Rayifield Lib Example

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local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://sirius.

local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({
Name = "Rayfield Example Window",
LoadingTitle = "Rayfield Interface Suite",
LoadingSubtitle = "by Sirius",
Theme = "Default",
DisableRayfieldPrompts = false,
ConfigurationSaving = {
Enabled = false, -- Configure this if you want to save the confugirations
FolderName = nil,
FileName = "Big Hub"
Discord = {
Enabled = false,
Invite = "noinvitelink",
RememberJoins = true
KeySystem = false,
KeySettings = {
Title = "Untitled",
Subtitle = "Key System",
Note = "No method of obtaining the key is provided",
FileName = "Key",
SaveKey = true,
GrabKeyFromSite = false,
Key = {"Hello"}

local Tab = Window:CreateTab("Tab Example", 4483362458)
local Section = Tab:CreateSection("Section Example")

local Button = Tab:CreateButton({

Name = "Button Example",
Callback = function()
print("The user pressed the button!")
Button:Set("Pressed Button")
local Button2 = Tab:CreateButton({
Name = "Reset Button",
Callback = function()
Button:Set("Button Example")
local Toggle = Tab:CreateToggle({
Name = "Toggle Example",
CurrentValue = false,
Flag = "Toggle1", -- Name of the toggle to save
Callback = function(Value)
print("Toggle: " .. Value)
local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
Name = "Turn Off Toggle",
Callback = function()
local ColorPicker = Tab:CreateColorPicker({
Name = "Color Picker",
Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255),
Flag = "ColorPicker1", -- Name of the color picker to save
Callback = function(Value)
print("RGB Color: " .. Value)
local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
Name = "Set Color Picker to White",
Callback = function()
ColorPicker:Set(Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255))

Title = "Notification Title",
Content = "Notification Content",
Duration = 6.5,
Image = 4483362458,
Actions = {
Ignore = {
Name = "Okay!",
Callback = function()
print("The user tapped Okay!")

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