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Sandip University

Trimbak Road, A/p - Mahiravani, Tal. & Dist. – Nashik, Pin – 422 213
Website : http://www.sandipuniversity.edu.in Email : info@sandipuniversity.edu.in
Ph: (02594) 222 541 Fax: (02594) 222 555
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __
School of Computing Sciences & Engineering
Course Structure for Undergraduate Programme of Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
Semester - I
Teaching Scheme Duration
(Hrs/Week) of Formative
Course Total
Sr. Core Theory Paper/Practical C University
Code OR / Marks
No L T P Total Exam. CIA TH
1 UC XFE101 Contemporary English I 3 -- -- 3 3 3 50 50 -- 100
Mathematical Foundation of Computer
2 PC XCA101 3 1 -- 4 4 3 50 50 -- 100
3 PC XCA102 Computer Fundamentals 3 -- -- 3 3 3 50 50 -- 100
Introduction to Operating System and
4 PC XCA103 3 -- -- 3 3 3 50 50 -- 100
5 PC XCA104 Problem Solving Technique using C 3 -- -- 3 3 3 50 50 -- 100
6 PC XCA111 Lab Course based on OS and Office365 -- -- 4 4 2 3 25 -- 25 50
7 PC XCA112 Lab Course based on C -- -- 4 4 2 3 25 -- 25 50
Total 15 1 8 24 20 300 250 50 600

CIA: Continuous Internal TH: Theory Exam. Details of Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
Assessment #: Internship for 15 days. CIA Weightage Description
CIA 1 10% Home Assignment
L: Theory Lecture *: Oral Examination
CIA 2 A & B 20% Mid-Term Exam (MTE)
T: Tutorial UC: University Core CIA 3 10% Presentation by students
P: Practical PC: Programme Core CIA 4 10% Research Based Activity

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* Contemporary English-I & II syllabus applicable from the academic year 2018-19

B.B.A./ B.B.A. (FS)/ B.Com.
Department of Humanities and B. C.A/ B. Sc. (Computer Science)
Languages B. C. A. (CTIS)/ B.F.A (Animation and VFX)
B.Sc.(Cosmetic Science) B.Sc.(Fashion Design)
Course Code: XFE101 Year: First Semester: I
Course: : Contemporary English I 45 -- -- 3
Theory: 3 Hrs./Week Max. University Theory Examination: 50 Marks
Max. Time for Theory Exam :3 Hrs. Continuous Internal Assessment: 50 Marks

Course Objectives :
On completion of this course, student should be able to:
1 use acceptable English in academic writing
2 use English language in a more meaningful way with an enriched word power
3 communicate in a professional way using various communication strategies
4 read and comprehend the major points discussed in various types of written texts
5 make notes, write precise, letter and résumé

Course Outcomes Domain Level

CO1 Uses acceptable English in appropriate context Cognitive, Analyze, synthesize &
Psychomotor Apply
CO2 Makes use of comprehensive and suitable Cognitive, Understand, synthesize&
vocabulary Psychomotor & Apply
CO3 Communicates professionally by using the Cognitive, Remembering, synthesize
strategies learnt Psychomotor & & Apply
CO4 Applies cognizance while comprehending various Cognitive, Understand, Comprehend
types of written texts Psychomotor & Apply
CO5 Writes and speaks in English, precisely with clarity Cognitive, Understand, Synthesize &
and accuracy Psychomotor & Apply

Syllabus Hrs.
1 Listening Skills (Only for Internal Assessment)
i. Classroom listening (Teachers’ reading of short stories, essays or reports)

2 Vocabulary (These topics should be incorporated while teaching texts)

i. Word and Sense
ii. Synonyms
iii. Antonyms
iv. Lexical webs 08
v. Collocations
vi. Affixation
Reading Skills (Understanding the text, skimming, scanning, speed reading,
3 Reading charts and maps etc.) 06
i. The Eyes Have It – Ruskin Bond
ii. The Astrologer’s Day- R. K. Narayan
Reading and Responding (Critical Appreciation, Paraphrasing and Analysing)
* Contemporary English-I & II syllabus applicable from the academic year 2018-19

4 i. Where the Mind is Without Fear – Rabindranath Tagore 08

ii. The Road Not Taken- Robert Frost
iii. Night of the Scorpion – Nissim Ezekiel
5 Grammar (LSRW Skills) (These topics should be incorporated while teaching texts) 06
i. Parts of Speech
ii. Tenses

6 Speaking Skills (Conversational Skills)

i. Greetings
ii. Introducing Yourself and Others
iii. Asking for Information 07
iv. Requesting
v. Inviting
vi. Group Discussion
vii. Interview Skills
Writing Skills
7 i. Paragraph Writing
ii. Letter - Informal/Formal 08
iii. Email Writing
Total 45


Recommended 1. Wren and Martin: High School English Grammar and Composition
Books 2. G. Radhakrishna, Pillai, K. Rajeevan. Spoken English for You. CIEFL. Emerald
3. K. S. Smita, Annie Pothen. English Conversational Practice. Sterling Publication
Pvt. Ltd.
4. Dr. Saraswati. Success with Spoken English for Undergraduate
5. Tickoo and Subramaniam: A Functional Grammar with Usage and Composition
6. Ruskin Bond, Eyes Have It
7. R. K. Narayan, The Astrologer’s Day
8. Rabindranath Tagore, Where the Mind is Without Fear
9. Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken
10. Nissim Ezekiel, Night of the Scorpion

1. Murphy, Raymond: Essential English Grammar, Cambridge University Press

Books 2. Bygate, M. Speaking. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
3. Maison, Margaret M.: Examine Your English
4. Fitikides, T.J.: Common Mistakes in English
5. McCarthy. Michael: English Vocabulary In Use and Felicity O. Dell

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School: Computing Sciences & Engineering Programme: BCA
Course Code: XCA101 Year : First Year Semester - I
Course: Mathematical Foundation of Computer L T P C
Science 3 1 -- 4
Theory: 4 Hrs/Week Max. University Theory Examination: 50
Max. Time for Theory Exam.: 3 Hrs Continuous Internal Assessment: 50 Marks

On completion of this course, student should be able to:
1 Apply the different properties of combinations, permutations
2 Prove elementary results involving relations and algebraic structures
3 Demonstrate the use of control tendency and data representation
4 Demonstrate the use of probability

On completion of this course, student should be able to:
1 The students will be able to perform various operations on mathematical logic.
2 To comprehend with binomial coefficients
3 . To generate functions and calculate coefficient of generating functions.
4 To use control tendency and data representation
5 To apply probability

Details Hours
Mathematical Logic : Statements and notations, Connectives, Well formed
1 formulas, Truth Tables, tautology, equivalence implication, Normal forms.
Predicates : Predicative logic, Free & Bound variables, Rules of inference, 8
Consistency, proof of contradiction, Automatic Theorem Proving.
Elementary Combinatorics: Basis of counting, Combinations & Permutations,
2 with repetitions, Constrained repetitions, Binomial Coefficients, Binomial 9
Multinomial theorems, the principles of Inclusion, Exclusion. Pigeon hole
principles and its applications.
Recurrence Relation: Generating Functions, Function of Sequences Calculating
3 Coefficient of generating function, Recurrence relations, Solving recurrence 10
relation by substitution and Generating funds. Characteristics roots solution of In
homogeneous Recurrence Relation.
Statistical description of data and Measures of Central tendency and
4 Dispersion: 8

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Statistical Representation of Data, Diagrammatic representation of data, Frequency
distribution, Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion: Mean Median, Mode,
Mean Deviation, Quartiles and Quartile Deviation, Standard Deviation, Co-
efficient of Variation, Coefficient of Quartile Deviation.
Probability: Axiomatic definition of probability and properties, conditional
5 probability, multiplication rule, Theorem of total probability, Bayes Theorem, 10
Independent and dependent events; mutually exclusive events, Total and
Compound Probability and Mathematical Expectation
Total 45
Recommended 1. Elements of DISCRETE MATHEMATICS-A computer oriented approach
Books CL Liu, d p nohapatra, 3rd ed TMH
2. Discrete mathematics for computer scientists & mathematicians JL Mott, A
Kandel, TP Baker PHI.

Reference Books 1. Discrete Mathematics with Applications, Thomas Koshy, Elsevier

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School: Computing Sciences & Engineering Programme: BCA

Course Code: XCA102 Year : First Year Semester - I

Course: Computer Fundamentals L T P C
3 -- -- 3
Theory: 3Hrs/Week Max. University Theory Examination: 50
Max. Time for Theory Exam.: 3 Hrs Continuous Internal Assessment:50 Marks

Course Objectives

1 To define &understand the basics of computer system.

2 To determine the meaning &functions of computer hardware components
3 To understand the concept and the need of primary and secondary memory
4 To study various input and output units and their purposes

Course Outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1 Understand the meaning and basic components of a computer system
2 Explain and identify different computing machines during the evolution of computer
system and their generations.
3 Identify and discuss the functional units of a computer system
4 Identify the various input and output units and explain their purposes

Unit Details Hours

Introduction to Computers, Need for Computer Literacy.
Computer: The Definition, Basic Anatomy of Computers,
Characteristics of Computers, Evolution of Computers, The 9
1 Computer Generations Function of a computer , Application of
computer, Solution of different problem using Computer
Basic Computer Organization, Introduction, Components of a
2 Digital Computer. The Input Unit, The Output Unit, The Central 9
Processing Unit, The Control Unit, The Main Memory Unit, Storage
Unit. Components of Computer ,CPU, Memory Structure, ALU
Memory &Processor: Introduction, the Central Processing Unit,
3 Registers, Instruction Sets, Program Interrupts, Different Types of 8
Memory, Architecture of Memory/ Processor Speed Memory,
Memory Unit.
Secondary Storage Devices: Introductions, Need of Secondary
4 Storage Devices, Characteristics of Secondary Storage Devices, 9
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Types of Storage Devices .Magnetic Tape Systems, Magnetic Disk,
Types of Disks, Optical Disk, Mass Storage Devices, Storage
Input and Output Devices Introductions, Input Devices, Data
5 Scanning Devices, Digitizer, Electronic Card Reader, Voice 10
Recognition Devices. Vision Input System, Output Devices, Voice
Response System, Screen Image Projector.
Introduction to Computer Networks:
Computer communication, communication components, computer
network, Network Topologies, Protocols, Introduction to internet- IP
address, MAC Address.
Total 45


Recommended Books 1. Computer Fundamental – V. Rajaraman

2. Introduction to Computer Fundamentals – P K. Sinha (BPB)
1. Intel Microprocessor Hand book (or PDF File from
Reference Books www.microsoft.com)
2. Computer Organization by Tannenbaum

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School: Computing Sciences & Engineering Programme: BCA

Course Code: XCA103 Year : First Year Semester - I

Course: Introduction to Operating System and L T P C
Office365 3 -- -- 3
Theory: 3 Hrs/Week Max. University Theory Examination: 50
Max. Time for Theory Exam.: 3 Hrs Continuous Internal Assessment: 50 Marks

1 To understand basics of different types Operating system
2 To Learn basics elements of operating system
3 Use Microsoft Office 365 to promote, support, and model creative thinking and innovation.
4 Use Sky drive to share resource files across groups and user accounts.
5 Understand the concept of groups in Office365

Course Outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1 To understand the basics of different types Operating system
2 To understand the concepts of Operating System
3 Use Microsoft Office 365 to promote, support, and model creative thinking and innovation,.
4 To learn the basic for Using Sky drive to share resource files across groups and user
5 Create and manage groups in Office365

Unit Details Hours

Introduction to Operating System: Definition, Need of Operating
1 System, functions of operating system, Popular Operating Systems,
difference between windows and Linux operating system, introduction 9
to GUI and Command line
Operating system Basics: Architecture of Operating System,
2 Memory, Types of Memory, Goals, Process, Context switch, Access 12
and Security aspects: Security threat, attack on security, Computer
worms, Computer virus
Introduction to Microsoft Office 365: Microsoft Office 365: Office
3 on demand, Office Web Apps, SksyDrive and SkyDrive Pro, Most 9
Used Office Applications, Creating a Microsoft Account, Managing
Account Settings.
Microsoft Skydrive and SkyDrive Pro: Getting Started with
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4 SkyDrive, Creating a Document, Sharing a Document, Using SkyDrive 7
App, Uploading Files from Your Computer, Uploading Files on the
Web, Getting Started with SkyDrive Pro, Creating a Document,
Sharing a Document, Uploading Files on the Web, Checking Your E-
Configuring groups in Office365: Introduction, creating and working
5 with security groups in Office365, creating office365 groups, managing 8
security group membership in office365, Mofifying the membership
and ownership in Office365 groups, creating Distribution list in
Office365, Adding and Removing distribution list owners.

Total 45

1. Kevin Wilson, Using Office 365: With windows 8, 2014,
Recommended Books Apress, 978-1430266853.
2. A Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin, G. Gagne, Operating Systems
Concepts, 8th Edition, John Wiley Publications 2008.
Reference Books 1. Achyut Godbole,” Operating Systems”, Mac Graw Hill Publications
2. William Stanek “Office 365 & Exchange Online: Essentials for
Administration (IT Pro Solutions)”,IT Pro Solutions

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School: Computing Sciences & Engineering Programme: BCA

Course Code: XCA104 Year : First Year Semester - I

Course: Problem Solving Technique using C L T P C
3 -- -- 3
Theory: 3 Hrs/Week Max. University Theory Examination: 50
Max. Time for Theory Exam.: 3 Hrs Continuous Internal Assessment: 50 Marks

1 To understand the general Problem Solving Concepts and Techniques
2 Learn to map problems to programming features of C
3 To learn the programming logic, use of programming instruction, syntax and programming
4 Create foundation for students to learn other complex programming languages like
C++,Java etc.

Course Outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1 Develop algorithms and design flowcharts
2 Understand the fundamentals of C programming
3 Implement different Operations on arrays.
4 Write C program for simple applications of real life using structures and files
5 Implement file Operations in C programming for a given application

Unit Details Hours

Programming language as tools: Programming Language, Types of
1 Programming Language, Translators- Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter.
Programming Structure: Sequence, Selection, Iteration and Modular.
Problem Solving techniques: Development Tools: Algorithm, Flowcharts
and Pseudo code (Definition and its characteristics) Developing Algorithm
and Drawing flowcharts.
Fundamentals of C: C Character set, Tokens, Identifier, Keywords,
2 Variables, Data types, Qualifiers. Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic, 12
Relational, Logical, Bit-Wise, Increment, Decrement, Conditional and Special

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operators. typedef, Type Conversion, Constants, Declaring Symbolic
Constants, Character Strings, Enumerated Data Types, Operator Precedence
and Associativity. Library functions: Maths, string handling Functions.
Control Structure: Compound Statement, Selection Statement: if, if-else,
Nested if, switch. Iteration statement: for, while, do_while, Nested loops,
Jump statement: break, continue, goto. (Special emphasis on problem solving)
Arrays: Introduction to Arrays, Array Declaration, Types of Array, Memory
3 Representation, Strings, String handling functions. Strings: Strings 9
Manipulation, Arrays of Strings, Evaluation order. Functions: Introduction to
Functions, Function Declaration, Function Categories, Standard Functions,
Parameters and Parameter Passing, Call – by value/ reference, Recursion,
Global and Local Variables, Storage classes.
Structure: Declaration, Definition, Accessing structure members,
4 7
Initialization, Nesting of Structures.
Union: Unions, Differences between Structure and Union
Pointers: Introduction to Pointers, Address operator and pointers, Declaring
5 and Initializing pointers, Assignment through pointers, Pointers and Arrays. 8
Files: Introduction, Creating a data file, opening and closing a data file,
processing a data file.

Total 45

1. Let us C, Yashvant P Kanetkar, Seventh Edition, BPB Publications,
Recommended Books New Delhi.
2. Programming in C, Byron S. Gottfried, Second Edition, McGraw
3. Programming in ANSI C, E. Balagurusamy, Fourth Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill
Reference Books 1 . The C Programming Language, Kernighan &Richie, Second Edition,
PHI Publication

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School: Computing Sciences & Engineering Programme: BCA

Course Code: XCA111 Year : First Year Semester: I

Course: Lab Course based on OS and L T P C
Office365 -- -- 4 2
Practical: UG - 4 Hrs/Batch (20 Students) Practical Examination:: 25 Marks
Formative CIA/Term Work: 25 Marks

1 To understand the basics of computer system.
2 To understand the Fundamental algorithm.
3 To understand the concepts Operating Systems & its functions.
4 Use Microsoft Office 365 to promote, support, and model creative thinking and innovation, Use
Sky drive to share resource files across groups and user accounts.

Set of Suggested assignment list is provided in 3 groups – A, B, C.

Instructor is suggested to design assignment list by selecting/ designing at least 12 suitable
assignments as a study assignments.
1.At least 6 assignments from group A.
2.At least 4 assignments from group B.
3.At least 2 assignments from group C.

Group A: (Any Six Assignments)
1 Identify desktop and server by its type and verify its specification.
2 Identify hardware components on motherboard.
3 Install operating system-windows family (windows 7/ windows 10)
4 Partition and manage hard disk, format hard drives with different file systems. Troubleshoot
Hard disk problem.
5 Install Local Printer and share printer in network.
6 Assemble and disassemble desktop system.
7 Write a C program to find factorial of n integer.
Group B: (Any Four Assignments)
8 Create the following one page documents in MS-Word.
a) Compose a note inviting friends to a get-together at your house, including a list of
things to bring with them.
b) Design a certificate in landscape orientation with a border around the document.
9 XYZ Publications plans to release a new book designed as per your syllabus. Design the
first page of the book as per the given specifications in MS-word.
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a) The title of the book should appear in bold using 20-point Arial font.
b) The name of the author and his qualifications should be in the center of the page in
16-point Arial font.
c) At the bottom of the document should be the name of the publisher and address in
16-point Times New Roman.
d) The details of the offices of the publisher (only location) should appear in the footer.
10 Create the following document in MS-Word: A newsletter with a headline and 2 columns in
portrait orientation, including at least one image surrounded by text.
11 The following table (MS-Excel) gives a year wise sale figure of five salesmen in Rs.

i. Calculate total sale year wise.

ii. Calculate the net sales made by each salesman
iii. Calculate the commission for each salesman under the condition :-
a) If total sales is greater than Rs. 4, 00,000/-, then commission is 5% of total sale made
by the salesman.
b) Otherwise, 2% of total sale.

iv. Calculate the maximum sale made by each salesman.

v. Calculate the maximum sale made in each year.
vi. Draw a bar graph representing the sale made by each salesman.
vii. Draw a pie graph representing the sale made by salesmen in year 2001.
12 Consider the following employee worksheet in MS-Excel :-

Grade HRA % (of Basic)

1 40%
2 35%
3 30%
Gross = Basic + HRA + VA
Net = Gross –PF
PF is 8% for all Grades
VA is 15000, 10000 and 7000 for Grades 1, 2 and 3.

i. Find max, min and average salary of employees in respective Grade

ii. Count no. of people where VA>HRA

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Group C: (Any Two Assignments)
13 Create five Power Point slides to give advantages/disadvantages of computer, application of
computers and logical structure of computer.
14 Create five Power point slides. Each slide should support different format. In these slides
explain areas of applications of IT. Make slide transition time as 10 seconds.
15 Demonstrate Local Area Network.
Term Work:
Term Work assessment shall be conducted for the Project, Tutorials and Seminar. Term work is
continuous assessment based on work done, submission of work in the form of report/journal,
timely completion, attendance, and understanding. It should be assessed by subject teacher of the
institute. At the end of the semester, the final grade for a Term Work shall be assigned based on the
performance of the student and is to be submitted to the University.
1 The experiments from the regular practical syllabus will be performed (15 Marks).
2 The regular attendance of students during the syllabus practical course will be monitored and
marks will be given accordingly (5 Marks).
3 Good Laboratory Practices (5 Marks)
Practical shall be conducted and assessed jointly by internal and external examiners. The
performance in the Practical examination shall be assessed by at least a pair of examiners
appointed as examiners by the University. The examiners will prepare the mark/grade sheet in the
format as specified by the University, authenticate and seal it. Sealed envelope shall be submitted
to the head of the department or authorized person.
1 One experiment from the regular practical syllabus will be conducted. (Total 15 Marks).
2 Complete laboratory journal (05 Marks).
3 Viva-voce (05 Marks).

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School: Computing Sciences and Engineering Programme: BCA

Course Code: XCA112 Year: First Year Semester : I

Course: :- Lab Course based on C Language L T P C

-- -- 4 2

Practical: UG - 4 Hrs/Batch (20 Students) Practical Examination: 25 Marks

Formative CIA/Term Work: 25 Marks

Practical Objective
1 This will give hands on practice to student about programming language C.
2 Understand the basic concept of C Programming, and its different modules that
includes conditional and looping expressions, Arrays, Strings, Functions, Pointers,
Structures and File programming
3 Acquire knowledge about the basic concept of writing a program
4 Role of Functions involving the idea of modularity

Set of Suggested assignment list is provided in 3 groups – A, B, C.

Instructor is suggested to design assignment list by selecting/ designing at least 12 suitable
assignments as a study assignments.
1.At least 6 assignments from group A.
2.At least 4 assignments from group B.
3.At least 2 assignments from group C.

Sr. No. Description

Group A: (Any SIX Assignments)
1 Write a Program to find whether a given number is prime number or not.
2 Write a C Program to generate and print first N FIBONACCI numbers.
3 Write a C Program to read two matrices and perform addition and subtractions of two
4 Write a C Program to input numbers and to find mean variance and standard deviation.
5 Write a Program to find the root of the given quadratic equation using switch case.
6 Write a C Program that reverse a given integer number and check whether the number is
palindrome or not.
7 Write a Program to find the GCD and LCM of two integer numbers
8 Write a C Program to read a string and check whether it is palindrome or not

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9 Write a Program to find the factorial of a number using function
Group B: (Any FOUR Assignments)
10 Write a C Program to find if a character is alphabetic or numeric or special character.
11 Write a C Program to compute the sum of even numbers and the sum of odd numbers
a function.
12 Write a C Program to accept a sentence and convert all lowercase characters to uppercase
and vice-versa
13 Write a C Program to find trace and normal of a square matrix using functions
14 Write a Program to accept different goods with the number, price and date of purchase
and display them.
15 Write a C Program to find the length of a string without using the built – in function.
Group C: (Any TWO Assignments)
16 Copying the contents of one file into another.
17 Write a C program to accept the reverse of a string using pointers.
18 Write a C program to store Chemistry subject test marks of N students in an array and
find the Minimum and Maximum score. Test maximum marks= 20. Your program should
accept marks ranging between 0 to 20 only.
Note: - Practical/ Oral/ Presentations
Practical/ Oral/ Presentations shall be conducted and assessed jointly by internal and external
examiners. The performance Practical/ Oral/ Presentations shall be assessed by at least one pair
of examiner appointed as examiner by the university. The examiners will prepare the mark/
Grade sheet in the format as specified by the university, the authenticated and seal it. Seal
enveloped shall be submitted to the head of the department or authorized person.

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