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In the vast expanse of space exploration, humanity has often pursued ambitious goals that
seem astounding. However, even the most ambitious missions are often limited by ambiguous
data, making scientists question their interpretations. Take, for instance, the search for alien
life. While some argue that certain signals are evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, others
believe they are simply natural phenomena.

Efforts to draw a parallel between such signals and known Earth-based occurrences often
yield inconclusive results. Furthermore, some skeptics argue that such endeavors are flimsy at
best and do little to shed light on the actual mysteries of the cosmos. Critics claim that these
pursuits are designed more to debunk existing theories rather than offer new ones,
undermining the progress made in other areas of space research.

Yet, the field remains daunting and full of promise, as every new discovery pushes humanity
one step closer to uncovering the unknown. For now, the search continues with a mix of hope
and cautious optimism.

State the meaning of the following two words or phrases as they are used in the material.
You may write your answers in one word or a short phrase.

1. (a) What is the meaning of the word ‘astounding’ (line 2)?


(b) Define the phrase ‘to draw a parallel’ (line 7).


2. (a) What does the term ‘ambiguous’ (line 4) mean in this context?


(b) Explain the meaning of the phrase ‘to undermine’ (line 15).


3. (a) State the meaning of ‘flimsy’ (line 10).


(b) What is meant by the phrase ‘to shed light on’ (line 11)?

Passage 3
In the aftermath of the storm, the villagers rallied together to rebuild their homes. Their
resilience and camaraderie were evident as they worked tirelessly in the harsh conditions.

State the meaning of the following words or phrases as they are used in the material.

1. ‘rallied’ (line 1)


2. ‘resilience’ (line 2)


Passage 2
The politician’s speech was met with a mix of applause and skepticism. While some found
his promises invigorating, others considered them to be merely superficial platitudes.

State the meaning of the following words or phrases as they are used in the material.

1. ‘skepticism’ (line 1)


2. ‘superficial platitudes’ (line 2)


Passage 4
The detective scrutinized the evidence meticulously, searching for inconsistencies that might
unravel the suspect's alibi. Her diligence ultimately led to a breakthrough in the case.

State the meaning of the following words or phrases as they are used in the material.

1. ‘scrutinized’ (line 1)


2. ‘unravel’ (line 2)


Passage 5
As technology evolves, it becomes increasingly vital to address ethical concerns, ensuring
that advancements do not perpetuate inequality or harm vulnerable populations.

State the meaning of the following words or phrases as they are used in the material.
1. ‘ethical concerns’ (line 1)


2. ‘perpetuate’ (line 2)


Passage 3
The debate surrounding climate change has intensified, with advocates pushing for urgent
reforms and detractors questioning the validity of scientific models.

State the meaning of the following three words or phrases as they are used in the material.
You may write each answer in one word or a short phrase.

(i) ‘intensified’ (line 1)


................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) ‘advocates’ (line 2)


................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) ‘validity’ (line 3)


............................................................................................................................... [1]

Passage 1

The proposal to construct a dam in the region has sparked controversy. Environmental
activists argue that it will disrupt the fragile ecosystem, while proponents highlight its
potential to alleviate water shortages.

State the meaning of the following words or phrases as they are used in the material.

1. ‘controversy’ (line 1)


2. ‘fragile ecosystem’ (line 2)


3. ‘alleviate’ (line 2)


The artist's latest exhibition showcases a fusion of traditional and modern techniques,
offering a fresh perspective on classical art forms.

State the meaning of the following words or phrases as they are used in the material.

1. ‘fusion’ (line 1)


2. ‘perspective’ (line 2)


3. ‘classical art forms’ (line 2)


Passage 5

While the author’s argument appears coherent at first glance, a closer examination reveals
several fallacies that weaken the overall premise.

State the meaning of the following words or phrases as they are used in the material.

1. ‘coherent’ (line 1)


2. ‘fallacies’ (line 2)


3. ‘premise’ (line 2)

Passage 6

The introduction of artificial intelligence in the workforce has been met with ambivalence—
some view it as a threat, while others see it as an inevitable evolution.

State the meaning of the following words or phrases as they are used in the material.

1. ‘ambivalence’ (line 1)


2. ‘inevitable’ (line 2)


3. ‘evolution’ (line 2)


Passage 4
The historian meticulously documented the artifacts, ensuring that their provenance and
historical context were preserved for future research.

State the meaning of the following three words or phrases as they are used in the material.
You may write each answer in one word or a short phrase.

(i) ‘meticulously’ (line 1)


................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) ‘provenance’ (line 2)

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) ‘preserved’ (line 2)


............................................................................................................................... [1]

Passage 1
With rapid urbanization, many small towns have managed to retain their unique charm
despite the pressures of modernization. However, adapting to such change often requires
innovative strategies and perseverance.

From the material, identify the words or phrases that mean the following:

(i) maintained their original characteristics (paragraph 1)

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) adjusting to new conditions (paragraph 1)

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) the ability to keep going despite difficulties (paragraph 1)

............................................................................................................................... [1]

Passage 4
The author’s compelling narrative interwove historical facts with vivid storytelling,
immersing readers in the tumultuous events of the past century.

From the material, identify the words or phrases that mean the following:

(i) captivating or persuasive (paragraph 1)

................................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) chaotic or full of upheaval (paragraph 1)
................................................................................................................................ [1]
(iii) combining different elements seamlessly (paragraph 1)

............................................................................................................................... [1]

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