test

You will fail if you receive any external advice from a third party at any time
during the test. This includes the time from when you sign the score sheet, to
getting into your vehicle.

17. Not parking to the required standard

During the manoeuvres you will fail if:
• the final position of your car is more than 1m from the kerb or
obstructing traffic
• your wheels are on or over marked parking lines
• you reverse more than 7m from the vehicle in front during the reverse park
section of the test.

18. Failing to maintain a safe following distance

You will fail if you follow too closely to the vehicle in front.

19. Frequently not performing observation checks

You will incur this fail item if you repeatedly miss observation checks when
required. Specifically this fail item applies to checking your blind spots
when you:
• leave or return to the kerb
• merge, diverge or change lanes
• are about to reverse, such as in a reverse parallel park and 3 point turn
• turn at intersections, leave or join the road
• cross lanes within a roundabout on exiting.
You must turn your head and check it is safe to proceed when moving off
after being stopped at traffic lights and railway level crossings.

A Guide to the Driving Test 35

Test results

Immediate fail
In most circumstances, even if you commit a fail item, your test will continue
and you will be given a full assessment of your performance. In some
circumstances the testing officer may record an immediate fail. You will not
be permitted to finish the test and the testing officer may drive you back to
the service centre.
An immediate fail may occur if:
• you do anything which is unsafe or dangerous and there is an obvious
danger to the public
• you refuse to cooperate with the testing officer and so cannot be given a
proper test.

Test termination
While ‘immediate fail’ criteria applies to issues concerning driving ability,
termination criteria applies to situations not concerned with the applicant’s
driving performance.
Your test will be terminated if any of the items below cannot be rectified at
the time of the test:
1. The testing vehicle
• is not suitable for safe use
• indicator lights (including side repeaters) or brake lights do not
operate, are incomplete, dirty or discoloured
• tyres are not in a satisfactory condition
• is not registered
• windscreen cracked or broken so as to obscure driver’s and/or
testing officer’s vision, (not including minor cracks)
• has a complying (approved and in working condition) lap/sash
seat belt is not fitted for the testing officer
• head restraints are not fitted (vehicle manufactured after 1 January 1972)
• is not suitable for class of licence
• is not suitable for type of disability
• has sharp edges caused by body damage
• has any mirror broken or damaged to the extent that it distorts vision

36 A Guide to the Driving Test

Test results

• has any wheel rim excessively damaged

• has any visible wheel nuts missing
• has any excessive under body fluid leaks
• dual brake (if fitted) must be operational
• dual accelerator (if fitted) must not be operational (dual accelerator
must be secured out of reach or rendered inoperable)
• front passenger door handle (either inside or outside), or window
handle, is missing or inoperative
• does not have solid front doors (cloth or fabric doors are not
• is a convertible or Targa top and the roof is not capable of being covered
in, at the request of the testing officer or in the event of bad weather.
2. The testing vehicle is unsuitable for the class of licence test.
This includes a vehicle with equipment that can record any aspect of the
Driving Test including, visual images, sounds or the vehicle’s position.
3. The testing vehicle is not suitable for the type of disability.
4. The testing vehicle breaks down during the test, or a large number of
assessments are missed while off the test course.
5. The applicant demonstrates unacceptable, inappropriate or unlawful
behaviours, include:
• A bribe or inducement is offered, or any other form of corrupt
conduct is suggested.
• Extreme emotional pleas, threats or sexual advances in an attempt
to influence a test result (a warning may be given if required).
• Repeated and persistent requests to ignore an error (A warning may
be given if required).
• Threatening, abusive, aggressive or violent behaviours.
6. The driver is or is suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
7. A crash occurs during the test, regardless of who is at fault.
8. The applicant is ill, to the extent that they may not be able to drive safely.
9. Weather conditions are bad and make the driving task too demanding.
If the test is terminated the test fee may not be refunded.
10. Learner Driver Log Book or digital learner driver log book app not
complete or submitted in accordance with requirements.

A Guide to the Driving Test 37

Test results

You must secure any loose objects in the vehicle that may interfere
with vehicle control or cause injury during hard braking.

What happens after the test?

When you return to the service centre the testing officer will ask you to wait
inside whilst they calculate your test result.
Then the testing officer will call you to the counter and tell you your test
result. You will also receive a test report, showing your score and any notes
on how to improve your driving skills.
If you did not pass, your testing officer will provide general comments about
your result. They cannot discuss situations or events from the test, as it is not
their job to give you a driving lesson. A driving instructor or supervising driver
can help to improve your driving, so you can try again.
If you believe the test was unfair or bias, contact the manager from your
test service centre. They will look into your complaint and discuss the matter
with you.

You can book and pay for another test before leaving the service
centre or do it later online at

If you passed, you will need to pay for your P1 licence. Congratulations and
safe driving!

Regardless of whether you pass or fail the Driving Test, it is best

to allow your supervising driver to take over the driving when you
leave the service centre. This is because after taking the test many
learners find it hard to concentrate on driving because they are
either elated or disappointed by the result.

38 A Guide to the Driving Test

Test results

Test score sheet

Class C Car Driving Test

Test started Applicant’s signature

24 hour time
S P D Z H R C Notes
Test vehicle plate no. Name of driving instructor
S P D 1 H R C
S P D 2 H R C
State Name of driving school
S P D 3 H R C
S P D 4 H R C
DI Licence number Driving school number
S P D 5 H R C
S P D 6 H R C
Instructor’s Other Automatic Manual
vehicle vehicle S P D 7 H R C
Termination S P D 8 H R C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 S P D 9 H R C
Test not conducted/terminated/
immediate fail because: Manager verifying reason S P D 10 H R C
S P D 11 H R C
S P D 12 H R C
F IF Fail and Immediate Fail items
1. Disobeying traffic signs, signals or road markings. S P D 13 H R C
2. Failing to give way when necessary. S P D 14 H R C
3. Colliding with a vehicle, pedestrian or object. S P D 15 H R C
4. Performing an illegal act or manoeuvre.
S P D 16 H R C
5. Exceeding the speed limit.
S P D 17 H R C
6. Action requiring testing officer intervention.
7. Causing a dangerous situation. S P D 18 H R C
8. Failing to maintain proper control of the vehicle. S P D 19 H R C
9. Failing to exercise due care to avoid an accident. S P D 20 H R C
10. Failing to give way to an emergency vehicle. S P D 21 H R C
11. Disobeying directions from a person controlling traffic.
S P D 22 H R C
12. Frequently not signalling intention. Total
S P D 23 H R C
13. Refusing to attempt any part of the test.
14. Repeated or deliberate failure to follow directions. S P D 24 H R C
15. Unreasonably obstructing other vehicles or pedestrians. S P D 25 H R C
16. Receiving external advice or instruction during the test. Yes
17. Not parking to the required standard.
18. Failing to maintain a safe following distance.
25 25 25 25
19. Frequently not making required observation checks. Total
My result has been explained to me
Applicant‘s signature Date Results

Pass Fail Number of

day / month / year ‘fail’ items
I certify that I have
Office Test finished tested the applicant in CSRDT’s signature
use accordance with Percentage
only Transport for NSW range
24 hour time procedures.
45071250 (08/22) Form1408

A Guide to the Driving Test 39

Test results

Test feedback (reverse of score sheet)

A “circle” in the assessment column indicates that further practice is necessary.
Speed management (S) refer to pages 11-13 of A Guide to the Driving Test.
The driver demonstrates their ability to manage speed and maintain a crash avoidance space.
1. Maintains space to the front:
• with a gap of at least 3 seconds when following another vehicle and increases the gap in
poor conditions
• when stationary behind another vehicle.
2. Reduces speed:
• when vision is limited (eg. blind crests and curves)
• when space to the side is limited.
3. Maintains traffic flow:
• when traffic, weather and road conditions allow.
Road positioning (P) refer to pages 14-20 of A Guide to the Driving Test.
The driver demonstrates their ability to position the vehicle by selecting a safe and legal path of travel.
1. Buffering by:
• maintaining space from parked and oncoming vehicles
• moving left on crests and curves
• avoiding driving in the blind spots of other vehicles.
2. Intersections:
• are approached and exited in a safe and legal manner.
3. Manoeuvres:
• parks at required angle, close to the kerb (including start of three-point turn)
• maintains sufficient distance (between 1 and 2m) from other vehicles.
Decision making (D) refer to pages 8-11 and 23-24 of A Guide to the Driving Test).
The driver demonstrates the ability to select a safe and legal gap.
1. When joining the traffic flow, lane changing, merging, diverging and manoeuvring:
• chooses a safe and legal gap at intersections, leaving the kerb, changing lanes and merging.
2. When crossing the traffic flow:
• clears the intersection 3 seconds before another vehicle arrives.
The driver performs the necessary observation checks.
1. When joining the traffic flow, lane changing, merging, diverging, manoeuvring and proceeding
through traffic lights.
Hazards (H) refer to pages 22 and 25 of A Guide to the Driving Test).
Hazards were present and capable of moving into the path of the applicant’s vehicle.
Responding to hazards (R) refer to pages 25-28 of A Guide to the Driving Test).
The driver demonstrates their ability to protect their crash avoidance space by responding to hazards
with one, or a combination of, the following actions.
1. Responds by managing speed, ‘sets up’ or ‘covers’ brakes, slowing down.
2. Responds by managing position, buffers away from hazard.
Vehicle control (C) refer to pages 29-30 of A Guide to the Driving Test).
The driver demonstrates the ability to maintain smooth control of the vehicle by correct seat
adjustment, use of the accelerator, brakes, clutch, gears, steering, auxiliary controls and signals.
Codes in ‘Notes’ column: Control errors:
(K) Kerb side stop (page 20) (A) Applicant posture, seat belt (page 30)
(M) Manoeuvre (pages 20-22) (B) Brake, clutch, gears, accelerator (pages 29 & 30)
(H) Observation error. Fail Item 19 (C) Course, steering (page 30)
(pages 8-11, 22 & 35) (D) Dashboard controls, instruments, gauges, etc
(F) Fail Items (pages 31-36) (page 30)
(T) Termination (pages 36-37) (E) Eco driving (page 30)
(S) Signal error. Fail Item 12 (pages 29 & 34)

40 A Guide to the Driving Test

Tips for new
provisional drivers
The crash rate of learner drivers is actually very low, partly due to the
guidance provided by the supervising driver. However, as a newly licensed
provisional driver driving without this supervision, the risk of crashing is
significantly greater.

Night driving
Take extra care driving at night. Provisional drivers have a higher risk of
crashing at night, particularly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.

Passenger influences
In the first 12 months of provisional driving ask passengers to help identify
hazards and support you to focus on driving.

Provisional licence driver restrictions

There are restrictions you must follow when you drive with a:
• Provisional P1 licence (red Ps)
• Provisional P2 licence (green Ps).

These restrictions are in place to help keep you safe as you develop your
driving skills. They also apply when you drive in another state or territory. If
you do not follow these restrictions, you’ll get a fine. You can also get demerit
points or even lose your licence.

A Guide to the Driving Test 41

Tips for new provisional drivers

Restriction Applies to

Alcohol limit
Your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) must be zero.
This means you must not have any alcohol in your system
when you drive.

Maximum speed limit

You can drive to a maximum of 90km/h.
You must observe all speed limits below 90km/h.

You can drive to a maximum of 100km/h.

You must observe all speed limits below 100km/h.
Mobile phone use
You must not use a mobile phone while driving, even when
you’re stationary, for example, stopped at lights or stuck in
traffic. This includes:
• texting
• phone calls
• music
• emailing
• social media
• using the internet
• maps
• photography.

The only time you can use your phone is to:

• show your digital driver licence when instructed by police
• use wallet functions to make a transaction or show a
voucher, but only in areas such as a car park, driveway or
drive-through and if the vehicle is stationary.

42 A Guide to the Driving Test

Tips for new provisional drivers

Restriction Applies to

Number of passengers
You can carry only the number of passengers that you have
seatbelts and approved and suitable child car seats for.

If you return to driving after being disqualified, you can only

carry one passenger at a time, for 12 months.

If you are aged under 25, between 11pm and 5am, only
one of your passengers can be aged under 21. Exemptions
may apply.

High-performance cars
You must not drive high-performance cars, such as those:
• with a power to mass ratio greater than 130 kilowatts
per tonne
• with significant modifications made to the vehicle’s engine
• that are listed as a banned high-performance vehicle.

Visit for the full list of banned

high-performance cars.

There’s no restriction on learning to drive in a

high‑performance car.

Displaying P plates
You must clearly display plates on the front and back, or roof,
of the exterior of the vehicle you’re driving.

P1 drivers must display a red P plate.

P2 drivers must display a green P plate.

The whole letter P must be visible.

Secure your plates with a clip or holder so they do not fall

off. This ensures they do not become litter and stay visible
at all times.

A Guide to the Driving Test 43

Tips for new provisional drivers

Restriction Applies to

Being supervised
You do not need to be supervised.
The exception is if you passed your Driving Test in an
automatic car and want to drive a manual car.

You do not need to be supervised.

Supervising a learner
You must not supervise or instruct a learner driver.

Towing a trailer
You can tow light trailers that weigh up to 250kg
when empty.
A red P plate must be on the back of the trailer.

Full licence towing rules apply.

A green P plate must be on the back of the trailer.

Manual or automatic cars

If you passed your Driving Test in a manual car, you can drive
either a manual or an automatic car.

If you passed your Driving Test in an automatic car, you can

only drive an automatic car, unless supervised in a manual
car by someone with a full Australian driver licence.

There’s no restriction: you can drive either an automatic

or manual car.

44 A Guide to the Driving Test
13 22 13

ISBN 978-1-877070-15-0
Pub. 07.047
Catalogue number 45071261

While all care is taken in producing this work, no responsibility is taken or warranty
made with respect to the accuracy of any information, data or representation.
This work is not intended to substitute a reader’s reference to relevant laws and
Transport for NSW expressly disclaims all liability in respect of the consequences
of reliance on the contents of this work.

© Transport for New South Wales (2024)

Users are welcome to copy, reproduce and distribute extracts from this work for
non-commercial purposes only, provided Transport for NSW is acknowledged as
the copyright owner and the title of this work is referenced as the source.

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