Annotated Bibliography Mayans 4

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Fallon 1

Liam Fallon

Pavitra Wickramasinghe

Universe of the Arts 2

17 March 2023

Topic: The complexity of the Mayan Society

Thesis Statement: The complexity of the Mayan Society has always been observed, and it

involves their culture, infrastructures, and beliefs.

Annotated Bibliography.

“Chichén Itzá.”, Exploratorium. .

This web page is about the temple of Kukulcan or El Castillo, the most famous

building ever built by the Mayans. It mentions the complexity of the building and

the famous phenomenon that happens twice a year at the spring and fall

equinoxes. It talks about how the Mayans created this building to track seasons,

signal appropriate times to plant and to perform ceremonies. It was built with an

intent, and it was very important in the Mayan culture and what they believed in. I

will use this source to prove the significance of El Castillo to the Mayan people

and culture and why it is a historical architectural marvel. This source is credible

because it is part of Exploratorium, an educational website. The Exploratorium is

also a public museum in San Francisco, California.

Fiero, Gloria K. Landmarks in Humanities. E-book ed., McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.

Fallon 2

In these pages, Fiero discusses the Maya Civilization and why their temples were

of such importance to them. They were used as shrines and sanctuaries as well as

tools to signal the start of seasons. Fiero also mentions how much of an advanced

society the Maya civilization was because of the things they did such as blood

sacrifice, their written language, architecture, and the overall structure of their

society. Finally, she talks about some of their beliefs as well as their roots and

accomplishments that affect today’s world. I will use this source to prove how

different the Mayans were from the other societies of their time, why they are so

important and how their cultural beliefs affected their ways of living. This source

is extremely credible as it was written by Gloria Fiero, a writer with a master’s in

art history and ph. D. in Interdisciplinary Humanities.

“La Civilisation Maya.”, Canadian Museum of History.

On this website, there are multiple texts about the Mayan’s sophisticated lifestyle.

Such as the people, their inventions, astronomy, architecture, writing, languages,

cities, and much more. There are mentions about how the Mayans invented an

accurate calendar, how different groups of people were treated in the society, how

cities were built, and how the Mayans would think. This source contains high

levels of information that will be useful in my research such as information about

architecture and the beliefs and culture of the Maya people, and it is an extremely

credible source as it is all on the official website of the Canadian Museum of


“Maya Society.”, University of Maine.

Fallon 3

In this section, the author talks about the Mayans and how their society

was structured: the nobility, priesthood, common people and slaves. It also

explains how each of these positions were earned and how life was really

like for each of them. This made the Maya society very sophisticated. I

will use this source to describe how life was for the people living in this

society at this time and talk about the architects of this era and society and

how they came to build the complex buildings that were built. This is a

credible source because it was written by the University of Maine.

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