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Regulations for obtaining use
of the collective trade mark
Verace Pizza Napoletana
(Vera Pizza Napoletana)
Method of production
(Il Disciplinare)

The aim of this regulations (“Il Disciplinare”) is to establish the

characteristics of the approved “Verace Pizza Napoletana” - (Vera Pizza

The association welcomes members in any country of the world that are
able to provide a product that meets all of the characteristics outlined
below: they can apply for approval, and after, they can display and use the
brand name “Verace Pizza Napoletana” - (Vera Pizza Napoletana).

The association performs rigorous periodic checks on all of its members to

ensure those using the brand name are following the traditional methods
described in detail in the regulations to make this “typical dish”.

Art. 1
Description of the product

The use and recognition of the of the typical product “Verace Pizza
Napoletana” - (Vera Pizza Napoletana) is limited to pizzas that are
made following the methods described in the regulations outlined
below. Primary materials, preparation and baking method, organoleptic
properties and the resulting characteristics can be found in the
description. Historically, the most common pizzas made following this
method were marinara (tomato, oil, oregano, and garlic), margherita
(tomato, oil, mozzarella or fior di latte, grated cheese and basil), quattro
stagioni (four seasons), capricciosa and ripieno/calzone. These pizzas
require an oven, instead pizza fritta (deep fried pizza) is cooked in hot oil.

After baking in the oven, “Verace Pizza Napoletana” - (Vera Pizza

Napoletana) presents itself as a roundish seasoned disc, with a
varying diameter, raised edge (cornicione also known as crust) and the
center covered by toppings.

The center should be 0.25 cm in height (+/- 10%) and the crust should be
1-2cm in height, even with a good alveolation, without big bubbles and
burned spots, and should be golden-brown.

The consistency of the “ Verace Pizza Napoletana “ - (Vera Pizza

Napoletana) should be soft, elastic, easy to manipulate and fold, with a
characteristic tasty flavor of well-baked bread from the crust. In the fried
variant, the disc of dough, rolled out by hand, must be approximately 2-3
mm thick and can be presented either as a half-moon-shaped product
closed on itself (calzone fritto or fried calzone) or as a round-shaped
product (tonda fritta or fried tonda), with a soft, fragrant, dry appearance
and a characteristic flavor.

The association reserves the right to accept variations of the product

and recognize their authenticity if they are informed by the Neapolitan
tradition of pizzas and are not in contrast with the rules of gastronomy,
with judgment reserved to the Association’s committee as stipulated
in the first “disciplinare” of the “Verace Pizza Napoletana” - (Vera Pizza
Napoletana) Association on 14 June 1984.

Art. 2
Description of the
method of production

2.1 Preparation of the pizza base

2.1.1 Products
(for further details see the attached appendices)

Wheat flour type “00”/ flour type “0”*: a small amount of wheat flour
type “1” is allowed to be added, providing the percentage ranges from 5
to 20%.

The optimal values of 00 flour for long rising times in order to obtain a
dough with a good extensibility/elasticity ratio are outlined below:

W 250-320

P/L 0,50-0,70 (Ideal 0,6)

Absorption 55-62%

Stability 4-12

Value index - Caduta E10: 250-400

max 60 Falling

Dry gluten 9,5-11,5 g%

Protein 11,5-13,5 g%

Ashes < 0,55

These values are typical of a medium strength flour, balanced and

compatible with the right requirements for bread making.

*foreign flour correspondence sheets are attached.

Inoltre è possibile l’impiego di farine di tipo 0 se caratterizzate dai
seguenti valori:

W 250-320

P/L 0,55-0,70

Absorption 55-62%

Stability 8-14

Value index - Caduta E10: >250

max 60 Falling

Dry gluten 9,5-11,5 g%

Protein 11-13,5 g%

Ashes < 0,65

Water: Drinking water, non-carbonated, which does not contain

microorganisms, parasites and chemical substances in concentrations that
represent a danger to human health, used for drinking purposes, for the
preparation of food and drinks and other domestic and industrial uses.

Operating temperature: 16°-22°C optimum STDHardness: moderately

hard pH = 6-7

Salt: coarse sea salt (cooking salt) is preferred. Salt plays a crucial role in
the dynamics of the dough. It is an excellent antibacterial. Furthermore,
thanks to the presence of calcium, the salt acts on the gluten network,
strengthening it; it also gives its characteristic color to the final product.

Yeast: the use of natural yeast is allowed as:

• Compressed fresh brewer’s yeast, an organic product with a yellow-

grey color, a bland flavor and a low acidity level in packs of 25 – 500
grams (Saccharomices cerevisiae) (Ministerial Decree 03/21/1973 and
06/18/1996). (see attached technical data sheets).

• Dry yeast from Saccharomices cerevisiae in the proportion of 1/3

compared to fresh.

• Natural “sourdough”.

The use of dry chemical yeasts with the addition of food improvement
agents is not allowed.

2.1.2 Ingredients and recommended amounts

Essential rules to follow

• Direct dough making method.
• Start with water when preparing the dough.
• Never add any fat or sugar to the dough.

The following doses are based on 1 liter (1000ml) of water:

Water 1 lt

Salt da 40 a 60 g

Yeast Fresh brewer’s yeast 0.1-3 g

(based on temperature,
Dry brewer’s yeast: ratio 1/3 compared to the fresh
humidity and timing) one (example: 1 g dry yeast equals 3g of fresh
brewer’s yeast)

Sourdough < 10% on the quantity of flour

Flour 1,600/1,800 (depending on the degree of


Kneading time Adding flour (until the “dough point” is reached)

according to the mixing technique and mixer

First fermentation Let the dough rest to trigger the first fermentation

Staglio The weight of the portion must be proportionate to

(portioning in the diameter of the pizza to be made, for example
dough balls) 200 g portion (pizza diameter 22-24 cm) – 280 g
portion (pizza diameter 28-35 cm)

Second fermentation In pizza dough proofing box

and maturation

Storage (room temperature or proofing chamber at

controlled temperature and humidity)

Overall fermentation min 12 - max 24 hours

times (according to the type of flour used and taking into
account temperature, humidity and time of use)

To guarantee the uniformity of the product, as seasonal conditions and

processing temperatures may vary, the use of proofing chambers with
controlled temperature and humidity level is permitted (ideal parameters
18/20 °C temperature and 60/70% humidity).

2.1.3 Production technique

The mixing technique used is attributable to a direct system.

The preparation of the “Verace Pizza Napoletana” – (Vera Pizza Napoletana)

includes the following processing steps to be carried out in a continuous
cycle in the same place or in its own dedicated laboratory.

Flour, water, salt and yeast are mixed together, starting from the water,
making sure that direct contact between salt and yeast does not occur for
more than 5 minutes, otherwise the salt will damage the yeast cells.

The dough can be made by hand or worked in a fork, spiral or plunger-

arm mixer (all with a rotating basket with rounded corners) until a single
compact mass is obtained. To obtain an optimal consistency of the dough,
the quantity of water that flour is able to absorb (hydration level) is very
important. All the necessary water is placed in the mixer, and the salt and
yeast are added in succession (diluted directly in the mixer); start the
machine and add the flour gradually to avoid the formation of lumps (takes
about 10 minutes) until the desired consistency is reached (also known
as “punto di pasta” or “dough point”). The dough is then kneaded for a
maximum of a further 20 minutes, depending on the technology of the
mixer (punto di corda).

Excessive processing (with the consequent mechanical heating) leads to

the “stringing” of the dough, namely the organization of the gluten mesh
in the form of fiber with serious damage to the mechanical properties and
the beginning of the principle of oxidation of the dough.

The final dough must feel moist, non-sticky, soft and plastic and easily
removable from the mixer bowl to be worked.

2.1.4 Leavening process and “staglio

First fermentation: The dough, once extracted from the mixer, is “fat”
in appearance and “smooth” to the touch; from the point of view of
mechanical properties it is “not very extensible” and “very elastic”. It is
placed on a work surface in the pizzeria where it is left to rest covered with
a damp cloth so that the surface cannot harden forming a sort of crust
caused by the evaporation of the water released by the dough itself. Once
the time deemed necessary for the dough to settle and rest has elapsed,
the dough portion can be formed, traditionally done by hand.

Portioning (staglio): With the help of a spatula, a portion of leavened

dough is cut from the dough placed on the work surface and then shaped
into a loaf. In the Neapolitan technique, in the traditional staglio by hand,
the dough is shaped (stagliato) in the form of balls with a technique that
recalls the preparation of mozzarella (mozzatura). For the “true Neapolitan
pizza” the loaves must respect a proportionality between the weight of
the loaf and the diameter of the pizza (200 - 280 g, to obtain a pizza with a
diameter between 22 and 35 cm).

Second fermentation and maturation: Once the loaves have been formed
(staglio), a second fermentation takes place (in food boxes) of variable
duration, depending on the temperature and humidity characteristics of
the environment and the absorption of the flour used (falling number).

Maturation consists of a series of biochemical and enzymatic processes

that break down more complex structures, proteins, and starches into
simpler elements. Therefore, the maturation times of the dough vary
depending on the quantity of enzymes contained in the flour used.

Good coordination of leavening and maturation ensures the perfect

outcome of the final product which will have a “plastic” appearance
(capable of being molded into a desired shape), extensible and not very
elastic. These processes, therefore, make the structure of the dough less
tenacious, more extensible, and more digestible. Our body, in fact, is not
able to assimilate these long chains and needs them to be broken down
into simple sugars. A pizza made with a well-fermented and matured
dough will require less effort from our digestive system thanks to this early
simplification of starches.

2.2 Shaping of the dough disc
Once the leavening hours have passed, the dough is removed from the
box with the help of a spatula, quickly dipped in flour (so as not to absorb
excessive flour) to prevent it from sticking to the work surface.

At this point, pressure is applied with the fingers of both hands on the
dough, from bottom to top, until it reaches the size of your hand. The
widening is completed using both hands, providing the coordinated
movement of lifting and extending the flap and rotating the disc of dough.

This manipulation of the dough determines the movement of the air

contained in the pockets of the dough to move from the center to the
edges of the disc, which during cooking process, thanks to the oven
temperatures, will give rise to the “cornice”, a typical element of the
“Verace Pizza Napoletana” and which must be about 1-2 cm in height. The
center of the pizza, however, must be approximately 0.25-0.30 cm thick
after cooking with an allowed tolerance of ± 10%.

A traditional variant, thinner, with a less pronounced crust that overflows

from the plate, is the cartwheel pizza, “rota ‘e carretto”, so defined due to its
generous dimensions. For this pizza, born in the neighborhoods of Naples,
in the maze of the streets of the Decumanus, intertwining with the events
of the city and the stories of the families, the dough must be rolled out a
lot, and the edge must come out of the plate.

2.2.1 Shaping for baked pizza
The shaping of the dough disc by hand, depending on the skill of the
pizza chef, must be carried out using the smallest quantity of flour possible
as any residues of the same would be difficult to digest and unpleasant
on an organoleptic level by the consumer. It is possible to use semolina
for rolling it out as long as the residual quantity on the dough disc is not
such as to compromise the final flavor (it must be considered that it is the
humidity of the dough that influences the ability to retain the semolina);
the excess flour or semolina retained will be visible on the bottom of the
pizza which, once cooked, will have a yellow-ocher color and a bitter taste.

For the preparation of the “true Neapolitan pizza” (vera pizza napoletana),
other types of processing are not permitted, in particular the use of a
rolling pin and/or a disc machine such as a mechanical press.

2.2.2 Shaping for fried pizza

The shaping of the dough disc must be carried out without the use of
flour, as any residues of the same would be difficult to manage during
the cooking process in hot oil. In the past, in fact, the application was
traditionally carried out on a canvas cloth or on a bench greased with oil.

The spreading technique must be carried out with the Neapolitan

technique but in such a way that the air is distributed evenly so as to avoid
the formation of the cornicione, starting from the outside by applying
pressure with the fingertips to form an even disk.

2.3 Cooking
Cooking must take place directly on the oven surface and not on a baking
tray. Traditionally, cooking used to take place only in wood-fired ovens;
currently, more sustainable alternatives such as gas or electric ovens
are possible. The aforementioned ovens must comply with certification
parameters approved by the Association.

The pizza chef traditionally transfers the seasoned pizza onto a wooden
or aluminum pizza peel, possibly with the help of a little flour and with a
rotary movement, the pizza can slide from the peel onto the oven base
with a quick movement of the wrist such as to prevent the toppings from
leaking or the deformation of the disc.

During cooking process, the pizza chef must check the pizza by lifting one
edge laterally, with the help of a metal peel and rotating it towards the fire
in the case of a wood-fired oven, always using the same spot in order to
prevent it from burning due to different temperatures on the oven’s base
and ensuring that it is cooked evenly around its entire circumference.

At the end of the cooking process, the pizza chef still using the steel peel
(also known as palino) takes the pizza from the oven, lets it rest by the oven
entrance for a few seconds before placing it on the serving plate. Cooking
times should not exceed 60-90 seconds.

• Base cooking temperature approximately 380 - 430 °C

• Dome’s temperature approximately 485 °C
• Cooking time 60-90 seconds

(for the ripieno/calzone the cooking times will be longer given the
different composition of the pizza which must be “dried out”)

2.4 Cooking fried pizza
The calzone should be cooked in plenty of oil.

In ancient times, both suet and extra virgin olive oil were used for frying.

The choice of oil, preferably seed oil, is fundamental; the selection must be
made taking into account the smoke point (temperature at which a food
fat heated at high temperatures oxidizes and degrades, releasing volatile
substances, which are very harmful).

In general, it is better to prefer oils with a predominance of

monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids rather than polyunsaturated
seed oils, such as sunflower seed oil, corn seed oil, grape seed oil.

The ideal temperature for frying is around 175 °C, a temperature which
causes the rapid evaporation of water from the surface and leads to the
formation of the crust.

The oil must be replaced every time it takes on a viscous consistency,

changes color and darkens.

The pizza must be completely submerged in hot oil: before put it in the
oil, it must be taken by the edges and “dipped” from the closed side to
prevent the filling from coming out. The pizza will sink to the bottom and
come back to the surface when the cooking process begins, hold it still
with the spido (commonly called “spillone”, a long pin) and continuously
drizzle it with the slotted spoon.

The pizza should not be turned, but the oil should be added to the surface,
it can only be turned when it turns golden brown otherwise it will be
spongy and unevenly cooked. At the right moment, lift it and leave it to dry
in a drip strainer with drip bowl. It is preferably served very hot.

2.5 Conservation and consumption

The “Verace Pizza Napoletana” (true Neapolitan pizza) should be
eaten as soon as it comes out of the oven; if it is not consumed in the
production room it cannot be frozen or deep-frozen or vacuum-packed
for subsequent sale. In particular, it is preferable to consume it within 10
minutes in the production room and within 20 minutes if taken away.

Art. 3
Production equipment

3.1 Mixer
The professional pizza dough mixers used are of the “fork”, “spiral” and
“plunging arm” kinds (all with a rotating basket with rounded corners).

3.1.1 Spiral
Equipped with a spiral-shaped arm which, thanks to a rotary movement,
determines the formation and strengthening of the gluten mesh very

3.1.2 Fork
Equipped with a rotating hairpin shaped tool, this type of machine stands
out from the other two due to its sturdiness. Its specific operation requires
longer processing times than the spiral mixer, with the result that the
dough is more oxygenated and less prone to heating.

3.1.2 Plunging arms

By reproducing the movement of the arms, this type of mixer allows you to
work the dough delicately, ensuring good oxygenation of the dough.

3.2 Proofing boxes and spatulas

3.2.1 Proofing boxes

The pizza balls resulting from the staglio are placed in food boxes
called mattarelle in which they are left to rise, to be ready for use in the
subsequent processing phases such as: shaping, seasoning and cooking.

3.2.2 Spatulas
The pizza chef uses, both in the cutting and shaping phases, a spatula to
detach portions of dough or loaves. The spatula is a triangular tool with
a variable section blade made mainly of metal, often stainless steel, or

3.3 Oven and peels

3.3.1 The oven

The shape of the wood-fired oven has remained fundamentally unchanged
over the centuries. It is composed of a double dome which creates an air
chamber useful for containing heat and for the correct management and
extraction of fumes. The domes are made with refractory bricks and/or
refractory cement conglomerates and must ensure mechanical stability.
There is a correspondence between the height and width of the entrance
and, respectively, the height of the dome and the width of the base,
formerly measured in palms (corresponding to 26.45 cm).

The floor and the entrance of the oven have very precise measurements:
the entrance measures 44/50 cm, with a maximum height of 22/25 cm
(corresponding to approximately 50% of the entrance); the height of the
vault varies between 40-45 cm, while the floor of a traditional Neapolitan
oven measures from 105 to 140 cm in diameter. Any ovens with a
larger diameter are not recommended as they do not allow the correct
management and cooking of multiple pizzas at the same time. Preferably,
the oven base is divided into 4 cone-shaped pieces and is placed on a
mixture of sand and salt, which acts as a thermal diffuser, insulator and
thermal battery.

Exemption from the wood-fired oven
The possibility of using an oven powered by energy alternative
to wood is foreseen.

The oven powered by alternative energy must correspond to the technical

parameters and characteristics relating to the cooking methods indicated
by the AVPN, and the oven model must be certified and approved by the
AVPN with the help of certifying technicians.

3.3.2 Peels and equipment

Normally, there are three kinds of peels:

wooden or aluminum alloy peel: used to put the pizza in the oven. The
pizza chef sprinkles the peel with a little flour, to allow the pizza to slide
easily from the peel into the oven. This happens with a quick flick of the
wrist, holding the peel slightly inclined on the oven surface itself;

steel peel (palino): used to move the pizza into the oven and take it out of
the oven after cooking;

steel or iron peel: used to move the embers and manage the wood;

brush: used to clean inside the oven.

3.3.3 Wood
To cook Neapolitan pizza, wood that does not give off smoke or odors that
could change the aroma of the pizza itself (generally oak, ash, beech, and
maple tree bricks) must be used.

In the Neapolitan tradition, in some cases, the pizza chef increases the
oven’s inner temperature by adding wood chips (in Neapolitan dialect,
“pampuglia”), which allows for a rapid flame and an instantaneous rise in
temperature. The wood used must be certified and of known origin. The
use of pressed wood logs (selected chips) is permitted as long as they are

3.4 Fryer and equipment

3.4.1 Fryer
It is generally made up of a metal tank, which is filled with edible oil and
heated to temperatures generally between 175 °C and 190 °C through
electrical resistors.

3.4.2 Drip strainer with drip bowl (Colafritto)

A grid-shaped or perforated metal basket is used to fry freshly prepared
foods. A container is placed underneath the basket, into which the oil or fat
that the fried food was soaked in drains.

3.4.3 Skimmer
Kitchen utensil, mostly made of metal, consisting of a long handle and
a slightly hollowed and perforated round-shaped paddle, used to skim
boiling liquids or remove food from the pan, when you want to drain the
liquid or the juice.

Art. 4
Types of Traditional
Neapolitan Pizzas

4.1 Historical References

True Neapolitan pizza was born around 1600 from Neapolitan culinary
talent. The first known pizza was the ‘mastunicola’, a pizza dough cooked in
a wood oven seasoned with lard, basil and cheese. Then extra virgin olive
oil replaced lard and, above all, the discovery of the tomato imported from
Peru by the Spanish colonizers led to the first red Neapolitan pizzas.

In 1700, Agerolese fiordilatte or buffalo mozzarella were added and the

first “tomato and mozzarella” pizzas were created, later called ‘Margherita’
in 1889, during the official visit to Naples of the then sovereigns of
Italy King Umberto I and Queen Margherita. Since then, in addition to
margherita and marinara, pizzas prepared with the addition of a few
simple ingredients have been recognized as traditional.

These variations inspired by tradition and imagination and not in conflict

with good taste and the rules of gastronomy were entrusted to the
experience of the pizza chef, keeping in mind the principle of balance
between the quantity of ingredients and the prevalence of flavors.

When adding other local seasonal foods, such as greens, you must keep in
mind that if you add too many, otherwise the pizza will not cook well!

The ‘four seasons’ deserves a prominent place in history, a
Neapolitan pizza divided into four segments, topped with different
ingredients for each segment, a single product with a multiplicity
of flavors, which could satisfy all the tastes of Neapolitan families.

As well as fried pizza, which was also prepared in the Neapolitan

lowlands on Saturdays and fried itself in the streets; in pizzerias,
it was a historic alternative to the oven-baked ‘calzone’ (stuffing),
another historic Neapolitan pizza.

In reference to the margherita and marinara pizzas, in the case

of the seasoning, the red of the tomato with which the oil has
been perfectly blended will stand out and, depending on the
ingredients used, the green of the oregano and the white of the
garlic, the white of the mozzarella in more or less close patches,
the green of the basil leaves, more or less dark from cooking.

The tomato, having lost only the excess water, will remain dense
with a sour flavor and a consistent aroma incorporated into that
of oregano and garlic, basil and the flavor of cooked mozzarella.
Below, we describe the recipes and toppings of some of the best-
known classic Neapolitan pizzas.

4.2 Doses and recipes relating
to traditional pizzas
• Peeled tomato 0 - 100 g
• Extra virgin olive oil 6 - 8 g (tolerance 20%)
• Garlic 1 clove (about 3 g)
• Oregano 0.5 g (a pinch)

The addition of a few basil leaves may be appreciated.

• Peeled tomato 60 – 80 g
• Extra virgin olive oil 6 – 7 g (tolerance +20%)
• Buffalo or cow mozzarella/ fiordilatte 80 – 100 g
with characteristics compliant with
the parameters of the Association’s
Supplier Register
• Fresh basil some leaves
• Grated hard cheese (optional) 5-7g

Traditional Four Seasons

• Cherry tomatoes 20 g
• Peeled tomato 1 tbsp
• Extra virgin olive oil 5g
• Fiordilatte with compliant 40 g
characteristics to the parameters
of the Association’s Supplier Register
• Buffalo mozzarella 10 g
• Fresh basil (depending on seasonality) a few leaves
• Naples salami 15 g
• Sautéed champignon mushrooms 20 g
• Artichokes 2 segments
• Pitted black olives 4

• Peeled tomato 80 g
• Extra virgin olive oil 10 g
• Fiordilatte with compliant 80 – 100 g
characteristics to the parameters
of the Association’s Supplier Register
• Fresh basil some leaves
• Grated hard cheese (optional) 10 g
• Cooked ham 2 slices
• Champignon mushrooms 50 g
• Artichokes 2
• Clove of garlic 1

• Peeled tomato ½ tbsp
• Extra virgin olive oil 6 – 7 g (tolerance +20%)
• Roman ricotta 120 g
• Naples salami 40 g
• Fiordilatte with compliant 70 g
characteristics to the parameters
of the Association’s Supplier Register
• Fresh basil some leaves
• Hard grated cheese 5-7g
• Pepper as needed

Deep fried pizza

(for a loaf of approximately 200 g)
• Cow, sheep or buffalo ricotta 80 - 90 g
• Fiordilatte or smoked provola 30 - 50 g
• Neapolitan salami or cicoli (ciccioli) 50 - 60 g
• Pepper as needed
• Peeled tomato optional

4.3 – Seasoning and filling
(most commonly used ingredients)

4.3.1 The Products

(for details see the attached technical data sheets)

Fresh tomato
the variety S.Marzano of the Agro Sarnese-nocerino, long Italian Roma
type tomato. Corbara cherry tomatoes (Corbarino), “Pomodorino del
piennolo del Vesuvio” D.O.P, Datterino tomato or other typical cherry
tomato preferably with a delicate balance between the acid and sugar

Peeled tomato
Peeled S.Marzano tomato from Agro Sarnese-Nocerino.

D.O.P. The use of fresh or industrial peeled tomatoes “Roma type long
tomatoes”, preferably Italian, is permitted.

The tomato in the form of “peeled tomatoes” must preferably be crushed

by hand, since this technique gives a different consistency to the product
and avoids breaking the seeds which would give a bitter taste.

Peeled tomatoes obtained from genetically modified organisms, and

which have undergone cultivation and/or conservation treatments acting
on DNA and/or with ionizing radiation have to be excluded.

The use of mechanically crushed tomatoes is permitted if they come from

long Italian tomatoes and are treated industrially as peeled tomatoes,
therefore without any further heat treatment. Any tomato juice or
concentrate added to the crushed tomatoes must also come from long
tomatoes, preferably Italian.

Buffalo mozzarella from Campania D.O.P. and traditional mozzarella

Fior di latte
Fresh stretched curd cheese produced with traditional techniques and
characteristics compliant with the parameters of the Association’s Supplier

Given the temperature of the chamber, the vault and the floor of the oven
and the cooking time, the oil to use is the one with greater resistance to
oxidation and stability at high temperatures, namely extra virgin olive oil.

Olive oil obtained by cold pressing olives, and which has not undergone
refining processes, i.e. extra virgin oil, contains unaltered natural
antioxidants such as tocopherols.

Oils with delicate characteristics should be preferred, avoiding those

with a sour-pungent aftertaste. The oil must be added before the cooking
phase as it forms an emulsion and contributes to the uniform cooking of
the ingredients. It can also be added raw (after cooking) for organoleptic

Origanum vulgare of the Labiatae family.

Fresh or freshly packaged fresh-cut basil.

Hard cheese to grate.

The procedure involves preparing the tomato sauce by salting it and not
adding salt directly to the pizza disc. In detail, for 1kg of peeled tomato
the quantity of salt to add is approximately 10-12g, in the case of S.
Marzano tomato, which is already a tastier product, the quantity to add
is approximately 7-10gr per kg. If you use fresh tomatoes, salt should be
added directly on the pizza.

Cow’s, sheep’s or buffalo ricotta.

Naples salami.

Product obtained from the processing of the fat present in the internal
adipose tissue of the pig.

Champignon mushrooms, artichokes, baked ham, prosciutto

4.3.2 Preparation technique

Using a spoon, place the crushed, peeled tomato in the center of the pizza
disc (the use of chopped fresh tomatoes in addition to or in place of the
peeled tomato is permitted).

The garlic clove, peeled, is cut into thin slices with a “scraper”; the slices
are spread on the surface of the tomato.

The oregano is distributed on the surface of the tomato with an orderly


The olive oil is placed with a spiral movement, starting from the center
towards the periphery, using an inert container or the traditional copper jar
with a thin spout.

Using a spoon, place the crushed peeled tomato in the center of the pizza
disc (the use of chopped fresh tomatoes in addition to or in place of the
peeled tomato is permitted).

If the mozzarella is small in size, it should be cut into slices or half-moons,

while fior di latte or large mozzarella should be cut into not very thick
strips, the strips will be distributed evenly on the surface of the tomato.
The grated cheese (if used) will be spread on the surface of the pizza with
a uniform rotational movement.

Some fresh basil leaves will be placed on the condiments. It is allowed to

add the basil before the mozzarella to prevent it from burning during the
cooking process in the oven.

The extra virgin olive oil is placed with a spiral movement, if anything
forming the number six for simplicity as per tradition.semmai formando
per semplicità il numero sei come da tradizione.

Quattro stagioni (Four Seasons)
Once the disc of dough has been rolled out, it is divided into 4 parts with
thin strips obtained from the basic dough. The seasoning is entrusted to
the imagination of the pizza chef, to good taste and in respect for the rules
of gastronomy.

Historically, mozzarella and cherry tomatoes were distributed on the first

slice, and half a spoonful of peeled tomatoes, ham and salami cut into
strips and fior di latte on the second. The third segment was seasoned
with the remaining peeled tomatoes, baby artichokes and fior di latte.
The mushrooms, fior di latte and a drizzle of oil were placed on the last
segment. The center of the pizza was garnished with black olives and basil.

Using a spoon, place the crushed peeled tomato in the center of the pizza
disc, add 2 whole slices of ham, mushrooms and fior di latte. Then add the
drained and halved artichokes, grated cheese, oil and basil.

Once the pizza disc has been formed, the ricotta filling, previously diluted
with a spoonful of water, must be distributed over half of the disc. Then
add the julienne cut salami, a sprinkling of pepper, cheese, a drizzle of oil
and the pizza closes on itself. On the outside, place a little tomato and a
sprinkling of cheese.

Deep fried calzone

Once the disc has been formed, the filling must be distributed over half of
the disc.

Traditionally the ricotta used was sheep ricotta, but over the years the use
of cow ricotta, fuscella and buffalo ricotta has spread.

The ricotta must first be diluted with water (approximately 1 and a

half tablespoons of water are used for 1/2 kg of ricotta), but this is not
necessary for fuscella and buffalo ricotta.

A variant is adding pepper and/or grated cheese to the ricotta.

The salami should be cut into strips approximately 2-3 mm thick.

The cicoli must be crumbled.

The fiordilatte or smoked provola should be cut into strips for more even
distribution, taking care that they are not too moist.

Once the disc is half filled, the calzone must be closed by overlapping the
other half with the help of the side of the palm of the hand, taking care to
seal the overlapping flaps well and applying a short pressure in the center
to improve the distribution of the filling.

Deep fried round pizza

The round version requires the overlapping of two discs of dough whose
total weight does not exceed approximately 200gr (approximately 80gr
for the upper disc and 120gr for the lower disc), with the filling previously
described. A very important step in the preparation of round pizza is the
uniform distribution of the filling.

Alongside traditional fried pizza, other commonly used types have spread,
such as:

Fried pizza
with escarole (cooked or raw).

Fiordilatte, tomato and basil.

4.3 Final appearance and taste

In the case of the traditional margherita and marinara pizzas, the acidic
flavor of the tomato, having lost only the excess water, will remain dense
and consistent and will combine well with the aroma of the oregano,
garlic or basil respectively and the flavor of the cooked mozzarella, in
addition to the aromas of the oil which do not undergo alterations in short
cooking times.

Art. 5

The Association Verace Pizza Napoletana, without prejudice to the

production process of the “Verace Neapolitan Pizza” (Vera Pizza
Napoletana), reserves the right to grant exemptions to both products and
equipment in consideration of particular territorial needs of a technical-
regulatory nature and in any case these exceptions must not cause
substantial variations in the “Verace Pizza Napoletana” product (Vera Pizza

Art. 6
Use of the brand:

The Verace Pizza Napoletana Association will evaluate the requests for
concession of the use of the “Verace Pizza Napoletana” trademark (Vera
Pizza Napoletana) of its exclusive property to companies carrying out the
Pizzeria activity which will make an explicit request on the basis of the
forms prepared and in following appropriate administrative and technical
checks and upon resolution of the board of directors. If a gas oven or
alternative energy is used, the certification and brand will be modified in
order to highlight the differences compared to the traditional one.

The controls required for the “Verace Pizza Napoletana” (Pizza Napoletana)
will concern the following aspects: at the companies, in the mixing phase,
fermentation and preparation phase, following the correct execution
and correct succession of the phases described; carefully monitoring
the company’s critical points; verifying the correspondence of the raw
materials and equipment to those envisaged in the implementation
specifications; verifying the perfect conservation and storage of the raw
materials to be used and verifying that the characteristics of the final
product comply with the provisions of this production specification. The
manager of the pizzeria must also demonstrate knowledge of the product
covered by these production specifications.

Where necessary, the Association may request the professional updating

of the pizzeria staff through training courses, internships or refresher
courses set up or recognized by it.

The Verace Neapolitan Pizza Association reserves the right to establish

foreign delegations with memoranda of understanding regarding
technical, control and economic management factors.

Art. 7
Use of the trademark:
subsequent checks and exclusion

With periodic and random checks by delegates of the Association,

compliance with the current rules of the regulations will be verified in all
its parts, without prejudice to any exceptions decided by the Board of

In case of failure to comply with the individual rules of the production


• the adjustment will be requested as soon as the violation is detected;

• after 30 days the implementation of the corrective measures will be


• in the event of persistent non-compliance, the member will be excluded

with a resolution of the Board of Directors, the trademark and distinctive
signs will be withdrawn, calculating any financial and image damage


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