Request For Proposal (RFP)

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11/18/24, 2:52 PM Swisscontact - Bangladesh

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Hiring Consultancy firm/firms to provide workplace-based training to FMCG workers of the agro-
processing sector under the BYETS project of Swisscontact

Background Contract duration:

Swisscontact was established in 1959 as an independent Initially one (1) year, depending on the satisfactory service of
foundation by notable figures from the worlds of commerce the consultant and requirement of the project the
and science in Switzerland. It is exclusively involved in agreement can be extended for two/three (2/3) months.
international development cooperation and has carried out
its mandated projects since 1961. Based in Zurich, Contact modality: Delivery-based.
Swisscontact currently manages 133 projects in 41 countries
on behalf of public and private funding partners. Place of work: Dhaka, Rajshahi, Khulna and Chattogram
The Building Youth Employability Through Skills (BYETS)
project implemented by Swisscontact and funded by the Please find the detailed ToR and proposal outline in the
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands will empower following links: (Click here).
Bangladeshi youth with improved technical, employability
and entrepreneurial skills, and connect them to income- Interested individual should submit the following
generating opportunities: jobs and self-employment. The documents:
project aims to support youths by providing training in three
sectors: Readymade Garments (RMG), Agro Processing (AP), The technical and financial proposals must be submitted
and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) online (via email provided below). We kindly ask interested
across four divisions (Dhaka, Khulna, Chattogram and parties to provide all necessary documents.
Rajshahi). The project will address the existing constraints in
developing the skills of the youth and support to establish a a) Updated CVs of the consultants of the firm with a cover
systemic approach to provide market-driven training letter explaining the competencies to take up the
specifically by: assignment, b) a detailed work plan against specific
deliverables and c) a financial proposal as per Annex-2
mentioning “Hiring a Consultancy firm to provide workplace- 1/2
11/18/24, 2:52 PM Swisscontact - Bangladesh
Building the capacity of Training Service Providers (TSPs) based training to FMCG factory workers” in the subject line
to design and implement quality training and job of the email by 02 December 2024, 5:00 PM, to the
placement support services. following email address:
Collaborating with private sector employers in improving
existing workplace-based training (WBT) systems or The email must be addressed to:
setting up new ones to upskill and reskill workers.

Objective *No late submission will be accepted

*Swisscontact reserves the right to accept or reject any or
The BYETS project focuses on implementing Workplace all proposals without assigning any reason
Based Training (WBT) in the FMCG factories in the agro- *Swisscontact reserves the right to select more than one
processing sector. It is currently operational in seven consultant or consultancy firm for the assignment
factories in the FMCG sub-sector. The project aims to
expand its coverage to include small and medium factories.

For the assignment, BYETS project seeks to onboard

Consultancy firm (referred to as CSP= Consultancy Service
Provider) to implement a comprehensive skills development
program at the factory level of agro-processing sectors,
especially for FMCG factories. 2/2

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