License Test Maldives - 2

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4. The registration number provided by the a) Fitted and driven with shadows. b) Fitted and driven with a desired plate size. ©) Fitted and driven to the sample specified by the \inistry. 4) Fitted and driven in a readable and visible manner. 2. When turning to road, a vehicle should; a) Give way to the right side. b) Give way to vehicles travelling from the rear and front. ) Give way to the vehicles on the main road. d) Give way to the left side. 3. When loading goods in more than one box: a) You should not load three times the size of the box. b) You should not load more than one box. c) You should not load twice the size of the box. d) You should not load half as much as the box. 4. You should sound your horn: a) To over take another vehicle. b) To indicate people near offices or home. c) As a warning sign to alert another person of imminent danger. d) To find way and make way in congested traffic. 5. Before reversing: a) You do not have to look behind you for people or /and approaching vehicle(s). b) You should check behind you for people or / and approaching vehicles(s) c. You should not check behind as it is dangerous. d) You should indicate vehicle(s) behind you to slow down / stop. 6. If the traffic ight shows ‘red’: a) Vehicle turn left to travel ahead. ) Slowly drive forward. ) Stop behind the stop line. d) Stop further on and ahead of the stop-line. 7. The national speed limit on a car is: a) 25 kms/h b) 15 kms/h ©) 30 kmsih 4) 20kms/h 8, Near a house or garage with vehicles coming in and out: a) Parking is permitted. b) Parking is allowed in special circumstances. ¢) Parking is not allowed. 4d) Parking is permitted after purchasing a parking sticker. 9. While driving, you should overtake: a) By signaling to the left and from the right side of the vehicle. ) By signaling to the left and from the left side of the vehicle. ) By signaling to the right and from the left side of the vehicle. d) By signaling to the right and from the right side of the vehicle. 10. The box drawn on the road means: a) All vehicles should stop inside the box. b) All vehicles should stop 5 feet away from the box. ©) All vehicles are not permitted to stop near the box. d) All vehicles are not permitted to stop inside the box. 11. The national speed-limit on a motorcycle is: a) Between 25 to 30 kms/h b) 30 kms/h c) 20 kms/h 4d) 25 kms/h 12. The ‘green’ traffic light means; a) Vehicles should stop for pedestrians. b) It may be dangerous to drive forward. ¢) Vehicle can go ahead. d) Vehicle can proceed after the pedestrians cross the road. 13, Before crossing an intersection or driving around a roundabout: a) You can overtake the vehicle in front of you. b) You are not permitted to overtake a vehicle in front of you. ) You can overtake by signaling or indicating with your hand. 4) You can overtake 14. When driving behind another vehicle: a) You should maintain a sufficient gap. b) You should maintain a gap more than 1 foot. c) You should maintain the speed limit and pay attention to other vehicles. d) You should maintain a sufficient gap in case the vehicle in front slams on the brakes. 45. Driving out of a road or onto an intersection: a) You should give way to the vehicles travelling from the right. b) You should give way to the vehicles on the main road. ©) You should give way to the vehicles travelling from the left. 4) You should give way only to the vehicles on the intersection. 16. On the pavement: a) Parking and driving is not permitted. b) Parking is allowed when people are not around. ) Parking is allowed with enough space for pedestrians. 4d) Driving is allowed in special circumstances. 17. When driving a motor cycle, the cyclist: a) Is not permitted to carry heavy plastic bags in one hand. b) Is permitted to carry anything which can be carried ©) Is not permitted to carry heavy loads. d) Is not permitted to carry anything. 48, The road sign on the right is used to: a) Indicate that is a one-way. »b) Indicate no left turn. ) Indicate no right turn. @ d) Indicate that the road is closed. 19. The mirrors on the vehicles should be adjusted to: a) View your face. b) View the people at the back seat. ©) View the back door. ¢) View the vehicles approaching from the rear. 20. When switching lanes: a) You should signal and look behind. b) You do not have to look behir ) You should give way to the vehicles in front of you. 4) You do not have to take any actions, 21. Tumning right from a road: a) Signal to the left. b) Change to the appropriate gear. c) Adjust the seat. d) Be caution of vehicles behind and use the right signal. 22. When driving a motor cycle; a) A rear view mirror is required. b) A road worthiness certificate is required ©) A motor cycle repair kit is required. 4d) There is no need for signals. 23. The best way to put on breaks is by: 2) Slowly putting on the brakes and then slam on it. b) Slamming on the breaks. c) Changing the gear to neutral and then slamming the brakes. d) Clutching the handle and then putting on the brakes. 24, When driving on a rainy day; a) You should be caution of other vehicles. b) You do not need be caution of other vehicles. c) You do not need to reverse your vehicle. d) You do not need to signal. 28. Driving behind a heavy load vehicle; a) You should leave the distance of 10 cars. b) You should tailgate and not leave distance behind the vehicle. c) You should drive:in distance visible to the front mirrors of the vehicle. 4) Is not permitted. 26. Before overtaking a vehicle: a) Slow down and develop enough distance to overtake. b) Accelerate and then overtake. ) Wait for the driver in front to indicate. 4) Sound the hom. 27. You cannot overtake: a) Ona one-way. b) In a speed over 20kms. c) Onan intersection. 4d) Ina speed less than 10kms. 28. On narrow roads, four wheeled vehicles: a) Should be caution of two wheeled vehicles on the same road. b) Should not worry about two wheeled vehicles on the same road. ) Should not worry about any vehicles on the road. 4) Should not worry about pedestrians on the road. 29. Mobile phones can be used; a) When driving slowly. b) When driving on a road with no pedestrians. 6) Ifthe vehicle has got automatic gear. d) After stopping on the side of the road. 30. While driving a car, if you have to answer your hand phone: a) You should reduce speed b) You should hold the wheel with one hand. c) You can answer if there are no other vehicles on the road. 4d) You can answer by stopping on the side of the road. 31. If the headlights (or taillights?) of a vehicle in front of you is bothering you: ) You should stop your vehicle. b) You should close your eyes and wait for the vehicle to go. c) You should signal with your head lights. d) There is no need to do anything. 32. If you see an accident while driving. a) You should stop and help. b) You should help the emergency people at the scene. ) You should report to the traffic police. 4) You should drive forward and prevent traffic congestion. 33, If there are people waiting at a crossing a) You should give way for elderly people. ) You should sound your hom indicating people to cross, ) You should indicate with your hand, 4) You should wait until the people have crossed. 34. A vehicle should wait at a crossing: a) For 5 minutes. b) If the engine is working property. ¢) But can slowly move forward. d) Until people have crossed. 35. While waiting at a crossing; a) You could give speed to the bike by excessive clutching. b) You should signal with your hand to cross quickly. c) You should stop the engine and park. 4) You should not do anything to get in the way of the people crossing the road. 36. If you are driving behind a vehicle carry heavy loads: a) You should stop. b) You should leave enough distance between the vehicle and yours. ) You should wait at the traffic police. 4d) You should wait from time to time. 37. If you are driving on a wet road with puddles: a) You should drive not spraying the pedestrians. b) You should put on the brakes before you reach the puddles. c) You should ask the people to step to a side. 4) You do not have worry about anything. 38. When driving in the local market area: a) Your speed should be 30kms. b) You should be careful of pedestrians. ©) You do not have to be careful about pedestrians. 4d) You should drive close to the payment. a) No change has been made to the previous signal. b) The traffic is not being controlled at that moment. ) Vehicle should be travelling from both left and right. 4d) No vehicles are permitted to pass through. 40. This picture indicates that: a) Vehicles from the right left and from behind should stop, ») Vehicles from left, front and back should stop and vehicles travelling on the right hand side of the main road to go through. ©) Vehicles from right, front and back should stop and vehicles travelling on the let hand side of the main road to go through. 14) Vehicle from lef, right and behind should stop and await further indication. 41, This picture indicates that: 4) Vehicles on both sides ofthe road should stop and the vehicles on the other road should pass ») All vehicles should stop due to an accident ‘) Vehicles from the front and back should stop and the vehicles on the right and left hand side of the road should go through. 4) Vehicies should stop for pedestrians on the erossing. 42. The sign on the right shows that: a) Vehicles can take a right turn b) Vehicles are not permitted to take a right U turn ® ) Vehicles can take a left turn 43. The sign on the right shows that a) Only cars are not allowed b) Only motorcycles are not allowed c) Four-wheeled vehicles are not permitted. d) No vehicles are allowed. 44. The sign on the right shows that: a) It's a school zone. b) Itis an area with elderly people and children. ©) Itis not permitted to drive in this area during school hours. d) Itis an area with children’s. 45. The sign on the right shows that: a) A vehicle can stop to pick or to drop b) Speed needs to be changed. ©) Itis not permitted to stop. 4) A vehicle can stop to load and unload goods. 48. Stepping on the breaks when turning onto a road: a) Is safe. b) Is very important. ) Could make the vehicles to go off control. 4) Could make the engines stop. 47. The sign on the right shows that: a) No vehicles are allowed. ) No engine-powered vehicles are allowed. c) Road work in progress. d) Four-wheeled vehicles are not allowed. 48. The sign on the right shows that a) Some vehicles can stop. b) No vehicles can park in any condition. ©) Vehicles can park in some conditions. 49. The sign on the right shows that: a) Vehicles need to be caution of other vehicles coming from the main road. b) Vehicles need to make way for other vehicles coming from the left. c) Vehicles need to make way. 4d) Vehicles need to make way for other vehicles from the right to cross the road. 50. The sign on the right shows that: a) Engine power vehicles except the motor cycle are not allowed. b) Engine - powered vehicles except two-wheeled vehicles are not allowed ©) Engine power vehicles are not allowed. 4) No vehicles are allowed except for motor cycles and cars. (S) 51. The sign on the right shows that: a) Engine power vehicles except motor cycles and auto cycles are not allowed. b) Only cars are not allowed. S&S ) Any four wheeled vehicles are permitted to enter. ) Only cars are not allowed. 52. The sign on the right shows that: a) Vehicles can drive vertically on the road in front. bb) The road in front is two way horizontally driven road. ©) Vehicles can drive horizontally on the road. 53. The sign on the right shows that: a) The horizontal road in front is two way road. b) The vertical road in front is a two way road. ©) Tums to the right and left can be taken at the vertical road in front. 4) Turns to the right and left can be taken at the horizontal road in front. 54. The sign on the right shows that: a) A right turn could only be taken in the next road. b) The beginning of a two-way road. afl r= 56. The sign on the right shows that: a) Road work is in progress. b) Road closed due to dangerous incident. ¢) Road closed for temporary work. d) Road closed due to wet condition. 56. The sign on the right shows that: a) School student cross. b) A pedestrian cross. c) The road in front is permitted to walk only people. 4) People can walk on the payment. 57. From the given signs which is the correct sign: a) Cannot take a u-turn to the left and go back. b) Cannot take a u-turn to the left and go back. ) Cannot take a u-turn to the left and go back. d) Cannot take a u-turn to the left and go back. O08

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