Principles of Teaching (By Nandini Priyadarshini Das)

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Principles of Teaching
By Nandini Priyadarshini Das)
2. Introduction Teaching is a skilled job and a complex
task. By all means, it is done for the benefit of the
pupils i.e. to bring desirable changes or improvement
in their behavior by following principles of teaching.
Principles are the pathways which helps the individual
to achieve targets.
3. Principles of Teaching There are some principles of
teaching which help teachers to achieve their goals. It
can be categorized into two: 8 General Principles
Psychological Principles
4. General Principles There are some general
principles of teaching that have emerged from the
general experiences, traditions and new researches in
the field of education and pedagogy. Some of these
broad principles may be summarized as follows: B
Principle of Planning Principle of Definiteness of
Principle of Flexibility 8
Goals/ Objectives Principle
of Utilizing Past Experiences Principle of Child
5. General Principles Principle of Making Provisions
for Individual Differences Principle of Linking with
actual Life Principle of Correlation with other
Subjects W Principle of Active Participation
Principle of Effective Strategies and Instructional
Material 0 Principle of Conducive Environment and
Proper Control
6. Priniciple of Planning The success of any task or
activity depends upon the quality of planning. The
desired goals in a teaching act may be achieved
smoothly and effectively through proper planning.
Teacher should go in the class with proper lesson plan
that include the establishment of instructional
objectives in behavioral terms and the relevant and
organized subject matter. The method, techniques or
strategies of presentation, instructions and evaluation
should also be specified in advance.
7. Principle of Definiteness of Goals or Objectives
Definiteness of objectives helps to teacher at every
stage, phase or act of teaching. After defining the goal
he may plan, execute and evaluate all the aspects of
his teaching like method, techniques, evaluation
strategies etc. Ex. A teacher without having clear
knowledge of the goals or purpose of his teaching is
similar to that sailor who does not know the
destination of his boat moving in a vast ocean.
8. Principle of Flexibility The teaching act requires
proper planning before hand but it does not mean that
it should become rigid and stereotyped. At the
execution stage, the possibilities of alteration in
planned situations or environment cannot be ruled out
and therefore, the principle of flexibility needs to be
observed for enabling the teacher to deal effectively
with the aroused situation. 8 Teacher must be quite
resourceful, imaginative, original and creative for
adapting himself as well as his teaching to the
requirements of the situation.
9. Principle of Utilising Past Experiences Past
experiences may be regarded as a base or foundation
on which the structure of a new knowledge can be
safely built. Therefore, what a teacher should be
properly linked with the already acquired knowledge
and experiences. This facilitates the teaching act.
What is already known or experiences by the child
should, therefore, be always made the starting point of
acquainting him with what he does not know or ought
to know.
10. Principle of Child Centredness Teaching is aimed
to bring about desirable changes in the behavior of a
child. Therefore, it is essential to adopt child-centered
approach in all aspects of teaching. The planning,
implementation and evaluation of a teaching act
should invariably center around the child. The
curriculum, methods and techniques, management of
teaching-learning process and evaluation, all should be
planned to keep the students at center place.
11. Principle of Making Provision for Individual
Differences In a class, there are variety of students in
terms of intellectual ability and other dimensions.
Some students are slow learners and others are quite
fast. In the continuum of growth and development,
entry behavior and acquisition of abilities in the
conative and affective domains, all children occupy
different positions. Therefore a good teaching should
make adequate provision for individual differences.
12. Principle of Linking with Actual Life Teacher should
connect classroom life with outside the school. He
should correlate the topics with daily life experiences.
Students should come to know the relevancy,
applicability of the particular concept in their life. They
will take more interest after associating the classroom
life to their daily life.
13. Principle of Correlation with other Subjects The
division of knowledge in the form of different sutbjects
stands for facilitating the task of teaching and,
therefore, should not be taken as watertight
compartments. The study of a particular subject
many things in other
definitely helps the learning of
subjects. Teacher should always keep this principle in
mind. Correlation among Languages Correlation
of Mathematics with Science Subjects Correlation
of Mathematics with other subjects
14. Principle of Effective Strategies and Instructional
Material The products are the outcome of the process,
and process depend heavily on the types of strategies,
tactics and means chosen. Teaching process, for its
success, also demands effective strategies, means
and material. What is suitable for the teaching of a
particular subject, topic or subtopic to a student ina
particular situation may or may not suit in other
situations. Therefore great care should be taken to
chose an appropriate strategy and a set of
instructional material.
15. Principle of Active Participation and involvement
hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I
understand Above quotation may be concluded that
when a person involved actively in some task than his
understanding increases and retain long lasting. A
good teacher always tries to seek active participation
of the students for effective results in the teaching
learning process. Besides his sincere involvement in
the teaching act, he persuades, inspires and involves
the students in realizing the objectives of his teaching.
16. Principle of Conducive environment and proper
control The role of a conducive and effective
management or control of the teaching-learning
situations can never be denied in any teaching.
Environmental factors like proper seating
arrangements, ventilation, light, classroom interaction
and group dynamics, discipline and approach of the
school always influence the teaching-learning process,
and therefore care should be taken for their desirable
arrangements and control.
17. Psychological Principles of Teaching Principle
of Motivation and interest Principle of Repetition
and Exercise Principle of Change, Rest and
Recreation Principle of Feedback and
Reinforcement Principle of Sympathy and
Cooperation 8 Principle of Providing Training to
senses Principle of Utilizing Group Dynamics
Principle of Encouraging Self Learning B Principle of
Fostering Creativity and Self Expression 8 Principle of
Remedial Teaching
18. Principle of Motivation and interest Motivation
and interest are two central factors in any process of
teaching and learning. The theories of motivation,
interest and laws of learning, like laws of readiness
have established the validity of these two factors.
Motives are the potent forces that energize or activate
all behaviors of an individual. 8 Attention capturing
and attention giving, the essential elements of a
teaching or learning act, can only be accomplished
through well planned scheme involving arousal of
motivation and interest of the pupills in the teaching
learning process.
19. Principle of Repitition and Excercise Thorndike
given three laws of learning Law of Readiness
Law of Exercise Law of Effect It has been clearly
established that the desired changes in behavior may
occur frequently and effectively through the use of
principle of repetition and exercise. The teacher who
believes in providing revision, recapitulation and
application of what has been taught by him may
successfully achieve the objectives of his teaching.
"Practice makes a man perfect."
20. Principle of Change, Rest and Recreation
Psychological experiments in learning have
demonstrated the ill effects of monotony, fatigue and
lack of attention in any learning task. The remedy in
the form of stimulus variation and other type of
changes in the contents, methods and teaching-
learning environment and provisions of appropriate
rest and recreation had also been proved quite
effective. Therefore a wise teacher should essentially
plan and implement.
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