Important Questions For System Software
Important Questions For System Software
Important Questions For System Software
4. Define loader.
Loader is a set of program that loads the machine language translated by the translator into the
main memory and makes it ready for execution.
It is a 6 byte instruction used to move L+I bytes data from the storage location1 to the storage
Storage location1 = D1+ [B1]
Storage location2 = D2+ [B2]
Eg: MOV 60,400(3), 500(4)
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Give any two difference between base relative addressing and program counter relative
addressing used in SIC/XE.
Here 6 is the immediate data and the next value is indirect the register contains the
address of the operand. Here the address of the operand is 5 and its corresponding value is 7.
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What is the name of X and L register in SIC machine and also specify its use. A-
Used for arithmetic in the case of arithmetic operations one operand is in the
Accumulator and other operand may be an immediate value, register operand or memory content. The
operation given in the instruction is performed and the result is stored in the accumulator register.
L-linkage register
It is used to store the return address in the case of jump to subroutine (JSUB) instructions.
What are the instruction formats used in SIC/XE architecture? Give any one format.
Format 1 (1 byte), Format 2 (2 bytes), Format 3 (3 bytes) & Format 4(4 bytes)
Are the different instructions used in SIC/XE
architecture? Format 2:
16. What is the difference between the instructions LDA # 3 and LDA THREE?
In the first instruction immediate addressing is used. Here the value 3 is directly loaded into
the accumulator register.
In the second instruction the memory reference is used. Here the address (address assigned
for the symbol THREE) is loaded into the accumulator register.
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How do you calculate the actual address in the case of register indirect with immediate index
Here the target address is calculated using the formula
T.A = (register) + displacement.
Write the sequence of instructions to perform the operation BETA = ALPHA + 1 using SIC
Write the sequence of instructions to perform the operation BETA = ALPHA+5 using SIC/XE
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The first instruction contains a forward reference RETADR. If we attempt to translate the
program line by line, we will unable to process the statement in line10 because we do not know the
address that will be assigned to RETADR .The address is assigned later(in line 80) in the program.
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Write the steps required to translate the source program to object program.
Convert mnemonic operation codes to their machine language equivalents.
Convert symbolic operands to their equivalent machine addresses
Build the machine instruction in the proper format.
Convert the data constants specified in the source program into their internal machine
Write the object program and assembly listing.
What is the use of the variable LOCCTR (location counter) in assembler?
This variable is used to assign addresses to the symbols. LOCCTR is initialized to the
beginning address specified in the START statement. After each source statement is processed the
length of the assembled instruction or data area to be generated is added to LOCCTR and hence
whenever we reach a label in the source program the current value of LOCCTR gives the address
associated with the label.
13. What are the two different types of jump statements used in MASM assembler?
Near jump
A near jump is a jump to a target in the same segment and it is assembled by using a
current code segment CS.
Far jump
A far jump is a jump to a target in a different code segment and it is assembled by
using different segment registers.
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Write down the pass numbers (PASS 1/ PASS 2) of the following activities that occur in a two
pass assembler:
a. Object code generation
b. Literals added to literal
table c. Listing printed
d. Address location of local symbols
a. Object code generation - PASS 2
b. Literals added to literal table – PASS 1
c. Listing printed – PASS2
d. Address location of local symbols – PASS1
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process these references in normal way. Such references between controls are called external
22. What is the difference between the assembler directive EXTREF and EXTDEF.
EXTDEF names external symbols that are defined in a particular control section and may be
used by other sections.
EXTREF names external symbols that are referred in a particular control section and defined
in another control section.
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1. Define Text-Editors
They are the primary interface to the computer for all types of <Knowledge workers= as they
compose, organize, study and manipulate computer-based information.
An interactive editor is a computer program that allows a user to create and revise a target
The term document includes objects such as computer programs, texts, equations, tables,
diagrams, line arts and photographs-anything that one might find on a printed page.
Text editor is one in which the primary elements being edited are character strings of the
target text.
The document editing process is an interactive user-computer dialogue designed to
accomplish four takes:
Select the part of the target document to be viewed and manipulated
Determine how to format this view on-line and how to display it.
Specify and execute operations that modify the target document.
Update the view appropriately.
Define Traveling.
Traveling – Selection of the part of the document to be viewed and edited. It involves first
traveling through the document to locate the area of interest such as <next screenful=,=bottom=, and
<find pattern=
Filtering extracts the relevant subset of the target document at the point of interest, such as next
screenful of text or next statement.
Formatting: Formatting then determines how the result of filtering will be seen as a visible
representation (the view) on a display screen or other device.
Editing: In the actual editing phase, the target document is created or altered with a set of
operations such as insert, delete, replace, move or copy.
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Input Devices: The input devices are used to enter elements of text being edited, to enter commands,
and to designate editable elements.
Button or Choice devices generate an interrupt or set a system flag, usually causing an
invocation of an associated application program. Also special function keys are also available on the
key board.
.Text devices with arrow (Cursor) keys can be used to simulate locator devices. Each of these
keys shows an arrow that points up, down, left, or right. Pressing an arrow key typically generates an
appropriate character sequence, the program interprets this sequence and moves the cursor in the
direction of the arrow on the key pressed.
Voice-input Devices: which translate spoken words to their textual equivalents, may prove to be
the text input devices of the future
The typing oriented or text command-oriented method is the oldest of the major editing
interfaces. The user communicate with the editor by typing text strings both for command names and
for operands. These strings are sent to the editor and are usually echoed to the output device.
Typed specification often requires the user to remember the exact form of all commands, or at
least their abbreviations.
Help facility have to be used or manuals have to be referred. Time consuming for in-
experienced users.
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The user can perform actions by selecting items for the menus
The editor prompts the user with a menu
One problem with menu oriented system can arise when there are many possible actions and
several choices are required to complete an action.
Editing Editing
component buffer Editing
Traveling Main
component memory
input Command
language Viewing
processor Viewing Viewing filter
component buffer
devices Display File
component system
Typical Editor Structure
10. What is the Command Language Processor?
The command Language Processor accepts input from the user9s input devices, and
analyzes the tokens and syntactic structure of the commands. It functions much like the lexical and
syntactic phases of a compiler. The command language processor may invoke the semantic routines
directly. In a text editor, these semantic routines perform functions such as editing and viewing.
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One important requirement of any IDS is the observation and control of the flow of
program execution
Setting break points – execution is suspended, use debugging commands to analyze the
progress of the program, résumé execution of the program
Setting some conditional expressions, evaluated during the debugging session, program
execution is suspended, when conditions are met, analysis is made, later execution is
A Debugging system should also provide functions such as tracing and trace back.
15. Give the difference between linking loader and linkage editors.
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